Donald Trump

Mike Adams #conspiracy

The Trumpster is right: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'mind is shot' because she was brain damaged by chemotherapy in 2009... (and hasn't been able to think straight since)

Three days ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg went on a discombobulated verbal rampage against Donald Trump, calling him a "faker" and claiming that if he were elected president, "then everything is up for grabs."

She then went on to declare that everybody should "move to New Zealand" where, apparently, they can all wear their liberal tin foil hats together while America finally builds a wall to keep them all out.

But what almost nobody seems to remember about all this is that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was brain damaged by chemotherapy in 2009. As this NY Daily News story explains, she underwent chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer that year.

Chemotherapy is a systemic poison that damages the brains, kidneys and hearts of those who undergo the procedure. As oncologists well know, chemotherapy causes "chemo brain" -- a form of chemically induced brain damage that severely impairs cognitive ability by damaging brain cells. It's far worse than the brain damage you'd suffer from sniffing glue or consuming meth, by the way.

Chemo brain is a medically recognized side effect of chemotherapy, and even the Mayo Clinic describes chemo brain side effects as including:

* Confusion
* Difficulty concentrating
* Difficulty finding the right word
* Feeling of mental fogginess
* Short-term memory problems
* Taking longer than usual to complete routine tasks
* Trouble with verbal memory, such as remembering a conversation

Does this sound exactly like Ruth Bader Ginsburg? You bet it does!

kevinp2 #fundie

Khizr Khan is of course free to denounce Trump on a political platform, but then he becomes part of the political platform for better or for worse.

If we had a media, they would point out that Khizr Khan is an immigration lawyer who specializes in immigration from Muslim countries and opposes Trump's plan to limit immigration from Muslim countries. Perhaps a conflict of interest?

Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration

Khan has also said that the nasty Donald Trump has a "black soul" and "blackness of character", using racist imagery that is not OK to African Americans.

Khan claims that Trump does not understand the Constitution, but even as an immigration lawyer does not mention that the Immigration Act of 1952 gives the President the power to exclude "any class of people". And Khan also has a history of writing favorably about Sharia law and implying that it will supersede the Constitution.
Quote: Khizr Khan ... is an attorney who has previously written in a law journal about Islamic law. He specifically wrote about the purity of the Quran and the Sunnah over all other texts and interpretations.

All of this is fair game in a political debate. Khan has the right to say whatever he wants, and to be questioned for it.

Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha #fundie

[Hillary Clinton opposes Donald Trump's proposal temporarily to exclude all Muslims from entering the United States]

Not according to Hillary, if she wants the rest of us to love love love then show us an example. let Chelsea become a wife of a Radical Muslim who already has a dozen wives and wear a Burqa. it is not that much to ask.
Think of it this way that Muslim man is not getting a great deal having Hillary as his mother in Law

VeryHighEnergy #fundie

Classic violent liberals. Why can't you be civil? Use your mouth words, retard.

Edit: Everybody say it with me now.... PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP

I'd also like to add: We all know that Republicans are not the ones killing cops, rioting in the streets, terrorizing conventions, protesting every event the opposition holds... I mean laugh all you want at what I said but you cannot deny that Democrats have proven they are the party that uses violence to try to silence the opposition. Correct The Record shills, COME N GET IT.

Bruce #conspiracy

Here's the situation. Trump broke ties with the Illuminati to restore the old order and prevent the new. He wanted to end the notion that globalization is the best way forward, that a more diverse society is better, and that creating a welfare state is progress. All of these were key Illuminati objectives. Now that he's president and defied the odds of getting elected, he is dismantling the Illuminati, but the order will not go down without a fight. It has mobilized every resource it has to ensure that Trump's presidency is a short one. The media, celebrities, and corrupt foreign powers are all working to stop the Donald. Their goal is simple, force him to resign or get an impeachment.

As we write this, little is known about what is truly happening in the Trump White House. The media cannot be trusted and deciphering fact from fiction is difficult with all of the Illuminati agents creating bogus stories. What we do know is that the firewalls are up. It's not that Trump doesn't want to be transparent, it's that he can't be. Transparency requires an honest media or it fails. How can anyone know what Trump wants to do when the media is a bad joke.

What's even scarier is how the media is beginning to manipulate stories through computer imaging. Technology has advanced to where CGI can replicate humans in live action movies. You can bet the Illuminati is creating fake images and then broadcasting them across the airwaves to feed us a lie. That press conference on February 16th was probably fake, a CGI orchestration that took months to produce. You can also bet that Trump's Twitter has been hijacked by the Illuminati. This is a scary time. The president may be completely isolated and unable to enact policy as the fake media has rewritten the narrative.

When this actually occurred is anyone's guess. It may have occurred a few days ago or even a couple of weeks ago. We do know that Trump was sworn in and moved into the White House. All else is complete mystery. The meetings with foreign dignitaries could have been faked. We believe the executive orders were real. The Illuminati would not tolerate such things.

Everything feels strange now, like a blackout has enveloped the world. There is a war going on with Illuminati trying to return things back to its idea of normal. Difficult times are ahead but do not trust the lies the order is spewing. To conclude, Trump is being attacked on all fronts. They are trying to force him to resign. His cabinet may have been infiltrated, and the media is using CGI to make its lies appear convincing.

Ghost #fundie

It was late March of 2016, and I made the decision to bring back the True Capitalist Radio show because Donald Trump was running for President. The Internet seemed as if it was mostly unified for that short period of time. Pepe the Frog, MAGA, dank memes and 4chan’s /pol/ seemed like they dominated the Internet in its quest to elect Donald Trump. I looked forward to broadcasting at that time, for I knew I was a part of something the world had never seen. The Internet’s influence superseded the main stream media and had a direct affect on world affairs.

Later in the Summer of 2016, I announced the “Summer of Digital Chaos.” prior to the major WikiLeaks data dumps (not to mention all the other digital damage we did that year). It was a time when so many people were singularly motivated behind one belief; to make Trump President. The spirit was so intense, it was literally magical.

But that all changed once Trump was elected President. The Alt-Right personalities showed that they were nothing more than attention whores. Meme soldiers went back to playing videos games, watching cartoons or trolling for no good reason. Even 4chan’s /pol/ lost its luster by resorting back to /b/-like activity. It’s as if everyone on the Internet stopped being seriously political; as if it never happened.

