Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson #fundie

Yesterday on "The 700 Club," Pat Robertson fielded a question from a viewer who wondered if she should be worried about her pregnant daughter posting fetal ultrasound photos on Facebook. Robertson, giving an answer that sounds more like a bad sequel to "Rosemary's Baby," warned that the woman’s daughter may be setting her family up to be cursed by a Facebook-savvy satanic coven.

"I don't think there is any harm in it,” he said. “But I tell you, there are demons and there are evil people in the world, and you post a picture like that and some cultist gets hold of it or a coven and they begin muttering curses against an unborn child. You never know what somebody's going to do."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson warned a woman on Thursday that her daughter would go to hell if she continued to live with a man who was separated from his wife because living in sin was like being a serial killer.

“My daughter is a Christian and a good person,” a viewer named Brenda told Robertson in an email. “She lives with her boyfriend and plans on marriage, but he has to get a divorce first. Will they go to hell for this sin?”

“The answer is yes!” Robertson insisted. “She’s a good person, but she’s living in adultery. That’s Hollywood. ‘Oh, he’s a good person, but he just killed five people, and he threw his mother down the steps. But he’s a good person.’”

“Nonsense!” he exclaimed. “It is adultery! She’s living with a married man who is still married, and she’s a good person? Baloney.”

Rabbi Yehuda Levin #fundie #homophobia

Rabbi Levin: Hurricane: Global Warming or G-d’s Warning?

Tens of billions in losses, 50 dead, scientists say that Sandy is the worst N.Y. hurricane in 800 years! Some insurance policies still call this kind of occurance an ACT OF G-D. But where are our religio-conservative leaders to interpret what’s happening?

Remember when Dr. Falwell and Dr. Pat Robertson attributed 9/11 to the homosexual agenda and abortion? Guess our leaders have a huge problem doing that now.

After all, the dirty secret they don’t tell us is that Romney supports homosexual adoption and Boy Scout leaders, homosexualization of the military, “domestic partnerships”/civil unions, homosexual K-12 mandated school curricula, homosexual youth day proclaimations, $50 taxpayer funded abortion in Massachussetts, and the list goes on.


Here’s a traditional Jewish/Torah approach to the hurricane and the election:
1-G-d multitasks. There are probably various reasons for the hurricane. Each person should repent for his/her personal shortcomings.
2-Days after same gender marriage began in New York, we were hit by Hurricane Irene. Days before the national election, (no significant repentance in NY or anywhere in the US,) Hurricane Sandy hits, further damaging our fragile economy. In 2 days: An earthquake in California, an “almost” tsunami in Alaska, Hawaii and Hurricane Sandy in the East. Sleep on—
3-Daily, millions of Jews recite Psalms 147 & 148: (147)”He who dispatches His utterance earthward; how swiftly His Commandment runs! He who gives snow—scatters frost—hurls His ice—before His cold, who can stand?...He blows His wind—the water flows—”


What should G-d fearing people do?

A. Repent personal and communal transgressions.
B. Defeat pro-homosexual union legislation and referenda especially in the states of Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
C. Do not vote for any candidate who supports an anti-G-d or anti-family agenda or legislation.

If Obama wins and the Senate is Republican, they can act as a strong loyal opposition, hindering much of the Obama agenda. However, if Romney (a wolf in sheep’s clothing) wins, even a Republican Congress will not significantly oppose Romney’s anti-family efforts. The results would be morally and spiritually catastrophic. It could be the end of the religio-conservative movement!

D. Urge your conservative and religious leaders to speak out and lead!

Forward this statement to your e-mail lists and urge them to do the same. We must defend His values.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Robertson received an email from a woman who claimed that her grandson disrespects their Christian faith when they visit their daughter on Christmas and chose not to visit this past year.

“We declined going to our daughter’s house on Christmas this year because there is always an argument, hard feelings etc.,” viewer Karen wrote.

“One grandchild comes high on marijuana, cursing and challenging our faith. I correct him and have told my daughter to ask him to respect our beliefs, but he keeps it up. Our daughter say she is a Christian but will drink too much and offend her daughter and her husband. Were we wrong to not to attend another Christmas that leaves us upset or someone angry? I have shared my beliefs many times with them and am ridiculed by this grandson and son-in-law.”

Robertson’s immediate solution? Beat the child until he respects Christianity.

“Somebody take that kid to the woodshed and let him understand the blessings of discipline,” Robertson advised before predicting that the kid would end up in prison if a strong male figure didn’t start beating him right away.

Pat Robertson #fundie

On “The 700 Club” today, Pat Robertson took a question from a viewer who said she attends a church whose members aren’t allowed to date, leaving many church members “frustrated because we’re getting older and no one is getting married.”

Robertson found this to be absolutely ridiculous because a church with a no-dating policy will eventually “die out”— just like gay people.

“You know, those who are homosexual will die out because they don’t reproduce,” he said. “You know, you have to have heterosexual sex to reproduce. Same thing with that church, it’s doomed, it’s going to die out because it’s the most nonsensical thing I’ve heard in a long time.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson and his co-host Terry Meeuwsen talked about children born with cleft palate and Down syndrome, the latter of whom Robertson referred to as “mongoloid” children.

