
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist amerika.org

Many joys await those who wake up to the sudden recognition that they are living in dying civilizations. For most of us in the West, the fact that our civilization basically hit rock bottom after WW1 has slowly become clear, leading us to want to go through the re-written history to filter out the lies.

Most Americans — if they believe their televisions, teachers, celebrities, public “scientists” and “historians,” social media influencers, and compromised clergy; in other words, if they take this Leftist regime at face value — believe that America did good things in WW1/2 and set the world on a path to peace.

Realists see it another way: WW1 was an extension of the Napoleonic Wars, and like other democracy wars caused by the internal failure of Leftism and therefore its need to expand through conquest, and WW2 a direct result of the unresolved issues of WW1.
The victories in WW1/2 led to a complete disaster for American domestic politics: conservatives found themselves championing the cause of worldwide democracy and equality, a Leftist idea, and adopting Leftist notions of total mobilization of the population as “good.”

American conservatives have never recovered from this, whether in our dogmatic patriotism, our embrace of mass mobilization, acceptance of racial integration and women in the workforce, or our increasing reliance on a powerful centralized state as the only means of policy application.

Many have longed for another conflict like WW1 or WW2 which would unify the nation, make us unite in patriotism, and point us toward another glorious future like the postwar years. However, in those years, we clearly won the wars, but in doing so, adopted the toxic Leftism that then took over the world.

IncelPolitik #sexist incels.is

"I want to be pure forever..."
W*man hate when you explicitly draw attention to the fact that at least 90%+ of modern w*men have acted with unconscionable deficient morality in their s*xual lives (dating for financial exploitation, dating multiple men at once, dating with no loyalty/allegiance, benefiting from "women are wonderful effect"/"halo effect" to harm innocent/naive men). The reason words like "whore" and "slut" are so cutting and provoke a sudden uncontainable emotional outburst is because you are communicating to her, "I'm on to you, I know your true nature, I am not a simple man and will not overlook your moral defect. I will call you out for the immoral person you have chosen to become and continue to be."

There is NOTHING wrong with calling a woman a "WHORE" or a "SLUT". It is the community/societal policing that was once universally practiced and respected in the Western world. We bought into the lie it was an oppressive and repressive system of control of w*man's bodies and minds but it was not. The oppression of rampant s*xual degeneracy, promiscuity, family-fracturedness, polyamory, romantic rejection and isolation at the hands of acceleration of hypergamy is far more oppressive. Oppression by order is controlled chaos. Oppression by disorder is uncontrolled chaos.

You stole your own purity. You chose to not be pure forever. I simply hold a mirror up to your life.

dr.dundaldo #sexist incels.is

Now this gigastacy nurse has posted several new images to her Instagram and there was one shot in particular which has caught my attention where I immediately thought to myself: This is the one. I really need to see the Photofeeler results for this one.

Here's how males rate gigastacy nurse's new Instagram photo (be careful - it mogs us into oblivion):


So she is actually in the top 1% (!) in terms of attractiveness, top 3% in terms of trustworthiness and top 5% in terms of smartness, and what's more, she is actually 180 cm = 5'10.87 tall (and that as a female). I think most of us incels would be really happy to be this tall as a male. And she actually does modeling as a side-gig.

Here are her results in detail:


Only 1 guy says that she is not attractive, I think he must be gay. lol

We all know that only the top 20% of Chads get to life a good life in this day and age.
And we all know that females get treated like our new overlords and gods.

Now imagine for one moment what life must be like for this gigastacy nurse, being in the top 1% of females. It's fucking nuts.
Just win the genetic lottery, bro!

Now I'm wondering myself what her top-tier Gigachad boyfriend must look like and how tall he might be and what job he might have.

Your rating doesn't seem very incel?

I think my rating is Betabuxx at best, as I am below average.
Only in terms of smartness they perceive me to be above average.

Also while trying online-dating, a female once even told me that I look nothing like one would expect a 29-year-old-male to look like.
My face is way too feminine for a nearly thirty-year-old and honestly, I do look like I've just finished High School and started attending university.

And I think most females (especially the younger ones with insanely high standards) want a really manly top-chad.

Just have a look at this further analysis where I decided to let females up to my age (29) rate me:


The results are even worse. So it's even harder trying to date a female your age or younger than you.

Men are supposed to work and provide for society and women, and to shut up and suffer in silence. Anything else is unmanly and deserves ridicule and disgust.

100% spot on.

Once I had to go to a female social worker in her 50s to keep on receiving Neetbux.
They always say: Just tell us your problems, we are here to listen and shit like that.

I actually tried to explain the fucked up dating market to her, showing her actual data and my experiments to prove my point.
She just said: You're not ready for a relationship and you don't know how to focus on a female partner.

So no counter-arguments at all, just a simple ad-hominem attack.
I even told her that she is just attacking me as a person, not refuting my point and arguments.

Then she said: Let's talk about something else now. lol
ZERO empathy, ZERO understanding, ZERO compassion for disadvantaged males like us

MentleGentlemen098, Suck-Less & xNOM #sexist reddit.com


I think women are raised to think they're superior, especially when they're young, could be a curse in disguise

To start this off, I want to say that even the title make it seem like it, I'm not intending this to be a misogynistic post, so it's not like "Roastie hit the wall hur dur". This is just an observation made by me, so im trying to make it as neutral as possible.

Now that we're clear, let's get started

I think in general, it seems that women are the ones that have all the advantages in the world, especiallY when they're young. And this is because they're kinda raised to have that mentality. This is just my observation based on how my experience in a household of mostly women.

I don't know how to explain this but I feel most women are raised to "look down" and be judgemental on a lot of men. They're kinda taught to be "reserved" and "non confrontational", while at the same time quitely(and sometimes openly with other women) judging others(especially men) in their head. They separated them into categories like creep, background furniture, and hottie. Men do this as well, but the extent of the judgement is nowhere near this much. We do it honestly and openly, and any men who does his are labeled as sexist snd shallow, and most men ill likely reflect on that and change themself. In contrast, women who are caught doing this will likely not do it publicly, but in their head, they will reluctantly withdrawI purely because it's socially inappropriate to appear shallow and not because it's actuallu wrong. I know not all women are like this, but the stereotype isn't there for no reason.

For example, I know this one girl in a STEM field who sometimes complain about her dates to me. She said her first date was with a dorky nerd guy from her field. He emphasize on that a lot and she kinda makes the fact that he wears sandles to the date a pretty big deal. I questioned her on why did she make such a big deal and she responded with something along the lines of "oh, im not supposed to make this a big deal? Sorry :P"

I think this may actually be a curse in disguise as well. The reason they're unhappy will be 100% from their own doing, even though their situation is perfectly fine already, since they fail to see men as actual human, and more like an object that disappoints them. They're inablity to realize and change their shallowness, and try to hide it on top of that is also a curse as well. There are many shallow and misogynistic men who have grown up and actually lived a happier life when they finally see women as human being, but the same cannot be said about these women. Instead of sweeping out the filth, they sweep it in the rug even more, and they will suffer that background "itch" for the rest of their lives because nothing will ever satisfy them.

Honestly, if they could break out of the cycle, people would being happier, both the men and themselves as well


I’m sorry but I thought it was self evident that women are raised to think they are superior in all aspects of human existence. In schools boys get a 30% lower score compared to girls for exactly the same answers, how could they not think they are smarter? Communication in Western society is define by how well men can read her mind. Emotional maturity only applies to men, women having temper tantrums is considered healthy, men crying in pain is considered weakness.

We have entire generations raised and educated almost exclusively by women with near no male guidance.

Whenever women get their asses handed to them in any field, the answer is always sexism... because women have been raised to think there’s no other way an inferior man could have just blown them away in competition.

So, now, men are relegated to being disposable ATMs and manual labor, while women wonder “where have all the good men gone, they are tired of lowering their standards.”

Yea, thought it was self evident.

Edit: I’m talking American women, your culture may vary.


I’m a female and the anti male jokes when men aren’t around is just boring as hell. I don’t think women know how good the have it (in the west). I don’t mind men making fun of women, it would make the women mocking men more palatable, if it was a two way system. Nothing wrong with banter, we are completely different.

Well this is the problem in a nutshell. Women don't banter. They gossip, comfort, and backstab. They have an in-group preference for women exactly because of this. The rules are different. They cannot handle male rules. Men cannot handle female rules. This used to not be a problem because men and women lived in separate worlds.

Banter is direct. It requires a sense of humour and, most of all, a recognition of one's own faults in a public way. That's why it's funny. Women are not funny. They want to be protected from public criticism. This is why you can't state basic facts in public anymore, like: women are horrible at controlling motor vehicles. That's "sexist."

Ishouldsayit #sexist reddit.com

I’ve noticed a social trend; women are more confident in physical and social confrontations because it’s safer for them

I remember when this picture was posted, the story of the women who lined up to protect the male protesters. It's a very interesting picture because it captures a weird dichotomy in society right now- women are sort of perched in a top social position where they are both more confident in confrontation, and also "protected" by societal rules. That may be confusing so let me unravel what I mean:

That picture happened because the women knew that as women, the police were less likely to "get physical" with them. They knew they were safer then men doing the same thing. I noticed this a lot during the protests/marches to...when protesters or neighborhood folk would confront rioters/looters, it was women would usually "took point" and were the most forwardly aggressive, including towards men. Why? Because women know that a man is much less likely to hit them in public.

However, at the same time women enjoy an advantage were we are not expected to participate; men are expected to subject themselves to violence, women aren't. Women can both volunteer men to violence while exempting themselves, and also choose to participate with a “stronger hand” than men. And, at the same time, even if a woman is more aggressive and forward towards a man, he is still expected to treat her "more softly" then he would a woman.

This happened again last night, when idiots were setting off fireworks and waking up children. People in my building were in the hallway, looking towards the door talking about the people outside. Some men were reluctant to go out, because it was a tense situation- what if the people outside are violent or fight them? But a woman marches right out and starting screaming at them, forcing them to leave. As a woman they weren't going to fight her like they might have to a man. Women have a sort of "social power" right now that men don't.

Being a woman is a massive perk in a confrontation situation. This applies to really anything- someone playing music too loud? It's better if a woman knocks on the door. Someone messing up the garbage in the dumpster? Better if a woman confronts them. It's more effective and safer if a woman confronts a man than if a man does, because for the first time, women are empowered to be physically confrontation when necessary, but at the same time, we are still (mostly) protected by the unwritten rule for most men not to hit a woman, even if self defense.

It’s a safer for a woman to confront a man than it is for a man to.

azazelcrowley #sexist reddit.com

RE: Wikipedia article on "Internalized Sexism" actively removes gender neutral terms and any mention of the effects on men

I believe talking about the issues that women face with internalized misogyny is very important but I don't understand why they're so adamant about making this a one sided issue. If they really just wanted it to be an article on internalized misogyny, why not make an article called "Internalized Misogyny?"

It's an extension of their decades long temper tantrum and denial that misandry is a thing.

