
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

N19864 & HeForeverBleeds #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Suicidal MtF trans whom his liberal mother diagnosed him with gender dysphoria when he was a child. He is now suicidal as an adult female and realises his mother, parents and Professionals are the cause of this. He wants a normal life as a male, but that was stolen from him. This is a fathers issue.



i feel like i was robbed of life and that people who did this to me should be in jail. it scares me reading how they are teaching these things to preschoolers, telling them it's normal and how parents can make such drastic decisions for kids who have no idea what's going on as it was in my case. even if you are older there is still a high chance you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. too many people make decisions based on their feelings.

nobody should go through this.

Another Commenter

There is a lot more to this but I do not want to have a direct link to the post. People who regret transitioning sometimes get a lot of hate from the movement. This poor soul was brainwashed since he was a child by his mother, and like every child, he sought his parents approval. He has tried suicide but failed but still sees it as the only way to stop the pain. He is still set on ending his life.

Transgender youth have the highest rate of attempted suicide. Keep this movement away from children. It's child abuse.

Parental forcing, shaming, conditioning young children with hormone therapy, etc. is serious sexual abuse. Only totally irresponsible, reckless people those without any moral and humane compass will do that, should be put in jail or mental asylum.

They have the backing of the state and judicial system. The whole thing is evil. Young children do not have any idea what gender is, they just want to be accepted and will conform to whatever the parent decides. That's their nature. They are full of trust.

Children are not gender dysphoric. They will be shaped however the parents wants them to be.

If a child is told all the time from a young age that he was born in the wrong body

You're fucking with me, right? Who the hell tells a child that kind of stuff? I thought the worst thing that can happen to kids is get low grades, or being the uncool kid and/ or getting bullied by classmates or getting bruised during the PE classes. This gender-fuckery is ridiculous!

Where have you been? What country are you from? An Eastern European Country?

Boy toddler in Spain "identifies" as a girl

Infamous Canadian Desmond is Amazing Abused

Article about Photo 10 year old did with a Naked Drag Queen (Canada)

This has been going on for over a decade I think, but it has exploded in the last few years. For young kids its mainly (Liberal/lesbian) Mothers that seem to be pushing this agenda. You know, "Look at me, I have a special baby". For teens, its the internet, peers and "professional" (trend) diagnosis.

My sister's ex girlfriend tried to do this to her boys. Absolutely sick people

Are they fine? I hope the children are no longer with the "mother".

Seriously this is pure evil. The doctors, therapist and anyone involved in this is evil.


I have some past experience with dysphoria (along with a lot of other psychological issues due to previous abuse), but it is something that can be ameliorated. It's sad for me to see other children with parents who feed it instead of working to treat it

Walt Heyer, a detransitioned transwoman, described it as people "manufacturing transgender children". He felt gender dysphoria partly due to childhood abuse, partly due to his grandmother praising and affirming him when he presented as a girl, and ignoring him when he presented as a boy

That's a dangerous and growingly common thing these days, where parents of "transkids" will praise and give the child attention, only so long he's in this role. Not to mention that affirming and social transitioning in itself (even before hormones and surgery) can become a self-fulfilling prophecy for impressionable children

When a young child (and it's not uncommon for transchildren to be as young as 5 and 6 when mothers begin social transition; look at the YouTube channel called "them") says he feels like a girl or feels unhappy in his body, instead of examining any potential causes for the dysphoria or unhappiness, they'll immediately jump to telling him "yes, you're fundamentally flawed, you'll only be happy when you change your identity"

It's like affirming that an anorexic is fat

Can you please wait until the little fucker is 18 before you give him a gender change?

Likely by that time, he wouldn't have wanted to. The majority of dysphoric children don't become dysphoric adults. But "gender affirmation" and social transitioning can become a self-fulfilling prophecy to impressionable children

If a child is told all the time from a young age that he was born in the wrong body, that he'll only be happy as a girl, etc. a lot of times he'll start to internalize this message. That's why it doesn't seem that even social transitioning or hormones should be the first response for young children who don't even know themselves yet

Padraig Martin #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "They Push Too Far: The LGBT Movement"]

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) movement is falling apart. It may not seem so, with all the pathetic corporate pandering and the endless stream of gratuitous gay characters on television, but it is. They have pushed too far and now public opinion is turning faster than ever before. This is especially true in the Godly South.

It is seemingly inescapable. Everywhere you turn you are confronted by detestable quasi-rainbow flags. I use the term “quasi” because that is what they are. The rainbow has seven colors; the gay pride flag has six colors. This is no surprise to those who know the Bible. The rainbow is a manifestation of God’s promise to Noah that such destruction will never befall His people again. Thus, what greater means of co-opting a Biblical narrative than using an emblem of God’s promise? But as in all things Satanic, the pride flag comes just short of a Godly promise.

Satan does not create, he imitates – and he always does so in a way that allows the Christian to see with clear eyes his deviancy.

Of course, there is something else that Satan does as well: he always pushes the envelope too far. The beautiful cherub described in the Book of Ezekiel never knows his limits. From contesting God to turning men from Christ, Satan, the father of lies, eventually gets what is coming to him. He always loses.

Satan’s latest manifestation – the worldwide acceptance of unnatural sexual deviancy and the eradication of masculinity – is not new. In fact, the Bible is quite clear on the subject of homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 calls homosexuality an “abomination.” Leviticus 20:13 calls for something else.

Of course, Christians will point to the fact that Christ has borne our sins and therefore, through Christ, one can repent and not be killed for such depravity. But there is an inconvenient caveat. The operative word is “repent” – as in, to feel truly sorry for the act and to ask of God’s forgiveness. Continuing to engage in homosexuality, consequently, is not only an act that suggests one has not repented, but that Christ was never truly embraced in the first place. 1 Corinthians 6:9 is quite clear about the sinfulness of homosexuality. Gay pastors like to point out that 1 Corinthians 6:11 follows up with a note of Christ’s eternal forgiveness: “And that is what some of you were (gay). But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” They forget the conditional modifier in the scripture. Paul uses the term “were,” as in formerly gay men who – thanks to Jesus – are no longer gay.

Thus, when so-called gay rights activists call out heterosexual Christians for also sinning, it is just Satan trying to mislead with twisted truth. Of course, we sin. Jesus died for those sins. But none of our churches should welcome the continuation of those sins, nor would the truly repentant Christian continue to celebrate his or her sins.

The absurdity of so-called pro-LGBT Christian churches and congregations is laughable. Name a pastor who is exalted for being a known murderer or rapist. Name a church that puts out signs saying, “Welcome My Whoremongering Brothers!” Name a church that puts out a flag indicating support for its adulterous congregants. I have yet to identify the Methodist Church that has “Thieving Thursdays.”

God forgives sin; Satan glorifies in it.

However, all of this may be coming to a head. Support for LGBT “rights” and acceptance is dropping like a stone. A recent study by the Public Religion Research Institute showed that LGBT support among Millennial Republicans dropped from 74% to 63% – eleven basis points or approximately 15% in one year. Among the reasons cited were the outrageous behavior of homosexuals at gay pride events, transgenderism, and the societal bullying of individuals who do not support LGBT actions, such as conservative Churches or bakeries.


In a USA Today article referencing the same poll that GLAAD used, world leaders were surprised by the swiftness of the drop in LGBT support. Perhaps that is because LGBT “rights” are seen more clearly by less politically correct and more honest world leaders. Brunei’s Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah wants gay men stoned to death. Kenya’s High Court just upheld laws criminalizing homosexuality. Not to be outdone by obscure brown countries, Poland’s Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the conservative ruling party, called the LGBT movement an “immoral invasion” that “threatens the Christian Nation.” If anyone knows what an invasion looks like, it’s the Poles.


From Texas to Virginia… from Florida to Arkansas… the South once again rejected Satan.

By contrast, the states with the most pro-LGBT marks were found in the Northeast, the industrial Midwest, and unsurprisingly, the Pacific West Coast.

The LGBT movement may fool themselves, but they cannot fool God. The South, which overwhelming accepts Christ’s message, is not blinded by ostentatious displays of sexual depravity. God will not allow the South to be blinded by the beauty of Satan’s glow.

For now, be happy that these perverted freaks are pushing away the very normies who empowered them. No one who loves their children thinks “transgender story time” is a good thing. No one who loves their children takes them to a parade where simulated sodomy is the norm. Americans, as a whole, seem to be waking up.