It’s a sad sight to witness, but it underscores why these politicians are so confident in their corrupt ways. They know, at some point, the public stops being political and goes back to sleep. Hence, why Donald Trump has had a hard time passing his agenda even though its a Republican dominated Congress. The Internet movement that got Trump elected has abandoned him almost completely, and no one in Congress is feeling the political pressure of the once feared “Trump Train.”

Now that it’s 2017, its a completely different feeling. It’s as if the previous year never happened and the Internet is back to its useless trolling, harassing and hacking ways. What happened to the Meme Magic? Video games, trolling and cartoons killed it. And the proof? Just look around the Internet today! Instead of the Internet becoming the mainstream media, it has reverted back to the digital wasteland where people use it to exercise their evilness behind the veil of supposed anonymity.

I will never forget 2016, for I believe we will never see a year like it ever again. I’m glad I was apart of it, witnessed it and actually experienced it first hand.


We are the ones being freed from the oppre$$ion of the N.W.O. cabal of evil "illuminazi$" by our 'Moses' President Donald J. Trump! Trump is protected by God Almighty, the deep $hyt $tate is starting to UNRAVEL BEFORE OUR EYES!!! Just as predicted by Mark Taylor and many other religious prophets, seers and even PSYCHICS!!!

church mouse guy #pratt #fundie

It is the American left that clearly does not want free speech. They think that free speech obstructs their agenda of a leftist dictatorship and they think that free speech is not a God-given right. The Masters of the Universe have sided with the American left. Also, the American left has sided with jihadi psychopaths in an alliance to obtain power by violence. What the American left does not understand at all is that the jihadi psychopaths will turn on them once Christians, Jews, and capitalists have all been silenced in the USA. The reason that jihadi psychopaths will turn on the American left is that Muhammad said to slay everyone who was not a member of Islam.

So meanwhile the American left is busy silencing the opponents of socialism/communism and the opponents of homosexuality and the opponents of jihadi psychopaths. It does not matter that you are a refugee from communist brutality or that you teach Christian morality or that you are just teaching what jihadi psychopaths say in Arabic in some Indianapolis mosque.

I believe that the American left and their violent jihadi psychopaths will win power in America. As I said before, I then think that the jihadi psychopaths will take power away from the American left by using the lack of free speech that the American left is now instituting. The jihadi psychopaths will say that the American left is slandering the prophet Muhammad. As President Obama said at the UN on September 25, 2012, The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

Katherine Timpf wrote in National Review yesterday that 41 percent of American university students believe that hate speech such as defined as speaking against the leftist agenda should be punished. Here are a couple of paragraphs from what she said:

What’s always been the most interesting to me is that it seems as though most of the people who want to crack down on people’s First Amendment right to free speech are also people who are very liberal, the same kinds of people who often claim that President Donald Trump is a Nazi. In other words: They want the government to have the power to control speech, they think that the head of the government is a literal Nazi, and yet they don’t see any irony in that. It truly blows my mind.

Everyone isn’t always going to like every person in a position of power in this country, and that’s exactly why we need to keep our speech completely free. If we don’t do that, then our right to speak our minds is subject to the whims of whoever happens to be in power at that time — and that person might have a different view on what kind of speech is or is not acceptable. It could get very scary: If a leader, for example, decided that he or she considered any speech criticizing him or her to be “hate speech,” then we could even lose our right to place a check on government power using our First Amendment right to be critical in that way.

So what are we to do about hateful speech? We speak out against it. That’s right: The way to stop others from saying hateful things is not to use government power to silence them, but rather to use our own freedoms to combat what they say. After all, the only way to ensure that the government doesn’t have the power to police what we say is to make sure that we never give it that power in the first place — because the same laws that could be used to stop speech you don’t like could also at some point be used to silence you.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. --Barack Hussein Obama

Donald Trump #conspiracy

In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!

Thomas Kollowitz #conspiracy

When a 'prince' puts up BILLIONS to erase Trump... When billionaire Soros puts up BILLIONS to erase Trump... When PUTIN, a socialist, contacts Trump and tells him to be careful because PUTIN had evidence there was a HIT out for Trump.... When media, GOP, and DEMs are using every tactic to destroy Trump..... How can ONE MAN scare the pants off so many people?????? AND WHY???????
Any intelligent person would understand quickly and easily: Trump is on to their plans to destroy America and her allies, and to take control and employ sharia law.
In 1979, a leader in The Muslim Brotherhood, VERNON JARRETT, wrote a column for The Chicago Tribune. He stated that the Brotherhood intended to dump millions into creating racial hatred in America and take over. He said they estimated it would take THIRTY YEARS for the plan to work.
1979 - 2009??? Thirty years!
Right about that time there was a nationwide story about a young black girl who was supposedly gang raped by several white men. Remember TAWANA BRAWLEY???? The first time ever hearing the name AL SHARPTON? JESSE JACKSON? And learning the rape was made up. Tawana was probably paid quite handsomely for going along with the story that ruined her life.
The LA RIOTS followed. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Black only pageants, TV channels, movies, neighborhoods, gangs, colleges, scholarships, and the list goes on. Suddenly, they were BLACK, not colored. AFRICAN AMERICAN instead of Negro.
A very interesting tidbit here is the picture that was associated with the article: several Muslims in Royal garb, standing around a very young black man who was signing a document. This black male looks identical to a young Obama, who has been groomed most of his life to fool Americans as the final task in the 30-year plan to destroy America and Americans.
Now, do you know who lives in the White House and keeps Obama under her thumb? VALERIE JARRETT!!!! She is the daughter-in-law, and bigwig in The Muslim Brotherhood, to the now deceased former head of The Muslim Brotherhood, VERNON JARRETT.
Look up '1979 Vernon Jarrett,' 'Operation PAPERCLIP,' 'Iran Revolution,' 'Vaccines and Population Control.' Ask WHY FEMA (concentration) camps have sprouted all over America since 2008 and ask who is running them? Ask what happened to the missing Billions of dollars from Hillary's State Department account, and where the millions in ammunition and billions is weaponry and tanks and armored vehicles went that was purchased in 2008.
Tell me again how ONE MAN can scare the pants off SO MANY - especially in the Muslim world.
Donald Trump is not a politician. He is a very smart businessman and a wonderfully dedicated father and family man. He has made mistakes, been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and has taken a lot of hits. He does NOT need anyone's money, he has thousands of his own personal friends, and he CANNOT BE BOUGHT.
He does NOT need the title of POTUS. He is already PRESIDENT of so, so many companies. He does not need to be the king of anything except his home - his own castle.
Most importantly, and think about this carefully, he certainly does not need to have to constantly 'duck and cover' from the hundreds of death threats he keeps getting - mostly from foreign princes and rich Americans who are entrenched in the bowels of NEW WORLD ORDER and THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.
So tell me, why would a man who has it all, who wants for nothing, who has success, who has the love and admiration of his gorgeous wife and intelligent children ......... who has no truly definable or understandable reason to put himself out there, where is has to deal with death threats and name-calling and hectic schedules ....... Why would he do it?
I will tell you why. Because he has been around the block more times than most. He has done business in almost every developed foreign country. He has been offered bribes, maybe even been offered the moon, and been threatened about having to do deals with the NEW WORLD ORDER, THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, and other dastardly, murderous, criminal organizations. And he is WELL AWARE OF THEIR PLANS TO DESTROY AMERICA and implement SHARIA LAW!!
Donald Trump knows he has the power, the money, the business sense, the support, and the wherewithal to bring those organizations to their knees. And that he MUST for the sake of his family. We Americans are lucky enough to GET TO ride ON the coattails of his patriotism and love for his family and friends.
Donald Trump, with all that he has, is putting HIS LIFE on the line for US! For AMERICA. And for AMERICA's ALLIES.
What will he get in return???? What does he need????? Nothing. Except for the safety, security and future for his family and for America.
If it is left up to the GOP and DEMS, they will MURDER TRUMP before we ever have an election!!!!!
Did you know there are hundreds of FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS all over America right now, LOADED with muslin terrorists ARMED better than our military (thanks to Hitlery and obummer!)
They are waiting for obummer to call MARTIAL LAW so they can attack! And all that will take is for some of you to react to the threats, intimidation, Black Lives Matter, and others being PAID BY AYRES AND SOROS AND SAUDI PRINCES to STOP TRUMP!!!