They started using toxic masculinity when the backlash over them denying misandry existed got too much for them.

But note that this is a stop-gap measure for their filibuster bigotry, since they're using "Toxic masculinity" to demarcate the discussion and isolate it, not discussing internalized sexism for men and so on, or "Misandrists", etc. It's a way for them to admit mens issues exist (finally), while still committing systemic epistemic injustice against men by trying to isolate that discussion from discussions of internalized sexism, misandry, misandrists, etc.

Feminist ideology is merely mobilized epistemic injustice.

Uglyme #sexist #psycho #quack incels.is

[Theory] If you live with older sisters or female cousins, you should sleep with a knife under your pillow

Your sisters are sick of seeing your ugly face everyday, even if you spend the whole day in your room, the fact that they share the house with a subhuman is painful for them. Remember they're in their prime reproductive age so every subhuman is garbage to them. One of these days, they might snap and kill you to get rid of you forever. And the worst part is that they won't go to jail cause they just need to create a story of how you touched them when they were kids or how they found out you're an incel and that's it. They would be heroes. Be careful.

Even Jesus said: "a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."

nocakesformissedith #sexist #moonbat nocakesformissedith.tumblr.com

(=Justifying Amber Heard's abuse of Johnny Depp, such as hitting him, cutting off his finer and defecating in his bed, etc=)

Sometimes victims of physical abuse fight back or lash out against their abuser. Sometimes them fighting back isn’t in immediate self-defense, I.E. they’re not being violently assaulted in that moment. They’re fighting back against the “cycle” of violence and control and fear and general terror (and yes, anger, a lot of victims are angry at their abuser, strangely enough/s ) that the abuser is putting them through.
This, fighting back or lashing out against the abuser does NOT mean that the victim was the real abuser all along, and it does NOT mean that the relationship is “mutually abusive.”

To put it into perspective, I hope, consider this.

An emotionally abusive relationship.

Partner A is constantly demeaning Partner B, insulting their appearance, belittling their intelligence and accomplishments, making decisions for them, calling them names, gaslighting them, etc etc.

at one point, after this has been a constant issue, Partner B says to Partner A: “God, you’re such an asshole!” This obviously does not mean Partner B is the emotional abuser, and it does not mean the relationship is mutually emotionally abusive.

(=comments under her post=)

analuciacortez: but people want to ignore the video of him hitting things, the texts, the restraining order amber got against him, how he tried to attack a crew member in 2018, the fact that his currect girlfriend is like half his age, and every single shady thing he’s done

analuciacortez: @nocakesformissedith right. and then there’s the whole “oh, but his ex wife, winona ryder and penelope cruz said he’s a good guy who never hurt them!!”… and?? unless they are chained to him, they have no way of knowing what his relationship with amber is like. that whole “he didn’t do anything to me so he’s innocent” mentality doesn’t work. my dad is a saint to his friends and then he comes home and treats me and my mom like shit.

nocakesformissedith: @analuciacortez yes, it’s so frustrating, it seems like most people think amber was the abuser. The leaked audio tape was taken out of context, in the clip where amber admits to “hitting” Depp she also claims it was in self defense, and there are AT LEAST three instances where Depp admits to or Amber accused him of being violent towards her (which he does not deny) and yet no one talked about that

Incels Wiki #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger incels.wiki

In women's own words, sexual harassment is what occurs when an unattractive man makes a flirtatious advance on a woman who does not find him attractive. The problem with this conceptualization of the issue is that legally speaking you cannot have different sets of rules for ugly men and attractive men. If it is okay for Chad to say "Hey Linda, love that dress, it fits you so nice!" but it is sexual harassment for an ugly guy to say it, you have created a human rights violation. Laws and regulations must apply to ACTIONS, not FEELINGS, because no one can objectively regulate feelings or apply fair rules to everyone based on feelings.[1]

In an incredibly naive act, feminism has torn down gender segregation at work, leading to increased time men and women spend together, increasing the potential for sexual tensions, misunderstandings, unwanted sexual advances etc. As a result, workplace sexual harassment has become an issue of increasing urgency and as a result of that in turn, harassment laws have been sharpened and women are essentially trying to turn the world into their living room. With widened definition of rape, also the definition of harassment has widened over time. For example, the percentage of women who perceive cat calling or staring as harassment has dramatically increased in the past decades.[2] As a result, an increasing percentage of men refuse to cooperate with women at workplace, and avoid being alone with them in one room.[3]

Hilariously, women themselves admit, that whether something counts as harassment depends on the physical attractiveness of the harasser.[4] There is evidence that moderate lifetime adversity has a steeling effect, i.e. individuals who have faced some difficulties in their lives are on average in better psychological shape than others.[5] This brings into question whether harassment is harmful at all provided that it neither causes physical harm, nor long-term deprivation of basic needs (which would count as severe adversity).

Contrary to feminist claims that male misogyny is the main cause of sexual harassment, a study in 2017 found that a measure of sociosexual orientation (level of mating effort and openness toward casual sex) predicted sexual harassment, not "rape myth acceptance" or misogyny, this also implies that claims of sexual harassment are often simply an offended women's reaction to a unsolicited offer to engage in casual sex by a man she finds undesirable, as stated by the authors of the paper: "when the solicitation comes from a desirable perpetrator the same type of behavior might not even be experienced as harassment".[6]

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

[TeeHee] To all the holes complaining about being raped

You are not entitled to not being raped.

Have you tried working out? If you worked out, you would've been physically fit and you could've easily kicked the rapist's ass but instead you chose to spend your weekends riding Chad's dick and eating last week's pizza.

Or have you tried taking showers. If you took a 20 min shower the day you were raped you would've arrived at the crime spot 20 mins late and the man would've missed you, but you didn't.

And the most important of all, have you tried improving your personality? If you worked on your personality then you could've sweet talked the guy into sparing you but instead you chose to be a foul mouthed bitch and started abusing him which angered him ever more.

And I don't wanna hear how the system is making you feel unsafe. Maybe, just maybe, if you did all these things like improving your personality, showering daily and working out, you would be feel more safe walking around. You need to figure it out because you are the only person holding yourself back.

Jack Hyles / Andrew Schlafly #fundie #sexist conservapedia.com

Pastor Jack Hyles wrote:

We are facing a concentrated effort in this nation to try to de-emphasize the difference between the sexes. People ask, “Brother Hyles, are you opposed to this or that?” I’ll answer this way: You can name anything you want to name, but I am opposed to anything in the world that de-emphasizes the line of difference between the sexes. I believe that ladies ought to be feminine and sweet and lovely and charming. I believe men ought to be strong and masculine and decisive. I’m opposed to anything that makes a man and a woman act alike, look alike, dress alike, or talk alike.

A "woman against feminism" wrote:

With their complementary roles, the visionary husband and wife don't walk in opposite directions with differing agendas. They unite their hearts and minds and work toward the same goals, each in their own God-ordained sphere.

goodmod #sexist reddit.com

It is now males, rather than females, who suffer the vast majority of institutional discrimination

This post was originally submitted by u/Vwar. For new subscribers, here it is again. There are many useful links at the bottom of the post.

I don't believe that males have ever been privileged in the way feminists claim. But we are now at the point where the deck is stacked against males at every stage of their lives and in almost every major institution.

When a male is born he can have his genitals mutilated. Hundreds of baby boys die from this procedure every year.

Then comes primary school, where boys are often punished and even drugged for displaying natural boyish behaviour. Recent studies have also revealed that female teachers mark down boys by an average of 20 percent for the same work.

Huge numbers of boys are now being raised without fathers (including about 99 percent of school shooters, funny how we never talk about that), and since pedo hysteria has chased male teachers out of primary school, boys often don't have any male role models until much later in life.

Boys only clubs such as the Boy Scouts are being eliminated while girl only clubs remain.

Teenage boys are being introduced to blatantly misandrist concepts like "toxic masculinity," with nary a word about toxic femininity and nothing about the positive aspects of masculinity.

Next it's off to University, where there are a range of female-specific scholarships and programs even though women make up the majority of college students and young women are now out-earning young men. They are also portrayed as rapists in waiting, and there are entire departments (gender studies) devoted to demonising their sex. If a young man pisses off a young woman (eg dumps her after a one night stand) he faces the possibility of being subjected to a false accusation and a feminist Kangaroo court. Then it's bye bye academic career and social reputation.

If he wants to vote he will have to sign over his body to the state (selective service). After that, conscription is mandatory if the State wants it. In some countries, all males but no females are required to undergo a compulsory period of military service after the reach adulthood.

If he gets a woman pregnant he will not have the option of legal parental surrender. While a woman can just drop off the baby at a safe haven, the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support and will be locked up if he loses his job and can't pay.

In the workplace things are just as bad. Men perform almost all of the dirty and dangerous jobs and make up 95 percent of workplace injuries and deaths. If a white man wants to pursue a more respected career he faces racial and sexual discrimination in hiring due to corporate "diversity" measures and quotas. A recent study in ... I think it was Australia found that "blind hiring" practices (where the employer doesn't know the race or sex of the applicant) result in more straight white males being hired; this means that it is straight white men who are now suffering discrimination in the workplace.

With MeToo, a man can be fired from his job simply for making a woman uncomfortable. There have even been cases of men being fired for telling a naughty joke.

If he gets married and the wife divorces him through no fault of his own he will likely be treated like shit by the family courts unless he can afford a high priced lawyer. There are countless stories of men effectively being turned into indentured servants by their ex-wives; they live in poverty and seldom see their kids while the wife gets a new "baby daddy" and lives high on the hog. NOW, the largest feminist organization in the world, continues to oppose shared parenting even though every single study shows it to be in the best interests of the children, the father and even the mother.

He will receive less social support, less health care spending, and be relentlessly demonised in the media.

If a male is sexually assaulted by a woman he will probably not receive justice; the perpetrator will likely get a slap on the wrist even if the victim is a boy.

If he commits a crime or is falsely accused of a crime he will be treated much, much more harshly by the criminal justice system.

I could go on.

It is a myth that feminists think the sexes are equal. Their method of operation goes like this: if men are ahead in some area, that means women are being oppressed because the sexes are identical except for genitalia; however, if women are ahead in some area that's because women are superior. You can find this sentiment going back to the first wave. Elizabeth Cady Stanton claimed that women are "infinitely superior" to men.

The prison thing is perhaps the most glaring example of feminists not practising what they preach. If they were serious about equality they would be demanding either that men be treated with more compassion/leniency or that women be treated more harshly (or some combination of the two). Instead, they want women to be treated even more leniently, and some are even advocating for the complete abolition of female prisons.

Men are increasingly second class citizens not only in a social but legal sense. A study in the UK determined that if women were treated like men by the criminal justice system, fully half of all prisoners would be female. Women do NOT commit less crimes than men (though they do commit less homicides), they just don't get punished to anywhere near the same extent.

