
Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Verified Hate: How the Lefties Coped

Last week, a murderer killed two whites and six Asians. Countless media outlets reported that this was terrorism against Asians. The two whites don’t matter. On Monday, a Syrian-born immigrant known to the FBI and who thought “Islamophobes” were hacking his phone killed 10 people. Few media outlets noted they were all white. The President did not bemoan anti-white violence. Instead, he wants gun control. Barack Obama blamed “racism” for mass shootings. Unless he means anti-white racism, he must be blaming whites for their own deaths.

The corporate media tried to hide the worst scenes of slaughter after the September 11, 2001 attacks for fear of inciting “Islamophobia.” Now they give loving coverage to every crime committed by a white nut against a non-white, even if it had nothing to do with race. Our opponents can’t wait to blame us, even as their attack on policing has led to a historic crime wave that has killed hundreds of the non-whites they claim to care so much about.

Change of subject, but thread is worth reading; it’s a sign of rising Asian-American victimhood.

These might be small inconveniences to people. But our names are our IDENTITY. It's our HERITAGE. It's what we have left that remind us WHO WE ARE. WHERE WE COME FROM. My grandpa gave me my Korean name. It has a beautiful origin and meaning. I'm ashamed I don't use it today.

Countless white Americans, including my own family, Anglicized their names when they came here. It was a commitment to a new country. Yes, names can be signs of identity and heritage, and they are precisely what whites are not supposed to have. At best, we get a lame civic nationalism, while everyone else takes pride in racial and ethnic identities. Michelle Kim is making a whites advocate’s case. A nation is a people, not a passport, and blood is thicker than paper.

zuuluuz & Joe App #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mexico Plans Migration Crackdown as U.S. Struggles with Record Arrivals

Mexican officials complain they have “to be the bad guys again.”


Mexico had no problem exporting its own surplus population north to become problems for Americans. But is strident in its complaints about illegal immigrants imposing on Mexican charity and help.

Hypocrites. Fiercely guarding their southern border with Guatemala but exporting their own across their northern border with the US.

Why hypocrites? You want to deal with the Guatemalans yourself?

Why is it acceptable for them to guard their southern border but the US is just supposed to let in anyone and everything or else we're "racist?"

(Joe App)
How pathetic have we become as a nation when a perennially corrupt, third world pus pocket like Mexico has to play the adult in the room?

Empires rise and fall Joe. Near the end the Romans were using barbarians in their legions as well as barbarian generals like Stilicho. True Romans like Aetius were few and far in between.

I'd rather see our nation overrun by brave and resourceful 105 IQ Germanic tribesmen, who might someday build a superior civilization on the ruins of the old one, rather than the 70-80 IQ third world dregs we're attracting, who will contribute NOTHING to any future civilization (even by accident) that might form over the rubble of our society.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Columbia University to Host SIX Additional ‘Intimate’ Graduation Ceremonies

Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians each get their own graduations.

if a group of White students organized a ceremony for students of European origin they would all be expelled, for racism of course.

And so natural separation comes, ever so slowly, back from to its place.

(Frank Jones)
An "intimate" country with just White people sounds better.

(Son of the 1st Revolution )

Why are whites being called racist when the definition of six separate graduations based on race and ethnicity is racist?

Old joke- What's the difference between St Patrick's Day and Martin Luther King day? Everyone wishes they were Irish on St Patty's day.

(Samuel Hathaway)

I once heard that St. Patty's Day is white people's day. Many POC consider St Paddy's day to be the secret white pride day.

That's the way blacks think. Whites, at least the white Irish anyway, are more than too happy to share St. Patrick's Day with the entire world. Whites don't complain and attack other races for "cultural appropriation" for other other races carrying on in exaggerated ways on St. Patrick's Day, "disrespectin' the memory of St. Patrick and St. Patrick's Day by acting like a bunch of drunken fools painted up in green.

There have been these separate ceremonies for blacks, on top of separate universities for blacks, going on 60 years now.

You know it, cousin. Blacks never really opposed segregation. They just wanted it on their own terms and conditions.

They will horn in and pronounce the Day theirs. Of course, NOW, they can do the Irish dances. Just like that 'woke' and 'progressive' 'Irish' danceress who has perverted the dances with hip hop, and still can't see enough faces of certain color. Ah, and they will change it from emerald green. Emeralds are obviously oppressive as they are mined in the Americas (oppression of the Indians and African Indians or Indian Africans) and of course in the glorious Africa.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: MPD, FBI, ATF Joining Forces to Crack Down on ‘George Floyd Square’ Crime

“Some people will see this as disrespecting George Floyd,” the neighbor said.


There should be a 21-gun salute every night where Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were murdered.

Even their parents said, "Oh, our son/daughter HATED white supremacists!" It's gotten so bad that families of white victims do the "He/she wasn't racist" routine to save face. White people are so brainwashed into thinking that if they notice injustice being specifically done to them, they feel bad for noticing it and bringing it up. How can you save a people that are more worried about offending their attackers than saving themselves?

(Fed Up)

So now they want the police! They rioted all summer long burning everything in sight saying kill the cops, but now they want them back! The irony!!!

If I were a cop, I'd sure as hell take my sweet time responding to an emergency call. They want less policing and I'd be most happy to cooperate.

If my recollections are correct, just half a year ago, the same 'neighbors' were rallying and screaming and squeaking and carrying hand-made thingies with 'Defund the Police!' scribbled all over. They got what they wished for - ENJOY!

I really don't care what happens to any of those cities up there. Those Yankees and their carpetbagger brethren have been denigrating the South for generations. Now let them taste their own medicine. Life with the Negro sometimes just cannot be helped, like stepping in manure while walking through the pasture on a dark night. But admiring, cavorting with, and socializing with them is like stepping in the manure, then laying down and rolling around in it.

BadMangoes #crackpot #racist amren.com

Mexicans have never taken our jobs, they couldn't. The overwhelming majority of the ones who come here are both unintelligent and uneducated, and being that they're so short that they border on dwarfism the physical labor they can do is usually limited. The jobs they do are still being done by Americans in the midwest and elsewhere. The Southwest is doomed, and the labor that we used to do was stuff like mowing our lawns, whereas now we hire illegals to do that because coastal socialists are lazy.

Of course they are taking our jobs, they are taking manual labor jobs for lower wages that Whites can’t complete with. But yes, in some parts of America plenty of Whites still do those jobs. Hell, even I have done plenty of yard work and concrete work, yet people all around me still hire Mexicans to do most of it because they are cheap.

That's a tiny minority of whites, though. Most illegals stay in Texas and the Southwest, where whites are a minority, most of the ones who live there are upper middle class and live in communities separate from brown people. Don't get me wrong, low class whites who want a living wage for an entry level job but can't compete because Mexicans will fight over peanuts exist and that's bad enough. I'd just argue the greatest harm Mexican immigration to the US does is that the next generation of Californians is less intelligent, less attractive, shorter, fatter (yes, they're fatter than Muricans), tackier, unassimilated,, more likely to blast shitty circus music and with loyalty to a foreign nation. We should focus on that. Whites can do the work and get better jobs that most Hispanics wouldn't even hope to be put on a waiting list for. As a lower middle class guy in a town where more than 80%+ of the population is hipanic, I never had trouble getting hired. Because when companies have to file a W-2 and pay employees minimum wage, suddenly little brown people aren't such an impediment to whites getting jobs.

Chloé Vernon #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

I can’t recall ever not noticing differences in appearances and behaviors between races, even in elementary school. The blacks and Hispanics I went to school with weren’t any poorer than their white peers. In spite of our similar backgrounds, many behaved very differently from the rest of us. They stuck together. They weren’t openly hostile to whites, but clearly preferred their own company.

