
Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: We Need More ‘Trauma-Free Blackness.’ Here’s a Start

(Jed I. Knight)
After years of being a race realist, I'm still sometimes surprised, even shocked, at how profoundly tribal and ethnocentric blacks truly are. And how their opinion of themselves is plagued by "la folie des grandeurs". In any event, they should be the first ones to understand that Whites want to be left alone. But no, and as someone once famously said, the curse of Whites is that blacks hate us but want to live with us.

Yes, it is amazing especially when you know the statistics of 560,000 violent attacks on whites vs 100,000 the other way around. Poor oppressed blacks have to undo their trauma somehow.

Most of those 100,000 are Hispanics classified as White.

(America the Dead)

For many Black people like myself, attending a Black college was like joining an extended family. It was liberating to be in a place where we didn’t have to explain ourselves to White people.

And this.. is the problem. Is anyone else irritated by people talking obsessively about their "blackness"?

It wouldn't bother me one bit if we were allowed the same courtesy, but talking about "whiteness" is not allowed.

I can name a couple of places where the disproportionately hit can enjoy their '“trauma-free Blackness”,with all the trimmings of 'the rugged endurance'. The vastness and ruggedness of the landscape dotted with mud huts and an occasional animal (that they will have to chase and slaughter and cook on an open fire) will be a fantastic therapy for the perpetually oppressed....

convairXF92 #racist amren.com

”´Whites and East Asians are natural allies.´ Only according to stupid people.”

Blacks and yellows plan on teaming up to defeat us.

Won't work in the US. So many "nice" Chinese and Korean boys and girls in the US colleges/universities. So many Chinese girlfriends and Korean boyfriends. So many European-Americans into anime and Japanese language, for decades now. The issues with Chinese spies and the horrid ChiCom government shock and disgust us. We want that gone. Hang around a good university in the Boston or NYC area or in California and you will truly see non-racism -- between whites and East Asians. (The exception is at the academic extremes: there was an issue a couple of years ago about one school's elite math club, that it was a clique of East Asian boys who acted suspicious of those not of their kind. Maybe the rest of us just have to develop that hard focus and work harder...).

I cannot possibly imagine typical US blacks teaming up with East Asians (immigrant or "-American") against whites or for any other imaginable purpose. If the blacks wanted to successfully team up with any other group, I'd say their best chance would be with US Muslims *after* adopting the religion, at least trying to make hajj, and *behaving themselves*.

CTON #racist amren.com

"Latinos distrust BLACKS." So be it. Yet they have left overwhelmingly non-black Latin America to relocate to the United States, which is loaded with BLACKS. It is rude and arrogant to move to a country where a people resides that you distrust. The BLACKS were here long before la raza started flooding in. Distrust the BLACKS of the USA, hispanics? Great! Go back south to Latin America and get away from the US BLACKS!

I will say blacks who humilate and attack White Americans are in for a very rude awakening if they think a majority Latino population will tolerate the same. Latinos will not tolerate them doing the 'knockout game' or disrespecting their ancestors or make them have racial guilt. Even a black youtuber once said, 'Post 1960s White America is the best friend and thing to ever happen to blacks." he was talking in reference to a majority Hispanic population not tolerating their behavior like whites did.

CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

Don't see Blacks/Latinos and Blacks /Asians miscegenating.plus these groups Don't Even like each other,get together,call each Racial slurs. My Asian and Latin colleague call blacks as niggers.One of them even joked that he wouldnt let his sister marry a negro

I bet if a typical, modern-day white person heard your colleagues, they'd scream and yell at those Asian/Latinos for making "racist comments" and lecture them about MLK. God, I can't stand how brainwashed and stupid so many of our people have become these days.

These Asians and Latinos have weird obsession for white skin.Marrying whites is like trophy symbol for them. Asians /Latinos call white women stupid for marrying negro man.Look up at extinction porn.You will never see Blacks/Asians and blacks /Latino only good looking white women doing porn with a your typical ugly negro.I can't even tolerate one second of that.I feel like banging my head against the wall.

White Americans and Western Europeans have absolutely no clue on how dangerous the nonwhite world is. No clue how many whites are victims of violent crime in America. No clue about the "No go zones" and rape epidemic because of nonwhites being poured into Western Europe. These are the same idiots who go to Islamic and third world nations "to go hiking" and end up getting killed. Even when nonwhites themselves warn them not to go there!

Just about every American White Woman I've met in my life hates white men and tries so hard to prove "I'm tolerant, I love everyone!". Meanwhile, their nonwhite 'friends' openly say they're proud to be black or Latino. The ONLY whites I've met in my life who were prowhite/not PC with their views on race are White Americans born/raised before WWII and Eastern European immigrants. Even Eastern European girls I've met were more openly pro white and realistic on race and were anti-liberal than even the most 'conservative Republican' white man I've known.

Son of the 1st Revolution #racist #wingnut amren.com

Can we talk about Ellis Island yet? The romanticization of the immigrant over and above the traditional American for generations has led inevitably to this.

We've talked briefly about the various "woke" forces allied against the traditional white American. It's been mentioned before that some of the worst are Irish Catholics. Look at Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy and now the Commander in Thief Biden. Ted Kennedy pushed for the Hart Celler Act that stopped favoring white Europeans over the rest of the world and throughout his career he pushed for more non-white immigration. Senator Patrick Leahy has championed the non-white over and over again. Obviously, not all Irish Catholics are this way, but many of their political leaders are.

During one of the debates between Trump and Biden, Biden accused Trump of being prejudiced against his (Biden's) Irish ancestors. It's like the guy wants to be seen as a victim so he can get victim points, be proclaimed a martyr.

rls976 #psycho #racist #sexist amren.com

The multiculturalism you describe is bad enough, but what's even worse is when foreign aliens who don't have much in common with this country go even further and try to remake the whole country in their own image, such as AOC, Tlaib, the Hispanic migration lobby, etc. They actually believe that not only are they entitled to their own culture in the US (which multiculturalism allows), but that they can impose their culture on the rest of the country. For instance AOC and others like her want to do away with the Electoral College, the 1st and 2nd Amendments, etc. That is unimaginable hubris. They don't want multiculturalism either. They want monoculturalism -- their own!

I will praise the university-educated Puerto Rican barmaid AOC, plus Oprah Winfrey, bald black member of Congress Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams, for the wonderful fact that not one of them has ever given birth. In this they make excellent role models for all young females of color.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Strange Colon Discovery Explains Racial Disparities in Colorectal Cancer

Sounds like they are trying explain away the bad Negro diet with mumbo-jumbo so they can once again make them victims instead of irresponsible.

(G. Nuckols)
Racial disparities are and have always been the rule and not the exception to the rule as many would have you believe. Examples like this could go on forever. Nothing much to see here.

Whites are a later evolutionary development. We're the newest model human with the latest improvements. Life, just like automobiles, goes through model changes.

In other words genes can cause genetic differences in races up the keister but can't cause changes between the ears? Someone is pulling my leg here, right?

Let's see, differences between the races in the percentages of colon cancer, hypertension, heart disease, bone structure, muscle composition, and of course, race specific diseases such as sickle cell anemia. As far as the brain organ, oh no, no difference whatsoever. Exactly the same. Equity. White Supremacy. Racism. Uh, uh, reparations, that's it, reparations are needed for equity between the races. Oh wait, can't say there are races because that implies differences. Oh damn this pretzel logic....

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: Teen Tells IMPD That Older Brother Murdered 6 in Family Home

Black 17-year-old murders his family over an argument about leaving the house without permission.

A black kid didn't like the way his parents were treating him. His solution? Take their lives. Can anyone honestly believe that a civilized mentality exists in these sorts of people? During the Roman Empire days the German areas were considered uncivilized and barbaric, but I doubt any teenager from there would kill his own parents for slighting him. Even European barbarians from 2,000 years ago had honor and ethics. The same can't be said about the ghetto thugs who live in 21st century America.

