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Senpai Noticed Us!

Julie92845 #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

I don't know if I can post directly to it, but FSTDT stands for Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It's a sad shadow of its former self, but it's a collection of posts from religious nuts and right wingers from all over the internet. And Ovarit is often quoted for our anti-trans comments.

The best part is that people can comment on our quotes, and you'll find a lot of good stuff for o/translogic there as well. I've been having fun reading through them and seeing their insane takes, like we are denying reality and substituting our own.

"A Penis is a Fucking Weapon" Award

Some classics never really fade away.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist

RE: Men use their penises as literal weapons of war, but we should be fine with them in our spaces.

( femlez34 )
100%. TIMs will say, "well we're not 'men' so that doesn't apply to us", but then in the same breath will threaten feminists with rape to try and get them back in line. I don't think they even realize how much they do this, it's so ingrained in their DNA.

( pepperbeth )
We have to start waking up - sexual violence is a huge motivator for many men, maybe "not all men" but huge numbers. Some will say "oh rape is about sex" "oh rape is about power" but let's allow men some intersectional analysis - sexual power is highly arousing to men. Dominating and harming others is arousing to men. They will watch violence in porn, they will enact it in the bedroom, they will buy slave women to harm for their own orgasms, and they will rape women and children, including their own fucking brothers and sisters, and they become especially aroused and predatory when when war grants them opportunity to rape many vulnerable potential victims.

Do women get aroused by the suffering of others? Not even Aileen Wournos can rival the most average of prostitute-murdering men. The penis isn't the scary part, it's the whole goddamn man.

( Fluffy_gender )
Yes, that's why I find it ridiculous when people say "rape/sex abuse is not about sex, it's about power". Well, power is indeed very sexualized for men...

( Pointer )
Men do seem to have "rape software" pre-installed. Makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. They are actually able to maintain an erection and have an orgasm while penetrating someone who is screaming and crying in pain. It's crazy.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Men are carrying loaded weapons at all times, and we're supposed to trust them completely and give them endless chances. It's fucking insane.

Edit: this is why self defense laws are such bullshit and deliberately harmful to women. We literally cannot act in self defense the way a man can. He can kill us with his bare hands in the heat of the moment, we cannot.

Fuck man, they literally kill us with their penises during violent rapes. There is no possibility of a woman killing a man using only her vulva/vagina, it's not the same act at all.

Trust no male, especially one that REALLY wants to violate your boundaries.

Various Commenters #transphobia

The Russian soldiers who are raping little girls in Ukraine sure seem to know what makes us female.
I lost the link, but read on Twitter that girls under 10 are coming into the hospitals in Ukraine with rectal/vaginal tearing.

And of course older girls and women are also being raped regularly.

Turns out everyone knows exactly what it means to be a woman/girl when they want to rape us.

( Misssarcasm )
In my eyes the raped women and girls have it worse than the killed men.

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

( omerta )
In war people expect women to be raped, it's just a a casual thing that happens as a result.

When it happens to men/boys, on the other hand, that's when it becomes an atrocity, a terrible human rights violation, etc. etc. because men are supposed to die with dignity during war while women suffer and are humiliated.

A non-passing TIM would be clocked and likely murdered, not raped, although many of them may fantasize about it. I don't think any passing TIM would be able to pass military fitness tests (would gain too much muscle) so that's not something they care much about.

( Snowy )
I have no doubt some of them actively fantasize about it.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
It's part of the perks of joining the military. It's been known for thousands upon thousands of years.

( pennygadget )

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

They'd say: "Just tell the Russian soldiers you identify as a boy and that raping you would be gay!"

"Hitler Ate Sugar" Award

Various TERFs #transphobia

This movement is strangely oversexed and anti-sex. It is anti-human sexuality: saying gays & lesbians have "genital fetishes"; claiming people are not sexually attracted to any particular type of sexed body; loads and loads of teenagers who make identity decisions (and will fight you to the death about them) without having even kissed another human; an obsession with asexuals and non-binaries (people who claim not to be sexed?). It's like...they are obsessed with sex but hate human sexual reality at the same time. It's bizarre.


They're against people having sex with not-them. Ever noticed how every anti-sex dude is someone nobody wants to fuck?

Incel to transcel, less a pipeline than a half-millimetre shuffle.

I wish all the “trans” would fuck off and fuck or not fuck each other.

They talk about sex, but they never have it. Nobody wants to have sex with them, and they don't enjoy the sex they have with each other.

Literally no-one with eyes and self-respect go near these people. Pretty much every survey/study on dating shows transwomen are excluded from their dating pool. They won’t even fuck each other. Hence the constant posts about ‘discrimination’.

various commenters #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

( crispycherrypie )
People who live on the internet, without a shred of irony: "Wow, there are a lot of lifelong leftists coming out as fundie Christians. Could it be that I'm mistaken, that I'm misinformed?

...No, it's the bigots who think males shouldn't be in women's spaces who are wrong."

( crodish )
I'm surprised none of them have peaked reading us.

We aren't anti-trans, we're anti-lying.

( Nibaiz )
Some of them really like futa porn and they don't want to be called gay about it. Ha.

( NewMa )
I'm scared to google that.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Futa is just "chicks with dicks" but an anime version.

( TheDirtyYumejo )
Unfortunately most of those people are so far up their own ass with their beliefs that no amount of logic can save them, they'll block it out at any cost.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Because ironically, they're very religious.

( Committing_Tervery )
I’m sure some have probably peaked, but they are too afraid to say it on the website. Or perhaps they got banned, or the comments were removed.

These people (just like those on r/GenderCynical, a sub making fun of r/GenderCynical) also frame our stuff or take it out of context and misrepresent our views though. They try to make us look as bad as possible.

( sojourner_truth_ )
For a lot of people, the sole reason they are on Team Trans is because they think the only people opposed to transition are religious. I see similar "logic" being used in Eastern Europe when it comes to gay rights. A lot of people think the only reason to oppose is religion, so therefore they support it just because they hate Christianity so much.

( strawberryfields4evr )
Imagine our posts being peppered in between people fantasizing about raping children, violent misogyny and homophobia.

( Committing_Tervery )

people fantasizing about raping children, violent misogyny and homophobia

Sounds like TIMs to me. Checks all the boxes

( ladyagatha )
Omg. When I first read this, I assumed the target of the ridicule was the TRAs, not the people on this site with common sense. Amazing. Yeah, we’re the fundamentalists alright 🤣

mathlover #transphobia #psycho

RE: TIM wants a female TSA agent to touch his man parts


This is something male allies could help with. Some big burly dude should always be available behind the scenes to put on a wig and makeup and say he is a "transwoman" when he comes out to do the pat down with his big old man hands. And get righteously angry if the man larping as a woman objects. Lol.

