
YouTubers #crackpot #fundie youtube.com

Tess W
Yeah, this is what God calls witchcraft......the Greek word for drug use, "Pharmakeia"....putting a spell on yourself through herbs, potions or strong drink. It totally opens a person up to the demonic realm.
People who have deep disturbances may need it, it's all you can do when you don't have access to healing.

kimberly willow sage tree
alcohol is called spirits for a reason... over indulgence is the issue, as always.. but herbs? that's crazy talk

zay b #sexist youtube.com

I’ve learned that it is not a good Return on investment if she’s over 25. Ignoring the obvious point of looks. I’ll start with mindset. Why are you still unmarried past 25? Have you been sleeping around and messing with bad boys? Do you not value marriage and motherhood until after you’ve had your fun? That’s not what I want me wife to be of.
2. Women put in a mask after 26 when they don’t have kids/husband. They will pretend to be the best GF ever then once you marry or she gets pregnant the true side comes out because she’s comfortable and thinks you can’t go any where, I’ve see. This happen to every man I know personally who married a woman between 26-33.
3. Physicality, let’s say you gain 30lbs during pregnancy. That weight will melt off a 21 year old, 30 years old good luck. Your stuck with that from then on and it gets worse over time especially if she feels you are locked down.

It’s just not a good investment, you wouldn’t buy a used car for new car price

Greg Ellis, Tim Pool & Seamus Coughlin #wingnut youtube.com

One MILLION Democrat Voters So Far Have Switched To The Republican Party

GE: You can only drink so much woca-cola before you get over it. This ideological extremism, post-modern, progressive, whatever you want to call it, this intersectionality is so out there that, people have had it. They've just had enough.

SC: You mentioned that Conservatives know more about how the left thinks than the left knows about how the right thinks. I think this has also been verified by studies.

One thing we don't talk about as much is the fact that left-wing people also don't understand the way that people who they consider to be their allies think. They literally do not take the time to figure out what anyone else in the world believes, they think they have all the world's problems solved with their ideology. So, whenever it comes to groups for whom they claim to advocate, they're constantly pushing for ideas that members of that group generally don't like.

On the BLM website there was language about abolishing the nuclear family. When you look at the inclusion of BLM on the pride flag, well, when it comes to the question of homosexuality, according to polling data, the black community is more conservative than the white community.

What about women? They seem to think that for women, liberation means going into the workplace, having an OnlyFans, stripping, selling nude pictures of yourself, this is not how most women think.

Then when it comes to Islam, they want to be able to lump Islam into a category with these other groups, as if Islamic religious fundamentalists have the same goals or interests as these other groups.

My point is, they make zero effort to understand what anyone else wants or what anyone else thinks. They're complete solipsists.

TP: In the UK, there was an LGBT curriculum in a classroom in a Muslim neighborhood, so all of the religious Muslims came out protesting.

And you actually had this video where it's like a gay guy saying, "I'm doing this for you."

And they're like, "We don't like you and we don't like what you're doing."

But these these leftists have created this narrative where they're the saviors of all these different groups.

sv3rige #sexist youtube.com

The reason you look the way you look is because you did not get pregnant right after you start menstruating. Your menstruation is literally your body nature, god if you are religious telling you to have children now.

Matt Walsh #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

We Can Win This.

The final thing I learned from spending a year staring into this abyss is that, we can win this fight. Gender ideology is insane, destructive, pervasive, ubiquitous, and beatable.

You know, I get asked this all the time. Is this a hill that I'm really that I want to die on? Do you want to die on this hill? And the answer is, yes, I'll die on this hill, if there's any hill worth dying on, it's this one. The hill of objective truth. Yeah, I think that's pretty important. I'll die on that.

But though I'm willing to die on this hill, I don't plan on it. As General Patton said back in the days before the military cared about equity, intolerance more than killing bad guys, he said, no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his.

Well, I would say the same, metaphorically, for this hill, this fight for truth, this struggle against gender lunacy. We can win because the other side can be crushed under the weight of simple questions. I saw this happen myself before my very eyes time and time again. The learned, the educated, the experts crumpled and collapsed and panicked in front of me, just this bumpkin wearing flannel armed with a high school diploma. Running out of the room.

Is it because i'm brilliant? Well, those are my preferred adjectives, that's how I identify myself, but no, I don't have to be brilliant, fortunately. All you need to do is just stand up and look this thing directly in the face, serve it a healthy dose of skepticism, force it to explain itself. The gender ideologues are weak and scared and vulnerable, they've perched themselves on a limb that isn't even connected to a tree, they're anchored in nothing, their world view is empty and frail and flimsy. We don't need to be armed with anything but a spine, enough to stand up against them straight, just stand up straight and ask questions, questions that cannot be answered, questions that for that reason aren't supposed to even be asked.

But we must ask them and if we do we'll win and we must win.

Fr. Chad Ripperger #crackpot #elitist #fundie youtube.com

You have to get the permission from the bishop which gives you the authority of the Church to act upon them.

This is one of the reasons why even the Protestants know that there are certain cases that only Catholics can break. There was a case in New York, a guy was possessed, doing the levitation thing, you know, sticking to the ceiling, and the Protestants are like, well, let's just go in and liberate the individual.

