
DavyMichael #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

A warning to younger men!!!!

‭Proverbs 5:3-9
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless.

DavyMichael #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy instagram.com



Weak, low status males love this COVID thing, because it allows them to LARP as heroes by simply wearing a mask, taking a shot, and harassing other people.

They can pretend to be strong, virtuous heroes, whilst being frail, fearful, flabby, pathetic cowards.

(submitter’s note: he has his gun holstered in his pants pointed at his dick)

Douglas J. Davis #racist #fundie instagram.com

Douglas J. Davis falsely accused his Uber driver of antisemitism because his family was too big for the car.
4 times Grammy Award winner Douglas J Davis booked an uber black car for 4 instead of an suv for 5 without child seats.
And when the Uber driver refused to transport them for safety reasons, the man immediately started playing victim.

Davis to the driver: "Im being harassed. You're racially profiling us".
Driver: "you're saying I racially profiles you? You're 5 people, and you book a black car?"

Davis: "you're threatening me. I feel threatened. You're threatening my children.

You got out of the car, that makes you the aggressor, thats how the law works.
I heard you saying under your breath that they look jewish"
Driver: "you're sick"

faithukwuomah #sexist #fundie instagram.com

hey say "Some people don't know the value of what they have until they lose it." And that's the unfortunate case of some people today.

For some days now, the Book of Esther has been ringing in me, but one part that's striking is that of Queen Vashti. Now Queen Vashti was beautiful alright, equipped with all that it takes to take care of the kingdom of Persia along with her (then) husband King Ahasuerus; but her character not only disregarded and devalued the king, it also got her dethroned as queen, and was later replaced by Esther.

The point is this: my dear fellow sisters in Christ (especially those of you who are in courtship or engaged or even married), cherish the man that God has given to you, don't disregard him in any way, shape or form. Because the day/minute you do so (via impatience, materialism, even through your character o), it smells trouble; and if you don't mend your ways, in due time, you will be replaced.

Likewise the brothers, the woman God has given to you, do not devalue nor take her for granted in any way. Because if you keep disregarding your lady, God will just send somebody else to take your place o.

I remember watching a very powerful @mztelevision movie called "The Ignition", which explains the danger of disregarding the person God has given to you (through impatience in this case).

This one of the painful ways some sisters (and some brothers) miss out on God's perfect will in marriage.

May this never be your lot, in Jesus' Name.

Laetitia Ky #transphobia instagram.com

I believe that the modern day witch hunt is the cancellation, abuse, harassment of the women considered TERF (trans exclusive radical feminist).
Just like the women who were accused of witchcraft and were burnt, tortured for being outcasts and unsuitable members of patriarchal society, the TERF today are accused of "phobia" for wanting women to be protected and for having valid concerns about the way society is evolving and for that are harassed, sued, insulted, isolated... people militate openly for those women (TERF) to be "kil led", "assaulted" "han ged" "lose their job", "lose their reputation" etc...

"TERF"... i used to hate that word. The negative connotation behind it. The "hatred" associated to it. I didn't want people to associate me with it because i knew behind every thought i have, every statement and post i make, there is not an ounce of hate. It was scary to me to be associated with a word that is a synonym of "hateful" for people. However now, when i try to think about all the situations that made people call me a TERF, this word becomes almost like "a badge of honor".

#8thmarch #internationalwomensday #terf #radicalfeminism #radfem #adulthumanfemale

zakaria_shalih aka Masonicon #crackpot instagram.com

[Meme of the “Change My Mind” guy]
"Petrols are must formed
from dinosaur remains”
thing are little rmre tham mere
excuses to make Precursors'
civilizations impossible fantasies

Another shitpost about #silurianhypothesis

The myth is: petroleum(which's can be lifeblood for modern civilizations) must be formed from dinosaur remains so this make tens to hundreds million-years old ancient civilizations impossible IRL

The fact is: Even during age of Dinosaurs, there enough fossil fuel deposits(albeit predominantly petroleum) for Precursors themselves to start their industrial revolution during mesozoic era. They just punished from burning petrols by Jurassic-Cretaceous extinction event(which prompts their use of #ormus based technologies)

leoandimartydicaprio2017 #crackpot #psycho instagram.com

Part 1
#QuentinTarantino #QuentinTarantinoNews; #RobertoRodriguez; #EliRoth: you all know that Leo (11-11-74) & I (11-14-74) share a sacred #blessedsacrament of God, together. Didn't I tell you to STOP CORRUPTING MY SACRAMENT OF GOD?

