
C. Ervana #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy youtube.com

Obama "joked" that he would win the war on Christmas. He did...in 2015. From the Snaketivity, to the opening of the Church of Lucifer in Houston, to the first public state-sponsored Satanic ceremony, to Childhood's End unveiling of the supervisor of Earth, to the show "Supernatural" depicting Lucifer dressed up as Satan, we can see a change happened in 2015. This change is an apostasy that happened inside the human body. Now, the Lord of the World has taken his position...

The Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is the only Way, Truth, and Life. You cannot know the Father any other way except through Him!

Various Commenters #pratt #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: 4chan's Femboy Blackmail Cult

This story is actually true for 99% of trans people. Most of them were incels before the transition. Happened to a friend of mine

(Raspian Kiado)
It's not the only cult.

A lot of "progressive" groups are cults in the same fashion.

(Igor Kuras)
Maybe gas chambers were not as bad to use on others as history teachers are telling....

All femboys and mtfs being weirdo incels is the least surprising thing ever

(Drew Mead)
This shit is scary. Look at the world today. This cult quietly rose to power and took over the world, ushering in a catastrophe of castration

Stuff like this happens all the time though. This incident was just more wide scale.

I won't name the board or discord, but I was personally in one such discord that was run by a trans person who wanted to manipulate and groom the server into becoming traps, and had a few victims. Was also in one that shut down because the mod was grooming an underage girl into sending him feet pics. Also you don't want to see the shit that goes down in discords made by /trash/ generals. Actual human rights violations.

(Zan Jayna)
By 2024 this will be a legally mandated school curriculum.

(Dr funni)
Why I hate trans people

(Shaw Tucker)
As someone who use to identify as trans, this is the entire ideology in a nutshell: grooming vulnerable people.

(Forgot it.)
This ideology has overtaken American society


It's shit like this that gives the right perfect ammunition against the trans community.

>video not sucking off tro.ons
>it will cause murders
This is your brain on HRT


(Seven Deadly Chins)
The trans community is supplying the gun, the ammo and pointing the weapon at its own head. No one else can be blamed when a tentacle from the lunatic fringe happens to hit the trigger.

Pick one.

heather w #conspiracy #fundie youtube.com

Several years ago, right before Obama ran to be president, I had a vision from God that dealt with this. I was taken by an angel who showed me three ways evil is working on this earth and the way it is manifested. The angel stood behind me and had a sword that he put in my hand, and he kept his hand on mine, and pointed with it to the first scene that opened up. It was my ex husband (before I was saved, I had divorced). Tge angel said, this type of human has a heart for God, but Satan uses temptations of the flesh to lead them astray. I saw then in the vision these demonic women all around him giving him drugs and alcohol, and pulling him away so he couldn't be reached. I called out, but he was unable to hear me. Later on, my ex had reached out several times to go to church, and even got baptized, but eventually succumbed to an overdose on drugs a few years after this vision. The second scene the angel showed me was in a dingy dark apartment. There was a man and woman I had never seen before. The angel pointed at the man and said "this type, has no heart for God at all!" and the angel took my hand and drove the sword into the belly of the man, and there was nothing. The angel said "there is no light in him at all!" And a week later I saw a news article with that man and woman, and they had been arrested for robbing someone and tying them up and beating them in front of their kids! Then the angel took me to the third scene. I saw a giant political platform and it was all dark like night, and the lighting was firelight. People were cheering. Then a black man with a toothy grin appeared on the stage. The angel in a very angry voice said "THIS TYPE, this type is NOT human at all!!!" Aand the angel took my hand with the sword and cut the throat of the politician, and there was no blood. The man just laughed an evil laugh with his throat gaping open. Later i recognized that man to be Obama, and he destroyed the sanctity of marriage in our nation, opening a floodgate of evil. I had this vision before I had even read the word of God. I later learned that what God had shown me, were wheat under attack, tares, and principalities of evil. I understand what Paul meant when he said he didn't know if he was in rhe body or in the spirit, because I didn't know either. The vision was so clear and so detailed, and everything the angel showed me was confirmed later. I've never had anything like that happen before or since.

various YouTube commenters #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

[Context: those comments were posted after Germany lost to Japan in the World Cup. Germany in the beginning of the match held a moment of silence for the victims of the human rights abuse in Quatar]

(God of small things)
When Germany forgets to play football and concentrate on protesting,the Japanese team play real football and win
When Germany plays politics
Japan plays real football in the end football win

(Luke Murray)
End the agenda!!

(Moha 18)
Busy with the covering their mouth forget to cover the goal well done japan

Kenneth Ruskin #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: transmaxxing manifesto v6 thoughts n words

Manifesto sounds like feminist cringe. Which is funny, since films like Jubilee (1978) accurately predicted the relations to come in the post-industrial fallout. Incels and feminists deserve one another, they have so much in common and you can barely tell them apart. Perhaps the one infiltrating the spaces of another can be seen as a final synthesis of the loser dialectic, the fleshy arm of the incel troon strangling a fat lesbian woman in sports finally making them relevant in the media while the Rowlingite kicks out the dressing room prowler with steel tipped boots. Both fighting to be the favoured bioleninist vanguard of capital and client group of oligarchs. It's nice to sit back and enjoy it, even if it gets stale after some time. Personally I root for the incels since they are the underdogs and don't have as much unearned social privilege, punching up against the harpies, but one shouldn't get too invested in it.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: It’s Simple, The Woke Are Racist

(Cool PapaJMagik)
It really is despicable that so many so-called “conservatives” condemn good people who focus on stopping anti-huwite attacks. It’s like most are okay bringing up the fact that we’re the only group you can joke about and dis cri min ate against, but any good man of courage that comes out and says “we must protect ourselves and look out for our group” ends up being denounced and called all sorts of names by their own team. We huwite people need to open our eyes. No anger or fear, just don’t let people abuse you for your color without at least having to hear from you about it. Don’t go crazy, but we have to speak up before we can’t anymore

(Minion Daechir)
Funnily enough, this reminds me of a twitter poll (I think by some leftist) asking if racists or the LGBT are more accepting.

The racists won handily with 69% of the vote (true meme magic), citing that all racists can unite over their love of being racist and as such have a banter-filled camaraderie, in comparison to the LGBT who have been cited as to "not tolerate even a single case of wrong think."