If feminism were an "equality" movement they would not be trying to privilege females in every single institution. They would be looking with a keen eye at areas in which males are disadvantaged and/or subject to institutional discrimination. They certainly wouldn't blame everything on some nebulous all-encompassing "patriarchy" that hasn't even been proven to exist.

Advocates of gender equality must reject feminism, and support men's rights.

Entredarte #sexist reddit.com

We are descending into chaos, if Feminist and Men’s Rights don’t sort themselves out

I’m aware that Men’s Rights formed as a response to 4th wave over zealous feminist, but if we don’t have a proper sit down we’re fucked. I’ve checked out the feminist group and it’s an zero agency echo chamber that “men are dirt and are what’s wrong with the world, and no one takes us seriously”. It’s like they get angrier then we feel attacked so we respond with the opposite but equal force so on, it’s wild.

I’ve read some articles that whatever men do to women is always malicious and negatively intentional, and not down to the fact that contrary to popular belief, we are in fact different (often diametrically opposed) in our communication and reaction, due to outside of dating and controlled environments (school, work) we don’t interact with each other on the regular, so we have no way of knowing the others perspective and when discussions are brought up it’s normally with the goal of winning an argument rather than understanding.

This isn’t the subreddit for this, but something tells me that the powers that be want it exactly like this. Jeezus! Most issues would be resolved if we got rid of bureaucracy and institutions trying to validate their systems, and just talked, no stage no event, just discussion.

BummerDrummer #sexist #quack #conspiracy incels.is

[Blackpill] People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power. You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to. They are
Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide.

[links to youtube videos denying the pandemic]

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The top 10% of antisocial men are responsible for 27% of pregnancies and 62% of violent assaults against women

This study will show us what kind of personality men need to have the most success with women

"LCP" stands for Life-course-persistent, they are the men who have been antisocial all their life ever since they were a kid. They have the WORST PERSONALITY since FOREVER and NEVER IMPROVE. They are the 10 percentile when it comes to antisocial behavior. The worst of the worst.

Surprise surprise, these men are extremely successful with women despite their personality, they are responsible for 27% of pregnancies despite making up 10% of the population. They are responsible for 62% of convictions for violence against women and are overrepresented when it comes to unemployment and most crimes.

"the childhood-onset delinquents were the most elevated on psychopathic personality traits, mental-health problems, substance dependence, numbers of children, financial problems, work problems, and drug-related and violent crime, including violence against women and children"

So this is the amazing personality women want. Unemployed drug addicts who pummel women, commit various crimes and don't try to better their personalities are slaying the most


You'll also notice the other group "AL" which stands for adolescence limited. These are men who grow out of their antisocial phase. You'll notice that they're also overrepresented when it comes to unemployement, crimes, violence against women AND OF COURSE PREGNANCIES.

"The adolescent-onset delinquents at 26 years were less extreme but elevated on impulsive personality traits, mental-health problems, substance dependence, financial problems, and property offenses"


Males on the life-course-persistent and adolescence-limited antisocial pathways: Follow-up at age 26 years

Women are bluepilled on the streets but blackpilled in the sheets

Not sure I'd call them blackpilled in any way considering they're convinced that they're choosing the men with the best personalities.

Personality matters :feelskek:

If it does it seems to be 100% the opposite of what we're told every day :feelshaha:

Darktriadpill single-handedly destroys mainstream narratives about morality and being a 'nice guy'.

It's infuriating though, all our life we're accused of being horrible people, the gaslighting never stops. And then you realize that the worst kind of people get EVERYTHING in life while you're blamed for it

Women love narcissistic Chads who LARP as charismatic but are really petulant and aggressive children.

That's what I've noticed irl. Thug chads, drug addict chads, and just in general very impulsive chads like to think they're some sort of complex and unique leading figure going against societal rule.

Holy shit - so the group who commit violence against women at a rate of 18x the non-violent men are 4x more likely to be fathers? In effect, saying that violence has a positive impact factor of 72!!!

What the fuck...

I wouldn't extrapolate things like that because we all know looks matter the most. The point is just that it looks like the worst type of men are the most successful. Which goes completely against the whole "improve your personality bro" and "don't be a dick bro"

mainlander #fundie #sexist incels.is

[Whitepill] The bluepill is a lie and Satan is the father of all lies. Feminism is a satanic inversion of God's commandments and of the devil.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

1 Timothy 2:9-15 King James Version (KJV)
9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Candace Owens #sexist #conspiracy twitter.com

[Context: referring to an anti-harassment/bullying commercial by razor company Gillette]

The #Gillette commercial is the product of mainstream radicalized feminism & emblematic of Cultural Marxism.

STOP [Clapping emoji] PERVERTING [Clapping hands] MASCULINITY.


Despite what Lena Dunham tells you, women are not into beta males & men are not into chicks w/ armpit hair.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

"What makes you a man is the not the ability to make a child: It's the courage to raise one."

The amount of brainwashing is unbelievable.

So basically what society expects non-Chads to do is wageslave all day, provide for wife and her bastard kids while she is out there getting railed by Chads making new babies. And what does this make him? - "A real man".

To make non-Chads feel less insecure about themselves society have come up with this ridiculous concept about "real man." If you don't judge your wife by her sexual past you are a "real man." If you agree to raise your wife's bastard kids, you are a "real man." If you have no problem with your wife getting gangbanged by Tyrones, congratulations, you are a "real man." Feminist whores also came up with "Real men are feminists" crap.

But when it comes to Chads they don't need no assurance, they already know they are alpha men. Their only job is to pump and dump holes while their offsprings are raised by some insecure bluepilled cuck who is too eager to prove himself as a "real man" to worthless whores and this cucked society.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #crackpot returnofkings.com


Since originally publishing an article describing how a male-friendly culture encouraging Elliot into self-improvement (game), legal prostitution, and foreign marriage with Southeast Asian women would have prevented his murderous rampage, I did something that most people won’t bother to do: I read his manifesto. Not even halfway through, I began to understand exactly why the media has been pushing the narrative that PUA (game) may have been the cause: Rodger was one of their own.

Here is the PDF of his manifesto (http://abclocal.go.com/three/kabc/kabc/My-Twisted-World.pdf). If you take the time to read it, you will likely come to the same conclusion I have that Elliot Rodger is in fact a feminist. In other words, the killings of six individuals stem in part because of his mainstream feminist beliefs that, after intersecting with his dark traits of narcissism, entitlement, loserdom, and hopelessness, led him to kill. The fantastical mainstream media articles you have come across trying to pin Rodger upon us is nothing more than a defensive measure to distance themselves from a killer that was a card-carrying member of their own progressive club.

1. He put pussy on the pedestal, just like feminists do
Feminist theory speaks a whole lot about equality, but it’s actually an ideology that seeks to absolve all women from their amusing but sometimes dangerous stream of mistakes. Feminism (and progressivism in general—they might as well be interchangeable terms) treat women as flawless snowflakes that must be coddled and spoon-fed happiness and validation. Any act by a woman, even if it results in failure or bodily harm (like an abortion), is an “empowering” statement of independence and strength, while any failure by men is seen upon as proof that they are out-of-touch doofuses, a fact that is readily displayed on television, movies, and advertising.

Rodger’s manifesto exactly matches this feminist belief. He shows little genuine hate towards the object of his affections—women—and their poor choices, instead lashing out against the men who were successful with those women. Feminists do the same, always ready to blame men for their failures in life, even going so far as saying that society would be better without men, who are mocked as mere “sperm donors.” In spite of the bad choices that women make by dating bad boys at the schools he attended, Rodger gave them a pussy pass and continued to believe that they were flawless angels who should be cherished, especially the blonde ones.

Rodger’s hate for those men isn’t much different than that hate displayed to me and my colleagues here at ROK. Just take a look at this supposedly professional woman having an embarrassing emotional meltdown on a news show because she didn’t agree with what I said, resorting to blatant distortion and lies about “rape culture” and other such nonsense that was unrelated to the piece she was critiquing:

Elevating women as the superior sex, which is what both feminists and Rodger have done, means that discrimination and outright hatred must be then applied to the “inferior” sex—men. It’s no surprise that the most violent killings performed by Rodger were on his three male roommates with a knife, who surely endured more suffering and pain than the cleaner executions he did on his female victims.

2. He was awash in blue pill knowledge

We have an often-used metaphor called the “red pill,” which stands for the pursuit of truth concerning human nature, no matter how painful those truths can be. The opposite of the red pill is the blue pill, of people who choose to be placated by lies describing reality. Both feminists and Rodger were firm adherents to the blue pill world—of believing in a way of nature that doesn’t actually reflect actual human behavior. For example:

Both Rodger and feminists believe that attraction should be automatic and easy instead of being based on sexual market value or other components that can be changed (such as game).
Both Rodger and feminists believe that men should be blamed for problems of society or personal relationships.
Both Rodger and feminists were deluded into having standards way beyond their level of attractiveness (e.g., fat feminist cows actually think they should be able to date a good man).
Both Rodger and feminists believe that all a man has to do to get a girlfriend is to be “nice” and a provider, a strategy that no longer works in today’s America.
Both Rodger and feminists hated players who did well with women
As final proof that Rodger was as blue pill as you can get, simply reverse all the gender references within his manifesto and pretend it was written by a woman. What you would then have before you is a pity party of a self-absorbed feminist who thinks that men are the cause of all her problems. If he lived a couple more years, I have no doubt that Rodger would even be a proud moderator of the Blue Pill subreddit.

3. He didn’t believe in self-improvement, just like feminists
In spite of all the loneliness and pain that Rodger went through, he still couldn’t be bothered to lift one finger to improve his station. Compare that to what we teach here at ROK, where we strongly advise you to start your game training with at least 100 approaches, with the expectation that you’ll probably have to do thousands during your lifetime. In Rodger’s manifesto, all 140 pages of it, he details only saying “Hi” to one girl and practically running away from fear. In other words, he did one aborted approach with zero follow-up. That’s not game anywhere in the game universe, and if he came to us saying that he has yet to get laid after putting such an half-assed attempt, we’d tell him to do 10 solid approaches the following day and stop whining like an entitled child.

The fact that Rodger was a member of PUAHate, an online community of social retards who despised game and believed only Brad Pitt and millionaires can get laid, further highlights how vehemently anti-game he was. Why wasn’t he open to improving himself? Why wasn’t he ready to expend the labor to make himself more attractive to women? For that answer, we might as well ask some feminists, who share the exact same belief as him in not having to lift a finger in making yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. Look no further than feminist’s cause-du-jour, fat acceptance, a culture of de-improvement—and frankly, de-evolution—where women gain massive amounts of weight and then flaunt their blubber on social media, ready to attack any man who dare finds their display to be unattractive or repulsive.

Fat acceptance has become so pervasive that we had to dedicate one whole week on ROK tearing it to shreds, but in spite of that, not much has changed. America continues to get fatter and feminists continue to attempt to normalize obesity as actually being beautiful, just like how Rodger tried to convince himself of the idea that having a BMW would be attractive to women.

