
I'm counting my blessings, I've found true happiness, 'cause I'm getting richer, day by day...

Judy Byington/WhiteHatIntel/Bruce #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Judy Note: With mass arrests going on around the world, the Earth was close to a Nuclear Standoff, there were major food shortages across the globe while it headed toward a financial market crash and with 130-140 countries that now have asset-backed currency, we were on the brink of a Global Currency Reset and return to a gold standard.

We’re coming close the Nuclear Event full standoff. …White Hat Intel
Wars were coming to the brink of a Near Death Civilization Event that would lead to exposure of the DS inside the Military commands.
It Starts in London: London Bridge Falling Down. Boris Johnson Just Resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
RED ALERT London Has Fallen! First domino is down, Watch the water ripple effect. Georgia Guide Stones 1/4 stone down is the 1st on 4 pillars of the Financial Market. London fall and crash the 3 other as they are all connected and balance the global market. Black Swan Event Global Reset Market Crash started. V for Vendetta prophecy End Game is now. V for VENGEANCE! Project London Bridge activated.
Western Europe on Suicide Watch as Food, Energy Collapse Gets Worse!
Bruce: 80% of Private and commercial flights in the US have been grounded – the reason to prevent Deep State Cabal from traveling. They made those arrests. They resumed those flights on Thurs. 7 July in order for the Bond Holders and paymasters had to get into position in Miami and Reno.
The Chinese Elders have apologized for the delay in completing the Global Currency Reset saying, “The leadership just needed more time.”
On Tues. 28 June Russia announced the BRICS Countries were establishing a Global Currency Reset.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon timrifat.com


Tim Tony Stark Rifat Mini-Biography

Born 1957. Libra star sign with Leo ascendant which makes me such a balance and Leonai character – I love cats. College educated. Former Lifeguard. Author. Multimillionaire and well rounded badass.

The world's leading expert on Psychic Warfare outside of Russsi, and a devotee of Yuri Andropov's Soviet Psychic Warfare program. Trained by MI6 Magus Colin Bloy in all the secrets of the Illuminati. An Ipsissumus magician who embodies the good traits of Aleister Crowley; so without the drug taking, penury, and misogynistic sex rituals. The successor of Don Juan and his shamanic legacy, which ended with Carlos Castaneda destroying the Warriors of Total Freedom, which brought in Tim Tony Stark Rifat's Warriors of Total Vengeance, the proletarian psychic peasants with pitchforks, who brought down the Illuminati elite with Soviet Psychic Warfare.
Noted for my malicious sense of humour, of which St. Nicholas is the foremost meme artist on the planet. If its out there, we take the piss out of it. Hence my fetish for Miley Cyrus, who's back history is so dementedly bizarre she peaks his interest. P.S. Just look at Miley with her enormous, humongous strap-on and look for any other A-Lister who even approaches her demented perfections.

Not noted for any ideology and since he was born in Brighton, the LGBTQ capital, he takes this behaviour as the norm and can't see why people are so upset about people just wanting to be people.

Devoted to using Psychic Warfare, not to change the world but his bank balance. Now building Psychic Warfare to control all aspects of sport, which is its normal purview, so that every sports endeavour on the planet will in the future be controlled by Tim Tony Stark Rifat and St. Nicholas' Rule of Sport organization.

Survive The News #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #mammon survivethenews.com

Over the years I’ve been able to pick up more and more about the truth about the corporation of the the United States of America and the cabal banking cartel. With that I was able to understand more about our natural common law rights under god and of course the idea of that we are operating under specific laws like maritime law and how we were sold to the cabal bankers to pay off a debt that can never be repaid because of the way our monetary system currently works. The more you dig into this, the more you can see what is REALLY going on and happening in the world. You’ll begin to notice events are never a coincidence with these psychos, there is always a part to play with anything that seems unrelated. Some of this information is fantastic news to finally hear and understand, some of it will outright piss you off. But I’m going to start gather sources of information that can help you understand NESARA/GESARA, The Constitution and the QFS… from it’s past, present and where it’s heading into the future. A lot of this information woke me up further to the importance of understanding this information so I know it will benefit many who take the time to listen to this information below.

There is a lot information here, but if you want to understand the next level of what is happening in the world, there is no other way other than to learn this information. Afterwards everything else you learn or read about in the news will have new layers to it you never saw before. You’ll be able to read between the lines and decipher the words being used against you. This is similar to dehypnotising yourself and disengaging with certain reactions you may have towards what is happening in the world. It’s all a game and it continues up a chain of command that many believe enters into a world of non-human entities and AI intelligence’s. Seems odd, but the more you understand about this the more you’ll start to see what others have been pointing out for a long time now.

Dr. Michael Salla/William Henry #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

William Henry has been researching ancient texts and myths over the last three decades and has made many discoveries concerning extraterrestrial intervention, genetic engineering of humanity, ascension, and transhumanism that are all recorded far back in human history. He correctly predicted the growing problem of transhumanism in his 2002 book, Cloak of the Illuminati, and identified the key role of portals/stargates as a means of instantaneous transportation used by Anunnaki extraterrestrials and other off world visitors.

William is a leading proponent of the need for ascension via activation of the rainbow/light body to unleash the full human potential. He asserts this is the best means to offset the grave threat posed by the aggressive push for transhumanism by global elites who want to bio-engineer a new outer skin/exoskeleton for humanity modeled on the fictional Iron Man metal suit.

In his interview with Dr. Michael Salla, William explains why he decided to become an investigative mythologist, his discoveries about humanity’s true history concerning extraterrestrials, how he recognized the threat of transhumanism decades before others, and his work in developing ascension classes around the world including his home in Nashville, Tennessee.

Enoch B. Petrucelly #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

In The Black Witch, you’ll learn:

A full-length dictionary of the demonic tongue
A masterful guide to the Outlander Demons
An astral map of the Stellar Outland Gateways
A full grimoire of possession & evocation rites
Live demonstrations of calls, incantations, evocations, conjurations & spells in the tongue
The 100% true stories of how I received this infernal tongue & discovery of new magick with it

The Complete Black Witch - only $179
How in the hell did I — a weight-lifting “meathead”, a completely “ordinary” male witch as far as I know — inherit a universally accessible demonic tongue from Lucifer the Enlightener a.k.a. the Light Bearer? If you asked me this question eight years ago, I would have shrugged, called you “crazy” and even called it “impossible.” I would have called myself a “liar.”

But the REAL truth might surprise you…

Here, I will tell you the secret reason why Lucifer gave The Daemon Tongue to me.

Why did Lucifer channel The Daemon Tongue to ME in ritual gnosis?
Because I asked for it.

Let me mirror this question back at YOU now.

Why have YOU not inherited a Qliphothic tongue from Lucifer?
Because you have probably never asked for it.

I suspect that I have inherited this tongue mainly because I ASKED to receive it early on in my Qliphothic Gnosis, and symbol by symbol, sound by sound, I channeled this glyphic language and accompanied rituals into my Book of Shadows over several years — this Book of Shadows transformed into a master-grimoire, The Black Witch.
The Daemon Tongue is aesthetically similar in feel to the Enochian Angelic Language. It is not however angelic, but innately demonic and universal. It is a revealed language insofar as it was received by me glyph by glyph directly from Lucifer in ritual gnosis over several years. Furthermore, it is a practical Language in that it expresses power in a practical sense, not a social sense. It exists to perform demonic magick literally, not necessarily to socialize with demons conversationally.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #homophobia #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

For the past few days, I’ve been doing very major clearings around LGBTQ+ and Dark Sophia. LGBTQ+ is a breeding pit of Succubus/Incubus demons, I found a Dark Queen deep down the Succubus pit, cleared it, then the monks washed the pit with their water. The pit is completely gone. This massive clearing creates a vacuum.

Fatherhood is the polar opposite of LGBTQ+ and Dark Sophia, and thus, is the perfect angle to restructure the vacuum.

I call for everyone to focus on restoring and cleansing fatherhood, particularly in the USA, Mexico and Europe, during the next few days.

On a separate note, shapeshifters have been very active the past few days. I just found a very impressive shapeshifter stronghold with giant stone golem, mounted black knights, mages and all kinds of other medieval-type units. They were organizing for their next wave of attack.