In a Free Dixie, we will have freedom from the LGBT community. Their degeneracy will not be tolerated by a Godly people.

500 Mom Strong, Anna Bohach #fundie #transphobia lifesitenews.com

‘500 Mom Strong’ group leads rally against Drag Queen Story Hour

SPOKANE, Washington, June 19, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― A group of mothers and their allies have taken to the streets to show their opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour.

500 Mom Strong and its male allies rallied outside the Spokane South Hill Public Library on Saturday, June 15. The afternoon event, which attracted more than 200 supporters, took place on the opposite side of the street from the library. It featured several church groups, music, police, snipers, and the arrest of a Christian pastor.

Pastor Afhsin Yaghtin of New Covenant Baptist Church argued with police about having to remain at a distance from the library. Hundreds of supporters of Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) held a counter-rally beside the public facility.

The protest was filmed by Alex Barron of the traditionalist Catholic Charles Carroll Society.

500 Mom Strong is a group founded over Facebook by Anna Bohach, a woman who believes that library drag queen events are both misogynist and attempts to sexualize children.

Bohach began the group when she discovered that the Spokane South Hill Branch Library was going to host a “Drag Queen Story Hour” on June 15. An official advertisement for the event promised “a special sparkly edition of storytime.”

“We will share stories of identity and inclusion and celebrate creativity with a craft," the ad continued.

In an early post describing the new group, Bohach explained why she finds drag queens so offensive.

“500 Mom Strong is a group of women who have had enough with the sexualization of our children and the mockery of our femininity,” she wrote.

“The Spokane Public Library South Hill has decided to host a ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ on June 15th, at 2pm. This is misogyny; drag queens are very offensive to women. They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. They mock women and debase our womanhood and femininity. A drag queen is no different than a racist donning black face,” she continued.

“The library hosting such an event teaches our sons that women are just sexual objects and it teaches our daughters that they must be overly sexualized to be desired. Enough is enough. We say NO more to a political agenda aimed at degrading women and sexualizing children. We say no to gender appropriation!”

Soon after 500 Mom Strong went live on Facebook, it was inundated with misogynist and sexually explicit abuse from drag queens and their supporters.

Bohach told LifeSiteNews by phone that the abuse has continued.

“We’re getting death threats daily,” she said. “They threatened to rape my husband.”

Bohach, who has four children, has been married for 13 years. She told LifeSiteNews that she had always told herself that she would do something if Drag Queen Story Hour came to Spokane. The call for action arrived when her mother phoned her with the news of the Spokane library hour.

“I think it came from God,” Bohach said. “It came into my head that I and a bunch of moms should do something about it.”

Their objections to Drag Queen Story Hour would be voiced as women uncomfortable with the stereotypes of femininity paraded by drag culture.

After Bohach founded 500 Mom Strong, the Spokane library asked her to be part of a panel discussion about Drag Queen Story Hour. When Bohach discovered the discussion was going to be on the same day as a Pride parade, she worried about being identified and harassed on the way to the library.

When the library agreed to a different date, Bohach discovered that everyone else on the panel was a drag queen supporter and she would not be allowed to bring people who shared her point of view. She decided not to go and was later told that the panel used the occasion to tell every concerned Christian woman in the audience that she was a bigot. A male professor gave them a lecture on men dressing as women.

“It was a man sitting there telling women that we’re not allowed to be offended by drag,” Bohach said, her voice cracking.

The heavy police presence, including “snipers on the roof,” was there, Bohach believes, because of false accusations from a rival Facebook group, called 500 Drag Queen Strong, that she had made death threats against them.

“It’s outrageous and a total lie,” she told LifeSiteNews.

Undeterred, the strong mom is hoping that other mothers will be inspired by her fight against the misogyny of drag queens and Drag Queen Story Hour.

“My goal is 500 moms,” she told LifeSiteNews. “I want to have 500 moms in each state who work together to stop it in their state.”

This is not an impossible dream: Bohach is already in demand.

“I’ve been getting calls from all over the country from people who want my help,” she said.

“From Texas, from Ohio, from California.”

One of the factors inspiring the women to join Bohach’s movement is their discomfort with men aping female dress and mannerisms.

“All these women (say), ‘Oh my gosh, you’re right: this is misogyny,” she said.

“We’ve finally put a name to it.”

Bohach wrote an account of last Saturday’s rally for Church Militant.

500 Mom Strong will appear at Spokane Public Library’s downtown branch this Saturday, June 22, between 12 and 3 p.m. to protest its Drag Queen Story Hour.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia #transphobia #wtf deviantart.com


. The LGBT Promotes Pedophilia

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It's disturbing in every way imaginable. Next they'll being saying it's alright to eat people.


It would not surprise me. It's disgusting that the LGBT takes no responsibility for the member of the LGBT who are sexually assaulting children.
Being straight, there are no Heterosexual Organizations, so we cannot take responsibility for heterosexual sexual abuse on children, though if the LGBT actually DID put the H in LGBT for Heterosexuals, then we could be held accountable, but the LGBT ignores heterophobia and denies it's existence, invalidating the ordeals and suffering of individuals so their own suffering can be put on a pedestal in the lime light.

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Yup, pretty much

Some incels #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Refuse to date trannies? "OMG you're dehumanizing them you literal nazi bigot! They're entitled to love!" Refuse to date an incel? "Um sweaty no you are not entitled to feel human eww"



1990: "Let us parade in the streets, we're not hurting anyone"

2010: "What does it matter what we do in bed, it doesn't affect you!"

2015: "We just want to get married like normal people"

2017: "There are more than just two genders"


Fucking hate fags.


This isn't fags, this is trannies. Fags are wonderful: a competitor taken out of the pool. Gay guys hate trannies more than us. The women who become men, usually are straight and try to get fags to fuck them. Fags hate it. Similiar story for lesbians.

The trannies hijacked the LGB and made it reeeeeeeee-tarded. LGB is fine, but yeah fuck LGBT. Fuck them for letting them join, but the hate should be directed at tranny-autism.


So true. IT had a stickied thread last week about donating to gay charities or some shit because it's gay pride month, and it barely had any upvotes because IT is 90% trannies, and trannies REALLY hate gays.


All trannies hate short men.

It's the estrogen

Yep. Pre-ops accept me somehow, but post-ops seem to all want tall, masculine men.


Lol dating is a discriminatory practice in it self.

Exactly. Yet these trannies feel ent1tled to lesbian's and straight men's bodies and just cry "muh transphobia" if you dare say no

The fucking irony in normies freaking out over incels and calling them dangerous ent1tled r@p1sts, when the real r@p1sts are the trannies trying to force themselves on people by pulling the transphobia victim card, WHILE they're supported for it, WHILE it's being held up as a "human's rights" issue

praise you ☭ #moonbat #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

this comment below the article articulates things quite well. Identity politics is a tool of the ruling class to pit workers against each other rather than focus on class struggle, congrats on serving the ruling class.

Trans is a product of capitalism. You are buying an identity. Making the purchase easier isn’t revolutionary. There is zero-evidence that hormones are live-saving. This is the typical hyperbolic nonsense that the trans movement spouts. Gender is a tool of women’s oppression; not an identity playground, not some internal essence or belief that changes material reality. If people who think otherwise were a little smarter they’d realize they’re conservatives. Gender identity is to the left what climate change denial is to the right. If you are Ph.D. level philosophy student and can’t think any better this you should consider a lawsuit against the schools you’ve attended. They owe you a refund.

Iain Macwhirter #transphobia twitter.com

“Cis” is both a term of abuse and a form of linguistic apartheid. It robs women of their unique sexual identity. Intimidates them into accepting the absurd proposition that any man can become a biological female just by announcing it. “Cis” is the most extreme form of misogyny

Lissamine Green #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I can't stop laughing at the homos who want to rewrite history now and claim that the homophile movement was all flowers and sunshine and wholesome romance before corporations/furries/straights with fetishes/troons showed up and wrecked everything. The gay lib movement literally started with a pederast pervert (google Harry Hay), bathhouses for anonymous sex, and military gays perving out and creating the BDSM scene during the war. There is no secret, non-pervy history of homosexuality. It's perverts all the way down. Name any sick fetish you can think of, and gay men probably not only are the main practitioners, but the inventors of it.

altcentrism & Consider_the_Horses #transphobia reddit.com


I fucking hate Contrapoints

- Average looking guy turned tranny suddenly gets tinder dates (incel theory confirmed, clown world confirmed)

- Claims to be against incels because of their obsession about looks, get expensive plastic surgery to fix his appearance

- Woke "socialist" that wants capitalism gone but his entire existence is based on consumerism (top tier make up, plastic surgery, expensive props, useless items to decorate the house, flashy clothes, etc)

- Pretends to be anti capitalism to steal the patreon money from his retarded leftie fans, while benefiting more from the system than Donald Trump.