Take a look at this quote by Rodger:

“Everyone treated me like I was invisible. No one reached out to me, no one knew I existed. I was a ghost.”

Does that ring a bell to you? It’s almost identical to the rant we recently witnessed on the Louis CK show when a morbidly obese female went on to whine and bitch about how being a fat ass is not getting her the man she wants. It’s no surprise that fatties rushed to praise Louis CK for his act of sedition against men and acceptable standards of beauty. There is almost no difference between Rodger and a modern American woman who subscribes to feminist thought.

Now take a look at this passage:
“All of the hot, beautiful girls walked around with obnoxious, tough jock-type men who partied all the time and acted crazy. They should be going for intelligent gentlemen such as myself. Women are sexually attracted to the wrong type of man.”

Let’s do a swap on the genders:

“All the handsome men walked around with blonde bimbos who don’t have a good career like me and knowledge of reality television shows. These men should be going for a strong, empowered, independent, fabulous woman such as myself. Men are sexually attracted to the wrong type of woman.”

The overlap in mindset would be comical if it didn’t result in tragedy.

Another question worth asking is this: when today’s American woman can’t find the man of her dreams, does she look in the mirror and blame herself? No, she blames men for not finding her unattractiveness attractive. This is actively promoted by feminist thinkers on the most widely read American blogs like Buzzfeed, Gawker, and Huffington Post. Rodger shared this same viewpoint. His manifesto is dripping with entitlement of why girls don’t find him to be “marvelous” just because he happens to own a fancy pair of sunglasses. Feminists and Rodger, it turns out, are like two peas in a pod.

4. He believed that men should be chivalrous and kind, like feminists do
Please don’t forward us another listicle on a feminist-friendly blog about how men need to be nice, friendly, and awkwardly consensual by applying legalese speak in the bedroom before passionate fornication. Rodger believed much of the same, thinking that you had to be a “supreme gentleman” that catered to the material and emotional whims of women, doing everything possible to please them in exchange for a sexual reward. We can only imagine how nauseatingly “gentlemanly” he would have been if he actually managed to land a date on his terms.

I have no doubt he would have agreed with just about all the mainstream bullshit advice on being a gentleman, particularly the Thought Catalog piece The 20 Rules Of Being A Modern Gentleman. There is also a Buzzfeed quiz titled How Much Of A Gentleman Are You? that Rodger would have gotten an A+ on. The end result of his loneliness (killing six people) was obviously not gentlemanly, but before that rampage he treated girls with a gentlemanly shyness, reverence, and respect that feminists would have applauded him for. Rodger and feminists believed in the exact same demeanor that men should have around women.

5. He hated game, like feminists do

No one hates game more than feminists, who have gone so far as to equate it rape ([1], [2], [3]). They absolutely despise any attempt by men to improve their value in the sexual marketplace because then that would mean fewer men to put up with their obesity, short hair, or bad attitude. Rodger believed the same, going so far as becoming an active member in the PUAHate community which dedicated the bulk of their efforts to criticizing game and its adherents like a woman’s gossip circle. (On PUAhate there had been over 100 threads criticizing me and other ROK staff.)

Would you be surprised if I were to tell you right now that Rodger and a mainstream feminist shared the same views on PUAHate and game? I hope not, because that’s exactly what I found. A popular feminist writer who has worked for Newsweek, Jezebel, Buzzfeed, and Dissident magazine, Katie JM Baker, publicly declared that PUAs (i.e. us) are actually worse than PUA Hate.

“The men that lurk in the PuaHate forums are almost worse than the PUAs themselves…”

Let that soak in for a second. Feminist rage is so deep and emotional against game that they have supported a forum with “hate” in the title that cultivated and gave comfort to a mass murderer. I gave Baker a chance to change her opinion about believing a forum of hate was less worse than men who practice game:

[Image of a Twitter Feed, Transcript:

RoK: @katiejmbaker, for the record, do you still believe that we are worse than PUAHate? Or did the recent murder Rampage change your mind?

Katie Baker: lol, what are you even talking about?]

A feminist refused to reverse her position that game practitioners are not worse than Rodger’s favorite hangout. That tells me that Rodger and Baker would get along very well in their hate for men like us who teach game and try to improve men’s lives.

6. He subscribed to The Young Turks Youtube channel, a feminist darling

This is a minor point but one worth mentioning. We don’t know how knee-deep he was into The Young Turks liberal positions, but it’s a fact that he was not a subscriber to my channel or forum. We can only speculate as to how much TYT molded his pro-feminist view.

7. He hated alpha males, just like feminists do
Whenever a feminist encounters these parts, she immediately bashes our alpha/beta concept of male sexual hierarchy. She instead spouts tired cliches that are supposed to help men in their pursuit of sexual happiness but which actually do nothing of the sort:

“People are people!”
“Just be yourself!”
“Don’t be an asshole/creep/jerk/rando!”
“Having sexual standards is, like, misogynistic!”
Of course these phrases don’t explain human mating behavior and why some men get way more women than others, but that’s no matter since feminist theory does not have the slightest intention to explain the world in an accurate or truthful manner.

Like feminists, Rodger despised alpha males, who he called “obnoxious.” Here’s some relevant quotes from his manifesto:

“I noticed that there were two groups of cool, popular kids. There were the skateboarder kids, such as Vinny Maggio, Ashton Moio, Darrel, Wes, and Alex Dib. And then there were the boys who were popular with girls, including Vincent, Robert Morgan, and [redacted]. They all seemed so confident and aggressive. I felt so intimidated by them, and I hated them for it. I hated them so much, but I had to increase my standing with them. I wanted to be friends with them.


I thought all of the cool kids were obnoxious jerks, but I tried as best as I could to hide my disgust and appear “cool” to them. They were obnoxious jerks, and yet somehow it was these boys who all of the girls flocked to.”

If Rodger was alive right now, he’d be giving feminists high fives for sharing the exact same viewpoint on sexually superior but “horrible” males who have figured out the dating game and what women actually want.

8. He shared many personality traits with your modern American feminist
Rodger might as well have been a woman, which has raised speculation if he was actually gay. He took selfies like women. He was addicted to Facebook like women. He was obsessed with his appearance. He was narcissistic, vain, and materialistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was also addicted to his iPhone like your standard issue American woman. Heartiste does a good job of highlighting the similarities:

“[The effeminate male, like Rodger, is an] indictment of this infantile Millennial generation, which daily provides evidence that their ranks are filled with effeminate males who, like women, expect the world to cater their needs, no questions asked, no demands made. Elliot Rodger couldn’t stand how unfaaaair girls were to date uglier men than himself, how unfair life was that his car and clothes weren’t a magnet for hot white sorority chicks, how unfair the cosmic laws were to require of him a little bit of effort if he wanted to put an end to his virginity.

Egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive aggressive, perpetually aggrieved, and unwilling to change when posing as a martyr feels so damn good… there’s your new American manlet, same as your new American woman.”

Like I already mentioned, a quick find/replace gender swap on his manifesto will pass the Turing test in convincing most spectators that he was actually a 22-year-old empowered feminist who participates in “Take Back The Night” walks and thinks that posting mindless #YesAllWomen tweets on Twitter comprises her good deed of the month. Rodger was effeminate and a negative person overall simply because he possessed beliefs that are undoubtedly shared by feminists.

9. He wanted to be a social justice warrior, just like feminists
He had a victim complex of being held down by invisible forces outside of his control. Feminists also believe that the “patriarchy” is holding them down, and they flock to Tumblr to reblog facile images and memes to spread lies that men make more than women for the same work, for example. These Tumblr crusades have even led to my own family being prank called at late hours, all because my words hurt their feelings, just like Rodger’s was hurt that pretty girls didn’t find him automatically attractive.

It turns out that Rodger was a budding social justice warrior, perhaps not far from establishing his own Tumblr beachhead:

“I formed an ideology in my head of how the world should work. I was fueled both by my desire to destroy all of the injustices of the world, and to exact revenge on everyone I envy and hate. I decided that my destiny in life is to rise to power so I can impose my ideology on the world and set everything right. I was only seventeen, I have plenty of time. I thought to myself. I spent all of my time studying in my room, reading books about history, politics, and sociology, trying to learn as much as I can.


I seriously started to consider working towards writing an epic story. I was always creating stories in my mind to fuel my fantasies. Usually those stories depicted someone like myself rising to power after a life of being treated unfairly by the world.


To be angry about the injustices one faces is a sign of strength. It is a sign that one has the will to fight back against those injustices, rather than bowing down and accepting it as fate. Both my friends James and Philip seem to be the weak, accepting type; whereas I am the fighter. I will never stand to be insulted, and I will eventually have my revenge against all those who insult me, no matter how long it takes.”

Both Rodger and feminists feel the only way to get what they want out of life is not self-improvement, but attacking others they disagree with. Their shared ideology is one of destruction. We have to wonder if Rodger would have eventually participated in any feminist event like SlutWalks to right the world of fantasy injustices that prevent them from being seen as beautiful, marvelous, gentlemanly, and so on.

10. He was not far away from being the epitome of a white knight, a man that feminists collect for their friend zones

If you see a feminist in the wild, a white knight won’t be far. He’s the man who enables her false view of the world and provides her with good feels and encouragement for her social justice campaigns. While Rodger wasn’t quite a white knight in this sense, he nailed all three white knight components:

“1. He is the ever-present servant.
2. He pines silently for a single woman.
3. That woman wants little to do with him, and it shows.”

In other words, if you inserted him in feminist company, he would be the glove to their chubby bear claw fingers. His personality is wholly compatible with how feminists believe men should behave: servile and wimpy while never taking real action on their sexual desires.


The only things in common that Rodger had with us is that (1) he wanted sex with attractive women, and (2) he had a functional penis. That’s it. The overlap of thought and belief between Rodger and feminists, however, should convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that Rodger was in fact a feminist, even if he didn’t himself know that his peg fit snugly into the feminist hole. I’ve actually met self-described feminists who were less feminist than Rodger was.

While I stand by my argument that game would have helped Rodger, I am beginning to wonder if being a feminist was the seed that drove him to desperation and delusion, eventually leading to a tragic loss of life. This line of thought is worth pursuing by people who want to understand why a man felt that taking other lives and his own was seen as the best solution. You definitely won’t read about this conclusion in the media, which is too busy trying to toss Rodger to our side like a hot piece of coal, even though Rodger shares absolutely no similarity in thought and behavior to game practitioners.

I have logically come to the conclusion that Rodger was in fact the first male feminist mass murderer that we have seen in America. I’m afraid that if the feminist ideology contained within Rodger’s head is allowed to continue spreading, we are likely to see more violent acts by men who believe in the exact same things that feminists do.

Sparrow's Song #sexist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Is cooming in a femasite's mouth a form of femdom?