(Robert Kelly)
In the black community, it is not uncommon for "elders" to be not much older than their children. You have a 20 year old who's mother is 37 and they listen to the same music, wear the same type of clothing, hang out at the same places, sometimes chase the same man. There's really no generation gap between them. The parent, in a way, gets looked at as an older sibling.

(Ilya Muromets)
The Black's propensity towards violence is because their IQs are on average near or at the mentally retarded range. & added to that, Blacks have a violence gene 25X that of whites , & Hispanics have it 2X more than European Caucasians. Genetic studies show that Africa today, has an average IQ in the 60s. Some nations are even lower! In Europe despite the massive turd world immigration there , it's on average in the mid 90s, still.

DarienX & Robert Kelly #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Taking Stock of a Most Violent Year

The negro has been unleashed, he is now “free” to do what come natural to him. Murder, rape, rob and destroy. The establishment has given them the green light to do all of those evil things and are anxiously waiting to see how the average white man reacts. Should the average white man have the audacity to protect himself or property from being victimized by negroes, the establishment is eager and ready to pounce on that unfortunate white man. Like the McCloskeys or Kyle Rittenhouse. The crime wave is spreading to all cities and towns in America. No place is safe. The negro realizes that the countless negro mayors, police chiefs, DAs and prosecutors are unwilling to stop them. White officials are paralyzed from fear of being called a racist for simply defending the people. The tipping point is coming.

(Robert Kelly)
There was a total media blackout of the 2020 crime wave caused by BLM. The media instead focused on the imaginary problem of white supremacist police going around arresting and shooting black people for no reason whatsoever but skin color.

Lipton Matthews #racist #wingnut amren.com

White Must Stop Pandering

White Americans seem oblivious to the fact that they will always be characterized as racist. Once, I attended a George Floyd protest, hoping to counter the nonsense of Black Lives Matter. Many black protesters were upset by the presence of a few white women — who were supporting their cause. One black man unleashed a torrent of abuse on a trio of white women. There were even people chanting that whites are aliens. Whites are suffering from a political form of “battered woman syndrome.”

Even when dismissed, white liberals write ridiculous articles blaming white Americans for most everything. For some, whiteness is innately racist, so there is nothing whites can do to cleanse themselves of their inherent racism. For some white politicians, policies only serve a purpose to the extent that they help or hurt black people. To get voters to oppose gun control, conservatives remind us of the perceived racist roots of gun control.

Blacks are more ethnocentric than whites, and according to a 2013 poll, a significant percentage of black Americans think that blacks are more racist than whites. If blacks uncritically think that whites are the enemy, there is little whites can do to ameliorate race relations. Black activists often argue that whites are the problem, so destroying white people is the sole route to progress. And yet, some whites reward blacks for treating them with hostility — which blacks will respond to, logically, by becoming more radical.

H J #psycho #racist amren.com

It is disgusting that this Hindoo monkey use this event to justify the atrocities done by India to the Kashmiris. Massive human rights abuse is well documented in India controlled Kashmir. Thousands of Kashmiris vanished only to show up in mass graves. You are a disgusting piece of $hit.

You are an ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget from the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. Subhuman leeches like you are the lowest of all, even lower than Muslims and "untouchables". Worthless subhuman POS like you live illegally in the US and leech off taxpayer dollars. Ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget like you have no place in this world, neither in India nor in the US. I don't even know what race you people belong to. You people look like subhuman tribal midget mongrel of some kind. This is how you people look like, is this subhuman tribal midget mongrel your grandma?

The Changing Face of Beauty in Northeast India | Short Film Showcase

What in hell is that creature supposed to be?

It's an ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget from the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. They are indigenous subhumans of that land. Even more hideous than negro sheebons. DarkChocolate7465 is one of those subhumans. He is angry that Indians conquered that land.

H J #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

I have considered this about Hispanics as well because they seem to also have a better sense of reality and survival.

Hispanics seem to have criminality and savagery genes. The way cartels torture their victims puts ISIS to shame. They are only slightly better than Blacks in terms of intelligence. Despite being a large chunk of US population they are absent from occupations that require intelligence.

I think we should feel comfortable alienating people who aren't comfortable with addressing the interests of Whites, don't you?

Keep alienating people who are sympathetic to you. You are pushing us towards BLM/ANTIFA Marxists. Then you ask us why we vote for democrats.

I don't wonder why non-Whites vote for Democrats. It's all about the pandering and the gibs.

I can't speak for other non-whites but Indian Americans make twice the money and pay twice the taxes as whites. We are not taking gibs, we are giving gibs.

If you can go from 'supporting' White interests to supporting BLM, your commitment to White interests was very 'soft' in the first place.

LOL I'm only interested in supporting white interests as long as our interests are aligned. If you were not stupid, you would join hands with us to deal with negros and illegal border jumpers.

H J #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: A Story from the Urban Jungle

”It taught one white woman an important lesson.”

I find this unfathomable whenever I go back to the old country in Eastern Europe. There are some negroes and muslims there, particularly in the large cities, but lo and behold - they behave. They behave because they know that acting out, like attacking a White woman for example, would get them strung up by the balls and treated to a baseball bat deep tissue massage. The US is at a point where it not only impotently watches negroes abuse White women, it actively tries to cover it up.

The same thing happens in India. Unruly negros and muslims face the wrath of Hindus from time to time. There are a few negros who live in big cities. They are known to peddle drugs.

Peddling drugs, they do that in all major cities. I talked to a friend in Europe. A woman who works for the police said that each time a drug pusher is sent back to Nigeria, he comes right back the next year.

Sometimes when they are caught peddling drugs, stealing or harassing women they get a brutal beating in India. There are many videos on youtube, don't watch it if you are soft-hearted.

Storminnorman #racist #sexist amren.com

A White girl just having a history of one nigrowfekk in the wombpile is enough to drive a wedge between her and any White man she may want to rope into marriage in the future. One reckless coal burning incident can permanently tarnish the puzzy pedestal of even the most obsequious soyboy claiming to be unbothered by his girl's negrolatrous nethers.

Social media, the irresistible draw of attention whoring, and a naive belief among White women that virtue signaling erases the natural male disgust instinct, make a past peccadindu virtually impossible to hide from men.

CTON #racist amren.com

RE: U.S.-Bound Caravan Thwarted in Guatemala as Pressure Against Migrants Continues

Experts say Central American governments no longer have much "appetite" for the caravans.

It's almost like with Eastern Europe. While the 'migrants' from the 3rd world were storming onto Western Europe, they were trampling on Eastern Europe along the way. That's why Eastern Europe put up barriers and beefed up border security. I imagine various Latin nations along the way to America--who aren't cucked and full of racial guilt and scared of being seen as 'racists' as many White Americans are--will do for their respective nation what many in Eastern Europe did a few years ago.

Oh the horrorimage

Nothing angers white liberals more than seeing a large, white traditional family. "Oh, why do they have so many kids!" When I hear liberals say this, I would say "Hispanics and Muslims have large families, too. Why aren't you criticizing them for it? Why is it when whites have large families you lecture them about overpopulation and being a burden on the environment?"

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Around One-Third of Belgian Residents Are Now Foreign Nationals, or Have Migrant Backgrounds

I'd read a few years ago that the French-speaking Walloons encouraged immigration from the Congo and Francophone Africa to gain a population advantage against their Flemish speaking countrymen. Incomprehensibly evil. The Flemish part of Belgium has produced most of it's Identitarian patriots.

(Robert Kelly)

For those planning on escaping the coming South Africa in the United States, good luck finding a viable white country that isn't going down the tubes. Best to plan on finding the next best thing in either a white Latino country or someplace in the Far East.