These were very powerful, I haven’t seen those mounted black knights around here yet. At least 5 of them can handle a small planet like ours on their own. They can turn the entire planet black with a single blast.

I cleared the entire stronghold, and we need to make sure those knights and warlords are completely gone. We may need to track them. They were planning to attack in about 3 days. Now their attack flopped but let’s be pro-active on this one.

One way that shapeshifters attack is by giving you stuff. This pattern happened to several people. They start giving heavily-corrupted stones or jewelry to you and people around you, leaving their stuff in your home, cluttering your space with backdoors. Then they infiltrate and attack once you’re weakened enough. They take the time to plan their attacks.
Then, I just saw that my mother and sister have been taken out and replaced by shapeshifters. Unfortunately. There really isn’t much I can do here.

The losses are sour, but we’re moving forward stronger than ever. There is still a long road ahead! Let’s start with Fatherhood.
<money beg for prayer team Buddhist monks again here>

Coach Jerry/Whiplash347 #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Mon. 20 June Coach Jerry: “It should be an “event filled” week. Momentum was building. Soon there would be a Military Manifestation. Of course, the Crypto & Wall Street Crash will intensify this week. Hard to believe, but true! Everything is lining up! Stay Buckled Up!”
Everyone would get emergency notifications on their phones, TVs, radios and the Internet for all to see and hear, would overwrite all other broadcasts and could last several hours at a time.
The Quantum Financial System, Whiplash347:

Central Bank Oil/War Backed Notes are being changed out with Rainbow Treasury Department Notes (USTN) in every country. You can see Australian Central Bank Deal on Notes. (Look it up)
In the Global Currency Reset we have revaluated all currencies on Earth so they were 1:1 with each other – “An even playing field” as Trump said.
There were three foreign currencies that will have big worth: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong & the 2008 AA 100 Trillion Dollar Note from Zimbabwe.
Third World Nations under GESARA will receive massive amounts of money to Build & Rebuild from years of War & Destruction.
Think Africa, Mid East, Asia & South America. They will be building these Continents & Nations up to being 1st World. To have what we have.
Instead of Oil backed Currencies we move to using Precious Metals of Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Iridium, Copper and Rhodium.

Sidney Secular #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon newswithviews.com

The Demonrats are in a panic because they are beginning to lose the youth vote, something they (the elite) thought inconceivable if they punted the current presidential placeholder into the White House. Once he was in the quarterback pocket and in their pocket, they thought he could at least hold the line of scrimmage while they (the Deep State) called the plays.

So now the Dems are set to buy the youth vote with student loan forgiveness and a massive media ground attack to go with it. The Dems have limitless funding sources with deep pockets to do so. One can conjure up an image they have a stash of cash as deep as a well that goes straight down to hell with the devils such as Soros replenishing the stash as needed to further any and all of the Left’s limitless lunacies. The commanding far lefties are demanding Biden do their bidding and declare student loan forgiveness in order to buy about 40 million votes – with the taxpayers picking up the tab. If this scenario were to play out, Biden would be breaking new “ground” that is both illegal and unconstitutional for the Chief Executive cannot perforce cancel a contract between two legally constituted entities – and that is what this loan agreement is. The less pushy Dems appear to be satisfied if Biden forgives $10,000 of student loan debt whereas the lunatic wing of that Party is pushing to cancel the total student loan debt, however great the amount.
The American worker had no say in the original contract (loan) agreement but despite this money being given by the government without any input by We the People, now could bear the brunt of an additional and unconscionable burden. As a result, the “pee-ons” invariably are shafted. The entire tax system is immoral and unconstitutional, a wicked fraud foisted and forced upon the impotent masses, as their tax burdens continue to burgeon as time goes by. It is long past time to overhaul the tax system to make it more fair and equitable – and honest!

Ha’landrel/Atlantean Awakenings #magick #ufo #quack #crackpot #mammon atlanteanawakenings.com

Your Facilitator


​Keeper of the Spectral Realms of the Divine

As the keeper Ha'landrel, an open channel of the Divine energies, she holds the component parts of the full spectrum of divine light - those that are ethereal, untouchable, unreachable, unknowable aspects of the spectrum of the divine light rays, DNA codes & frequencies. As an alchemist she holds the ability to interconnect with these spectral realms to create, to add to, to diminish, to merge or shape the component parts and rays & frequencies of the as required from the original divinity streams for each soul that seeks her.

She also holds the spectral frequencies & rays of ancient times & civilizations where souls embodied within their divine plan, particularly from Lemuria, Atlantis (Atlantean Princess & Supreme High Priestess), of Ancient Egypt and of the Mayan times. As an over-lighting guardian, being a Supreme High Priestess in her lifetime in Atlantis, she holds the ability to connect with and to retrieve & to heal, to transmute the karmic wounds, records and memories of those who incarnated during these ages. She is able to access these unresolved traumatic memories to assist her clients to move on.

She also holds the connection to the movement of subatomic molecular particle activation, which she is able to connect to the very Light spinning in each of our cellular structure down to our DNA codes . A master of atomic energy in healing. She assists those who are embodying into the world to find their roles within their allotted life contract and to take their place with all higher gifts intact within their divine nature in physical embodiment. She is able to reinstate the divinity of each soul & to assist each, their divine gifts to be restored, utilized, and shared, to bring their magnificence to earth.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon exopolitics.org

Time travel technology came into the possession of different governments and organizations in the post-World War 2 era due to extraterrestrials conducting a ‘temporal war’ over Earth’s future timelines. Previously, only inner Earth civilizations had access to space-time portals and guarded these from potential misuse by any surface governments or humans who stumbled upon them.

The German Vril Society achieved breakthroughs in torsion field physics and antigravity technology in the 1920s to develop prototype flying saucer craft that could bend space-time for interstellar travel. In the 1930s, Nazi Germany took over the Vril Society programs and soon reached agreements with Draco Reptilian extraterrestrials to set up a breakaway German colony in Antarctica to safely develop these space-time technologies in total secrecy.
As a result of UFO crash retrieval operations in the US and the Soviet Union in the 1940s, scientists began studying how extraterrestrial spacecraft could also be used as space-time travel devices. In the 1950s, Vatican scientists developed the first ‘Chronovisor’ technology that was instrumental in unlocking ancient secrets which enabled them to monitor multiple timelines, and subsequently develop time travel technologies in an attempt to influence events. Multiple classified projects were launched next to test how timelines could be impacted by human intervention.
Meanwhile, positive extraterrestrial groups, ancient Inner Earth civilizations, and human civilizations from our future began monitoring and intervening to protect the possible timelines that had significant galactic implications. Thus began a temporal war which continues today.

In this all new webinar, Dr. Michael Salla will present extensive witness testimony and documents that cast light on the opaque world of time travel technology and its hybrid uses by different military intelligence entities.
Webinar takes place on Zoom

Date July 2, 2022

Cost $35

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon a life changing, earth shattering Event or Events that would eventually implode the global economy. That deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

The Storm is Upon Us:

The Storm begins with Finance/Money.
The three Executive Orders (13818, 13848 & 13959) POTUS seized all Royal Assets & New York Stock Exchange.
So they are now ready for the Transition to Greatness that POTUS always tweeted = Transition to GESARA.
Think QUANTUM STARLINK. Think Control of Space Systems TUESDAY to THURSDAY
Evergrande Audit Report – Evergrande, Tether, USD, Bitcoin & Ethereum all Default.
Stock Markets Precision Cyber Attacked 11.4. The Stock Markets will be empty so that they can be blown up 11.5. NYSE has been seized by Trump E.O’s
Why is CTGX being listed on BINANCE on the Wednesday night in the 11th hour Eastern Time? I think the time is 11.31 or 11.32. Now CryptoG is being listed on Binance Wednesday. They are going to transfer Bitcoin Wealth into it
The STORM Is upon us. They said the ECONOMIC STORM. MOAB incoming. GCR + Precious Metal Standard + Declas + Quantum NESARA/GESARA Global Economic Security And Reformation Act. Election + 1 [11.4] Mass Cyber Attacks]
Must be about to drop the EVERGRANDE Report defaulting Tether, USD, BTC & Ethereum. + Global Housing Market Crash + Global Stock Markets Pendulum, Spacewalk, Starbridge etc will facilitate Ethereum & other blockchains into Stellar.
The End Game, White Hats:

Make no mistake. [They] lost and they know it! In Chess both parties know when the last moves are made before Checkmate. The loser has one option- stall the game- this lasts only moments before the END GAME.