Jerome Corsi #conspiracy

It’s becoming increasingly clear, just days before Barack Obama’s bid for re-election, that America still doesn’t know much about the man who has lived in the White House for the last four years.

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s challenge to Obama to release his college and passport records in exchange for a $5 million donation to Obama’s charities, here’s another secret from Obama’s life of mystery and make-believe.

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert contends President Obama has altered his facial profile for the national stage of American politics, citing two nationally known cosmetic surgery experts he consulted who concluded Obama had a “nose job.”

“It appears Obama had some aesthetic refinement,” said plastic surgeon J. David Holcolm.

Gilbert is the producer of “Dreams from My Real Father,” a documentary distributed by the millions to swing states that argues the late Communist Party USA activist Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s biological as well as ideological father, not Barack Obama, the Kenyan, who came to Hawaii as a student in 1959.

“Obama has gone to great lengths to obscure his past,” Gilbert said. “Now, in addition to the alleged document forgery and photographic forgery by Obama to hide his true identity, we now have evidence of facial forgery.”


Gilbert suspects Obama had the surgery because he was “concerned he was looking too much like Frank Marshall Davis as he got older.”

“I don’t think it was a coincidence that Obama chose to undergo a rhinoplasty before running for U.S. Senate and facing the national spotlight,” Gilbert said. “If Obama was identified as Davis’ son, it would connect the Marxist dots of Obama’s entire life journey.”

Gilbert said Obama “needed the Kenyan father fairy tale to misdirect the public away from the fact that he is a red diaper baby, the child of a Communist Party USA propagandist and Soviet agent.”

Gilbert told WND he’s received hundreds of emails people who have received a copy of his documentary in the mail, and the main message is “good folks don’t like it when they’ve been lied to.”

Roger Sone #conspiracy

Nothing screams "Buy my book!" louder than an assassination attempt on the author using a radioactive substance "suspected in the death of former PLO leader Yassar Arafat."

Or the contention that it's all twisted up with a "fabricated" Russian-hacked 2016 presidential election. OMG! Can movie rights be far behind?

Now, I'm not going to say the story going viral on Drudge about Roger Stone's brush with death is some kind of publicity stunt. In fact, I'm personally vowing never to accept a cocktail from a fire-eyed, raging, known-liberal activist until the beverage first passes under a Geiger counter. On the other hand, Stone's latest book, The Making of the President 2016 -- How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution, is due out Jan. 31. Some might call the timing suspicious.

The flamboyant Republican operative revealed Tuesday on radio's "The Alex Jones Show" he was poisoned several weeks ago "with, they now say, a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium. This made me exceedingly ill. The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill.”

Stone tweeted, "Yes, I believe I was poisoned to stop me from exposing the 'Russian Hacking' LIE b4 the Congressional Investigation." says, "Polonium-210 is a radioactive substance that releases extremely harmful alpha particles throughout the body producing cancer-causing free radicals. It has been used in numerous high profile assassinations, including that of former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko, and was suspected in the death of former PLO leader Yassar Arafat."

Stone contemplated who may have been behind the assassination attempt, and it gets a little ... well, Stonesque ... as the Miamian fingers Democratic opposition and dark forces within the intel community.

“Who would want to do this to me? I am an enemy of the deep state. I think people know that I was an insider in American politics. I was close to power in nine presidential elections.

Johann #racist

If ever a video proved that Trump was a Jew puppet, this is the one.

Until I had watched it, I hadn’t been quite sure of why Trumpstein had decided that Saudi Arabia ought to be the destination for his first trip abroad as president?

But now we know : the Jews told him to go! And as a good Goyboy, the Donald gladly and without questioning obeyed his beloved masters.

Carrie Prejean #fundie

I will never forget one year ago, Nov 8, 2016, my former boss, and friend Donald J Trump became our 45th President!!! A complete outsider- successful business man and WINNER at everything he does. We took our country back from the corrupt politicians who were keeping our people suppressed, while making millions for their own personal gain. All talk and no action. We finally have a president who is FOR America and FOR the People.

bluecollarCEL #sexist

Feminism/Women Working/Hookup Culture has been an absolute nightmare. My 35yo oldcel observations on the state of Modern Women.

at the age now where I can see what is happening in these Nightmare Times, meaning I can see how life has ended up for the majority of my peers.