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia #sexist

RE: Genuine conundrum about certain people with CAIS

( Positronic_waves )
Sorry for this person, but I want to be kind to women. That means being unkind to men, rapists and in the very rare minority and some unfortunate souls with CAIS. If you never develop correctly as a man, it doesn't mean you are a woman. We are not a faulty male. Caster [Semenya] is a guy, who lived like a male except for competitions then he is a woman. I think natal sex is important, then puberty levels. If we have to exclude some CAIS people to let women win at something, we should do it. They say it never happens until they had 11 CAIS men winning womens athletics. When the difference is -10% of performance not being born a woman actually matters.

( Wokeuplate )
I think transgender and intersex are two different issues and the genderists, as per the uze, latch onto intersex as a way to stealth themselves into legitimate discourse, much the same as they did with LGB. It’s literally part of their playbook. Transgender is based on Gender Identity, which is an idiosyncratic, subjective belief system, unhinged from material reality. Intersex/DSD is a biologically based condition and has nothing to do with gendered souls or lady brains or myfeelz. The intersection between these two issues is competitive sports, where there can be male body advantages that accrue to CAIS people which have to be addressed in order to ensure fair play.

It’s really important when talking about transgender people to keep intersex as a separate topic. The recent debate with Colin Wright was frustrating in that he let very narrow examples relating to DSD be used as a proxy for TIMs. Since 99.98% of the world is not intersex of the type which gives rise to ambiguous genitalia and phenotype presentation, it is not useful to lump gender identity trans with DSD and say that they need to be addressed and accommodated similarly.

( FlorenceBlue )
IMO, still male. What we choose socially to do with that info is up for debate.

( viscerally )
Male, yes. But a woman still. In this extremely rare case, that in no way is similar to the case of trans women, I can confidently say that a male person can also be a woman - if she has the outer body of one and was brought up as one and would have always been believed to have been one of it weren’t for genetical testing.

( FlorenceBlue )
No such thing as male women.

Various commenters #transphobia

RE: Have I already lost her? Is it already too late?

( GA626 )
As a mother myself with a 5 month old, I very much dread her future and the thought of this happening.

You cannot restrict her access to the internet, but what I would do in this situation is explain to her the dangers of strangers on the internet, explain what the term 'grooming' means, and also explain to her what puberty blockers are used for and the permanent damages they cause to the body.

Show her pictures of TIF's, after 'gender affirming surgery', even if you consider them extremely graphic. Show her the damage this ideology causes. People like Chloe Cole and other detransitioners are people she should look up and read about. Libsoftiktok, Kellie Jay Keen etc.

I don't know how old she is, but children are immature and won't hit full maturity until 25. She cannot possibly know anything about her future, other than the ideas put into her head now by the trans cult and she needs to be protected from those ideas. She needs to understand exactly what happens when you are sterile.

If you want to find your daughter again, this is what needs to be done in order to make her understand the reality behind the ideology. It's designed to tear children away from parents and destroy relationships. You could also explain to her what a cult is.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It sounds like a nightmare.

( LunarMoose )
Home school her (can you?) Turn OFF the internet. I would absolutely do this (I did turn off the internet for my home at one point, not because of trans issues - daughter's behavior was really tough for a few months. This sucked for me, too (I like the internet) and daughter said I'd never survive. I sure did! And those issues disappeared :) Move. Do you have relatives you can stay with (in a conservative part of the country?) Then send her to a private school. Or home school.

If this were my daughter, I'd make every drastic step I could to interrupt this. As others have asked - how old is she?

( FlorenceBlue )
Take away any device she has that connects to the internet.

( WatcherattheGates )
I don't know how old she is, but if she is younger than 17, take a hammer and smash her phone and computer. I mean it. That is the only way. If you can, also take her on a gap year to Europe or somewhere else, immediately. I promise you that if you sever it all, you will see her come back, bit by bit.

Various TERFs #psycho #transphobia #sexist

RE: Trans woman assaulted in cell with men. ( )

( notsofreshfeeling )
I'm going to sound really callous right now, but... pronouns are rohypnal...

How many men in jail cells with other men suffer similar injuries but these same assaults don't make it into the news?

In a prison of, say, 1000 men--how many men per week would you guess would end up in a clinical setting for an assault by a fellow inmate?

( notyourfetish )

How many men in jail cells with other men suffer similar injuries but these same assaults don't make it into the news?

This is exactly what I thought and it's not callous at all.

Thousands of men beat each other up all the time in jail, but I'm supposed to feel sorry for one because he has a gender delusion? What makes him so different from the other men who get beaten up? His preference for pink? Boo hoo.

TIMs are men. They belong in the MEN'S prison. The end.

( levitation )
Ideally, our prison system would be much less violent for everyone, but as it is everyone gets roughed up in American prisons. Why don't they express this kind of pearl clutching about the teenage boys who end up there and are forcibly "transed" into some other inmate's bitch? Because that's a hell of a lot more common than a TIM ending up in male prison, nowadays.

Mayday #ableist #transphobia #crackpot #interphobia

RE: CAIS are men, not women, and prove sex is binary

A female is not: "identifying" as female, growing up as female, socializing as female, dressing up as female, and "passing as" female.

A woman, a female, is an organism that can bear offspring and/or produce eggs under the right conditions.

CAIS are males with an inability to respond to androgens. The product of the inability is a male with a pseudo-female like appearance, creating the illusion of a female.

Beneath the layers, CAIS have no internal female sex organs - no uterus and no ovaries. They have testes - the male gonads that produce sperm. Their bodies were supposed to support the production of sperm and failed. They are men in every sense of the word.

The only reason they even know they are intersexed is because of modern medicine

The reason humans know they are humans and not another specie is modern medicine, and study of genes. Surely you wouldn't claim humans were not humans before they learned of what separates each specie.

CAIS were not women before modern medicine. They were disordered men.

TerfSedai & Only_Women_Are_Women #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia

( TerfSedai )
I was just thinking the other day that men always want to enter women's spaces, but how come the human pups never want to attend doggie daycare!?

( llkit )
Believe me it could be much much worse.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
When they are actually having sex with animals and children as they march along. If we don't have a MASSIVE pendulum swing back to reality soon, by 2030 I'm sure the age of consent will be 12, tops, and sex with all animals will be legal.

Instead of "emotional support animals" men will be allowed in public with "sexual support dogs" -- and total nuclear annihilation of the planet will be the best choice.

SulphuricMirror #homophobia #sexist #transphobia

RE: "There's more cock in r/actuallesbians than here" says redditor in r/askgaybros

I literally don't consider gay men allies anymore. there are so few standing up to this cult that they've gone full traitor mode on lesbians. Lesbians, who fucking cared for them when they were dropping like flies of "gay plague".

And this is the pay back we get.