What about Russia? Or even in the United States, Alaska? Not a lot of diversity up there or in northern or western Canada. Too cold in those places for diversity.

Wonder what the crime problem is like in racism-free, ultra-liberal Belgium. (Or shouldn't we ask that kind of a question?)

Amren had an article on here about how violent street crime exploded when Belgium started bringing in immigrants from the Congo. Of course, when those African immigrants end up in prison, it's obviously because of racism. The same old song and dance as here in the United States.

What happens when the Muslims decide the Left's usefulness to THEM is at an end and it's time to rename Belgium the Islamic Republic of Whatever?

Allahu Akbar!!!!

(Spaceman Spiff)
Those 19 year old Belgians that died trying to stop the Germans in WWI over 100 years ago sacrificed for absolutely nothing.

I remember seeing a "Belgian" sports team on TV not too long ago, most were black.

And yet, no one's concerned about the lack of proportional representation of white people in sport. But blacks being underrepresented in science, journalism, politics, business, etc., in a majority white nation? Now, THAT's an outrage!

The NBA is only about 18% white from figures I've found. Does any one ever say they need more diversity?

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: 2 Hawaii Men Indicted in 2014 Hate Crime Case on Maui


The defendants are accused of saying C.K. was in the “wrong place,” didn’t belong there and that “no white man is ever going to live in this house or neighborhood.”

Ok, you're on your own then. Enjoy.

maybe diversity isn't the answer...............libs? are you listening? of course not

(Wake up)
Native Hawaiians have no tolerance for Diversity and no guilty feelings either. Now imagine if Democrats insisted on a boatload of Section 8 Housing Blacks landing in Maui.

They probably weren't even native Hawaiians. Most "natives" in Hawaii are from other Polynesian countries like Samoa. They whine about white "outsiders" coming to their island, but most of them aren't Hawaiian either. Their violence is based on anti white hatred. Most of it is instigated by liberal elites.

I remember reading about a pack of polynesian youths who gang-raped and murdered white girl on the big island. The liberal judge dismissed the case, even with positive DNA evidence.

(Hillary Rodham)
Now do Harlem. Or Watts, or Compton, or any other public housing project in America. Anti white violence is very common. Unlike the mythical police brutality against innocent blacks.

(Fed Up)
Why would anyone spend travel money to visit Hawaii what with the foul reputation these primitive people have hanging over them.

(Sgt F)
Only 3% of the population is negro in Hawaii. That’s at least 10% less negro than the mainland. Hawaii needs a real dose of “diversity is our strength”. Hawaii is getting jipped . Everybody should contact the gentle Senator from Hawaii named Mazie Hirono to get this problem straightened out.

Marty Kaan #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #wingnut amren.com

I might feel some sympathy for the descendants of the black slaves if they hadn’t been trying—with considerable success— to destroy the republic that our ancestors built.

We haven't not try to destroyed the Country. Since the end of slavery (Reconstruction Era), we have always try to gain Separation. The left have always use propaganda to control the minds of the USA. Malcolm X vs MLK is a prime example of how the left use MLK to inflict integration unto the country. Then they import Melanin people from the Caribbean in the continent of Africa to put on TV to shut down our voice on SEPARATION.

The only real solution is to Separate..
40 States for Whites
4 States for Foundational Blacks
3 States for all Immigrants
1 State for LGBTQ
1 State for native American

The main problem being HOW would you fairly compensate those having to leave homes they and their ancestors owned for years and years?

EXCELLENT question.. My siblings and I own our homes.. To give up my home to have SEPARATION is worth it.. To answer your question: When people started migraine to the USA in the 1500, they were given land, to build on.. There are homes and land all over the country, in which people can take over. If the USA can give 1.5 trillion dollars in foreign aid, I'm sure it possible to help the USA resettlement. Plus this will force everybody to focus on establishment and not on the Media propaganda..

Jared Taylor #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

When I first saw this book, I assumed it was rubbish. The editor went through three popular textbooks on intelligence, found the most frequently cited experts, and asked each of them to write a chapter. I thought it would be the usual: Intelligence is a myth, IQ tests are racist, growing up in a fancy house makes you smart.

I was wrong. Most of the 20 authors are sure-enough scientists, and they have a clear message: Our rulers are ignoramuses. The blowhards at CNN and the New York Times are wrong.

They take for granted stuff that can get you fired if you say it openly. Namely, you are basically born smart or stupid. Nobody knows how to raise IQ, but we sure know how to measure it. Men’s and women’s brains work differently. People of different races have different average IQs, and that’s probably genetic, too.

Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware includes an illustration that’s worth the price of the book. I used it in a previous video, so I’ll note just one thing: A white person is 30 times more likely than a black person to have an IQ of 125 or higher. Since there are five times as many whites as blacks in the country, there are 150 times more really high-IQ whites than blacks in this country. And 25 times as many blacks with IQs 75 or lower.


Explains a lot, doesn’t it? But the next time you hear the media fret about not enough “people of color” in science or management or whatever, do you think there will be even one word about IQ? No chance.

Frank Jones #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: How Racism and Discrimination Affect Black People in China and Hong Kong

Li Yao-tai, an assistant professor at Baptist University, has researched how the colonial legacy in Hong Kong – highlighting the value of whiteness and English proficiency – has affected the city’s labour market.

Good grief it has been over 20 years since Prince Charles sailed out of Hong Kong for the last time.

Even before reading the article I knew it would get to blaming Whites. I think we need to learn to accept the reality that coloreds of whatever non-White hue are simply not fully human. The notion of a common humanity is a White derived idea anyway, and now that we have experience with other groups we must disregard that idea as a fiction. Fully actualized people take responsibility for what they do, say and think. These people need Whites to blame because they cannot imagine existing otherwise.

Blacks will quickly find out that only American Whites care about Blacks “feelings”, no one else cares.

I remember seeing a map of the "global" protests following the George Floyd suicide. The map almost perfectly coincided with US cultural/military hegemony. The vast majority of the planet outside this sphere of influence was never bothered in the slightest.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: More Immigrants Will Come to the U.S. Under President Biden. That’s a Good Thing.

Jorge Ramos welcomes the coming tsunami.


Right wingers are cowards, they like to pick the easy targets such as "illegal aliens," "Hispanics," "Liberals," "Globalists," "Leftists," Blah, Blah, Blah.

Hispanics are losers. Instead of staying in their squalid latino countries and making them tolerable, they take the easy way out of their substandard lives and flee to another country that was created and built by another people.

(Fed Up)
Why are AMERICANS supposed to be willing to take in the world's human refuse? Collectively, we've done far more than our fair share already.

But I thought we were in the middle of a pandemic. They pretty much restrict us from traveling anywhere so why should all these people be allowed to come in?

Why, to bring new strains of diseases and viruses. We've got to keep the medical/pharmaceutical industry alive and healthy, right?


I really don't understand why this guy appears so confident of his people and heritage yet CONSTANTLY INSISTS AND ADVOCATES that they all come live in the U.S.A. What is wrong with your country? Is it the people? I also cannot stand his attitude toward Americans. This guy has the nerve to tell us about our historic traditions of receiving foreigners, but all he does is demonstrate his ignorance about the 1965 immigration act. Yes Mr. Ramos, the original intentions of our founding fathers were to keep this country White. And we see why today.

In Mexico and Latin America, "Hispanics" that look like him (Honestly, he does look white), are the ones with wealth and--god I hate using this word--privilege. They want the masses of brown-skinned mestizos coming here to get them out of Mexico.

Gregory Hood #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

China Trolls the West’s Delusions and Hypocrisies

Sometimes, even race realists become so used to the stupidity that we are like the fish who never notice water. Sometimes it takes China, a self-respecting civilization-state, to expose our elites’ silly beliefs and shameless hypocrisy.

This is how China’s Ambassador to Grenada, Zhao Youngchen, described his government’s actions in the Xinjiang region, home of the Uyghur Muslims.

