
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Nathan Larson aka Leucosticte #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] After learning foids' true nature, it's hard to look at classic video games in the same way

If I'm Mario, why do I even want to bother trying to rescue the princess after she's been kidnapped? By the time I get to her, she'll probably already have been raped, because what else would be the point of kidnapping an attractive young foid? Why do I want Bowser's leftovers; her pussy is probably all blown out from his Koopa Kock, so that when I'm fucking her, all I'm gonna feel is air, as though I just put my dick in a wind tunnel. Plus she's probably traumatized from the experience, so I'm gonna have to deal with all that baggage. She could have all kinds of sexual phobias now, and be like, "I can't let you fuck me up the ass because it reminds me of what Bowser used to make me do."

But for all we know, the princess was just a slut anyway who deliberately let herself get captured. She was probably craving Donkey Kong's BBC, so she was like, "Tee-hee, I'm just gonna wander over to where this powerful animal can grab hold of me." So if I'm Mario, why should I risk my life dodging flaming barrels just so I can try to save a chick who probably doesn't even want to be saved?

But back in the 80s, we didn't know the truth about how the white knight mentality is always making men want to play Captain Save-a-Ho, even when it works against their best interests; so we just assumed that the back-story we had been given about how the princess came to be in her predicament was on the up-and-up, and never thought to question her chastity. If we'd been blackpilled back then, we probably would've just gone our own way. Or maybe we would've played Donkey Kong Country, so that instead of trying to defeat Tyrone, we could have been Tyrone. If you're going to have an escapist fantasy, it might as well be one where you can slay, rather than serve as a beta cuck.

Larry Solomon #fundie #sexist biblicalsexology.com

(This is a follow-up to a previous post.)

What God Wants Women to Want From Sex

In Exodus 21:10-11 we read “If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money”. The phrase “duty of marriage” refers to her conjugal rights or in other words, the husband’s duty to have sex with his wife.

So, in similar fashion to Proverbs 5:15’s comparison of sex for men to the human need for water, in Exodus 21:10-11 God compares sex for women to the human need for food and clothing. So, we can rightly say based on the Word of God that sex is a need for both men and women.

And it is because of this truth, that both men and women need sex that God gave these commands found in 1 Corinthians 7:3-4:

“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife”.

But just because men and women both need sex does that mean they need it to the same degree?

If we look at the needs that the Bible compares a woman’s sexual need to and then look at the need it compares a man’s sexual need to, we can answer this question.

Which can the human body go longer without? Food and clothing or water? Under temperate climate conditions the human body can go for an extended and perhaps indefinite period of time without clothing. And while food is a more important need than clothing, the human body can go weeks without food. The human being can live 30 to 60 days without food. But most human beings cannot go more than 3 days without water or they will die.

So yes, men and women both need sex. The Bible makes this very clear. But it also shows in how it compares the need for sex in men and women that sex is a far greater need for man. And that is a realization that every Christian woman needs to come to.

Now that we have established that sex is a need for women, even if women do not typically need as often as men. We then have to look at the difference in reasons that men and women need sex. While men need sex primarily to fulfil their physical and psychological thirst for the female body, women need sex for two primary reasons.

The first is that just as God created man with insatiable thirst for woman’s body, God also created women with a strong desire to be desired by man. When a man takes his woman in the act of sex, it fulfills her need to feel beautiful to him, to feel desired by him and ultimately to feel loved by him.

In Psalm 45:11, in a prophecy concerning Christ and his Church, the Bible says “So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him”. When we remember that man’s created purpose is to image God with his life then we understand the strong desire of men toward the beauty of woman. Man’s desire for the beauty of woman’s body symbolizes Christ’s desire for the beauty of his church.

And when we understand that woman was created for man, then we understand why women have a strong need to feel beautiful and desired by men. Men desire the beauty of women, so God designed women to desire to be beautiful for men. Men desire to take and use a woman’s body for their sexual pleasure and to meet this desire in men God designed women to desire to taken by men sexually. It is sin that corrupts these desires in women or causes them to deny these desires they have toward men.

This is why we read from the wife in Song of Solomon 7:10 “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me”. The wife wants her man to desire her beauty. But not just her beauty. She wants her beloved to desire to take her body and use it for his pleasure. In Song of Solomon 4:16 the wife invites her husband to feast upon her body when she makes the following statement:

“Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits”.

And in the Song of Solomon 1:1 the wife says of her husband: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine”.

When we take all of these Scriptures together what do we see that women should want from sex? They should want their husband to desire their beauty and to take and use their body for his pleasure. They should would want him to embrace them and kiss them and by doing all this show his love and desire for them.

But the second reason for a woman’s need for sex, that God has placed in her nature, is her need to have children. This is a defining need of a woman.

Let me illustrate from my own life origin story. My aunt, my father’s brother’s wife, told me recently that when their son was born my mom and dad came over and my mom held their son in her arms. That same evening, when my mom went home, she jumped my dad’s bones and boom, she was pregnant with me.

But outside these two powerful needs that drive women to have sex with men there is another spiritual reason which should drive Christian women to want to have sex with their husbands. And that reason is that they fully realize they were made for him and specifically to meet his need in this area of sex. It pleases him and gives him passion toward them and toward everything else in his life. This should drive any Christian woman to want sex as often as she can have it with her husband.

Larry Solomon #fundie #sexist biblicalsexology.com

(I imagine most of you are acquainted with Larry Solomon, of ‘Biblical Gender Roles’ fame. He has started a new blog called ‘Biblical Sexology’, the content of which should be pretty predictable considering the content of his previous blog. This post is part 1 of a two-part post.)

What God Wants Men to Want From Sex

Today we are told that the primary thing husbands should want from sex is to emotionally bond with their wives. Many Christian teachers teach that is sinful for a man to desire sex with his wife purely for his own physical pleasure. That he should never “sexually objectify” his wife and view her as an object for his sexual use and pleasure. They teach this as part of their larger belief that we should never want anything for ourselves, but instead we should only be looking to do good things for others.

They base this false teaching on a misinterpretation and misapplication of Bible passages like Philippians 2:4 which states “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others”. The problem is that they ignore a very important word in that verse and that word is “also”. There is absolutely no sin in a person seeking to meet their own needs or even their own desires as long as they also consider the needs and desires others.

The truth that may shock many Christian readers is that God actually encourages men to use their wife’s body to meet their sexual thirsts.

In Romans 1:26-27 we read the following:

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet”.

God uses different language for sex when it comes men and women. In the context of homosexuality, God says that women “change the natural use into that which is against nature”.

So, what is “the natural use” which Romans 1:26 refers to? We find out in the very next verse. In Romans 1:27 we are told that the natural use refers to “men, leaving the natural use of the woman”. In other words, women were created for man’s sexual use.

If we turn back to the Old Testament, we see God elaborating on this purpose of woman, to be used for man’s sexual pleasure. In Proverbs 5:15 we read “Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well”. In this passage God compares a man’s sexual desire for woman to the human thirst for water. In other words, God is saying sex is a very important need for a man. And God has given men their wives’ bodies to meet their sexual thirst.

But later in the same passage of Scripture we read in Proverbs 5:18-19:

“Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love”.

Between Romans 1:27, Proverbs 5:15 and then Proverbs 5:18-19 we see that what the church teaches men they should want from sex today is WRONG. When they condemn husbands for wanting to use their wife’s body for their own sexual pleasure they do so in direct contradiction to the written Word of God.

If you are a man reading this and you desire to satisfy yourself with your wife’s body, to drink your fill of it and to use it for your own pleasure – there is no sin in this desire. But rather this desire is holy and part of God’s design of your masculine nature. You may have been raised your whole life to be ashamed of such desires. But I implore you based upon the clear teachings of the Bible, that you leave your shame behind and fully embrace the God created desires in you that you have toward woman.

Nathan Larson aka Leucosticte and Jim #sexist #psycho incels.is

Josef Fritzl was one of the great romantic idealists of our time

Imagine being able to tell the girl of your dreams, "I excavated this tunnel system under my house and installed this escape-proof door just so we could be together, baby."

Elisabeth Fritzl must have looked around at her surroundings sometimes and thought, "Wow, he did all this for ME?!" That is true love.

Like I was pointing out earlier, King Koopa understood, you can't just kidnap a princess; you have to also lock her up in your dungeon. The Demon Dragon King in Erotic Torture Chamber understood this as well.

Or as Jim's Blog notes, "Recall that in the legend of Perseus and Andromeda, after Perseus rescues Andromeda from the dragon, he kills her fiancee, abducts her from her family and marries her. He rescues her and firmly takes possession."

These days, incest may be the only chance of ensuring that one's daughter will be deflowered by a man who truly loves her and is committed to her. Locking one's daughter up in a dungeon that one won't be able to ever release her from is a demonstration of commitment.

The only problem is, his will to rule over her became weak, to the point that he eventually did let her out; and that was when all his problems began.

Legendarywristcel #fundie #sexist incels.is

Athiesm does not mean a support for hedonistic degeneracy. The prime goal of liberal left is degeneracy, athiesm is just another tool they use to dismantle religion.

True. A lot of foids equate "there is no god with " "get out there and start sucking chad dick "

wereqryan #ableist #sexist #wingnut #moonbat #psycho incels.is

[Experiment] [Read before voting] So what's the long-term cure to inceldom: sexual fascism or sexual socialism?

Sexual Fascism: Every person regardless of gender are genetically tested and physically and mentally evaluated. From that extensive evaluation, only those who meet a certain threshold of genetic goodness are allowed to procreate. Inceldom wouldn't be factor because incel genes would be weeded out of existence within a few generations.

PRO: Fascism reduces risk of producing subhumans, although genetic recombination can still fuck someone up. But overall, I think genetic superiority is much bigger than just looks, though looks are a decent size factor.
CON: Subhumans not being able to reproduce would disincentivize them from working, leading to collapse in society.

Example: White people have somewhat followed this model which has enabled them to be significantly more attractive and physically robust than other races. Of course there are other factors like geography and diet as well.