“So you see these little children that we call mongoloid, you know, Down syndrome, sweet little children but the back part [of the head] hasn’t formed,” he said. “It’s a deformity, if you have a little girl, can you imagine having a big hole in the mouth?”

Earlier this year, Robertson advised a viewer to be careful against marrying her first cousin since “you don’t want to have some mongoloid child.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson may be a stalwart denier of climate change, but today on “The 700 Club” the televangelist conceded that climate change did occur in biblical times, and that’s why humans no longer live to be 950 years old like Noah, or make it to 969 like Noah’s grandfather Methuselah. “Apparently, after the Flood there wasn’t as much moisture in the air, there weren’t as many bacteria, microbes and things like that and maybe the climate was such that salts on our bodies weren’t as severe,” he said. “But after the Flood, God said the years of a man is going to be 120 years.” - See more at:

Pat Robertson #fundie

"All this business about goblins and jack-o'-lanterns all comes out of demonic rituals of the Druids and the people who lived in England at that particular time," Robertson said on the show.

He then suggested shifting the holiday toward a more Christian focus.

"I think churches can have Halloween parties," Robertson said. "You can bob for apples ... and turn it into a Christian festival, and that’s what we ought to do. We need to redeem these days, but that day was given over to Satanic things.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

On today’s edition of “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson attempted to explain the difference between passages on war and killing in the Bible and the Quran. Robertson, who regularly cites Qur’anic verses as proof that Islam is an inherently violent and genocidal religion, said the main difference is that God commanded the mass killings found in the Bible in order to curb the corrupting influences of idol-worshipers, while violent acts in the Quran were ordered by Allah. “How can you say it’s not like the other? The other is in the name of Allah,” he reasoned. -

Pat Robertson #fundie

[Pat Robertson loses his shit when the Air Force no longer requires recruits say "So help me God" when swearing oath]

TV preacher Pat Robertson lashed out at a “Jewish radical” on Thursday who he said was responsible for God being removed from the Air Force oath.

The Air Force announced on Thursday that the words “so help me God” were an optional part of the oath after an atheist airman crossed out the words on his reenlistment paperwork. Military officials had initially refused to accept the paperwork, but Department of Defense General Counsel eventually ruled that the words could be omitted.

Although the American Humanist Association had represented the airman, Robertson on Thursday blamed Military Religious Freedom Foundation President Mikey Weinstein for the movement against religion in the armed services.

“There’s a left-wing radical named Mikey Weinstein who has got a group about people against religion or whatever he calls it, and he has just terrorized the armed forces,” Robertson opined. “You think you’re supposed to be tough, you’re supposed to defend us, and you got one little Jewish radical who is scaring the pants off of you.”

“You want these guys flying the airplanes to defend us when you got one little guy terrorizing them?” he asked. “That’s what it amounts to.”

Pat Robertson #fundie #homophobia

On Thursday’s edition of “The 700 Club,” televangelist and former GOP presidential candidate Pat Robertson expressed his concern over the way that “the girl-on-girl movies” are supposedly influencing young people to pursue homosexual relationships. When a viewer called in for Robertson’s advice about how best to deal with news that her 21-year-old daughter had begun dating a woman, the host offered some words of wisdom about LGBT millennials.

“I think she needs somebody to help her get her identity straight,” Robertson said. “She may not be right in this, she may have thought she has a crush on some older girl along the way and she’s actually homosexual when she’s not, I don’t know. The whole question of sexual identity has gotten so blurred in the press these days it’s hard to know. Why is she that way? Was she molested when she was younger?”

Robertson’s co-host, Terry Meeuwsen, went on to suggest that the problem is people “telling kids to explore, it’s crazy,” at which point Robertson weighed in once more. “The girl-on-girl movies,” he said. “More and more they’re getting straight actresses to play lesbians and straight men to play homosexuals — and if you say anything against homosexuality, you are just hooted out of court.”

Robertson concluded with some direct advice for his distraught viewer. “You need to love your daughter and give her a chance to work this out,” he said. “If she gets deeper and deeper in it, sooner or later she is going to be disillusioned and say, ‘this is wrong, I want to come out of it.’”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson informed viewers today that he once saved a woman “in Africa” who was “watching a tape of ‘The 700 Club’” just as a “group of thugs came into her house and threatened to kill her.”

“While the program I was on the air, I began praying, this is a tape mind you, and the power of God fell so strong that those thugs were literally paralyzed and they began to run from the house they were so terrified because of the power of God on that program, on that tape,” he said.

Robertson was responding to a viewer who asked if his “words of knowledge” about viewers, which he says can heal members of his audience, can work for people watching reruns of the show.

Pat Robertson #fundie

My husband and I are in our 80s and have been tithing for many years. We both love the Lord and give willingly and our tithe is over 10 percent—but we never have an extra penny after our monthly bills are paid. Our old car just broke down and we had to borrow money to fix it. We both need dental work, but we can’t afford it. I constantly have to use our credit card to pay for medical needs— What could we be doing wrong?

In response, Robertson suggested they sell their belongings on eBay or go back to work. He also told them that God would grant them a blessing if they asked for one. The one thing he didn’t tell them is to give a little less of their income to church so that they can take care of themselves.