The Sirius Network & Mystery School #magick #ufo #quack #mammon texashealers.com


What is the Crystal Light Bed?

The Crystal Light Bed is a holistic form of treatment. The Crystal Light Bed involves the application of colored light beamed through Lemurian Seed quartz crystals onto the "chakras" or energy centers of the body. The therapy clears, balances and energizes the chakras, promoting healing, health and well-being.
The Crystal Light Bed comprises of 16 quartz Lemurian crystals, which are suspended and positioned over the eight main chakra points of the body. They radiate a programmed frequency of color and energy to the respective chakras to cleanse and balance the energies. The specific color associated with each chakra is amplified as the light passes through the crystal point, activating it and radiating the energy to the person. This helps to clear any energy blocks, bringing the chakras into balance.

Lemurian crystals carry healing qualities and energy, both of which are innate to crystals generally and particular to these specific crystals. These crystals came from Diamantina, Brazil. When one works with them in healing practices they infuse the client with the pure vibrational energy of divine love.

Lemurian crystals have been programmed with the consciousness of life force energy of Atlantean and Lemurian Ascended Masters. These two civilizations have contracted to help heal the earth at this time. The crystals are helpful in cauterizing wounds that allow energy leaks and assisting in healing individuals who are overly sensitive to the emotions of others or who have been energetically traumatized by negative environments. Lemurian Crystals evoke feelings of peace and serenity. You may experience insights and release of specific personal issues and memories. You may have feelings of warmth, movement, tingling and expansion.

James Rink #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Penny Bradley hosted a round table of a few fellow abductees/super-soldiers gone public, who lived to tell the traumatizing tales of what transpired in the dungeons below Montauk Air Force Base at the eastern tip of Long Island New York. tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of tortured fractured children tragically did not survive. well beyond warm and fuzzy, the path to a better Universe, both on and off planet, is strewn with obstacles — an ongoing battle between Dharma and Adharma, Light and Dark forces.

My guests did a great job:

Amária Sweet, specializing in personal integration & traumas release, Intuitive & coordinate Remote Viewing, PsychoEnergetics, balancing the 12 energy bodies, kundalini & 3rd eye calibration, psychic surgery, and has worked a myriad of fields of interest, as well as studying nutrition, psychology and dabbling in Sidereal Astrology.
Anya- She will be going by her Montauk name. This is but a fraction of her and all the alters she has in the programs. This round table will be her first time speaking publicly. She has been involved since birth and probably before. Her family has ties to Mason/Eastern Star and military. These are the programs she is aware of being involved in or used for, Project IBIS, Black Dragon, Solar Warden, Shaw House, Black Widow, Black Manta, Nacht Waffen, Krueger, breeder programs, Mother of Darkness, and some other programs used by ET groups. She is speaking out today to show that there were not just “Montauk boys”. There were girls there as well. Hopefully this will bring more awareness to what has been and is still going on in these programs.

Arkheim Ra [stage name] is a starseed who was kidnapped for super soldier mind control programming through the U.S public school’s T.A.G program [Talented and Gifted]. He was part of timeline altering military operations at Montauk and also has served with Nacht Waffen and Lunar Command.

@HowToSeduce and @PUA_DATING_TIPS #sexist #crackpot #mammon theintrovertplaybook.gumroad.com


The Introvert Dating Playbook: A Proven System for Opening Women (Bonus: Womanese 101)



After going through this revolutionary program “The Introvert Dating Playbook”, you are always GUARANTEED TO ALWAYS KNOW HOW TO OPEN, or your money back.

Open any woman any where at any time.

Permanently cure anxiety around beautiful women.

So that you can approach, open, flirt and bang💦

[$200] Add "Womanese 101" to your order. Learn how to understand and speak womanesq a secret language spoken by women where they say one thing, but mean something else entirely.

[$200] The Introvert Dating Playbook
This includes The Introvert Dating Playbook Volume 1 & 2, the Cheatsheet - Extreme Confidence with Approaching Womens and Conversations that Lead to Sex Training Programs.

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #mammon ussanews.com

Abe Lincoln had a problem, well, he actually had shit tons of problems, but there was one, really vexing one all the way down at the core of things.

Abe was facing the Khazarian Mafia, the pretend jews, who were really, like seriously pissed off at him. The Khazarians had good reason, in their minds, to be angry. Abe was starting to interfere with a hugely lucrative business model of theirs.
You see, the Khazarian Mafia owned the banks that financed the slave boats. The Khazarian Mafia owned the slave boats. They were many of the crew. They owned the Kor’als (embarkation points, aka slave pens) in Africa, and also, frequently all the ‘town’ surrounding the Kor’al. They also owned the slave quarters & sales pens here in the Americas, both North and South. And they owned most of the politicians that supported the slave trade, again, North and South. Oh, the also were nearly 90% of all the owners of slaves here in North America. They also financed the cotton industry to support their mills in England which were the mainstay for their banking interests there. It gets really complicated the more you get into it.
Abe surprised the Khazarians by rolling his own currency. A DIY effort at a national level that led to these States being still united, more or less, to this day.

Yes, I know, Same Shit, Different Day. Or so it would seem to the normies.

However, we are there, this ‘here’, and this ‘now’. That place where “It’s different this time!” actually is factual.

It is different this time. The Khazarian Mafia banking scam conquered all the nation states round the globe. That very success will be their undoing as it turns out that the central banking model operates on a fundamental principle of Grow, Or Die.
Wethe People, will, like Abe Lincoln, roll our own currency, and then will all say Fuck the Banks. It will work. Probably we won’t call them Greenback, as that ‘green’ label now has the stench of socialism all over it. Perhaps they will be ‘redbacks’? Who can say?

WhipLash347 #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon t.me

<several telegram posts collected>
Mr Pool just psyched us up on China [Ready]
China takes Taiwan in a matter of hours. [DEAL DONE] China now is a Republican Gov't after air war early last yr. USA, Russia, Japan, Taiwan & India vs CCP. I mentioned Special Forces were then let in to clean CCP. Storm Rider has been talking about the inner clean up of the CCP ever since.
This awakens the Fourth Beast in Daniel 7. The Beast with 10 horns.
North Korea and the rest of Asia.
Japan, China, NK, SK, India, Pakistan and so on.

You know ChongQing to Wuhan.
2 Northern Dams then into the 3 Gorges Dam and onto Wuhan Big Pharma Labs.
You have seen Tiananmen Square have it's Statue's removed. 3rd Red Castle. 3 of 3.


Bitcoin DATA CENTRE is under the DAM.

Write DATA CENTER in Q Map.

Bitcoin DATA CENTRE is under the DAM.
As they were saying Death cross for BTC & ETHEREUM
Now you have STELLAR - PROJECT STARBRIDGE & many others i have mentioned.

Project Starbridge
Part of Starbridge is Starlight (CAP21&40)
Project Dunbar
Project Jump Cannon
Project Bridge Bounty

So many ways to do it.
3GD Collapse
Underwater Data Center
Evergrande Collapse
Tether Collapse
USD Collapse
Internet Collapse

It all Collapse's

CR = Climax Round
The big Kaboom.
Leaving the BTC Data Center to Last.
Big Pharma Labs, Tiananmen Square etc.
Who controls the CCP?
Think UK Royals & Zionist/Khazarian/Bolshevik Israeli Mossad/Govt.


US vs China (Covert) Tech War that Q Save The World shows

Really White Hats vs Khazarian Coins
Pretend to be weak when you are Strong.
Let BTC raise. Let em think they have won. Then Strike like the fastest animal on the planet.
Khazarian coins don't belong on the Quantum System.
You may see some across to Stellar where are no Gas Fees & it is Green Technology not Cancer causing Electrical set ups.