When I was 16, one of my co-workers was a heavyset white girl in her 20s who only dated black guys. These “boyfriends” often came into the restaurant. Even though I was obviously underage, they also hit on me a lot. To her credit, my co-worker would tell them to knock it off. But as I got older, there stopped being anyone to step in on my behalf, and I discovered that turning down a black guy must be handled far more delicately than a white one. I have spent my adult life in “white flight.” I have moved several times, but “diversity” just keeps catching up. With their numbers ever-growing, so is crime and a general decline of the area. Their kids embrace their blackness and treat white kids with open scorn.

As soon as I heard the news about George Floyd, I thought “Great, here we go. They’re going to riot.” What happened was far beyond what I’d expected. Cities burned, stores were looted, historic statues were destroyed, and people were attacked — all while police mostly stood down. This was no protest for equality, it was (and is) a revolution meant to overthrow everything our country once was, all our history, and the accomplishments of our white ancestors. I realized that they hate us — both blacks and their ethno-masochistic handlers — and that they mean to do away with us. What will happen in the United States without a significant white population? What will happen to the world without us? Only deluded whites believe in a melting pot of utopian existence and equality for all. Non-whites don’t want to peacefully coexist with us; they want to rule over us, and soon there will be nowhere left to run as our people have ceded our homelands out of misguided compassion, apathy, or both.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

When Integration Means Ruination

Meghan Markle might do what Napoleon couldn't.

The monarchy is seductive, and there’s a temptation to defend it when leftists attack it. Thus, when Prince Harry married the divorced actress Meghan Markle in 2018, the glee many felt at the monarchy’s humiliation was painful. Al Sharpton called the wedding a blow against white supremacy. Black pundit Melissa Harris-Perry said it was an act of intentional subversion and the true end of the British Empire. The presiding cleric, the black “Episcopalian” Michael Curry, said we should “make of this old world a new world.”

Having ignored Enoch Powell and imported the American race problem, the British are learning that integration doesn’t strengthen an institution. It hollows it out and may even destroy it. As Joe Sobran wrote in 1997, “Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.” He added that other races still feel subjugated even after the end of Western imperialism.

The true irony is that this story really is about the privilege of a sacred bloodline. That bloodline is Meghan Markle’s black ancestry. A wealthy white woman complaining that the press is mean probably would win no praise. In our modern culture, claims of victimhood are the path to power.

The White House praised the “courage” the Markles showed by talking about their “struggles with mental health.” Well, what about the commoners? About 7 percent of British children have attempted suicide by 17. In 2013, nine-year-old Aaron Dugmore reportedly killed himself because he was bullied for being white. There was no national reckoning. A 2000 study found that blacks have higher self-esteem than whites, but “anti-racism” campaigners said this proves British society is even more racist than they realized.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Boston Public Schools Suspends Test for Advanced Learning Classes

Superintendent: "There's a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist."


Black and hispanic kids a stupid because of poor parenting and the constant drone of leftist propaganda.

It's a lower average IQ. Asian kids benefited greatly from AP classes in Boston Public Schools, now everything will be dumbed down to "stop racism". I wonder if more asians will march to stop white supremacism.

I understand that Asian-Americans are in the process of undergoing their own great awakening. I expect they will not march; they will move.

I have seen that. Chinatown in Los Angeles no longer has Chinese...just one example. Reality won't change their voting habits though. Mark my words.


IQ pared with certain personality genes that make them unsuitable for parenting.

Yet it's whites with these IQs and certain personality genes that, generally, refrain from reproducing. The same can't be said of other races; in fact, the opposite is the case, with the democrats doing everything they can to make it happen.

it's genetics first for the reason why they have simian IQ levels and hyper agressive amoral savage natures, having a crack ho for a mom doesn't help things.

(Bill Miller)

Intelligence is racist!

Liberals reject the validity of IQ tests unless it involves getting a convicted murderer off death row.

Equity: above average intelligence is racist.

Anti-racism is nothing more than penalizing people who are the most intelligent and hard working in order to allow blacks to do things they are not capable of doing.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Farmers React to Billions in COVID-19 Relief Bill for Black Farmers

(Leif Erickson)

“Just because you’re a certain color you don’t have to pay back money? I don’t care if you’re purple, black, yellow, white, gray, if you borrow money you have to pay it back,” Kelly Griggs, who runs her 1,800-acre farm with her husband in Humboldt, Tennessee, told Fox News in an interview.

Because Mrs. Griggs, it’s not about being fair, it’s about screwing Whites and exalting blacks.

The shock of reality hitting people is entertaining. I am not surprised. Maybe that is one of the blessings of bussing. I quickly determined my government hated me long ago. It was nothing more than racial warfare against whites, and I saw how effective it was. I am getting a kick out of all the patriotic types who got that macho feeling when watching Saving Private Ryan or Inglorious B. imagining themselves as freedom spreading heroes as it slowly dawns on them that they're the new Nazis.

What further proof is needed that the democrats are antiwhite? They need to GO the way of the dinosaur. To hell with their DAMNED RACISM against white people!!! Maybe they need a demonstration in front of the heavily fortified Capitol that people are pissed off with their racism. Just to prove how racist this is, reverse the word black farmers getting a break with white farmers. We should stop this insanity now. Where are OUR leaders? Can't they do anything but cower before the leftist media? Blacks are OK with this because THEY are the most racist group on the planet. They could not make it without whites as proven in "AFRICA".

(Phantom Piper)

Liberals say they see no color, but then they see color when grating freebies. They cannot have it both ways. Stick to one.

I think you are wrong, sir. Liberals see color EVERYWHERE, and are proud of it. Indeed, in a bizarre distortion of logic, they say that seeing no color is RACIST.

Various Commenters #fundie #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Revenge of the Gods

California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum supports "countergenocide" to displace white Christian culture.

(Leif Erickson)
Christianity is now considered White supremacy! Now my fellow evangelicals, can we stop pretending that diversity is good and get back to a racialist Christianity which was about protecting Whites and their culture.

The connection has been firmly established between Christianity and all the woke evils. We are enduring a social revolution that rivals the Cultural Revolution in China.


“In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.”

Reminds me of the time the Counselor told me she was going to take me off the College track. I told her, "If you call my mother to tell her you`re talking me off the College track, you`ll be the one she screams at, not me!" Same thing here. If they had wanted me to recite a prayer to the Aztec Gods, instead of the Virgin Mary, the resulting explosion from home would have quite possibly damaged the school`s foundation...

Do we legalize ritual human sacrifice because it's part of their religion to remove the heart of a white man every day to power the sun?

(Leif Erickson)

Aztecs practiced human sacrifice as a matter of routine. Do they want to teach children to admire such practices?

Probably, with Whites being the ones who are sacrificed.

I thought that only black people were considered Gods, I guess it’s Hispanics now, too? There’s a funny moment early in ‘The Audacity of Hope’. Obama asks fellow Senator Byrd to sign something for him. Byrd replies without looking up, “for you, I will”. ‘God’ had come up right before that in Obama’s story. The implication was that Byrd was acknowledging Obama to be God too, he’s a black man.

Let’s get real. School curriculum is already colored-centric and anti-white, this is just making it more so.

drbonsky & Julian #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: One Way Trump May Have Changed Immigration Forever

I would argue that the reason we have such issues with far-left commies owes to the refugees America accepted in the early 20th Century. Many of those we accepted from Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, were hated in their countries because of their treasonous politics. We now have their offspring doing the same here.

That's what the Immigration Act of 1918 was designed to do: restricting entry to and deporting left-wing radicals. Though, by then, too many of them were already in.

John Daniels #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Republicans, Strategists Differ on Ways to Beat Back Racism Accusations from Dems

And of course being the cucks that they are, are going to bend over backwards to beat any accusations of White supremacy.

I look at it like this, imagine if the accusation was somehow reversed in bizarro world, if someone called a black man a n***** instead of telling them to F*** off or just walk away. The black man began instead began to apologize and say, “oh no I’m not that way I have plenty of white friends, and I’ve even adopted two European children!!!.” That sounds pretty ridiculous doesn’t it certainly does sound pretty ridiculous the other way.