I really think that as we re-group as lesbians, we need to make one thing clear: we may have something in common with gay men, but they are not our allies. They are men. They are misogynist scum and they are traitors. Only a very few of them seem to care about us.

Just like only a very few straight men care about what happens to women.

So there you go, they're just men. And we need to keep that in mind going forward and never waste energy helping them again.

We should also distance ourselves from them politically and socially, if at all possible. Again, because they are males and the sexuality can poison everything and be quite perverted. Remember it was gay men who wanted to let pedophiles in the movement in the 70s, and it was lesbians who held the line and said, "uh, no, child raping is not a legit sexuality". If we weren't there, what would become of their civil rights movement?

I say we leave them to cope for themselves and if they eat themselves over gender cult or pedo bullshit, then it's their own fault. We need to stop wasting time and energy babysitting and advocating for men, because what happens is they reap all the rewards and we lose everything.

Everything. We literally don't have a community anymore. Where were gay men when that was happening? They can piss off as far as I'm concerned. We need to really take the Get The L Out movement seriously. Maybe some people will think that's too extreme or we need gay men or something, but I don't think so. Need them for what? They're men, most of them are worthless when it comes to creating anything positive for women.

WitchPlease #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

It suits many people.

It's a capitalist wet dream - being trans cost a lot of money over many years. This industry is worth trillions of dollars. Cross sex hormones and health issues caused by them lead to a lifelong dependency on medication. There's also plastic surgeries, and these SRS seem to always have complications and need follow up surgeries. Also the most basic consumerism in the shape of clothes, make up and other products.

It's a pedo paradise - queer ideology aims to erase all boundaries so predators (pedo or not) gain access to their targets. It removes safeguarding of children and women. Minors who take cross sex hormones and/or puberty blockers may have their brain and emotional development crippled, which means they'll become adults with the brain of a child, making them more vulnerable to predators.

It's the Mengelean/Frankensteinean doctors' heaven - it gives them the opportunity to make medical experiment on willing people.

It's the power-hungry men's perfect scenario - it's keeping people distracted and divided while they continue their dick measuring contest between them (it's how I describe politics), and keep popular uprise at bay.

It's the misogynists' triumph - fucking women over is what they live for.

HellaHella #transphobia #pratt

APP (autopedophilia) often overlaps with AGP (autogynephilia).
The combination of the two is at the heart of transgenderism. People do not want to look at this degeneracy, because every normal sane person feels sick. Instead, people choose to believe 'gender dysphoria' pity party narratives.

Various TERFs #pratt #sexist #transphobia

Why are schools allowing autogynephiles around children

MEN shouldn't teach young children. Especially not ones with public sexual fetishes.

Y’all already know how I feel about men 😭

I absolutely agree with the second one (obviously) but not with the first one. You know there are nice men and men in typical womens positions and viceversa is actually a good thing for gender abolition... I don't want a world where only women have relationships with children when I know there are respectable and normal men out there who would never be inappropiate with children.

He’s a nice man who would never do that to a child is what everyone says after it’s revealed that yes he would do that to a child

I mostly agree with this. But I think it's dangerous to have males teaching/supervising very little children who often need a teacher to help them in the toilet, to change a diaper, to bathe them after an accident, etc. The risk of abuse is just too high. And I think even most fathers would agree with this policy.

Once children are older, have the vocabulary to complain if they're abused, and don't need help in the toilet anymore; than male teachers are okay. But I'd be anxious if a man I didn't know was supervising my infant at a daycare.

Not worth the risk when we're talking about children's safety tbh

Yeah until we can impose actual consequences for ALL inappropriate behaviors (such as being weird, leering, and grooming; not just actually physically harming a child), men should not be allowed to teach.

ProxyMusic #transphobia

RE: Is there any comparable social movement to this?

Most of the comparisons I come up with are of very dark periods/events. Such as

-The Spanish Inquisition
-The Salem witch trials and persecution of women generally for centuries in the Middle Ages and early Modern period
-The Reign of Terror orchestrated by the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution, including the instability & culture shock caused by rapidly dethroning the old orthodoxy (the hegemony of the monarchy, aristocracy, the Roman Catholic Church & the RC clergy who controlled much of civic & moral life at the town/parish level)
-Lysenkoism in the USSR
-The Great Leap forward in China under Mao that led to the insanity of the Cultural Revolution and the Red Guards
-What happened under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the mid-late 1970s: […]
-what happened in the UK, Northern Ireland particularly but also extending to England, during "the troubles," the armed occupation by British troops and the time of IRA/Sinn Fein terror
-All the prosecutions for satanic ritual child abuse in preschools like what happened at the McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach, CA. As documented in the excellent 1995 movie, Indictment
-Iran, 1979-80 and ever since
-the Rwanda genocide
-what happened in the territories of the former Yugoslavia (now the separate countries called Bosnia &Herzegovina; Kosovo; Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia; and Slovenia) after the fall of the Iron Curtain, disintegration of the USSR
Tulip Mania in the Netherlands; the glass delusion in Europe

SakuraBlossoms #transphobia


Fixed it!

❌ He is a transgender
❌ He is transgendered

✔️ She identifies as transgender

❌ He transgendered last year

✔️ She started pretending she was a man last year

❌ He changed gender

✔️ She started making people call her a man

❌ He was born a girl

✔️ She is a girl

❌ When he was a girl

✔️ When she didn't deny her sex

❌ Before he became a boy

✔️ Before she became deluded

❌ Being trans means you're gay

✔️ Identifying as trans usually means you're a straight homophobe

❌ Did you get the surgery?

✔️ Did you become a victim of medical malpractice?

Slippery Slope Award

also: Doomsday Fiction Award

SecondSkin #transphobia

RE: The End Game
(submitters note: question posed "What do you think the end game is with trans ideology?")

It’s to teach us a lesson for those damned suffragettes. And time loop us back before their time. And keep us there permanently.

Women have the vote right? Wrong. Once anyone who feels like a woman is one we no longer can assess how women as a group vote. We can’t use the data to figure out what the female electorate wants prioritised, or which parties represent woman’s issues or for political parties to canvas female voter needs and appeal to us. The group women will forever exclude some actual women and include men. And there will be no way to ever address this, we will be worse off that the suffragettes were, because at least they could hold meetings for women to change things. We won’t ever have that opportunity if self id comes in because any women’s group will have to be open to men also. And they’ll talk over us. And tell us that female health needs or employment needs or childcare and so on are not women’s issues because they don’t effect them, but that prostrate cancer and free boob jobs on the nhs need centred as the women’s issue funding needs directed too. And that they feel the rape survivor groups the government funds should now focus on sex work as a way of empowering survivors to find sex positivity and that playboy party Friday is the new weekly world book day in schools. And what the fuck can us actual women do about it? Nothing, not once self id is legal. Even way way way back when we were owned by our husbands and not allowed Education we had greater chance at improving women’s rights than we will if self id comes in- because at least then we could say what a woman was, we could create underground groups to tackle women’s needs and rights. And obviously it worked over time. But self id comes in and that won’t even be an option, because so many women are pro twaw line. So they’d infiltrate any attempt we made to expose us and have us punished. All while our children are in schools being brainwashed into believing twaw from birth, by drag queen teachers. So the truth would die with us. Except somewhere deep down our girls would know, they just would never have the language for it, having had their tongues tied by mantra and the history books trans-washed.