HP Black Star #crackpot #magick #mammon etsy.com

Werecheetah Transformation Spell PERMANENT & REAL Werecat Shapeshifting Spell Animal Spell


Werecheetahs are strongly independent and are built for speed, not strength. BUT keep in mind that a cheetah is still a WILD animal.. Use at your OWN risk and if theirs ever a time where you do not wish to turn into a werecheetah on the night of the full moon(or just in general), just perform the "Shapeshifting Suppression Ritual" from my shop. It's a POWERFUL binding ritual that will PREVENT you from shapeshifting, as long as your WEARING the item you perform the ritual on. If you wish to become a hybrid of two supernatural creatures, you can perform the "Supernatural Chimera Bath Ritual" from my shop. The Merkaba Spell in the listing will PERMANENTLY heighten any and all of your supernatural abilities to its highest and fullest potential because it will make your soul, chakras, and energy fields radiate and VIBRATE in 20 different directions!!

Due to Etsy's Policies, I Am Required To State:

The law requires that spell and other items that fall into the realm of paranormal are to be sold for entertainment purposes only and that you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase them. I am also not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of my spells or rituals. Our products should not be used as a substitution for medical/Legal/Financial or any other professional advice. Instead we would encourage you to seek advice from professionals. I am not responsible for your transformation or any paranormal events of happenings. Use at your own risk.

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #mammon amazon.com

The Secret of Sion represents the culmination of William’s unique search in Gnostic literature and sacred art that maps the path, called the Way of Light, that leads to the gate of heaven. His quest led him ‘through the worm hole’ where he peered into the promised land of Sion, a place at the center of our galaxy that is inhabited by ascended humans. His journey is presented as an invitation to follow his path in the form of the greatest collection of third eye opening and soul rising ascension art ever assembled, one that illuminates the esoteric mysteries of the greatest cosmic story ever told.

The Secret of Sion reveals:

* Jesus is an avatar of a race or tribe of advanced and wise humans, called Perfect Light Humans, who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center.

* Jesus will return the same way he left…via stargate.

* Members of the race of Perfect Light Humans have remained on earth for thousands of years. They are the most ancient of aliens.

* Encoded within ascension art is a Stargate technology called ‘the Kit’. It includes the Star Crown (of Rose Thorns), a mysterious anointing oil and a robe of light called the Beaming Garment.

* The Kit is periodically reassembled in preparation for the return of the Avatars of Sion.

* Sion is rising and with it a new, new world order.

* The connection between the Mayan image of the serpent rope from the center of the galaxy and Christian Last Judgement art that shows a serpent linking earth and the Throne of God.

The old ways, the old days are over. Humanity is crossing a threshold and emerging into the light of Sion. It’s time to put our fear behind us and embrace the Way of Light. It’s time to reveal The Secret of Sion.

Brian Niemeier #racist #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

It’s hard to think of bigger governments, in the sense of the scope of government power, than monarchies. Yet not even the most tyrannical king would seriously entertain the notion of replacing his subjects wholesale with a foreign people. A king ruled a nation, which was a large extended family. He had skin–and blood–in the game.

The crisis overtaking the West arises from the fact that our leaders no longer have the least thing in common with us. The democracy hailed by the Lincoln Project has enabled the ruling class to insulate themselves from all accountability for their actions. After all, their logic goes, you voted for them, so you deserve the blame for their misrule.

It’s not the size of the government that counts. It’s the quality of the people in it and their degree of attachment to their constituents. Our corrupt oligarchs won’t voluntarily part with one iota of power anyway, so the solution to the size and malice of the government is the same. In pro wrestling, when a faction comes to dominate the ring, three outcomes are possible. The faction sways the audience and rules as a personality cult, another faction rises up to bring the cult down, or the whole company collapses under its weight. Which fate awaits us remains to be seen.

But you can get a compelling and fun vision of the post-collapse future right now. Claim any perk tier in my Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed crowdfunder and get XSeed S and SS today.

Liz Mitten Ryan #crackpot #mammon #quack theguardian.com

The Equinisity ranch in British Columbia promises a “full immersion” experience with horses that will “change your life forever” because “clearing old energies, opening hearts, and connecting us to one consciousness and higher guidance is what the horses do best”. It’s a new-age utopia of equine “spirit lodges” and “liberty play”. The trouble is, there’s no place for Covid protocols or consumer law. The owner, Liz Mitten Ryan, reckons the vaccine is a “bioweapon designed to reduce the population of the unaware and compliant”. She is, she says, awaiting the “great awakening” when “good will overtake evil”. In the meantime, she is unrepentant about pocketing the cash of the customers she’s banned. “My business has been illegally shut down for two years by government mandates,” she told me. “We definitely don’t accept people who have succumbed to the bioweapon depopulation tool and can shed on our sacred land and animals.”

Al Aniyunwiya National Muurish Republic #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #mammon aanmrgov.com

<"Nationalization Services" available from The Al Aniyunwiya National Muurish Republic>







PER CAPITA TAX (monthly, payable qtrly or up-yrly) $52

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

["Public Schooling Is Child Abuse"]

Not long ago, dissidents were called tinfoil hat schizos for warning parents that the state would come for their kids. What everybody missed is that the state didn’t have to come for our kids. Most of us surrender them into the government’s clutches for eight hours a day, five days a week. Don’t abandon your kids to people who hate you.

The ruling Death Cult enshrines sterility as a major article of faith. So it uses the schools to proselytize to your kids. Normal people taking back the education system is unlikely. The cultists are too entrenched. That’s why reclaiming the culture is so vital. Parents who home school often vent their frustration at taking serious steps to protect their kids, only to have degeneracy a tap or a click away.

But now, newpub and neopatronage are paving a way to carve out a healthy entertainment market for our kids – and us. Support creators who want to entertain you, not brainwash you. Back Combat Frame Z XSeed now:

[Later, in the comments]

Of course, we know the regime’s next move will be to outlaw home schooling, just as was done in Germany. Families should prepare accordingly.

Orion Starfire #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Reader beware, the information within this treatise is of a nature known to only to a handful of people in this world. Amongst the information within this treatise is of the most esoteric and occult nature concerning Atlantis the ancient Aryan race and the Third Reich. The powers that be have attempted to keep this truth in utter secrecy since the destruction of The Third Reich and have gone to great lengths to demonize the school of thought associated with these secrets. They have since attempted to skew the truth by creating a popular culture of fantasy designed to conceal the true nature regarding the history of the ancient Aryans and their modern rebirth as a culture .To some, this information will seem so outside the norm of what they have been taught their entire lives that they will choose to reject it, out of cognitive dissonance or the fear of having to confront a false world view that many if not most have held since childhood. Within this work many of your most cherished beliefs about history, about your place in this world, and about the moral fortitude of your leaders may be challenged. The lies, which predominantly white/Aryan nations have been indoctrinated to hold true through social engineering for decades will be dispelled like an evil mist before your eyes and you will be set free of the psycho-spiritual prison in which you now reside…if you choose to accept it. <...> Likewise, if you choose to accept and proclaim the truth within these pages you will find yourself amongst the growing ranks of social pariah unable to express the truth locked inside them to family, friends, or the public at large without fear of being alienated or even persecuted for attempting to share their enlightenment. Though with every courageous step you take toward the light of truth you will come closer to a complete understanding of who you are, and your glorious destiny as a descendent of the Aryan race!
<Available on Amazon for $14.88>

Charlie Ward/Chas Carter #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #mammon dinarchronicles.com

2:25 Charlie Ward: We’re in the most exciting phase..
The New Financial System, the Tokens were issued on Friday!
I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.
Was told they were going to be active within 72 hours.
About 2.5 hours ago – THEY WERE ACTIVE.
The banks have got liquidity on the New System.
And, for the record.. our banks are all down at the moment.
Very strange, really.
That tells you an awful lot. That’s 3 lads whose banks are down for 72 hours.
The Tokens issued, liquidity did arrive.
How long before the normal human beings will be able to see our new funds available?
Probably 7 – 10 days.
Let’s say a fortnight.
[End of May, beginning of June.]
If we’re that close to liquidity
we have to be close to a certain Resident [Biden] being wheeled off to an old folks home.