- In his early 20s, a lover of classical music, literature and philosophy (judging by the old YT channel.) After becoming a tranny, entire existence is defined by that. No more interests, just sex, make up, beauty vlogs, and LGBT shit.

Fuck Contrapoints

I hate capitalism and fancy the shit out of her so honestly i'm torn.

You "fancy" the make up and camera angles, in real life """"""she"""""""" is 6'2 with the shoulders of a NFL player.

Well to be very honest, I do believe that there are individuals who really feel like the other gender (studies have shown that trans men and women do have similar brain structures to their cisgender peers, so it isnt just "delusion"), and doesnt harm me to refer to contrapoints as she/her, so I do it out of common respect.

That being said, you are absolutely right that she uses heavy makeup, camera angles and FACIAL SURGERY (jfl at thinking facial features do no matter, she immediatly becomes a hypocrite when she talks about incels) to potray herself as attractive or some kind of sex symbol, which is incredibly disingenious (or however the hell you spell that word).

"Dysphoria" exists in everyone. I have dysphoria about not being a 9.5/10 Chad, having a full beard, muscles, an 8 inch dick, etc. Instagram models with millions of followers photoshop their pictures out of insecurity. Everyone "feels" in a certain way, it's not a reason to change reality to accommodate their delusions. We don't treat schizophrenic patients by hiring actors to justify their visions; we tell them the visions aren't real.

The differences in brain structures are not associated with their mental delusions, but with their sexuality: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4987404/

Untreated MtFs and FtMs who have an early onset of their gender dysphoria and are sexually oriented to persons of their natal sex show a distinctive brain morphology


Claims to be against incels because of their obsession about looks, get expensive plastic surgery to fix his appearance

This is honestly one of the weirdest contradictions in their whole narrative. Their plastic surgery to change the shape of their jaws and noses and whatnot is nothing else but a change of appearance, too!? Also, it changes one's appearance to look more stereotypically feminine. But if gender is just a social construct and stereotypical femininity just a product of "toxic masculinity" anyway ... than why do they fight so fanatically for the right to have their cosmetic operations covered by healthcare? According to that logic, women with manjaws and big noses should also get plastic surgeries ... and incels could also get operations, just in order to make them look more masculine.

Anti Zionist League #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming antizionistleague.com

Sexual Bolshevism is the politicization of sexual depraved acts and behaviours that are collectively described as mental disorders under the term paraphilias. Coined in Germany by Ludwig Hoppe, a Lutheran pastor from Berlin who in 1921 authored Sexual Bolshevism and Defense Against Same.Broadly it encapsulates Jewish Marxist persons and groups that continually seek acceptance of sexual depravity and lobby for changes to the legal and medical status of perverted sexual interests and practices. This is the origin of ‘sex education’ delivered to children in the classroom proving that it is a deliberate policy to undermine Europe.

(video titled “Truth Video: Jews Created The Porn Industry)

NoFeline #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Garrah isn't much better than the Fakebois. (Being a truscum won't keep you from being a cow-- Alex Vidal is a truscum as well) Kid is absolutely delusional, almost on Reddit Troon levels. He's convinced that he never gets clocked when he looks like a depressed lesbian with 7 cats and talks like an excitable highschool girl. Not to even mention the I 👏 AM 👏 LICHRALLY 👏 MALE 👏 shite he goes on about. The nicest thing I can say is that he doesn't expect straight girls to date him. That's at least a step above the other trannies.

RIPhamroll #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

As previously stated LGBT people already seem to genocide themselves.
They increase their own risk of death in a multitude of categories and can't reproduce.

So how have they not already gone extinct?

Because, as with the theories on evolution of homosexuality, it's some complex genealogy that causes it. I mean if you want I could summarise them for those that don't know them. But, essentially you can't get rid of them, and we've been trying for at least a thousand years to no success.

Sociological theory (I know I know just listen) would support early intervention and support for fags which would essentially turn them from faggots into normal people that have different sex lives.

Unfortunately for the planet, the most expensive, time consuming resource dependent and pussy ass methods are almost always the correct ones.

Some TERFs #transphobia #sexist reddit.com


Why don't we see FTMs with AGP?
I don't see as many women fetishizing how much they want to have a big fat cock compared to males with AAP.


I'd say they don't exist, I think the ones trying to become yaoi characters just don't like the idea of dating a straight man because of how they treat women, so they escape through a fantasy where all gay men are cute harmless boys. Some of those get grindr then complain, in their own spaces, that gay men won't have sex with them. They tend to stay in their communities because they aren't predatory and living out a fetish like men.


The devils best trick was convincing people he didn’t exist.


Men and women are physically and biologically different, so there's no reason to expect that the underlying root causes for conditions like these or how the conditions operate are anything alike.

FTMs are also a lot less common than MTFs, I think the ratio is something like 1:3.

There do seem to be paraphilic reasons for transition, tho- in addition to fujoshis / fetishizing gay men, there are places like the subreddit FTMsPunished (don't go there), show paraphilic motivation.


Same reason you don't see female transvestites, pedophile rings, etc. - paraphilias are very rare in women, some hypothesize that they do not exist in women at all.


Judging by r/detrans they also detransition and experience more regret.


(For clarity, I’m female + lesbian) i think its due to porn, and i dont really like it, but i have had a gender shift fantasy for years. For a while the only way i could reliably get excited/get off was thinking of myself...not becoming male, but having the male experience i was watching (principally receiving oral)—but only ever with a ridiculously large dick. That in itself would turn me on.

this did make me wonder if i was trans, on top of some other things from growing up.

thankfully though i get that it’s...well, it’s just a fetish.

Edit: I’ll also add that yeah, this seems pretty rare. Ive asked about it and some amount of gay women also project themselves onto the male in straight porn, but i think it was/is deeper for me. Otherwise it very very rarely has come up even through looking. This is actually how i came to learn about AGP kind of organically, rather than through trans discourse. There were AGP forums so i started looking for AAP stuff. Not much out there, iirc.


“MtF people who transition because of intractable dysphoria but don't invade women's spaces or publicly engage in fetishistic behavior”

Where are they?

“Second, if we can't extend compassion to AGP males, then we drive them straight into the arms of the TRA”

When we aren't looking, they admit they're terrified of liberal women turning on them.

“(Yeah, I get that for any A*P person, transitioning is in some way publicly engaging in fetishistic behavior full-time, but let's acknowledge that there's a difference—in degree if not of kind—between the MtF person who dresses like a normal adult woman and doesn't bother anyone and the MtF person who dresses like a loli streetwalker and bothers incredibly uncomfortable shop attendants for help with bra fittings.)”

What about their wives?

"It's a matter of degrees" meh...

It's just a way to divide women in good & accepting vs bad. What if I don't want this normalized?

This attitude will drive more agps to transition, & not as a last resort. After all, they can rely on the good, welcoming women to tell the hysterical witches to calm down.

good luck expecting a man who has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to transition to not become entitled. After all, if a dysphoric agp shows up in the women's bathroom, the good, accomodating women will tell the others it's better not to make a fuss. Remember, we went from "it's just a poor soul with gender dysphoria" to 9yo on puberty blockers in a nanosecond.

Considering how profitable transitioning is and how accomodating women are - and how diligent they are at disciplining unruly women - what is the incentive for the medical profs to research a treatment for AGP besides transition? There isn't.


“do you really expect AGP males to care about anything we say”

They don't care about anything we say already.

I respect your moderate, compassionate tone, and practical attitude. It's possible that there is a minority who don't get a kick out of insulting and overly-sexualised porn-fuelled misconceptions about women, but from what I've seen they are a minority. The majority of them are freakish and pornsick, and lack humanity because they cannot see how insulting and harmful everything about their movement is to women.

I am not going to respect ANY of them until they start treating women with respect and advocating for us. Which they have never done and never will do.