Not cooming in a femasite when raping/fucking her, that is just reproduction. Blowjobs are different because the mouth is not a sex organ and does not sexually tingle. So getting a blowjob is like getting dominated by a foid to some degree because she is in control of your pp and makes you feel feel ding tingles without receiving cunt rumbles at the same time. I don't know what it feels like, but I imagine it feels like getting tickled by the babysitter as a kid, which was emasculating. I remember the babysitter would tickle me and I would squirm and although it didn't feel unpleasant, I hated it because someone could just touch me a certain way and make my body feel sensations that strong, it makes you feel weak and powerless. It was even worse when they wouldn't stop until I said "uncle". So getting head is basically a foid using her mouth to tickle your peen and cooming in her mouth is like saying "uncle" and tapping out. It's different from cooming in a toilet's penetration canal because her vagina is just the flesh sleeve you used to shoot your DNA into her eggs, your hip thrusts are what led to the cooming. Is getting a blowjob giving foids more power?

I still want to put my boner in a hole's mouth, I just don't want her to think she ever had control or power over my body. If I was getting my dick sucked, I would try to avoid squirming as much as possible and I would keep an expressionless, statue face the whole time so she wouldn't know the power level of her throat game. When I would be about to nut, I would pull out and thrust her pussy until I coomed in her so it would be my hip thrusts that made me coom and not her own work with her mouth, that way she wouldn't feel like she defeated me in some way. The best solution would be to unhinge her jaw like a snake and throat rape her as if her throat was a cunt, because then you would be in control.

ItsNotADream #sexist #quack incels.is

[Blackpill] divorces are a huge reason to why women need less rights (also debunking jewish-marxist myths)

Tradition is the best thing to our society, it went through natural selection and is adapted to human nature, without it, (I am saying all of this as an agnostic)
societies become vulnerable and at the end collapse, with tradition also incel looking guys had easier time, because foids cared mainly about money and they couldn't risk having a divorce, because they couldn't get a job and because of stigmas
and males also had more money and could actually finance a house, and because now foids can also have a job and make money, salaries got lower (because of a bigger supply and a lower demand)

and guess what, foids are supposed to be the ones who are submissive, nature made them that way, and it has been like that for thousands of years for reason
(and yes IT, I also support stoning homosexuals who are open about it in minecraft)

[rambling follows in the link]

vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack docdroid.net

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

People improving their lives by transitioning is a beautiful thing

Usually when someone live a shit life as a male he will just complain about how women are unfair to him or he will spend his time on various copes such as videogames and anime.

It's very rare for miserable males to actually improve themselves via medical transition, it usually takes pretty bad gender dysphoria for them to actually take action and even then many fail to act in time.

1.Males transitioning to female makes the world more beautiful (less disgusting males).

2.People that transition and become beautiful benefit from it

3.people around them will see them improve instead of suffering or killing themselves.

4.males that transition are politically useful for my goals (maybe also your goals).

5.trans girls are high in demand and can allow cis lesbians to have biological children with a partner they find attractive.

6.voluntary chemical castration makes a male less likely to hurt other (and himself in the process).

I find it strange that people rarely object to psychiatry that outright harms people and costs billions of dollars each year but they complain about the government helping trans individuals transition even though it's one of the few mental health interventions that actually works.

Forced feminization

A lot of individuals cannot make it as males and will thus be forced to live as female or suffer the brutalsocial consequences of being male, this is especially true for females with gender dysphoria, they mightnot like their female bodies but medical transition would still be a disaster for them.

Most males are no longer needed in our modern society, technology has made name strength mostly obsolete and most males do not have any mental abilities not commonly found in females. Less than 10% of males are needed for sex and reproduction, most males are just a burden to society and thus we need to increase the number of males that transition to female, especially individuals who would clearlybenefit from changing their biological sex.

Most males hold into their male pride but that will soon crash down as females raise their standards (because they can) and even more males lose their jobs to automation.

Currently forced treatments are justified by "danger to themselves and others", you do not need to be convicted of an actual crime. If we are going to treat people against their will that shall include HRT.

A nurse will regularly visit your home. Your pants will be pulled down and soon you will feel a needle inside your muscle and soon the injection, estradiol valerate, it will be slowly absorbed by your body.

At first it was just pills given orally, now it's injections and at this point hiding the breasts is very difficult. The estrogen will make you more emotional and thus you will probably start crying due to theintense humiliation you received by the new government controlled by believers of vintologi. You crying and begging will of course not stop the nurse from doing the injection.

After a while you will stop resisting and accept your face as a girl. It will become increasingly difficult to hide what's happening to you, your breasts getting bigger, face feminized, brain feminized. Once you have been forced to be on HRT long enough there will not be much left of your old self, the hormones have changed your brain beyond recognition and now there is no longer any going back, not only do you look like a girl now, you are now also like a girl mentally.

There are a lot of males who would benefit from transitioning but they are not willing or able to actually transition, this can be due to social factors but in most cases the issue is ignorance, people simply don't know what's best for them. It's a difficult and scary decision to make to start HRT and this is why a lot of people fantasize about forced feminization, often they try to brainwash themselves via sissy hypno porn.

Chemical castration drastically reduces testosterone and thereby sex drive, sexual desires and aggression. Thus a lot of males that are currently dysfunctional in our society would become functionalif they start on HRT, this would allow them to avoid being jailed

Child molesters have drastically low recidivism rates when chemically castrated (1-4%) vs non castrated (40-65%)



Currently just being suicidal alone can warrant forced treatments by harmful and dangerous psychiatric drugs, forcing some males to take hormone replacement therapy can thus be justified in an attempt to prevent them from killing themselves using the same standard.

Innate gender identity?

Studies on intersex children show that about 40% will identify as female when raised as one, thus gender identity is only partly due to genetics


This tells us that a lot of people are able to adapt to living as either sex, the brain is flexible and we can adapt to a lot of things. Whether or not an individual will transition is only partly determined by genetics (33% in the case of MtF)


vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack docdroid.net

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

The male gender role is broken

Let's face it, if you present as male, there's exactly one personality that will earn you social approval: Chad. Assertive, dominant, successful. Nobody will be impressed by a male that is meek, submissive and struggling. Such males are not considered gender trailblazers; they're just derided as incel NEETs.Nobody is offering an actual solution to this. Tradcons tell you to just man up. TERFs tell you to just abolish gender. Liberals deny this reality altogether.

By embracing girlmode, you actually become free to be your authentic self without shame. Society at large requires men to keep grinding and struggling to keep the lights on, so obviously no serious and respectable person will encourage you to just drop down the pink vortex, but it's possibly the only thingthat will actually help you if you're stuck being a shitty male with no prospects.

Life outcomes of people that transition

Trans-women will benefit from the increasing female privilege, thus in the future more males will benefit from transitioning while it becomes less beneficial for females to transition to male despite trans-men becoming more accepted by society. Trans-women that are supported by their parents have good life outcomes as society becomes more accepting of trans-women the outcomes of people that transition from male to female will improve.


But what if people around you are not supportive of you transitioning?

Avoiding social difficulties while transitioning

The focus of transitioning should be on changing your secondary sexual characteristics (hormones, surgery, etc.). You should regard it as a body modification similar to “bodybuilding”. This is the only sensible approach if you value your social life, integrity, and self-respect.

If you believe that there is an “innate gender” which is unrelated to biology or society then you will inevitably create social problems for yourself. People might understand that one might want to be (or look like) a woman, but almost everyone takes “born in the wrong body” as a joke, especially if you were not previously flamboyant.

If you do not look and are socially regarded as a woman, claiming that you are a woman in the inside and that people should respect your innate gender regardless of how you look is meaningless and futile.

This at best makes people pity you and at worst makes them mock and bully you. The situation worsens if you dress in women's clothing but still look like a man. This should be avoided first and foremost out of self-respect, and second out of respect for fellow trannies. You will also hurt yourself for thinking that people do not treat you the way you should be treated.

You do not have to come out in any way to your family or other people who know your real identity.

Whether or not you should transition isn't something you should discuss with people who have not properly researched these topics, most people including your family will be utterly ignorant and thus they will not be able to give you any real help. If you announce that you plan or think about transitioning people around you may push or outright coerce you into not doing so even though it would be beneficial for you.

Thus the solution is to start medication without telling anyone about it that knows your real identity, later if/when they start noticing changes you can tell them that you are transitioning.

If you currently live in a transphobic environment you may want to relocate before socially transitioning. You may want to just leave everything behind to start a new better life if/when you can pass fully as a girl, being stealth allows you to escape transphobia and be treated just like another girl.

How society benefits from people transitioning

People that wish to transition usually have comorbid mental disorders 105106 thus future generations are likely to benefit from letting these women transition and sterilize themselves in the process, this comes with the cost of using tax-money for these medical expenses and losing women that could provide sexual satisfaction to other people.

Males transitioning to female is beneficial for society since it would allow people to have fun fucking them. Incels transitioning to female is good for society since they will become less likely to develop or maintain problematic political beliefs or become violent, they will instead benefit from accelerated hypergamy and gynocentrism.

Less incels trying to force females to waste themselves on losers is a good thing.

It has been proven safe to allow trans-women inside spaces reserved for women 01 trying to exclude them would harm natal women too 234

Not using tax-money to pay for medical transition would be dysgenic since it would make it more difficult for poor people to transition.

Julieandrea97 #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Youtube is full of successful transitioning cases (from incel to hot babe)

There are so many cases that I don't believe society still doesn't accep trans people as a positive to the world. Well even if it still does not, it will change in the near future. Check out those MtF transformations:


and there are much more

The don’t want ugly males to know the truth. So they try to scare us with de transition story’s.

IncelPolitik #sexist incels.is

Femcels: "men get to be incel. I want to be incel TOO! Why can't I be incel! Let me join your self-hate club. I want to be the girl in the boy's club"

jfl. we wouldn't let you join our incel forum even if you slept with all 11,000 members on here.


Can't get chad = Femcel

fr fr, they should just merge r/FemaleDatingStrategy and r/trufemcels and call it a day.

Women always want to join the clubs where they are not welcomed, so they can corrupt them and turn into another female worshiping soy club.

THIS. W*men know that they're mere, physical presence in a formerly all-male space corruptively alters the social dynamics of the space which is why there must forever be a zero-tolerance policy for w*men users on here and w*men in the leadership/organizing rank-and-file of men's rights movement groups.

W*men subverted the men's right movement and now two of the three largest men's rights movements youtube channels are operated by w*men (Honey Badger Radio, A Voice for Men, Cassie Jaye's channel). The Men's Right Movement was at it's peak in 2015 and once w*men subverted and disintegrated the movement from within, it was unsalvageable and lost. No w*men in any men's political causes/movements or incel communities. No exceptions.

The day that incels.co accepts females users will be the day of it's downfall.

I am convinced that incels.co is the only place on the internet where REAL philosophizing about male nature and existence (whether involuntarily celibate or normie) is even remotely possible. And it has NOTHING to do with the state of involuntary celibacy and everything to do with the very basic fact that we simply do not allow w*men on here.

This is how men naturally feel and act when unconstrained by the social pressures of female presence and approval (via s*xual control).