They go in, they got beaten within an inch of their lifes. And while they were being beaten the demon said, you have no authority over me. Because certain kinds of possession require the authority of the Catholic Church. So they got the exorcist from the diocese to come in, he commands the thing by the power of Church to come down, the guy descends and then they cuff him.

Question, I don't know, you're probably gonna say I have a demon, but what if I, like, don't really believe in this. Or, like, it's just like way too
much, like what would you say to a person like me.

I would say I wish I had that luxury. No, I'm serious.

About 70 to 80% of the cases of possession the person changes shape. You know, this is not something that somebody can do. As I mentioned, I've seen levitation but it's extremely rare, hidden knowledge is a very common thing, them telling you things that there's absolutely no way they would know. Somebody who has never even heard a language, for example, I had a possession case where the demon told me his name in a form of Egyptian that hadn't been spoken for three thousand years, I had to go to a linguistic expert to find out what he said.

John MacArthur #fundie youtube.com

I read the other day that one of the Evangelical “publicists” (whatever that is) said he’s happy to let us know that the new administration will uphold religious freedom. Really? The new administration will uphold religious freedom? Um, I don’t even support religious freedom. Religious freedom’s what sends people to hell!

To say, “I support religious freedom” is to say, “I support idolatry.” It’s to say, “I support lies. I support hell. I support the kingdom of darkness.” You can’t say that!

No Christian with half a brain would say, “We support religious freedom.” We support the truth!

[Applause can be heard from the congregation]

Erica Sell #fundie youtube.com

Movies like Luca, Moana, and The Little Mermaid are all about water spirits and the marine kingdom. It’s so sad that they are getting children indoctrinated into this. Thank you for waking people up! Let’s stay in prayer, saints!

Rodrigo Ele #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Tim Pool Says Trump MUST Win 2024 Or Else All Is Lost

Take it from a US-loving Argentinean: he is absolutely right. I can see it all the way from down here. At the start of the 20th century, the US and Argentina were competingt head to head for the number #1 spot as the most prosperous nation in the world. Then in the 40s we made a hard turn to the left with the emergence of "Peronismo", a populist movement with Socialist tendencies which consisted in basically giving people everything they wanted so that they would keep voting Peronism. We never recovered, because they got people used to the idea that they had a right to demand both the government and successful people gave them money, and productivity went down the drain. 80 years later, we haven't recovered, because CULTURE and WORK ETHIC are lost.

Socialism is like a drug both for the politician and for the citizen: once politicians start promising free stuff to people, they can't stop. Even if they know it's not sustainable, they can't stop, because they need people to continue voting for them. And the politicians who do know that the problem is in giving away "free" stuff can't run on the promise of cutting back on that, because of course too many people won't vote for them.

Americans: Trump doesn't need to win. You and your children need Trump (or Desantis) to win. Otherwise, your country is done. For real.

Sandman #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #sexist youtube.com

Demi Lovato Gets Sexier Everyday - MGTOW

Singers deciding to be fat non-binary clown world shows. This is what happens when you go woke at the same time you hit the wall. She's 30 now and the music industry is brutal for women. The audience moves on to more attractive women that are prettier, younger and more fertile.

30 year old guys no longer find them as attractive as they once did, so instead such musicians embrace their inner butch to get those bucks.

Her new number of subscribers is falling but the views just keep going up and up. That's suspicious and it makes me believe that she's part of some sort of woke agenda and that's why she's being pushed by big platforms, the idea is that very attractive women with high SMV should be willing to reduce it. Feminists like this because they see it as a way to punish men when women don't live up to so-called "patriarchal beauty standards", most of us don't care though, all we do is find younger female musicians to listen to that are still feminine. There's always women willing to exploit their tits for clicks.

I was going through my twitter feed the other day and there was a woman complaining that three of the girls in her daughter's class were actually transitioning and on male hormones, and that one kid was non-binary. This is part of the whole transhumanism agenda. In order to break down what it means to be human, our overlords need to first break down gender by saying that there are more genders than flavors of baskin robbins and then eventually the push would be to make all of us non-binary.

I believe Lovato is exploiting this for her own financial gain and probably doesn't understand the insidious nature of what's going on.

I'm in the process of reinventing myself in this "sigma sphere", a term I just coined. I'mm trying to covertly carry over MGTOW philosophy to the most productive and desirable men in our society and I'm coining phrases like "relationships and marriage are kryptonite for your mind" and "kryptonite for your grind." I believe in sigma because I realized I have had all the characteristics of it my entire life, so it's a natural fit for me, but to fully self-actualize as a sigma you need to embrace being single.

Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski & Bethany Mandel #wingnut youtube.com

Democrats Face Historic Defeat, CNN Says GOP At EIGHTY-YEAR Polling Record

TP: The fascinating thing is, there was an article from the Washington Post that was like, "Democrats are going to lose the midterms, here's why it's a good thing." My favorite line in their opening paragraph is, "Every poll can't be wrong."

I just laughed because not only are all of the polls wrong, but they're wrong in favor of Democrats, meaning if every poll right now is saying Republicans are going to win and it's, like, the generic ballot is +2 GOP, it's probably +7 GOP okay or +10.

LM: Who knew stealing people's ability to have upward economic mobility wasn't popular? Who knew giving corporate bailouts was unpopular, who knew raising gas prices, stopping domestic energy production was unpopular? Obviously the people are feeling it, no lies, no propaganda could cut through the reality.