Insanity indeed.

Blacks and nonwhites have something we dont; racial pride and a backbone.

I agree with that I have witnessed and heard it

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Latinos Need to Confront Their Own Racism, Say Afro-Latinos Pushing for Racial Equity

Laughing at all this. You can never please these people, so why even try. They will always fine something to whine about or blame others for their mistakes. They are infallible according to them. Black privilege.

(Leif Erickson)
Of course they are, they see blacks being pampered and say, I want some of that! Every race is going to get their handouts and reparations and Whites are going to pay for it all.

(G. Nuckols)

A misconception among Latinos and others is that Black Lives Matter is “about trying to put Black people first, as supposed to looking at Black Lives Matter as a human rights platform,” Hernandez said.

A misconception? I thinks Latinos see blm very clearly. Seen many a 'black trans lives matter' sign but nothing for brown folk. Latinos are figuring out quickly that any' blm future' does not include them.

(Alfred Maxwell91)
The whole "Blacks and "Hispanics" together drive was an effort by the left to develop an African-non African "Hispanic" voting coalition. The simple fact is non-African "Hispanics" are not attuned to African "culture" any more than healthy minded White people are. Like White people the non African "Hispanic" seeks to avoid the African.

(Nevada Smith)

The riot involved 300 white and Mexican inmates fighting against 100 Africa-American prisoners and started around 9.45 a.m. in the unit which houses 1,250.

That is the future of race relations here in America and blacks just don't get it.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: George Floyd Death Considered Murder by 64% of Blacks, 28% of Whites in America

And more Americans trust police unions than Black Lives Matter.

(Leif Erickson)
I find it pathetic that even 30% of Whites think it was murder. But critical thinking is not everybody’s strong point.

You cannot blame them. They are all brainwashed. When this happens i was talking to a white divorced mother of one at a bar and she was insistent that George Floyd was murderer.

(Frank Jones)
That's probably only 15 percent of Whites in reality when you properly remove fake-White Jews and Hispanics from our category. It's good to know that only a small subset of real Whites believe the media lies.

(Fool Me)
Floyd was an outlaw and died from opioids . Derek Chauvin is in the process of being lynched in an effort to prevent more BLM and Antifa riots and to make sure conservative whites know what their real place is as serfs or even less than serfs .

hahahah ni99er killed himself with overdose of fentanyl.
I present you the one year anniversary which comes this summer titled
1 - "the great fentanyl ni99er chimp outs of 2020"
2- "America on its knees for their own dime in their own country"
3 - "Unprecedented history level cuckery event of the 21 century"

Vote on this poll to celebrate the African American Heritage achievement of 2020

Junkhead #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Even if the BLM crowd thinks 1000 unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2019 instead of the actual total of ten, that's still not a high enough number to lead one to believe the police are systematically killing black people. The US black population is about 14 million so 1000/14 million is .00007 so where looking at .007 percent of the black population. Quite a far stretch to believe police killing blacks is a major concern much less a genocide.

The left's unwillingness to accept and analyze other sources of data demonstrates clearly that they are not concerned with being fair, objective, or truthful. Believing what they do gives them power in society. It allows them to loot, destroy property, protest, and attack people as well as get laws passed. You're not simply going to convince them they're wrong with facts, statistics, and data.

All these groups on the left have united against Western Civilization and will therefore support the lies and narratives if only because they know doing so will ensure benefits for their particular group. The LGBTQ people, immigrants, Muslims, blacks, Asians, non-White Hispanics, American Indians, and women have all allied together and each of these groups has it's own lie that all the other groups support as truth. Whether it's blacks with their stories of racism, women and their glass ceilings, or American Indians lamenting their "stolen land" each group has its own axe to grind.

That's one reason why I don't believe a political solution for our movement is possible. It's also because of election fraud and the lack of pro-White candidates but also because we're acting like the other side will accept a victory for our side. Donald Trump's presidency was a fine example they wont. The left have been made it clear their view is the only view they'll accept.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com


If mass rioting was put down HARD, during the late 1960’s, we wouldn’t be in this position today. Eventually you have to face the bully and fight back fiercely.

That is so racist (because secretly everyone know the race of the bullies.). In the Selma movie, maybe MLK should have obeyed police orders?

"Law and Order" is Nazi, is taboo. Some diverse groups have bad attitude even about law and order at crosswalks and in littering. It is also a recent White development that criminals are allowed to run away from armed police in the knowledge they cannot be shot. Or perpetrate low level violence against police without danger. Try to spit or throw stones at police in most non-white countries.

(Francis Galton)
I will confess (at the risk of d*l*tion) that I had a recurring fantasy throughout the many months of the 2020 BLM/Antifa rioting of the military showing up in armored vehicles with mounted machine guns to face off the rioting excrement. After refusing to disperse, the military released such a torrent of lead that all the yelling, screaming excrement fell silent and immobile in a matter of seconds.

Eventually you have to treat blacks like the "other" that they are. I simply do not class them as people. Actual people shouldn't be living anywhere near them.

(Nicolas Bourbaki)
Supposedly they have scientists and logic on their side. Liberal websites, those few that still permit comments, are full of people making disparaging remarks about entitled, criminal whiteys. After that there's no meaningful facts or analysis made. For example here we can decry the massive immigration at the southern borders. Not because we dislike Mexicans but because we believe they are taking jobs from US citizens and are supplanting US culture with Mexican culture. Also I believe they are less able to adapt to a self-reponsible lifestyle and want more things provided for by authorities than the more self-sufficient old american types.

Francis Galton #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: Genes, Brains, and Intelligence: What’s New?

These findings are about associations between traits in individuals, not ancestry group averages, but if one were to extrapolate within reason, one conclusion could be that group — or racial — phenotypic differences reflect genetic ones. Despite many lies and obfuscations, mainstream science is increasingly siding with the hereditarians on many of their central claims.

Great article. The antiWhite elites are doing their best to suppress the results of intelligence research, but I think when enough people become aware of group differences and their genetic basis, we will reach the critical mass necessary to achieve a massive societal change. As Jim Goad commented in a recent interview with Greg Johnson, we are destroying the entire fabric of our society, because people are too scared to admit that blacks are dumb.

BTW, another excellent book on the subject of human intelligence came out recently. It's called In the Know: Debunking 35 Myths about Human Intelligence by Russell T. Warne. It has not received much publicity, perhaps because it is too honest. The author bravely includes a section about group differences. After apologizing for that reality, he reports that group differences do indeed exist, and a 100% environmental explanation is untenable.

It must be more than environment, Wherever you find blacks in the world you see consistent patterns of behavior. The same goes for other groups, including East Asians and Whites.

Yes. That is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that never gets mentioned.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Immigrants and Their Children Shift Toward Center-Right in Germany

(Francis Galton)

People of foreign background are natural conservative voters, said Serap Güler. Most hail from Turkey, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union and North Africa—communities that are comparatively conservative. Many reject progressive issues such as drug legalization, criminal-justice reform and nontraditional family models.

Reminds me of the claim that Latinos are natural conservatives. We know how that has worked out for the Republican party. Also, keep in mind that "center-right" in legacy-media-speak actually means far left.

(Jeff Coffey)
Yes, open your ranks to Muslims. Brilliant idea. Let's see how open the Muslims will be to you once they have the numbers. Is it really so difficult for these dunderheads to understand that the Muslims hate, loathe, and despise them? That western way of life and culture are as disgusting to followers of allah as rolling around in excrement? They are NOT joining you. They are replacing you.

(Frank Jones)
Unless they are actively supporting parties planning on deporting them I don't care how they vote.

(Question Diversity)

Note that an immigrant who votes for the CDU is voting for his "values and personal preferences.” I wonder what they say about immigrants who vote for AFD because they don't want their new homes swamped by their low IQ cousins.