Though, I do want to separate the dishonest woke racists talked about in the video from the twitter banter racists represented in the poll.

(Gallen Dugall)
This is what you get when you keep telling the Black community, the most commonly racist people in the US, that their racism is good.

(Dante Banducci)
No, there IS a community that’s WAY worse but they are so powerful and utterly evil I can barely name them on YouTube…

Community? LOL packs of hyenas have more nuanced societies

We are at the point being for the rights of white people isn't being a white supremacist it's just wanting some form of equality.

Every other race is allowed to be mindful of their collective interests but not huwites in their own indigenous countries. Strange that.

JuliĂĄn Yo #sexist youtube.com

We value youth and beauty. That means that you have fertile eggs. We are not interested in your mind or your money. That's irrelevant. And if you have a high sausage count, that lowers your value a lot.

You are high value between the ages from 18 to 25. From 25 on, you start losing value because your looks start to fade and your eggs start to dry. Sheng nu. We don't want 30 year old broads. Especially if they have children and a high body count. There's no such thing as a 30-40 year old high value woman.

Knix137 #sexist #kinkshaming youtube.com

The people saying this is fake are indeed morons, but the people blindly defending amouranth are even worse. Anyone that wants to downplay how she chooses to earn money in the context of how she got into the current situation is deluding themselves. By allowing amouranth to do what she does on the twitch platform we have created a place where women can be exploited, full fucking stop. What's worse is that this exploitation goes both ways, far too frequently her biggest donors are people with unhealthy relationships with the internet and their peers and what she sells amounts to a drug for lonely hurting people. This makes her a piece of shit in several ways. She profits on human suffering, perpetuates it by leading people along, and has the audacity to broadcast opinions like she finds her audience contemptable. Respect is something that is earned and she's done nothing to earn respect from anyone. Perhaps the most important thing to grasp here is that what she does is nothing more than a modern iteration of the worlds oldest profession, Amouranth is a prostitute, and we really really shouldn't be surprised in the least that a prostitute, especially a high earning one, has attracted a pimp, her husband. Twitch has allowed their platform to turn into a techno brothel. We need to pull our collective heads out of our ass and recognize that the problem is the environment and the policies, the fact that the environment and policies lead to the creation of this situation is the indication that something is wrong. So instead of directing all your anger and frustration at the consequences of the situation that is prostitution on twitch direct you anger at the platform that allowed this to happen.

Stop allowing people to glamorize being a whore. If you think being a whore is empowering and improving women's lives you are the problem. Stop defending whores and start attacking the people making money off their existence.

Mobb #sexist #psycho youtube.com

(Submitter’s note: This is about Amouranth, a Twitch streamer.)

Charlie you bafoon, You really think this woman didn't set this man up to look like the villain. Some of you beta clowns have it easy bc you didn't have to go through this with a woman and in your case Charlie, you rich. Women know what they are doing and they don't just leave you NOOOO, they have to ruin you on the way out. I'm assuming she's making money now and doesn't want to be with him anymore but divorce isn't an option since I'm assuming there were no prenup. Sooo her smart brain told her, or someone did to set him up as an abuser and violent to make it easier to divorce without losing too much money in the process 2:12 after that I saw in her face how happy she was she got him. Oh Charlie be happy you don't experience this, being a rich beta male makes you judge other men through your life of privileged. And I say rich beta bc you didnt have to reinvent yourself to even get with women, life is tough out here brother.

James #fundie youtube.com

Same. The new buzz lightyear movie was what motivated me. I'd urge people to ditch Netflix as well or at least keep your kids away from it. So called 'cartoons' like 'cup head' are satanic.

Norman McNeal #racist youtube.com

RE: Is THIS What They Think of Black People??

A dating app came out with a music video that tries to encourage black people to vote by depriving one another of sex unless they’ve voted: “No Voting, No Vucking.” This takes “soft bigotry of low expectations” to a whole new level—let’s get into it.

Amala, WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES. "They truly think you are dumb." You're right Amala. We showed them that we are a hypersexual race of people. We show and tell them in our music, dress, language and disproportionate crime rates. En mass, we voted for a President who identified us as a "monolith", promoted mass incarceration and supported segregation. Of course they think we are a "simple and small-minded" race. Just about every individual is Black in the horrid video you just played. Why would they not believe us when we tell and show them who and what we are?

Matt Walsh #psycho #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

I expected that something like this might happen.

It had to happen, I've been successful in fighting against the left's agenda, especially the trans agenda, and especially recently. Those who support the sexual mutilation of children know full well that I am a threat to them because we're winning, and they're losing, and they know that too.

They can't engage with our arguments, they can't oppose us on the battlefield of ideas, so instead they look for another way and now they're convinced they found their kill shot against me.

Yes, my PR team over at Media Matters apparently wasn't satisfied to promote just my current show and all the work they do there, so they decided to go back 15 years to my time as a rock radio host on an obscure station in Delaware, which is also an obscure State.


So here's my official answer, for the record.

Kiss my ass. I do not apologize. In fact, by all rights, you sick freaks should be the ones apologizing to me. For lying and defaming me, and doing it all, because I'm trying to prevent you from sexually mutilating children. You damned monsters. You child-abusing psychopaths. I wouldn't apologize to you, soulless parasites, if I had a gun to my head.

Instead, I'd rather just tell all of you to piss off.

I apologize for nothing. I concede nothing. I will never surrender even a single inch of ground to a pitchfork mob of degenerate morons.

You know, the secret they never say out loud, is that nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it, and they willingly play their assigned roles. Well, I do not consent. And I'm not going to play the game. I'm not going anywhere.

I am more motivated than ever to oppose you and to fight against everything you stand for, because I hate everything you stand for, and I hate it more with each passing day. So you can try to humiliate me, you can try to ruin my reputation, you can accuse me of all of the most heinous crimes that you can invent in your tiny feverish little brains, but I am not going anywhere.

Staying in a fight. Never leaving. I promise you that.

Also for the record, I will always maintain that tasers are a wonderful source of comedy. That's not going to change either.

