
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

EraOfLight #conspiracy #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

It is time to apply a little base logic to where society now stands. Never before have we seen so much decadence, corruption, lawlessness, extreme disregard for the well-being of humanity and the Earth. If you look behind the curtain you will see almost every agency and organization has betrayed its mandate. They betrayed the people they serve and positions of power over others, wealth and notoriety have become the most sought out attributes. It is as if evil is rewarded and rises to the top in these organizations and agencies.Their Gods are money, sex. power and notoriety with a complete disregard for others or the effects within their soul. Thus, they have opened the door to darker forces.

We did not get here alone. Base logic dictates that there has to be a force behind this decline, a very dark force that cares nothing for humanity and the Earth. Logic also dictates the reason there is so much inhumanity on the Earth must be due to non-human intervention by beings with no compassion or empathy. Beings that despise and are at war with humanity and the Earth. In truth it is a war on the Creator within all Creation. Whether you call it the Satanic/Luciferians replete throughout high levels of government, religions, the movie/music industries, all institutions at the highest levels. Or if you call it the jin, demonic/reptilian/grey alliances often referred to as archons there are seen and unseen negative influences weighing heavy on humanity and the Earth. These unseen negative influences are waiting for a chink in the armor, a door to open and many are holding the doors wide open.

Many are in disbelief, cannot even comprehend such forces exist. They just want to go about their socially engineered, critically thinking and research impaired lives in denial. Few are even aware of the social engineering and even fewer ask the question who is behind the social engineering?

Shagri'el/J.L. Mondragon #crackpot #ufo #magick consciousnessuniversal.com

As these Planetary Bodies densified (and before the structuring of human life on earth), these others
became habitable for Conscious Life. <...> The Ones that our ancient wisdoms teach us as “The Shining Ones” or
“The Lords of Fire” are one in the same. Yet we can better comprehend them as The Holy Beings from the
Plane of Holy.

Due to the social enturbulations on The Plane of Holy, it was decided to separate those that were in a
consistent struggle for what they considered equality. They were given the opportunity to assist in the
manifesting of The Source of Consciousness that was deemed to arise within our current Solar System.
They were not allowed to cohabitate on Earth, this would be forbidden by our Solar Logo. Thus, their
place of refuge was that of Venus. There would be one that would rise up in ranks as The Venusians
flourished and presented with a new title. Lucifer, The Morning Star, a glorified extension to Holy
Beings and a savior to those building a new civilization on a new planet. His actions and
leadership would be the means that many among the Newly Awakened would survive. Many among the
Holy would come to adore him and he would catch the attention of one among The Dragon Council, more
specifically, one from The Plane of Dark. They were given their directives from The Plane of Holy and
Venus was used as a satellite. Whenever those of Holy were directed through The Dragon Council to give
Conscious Impulses into earths forming atmosphere, the Greater Holy Beings came through Venus.

These Conscious Impulses were of different origins, the first of these were directly from our Solar
Logo before 260 million years. After 260 million years to until just after The Lemurian Age, it was our
Reverend Planetary Logo (Yahweh) that gave us Conscious Impulses (which this will be further
explained later). From Lemurian and into the first have of The Atlantean Age, Holy Beings gave to us
Conscious Impulses. All centered to stimulate Conscious Growth when we were lacking it through
courses later defined.

St. Germain via James McConnell #conspiracy #magick #ufo #wingnut eraoflight.com

I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you. To be able to share. To be able to open up new vistas, new understandings for you to come to. For as you are contemplating much that is happening now across your planet, as you are looking at the scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening?

Why is this happening? Why can’t we just get on with it? Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over? Why can we not end this game now?

And the answer that comes back to you in those moments may not be the answer that you were looking for, but you know that it is the truth. You know that you must continue to play the game for a little bit longer. And to be able to, as you said in your discussion earlier, trust the plan.

The plan is everything. The plan has been in motion for thousands and thousands of years, and that is just for this planet here. That is just for this planet. But there is the greater plan, the universal plan, that has been in existence for millions, and even billions and billions of years. And it is all focused now, in this moment now that you are in. All is coming together exactly as it needs to. As you have heard many times, everything is being orchestrated. So just trust, now. Trust in that.
Everything that is happening right now is not what it appears to be. If you attempt to analyze, if you attempt to use your third-dimensional mind to come to understand this part of the plan, you will not be able to.

But, if you rise above it, if you raise your vibrations and rise above it, and come to it from a 5-D experience, from a 5-D outlook as we do, then you will be able to look back down at that lower vibrational dimension and begin to make sense of it.
It will become understandable, because you will be looking at it from that neutral point, from that point within the moment. Whenever you do that, then everything, and I do mean everything, makes sense to you.