Some of my observations:

A ton of 40 something women going through midlife crisis and throwing their husbands out like fucking garbage.
Young 20 something women who are crazy liberal/sjw/pc freaks. They have colored hair and think that Donald Trump has "done" something to them on a personal level.
Women in their 40's who are childless and think that they can still have kids safely.
A shit ton of women in their 30's who are single mothers.

And as for my peers from HS/College(35yo):

I see a bunch of women who do have husbands but have 0 kids. Why did they even bother getting married. These are the so called "Career Women". They think some stupid fucking job is more rewarding/satisfying/gratifying than being a mother to a bunch of beautiful kids.

I also see a bunch of women that have only 1 fucking kid. 35yo and only 1 fucking kid. Back in the 1950's these chicks would of had 4-6 kids. And of course all of em did the alpha bucks and married some beta schmuck.

And then the rest of em are single Roasties who have jumped from cock to cock. 35yo: no husband, no kids, living in a shitty apartment but they have "Muh Career".

As for the men:

A lot of guys who have bastard kids. These dudes are paying Child Support.

Guys who have married below their level. A 4-5 guy marrying a 3-4 chick. They would of had looks-matched women in the past.

And a lot of the guys are single. The majority of the single guys are working shitty jobs. They aren't ugly or anything but they have limited money. I'm guessing these guys LDAR with their hobbies.

Ted Cruz #fundie

Both Republican and Democratic candidates have been courting Jewish voters ahead of Tuesday"s New York primary vote, looking for an edge in competitive districts with large Jewish populations.

Orthodox Jews, who make up a significant portion of New York"s Jewish population, have become an important bloc in the New York primary for both parties.

Ted Cruz and John Kasich recently visited matzah bakeries in Brooklyn, while Donald Trump met with a group of reporters representing Orthodox news outlets.

Some candidates have even launched Yiddish-language ad campaigns micro-targeting New York"s Hasidic population.

While Orthodox Jews tend to lean more Republican than Democrat by a margin of 55% to 31%, some Hasidic sects, including the staunchly anti-Zionist Satmar, have lent their support in the past to Democratic candidates.

Yiddish flyers distributed by a pro-Sanders group and bearing the official logo of the Sanders campaign, have targeted this niche audience by emphasizing the Vermont Senator"s disapproval of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Some of the flyers even employ the Hebrew curse "may the name of the wicked rot" in regards to Israel"s Prime Minister.

"Some self-interested haredi figures have attacked the Democratic candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, calling on [the Jewish public] not to vote for him. The real reason [for their opposition] is because Sanders refuses to bow down to radical right-wing Zionists, and because he does not agree with the radical policies of Netanyahu, may the name of the wicked rot".

By comparison, a Yiddish advertisement run by the Cruz campaign touted the Texas Senator"s conservative bona fides and religious faith.

"Presidential candidate Ted Cruz is the first and only since President Reagan who believes that God is the one who decides who will be elected president of the US, which is why he is confident that he will be elected."

Alex Jones #fundie

On Sunday, far-right radio host Alex Jones praised Donald Trump for his “idiot savant regular people skills” and “incredible mega-level charisma,” which is, Jones argues, “why every evil force out there hates Trump, because he’s good.”

Jones claimed that Trump is facing attacks from witches and devil-worshippers because of his closeness with God and his abhorrence of corruption.

The InfoWars network host then made the easily debunked assertion that Hillary Clinton hasn’t uttered the words “God bless America” in “decades,” claiming that Clinton only said it in a video message to the Democratic National Committee last week “because she must now be the counterfeit Christ.”

Matthew Heimbach #racist

A white nationalist leader accused of assaulting a young African-American woman at a Donald Trump campaign rally filed a countersuit on Monday claiming the president directed him and other supporters to remove protesters.

Matthew Heimbach claims in his federal court filing that he “acted pursuant to the directives and requests of Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President” and that, if he’s found liable for damages, “any liability must be shifted to one or both of them.”

RetroSpriteResources #sexist

Donald Trump is our leader and thus deserves the full respect of each and every one of his subjects. But feminists spit on him just because he's successful and male. They use content where he made harmless and playful jokes about women from back in his days as a comedian to claim that he's sexist when anyone with an IQ with at least 3 digits knows that our great leader would never actually do anything sexist. And yes, I would still support Trump if he was female. And yes, I would still forgive this female Trump if she said that she likes to grab men by the cock. You know why? Because that was just a harmless and playful joke.

Stephen Lendman #conspiracy

Stephen Lendman, author and journalist from Chicago, told Press TV’s Top 5 that the attack in a Berlin Christmas market may be a state-sponsored “false-flag” operation to push Germany to play a more active role in the so-called war on terror in the Middle East region.

The journalist opined that “very possibly dirty CIA hands were involved in what happened in Berlin.”

“Germany is a very important US ally and an attack like this could have been staged to get Germany aroused about ... terrorism to [keep] Germany on board of America’s imperial agenda in the Middle East,” Lendman said on Tuesday.

The European country has been “part of America’s imperial wars allied with the rogue regional states like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and the other [Persian] Gulf states,” he noted.

According to Lendman, “The timing [of the incident] coincides with the liberation of Aleppo, with the assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey and with the Electoral College in America confirming [US President-elect Donald] Trump’s election as America’s 45th president.”

Rev. Steven Andrew #fundie

Mike Huckabee is the number one presidential candidate for traditional marriage according to Rev. Steven Andrew, who leads USA Christian Church. He said, "Voters want to know the truth about the candidates. Analysis proves Huckabee is the presidential champion for marriage of one man and one woman only."

"The USA having Biblical marriage only is important because the Bible teaches God judges those opposing Him; no one wants to see God's great destruction of the USA. Voting for Huckabee is saying, 'God heal our land'," said the pastor. "With God's blessings, our lives and nation will prosper again.'"

The pastor gave five reasons why Huckabee deserves people's vote:

Huckabee holds firm that same-sex marriage is not law because the Constitution says Congress makes laws not the Supreme Court.

Ted Cruz said traditional marriage was not a priority; Last week Cruz was discovered fundraising with gay businessmen. Cruz is a hypocrite.

Ben Carson has more than a 15 year boardroom record of supporting gays at Costco and Kellogg, according to Reuters. God knows that Carson doesn't always follow Him. Sadly, Christians could be persecuted and harmed by Carson's compromise.

Even worse Christians could be jailed with Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. The reason is they think same-sex marriage is law. They don't follow the Constitution and are disloyal to our founding fathers and the 75% Christian majority.