AncientIsopod #transphobia reddit.com

Since so much of trans culture (r/traaa, r/egg_irl, etc) is centered around being a 'cute girl', how many of them do you think would stop identifying female if the 'cute' factor were removed?
Say if for some reason that being born female meant being born 'ugly', but everything else about being a female stayed the same. How many TIMs would suddenly lose interest in being a woman?

And, given the obsession I see with teenage/pre-teen girls on there, I even wonder if a large percentage of them would leave the trans party if being female meant magically coming into existence as adult women, so that the TIMs had no underage girls to ogle and obsess over.

The posts featured in r/itsafetish do not even misrepresent the majority. Go to r/traa, r/egg_irl, or even r/asktransgender right now and it's greatly populated by horny teenage boys & middle-aged men posting about how badly they want to be cute girls. I've seen polls in the past of TIMs being asked, "Would you rather be a cute transgirl or an ugly 'cis'woman?" and answering the former option. This should really be addressed.

gendercritfem and others #transphobia reddit.com

From /r/"two"xchromosomes: TIM gets excited by forcing other women to change around him, "cuddling" with them at the afterparty. Classic AGP sleepover fantasy.


Ah, yes, it's the "small little everyday things", like ogling women in dressing rooms. Oh, I'm sorry, did I say women? I forgot, they're "girls".

“At the end of the night another bridesmaid and I were so exhausted that we slept on each other basically cuddling at the after party.”

You felt up an unconscious woman.

“It was just something girl friends do. All these things are just those small things that all my life I've felt I've been missing out on because of my situation.”

Nope, as a woman, I can assure you that I've never groped any of my unconscious friends before. In fact, it seems like people in your situation tend to do this more than actual women...

“For one of the first times in my life I finally was able to feel like who I really am”

A creep? A sexual harasser?

“a woman.”

Fuck you.


Me either. I hug my friends for sure, but we aren’t constantly cuddling or even holding hands. TIMs have such weird views about women.


This just in: heterosexual men view women primarily through the lens of their sexuality.

More on this breaking story tonight at 10:00.


And women find this hard to report, because they're told that if they feel uncomfortable with it, or speak out about it, they're transphobic bigots. Rapists never stop looking for loopholes, and this identity politics shit is their holy grail of loopholes.


Yeah, it's really Kafkaesque how a subculture of cross-dressing homosexuals has gotten hijacked by a bunch of straight male predators, and we now have to take them seriously as a political movement.


In their endless quest for validation, they absolutely HAVE to push their way into every female space. They've found their way into places like r/tallgirls, r/makeupaddiction, and even fucking r/PCOS (!!!!!). But there's no greater irony than seeing XY men post in a sub called twoxchromosomes. It would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact that people apparently are so willing to concede these spaces to them, which is kinda disturbing


The worst is on the lesbian subs, where they're super concentrated because, as it turns out, there are a lot more guys who are into women than there are women.

Also, lmao at them going on PCOS. Yeah, if a TIM ever gets ovarian cysts, I'll consider him fully welcome there, but I'll be thoroughly impressed.


I literally just saw a comment the other day in the main lesbian sub made by a TIM saying that lesbians are welcome there. It pissed me off and made me peak again. OF COURSE I BELONG HERE IN A SUB NAMED AFTER ME - an actual lesbian. It's everyone else that doesn't belong there! It was like a house guest eating my cereal telling me I'm welcome to eat my cereal. No shit you fucking freak.


They're fucking settler colonialists of gender. You invite them in as a guest, and they shit on your floor and when you complain, kick you out of your own house. And steal your name and start pretending they're you and you never even lived there, never mind existed.


Oh dear, I'm just trying to imagine the dread and horror every woman in that sub must feel at the prospect of being compared to a TIM. Imagine how horrified and disgusted they must feel to be told that yes, the worst insults they've ever heard are right, and they really are just the same as a man.


I just read that post, fuckin barf. So many handmaidens going “Thank you wow our struggles are so similar 💖”, saying he’s a “goddess”.

Libfem women bow down to TIMs. They can’t help themselves. Doing so satisfies their savior complex. It makes them feel good about themselves to go “yaaas queen we are exactly the same”. Same navel-gazing nonsense as always. Not only does it make them look selfless and caring, but they also get to placate men. It’s obvious that even though many women say they see transwomen as exactly the same as us because it’s the nice thing to do, we don’t.

Libfem women don’t treat TIMs like women. They treat TIMs like special men.


But how do you know they have XY??? Do you karyotype every person you meet??? Do you know your own karyotype??? No? So Trans. Women. Are. Women. Repeat after me. And talking about chromosomes is literal violence. There are no differences between women, you cisnormative transphobic TERF. /s

Some incels #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Reminder, hiv infected trannies are more accepted in this clown world than sub5 men


Gradually I began to hate them


dude seriously. All my life up until the trump fiasco I was totally onboard with the LGBT movement. Now I truly hate them.


It's because it's not even any longer a LGBT movement. Genuine lesbians are starting to collect under the banner of radical feminism and are spearheading a surge of anti-trans activism. Gays have long been normalized and some of them as white men are becoming the object of hatred now. Bisexuals were never a thing. The focus of attention rests on the T right now, and the Q and I and A and + and all the other letters of the alphabet that can be used to virtue signal.


the alt-right terf alliance is very strong at least. Im surprised normies aren't resisting this all that much even they know for a fact that if they're reaction to filling their 5 year old with hormones and put them in reverse gay conversion therapy is anything other than absolute excitement and joy, they get ousted for being a bigot. People have no idea whats coming down the line

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia jesusisprecious.org

Judgment day is coming for the unsaved wicked!!! Those ungodly sinners who support the sinister LGBTQ agenda today, will face God tomorrow in eternity! As born-again believers we must not go along with the evils of the LGBTQ agenda. I love people, God knows my heart. I do not hate anyone, certainly not homosexuals who are afflicted by sin and Satan. My heart goes out to them, because I know they must face God's wrath someday, and it won't go well for them. Ecclesiastes 8:12, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him.”

“Transgenderism” is a misnomer, it doesn't exist, it is a fraud! It simply doesn't exist, transgendered is perversion, a corruption, perversion!!! Search the internet and you will find hundreds of heart-breaking sick stories of 3, 4, and 5 year old children making gender transitions! It is of the Devil. If you are a parent of boys, you MAKE SURE that they become MEN! And if you are a parent of girls, you MAKE SURE that they become WOMEN! To Hell with the Devil's kooky idea of gender transition. There ain't no such animal!!!

The Word of God simplifies life down to simply fearing God and obeying His commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” I fear God! I admit that I am a woeful sinner just like anybody else. Albeit, I hate my sins, faults and mistakes that I have made in life, but thank God I AM FORGIVEN!!! My sins have been gloriously washed away, not only covered by the blood of the Lamb of God, but washed away as if they never happened!!!

Mathsew #transphobia twitter.com

This is being submitted for being truscum.

Honestly nothing makes me more angry than detransitioners who turn into TERFs. The trans community literally took u in, accepted, supported, and gave advice. But the 2nd u find out ur wrong abt being trans u blame the community and try to destroy it??????

techouspeaks #homophobia #transphobia techouspeaks.tumblr.com

I LOVE headcanoning Aurora as a lesbian and Philip as a trans woman.

What would it matter? I mean, you’re changing the sexuality and gender but this post says nothing about it effecting personality. This OP is clearly saying that gender and sexuality are the only things that matter in a relationship. There’s nothing to make it relatable. Like the characters don’t go through the same judgement or ridicule as LGBT+ people, so saying Aurora is lesbian is relatable how? There’s no change to personality or what the character experiences so I don’t get this pretend thing to make her more relatable? They’re not hiding because they’re gay, she’s hiding because a witch wasn’t invited to a party, everyone else in the movie loves both the prince and the princess. This makes no sense!

This person is an SJW wanting to feel special or wanting to feel special but are afraid to admit they might like a straight pairing, because straight people are evil and it’s bad to like them. (Note to idiots reading this, I’m being sarcastic.)

I mean, this is what ticks me off about people who post this kinda shit. It’s contradicting because a lot of trans people keep saying “it has nothing to do with what’s in between your legs” and gay/les people wanting to feel equal but bash on straight people or be ashamed that, they might actually like a straight couple in a media format! You either want equality or you just want to feel like a special little snowflake you think you are. The latter is how I feel about this post since just changing the sexuality and gender changes nothing to them and being Phillip and Aurora are about as interesting as a bag of bricks. There’s nothing relatable about them unless you’re as blank as they are.

