Agreement that men should be represented and valued more in our society, by age, gender and party.
Young & older Democratic women disagree, younger Democratic men agree. What? This is crazy, younger Democrat men, two to one, agree men should be represented and valued more in our society.
Young & older Republican women agree, younger Republican men agree at the same levels as young Democrat men, older Republican men agree.
Yo, feminists are losing and it is brutal.
Now, it could just be that this is favorable to the SPLC's worldview, they need to rile up young people and say "We're losing, you need to give us money." I guess they never accept when they're winning they need to be victims.
I don't know, maybe it's legit, maybe they actually did this poll and it was a legitimate poll, I don't know.
Agreement that transgender people are a threat to children.
All Democrat groups disagree, but 42% of young Democrat men agree with the statement that transgender people are a threat to children.
Yo, that's crazy.
Young Republican men at 57% think that transgender people are a threat to children. Older Republican women also agree, but, it's a plurality, not a majority, 45%.
Yo, that's crazy, isn't that crazy, old Republican women and young Republican men, but older Republican men & young Republican women don't agree. Weird, right?
This is where it gets real interesting. Agreement that transgender people are trying to indoctrinate children into their lifestyles.
Democratic women, both young and old, disagree, but younger Democratic women about a third agree that's true. Young Democrat men disagree, but 40% do agree.
Young Republican women 66% agree, old Republican women 62% agree, young Republican men 64% agree, older Republican men 60% agree.
All of this data, assuming it's true, shows that the culture war has shifted. The right is winning, the right's worldview is dominant, and I think it's because moderates are reading the news and they know what's legit and what's not.
Crazy days huh, I wonder what this means for the future. I think the future is going to be very, very, very, very conservative.
Hopefully data like this is a whitepill moment.