Matt Walsh fans #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #interphobia youtube.com

[Context: the following is an excerpt from the description of a video by Professor Dave Explains, where he tries to debunk Matt Walsh’s nonsense]

Since the moment I published this video, it has been targeted by the most disgusting and malicious mob of trolls I have ever seen, far beyond what I ever conceived possible. These are trolls who comment from dozens of sock accounts at once, calling me "groomer", "pedophile", "soy boy", telling me that they bet I watch my wife fuck other guys and then clean up afterwards, the most subhuman things imaginable. They then harvest any reaction they get to call me "triggered", pasting these responses in new comments without context to slander me, and then follow up with abject lies about things I've said or other people have said. The rest of the trolls employ a strategy of outright denying everything in the video and claiming victory, or spamming nonsensical rebuttals in an attempt to change the narrative. There is something heinous behind this concerted attack on reason, simply for exposing Matt Walsh for precisely what he is. It has become an enormous stress, and for this reason comments will be turned off on this video until this otherworldly wave of toxicity has found another target. My outlook on the state of this country has been permanently affected.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Engineer Uses A.I. To Race Swap Woke Mermaid & Gets Twitter Ban

As a white male, the antiwhiteism in the woke culture today has saved me a ton of money. One more product to add to my boycott list.

So wait a minute Disney is allowed to race and ginger swap the main character in Little Mermaid but when someone else restores it back to the original race and ginger, that's racism?

As a non-white guy, I 100% approve. It’s pathetic that the fans have to do what the “professionals” cannot. I’m tired of the race swap bullshit from creatively bankrupt losers who can’t form an original idea to save their asses. Why create an interesting, or funny, or sexy character of your own when you can just change the skin or gender of an already established character?

(Casey Kellogg)
They've removed the male love interest from this and ALL future Disney projects because they don't want to promote heterosexuality. That's much more disturbing.

Imagine throwing a hundred million dollars away so you can call the right a bigotisophobamatic. That's some high-motivation craziness.

(Joe Momma)
Someone should make a horror movie where black mermaids show up and destroy your fast food franchise.

(The Globertrotter)
Salty: "Why does she have eyes like a hammerhead shark?"

Me: "Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one who thought of that!"

Like seriously are they TRYING to make blacks look weird?? Wouldn't be surprised if Prince Eric took one look at that and ran the hell away.

(Luke Jackson)
I personally love the fact that they aren’t holding back on the wokeness and BS, if they started to backpedal then the normies would continue to give them more and more money, but this is waking up people en mass, keep the woke shit coming!!

(Whitworth 5S)
I was "meh" before when I first saw the race swap because I'm just so burnt out on Hollywood and desensitized.

But seeing the pretty face that could have been the live action Ariel, I suddenly realize black Ariel (Blariel?) looks like Sid from Ice Age.

Mega Magi #crackpot #sexist #racist youtube.com

As a young girl, what I found strange was that my uncles didn’t show much interest in my two brothers and, for the most part, acted as though they didn’t exist; however, as soon as they reached puberty, my uncles started displaying this brotherly love toward them. It was as if my brothers had suddenly become new creatures that my uncles finally recognized as one of their own. Later, I concluded that puberty is when BM mysteriously shift into the predatory/prey relationship toward BW. My uncles were grooming and preparing my brothers to participate in the many ways that BM degrade, abuse, and exploit BW.

The wool has been pulled over most BW’s eyes and they have been manipulated into birthing and raising their greatest enemy; A deadly mistake because an adversary that is raised in your house has the ability to study your strengths & weaknesses and then later turn and destroy you. Basically, BW are birthing and raising each other’s Abusers & Enslavers.

Despite having raised BM in their homes, there is a huge gap in BW’s awareness and understanding concerning who BM are; especially when it comes to their true motives for everything they say, and do towards BW. I recently heard several BM “unicorns” talking within their so called brotherhood circle and one of them stated that a BW who he is in a relationship with thinks there is a partnership, then he said that there can never be a partnership because he views her as a second class citizen. Shortly afterwards, I heard another unicorn say that when society collapses & turn bad that many BM were going to sell their wives and daughters; I ‘m sure his wife thinks her unicorn is going to protect her when SHTF.

BM know that their penis is an instrument of DEATH and their semen is a pollutant that paralyzes & disorients BW’s mind, like snake venom. I also believe BM sperm operate like nano bots that rewrite genetic code and enslave BW’s mind. Their demonic sperm causes BW to be much more likely to attack other BW and also is why it is extremely difficult to save the majority of BW. BM are angry with True Divestors because they are not under their demonic spell, unlike other BW who have been Zombified. Your Enemies will NEVER DO or GIVE you ANYTHING that will benefit you, especially their Penis; the BM Penis is toxic THAT’s WHY ANY BW CAN GET IT!

Patick Courrielche & Luke Rudkowski #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Woke Left Targeting Children, Crew Discusses Disney's Subliminal Messages

PC: They've been working this stuff, we saw it in 2012, before the whole transgender movement started taking off in America, we saw it being pushed at schools pretty heavily, and then of course you see these major writers writing these series, these movies, and they're part of this whole scene. It's been embedded within the culture for a while. We always wonder, how do these things happen? They happen because we've allowed the left and the woke to monopolize all of these institutions that define what it means to be American. The only way to fight back is to create our own institutions and get our own messages out there.

It's Gold Rush right now, the way that the right see this all happening at Disney and Netflix and what have you, they want other options. They just don't have the options out there. For so many years I would tell people, "Do not give money to these people's movies and their television shows, don't subscribe."

But then the the pandemic hits and now people are stuck at home, they have nothing to do, they have no other options, they need options.

LR: We have to fight back. I think memes are also extremely important, like the meme, there's a Doge dog in the 1920s saying, I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost my savings, I lost everything, and then you have the GigaChad Doge in 2020 saying I never had any of those things.

And when you're seeing messages like that, it resonates with people, because, yeah, I never had savings, I don't have a house, I don't have a real job, I have this gig economy created by Klaus Schwab in the World Economic Forum that literally is just screwing me over, so, memes I think are super, super important.

It is essentially human slavery which they're slowly conditioning us to be OK with. These inflation numbers don't represent what actually is happening out there in the real world. There is a total bloodbath, the poorest people of the world are being screwed over by all these globalists, by all these leaders that just want everything from them and it's disgusting.

foundring #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

It's Sweet To Be a NEET (It's Swell Bein' an Incel) - Original Song

There’s a new meme in town,
no, it won’t let you down.
We know society has sure gone to shit,
with a tip of my hat, I lift up my glass, and drink to the end of it.