Islamic extremists in Xinjiang discriminated against women, and forced women to veil and wear black robes. All kind and rational women in western world, don’t you think the protection of basic human rights of Uyghur women by the Chinese government is commendable?

China isn’t oppressing the Uyghur minority or crushing its culture; it fighting for women’s liberation. Shouldn’t liberals be cheering? The New York Times published a column arguing what is being done to the Uyghurs is “genocide.” “Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been gradually rolling out policies that threaten Uighur culture and identity. There are financial incentives for interethnic marriages between Uighur and Han Chinese couples.”

But aren’t we supposed to think mixed marriage is a wonderful thing? In 2018, the New York Times rejoiced with this headline: “A Sign of ‘Modern Society’: More Multiracial Families in Commercials.” Besides, what do Uyghur culture and identity really mean? Since CNN tells us “There is no ‘White Culture’,” maybe there’s no Uyghur culture either. You might argue that the Chinese government wants to eliminate the Uyghurs. You might even say that the Chinese Communist Party is trying to replace them. However, that’s dangerous talk, a paranoid conspiracy theory. How could political and cultural policies possibly have demographic consequences? It’s a ridiculous claim.

Lipton Matthews #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

Looking Out for Working-Class Whites

While the grievances of women, blacks and others frequently make headlines, working-class white people are satirized as uneducated rednecks. Journalists would never use the n-word on blacks, but mainstream pundits rarely exercise restraint when berating the white working-class. Pandering to every group in America except for working-class whites smacks of racism and snobbery.

Despite constant media lamenting about the plight of black people, they are making great strides, while working-class whites are being immiserated. Wilcox et al. wrote in 2018, “black men have made marked progress over the last half-century in reaching the upper ranks of the income ladder. Poverty among black men has dropped dramatically over the same time.”. Though more women than men are employed in America and they get the majority of graduate degrees, many people consider them to be oppressed and call for sex-based affirmative action. But it’s working-class white people who are struggling, so they may deserve class-based affirmative action. Class-based preferences can work:

In the early 2000s, four of Israel’s most selective universities began giving preferential treatment to poorer students. After analysing the academic outcomes of more than 5,000 students, the authors found noteworthy results.

If Google and many other companies are hiring people because of race and even sexual orientation, there should be no complaints if they promote diversity by hiring working-class whites. They might even bring a unique perspective. A racially diverse group of people who all studied at Harvard or Yale probably agrees on everything.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Capitol Hill Rioters Treatment Draws Cries of Hypocrisy from Minorities in Metro Detroit

The exact opposite of this guy's claim is what happened. BLM did 2 billion dollars in damage and killed about 40 people, while being called peaceful. The protestors last night didn't kill anyone. Only they were killed.



When you are black and riot in the streets you are a peaceful protestor and the worst that can happen is maybe you get tear gassed.

If you are White you get shot dead.


Just like in that awesome book, The Turner Diaries...it predicted this...there is a war...a war on white ppl...the sooner we wake up the better....

The vast difference in damages is the first argument to be made. Of course, another important distinction is the primary cause: George Floyd’s crime and overdose vs stealing the presidential election. And the moral high horse goes to right-wingers, again

(Mark Maloney)
All the sudden the left is pro-police, pro-police brutality, pro-law and order, and pro-prosecution for trespassing and protesting. The news media, while I was watching live, described a bunch of people standing around as terrorists.

(Diversity Hire)
Over the past 5+ years, every time that a group of white people does something that the power-brokers, the propaganda cabal, and kvetching cat-ladies...... find abhorrent. The most insufferable, the most inept, and the most predictable response is sure to follow:

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but, but, buhhhhhh.... WHAT IF THEY WERE BLACK... Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

And every time the claim rings more false and stupid than ever, yet it's still echoed with the full fury of the propaganda cabal time and time again.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Officer Who Shot Jacob Blake Will Not Face Charges, District Attorney Says

Will there be riots tonight or tomorrow? That will be interesting to see. If there are then shooting a black man by the police has become a no no, just like using the n word by anyone but them.

(Fed Up)
I am glad we have almost no blacks in our area. Because if they were to stage "a peaceful protest" with the looting and rioting, arson and vandalism -- I'd be facing murder charges! Because I would defend what I own and care about with deadly force.

(Wake up)
Again I say.... had rioting, looting & burning been viciously squashed in the late 1960’s, the message would have been sent that “Whitey ain’t playin”.

(Jeff Alexander)
The recurring theme is black defiance when confronted. Liberals and Africans put the onus on cops - who can be overzealous- to change, but none on Africans to refrain from resisting.

I don't like the child excuse of the cop as our adversaries will use it too.

(Fed Up)
What is it about being stopped or detained by a police officer that turns black people into raging wild animals? All you have to do is just shut up. Do exactly as you are told. Keep your hands in sight and don't act like you're about to reach for a weapon.

Follow those simple rules and no violent confrontation will occur. If you're not arrested, you can walk away. If you are arrested, you can get a lawyer to represent you. What is so hard for blacks to understand here?

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Large Venezuelan Migration Sparks Xenophobic Backlash in Colombia


Hypocritic Hispanic crybabies.

And in that case it seems even more strange because as far as I know the majority of Venezuelans are mestizos like the majority of Colombians so it's the same race, unlike the people coming across the southern border of the US.

(America first)
Hispanics can’t even get along with other Hispanics, yet they want me to believe that they are going to get along great with Whites, Blacks, and Asians.

Back in the 1980s, 20 percent of the population of oil-rich Venezuela consisted of Colombian immigrants. Socialism has sent all the Colombians plus millions of native Venezuelans back across the border. Now that the Democrat Party has achieved the total power they have long lusted for, they will make the US into North Venezuela. Mexico had better get ready for a large influx not only of Mexican-Americans but of actual Americans as well.

(Joe Dixon)
Biden's going to invite them all into the United States soon, what's another 5-10 million hispanic immigrants when you've already got 100 million. Just think of all that cultural enrichment, diversity and votes for the democrat party.


The message that Venezuelan migrants are no longer welcome comes from average Colombian citizens and powerful government officials alike. Last week, for example, Colombian President Iván Duque announced that undocumented Venezuelan migrants would not receive vaccinations for the coronavirus despite concerns from refugee agencies that this policy could lead to more infections.

“Of course they won’t get it,” Duque told a Bogotá radio station. “Otherwise we would have a stampede with the whole world crossing the border to get vaccinated.”

Common sense to take care of your own first.

Just another npr sob story to import more of them here.

They are on their way to chant Biden, Biden at the border.

zuuluuz & Robert Kelly #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Migrants Chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ Attempt to Rush Border


White patriots (in other words, true actual Americans) in Washington, DC right now, chanting "Trump Trump Trump". Meanwhile, nonwhite foreigners who are totally alien to the USA and all of its history, attempting to invade the USA at El Paso, chanting the name of their champion "Biden Biden Biden".

Is there any other country where noncitizens would do that? And on top of that, where they know that the leader of said country would welcome them as well? I doubt even the migrants to Europe do that.

I wish we could send all of those illegals to Israel.

I know a lot of people roll their eyes when this is mentioned(some Amreners don't agree even) but there's most likely Jewish involvement in it. Jews have been a privileged minority for years. Why couldn't they have just enjoyed that and stuck to making money and kept quiet? Why did they have to embark on this anti white agenda?

(Robert Kelly)
The Democrats were able to steal the election because they know that violence works. Had the election results been overturned, there would have been more murder, mayhem, arson and looting by BLM and Antifa. And the MSM would be supporting them every step of the way.

The MSM would paint them as fearless underdogs, fighting to preserve democracy and exercising their first amendment rights while the police and national guard are told to stand down. Any show of force against BLM and Antifa would be construed as racism and facism and Trump as a deranged, racist dictator.