“There are many ways of making money, even at 80-years-old,” Robertson said.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Wednesday explained to his viewers that Robin Williams had recently committed suicide because “the heathen” worships false gods like fame and money.

“What is your God? Is it money?” Robertson asked. “So, when you get money, what’s going to happen? Is it fame? So, when you get fame, what’s going to happen?”

“You know, you see these very popular people in the media who commit suicide like Robin Williams recently,” he continued. “And you say, ‘What is the deal with him? What happened?’”

“Well, you see, the God of the heathen are idols. And everything that you seek in life will ruin you, unless that something and somebody is God himself.”

According to Robertson, no one would commit suicide once they have found his true God.

“Don’t let sexual attraction be your idol, don’t let fame or money or any of these things be your god, but come to the Lord Jesus.”

After encouraging viewers to pray with him, he asked that everyone call in to CBN.

“Pick up the phone, say, ‘Look, I just prayed with that guy on TV, I prayed with Pat, I gave my heart to the Lord,’” he advised.

Pat Robertson #fundie

On today’s edition of the “700 Club,” a viewer told Robertson that her 13-year-old step-son, who “lives with his mother most of the time,” has “crushes on boys” and wanted the televangelist’s help.

Repeating the myth that homosexuality is the result of a lack of parental bonding, Robertson said “his attraction is now toward other men because he’s raised by a woman.”

“I would get him male companions, I’d get him some man to help him, some mentor, someone who cares about young men,” Robertson advised. “He is being raised by a single woman and that is skewing his orientation.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

On “The 700 Club” today, Pat Robertson fielded a question from a viewer who wondered why her husband hasn’t been healed from a medical condition despite intense prayer.

Robertson responded that the woman’s husband probably isn’t a faithful Christian and may actually want to be sick: “There are some people, you know, they enjoy their sickness. That is terrible to say but that is their excuse not to compete, ‘well I’d love to compete but my lumbago’s got me so I can’t do it.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Dianne: "My son heard sounds that sent painful shock-waves thru his body as I was praying for him and I called on the name of JESUS. My son said it felt like something hit him very hard in the stomach. I know this is not of God. He is a Christian. Can Christians be attacked by demons?"

Pat: "He can be attacked by demons and he might be oppressed or possessed by demons. I don't know anything about you, I don't know his faith, but it sounds like that child has something in the influence. You need to get somebody with you who understands the spiritual dimension and doing spiritual warfare, but you don't want some quack in there that's casting out non-existent demons, but, at the same time, if I were to look back at your family. What in your family: do you have anybody involved in the occult, witchcraft or tarot cards or psychic things? Has there something been there that you don't know about? Some grandparent, great grandparent or something. Look into the family tree, and then get some people in there and cast this stuff out. But that does not sound like normal."

Pat Robertson #fundie

This morning on the 700 Show, televangelist Pat Robertson mocked President Obama and the Environmental protection Agency (EPA) for their plans to cut down on carbon emissions and reduce pollution.

"The president is promising to prevent thousands of heart attacks and asthma episodes," mocked Robertson, noted (video below). "Maybe he has a touch with the Divine somehow."

It was an odd remark, coming from Robertson who claims to have a touch with the Divine and supposedly healed someone with asthma through his TV show in 2009 (video below).

“The inmates have taken over the asylum, it's just unbelievable,” Robertson complained this morning. “There seems to be no relationship to actual on-ground activity.”

However, the Centers for Disease Control website states:

Outdoor air pollution can trigger an asthma attack. This pollution can come from factories, automobiles, and other sources. Pay attention to air quality forecasts on radio, television, and the Internet and check your newspaper to plan your activities for when air pollution levels will be low.

According to Forbes, pollution is also linked to heart attacks:

Air pollution causes heart attacks and death. Especially when the pollutants include ozone and particulate matter. And more often in the summer time, when ozone levels are higher. These are the conclusions of researchers at Rice University who studied the 11,677 cases of cardiac arrest logged by emergency services personnel in Houston, Tx. between 2004 and 2011.

Ignoring the science, Robertson claimed, "These are zealots. They're highly motivated zealots and they worship the environment and worship climate.”

However, Robertson failed to produce any evidence of this alleged "worship."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Television preacher Pat Robertson on Tuesday advised a viewer — and his co-host — that they were “supposed to” reward their husbands with sex for helping with chores around the house.

A viewer named Carol wrote into the 700 Club because she said her husband “respects Pat’s opinion,” and she hoped the televangelist would side with her regarding a dispute about house cleaning.

“[M]y husband has always felt the need to point out when he helps with chores around the house,” the woman explained. “When he washes the floor, or does anything else, he always says, ‘Remember, I did that for you.’”

The viewer argued that her husband should stop viewing chores as a favor.

“I feel since we both live in the same house, he isn’t only helping me but the family,” she said.

Unfortunately, Robertson probably did not give the woman the answer she was looking for.

“Here’s the deal,” he said. “You’ve got to understand the male psyche. The male wants to do something for his wife. He wants to provide for his family, he wants to provide a home, he wants to provide shelter, and food. That’s what he feels his male obligation is. And when he cleans up, it’s saying, I love you.”

