Why I was here in this site for mere hours
this journal's idea is spurred by following:
[Link to another DeviantArt user’s blog post “Why I was on here less for several days”
except perhaps, I still buying into lot of Conspiracy Theories, it just Flat Earthers(and other rogue conspiracy theorists) makes people like me looks bad. as Rogue Conspiracy Theorists such as Q-anon are Illuminati's xanatos Gambits(if you're thinks and insists Illuminati isn't real, just don't argue with me, it just pulls of 18th century equivalent of Operation Paperclip following supposed disbandment of Bavarian Illuminati)
Media is Actually Worse
and here's the meat of this journal: Social Media, notably deviantart can eat through my sanity and mental health not only the forced Eclipse update can make this site subpar, Deviantart staff can let mentally unstable users and spambots run rampant in their site, driving away people from this site, it's DreamUp AI tool did frankensteins pictures that people posts in this site so I can put any pictures I posted here into storage, if not deleted. the deadline for my deactivation of Deviantart was probably my 15th deviantart anniversary, after I properly salvage my stuff here into either Artspacious. and if there's custom walfas requests of mine that unfinished even before my departure from this site, I can download them from Archive.org instead.
plus, Young Earth Creationism can makes even Intelligent Design looks bad, and it's distracts people from "Reptilian humanoids sharing the world with dinosaurs, million of years ago" thingy, not to mention people that make Sonic Recolors as well Poohpiles also make people like me looks bad just as much as Flat Earthers and Young Earthers make another half of my lifeblood looks bad. sorry for the possible rant here, I just can't let these people ruined even my things for myself. and don't get me wrong, I still finds official narratives of (current) world events repulsive as well I (somewhat) can't stand official canons of even my favorite series. I prefers the resident Anti-Superpower group in my mega-crossover to be militant atheists that supports cannibalism, but banning any Supersoldiers that aren't merely mortal guys in high-tech exosuits from their ranks as well insists anything that makes anyone something other than totally normal human beings are superstition disguised as science and technology, and that can be middle finger toward Rationalwiki. and FSTDT are just Kiwifarms with Rationalwiki's left-wingness.