Sexual Socialism: Every man, regardless of how subhuman or incapable he is, will be guaranteed a wife through government or culturally enforced arranged marriage. Individual preferences would play less of a role in mate selection. Inceldom wouldn't be factor because everyone would get a spouse, regardless of their subhumanity or incompetency.

PRO: Stable birth rates, stable families and communities, even if that stability comes at the cost of personal satisfaction from relationships.
CON: Bad genes will continue to propagate, leading to large masses of people who are ugly and with a low grade of physical and mental stature.

Example: India has followed this model and we are at the bottom of the race hierarchy. India is a shithole country with overpopulation because every subhuman gets opportunities to mates like rabbits.

So which strategy has won out so far?

In terms of preventing inceldom, I'd say socialism has won out, but at the same time, socialism has failed to curb incel tier genetics and morphology from perpetuating, leading to the downtrodden condition of curries, sands, and ricecels. Whites have more inceldom, but in general, they are physically superior to ethnics.

[Poll is evenly split.]

SlayerSlayer #sexist #conspiracy #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] Sex and love are constantly creeping on your periphery

How do you cope knowing that LOVE IS IN THE AIR?? I'm not worried the fuck about Corona Chan, I'm worried that I will need to deal with SEX-HAVERS. It's just NOT FAIR that literally EVERYONE has SEX like it's no big deal, and then BLAME YOU like a fucking FREAK for not having sex. Virgins are treated worse than fucking lepers. Old virgins are treated worse than PEDOHILES. LITERAL PEDOHILES HAVE MORE RESPECT THAN OLDER VIRGINS. People at least pity a leper, but sex-havers know, they just know that if you are a virgin, it's YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT.

If women do not choose you, you are simply a piece of shit.

If you are a virgin over 25, I wish the government just sent out hit squads to murder us.

EeEcel #sexist incels.is

[Venting] Fuck this dogshit earth

7bhn9l i think being a slavcel is the biggest curse a man can have. Born with nw level 3 from the get go , shitcolored eyes, brutal recep ivedik body follicles (turkcel trait,keratine lvl over 9k), and the worst of all THE PORNSTAR STOYA level of paleness.
grandmas on the public transport have given me candy because i look 1 nanosecond away from fainting. old boomer nurses have interacted me for 1 second to tell me to go get full blood expertise because i be looking unhealthy. foids have asked me do i do hard drugs because i look like a crack addict, when told no, they spoke amongst themselves teehe thats right he does even harder drugs teehee. same thots have asked me why im shaking like a retard and when told cuz i have spine nerve problems one of them has told me ye we had one dog once upon a time , he broke his spine and died soon afterwards.
FFS once even a 15yo foid has masturbated a literal small doggo by bouncing it on her thicc bare thighs [no full contact tho] , and said out loud aww isnt he feeling good

thanx for coming out for my ted talk

Meme gender

ye just imagine being the new boy in the hood and sitting with 3-4 foids outside and sitting a dog on your lap and rubbing her vagina with ur leg , while saying out loud "wow look how happy she looks, it must feel good, right?!"

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Cope] [Personalitypill] Women can easily detect your personality muh body language muh social cues muh blah blah blah

First, I’m gonna debunk some dumb arguments by IT

My god their arguments are so fucking pathetic.

muh body language. What body language do they think we fuckin use? We use normal everyday body language that everyone uses when women are nearby. We’re mostly just having our whole body relaxed and normal they prolly assume we clench our fists and stare aggressively.

muh language. We don’t even use incel slang irl and the idea that we have evil tones of voices when talking is retarded. Most of us act like typical bluepillers irl. Not hard at all to hide your tone of voice.

muh social cues

I can assure these fucking faggots that if anyone irl knew we use incels.co, all of them would be shocked. I’ve acted like a typical bluepiller in front of others. Most of them act friendly to me and think I’m genuinely bluepilled. And most women who I had to talk to because they’re a tutor or a office worker had no fucking clue that I’m “evil” because I act completely normal with them and act calm as fuck. What do they think I do, make offensive jokes and use weird language? I act as bluepilled as every retard irl does. If ITmet me irl they’d have NO clue that I’m Edmund_Kemper. And also many of us are socially isolated and don’t have anyone around us to talk to and go to a community college or home where people are anti social so this whole body language mental gymnastics is retarded.
If women can detect bad personalities, date rape, domestic abuse etc would never happen.
And even Ted bundy would’ve never deceived his victims
and these fags think we actually discuss inceldom or feminism or politics irl when we usually don’t. And when one guy I have as a social coach brought it up with me sometimes I act bluepilled as hell
And then these retards use anecdotal fallacy “because this one incel I knew” like as if one represents all
and no IT none of us stare at foids. How do they know we stare at foids? How do they know we act aggressive towards women. Most women I’ve met act normal around me (no don’t accuse me of bragging I mean they act like whatever around me like they do around anyone else)

and how the fuck do they know what humor we enjoy. The only people who know our sense of humor are close friends not foids we never speak to
Also aren’t depressed people able to hide their depression, but blackpillers can’t hide their blackpilldom?

Alright now that was a copy and paste of a comment I made on here

now let me show you guys something

if incels can’t hide their personalities, why do rapists succeed at it? Most rape Victims are raped by someone they know, like an intimate partner, friend, acquaintance, relative, etc. Many of them probably trusted the rapist, yet it happened. I’ve read that many rapists have hostile feelings about women and are misogynistic yet they successfully hide it. Many date rape victims had no idea that their date would rape them. Have these ITcels looked up rape by deception as well? Also, 93% of child molestation victims are molested by someone they know and trust and who the family trusts, yet only 38% of child molestation victims report the molester and many times people don’t know about it. Child molesters hid their personality.

Studies show that 5%-% of men are rapists and that 54% of college athletes have admitted to perpetrating some form of sexual coercion. We all probably have been friends with a rapist and had no idea he was one, because he successfully hides it.

Also, many domestic abusers hide the fact that they’re a potential domestic abuser when starting a relationship before the abuse begins, so domestic abusers hide it too, and many times when abuse happens, nobody will know about it and in public, the domestic abuser easily hides it, so many don’t find out. And many closeted Homos hide it (many times we can tell they’re gay but many times we can’t).

Also studies show that rapists often do have consensual sex and in fact have much more consensual sex than non rapists and are much more sexually active and successful than non rapists

also many people with depression hide it and many times nobody knows they’re depressed. A chad in my hs roped and people were shocked because he was always smiling and happy. But he was depressed. Robin Williams also hid his depression and nobody knew he was depressed. The world was shocked when he roped.

Ted bundy tricked his victims and hid the fact that he was a murderer.

IncelPolitik #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Another low SMV femoid grifter in the incelosphere. You're not going to become /OurGirl/. Rowan, become a tradthot, you'll have better luck with that.

This blown-out roastie whose been making videos for months on us in a desperate attempt to become the Lauren Southern, /OurGirl/ of the Incelosophere literally made a 20 part video series on the Scientific Blackpill (https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill) entry, the most visited and carefully edited page, on incel.wiki.

Incels are not bluepilled simps/orbiters desperate for the touch/affection of a woman. We're blackpilled and know the truth of female nature much more scientifically and rigorouously than 99.9% of men in the world, you're going to keep making video after video after video and none of us are going to magically drop into your DM's and say "ROWAN, I'M A HANDSOME SHY BOY WITH A HIGH PAYING JOB WHO JUST HAS LOW SELF-ESTEEM. I'M DESPERATE AND I'LL DATE ANYONE, WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME? YOU'RE INCEL GRIFT WORKED! I WAS ON THE FORUM, SAW YOUR VIDEO, IT SNAPPED ME OUT OF MY FALSE SELF-BELIEFS AND NOW I WANT TO MARRY YOU! <3"

We're self-labelled incels (as opposed to the usually external-labelling that's internally rejected, e.g., "ok, incel" -women). We're woke.

This woman is pathetic. Look at the shitty tat on her shoulder. *read the comment I left under her video*

I would unironically rather commit suicide than listen to her breakdown the entire scientific blackpill page with her smoothbrain femoid takes. If I was a political prisoner and the CIA wanted to extract information out of me about the secret operations of I.N.C.E.L., this would probably be the only tactic that could force the information out of me. It would be more torturous than electrocution, sensory depravation, solitary confinement, truth serum... I don't think anything else would cause me to crack but if I to listen to this entire series... that would do it.

My friend who run Mens Rights News and I are going to do a 200 part video serious on that webpage so that it's an easily digestible, smooth listening format for people with low attention spans who don't want to read the page, basically normies. I was writing the script for him to read and the thought popped in my head if anyone else had already done it and I came across this horrifically and abysmally poor attempt at what me and my friend are hoping to do (but with the attention is deserves and with high craftsmanship).

I watch his YouTube videos and he still falls for every foid, he even fell for naama kates when she even interviewed him and there's some fat foid called jojo commenting on all his videos and he falls for her and called her good looking in many replies to her, I always used to look up to him as the most hard-core incel foid hater but every man is the same at the end of the day, biological instincts

Princess Naama isn't even cute. IRL, she wouldn't get a double glance in public from men on the street but on the internet, in incel land, she's Stacy... these women suck. We srsly have to do everything in our power to force women out of our spaces because they just disrupt our discussion of the important issues (blackpill theory).

Yea i always thought naama was overrated but i remember grotesque saying that she was an actor and model before

Bro, all women say that and there are morbidly obese models and down syndrome models. Ever since the feminists began their crusade on common sense objective beauty standards, saying "i'm a model" just tells me you're vain.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

[JFL] No amount of foreplay will ever compare to the 2 minutes of getting pumped by Chad in the stinky public bathroom
Thread startermetabuxx Start dateToday at 8:45 AM

JFL at normies googling "sex tips" and "how to make your gf cum". Cope as much as you want faggots. The truth is that all a woman wants is for Chad to bend her over, shove her head inside the toilet sink and fuck the life out of her cervix with his superior 9 inch dick while pulling her hair and calling her a "worthless whore".