From college I bailed, my relationships failed,
I’m jobless but feel oddly complete,
for I'm Not in Education, Employment, or Training,
I’m acronymically NEET.

When I was in school I was nobody's fool,
saw my teachers were aiming, for obedience training,
so I hit the road, lost my mind, kept my soul,
there was finally time to lift my feet and unwind.

(Refrain) While dreamin’, breathin’, keep on believin’,
eventually, we all complete the dream and reach the peak of NEET.
It’s sweet to be a NEET, it’s swell being an incel,
my delinquency’s complete, you see, all’s well that ends well.
They say the world the meek will inherit, but rest assured, the NEET will share it,
while NPCs complain and parrot, the current thing’s a pin they'll wear,
until they suffocate with flair, gee, what a relief to be a NEET. (/Refrain)

I looked for a job, didn’t like what they offered,
I heard, "Hey, wagie wagie, get back in your cagie."

I said, "Why don't you relax? You can have your licenses and tax,
don’t need much to get by to have harmonious lives."


I used to dig girls, got sick of floozies with curls,
with no phony woman distractin’,
I’m resumin’ all new euphonious craftin’.

But there’s nothing wrong with bein’ glad,
to get a wife that’s nice and trad!
'Cause humanity thrives with a family life,
that's breedin’, teachin’, to always believe,
that even we can be the light that guides us through the darkest night.

We won’t comply,
all NEETs unite,
all NEETs unite,
all NEETs unite.

So we didn't get jabbed,
the bosses said, "Too bad."
It was really that simple, my body my temple.
But that baby inside, is a life fightin’ to survive,
at conception, you’ll find a connection divine,
that’s dreamin’ breathin’ always believin’.


Gee what a relief,
oh what a relief,
it’s such a relief to be a NEET.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Don Lemon FACE MELTS When Brit Says WHITES Deserve Reparations FROM Black People For Ending Slavery

This is perhaps the most hopeful thing I have heard in years. Pushing back against the reparation bullsh*t and telling the truth that these worthless creatures will never own up to.

(Cool PapaJMagik)
Whoever said that is a hero. The antiwhite problem in America is nothing to laugh or poke fun at. Thank you, whoever this is and we need more of this

I've been saying africa owes reparations since I was a kid and as an black American it feels me with joy to hear it. Plus why is viola hyper focused on girl and women soldiers when the concept of child soldiers (mostly boys) are prevalent even today

(Sunaya Kong)
Thank you for doing this show. Here in California they are moving forward with some kind of “reparations” legislation ignoring the details of the history of slavery. Already some land, taken from the owners, has been “given back” to tribes. I have been trying to educate people mostly kids about the first country to put an end to slavery and the biography of William willberforce. When people think of Britain they think of colonialism, but they don’t think about what they sacrificed to actually put an end to slavery, not just in Britain but the world.

(Useful idiom)
I’ve never understood how people think reparations would actually work especially since there were over 6,000 black slaveowners in America alone. Combine that with the fact that only 2% of American landowners actually owned slaves. Add to that only 3% of current day Americans have ancestors who actually lived in the U.S. at the time. And don’t forget about the hundreds of thousands of White Irish slaves.

The INSTANT that she said "the beginning of the supply chain" you could see his face drop... because he KNOWS where it began. He has just spent his whole career pretending not to.

Im shocked that someone actually said this on TV! Maybe people are finally sick of all of this maybe the tides are turning

(James Palmer)
I absolutely LOVED the way Don reacted. It was like she just up & slapped him across the face with a wet fish. He had absolutely NO counter argument or statement to say. NONE.

Amala Ekpunobi & Tim Pool #wingnut youtube.com

TP: So, I'd imagine for you as for a lot of people who start questioning wokeness, you probably said something small like, "Hey, I kind of don't agree with you on the white people thing," and then they immediately started shoving you as hard as they could out.

AE: Yep, that's exactly what happened. I was working on a project called the Groveland IV back in Florida. It was about these four black men had been wrongfully accused of sexual assault. There was a documentary that we were showing and I was trying to get all these college and high school kids to come and say, "You know, this is America, this is what they do to black people. They shove them through the criminal justice system even when they've done nothing."

In the background, Brett Kavanaugh gets accused of sexual assault. That whole firestorm starts happening and I'm working on this project watching Brett Kavanaugh just completely break down on camera and I brought it to my boss and I said, "You know, why are we treating these two situations differently? Why is he completely just getting obliterated by the media and by the work that we're doing here, yet when these four black men get wrongfully accused we're giving them all the grace in the world?"

And he said, "Well, he's a white man and I don't care and he clearly is the frat boy type so he did it and he should hang."

TP: Wow.

AE: Yeah, just... When I tell you the most dramatic rhetoric you could possibly hear, I was hearing day in and day out. I don't know how I didn't leave sooner, but eventually, it was just, you can't stand it.

TP: I kind of feel like the left hates mixed race people. Like, woke people, their perspective is, I've experienced this personally, where they're like, we should have segregated spaces, right? The POC and the non-POC and then, you know, if you walk up to them and you're like, "What if I'm both?"

They're like, "Get out!" because then you're still white.

And your story, what I'm imagining is, like, you've got white family, him saying, "He's white, I don't care, let him hang," it's like, yo, you realize like, when people say it to me, i'm like imagining my family, I'm like, I don't like that.

Tim Pool #wingnut youtube.com

One story I talk about every so often is that during Occupy Wall Street, there was a white dude a black dude, they were friends. Black dude was like, "I'm gonna run across the street to go to the bathroom."

The white dude was like, "Would you grab me a cheeseburger when you're over there?"

The black dude went off and he was like, "Excuse me?!" Started yelling at him and then I asked him later what happened and then he said, "You see how racist that was?"

Then I was like, "He asked you to get him a cheeseburger."

He's like, "Yeah, like I'm his boy, going to get him food," or something.

And I was like, "Dude, my friends ask me to grab them stuff from the store all the time. You fly, I'll buy. That's what we do."

This dude internalizes the racism and sees everything through the lens of you're being racist towards me. So, something as simple as my friend asked me to grab him food because I was already going that way turns into a racist attack on him.

I think white guilt is something that people are introduced to at a really young age. I saw a friend over the weekend and she's moved to new city and she told me that she specifically picked her yoga studio because it was in the historically black neighborhood and she liked that it was owned by women of color. If that's your preference, totally cool.