This is the end result. The ultimate silencing. With no way of the truth reasserting itself ever.

Various TERFs #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I'll say it again for those in the back....

The end goal of Transgenderism and "Queer Theory" is now, and always has been, the legalization of pedophilia and acceptance as a legitimate sexual orientation.

I've been saying this for years, and it's only become more obvious as time goes on.

• Teach deviant sexual acts to children as young as 5 and call it "sex ed"

• Remove child safeguarding

• Have schools groom children into believing it's ok to keep secrets from parents

• Give children medical autonomy

• Hey! Kids can make their own medical decisions, they should also be allowed to make their own sexual decisions.

( ElectricBlue )
And use Karen/TERF rhetoric to ramp up hatred of adult women, who will be the biggest opposition to them. Make it look like all adult women are hysterical prudes so anything they say can be derided.

( Tq231442 )
They're already doing it. Shit makes me sick.

( mil-bil )
I would also say that removing legal personhood from women is a key goal.

The language of "cervix-havers" and "birthing persons" conveys it. Any modification of the body (e.g. hysterectomy, even for significant medical reasons) or change in time (not actively being in labor) removes a woman from such a label. These labels don't capture what the word "woman" captures.

So what legal standing would a woman have upon the removal of the word "woman" from the law?

Recasting prostitution as sanitized "sex work" and the push for commercial surrogacy rest on depriving women of legal recognition and human rights.

( remove_the_veil )
Surrogacy is also all wrapped up in this. If you can legally buy and sell children, then nothing is stopping pedos from doing so...

( Ruby )
And then putting the child on puberty blockers to ensure a permanent childlike state...

( bumpyjerboa )
It'll be designer baby girls soon. Made to suit the pedo's tastes. When she's "too old" they'll force her into surrogacy too.

hmimperialtortie #crackpot #transphobia #pratt #sexist

(Submitters Note regarding context: A trans woman tweeting “Cis people are afraid that trans people will criticize them. Trans people are afraid that cis people will kill them.”)

RE: No, we're afraid that you will rape/murder us because you're men.

( hmimperialtortie )
Nobody’s murdering you disgusting male freaks except your pimps and johns, and that’s only the miniscule minority of you who are prostituted gay men. You AGP perverts are the rapists and murderers.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: Brit LGBT Awards doesn't use the word "lesbian" anywhere

Women and lesbian are bad words now unless it’s being used to label men who think they’re women, or when describing porn categories.

It all has to be redefined to encompass men first.

Of course they didn't. The number one goal of these people is to hijack the community we built and erase us from it. No woman who is not willing to open her legs to a man will be welcome in society anymore, not even among the "weird" kids, who are really just the same old oppressors but with ugly haircuts and poorly applied lipstick.

Lesbian is only allowed to be used for men now. Lesbians™, actual female homosexuals, are supposed to fuck off and be called non-men now or simply disappear into the ether.

TIMS don’t want any pesky reminders of same-sex sexual orientation. Society says: ok men, whatever you say, whatever you want.

Lesbians are expected to compromise their unique identity/culture and assimilate into the Akira-esque Queer Blob. THIS is why lesbians need spaces away from males and "qweers".

I wish I knew how to code, because it'd be so cool to write a program that tracks LGBT news sites/blogs/social media/etc. for a given time frame and returns the frequency with which certain terms are used (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, etc.). Not strictly related to this post but it'd be interesting to see how the usage of certain terms changes over time. All things considered, this is depressing as hell.

SamuraiGhostCat #moonbat #pratt #transphobia

I love being a terf

I love being a woman who sticks up for the rights of other women and girls.

I love knowing biological reality & believing in science.

I love having logic.

I love sticking up to misogynistic men.

I love being speaking the truth!

I love being a part of a community of wonderful, hilarious, intelligent, witty, caring, amazing women who support each other.

I love being a terf.


Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: Why isn't opposite-sex rape a sex-based hate crime?

Because it’s men (98.7% of the time) doing the raping and women (87% of the time) being raped. Men abusing women is the status quo and recognizing it as a hate crime would make a lot of people (men) uncomfortable and men being uncomfortable is the greatest crime against humanity that is humanly possible.

Have you ever called the cops for any reason? They are beyond useless at BEST, they will actively harm, rape, stalk, or kill you at worst.

You expect these woman-beating racist murderers to arrest anyone over rape, never mind as a hate crime? Rape is barely a crime at all. The majority of rapists will never see any consequences.

Can’t have a hate crime when the victim isn’t counted as human.´

But if a TIM gets raped by a man, it's a hate crime.

Go fucking figure.

Or a woman refuses to fuck a TIM, that’s a hate crime too in their lexicon.

I have often asked this question and never can seem to get a coherent answer.

If a white dude waits outside a bar for a black person to come out so he can beat them up...that's a hate crime.

But if a dude waits outside a bar for a women to come out so he can rape her...the cops will blame her for drinking and ask what she was wearing.

Men hate us and no one gives a shit.

Only_Women_Are_Women #moonbat #racist #transphobia

RE: Totally not a social contagion. 10% of all kids in the school district are trans/nb.

I presumed it to be upper middle class white kids. Well, these figures alarm me:

The prevalence was over 14% among Hispanic teens, and 10% among Black students, ompared with 7% of their white peers.

Why is this spreading among Hispanics? They are the most conservative of all. 10% of Black students? And here I thought Black women were not having this insanity.

It makes sense that an ideology with deep roots in traditional gender roles would get popular among youth raised in a culture that already reinforces traditional gender roles. For gay kids in those communities, they might be coping with homophobia by trying to change sex.

All the more important to have solid LGB resources and outreach. LGB. Not T.

Latching their T onto LGB has been nothing but harmful.

At my previous site, I didn't see the black girls or asian girls or the white girls doing anything quite like this. I asked my colleagues about it - pre-TRA craziness - and there was some speculation about a response to sexual abuse.

Wow, that was shocking and sad. I've often heard there is a lot of violence and sexual violence in many Hispanic homes. There is everywhere, not just Hispanic homes, but if the area is majority Hispanic, then the victims will also be majority Hispanic.

A huge investigation needs to be launched into this. Is a rise in sexual abuse behind the TIF craze? It has to be. Of course, this abuse has always gone on, but clearly the Gender Lobby is preying on the victims now.