BM: They will regret making people care this much. It is impacting every corner of people's lives in a way that, this will drive anger. I mean, they're talking about, "abortion will fuel the midterms", like, none of that will fuel the midterms. It is people driving to the gas tank and then not being able to go grocery shopping.

TP: it's amazing to me that they're really driving the gun control narrative right now. The media is pushing it like crazy and I'm like, I'm pretty sure the dude who turns on the news, it's just all going past him. Every word they say with like "gun control" and "mass shootings" and he's sitting there, just thinking, "I don't have any money left, I'm not gonna make it."

LM: They're trying to change the conversation, make it emotional. Abortion. Guns.

TP: But my point is, you can't. When there's somebody holding the receipt in their hand for a 100 dollar tank of gas and then you're like, "Listen to me, gun control and abortion!"

And they're like, "What did you say?"

BM: There was an interesting statistic that was like 80% of people are worried right now, financially. 80%. You cannot just wish, cast that away with gun control, or abortion, or anything. At the end of the day, it's going to be the price of gas and and the ripple effect of all of that.

Hannosho Ba'ali’i #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #moonbat youtube.com

Who decided that OUR Melandigenous Origiant Grandcestors were to be called 'denisovans'? How did ii miss that meeting? Who approved that name? ii want THAT person's name.

ii will NOT use a neocolonial appellation to reference the ancestry of MY glorious Grandcestors.

The term 'denisovan' is perfect for directing ones imagination from any 'TALL, DARK, and HANDSOME' peoples who were moor advanced than we are today.

Kinda like that 'lucy' appellation scam.

'van' is sooo Dutch European.

MY imagination sees MELANDIGENAL (black) people.

John Doyle #wingnut #psycho youtube.com

[when asked if he thinks Putin should bomb the US]

I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I think that [Putin is] a genius. I think that he’s a very calculated political actor, and I think that he’s four steps ahead of our smartest person at the State Department, who is likely a diversity hire.

So, I don’t think it’s going to get to that point. I would certainly hope not. But on the same note, it wouldn’t exactly be the worst thing in the world if parts of this country were subjected to nuclear hellfire. We’re an abominable country. We glorify everything that is the most wrong and abominable, so maybe we deserve it. I think the only reason we haven’t gotten to that point is probably because there are still parts of the righteous remnant left, and as long as those people stay righteous, I guess we’ll be spared. But it really wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if places maybe like New York City or Washington, D.C., were just deleted. These are terrible, God-forsaken places.

Dillon Awes #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

What does God say is the answer, is the solution, for the homosexual in 2022, here in the New Testament, here in the Book of Romans?

That they are worthy of death! These people should be put to death!

Every single homosexual in our country should be charged with the crime, the abomination of homosexuality, that they have. They should be convicted in a lawful trial. They should be sentenced with death. They should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head! That’s what God teaches. That’s what the Bible says.

You don’t like it? You don’t like God’s Word, because that is what God says.
Here’s the thing. Here’s why reprobates, here’s why homosexuals, are so dangerous to society: They’re not like other sinners in the sense that every single day that they are alive, they’re being filled with more and more and more unrighteousness.

That is a scary thing. You want to know why we say that all homosexuals are pedophiles? And let me make that very clear: All homosexuals are pedophiles.

And people say, “Well, what about all the straight people that molest children?” They’re fags!”

I don’t care what you call them. If a person is with a child, you’re a fag. You’re a reprobate. You’re a sodomite. I don’t care what kind of classifications our government wants to give them. All homosexuals are pedophiles.

Now, here’s the thing. Here’s what I’m not saying. I’m not saying that every single homosexual that’s alive right now has committed that act with the child already. Because it could be that they haven’t had the opportunity yet, and they will at some point later in their life.

This is why we need to put these people to death, through the proper channels of the government, because the Bible says that they are being filled.

So here’s the thing: Yes, maybe not every single homosexual has been with a child yet, but what about tomorrow when they’re filled with a little more unrighteousness? What about in a week from now when they’re filled with a little more unrighteousness? What about 20 years from now? What are they gonna be like?

You look up the statistics on these sodomites that abuse children, they’re with so many children, it’ll make you throw up. Disgusting. These people are not normal. They’re not your average everyday sinners. They’re what the Bible calls reprobate. They’re rejected by God. They have no hope of salvation.

Various Incels #crackpot #pratt #sexist #transphobia youtube.com

RE: FtM Transgender community meets the Blackpill.

"being a man is like dying and coming back as a ghost"
I can't believe it took a woman to perfectly describe man's experience.

It really hit me when they were speaking about being a ghost. I haven't really lived. Life as an average/ugly male is just a different world entirely. You get treated as disposable garbage, no one cares about your issues, people are distant toward you, people think it's ok to mock you, dating is shit or non existant. It's just misery.

(Jack Archer)
Many women literally don’t know how good they have it. My friend’s gf was complaining about the fact that her default option is having a family and a husband. Meanwhile, a male’s default option is living penniless and alone with no family or wife. Unbelievable.

(Janos Fejos)
Imagine you went through a dangerous and difficult transition to have a better life only to find out that it's actually hell on earth.

(Berserk S.)
Women think every guy lives like the handsome hot dude they admire.

I knew a trans girl who became a boy. Told her she was gonna have problems because of her height. Didn't listen to me. Then, depression took over.