Then she said, "I also think it's really important that they offer classes for free to black people only."

And i was like, "You're describing discrimination you know that right?"

This is what people who agree with us need to understand. They're racist. They define racist in a different way, but who cares. The woke want segregIt's fascinating when I talk to people and tell them about how Dearborn, Michigan, had the POC and the non-POC digital events. I've seen a lot of places doing this, tons of this stuff and they're like it's a good thing and i'm like it's a bad thing. They're like, well, if you don't like it, you're racist and i'm like, dude, I don't care what word you use, I don't like what you're doing and I'm just going to stay away from you.

Draulix #god-complex #sexist youtube.com

Our Father, who art in SYRIA, Hamudi Ebalz be thy NAME.
Thy kingdom COME, our MOG be DONE, IRL as it is on TINDER.
Give us this day our daily BLACKPILL, and forgive us for our LOOKS, as we forgive those who SIMP.
Lead us not into MSTOW, but deliver us from ROASTIES.
For thine is the HOPE, the COPE, and the ROPE.
Forever and EVER, WAHMEN..

There is no HOPE but to COPE, til you ROPE, just don't MOPE.
Take the Blackpill. Let the BITTER TRUTH guide you to SALVATION.

Various Commenters #wingnut youtube.com

RE: W0KE BACKLASH! DC Comics BLASTED for reducing Latino culture down to TACOS!

(Ebony Wild Card)
For people who love calling fans racist for criticizing their work, they sure do love using stereotypes.

(Bal Dev)
As someone born and living in latam, I've never been discriminated and reduced to stereotypes by anyone as much as I was by specificly American leftists.

(El Perro Del Autumo)
Exactly. And I never got called out being Hispanic myself. Other than leftists themselves.

(Yawar Apuyurak)
Even the "far right" represents better latam. Those guys don't shy away from our defects.

(Jungle Lane)
Live on a farm in Puerto Rico. The amount of insulting shit I've heard from hippy people coming through is massive. I'm not a native but it seriously bothers me hearing this crap. Might ask the actual people what they would like before assuming if you aren't part of their culture.

They need to first sort people into the correct category before they can reliably manipulate them.

(Aris video drop)
I work for a left wing org. I'm white passing I get eye rolls for asserting my heritage and cringe as everyone uses Latinx as a sub for Hispanic. Because I pass as white I don't count as Hispanic lol 🤣

To the woke, you are tacos, landscaping, and maid service, consistent with their ‘lived experience.’

This of course qualifies them to think deep thoughts about ‘you folk’ and to know what’s best for all of you.

(Velveteen V)
As a hispanic I give them props for not calling us that damn racial slur that ends with an X, not offende, more like ::facepalm::

Matt Walsh #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

Marvel's She-Hulk Takes The Crown For Feminist BS

In truth, there is nothing to be gained by comparing two groups against each other and trying to determine who has a harder time of it.

But, if that is the game we're playing, most of the statistical evidence would seem to suggest that in modern America women generally have the better deal. That's why girls are more likely to graduate high school, less likely to be suspended or expelled. Women are less likely to commit suicide, to become drug addicts, to become hopeless, homeless, less likely to suffer from workplace injuries. Women are less likely to be the victims of violent crime, they're less likely to be blown to pieces on the battlefield.

But sure, I guess the homeless, drug-addicted, suicidal, war-injured veteran on the street probably doesn't get cat-called very often, so he's got nothing on She-Hulk. Now, nobody is suggesting that women have no challenges or obstacles to overcome, but the idea that they have more obstacles than men, or more serious ones, is just not borne out by the facts, I'm sorry. And besides, as already noted, the comparisons are absurd and pointless. The only thing worse than being self-pitying, is to be competitive in your self-pity.

It's especially ridiculous to make this claim when you are a young, attractive woman in the modern Western world, because our modern society is essentially tailor-made to facilitate the happiness and success of that category of people. This has probably been a more serious analysis of a She-Hulk monologue than was necessary, but someone has to mansplain these things to her and I was more than happy to step up to the plate.

Boss Boss #fundie youtube.com

All people must pray to God ( allah) only and they will not suffer from hurricanes and earthquakes... Look at 99% of Muslim countries do not suffer from hurricanes and earthquakes because they are all committed to prayer, fasting, zakat and charity for poor people

Emaan Serghini #fundie youtube.com

Regarding the stabbing of Salman Rushdie…

Non-Muslims have problem distinguishing between condemning the action as wrong and feeling bad for Rushdie. In an Islamic state, there is a capital punishment blasphemy. We only condemn the act because it's vigilant justice (haram) a in a non-Muslim state. To get the idea closer, I'll try to give an example that would resonate most with the generic non-Muslim. A child rapist being raped in turn in a prison is wrong, but you'll be hard pressed to find people feeling sympathy towards him. Some may even applaud the rapist inmate for what he did. This situation can barely scrape the loathing we have for those who lie and defame the prophet (pbuh). I'll never ever feel bad for them. But I'll not call for violence against them or engage in it.

Hunter Salazar #crackpot #magick youtube.com

Feeding my Demonic Servitor

I recently discovered a problem with my Demonic Servitor. He wasn't performing effectively for the purposes I created Him for consistently, but did well in short one-day bursts. I devised an empowering and feeding rite for my Servitor to make Him more effective in a consistent manner. The shape traced in white chalk is a trapezoid, in the center is His Sigil in white chalk and His usual feeding method via a black candle, and His home (An Engraved Amulet) is wrapped around the votive holder. A trapezoid is a shape of angular frustration because of its near but not yet achieved completeness. The shape is perfect for a Servitor because it's existence is tied to providing for us what we created it for, creating a desire to 'do its job' essentially. This particular Servitor of mine is Demonic because of its nature to make me "look better" and feed my ambition through actualization of goals, and my vision of It.

Oh man! Watch that flame rise as you speak. That happens to me in necromancy when I call my working shades up. I'm working it a lot in Vodun with Samedi and the Ghede. It's gotten nothing but results so far. I've worked it from a Norse perspective too. It's awesome.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that! Candles and flames are portals in essence to the realms of dense energy from this more materialistic one. I only know Necromantic knowledge I've learned from reading Somnus Dreadwood and Sorceress Cagliastro, the sorceress being my main working sourcebook for blood magick. It isn't my strong suit in what I know however.