I already gave you lots of mercy, the last time you corrupted my sacrament of God--on Django. I didn't count your dead/injured toll as a result of your: corruption, backstabbing and lies BECAUSE WE ARE BOTH ITALIAN.

Quentin, if you don't stop: stabbing me in the back, corrupting my sacrament of God, lying to everyone, stealing what doesn't belong to you, &not being honest to my face (& on email) about what you're doing w/my sacrament of God, behind my back...Consequences:

FACT: Corrupting sacraments of God causes 2Peter2:14 to become seriously violated--which causes large groups of kids to become "cursed" (killed, injured, sick, suffer, tortured, etc.). SINCE 01/01/18:
***OVER 50 school bus crashes in Jan., including SIX IN GEORGIA & at least two in TN.
***Train crash in Milan
***Train crash in Australia
***Train crash in Virginia
***Severe flooding &rat infestations in all of Paris. The Louvre was SHUT DOWN.
***Two earthquakes off the coast of California--which puts us all in danger. (The last time Robbie was MISCAST w/ my Leo, she caused 75Billion in damages to NYarea & 325 dead/injured--including SandyHook murders. Obviously, a walking DISASTER.)
***Two volcano eruptions in the past two weeks where women and children were left running for their lives and lost everything they had. (Japan & Phillipines)
***The Doomsday Clock has moved forward with only two minutes remaining for you to get your cast list right w/ respect for God, Jesus and the 60million Italians that you, Leo & I lead TOGETHER.
***Shooting rampage in KY for trying to MISCAST Leo w/the wrong girl, again. (At least two dead & 19 injured.)
***Car plowed into huge crowd in Rio, injuring massive people.
***Massive kids died in Syria from gas attacks.
***#HelicopterCrash in Newport Beach
***Shooting rampage at Middle School in LA
***Shooting rampage at darker skinned folks in Macerata & lead singer for The Temptations died. Today's Saturday, 02/03/18

stopblockingmyhashtags #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie instagram.com


I'm hashtagging all the movie studio executives to let them know the truth, so they can protect their jobs from evil white people from foreign countries (who are being reported to CTSOB for lying and stealing again this year). Please read my GoFundMe page. It will help you learn the truth, so you can protect your career. Please know I look forward to working with you all in the future as an Academy Award winning Best Actress from America. Thank you and God Bless!





Shakiaseabrook22 #sexist #kinkshaming #fundie #mammon instagram.com

God set boundaries for sex.

Yet the flesh continues to push them.

God created boundaries for sex for our protection, which we may never full understand because of our limited capacity to understand.

But with our flesh wanting instant gratification we can push those boundaries, do away with those boundaries or pervert those boundaries.

While living an sexual abstinence lifestyle begin to see those boundaries as a blessing not a burden


Abstinence_inspires_millions #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

While in waiting, remember God is molding you & forming you into who He wants you to be before receiving your spouse. It’s easy to blame God for what you don’t have, or if you think God forgot about you, & thinking the grass is greener on the other side of waiting. However, God is with you & wants you to trust Him and His plan for your life. Believe it or not, waiting is a tremendous sacrifice in this life of Sin. Many don’t choose to wait because they say it’s too hard, but god gives us the ability and strength to do all things! Continue to wait, knowing you’re not alone in your waiting & that you’re doing what God wants. You’re one step closer to God’s best spouse for your life!

Wait because God says to & He will fulfill your desires.

#Hashtag #Abuse #Award

Abstinence_inspires_millions #fundie #kinkshaming #sexist instagram.com

[Image Macro says “Just because they say they’re a Man or Woman of God, doesn’t mean they are”; make sure you court the one who lines up to God’s word. If they’re not right with God, they’re not right for you!]

Anyone can tell you anything, but actions speak louder than words! #courtinggodsway #doitgodsway #waitongodsbest #waitongod #virgins #virginsquad #virginityrocks #virginityiscool #virginlife #virginlivesmatter #celibate #celibacylife #celibacy #abstinencetillmarriage #abstinence #manofgod #womanofgod #nosex #nosexlife #abstainfromsex #alignyourselfwithgod #righteousliving #abstinenceinspiresmillions #godwordistruth #jesuslovesyou #honorgodwithyourbody

University of Washington Virgins #fundie #kinkshaming #elitist instagram.com

That’s right virgins, it’s that time again! To help us honor devout virgins in our community, please tag those you know who are dedicating themselves to purity! This time we will have TWO winners, announced 1/17 and 1/31!