They know that they have nothing to fear from the right. The right are always expected to tow the line. The right always have to be peaceful, law abiding and rule following while the left does whatever it wants when it suits their purpose.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Media Ignore Raphael Warnock’s Racial Radicalism

He is senior pastor at EBC, the “spiritual home of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” Like King, Rev. Warnock has trouble with women; his wife says he assaulted her. Rev. Warnock is said to have interfered with a child abuse investigation.

Less serious accusations have destroyed white preachers. Jerry Falwell, Jr. left Liberty University amid accusations of adultery. Ted Haggard and Jim Bakker’s careers ended after sexual sins were revealed. Jesse Jackson lost no influence after his own affair and illegitimate child were exposed. Mark Discoll left the church he founded after accusations of plagiarism, and nothing as blatant as King’s.

Journalists attack conservative politicians with ties to pastors they call “extreme.” Reverend Wright is a moderate compared to Dr. James Cone, whom Rev. Warnock called his “mentor.” Dr. Cone praised “the willingness of black church people to think about the total reconstruction of society along the lines of democratic socialism.” His advice to blacks: “If God is white, kill God.” For whites: “There will be no peace in America until white people begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: ‘How can we become black?’” (Perhaps Rachel Dolezal was a disciple.) Another quote from his book: “We have reached our limit of tolerance, and if it means death with dignity or life with humiliation, we will choose the former. And if that is the choice, we will take some honkies with us.”

What’s the end goal? “[T]he destruction of everything white, so that blacks can be liberated from alien gods.” [emphasis in the original]. If hate speech means anything, this is it. Senator Kelly Loeffler ran an ad suggesting Rev. Warnock was part of this radical tradition. Corporate media defended the “Black church” against Senator Kelly Loeffler’s “attack.”

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

For decades, progressives have been warning us about the religious right. There is no such outcry when it comes to the religious antics of Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock of Georgia. Taken for granted in all this is that the “Black church” fights for black racial interests. The Times would never write such fawning coverage of a conservative preacher. Journalists celebrate and defend the “Black church,” but have no sympathy for the “white church.”

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) recently bought an abandoned Lutheran church. “Asatru is an ethnic faith of European peoples,” explained AFA official Matt Flavel, “believing our gods are our most ancient ancestors, and basically worshipping them and building our community.” Although it bought a church building, AFA is not a church. The Nation of Islam’s headquarters is a former Orthodox church, but nobody calls the NOI a “blacks-only church.” National media made a big stink about the purchase, calling the AFA a “whites-only church” or even a “white supremacist church.”

Notice the casual description of the AFA as a “hate group” or “white supremacist.” One resident, Peter Kennedy, was upset. “What other religion in the world makes a big deal out of the color of your skin?” he asked in the Star-Tribune. The answer is: just about all of them.

Jews claim to be the Chosen People. The “Black church” is powerful enough to influence a president and may win a Senate race in Georgia. Shintoism and American Indian religions are largely folk-based, not missionary religions that seek converts. Even supposedly universal religions such as Islam are divided on who should be the authority, based on sacred bloodlines. Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam may have seen Islam (or some variation of it) as the key to black emancipation, but the Sultan of Morocco used a slave army composed entirely of blacks as his “Black Guard.”

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Canada Now Resettles More Refugees Than Any Other Country, Mostly Through Private Sponsorship

(Frank Jones)

Sponsors stopped befriending migrants on Facebook because it was “too hard to say no.”

In a sane country these bleeding hearts would spend the rest of their days exiled or in prison.

(Francis Galton)

“I don’t even know how to say to someone, ‘I can’t help you’,” she said.

How about you say instead, "Why don't you stay in your own country and try to make it a better place."

Ahh the hopelessly naive. Refugees from Syria of all places? How would they know from social media if the "refugee" isn't Osama's second cousin or something? Chicanery is a tactic their own Koran instructs them to use on us infidels.


spoiler"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them. " Justin Trude when asked dto comment on his Open Borders inmigration strategy.

An unpleasant relic? That's sick. This guy is white isn't he? Not sure but he does look ((white)). ‘the very concept of a nation founded by African settlers is offensive to me. Old stock black Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them’. I suppose ‘Jewish’, ‘Asian’ and about every color besides ‘white’ would work too.

(Kid Charlemagne)
We talk about Je*s pushing this third world invasion but a lot of it is these church ladies who fall for these desperation pleas or simply to feel virtuous. They never pay for this out of their own pockets and never ever have to live around their decisions or suffer the consequences.

Islam is correct about women.

"Too hard to say no" to people who hate you? These people are the very definition of pathetic.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Cuban Migrants Protest at Mexico Border, Seeking Entry to U.S.

(Francis Galton)

Dozens of Cubans protested at the U.S. border in the northern Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez on Tuesday night, demanding they be allowed to cross and claim asylum in the United States. Jonathan Castro, 25, said he has spent one year and eight months in Mexico. “We’re fed up waiting,” he said.

The audacity of some branches of the human species is astonishing. Clearly this guy thinks the right to live among Whites is a human right.

The American people are fed up with foreigners trying to break into our country and telling us what our immigration policies should be.

Many of them do think exactly that.

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
The Cubans are so used to being able to enter the United States whenever they want that they feel entitled. Most of them already have family living here. Sadly, we learned nothing from the Muriel Boat Lift even with Hollywood ramming the point home that Cuba sent us a bunch of criminals.

(Phineas Gage)
Whites are fed up being the planetary wet-nurse! Go suck someone else's tit bud.

(Tommy Vercetti)

Funny, isn't it? Many of us Americans are also fed up -- with everyone and his extended family wanting, claiming the right to live here in OUR America.

While White South Africans like us are left to die In South Africa.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Hilaria Baldwin Admits Her Real Name Is Hillary

Never heard of this woman before, but what's really bizarre is the phrase "Europe has lots of white people in there," as if it's somehow a dubious anomaly that Europe is the indigenous homeland of whites, and also that she seems to assume that Spaniards are not white and that pretending to be Spanish somehow gave her "POC cred" among the bien-pensant anti-whites who dominate her political and social milieu.

Her kids all look Irish and English and maybe German. Poor kids were all given Spanish names which doesn't fit their look. Of course there's nothing wrong with being Spanish--Spain, after all, is a White European nation, still the name thing is odd.

(Robert Kelly)
If white male privilege is real, why does no one ever LARP as a straight, white male? I never see "Supposedly heterosexual white man outed as Gay, Cherokee Indian crossdresser". Because a gay Indian crossdresser outranks the heterosexual white man on the SJW victimhood totem pole. So there would be no reason for a gay Cherokee Indian crossdresser to pretend to be a straight, white man.


She was pretending to be a Spaniard right? Those are white people too.

Exactly so what is the big deal? I have met people in NYC who have done this. I've met people who feigned British and French. Some libs/left do this to set themselves apart as some sort of posh enlightened up-scale European, which they idolize.

IstvanIN & Cosmik Debris #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Xenophobia Surges as Covid-19 Slams South African Economy

“Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in April said locals should be prioritized in post-pandemic recovery efforts.”

Too bad Nancy "give it all away" Pelosi doesn't think that way about Americans.

“You’ve got people all the way from Nigeria who are here to sell tomatoes on our streets. How is that helping us grow our economy? Every foreign national that came to our country since 1994 must be deported,” said Victoria Mamogobo, the 34-year-old chairwoman of the South Africa First party.”

And in the US since 1965.

“Since the apartheid system of racial discrimination ended in 1994, Africa’s most developed economy has been a magnet for migrants from the continent and as far afield as Bangladesh.”

Actually LONG before that. I remember a seemingly liberal co-worker mention that years ago. He was telling me about a news broadcast he watched covering illegal immigration into S Africa. This was at the height of the anti-apartheid movement. So, I mean here was the 700 Club making one of our argument for us; if the USA (or SAfrica) is so horrible and racist why are nonwhites en-mass moving here?