That's what a woman calls a "good fuck". Its all just a combination of face, height, frame and dick size combined with the genetic superiority which makes women wetter than the Niagara falls the second Chad says "Lets fuck".


Warehouse Boy #transphobia #sexist incels.is

HR Foid: "You must call Her .... Him". Need Legal Help.

A confused mentally ill bulldyke Foid .....is coming into warehouse management, and we have to call it SIR

First of all I'm not going to call it sir. If anything I will call it IT. As in, YES IT, I will be glad to process this unload. Have a nice day IT.

Second can I be fired, or prosecuted in Texas for refusing?

Should I just quit now?

Robert Hampton #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

White Women Are in an Abusive Relationship with the Left

The Left can’t hide its contempt for white women. “White women are lucky that we are just calling them Karens,” Washington Post Global Opinions Editor Karen Attiah said in a since-deleted tweet. “And not calling for revenge.”

Miss Attiah, who is black, blamed white women for “the 1921 Tulsa massacre,” the “murder of Emmett Till,” and the “exclusion of black women from feminist movements.” She was also angry that “53% of white women vot[ed] for Trump.”

Miss Attiah didn’t back down in the face of criticism: “I’m just saying. Be happy we are calling for equality. And not actual revenge.” She eventually deleted her tweets, but she didn’t recant. In a follow-up, she promoted the “Karen” meme because it shows “how everyday white women uphold white supremacy through violence, aggression, and the weaponizing of their gender.”

The Washington Post editor is not alone. The Karen meme, which ridicules white women for upholding standards, is popular. Time published an article last week that praised the abuse of “Karens” because it lays bare the “violent history of white womanhood.” Teen Vogue published a piece attacking white women for upholding “white supremacy.” Bloomberg produced a video this week that demanded “White Women Privilege” be dismantled.

The Left heaps scorn on white women, even though they are increasingly the Left’s most devoted foot soldiers. Compared to 2014, 38 percent more white women think police killings are part of a broader problem rather than isolated incidents. This explains why most whites have a favorable view of Black Lives Matter. White women are common at many BLM protests. White women with college degrees favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump by 39 percent. Younger white women hold more liberal views on race, immigration, and social issues than young white men.

If white women are loyal to the left but the left scorns them, they are in an abusive relationship. Here is a mental health organization’s description, of an abusive relation. As you go down its checklist, it all fits:


The Left thinks it owns white women and can order them around. There is a whole genre of articles telling white women what to do:

“White Women: We Must Stop Being Amy Cooper”

“America is at its breaking point and white women still won’t stop frivolously calling police on black people”

“Shaming white people might stop some of them from calling 911 on us”

“White women need to be better allies to women of color”

“How White Women Can Be Better Black Lives Matter Allies”

“White Women Need to Check Their Privilege After the Women’s March”


The Left has never forgiven 53 percent of white women for voting for Mr. Trump in 2016. It latches on to this like a dumped lover who can’t get over an old text message.

“The 53 percent had once again sold out their sisters in the service of the patriarchy, an especially egregious sin in the wake of the #MeToo movement, which has exposed widespread sexual harassment and assault among powerful men in the workplace,” Washington Post reporter Vanessa Williams wrote in 2018. This particular “sell out” — which could have been anything — was the fact that a few white women senators voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

“[A] a vocal segment of women of color, especially black feminists, are saying, hold up, pump the brakes,” The Undefeated writer Lonnae O’Neal said in a 2016 article called “The 53 percent issue. ”While white feminists are issuing all-hands-on-deck calls to stand against a Trump presidency, these women say, they haven’t worked hard enough to even win over a majority of their own ranks.”

Vogue bitterly asked in 2018: “Why Do White Women Keep Voting for the GOP and Against Their Own Interests?” Journalists view white women as if they were unfaithful lovers.


Leftists love to insult white women. That is why the “Karen” and “Becky” slurs are so popular. Both are ways to bully white women. I wrote in June: “The ‘Karen’ meme normalizes contempt for white women. It stops whites from doing something when they see suspicious non-whites.” “Becky” is no different. Like an abusive lover, the Left insults whites and tries to make them submit.


Threats against white women are becoming more common. Miss Attiah’s tweets are just one example. More ominously, there could be legal penalties for white women who call the police on blacks. Amy Cooper, the “Central Park Karen” who called 911 on a black bird watcher in May, was charged with filing a false police report. She already had lost her job, suffered extreme harassment, and may be banned from Central Park for life.

San Francisco is considering a new law called the CAREN Act, which would criminalize “racially biased” 911 calls. The name stands for Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies and is inspired by the “Karen” meme. White women are clearly thought to be the problem.

Even a camera can be used to threaten white women. Last month, a black man in Seattle followed a white woman to her home after a traffic incident. He accused her of using the N-word and pulled out his phone to videotape her. The woman, realizing she could be the target of a video that could ruin her life, burst into tears and pleaded with her accuser that she was not racist. White women better get in line, or else.

Physical Violence

Some white women even suffer physical violence from the Left. Rioters beat a disabled white woman on camera in Minneapolis in May. The mob cheered on the black attackers as they punched her and emptied a fire extinguisher into her face. The woman was reportedly trying to stop a black mob from looting a Target.

A few days later, black rioters attacked a white woman who was riding her bike. A white man tried to fend off her attackers with a hockey stick. Rioters attacked him too.

Black looters beat an elderly white woman in Rochester, New York after she tried to stop them from attacking her store.

Rioters have surrounded white women in their cars and threatened them. A white mother in Fredericksburg, Virginia, begged police to rescue her and her child when rioters mobbed her car in June. The police did nothing.

It would be wrong to blame white women for any of this. Women are more conformist and submissive than men. They bow to what they think is powerful, respectable, and authoritative. It is not their fault that ideas that are destroying our country and our people have become authoritative. It is men — white men — who let that happen. Women will not change until we change.

Ryan Messano #sexist #wingnut amazon.com

(Background: Ryan was reviewing Lori Alexander’s book “Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide”, and I (Suzanne) responded to him. What follows is our exchange.)

Ryan Messano: Having read Lori Alexander's wonderful blog, 'The Transformed Wife' for the past 2 years, it is apparent that she has the principals that virtuous women had a century ago, that made America the prosperous and flourishing nation she became.

Reading her blog is an amazing experience, in seeing the woman that Solomon commended so highly in Proverbs 31.

We are in a stubborn and rebellious society, where Killer Angels, like Margaret Sanger, encourage younger women to be whores, to have sex outside of marriage, to travel, to go to college, to be prostitutes, star in filthy pornography movies, and to get jobs, at the expense of getting married young, and learning to love a husband and children, and care for a home.

Having been raised in a home by a loving and devoted mother, who had 18 children, of whom I was the eldest, and having been given fond and loving memories of a beautiful childhood, it fills my heart with peace and joy to see the precepts that make the loving families, such as the one I was raised in, taught by a Godly woman such as Lori.

May all young women listen to and heed her words, may the men of America return to the honor, wisdom, and virtue we once knew, and may we have a new birth of freedom and virtue, so that liberty's flame may never perish in the United States of America. Without virtuous men and women, liberty must surely be extinguished, and we must all inevitably become slaves.

Suzanne Titkemeyer: Interesting considering you said on Lori Alexander's chat room that you'd not ordered or read the book. Yet here you are writing a review for this book you never ordered or read. Lying is a sin.

Ryan Messano: Wat a hateful liar you are. I never said any such thing, and any one who wants to verify can go to Lori's comments. Further, the book has arrived today, and I'll be reading it. It likely will vary little from the outstanding blogs Lori has written over the last 2 years, which use the same time-honored principles, and apply them in fresh, dazzling, and new ways constantly.

Hopefully you escape from the bondage of your mental slavery.

Suzanne Titkemeyer: Dear Ryan. I have a screen cap of you as "Montesqueue" stating that you didn't read the book but you posted a review. If you click on that particular name it brings one to website for Mesano News, your name. Clearly this is you no matter what you say. Also, anyone Googling you will see you have been hauled out of government meetings screaming homophobic slurs. Repeatedly. Another fake Christian that does not follow the Christ of the Bible. Why would anyone with a functioning brain pay any attention to your words?

Ryan Messano: Dear Suzanne,

Please learn to spell. It's Montesquieu. You are very lazy. The spell check red-lined under your misspelling, suggesting it was misspelled, which it was, and you neglected to check it still. The gist of the study Guide and Lori's posts are the same. Please educate yourself on inductive and deductive reasoning, before blundering into being publicly embarrassed. That said, you leftists are hard to embarrass. You have the hides of Rhinos.

Clearly you have no idea that the leading serial killers in America were all homosexual, and that SCOTUS had no right to legalize the behavior. You've been brainwashed by the schools and media. https://barbwire.com/the-president-attempting-to-de-criminalize-sodomy-the-question-that-needs-to-be-asked-why-is-sodomy-illegal/

Hahaha, I just love being lectured on the Bible by people who don't know it or follow it. What a massive hypocrite you are. If it wasn't for double standards, you leftists would have no standards.

When you learn what wisdom and virtue are, and start to practice them, which is a very tall task for moral midgets like you, then my words will make sense to you.

Suzanne Titkemeyer: Dear Ryan,
Being serious now. It's not healthy to be as angry as you seem and to hold delusional conspiracy theories. Please think about getting help. If money is an issue many communities offer low cost options with a licensed counselor or social worker. You can even request a Christian one. Life is too short to be so miserable.

Ryan Messano: Dear Suzanne,

Righteous indignation is plenty healthy. Being lukewarm is very unhealthy, and ignorance is blissful short term, but quite tragic longterm. As for conspiracy theories, we can discuss those when you actually bother learning actual history, which you appear anxious to advertise you never have.

Your problem is you judge truth on your feelings, which have been leading you astray for quite some time. If someone appears happy to you, which Hollyweird has no problem doing as they lie up a storm, you accept that as truth. Meanwhile, when a person echoes Christ, who was called 'A man of sorrows', you feel that is not true and must be refuted. Lost in your feelings.