We know the founders made homosexual sin illegal so God would bless the USA. They would agree with Huckabee and no one else.


"Voting Huckabee for president means God won't remove the USA in judgment for our sins. We know the Bible says God judges gay societies and none remain (2 Peter 2:6, Jude 7, Leviticus 18:25)," the ministry leader said. He hopes voters send Huckabee to the White House.

FairSharFairShar #fundie

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Monica Crowley on Why The Swamp Hates Donald Trump" -

She is so intelligent in every way. She gets it that Trump's tweets are needed desperately by all of us. It is the only way we are treading water. His tweets are stopping the nonsense that we have to deal with. He is fighting this culture war for us -- and most people have no idea what his tweets mean.

Even republicans want him to stop. They are not getting that if he didn't tweet as he does, no one would pay attention and the abuse from the left and the right of we people would continue. He has made some headway, little by little.

They are freaking out because of it too. They are trying to double down, but his tweets are so full of common sense and blunt-force truth that many people are figuring it out...people who normally don't pay attention even.

And that is why the dems are constantly all over him about tweets and some republicans.

The problem is that the swamp is so deep we need more than 8 years to clean it up and even then, it may be impossible.

The Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas -- they are all the same and they have had years to create this mess.

Sometimes I don't know how Trump gets up in the morning with all sides at him.

And I'm with Monica, I freaking love him.


The Comedian :D #conspiracy

Donald Trump and Tesla - Is the President a time traveler?

John Trump, the President's uncle at MIT, responsible for reverse-engineering Tesla's papers.

Did he build the time machine his nephew operates?

What else explains his being ten steps ahead of everyone on every issue?

About ALWAYS being right about what's going to happen next?

About defeating the largest vote scamming mechanism in human history, and winning against literally impossible odds?

He traveled from the past, saw America's future, came back, and changed future history.

He turned our Mad Max future into Star Trek.

Donald Trump (John Titor): American Timecop

T-Egan #sexist

No longer will employers have to pay for women's birth control thanks to Donald Trump. Things like this is what makes me even more confident that i backed the right candidate. I am loving reading the butt hurt and angry comments from people that are against the roll back, they are acting as if Trump banned birth control altogether. Unfortunately he doesn't have the power to do that. If women want to slut around then they should pay for it themselves. Yes i know that many women use birth control for other reasons other than pregnancy prevention but the majority of women that do use it use it for it's intended purpose. To prevent pregnancy, even those women that use it for other reasons also benefit from it's ability to prevent pregnancies, so they are essentially using it for two reasons. Pay for your own birth control sluts

Donald Trump #fundie

Donald Trump was asked about his favorite Bible verse in a Thursday radio interview, and he responded by citing an Old Testament law that Jesus specifically repudiated.

In the interview on news radio WHAM-1180 in Rochester, New York, host Bob Lonsberry asked Mr. Trump whether there was "a favorite Bible verse or Bible story that has informed your thinking or your character through life, sir?"

Mr. Trump responded with a Mosaic law rule an "eye for an eye," mentioned in several books, most prominently Exodus 21, Buzzfeed reported.

"Well, I think many. I mean, when we get into the Bible, I think many, so many. And some people, look, an eye for an eye, you can almost say that. That's not a particularly nice thing. But you know, if you look at what's happening to our country, I mean, when you see what's going on with our country, how people are taking advantage of us ... we have to be firm and have to be very strong. And we can learn a lot from the Bible, that I can tell you."

Unfortunately, an "eye for an eye" is one of the few Mosaic Law verses that Jesus singled out in the Sermon on the Mount as overcome, by the New Covenant that His death and resurrection would seal.

"You have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other," Jesus says in the famous sermon Matthew 5.

This is not the first time, Mr. Trump, who has suggested the IRS has been auditing him because he is such a strong Christian, has fallen on his face in efforts to appeal to Christians in the Republican Party base.

In a speech at Liberty University, he said that the evangelical school's slogan was from "Two Corinthians," rather than the near-universal spoken conventions of "Second Corinthians" or "the Second Letter of [St.] Paul to the Corinthians."

? #fundie

Atheists: Why do you wish USA to become a boring socialist country?

How are we supposed to get the good video games about guns if you try to turn it into a wussy scandinavian coward country that cant even defend itself properly without the military of the great USA. The EU has enemies of Russia and even USA Donald Trump dont like EU very much.

I mean Scandinavia is like a place you go to summer camp or some far away island. Not a place you go to do your work. So it should just be left alone. I live in Norway, but its basically a system of freeloaders. And USA should always have a hectic critical striving loaded system, with stress that can be tough on families so that they encourage poor people to work, honest work i mean. While the more lazier workers in Scandinavia are just that. Welfare checks, nothing really good is created. I mean its not like we have Microsoft, Xbox. Well those are all that i can come up with for the moment.

In terms of running a powerful state. Socialism would just make everyone a winner. No need to better the powerful armageddon nation when you can just be a freeloader. Which is not what USA should be about. You have to be number 1 afterall. Europe is having russians as enemies because europeans are technically freeloaders, and thats why north africans and criminals come there, aswell as imams making it into their new home.

Having a strong democratic authoritarian ship while banning one religion while being tolerant of others seems like the best way to go forward. Too bad most atheists are liberals.

Mack Major #fundie

When President Trump claims there is a WITCH hunt out to get him - that can be taken literally.

Have Christians forgotten that witches have been trying to get him removed from office since he won the presidency?

I'm curious how many Christians are praying for him to be successful - like we are commanded to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 - compared to how many have been nonchalantly hoping he'll fail, just like the witches are doing by consulting evil spirits against the man?

Funny how witches care more about politics than Christians do. What do witches know about the power of politics that Christians will regret NOT knowing in the near future? You cannot be a non-participant pacifist in the midst of a spiritual war!

Both Christians and witches claim to have supernatural power: theirs comes from evil spirits and ours comes from the Holy Spirit. Yet they seem far more dedicated to 'winning' through their demon power than Christians do with our Holy Ghost power! Jesus told His disciples:

"John said to Jesus, "Master, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he isn't in our group." But Jesus said, "Don't stop him! Anyone who is not against you is for you." John 9:49-50 NLT

Duh! I wish more believers understood this about Donald Trump. He's been very pro-Christian since he took the office. Instead it looks like the witches have cast an effective spell that even blinds the minds of many Christians.

