
JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

If Chinese farmers begin to revolt (as counter measures indicate the CCP is afraid of happening...)


You can expect progressive leaning leaders and sheep minded libs to rush to the CCP's defense.

The notion that "brutal simple minded people" don't recognize that upstanding city folk benefit everyone is an idea that must not be allowed to propagate


Ya know, since people might realize that welfare leeches, self obsessed artists, and career politicians provide zero benefit to society

Siryeehaw #wingnut #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

Who the fuck is paying for reparations Mr. Not?
If its the Republicans- then-
A. You blew up the Republicans and all their money. They're debt-slaves now.
B. Hope you enjoy an insurgency for the next 50 years.

If its the remaining loyal states then-
A. This government sucks. Its giving preferential treatment to Blacks. You're just doing black supremacy and ignoring all the times other Whites, Natives, Asians, and Hispanics get/got exploited.
B. Damn I've come home to my new BugHome(tm) because my suburban home was bulldozed while I was in service to Kamala-Lock-Em-Up-Harris. And I gotta pay extra taxes to the Black guy next door.
Who also gets reparations? I know you said descendant of the 1st Civil War. Do you not realize that's 170 years ago? If generations are 20-30 years long, thats 8-9 generations depending on how much family you have. Do you not realize how many people that is? That's 512 ancestors for you in 8 generations, and 9 generations doubles that for 1024 ancestors. Thats not even getting into adoption if you'd count that or even be able to find connections.
Though I guess since its generalized to just 'African-Americans', so again- back to that black supremacy thing. Or is it just African-Americans, emigrant Africans need not be cared for. Or is it all Blacks in American society? Recently emigrated Nigerians and Congolese get special treatment. Is it anyone with a darker-than-caramel skin color?

thormemeson #wingnut deviantart.com

Its stuff like this that makes me very glad I turned AOC into a dictator of a failing state it confirms just how much of a fraud the left are.
Protecting democracy? Let me guess a sign of dictatorship is neutering centralized government in favor of giving states the right to rule.
no actually that what the say in fact alt right leader Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden for president. In a series of tweets, he wrote.
“The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end. So be patient. We’ll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form.
I will never flip on my fundamental principles. (My principles were never voting for the supposed ‘the lesser or two evils’ or ‘stopping big government.’)
Walking into certain defeat, even death, is not heroic. It’s foolhardy. I have no sympathy for martyrs. I admire winners.”
In all you fascists only change in one area what you call people who stand in the way of your control. Hitler cried jews, you cry alt right or cis white male.
The far right aren't burning cities to the ground dude thats the left wing antifa. In all these far right supporters are they these one that turned out to be staged?
Pick a city Chicago, NYC, LA, and even Dallas. The lincoln project is staffed and funded by Democrats dude its about as right wing as my cat is a pony.
You're clearly delusional those cities crime riddle hell holes NYC has murders walking free. In all its pretty clear you aren't going to facts and data.

Tell Us How You Really Feel Award

hrdeviantart #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

I will NOT apologize you. You are a fucking effeminate Luz Noceda cocksucker, you are a disgust to true men and you should be bullied by true men because TOH, Amphibia, SVTFOE, MLP FiM/EQG and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, or other any show with female lead character is for girls only.

I hate femboys, male feminists, gays, male fans of any girly-lead-character media or franchises and I prefer you be DEAD.

If you want to be a true man, stop watching those shows and start watching Sanjay and Craig, Pickle or Peanut, Billy Dilley, Ren and Stimpy (including Adult Party Cartoon) or any TV show who is male-lead-characters or sexual female degradation characters. Also please, play GTA 5 (including the strip club minigame), No More Heroes franchise, God of War greek mythology saga (including the sex minigame) or any male-character or sexual female degradation videogame.

LotusRubin #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

I never witnessed such Hatred for let's say Example "islamic Terrorists", after the (false Flag?) Terror Attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.
I never witnessed such an intense, enormous Hatred inside US-America - for anyone else. "ONLY" always at the leftwingish Side, for their fellow US-Americans. Only for voting Republican and not voting for the Demo(n)crats who want to DESTROY the United States, as what it is.