It’s as I said, I don’t relate to Ariel because she has fins, I relate to her passion, the love of collecting things, curiosity and some of her family problems.

I’m all for gay characters, maybe even trans, but they have to feel natural and genuine. These people like this OP are the reason why many don’t see LGBT+ as a natural thing. Cuz of this “special snowflake mentality” and that if they hate on straight people, that makes them different somehow than those that judge them. I’m not saying all LGBT+ people do this but a good amount, especially on tumblr do.

Also saying Aurora is relatable to this person AFTER a sexuality change, is kinda saying they’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. They need people to baby sit them 24/7, otherwise they’re gonna end up dead unless someone saves em. But I won’t judge since they clearly have an understanding of what makes a relationship work….

Professor Phyllis Chesler #racist #wingnut #transphobia israelnationalnews.com

I dare to say, at the risk of being shamed and shunned for telling the truth, that "Palestine" is a fiction, a concept that refers to an imaginary entity, not real but socially constructed.

Even as barbarians terrorize civilians everywhere, (if not, the UK and Australia would have granted Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi asylum), the world remains divinely diverted, even obsessed by the alleged “occupation” of a country that does not exist.

I am talking about “Palestine” aka the disputed territories. And yes, I dare to surround this word with quote marks because it is a fiction, a concept that refers to an imaginary entity, an entity desired by the world, the more so because it is not real but is, rather, socially constructed.

The world’s honor is now bound up with this falsity. And why? Because this is an idea that allows Jew haters the world over to continue their genocidal lust towards Jews, both in Israel and around the world.

Although non-existent, “Palestine” is so sacred a concept that one risks being shamed and shunned for saying so. The world’s honor is now bound up with this falsity. And why? Because this is an idea that allows Jew haters the world over to continue their genocidal lust towards Jews, both in Israel and around the world. It is the way European Christian and non-Western Muslims can continue their gruesome history of pogroms, massacres, and the industrial-scale slaughter of Jews—and still virtue-signal their compassion for the other Semites: displaced Arab Muslims, a compassion they sadly lack for persecuted Arab and African Christians.

This imaginary Palestine is similar to other imagined and socially constructed realities. For example, Caucasian Rachel Dolezal believed she was an African-American. An increasing number of men believe they are, in truth, women trapped in men’s bodies; as such, they are seen as both victim and hero for embracing this destiny. A smaller number of women believe that they are really men trapped in women’s bodies. They, too, are seen as victim/heroes.

Arab “Palestinian” style Intifada and Jihad has gone global. Antifa activists in America are also face-masked, aggressive, verbally vulgar, and violent. They shout down anything and anyone with which they disagree and operate as a mob both on campuses and at demonstrations. No matter what their real issues are (Wall Street, police anti-Black racism, climate apocalypse, the prison system, women’s rights), “Palestine” is often signaled by the wearing of checkered Arafat-style keffiyehs and Hamas-style face masks.

Often, they also chant “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea” which is the same as saying “Let’s ethnically cleanse all the Jews, not only those who live in the 'West Bank' but also those in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem.” It is a call to genocide which has been misunderstood as a call to righteous resistance.

Some TERFs #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Transbiancel complains that there's NO reason why he should be a "social pariah" in the lesbian meetups he's been attending for a year and a half



GCS Dr. Kathy Rumer

he he was talking about how the idea of being female has always been VERY arousing to him

You know what I'm pleasantly surprised about? This is one of the few cases where someone with that profile doesn't tell people "if you don't want to suck my girldick, you're transphobic" (also, you privileged cis scum, if you want to suck Feminine Benis, that's bad and horrible because it's "dehumanizing").

Ray Blanchard found that there are GAMP straight men who like breasts and a penis, but those men want a female-looking partner, not a brutish manly AGP 40-year-old. More to the point, the AGPs had way too much prenatal T to have sexual interest in said men. For example:

Riley Dennis: "if you don't want to date someone because they have a penis, you're transphobic!"

Men in the YouTube comments: "we'll date you, Riley!"

Riley Dennis: "ewww, I don't like men!"

I have a masculine face

Everyone knows that having a craggy male skull is sure to bring all the lesbians to the yard!

I'm smart, funny, and easy to talk to

My dear delusional Red, if those qualities controlled attraction, oppressed sexual minorities wouldn't even exist. Closeted gays and lesbians could just force themselves to be straight by finding an opposite-sex spouse who is "smart, funny and easy to talk to." Freddy Mercury tried that with Mary Austin.

People are mostly friendly, kind and engage socially

It's almost like people can't control what they are and aren't sexually attracted to, and it doesn't mean they're "bigots" or hate you.

>People are mostly friendly, kind and engage socially when I approach them

>I'm a social pariah, bawwwwww!

>I have a masculine face, why don't lesbians want to get any of that?

Full galaxy-brain definition of social pariah.


Lesbian meetups serve a few major functions:

For lesbians to hang out with women who get it, in a space where they can be honest about who they are. Straight women, even liberal ones, can be weird about friendships with lesbians. And social circles that are dominated by straight women tend to expand to include husbands or boyfriends (which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not the same as having an all-women space) and tend to involve a fair amount of talking about relationships with men.

For lesbians to meet potential sexual/romantic partners.

Did I mention meeting potential partners? Because that one's important.

Female homosexuals aren't going to see a heterosexual male, gender identity notwithstanding, as someone who shares their life experiences in the same way as a fellow lesbian. Nor are they going to see a heterosexual male as a potential girlfriend. OP is showing up to the Taco Lovers' Tacomania All-Taco Taco Fest with a platter of beef sausage.

The reality is that the woman-seeking-woman sections of all dating apps are full of MtF people and straight couples looking for a unicorn. The ideal solution would be better filters on these apps, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon and it's totally beyond your control.

If I were you, I'd be upfront and lowkey. For example:

I'm a trans woman looking for a summer fling, but very open to something more serious with the right woman. On weekdays, I'm a defense lawyer; on weekends, I'm a hiker, biker, kayaker, and amateur pastry chef (emphasis on the amateur).

Basically, avoid anti-TERF screeds and other gender politicking, don't try to bury the fact that you're trans in the small print, and don't go on about how you're a super lesby lesbian seeking a super lesby lesbian relationship with a fellow lesbian. Yes, a lot of the women using whatever app you're on will still roll their eyes and swipe left, but them's the breaks, for you and for them.

ETA: I also agree with u/FruitTreesRule's advice to you.


Lesbian spaces are meant for lesbians, so don't go there.

You can try catch-all dating apps/sites and indicate you are trans. Don't initiate to women who specify they are lesbian on their profiles since many lesbians are being coerced into "giving a chance" if they don't want to be labeled transphobic. Don't put a woman in that position.

Or you can just be social and engage in friend groups and see if you meet someone the old fashioned way, but again, don't try to initiate with lesbians. Seriously, it's equivalent to a "cis" man assuming he can hit on a lesbian. It's invasive and insulting and entitled.

Perhaps there is female out there who is open to gender non conforming men, who are hormones, who have breasts and a penis. But, honestly, not many women are into that.

That is your problem, not women's.

I suggest seeking out another trans male if you are open to that.


Probably shouldn't go to lesbian meetups if this "woman wannabe" is only interested in sleeping with them. Lesbians tend to sleep with other women.


"Transdar"= knows what a man in a dress looks like.


Let’s see, I know why lesbians aren’t interested. It’s because you’re male!!

weirdtrapthrowaway #transphobia reddit.com

I'm trans

I completely agree. I came here thinking it was gonna be full of incels complaining about society but after looking through a few posts, I saw that the incels are not here but in the trans community fetishising being the "gamer girl" they always wanted to date. This really does give me a new perspective on the whole thing being a fetish. Yet still, this doesn't stop me from being trans. I'm trans girl (and attracted to men, which is pretty gay) and I hate seeing "trans" people deny that they're preying on actual lesbian women. You're not lesbian, you're straight and still have your natural disgusting male instincts. So that's pretty creepy. I also completely agree with how "borrowing" clothes from family members is absolutely disgusting. I know so many trans people who do this, but I usually just move on to another topic. You're violating their privacy wtf and then you're gonna cum in their privacy? Fuck you.

TL;DR Basically, this is a badly written post about how I feel about the trans community (not very happy with it) with some examples. I'm trans myself, but don't get aroused at the thought of being a girl or wearing girl clothes. I like gay men cause it's pretty gay.