Vita #sexist #transphobia

Trans Movement is about enabling men to be Cowards

When perverts flash, grope, and harass women in public, it's upsetting to the women, but it's troubling to men too. Because men might have to step up and do something, say something to those perverts.

Now, all the harassment is done out of sight of the "good guys." The pervs can go into the shelters and restrooms without fear of getting punched by a woman's husband/brother/father/friend.

You know how men turn a blind eye to sex crimes that happen in the family home? This is like the public version of that.

All men are cowards.

Too afraid to fight for weaker people (women will defend other women & children though, at risk to themselves!)

Too cowardly to be fashion-forward (women wore pants and new fashions in public, even if they got ridiculed!)

Too cowardly to face the consequences of their actions (trying to get out of men's prisons.)

Too afraid to face their own vices and weaknesses (AGP can only be treated if they admit they have it!)

My granny has more guts than most men I've met.

When you go through life on easy mode there's no need to become strong or brave.

Riothamus & Avadavat #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

Women transition to escape the trauma men inflicted upon them. Men transition to escape responsibility for the trauma they inflicted upon women.

I know others have noticed this same general trend. It seems that most FtMs suffered some horrible abuse in their formative years. In contrast many of these disgusting Reddit MtF mods seem to have charnel houses' worth of skeletons in their closets. Everyone knows you're watching this site, Bardfinn. Maybe you should get a fucking job and pay off your child support obligations.


Another way of thinking about this: men transition in an attempt to leave the oppressor class; women transition in an attempt to join the oppressor class. Neither attempt works because no one seriously views the individual as part of the class s/he is seeking to join.

I think some men "transition" because they live in a delusional Pornhub/ Tumblr/ Reddit cyber bubble, believing that 1) Woman = nubile young human female ONLY (most other women...more mature, older women) are irrelevant, an annoyance, or an impediment to their fulilling their sexual fantasies; 2) women's lives are easier and that women are able to manipulate men into doing what they want; 3) Man = responsible, accountable, and downtrodden by the female sex, and they're sick of it; and 4) if they transition, they'll have more access to sex.

I think some women "transition" because they live in a delusional Pornhub/ Tumblr/ Reddit cyber bubble, believing that 1) Woman = object to be sexually objectified, humiliated, and assaulted by be choked. spat upon, raped, etc; 2) women's lives are only about maintaining their sexual allure for men (even outside porn, ubiquitous, relentless advertising tells girls and women that their skin is too hairy, too wrinkly, too "crepy"; their bodies are too fat or too muscular; etc.); and, 3) Man = responsible, revered, the creator of civilization (despite men's depraved behavior these women encounter in porn).

kopfinhand #moonbat #transphobia

Parallels Between TIMs and Police (and Priests Too)

1. Maleness and power are worshipped and are seen as one
2. Women suffer at the hands of these men, but things only get done when another man is affected.
3. They are above the law.
4. When they commit crimes, they are not punished but shuffled into obscurity.
5. They cannot be questioned lest you be deemed TERF, anti-country, heretic.

If you have anymore examples, please add.

rezkidsinlove #moonbat #transphobia

They need to hear that some cultures having special roles for gender-non-conforming people does not mean people didn’t know what male and female were. I hear the Two-Spirit identity used soooo much in this discourse, especially in Canada

It really is ridiculous.

TRAs/libfems'll say things like 'Native American cultures were so enlightened! They worshipped two-spirits! They were largely matriarchal, they respected women, women were so precious to the tribes!'

And like - that point is debatable, but have you thought WHY they might have held women in such high esteem?

Because women were the ones that gave birth and created life, you absolute morons! Native women weren't celebrated (if they were celebrated) because some 'uwu so girly, so soft' aesthetic. It was because they were able to carry children and give birth. If there WAS such a high prevalence of two-spirit-ism as they say there was, certainly those two-spirit people weren't treated 'the exact same as women!'

Like, just thinking pragmatically. An enemy tribe is attacking your village -- you have a woman able to help birth new members of the tribe, vs some mentally ill man who wears womens clothes. WHO ARE YOU SAVING?

(Likewise, a woman who thinks herself a man decides she wants to join the war party -- you think the men are going to entertain this idea, when she's one of a handful of women of child bearing age in the tribe? You think they're going to risk it? Theres a reason two-spirit was mostly a male thing.)

It really is a breathtaking lack of thinking critically, 'if X is true, then therefore Y...' They really think all native tribes lived in harmony in teepees, smoking weed, making flower crowns, and not knowing a penis from a vagina up until Christopher Columbus landed on our shores.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Mississippi votes to ban transgender athletes from girls' and women's teams | TheHill

...and everyone will be like oh it's Mississippi, so backward! And blue states will double down and write some bizarro woke laws enshrining TIMs in girls sports but with some extra woman-hating flavor that will pass with 100% of the dems voting for it. Even though with everything else dems don't agree on anything and wind up splintering before getting anything passed. emits 10 min long sigh

Who knew it would be the liberals cheering for the swift death of women’s sports. Such feminism.



I know right? How are all the TW soooo naturally gifted? Must be their work ethic because it cannot possibly be anything else!

The headline is so misleading. It bans BOYS from competing on girls' teams, not ALL trans-identifying teens. No, we don't want to "ban transgender students from sports" - we want boys to play on the boys' teams.

It really just goes to show that no one gives a flying fuck about any trans other than XY trans. What does that look like, again? Oh yeah...misogyny!

Exactly. No one fucking cares if natal girls play on boys' teams. Also I hate how it's framed as an issue of "children." We're not talking about 5 year olds or 10 year olds. We're talking about natal male athletes competing in high school sports. Post-puberty. Therein lies the issue. If this was about elementary school, no one would care.

Not true. Prepubescent boys have a notable throwing advantage over prepubescent girls, and even over grown women. It’s biological and innate to the male sex.

MiMi2013 , pennygadget & Kriegerin #transphobia

RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights

( MiMi2013 )
I don't care.

This woman's suicide is being used as propaganda for full infiltration of trans people into places segregated by sex ; however irritating it is for men to have trans "men" foisted on them , they're in no danger from these females.

Trans woMEN, OTOH, are a danger to women : How many more incarcerated women have to be assaulted by criminals willing to self ID into their spaces-? How many more school children have to make themselves sick because they're unwilling to use unisex toilets-?How many more college students have fully intact trans "girls" invading their showers and locker rooms -? How many more allegedly 'public' places (including hospitals, gyms, store changing rooms or restrooms) have to be made de facto off limits to women, because of trans invasions-?

I care about the female victims of these policies, and I do not think this girl's suicide is such a big loss to the world as to make it the justification for a ceasing of the long overdue pushback on trans woMEN invasions. And I make no apologies for this stance.