The purpose of life was not to feel good. Go learn about the Sophists and Epicureans, and then try to stop imitating them.

SurvivingSexualDyst #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] I'm now officially a cuck

Since my roommate's girlfriend came to live in the same apartment as us (not in the same room, thankfully) things have gone downhill for me. She doesn't seem to realise that I exist, wears sexy outfits for him (a skirt basically showing her whole ass), they cuddle in the living room and he goes to her room at night. Now he is giving her a foot massage on a sofa in the living room (which I can't avoid to get to my room). I feel beyond terrible.

IncelPolitik #sexist incels.is

r/IncelTear made this comic to make fun of us but honestly I prefer this to being blue pilled and being abused by women oblivious to the blackpill.


TranscriptPanel 1: A male teenager
“I am 18 and I’ve never had sex. What do you think?”

Panel 2: Two incels (identified to wearing cardboard box hats decorated with angy eyebrows and tears)
Incel 1: “⅒″
Incel 2: “It never began.”
Incel 1: “Rope.”
Incel 2: “No-one will EVER love you.”
Incel 1: “It’s over.”

Panel 3: An incel hat is slapped on the teenager

Panel 4: Incel 2 is laying his arm around the teenager’s shoulder and whispering conspiratorially.
Incel 2: “Shhh… don’t improve yourself. You’re worthless and always will be. Sex is EVERYTHING, and you’ll NEVER get it. We’re the only ones who’ll ever accept you.

JohnEngelman #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Do Americans Really Want Diversity?

For many whites, it’s a game of ‘let’s pretend.’

I agree with Jared Taylor that most people prefer others of their race. I believe this preference is genetic. However, genes vary, so innate inclinations vary too.

I learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Oriental girls are pretty." No one taught me to feel that that way. I felt that way because it was natural for me to feel that way, My two best friends in high school were Chinese Americans.

On the other hand, there is nothing I admire in the culture of the black urban underclass.

Blacks appeal to me to the extent that they have internalized white values and behavior. They do not have to be as intelligent as whites. They have to be as decent. I like blacks who are Oreos - black on the outside, but white on the inside. When they were growing up they were ostracized and beaten up for "acting white."

Joe Sobran https://vdare.com/articles/jared-taylor-remembers-joe-sobran "In their mating and migratory habits, liberals are indistinguishable from members of the Ku Klux Klan."

Race is the liberal's weakest issue. It is the issue where liberal reforms have obviously failed, and where liberal hypocrisy is equally obvious. Liberals praise school integration, but they send their children to schools with few or nor no blacks in them. White blue collar workers, who cannot afford to to that, pay the price for liberal ideals. It is a price liberals avoid paying.

Well, not all Asians are attractive, not all of white girls are attractive, but none of pure blacks are attractive. BTW, you know Orientals is the old, archaic way of referring to Asians, right? Not a big deal to me personally, but some may think it's not respectful. Just my $0.02.

What I mean by "Oriental" are China, and nations that learned civilization from the Chinese. These are Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Calling them Asians ignores the fact that many people who live in Asia are Caucasians. Calling them "East Asians" feels like a concession to political correctness.

When I told my Vietnamese girl friend, "I prefer Oriental women." she did not get angry at me. She smiled and said, "You think we are much more wonderful."

A possible reason for my attraction to Oriental women is that they have less testosterone than white women. Therefore they are more feminine.

Once I asked on Quora, "If you are East Asian, do you think the use of the word "Oriental" is derogatory? None of the Orientals who answered said it was derogatory. Several were surprised by the question.

I have been told that we are not supposed to use the word "Negro" any more. Now the politically correct term is "African American." I have never in my life heard a Negro use the term "African American." If I used that term with the Negroes I know, they would probably think I was being hoity toity.

Here's a definitive Q for Americans:

Your only daughter is bringing home her fiance' for an introduction meeting.

Would you prefer that he is:
A. Your Race
B. A Different Race {Alt. Black, Hispanic, Asian, White}
C. Does not matter.
D. Just glad she's straight.

An Oriental of the other sex would be fine with me.

SubhumanAbomination #sexist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] Holes who don't want kids should get their wombs removed

Abortion is one of the greatest evils. I can understand if having a child will kill it's mother and it's in early stages, but i can't fathom the idea that someone would kill their own children/family just to keep being degenerates and whore around.

Society is truly a shithole, their opinions are based on the mainstream, not what's right or wrong, if we lived during Hitler or slavery time, most of society would be firm supporters of both of them despite what they keep saying now, that's the mindset of blind sheeps, which is following what they're told without questioning. They're good at nothing but virtue signaling.

It's one of the most evil crimes I can imagine. It's a combination of every moral wrong possible into one action.

Yes, and the sad thing is that they don't think it's wrong, that's how ignorant they're. I know they should be punished for this, but we also should feel sorry for them because they certainly don't know better.

Yes, society is a shithole because of foids and her degenerate lifestyle.

Yes, it's certainly one of the major aspects responsible for this downfall.

We certainly should not feel sorry for them.
Have you seen how nonchalant they are about aborting their babies? They see it as a virtuous action.
The fact that foids support abortion is the clearest proof of their inherent evil.

Yes, but what i meant is that they're clearly retarded, don't you pity/feel sorry for retarded people sometimes?

That would be like a poor person feeling sorry for a rich person.
I may make a thread about the topic of abortion in the near future. I want people to understand exactly how terrible that action is.

That would be a great thread, waiting for it.

ScornedStoic #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] In just a month and a half I will be 7 years older than the girls I actually want to date, locking me out of dating completely legally and socially

Before I start, hello IT and glad to see you made it to my completely reasonable thread, you're now welcome to begin shitting your pants and sobbing over the fact that a young man in his twenties wants to fuck sexually mature teenagers that fuck and drink-or as you put it, children playing Digimon and hopscotch. Have at 'er.

Anyway, for the non retarded, in just a short month and a half I'll be 22. And I'll thus be a whopping 7 years older than 15 year olds, 6 years older than 16 year olds, etc. My chance to experience any form of young love has now completely and irrevocably expired.

More importantly, teenage females would have been my only hope in hell at ever getting over my social deficits. I'm autistic, awkward as fuck, and haven't experienced any form of affection, dating, meaningful interaction between the sexes, etc. You know, the kind of things that are imperative developmental milestones, the things that move you on from your adolescent stage in life and allow you to progress mentally in respect to socialization.

Teenage girls, while lightyears ahead of me, are the closest thing to attainable mentally to someone like me. I'm awkward as living fuck in front of them, but a 20 y.o. foid full of years of feminism, with a jaded thousand cock stare, there's just no way. My societal mental equals are teen foids and they are now completely out of reach (as if they weren't before, but I think you know what I mean).

My humiliation has reached peak levels. 22 and no sexual touch with a girl, no handholding, not a single date, despite years and years of trying (when they were my age, IT), not a shred of interaction with the opposite sex that wasn't them trying to get away from me (before they even got the chance to get to know me, so no, it's not my personality), I truly was fenced out from the beginning because of my height, autism and face not to mention shit build.

"It never began" doesn't even almost begin to cover it for me.

startertehgymcel420 #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Why rape is considered so horrible

firstly, I'm not trying to bait IT by saying rape is justified or anything like that. Rape is bad and all, but surely there are worse things that could happen to someone? Like being robbed, beaten, tortured, mutilated, or murdered right? This is a blackpill, rape is basically sex with an undesirable (ethnic/sub5/whatever) man, females consider sex with men like us to be worse than being tortured or murdered. They sometimes compare a man raping a female to be like a gay man raping a straight man, foids consider sex with us to be as bad as a straight man being anally raped. Now think about how good your chances for ascension are, females consider fucking you to be the worst most traumatic experience imaginable.

Andy Schlafly #fundie #sexist #crackpot conservapedia.com

Gender-neutral terminology is used by politically correct liberals in a ploy to efface the natural differences between men and women, sometimes with absurd effect. Thus, although in legal texts the word "he" and "his" have been used for centuries to apply to both sexes, political correctness advocates insist on the cumbersome "he or she", "his or her". Sometimes people mistakenly use of "they" (or "their") despite the fact that this usage is grammatically incorrect. They also try to abolish terms as policeman, fireman, postman, fisherman, chairman, actress and waitress, claiming they are sexist terms. Use of gender-neutral language is a hallmark of overly liberal translations of the Bible.

Some languages use different words or suffixes depending on the gender of a noun, and attribute gender to non-people nouns. However, formal English does not ascribe gender to inanimate objects and defaults to the "male" pronouns or words when referring to either gender. For example, "All men are created equal," is correct English and the statement includes both males and females.

The fact that there are two different genders – male and female, based on one's biological sex – is affirmed through Scripture:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 (ESV)

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Serious] if rape victims can never heal and their life is ruined, maybe should they just rope? but life gets better!!!

why is it that society teaches us that rape victims are ruined for life and never heal and forever live in misery and horror 24/7 and never experience any joy again, but then if a rape victim threatens to rope (i think only 30% of rape victims contemplate suicide), they say "don't rope it always gets better"?

like wtf. this is hypocrisy. if being raped is really worse than death, and thus death is preferable, aren't you implying rape victims should rope, but then society teaches them don't rope because it gets better?

so, if the rape victim doesn't plan to rope, they're ruined for life? but if they plan on roping, it gets better?

@JosefMengelecel thoughts?

SuperMario64DS & your personality #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] After you see an attractive guy kiss a woman with no consent, and all twitter supports it, how can you be anything but blackpilled


Many cucks will say "it's okay because she gave consent because she liked it"

So it's morally okay to kiss girls without permission. It only becomes immoral if she didn't like it.

Fucking retards.

Look at their hamster wheel brains turning. These people are so oblivious. This is exactly what we say happens and yet we are ostracized for doing so.

"Many cucks will say "it's okay because she gave consent because she liked it""

100% explains why females are so liberal with their rape accusations now. Females will never not want Chad to bang them, so it can't be rape. However, consensual sex with an ugly male can be rape if they don't like it.