For your submissions to carry more weight, be sure to like this post, and follow us to stay tuned for our winners! We thank you for your continued support! #uw #virginofthemonth #purityculture #virginityrocks #skovirginity #godisgood

redpillings #racist instagram.com

The only way to avoid similar tragedies is to deprive them of any potential chance of occurring - by simply following police instructions and avoiding criminal activity.

If Daunte Wright did so, he’d still be alive today.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon instagram.com

I drank @nicklerikos’s man seed. Why? I’ll explain:

Many Eastern cultures such as Taoism attribute the spilling of your divine protein shake to the loss of vital life energy. When you become aware of your body you’ll notice a significant decrease in physical and mental energy after you drop your nut butter.

For many months in a row, I withheld leaking my erectoplasm because of the incredible increase in energy that I felt. But something was slightly out of balance. I wondered if there was a way to have the best of both worlds. And then it hit me:

What if I drank my own love liquid?


I reached out to some people and found that @niclkerikos was also into eating his population pudding. Not only that, but Niccoli was aesthetic, healthy, and had great energy.

It was a match made in heaven. The video will be on OnlyFans. Make sure to go subscribe. Link in my bio.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie #psycho instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as rainbow breathing combined with dual spinal breath tracing.

Here @lil_lyss_xx_ breathes in while I breathe out and vice versa. Our awareness is focused on the breath energy moving down our spine on the in breath and up our spine on the out breath.

@anessabriley and @roslynnatx trace the breath with their hands which helps us maintain breath energy awareness.

This is done while soul gazing into each others’ left eye to practice vulnerability and dissolve the separation between self and other.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick instagram.com

Two variations of the Premasati Yoga technique known as lightning rods with @lamarchairez.

The focus here is really pushing the energy from the base of our spine to the tips our fingers by pushing in our stomachs and abruptly breathing through our noses on each out breath.

In the second clip, we connect our third eyes to more effectively transfer the energy between each other.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as the flying dove with @lil_lyss_xx_, @anessabriley, and @roslynnatx.

Here the focus is on the contrast between expansion and contraction. Between absorbing and releasing energy. Between opening and closing.

On the in breath we open up and spread our wings while we focus on absorbing prana (energy) not only through our breath but with the entire body. On the out breath we flap our wings downward and focus on releasing this energy.

When this is synchronized as a group, it can be even more powerful.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga sublimation technique known as the breath tracing headstand with @lil_lyss_xx_ .

In Premasati Yoga, sublimation is the transfer of energy from your lower chakras to your higher chakras.

During Premasati Yoga, you’ll feel a build up of energy in your sacral chakra (lower belly). This energy can be transferred to your third eye chakra and help activate your pineal gland.

In this technique I let gravity do most of the work, but also focus on moving energy upward (downward in this position) with each exhale.

Connor Murphy #conspiracy #god-complex #crackpot #magick #mammon instagram.com

Now, I realized that’s just one of the ego’s tricks. My sense of self was derived from other people seeing me as successful. That illusory thought is completely gone. On a deeper level, the only thing that I believe truly gives me value is beyond form. It’s simply being. On the human level, I believe value comes from raising the world’s vibration. Helping the world expand their consciousness and true happiness. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
Patreon allows me to keep spreading truth and improving people’s well being without any decrease in authenticity. With that being said, I would really appreciate it if you guys checked it out. Support there will help me be able to concentrate fully on this spiritual and self development content and contribute to the awakening of the world.

Connor Murphy #god-complex #psycho #conspiracy #crackpot #magick instagram.com

I LIED TO YOU ALL. Now before you get mad, I had to. It was the only way I could get people to listen. It was the only way I could retell the greatest story of all time. It was the only way I could truly make an impact on the world. To help end the evil. To help end the suffering. Everything was part of an extremely complicated plan. I purposely faked my death for the public to see. I called the cops to make sure I got arrested. I intentionally acted so crazy they had to admit me into a psych ward. I made 9 YouTube videos each with a very specific purpose. All to parallel a story you already know that’s simply been lost in translation, lost due to ego.