This is why we must not be compromised in any way by sin or laziness. Sin allows an inroad for the enemy to bring confusion and harm against us. We don't all have to vote the same, but we should be clear-minded enough to see when God is moving through someone - whether we agree with them 100% or not.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out: if the demon-filled witches are against him, perhaps the Spirit-filled believer should be praying for him. That's just simple spiritual commonsense.

Pray for your President to win - not for his downfall. You never know: your destiny as a believer in this country may be directly tied to his success (or failure) as a President.

Bennie Smith #fundie

The article was a silly piece of low-grade, easily-recognized propaganda. In case Brian Hook is retarded and cannot make the jump from millions of voters (NOTE: The VOTERS are the Republican Party, not the few party leaders) agree, at least in part with The Donald, and could care less what cushy government jobs Brian Hook has held in the past or, more importantly, which ones he may or may not hold in the future. Those who have been feeding at the government trough, and actually believe what they think, believe or feel matters one iota to those of us who are the Republican Party are sadly mistaken. Let me add, I read only the first paragraph or two because I have read this article fifty times before, only the names are different. Please stop making your writers waste their time and ours by producing meaningless crap such as this tale of woe. Really. Please, just stop. Trump is the nominee and he will be the President and changes you do not like are going to be made. Grow up! The child-like antics are sickening.


AS TRUMP gets closer to our White House the main focus needs to be on his PERSONAL SECURITY, seeing that it's a 'no-brainer' that he is going 'against the tide' of those who have been used to 'controlling' everyone in Washington, DC!!!
LET US LEARN from the experience of John & Robert Kennedy on how dangerous it is to ....go against the tide in DC!!!

LET US PRAY that God keeps his most mighty Angels around Donald Trump to defeat any evil element that dares to approach him in his mission to save our country from Satan's minions that desperately want to destroy it,...Amen!

Sassy #fundie

If you a mock a believer you mock the God who made him and the saviour (in this case) who died for him.
Why do you believe that it is written:-

King James Bible
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

It isn't a personality contest of whether I like Donald Trump or Not. I believe in higher powers and that all powers are their by the will of God. Do I know why God put Donald Trump in power? Guessing and looking at facts in the world it could be because of the lack of the last president to help secure Israel the nation and the City of Jerusalem where they need to be. It could also, (which I do believe) be about end times coming into force and the powers that be finally being brought to book.
What I do know is that God is no ones fool he has told the end from the beginning.
My personal beliefs about Donald Trump as a man or business man has no bearing on the fact he is in power because God allowed it, and it will eventually serve the greater plans of God for the good and future of mankind.

You mention you have a faith Robinson. Well, so do I, but it is not based or founded in what others call the 'rights' and 'wrongs' of the world. It is based on belief in God and that he has everything worked out to the last detail.
If Trump is in power you need to know God has real good reasons for it.

Unknown #racist

Many thought that Obama was the first Jewish president of the United States; however, based on my racial examinations, I have concluded that twenty-four of the forty-five Presidents of the United States have been of Jewish ancestry. One can look to see if someone was or is Jewish by examining their facial and other bodily features.

George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Abraham Lincoln

Chester Arthur

Theodore Roosevelt (Rosenfelt?)

William H. Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren Harding

Franklin Roosevelt

Harry Truman

Dwight Eisenhower
Eisenhower's middle name was David. Most people named "David" are Jews.

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon Johnson

Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

Ronald Reagan

George H. W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

Donald Trump

Alternative Facts

Official sponsor of the Alternative Right

Kellyanne Conway #fundie

Washington (CNN) - White House press secretary Sean Spicer's false claims about the size of the crowd at President Donald Trump's inauguration were "alternative facts," a top Trump aide said Sunday.
In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," host Chuck Todd pressed Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway about why the White House on Saturday had sent Spicer to the briefing podium for the first time to claim that "this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period."
"You're saying it's a falsehood. And they're giving -- Sean Spicer, our press secretary -- gave alternative facts," she said.

Todd responded: "Alternative facts aren't facts, they are falsehoods."
Conway then tried to pivot to policy points. But later in the interview, Todd pressed Conway again on why the White House sent Spicer out to make false claims about crowd size, asking: "What was the motive to have this ridiculous litigation of crowd size?"
"Your job is not to call things ridiculous that are said by our press secretary and our president. That's not your job," Conway said.
Todd followed up: "Can you please answer the question? Why did he do this? You have not answered it -- it's only one question."
Conway said: "I'll answer it this way: Think about what you just said to your viewers. That's why we feel compelled to go out and clear the air and put alternative facts out there."
Trump himself directed Spicer to go to the White House briefing room to talk about the inauguration crowd size, Conway told CNN's Athena Jones on Sunday.
Aerial photos -- a 2009 shot from Getty compared to 2017 shots from television broadcasts -- show former President Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration appeared to draw a much larger crowd than the one at Trump's inauguration, while Washington's mass transit ridership and Nielsen television ratings also show Obama's first inauguration was a larger draw.
A source told CNN that Trump was enraged about photographic comparisons of the two inaugurations. Trump publicly complained about media coverage of the size of his inauguration crowd during a visit to CIA headquarters Saturday. Hours later, Spicer followed suit in the White House briefing room, then left without taking questions.

JedRothwell #conspiracy

No, it will be most of the top people in the field. You know, the people who wrote the textbooks, were elected Fellows of the Royal Society, and the people they named laboratories, buildings and academic medals after. Yeager, Arata . . . You call them "suspects." In academic science they are known as the elite, top, most respected, authoritative experts. Crackpots such as you often think you know better than experts when in fact you know nothing. You haven't even read the papers you are pontificating about.

One of the many odd things about cold fusion is that the people who replicated it and proved it are mainstream respected scientists, and the people who denounced it then and now were mainly ignorant crackpots. Yet the mass media and the public perception has it the other way around. This is what happens when people read nothing and know nothing about history or science. They say whatever pops into their heads, and others in the echo chamber believe them and repeat the nonsense.

Mary Yugo refers to distinguished scientists she has never heard of as "the usual suspects." Others simply assume she is right. No fact checking or knowledge is needed. Whatever your "view" is, it must be right. That's the Internet! The entire Wikipedia article on cold fusion is a compendium on this kind of fact-free nonsense. When I last checked, no actual information was included in it. The whole thing might have been authored by Mary Yugo. Every substantive assertion was either impossible or contrary to the facts. That's the modern era for you, featuring anti-vaccination crackpots, science denial, and Donald J. Trump.