LotusRubin #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy deviantart.com

I think the so called " Second Civil War " would be over very VERY soon.
((( (( (Their) )) ))) only leftwingish, smelly Hope is -> that they have taken ENOUGH SHITS INSIDE THE BRAINS of the US-Army, that these would move and try to prevent their utter Destruction.
The Side of the obnoxious, recalcitrant, eternal Crybabies ( Leftwing ),
the Side of the based, hard-working, law-abiding Worker-Class ( Rightwing ), ???
There is no Question who would win. But sadly -> the political Right has to much Humanity inside their Hearts, to give these recalcitrant Darkness-Spawns the Treatment they deserve.
While this is good and prevents disgusting, smelly Globalists like George Soros to see their "DESIRED US-AMERICA" in which US-Americans slaughter each other,
it's R~EEEEEEAAAAAAAALLY hard to constantly get called a "Fascist" and the likes all the Life : and constantly being viciously attacked in one way or the other,
and NEVER roll out the Whip and the Belt and give these pieces of sxxx the absolute TRASHING that they always provoke and beg for - for Years and YEARS on End - and who never stop with this crap.
It started so hard in November 2016,
when a Man was elected as US-President, that their " MAIN STREAM MASTERS " had demonised, defamed and slandered for about half a Year,
People SCREEEEEAAAMED into the Sky like Demons bathed in Holy Water, hence creating legendary Meme's,
and only because the Citizens of the United States elected a Man ((( (( (THEY) )) ))) didn't want to see elected, an UUUUUUUUUUNBELIEVABLE Era of Division and obnoxious Bullshit was kicked loose.
I am not even US-American and even "i" can't unsee it. SO. MUCH. HATRED. for US-America and the based, law-abiding, honest-working Labor- and Worker-Class,
it's IN~SANE.

JonFreeman #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

Remember: feminist writers kill off "toxic male" heroes and attempt to replace them with Mary Sue protags (heman, terminator, 1st draft indy 5)


Just like how they wish they could murder men in real life. Or how they destroy the careers of male rivals and usurp their positions.


Because damn those evil men.


Totally trustworthy those women are

benji150 #wingnut #psycho #crackpot deviantart.com

drivanmoffitt:...80 million is way too small for a nation of that size, especially one that controls almost all of the former US, which by the way has a population of over 331.9 million (also Mexico has a population of over 126.7 million all from 2021 so give a take a few million now) so what the fuck happen to the 437+ million people? Not good as you state its' fascist....

benji150: Well, in order to eliminate the US population, it is necessary to compulsorily recruit them, send them to the holocaust, torture them for fun and entertainment, use them as human bombs for bombings, use them as laboratory rats without anesthesia, etc.

Masonicon #conspiracy #crackpot #senpai_noticed_us deviantart.com

Why I was here in this site for mere hours

this journal's idea is spurred by following:
[Link to another DeviantArt user’s blog post “Why I was on here less for several days”
except perhaps, I still buying into lot of Conspiracy Theories, it just Flat Earthers(and other rogue conspiracy theorists) makes people like me looks bad. as Rogue Conspiracy Theorists such as Q-anon are Illuminati's xanatos Gambits(if you're thinks and insists Illuminati isn't real, just don't argue with me, it just pulls of 18th century equivalent of Operation Paperclip following supposed disbandment of Bavarian Illuminati)
Media is Actually Worse

and here's the meat of this journal: Social Media, notably deviantart can eat through my sanity and mental health not only the forced Eclipse update can make this site subpar, Deviantart staff can let mentally unstable users and spambots run rampant in their site, driving away people from this site, it's DreamUp AI tool did frankensteins pictures that people posts in this site so I can put any pictures I posted here into storage, if not deleted. the deadline for my deactivation of Deviantart was probably my 15th deviantart anniversary, after I properly salvage my stuff here into either Artspacious. and if there's custom walfas requests of mine that unfinished even before my departure from this site, I can download them from Archive.org instead.

plus, Young Earth Creationism can makes even Intelligent Design looks bad, and it's distracts people from "Reptilian humanoids sharing the world with dinosaurs, million of years ago" thingy, not to mention people that make Sonic Recolors as well Poohpiles also make people like me looks bad just as much as Flat Earthers and Young Earthers make another half of my lifeblood looks bad. sorry for the possible rant here, I just can't let these people ruined even my things for myself. and don't get me wrong, I still finds official narratives of (current) world events repulsive as well I (somewhat) can't stand official canons of even my favorite series. I prefers the resident Anti-Superpower group in my mega-crossover to be militant atheists that supports cannibalism, but banning any Supersoldiers that aren't merely mortal guys in high-tech exosuits from their ranks as well insists anything that makes anyone something other than totally normal human beings are superstition disguised as science and technology, and that can be middle finger toward Rationalwiki. and FSTDT are just Kiwifarms with Rationalwiki's left-wingness.


JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

It is important to fight against cultural appropriation. If non-minorities act like minorities, it will be harder to tell them apart.

Ensure that all races act exactly in the way that their race is predestined to act; least society fall apart... so is implied by liberal propaganda without expressly saying so.

DarkRangerRyan #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

So Marvel's animated series 'What If...?' has aired on Disney+. If you don't know what that is, they basically take the characters you know and love and switch their roles around. I know the comics were supposed to be good, but frankly, I think it's kind of a dumb idea (but not the dumbest Marvel has shat out). I certainly don't intend to watch this show since I could make much better use of my time than watching Peggy Carter be Captain Marvel Version 1.20. So in the tradition of the 'What If...?' character swap thing, someone decided to draw what if Black Panther was white? Probably if T'Challa's brother from the comics, Hunter/White Wolf (or maybe a white South-African) assumed the mantle.

You see where this is going, right? Needless to say, the savage, primative race of Twitards was not to happy to discover this, even suggesting that the artist be arrested.

This is an incredible double standard. Hollywood has been blackwashing red-haired characters for years, and the barbarians on Tumblr race swap characters all the time, and somehow that's not racist--but if someone complains about it then they're the racist. At the same time you can't race-swap a black, Asian, or Latin character as white because that's racist?

JonFreeman #wingnut #ableist deviantart.com

In my experience, accusations of mental illness are the immediate liberal's response to someone disagreeing with them.

The level of Arrogance required to think "the only way someone could not see that in right is if they're mentally ill" is horrific.

It also runs contrary to the "pro-mental health" mantra of modern liberals: i.e. "that man is angry that our policies gave caused a recession, he needs to seek mental health." ... until you look at it cynically and realize that the modern liberal views the mentally ill as pawns to be manipulated...

Just like how they view all humans to be minerals waiting to be harvested.

Rawflesh0615A #homophobia #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Aonons I don’t really think you got the bigger picture at all. From what you don’t understand that being a sodomer like gays, sodomers, and also homosexual is ALSO part of a sin. I’m not rude you know. I’m just saying that making excuse isn’t a good idea. You see, Mr. Crowley is the responsible for all of this sodomy movement aka same sex marriage. It’s already happened in CA, Florida, and including DC. Same as our government, those sodomers are even the worse thing could ever impact your life, and I am not going to agree with your excuse you know. There are most people who support this LGBT and even the sodomy movement were extreme corruptedly sins. Don’t you have any idea what your protecting? God never support sodomy marriage, and it’s purely sin. Sodomy is also got to do with same sex marriage because man isn’t falling love with ladies anymore. From you wanted was to defend that sin, and it’s very unhealthy. If you think that this argument had gone to fair. Then you have been warned my friend.

Masonicon #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #quack #magick #ufo #racist deviantart.com

Zak's Everybody knows lyrics

Everybody knows that the dice is loaded
everybody rolls with finger crossed
everybody knows that War on Terrorism isn't over until Heat Death of the Universe
Everybody knows Ash Ketchum always lost and never wins
Everybody knows that our Physics fixed to prevents us from having nice things(whilst let us having it's opposite things)
the Poor stay poor and blamed for Climate changes, the Rich get Richer and everyone pretends latter's wrongs never existed
That's how it goes
Everybody knows

but nobody knows that there's hope
Nobody knows that Nikola Tesla's inventions solves world energy and environment problems best
Nobody knows that Ash wins anything, just cuz Pokemon anime writers make any moment of his victories fillers
Nobody knows that unknowables aren't violates laws of physics as much as they thinks
Nobody knows that Cancer only exists in modern history
Nobody knows that "every country and Religion has both Good and Evil people" thing are can't and never have any exceptions whatsoever
Nobody knows that Aliens(extraterrestrials or extradimensionals) ever meet any of us
Nobody knows that their own souls are hyperdimensional calculators
that's how it goes
Nobody knows