4:15 If anybody in this world actually THINKS he is president
I would suggest you get a test to see if you’ve got a single brain cell..
4:15 If anybody in this world actually THINKS he is president
I would suggest you get a test to see if you’ve got a single brain cell..

33:25 Chas Carter:
NESARA / GESARA – Russia has already gone through it…

34:04 Charlie Ward: With Russia at the moment,
they’re so desperate to try & stop the momentum,
certainly in Europe… they’re telling everybody
Putin’s about to die, etc. Complete & utter lies.
He’s destroying the deep state and cabal.34:45 Russia’s doing incredibly well…

35:33 Russia, China & India doing well with the gold-backed currency…
That’s ½ of the world’s population…

38:26 White Hats are in TOTAL CONTROL
What we’re seeing is the pantomime playing out..
The minions of satan’s army who’ve got no general, no army.
The power of satan has gone.
The power of God remains.
It’s a question of which side you pick…
Now is the chance for every single person
It’s time to choose which side you’re on..

Dr. J.J. Hurtak, PhD. #magick #fundie #ufo #mammon keysofenoch.org


A 600-page color illustrated book now available in limited edition. The Keys of Enoch® contain spiritual-scientific teaching from two higher Teachers of universal intelligence called “Enoch” and “Metatron.” Enoch identified himself as the same Enoch mentioned in the ancient biblical texts. However, this book is not channeled information but comes from a direct experience.

The purpose of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® is to open the mind of humanity to new ideas, inviting you to share in the experience of the education of the soul. The Keys are a blueprint of the many levels of spiritual consciousness and are designed to bring you in touch with the meaning of Divine Intelligence.

As a tool for the building of communities of Light and the orientation that must be made by the human race, The Keys of Enoch® begin to show us how to work collectively and understand the greater role we play within the entire universe of creation. Its purpose, therefore, is of science with self realization, for the advancement of humanity into the new spiritual cycle of “the Christ.”

The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® is available for your study and research. Many sociologists, psychologists, ecologists, economists, and others are forecasting a cataclysmic result to man’s shortsighted and selfish excesses and his attempts to subjugate nature. Many people see the only hope lies in scientific logic or a spiritual pathway. However, the conclusion which has been borne out by the accumulated investigations of many scientists working with The Keys of Enoch® is that a greater unity must occur between both the scientific and spiritual pathways which would link the human evolution with the Higher Evolution, connecting humankind with the greater Master Plan of Life.

Hardbound Book – 6″ x 9″ – 620 Pages
$50.00 + Shipping

Nick Fleming #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon nicksintel.wordpress.com

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Today, at 11:00 AM, the Constitutional Convention took place in Washington D.C. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Yesterday, when this was started the White House flag was flying at half mast. This signified the death of the US Government Inc. Today, the flags were flying high.

The corporation is dead. Long Live the New Republic of the United States.

It must be noted that on March 2, 3, 4, and 5 this year, the plans for this Constitutional Convention were meticulously laid in Abilene, Texas at Dyess Air Force base. Now, finally, yesterday, Monday, May 16, 2022, we see the results of their plans. The glove was dropped. 34 States and their HONOR GUARD marched in D. C., to commemorate this Great Act. 34 States participated in this Constitutional Convention. Ten (Blue) States declined to participate and One State, Hawaii abstained. Hawaii has chosen to be an independent Nation State.


The Grand Jury is back, and they will be burning the evil (CABAL) house down, issuing indictments to tens of thousands. OUR TIME HAS COME. Saturday, we witnessed the US Supreme Court fail to do their duty to set down the unlawful Biden Regime in the criminal, traitorous, unlawful 2020 election.

The World Health Organization and its treasonous assault on the sovereignty of We the People, must be stopped.

Stand alert Tier 4, this is the Start of Something Big.

Hsiang Chien Chang #ufo #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

This is the true story of a Chinese farmer who was abducted to an alien planet for a month in 1985. He was 19 years old, very youthful, and very strong. His name was Chang Hsiang Chien and he lived in a village in Lujiang County, Anhui Province, China.

The alien planet was called Gork and his abductors were a small alien species - about 1 meter tall, with smooth skin, refined appearance, highly developed technology, and advanced physical field control techniques.

Contrary to the information we usually get, these aliens usually have no noble purpose in abducting earthlings, instead doing so purely for entertainment. They collect information about intelligent life on Earth, and other planets, and use this information to create virtual playmates for the entertainment of alien men and women. Most people on their planet have nothing better to do than to play all day. Only a very small number of people are engaged in science and research.

During a month of contact, the aliens showed Zhang advanced field control technology, shocking human factories, and immortality technology, virtual people and virtual entertainment, bizarre alien natural environments, and even more bizarre alien social morality and order...

At the same time, Chang, as a research subject, is subjected to cruel treatment by the aliens, including sexual abuse by various creatures, exposing the ugly, cruel, indifferent, and lascivious dark side of the aliens under the surface of advanced technology.

Fortunately, Chang had experiences with more advanced aliens in his childhood, and these memories were valuable to these aliens. As a result, they developed a good relationship with Chang. With the help of the aliens' extremely advanced medical technology, Chang was able to return to Earth in a healthy and fully intact. Also, with the help of these aliens, some key information about the their advanced technology was successfully brought back

Romana Didulo #conspiracy #mammon yahoo.com

(Romana) Didulo posted a series of “royal decrees” on Telegram claiming that bill payments are not necessary. “Decree 24” stated that electricity became free in Canada, while “Decree 23” declared water bills were now illegal. “Decree 79” claimed that rent prices had reverted to rates from 1955.

One of Didulo's followers pushed other believers to abide by the “royal decrees” after she “stopped paying hydro, weather, natural gas, property taxes, line of credit, and my credit cards.”

Many others who have also since posted about no longer paying their bills – including many who are elderly and rely on fixed incomes – have now had their utilities shut down and are collecting thousands of dollars’ worth of bills.

"Dear (Queen Romana), when will the service companies stop shutting off our services for nonpayment?" one follower commented. "I just had my water supply shut off today in Stratford, Ontario."

In response, Didulo told her believers that the bills were being sent by robots, and several of her followers began rallying to send emails to utility companies that “they are committing criminal offenses against We The People.”

Didulo also recently convinced her followers that she was in contact with President Joe Biden and receiving governmental orders. On April 30, Didulo posted a video to her YouTube channel where she claimed that President Biden requested for her to act as “the mediator between the United States and Russia.”

"I address you today as your commander in chief and Queen," Didulo said. "To the Russian and American people, I address you as the mediator between the United States and Russia pertaining to the Ukraine crises. I have been requested by the commander in chief of the United States armed forces to act as the mediator between Russia and the United States."

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #wingnut #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

The Psi-Lord Power Ring $10,000 – Only 11

The Psi-Lord is the noosphere Antihero Superbeing, created as a bubble of Psi that has taken over Psi-Space and Satanists old world of Hellspace, as well as the Underworld of the Dead; control of the Earth's quantum wave function is within the realm of the Enochian Angels and control of the 5-dimensional realms, which is the purview of the Elohim. These realms now totally controlled irrevocably, by the Psi-Lord. His powers his technology from the Above Total Power Set Torture of his damned souls. He made his bets with the Great Lord Lucifer to gain his power from the evil that wished to destroy Chaos for Lucifer. The Psi-Lord won, and doubled up and won again, using Katy Perry to do the Wicker Man Ritual on the Jews and the British, with Bloom being the Wicker Man. Katy Perry is therefore his High Priestess of Black Magic and did the the Psi-Lords bidding, an evil, diabolical couple.
As one can see in Ukraine, Zelenskyy, a Wicker Man close of Bloom and Jeremiah Schwartz, has turned Ukraine onto Hell on Earth, and the West into the impoverished shithole awaiting nuclear destruction...
The Psi-Lord Power Ring moves your consciousness into the noosphere to become one of the 12 nodes of power of the good things in life. To manifest Heaven on Earth for you and the Vampire. The Psi-Lords is one which is the perfect square that manifests, and the next perfect square manifestation is 144 or 122. Thus 11 nooispheric clones using the Sauron Power Ring, with the soul and the power of The Lord of the Rings is in the ring using Amazon who have woke and black listed The Lord of the Rings for Democract ideology, piggybacking on the Wheel of Time Artificial Reincarnation of the hero in the stolen books of Tim Rifat.