“And you’re supposed to say to him, ‘Darling, you are wonderful, and I love you too,’” the evangelist continued. “Instead of that, you’re saying, ‘We’ve got a deal. We have a partnership.’ Now, do you want to have a loving, warm, sensuous, exciting marriage or do you want to have a partnership? And would you like to have a business relationship with your spouse? And that’s what you’re asking for.”

Although CBN co-host Terry Meeuwsen didn’t buy Robertson’s advice, she called it a “wonderful perspective,” and she publicly thanked her husband for doing the dishes.

“He’s saying, I love you!” Robertson insisted. “Each dish, he’s saying, ‘Terry, I love you.’ If you understood that, you say, ‘Darling, I’ve got a treat for you— wait until we get behind closed doors, and you see the treat I have for you.’”

“You got it?” he asked Meeuwsen. “How to have a happy marriage, according to Pat.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson told a 700 Club viewer today that he has “grounds for divorce” because his wife is not having sex with him regularly, speculating that she was “molested as a child” and needs serious psychological counseling.

The viewer told Robertson that he has “only been intimate with my wife a handful of times” and that “she has no interest in the bedroom,” adding: “I believe the Bible says withholding sex is wrong. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

Robertson agreed that the Bible condemns withholding sex and wondered whether the viewer’s wife has “psychological problems” resulting from childhood sexual abuse.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson warned on Monday that Jesus had said that an asteroid would destroy the Earth — and it could happen as soon as next week.

On Tuesday, three former NASA astronauts are expected to present their findings that the Earth had experienced far more impacts from large asteroids than previously thought.

For Robertson, the news was just the latest reason to hype his book, The End of the Age, which asserts that the End Times predicted in Revelation will be brought on by a meteor.

“I wrote a book!” Robertson advised viewers. “It deals with an asteroid hitting the Earth. I don’t see anything else that fulfills the prophetic words of Jesus Christ other than an asteroid strike.”

“There isn’t anything that will cause the seas to roil, that will, you know, cause the skies to darken, the moon and the sun not to give their light, the nations terrified on Earth of what’s happening. There isn’t anything that’s going to do that.”

He continued: “We’re big enough to draw some of them in. And as somebody said, it’s ‘blind luck.’ Well, it’s the mercy of the Lord. But if that mercy ever got lifted, whew.”

Robertson advised his viewers to “read what Jesus said” about “nobody living on the face of the Earth.”

“That’s what Jesus himself said!” he advised. “So, hey, just get ready. Get right. And stay right with the Lord.”

“It could be next week, it could be 1,000 years from now. But nevertheless, we want to be ready whenever the Lord says, ‘I’m wrapping it up, and it’s time to come home.’”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson warned on Thursday that the government was pushing technologies that would force every financial transaction to be controlled “by computer,” and it could be the “Mark of the Beast” described in the Bible’s book of Revelation.

“The Bible says that they cannot buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast,” Robertson noted in a segment about new financial technologies. “And people said, ‘Oh, well, that just fanciful Hebrew rhetoric that doesn’t apply to anybody real.’ Who would have thought that we could live in an age that that could literally come to pass?”

So-called “privacy expert” Katherine Albrecht told CBN that radio frequency identification technologies — or RFID — had “biblical implications.”

“There will be a time when humanity will be forced to take a mark,” she said. “And that mark will be on the right hand or the forehead. It is the number 666.”

But Robertson worried that it was not just RFID that was a sign of the End Times, it was all electronic financial transactions.

“We don’t want to scare people,” he insisted. “The times going to come, we’re not going to have any cash. We don’t need cash.”

“We’re going into some strange world, ladies and gentlemen,” the TV preacher continued. “The pros — the people who are in charge — find that paying cash are an annoyance, and they want everything on your cards. And they want it all by computer.”

“I hate to tell you, it’s coming. Because it is a control thing. And Satan wants to control the lives of all the world. He wants to be God, he wants to be worshipped as God. And he wants to have control over everybody, and that’s how it will be done.”

Robertson concluded: “Can’t buy, can’t sell without the Mark of the Beast.”

Pat Robertson & Wendy Griffith #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth

“I think you got to remember from the Bible, if you look carefully at the Bible what would have happened in Jesus’ time if two men decided they wanted to cohabit together, they would have been stoned to death,” Robertson said. “So Jesus would not have baked them a wedding cake nor would he have made them a bed to sleep in because they wouldn’t have been there. But we don’t have that in this country here so that’s the way it is.” (Robertson’s claim that Jesus would never have encountered a same-sex couple is a matter of debate.)

Robertson added: “Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have to recognize what I said a few years ago, at that point homosexual marriage was condemned, homosexuality itself was considered a pathology and now those that are practicing that activity have turned and become the oppressors of those who hold deeply-held religious points of view, the tables have turned.”

“What is it about gays? What is it about abortion? Have you ever thought why they’re on the forefront right now? Both of them deny the reproduction of human species,” Robertson said, adding that homosexuality is “a meaningless exercise because it doesn’t go anywhere.”

“The Devil is trying to say, ‘I’m going to destroy your progeny any way I can. If you will kill your babies, that’s fine, I’m with you; if you will deny the chance of having babies, that’s fine too; but I want to destroy your opportunities to reproduce,’” he said. “It’s a very serious thing and we’re not talking about it, and we need to as a society, we have to realize where the attack is coming because it is definitely an attack.”