What? Mens rights became something because of them.
Now I am for gender segregation on this forum. But lets be frank, if a woman and a man says the same thing, woman will get the attention.
Cassie isnt an MRA to begin with, karen straughan, on the other hand has sons she obviously cares about.

But-this-one-is-differentism is the reason there has never been a successful men's rights movement, you are merely one of the millions of men to come before you who felt irationally strongly / factually incorrectly about a w*man's trueness of belief/conviction in the men's rights movement / her want of a better world for men.

The hard and fast rule of female exclusion from *leadership* in the men's right movement must be applied irregardless of one's personal feelings toward a particular w*man's trueness of conviction/beliefs. In 99% of instances, the belief is mistaken and in the 1% of instance the belief is grounded in reality, the female men's right activist becomes corrupted by the male attention / validation and turns our cause into a vehicle for her own self-ingratiation and hypergamous s*xual self-benefit. Every time.

Damn, MRAs are truly pathetic.
Say what you want about MGTOWs, but bullshit like this would never happen to them.

The first wave of men's rights activists (1985-2015) were indeed pathetic and their lack of conviction/dedication to the cause and movement resulted in it's abject and unignorable failure.

The second-wave of the men's rights movement will succeed because it will be be given birth to inside of the incelosophere.

DepravedAndDeprived #sexist #crackpot incels.is

Back when I used to teach the radical divide between men and women was always crazy.

Foids are consistently better at doing what they're told, leading to higher grades, but they utterly lack creativity, independence, or any form of initiative. Men were the exact opposite. Often sloppier and less organised, but they were independent and curious. They had a mind of their own, and were capable of disagreeing. They were able to come up with their own ideas and perspective.

The divide astonished me and it still kinda does tbh.

Men are made for exploring and learning; women are made for supporting their husband.

Various incels #sexist incels.is

All foids are the same -megathread

Isn't it crazy, how all foids are mindless robots?
In this thread we collect things to prove that point.

-All foids want Chad
-All foids hate ugly men
-All foids like travelling
-All foids are libtards
-All foids have simps
-All foids like Netflix
-All foids like similar foods
-All foids aren't interested in history or geography
-All foids make fun of men who can't get laid
-All foids have celebrities, which they worship
-All foids want to wear expensive clothes

everey single one of them is the exact sdame. like off some fucking factory tbh, they have npo orignality, nothing different whatsiever


-All foids have socil media
-All foids think they're more imporant than they really are
-All foids have not had sex with me

-All foids have it easy
-All foids hate men
-All foids are evil

- All foids live on tutorial mode
- All foids are whores on Tinder and OnlyFans
- All foids want us dead
- All foids fuck dogs
- All foids are murderers who kill their babies
- All foids are worthless scum of this soyciety

Edgar Tru #sexist #fundie #wingnut returnofkings.com


What is a liberal? What is a conservative? Many will have different words to describe these terms, and often conflating them with Democrat or Republican.

A conservative does not have to be part of the Republican Party. A conservative does not have to be a wardog. A conservative could be a socialist on a nationalist level. Many have this mainstream idea about what a liberal and conservative are. And many in the political arena fly under the conservative banner when, in reality, they are an adversary to the very foundation of conservatism. Perhaps not today, or next year. But sooner or later, their adherence to liberalism will craft a political and cultural snowball effect which shall be the death of their set society.

So, how does one identify a liberal in disguise, or in denial?

1. They Support Women’s Rights

I hold to the claim that allowing females to vote was a rotten call of judgement by men. And, to this day, there are ‘conservatives’ who support this decision. Personally, I find it anti-conservative and pro-liberal to allow women a vote. That doesn’t equate to hating them but rather recognizing they lack logic which, by their very nature, means they cannot vote in accordance with law and order, safety and security. It isn’t complex; unless, of course, you’re a female in which you may not possess the intellect to grasp the overall societal implications of such a manner.

Women like Ann Coulter or Faith Goldy are rare. A beautiful rarity, I might add. In truth, I’d vote for Faith Goldy for mayor of Toronto. I do not dwell there, but I’d support a female who is anti-immigration and pro-borders. I’d vote for Ann Coulter as US President. They both have more backbone than any contemporary limp-wrist Western man. But, again, they are rarities.

Conservatism has a foundation. It does not stray from tradition. In the Ancient World, men dominated and women submitted, or were put in their place if they were too disobedient. Any man, or woman, who supports women’s right to vote, in terms of political power, is liberal-minded. Beware of those prancing around right-winged circles who still hold to this delusional libertarian-esque mentality. They are not conservative in their hearts of hearts.

2. They Support Libertarianism

I’d be fine living in a libertarian society. How cool would that be? I get to live as I please and, as long as I don’t harm another, I am free to be myself. What a glamorous fantasy!

It is a fantasy. That’s not how the real world operates. If it did, I’d subscribe to that ideology. But human nature shall never allow it. In conveying that, it strikes me liberal as hell the one who dares advocate for such a society. They are not only defying human nature, but they are straying from conservatism by giving far too much freedom, on such an irresponsible level, to the citizens of that set society. Libertarianism, along with communism and anarchy, are all ludicrous because they stand on one similar basis: human beings can get along and play nicely.

Less government is, in my view, not the solution. I do not like it, but my observations direct me this way, in accordance with maintaining law and order. Some claim the solution to the system is… no system? Sorry but that’s childish, stupid and fucking foolish. It’s an immature, irrational worldview based on lunacy.

Imagine this: we’re all standing around and, just to our left, is an open door. Inside are the controls of all of society. The libertarian says we are all going to behave and no one is to enter that door because ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ are totally in fashion. Well, human nature will give way and, before the libertarian can finish their line of piffle, someone has already run inside that door, locked it, and is now boss.

Libertarians aren’t really that intelligent.

Beware: Dave Rubin Is A Progressive In Infancy

I personally do not have any qualms with Dave Rubin. He is one of the reasons I’ve found my way to conservatism. He began talking to a variety of different guests which, over time, led me to one character, then another until it networked toward the alternative right (or dissident right), etc. I could most likely get along just fine with the man. But he is liberal. And he is a progressive in infancy.

His ideas, if actually obtained on a societal level, would be fine. Live and let live. It’s a fantasy but, if manifested in reality, would be fine. The conundrum is human nature, along with the political and cultural snowball effect of liberalism and its ideals and political decisions made within a society. After women were allowed to vote, it led, many years later, to females on the frontlines of war weakening what is supposed to be the self-defense tool of a nation. After gay marriage, it shortly thereafter became bigoted to be against children transitioning into the opposite sex. There are political and cultural snowball effects to every decision if it strays from orthodoxy.

So, anyone prancing around as a conservative, and believes women should have the same opportunities as a man, are liberal. And, by extension, a progressive in infancy. They may themselves not turn progressive, but their adherences will trickle down to the latter generations allowing a gateway toward leftism.

People, such as Dave Rubin, are gateways into leftism. Not today, or even next year. But, in time, it will lead toward that direction.


We must have comrades if one desires survival over death. Not everyone who is liberal (in disguise or denial) is your adversary. Not for now, at least. But be aware of their worldview and adherences because, again, there is a very serious thing to understanding human nature and the political and cultural snowball effects of the liberal mindset.

It is not wise to constantly bicker at those who will, if civil unrest breaks out, ultimately land on your side. But, again, understanding the giveaways of the liberal mindset may very well be important in identifying a little problem in the many years to come.

FastBananaCEO #sexist #psycho incels.is

[about another incel, who "joked" that he wanted to rape a girl, posting her photo and instagram, using an account that also had HIS photo]

[JFL] Why the fuck does IT keep saying "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"

It's a fucking shit saying and it makes no sense in the context of that 15yro getting doxxed.

1. He didn't do anything stupid
2. He didn't deserve any of this

He made a joke and an ITer deliberately took it as serious and poor 15yro got his life ruined over nothing.

Again, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" is a shit saying. Makes no sense and it doesn't sound good and it's not creative at all.

The only time that saying is relevant is when a person purposely and stupidly puts themselves in a position where there is a very small chance of a good outcome and then a bad thing happens to them because of it. He included the girls insta @ in the screenshot by accident and what he originally did wasn't bad in the first place. Even when the saying is said along with something that actually relates to it, it sounds fucking retarded and I dunno why people ever say this there's no point.

Diocel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] 25yo Foids are USED up And OLD

JFL at people who thinks 25yo foids are peak attractiveness

Let's take an average middle class cunt, she graduate high school at 18, let's say she is still virgin and waited until college (jfl if you think that tbh), and she finish her studies at 25.

Knowing the college culture imagine how many dicks he took in those 7 years, both in her pussy AND asshole.

After that she keep hooking up on tinder and then settle down for one of her simp co worker for his cash.

anon1822 #sexist incels.is

It pisses me off that women get the cushy and easy jobs, get praised for mediocre work, they work less, can get away with slacking off more etc...

The halo effect is endless. They get so many benefits just by being women. And yet they still spread misinformation, skewed statistics and propaganda about wage gaps and discrimination against them, and society fucking believes them too.

Their "charm" and "social skills" get them a lot of other benefits that men just don't. And men have to pick off their slack (without any recognition of course). Bosses are also less likely to be as mean to them as they are to male employees. Plus women often use various manipulations and the fact that they are female to avoid responsibility or punishment and to receive advantages. They can make up many excuses and will be believed.

Also, women have each other's backs, while men too want to help and support women. Men are on their own and actually have women conspiring against them.

In the meantime, they have it easier than men in every other aspect of life (that makes it easier to focus on work, even if they mostly gossip and waste time at work), they get support and praise from everyone, while we have the odds stacked against us and must fight and suffer for every inch we move forward.

Mainlander #sexist incels.is

Once I fully realized how much more valuable than me (old, ugly man) JBs are in society, I changed my attitude towards them. I can never get any JB, whether it's a "Stacy" or a "Becky" (or even a landwhale), because if women are already pretty much goddesses in modern western society, young underage women are something even beyond that, there's not even a word to describe how much value a young, white, beautiful JB (my dream partner) has in modern society. I have accepted defeat and already know my place in society, I know no one cares about my happiness as a 30 yo sub4 low-status subhuman male pariah and people would most likely support me being skinned alive before supporting a JB legally giving me even a kiss.

Being an old, ugly, balding man primarily attracted to JB females is hell, because in the presence of one of them you'll always be seen as a creepy potential rapist subhuman fiend. You can't even fap to them without risking runing your life, losing your freedom and even anal integrity.

I accept myself as the inferior one, and I am now resigned to just LDAR in online spaces like this one here and never dare to bother the female goddesses or their young über-goddess versions. But looks like even that is more than I deserve in the eyes of society, because governments are now cracking down incel websites and truecels.org seems to have been taken down primarily because some members (me included) dared to fully manifest their opinions and desires towards prime aged female goddesses.