Whiplash347 #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #mammon dinarchronicles.com

When do you hit a dam? When the moon is at it’s darkest: Black Moon Celestial Event Sat. 30 April.

Then May Day, May Day, May Day.

Trump Rally – Friday 55 Tweet? Incoming Attack?

Saturday 30 April Black Moon

Sunday 1 May Day – 55 Tweet?

Incoming Attack

Monday 2 May Crash
Disinformation is Necessary…Q

When White Hats Activate triple agents, turncoats, moles, sleepers seemingly Black Hat operators – Anons, Patriots go into confusion. Anons/Patriots fight among themselves when a seemingly Black Hat/ Grey Hat comes into the light and there no immediate confirmation. This confusion of who is a Black Hat, or White Hat will continue and the elevated anticipation will bring more tension among the Patriots. Everything had to be this way to keep hidden identities of infiltrated White Hat Sleepers inside world corporations including inside the Central Banking System.

There is a huge War inside the Pentagon and inside the Central Banking System. Not everything is at it seems.
One of the Rothschilds was flipped and created a Chaos Scare Event inside the Central Banking infrastructure. This tactic broke the system into divisions, which created an idea to create a new system using Starlink.

Starlink is much more than Internet – it’s a Military Particle Beam Weapon – the power to control the World Grid and it’s connected to the new Quantum Financial System GESARA/NESARA.
Infiltration was the key. There are so many moves behind the scenes – a well placed Plan.
If you are an investor trust only Crypto-currency that is backed by gold. This gold is connected to the QFS.

Starlink has everything now.

A crash is still coming.

Trump being banned from Twitter created a ripple affect – from investments in markets, to Patriots getting angry at the Mainstream Media: Jack Dorsey steps down. The Ukraine War bankrupting the Deep State. Musk acquiring Twitter.
The Storm: Not everything is clean. Godfather, The Takeover PLAN

Kandiss Taylor #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon kandisstaylor.com

The candidate for 'We the People'






For decades, the Global Luciferian Regime has seeped its way into our Government.

They demoralized us with humiliation rituals as they tore down our historical monuments, persecuted our children, locked us down in our homes, and forced us into becoming walking science experiments through a global vaccination program.

They erected statues spelling out the exact plans they had for us, and today we the people of Georgia, say no more.

It's time for us to return the favor.

On my first day as Governor of Georgia, I will move to DEMOLISH the Demonic plans of our enemy. The Satanic agenda is NOT welcome in our state.

Support my fight by contributing, and watch as I turn the Georgia Guidestones into dust!


Mitt Romney #elitist #mammon #wingnut businessinsider.com

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah ripped into the White House on Wednesday for considering widespread student loan forgiveness. He argued it could amount to a slippery slope for other types of debt forgiveness.

"Desperate polls call for desperate measures: Dems consider forgiving trillions in student loans" the Utah Republican wrote on Twitter. "Other bribe suggestions: Forgive auto loans? Forgive credit card debt? Forgive mortgages? And put a wealth tax on the super-rich to pay for it all. What could possibly go wrong?"

Skewed Priorities Award

Mystic Eliora #magick #mammon m.bonanza.com

The Illuminati Power Soul Fusion Ritual Chalice is from our Master collection! It's a one-of-a-kind offering and was enchanted with hundreds of Sacred Illuminati Rituals over the years.

Would you like to see, hear and communicate with supernatural entities?

Would you like to gain absolute mastery over supernatural forces and powers?

Would you like to obtain the secrets of eternity and immortality?

Are you ready to possess forbidden ancient secrets and go deeper into the occult and the supernatural?

The Illuminati Chalice offered here is the key to these and to much more desires. It was enchanted by over 500,000 angels, demons, djinns and other entities, all these beings infused a part of their soul into this omnipotent chalice and with hundreds of rituals performed by Mystic Eliora and our Coven.

Just by touching this chalice will send energy energy wawes into your body, Holding it in your hands will create an eternal soul bond between you and ALL the spiritual entities, who enchanted this chalice and grant you Illuminati Powers. They will transfigure your mind, body and soul into an Illuminati God or Goddess and grant you eternal youth and immortality, limitless power and wishes and the secrets of life and death.

It can be used to perfectly invoke, evoke all these entities and open two-way communication between you and them to communicate and fulfill your desires.

They can grant you ANY DESIRE. Whatever you wish... Wealth, power, control over others, love, sex, protection, psychic powers, astral projection, ancient wisdom, magic power and much more.

We will include with this chalice an Illuminati Package, that contains various herbs, stones, candles, Illuminati relics and all these in a large vessel to keep them safe and empower them with Illuminati energies.

All REASONABLE offers are welcome. <listed at $9200>

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

I’ve been working on those Juggernaut Attunements ever since mid-November. 5 months! The attunements are not completed… BUT!!! Since working with Juggernauts, timelines have collapsed from 150 billion down to 53 right now, and it keeps collapsing. Thoth has been defeated, UniMatrix is dead, Sophia’s shadow and my shadow are under control. Even for the attunements that were completed, these massive collapses bring a lot of rubles to cleanup.
For the timeline collapses, what does that mean? The collapses mean that you may face all kinds of weird versions of yourself, and shadows merging into your timeline. It’s a fight for survival as to which versions of yourself survive. A low amount of timeline means that… things will be more normal. It’s healing the timeline fragmentation. There should be less weirdness going on.
The Juggernaut Attunements will come as various levels (subject to change), at $1K per level.

Level 1: chakra wipe-out (chakras 2 to 7) across all timelines, and Juggernauts in the God Connection for the Heart & Crown.

Level 2: The current Juggernaut attunement, including casting Juggernaut on financial building. Adding the third eye to the current offer.

Level 3: The advanced attunement currently offered

Level 4: Wiping out all money consciousness below a certain threshold (around 15) on the Hawkins scale, and gradual transmutation of the rest (15 to 200 on Hawkins scale). Combining with the God connection attunement, it kicks the God & Money unmanifestation process into high gear, which has shown to be pretty explosive (and effective). I’ll also include all the videos that were produced for the God & Money Masterclass that explains this whole unmanifestation process.

Level 5: $30K one-on-one coaching for 6+ months, where I basically put you on my list of high-priority daily work alongside myself, my wife and daughter, with unlimited support and coaching (as needed) during that period. The goal is to start working together. 5 clients max per year.

Starseeds United #crackpot #ufo #mammon starseedsunited.com


Starseeds experience a total amnesia as to their true identities, however, each is encoded with an activation switch. Each “awakening” is unique and can range from measured and calm to abrupt and intense. This is a big reason why many are seeing 11:11, 222, 333, 444 etc.

1. SEEING REPEATING NUMBERS! This is the most common right now.
2. They experience an innate loneliness and a longing to return home.
3. While they are quick to discern human agendas, they find human behavior to be bewildering and irrational and are reluctant to involve themselves with society.
4. One of the most telling Starseed characteristics is their feeling of genuine excitement upon learning that they might not be human after all.
5. You always have a feeling of homesickness. You know what home feels like, even if you can’t express it, and you know that your house is not it. This may even lead to depression in some cases.
6. Even as a child, you have always felt different, as though you are unique and others cannot understand you.
7. You often feel morally superior to others, regardless of education or social stature.
8. Your empathy is overwhelming.
9.You have had a paranormal or psychic experience. You may have seen a ghost, heard other’s thoughts, had dreams that became reality or experience ongoing psychic attacks.
10. You feel as though you have a purpose or mission to fulfill, but struggle to find what you want to do with your life.
11. You lack the passion or intrigue to truly devote yourself to one area and understand the banality of life.
12. You can see aura's
13. Animals trust you and are naturally drawn to you. You understand them to the point that it feels as though you can communicate. The same is true for babies and small children. They find you fascinating and seem mesmerized in your presence.
14. From a young age, you questioned the ways of society and still feel perplexed as to how other’s don’t see its mistakes.
15. Many starseeds do not like humans and surround themselves with animals.
16. A majority of starseeds even as young adults are night owls and enjoy staying up later than the average person. There is a peaceful feeling of solitude and clarity that starseeds feel at night. Those who do sleep earlier may find themselves suddenly awakening for no reason often around 3am. Many starseeds have unsual sleep patterns or find that they can get by on less sleep than the average person, but still there are periods where they may feel extreme fatigue and need more sleep than usual.