Co-host Wendy Griffith agreed: “The Devil wants to steal, kill and destroy. Well said Pat.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson Wonders If Viewer's Atheist Coworker Was Raped, Demon-Possessed

When a 700 Club viewer asked host Pat Robertson today if she should give up proselytizing to her atheist coworker and “let her perish,” Robertson speculated that the colleague might be possessed by demons or a survivor of rape.

“I don’t know if you’re dealing with something that is demonic or something that is deeply ingrained,” Robertson said. “It’s something beyond normal human experience, something has happened and she associates God — maybe she had an abusive father, somebody who raped her and then acted like he was preaching to her from the Bible, you just never know what is going on in somebody’s childhood.”

Robertson advised the viewer to “be understanding, be loving and don’t try to push anything on her, pray for her.”

Tony Perkins #fundie

Perkins: There's More Evidence That God Is Behind Natural Disasters Than There Is For Climate Change

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council alleged yesterday that people who agree with the scientific consensus regarding evolution and climate change are actually out of step with modern science.

Perkins, who has previously professed belief in Young Earth Creationism (the belief that the earth is only several thousand years old), said on Washington Watch that “the theory of evolution just doesn’t work when you consider all the holes, look at the fossil record, the molecular isolation, transitional difficulties, irreducible complexity, cyclical change, genetic limits, there are just so many holes and flaws in the evolutionary theory.”

He later compared the supposed problems with evolution to the purported flaws in climate science: “I remember a few years ago, it might have been Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson, made a reference to a hurricane or a storm being an act of God — it’s interesting that’s how we refer to some of these things in our insurance policies — they were ridiculed, saying ‘how dumb can you be?’ Well, there’s more to back that up than to say what’s happening in our environment, our climate, is because of people driving Suburbans or coal-fired power plants.”

Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen #conspiracy

Televangelist Pat Robertson pointed to the cold U.S. weather on Tuesday - and the fact that there were "no SUVs driving around in Jupiter" - to assert that global warming was a scam created by scientists.

"The inconvenient truth is it's getting cold," Robertson said, riffing off the title of Al Gore's climate change documentary. "And some parts of America are colder than Mars! Why? We've got a special story today about how come we could very well be entering another little ice age."

Later in the show, the TV preacher laughed and noted that the Russian-flagged ship Akademik Shokalskiy had been stuck in ice near Antarctica while trying to research global warming.

"There's just one problem," he said. "The Earth isn't getting warmer. In fact, it's because of the Sun. The Sun is now showing signs that we're headed for something very, very different: global cooling."

"It's getting warmer in Jupiter, and they don't have any SUVs driving around in Jupiter," Robertson explained. "I mean, it has nothing to do with greenhouse gasses. It has to do with the axis of the Sun."

Co-host Terry Meeuwsen said that she found it hard to believe that so few international climate scientists were willing to speak out against the consensus opinion that global warming was real.

"Think of how much money is involved. It's money! They are going to get a river of money," Robertson opined. "The progressives always want control. Just like this health care initiative. They want control."

Gordon James Klingenschmitt #fundie

David Takes Down Goliath -- Anti-Jesus Group Right Wing Watch Terminated by YouTube After Chaplain Files Copyright Infringement Claims

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The anti-Christian group Right Wing Watch (RWW) had their YouTube account terminated today after repeated violations of copyright infringement, theft, and allowing followers to issue death threats against a Christian chaplain.

Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, who is now a candidate for state representative in Colorado successfully persuaded YouTube to terminate the anti-Christian group's account, after RWW repeatedly stole, copied, and re-published without permission as many as 90 videos created and copyrighted by Chaplain's corporation, The Pray In Jesus Name Project.

RWW has been a thorn in the side of countless Christian ministries for years, quoting out of context ministers like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and political leaders like Michelle Bachmann and Alan Keyes. Unless YouTube restores their account, years of defamatory RWW video archives against countless Christians have now been deleted, effectively silencing their hate-speech campaign.

"I reached out in good faith to RWW's leadership at People for the American Way, but instead they published death threats against me," said the Chaplain. "I asked them to stop their theft and piracy of my original content, but instead they blogged against me boasting they could steal without consequences."

RWW even mocked the Chaplain here, claiming he didn't know how the internet works, and daring him to file suit.

Instead, the chaplain politely notified YouTube about 6 of the 90 copyright infringement claims, which crossed their limit of 3 claims.

YouTube properly responded by terminating the RWW account and deleting all their videos, causing panic at RWW headquarters, who blamed others for their own arrogance and theft.

The Bible says pride comes before destruction. That's a lesson for them, in how the internet works.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson told an elderly viewer who has been tithing since childhood that she wouldn’t have health issues, and therefore medical expenses, if she was tithing properly. The viewer said that she and her husband are “retired and living on a small pension and Social Security income” and “barely have any money” because of her husband’s medical expenses.

She asked Robertson if it would be “wrong to use [tithe] money towards medical expenses instead?”

Seeing that Robertson insisted that even people about to fall into bankruptcy must continue to tithe, we were not surprised that Robertson told the viewer no. In fact, Robertson went as far as to say that as long as she tithes she will stay healthy and as a result not even encounter medical bills.