I think if a woman gets drunk at a bar or club, and circumstances establish clearly that she chooses to go to a guy's home, and clearly chooses to do so without any prompting from someone else, and it's with a guy she personally knows, and she knows it's that person at the time, and she stays over at his place and doesn't go home, she should not be allowed to accuse rape.

Why should women be encouraged to stay over a guy's home when they are drunk? I mean seriously. That's where this "rape" often happens. And more often than not in these exact circumstances, the cunt is lying.

As we all know, the "trauma" and "horror" of such literal prostitutes are as bad as a 13 year old muslim virgin getting raped by a 22 year old ISIS member.

Rape could happen in that situation though, if she views him as a "friend without benefits" and he ignores that.

There are also gray areas where they might think they're telling the truth (convince themselves, rewriting memories without knowing it) about what went down and subtleties of perception muddle the issue

But it's deterrence

I feel rape is more likely than not with those exact circumstances, so women, knowing there won't be consequences, won't do it.

You would need to educate women though

(your personality)

100% explains why females are so liberal with their rape accusations now. Females will never not want Chad to bang them, so it can't be rape. However, consensual sex with an ugly male can be rape if they don't like it.

Don't forget enthusiastic consent every step of the way, while such asking for consent at every step is mocked in tv shows and movies and seen as being a dweeb.

They're so stupid hypocritical it's infuriating. I honestly wish someone would just run up during the next inauguration and just preach the blackpill to the world.

Would likely backfire, be memed into not being taken seriously and be labeled as racist, alt-right rhetoric by the media.

I think if a woman gets drunk at a bar or club, and circumstances establish clearly that she chooses to go to a guy's home, and clearly chooses to do so without any prompting from someone else, and it's with a guy she personally knows, and she knows it's that person at the time, and she stays over at his place and doesn't go home, she should not be allowed to accuse rape.

That changed a long time ago and the law now reflects it. What's more, a lot of boomers got girls this way but it is now explicitly illegal to do so. And then they claim millenials are pussies that don't know how to attract a woman :feelsclown:

Women claim overly clingy "is this ok" I seek your permission, am I doing it right behaviour by men is a major turn off, they want to be taken rough & lead but only if the guy is attractive to them. Chad does as he pleases & can do no wrong but an ugly guy pulling the same gets metoo'd or attacked yet if he does as he has been told in way of being considerate & non forceful he's shot down with the wimpy behaviour cited as the problem but his visual presence is not brought to light at all when we know that's the problem.

Not only that but whenever a sub 8 male has awkward or nervous body language when he is trying to make a move or signal to women that he is ready to make a move if they are willing to reciprocate they actually consider that more creepy than a chad making sudden drastic moves on women.

Sub 8 males 'not knowing how to approach and make a move on women' are laughing stocks even today with the heightened awareness around consent and women find it creepy but hilarious when this is shown. That's what they consider funny.

Edit: just went through the responses in the two twitter links OP provided and there were still a lot of comments that found the situation disgusting so not quite the universally favorable responses I thought there were for this situation. Still the ones cheering them on seemed like the type that would probably call this guy a creepy predator if the guy was ethnic.

Diocel #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Women don't love and don't want to be loved

Women can't love and don't want to be loved anyway, they're devoided of soul or feelings, the "love" women talk about is just lust for someone who has big bones and tall.

Women don't want someone to love them, they just want a chad who fuck them like a vulgar piece of meat.

Bourbon #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] [Analysis] Why people who hate Incels will never change

Incel-hate circles are just female validation circles, the entire reason to post there is to get a reaction from females who seek attention

Why won't they change their minds when presented with proof?:
It's like a Flat earthers mind when you show him the curve of the planet, even though he sees irrefutable proof that he lives on a globe, he will ignore it or call it fake

The same thing happens on incel bullying sites when presented with actual arguments, like the Nazi-racist Chad in my thread who recorded himself having sex and laughing (also he made a youtubers'(destiny) GF cheat)
He also was racist and never got a single harsh insult from the female he was talking to

My post (i tried to dare them to review this to see how they would try and disprove it): https://incels.co/threads/this-is-what-chad-is-doing-rn-it-wont-touch-this.220729/#post-4960043

What they decided to Screencap: View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hmxhe2/incel_superpower_can_tell_race_of_female_just/

Now you might ask, why would they do that? because that single thread alone destroys the sense of their cause and makes all their efforts worthless, it proves that a nazi sympathizer with a shitty (according to them) personality, who hates black people, jews, and is a hitler supporter gets laid effortlessly just because he looks like a chad

This is what we call a Cognitive dissonance, (the persons belief clashing with new information that they received, or already know) Just like Flat earthers, some of their users spend a LOT of time on their "cause", They post all, day screenshotting incel posts and mocking them, so when they're presented with actual proof, in this case that looks matter, it goes against their actions, they also seem to have a feeling that they're better than everyone who is an incel (wich is a side effect of female attention that they get for attacking incels)

They might use the cognitive dissonance argument against us, But the thing is that countless Tinder AND real life Experiments prove them wrong
What they will do to support this argument is cherrypick either lucky and/or rich people, sometimes they might fail in doing that

Let's set Alex jones as an example of said fail (some normie once told me that if a person like alex can do it then so can everyone) (he was implying that Alex is a horrible person in that argument)
If i remember right the man has had two divorces, right now he looks like your average middle aged american, and he's balding
They would say "hey if he can get a wife and he gets laid so can you!"
The problem is that Alex looked like this in his youth:
imageAlso his net worth is somewhere close to 10 Million $

being an incel means you're a male who can't get laid
It's not an ideology
Just like Science isn't an ideology but the flat earthers that i compared in the first sentence say that it's a mason ideology and the jews/illuminati are getting money from the FE conspiracy and are trying to exterminate the "truth seekers"

I have been comparing their actions to the actions of hardcore conspiracy theorists for some time they're almost exactly the same in their logic, the only thing that's diffrent is that others don't have female validation as their goal

Honestly i could make an entire hour long video about this but i'm too high inhib

Moshe Kelstein #crackpot #fundie #sexist returnofkings.com

(Submitter’s Note: A lot more quackery is omitted for the sake of brevity.)

A Scientific Review of RoK’s Community Beliefs.

Moshe Kelstein
Moshe is a man on a mission. A mission to defeat degeneracy once and for all!

I discovered Return of Kings on Facebook when an acquaintance shared the community beliefs (http://www.returnofkings.com/about) on her profile. She was mocking them, as if these beliefs had no value. I commented that these beliefs were empirically supported or derived from empirically supported principles.

An army of offended females and betas was unleashed upon me. I wasn’t hoping for much from the girls, but I could only feel sad to see that many guys were naively supporting them.

Going to the research

I realized that most people have no first-hand contact with scientific knowledge. Literature on our community beliefs is not only existent, but extensive. I decided to use my academic knowledge to give support to the ROK community.

Many of the authors you will read about here are some of the most famous academics in behavioral sciences (Google scholar citations: Baron-Cohen[https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=4GAQ-RUAAAAJ&hl=en]: 96 020, Buss[https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=wrmnCfsAAAAJ&hl=en]: 39 524, Baumeister[https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=ShSEUuoAAAAJ&hl=en]: 87 528). I do not claim that these summaries and articles will help you in arguments. We live in some sort of ochlocracy where we risk intimidation by hordes of angry women or betas if we hold beliefs congruent with scientific evidence. I remember a feminist saying something along the lines of: ”Nothing like good old scientific facts to justify your sexism.”

This research is usually not spread too much, especially in undergraduate programs, but really informative. Let us now examine what science has to say about each point in our community beliefs list.

2. Men will opt out of monogamy and reproduction if there are no incentives to engage in them

The psychological literature refers to this concept as Sexual Economics[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15582858], when referring to the investment that a male is ready to make in order to ”buy” a woman’s sexuality. Women sell sex, and men buy it. This investment varies between cultures and periods.

There was a time when years of courtship and long term financial investment were necessary to obtain sex from a woman. Not anymore. The invention of contraception multiplied the offer of sex tenfold. Women together manage the worth of sexual acts, and it might explain why women despise prostitution and pornography, and slut-shame each other. An average girl who asks a price that is too high for the sexual economy will not find a buyer.

If a woman’s sexuality has been offered a lot, the value of the offer will decrease. This means that a woman’s sexuality is non-renewable. Women will try to protect their sexual reputation and to make others believe that their sexuality is exclusive.

3. Past traditions and rituals that evolved alongside humanity served a clear benefit to the family unit

Until the latest decades, culture was a tool for the genes to be passed on. The maturation of humans is extremely long compared to many other species, which shows the importance of upbringing and learning the norms of a social group. Most traditional sex roles can be seen as a way to assess the best mates among men and women.

Men would benefit the gene pool by passing genes with agentic traits to lead the group to higher goals, whereas women displayed feminine qualities to display nurturing qualities to attractive males. The opposite was inconceivable because men outperform females in literally any sort of competition, and women are better at nurturing children and showing empathy[http://cogsci.bme.hu/~ivady/bscs/read/bc.pdf]. Naturally, the most successful male picked the most attractive female and both offered the finances and care a child needed. It was beneficial to the family unit, which was in turn beneficial to the continuity of the society.

Now, people are mysteriously invested in the mission of destroying gender roles, cheer on parents who crossdress their children and encourage companies to advertise toy trucks with girls. Everyone wants to eliminate gender roles but no one really knows why. Meanwhile, masculine men are still more desirable[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1087598/] and successful and feminine women more attractive [http://www.robertburriss.com/pdfs/burriss_11_paid.pdf] (although this relationship is a little more complicated). Women’s self-rated attractiveness[http://alittlelab.stir.ac.uk/pubs/Vukovic_08_selfrate_att_voices_PID.pdf] is strongly linked to attraction to masculine faces[http://alittlelab.stir.ac.uk/pubs/DeBruine_10_faceconfounds_JEPHPP.pdf], and prefer vocal masculinity. Denying these preferences will only prevent you from getting laid. Even though we are waging war against gender roles, women still apply them when choosing mates. (Interestingly, there is a negative relationship between physical self-evaluation and the number of sexual partners[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016230959390015A] in women.)