What I do is use advanced astrology to create a birth chart for you. The information that I use has only been given to a handful of people. I didnt choose this, it chose me. There are certain mathematical indications that we have been made aware of which point to certain races. The benefits of knowing your origin are that, for some, this will trigger an awakening or memories within you and your subconscious. It will also enable you to call upon your soul family for help and to connect with others like you! :)

Judy Byington/President Q/Secret Judge Q #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

World’s Largest Sting Operation Imminent
Over 100 Countries Placed on High Alert.
Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence Showed Joe Biden Taking Kickbacks Since a Senator
Biden Resignation Possible This Week
And May Kickoff the Biggest Market Crash in History

General Flynn will lead The Storm of 17 nations’ Militaries for the world’s biggest Military Coup ever. Well over 140 militaries were already involved in making Mass Arrests of Global and Political Elites indicted – of which cases have been signed off at the Hague International Court of Justice.

The world will then function under US Military Law until new and transparent Free Elections can be held in various countries, plus those to be in charge have trained in concepts of the Original Constitution of 1776.

The 17 Nation Militaries included the US, Canada, Australia, Russia, Germany, Finland, Poland, France, Spain, Croatia, Romania, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, North Korea and Holland.

Judy Note: Martial Law, finalization of Global Currency Reset and Blackouts Imminent. Be Ready: Prepare computer backups. Archive everything. Have 2-3 weeks of food, fuel & cash on hand.
President Q: Big announcement Thurs. 5 May. This is it. The hour is upon us.

The Secret Judge Q, Telegram: The countdown has started. Welcome to the end game, Patriots. Boom. This will be a week to remember. They are not prepared. Blackout is necessary. The hour is upon us. Largest Declass yet. Main Event on it’s way. After one week a lot of things will change. Prepare backups. Archive everything.

Doktor Snake #magick #mammon doktorsnake.com

Cast at the dark of the moon, the Johnny Redstone rite is known among a selective cabal of shamans as one of the most powerful workings around. It’s not only unique, but is somewhat hazardous to the practitioner (to put it mildly). It’s the kind of magick only a fool would perform too often. Once a year is the maximum. And in truth, even that is a tad too often.

Why is the Johnny Redstone rite so hazardous?

It involves travelling the etheric plane via lucid dreaming and dealing with the denizens of the Black Lodge. It’s a place where hell-birds fly and black animals come out of their lairs – not to mention entities that are only too happy to cast a glamour on you and lead you into the realm of eternal limbo.
Johnny Redstone himself, however, is essentially benevolent. Despite him going over to the darkside and becoming a demonic entity (in a bid to cheat death in life), he still retains a degree of humanity. Thus it is possible to deal with him and exact his assistance in casting spells that bring given desires to fruition in the everyday world – be it money, power, love, lust, protection, or whatever.
I enact the rite in a graveyard at midnight during the time of the shadow moon (dark of the moon) when the strange hellbirds fly and the black animals come out of their lairs. Out of this obsidian menagerie – at the culmination of the ritual – walks Johnny Redstone…

He has the look of a biker, leather, tattoos and outlaw kitsch. This is because, as I say, he was once human – a fierce, savage (yet full of instinctive intelligence) motorcycle club member from the U.S. west coast who got shot up over a drug running dispute in the early 1970s.

After death he became a demonic entity due to the fact that, in life, he was adept in the art of traveling the etheric plane.
Virtual edition (leave it to the experts)
Only $1,000.00 No Shipping Fees.

DELIVERY: Via email.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


The New World Order steals Russia’s wealth while inventing new sanctions. Sanctions that Joe Biden said don’t work. One news event you won’t often hear the war drum-banging mainstream media mention is Putin tying the Russian Ruble to gold. This is a direct challenge to ‘King Dollar,’ which has been the world’s reserve currency for far too long.

… BEN GARRISON NFTS- FRESH NFTS JUST MINTED CLICK TO VIEW ON OPENSEA! By tying his country’s currency to gold, Putin has tossed a big monkey wrench into the turning gears of the globalists. If India and China go along with Russia, we could see some real fireworks. The New World Order needs the dollar to complete their plans to enslave the world by means of a digital dollar and a social credit system.

Putin doesn’t want this. Like the recently reelected Viktor Orban in Hungary, Vladimir Putin is a nationalist who has the best interests of his own country at heart. By contrast, Biden hates America.

… Biden has already mumbled about how he leads the New World Order. Putin is one of the few who is standing up against those insane plans. It’s not that I admire Putin the dictator.

I simply despise our own dictators much more.

Doktor Snake #magick #mammon doktorsnake.com

Virtual MegaBlast Spellworkings are done remotely. No need to ship items. You are given a ritual date. Once done you get an email letter outlining what we did and what you do next. All requirements are catered to, including:

Matters of the heart.
Money and business.
Return a lover.
Keep a lover (binding)
Court and legal work.
Protection and spiritual cleansing
Past life influences on the present
Police shield – dodge the law.
Spirit possession and hauntings.
Get rid of troublesome people
Remove a hex.
Fix a boss.
Stop your spouse or lover straying.
Gain psychic power.
Gambling luck.
Dominate a person or situation.
Get rid of the other woman or man.
Remove a bad neighbor.
Stop Gossip.
After sunset, Dark Angel and I go into a visionary trance, and travel out-of-body to the etheric plane where we perform the necessary ritual work at an old manor house with ornate gardens and a moat. (This place mirrors a house in everyday reality, but is in the formational world of the etheric realm).
From there we are able to connect with the entity or spirit that will apply its numinous energies to your issue or situation.

With these spiritual forces, their voices differ, some are gentle and smooth, others are harsh. Mostly it’s hard to take in what they say.

But when an entity’s voice is clearly discernible, the language used always has an archaic ring to it.

The words produce a very powerful feeling, one of being unstoppable and at the same time inspired.

At that point we petition the spirit or entity to use its powers to help resolve your situation and bring a favorable outcome.

When the vision fades, Dark Angel and I make our way back through the ornate gardens of the manor house, and return to everyday reality.
We perform our Virtual MegaBlast Spellworking for you within five to seven days of your order. Then email you to let you know how it all went and to give you advice on what you can do next.

High Performance Vudu Delivered Fast…

Only $500.00

Judy Byington/Nick Fleming #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Russia seems to lead the way out of the Matrix leaving behind the corrupt financial system, the media, the internet. Exposing the NWO, EU, US, NATO, the UN, CERN, the WHO, the CIA, the MOSSAD. All one big snake pit, full of dark connected to each other up the evil pyramid of the Elite. About to be taken down completely.
Russia is on it’s way to implement the Free World outside the matrix of the Cabal that we have been trapped in for centuries.
Exciting times. Flip the Switch. Eyes open. …WWG1WGA, the White Hats.
Nick Fleming: The Quantum Quotient:

Those who are reading this message likely have “exotic currencies” and/or Government Bonds and are waiting for the Great Shift to launch. This “Shift” is analyzed to the nth degree, by notables and wise people, who have for years been sharing insight and comments in Telegram, online, in phone calls and through every possible medium.

All agree that there is a cultural “Great Shift” taking place – from poverty to abundance. This cultural Shift is a 180° shift of a body’s individual Right to Sovereignty and Abundance of all good things. What an incredible about face! Here is how Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes the situation: ‘”A new reality is taking shape: the unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multipolar world is being born. This is an objective process that cannot be stopped, there won’t be one single ruler in this new reality….Nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player. All nations are equal and sovereign.”
All nations equal and sovereign, under what authority? The word, “Sovereign” defines the authority, meaning to stand on One’s good name, on the path established by One’s forefathers and their good name, taking full responsibility/accountability for decisions, and subsequent actions for everything and every party involved in these actions. No government has authority over a Sovereign. A Sovereign must obey the Law of the Land.