It's only because the CDU has watered itself down so much. Of the people "with foreign roots" who vote AfD, it's mainly because they tend to be Eastern European and non-Gypsy, who would be voting for those kinds of parties and be active in pop-nat sectors in their native countries. "Cosmopolitan patriotism" is really nothing more than German parlance (translated into English) for civic nationalism, a concept historically alien to most continental Europeans.

CTON #crackpot #racist amren.com

I've noticed many Asians tried to act white when it our society wasn't so anti-white, now they are hating on whites because it is "cool" to do. Another reason why they won't blame blacks for the anti-Asian violence is because the Left would have to admit multiculturalism and multiracial societies don't work, just like communism doesn't work.

They are conformists.

That's probably why they tend to have despot (Dictators) more so in Asian nations than in the West. They rely on authority and discipline in their nations, be it China or Japan etc.

Same goes for Indians.

Back in their native countries, they actually worship white people. Yet they come to a place full of whites, and they express hatred. Weird...

Various Commenters #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Migrants and the Threat to Women’s Rights in Europe


Between a quarter and a third of sex criminals in Austria are foreign.

Once again - and always -- You get what you pay for.

(Lawrence Drake)
The left are insistent that the primary cause of crime is poverty. But poverty can't explain sex crimes which have no financial payoff. This is something that really bothers the left and they prefer that nobody ever mention it. When cornered on the issue they will do what they always do, put "systematic" in front of words and attach "-ism" to the end of words, then declare without any evidence whatsoever that these systematic-isms explain everything.

Crime, especially violent crime, is the cause of much unemployment and associated economic misery in minority communities. It isn't the poverty that causes crime.

I agree. The primary cause of crime are cognitive and behavioral traits which also cause poverty. Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple) jokes that the main cause of crime is criminologists.

Poor whites in Appalachia have less crime than middle class black neighborhoods. Vietnamese boat people have very low crime rates even though they are often very poor.

Unfortunately for White women this problem must be solved by White women.

This is what I don't understand. it's their daughters who are going to get raped, after all, or harassed... there are some incredibly brave women - including former Muslim women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali - but so many middle class white women refuse to listen to the truth. And it's obviously the truth. Meanwhile, Ms. Ali, who is a very brave woman, is under death threats by the Muslims on a constant basis.

(Vox Nihili)
For most of the hard left- both men and women- the embracing of BIPOCs is the holy grail and trumps any loyalty to women. They're all too happy to sacrifice us on the alter of multiculturalism.

Fr. John+ & Warlock #crackpot #fundie #racist amren.com

RE: Young Black Men and Teens Are Killed by Guns 20 Times More Than Their White Counterparts

(Fr. John+)
The inability to be given absolution for your sins (and all crimes are sins) weighs heavily on a conscience- until such consciences are 'seared as with a red-hot iron' and then become Diabolical narcissists. So, yes, because Blacks and certain J-words) don't have the benefit of sacramental absolution, they become schizophrenic. And thus, blaming 'Whitey' for their crimes both gives them a false sense of moral rightness, as well as a convenient 'Other' to scapegoat. Don't you know that is what 'The Authoritarian Personality' by Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford was all about- guilt transference for the crime of deicide, to blaming Whites for (((their))) inability to feel forgiven?

'and they were four times more likely to be victims than white females' And if compared to, say, Asian women or the Pacific ones? Or, are they scared of publishing those figures? On a different note: Always disproportionately hit… At least, now they have a beautiful excuse for the continual shooting - the White supremacy. What was it before? Anyone remembers?

Killed *BY* guns? Please figure out that guns possess no volition of their own, Nada.

Apparently, the blacks' belief in spirits makes them see the guns as something possessed with spirits. In this case, it is the White supremacy spirit that makes that poor black yuff take the gun and shoot his neighbor... The same White supremacy spirits inhabit all the monuments, schools, universities, - everything - around the poor, enslaved (until the virus era) blacks so they can not be responsible for anything they do. And it also includes the areas completely inhabited and ruled by the blacks (see Haiti for one)

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com


It’s hard to understand how Asians are victims of white privilege. As you can see from this table, every one of the Asian groups makes more money than whites. Of all groups in America, Asians have the lowest crime and illegitimacy rates, the lowest welfare use, longest life expectancy, and the most years of education. They are doing a lot better than white people.

Why is the idea of the “model minority” anti-black? Because it suggests that if you work hard you can succeed in America if you’re not white. How do Asians manage to do so much better than their “white supremacist” oppressors? Beats me. But we’re supposed to believe that if it weren’t for white supremacy, blacks and Asians would love each other. If you think that’s how it works, type the words “blacks in China” into an internet search. White supremacy is hard at work over there, too.

Asians have been less likely to fall for this white supremacy stuff, but two forces are pushing them towards lunacy. One is the huge moral advantage of being a victim. The other is the fear that “white supremacy” is everywhere, and that everything bad is somehow the fault of white people. As I noted in my last video, even math has to be purged of white supremacy before blacks can learn it.

As Michelle Kim explained, the real enemy is white people. So, what’s the solution? Get rid of us? Just this week, the UN Secretary General warned that white supremacy is a “transnational threat,”. But if whites and their system are so vicious, won’t people begin to think it’s justified to use violence against such evil people? We are sure to see more attacks on whites. This insanity has dug in for the long haul. Even Asians are losing their minds. This means, the whiter your surroundings, the safer you will be.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Are Asians Going Nuts, Too?

In the last couple of weeks, there have been more than 20 attacks on older Asians in the San Francisco Bay area. Every known perp is black. Which is no surprise. This is a table from the DOJ on inter-racial violent crime. All it takes is simple arithmetic to calculate that any given black person is more than 45 times more likely to attack an Asian than the other way around.

NPR reports that city council members have “joined social justice groups warning against scapegoating” Scapegoating? You mean Asians have noticed that the perps are all black? Well, yes. When Asians notice a pattern, that “fuels fears and bias.” Fortunately, anti-black bias has been stopped in its tracks. As the Guardian explains, “Organizers, activists and academics have said that it is white supremacy that is at the crux of these racial divisions.” It’s not the fault of black people when they attack Asians. White supremacy makes blacks attack Asians and fools Asians into thinking blacks are violent.

There was a rally in New York City the same day. Justice for Vicha Ratanapakdee” – he was the guy who died after he was knocked down – “End the violence towards Asians. Let’s unite against white nationalism.” You end black violence against Asians by fighting “white nationalism.”

A few benighted Asians persisted in thinking that the problem might have something to do with black people, but as Eddie Zheng, the Oakland organizer explains, they’re ignorant. “For these communities, they’re just focusing on the harm and trauma they experienced without understanding the origins of this country and white supremacy.”

Michelle Malkin #racist #wingnut amren.com

Dear Woke Asians: Stop Blaming Whitey

I’m going to share a secret that liberal “people of color” and their agents in the media don’t want you to know. The recent crime wave against Asians is not the fault of Donald Trump or white people. It’s the fault of the perpetrators alone, most of whom thugs “of color.” Let’s pop the delusional bubble of left-wing Asians who marched this weekend in protests against “white supremacy”, donning “Black and Asian unity” T-shirts. These “wokesters” blame “anti-Asian bias” created by an imagined backlash by imagined “white supremacists” against China because of COVID-19.

Viral videos have exposed vicious attacks on elderly Asian subway riders and pedestrians in New York City. An inconvenient detail: The perpetrators aren’t wearing MAGA hats. More facts: Federal Bureau of Justice statistics data show that of nearly 600,000 violent interracial victimizations involving blacks and whites, black suspects committed 537,204 interracial felonies (not including homicides), or 90%, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10%. Black perpetrators are also overrepresented among all perpetrators of hate crimes by 50% according to the most recent data. Whites are underrepresented by 24%.