Citing Malachi, Robertson said: “Your husband has all these medical problems because the ‘devour’ has not been rebuked. You need to rebuke him. You give your tithes faithfully and God said, ‘I will rebuke the devour,’ the person that is eating up your money and eating up your health. So you want to be healthy? That’s a promise in the Word.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

While responding to a question from a woman who wondered if it was wrong for the church not to inform her that a man she was driving to worship services is “dying of AIDS,” Robertson admitted that he “used to think it was transmitted by saliva and other things, now they say it may be sexual contact.”

“What to say if you’re driving an elderly man whose got AIDS? Don’t have sex with them,” Robertson said, “unless there’s a cut or some bodily fluid transmission, I think you’re not going to catch it.”

But Robertson didn’t stop there.

“There are laws now, I think the homosexual community has put these draconian laws on the books that prohibit people from discussing this particular affliction, you can tell somebody you had a heart attack, you can tell them they’ve got high blood pressure, but you can’t tell anybody you’ve got AIDS,” he continued.

Despite Meeuwsen’s best attempts to steer the conversation away from Robertson’s anti-gay paranoia, Robertson insisted that gay people use special rings to transmit the virus.

“You know what they do in San Francisco, some in the gay community there they want to get people so if they got the stuff they’ll have a ring, you shake hands, and the ring’s got a little thing where you cut your finger,” Robertson said. “Really. It’s that kind of vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

[RE: Images of gays on Facebook]

The question read, "When we 'like' things on Facebook, if it's something that goes against what is written in the Bible -- such as pictures of same sex couples -- is that considered condoning behavior? How do you explain this to new Christians or youth?"

Robertson, who has never been shy of voicing his feelings, candidly responded to the concerned viewer.

"You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing. Do you like that?" Robertson answered. "Well, that makes me want to throw up. To me, I would punch 'vomit,' not 'like,' but they don't give you that option on Facebook."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Today on the 700 Club, televangelist Pat Robertson reflected on a recent reading of the Old Testament and warned gays and lesbians that the land will “vomit you out.” Robertson said that Leviticus lists homosexuality as an “abomination” on par with incest and bestiality, “and those who do that in the Old Testament were stoned to death.”

He feared that the US is not heeding the Bible’s teaching that “the nations who were doing these things were vomited out of the land and the land vomited them out.”

“For some reason now the Supreme Court has said homosexuality is now a constitutional right and this decision that was handed down recently by the majority glorifies this activity and talks about the civil rights and all this, well the Bible didn’t talk about civil rights it talked about this was an offense against God and it was an offense against the land and the land would vomit you out.” Robertson continued. “Which is going to take precedence, the Supreme Court of the United States or the holy word of God?”

Greg Quinlan #homophobia #wingnut #fundie

Greg Quinlan, an “ex-gay” activist who is slated to speak at the Family Research Council’s “Ex-Gay Pride Month” event later this July, told his personal story yesterday to Bradlee Dean and Jake McMillan of Sons of Liberty Radio.

Quinlan told the radio hosts that he once was a supporter of the Human Rights Campaign — “As I put it, what the Devil turned me to do I can now use for the Lord” — and it was during his time volunteering for HRC that he learned that Justices Anthony Kennedy and Elena Kagan are secretly gay. Kagan and Kennedy, Quinlan insisted, are “black-robed Nazis” who seek to “accommodate their own personal predilections, including their own sexuality.”

“Mr. Kennedy has a predilection on the down low,” Quinlan said, channeling Pat Robertson.

He added that President Obama is also “a down low president.”

Quinlan later asserted that gay rights advocates seek to bring about “the end of the church,” “destroy” the US Constitution—and rise to power just as they did in Nazi Germany.

After maintaining that the Nazis were led by “the butch, masculine types that still participate in homosexuality,” McMillan asked if Rachel Maddow, whom Dean unsuccessfully sued for $50 million, “would be considered a butch or a femme.” Quinlan answered that Maddow is both a butch (because she’s a Nazi) and a femme (because she wears lipstick): “She would definitely be a butch but she is a butch who has to be a femme, meaning she has to put on lipstick.” Quinlan and McMillan then warned that gays and lesbians are coming after children. “We speak to it from protecting the next generation. My gosh, the crimes are horrendous and we know what the end of it is, they are always going for the schools, they want little boys,” McMillan charged. Quinlan, agreed, saying that gays and lesbians want “little boys and little girls.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

[re: Boy Scouts removing ban on gay youths]

“Two percent deciding what the rest of us does,” Robertson warned, “and they are willing to destroy it. Hollywood and the so-called liberal media has jumped on board that this is the new civil rights, well I don’t think so.”

He went on to say that it “breaks your heart” to see the Boy Scouts “torn up in order to accommodate a few kids who want to do sex with each other. It just boggles the mind.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson, leader of the 700 Club and horse enthusiast, is enraged at the current exercise craze, Prancercise. The exercise regimen was developed by Joanna Rohrback, and requires the practitioner to prance about like a horse. In her book, Prancercise, The Art of Physical and Spiritual Excellence , the author describes the routine "A springy,rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse's gait and is ideally induced by elation."

Pat Robertson has been quite public about the demonic roots of this seemingly benign pony-like movement.

Here is his written statement.