Mainlander #sexist youtube.com

Everything in life is about how you look
From how far you'll get to whom you can f*ck
Politics, music and religion too
White Chad Jesus - fake
Ugly and short Jew - true

Looking old or bad, looking young or good
No effort success, high effort failure
Everything in life is about how you look
Ugly guy touch rape, gl guy choke good

Various Incels #sexist #psycho incels.is


[Serious] It really sucks that the only way to make schools treat bullied kids like humans is the threat of getting shot to death.

Without school shootings, even those useless "tell a teacher" PSA's wouldn't exist. I remember people online talking about how they were bullied constantly until Columbine and then they were treated decently or at worst ignored.


It’s pretty sad actually. Bullied kids literally need to go ER for schools to even notice it. I was never really bullied too much in school but after the parkland shooting people in school treated me slightly nicer. People would say hi to me or try to start conversations with me. I was so confused at first but tbh this was probably the reason why.


Hope a school shooting happens here so ı can get at least a small amount of respect.
But he needs to kill at least 10 people


Violence always works and is usually the only thing that works. Especially when trying to go against something primal/ingrained/biologically coded.

Are kids actually being bullied less now? Could it be because chads have other things to do now that social media exists? Or do they legit fear being shot.


they deserve it, especially in a country like the USA where everyone knows that the psycho kid can get a weapon easily. Own stupidity and natural selection at its finest.


If currylands had looser gun laws, then all the schools would turn into warzones overnight.

SlayerSlayer #racist #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Experiment] Anthropology as it relates to Inceldom

Internet incels are really just amateur anthropologists studying the mating behavior of Staceys and Chads in western civilization. It all came to me when I read the official male racial hierarchy post by @RageAgainstTDL and felt sorry for aboriginals, which made me have a deep dive into the vast spectrum of furtive cultures and civilizations bound to evaporate simply due to their lack of physical beauty. It ignited a sincere curiosity of anthropology as a whole within me, as I want to learn about mate selection, meanings of social capital, and perceptions of gender as broadly as possible outside the oppressive realm of western civilization.

Indigenous tribes fascinate me for several reasons. For one, they are genetic trash like me, so I have a natural curiosity as to what makes genetically ugly people successful in mating and happiness. My own general hunch as to why indigenous people bred themselves to be ugly is simply that their imagination has been exercised so well that beauty generally is not that important. It just seems like if you live in a culture with no technology whatsoever, your imagination and the sense of belonging you have within the universe, let alone your small tribe is greatly expanded. This imagination gives rise to local rhythms, art, concepts, Gods, beliefs. Imagined things, right or wrong, are at least things the individual has ownership of. There is a lack of competitiveness to it all that I like: it's not about the historical importance of your creations, it's about the contribution of it. You imagine elaborate reasons as to why it's the 80 year old grandmother that's the hottest bitch in the tribe.

Yes, there are insane leaps in moral relativism as it pertains to indigenous tribes, and it's weird how we give them a pass. It's understandable: if you are set to one moral standard your whole life, it requires a lot of education on other cultures to bring you into that viewpoint. It's weird how we don't apply this moral relativistic pass within our culture, simply because we assume we are a lot more in sync with normiehood than we really are. It also makes you rethink the entire concept of abuse in uncomfortable ways.

I think the big sticking point is that if you don't have written laws, taxes, and a police state, generally, people become more in sync with their communities, and thus things work out morally more often within the confines of these communities. To use corporate cringe jargon, tribesmen inherently live with intrinsic motivation to serve to their communities, because it's easy to feel a sense of importance within a small tribe. In the west, especially incels, understand deeply, our insignificance: that the machine lives easily without us, that our contributions are meager taxes enforced by the threat of prison rape.

A theme of ugly tribes: so long as your tribe is harmless (or is harmful in a self-contained way), ugly, and allow your resources to be taken, the white man generally lets you do whatever you want. It's not "multiculturalism" if you aren't even a party with legal representation within the state. When indigenous peoples have hot enough chicks, suddenly the white man goes "HOW DARE THAT SAVAGE WALK AROUND NAKED." They begin to heap moral excuses to kill the ethnic men, and take the ethnic women as booty for the lesser whites.

As far as I'm concerned, morality within the broad swathe of civilizations and cultures throughout history is so varied there simply cannot be good or evil. The mutant Apocalypse is right. The strong shall survive and the weak shall perish.

Made in Heaven #sexist #racist incels.is

Pakistani grooming gangs do exist here but the problem is massively overstated by stormfrontcels online, and more worryingly, misunderstood by the masses. It's acceptable in many Islamic countries to have relations with young women. The female mind will go into overdrive when she meets a man she loves, and frankly a swaggering, Pakistani badass is seen as an exotic conqueror by these women, They choose to please him and his fellow Mujahideen, and this while this technically breaks the law, nobody is really being hurt 99% of the time.


These 12 year old white foidlets aren't being groomed or raped. They're commiting fornication, which is still wrong, but stormfrontcels should call it what it truly is: a young JB craving arab cock

I mean look JFL at this. When was the last time a girl was this close to you and this happy to be with you? There is no """"fear"""" in her body language or eyes. Just pure love and admiration for the arab

Mainländer, Dotrinfobe & watcher #sexist incels.is

RE: [Based] How the fuck is TikTok a thing? It's literally swarming with jailbait dancing erotically.


No other place on the Internet has such a high concentration of 15 year old girls dancing sexually while half-nude to Drake or whatever.

Is this real life?

People allow it because they assume the target audience is other 15 yo Chads.

But I thought 15 year olds are still playing hopscotch?

That is what you should believe in spite of observable reality accoding to cucks.


”No, they're currently playing fuckscotch instead; despite what the cucks over @ IT want you to believe.”

I think you're trying to trick me; brains don't fully develop until 25 so naturally everyone under that finds sex icky or was manipulated. After all, I keep getting told to wait until I'm thirty and then I'll lose my virginity (and of course only date a year below as not to be creepy).

a month ago i saw two young foids, probably middle schoolers, dancing synchronized together at a bus stop . must have been for tik tok. i was on my way to escortceling btw. and that scene, damn, made me feel pathetic. i was on my way to a roastie in her mid 20s to pay for sex with her and here you have the sight of two prime pussies, pristine and pure, their pussies still fresh and not ravaged. fucking suifuel.


Because men in power are mostly pedos

you know there's like actual porn you can watch on the internet

idk how anyone can watch tiktoks, I can feel my brain cells rapidly committing suicide whenever someone posts that shit on here. anything on there is the lowest form of entertainment

There is something deeply arousing and taboo about younger teenage girls. They have developed adult bodies but still a neotenous head and perfect skin. Adult women simply can't compete.

IHateeWomen #sexist #psycho #wingnut incels.is

[Discussion] Hypothetical Scenario: You become the ruler of a country, what do you change?

In this hypothetical scenario you have suddenly become the supreme ruler of your own country, you have absolute power and can enact laws to help mold society into your perfect image. My main goal would be to end gynocentrism and female hypergamy as quickly as possible and keep that system in place permanently. First off I will deploy soldiers within the country in anticipation of riots or civil unrest and then make a televised address to the entire country. In this address I will explain the black pill, how gynocentrism is leading to the decay of our society and then announce the new laws.

Law 1 - All feminism and ideologies related to gynocentrism will be completely outlawed.

Before this law is enacted, all well known promoters of feminism either online or in scholarly settings such as universities will be quickly executed. This is very important because it will allow the people in the country to become blackpilled quicker as well as prevent future feminist insurrections. After this law is passed, anyone found to have broken it will be executed because gynocentrism will not be allowed to seep back into society. I have identified two possible issues with this law which would be false accusations done against innocent people in an attempt to get them executed and the possibility of some military members having any relation to the popular feminists that are to be executed. In order to combat these issues, a special task force or department must be created in order to investigate these claims of feminism seriously and no execution will occur if they do not find sufficient evidence. It will be difficult for this task force to not find someone who's a secret feminist because they will search your home from top to bottom if accused, they will treat it as terrorism and have extensive resources.
For the military, background checks will be done on every single popular or scholarly feminist and any family members found to be in the military will be executed along with them. This must be done in order to maintain an army that will follow my orders and plan for society.

Law 2 - Government assigned partners

Every single man in this country will be assigned a woman to marry at the age of 18 but he has two options. He can marry a woman in his own race that will at least be 2+ his looksmatch while if he wants to to marry a woman outside his race, then that woman will be his looksmatch. This will be done in order to discourage racemixing, the law on a whole completely solves inceldom and leads to the betterment of society. There shouldn't be any issues with this law because they will be solved with the one below.

Law 3- Adultery is outlawed

No person will have any sexual relations of any kind outside of their government issued spouse and breaking this law will be punishable by death. This will help prevent Chad from fucking every hole he sees and also prevent your wife from cheating on you or abandoning you. These executions must be publicly televised to set an example, the adulterer will be brought out onto the stage and then beaten to death by her/his family members(preferably using instruments such as baseball bats or brass knuckles). If any of of the adulterer's family refuse to participate then they will be executed as well by the same method.

Law 4- Abortions will be outlawed

Done in order to support Law 3, any child born will automatically be tested to make sure that the father is the government issued husband, if not then Law 3 is broken and that means she will be beaten to death by her family as per execution. A concern will be illegal abortion clinics being set up, this will also be something handled by the task force and if one is found then everyone working at the abortion clinic will be executed. The task force will routinely monitor gynaecologists and obstetricians to make sure they do not secretly carry out these abortions as well since they are the group most likely to be involved in the formation of an illegal clinic and even retired ones will be monitored. The execution method for abortion related crimes will be beheading.

Law 5- Makeup is banned

Women will no longer be able to raise their SMV by artificial means, being caught using makeup or in possession will carry a prison sentence of 5-10 years with possibility of parole after the 5. Conjugal visits will be generously allowed for the husband so he doesn't get lonely and also anyone caught manufacturing makeup products will be executed.

Law 6 - Elliot Rodger Day

Two national holidays will be created in memory of our dear departed Elliot Rodger, one on the 23rd of May and another on the 24th of July, Elliot will be recognized as a national hero and statues of him will be made across the country. Any negative remarks about Elliot Rodger or his two national holidays will be punishable by death.

Law 7 - Social Media and Internet Act

Online dating is no longer necessary therefore they will all be banned, also all gyrocentric social media like facebook, snapchat, reddit, instagram, etc. (basically all social media) will be fucking banned as well. I imagine that people will be able to still use these social media via a vpn but they will be investigated and their punishment will depend on what they posted on that account. Also obviously anyone stupid enough to be caught using a dating app will be executed since that breaks Law 3.

Law 8- The blackpill will be taught in schools at all levels of education in a mandatory class, it will be done in order to warn future members of society about what will happen to society if we let female hypergamy and gynocentrism run rampant again. These classes will all be attended by a task force agent so that if a child expresses gynocentric or feminist views, their household and parents will subsequently be investigated.

Law 9 - Not necessarily a law but more so a policy change, I would make sure that the medical sector directs more funds towards research related to male pattern hair loss in order to eliminate the Norwood Reaper once and for all.