Imagine choosing life as a 5'6 male.
I just feel bad - these people have been lied to about the patriarchy or whatever.

It's simple. Being a woman means you're the prize and being a man means you're the competitor. Competitors are naturally hostile to each other and most wont get the prize because they weren't good enough. Prizes or trophies just have to sit there and look valuable. By choosing to be a male you're choosing hard mode in life.

(David Brinkerhoff)
I have, at times, tried to explain the difficulties and challenges of heightism in the modern world to my sister. It is literally impossible to get them to understand. Their life experience is that Chad can pick and reject whomever he pleases. It hurts them to be rejected/ignored by Chad and so they redirect their insecurities by assuming all men are Chad.

Ftm shock is even bigger than sub5 discovering blackpill, since they already lived in hell, just found out why...Ftm went straight from tutorial to impossible nightmare mode

Tim Pool #wingnut youtube.com

Agreement that men should be represented and valued more in our society, by age, gender and party.

Young & older Democratic women disagree, younger Democratic men agree. What? This is crazy, younger Democrat men, two to one, agree men should be represented and valued more in our society.

Young & older Republican women agree, younger Republican men agree at the same levels as young Democrat men, older Republican men agree.

Yo, feminists are losing and it is brutal.

Now, it could just be that this is favorable to the SPLC's worldview, they need to rile up young people and say "We're losing, you need to give us money." I guess they never accept when they're winning they need to be victims.

I don't know, maybe it's legit, maybe they actually did this poll and it was a legitimate poll, I don't know.

Agreement that transgender people are a threat to children.

All Democrat groups disagree, but 42% of young Democrat men agree with the statement that transgender people are a threat to children.

Yo, that's crazy.

Young Republican men at 57% think that transgender people are a threat to children. Older Republican women also agree, but, it's a plurality, not a majority, 45%.

Yo, that's crazy, isn't that crazy, old Republican women and young Republican men, but older Republican men & young Republican women don't agree. Weird, right?

This is where it gets real interesting. Agreement that transgender people are trying to indoctrinate children into their lifestyles.

Democratic women, both young and old, disagree, but younger Democratic women about a third agree that's true. Young Democrat men disagree, but 40% do agree.

Young Republican women 66% agree, old Republican women 62% agree, young Republican men 64% agree, older Republican men 60% agree.

All of this data, assuming it's true, shows that the culture war has shifted. The right is winning, the right's worldview is dominant, and I think it's because moderates are reading the news and they know what's legit and what's not.

Crazy days huh, I wonder what this means for the future. I think the future is going to be very, very, very, very conservative.

Hopefully data like this is a whitepill moment.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: American Racial Imperialism in England

My Nordic ancestors caused a lot of chaos around Europe and I would like to take this moment to admit I am never going to apologize for one single drop of chaos they caused, In fact I hope they had a jolly time.

(Qwad's Freedom TV)
"Indigenous communities must be respected and preserved"
"OK, what about indigenous Europeans?"

(Damian Freeman)
I am increasingly convinced that less diversity is good. Hegemony is good for harmony and unity, diversity creates conflict. And that applies to everyone, not just my own country. Japan has it right. They have their own problems but cultural degredation isn't one of them.

(Russian Waifu)
American wokeness is spreading faster than monkeypox.

I find the black and white view of racisms so limited, if you divide all races into black and white, you will eventually end up with a dilemma, however, if you see race in a traditional sense where the Germans and Polish are two different races, you can be racist in so many more ways!

(Richard Newlin)
When are we gonna talk about Africa's lack of diversity? Too much black supremacy over there.

Or Asia

Or Israel.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: The Country Mourns Children, Obama Mourns A Criminal


Calling Barack Obama a patriotic American is like calling George Floyd an American hero.

(Calley Burns)
How can anyone compare the death of a criminal to the death of innocent children. Insane. Immoral.

(Tom Pollock Jr)
Obama's tweet is absolutely disgusting as a response to what happened to those children. Literally sickening.

“The same systemic Racism that made me the most powerful man in the world”- Barack Obama.

(IndieMan !)
This is shocking for anyone to say this let alone a FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Why would anyone say such a stupid, heartless thing at a time like this.

As disgusting as this is at least he's showing us his true colors. I still carry the guilt of voting for him in 2008...someday I hope to forgive myself. 🙏

Im just a European over here, but... Holy cow... It's hard to believe a President would be SO out of touch with it's citizens and say such an insane thing.
Absolutely disgusting.

(Hateful EightySeven)
Totally in agreement here.
19 innocent children & 2 teachers and George Floyd ain't even close to being comparable.

To quote a popular movie:

It ain't the same ball park, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same sport!

(anime and wieardness)
It's heartbreaking that politicians will use any opportunity to maintain the divide between us. If more Americans would turn to that ole good book..."Johnny the Walrus"

Tom-A062 & ИмамДан #conspiracy #homophobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: CPAC Goes to Hungary

As a Transylvanian Hungarian, I wish to address all those westerners who are horrified that they do not recognize their countries anymore.