I'm quiet very skeptical to the fact that I came across to a site where someone offering they're services said it's possible to attain a very supernatural powers like fireball, manipulation of weather,and ultimate telekinesis through his very powerful servitor do you believe in this type of servitor that can really bring you an extraordinary power ?

It is technically possible but extremely unlikely that very many of such servitors are created and exist here.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger youtube.com

RE: Judge Who Signed FBI Raid On Trump Linked To EPSTEIN In SHOCKING Development, Civil War Trending

(Shadow Fox)
The amount of coincidences in America is astounding

(David Ford)
Coincidence is not a kosher word.

This is all the proof you need that Alex was right all along. There's no reasoning with evil.

This is the government our founding fathers warned us about

Tim Pool realizing that conspiracy theories are more fact than fiction is what I needed today. Never forget... In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

Not believing in an international cabal is akin to not believing in a round earth.
You've got to try extra hard to ignore the facts when the truth is slapping you in the face.

(Enrique D)
The people have become so gaslighted that even Tim will call objective reality a conspiracy theory. Tim says they don't have as much power as people think yet he has to even watch his words when it comes to telling the truth lol

(Keenan Larsen)
"I don't believe there is ONE cabal controlling everything."

Neither do I, Tim. But that seems to be the end goal.

Zeeshan Ali #conspiracy #enbyphobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

Demi Lovato's LGBT Drama

As-salamu alaykum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile 2 Jannah.

The LGBT community has been leveraging certain aspects of our society, be it government, education, Hollywood and even media in general. The music industry has been utilized by the LGBT, we've already had movies like Lightyear and Doctor Strange and the list is of course growing, but there are also musicians that are being utilized by the LGBTQ community.

You've got Demi Lovato, she transitioned in 2021. For this individual to transitioning is easy, she's got money, access to the best health care, the best minds around her.

But what about the millions of people that follow this individual? Millions of people that unfortunately and sadly don't believe in a higher being, so they try to compensate for that void by attaching and latching themselves onto sports teams and celebrities? There are people who take what these individuals say as gospel.

Let's look at a 2021 UCLA research, it says that most non-binary adults are born in the United States, about 96%, 58% are white and 82% faced emotional abuse as a child. Another research that is very, very interesting, only 13%, yes 13% of those who detransition received help from LGBT organizations compared to 51% of those who transition, so the community is only there for people that conform to their ideals.

"What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh, definitely a documentary that you guys should see, every household should see this documentary.

Now, what does the Quran say about all this confusion? So the Quran chapter 16, verse 97, gives a clear distinction between male and female and then it goes on to say that they will be judged on righteousness alone. So we have all these organizations trying to tell us that our life is predicated on who we want to have intercourse with, it's just, everything seems to be related around pleasure, but, the Quran tells us otherwise. The Quran gives us depth, gives us substance, it gives us purpose and it tells us that nothing matters other than the righteous deeds that we will do, and it also has made clear that we have our roles.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut #enbyphobia youtube.com

RE: Mexicans FURIOUS That Americans Are Invading Their Country, Won't Speak Spanish In Hilarious Irony

Who would have thought going to a foreign country and refusing to learn the language, culture or even integrate into the society in the slightest would make the locals angry and want to kick you out, or worse... such an outlandish concept no one could have seen coming.

(A R)
One of my fantasies has always been to go to Mexico to work as a stockboy in a grocery store and whenever a customer would ask me where an item is I would tell them "No habla espanol". This is priceless.

(Curtis Wade)
To the teams point about language, one of our political factions doesn't even speak the same language as most Americans. What is really frustrating is that it sounds like the same language, but the words change meaning from moment to moment based on what advantage they can gain over someone who speaks normally.

(Acme Racing)
Wait, I thought it was racist to object when people come to your country and don't speak the language. Will they provide English versions of all their government forms for Americans? Require locals to press 1 for Spanish when they call customer service in Mexico?

(Karnacle Blackburn)
This literally put a cheek hurting grin on my face for a full 24 hours (minus an 8 hour sleep).

(Donna Stokes-Manning)
My favorite part of this clip is when the person pointed out how this same media outlet would call Americans who complain about the exact same thing here as racists but when the people in Mexico complain they are not called racist. I wouldn’t have thought of that while reading the article. Maybe a week later it would hit me but it would be old news by then. It is why these videos are important instead of just the usual leftist media talking points

I don't really blame them getting furious......they are getting Californians after all. Just imagine you are a hard working Mexican heading to your favorite restaurant, and running into a manlet with a manbun that says "Hello my fellow Latinx, my pronouns are they/them, and I am an omnisexual." I'd be pissed too.

(Greg Lane)
Guess Trump was right that maybe Mexico will pay for a wall.

Generic Username #conspiracy #transphobia youtube.com

Encouraging people to pursue fundamentally impossible outcomes is nothing more than enabling them to live lives of bitterness, resentment, and self-loathing.

There are aspects of life that cannot be changed, and one of them is the body you are born with. Puberty, and the development of your body is NOT a reversible process, and neither is any tampering by outside chemicals and injections.

Furthermore, the origins of modern academia's perspective on what they term "gender", as well as the concept of "gender" in the first place, were founded on the works of a man named Dr. John Money. Specifically, an experiment Dr. Money performed on a pair of twin boys, one of whom had a botched circumcision. The twin whose genitalia had been irrevocably damaged was then placed on hormonal treatment and raised as a girl. In addition to being dosed with estrogen, the boy was also forced to perform mock sexual acts with his twin brother in front of Dr. Money, the doctor even recorded these himself.

This led to lifelong mental issues with the "transitioned" child, David Reimer, as he struggled with suicidal thoughts over the abuse he suffered and his physical state brought about through the treatment and initial botched circumcision. Ultimately culminating in his suicide, with his brother also committing suicide some time later.

The experiment was considered a success.

The hypothesis being that someone's identity as a male or female was entirely predicated on how they were raised, with no biological impetus whatsoever.

And with two ruined lives culminating in suicide, this was ruled a success.

Gender ideology has been, and will continue to be, harmful psychotic rhetoric put forward by pedophilic academics who care not for the health of the people struggling with self-loathing and mental illness, but instead only wish to profit off of and proliferate this doctrine of self mutilation.