These crimes in liberal cities are spiking as radical, George Soros-backed district attorneys enact soft-on-crime policies such as “restorative justice” that let violent criminals run free. When you elect soft-on-crime politicians and prosecutors, you get more crime. When you defund and demonize the police, all innocent citizens are unsafe — whatever their color. Blaming whitey may get you a few virtue-signaling points, but at what price in blood? What’s truly insane is that Asian-American liberals are marching arm and arm with the very dangerous zealots whose policies incentivized these street crimes.

jacobs101215 & bill53 #conspiracy #racist amren.com

Asians in this country are very left wing and vote Democrat because they want to disenfranchise whites and take over the country. East Asians living in their homogenous country are very authoritarian and xenophobic towards immigrants themselves. Civil nationalism is a bad idea because even some of the best and brightest among the nonwhites tend to display a strong in group bias towards the ppl of their original society. These gullible whites don't understand that the world is tribal warfare where ppl with your ethnic and cultural values work together and struggle for survival. These non-whites are constantly revealing their true colors and openly disrespecting whites in their own backyard.

I am coming to the conclusion that both blacks and muslims CANNOT play nice with any other "groups". No matter where blacks and muslims exist in the minority, there is tension with the majority. Once the roles are reversed muslims eliminate the minority. With race look no further then Rhodesia and South Africa both trying to ELIMINATE the white minority now. I don't understand Chinese Americans blaming whites for black felonious behavior. Look how blacks, muslims and Chinese minorities like Tibetans are treated in the PRC, there is NO white people there. There are NO greater racists in the entire world then the Han Chinese. Since the 1st emperor the Han Chinese have dedicated themselves to ELIMINATING all other ethnic Chinese. By some estimates the Han Chinese have murdered almost 1,000,000,000 other ethnic Chinese since the 1st emperor. islam has murdered an estimated 905,000,000 people on its march across the globe.

John Mason #racist amren.com

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist

For the first time in my life, I experienced racism when I tried to interact with blacks and Hispanics the same way that I did with my white shipmates. I had learned how to get along with nearly any personality type, but just my appearance and voice seemed to irritate non-whites. This was also the first time I witnessed how quickly non-whites can shift from passivity to violence. I saw more fights in ten weeks of boot camp than I had in 18 years of my civilian life.

The blacks and Hispanics showed almost no ability whatsoever to master the simple academic instruction we were given. Every sailor that was “washed back” for academic standards was black. In nearly everything about Navy life, there were obvious racial divisions.

I never saw anything to change those observations. I met Filipinos and saw first-hand why their culture has the reputation it does for hard work and family values, but learned how openly racist they are. I worked alongside Caribbean blacks, and learned to my surprise that they despise American blacks and had more in common with white Americans. I dated a young black woman from the Caribbean for a time and was shocked at the amount of racist comments we got from black shipmates. In all the months we dated I never once heard a racist comment from a white person about our relationship.

What did my time in the military teach me about race relations in America? Racial differences are real. Everything holding blacks and Hispanics back from being successful is either self-inflicted or the result of their natural deficiencies. Every race prefers its own kind, and has the freedom to be openly racist, with the sole exception of whites. We are scolded by our own institutions for the very same behavior that is tolerated, and sometimes even encouraged, in other races.

Various Commenters #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Assails Five Eyes Intelligence Network ‘Axis of White Supremacy’


Oh how China must love the woke rabble who is helping them destroy the West without firing a single bullet.

All the while they can enjoy being a homogeneous society. Last time I checked only 0.07% of China's population was foreign born - hardly an example of diversity.

European ministries of defense are led by woke females who care mostly about kindergarten care for female and transgender female offspring. In the US, what is worse? Lesbian transgender generals or testosterone-deprived leftist softie generals? John Wayne types certainly don't qualify for higher posts in today's woke Western armed forces

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

China has learned that the only accusation that gets anything cancelled in the west is the charge of "white supremacy". So they're using this against an espionage consortium they don't like. Blame western cultural Marxists for this, not China.

Exactly. They've been reading American newspapers and their foreign spies/students have been seeing the trends on American campuses. The original sin is being white. Everything whitey does is white supremacy. They are using the woke against us.

I see China is jumping on the white supremacist bandwagon. Why not...everybody else jumps on whites; when they jump on whites, at least they don't have to view their own racism. What about all those Uighurs? Where are whites doing that to ANYBODY? Oh yes, white supremacists are beating up Asians in San Francisco NOT.

(idaho carth carth)
"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned “white supremacy” is an increasing threat to global security." !!! This thing is spreading to the whole world. Russia may be - is - the only holdout.

Fed Up #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Adam Smith Business School Postpone Seminar by “Eugenicist”

The talk that was scheduled to be to be delivered was titled: “For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls: A lineage of 400,000 individuals 1750-2020 shows genetics determines most social outcomes”. In his book, he argues that socio-economic status is genetically inherited through the “genetic transmission of … some mysterious mix of drive and ability”. He also theorised that “200 years from now the descendants of enslaved African-Americans will still be underrepresented”.

Oh, my God! The very idea - of someone blaming the obvious (genetics) on why blacks are so predisposed to failure and crime.

So, genetics determine that whites are doomed to extinction in any territory that become multiracial? It’s genetics that eliminated white all throughout Africa, the Subcontinent, Asia, Oceaniana, Central America and the Caribbean?

What will eliminate Whites is the combination of interracial mixing and recessive genetics.

I'm SO confused. We are expected to believe "the Science" re: WuFlu but, we are supposed to ignore the science of biology.

Or any scientific research which provides a realistic explanation of why black Africans and their descendants are always the lowest racial group to be found on our planet.

Class is genetic. The raw, brutal truth of this fact is too much for little soft socialist brains to handle.

No doubt, the liberals and their black protegees will be running home to their mothers, and have themselves a good cry.

permanentlytemporary #crackpot #racist #dunning-kruger amren.com

The "Asians" are a complex and multi facetted grouping.
But realistic speaking the umbrella term "asians" is totally out dated and in need of modernisation.

For instance, the asians known as the old Indians of Indian.
They are homosapiens.
But the asians of Thailand, the Sians of Thai.
They are denisovans.

Theres a good hundred thousand years of evolution between the two.
The denisovans don't have sweat glads for instance, where as the homosapiens do.
There are hundreds of genetic variations, specialisations and differences between the "Asians"

Using the umbrella term "Asians" is only causing problems in the long term.

I am blunt for a good reason.
I refer to them all as simply coloureds.

Hence this is just another coloured march..
They are as common as muck.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Why I’m No Longer Changing My Indian Phrases Around My White Friends

Student felt she lost her identity by using English equivalents of Indian words.


Look, you adopt a country, adopt it 100%. If you love Indian culture so much you should go back.

How can you adopt a country when you're not of its founding stock?

Does she have some reason to think that white British people really care how a lot of foreigners "phrase" their speech? It seems that having an exaggerated idea of one's own importance is an essential element of "multiculturalism" among these young invaders.


Please punish us vile racists - by taking the next flight to India and thereby depriving us of your grace, beauty and eloquence.

You should see a picture of her!! Definitely no "beauty"!!!!!!!!

(E. Essington)
Put this young lady behind the counter of one of her uncle's convenient stores, and see if her biggest concern is still 'code-switching' around the melanin-free.

Perfect example that diversity is simply colonization and dispossession of the natives.

(Fed Up)
"I hope that making this active effort to use my Indian phrases will encourage others to do the same. "

This loser would better hope her White friends don't take the logical action - of drop-kicking her and leaving her isolated. I sure as hell would have.

Excellent. I hope all Hindus in White countries behave likewise. Hindus are unassimilable by virtue of their race, so why would we want them to resemble Whites in speech? The more alien they remain, the smoother their eventual repatriation will be.

Pavel #racist amren.com

RE: Putin Slams ‘Caveman Nationalism’ as Detrimental to Russia

“Caveman nationalism, with the slogan ‘Russia is only for Russians,’ only harms Russians, only harms Russia,” he said. “We must make sure that the culture of every nation, its history, and roots of every nation is respected and honored in our country.”

Disappointing remark from a president I thought was a realist regarding nationalism.