Do not give up, do not give a fucking nanometer of ground, fight like hell, this struggle is not won, and it's not over by any measure. You only lose when you stop fighting, stop caring, do not be passive, do not hold the attitude "well if they're happy being degenerates then it's not my problem as long as they're not hurting anyone", but the thing is: they ARE, they are hurting themselves, the impressionable youths. Cultural marxism, the world economic forum, pedowood abd every other leftist institution, group and person is seeking to destroy the west, and by extension true and free civilization. That is why tiktok, tinder, Instagram, etc. exist, to target the young, those who do not possess the life experience to know better and to fight back, they're playing the long game, waiting for the old and wise to die out while they corrupt the young.

If we not only not only hold our ground, but also push back with every inch of strength and wisdom we have then within 50 years we will be WISHING for Orwell's 1984.

Salute to the Hungarians for standing up for themselves, massive respect from Bulgaria. Don't succumb to Westernism like we did, our country is completely gone. Sofia has become the WOKE GLOBALIST outpost of eastern Europe, it's LGBT everywhere. You barely see a sign, written in the Bulgarian alphabet anymore, it's all English. The national pride in people is completely gone, the culture is dead. Halloween is probably the most cherished "holiday". People speak in a weird Americano-Bulgarian, that's 80% English, and some just straight up talk in English. They write their names in Latin and the few babies that are born are given western sounding names. Anybody who shows even a milligram of patriotism is viciously mocked online, and it's a general consensus that patriotism is the problem of the entire country. It's crap, DON'T BE LIKE US!

Tj Marz #dunning-kruger #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Democrats FAIL To Pass Abortion Expansion, Roe Is DONE

Imagine being someone that wants the federal government to run everything in your life and still think that you don't have a favorite flavor of boot polish.
Let the states handle their own things and live in a state that most closely reflects your ideals, it's as simple as that.

mauiportal #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

kinda hard to make predictions when you are wrong about everything. Russia is not losing the war, in fact it has not lost one major engagement against the Nazis. Russia never intended to conquer or invade the capital, there are 3 million people in the capital in Russia only had 30,000 troops outside the capital. These troops were to draw the Nazis from the South into the open and cut off their supplies, these are simple military tactics that are succeeding. In the capital the electricity was never shut down, the Internet works, the water runs, and foreign diplomats walked the street who would easily be targeted for Hypersonic missiles. Russia is not at war with the Ukrainian people but against the Nazis we installed in 2014. Russia doesn't need an offramp, it is the United States and the West that needs the offramp. We are running out of diesel, we are running out of fertilizer, we are running out of wheat, and were 30 trillion in debt whereas Russia has no debt, in fact, has a surplus in spite of the West stealing $300 billion in reserves. The only reason the CIA-controlled media lies concerning the war in Ukraine, babbling incessantly about Ukrainian victories against Russians and how heroic the Nazis are is all about money for the military-industrial complex. Can't very well justify giving Ukraine $40 billion if they're losing, which of course they are.

thorinbane #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Do you guys know anything about Ukraine and Russia. Its like US citizens woke up in 2022 and want to tell everyone they know everything about a nothing country they didn't give two turtle turds about at christmas. The regions occupied by Russia were given to Ukraine for administration during the soviet era. The are not just the most russian speaking area, the are also the manufacturing area because they were Russian before this. In fact Ukraine will likely be bulkanized by Poland and Romania as well. If they hadn't been murdering 14,000 people in their civil war the USA propped up for the last 8 years, none of this would be happening. Minsk 2 was signed by all parties including the USA, but Ukraine never followed through.

Go do a little more digging, You guys are missing about 98% of the context of everything about this 'invasion'.

Kristin Strickland #fundie youtube.com

@Erich Kays Here is one of several ways in which birth control is a sin: birth control pills attempt to prevent an egg from being fertilized. If that fails, the pill results in the fertilized egg being unable to implant in the uterus. "Thou shalt not kill." Sounds like a sin to me

Jonathan Shelley #fundie youtube.com

[in a sermon titled “Make Abortion Murder Again”]

America has a lot of abortion doctors walking around right now causing God to not be able to bless America until we shed their blood. Now, I do not believe that we should take that into our own hands — I won’t touch one of them, only in self-defense. But you know what? We should pass legislation and our government should find these people guilty of murder through due process, through the legal processes of multiple witnesses of hard evidence, and then they should kill them and anybody that does it in the future.

Now, if I was “king of the nation”, I would probably give everybody a free pass. But starting, like, immediately effective, any future abortion at this point, we would slay them. We would kill them because I don’t want God to be mad at me.

Anti Vegan #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

Wearing a mask is an infringement upon our freewill. That’s exactly why it hasn’t been made a law. Because the powers that be need for us to want to wear them. They need us to submit to a muzzle and beg to be “protected” by a piece of cloth. Wearing a mask suffocates me. I have a narrow pallet and it has always been difficult for me to be in confined spaces, like under a blanket. This is irrelevant and it should be besides the point but it proves that we are just being experimented on as a whole. The consequence of our actions unknowingly destroying our health and the health of our loved ones, in the name of health!! It is a travesty! Clearly the masses are to being tested, everything so obviously an experiment, we are all on trial. Actually protesting is redundant so maybe just stop wearing the mask! It will only matter to you. Protesting is welcome! Protesting is legal so why not just protest by NOT wearing a mask and shopping with a sign on your neck saying “NO TO MASKS”. That way you make an example to the sheep who are too scared to take their mask off. It won’t matter protesting with a bunch of like minds like yourself if you’re not even living by your own moral standards. This year has been so long and gone by so fast they are stealing the youth of our children a f they are suffocating our mothers and babies! Say no to masks by not wearing them, simple as that. Mask strip you from your identity, it is a part of an occult and esoteric ritual to wear masks. Many are saying that it is a Satanic ritual

Elijah Schaffer #racist youtube.com

Yeah, Native Americans, get the fuck out of America! You're on stolen land that you stole. And you want to know why Manifest Destiny happened? You don't know why we took it back? Because we couldn't live with you on the land because you guys kept declaring war on us and kept declaring war and trying to take back land that we already traded and/or bought from you. And you did not understand property rights because you were savages. And that's why you got the name that you did. Unfortunately for you, that's what happened. So you know what, it's just true.