Janath #fundie youtube.com

At that time I was completely against this video. I thought this is a complete false, made-up video insulting and ridiculing the Buddha. I hated this. I thought this was done in lowly, corrupted intention in hating Buddha and Buddhism. But later I recalled all about this to Ms. Sandya, a good, honest lady whom I know well and she also watched this video as well as others. She was a buddhist but now a converted devoted christian. I hoped a fair reply from her because she has a good knowledge of Buddhism being a Buddhist until she was well past her 20's of age. She did reply but it really shocked me again, because she said after much thinking that everything in this video is completely true!! I was shocked and terrified but she said that this is true. She said that Buddha did not believe in the God and rejected the whole idea of God's creations of everything, humans, animals and worlds . She said that Buddha failed to say how everything started first and said everything started naturally which is wrong. She said all desires cannot be eliminated as Buddha said so, because its work of the God which Buddha did not understand. Buddha said after eliminating all desires, humans can achieve Nirvana state which is away from heaven and hell and that Buddha going to Nirvana after death. But this lady told me that this Nirvana was never correctly proved by Buddha and either there was not a single evidence to support it. She said if that is true and correct, Buddha has to come out himself in any form after his death and say that he's now in Nirvana, but that kind of thing did Not happen. At least not even the slightest notifications occurred at that time or any kind of signs of any form appeared anywhere with Buddha's death to prove about this Nirvana theory. This lady said that its a complete lie by Buddha and that nirvana is not achievable and that it does not exist at all. There's only heaven and hell. She said that its known to Christians that Buddha said at his dying time that Buddha "still did not find the light I am searching for".

The Peace Street Show with your host Willow Proctor #conspiracy #quack youtube.com

Hugely disappointing explanation. Did corrupt big pharma buy Khan institute as well? Perhaps khan institute is not up to date that the second Doctor co-authorizing the Wakefield study actually appealed all the way to the high courts and won the case that no malpractice had occurred in the "Wakefield Study" study and received his medical license back. As well, it was declared by the presiding judge that the Lancet paper authored by the Wakefield and 12 other prestigious researchers, should be re-published and that the entire Wakefield case had been handled unjustly. Andrew Wakefield has also since been vindicated scientifically by 6 independent research teams from different countries, all having been able to replicate Wakefield's findings, showing he was RIGHT to suggest that more research into links between autism, MMR and IBS is needed. Andrew Wakefield, produced a profound film, VAXXED, which has supported a huge wake up movement around the world. Highly educated doctors, chiropractors, health practitioners, mothers, fathers, are waking up to the reality that there is massive fraud being perpetrated in Big Pharma and government regulatory agencies. People are discovering that we MUST question the safety of vaccines.

Crypto Whale #fundie youtube.com

1. STOIC (being calm and almost without any emotion.)
No feelings, No emotion,
prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
(Or if you prefer: wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation.)
Stoicism holds that the key to a good, happy life is the cultivation of an excellent mental state, which the Stoics identified with virtue and being rational. The ideal life is one that is in harmony with Nature, of which we are all part, and an attitude of calm indifference towards external events.
2. LACK OF LOVE ~ teaches compassion only as the highest virtue.
3. PASSIVE ~ We are just part of this Karmic universe, Cause and Effect. We are the effect of some cause, ie, we were born because our parents made love . . .
4. SELFISH ~ Does not concern about other important things, (example, the origin of the universe, the nature of the self as a body with a soul or mind, And the nature of God or Creator or Prime Mover, or the nature of the spirit) is only concerned of the self reaching enlightenment, nirvana
5. ATHEISTIC ~ Doesn't concern himself about god, more accurately, AGNOSTIC .
6. NO SOUL 无我 , ANATTA , NON-SELF ~ The self is just a tiny little part of a bigger reality in the universe.

Janath #fundie youtube.com

“How would Buddha believe in Jesus, Jesus was born after buddha's death and Buddha was born in lumbini near himalayas there was no teachings of Jewish near buddha's area”

The lady who told me about this said that, although Jesus was born after Buddha died, the Christianity was here in this world since 5000 years. It was the time of Moses. If Buddha was all knowing and intelligent enough, he supposed to have known about Christianity also. Thank you for responding!

Chad Ripperger #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

It is also a matter of fact that people think that freedom of speech is somehow a right that they have. Freedom of speech was condemned by Leo XIII in relationship to those things that pertain to religion. That is, nobody has the right to freedom of speech if it is going to detract against the Catholic Church, or if it is going to cause harm to the common good or corrupt the moral state of its citizens. Outside of that fact, we do have a certain freedom of speech, but not outside that context.

There are also those who deny Christ's sovereignty by saying that non-Catholic religions have a freedom of public worship. This again was condemned by Leo XIII and if I'm not mistaken Pius XI. Only God has a right to grant public authority regarding the worship of Him. Those rights were given to the Roman Catholic Church alone.

kiwi777 kiwi #fundie youtube.com

May I share a true story with you all. I have spent my life nursing and have held many a hand of the dying, 2 men in my ward, Both were masonic atheists, Both men as they lay dying were screaming and kicking yelling "Help me the Devils are coming" I am not kidding. These poor men died in pure terror. I mean pure utter terror. I managed to get another nurse to pray over one man with me. But it was to late:( ...My precious beautiful Nana as she was dying looked straight through me and said "Jesus" in amazement and then she put out her hand's and said " kingdom come" that was beautiful. But those men I can never forget ever, please take heed death comes to us all.

Matt Gaetz #sexist youtube.com

Have you watched these pro-abortion, pro-murder rallies? The people are just disgusting. Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb. These people are odious from the inside out. They’re like 5′2″, 350 pounds, and they’re like, “Give me my abortions or I’ll get up and march and protest.”

I’m thinking, “March? You look like you’ve got ankles weaker than the legal reasoning behind Roe vs. Wade!”

A few of them need to get up and march — they need to get up and march for like an hour a day. Swing those arms, get the blood pumpin’, maybe mix in a salad.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Mass Immigration was Blair’s Attack on Britain

(The ice pick that killed Trotsky)
Blair was the worst thing to happen to Britain post-war and that says a lot.