(Cosmik Debris)
Correct. The apartheid government had to install a deadly electric fence along the long border to prevent foreign blacks from entering South Africa for employment. The local South African blacks can't compete with the hard working foreign blacks. They run informal corner stores that South African blacks can't compete with even if they run them illegally. It's pure laziness and envy from protected blacks. Most employers would preferably illegally employ a hard working foreign black than and entitled, unionised and eternal racial victim South African black that is virtually impossible to fire.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Chinese Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Emerging, Divided Views

"South-Korea, the U.S. and Japan were the most common countries of origin among China-based migrants"

Ok, 2 out of 3 of those constitute the same race as the Chinese themselves so that's not true diversity. That would be like the US taking more whites from Europe.

(Francis Galton)
Yup, I noticed that, too. And the rest "Southeast Asia and Western Europe." I wonder what Chinese attitudes towards immigration would be if they got a real taste of third-world diversity. I'm guessing it might be a bit more negative.

(Tom C)
The Chinese should be the last to complain about immigration. They have invaded every last nook and cranny in the world. There is no village without a Chinese, no exaggeration. In Southeast Asia, they basically run the economies of the locals.

Fred Reed & BAN #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: National Intelligence Is More Important for Explaining Country Well-Being Than Time Preference

(Fred Reed)

Patient people fare better in life than impatient people. Based on this and on economic models, many economists have claimed that more patient countries should fare better than less patient countries. This survey measured six non-cognitive traits across 76 countries in about 80,000 persons. We combine this database with existing estimates of national intelligence (national IQs). Across all our results, we found that national IQ has 2-4 times the predictive validity of time preference.

IQ explains why Jews, two percent of America, so easily dominate a population far inferior. No? It also explains why the East Asians, half a standard deviation superior, are rapidly becoming the world's dominant people. They are just smarter. Check the students at MIT, Cal Tech, the elite high schools. It partly explains, I suspect, why Jews like Zuckerberg have Chinese wives. For either of these races to marry goyim is dysgenic. Assortative mating by intelligence is well known. Note also that the East Asians are much less militarily aggressive than whites, suggesting a higher order of civilization. Whites make weapons, Chinese make money. As do Jews.


They do have a point but the patient successful countries I know of have one race in them i.e. South Korea, Japan & China & little or no blacks to drive them impatient & eventually insane & one banned Jack Dorsey's Twitter so there might be a thing....

the most important thing is this: the more melinated your population, the more dysfunction your country will be... name one example of a melinated country that is successful and prosperous throughout history (maybe india, but it was ruled by mongols and mughals during their golden ages).

Tim_in_Indiana & Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Inc Will Recycle Used White Guys


As corporations try to make their ranks more ethnically representative, many experienced – if white and older – males will find themselves without a job. Chinese companies, deterred from acquiring U.S. firms with valuable intellectual property, can recruit their discarded human capital instead.

I would love to see these diversity-obsessed corporations fold and be replaced by new ones that celebrate talent and ability, and compete on that basis rather than on government handouts and preferences, but that will only happen if we defeat the scandalously fraudulent election steal which the left is currently trying to perpetrate on this country. Fortunately, I fully expect that to happen.

(Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов))

this is why america is doomed.. and the rise of china is inevitable... chinese people dont have diversity quotas.. i cant wait for apple and the other SJW companies to fail when they start hiring inferior folks due to the amount of melanin in their skin

The weakening of the USA is a BLESSING to the world. The United States exports feminism, and negro worship through it's culture to the entire world. The USA is a nation led by criminals. They fund terrorists in Syria, they over throw democratically elected officials in foreign nations, they sanction nations that want only to keep their sovereignty, and they are the MUSCLE behind the international Bankers who exploit smaller nations. It is a evil entity in every way.

And as a bonus, the system in place seeks to ERASE and ENSLAVE its White male population.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Denver City Council Renames Columbus Park as La Raza Park


Aside from one resident who said he was opposed to the renaming and that it detracts from the local Italian-American community

It's always amusing when Hispanics and Latinos try to conflate themselves with Italians, like when blacks try to do this with the Ancient Egyptians. It's a great way to make an Italian's skin crawl.

You ain’t seen nothing yet. The next park or government building will be named after Jose Garcia Zarate or perhaps El Chapo. There is such a huge pool of names of these fine upstanding Hispanics, they can name every single park, building or school after these chaps and still have millions leftover.

So much for Mexicans assimilating smoothly into our culture and civilization as the liars who did this to us told us.


La Raza literally means the race and it only refers to one race. There is nothing unifying about this. Again, all diversity means is white people are bad. It's anti-white racism.

Exactly. It actually makes the park unwelcoming to anyone but Hispanics.

(Jack Ryanod)
“‘La raza is a word of unity and about celebrating community,” Sandoval said, fighting back tears.

I respond; No. "La raza" translates as... THE RACE So we're being accused of RACISM" by racial advocacy group called THE RACE. Kind of like being called a "Criminal" by a spokesman for the Gambino Crime family or my Chicago's Black Gangster Disciples.

But, but, but... "La Raza" is a social construct!?

At least they aren't being subtle. No one can say that they didn't know what the Mestizos were aiming for.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

(NOTE: Comments in reaction to this article.)

(Francis Galton)
I have often wondered about the 90-10 split in black vs. White violent crime. Given that the NCVS relies on the honesty of the person reporting, I would be surprised if the difference were not actually much greater, something more like 99-1. Blacks have been trained to hate Whites for decades, so when black victims are asked about the race of the perpetrator, many may falsely claim he was White.

(Rich at Large)

A widespread belief is that innocent black people are attacked and maimed and/or murdered by racist white people day in and day out.

Every white-on-black attack is heavily featured in the MSM for months and even years, yet they only have a few cases in the news each year (virtually all of which are justifiable by police). If there were more, we'd know. It's an extreme rarity, whereas all the ephemeral "local news stories" about black-on-white violence leave them nonplussed and don't even seem to register in their consciousness.

I wonder how the blacks and leftists as well would react if whites were raping and killing blacks on the same level they do whites. If they react how they do at just a few white cops killing blacks, how would they if the situation was reversed?

They already act as though whites rape and kill blacks more than blacks rape and kill whites, in defiance of all evidence of reality.

But they deep down know the truth. How often does a black person feel afraid in a crowd of whites as compared to the reverse? My point is imagine if it really WAS the reverse. The media would never report on anything else and it would likely be declared a national emergency.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: California Gets Latino US Senator, Some Black Leaders Angry

(Wake up)

Black San Francisco Mayor London Breed called the Senate decision “a real blow to the African American community.”

Remember the time a White politician said “this is a blow to the White Community”? Neither do I.

(Tony Murphy)
Squabbling over the spoils while the White producers of said spoils stand aside and look on.


”12% of the population we are told but blacks must be in everything?”

The population of BLACK in the USA is actually 11.78% based on the 2020 Census count. They DECREASED in size.

That's because they abort at a greater % than any other group. They also slaughter themselves in violent crimes more than any other group.

Thank God for this!

(Eldridge Davis)

Blacks and Latinos don’t get along. But they put aside their differences on Election Day to vote against the wishes of white people.

So true. We'll see the coming conflict between them as Hispanics take over more and more what blacks think use to be theirs.


Somehow I am not bothered by this. Given I have no use for blacks or Latinos since I see them as they really are. Not as we're told we have to see them.

I would give anything to be a fly on the wall to see them not get those positions when they find out that Trump will get a second term. Wonder what will happen then.