Edit: I'm not an sjw libtard so use any pronouns you like thanks cause I guess in the end I'm just a feminized gay guy.

Some incels #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Some girls are born with dicks



-Inb4 "muhh kleinfelter n hermaphrodite!!11"
Yes, i'm very aware of those things however:
1. You're were not born with neither of them
2. That's the equivalent of saying that because some people are born with 6 fingers, therefore the number of fingers you have in your hand is whatever you feel like. NO, you have 5 fingers in you hand and you are a guy with a dick.

Funny how they're never refer to themselves as women but instead they're "girls" even if they're 30+

Probably has an anime girl in his profile picture in social media but looks like chris chan


No one cares about women over 30, and they know that. that's why they call themselves girls,its a vain effort to grasp onto their fading youth they can feel slipping away


"maybe if i pretend these guys are actually girls, maybe one of them will give me a pity fuck"


it's a fucked up cycle of dudes who thought they'd beat the system by becoming women, chased by dudes who are also hopeless social rejects. id rather stay alone than delusional lol

Andrew Anglin #psycho #transphobia #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Communism Isn’t a System – It is a Tactic"]

Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.

If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.

Communist leaders just feed low-IQ poor people a bunch of gibberish about a workers’ paradise and march them off to commit a slaughter so that they can completely cleanse the old elite and establish themselves as supreme leaders.

Every successful communist revolution has resulted in the entire ruling class being killed or driven out of the country. Millions of people always die.

The people that start the revolution are never the ones that finish it, and the ones that finish it are rarely the ones holding the cards when it’s finally over.

Jews used the tactic of communism against the elite of the early 20th century, who were all white people. At this point, the logical thing is to use that same communist system against the current elite, who are all Jews.

That is why I think we should aggressively endorse and support all forms of communism.

To be clear, I’m not talking about any kind of “nationalistic communism” or Nazbol. I’m talking about the current push for communism all over the Western world, which is coming in under the guise of “progressivism” and “socialism.”

Instead of fighting against the current, we should embrace the mainstream push for communism, and escalate it into a full-on Bolshevist-type revolution.

I have no idea how that will turn out. No one does. And that is the fun of it.

But how could things get any worse simply because all rich people (Jews, mainly) and millions of other random people were killed in an unfathomably violent communist revolution?

It’s a serious question which begs for a serious answer, and the serious answer is that obviously, it couldn’t be any worse.

Firstly, all of the faggot soyboys pushing for communism are going to die in the first wave. None of these people are ready for the bloody mayhem of a total revolution.

Do you think a bunch of trannies and heroin junkies are going to be able to deal with a situation in which people get dragged out of their homes and shot in the street on a civilization-wide scale?

Of course not.

And whomever grabs power during the first stage of the revolution will order all trannies and junkies to be sent to camps or killed, because they will be dragging down the rest of the workers as people struggle to eat after all of the production and infrastructure is shut down because all the people who ran it before have been killed.

All of the weak will die in this upcoming series of communist revolutions.


Literally every antifa I’ve ever seen has been:

* A fat lad
* An emaciated drug user
* A tranny, or
* A woman

But we have to support them, because they are the first wave of the revolution. The complete useful idiots who have literally no idea what kind of hell they are about to bring down on themselves when the communist revolution finally starts rolling at breakneck speed.
There are going to be jacked dudes in flip-flops, sports shorts and bandanas piling up bodies to burn them in the wreckage of totally burned-out suburbs.

This is going to be no place for a fat lad or a tranny, I can tell you that much.

So basically, we need to keep agreeing and amplifying the message of the current brand of communists, and calling them cucks for not pushing further with it.

Because antifa is being used to attack right-wingers and Trump supporters, they’re getting massive amounts of money poured into their thing by the government and Jews. It’s the perfect situation.

We also need to whip people up into a frenzy accusing communist – oh sorry, “socialist” – politicians of betraying the revolution. The way that this “purity spiraling” phenomenon has already taken over the left is incredible, and it is already out of their control. They obviously don’t want the Democrat Party rallying around Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez – they are trying to push them back into neo-liberal Joe Biden’s Jewish ranch complex – but they can’t seem to control it, because the revolutionary urge is too powerful.

There is no clear path to a white racial revolution. You can’t force a meme when white people in general don’t want anything to do with it. But this is no obstacle. The important thing is that there is a revolution, and it is easiest to use the existing revolutionary zeitgeist, which – quite conveniently – is communism.

Once the revolution is finished, a white power state will be established.

Or who knows? Maybe it won’t.

No one knows.

Look: I’m not going to pretend that inciting a communist revolution isn’t a Hail Mary play.

But I can’t see anything other than a white power state resulting from it. What are the other options even? Besides literally everyone starving to death, I mean?

Surely, when there’s mass starvation and a cleansing of the useless eaters, all nonwhite groups are going to be declared undesirables and enemies of the socialist people’s revolution. They’re not going to be contributing to the revolution after the second wave. It will be a matter of necessity that in order to maintain the revolution, racial minorities be cleansed.

Racial minorities are always cleansed in the second wave.

Some incels #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Re: I'm Shocked, Who would have guessed ITcels is filled with trannies?



God I love when women go trans. That dipshit is in for one hell of a rude Awakening.


yeah ahahaha, she won't be able to keep giving platitudes like just have confidence, and put yourself out there and respect women for long when she realizes none of them want her.


They'll be posting on r/detrans in no time. Almost all of them were FtM trannies who thought being a male would be easier.


Life Fuel indeed. Thanks for sharing the sub. That sub is hilarious in which proves that living life as a man is not as privileged than being a woman. So much for muh patriarchy and muh privilege. JFL at those idiotic roasties.


Thanks for linking that sub. The vast majority of trans people are MTF, yet that sub is 76% regretful ftm.

David J, Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Queer rights, transgenderism, bisexuality, homosexual marriage, and gender transition—these are not the real battle ground. The real battle ground is against God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, the Holy Bible, and the Gospel. Any blasphemy against God comes from God-haters, Christ-haters, Bible-haters, Gospel-haters, and are fueled by the arch-hater, who is Satan himself! Since marriage is vital to God's design—His way to pass on order in society, sensible civilization, peace, temporal blessing and even righteousness from one generation to the next—the family has always been under assault. God made humans MALE and FEMALE (Genesis 1:27), nothing in between! After the fall of man in Genesis, we see all manner of sexual immorality in Genesis—polygamy, prostitution, incest, and rampant homosexuality by Genesis chapter 19. The true sinister agenda of demons and Satan is to DESTROY everything that God has made!!! They are the enemies of God, Christ, and the truth of Scripture, and the Gospel. Their objective is not simply to redefine gender and marriage, but to effectively destroy what God has designed!

Families provide a small sovereign unit that acts as a small barrier against the corruption that seeks to dominate. Destroy the family and the small sovereign barrier is disintegrated. The goal in all of this is not homosexual same sex marriage, but the total elimination of ALL MARRIAGE! Which then means, that you don't possess any privacy, you don't have that small sovereign unit, and your children are not yours! They're public children and they belong to the education system, and they belong to the country, and they belong to the village, but not to you! And so in Oregon your 15 year old child can have a sex-change, without parental permission, and the state will pay for it! This is not about same sex marriage, this is about the total obliteration of the family. So that there will be no more family, no more covenants, no more private sovereign units that stand up against the corruption!

Where did this all begin? It began with contraception, which allowed people to have sex without the risk of having children. This fueled the sexual revolution. But that wasn't good enough, so they legalized abortion to be more complete, eliminating all risk! So we've come all the way from sex without children, to children without sex!!! Laboratories can manufacture a baby nowadays! Two lesbians can have a baby today! A lesbian can have, planted in her womb, a living being from somebody else, manufacturing a child. This eliminates the need for a man and woman in a normal marriage. So we've deteriorated from sex without having children, to the insanity of having children without sex! They can just make them, so who needs a family? Right? It's going to get worse and worse and worse! Same sex, polygamy, anything to destroy the family!!! Just as Sodom tried to rape the angels sent from Heaven, who appeared in human form in Genesis, so also do queers today rape all that is pure, holy and chaste! HOMOSEXUALITY IS OF THE DEVIL!!!

John Howard #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #ufo wehuntedthemammoth.com

Congress needs to protect people from exploitation by giving them full information about their reproductive rights. Males only have a right to produce with their own genitals, they don't have a right to gestate a baby in a box or make eggs from stem cells.