You thought wrong. Welcome to reality. Putin was the guy who crushed the Russian ethnic nationalist movements in Russia in early 2000-s and proceeded to encourage mass colored Asiatic Muslim immigration to Russia from the former Soviet "stans". He also bribed Muslim Chechens and others in the Caucasus region into compliance and allowed them to come settle in large Russian cities. Putin is a sworn enemy of our race.

Chechens are White.

Chechens are not white same way Persians, Arabs, and many light skin Mexicans are not white - they are just not, even if in the US stats they supposedly are. Chechens are of Turkish Asiatic ancestry. They mixed with whites after centuries of battling the Russian empire and history of kidnapping and raping Slavic women, so I would argue that despite some of them look almost white, they are not. Obama has more white in him than an average Chechen.

Just how many muslims and African refugees is Putin importing to Russia? NONE.

Hundreds of thousands are settled in Russia. All those Asiatic Muslims from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and a whole lot of Chechens, Dags and others collectively called "Kavkaztsy" (Caucasians) - non-white low impulse control criminality spreading Muslim tribes like Chechens and Dagestanis (Dags).

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Blacks Say No to the Vaccine

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
“We need to make history by saving more of our people.” If only a white person were allowed to say that.

They're safe! Just ask Hank Aaron!

All you will find is stories of how he didn't die of the Covid vaccine. It's lost on my brainwashed liberal relatives that Big Tech and Big Pharma would possibly lie to them.

(Jeff Coffey)

President Joe Biden had a different explanation: “Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and African-American community, don’t know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in-line for that COVID vaccination.” The President took heat for this, but he’s lucky he’s a Democrat.

Biden must be really confused. Leftists preach day and night about how blacks are not capable of obtaining $15 ID cards or finding a local voting place. He tries to say the same thing in regards to the vaccine and he gets lambasted. Just can't win.

(National Conservative)
Remember when the media claimed that blacks were dying at 2-3 times the rate as whites and this was another act of genocide caused by "systemic racism." Well, the rate have even out and now the media has dropped the whole story. Pop goes the narrative. Ohio, Texas, Florida, and Arkansas are all states with big black populations that have higher white death rates than blacks death rates.

Blacks are responsible for their own problems.

Though Americans tend to be very fat, blacks on average are much fatter than the average white person. So you have greater co-morbidities. In the first few months, it was obvious that urban areas were the hardest hit and these tend to be where blacks disproportionately live. It was easy to see that rates would even out over time, but instead the media ran hysterical nonsense headlines about how "systemic racism was killing black people."

Clara Lander #racist amren.com

We were the only white people there. Although we didn’t feel threatened, we felt that something was terribly wrong. It made me sad to think that England would one day no longer be England, and Scotland no longer Scotland, and I couldn’t fathom why any country would voluntarily do this to itself. I have come to view multiculturalism not as part of the progression of humanity, but as an ethnic cleansing of the original population. A people without a racial consciousness and a love for their own will simply be overwhelmed and absorbed by the multi-culture.

One day my youngest son came home from primary school and confidently told me that the only difference between people was the amount of melanin in their skin. It was obvious that we were being prepared for a demographic shift. One afternoon I attended a family gathering on my husband’s side. His nephew was engaged and we were all going to meet the bride’s parents. I asked her English father what had brought him to New Zealand. In his Cockney accent, he went into a tirade about how immigrants in the UK were lavished with all manner of benefits and prioritized over the indigenous whites, who were stuck footing the bill. He eventually got so disgusted with the situation that he moved to New Zealand. International white flight.

In the wake of Brenton Tarrant’s rampage, all New Zealanders were urged to take responsibility for their own racism. I don’t believe the outpouring of grief shown from New Zealanders has been paralleled by Muslims in the aftermath of an Islamic attack in Europe. The love that other races have for their own, shown through their open advocacy for their respective “communities,” becomes more obvious the more multicultural our countries become. Today I embrace the natural love I have for my people and no longer struggle with the mental gymnastics that only white people must contort themselves with to conclude that if we prefer to live amongst our own people and put their interests first, we are “racist.”

John_Engelman #racist amren.com

RE: Foreign Aid Is Having a Reckoning

"Intellectuals" now say the "white savior" complex does more harm than good.

Foreign aid has only been effective with first world countries. It enabled Western Europe and Japan to recover from World War II. It enabled South Korea to recover from the Korean War. It has helped Israel become an oasis of civilization in a vast desert of primitive and horrifying barbarism. In third world countries foreign aid goes into the bank accounts of kleptocrats.

President Biden has issued an executive order mandating that every government agency review policies to identify barriers to racial inequity...

President Biden needs to identify and acknowledge genetic barriers to racial equality. I suggest he read Professor J. Philippe Rushton's Race, Evolution, and Behavior.

Joeric & Robert Kelly #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Canada Military Trumpets Diversity… With Picture of Eight White Men


Canada’s defence minister, Harjit Sajjan... The only thing sillier would be U.S. Five-Star General Hideki Tojo in World War II.

The most silly thing I heard was a Bangladeshi Muslim who is some MP in Scotland complaining that 96% of the politicians are Scots. I mean if he goes to his country Bangladesh, 100% of the politicians are Bangladeshis.

(Robert Kelly)

Can you imagine a country such as that or the Japanese having a minority prime minister? It's not going to happen.

So Japan isn't going to have an Iranian Prime Minister anytime soon??? Rats.


I believe that MP is the Justice Minister no less (yes, a muslim as Justice Minister) and I know he was shouted down for his racism and his stupidity. Of course no muslim or non-white should ever hold any government post in any white country.

They shouldn't be in any white country - period!

We’ve been conditioned to let it go when blacks start complaining but when one of these south Asian monstrosities starts making demands then that’s a call to an uprising in my humble opinion.

We should not tolerate either.

(Robert Kelly)

'...Institutions around the world are keenly aware that it is important not only to increase diversity and inclusion...' Any news from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Sri Lanka or Chad as to that diversity and inclusion?

Saudi Arabia definitely needs more Jews in their government. In fact, I propose that an atheist, homosexual Jew made Mayor of the Islamic Holy City of Mecca. Who's with me??

atheist, homosexual, transgender FEMALE Jew. I am with you. Let me remove my star, my kippa and tallith... Ah, and sign me up for that transginger (Eric Cartman's claim) thing operation.

Atheist, homosexual transgender female Jew>>>>>>atheist, homosexual Jewish male on the SJW totem pole of oppressed minorities.

Lipton Matthews #racist amren.com

Scrap Black History Month

People celebrate February as Black History Month, but what is its real purpose — other than therapy for elite blacks? Obviously, there are brilliant black intellectuals, but in general, blacks aren’t interested in scholarship. We should stop deluding ourselves; blacks don’t care deeply about learning.

Blacks rarely value knowledge for its own sake. In my experience, many blacks are happy to study something to get a degree and a job, but learning something for its own sake is another story. It is not uncommon for me to have to justify my reading habits to other blacks. The only time I can freely discuss intellectual issues with a black person is if he is exceptionally curious. Many blacks think you can go crazy if you study too much. On several occasions, I have seen blacks caution one another against passionate study because it will induce madness.

Of course, white people tease nerds, too, but they don’t act as if brilliance is antithetical to whiteness. Meanwhile, some blacks still think scientists are arrogant layabouts for investigating the mysteries of life. To them, intelligence is worthy of scorn. Even educated blacks have told me that scientists are weird people.

Unlike whites who celebrate men such as Adam Smith and Milton Friedman every day, the heroes of the black community will always be entertainers, not forgotten intellectuals such as Abram Harris and Alexander Crummell or entrepreneurs such as Elijah McCoy and Milly Pierce. All Black History Month does is stroke the egos of some blacks. We should scrap it to spare blacks the burden of pretending to care about learning.

Burdock Smarry #racist amren.com

It’s ironic and funny how White Americans are becoming more like the American Indians year after year. The only difference is that unlike White Americans; American Indians actually fought back as hard as they can to keep their cultures and way of life thriving. Well I guess history has to repeat itself.