Alex Jones #conspiracy

Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist radio host who Donald Trump says has an “amazing” reputation, devoted a segment of his radio program today to ranting about everything from President Obama to Satan-worship to eating babies.

After expressing outrage that “Islamic sleeper cell” Obama, who is “running jihad operations all over the Middle East and Africa,” is president, Jones shifted the subject to “Christian-murdering scum that run giant death factories keeping babies alive and selling their body parts.” Jones alleged that he has videos of supporters of these “death factories” yelling “Hail Satan! We want to eat babies.” The baby-eating theme recurred multiple times in the rant, with Jones quoting a debunked rumor that there is “Pepsi with baby flavoring in it.”

Jones also alleged that George Soros is leading a plot to install a “Stasi control grid” throughout America. According to Jones, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League are indoctrinating the police force and infiltrating the military, using “university communists” as their operatives.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

As of August 2015, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was 100% pro-death concerning abortion a decade ago, but now mysteriously has become pro-life to run on the conservative Republican ticket. It's all staged. Trump knows he'll never sit in the oval office as our nation's commander. He's not evil enough. It's a puppet position anyway, beneath Trump's caliber. The job of U.S. President has apparently been reserved for pot-smoking, pedophile-pervert, cocaine-using, draft-dodging, lying, satanic, murderous, homosexuals. I think Trump is like World Trade Center building #7 imploded on 9/11, thrown into the mix to add confusion, dissonance and act as a red-herring, to distract everyone from the truth that two criminal families have hi-jacked The White House. Trump has turned this into a media 3-ring-circus (as I believe he was asked by his Illuminati buddies to do)! I am very confident that Jeb Bush will be U.S. President in 2016. I could be wrong, but that's what I see from where I sit as a caring Christian citizen.

Hillary, a Democrat, likely won't win. If she did, it would be the first time since 1836 that a Democrat won after a seated two-term Democrat. I think this whole e-mail ordeal with Hillary is another red-herring. Hillary is so popular with the sicko public that they need an excuse for her to lose, and this might be it. Legally, Hillary could get 600-years in prison for obstruction of justice. The fact that she is laughing and joking about breaking the law shows that this is all staged. It's not a coincidence that Jeb Bush is quietly lurking like a snake in the background, staying out of sight for now until election time. The mainstream newsmedia lost credibility a very long time ago with smart Americans, but the majority of people are dumb fools marching-on to their destruction!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #psycho

The ungodly Masonic U.S. court system, and the ongoing assault against the Word Of God and children, is of the Devil. Luciferians want to dumb-down your children (.PDF book). Luciferians want to homosexualize your children! Anybody who supports the LGBTQ agenda is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Evolution is of the Devil, intended by Luciferians to alienate children from the holy God of the King James Bible!!! Freemasons rule over America, evidenced by their occult symbols which adorn our nation's capital. This should not come as a surprise to us as Christian believers, but it should open our eyes to the foolishness of aimlessly going along with the New World Order. Sadly, churches that use the modern Alexandrian Bible versions are helping the New World Order. Please watch the awesome 1:46 hour documentary titled: “New World Order Bible Versions.” Christians who voted for President Donald Trump are helping the New World Order. Respectfully, Mr. Trump is about as Christian as Kanye West!

I wanted to share these truths with you dear reader, because I care about you in the Lord. I think this stuff is fascinating!!! I cannot believe that I am alive during this time of history, witnessing the New World Order before my very eyes. Wow! I feel privileged. I really do. We're a part of history in the making folks. WE WERE! Now if I can just find a wife, so we can watch the world destroy itself from home on!

David Miller #fundie

You can say what you want but DONALD J TRUMP was picked by God to be president. Black and white Christian was praying for Trump to be presdent for along time and God answered there prayers all the media all the experts said there was noway he could beat Hillary Clinton but with God all things are possible and he won fair and square . You can whimper and moan all you want but God's pick is in the White House whether you like it or not .

Sara Dogan #conspiracy #wingnut

A middle school teacher in Pennsylvania provoked outrage and charges of indoctrination after she assigned her students to time themselves for ten minutes as they packed a bag in imitation of refugees forced to leave America by President Donald Trump.
“President Trump is trying to take control of the United States!” read the deliberately inflammatory assignment, portraying America’s legitimate president as a dictator enacting a coup. “There are fights in the streets! You have to pretend that you are a refugee being forced to leave your home, never to return.”
The assignment then instructs students to spend only ten minutes packing a bag in preparation to leave their homes forever. “Please have a parent to [sic] time them for 10 minutes while they packed a bag. When the time was up they were to take a picture of the contents of their backpack and then email it to me,” the ungrammatical assignment continues. “If no picture, then draw it. You will have to present to us why you chose these items. This is due on Thursday. Worth 10 points.”
The teacher is an educator at Penn Cambria Middle School in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. When parents became upset about the assignment, School District Superintendent William Marshall claims that the teacher realized that the assignment was a “huge error” and called the parents of each student in the class to apologize.
“As a parent of a student in this very school am ashamed,” one mother commented on Facebook. “All this did was scare my child… This is not acceptable in any school or towards any leader. I don't care if you like the president or not this is unacceptable!”
Superintendent Marshall also claimed that the teacher now realizes that she should not use the classroom to promote her political views. He did not reveal whether the teacher has been disciplined for the horrifying and politically insidious assignment.
To learn more about the Freedom Center's campaign to halt indoctrination in K-12 schools, please visit To read the K-12 Code of Ethics CLICK HERE. To order the Freedom Center’s new pamphlet, “Leftist Indoctrination in Our K-12 Public Schools,” CLICK HERE. To donate to the Stop K-12 Indoctrination campaign, CLICK HERE.

Donald Trump & unnamed supporter #fundie

TRUMP: Okay, this man, I like this guy.

UNIDENTIFIED JACKASS: (Unintelligible) We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. We know our current president is one.

TRUMP: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED JACKASS: You know he's not even an American.

TRUMP: (Big smile) We need this question. This is (unintelligible).

UNIDENTIFIED JACKASS: But anyway, we have training camps, growing, where they want to kill us. That's my question: when can we get rid of them?

TRUMP: We're going to be looking at a lot of different things. I mean you know a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there and we're going to be looking at that and plenty of other things.