[M]y comment was about the future. Trans women will never be allowed to gestate, even with future technology from aliens. Congress will ban it and end gay marriage so kids are taught the truth about the future and their reproductive rights.

Random-animezing #homophobia #transphobia random-animezing.tumblr.com

The Problems With The LGBT Community

Honey, this was all very well said and I wish more could approach this as calmly and thoughtfully as you. I wish the “friends” I’d had who were lost to the LGBT cult would’ve been able to, or that I could’ve found this video sooner and shown it to them before they burned all their bridges with the people who really cared about them: friends, families, even significant others. It might’ve really, truly helped them. I hope your voice reaches a lot of folks within the community and beyond it.

This is the sort of thing that will help people on all sides be kinder.

AggressiveConcert5 #transphobia reddit.com

Calling someone "cisgender" is like calling someone a 'muggle'.

A muggle is a just non magical person. Technically we are all muggles because none of us have magical powers.

However, when you call someone a "muggle" you are implying that you think some people really do have magic powers. You're advertising the fact that you're an idiot.

Same with "cisgender". It technically means 'someone who's gender is congruent with their sex.'

Thing is, this is true of everyone! Even those people who believe that they have transitioned gender.

When you use the term "cisgender" you are advertising the fact that you believe some men have become women. You're being a bloody idiot.

Some incels #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Trannies_irl



LMAO only a small percentage will ever be passing

I'd say there are more letters in your sentence than trannies that pass.


A good rule of thumb I heard is if you can't pass pre-HRT, you're not gonna pass with it either.


Apparently that operation involves painful after care like dilation that must be done every day. Shoving what basically is a dildo up there into an open wound that gets these weird "hair balls" because they essentially invert the penis and genitals.

Oh and infections are common. Imagine having a cut that you never let heal and is constantly exposed.

Surgery wasted on these failures of people when it could be saving lives, or at least giving gastric bands to all the massively obese people eating everything in sight.

you can thank anime for this rise of degeneracy.

anime makes it look like a possible concept

People who believe they can come any where near the literal 2D drawing Utopian ideal of a flawless ageless young female should give themselves a reality check before checking in at the local psych ward.


Most are delusional if they think they can pass for real women

If they can pass, they get the same easy mode as women do but with one exception - they have to date men who are open to transwomen

Otherwise? If she passes for a woman her life is E A S Y M O D E


There are two types of trans people. The one type is were they they are naturally feminine and transition is really just an improvement and a buff to the stats they already naturally had.

The other type is the incel in denial type. Typically will try to transition no matter how they look. Have lived a life were they have suffered mentally. Usually have 0 natural femininity and can never be a real tranny no matter how hard they try. This is the most common type.


You incels could learn something from trannies. They too believe world owes them sex, but they knew how to fit themselves into the oppression hierarchy and how to complain about being celibate using neo-marxist lingo, so they are supported by leftists. Maybe you could use some of that intersectional crap, so that sjw chicks could virtue signal by having sex with oppresses sub-humans. Nobody ever got that woke.

Can you say that again but without the buzzwords so a normal human can understand what your saying

Trannies too like to complain because they are sexually rejected. They invented something called "cotton ceiling" to name their "oppression" and they are outraged by the fact that lesbians and straight men reject them. Just see the Ginuwine scandal.

You should all become leftists and then fight to gain status of an oppressed category, just like trannies.

Until people overcome their evolutionary prerogative to not want to fuck ugly people/people with the same genitals, being a leftist isn't gonna do jack shit

It gives more weight to their virtue signalling, because it makes a greater challenge.


Ive seen plenty like on the right and they are CHAD ONLY

Ive aeen plenty like on the left and they are CHAD ONLY


justforlulzandkeks #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Daily reminder that most trannies end up looking like this


Much worse. and even the ones who manage to put on 100 pounds of mmakeup and can look passable under certain lights, are still easily busted when they show their voice. They always sound like bugs. Imagine what these disgusting creatures look like without the makeup. Disgusting

Daily reminder that these are the chapocels/reddit trannies who tell you to post hog/you're a freak

I was JUST ABOUT to make some fukn lunch, and you ruined it.

umm what are you trying to say? why would your lunch be ruined? those are clearly all beautiful women, and if you dare insinuate that they're not you're obviously just a bigot


Literally nothing to do with inceldom but ok thank you for posting.

Actually a lot of IT posters are trannies/furries or other types of degenerates. They shit on incels to feel better about themselves and because "fighting misogyny" means they're "real women"

Literally everyone shits on incels, with the majority being fully heterosexual born women, dont see the need to single out transexuals.

It's just a friendly reminder of who is calling you a loser on reddit and that there's a good chance they're beneath you

Imagine being on a subreddit about how people get judged for their looks and then proceeding to judge people by their looks

Let the tranny be, as long as it doesn’t affect me let it do what it wants

This tranny threw a fit in a gamestop store because he was called sir

He's already affected the public, no reason he wouldn't affect you as well

Ohhh noooo! Someone through a fit in a gamestop! The world is gonna end! Better get laid while you still can. Oh wait...

was this supposed to be an insult? LMAO

Ivoriy #transphobia #racist reddit.com

I'm seeing (an obvious) pattern, why is it only white men/women who transition? I rarely see people of other races do so. Could it be cultural upbringing or something like that? Bc for someone to believe u can be something, there needs to exist the idea first. Basically you could say It's learned not something they are born with

MillimetersOfBone & ShahOfShinebox #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

[Note: They are commenting on a video titled "8th place: A high school girl's life after transgender students joined her sport", posted by The Daily Signal, a website operated by the right-wing organization The Heritage Foundation]

Re: This roastie crying about not winning anymore, JFL - Life fuel!!!


It's so fun watching feminism eat itself with this whole trans thing.

It's a battle between entitIed women who want to be coddled because of their holes, and virtue signalers who are willing to cuck themselves into oblivion to seem as "accepting" and "tolerant" as possible. And the virtue signalers are winning.

Now, all of the sudden, men in wigs with abs and dicks are flooding into women's locker rooms, and unsurprisingly dominating in women's sports. Women are slowly losing all of their special privileges to trannies and they have to either plug their ears and pretend these men are women, or speak the truth and get shut out by their friends, lose their jobs, and be banned from public life.

Just goes to show, sometimes you get lucky and the 🤡🌎 hits the wrong target.


Honestly I’m a huge supporter of trans people in sports

It makes no difference to men if trans men join their sport, and the minute they have a trans woman vs woman boxing match here in LA I’ll be happily buying a ticket because that will be some hilarious shit

WotanReborn & I-N-S-T-A-L-L #sexist #transphobia reddit.com



F2M trannies baffle me in general since they at best will turn into manlets with feminine features. It's like switching life from game journalist difficulty to hardcore mode.

There are several shitposts where a bunch of them even admit how much harder life became once their transitioned to male.


They have no fucking clue. I unironically want to promote F-to-M transgenderism to trick many foids into becoming men. I know that they can always go back or make life easier by adopting the identity of "transgender" itself, but those first few days will be worth it seeing their naive views on men getting shattered.

JulienMayfair #transphobia reddit.com

Part of our problem is LGB historical ignorance

Stonewall is really just the tip of the iceberg, but it points to why LGB opinion has been susceptible to manipulation by trans activists.

For example, I recently decided to re-read George Chauncey's groundbreaking 1994 book Gay New York about gay communities in NYC 1890-1940. It dovetailed at the time with work I was doing on Whitman and other gay authors. Chauncey's book was researched to the hilt, full of data he pulled from many sources including personal journals, letters, police and legal records, and records of social purity organizations. If nothing else, Chauncey makes clear that there was an active, thriving gay subculture in New York (and other major cities) long before Stonewall, one that required a lot of courage and creativity from those who created it. The story we've been told about how everyone was in hiding before a brave transwoman started a riot is simply not true.

Then I decided to look at youtube to see what kind of gay history was being presented. In an "LGBTQ+" video on the 1920s, all that complexity (the lives of thousands of everyday gay men and lesbians) is glossed over, but the writer makes sure to mention a single transsexual FTM doctor, Alan Hart, one of the first in the U.S. to have SRS.