Black Magician And Author N.D. Blackwood #magick #crackpot #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Ritual Pact with the Dark Gods of Vampirism on Walpurgisnacht, April 30

Double-certified initiation with the Dark Gods
Enhanced power to harness vital essence
Psychic guidance & gnosis by the Undead Lords
Freedom to astral travel to The Vampiric Realms
Lycanthropic shapeshifting of your Astral Matrix
Bond with your Fylgja, i.e., Animal Spirit & Totem
Boost your magick powers to accelerate ascent
Unite with The Vampiric Strain, i.e., the royal bloodline of immortal Ascended Vampires
Certified Ritual Pact - $499
Pact with Vampire Gods – Certified Ritual
Performed by author N.D. Blackwood
The Witches’ Night – April 30
Watch a live recording of ritual performance
Download a Ritual Orientation eBook
Get $500 off – Save 50%
Vampiric Gods have existed since the dawn of European civilization in ancient time.

The traditional folk-vampirology of Slavic Eastern Europe and mysteries of werewolf cults of Scandinavia from the Middle Ages have always been presided over by dark deities. The exact nature of these entities remains largely a mystery. Vampirism and Lycanthropy have existed in the European subconscious since a time before the arrival of the Celt.
For those who embark on the path of a Vampiric Pact, there is no way back. The pact will align the vibratory rate of the practitioner with that of the undead members of this strain of vampires, gradually transforming you into one of their own. The astral and mental bodies of the adept then will undergo a process of crystallization, thus provoking a phenomenon of definitive rupture with their superior bodies.
A stern warning: The Vampiric Path, a.k.a. The Path of the Dragon, is truly dangerous in nature. This ritual will open you up to Dark Gods to transform your life, and in particular, your Afterlife. It must, in any case, not be made for the purpose of curiosity. I will perform a certified ritual pact with The Vampiric Gods on the medieval unholy day, Walpurgisnacht, a.k.a. The Witches’ Night, April 30.

Doktor Snake #magick #sexist #mammon #racist doktorsnake.com

Dream of sexy girls on your arm?

Flash car?

Money to throw around?

You can work to get it.

But that takes years.

Or you can harness the power of vudu…

With our hardcore Conjuration Servitor.

Truth is, you want to live the good life. You wanna be dripping in gold. You want sexy girls around you. And you want a flash car that makes people look.

In short, you want money and sex.

All this takes work. A lot of sweat and toil. It’s not on a plate.

Thing is you can work hard all your life and still be driving a used car, and dating somebody who was once a looker, but now has gone to seed. Then you wonder where your life has gone. All those dreams you had didn’t come to anything.

Worse still, you see lots of other guys driving top end BMWs and Porches with sexy girls hanging on to their every word, not to mention sucking their dick whenever they want it sucked.

You’re like, if only I had that.

Yeah right.
Vudu connects your deep mind with the etheric plane. This is when things start happening. Lucky coincidences come your way, the right kinda people enter your life, and more deals are struck, thus your bank account (or better your crypto) will grow faster.
It’s down to calling on powerful spirits on the etheric plane. Luminous beings that mostly don’t care about us humans. But they can be called upon. And if you strike a mutually beneficial deal with them, then they’ll direct their energies towards your cause.

From there, your worldly desires will manifest in the everyday world.

Recognize that this doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. BUT it can be fast in some cases.
<Price available by email apparently>

Thomas R. Horn #conspiracy #fundie #mammon #wingnut amazon.com

Before and after the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States was―and now is again―on an intentional trajectory to fulfill what famous Freemason Manly P. Hall described as The Secret Destiny of America. Hall’s book includes future national and global subservience to the god of Freemasonry, a deity most Americans would not imagine when reciting the pledge of allegiance to “one nation under God.” Unknown to most Americans and certainly many Christians is the fact that the Great Seal of the United States is a prophecy hidden in plain sight by the Founding Fathers for more than two hundred years, foretelling the return of this terrifying, demonic god who seizes control of Earth in the New Order of the Ages. This supernatural entity was known and feared in ancient times by different names: Apollo, Osiris, and even farther back as Nimrod, whom Masons consider to be the father of their institution.

Does ancient prophecy indicate he will return in 2025?
•Hidden secrets and forgotten prophecies surrounding the year 2025
•How the current U.S. government is tied to America’s occult destiny
•Lost prophecies from Qumran forecasting 2025 as the final age of man
•Why historians and intelligence agencies foresee a totalitarian world government by 2025 •How America’s Capital city is laid out to actuate arrival of Antichrist
•About the malevolent, Orwellian trinity currently converging
•The means by which the population’s thinking and speaking are being homogenized to create a nation of assimilated devotees who will embrace Antichrist
•The deep, esoteric meanings that names and titles held in ancient societies, the impact they had upon destiny, and what that could mean for America’s near future
•Who the mysterious character Melchizedek of Genesis 14 truly was
•What the “People of the Name” covenant is

James Clinton Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State for The United States of America and Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary for The United States of America as of this 23rd day of March in the year of 2022, and so said, so signed, and so sealed.

As of Midnight GMT on 24 March 2022 all rights, interests, assets, and physical titles, claims, and possessions of the United States, Incorporated, and its franchises and derivatives <...> and possessions of the United States of America, Incorporated, and its franchises and derivatives, both insolvent incorporated foreign Debtors/DEBTORS, revert to the ownership and possession of The United States, our National Government, and The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, which are the Priority Creditors of these corporations in their respective jurisdictions.
As of this date and time, these incorporated entities have ceased to exist, and only the Principals remain.
All production of Federal Reserve Notes must cease as of Midnight GMT 24 March 2022; properly serialized Federal Reserve Notes will be repatriated and exchanged for new American Silver Certificates for domestic use on a 1 to 1 basis, and with a new international currency species backed by refined petroleum, and with gold-backed Unidollars which will serve as an additional Reserve Currency benefiting all countries worldwide. Lawful coinage will also be reissued under the authority of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business since 1776 as The United States of America.
All foreign countries and nations are asked to observe that Federal Reserve Notes are a domestic British Territorial currency that have to be repatriated and verified through the issuing Treasury and must have serial numbers that attach to verified accounts in order for repatriation and full face value exchange for international hard currency issued by the American Government to occur. In the case of counterfeit bills a 20% Finder Fee will be paid.

John Coleman #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon amazon.com

Can you imagine an all powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no one but its members?

To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, "It can't happen here, our Constitution forbids it."

That there is such a body, called "The committee of 300," is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about "they"; this book tells precisely who "they" are, and what "THEY" have planned for our future, how "they" have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods "They" use and exactly how "they" have brainwashed us.

If you are Puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don't like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, Why the UNITED states is in a depression from which it will not emerge, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, the CONSPIRATORS'' hierarchy: the committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees.

Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored

The Final Wake-up Call #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #mammon finalwakeupcall.info

QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking systems

The Quantum Financial System – QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It has no opponent; it has no equivalent in advanced technology that any other system possessed before. It is brand new. It is supreme in applied technology so that it offers one hundred per cent financial security and transparency to all currency account holders. With the QFS, the world can easily be changed to gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the transfer facility of the Cabal’s old central banking system.

There is no equivalent technology to explain and understand the advanced structure of QFS.

The QFS system is the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, already initiated in Russia, China, and the US to replace the centrally controlled Swift system.

This new Quantum Financial System QFS operates on a quantum computer, placed on an orbiting satellite, and is protected from hackers by a secret space programme. This quantum technology was provided by benevolent alien Galactics.

The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to corruption, usury and manipulation by cabal criminals within the banking world. Its strength is its implemented restrictions that prevent corrupt bankers from making significant profits.
Moreover, after the Money Revaluation (RV), all sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, which guarantees sustainable value, and makes the need for unbacked cryptos redundant. Remember; cryptos are nothing more than numbers in computer memories.
The little-known reality is that QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for months, if not over a year, and has repelled many attempts at hacking by the Cabal. As a result, many bankers have been caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and have been consistently arrested.

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