Tops 10s #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist youtube.com

Top 10 Real monkey fur proof all primates monkeys and ape species all have fur and not hair exposed.
What the Caucasian try to claim that monkeys have hair well reality is the total opposite all monkey ape and primate species have fur all over their bodies to protect themselves from the natural elements outside Caucasoid lying monkey head exposed.
K9 DNA and Neanderthal Bigfoot DNA exposed the European Caucasoid tried to force the belief of their cousins cynocephali dog man werewolf branding monsters and demons that the Europeans are related too as a God called Anubis on the African.
Ancient black people the Anunnaki Rastafarian Egyptian Ethiopian children of the sun stardust first man on planet earth already mapped the earth from the stars and Africa is on top of the world because it was closer to the sun and Europe at the bottom and colder so Africa was the upper world called Alkebulan the garden of Eden closest to the heavens and Europe below was called the underworld where hellish creatures lived in the caves all types of man animal mutants, Anubis is the original werewolf dog man tamed by the black mans ancient ancestors as our warrior guard dogs but the werewolf dog man is more kind loyal and civil as there cousin the Caucasoid. More proof we are dealing with monsters, yes albino man animal mutant cave creatures from the caves of the Caucasus mountains and Neanderthal valley mutated with Neanderthals/primates/dogs/wolf

Tops 10s #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick youtube.com

Top 10 Proof voodoo is real flying witches & wizards creating vortexes in Congo real voodoo exposed. The way how ancient blacks the anunaki traveled at the highest peak of black civilization and consciousness our feet never touched the ground blacks moved like supermen in ancient times levitating above the ground.

incinium z #transphobia #dunning-kruger youtube.com

Not everything is trans or LGBT stuff, something we look into it far too deeply. Is mettaton transgender because of HIS new body? No, it's just an incorporeal being inhabiting a body. And Mad Mew Mew isn't looking for self acceptance, she's lookin' for a better body. And do you all want to know what I think? What I really think about all of this, even though everyone will hate me for it? You can't truly change your gender. It's born in you, and it's not gotten wrong, you all just let your feeling dictate everything, versus thinking and just being happy with who you are. If you're not, there's no need to change your body or identify as something you aren't, instead of forcing the change or creating a fake change, make it in yourself, change yourself internally. Work to be the kind of person you want to in live. Maybe then you'll find you've become happy with yourself. I can't covince any of you this, and you'll all call me a hateful bigot for daring to speak ill of the glorious and perfect trans community, but I have to say these things. Mad Mew Mew is only trans if you use the right lens, otherwise they're nothing there to say it. And you all have much, much bigger issues in life than worrying about gender, whether yours or not. If you dwell on these things, you'll be oblivious to actual issues in the world.

A.J. Lare #fundie youtube.com

Did you know that there is an actual flash of light at the moment of conception?!?!!!!♡♡♡ I believe at that point is when the soul is present/exists. God said He was dealing with us before the foundations of the earth were laid... so amazing!♡♡♡
Love your vids! Are you a Jesus believer? Because I get the sense you are! You say wise things ♡

All my friends who had abortions, carry that with them...they think of the "could have beens"

Callum Darragh #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

The United States Looks Like South Africa

That is the state of the United States, which is increasingly looking like a tin pot south African country. I mean racial discrimination directly from the central government, on the grounds of just giving away money to black people and refusing it to white people. Your universities again are being infested with just racial, ideological debates endlessly and black supremacist ideology. Is the economy going down the pan? Yeah. Mega inflation. I mean, it is mad, but it is the reality of what it looks like.

Ethan Karyadi #fundie youtube.com

If you thought this story was something, wait til you get this. Let me share an anecdote with you. Several years ago, I was told by someone that we came from animals. He said that these animals came from dinosaurs, and seeing that he bought into the lie of evolution we asked him some questions. Here’s the exchange. “Where did the dinosaurs come from?”
“They came from the monsters.”
“Where did the monsters come from?”
“They came from aliens.”
“Where did they come from?”
“They were from the Ancient Eldritch Flying Tentacled Cosmic Grand Avatar from Dimension 900.”

Ok that last part didn’t happen but you got the point. He was so convinced that we came from somewhere but our origin just didn’t include God. Also, please pray for me as I’m considering moving schools. I’ve been having issues with the one I’m currently attending and I don’t think continuing my education there would be a wise decision. Thanks and God bless you.