The thing is, Hart was able to change his legal sex and legally marry not one, but two women (after the first ended in divorce), first in 1918 and then again in 1925. Consider that this is 40 years before interracial marriage was legalized in all U.S. states and 90 years before same-sex marriage. And though Hart paid a price in his career for being trans, he was nonetheless able to have a long and successful medical career at the same time that police were raiding bars and baths and judges were sending gay men to prison for years for sodomy -- when any man revealed to be a homosexual might well lose his career and end up in disgrace.

Yet we're told that trans people are the most oppressed people ever.

We should never forget that the fight for LGB civil rights was a long and difficult one with many casualties along the way and that it's still very much being fought. We survived by carving out niches for ourselves over and over amid the growth of major cities, adapting to changing forms of oppression over the decades. Our civil rights were not won for us by one mythical transwoman in 1969.

innocent_butungu & Administrative_Worth #sexist #homophobia #transphobia reddit.com



Can lesbians be incel? I'm honestly not sure, we need some high-IQ-cels to conduct a scientific study.

If lesbians existed, probably. But reality is lesbians do not exist. Lesbians are just etero girls going bisexual for shit and giggles.

The only true lesbians are basically FtM trans without gender dysphoria


Reminder that women can get women easier than us. And most have already at some point.

So fucking true. Women's preference for fuckng goes chad, chad-lite, and high tier stacies. Stacy's becky's. 5.5/10 guys, Dogs, and then genetic trash both male and female. Male, below 3.5 women see you as trash, foids, below 2.5 you're genetic trash.

karmamiakat #homophobia #transphobia karmamiakat.tumblr.com

im sorry about being a bitch lately about the whole pride thing. People who have known me on my blog and DA page know I’m a huge anti yaoi and yuri person. I’ll be short about it , I think it’s ignorant for acting like you know better than the authors and creators, being I am a writer and would hate it for my own characters. The most annoying and number one thing is that it’s shoved in my face, especially this month and the Winx fandom is worst when it comes to this. “Headcannons never hurt anyone…” True but when it’s f@$^ing shoved in my face whenever I search my favorite show and people act bitchy, acting like everyone agrees with them, it’s like you might as well be hitting me over the head with it! So naturally if people going to keep shoving it in my face, it’s only natural I wanna shove my hatred of it just as far. Also, if LGBT is supposedly equal to straight folks, why do you need an entire month to celebrate who date/have it with? It seems more like Pride Month is propaganda than it is about equality, like Autism awareness. All of a sudden people care about that for just one month? Bull dust! Note when you comment calling me “white cis male”, I’m grey-asexual, Japanese Native American decent, am a woman and autistic. I choose to not parade about it because that’s not what equality is you idiots. I look forward to your comments!

CrunkLord420 #wingnut #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Despite all the anti-troonery moderation coming out of Nintendo, it will never stop these gamejournos from playing their nintoddler gayms. Laura can't even stop playing, and tweeting about Pokemon for a single waking moment.

Nothing gets in between Nintendo and a social justice sperg, not even social justice. They'd be lining up to gas the Jews if it meant being able to play the latest Splatoon a week early.

HoneySmokedRoses, Lars_The_Leprechaun #transphobia reddit.com

The entire tranny movement consists of unlovable beta males and old perverted societal outcast men finally getting the attention they strive for. That's the soul motivator. It's rooted completely in narcissism and vanity, and the internet is the perfect ultimate echo chamber to support it. Honk honk.

Think about this: we made a machine that cuts off dicks.

The front of this machine is all screens that show nothing but cartoons and pornography. If you stare at it long enough, a door opens. Then you go inside. If the machine works (and it doesn't always, but it sometimes does), at the end of the machine, your dick gets cut off while you smile and give a thumbs up to the camera.

This machine wasn't created by one person. Or on purpose. But we created it. And it's running right now.

Wanna go look at the screens on the front of the machine?

GenderCriticalDad #transphobia gendercriticaldad.blogspot.com

[re: why gatekeeping kids makes you a good parent]

My daughter is a trans child, she said so. Her school agreed. Her gender support group agrees. Her university friends are so proud to agreed. Her gay boyfriend agreed. The parents, who gave me a dirty look when I picked her up from a party at their house and asked for her by her name, they agree.

If we had been fully supportive of her trans journey, of the narrative that she was born in the wrong body, which caused her gender dysphoria and that needed to be treated by transition. If we had been supportive and affirming, she could have no breasts, have had a curtailed puberty, and have been on Testosterone for two years. She would have no one in her life, holding to the truth that she was a girl, is a woman.

I protected my daughter from puberty blockers, a range of drugs that were developed to treat prostate cancer in middle aged blokes. That have never been tested on children. Drugs that are claimed to be reversible, but they are only now starting to test on animals in puberty, and they are finding that they reduce IQ by 8 points.

I protected my daughter from having a double mastectomy, with the possibility of infection, phantom pain, nipples dropping off and its damn (sic)permeance.

I protected my daughter from starting to take testosterone, in quantities that are orders of magnitude larger than ever found naturally in women. As well as the effects that she sought, the body and facial hair, the different body fat distribution, the voice changes. All changes that are not fully reversible after a few years. She is not facing vaginal atrophy or post orgasm cramps, so painful and so long lasting, that pleasurable sex is not possible.

I protected my daughter from having everyone in her life, collaborating in the lie, that she believed, that she was a boy trapped in a girl’s body.

Pastor Patrick Boyle #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Look at verse number 14. You say, “I thought we were in church; we’re not supposed to hate anything.”

Well, we hate the things God hates, amen! And we love the things God loves. And God hates homos, amen. God hates the faggots and the queers and the LGBT crowd.

And you say, “Well, I don’t like it”.

[A couple of people can be seen getting up and making their way towards the exit, although many more people in the congregation are responding with “Amen”s.]

Well, God hasn’t changed. And God’s not changing. And if you don’t like it, there’s the door, amen. We hate homosexuals around here because God hates them, amen. And if anybody else feels compelled to follow those out, follow ’em out, amen. We’re gonna believe that all the way until Jesus comes back, and capital punishment for everybody that’s a homo, amen.

Pastor Patrick Boyle, #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Hello everybody, Pastor Boyle here from Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida with a very important announcement to make. We’re gonna be hosting this June 14th, 15th, and 16th a conference exposing the reprobates. The name of our conference is “Make America Straight Again”. That’ll be a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June, and we’re gonna have preachers like Pastor Tommy McMurtry, Pastor Steven Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, Pastor Aaron Thompson, and many others who have already been known for making a vocal stand against the sodomites and their filth that they’ve been spreading in to the homes and families across the world and the United States of America. And we’ve chosen this place and time because this is their Gay Pride Week in Orlando, and they’re gonna be out proud of who they are and daring someone to say something, and we’re gonna go ahead and take them up on it, and this conference is gonna be explaining our view, or rather, God’s view on it.

In fact, the verse that we’ve chosen is Ecclesiastes 1:15, and the Bible says, “That which is crooked cannot be made straight”, and another verse that follows that is Ecclesiastes 7:13, and the Bible reads, “Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?” And God’s asking the question, once someone’s been turned over, who can then bring them back? And the answer is no one. And this is gonna shock some people, but don’t be too surprised. This same doctrine - it’s nothing new - this same doctrine was once thundered in pulpits all across the United States of America just a generation or two ago. Well, we’re bringing it back up. We’re opening our Bibles. We’re gonna blow the dust off this doctrine and expose it for what it is, and I want you to be there. If you can be there, get time off work, drive in, fly in, we’ll make accommodations, be here for it. That’s June 14th, 15th, and 16th.

[The rest of the video shows clips of the pastors who will be speaking at the conference making appallingly vile homophobic remarks, often to the cheers of their congregations.]

Pastor Tommy McMurtry #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

We’re supposed to see that life. We should look at those - you know, I don’t think you ought to go watch the Gay Pride Parades, OK - but if you do watch a Gay Pride Parade, and you see the disgusting stuff that goes on, when you see all the cross-dressing, what that’s supposed to do to us, that’s supposed to disgust us and scare us into saying, “You know what? I don’t want to reject God.” And that should be a warning, when you see those two guys out in public holding hands or whatever, that ought to be something to point your kids at that “That’s why you don’t reject God. Because you’ll be like that!” But unfortunately, we’re not repulsed by that because it’s been made to look good through Hollywood and the news media. We’re being told, we’re being brainwashed in our schools that that’s normal, that there’s nothing wrong with that, but that is supposed to be a warning to us. That’s supposed to be a warning to all who would reject God to be careful because rejecting God will lead to some horrible places, and right there is it.

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