DasFeuerDerWahrheit and Jordan Peterson #conspiracy deviantart.com

[picture of an abandoned skyline reclaimed by the jungle]

The inflation is guided and the poverty planned

The dots are connected by this Gentleman in the scource . who was already smeared greatly by massmedia, "of course". :relaxed:
Enjoy? Do not look when your tired or something.
You're gonna have bad feelings and a hard time while falling asleep.

[Link to a video by Jordan Peterson where the ex-psychiatrist Lobster-Man “examines the current energy crisis, the globalist ideology that simultaneously fuels it while calling for the sacrificial demise of the poor, and what this truly means for Europe's future, if not the entire world.”]

DasFeuerDerWahrheit #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Made jokes with friends just jesterday.

" The paralells to WW2 were not enough!

Somehow Poland must be involved in the shitshow as well. "

Fun fact is Hitler officially opened the war also with mobilizing against Russia.

How they slapped France in just 3 days or so happened as a side-effect almost, regardless of the beef Hitler still had with France because of the "Versailler Vertrage". :D

The false-flagging of the global Russian-haters is so pathetic.

It is wierd how no one is falling for this level of bs, but people are super divided about the possibility that Humans truly have so much influence over the climate.

Something which I also do not believe in. :woohoo:

And the vehicles among Humanity which have the most influence, ten-thousand fold more than simple CARS, are vast transportation & container ships which no average Joe has influence over anyway.


DasFeuerDerWahrheit #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

O' I tend to phrase things differently. ;)

Being racist is actually normal and inevitable. It is just the norm of being able to classify the ehtnicity of someone visually.

Everyone is a "racist".

But not everyone is a race hater. Big difference.

And I doubt many peopel truly care. It is only that the tiny, mentally ill minority of the collective left spectrum, has their ugly mug & existence so much more amplified than all other race hater groups combined.

Even white one's, or latino's or even such with Asian indivuals. B-)

It is just that the FED Mafia has decided it is the most profitable to antanogize white people now since they tend to have the most wealth which the "Elites" would like to "redistribute".

No matter how many pandemics, wars and climate-agenda's they have to push for it to happen until the working-class is finally as poor as those in 2nd and 3rd world countries.

This is the true goal behind just everything. :relaxed:

QuantumInnovator #psycho #crackpot #elitist deviantart.com

William Shakespeare wrote many plays, stories and poems. But did any of the works of William Shakespeare make the world a better place? I think not.

However, Colonel Paul Tibbets did make the world a better place on August 6, 1945 by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, the first atomic bomb dropped in warfare. When a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki a few days later, the Japanese finally did the right thing and surrendered. Yes, the two atomic bombs killed thousands of people in 1945. But the other option, an all-out invasion of Japan similar to the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944, would have cost at least two million lives of both Japanese and Americans. And that's assuming it worked.
So not only did the invention and use of the atomic bomb save lives by accelerating the end of World War II, it also prevented World War III by creating the threat of mutually assured destruction. The two atomic bombs used in warfare in 1945 did more to change the world in fractions of a second than William Shakespeare's writings did to change the world in over 400 years.

Happy Veteran's Day.

Balddog4 #psycho #wingnut #crackpot deviantart.com

Three poster in one day! I am on fire today! Anyway not spending a lot of time on this. I just want to point out, that if Trump was like Hitler, then why is it that people still talk bad about him? Why is it that the newspaper still talk bad about him.

I'll tell you why, it's because Donald J. Trump is not Hitler. Hitler silenced the newspapers and anyone that spoke bad about him was put in jail. And some like Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie were executed by Hitler.

So let me look for a similar incident with Trump… Hmm I can't see to find one thing that states that Trump is like Hitler. And I can't find one thing that shows that Trump executed people, that Trump silenced newspapers or networks. Trump refused to talk to CNN, but that's his choice. He doesn't have to talk to any CNN news reporter nor his he compelled to.