Theres been the "trail of tears" going on in all the major cities for years. White man becomes victim of thefts, assaults, sequestered by police when he defends himself from would be attackers etc. The result is his exit from his accomplishments and moves on to an undeveloped rural area to try starting over again. White wokism is his only way to survive in a city that has contempt for the white Christians.

The only peaceful places for Anglo Saxon white Christians will be remote rural areas of Appalachia or central midwest plains of Kansas and Nebraska. The only caveat is, this time avoid developing the areas into centers of commerce. That will only lead to evolving communities and eventually cities where different ethnic backgrounds will follow for the freebies, government benefits and then trash the white man again who made it all possible.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Who Are the Enemies of Western Civilization?

Now he says the entire field if the Classics is hopelessly tangled up with white supremacy. He says the field is “equal parts vampire and cannibal,” and that studying Greece and Rome means justifying slavery, racism, colonialism, and Nazism. A Dominican has the nerve to tell us to stop studying Greece and Rome because that makes us racist.

In “It’s Time to Let Classical Music Die,” Nebal Maysaud wrote, “Western classical music participates in the act of destroying culture and replaces it with its own white supremacist narrative. Its main purpose is to be a cultural anchor for the myth of white supremacy.” Mr. Maysaud says he’s still accepting commissions to compose. In his words, “As long as people of color are making art, culture stays alive.”

And why do these people do this? Maybe they once loved Beethoven or Homer or Beowulf but got caught up in anti-white hysteria. Maybe they just can’t stand it that their people could never have created anything like the Ring Cycle. I don’t know. But that’s their problem.

The real horror is that white people fall for this stuff.

Can you imagine a white man getting a job teaching at the University of Delhi and then saying that the Vedas are racist and sexist so Hinduism needs to die? Or studying Confucianism and then yelling because the field has too many Chinese in it? Or studying Japanese sword fighting and insisting on getting rid of all that racist Japanese terminology?

This is a uniquely white form of insanity. If you think our Classical roots are inherently white supremacist and our highest art forms are racist, it means our very existence is immoral. How did we ever let such fools take charge? They deserve to be laughed out of every position of power and into the nuthouse where they belong.

Lipton Matthews #racist #wingnut amren.com

You’re black and you write for American Renaissance. What would you say to blacks and liberals who would call you an “Uncle Tom”?

I would tell critics of my ideas to stop infantilizing black people. White people can express a variety of opinions, but blacks who do not conform to mainstream views are seen as “sellouts.” I think this is one of the reasons for the lack of dynamism among black academics. Instead of producing innovative material many of them opt to comply with the prevailing consensus and as a result we end up with scores of black writers who can talk only about race.

What made you start thinking about race beyond the typical clichés?

My interest in the rise and fall of nations led me to study personality differences based on race and nationality. Some countries are rich and others are poor, so obviously all cultures cannot be equal. The strongest argument in favor of Western supremacy is that people want to migrate to Western countries. The Western world is so bad, yet most people want to live in the West.

When you read American Renaissance or Jared Taylor, with what do you most disagree?

White separatism is impractical. Whites are not ethnocentric enough to create a white ethnostate. I think American Renaissance and Jared Taylor should focus on getting other racial groups to desist from complaining and just assimilate into Western countries.

What are the chances of race realism being accepted by the mainstream in the next five years? Ten years?

Race realism does not need to be accepted by the mainstream. Race realists only require a large audience to topple the mainstream.

Do you have any final thoughts?

American Renaissance must continue to resist the tyranny of Big Tech or better yet secure funding to start a social media platform.

ky_native #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist amren.com

Not many people have seen God, but those who have claimed to have seen him didn't mention that he was of a different color than themselves. Some blacks argue that the Ancient of Days (Adam) was black because the Bible mentioned that his hair was white like wool. I interpret that as he was very old (ancient), and his hair would thus be white. The wool part was not to mean his hair "was" wool as found on the negro head, but the color itself was white as the wool found on sheep.

You know this for definite? How?

I read the Bible and in no point was God, or Adam, mentioned as being an Ethiopian. Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and Stephan as he was being martyred saw God. None mentioned that God was black, and Jesus said God was made in his image. Mary was of Jewish decent (not black).

Moses was Hebrew; ergo white. Had God had an afro and been black, it would have been mentioned. Exodus says that Moses spoke with Lord face to face; had the Lord had a different look than Moses, he would has said so. Moses was described as a fair baby. Do I have to look that up for you as well?

There are NO black Hebrews, so none can exist. There are no black Jews and will never be one. Is there a unicorn? No.

All humans have African blood. The origin of all humans is in Africa.

Perhaps, but not enough to make a white man black! The origin of man is not final science in "my" opinion. Scientists keep moving the bar about how and where we came from. What is science this year, may be debunked next year. Science evolves with understanding.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: Woman Brutally Attacked by Another Woman in North Philadelphia Shares Horrifying Experience

Black assailant beats white woman for dating a black man.


I NEVER heard of a black woman speak positive about interracial dating, marriages or otherwise.

Even Hollywood rarely shows black women dating blonde heroes. But every mandatory black movie hero must have his trophy blonde

This is the feel good story of the week! It also leaves the left in a difficult position; attack a BIPOC for racist behavior or ignore a lefty female being physically attacked for doing what the media told her to do!

No. The great feel-good story of the week is one I saw a couple of hours ago about police in Texas getting a frantic 911 call from some illegal aliens who said they were being smuggled in a closed tanker and were running out of oxygen. The dispatcher tried to get their location and what the tanker looked like, but couldn't. Finally, the extremely distressed caller let go of the phone and spoke no more. They were never found - not yet, not rescued. There were supposedly up to 80 of them inside that tanker. Now that really made my day!

Hey, why don't we amreners pitch in together, buy a sealed tanker, and go into the illegal-alien smuggling business?!

(Robert Kelly)

I applaud the negress who did this.

I wonder how the white woman looked? I don't think the black woman would have been triggered if the white woman had been fat and obviously unattractive.

(Fed Up)

In “fairness” to black women they would hate white women no matter who they date. The weight, hair, temper, femininity, intelligence, etc. issues makes any friendship impossible.

White women are almost always smarter, better looking and a much better catch for a black male than a female of their own species.

Philosopher of Freedom #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

If diversity is such a strength then why is it that the US and all other White countries reached their pinnacle of success when they were 90% White or more?

It's an inverted double scale; civilization declines as Diversity increases. That is what happened to Rome and in fact every empire that has ever existed, including the Soviet Union. The U.S. became an empire by principle once it made blacks citizens and then followed with other racial and ethnic groups. The Marxists knew this would happen, so they supported the pressures that brought about the Civil War. In fact, the NAACP was created by Marxists who were all white with one exception, the mulatto WEB DuBois who hated whites even more than himself. (He married a white woman. I believe marrying outside of one's race is rejection of your own racial/ethnic identity).

Texan1st #racist amren.com

We need a nationalist movement. I’m sick of information, we need solutions

Here's a solution. When they swing the southern border wide open and they come pouring in, we'll colonize the uninhabited continent they leave behind. Once we get there, any stragglers will be offered a free bus ride to the promise land up north so white progressives can enjoy their company.

I choose to look on the bright side of the pending open borders. While the woke in America are being hoisted on their own diversity petard, we will be kicking back in the sun, eating mangos, and enjoying the lack of diversity.

They are not really leaving their countries. These countries use American suicidal idiocy of the de facto open border to simply unload their population excesses who take over American jobs and send money home to support their families in those holes and by that support the holes themselves. That unarmed invasion on the US benefits those countries. Ones who own and run those countries - oh no, they are not going anywhere, they are not leaving.