( pennygadget )

It was an argument she also address to the senate in February - when she warned 'the world is coming after them,' referring to trans people like her son.

This melodramatic language helps no one. "The world is coming after them"? I hate to play Oppression Olympics, but if that was all it took to trigger suicide, 99% of the Jewish population would be dead via suicide. American slaves, Jews in Nazi Germany, and women in Afghanistan didn't have the suicide rate that trans people supposedly have. So framing a trans person's suicide as the result of oppression is both incorrect and a slap in the face to people who are actually marginalized

( Kriegerin )
Right? Women, Jewish people, black people, disabled people all suffer from actual oppression, yet their number one solution isn't killing themselves.

These are severely mentally ill people and instead of therapy we give them snake oil and mutilation, duh they're gonna kill themselves...

various commenters #transphobia

( EvilTerfyTerf )
So how's everybody feeling about Greta Thunberg coming out as a TRA handmaiden
She didn't even tweet out a generic 'I love trans rights' slathered over the ugly flag. She retweeted that one transactivist bragging about shutting down the adult human female screening at Edinburgh university with a bunch of heart emojis.

Apparently it's 'believe the science' until men start claiming speshul women feelingz.

Suddenly I feel a lot less guilty about my carbon footprint and I feel a lot worse about criticizing my beloved Taylor Swift for her private jet trips this August. Burn the planet to the ground, my darling. At least once we're all dead, no woman will ever be subjugated under male supremacy again.

( klytaimestra )

Men can't be women – also a fact, but one Greta doesn't know and / or understand.


I am zero surprised about her stance on TRAs, and was pretty much waiting for this. It was obvious that she was going to struggle with womanhood. She had a fairly childish presentation of herself for a long time and taking that leap into becoming a woman and understanding what that entails was never going to be easy for her. Like for many young women, gender ideology offers a false hope that you can escape the abuses from patriarchy by choosing to believe in something else. If only it were that simple.

( Riothamus )
Is anyone surprised? Billionaires crafted this ideology to torpedo the Trust the Science(TM) parties all over the Western World.

You can't honestly expect people to believe you on scientific matters when you pretend to not know the difference between men and women.

( actualdyke )
let's be real, she always has been and always will be a shill for the corporate western media propaganda machine. we all know she simply regurgitates whatever party line she's spoonfed. this is completely unsurprising to me, the only surprising thing is that this is seemingly the first time she's bent over backwards for the TWAW cult.

also, sorry not sorry if this makes me a bad person, but this definitely makes me question the validity and legitimacy of her past activism. if you believe that men can be women and vice versa, how scientifically sound are your thoughts on climate change, actually?

various commenters #transphobia

TIM is offended that mothers don’t want him around their little girls in the public restroom

( legopants )
She's teaching her kids to be safe around men, not to fear women. She's doing everything right. die mad about it

( Sailor_Paradise )
There are videos of men jacking off in public bathrooms on porn sites and installing hidden cams as well.. So the fact they're saying there's no reason to fear a man in female's restroom with their child really shows how dumb they are. Fuck this guy. There's a reason why you see mother's bring their sons into the bathroom with even if they're 8+ because of the fear the moment they're alone they can get instantly raped or hurt by a strange man. If you're really afraid of transphobia don't use the bathroom or go to the gender neutral one. The op clearly doesn't pass as a woman at all not even a masculine one.

( redacted )
men in the bathroom is not a grey area, its a violation of boundaries.

i hope his mum was just trying to prevent him going off at her and doesn't sincerely believe that, but she should be telling her adult son to respect female only spaces.

( RusticTroglodyte )
She's probably scared of him. I would consider myself a complete fucking failure as a parent if my son grew up to be an autogynephile. His mom is either deluded or just drinks herself to sleep every night wondering where she went wrong

( Apricot_Ibex )
“Women who look like you” aka MEN have sexually assaulted children countless times in restrooms, you freak.

Cope and seethe that mothers are teaching their children to avoid/be cautious around strange MEN who are creepy, entitled, and aggressive enough to barge into a space where they don’t even belong.

( suupersami )
They always seethe the hardest when they're denied access to vulnerable populations, especially children. You don't see TIFs focused on getting unconstrained access to children.

( shewolfoffrance )
It says a lot about this movement that they demand concessions not from the relatively powerful, but the relatively weak.

( realityismykink )
also they're pedophiles

GraceHoward1729 & Champagne_Lasagne #transphobia

( GraceHoward1729 )
Misogynists are not welcome here.

💜🤍💚 Here are a couple of facts, as a friendly reminder:

Men who pretend to be women are men.

Women are female; men are male.

Lesbians are female homosexuals and exclusively own all sapphic spaces.

Calling men who pretend to be women "women" makes you a misogynist.

Lesbians are female homosexuals. Lesbians are not male heterosexuals. And no matter how much whining they do, misogynists can't change that fact.

This all doesn't need to be said, because reality exists independent of people's words. Reality doesn't require mass campaigns of psychological control with official contradictory slogans to be repeated ad nauseam; reality doesn't rely upon doublethink or propaganda-induced fear for compliance. I am not forgetting any facts, because reality is impossible to forget, not sorry.

( Champagne_Lasagne )
MEN are not welcome here.

💜 Here's a couple of facts, as a friendly reminder:

Transwomen are men.

All women have vaginas, all men have penises.

Enby lesbians are misogynist "not like other girls" women and are not welcome here and in all sapphic spaces.

Calling women "females" is degrading yet necessary, because some fuckwits refuse to acknowledge the meaning of "woman".

Lesbians are women who love women. Lesbians are only Cis women who love Cis women. And no matter how much whining they do, men and homophobes can't change that fact.

Evidently this all needs to be said all the time. Moids and handmaidens are always ignoring these types of facts however, fuck them.

Sprig_of_mint , shewolfoffrance & Bolero #transphobia

Genderwoo = the Satanic Panic?

One of my deepest areas of fascination is the 1980s Satanic Panic, which began by parents becoming convinced that their children's daycare was being secretly run by a cabal of Satanic pedophiles. This belief catapulted itself into mainstream American thought. Doctors, law enforcement, social workers, psychologists, and other authorities believed the lies that America was full of Satanic ritual abuse underground societies. They used slogans like "Believe the children" and "children don't lie" while using junk science and manipulative interviewing techniques to convince children and parents of Satanic abuse that literally never happened. There's a lot more to it, and I recommend those unfamiliar take a look. The general attitude from those my age who were only young children when this was going on is "what was everyone thinking? How could they have been so deluded?" Do you all think in a few decades everyone will the same way about transing kids? Here's what really gets me--for different reasons, but both the Satanic-panic-influenced Bible belters of my childhood and TRAs of today hate JK Rowling!