Look here, people are God's children, and meant to walk about like Jesus did. Jesus never pranced. He rose people from the dead. He turned water into wine. But the Bible never states that Jesus trotted about in a pony or in a horse like manner. In fact, the Bible does say that Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. He definitely did not canter into the capital of God's earthly kingdom.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson had some eyebrow-raising advice for a woman who wrote complaining of a cheating husband.

"I've been trying to forgive my husband for cheating on me," the viewer writes. "We have gone to counseling, but I just can't seem to forgive, nor can I trust. How do you let go of the anger? How do you trust again?"

While Robertson's co-host called infidelity "one of the ultimate betrayals," the controversial host disagreed.

"Here's the secret: stop talking about the cheating," Robertson advised.

"He cheated on you. Well, he's a man."

Robertson also suggested the writer be forgiving of her husband's transgressions and the "tendency of man."

"Does he provide a home for you to live in," Robertson said. "Does he provide food for you to eat? Does he provide clothes for you to wear? Is he nice to the children... Is he handsome?"

"Recognize also, like it or not, males have a tendency to wander a little bit," he added. "What you want to do is make a home so wonderful that he doesn't want to wander."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday explained to his viewers that “sophisticated” Americans received less miracles because they had learned “things that says God isn’t real” like evolution.

On Monday’s episode of CBN’s The 700 Club, Robertson responded to a viewer who wanted to know why “amazing miracles (people raised from the dead, blind eyes open, lame people walking) happen with great frequency in places like Africa, and not here in the USA?”

“People overseas didn’t go to Ivy League schools,” the TV preacher laughed. “We’re so sophisticated, we think we’ve got everything figured out. We know about evolution, we know about Darwin, we know about all these things that says God isn’t real.”

“We have been inundated with skepticism and secularism,” he continued. “And overseas, they’re simple, humble. You tell ‘em God loves ‘em and they say, ‘Okay, he loves me.’ You say God will do miracles and they say, ‘Okay, we believe him.’”

Pat Robertson #fundie

On Monday’s 700 Club, Robertson responded to a viewer who wanted to know if she should bless purchases from Goodwill before bringing them home because her mother said that demons could "attach themselves to material items."

Robertson recalled a story about a "witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it." And then when a girl purchased the ring, "all hell broke loose."

"Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes," the TV preacher explained. "But I don’t think that every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it."

I aint no monkey #fundie

[in response to Pat Robertson being an old Earther]

It looks like he is confused, like a lot of Christians are as to what is science and what is philosophy. If it doesn’t support the Biblical account of creation, then it isn’t science, it is philosophy.

Pat Robertson #fundie

In January of this year, televangelist Pat Robertson informed his “700 Club” audience that God had revealed the results of the 2012 election to him in a vision, implying broadly at the time that the Almighty was less than pleased with President Barack Obama. According to Right Wing Watch, Robertson recanted on Wednesday, responding to a viewer question about his false prediction, saying he “missed” God’s message about the election result.

“So many of us miss God, I won’t get into great detail about elections but I sure did miss it, I thought I heard from God, I thought I had heard clearly from God, what happened? What intervenes? Why?” Robertson said. “You ask God, how did I miss it? Well, we all do and I’ve had a lot of practice.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

"The nation comes together, we sing Christmas carols, we give gifts to each other. We have lighted trees, and it's just a beautiful thing," says Robertson. "Atheists don't like our happiness, they don't want you to be happy, they want you to be miserable! They're miserable, so they want you to be miserable! So they want to steal your holiday away from you."

Pat Robertson #fundie

"During a recent broadcast of The 700 Club, a woman sent in a question asking why the men she dated always lost interest in her after finding out that her three daughters were adopted from three different countries and not her biological children that come with child support.

Robertson disagreed with a female co-host's gut reaction that it was because they are "dogs" and it is "just wrong."

"No, it's not wrong," Robertson responded. "I mean, a man doesn't want to take on the United Nations."

"You don't know what problems there are," he continued. "I've got a dear friend who adopted a little kid from an orphanage down in Colombia. The child had brain damage -- you know -- grew up weird."

Pat Robertson #fundie

On the morning after the tragedy in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, The 700 Club's Pat Robertson placed the blame for the shooting at the Sikh Temple on atheists and those who "hate God."

"...people who are atheists, they hate God, they hate the expression of God, and they are angry at the world, angry with themselves, angry with society and they take it out on innocent people who are worshipping God..."

Pat Robertson #fundie

If Pat Robertson's vision of theological payback comes true, Peyton Manning will be injured this season as retribution for the Denver Broncos getting rid of Tim Tebow.

The televangelist was speaking recently on "The 700 Club," which is apparently still on television. He recited Tebow's accolades from the 2011 season and wondered whether the Broncos were tempting fate by leaving him off their 2012 ark.

"And you just ask yourself," Robertson said, "OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson says God has told him who the next president will be — but it’s a secret.

The televangelist revealed on Tuesday that he had spent the nearly a week in prayer, asking God to “show me something.”

“I think He showed me the next president, but I’m not supposed to talk about that,” Robertson explained. “So I’ll leave you in the dark — probably just as well — I think I’ll know who it will be.”