As this country turns irreversibly blue and congress gets darker, these people will be granted instant citizenship upon entering. With no border security and a promised instant citizenship, they will be coming by the 10's of millions to get in on the gimmedats. Especially when the gimmedats down there are nonexistent. Sure, those in the upper echelons of government will remain but we don't have to colonize the entire continent. Just selected countries down there. Our odds are much better doing that than turning America into a majority white country again.

Can we at least count on every Latin American country charging a passage fee to discourage the more southerly folk from coming up here?

I would hope not. Wouldn't want to discourage them from vacating our future homeland.

dragonslayer78 #racist amren.com

I’m a 15 year old Black American female and the more I watch Jared Taylor’s videos the more I fear for America’s future. The fact that all of these leftists think they’re still Sane with their Insane Race Narratives is just beyond me.

At this point I don’t think leftists believe their own nonsense about race. They just want white people dead and the ends justifies the means.

Stefania Mowi #racist amren.com

The author mentioned "the need for each group to have its own territory, autonomy, and control of its future" and survival in his account. These are the arguments I make when I talk to others about race. No need to badmouth nonwhites and talk about IQ. Every other race and ethnic group still pretty much have their own homelands, and our people need to have homelands also. Otherwise, we will exist as a hated minority in each country we inhabit and never have control over our destiny as a people again.

Just about every white person I've talked to and told them that there might be anti-white persecution/civil unrest always say, "Oh, but I don't see race/color" I say back to them, "Just because you don't see race or color or don't hate different people doesn't mean they don't hate you and wouldn't harm you because of your race. Just because you don't want to fight doesn't mean they won't push you into a corner. Don't assume because you're fair and nice to people that they'll be back with you. No, I'm not saying be a jerk either, but always keep your guard up."

I have noticed that when people are too nice, they are taken advantage of. The same applies to races. Whites are too nice, too fair, too fearful, and these characteristics will be our downfall if we don't wake up.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

We Know How to Make America Strong

“Our diversity is our greatest strength,” right? The Founders just didn’t get it. The first citizenship law said that only “free white persons of good character” could become Americans.

And it wasn’t just race. One of the founders, John Jay, said America was strong because Americans were “a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs.”

We didn’t fully understand the importance of diversity until 1965. Until then, we had an immigration policy that favored white people. America was 90 percent white and therefore very weak. It makes you wonder how we survived two world wars. What a mess it would be if there were only white people. You couldn’t have racial discrimination – and that’s all we ever talk about. But the real excitement we get from diversity is riots. Last summer, imagine how bored the police and the media would have been without BLM.

But did you know, there are still pockets of resistance to diversity? In his presidential memoirs, Barack Obama wrote about Indian PM Manmohan Singh, who couldn’t do more than keep the economy going and improve the social safety net. “Like me, he had come to believe that this was all any of us could expect from democracy, especially in big, multiethnic, multireligious societies like India and the United States. Not revolutionary leaps or major cultural overhauls”


What? Doesn’t he realize that multiethnic, multireligious societies are diverse and therefore strong? We should be making revolutionary leaps all the time. Mr. Obama sounds like those dimwit Founding Fathers who thought the country should be all white.

ky_native #racist #crackpot amren.com

A negro man who happens to be very, very hungry would eat his neighbor (I hope the negro said grace as he was taught by the Mennonites to give thanks for the bountiful harvest)! In extreme cases, whites also practiced cannibalism in order to survive (like the Donner Party, or when they were mentally ill like Jeffrey Dahmer); however, in the case of negroes, who knows why they eat each other. I have found when dealing with negroes to try not to understand them too much. Negroes like being negroes!

In the near future, when the groceries run out, African blacks will consume each other as they would consume bush meat. The dark continent would be a place to avoid in the future. I've read that Jeffrey Dahmer preferred dark meat because the texture was better than white meat. Even when dealing with chicken meat, some people prefer dark meat, and some people prefer white meat. I am personally omnivorous, so dark and white meat is fine with me!

When I looked up Jeffrey Dahmer's name, it had a picture of the negro who killed him. It said he became a poet.

Brett Stevens #racist amren.com

My awakening started with the words of a black man I knew back during my days living in Los Angeles “If I can walk down a street wearing a ‘Black Power’ t-shirt, why can’t a white guy walk down the street wearing a ‘White Power’ t-shirt?”

We all knew the “official” answer, something I call the Narrative: White people have the power, so when we assert ourselves, it looks like beating up on the poor black people. Three weeks later I drove to his neighborhood — and walked into a race war. A touchstone incident had occurred, and now black and Hispanic men engaged in hand-to-hand combat on the streets. AK-47s appeared from balconies and Glocks slipped into palms on the street. A street fight turned into a riot and then, into a small war.

At that moment, my belief in the Narrative cracked. The racial issue in America, I saw in that moment, was not about whites having power and oppressing blacks; it was centered on the need for each group to have its own territory, autonomy, and control of its future.

When I lived in Detroit, I got to know a number of black people, and recognized in them a desire for racial separation. They were cool with us being work-friends or even casually hanging out, but they wanted to go home to their own neighborhoods and be their own people. On the whole, they did not want whites there.

Homogeneity works naturally. In my view, “racism” arises only when you have diversity. For me, race is not a question of crime, average IQ, or even politics. It means survival. If Western Civilization is to survive, it will be through ethnic Western European people, and that means that everyone else must go back home and let us fix ourselves.

Vox Nihili, Irene Engel & Mark #racist amren.com

(Vox Nihili)

A Turkish parents’ association in Hamburg called the Germans “Köterrasse” (a race of dogs). Celebrities, NGOs, and members of Islamic interest groups make similar comments. As the Turkish-German Deniz Yücel put it: “The speedy departure of the Germans is a beautiful Völkersterben [the death of a people].”

This is devastating. How can a once proud people accept this invasion by people who loathe them, endanger them, bring their quality of life down, and ultimately wish to eradicate them? Why are whites afflicted with such pathological altruism? When will we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH in all these places?

(Irene Engel)
Well, Germans called Slavs "Untermenschen" so this is kind of karmatic, imho.

Everything written above is true. I live in Germany, for now. Hopefully I'll leave this awful place asap. I'm a Non-German Central European. How I cope with living in Germany for the time being? I've started to see myself as an ethnographer and the Germans as a dumb superstitious tribe on its way towards the dustbin of history.

Your disgusting, false generalization helps normalize migrant rape in Germany...because you hysterically believe "all German children are Hitler!". That being said, Poland will eventually be flooded with rapey migrants. The "law and order party" only won by a slim margin. It's only a matter of time before they are voted out. The new politicians will easily sell out to open borders and multiculturalism. Some are liberal and some do it for money. I don't want to see Poland fall to the third world, but you are on that path.

Kid Charlemagne #racist amren.com

RE: White Man Working in Curry Factory Wins Race Discrimination Claim

A white worker in an Asian food factory who was told that he didn’t understand recipes because of his colour and that he should go and work for an English firm has won his claim of race discrimination.

The nerve these foreigners have coming to our indigenous lands and doing this? I want a type of British (Traditional ethnicities Manx, Irish, Scottish, English etc...) Bumiputra laws to be administered.

The Malaysian government implemented policies designed to favour bumiputras (including affirmative action in public education and in the public sector) to create opportunities, and to defuse interethnic tensions following the 13 May Incident in 1969.

I want this implemented for European natives only (Roma and the unmentionable Levantines are not to be included they are not European but are Asians (South & Western). Any intermarried Europeans (especially women) would lose the status and be classified as non-Native. This would be very similar to the policy of the Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory near Montreal.

For reference; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/02/canada-first-nations-mohawk-kahnawake-rule

I’d want these type of laws and regulations enforced because these outsiders think that this is their country, well that’s never going to fly with me. I have noticed that these South Asians (I call them all East Indians regardless of the nationality), have sensed weakness in European psyche and are trying to appropriate the gripes of the American negro (like West Indian Bantus have also done) have to secure resources and status.

They don’t belong anywhere near Europeans and the only relationship we should have is us being the master period. Even in their culture they know we are above them and that’s what breeds their envy.

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