( shewolfoffrance )
One contrast I find interesting is that right now, it's the people who are raising the alarm about abuse who are accused of stoking a moral panic. I'm fairly sure that within 10-15 years massive lawsuits, journalistic exposés, and personal memoirs about detransition will force the issue into the sunlight.

And while the accusations of Satanic ritual abuse in the 80s were never substantiated, and never even plausible in the first place; the evidence of medical, sexual, and emotional abuse in gender activism is all right there. Many TRAs will even brag about it publicly. Off the top of my head I can think of Dr. Yeet the Teats, rapist Eli Erlick, and the promotion of suicide-baiting as a tactic to force family members to support transition.

( Bolero )
My favorite thing about the current era is that Michael "Jesse Singal is literally murdering trans people" Hobbes did a whole thing about Satanic Panic on his You're Wrong About podcast. I think it's actually where I first learned about Satanic Panic (before I listened to a couple of episodes where I'd had prior knowledge about the subject, and started mistrusting his reporting).


femlez34 & Califasauros #transphobia #enbyphobia

RE: What is the response people are looking for when they say they are “non binary”?

( femlez34 )
I think women say it thinking it's a magical spell to prevent people from treating them like women, aka sexually harassing them, talking over them in the work place, etc. It doesn't work though, everyone can see that they're female. Even within the trans community there is so much sexism directed at non-binary women and TIFs from TIMs, who have the gall to suggest these women have "male privilege".

To me as a lesbian, it's a signal that I don't want to date or befriend this woman because I can't stand all the drama that comes with it. Half of them want to be called lesbians while the other half are outraged if you call them one, and they refuse to give you any clues on this stuff, you're expected to be psychic. Many of them now aren't even androgynous or gender non-conforming. They're women who are all dolled up with tons of makeup and high heels, acting outraged that anyone calls them "she" or "ma'am". Then you have TIMs on the other side throwing a public fit if someone doesn't see their wonky eyeliner and assume that they want to be called "she" (see gamestop trans). Which is it?!?

As for your last question, no it has nothing to do with being "bi". "Bi" is an abbreviation for "bisexual". Anyone can be a bisexual, and many non-binary people are not bisexual, a lot of them are straight or gay. Sometimes the straight or bi ones call themselves "queer" instead, because you have to admit to having a gender yourself to use straight or gay.

( Califasauros )
This makes a lot of sense. For girls and women trying to escape societal expectations of what it means to be a woman (including, and perhaps, most importantly, what it means to be a woman in extreme online porn made by men for men), taking on a non-binary identity is a step not quite as drastic as taking on the identity of a trans man. Of course, there are those enbies who are quite extreme...those who have smoothing surgeries to make genitalia less prominent, those who have surgeries to remove nipples as well as breasts, but I think their numbers are still very small.

various Commenters #transphobia

RE: Fridge horror: the consequences of rapists changing their legal sex on record

( SakuraBlossoms )
A rape kit would obviously show the victim was raped by a man. If the rape victim is able to provide a description of the rapist, they'll of course also mention that they were raped by a male, because they were. No one would think semen left behind at the crime scene came from a "female."

I would argue that forcing everyone to pretend that men are women is also an impediment to stopping rapists and other criminals. Imagine police asking a TRA if they saw any men leaving a crime scene at a certain time. Would they be so intent on pretending they didn't recognize the obvious male because he had a wig on that they wouldn't mention him, knowing that he could be a potential rape suspect?

( crodish )
Well of course no one would think the semen would come from a female. The problem comes when you have to go through the database and instead of narrowing it down to only males, you now need to search through "female" as well, because those males may or may not have already had their legal sex updated to read "female". It's just extra work and a waste of time for everyone involved.

I'm not super clear on which countries have completely allowed for this, or if it IS actually a thing atm, but imagine the scenario where a law says yep, don't bother keeping the change history on records, just update it to whatever and that's that.

( La_Terfa )
I hate TIMs even more than I hate moids.

Oh, yeah, they're moids.

( Nerdylesbian )
What's a moid?

(La_Terfa )
That's the correct, scientific term for "males".

spacykate #ableist #enbyphobia

San Francisco's Bay to Breakers, known for its zany inclusivity, refuses to give awards to nonbinary runners

This is entirely ridiculous, this is a bunch of nobodies pretending that they're the same as the men's and women's elite runner category. Its like giving the retarded kid a BS award so they can stand on the podium too.

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( La_Terfa )

"*I demand someone else baby me and do everything for me, every detrans group is just for you women! Fuck you, men need support and love and obedience.*"

Well, guess what: no. Stop demanding that women do things for you while being openly lazy, moid. The reasons why women transition are completely different from why men transition, anyway. Women transition for reasons that warrant sympathy and support, such as trauma, sexual violence, etc. Males usually transition because of their disgusting fetishes about being a "big tiddy catgirl", which they acquire after viewing grotesque porn.

Sorry that you ruined your body and your life because of a masturbatory fantasy, Kevin, but I'm busy supporting women with genuine problems and hardships. Go cry in your moid cave. Now that you don't have a dick to distract you, maybe you can even do something productive.

( butchplease )
Oh. I just realised. He doesn't ACTUALLY want a male space, he wants to intrude into the female space.

He wants the female space to be centred around HIM.

He wants the female space to be dominated by HIS voice and the voices of other men.

He wants the female space to exist for HIS gratification.

He wants the female space to submit to him.

All men are the same. Fuck him big time.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
And chances are 100% he was EXACTLY like this when he was pretending to be a "woman"- entitled to women's spaces, time, effort, and emotional labor with ZERO effort on his part and ZERO care if he made women uncomfortable.

( hmimperialtortie )
Screw them. They got into this through their porn addictions and hatred of women. Go make your own groups, scrotes. Other blokes do it, they make their Men’s Shed groups for mutual support.

( La_Terfa )
Male "mutual support" is only skin deep though, since they aren't that capable of empathy.

( proudcatlady )
And it’s usually harmful. I genuinely don’t think men should meet up without female chaperones. Get a bunch of men together and something violent is going to happen eventually. These guys will just bond over their misogyny.

butchplease , homosuperior & Owlchaser #transphobia

RE: Quotes from transwomen

(butchplease )
What upsets me the most is that I'll never be able to hate these lowlife perverts as much as they hate us.

( homosuperior )
Don’t worry babe I can hate them enough for the pair of us!

( butchplease )
Thank you darling

( Owlchaser )
I don't see them as fully 'human', in the sense that they act more like predatory animals obsessed with sex. I think you trade something essential to being human for that level of hatred.

( butchplease )
Oof. I'm inclined to agree.

Several Ovarit-members #kinkshaming #ableist

RE: Tavistock Gender Clinic Lead Psychologist Supports Ageplay, Furries

(littleowl12 )
What pisses me off is that there's a growing number of people that think furries are just neurodiverse. And most of it is wholesome! If you're creeped out you're a neurobigot!