Excuse me.... but Negroes are 6.5 percent of the population of California, but somehow they "deserve" to have HALF the US Senate seats? No bubba. Take a good long drink of the "democracy" you keep saying you want in this country, because 6.5 percent of the population is not going to elect anybody to state-wide office.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

This image doesn’t represent Los Angeles today. Blacks are less than 10 percent of the population, and whites are gentrifying the city. Interestingly, blacks began leaving after the 1992 riots, and those who have stayed are reportedly telling each other not to sell houses to non-blacks. “White return,” wrote an author for the website Los Angeleno, poses a “real existential threat.” Whites who tried to save Compton in the 1940s and 1950s made similar appeals to racial solidarity, but once again, we see politics is not about what, but who. When blacks integrate a neighborhood, it is a triumph and anyone who objects is a bigot. When whites move back, non-whites can tell them to stay away.

However, the major trend is the increase in Hispanics. Los Angeles is less than 30 percent white and is about half Hispanic. Whites don’t want to think about how much the city has become part of the Third World, with its attendant tribalism. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center reported in 2007 on Hispanics’ “ethnic cleansing” of blacks. In 2018, a gang used a firebomb attack to drive blacks out of a housing development. It would be wrong to say there’s a broad campaign to expel blacks, but violently or not, Hispanics are pushing blacks out. Los Angeles isn’t the (however unedifying) black cultural center it was 30 years ago.

BLM is unlikely to bring blacks back to Los Angeles; the pressure from Hispanics is too great. Hispanics could develop a BLM movement of their own, built around ethnic interests. What’s clear is that barring radical change, the only whites with a future in Los Angeles are the millionaires in the Hollywood Hills and a few hardy gentrifiers. We’ll see how long they hold out.

Bon, From the Land of Babble #racist amren.com

This is why I like Persians, Russians and Armenians. Talking about race to a Russian, Armenian, Filipino, Persian or Asian is like talking to amremers. Most what some call real Whites I know are disgusting liberals even after they have been robbed or raped by a black.

They are open RACISTS who positively despise blacks and hispanics and work to keep them out of the neighborhoods where they live.

BUT.. the major difference is that Armenians, Russians, Persians and Asians are extremely ethno-centric and have advocacy groups to support their ethnic group interests. In California, they have set up ethno-centric culture and language schools based on their distinct ethnicities. No one in the media calls these schools “racist” or demands that they admit, pay for and cater to blacks and hispanics. No one in the media, at least that I’ve ever read, has referred to these ethno-centric groups as Nazis, racists and bigots.

Try opening a Euro-based school for Whites of European descent and see how far you get! Try barring blacks and hispanics from your neighborhood by refusing to rent to them! Try forming an advocacy group specifically for Whites as is allowed ALL other ethnic/racial groups and see how far you get!! Try pointing out the many egregious examples of White hatred and White discrimination we Whites deal with every single day and see you far you get.

There would be a FIRE STORM of anger against any White who deigned to (RIGHTFULLY) defend White interests.

A better question to ask is WHY is open, blatant, White hatred is ALLOWED?

Cui Bono?

Logician #conspiracy #racist amren.com

Here's an interesting facet, as black extremist advocacy has gained territory in the West, I find it progressively harder to find realistic comment on the state of Africa and the 3rd world. The conflicts and tribal wars get nastier, the criminality and corruption becomes more prevalent, but the reportage compared to 20 or even 10 years ago is hugely reduced. It's there locally, but increasingly it only gets through via 'alternative' or minority news aggregator websites. The MSM act as if the daily slaughters, kidnappings and tribal conflicts were near-non-existent. If another Rwanda occurred, would we even hear of it? At Mandela's funeral, the media were slobbering over the celebs and politicians who turned out, but no-one asked anyone for an opinion on the crowd booing the new regime because of their corruption and incompetence.

It would be a very interesting experiment to withdraw all outside support from sub-Saharan Africa. I'm guessing that the reversion to jungle conditions would occur within a matter of a few years.

That's already occurring on the fringes of the mega-cities in Nigeria and Kenya. The infrastructure does not exist and planned housing is an alien concept. But rather than establish 'new towns' to accommodate rampant population growth, the joke governments simply allow informal urban sprawl, with water and energy shortages, disease and crime. The running joke at one time was the regular conflagrations in Nigeria as squatters breached the surface pipelines to drain-off fuel for cooking and heating. Another interesting item I saw was a photo of local gangsters walking their pet jackals on leads.

Son of the 1st Revolution #conspiracy #racist amren.com

RE: Grooming Gangs Come from ‘Diverse Backgrounds’, Says Home Office

”British, American and Dutch grooming gangs? I’d like to see mugshots of those. Something tells me they look just like the Jamaican, Pakistani and Somali gangs.”

Dutch - Somalia's came to Holland and gained Dutch passports, then they were 'EU Citizens' who were able to come to England. Dutch my foot.

Nice job of this article obscuring the truth, "The nationalities and ethnicities of suspects in current investigations 'varied considerably', the report said, including British, American, Bangladeshi, Bulgarian, Dutch, Eritrean, Indian, Jamaican, Lithuanian, Pakistani, Portuguese and Somali." OK, how many of those supposed Brits were really Paki immigrants? The same thing goes for the supposed Americans and the Dutch. Were they white or black Americans or for that matter, Pakis with US or Dutch passports?

The only ones on there who are likely white are the Lithuanians. The Bulgarians were likely gypsies.

There is a document called "The United Nations Charter for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." It states that an indigenous people is not to have foreign culture(s), religion(s), or people(s), imposed on them (for example, the way the indigenous peoples of Europe have alien peoples imposed on them via immigration). When the British government signed onto it, it added a proviso that these protections would not apply to the indigenous people of Britain. And the indigenous fools in Britain and elsewhere in Europe keep re-electing the enemies who are doing this to them.

I was unaware of the penultimate sentence that you write but I do know that the evil Government of Tony Bliar argued that there was no such thing as an indigenous Briton and that 'we are a Nation of immigrants' (U.K. that is). And Bliar and other officals argued this and it was broadcast by the media.

Steven Rowell & CTON #racist amren.com

RE: Down with Robert E. Lee and Up with Barbara Johns

(Steven Rowell)
Of course the creator of Planet of the Apes was referring to the future when blacks would take over our society and enslave whites. In the movie the Time Machine, it was making reference to a race of underground half-humans who worked secretly to wipe out blonde hair blued eyed humans above the ground. This is a reference to a race today who is trying to commit genocide on Nordic peoples through mass immigration and interracial breeding.


”I’m just curious, what would happen to a White student in an overwhelmingly Black inner-city High School, who protested being beaten and robbed every week? Would the White student be hailed as a hero by Blacks? Why don’t some White Liberals try this experiment with one of their own kids?”

It'd really be something if the traitors among us had to live among their pets.

that's why I have no sympathy when I heard about a leftist German (or somewhere in Western Europe) that got 'diversified' by nonwhites. I have no sympathy when white liberals (like those stupid Scandinavian women) who went to North Africa and got beheaded. They should have known better and many of those white leftists actively work against nationalists in the West and promote open borders BS in the West. I say it's Mother Nature punishing them. No sympathy at all when bad things happen to white leftists. I really don't!

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Most Americans can hardly imagine preferences for the majority and assume that if whites become a minority racial preferences will be finished. They shouldn’t count on it. Malaysia had preferences for the majority Malays even before independence in 1957, and has only extended them as time has gone by.

Malaysia is 60% Malay, 25% Chinese, and 8% Indian. Average IQs of Malays and Indians are about 87 while that of the Chinese is 103 to 106. The gap is as wide as that between American blacks and whites, with the inevitable result: Chinese dominate the economy. All Malaysians are officially divided into bumiputras, who get preferences, and non-bumiputras, who don’t. “Bumis” must be Muslim Malay stock, though they need not be from Malaysia. This means an immigrant from Indonesia gets preferences over Indians or Chinese who have been in Malaysia for generations.