(Kyr Man)
Tory economic policy - higher taxes, more debt. No economic conservatism.
Tory foreign policy - liberal interventionist, no national conservatism
Tory immigration policy - hyper promiscuous borders - certainly no native or national conservatism
Tory housing policy - destroy Britain ancestral greenlands to build migrants homes - no native conservatism

Which part of the the Tory party is right wing exactly?

(Peter Field)
Jeez, as a born and bred Londoner, English parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc it's a tragedy what's happened. I was born in 1967, the changes in my lifetime are catastrophic , for my mum who died 2016 even worse.

(T G)
My entire teens and adult life so far has been plagued by the nightmare of mass immigration. It will only get worse...

(Tim the Enchanter)
I'm always amused by the "muti-culturalism" argument. As an American, I live in a place that was designed to be multi-cultural, but isn't really. Although it is often wistfully described as a "melting pot," what it really is, is just a very large place peppered with little pockets of varying culture. People come to America -- not to be Americans -- but to live in America with other people just like them.

There’s nothing wrong with treating invaders as enemy combatants.

(Kevin H)
So they admitted to colonising Britain? Wasn't colonisation bad when we did it though?

If you know anything about Roman history in Britain, allowing and paying sea faring barbarians to settle is always a recipe for disaster

(unopened envelope)
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what these so called "benefits" are for mass immigration..

Disciple AJ #fundie youtube.com

Great content as always Chris! 👍🏻

Everyone reading this, you need to wake up to how the world REALLY works. The fact is that humanity has always been spiritual for a reason and it's because the spiritual world is just as real as our flesh and blood. The western world still understood this until the 1960's when secularism started to take over and atheism began to catch on - that was only after millions and millions of people here in the UK (of the old world....) were culled in not one but two world wars. The occult always practice an 'order out of chaos' mentality and the two world wars served their purpose to kill off millions of Judeo-Christian's throughout Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - the nations of which are the primary Gospel sharing nations. That had to be severely interrupted by the people who worship the devil to get the world turning in their direction.

People need to wake up and stop pretending (or being wilfully ignorant) that this stuff isn't real and that there is no God or the devil - they are both very real and you have been lied to for generations by useful idiots to dumb down the population.

Think about it - if the majority of those with all he power and wealth in the world worship the devil in one form or another - why would that be? Why is that theme always so consistent? It's because they KNOW it's real and they have made their choices in the world.

Anyone who sides with the devil is already on the losing side. Those who do not have the Lord Jesus Christ will perish as He is going to bring this to an end...we are already seeing the start of the new world order in our time and this new world order will give all its authority over to the antichrist and everyone who has not sealed themselves with Jesus Christ will take the mark of the beast.

All of this stuff is real and it's going on. Everyone has to chose their side: God (eternal life) or satan (perish with him with eternal death and separation from God), there is no middle ground on this at all. Choose wisely, repent as the Kingdom of God is at hand. I know where I'm going and I plead with people to take Jesus whilst there is still time.

Maranatha ✝️📜. Amen.

Taz Baz #fundie youtube.com

It's true, and I had a dream about Michael Jackson just after he supposedly died, I dreamt that I was standing in the spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ and we were standing to the side of huge crowds and they were screaming out for Michael Jackson who happened to be there, and the Lord Jesus Christ showed me that he was guilty of many transgressions against children and against many other people. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that satan was walking with him and that because of Michael Jackson's past troubles with the law and children who he abused, Michael Jackson decided to play out the role of death. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that although he has avoided the truth, there still will be consequences for him in the end.

Young X #fundie youtube.com

Unfornately the Lord has told me that my mother will be in Hell also. (And she goes to church and claims to be a believer also.) I had dreams, one of them I posted here on youtube also, where the Lord took me up to the clouds to be with him but my mother and family was left. I always wondered why I was taken in the dream but they was not, and God finally told me it was because my family will not be going to Heaven. And I prayed earnestly for them to be worthy of Heaven for 9 years, and I have literally watch the Lord give them the Power to be obedient to Him, but they ave refused God, FOR 9 ENTIRE YEARS. And God told me, "I can give your family the power and the strength to obey My Word, but I cannot force them to take that power and obey. They have free will and I have given them the Power to choose Me, but if they refuse, that is the only thing I can do to answer your prayer. Now My hands are clean of them going to Hell. I extended My Hand, but they rejected it. I cannot make them as robots to obey Me. All I can do is offer them the Holy Spirit to overcome all evil so they can be worthy of Heaven. But since they have set their hearts on not changing, they will continue to walk the direction that makes their soul worthy of Hell after death. And they will have no one to blame but themselves."

Tim Pool #wingnut youtube.com

Far Left Threatens To Escalate TERROR Campaign, 14 Pro Life Centers Attacked, Dems FAN FLAMES

I can't believe this story! It certainly must be fake news.

"The leash is off: Abortion Activists Behind Attacks On Pro-Lifers Issue New Threats, Urge Others To Burn."

I just can't believe it the left being violent, it's the far right according to the January 6 committee and all of these Democrats keep telling me that the far right is the dangerous element we have to be scared about because they want civil war.

It's just absolutely insane, the story, about 17 anti-abortion centers getting firebombed. It shows you what their real intention is.

The Daily Caller reports a statement that appears to be from the violent pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge was posted online tuesday saying, "the leash is off!" I thought the leash was already off because 17 pregnancy centers had been attacked. Sure, the leash is off for attacks on pro-life operations and declaring violence until pro-life groups shut down.

"Kavanaugh Neighbor Describes Horrific Experience Dealing With Aggressive Pro-Choice Protesters."

They're not pro-choice, they're pro-abortion, call them pro-death, call them whatever you want. They're substantially more extreme than
the pro-choice ever was.

Fox News reports: A neighbor of supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh says the pro-choice protesters who have marched multiple times a week down their street in the evening have shaken up residents homes and disrupted their lives as they detailed the alleged abuse received by neighbors from protesters, while saying authorities have done little to help them.

This is illegal. It's outright illegal and these people want to know why the law isn't being enforced. It's because you live in an anarcho tyranny. You are subject to a violent revolution that doesn't seek to uphold the law, because they seek to gain power and upholding the law subverts their

If right-wingers went to the homes of these federal authorities, they would be arrested on sight. They would be arrested instantly. Even with everything we're seeing, 17 anti-abortion centers have been firebombed since last month's leaked supreme court decision.

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