I might have forgotten other stuff that I wanted to change but these are the main laws I wanted to enact.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[News] Jimmy Kimmel accidentally tells the truth about jb, receives backlash

Jimmy Kimmel, Michael Bay face backlash after old Megan Fox interview resurfaces: ‘This is disgusting’

Lmfao what a shitty world we live in where you can't find a 15 year old with a blessed body attractive or you'll get canceled.

Even sexologists have confirmed its common to find them attractive. Most men just won’t admit it out of fear of being ostracized

How do people deny that some 16/17 year olds look as fucking mature as any other adult women with less milage? Hell, it's legal in most countries/states

According to cucks, anyone under 18 (or 21) looks like a newborn baby

He didn't even do anything wrong! what the fuck, it's not like he tried to hook up with her

And he didn’t even receive backlash back in 2009 when the interview occurred. Then suddenly backlash. Celebrities can’t do anything these days

If they tell you that just send them this quiz https://www.buildquizzes.com/QRDJMMN

Oops after learning she’s underage I, after finding her attractive, have now completely gotten rid of my attraction to her

It's funny how 10 years ago you would have been called crazy for saying elites bang teens, and maybe even younger, because they can get away with it. Now even the general public is sleuthing.

Famous men used to date jbs

Welcome to :feelsclown: world

According to IT, women peak at 30

We are quite literally evolved to be attracted to prime females, it's natural. At the same time, the ITfags claiming faggotry is natural call our urges unnatrual

Homosexuality is completely natural but attraction to a post-pubescent 17 year old woman is unnatural. JFL at bluepilled logic. According to IT, 17 year olds look like toddlers but if you look up any 12th grade yearbook on google images they all look 21 or even 25

Childless women over 30 should be executed. They are a waste of oxygen.

Single moms in their 30s should be too

SuperMario64DS #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] Why do women suck at insults?

I mean, does anyone disagree?

Very few women can think of any clever insults aside from

- Dick size
- You're gay
- You probably live with your mom
- You suck at sex

All female comedians and every insult to a male, even at incels, is just this.

Imo it's because men are the ones who have to flirt and court (even chads have to somewhat), whereas a woman just has to sit down and open up her thighs.

Thoughts on thots?

What are you fucking talking about??? Women have destroyed me with their words. It doesn't have to be creative. They could just say "CREEPY" and hurt me deeper than if some altrightcel hurled a tire at me. If anything, when men get all creative with the insults, it's a bit nice, it's a bit try hard.

If women insulting you still affects you, probably fakecel

Tuthmosis Sonofra #fundie #sexist returnofkings.com

7 Traits of the Male Feminist

Tuthmosis Sonofra
Tuthmosis is a Columnist-at-Large at Return of Kings. His work has been covered by major media outlets such as The Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Vice Magazine, The Daily Mail, and Yahoo Shine. He's also been profiled by BuzzFeed and The New Statesman. You can follow him on Twitter.

The only reason radical feminism has managed to achieve such an influential and mainstream position in Western society is through the vital reinforcements provided by turn-coat gender traitors who willfully cannibalize other men to please their female overlords. This is the male feminist. These are men whose entire personas are predicated on keeping others from offending their female bosses. They shame natural male behavior and spread the intellectualized delusion that are today’s feminist talking-points. They publicly self-castrate, lying to themselves and others about their own sexual impulses and imperatives.

The great irony—and secret—is that they have the same ends as guys who learn game: to get the women into the sack (loath as they may be to admit it), except they do it by trying to curry their favor through obsequious groveling.

1. Lispy, effete voice.
There’s good science that shows that today’s men are being exposed to greater quantities of female hormones. Among the causes is a contaminated water supply with trace amounts of birth-control compounds from women’s urine. The mass consumption of soy products—a natural source of estrogen—is another likely culprit. Whatever the origins, there is an epidemic of ostensibly heterosexual men with “gay voice,” none more clearly than the male feminist, who deliberately takes the bass and manly tone out of his voice so as to not offend.

2. Condescending, snarky girl-tone and eye-rolling.
Added to the character of his voice is a patronizing, dismissive tone (often with “upspeak” and vocal fry) common with obnoxious teenage girls and a certain cross-section of (actual) gay men. Rather than disagree with an argument on its merits, they sigh through it like Al Gore at a presidential debate. To make matters worse, he artificially laces his speech with profanity, which rather than toughness, comes off like a moody girl cussing at her boyfriend.

3. Slovenly appearance, featuring a vegan-style beard.
The uniform of the male feminist is a non-threatening cocktail of emasculating hipster-wear, with an unkempt beard—the badge of today’s weak guy—and anything else that makes it patently obvious he never hits the gym and poses no danger whatsoever to anything.

4. Parrots word salad of incoherent feminist talking points.
The male feminist repeats all of the made-up jargon of the hysterical feminist (science fiction-sounding utterances like “cis-gender” and “sex-positive”). They also participate in the misappropriation and abuse of once-sound, useful English-language words like “consent,” “patriarchy,” and “privilege.”

5. Rape alarmist.
Like any lock-step feminist, the male feminist drops the Rape Card several times in any discussion, irrespective of subject. Like the word “smurf” in the 80s cartoon, the word “rape” is slowly being eroded of meaning by its catch-all use for anything and everything. The goal of this repeated invocation is to further whip up an exaggerated hysteria around rape, make everyone believe there’s a rapist on every corner, and make it sound like everyone’s whispering “rape jokes” when women aren’t looking. I can count on one hand how many rape jokes I’ve heard in my entire life, and still have enough fingers left over to stimulate the clitoris of a pixie cut-wearing, female-bodied individual.

6. Enabling feminist hysteria by providing excuses for bigoted behavior and by demanding that others also walk on egg shells.

According to this guy—and all feminists—it’s okay to be permanently scared of men if you’ve ever been victimized by them, however real or imagined that victimization may have been. By this rationale, I can permanently remain “apprehensive” and “have fear” of black people “as a category” because I was once robbed, at gun point, by a black guy. Furthermore, he excuses feminist hate-speech as simple “making-fun-of-you” not to be taken seriously, while simultaneously labeling anything said by the opposing side as 100-percent-serious hate-speech.

7. False veneer of intellectualism and academic grounding.
To lend some kind of legitimacy to his specious, problematic logic, he cites oblique academic-sounding references in a poorly constructed straw-man argument about what “men’s rights advocates” use to prove the existence of misandry. He engages in the typically feminist mental acrobatics that—when it’s all said and done—have turned night into day, made up into down, and rendered men into women.

Like any outsider-turned-convert to a religion, the male feminist is always more radical—and dangerous—to the non-believer. If, like many men, you have the misfortune to have to be around them, tread carefully. Always looking to prove his loyalty, the male feminist will do everything in his power to cut down a confident, masculine man—fabricating stories, running to the authorities, and anything else to throw you under bus—all to (hopefully) score a few points with his female overlords.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "German Men Turn Alpha, Start Circumcising Their Slut Daughters"]

It’s about time Germans went full alpha and started getting their sluts in line.

At least the Moslems are contributing something to the culture in the form of getting these sluts on track to not be completely filthy whores.

Not so fun to be a whore if you don’t have a clitoris, is it, you bitch?


The amount of women and girls in Germany who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) has increased to 68,000, the families minister announced Thursday. The increase, up 44% from the last estimated total calculated in 2017, was attributed to greater immigration from countries where FGM is more common.

Up to 15,000 girls in Germany may also be under threat of undergoing the procedure.

“Female genital mutilation is serious violation of human rights and an archaic crime that violates girls’ and women’s right to physical integrity and sexual self-determination,” Minister Franziska Giffey told reporters. “It has lifelong physical and psychological consequences for those affected.”

Giffey said that her goal was “to protect girls and young women from this and to offer them help.”

Wah, wah, wah – you stupid bitch, Franziska. Maybe if your clit had been chopped off in infancy, you wouldn’t be such a rowdy fat cunt?

We’ve been mutilating the penises of men in America for decades, and everything is fine, right?


You’re not an anti-Semite are you, Franziska, right?

You admit that chopping up penises is fine, right?

Well, there shouldn’t be any issue with doing the same to women.

Modern_liberal_artdegreeholder #sexist urbandictionary.com


A buzzword first used for a girl but now used by feminazis and cucks for the people who don't agree with them. the literal meaning of this word is involuntary celibate, meaning the people who cant have sex despite the "desires(as the feminazis and cucks/whitenights claims)" . Although the has a deeper meaning, current social structure is twisted in such a way that man or woman without a sexual partner considered a loser even if they don't want to have one. the current effect of this structure is that men has to agree with everything feminists say otherwise he can't have sex with them (which itself is a bit misogynistic, because it indicates that only "essential" thing women has to offer is sex)

this is the worst side of humanity, one side there is self centered, attention seeking, power hungry feminazis/misandrist (but cloaked as MODERN FEMINISTS ) and the other are angry people a lot of them are actually misogynist and racist and dangerous.

guy 1 : hey, A girl on the internet called me incel even though my arguments was based on facts
guy2 : don't worry, it's the habit of some dumb people who are living in today's super easy environment cant stand facts if it hurts their belief.

ambrosius-augustus-rex (also known as jmsnooks) #sexist ambrosius-augustus-rex.xanga.com

If a man is making enough money to take care of his wife and kids then there is no reason for the woman to work. In fact it is better for society as a whole if she does not, because she might be taking up a job for fun, which someone else desperately needs. All of the world’s most successful civilizations operated on the principle of gender specific social roles, with a strong family unit. Why? Because a civilization with a weak family is going to die out, as the majority of white cultures are dying out today. In succesful long lived civlizations the man works and supports the family, while the woman stays home and manages the house. The way things are now for the majority of white cultures is that it is impossible for both partners to stay home. Conditions have been established that make it difficult to create families.

(quote from an article titled “White Decline, Why it’s happening.”)

Justanuglygirl22 #sexist reddit.com

Another sub for femcels, gone...

So a bunch of normie+ women flooded r/vindicta and complained about the sub using "inkwell language" which prompted the sub to come up with a new system that makes no sense and is pretty much useless for the average (non-celeb/supermodel) person, and I'm honestly so pissed right now. They also completely changed the culture of the sub and started pushing BS bluepilled everyone is beautiful/beauty is subjective narratives, which completely defeats the purpose of the sub in the fucking first place. If you honestly believe that beauty is subjective, then there is no point to looksmaxxing because every improvement upon your looks that you make is ultimately in the eye of the beholder so there's no true way to increase your attractiveness to everyone.

Why is that femcels aren't allowed to have anything? Every space for ugly women gets taken over; even this sub has degraded in quality because non-femcel women feel like they need to insert their input when it isn't wanted. It's as if normies, Beckies, and Stacies can't stand to see a space that isn't about them and makes it clear too.

When I get my laptop fixed I'm going to make a new looksmaxxing sub that is for femcels ONLY since it seems that's the only way to persevere what's ours. You give non-ugly women an inch, and they take the whole fucking ruler and try to change the measurements to their likening. It's just unfuckingbelievable.

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