4. Testosterone is the biological cause for masculinity. Environmental changes that reduce the hormone’s concentration in men causes them to be weaker and more feminine.

Testosterone masculinizes both behavior and physical appearance, as stated above, and lack thereof feminizes them. However these environmental forces obviously refer to something of which I have no awareness of. Didn’t they fix the problems with plastic feeding bottles already? Or do you call ”environmental change” the emasculation of teenage boys in cathedral choirs until about a hundred years?

6. Elimination of traditional sex roles and the promotion of unlimited mating choice in women unleashes their promiscuity and other negative behaviors that block family formation.

The chances of fertilization are higher in one-night stands, and men’s sperm count is higher when they are away from their long-term partner for a while. The human penis might have been shaped to remove competitor’s sperm [http://www.epjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/ep021223.pdf] out of the vagina. Women experience more orgasms with masculine [http://www.putslab.psu.edu/pdfs/Puts%20et%20al%202012%20Evol%20Hum%20Behav.pdf] and attractive men, who have qualities sought for short term mating. Many benefits exist to short-term matings for women, such as resources, mate switching or manipulation.

All of these examples suggest that women did not evolve a preference for monogamous, long-term relationships. Click here [https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sexual-personalities/201501/women-want-short-term-mates-too] for evidence that women are designed for short-term mating.

7. Socialism, feminism, cultural Marxism, and social justice warriorism aim to destroy the family unit, decrease the fertility rate, and impoverish the state through large welfare entitlements.

Complying with feminist demands is as close as a society can get to cultural and ethnic suicide. Historically, intrasexual (male) competition always benefited the group. The feminist sentiment rose to power when outcomes were not shared with the the whole group, and rich people would get rich at the expense of others without paying taxes.

Women, depending on a single provider, began experiencing the variable outcomes that men have gone through for thousands of generations. That is why they support financial entitlement measures. The benefits they could get out of their sexuality became as variable as men’s outcomes. Now, they can have the best genes by engaging in short-term mating, and their basic needs paid for by millions of anonymous working men.

Later they will fight for their right not to be judged on their sexual past, and when they will realize the hardships of a working life or just get bored and have children, they will get support from the state. Men are backing them up in every step of the way.

Cultural marxism is the greatest ideological battle of the Western world at the moment. We are paying people to fight against manspreading, or funding university research that operationalizes sexism with agreement to items like ”Women, compared to men, tend to have a superior moral sensibility.”[http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Glick/publication/232586301_Ambivalent_sexism/links/02e7e52e69acf151c8000000.pdf]

Few academic researchers would support prescriptive conclusions based on their research, even though we can use their results to justify our beliefs. Even David Buss, who studies sex differences and evolutionary psychology, calls himself a feminist and does not see sex differences and feminism as incompatible.[http://www.bradley.edu/dotAsset/196924.pdf]

I don’t think anyone who believes in any form of biological determinism is compatible with the blank-slate perspective of SJWism. We don’t have popular support, but we have plenty of scientific evidence backing us up.

FallenPrime #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

[Serious] People underestimate hatred from normies

Yeah, many people on this forum seriously think that people would forget about hatred. Remember that even normies that do not know about you would still kill you without hesitation for a sniff of pussy or a couple grand of money given how bad the economy is going to be, think about your childhood bullies, imagine what they will do if they have the chance.

Many people say that "bullies will eventually let go", as according to this thread . FALSE. Think about it, your bullies originally hated you, when the government started mass-hunting incels for their "lack of economy" (mostly because their rejection to participate for our LOOKS). Even more if the (((government))) incentivizes the program of hunting us down. Your childhood bullies will do it in a heartbeat, just as everyone else. So stop coping about "your old enemies would let go bro!" bullshit, and start facing the reality that EVERYONE wants us DEAD and get mauled by sharks and crocodiles.

Transcended Trucel #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Single Mother spawn should be euthanized

Inspired by the Lion pill. I have come to conclude that no single mother spawn should exist. Any single mother who gets pregnant and cannot get a man to claim the child, should be forcefully have her bastard spawn aborted and said whore should be sterilized.

Lions the most alpha animal do not tolerate having step sons, they kill off the spawn off the former Lions they beat in a duel. We humans should follow suit and order force abortions for single mother thots who cannot name father of their child. we do not single mother scum to have children and spread their vile prescense across society.

The black community is an example of what happens when too many bastards are born with no fathers. they commit crime, are retarded, live in perpetual cycle of poverty, drugs, prison and sexual degeneracy.

It would be good for society as a while to elimante single mothers via force aborting any pregnancy where a male has not claimed it and of course paternity test should be done as well, we cannot have simps raising some Chad's son cause they want keep the single mother whore happy. if paternity test is negative for the father who claimed the child, said infant or fetus should be terminated on the spot and the whore sterilized.

this would go long way in reducing sexual degeneracy, creating a righteous society free of disgusting single mothers and vile subhuman spawn.

fuck_ITcucks #sexist #psycho incels.is

Consent is a made up concept by foids to make sure ugly men, like us, just do our jobs to serve them, provide emotional support when they want, simp for them, and other than that leave them alone and never manifest our sexuality which they find disgusting. They think we're disgusting and that we don't have feelings, but ofc that's rude to say, so they come up with buzzwords like "consent", "unsolicited advances", "rape", "metoo" to bully us into becoming silent slaves and never expressing our feelings.

I mean, first off, the only real difference between an attractive guy and what they call a creep is looks, aside from the fact that the ugly guy has been denied the chance to learn social skills, and isn't as confident due to constant bullying. The ugly guy will naturally want to find love and get sex just like the chad and will try to do so. Women should just learn to deal with that and learn to politely reject people they don't like when they hit on them. They should be able to deal with minimal annoyances like that without whining if they want to consider themselves adults with the same mental maturity as men (which they should since they say we're equal).

Sometimes feminists complain about men lashing out bc they get rejected, and tbf there's some stupid men out there, but in a lot of those cases it's probably not bc of the rejection per se, but bc it's easy to lash out if they look at you like you're a cockroach or talk to you like you're utter shit they just want out of the way. I mean who wouldn't want to beat up someone who treats them that way.

Also, even if they were polite when rejecting incels, that doesn't fix the fact that it's an injustice that we're consistently denied sex and love, which are basic needs (despite soyciety wanting us to just watch porn, play videogames, wagecuck and shut up). So at some point you have to wonder, is rape really so wrong? It's one thing if chad rapes his gf because he can't take a no despite having sex constantly, but if an incel gets tired of NEVER having sex and rapes someone, isn't that kinda understandable? The incel's suffering is a lot greater than that of the raped foid. Not to mention lesser forms of "rape" like groping or having sex with someone who's drunk, tbh I'd say those aren't morally wrong at all (as a suffering incel, just like stealing isn't the same if you're starving vs just greedy).

So basically consent is a scam, if an incel gropes or rapes a woman bc he's 25 and has NEVER been able to have sex with consent, he did nothing wrong. Consent = know your place and leave women alone if you're not chad. Fuck that.

That being said I'm not advocating rape, just saying an incel (vs a chad who can't take a no once) who does it should be empathized with and not go to jail, and at most get mandatory therapy or something if caught. As to lesser forms of "rape" like groping or drunk sex, those are completely ok in my book (again, only if you're incel).

Made a poll to see what you guys think :feelsokman:

Personalityinkwell & ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist #psycho incels.is


[SuicideFuel] The middle school orgy pill is one of the most brutal blackpills.

A roleta sexual dos adolescentes portugueses

using translate, this is the part I was able to get.

The sexual roulette of Portuguese teenagers

They consume pornography, have sex in the bathrooms of schools and nightclubs, meet for orgies washed down with alcohol and drugs.

"Sometimes we don't know who we're going to have sex with in that party - it's a surprise. In those parties we are with more than one person in the same night, normally only one at a time, unless we're doing the roulette game (in which they trade partners). These parties are only for the popular kids. The normal parties are for the virgins who do not smoke or drink, in these there is no sex."

Also, ever hear of "rainbow parties"?

The unsexy truth, the hookup culture | Lisa Bunnage | TEDxSFU

little girls are making boys penises rainbow, how cute :soy:

Lastly, girls who are 14 (and likely younger), are playing "The Sun", a game where they get a train ran on them by about 5 chads at once.

If you're a Chad, the way to "win" this game is to be the last dude to cum


In Ostróda, a small Polish town with 34,000 inhabitants located 200 km from Warsaw, and famous for its relaxing natural surroundings, the polemic is big. Five Polish girls around 14-15 years got pregnant after playing sex games with their schoolmates.

The controversy has originated after a game known as "star" or "sun" became popular among young Poles. In this sex game, girls lay on the floor in a circle with their heads together and eyes closed and boys copulate with them, taking turns. The winner is the boy who managed to finish the intercourse last.

IT fags will tell you these girls are "innocent", when they are attending orgies. IT will want to deny this, since they are incels themselves, but the proof is documented above in multiple sources.

as someone who is portuguese that google translation is accurate.brutal but it makes sense.top 10% nut on everything that is below a 7.Girls who are 7+ start acting stingy.

wait, so the stacylites and stacies act "stingy" towards chads?

Never had an orgy in my middle school years. It's over, isn't it?


@Ropemaxx remember when IT denied that kids in middle school have sex? :feelskek:

@ionlycopenow this stuff happens before college, I'm starting to wonder if it happened at my school. :feelshmm:


Portugal + Poland should be shelled for at least 3 years without pause. When it's all done we build two giant cathedrals on the burned ashes, cathedrals so big you can see them from space.

Katyusha Rockets - USSR

Jfl at the polish article trying to construe the situation against catholic puritans claiming that lack of sex educations does this. No you motherfuckers, those children don't need sex education, they need a beating bombing.


In the Video you see Poland when I grab the power in 2030.

Activists Allege Russian Cluster Bombing in Syria

Weimar Republic levels of degeneracy yet again.