Jim Bakker #fundie

Televangelist Jim Bakker sat down today with Ramiro Peña, a Texas-based pastor and a member of Donald Trump’s Hispanic advisory board, to discuss Peña’s recent meeting with Trump and other religious leaders in the White House.

While criticizing calls to impeach Trump, Bakker said that such a move would lead to war: “If it happens, there will be a civil war in the United States of America. The Christians will finally come out of the shadows because we are going to be shut up permanently if we’re not careful.”

Last week, Bakker warned that Trump’s impeachment would bring about God’s judgment on America.

TheNewKnightsTemplar #fundie

Hello and greetings from 2019. I am happy you have come upon this time capsule and have very deep hopes that humanity has survived and this is not being read by a caterpillar, if it IS, I guess it will eventually evolve into a human being someday, anyway. I know, right?

Our current President Donald Trump has made terrific strides in making American great again, but the only way the Left will acknowledge this is by trying to give Obama the credit. Trump DOES make a few blunders, but when we point out that President Obama made them as well, the Left blames President Trump for President Obama’s mistakes. In fact, the Left blames President Trump for everything. And if you think the Left hates the President, you should see how bizarre they get when they see a red hat.

The Democratic Left, which is pretty much all of the Democratic Party, in order to push their agenda, has been allowed to make up words, phrases, and concepts in this day and age. For instance, they say “toxic masculinity” needs to stop, we can’t have “boys being boys”, you know, like shooting guns or anything, but that is merely because the feminists don’t want girls being girls, they want girls being boys so they can shoot guns, even though they could very easily shoot guns being girls. It is somewhat like The Boy Scouts of America but with girls included, although I don’t think the Girl Scouts of America let Boy Scouts enter. But, I’m optimistic, both sexes are starting to take high school showers together in Florida.

In fact, according to the Left, girls CAN be boys all they have to do is to FEEL like a boy, and if a boy feels like a girl, he can be a girl and it is okay because that isn’t toxic masculinity it is “non-toxic masculinity” which is actually feminine masculinity. I know, right? How can all of this possibly be? Simple--Because gender is a social construct but you are born that way. And if someone feels like the opposite sex, you have to call them by “zip” or “zot” or something like that; or it is considered violence and even though you didn’t know they felt like the opposite sex or forgot to ask, they can kill you. And homosexuality is okay because the sex they have isn’t hurting anyone, but you are deranged as hell (maybe not by next week), if you have sex with the dead, even though THAT really isn’t hurting anyone either.

And socialism is the latest and greatest thing, even though it has been around as long as dirt. But it will work this time, even though it has never ever worked in the past; because it is DEMOCRATIC Socialism. And the difference is ... actually there IS no difference but who cares because things will be free! Free health care and college and vehicles and cell phones and we might as well throw in meals until things collapse and there is no more food. We will still have to work, though. I know, right?

And abortion is perfectly okay because a woman has a right to do what she wants with her body, although it ISN’T her body because it has its own DNA. And it isn’t alive although it has a heartbeat. And it isn’t her body after the baby is born, either, but that doesn’t matter as long as we keep the mother’s mental health intact. And the best WAY to keep the mother’s mental health intact is to kill her infant.

And infanticide is something Islamic extremists have been known to do, but we can’t say that out loud or we are an Islamophobe. Which actually doesn’t mean in inordinate fear of Islam anymore, it has been changed to mean “hater” of all and everything Islam and sometimes more than that. And note; we are still CALLING the baby an infant because the Left hasn’t, as of yet, had the chance to come up with a stigma-lessening euphemism like “external cellular expiration” or for the more socially elite, “Baby B Gone”. We can even revive the child and have a nice, extremely short and pressure-prone discussion with the already overwhelmed mother, so that if she does have regrets after the slaughter, which she will, she has been involved in the decision because it is all about “choice”. However, choice still means two or more options, but if you express opinions favoring THE OTHER option besides killing, you’re a racist. I am not really sure why you are a racist; almost everyone who does anything anymore is a racist, so I guess it just got included in the name of “diversity” and “love”. Maybe not love.

If this is all confusing for you, I have to admit is rather the same for most of us on the RIGHT, what comforts me is that we live in a tolerant society, that is unless you are Christian or Jewish, and then you don’t count, especially if you refuse to make certain kinds of wedding cakes.

Besides much controversy these days about war, we have a rather perplexing breed of individuals we call SJW’s or “Social Justice Warriors”. They don’t really DO anything or WEAR any ARMOR, they just lay in wait for people to say something offensive, which is pretty much everything they hear. These warriors believe in “all things civil” especially good productive discussion, as long as they get to scream and you don’t get to say anything at all. That is, unless you agree with them, and then you can all hold hands and go to a designated area called a “safe space”. Oddly enough, although you might think these spaces were designed for preschoolers, they are actually most prominent on our college campuses these days. They are even in the internet encyclopedia called Wikipedia, which is a rather “strange bird” in itself because anyone can add anything to it in the name of collaboration, so it changes a lot. Sometimes these SJW’s turn into a fantasy creature called a troll, but it amounts to the same thing, screaming and then running off to a safe space.

Our Mainstream Media are much the same as the SJW’s but we still have freedom of speech, unless you post anything conservative on certain social platforms like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and a few others. But they apologize for taking things down, usually; some of the time; if they get caught; and they have been working on new algorithms and training their staff to not be so sensitive for the last decade or so, so things are looking promising. Our search engines like Google aren’t very reliable either, but who needs an honest search engine?

I hope this has cleared up what 2019 is like at the time of burying this time capsule. I am sure you wish you had science and history records, but they were all destroyed by the Left and replaced with pornography.

An SJW just told me to tell you to write when you can. I know, right?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Donald Trump and Assad of Syria...

...are kindred spirits. Their success politically, socially and in business are linked at the highest level.

Literally Assad is 'running for President of the United States right now and Donald Trump is in Syria fighting his own creation; its like Syria is the Trump corporation unmasked. Like Assad, Trump will leave millions wandering across the landscape.

Show me a Trump supporter and I'll show you an Assad supporter.

They both perform sexual favors for foreign men in exchange for protection.

This much is crystal clear.

What say you?

the Failure of trump will equate to the destruction of Assad.

The failure of Assad will equate to the destruction of Trump.

Trump is the Iranian regimes Supreme Leaders candidate for President.

The Iranians just sent more support to Trump in the form of advisors just today.

Trump and his supporters are providing succour and comfort to a foreign enemy of the United States at present and this needs to be dealt with

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