People need to stop with these false claims and false statements.

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #psycho #fundie #god-complex deviantart.com

If you're a parent and you feel it is necessary to make your kids wear a sign like this in public, DO IT. Don't listen to all those armchair quarterbacks who don't know your kid, who haven't lived with your kid for the past ten to twenty years, who don't know what you've had to put up with. What some people see as "cruel and unusual punishment" is often the most effective. If more parents used "cruel and unusual punishment" instead of giving up, the world would be a much better place. And if more kids obeyed the Fifth Commandment Of The Holy Bible (Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother), they wouldn't be the recipients of "cruel and unusual punishment", now would they?

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #fundie deviantart.com

There has been a lot of talk about defunding police departments after the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. However, only 1,000 people were killed by police officers in the United States in 2019. But Planned Parenthood has murdered 345,672 babies in the year between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018. That's 947 babies murdered per day. If you want to save lives, don't defund the police. Defund Planned Parenthood. You'll save 345 times as many people. Planned Parenthood brutality is far worse than police brutality.

MelianMarionette #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

I honestly think that most of the disagreement isn't homophobia though. Homophobia, in my mind, requires an active hate of transgender people. [correction - transphobia is hatred of trans, homophobia is hatred of gay/lesbians, my bad, but same argument] It's a necessary ingrediant. Disagreeing on Leftist LGBTQ doctrine and dogma is not the same as hate. Much of it is a system of belief that a person either accepts, or they don't. You cannot prove conclusively for me that gender exists on some kind of continuum. I can just say that what we are observing is variations of personality traits within one of only two existing genders (effeminate men and masculine women). Psychology is a soft science. A lot of it comes down to what semantics you prefer to use. You cannot force everyone, everwhere, to believe what you believe. Gender ideology doctrine has become a pseudo-religion or pseudo-science IMO. Much of the "arguments" for it are emotional appeals, shaming, and then accusations, name calling and threats. I refuse to join because an angry mob wants to police my thoughts.

[SUBMITTER’S NOTE: MelianMarionette is a fake identity made up by a predatory pedophile to cozy up to young girls on Deviantart. Gives you some idea of what kind of company Clairy likes, doesn’t it?]

Spacergirl003 #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

I may not be agreeable with the whole LGBWTF- (I'd rather not say the last three, because we all know what that means and the actual term itself is super long anyway and the '-' means no respect toward anyone's opinion of them), and it's tough to be acceptable toward anyone from that community without sacrificing your own spiritual integrity, but even I would do simply this: respect the person for any identity under the sun and see each other as humans with skills, thoughts and hearts even. I've known one at my work who used to work with us there and I go to a community college where inclusivity and diversity is a thing (just not as invasive or disrespectful as Twit Show Schitter site).

The problem with the LGBWTF- (if not most) and other SCB (Social Cry Babies) twats is that they don't even know what respect, consideration or even tolerance means anymore or if ever. All they ever know is their skin, sexual organs, pronouns, and the whole 'stunning and brave' crap. Do I need to say more about woke culture and Hollywood? Heck no! It's far too draining and I would rather focus more on my class projects and writing [irrelevant overly long description of Frozen fanfic].

QuantumInnovator #homophobia #crackpot deviantart.com

LGBTQ people do not deserve to be murdered in cold blood or bullied. Also, LGBTQ people were not born that way, despite what Lady Gaga and other people claim. Finally, LGBTQ people can change, as these two people have.

They are Angel Colon and Luis Javier Ruiz, two survivors of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. They left the LGBTQ lifestyle, and so have many others.

If you agree with me, please add this to your favorites. Also, I expect this deviation to trigger backlash, so I would really appreciate it if you would back me up in the comments.

QuantumInnovator #god-complex #crackpot deviantart.com

The road to Heaven is narrow, and walking across that narrow road while drunk on alcohol or under the influence of other drugs may result in you falling off that narrow road into Hell.

If you used to drink alcohol, smoke or chew tobacco, or use illegal drugs or abuse prescription drugs, Jesus Christ will forgive you for doing so and help you quit, as long as you ask for his forgiveness while still on Earth.