Bro, if I had a daughter and I got wind of this, I would wait for their next Meeting, bust in the room and detonate fucking Thermite Right on her exposed ass crack.

as someone who is portuguese that google translation is accurate.brutal but it makes sense.top 10% nut on everything that is below a 7.Girls who are 7+ start acting stingy.

Bro. Leave your Country ASAP. Word on the street says that Bomber Harris has risen from the dead and he's headed for Portugal.


im only 5ft8, maybe i can sneak there.

Maybe I can Sneak a tactical warhead in there.



@Ropemaxx remember when IT denied that kids in middle school have sex? :feelskek:

@ionlycopenow this stuff happens before college, I'm starting to wonder if it happened at my school. :feelshmm:


YOU JUST REMINDED ME I just to think it was weird in School how Kids would go to the bathroom, Girls and Boys after each other, you know? I had fantasies About sex in the bathroom but I thoguht that was just in my mind.

At some Point the School only let one or two People out at the same time.

I also just remembered that a Boy and a Girl got caught making out in an empty classroom.



DepravedAndDeprived #sexist #psycho incels.is

Being raped is a status symbol

I've said this several times on .co but I want to dedicate a thread on it to discuss.

It may have struck you that women are very open about having been assaulted or raped. You'll see them start their monologue with "as a rape survivor..."; you'll see them refer to "my rapist" as though it's an attribute; they yell #metoo on Twitter; they'll idly remark just how often they get groped.

But why? Why would you want to announce this so badly? The answer is that it is a symbol of status. Women's only power is their sexual desirability, and so the female social hierarchy is focussed almost entirely on this trait. Social creatures as they are, this hierarchy is crucial for them, so they are eager to climb it. By claiming rape or assault, the foid indicates sexual desirability, as she implies she is irresistible to men.

This is also why, when a woman talks about her rape story, other women typically respond with their own story: it's just a one-up in disguise. It's also why, in part, so many false rape allegations have been made. In actuality, true rape is rare (having drunk sex like a whore doesn't count) so women compensate by dramatising an irl event or just completely making one up.

PPEcel #sexist incels.is

Why are rape victims called "survivors" anyway?

@MaxZM98 and @Edmund_Kemper have made excellent points on the issue.

Yes, I'm aware that some rapists murder their victims; but people also occasionally die when they are robbed or assaulted. But have you ever heard someone use the term "robbery survivor" or "assault survivor"? No, right? Then why the fuck does the term "rape survivors" exist? I mean, the phrases "school shooting survivors" and "plane crash survivors" make sense because both refer to events where fatalities are implied and commonplace, but rape in and of itself is not a lethal act. I could see a plausible case to call a victim a "survivor" if the rapist intended to murder the victim and failed, but otherwise, I don't see the difference between rape and a slightly more brutal variant of a routine physical assault with no sexual element.

If rape is as horrible as some individuals suggest it is, they'd think twice about cracking jokes about prison rape, especially when you take into account the fact that the criminal justice system fails poor and/or minority defendants more often. I think it's extremely revealing to observe a person won't shut up about "dismantling rape culture" yet at the same time perpetuates heteronormative behavioural standards. When an SJW suggests that men should just "man up" while he coddles and infantilizes femoids under the guise of "empowerment" and "support", I see nothing but a self-serving narrative peddled by a pathetic, empty shell of a person desperate to score "woke points" to reassure himself of his moral superiority.

Maybe, just maybe -- of all the shit things that humans regularly do to each other -- rape isn't as high up as they think it is. As far as I'm concerned, spending 20 years in prison for a crime one did not commit is worse than being non-consensually penetrated for 20 minutes. Never mind being murdered.

Personalityinkwell #sexist #psycho incels.is

[JFL] Daily reminder of normies and their retarded just world fallacy

Incel gets bullied, ostracized, and is denied sex, social interaction, basic jobs, and even respect form his family for being ugly.

"Oh life isn't fair, get over it"

"Incel" (who is most likely a government false flag) goes on a killing spree.

"Oh that's horrible, they didn't deserve to die in an unfair way"

:lul: :feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek::lul::feelskek:

Get your story straight normalfags

Oh wait, you won't, you'll just use emotion and hivemind to convince yourself you are "right"

dr.dundaldo #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Discussion] What would happen if females were forced to watch incel porn on a constant basis?

It's a well-known fact that cooming too much makes men search for more exciting and even weird porn.
So they often go from watching vanilla sex to more and more disgusting stuff. Just like a drug addiction.

Now these are my questions:

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if women were forced to watch incel porn for multiple hours on a daily basis while they get their pussies stimulated at the same time?
Would they develop an incel fetish and finally not feel much arousal anymore when Chad is around?

Or wouldn't it be of much help?

BlackCel62 #racist #sexist incels.is

[Venting] I fucking hate living with female niggers.

My foid of a sister decided to come over to this fucking house to do her atrocious, gargoyle looking fake nails. And after a while, she got the whole house smelling like fucking shit. She forced me out of the living room while I was playing my game because of that. And my mother does the same shit. Like you're too fucking old to have your nails looking like that. YOU'RE 50, ACCEPT IT ALREADY.

I don't even understand why that fake shit is so popular. It's got to the point where now you got wannabe mudsharks and coal burners copying that shit to attract Tyrone and his BBC. The only thing think when I see a foid with something like that, is how the fuck does she wipe the shit off her ass??? Do these niggas really think black guys find gargoyle nails attractive? And not to mention, you dumb fucks get the whole house stinking when you do that shit. They actually got mad at me for spraying the whole house because they got it stinking so bad. I'm sorry nigger foids, I can only tolerate the smell of shit for so long before I want to fucking rope.

ATurner #racist #sexist #moonbat #psycho dailykos.com

ATurner: So tired of "progressives" on this board assuming that Black folks inherently have criminal intent.

Throw The Bums Out: Guess what, if you get on the interstate using the off ramp despite the multiple reflective “wrong way” signs then you inherently have criminal intent. Regardless of race or any other factors.

ATurner: Where do you get that from? Are you a law professor? Whiteness confers expertise in a lot of fields, doesn't it?

CyberMindGrrl: Wrong. Nobody is ascribing criminal intent because he’s black, people are ascribing criminal intent because he SPECIFICALLY drove the wrong way down an off-ramp, drove the wrong way on the highway, and did everything he could to avoid the cars blocking the protesters, THEN drove straight into them. It doesn’t matter what the color of his skin is, if that doesn’t literally SCREAM “criminal intent” then I don’t know what does.

And FWIW I am a black person.

ATurner: The man is an immigrant of color and should be given the benefit of the doubt in terms of intent, given what white settler colonialism has done to the Third World. You have no idea what type of trauma he has been through.

Johnny Q: Somehow my sympathies are not with Mr. Vehicular Homicide in this instance.

Why do you make excuses for him?

ATurner: I'm not making excuses for anyone. If your white fragility is such that you are unwilling to confront the legacy of settler colonialism then that's on you.

Johnny Q: Are you seriously saying he did it because colonialism?

ATurner: Obviously I am not saying that, and your compulsion to belittle BIPOC viewpoints by making deliberate distortions is duly noted. I am saying that the generational psychic TRAUMA that is a by-product of settler colonialism might be an indirect cause of the driver having a PTSD episode that led to this unfortunate situation. But I guess that it's easier for some to fall back on racist stereotypes of the 'black savage' than to stay silent and listen to the perspectives of those of us who inhabit Black bodies.


Reporter100: This reminds me of my ex-husband who used to get drunk and beat me half unconscious. He thought it was OK, though because he was from El Salvador and was possibly tortured at the US-backed Junta.

ATurner: Please don't bring your dysfunctional personal life into this discussion. We are talking about the rush to automatically ascribe sinister motivations to Black men.

Reporter100: The suggestion that a traumatized immigrant of color can’t make intelligent choices is racist. I can recall hearing talks by Rigoberta Menchú, a Guatemalan Mayan whose family members were tortured and killed by the US-backed dictatorship. She was organizing for indigenous rights and a change in US foreign policy, not driving cars into demonstrators.

ATurner: You're calling ME a racist? That's rich coming from someone who basically wants to lynch a Black man without knowing all of the facts. Please refrain from projecting your personal issues with race onto me. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Edmund_Kemper #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Am I weird for having fantasies about cannibalism?

When a foid on reddit admits to having rape fantasies, people tell her it’s normal. People think BDSM or whatever is okay. But I’m a freak if I fantasize about cannibalism once in a while because I see a young woman’s soft smooth youthful skin? Sure I don’t get into the fantasies too much and hell, sometimes I fantasize about it sarcastically. But sometimes I see a young woman’s soft youthful skin and her soft feminine eyes and I kinda think “is she going to taste good if I eat her for dinner?”. Sometimes I feel a bit hungry if I see a landwhale despite an absence of sexual attraction because their fatness makes them look like they’re yummy food.

Sure, it’s a bit sick, but I won’t act on it, nor do I want to, the fantasy is very temporary. Also, anyone who puked while reading this is a pussy and isn’t a real man.

kinda weird ngl

Up to 9% of men have fantasized about sex with prepubescent children and 33% fantasized about rape, and this is weird?

Yes, its weird.

And what about people here fapping to naked 10 year old anime girls?

yes it's very weird stop coping

Cope. People here fantasize about weirder shit

What's wrong with fapping to 2D girls? They are not real.
People who fap to real 10 year old girls are creepy and weird.

At least cannibalism is a high T manly thing to do

These numbers are probably lower than they actually are because men would not tell the truth when asked a question like that.

The bohemian lifestyle of the average foid would probably make them taste gross. Give me a roast beef over a roastie plz.

66% of men have said in a survey that they’ve fantasized about young girls

There's an interesting video about what human meat tastes like, apparently it's like veal

So a young woman’s soft hairless skin actually would taste good?

I hope you're right.

When I think of evil, I think of a serial killer or a terrorist, not a guy who has consensual sex with jb teens

What makes me mad the most about all that agecucked shit is the hypocrisy. Yes, many actions related to porn and/or sex with underage people are immoral. According to Jesus, even coveting people who are not your husbands/wives sexually is immoral. I agree. But why the focus only on agecucked shit when the world nowadays is pretty much Sodom and Gomorrah but on a global scale?