“He is saying you will have worse stress than before. So I’m saying, ‘God, let me give you some suggestions and you tell me if any of them is right, pick one,’” Robertson explained. “I said, ‘Is it an EMP blast? No that isn’t it. Is it a cosmic or solar or radiation blast? No. Is it Mayan galaxy alignment? No. Is it Iranian or North Korean nuclear threat? No. Is it an earthquake or a volcano? No. Is it a massive power failure? No.’”

“What is it? It’s an economic collapse,” the conservative leader finally disclosed. “And God said, ‘This is not my judgment, they are bringing it upon themselves.’”

Pat Robertson #fundie #homophobia

I think we need to remember the term sodomy came from a town known as Sodom and Sodom was destroyed by God Almighty and the thing that they practiced was homosexual activity and even they tried to rape angels who came down there, so that's the kind of people they were. But beyond that, Jesus when He spoke of Sodom He didn't say anything about the homosexuality he talked about just the fact that business was as usual until God decided to destroy it. And He sent an angel down there and He said to Lot and his family, ‘get out now because I'm gonna destroy this whole area.' That's where sodomy came from, we use the term sodomy and it means Sodom. What's it like? We're heading that way as a nation. In history there's never been a civilization ever in history that has embraced homosexuality and turned away from traditional fidelity, traditional marriage, traditional child-rearing, and has survived. There isn't one single civilization that has survived that openly embraced homosexuality. So you say, "what's going to happen to America?" Well if history is any guide, the same thing's going to happen to us.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson has come up with a new theory as to why liberals support abortion rights — it’s because they want to put lesbians and straight women on “a level playing field.”

On a recent episode of The 700 Club, discussing the battle over federal funding for Planned Parenthood, Robertson says President Obama supports the organization because of what the antigay minister calls the Left’s “culture of death.” Then Robertson says to cohost Terry Meeuwsen, “If a woman is a lesbian, what advantage does she have over a married woman? Or what deficiency does she have?”

Meeuwsen replies, “Well, she can’t have children” — ignoring the fact that lesbians can and do have children. Robertson says, “That’s exactly right. And so if these married women don’t have children, if they abort their babies, then that kind of puts them on a level playing field.”

Jim Cairn #conspiracy

Since I came to Kilkenny in Aug 1994, I have discovered a great deal about just how the Satanists Network conspires to abduct innocent people for the purpose of Satanic Ritual murder! I am accusing the Born Again Christian Movement of being a major player in the Satanic Network's organisation for abducting people. The Born Again Christians is not the only pseudo religious group which is controlled or infiltrated by devil-worshippers but it is at the cutting edge for the purpose of recruiting new members into its satanic group and subsequently for abduction of suitable victims. Indeed there can be no doubt that throughout the Roman Catholic Church one will surely find a surplus of clergy who worship the demon; ArchBishop Millingo will stand witness to that! Judging by reports from around the world , there are few so-called respectable Christian Churches where the servants of the demon have not infiltrated or influenced! The Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons have been the subject of Satanic allegations!

The Born Again Christians, as I will refer to the Irish fundamentalist Christians, were set up in Ireland by USA citizens as far back as the late 1970s. It never ceases to amaze me , why the Born Agains in the USA , Ireland and the UK are treated as if they are above suspicion in every respect. Pat Robertson's group , CBN Born Again Christians , are notorious for their commercialisation of the Christian religion. These TV evangelists make huge profits from their international broadcast Christian programs. Robertson ia also a self proclaimed anti-communist and friend and associate to many extreme right wing groups, especially in Central America. So why should these extremist Christians be above suspicion? The reason is, their friends and associates control the press and media in the USA and Europe!

Edwin Graning #fundie

Former bus driver has sued the Capital Area Rural Transportation System, charging that the nine-county transit service discriminated against him based on his religion when he was fired for refusing to drive a woman to a Planned Parenthood clinic in January.

Edwin Graning, who was hired as a driver on April 1, 2009, was “concerned that he might be transporting a client to undergo an abortion” when he was assigned to transport two women to Planned Parenthood, according to his lawsuit, filed this week in U.S. District Court in Austin.

Graning is seeking re-instatement, back pay and undisclosed damages for pain, suffering and emotion distress. He is represented by lawyers from the American Center for Law & Justice, founded by evangelical Christian leader Pat Robertson.

Jason #fundie

[Regarding Pat Robertson's comments about the earthquake in Haiti]

Yes, Robertson is saying the Haitians deserved this disaster, and rightly so! He'd be right in saying that about any other country suffering such a disaster. We're ALL guilty of grievous sins against God and we're ALL deserving of death however it comes.

Ininja2000 #fundie

{Thread title: People misunderstood Pat Robertson}

So I was watching fox news, and they were bashing Pat Robertson for his statement for not being compassionate. This is not true at all. Pat Robertson was saying why he thought it happened, he DID NOT SAY that he didn't care or didn't feel bad for the people. Heck, I'll bet that he's going to be a major sender of aid to the country.

It's the same thing with salvation. I'm sure Pat Robertson would say people are going to hell because they're wicked and sinful, yet he would love them and care for them enough want for them to get saved, and tell them how to get saved.

As for if it was God's judgment, I am undecided, but even on 20/20 they were saying how currupt Haiti's government had been, and that "it seems as though they are almost cursed".

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