Last but not least, I firmly believe that when Jesus turned water into wine, that wine did not have a single molecule of alcohol in it. Any wine in Heaven will be the same way, so you could drink an entire ocean of it and not get drunk or tipsy as a result. Don't try to make the wine Jesus made yourself. You will fail.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

The inherent "doomed to fail" nature of political correctness can be seen in itself.

Every few years the PC police change the name (social justice, woke, etc) because soon enough everyone else realizes these PC assholes are greedy power hungry cunts and the name gets a bad rep ... so these libs have to constantly rebrand themselves to avoid negative connotations


Just like how they constantly change what terms are "correct" to say at a given time.

JonFreeman #wingnut #homophobia #racist deviantart.com


the woke mob and modern liberals believe only gays can play gays, only blacks can play blacks, etc

ya know ...



SAME THING, REALLY. now watch me get reported by bedshitters who live in their parents basement and couldn't do a pushup to save their own life because they're such sad fat fucks

JonFreeman #wingnut #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

given that libs is the "lazy party" (i.e. "I can help everyone by literally doing nothing and sheltering in my house? SIGN ME UP! WHERE CAN I BERATE OTHERS FOR STEPPING OUTSIDE?") ...

it's no wonder that "strong female leads" written by feminists are basically drag versions of "asshole male lead".
They can't figure out how to write their own likeable character, so they gender swap and call it a victory for womanhood.
actually, that explains a lot about feminists...

QuantumInnovator #fundie #crackpot #psycho deviantart.com

I have recently learned that Disney will be remaking Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs in live-action, with Marc Webb as the director and Rachel Zegler in the lead role. I have one suggestion for Disney in regards to this film: When the Evil Queen dies, show her burning in hell like I have shown above. You took us to Hell in 1979 when you released The Black Hole. Do it again and warn the world of what will happen to those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

wwwarea #sexist deviantart.com

(An article about said VIGILANTES are just as bad as offending pedophiles)

The USA is a third world uncivilized society, mainly thanks to its rotting disgusting backwards sorry excuse for a main society that is in it.
Just the other day I found a post on Twitter with that said something like "repost if you support beating up pedophiles" and it later gained over 15000 hearts, and it was filled with degenerates who were defending vigilante violence out of their own perverted beliefs. Mark my words, if the purge ever became legal, it would be real. These people prove it... Anyway, I tried to report it but came back as if it didn't violate the rules. I got so pissed off after the email, that I actually sent an email to the CEO of twitter due to how f*cking pissed I was. I thought Twitter doesn't allow glorification of sh** like this? Disclaimer 2: Though it is ... Twitter. Disclaimer 2 done.

if you support unlawful violence toward any person, offending or not, then you are just as bad as a child rapist. You're a f*cking criminal and you deserve (yeah, I'm proud to say this) to be labeled worse than most child sexual abusers. Why 'worse'? Because not every abuser has ruined a victim's life as many of them were able to still move on.

Brotherofsteel5 #transphobia #fundie #elitist deviantart.com

You know what?

To be accurate it's not "WE" who don't know what is a woman.

It's "THEM".

We: the majority of peoples, normals persons.

Them: A bunch of "intellectuals-educated-persons" who thing all in the world is about their ideology, and who don't even know how the real world works, because they live in their little environnement, their littles urbans "safe spaces", their offices, their campus, or classrooms. They are the peoples who just lives and want to see peoples who look or think like them, and last but not the least, who are from the same wealthy class, even if they deny it.

Peoples who refuse contradictions, or don't want to see the real world.

They are like the aristocratic class in France before 1789, or like byzantins theologist who argued about the properties of angels, when the turkish empire was at their gates.

jmkplover #wingnut #sexist #kinkshaming deviantart.com

First off, don't take it out on the baby. It didn't force the rape. Carry the baby till birth, give it up for adoption and be done with it. At the same time, chop the artist's genitals of with a rusty cleaver, send him to jail and let him get death raped. You want to prevent rape? Make extremely harsh punishments and focus a little more on mental diagnoses.

Second off, that's not what these crazy bitches are advocating for. They want to sleep around like sluts and abort the baby because it's an inconvenience to them. The rape scenario is only brought up as a way to win an argument.

Third, I'm clearly more saner than either of you.

So, fourth: fuck you.

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