The answer is feminism.

When I watch supervillain shows and movies, none of the villains are into sex with minors, they just destroy the world and kill people

you think the fraction of men who've had rape fantasies is less than a third? LOL

No they fantasized about PERPETRATING the rape

I think it comes off as a bit weird, but if it remains just a fantasy, I don't see a problem with it, tbh.

Some foids look like food

don't you find the human body fascinating ? i would love to explore it personally, but that would require a body, and im not gonna kill lol.

I think female skin is tasty if I try eating it for dinner

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] How any girl can become a Millionaire by age 25


* Marry a rich bluepiller in your late teens then divorce him after 2years
* 18 - 20 first marriage, divorce rape him and get half of his financial assets
* 20 - 22 play the victim and say you were the perfect wife and lie and slander your cucked ex-Husband and say he was pure evil. A cucked betabuxxer will marry you and you can divorce rape him after 2 years and take half of his assets
* 22 - 24 move to another state or even another country. Since foids are biologically wired to be big liars , you can lie and say you are a virgin ("i broke my hymen by riding bicycles and playing sports Teehee"). Also lie and say you have never been married. Then marry a bluepilled normie who thinks all foids are infallible angels then divorce rape him after 2years


* If you run an onlyfans for 7 years straight (18 - 24) you will make thousands upon thousands


* Foids can get free meals and free gifts from thirsty guys on tinder. As such, there is no reason why a foid would spend any money on food or clothes. Over a period of 7 years(18 - 25 years) this translates to thousands upon thousands of dollars saved.


* Being a boobie streamer on Twitch, foids can make obscene amounts of cash. Foids can make thousands upon thousands by selling their bath water, their used panties, their used tampons, their footpics e.t.c.


* So, over a period of 7years (18 - 25 years) if you add up all the money that a foid can accrue from the above mentioned low IQ acts, that total amount of money can easily exceed ONE MILLION DOLLARS.



* Nature strives to exist in a state of equilibrium - kinda like balanced scales.
* As such, assuming that one side of the scale represents the amount of power foids have sexually, then the other side represents the amount of power males have in the sexual marketplace.
* Seeing the insanely large amounts of benefits and power that foids have in the SMP for just existing - it shows that the scales are tipped in the foids favour in ALL facets of human endeavour.
* Meaning that males, especially sub5 incels are suffering and have little to no benefit in the SMP, and also in life in general.
* The more power foids gain in society the less power subhumans (80% of all males globally) will have.

Various incels #sexist incels.is

(Trevor Phillips)
[Serious] What's your stance on smart women?

Do you hate extremely intelligent women as well? I often find myself feeling the utmost rage at brainless foids, but I'm willing to engage in conversation with those who show some kind of brain activity. Those ones, although rare, are actually pretty neat to talk to. Not trying to white knight or anything but objectively the smart ones seem bearable



Pick one

"Intelligent" women are like genetic freaks and Olympic athletes.

A rare occurrence.

[gif of a man pushing another man to the ground to stomp on his face]

never seen one, they dont exist.

(Trevor Phillips)
Yeah, I'm making this post because surprisingly I know more than one. (but less than 5)

fair enough eh

i hate them more because they make me feel tiny penised and jealous. They are extremely Chad-only

To the contrary, I have found the truly "intelligent" women I've met insufferable cunts. So high up in their ivory towers that all common sense completely eludes them. At least my lowbrow female acquaintances often have some modicum of street smarts and sometimes even a faint glimmer of incipient redpill awareness.

I know of women smart ON PAPER. There's plenty of women with fancy degrees. I have met very few though that have the ingenuity and cunning of a man, and when I do they make me feel like shit

There are dumb women and dumb women who pretend to be smart.

Bourbon #sexist incels.is

[JFL] [AWALT] What do foids even talk about??
What do normies usually talk about? especially with foids, i know a few male hobby topics like Guns, videogames and cars but i don't know how i would start a conversation about one of these i usually pushed myself into other guys' conversations mid way trough

and femoids? do they actually talk about anything besides sex? literally since i was 11-12 the first thing i overheard from 11 year old foids back then was that "sex is good because you burn a lot of calories" this was from a foid who was sending nudes to her 16 y/o BF who was chad (she was like 11-12)
all i was hearing from foids is topics about makeup and sex when i was in their vicinity, do these holes actually talk about anything besides that?

i've never had a longer interaction with a foid than the ones where i pay for groceries and say that i'm paying with a card or cash because i got ghosted or laughed at while trying

I've only overheard foids' conversations and they're all about either makeup or sex (when counting sex i count in talking about chad and rating males from 0-10)
They are so carefree and incompetent that they don't know anything else than the things they have been made to do, and that is to make cucks work for them by altering their appearance with makeup and rewarding these cucks with sex for their work and money (and sometimes not even rewarding them at all LMAO)

Tenshi #sexist #transphobia incels.is

so I was doing my daily research on baldness-related subjects on youtube and stumbled into this rabbit hole of trans foids I got quite curious about how it.

Can you guys believe this shit? Retarded foids paying thousands of dollars to end up being manlets, framelets, balding, twink subhumans JFL. They're literally paying to be incels.

Some of them even go further and undergo surgeries to turn their pussies into micro dicks. I mean, I've heard of severe mental issues, but that is a whole new level of retardation.

[deleted] #sexist reddit.com

RE: "Results mirror the sexual harassment literature and suggest that harassment by younger and attractive men is viewed as less harassing". (Fairchild, 2010).

this is why the left and SJW's/3rd wave feminists/4th wave feminists are making "harassment" a thing based off how the girl "felt" "emotionally". according them them harassment isnt a objective action. if a ugly guy does it they claim its harassment, if a good looking guy does it, they claim its "sexy" "confident" "hes a good mentor"

total bullshit. the whole me too thing ruined women's credibility/respect and set them back centuries lol

the thing with that is because in the courtroom you have to go by logic, facts, and objective reality. so for women they are the opposite of that.

Unnamed CPC Cadres #psycho #racist #sexist theguardian.com

China sterilising ethnic minority women in Xinjiang, report says

Uighurs are among those facing involuntary contraception or threats over birth quotas

Chinese authorities are carrying out forced sterilisations of women in an apparent campaign to curb the growth of ethnic minority populations in the western Xinjiang region, according to research published on Monday.

The report, based on a combination of official regional data, policy documents and interviews with ethnic minority women, has prompted an international group of lawmakers to call for a United Nations investigation into China’s policies in the region.

The move is likely to enrage Beijing, which has denied trampling on the rights of ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and which on Monday called the allegations “baseless”.

The country is accused of locking more than one million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim minorities in re-education camps. Beijing describes the facilities as job training centres aimed at steering people away from terrorism following a spate of violence blamed on separatists.

A report by Adrian Zenz, a German researcher who has exposed China’s policies in Xinjiang, says Uighur women and other ethnic minorities are being threatened with internment in the camps for refusing to abort pregnancies that exceed birth quotas.

Zenz’s data-driven work on the camps – which uses public documents found by scouring China’s internet – has previously been cited by experts on a UN panel investigating the facilities.

Women who had fewer than the legally permitted limit of two children were involuntarily fitted with intrauterine contraceptives, says the report.

It also reports that some of the women said they were being coerced into receiving sterilisation surgeries.

Former camp detainees said they were given injections that stopped their periods or caused unusual bleeding consistent with the effects of birth-control drugs.

Government documents studied by Zenz also showed that women in some rural minority communities in the region received frequent mandatory gynaecological exams and bi-monthly pregnancy tests from local health officials.

Zenz found that population growth in Xinjiang counties predominantly home to ethnic minorities fell below the average growth in primarily Han majority counties between 2017 and 2018, a year after the officially recorded rate of sterilisations in the region sharply overtook the national rate in 2016.

Uighur activists say China is using the internment camps to conduct a massive brainwashing campaign aimed at eradicating their distinct culture and Islamic identity.

“These findings raise serious concerns as to whether Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang represent, in fundamental respects, what might be characterised as a demographic campaign of genocide” under UN definitions, Zenz said in the report.

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a group of North American, European and Australian members of parliament from a range of political parties, said in a statement on Monday that it would push for a legal investigation on “whether or not crimes against humanity or genocide have taken place” in Xinjiang.

IPAC was formed in June with a stated mission of standing up against “challenges posed by the present conduct and future ambitions of the People’s Republic of China”.

China’s foreign ministry said the allegations were “baseless” and showed “ulterior motives”.

Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian attacked media outlets for “cooking up false information on Xinjiang-related issues,” saying at a regular press briefing that Xinjiang is “harmonious and stable”.

The rights group World Uyghur Congress said the report showed a “genocidal element of the CCP’s [Chinese Communist party] policies” and called in a statement for international action to confront China.

crew2 #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Serious] One of our major problems is that people use outliers to counter our problem without realising WHY they are outliers

I'm sure you've all been told this garbage before - "Well look at John he has a girlfriend and is nothing special to look at". The fact that John is actually either a full blown thug, has inherited his dad's company, is a full blown cuck that will bow down to a woman's every need or became a professional clown just to touch a girl who is 3 points below him looks wise is conveniently left out.

And people use these guys as examples of our problem either not existing or not being as bad. Embarrassing.

Joseph Spurgeon #sexist #fundie crosspolitic.com

“In conclusion, let me as a duly ordained pastor and officer in the church of the living God, with all love for the glory of God, the honor of scripture, and the souls of women, say to Aimee Byrd:

Stop what you are doing. Stop seeking to be a teacher in the church. Stop seeking to divide the church with your false teaching. Stop trying to tear down pastors and elders who are opposing your nonsense. Stop dishonoring the fathers in the faith throughout church history. Stop promoting feminism whether first wave or last wave. Stop playing the victim. Stop and be Quiet. Go live a quiet life. Love and submit to your husband. Love your children. And be a keeper at home.

To her husband: Love your wife enough to tell her to shut up.”

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