Conspiracy Keith #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

This video will look at how the Covid crisis has revealed who or what the Anti-Christ is, and how he has been unveiled to the world. There are many names the anti-Christ is called the beast, the man of sin, the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition, the son of destruction, he who comes in his own name, the little horn, the king of the north, the king of fierce countenance, the prince of darkness, the son of Satan and many more. This talk will focus on the 3 main names he is called, the beast, the man of sin and the anti-Christ. Many church leaders think that the anti-Christ is coming in the future, this video will show that he is already operating in our world right now and that we are in the hour of the great Deception.

Сергей Корепин #pratt #conspiracy youtube.com

(submitter note: in agruement with a user named WielkiZielonyMelon)
@WielkiZielonyMelon A large NATO-trained army is now in the cauldron near Donetsk. In the liberated cities, there are plans to attack the Donbass with this army. There is an interview with a Swiss, who participated in organizing the training, that the goal of this army is to storm the Donbass and return it by force. There are Zelensky's words that you will return Donbass and Crimea by force. There is a ban on the Russian language, legislative, which is a direct violation of the Minsk agreements. You have not fulfilled any of these agreements. Although if they had done it, then under the same agreement, Donbass would have completely returned.

Jason Graber #homophobia #psycho youtube.com

[In response to schools that teach LGBTQ-friendly lessons. Emphasis added.]

Apparently in schools today, they’re literally grooming the kids to be just ready to be taken advantage of.

Any teacher that would show this type of lewd… I mean, basically what I’ve heard is that
they’re basically, they’re showing pornographic images to children. To young children. Which is against the law—I’m pretty sure it’s-I think it’s a felony—but, you know what? Preachers need to get up and say… well, teachers that do this, they should be put to death. They need to be taken out and shot in the back of the head. Because they’re… they’re pedophiles!

Any teacher that’s gonna show pornographic images to young children, they are a predator! And the reason that they’re doing that is because they want to take advantage of young children!

And these teachers, they’re showing these pornographic images to these young children, and literally grooming them, those teachers need to have the fear of God put in them. And you know what? That’s what the government is for. In Romans 13, the Bible talks about that the government’s job is to execute judgment with the sword, okay? So maybe we need to put aside the guns and we need to get the sword back out. And we need to make these executions
public. We need to find these teachers that are showing pornographic images and grooming
children, we need to find them, try them, get the television out, we need to get FOX News, CNN, every YouTube channel out there, put it on television. We need to show them being publicly beheaded.

That’s what needs to happen to these people. Because you know what? Otherwise our nation is gonna turn into a literal Sodom and Gomorrah.

Mark Zuckergecko #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

It's probably impossible to know any accurate count on the Clintoncide hit list, because there are surely people who were acquainted with them who legitimately died in weird accidents. And there are also surely people who were legitimately Clintoncided, that nobody really knows about, probably because the connection just hadn't been made. The Esptein situation has always cracked me up, because while Hillary is the obvious front runner, she's hardly the only person who would have benefited from him being disappeared. I like to imagine her hearing about that news and thinking "hey, I actually didn't do that!"

Candace Owens #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

CANDACE OWENS: Well, I'm a big believer that they intentionally killed people in hospitals during COVID. They wouldn't let family members in there to make decisions for them. I personally saw, when I went to an asthma clinic, that they would not give me life-saving asthma treatment because breathing was not allowed, even though they had the nebulizer. And if they had not sent an ambulance -- asthma attack is about, like -- you have got a very short window of time. I was having an asthma attack and the doctor had the life-saving medicine and said that the CDC had barred them from giving it to me.

So there was no question that they colluded to kill American citizens so they could fluff numbers and say that people died from COVID. I still to this day question the use of ventilators. It makes entirely no sense. People need oxygen, not compression on their chest when they're dealing with something that's in their chest.

So, from top to bottom, yes, our government wanted people to die. There's no question. Because it fed the narrative.

And we're talking about crimes against humanity. People should face long prison sentences. People should face tribunals because of what they did during COVID.

And it's not even that. The masking of children, the treatment of special needs kids that were being forced to be masked on planes, that were having, you know -- essentially the trauma that was put to people on a psychological level, to me, should bring forth tribunals. People like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci should be in prison, Rachel Walensky among them. There was corruption top to bottom. And it was all done because they had already predestined the vaccine. Right? The denied treatment, they denied the use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin. The media was complicit in it.

And it infuriates me – it infuriates me – the amount of people that were allowed to die and to suffer when there were medicines that worked because they knew that they could not get emergency use authorization if there was any treatments that worked. So they needed people to just die for a while. And that is exactly what happened and it makes me sick to my stomach to even think that we're having to say that today. But we have criminals and, like I said, drug cartel leaders that are running our government and it's despicable. I will not mince words when it comes to those awful human beings.

LeGrandDuca ! #racist #wingnut youtube.com

As a french i can tell you we definitely treat migrants as kings. they have food, homes, they never go to jail because " muh murder is normal in their culture ", they have welfares etc. I almost wonder why they go to britain seeing how much better than us locals they are treated here

سمير الدرع #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

Our saudi women is an honorable enhanced queen
Don't pay for the house
Don't pay for school, university and college
Do not pay for hospital treatment service
In banks and institutions, women first
Man pays her the marriage dowry and she does not pay anything for marriage
Upon divorce, the house is registered in her name, and the man leaves the house
The divorced woman is paid a monthly salary by the state
Her husband is deceased, the state pays her a monthly salary, and if he died in battle, the state pays her compensation at least 150 thousand dollars
Hitting a woman is forbidden
Her contempt from her husband is forbidden
American What is the woman?