Connor Murphy #fundie #mammon #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger #god-complex instagram.com

For most of us it’s tough to say, “Merry Christmas” this year and mean it. We’ve gone though a lot this year, and many of us are mentally suffering. You can do two things about this: be a victim and continue to mentally suffer, or take responsibility for your happiness and create your own reality. I’m here to help you do the latter. Since many of us are celebrating the birth of Jesus today, I thought I’d fill you in on what he was ACTUALLY trying to teach. His teachings have been misinterpreted and mistranslated for 2000 years. This is a big reason why this country, which was founded on Christianity, is such a mess. Let go of the concepts you’ve been indoctrinated into and directly experience what Jesus was pointing to for yourself. I’ll help you get there.

Connor Murphy #fundie #psycho #crackpot #magick #mammon instagram.com

The Premasati Yoga soul gazing kiss with @teenytinyartistic. Watch us take this exercise to the next level 👉👌😉 Link in bio.

While being mindful and maintaining breath awareness, Ruby and I kiss while looking into each other’s left eye. The left eye is controlled by the right brain, the part of the brain responsible for creativity. Using the right brain gets you out of your analytical mind and more in the present moment.

At first, this practice can seem uncomfortable. Your ego isn’t going to allow you to be vulnerable enough to let another human stare into your soul. With practice though, the separation between self and other can be extinguished and an incredible connection can be felt, not just to your partner, but to the entire universe.

Connor Murphy #quack #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as shamanic breathing with @teenytinyartistic. Click the first link in my bio to see us make exclusive yoga content 😉

In this technique we synchronically breathe in as fully and deeply as we can, then let it go. After at least 20 of these deep breaths, we do a final breath hold which really circulates our energy. The idea is to build up carnal energy in our sacral chakras and then sublime it to the other chakras, focusing primarily on the third eye chakra. The more carnal energy you build up and the more prana you breath in, the more powerful this technique will be.

After the final breath hold you’ll feel intense tingly sensations and lightness. This technique has the power to send you into temporary states of higher consciousnesses.

Connor Murphy #psycho #crackpot #fundie #mammon #magick instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga sublimation technique known as the sublime h with @itsbiancaburkeofficial.

Click the first link in my bio to see us make exclusive yoga content

The goal here is to transfer the carnal energy built up in Bianca’s sacral chakra to her higher (lower in this position) chakras.

This is known as sublimation.

The easiest sublimation techniques are those that utilize gravity like this one. Everyone will be able to feel the energy moving in this pose. As I breathe in and move energy to our sacral chakras, Bianca breathes out and feels the energy rush to her head. This creates one continuous prana channel from my third eye to Bianca’s third eye.

Connor Murphy #magick #crackpot #psycho #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as shamanic breathing in the tri-yab-yum position with @kristineliseofficial and @acpent.

Some epic exclusive content with the three of us is coming soon 😉 Click the first link in my bio.

As we synchronically deep breathe in, our body is flooded with oxygen which improves circulatory health, boosts the immune system, reduces stress, increases athletic performance, increases mental clarity and heightens our mood.

The three of us couldn’t stop giggling after this exercise. The best analogy we came up with to describe the feeling is like being on a low dose of laughing gas at the dentist. As we breathe we’re also soul gazing into the left eye of the person to the left of us. This intentional increase in vulnerability improves our connection and can help extinguish the illusion between self and other.

Connor Murphy #fundie #crackpot #magick instagram.com

Two Premasati Yoga techniques known as standing rainbow breathing and the soul gazing kiss.

Premasati Yoga doesn’t have to be done in private with a friend. It can also be an incredible way to meet new people and build a strong connection very quickly.

I met on 6th street Saturday. Dragons are my favorite mythical animal, so her dragon shirt gave me great vibes. I said hi, we talked about spirituality, and then did some standing Premasati Yoga.

Connor Murphy #magick #crackpot #fundie instagram.com

Here we use each other’s noses to block one nostril at a time while we breathe in deeply.

This exercises activates both hemispheres of the brain and rebalances the nervous system. Ancient yogic texts tell us that the right nostril right influences our energy levels and our left nostril influences our emotions.

The Ida and Pingala Nadis are two energy chanels run from your pineal gland to the base of your spine. Alternate nasal breathing helps activate these channels and get our body’s energy moving more efficiently. You can think of this exercise as analogous to single arm dumbbell curls.

Connor Murphy #quack #fundie #magick instagram.com

Here we are practicing diaphragmatic breathing. The concentration is on expanding the lower stomach on the inhale and contacting it on the exhale.