No, sorry, there's just too much overlap between furries and all pedophilic fetishes. I have every reason to keep you away from my kids and away from me.

( Gould2022 )
I’m still 100 percent convinced most of this bullshit, is targeted around reducing or removing age of consent. Legalise pedophilia. God knows what happens after that legalised sexual slave contracts? My mind is not deranged enough to identify other crazy shit

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes. They want all barriers to raping whoever they target removed - women, children, or animals.

( Researcher1536 )
This is a pro-predator movement through and through, and "be kind" and "don't kink shame!" are opening the door for utter depravity and harm.

( Gould2022 )
Pro-predator movement great statement

( hmimperialtortie )
Completely. They don’t want rape to be even nominally a crime.

actualdyke , hmimperialtortie & nopenottoday #transphobia #pratt

"No cis man would ever transition for nefarious reasons!!"

I've heard this argument countless times and it always makes me want to tear my hair out. Firstly, they don't even have to transition anymore - self-ID makes it so that all they have to do is say they are a woman and they can get into any intimate female space they want. But even if that weren't the case - do you really believe that a man wouldnt undergo transition just to have access to vulnerable women? Men go through years of med school to become gynecologists/doctors and abuse women. Men go through the entire process of becoming teachers and professors to be in positions of power over women and girls. They become fucking PRIESTS just to abuse children for christ's sakes. If a man wants to abuse women and girls, there is pretty much no means he will not go to in order to justify that end, certainly not a couple E shots and a wig and name change.

TL;DR libfems need to stop being wilfully ignorant and pretending that there is ANYTHING that men would not do in order to pursue their nefarious motives.

(hmimperialtortie )
There are no not-nefarious reasons for men to “transition”. They may claim to be poor sad HSTS on occasion but the whole concept of a man being able to become a woman - or even worse, “was always a woman” - is nefarious.

(nopenottoday )
They all know this argument is just a deflection from the real concern and it's that there's no difference between a guy pretending to be a woman and... a guy pretending to be a woman. They are ALL pretending to be women to access women's spaces. Second most important point, none of this is our fucking problem and we don't have to sit around and suffer assaults and boundary violations while we figure out which ones are "true trans." They are ALL sexual predators because they are men trying to force themselves in women's spaces. That's the uncomfortable truth.

SulphuricMirror #sexist

Men should be segregated into special ares where they can't expose us and children to their disgusting behaviour. I don't see why normal people (women and children) should have to co-mingle with men who are potentially just masturbating any goddamn place. If they are gonna act like chimps, then maybe they belong in zoos or nature reserves. Just saying.

Galko #transphobia

Radical feminists are the new lesbians. Basically, men will always want what they can't have. Now they figured out a way to demand they be accepted into lesbian spaces, guitling libfems into sleeping with them, and calling themselves lesbian. So, lesbians conquered. Now where's the next group of women saying, "No," that would be Radfems. We're saying no very loudly, so it's fueling their fetishes to conquer us as well. So, they're trying this shit, because it's no different than porn with "lesbians" that welcome in the pizza delivery guy.

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt

RE: How many autogynephiles are predatory, abusive, and/or dangerous?

All of them. 34 % (85 votes)
Most of them. 38 % (94 votes)
A small minority. 2 % (5 votes)
I don't know. 8 % (21 votes)
More research is needed to answer this question. 18 % (44 votes)

( actualdyke )
AGP in and of itself is predatory and certainly dangerous to women. how many AGPs are actually going to act upon that predatory mentality and harm women? i don't know (although it certainly seems like a lot). but how many AGPs are inherently predatory and dangerous to women? yeah, it's all of them. you literally cannot be an AGP if you don't fetishize, sexualize, obsess over, and deeply hate and disrespect women.

edit: and how could i forget to mention how it's basically impossible to have AGP without other paraphilias as well. from what i've seen of AGPs the most common ones are (auto)pedophilia and bestiality. so not only is AGP bad enough on its own, it almost always indicates even deeper and further levels of depravity and danger to others.

( GoodGoneGirl )
It depends on how you define “predatory”, “abusive” and “dangerous.” Is it predatory and/or abusive for an AGP (or any TIM) to force his way into women’s spaces? I’d argue that it is. Especially when those spaces are for women at their most vulnerable, such as the recent example of the TIM invading a female-only rape crisis group.

AGPs are doing this stuff to get off and they’re forcing women to go along with it. Rules are being bent and laws are being changed to accommodate them, so yes, I think every AGP who takes advantage of that is predatory and abusive.

As for being dangerous (will hurt, rape or kill) I think the number is going to be higher than for normal men. Maybe a bit higher, maybe a lot higher. That would be really hard to answer without more research.


( hmimperialtortie )
All of them. Even the so-called good ones who criticise those other AGPs. The concept is inherently abusive.

( momofreyrella )
All of them!

notyourfetish #pratt #transphobia


Althought the majority of men are awesome with men

Spoken like someone who is not a woman and doesn't know wtf he's talking about. But he's male, so of course he knows more about women's experiences than we do. Of course he thinks it's, like, two men who are committing 99.9% of all violent crime. Because when people lock their doors at night, it's in fear of women.

Trans women are mentally female

No such thing, you sexist piece of shit.

They entered a woman's restroom desperately not wanting to be noticed

Another lie. They enter a woman's restroom and get off on how uncomfortable it makes us. Then they leer and stare at us, record us with shoe cameras, glare threateningly at us if we look remotely uncomfortable with a large, menacing male in our space, and oh yeah, beat the living shit out of us if we ask them to leave.

It has happened multiple times because it's the majority of "transwomen," not a mere few boogeymen. But again, you know more about our experiences than us. You're a superior man, after all.

Many attempt to leave this world because of the hate

Then get therapy. It is not the entire world's responsibility to coddle your fragile porn-warped brains. It is not women's responsibility. Women don't exist to be your mommy or your therapist, and especially not at our own expense.

I spent years trying to run from being trans

Which shows how mentally ill you are because there is no such thing as being trans. You were born male and you'll always be male. Mutliating yourself won't change that. You do not have a female brain, you have the typical sexist male socialization, though.

There is no such thing as a female brain. Being a woman is not wearing a dress and pigtails and watching My Little Pony. How the fuck is that not sexist?


Owlchaser #transphobia #pratt

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] took out his penis and jacked off here, but you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] rooted through the sanitary product garbage and took out your used pads to put in his own underwear. But you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] was scouting this area to put in a hidden camera. So he could use that later to jack off at home, and/or to post the footage online. But you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] was listening to the sounds coming from your stall, while you were at your most vulnerable, and had some truly disgusting thoughts. He was also leering at you between the cracks in the stalls while you weren't looking. But you 'll never know."