Alan Page #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

(Context: the comments under a viral video about oral sex with trans men for gay guys is full of harassment and/or fundies such as this)

This is what seperates the L & G from the rest of the alphabet soup. L&Gs fought for domestic rights like marriage, partner inheritance rights, workplace rights etc. Qu--r anarchism fights for an unlimited age of consent free pansexualised eden and regards so called "monosexuals" as ignorant untermenschen for not wanting to do wild exotic things like buggering horses or f-sting seven year olds. Qu--r theorist Guy Hocquenghem in his "Screwball Asses" gives the game away by talking about how so called gay "nationalists" will probably end up protesting that their rights to self-identify as such will be swept away by this great revolutionary wave. He also says that by making frequent usage of the term "intersex" (irrespective of the reality of the medical condition it supposedly describes) will help to shatter the concept of a strict binary and allow for this brave new world to take over. This has been a part of the "Q" philosophy from the very start (alongside age of consent abolition of course).

TheRighteousApe #psycho #sexist #ableist youtube.com

With my strong gorilla arms, i will right all the wrongs committed by the ugly against the righteous people.
i will surely laugh over their degraded bodies. i will also laugh at the emos, retards, people with cancer, kids with disease, and idiots in general.
Stillborn babies are weak, they make me laugh and feel even more superior.
The earth will shake to rid us from the freaky aliens. (and lots of women might get raped).

PipweedTV #psycho #ableist youtube.com

Another one of my spare channels that I use to laugh at cancer patients and troll on dying children.

Cancer patients are the best victims to pick on because they can never win the argument.
If they ever come up with something witty or clever I can always reply with "But you're gonna be dead in a few weeks!" and I will thereby instantly win the argument.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #transphobia youtube.com

RE: The Right-Wing Backlash Has Arrived

(Dennis McFall)
Here’s the thing about this whole “this bill will be harmful for LGBTFJDIENEBDKDI students” argument: there are no LGBT-whatever 1st-, 2nd- or 3rd-graders. Period. Children at this age do not - and cannot - understand these topics. There simply are no LGBT students at this age. Any students of this age who claim to be within this category have already been groomed and are being told this is what they are.
Conclusion: the bill can’t have any effect on something that doesn’t exist.

(Golden Hate)
Which is why gender dysphoria was a mental disease as it affects kids under 10. Most common cause was on sibling of the opposite sex being treated differently or getting far more attention.

(Raphael de Moraes Fontella)
This isn't even the backlash yet.
This is just the wind pressure of the backlash mass burning in the atmosphere while crashing down in an extinction-level event.

Oh man i can hardly wait on the actual backlash. Disney has chosen a really bad hill to die on and with their groomers exposing themselves i think we are gonna see an extreme response to this

For a long time, I was okay with letting consenting adults do what they wanted as long as a) they didn't shove it in my face, and b) nobody was getting hurt. But there's probably a good reason why this behaviour was taboo in most cultures around the world up until the last 50 years. That abortion stat is just gross too. Especially when you consider how cheap and available contraception is. A cheeky w--k is also an option. Seems like everyday that passes, the more evidence mounts that the sexual revolution was just a bad idea, to put it mildly. Even at best it's just made everyone more miserable.

foundring #conspiracy #elitist #racist #wingnut youtube.com

No Russian Ever Called Me a Cracker - Original Song

when I was a lad I was head of every class
I asked my dad how long these good times would last
he said ‘hey son, they’ve never really begun
cuz you’re racist for being born Caucasian’
look around you and you will see
it’s a Clown World with NPCs
they will judge you begrudge you because you won’t conform
to the norm you’ve been warned


by the age of 18 my ADHD led me to the 88 keys
easier to make it as an Asian lady it seems
my dreams to bring these songs overseas grew wings
leaving me counting all these sheep
people still sleeping through this life
we need to keep speaking truth through the lies
I believe we’re all equal inside then why must I get in line to survive


spent most of my youth you know becoming best at piano
do you want proof I knew how to play Tatum when I turned 22
it’s true I’m underrated and I have the wrong hue
I might be the greatest someday they will see you for what’s inside
why keep stumbling through life in disguise
rise remember we’re born into light
don’t lose sight or be frightened it’s alright


ol’ daddy Vladimir said Nike no likey
kikes deleting the whites from airwaves
it was whack to be black way back in slavery days
don’t let the pendulum sway the other way
now that I’m older my songs are getting increasingly bolder
some friends are starting to give me cold shoulders
I thought I told ya that I’m playing the Joker until it’s over
when the world awakens and celebrates
states and nations of every race
they will bait us so we separate
but not this time every liar pays the price


ol’ daddy Vladimir said Nike no likey
kikes deleting the whites from airwaves
it was whack to be black way back in slavery days
don’t let the pendulum sway the other way
no Russian no no no Russian ever called me a cracker
no Russian ever called me a cracker
no Russian ever called me names

enjoymfs #fundie youtube.com

In regards to the Armenian genocide…

Yes, they committed atrocities but they did not commit genocide. Armenians first attacked the Turks and Muslims. They thought attacking a country which is in War against the most powerful countries was an advantage. At the end, they got deported. Now Most of those deported armenians live in the usa, lebanon, syria, iraq, france and Russia

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