This has many physiological benefits such as lowering your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure, and reducing stress. To aide in this practice, the person behind gently pulls in the stomach of the person in front of them on the exhale.

Simultaneously on the exhale, we concentrate on the energy flow from the bottom of our spine up to our pineal gland. This turns our carnal energy, or retas into spiritual energy, or ojas.

Tornado Thien aka Tila Tequila #fundie instagram.com


Marjorie Taylor Greene (R), Representative-elect of the 14th District of Georgia #racist instagram.com

Ilhan Omar: Looks like the crazy lady has logged on. I know things might be different where you come from, but you have to get off the looney train now that you are in Congress.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Don’t even get me started on where you come from. We don’t marry our brothers here in America, so I’m not sure who you’re calling crazy.

Jacob Wohl #sexist instagram.com

In a boring-looking conference room planning some pretty exciting things today. Do you know what I wasn’t planning? An office Christmas Party. Thanks to the feminists, you can’t have office Christmas Parties anymore. I often chat with business owners at the gym who reminisce about the days when you could have an office Christmas party without worrying that your business would end up with a crossfire of MeToo lawsuits so messy that it resembles the shootout at the OK Corral. Oh well 🤷‍♂️ Feminism = No Fun Allowed.

Jacob Wohl #sexist #conspiracy instagram.com

I use a locking briefcase. Whenever I walk through an airport or an office building with it, people stop and compliment it. They say “Wow! you never see those anymore” — The removal of the locking briefcase from civil society was a feminist conspiracy. Back in old days, if a man had an extra cell phone, it would go in the briefcase when he got home. Love note from his secretary? Locking briefcase. Hockey tickets along the ice for him and his friends? Locking briefcase. Thanks to the feminists, men are now expected to carry around a soft, suede bag (preferably in a feminine color). It’s time for men to take their privacy back. Get a locking briefcase today!

Jacob Wohl #sexist instagram.com

Back in the old days, men consumed scotch and Cuban cigars. These days they drink “white claws” and suck on “vapes”. If you wonder why Western Society is failing, look no further than the libations that men consume. Men lead, women follow. If your country’s men are consuming metrosexual fluids, you can’t be surprised when your country’s women are turning to radical feminism. Take back your scotch, take back your country.

Israel Folau #fundie instagram.com


Those that are living in Sin will end up in Hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these , adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19?-?21 KJV


Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38 KJV


And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Acts 17:30 KJV

A9_Evolution Deceit #fundie instagram.com

So how was it that National Geographic could have presented such a huge scientific forgery to the whole world as "major evidence for evolution"? The answer to this question lay concealed in the magazine's evolutionary fantasies. Since National Geographic was blindly supportive of Darwinism and had no hesitation about using any propaganda tool it saw as being in favour of the theory, it ended up signing up to a second "Piltdown man scandal." Evolutionist scientists also accepted National Geographic's fanaticism. Dr. Storrs L. Olson, head of the famous U.S. Smithsonian Institute's Ornithology Department, announced that he had previously warned that the fossil was a forgery, but that the magazine's executives had ignored him. In a letter he wrote to Peter Raven of National Geographic, Olson wrote:

National Geographic magazine portrayed "dino-birds" in this way in 1999, and presented them to the whole world as evidence of evolution. Two years later, however, the source of inspiration for these drawings, Archaeoraptor, was shown to be a scientific falsehood.

Prior to the publication of the article "Dinosaurs Take Wing" in the July 1998 National Geographic, Lou Mazzatenta, the photographer for Sloan's article, invited me to the National Geographic Society to review his photographs of Chinese fossils and to comment on the slant being given to the story. At that time, I tried to interject the fact that strongly supported alternative viewpoints existed to what National Geographic intended to present, but it eventually became clear to me that National Geographic was not interested in anything other than the prevailing dogma that birds evolved from dinosaurs. 43

#politics #history #culture #science #sciences #nature #creationism #evolution #evolutiontheory #philoshophy #spirituality #chemistry #mathematics #democracy #academy #university #biology #fasicm #worldwar #wwl #hitler #stalin #communism #atheism #darwinism #terrorism #Evolutionists

In a statement in USA Today, Olson said, "The problem is, at some point the fossil was known by Geographic to be a fake, and that information was not revealed."44 In other words, he said that National Geographic maintained the deception, even though it knew that the fossil it was portraying as proof of evolution was a forgery.