In 1970, when the NEP went into effect, Chinese controlled 27 percent of the wealth. By 2000, despite discrimination, they increased their share to a remarkable 40 percent. When they are minorities, low-IQ groups welcome and even insist on preferences. When they are the majority, low-IQ people grant themselves preferences because they have the power to do so. That is clear in Southeast Asia, where virtually every country tries to control the Chinese. In Africa, high(er)-IQ Indians face systematic discrimination, as do whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe. As soon as blacks had power, they set about dispossessing the high-IQ whites.

If whites do nothing, low-IQ populations in the US will use their power legally to dispossess high-IQ minorities. Any ruling alliance of blacks and Hispanics will have fights and disagreements, but they will agree on one thing: that certain groups have more than they deserve and should be plucked.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #quack #racist amren.com

RE: Every Single US State Is Being Advised to Consider Ethnic Minorities as Critical Groups for Vaccination

This time, I will be very glad to accept all those hip hop gangster rappers will be the priority. because, " We proudly developed a very safe vaccine with efficacy over 90% within 10 months " does not sound realistic or safe at all....

(Spirit of Chronos)
I agree. Let minorities have first dibs on this dubiously safe vaccine. Then Whites can just sit back and watch the horrible side-effects from a distance.


Whites are minorities in at least two states, Hawaii and California. Will whites receive special treatments there?

Heck no. This is why I always say "non-Whites" and not "minorities." Whites are a minority in the world and even in much of the U.S.

Some day non-whites, especially blacks will have priority for all health care as whites are sent to the back of the line. That is what social justice will look like in an America where whites are the minority. Whites who believe they will be treated as kindly and graciously as they have treated non-whites are delusional and soon to be disappointed.

(Jeff Coffey)
You can already see this happening in the way that the Democrats make political appointments. There is no way that any vacant position will go to a white man, and if there is some position that was held by any sort of minority figure, it can only be filled by someone from an equally or more "oppressed" minority group. It's a one way street.

This is a good precedent that we need to remember and use for our purpose. If it is legal to give preference based on race, and this action shows that it is, then we can give preference to whites in other endeavors.

Phil Defer #psycho #racist amren.com

What’s It Like to Work for the Border Patrol?

Do illegals ever make a racial/national appeal to Hispanic agents to get preferential treatment or outright release?

Obviously, they never made that sort of appeal to me except in reverse — I got called racist more than a few times. For the Hispanic agents, they did get appeals that they were all part of the same raza, so why are you arresting me?

Are there any differences in the way agents of different races do their jobs?

No doubt about it that the most corrupt are the Hispanic agents. There are more of them, and they are closer to their ancestral homeland, being asked to stop people who look like them, speak like them, eat the same foods, and listen to the same music. Now, you would think that white Americans would be the best agents, but it seemed like the more obviously racially conscious a white agent was, the worse he was at the job. They seemed to retreat and bitch about the job but rarely make any arrests.

How could the Border Patrol be more effective?

A Biden administration would be devastating. I don’t think agents would have any incentive to go out and catch aliens just to watch them walk out the door again.

What did you like best about working for Border Patrol?

I loved hearing about how an agent defied our supervisors and got into a high-speed pursuit and made a bust despite them. I miss running down aliens after they scattered from a bust. I hated it when they got away, but it was so rewarding to grab them and ruin their stay. We had stickers that read “Border Patrol: Crushing Dreams” pasted around the office.

Phil Defer #racist amren.com

Are there any differences in how immigrants of different races behave?

I didn’t see much of a distinction between different Hispanic nationalities. The Chinese I arrested were generally very polite. The Indians I arrested were more defiant. They didn’t fight, but they would try to stare you down. I heard later that Bangladeshis purposely try to stare you down as a means of exerting their superiority. Cubans were rude and nasty. I don’t know if it was caused by coming out of a totalitarian state, but they behaved like a criminal gang. I once heard about a group of them that guarded the Porta Potties in a detention center and started charging other aliens to use them.

When I was on the Canadian border, we were warned about the Albanians and Serbs. They had a reputation of wanting to fight. We once had an Albanian make not-so-veiled threats about killing a group of us agents.

Did you ever see any evidence that the Mexican government helps people cross the border?

The Mexican military helps cross drug loads into the U.S. without a doubt. Wherever we saw their soldiers camped out along the border, we knew it was likely to be a drug zone. Mexico loves the remittances it gets back from Mexicans living in America. Mexico once had printed up brochures on how to sneak into the U.S. without getting caught and without dehydrating and dying. I was surprised the Trump administration was able to get Mexico to slow the flow. However, that might be because each Honduran in the U.S. is taking a job a Mexican would be doing.

It’s a poverty issue. As long as Latin America is poor and the U.S. is wealthy, they will continue to cross. Really, interior enforcement needs to be ramped up.

Joseph Kay #racist amren.com

Despite million-dollar salaries and near worship by millions of white sports fans, black basketball players express hostility towards whites. Many dread just walking the streets in a society that threatens “black bodies.” What can be done to cool it?

The league should play the next season in sub-Sahara Africa. They would avoid accommodations favored by foreigners in favor of small guest houses in slums such as Hillbrow and Berea. There would be some inconveniences for these millionaire black Americans returning to their ancestral lands. It will be important for these young men to dodge venereal diseases since sub-Saharan Africa leads the world in them. If sickness does strike, practitioners of African “traditional medicine” can cure the athletes.

Yes, there will be some crime — sky-high in many areas — but armed soldiers can accompany these wealthy Americans 24/7 and also guard their belongings when they are out shooting hoops. The guides can help them navigate encounters with local police and petty functionaries demanding payoffs for no reason whatsoever. However, African law-enforcement will not randomly shoot the athletes just for being people of color. Black lives really do matter in Africa!

These champions of blackness can experience other joys of post-colonial Africa. The trip may take extra time by American standards, especially if the athletes are attacked by bandits or kidnapped by Muslim extremists, but it will surely offer insights into the wonders of modern African transport.

This may help the millionaires better appreciate the “white way” of running society. America’s toxic whiteness and structural racism will remain, the police still feared for their anti-black predations, but black athletes may discover an appreciation for American plumbing, a functioning electrical grid, and an orderly transportation system.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Black Lives Matter Power Grab Sets Off Internal Revolt

(European Son)
Who woulda thought an organization created to immortalize Black thugs and run by Black thugs whom go around attacking innocents, looting cities across the nation, causing pointless destruction and burning down police stations all under false pretense would have management issues and internal problems...

(Spirit of Chronos)
Seems to be a 'self-correcting' problem. Their inability to sufficiently delegate and administrate on a business level, is unsurprising. They're acting in stereotypical 'gangsta' fashion. Impulse, avarice and greed pervading the scattered blm chapters internally, will only result in their own applauded extinction.

(Robert Kelly)
A revolution sponsored by Wal Mart, Amazon, the NBA and all of the major corporations and the Democratic Party of the United States. It's absurd how they believe that they are "fighting the man" when they have all of the mainstream media on their side, all of Big Tech, the entire Democrat Party (and even some Republicans) and every major corporation in their back pocket.

But somehow they're still fighting systemic racism... A system so racist it gives them countless millions and supports them unquestionably...

(Rich at Large)
Exactly. They are the establishment - or at least a tool of the establishment.

Actually, they are a pawn, and don't even know it.

(Cheri Rodriguez)

Murder is pretty common in black political organizations' upper echelons. Other blacks gunned down Malcolm X, after all. Louis Farrakhan certainly hated him enough to have arranged the hit. Who really shot MLK is anyone's guess. James Earl Ray possessed a completely mediocre intellect, but somehow turned up in England with a professionally-forged passport. Even where he got the money for airfare merits some question. I think FBI director J. Edgar Hoover arranged that one.

Young blacks don’t care about that. They’re much more concerned with the “assassinations” of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls.

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