We must make it clear that this attitude of National Geographic was not the first forgery that had been carried out in the name of the theory of evolution. Many such incidents have taken place since it was first proposed. The German biologist Ernst Haeckel drew false pictures of embryos in order to support Darwin. British evolutionists mounted an orangutan jaw on a human skull and exhibited it for some 40 years in the British Museum as "Piltdown man, the greatest evidence for evolution." American evolutionists put forward "Nebraska man" from a single pig's tooth. All over the world, false pictures called "reconstructions," which have never actually lived, have been portrayed as "primitive creatures" or "ape-men." In short, evolutionists once again employed the method they first tried in the Piltdown man forgery. They themselves created the intermediate form they were unable to find. This event went down in history as showing how deceptive the international propaganda on behalf of the theory of evolution is, and that evolutionists will resort to all kinds of falsehood for its sake.


43. Storrs L. Olson "OPEN LETTER TO: Dr. Peter Raven, Secretary, Committee for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society Washington, DC 20036,” Smithsonian Institution, November 1, 1999

44. Tim Friend, "Dinosaur-bird link smashed in fossil flap,” USA Today, 25 January 2000, (emphasis added)

Carrie Prejean #fundie instagram.com

I will never forget one year ago, Nov 8, 2016, my former boss, and friend Donald J Trump became our 45th President!!! A complete outsider- successful business man and WINNER at everything he does. We took our country back from the corrupt politicians who were keeping our people suppressed, while making millions for their own personal gain. All talk and no action. We finally have a president who is FOR America and FOR the People.

dinen90 #fundie instagram.com

chrishemsworth Dear open minded, free speaking, laid back, life loving aussies. Marriage is about love and commitment and, in a country based on equal citizenship, it should be available to everyone! Vote now for marriage equality ??#equality

dinen90 Hello aussie friends. Please don't support him about this. Don't you think if this craziest plan have been legalised, there will be no next generation who build aussie. Please think about it

.the.jesus.freak_ #fundie instagram.com

(Above a silhouette of a man and woman standing in front of a maze of roads. Several yellow road signs with LGBT symbols on them are visible in the picture.)

In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He will make straight your path
Proverbs 3:6

itsgoldenknowledge #conspiracy instagram.com

To the left #TaylorSwift to the right #ZeenaLaVey. Let's not overlook the uncanny resemblance between the two. Some say it's her #clone. The illuminati is known for doing this. They clone successful and influential people that will continue to carry out their sinister agenda for mankind ( keanu Reeves, mark zuckerberg, many other celebs) look into it.
The video #badblood itself has a lot of satanic symbols and messages. Here it shows "catastrophe" (swift ) kicked out the window by "arsyn" ( #SelenaGomez). Then it shows swift getting her body reconstructed making her superhuman or maybe immortal.
Hebrew #gematria word value for "zeena Taylor bad blood" is "identical twins" with a number value at "1330" which "33" is obviously associated with the illuminati. "Catastrophe" has an English #gematria word value of " devil horns" and "keanu Reeves" Coincidence?? "Arsyn" has a word value for "hexagram" and "funeral" ( swift appeared dead in the video ). #musicindustry #Rapindustry #fucktheelite #fuckthegovernment #Fuckthesystem #killuminati #newworlddissorder #ForbiddenKnowledge #exposingthetruth #exposed #MURIKKKA #nasalies #Flatearth #populationcontrol #angenda21 #entertainmentindustry #hollyweird #hellywood #politics #obama #hillary #berniesanders #DonaldTrump #presidentialelection

Joe Eigo #fundie instagram.com

joeeigo144The #SYNAGOGUEOFSATAN is using the #mainstreammedia #harvard university to convince the sheep humans that #GeoEngineering #geostorm is saving the planet from #GlobalWarming which is a big hoax like their #holocaust lies. These satanic people want to depopulate humanity and all life on earth which is why the have seed vaults underground. Do you want to stop them?

Carrie Prejean #fundie instagram.com

(about Donald Trump)

His passion, his boldness, his courageousness, his fearlessness, his honesty, his heart of gold, his enthusiasm, his loyalty, his love for this Country, and for the American people, is why I support this man. He will be the one who puts #Americafirst I am honored to be a part of history, I am proud to have been involved in setting the record straight against the lies and dishonesty within the liberal Media.

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