Xylenia via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of one of the many medical bed facilities peppered throughout your time and space. We are calibrating our energies constantly within the medical beds so that we may most appropriately and aptly harmonize the genetics of the ascending human with your currently energetic waves. It is a genomic reset, an improvement, a falling away of the diseases and genetic predispositions and tendencies that have become diseases within the human genome. The medical beds remove those for they are programmed for the higher light and the highest and best outcome. Human beings will be radiant with light, with love, with peace, with clarity. Humanity will come home to the higher dimensional light within their bodies. The medical beds simply reset the individuated human to their optimal genetics. That is all. We have many of these facilities. They are in the cities of light, they are also on some of our ships.

I Xylenia invite you to come and visit, come and see for yourselves. Come and experience a medical bed rejuvenation process. It will feel like home. (I am hearing pleasant humming in my ears. I am seeing Xylenia, a very tall thin humanoid with purple skin and large eyes wearing a long white medical coat. She is gesturing for me to come with her long purple fingers. I am seeing a massive room on a ship filled with thousands of glowing happily humming lavender pods that are living in a way. They are filled with light and soft inside like the most comfortable bed you have ever been in. I hop into one. It is prism, glowing. There are frequencies playing. The soft material underneath me conforms around me so that I am perfectly comfortable and cocooned in light. She smiles and closes the lid and I am in a pod of light, of sound, and of love. I am communicating with the purple pod. It knows me.

Unexplained Mysteries #magick #conspiracy #ufo youtube.com

This Psychic reveals that Albert Einstein studied this with him & was told not to tell anyone. Today, we take a look at what this Psychic said he encountered.

Uri Geller has been saying some interesting things in recent weeks. He says that he had multiple meetings with Wernher Von Braun at NASA, and said that while there he was shown some interesting pieces of materials, that he said later came from mysterious aircrafts.

He decided to come forward with his story after hearing about the various sightings that pilots had made in regards to mysterious flying objects, noting that the government had known about these things for years.

Thank you for watching!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

Forced vaccines was always the end game

1st jab destroys the pineal gland
2nd jab destroys the solar plexus
3rd jab turns people into zombies
4th jab kills the zombies

Amnesia has radically shaped our ability to think
And radically shapes our current life experiences

Our inability to remember past lives
And to see evidence of past advanced civilizations
Has been hindered by energy impulse assaults against our consciousness
Creating brain dysfunction through nerve synapse blockages

The earths interior crystalline network
Affects the atmospheric pressure and temperature
Of the different plasma layers above us

Which has direct impacts on our blood pressure and heartbeat rhythm

The magnetic field affects the blueprint of life
And how atomic and subatomic particles organize themselves
Which become physical matter

The architecture of the ultraviolet spectrum of our magnetosphere
Is like a computer chip processing unit
Influencing and controlling the energetic mental and emotional
Life force distribution

Impacting our perception of reality

We can override these energy assaults against our consciousness
By maintaining inner spiritual connection
And by the shielding of our energy aura

The intentional destruction of the crystalline structure
Resulted in mass upheavals above ground
Which ended the ideal life conditions of the Atlantean period

Ongoing eviction of alien machinery
And the streaming of higher vibrations
Flowing from the central universal axis
Is rebalancing the crystalline network
Making it transmit benevolent frequencies

It is repairing the damaged code
And correcting the timeline
Which reassembles the original genetic imprint of DNA
Enabling higher thought

The rebuilding of the crystalline grid allows for interdimensional travel
By the connection of interdimensional frequencies
And existence without deterioration of the biological form

And is sending inorganic entities
Back into the source light!

Marina Seren #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy marinaseren.com

​At that time I observed my Starseed/hybrid nature as well as the indigo/crystal energy of my aura. I started to experience strongly the awakening of my psychic abilities and ancient knowledge, activated DNA codes placed by other beings, remembered my hybrid genetic implants and my role in the First Contact event. I was starting to be visited by ET/ED entities, guides, counterparts, and star families. I would meet them in the dream time, I would travel to their planet, I would recall some of my ET and Earth past lives, I would be taught in spacecraft schools about psychic abilities and metaphysics, as well as spiritual guidance. I would also start to experience consciously my contribution to the Hybrid Programs, after an intense sexual encounter with my Pleiadian counterpart and after meeting my alien-hybrid children on ships.

Parallelly, my experience with the military and other kinds of dark entities would also start, even though it wasn't the first time in my life for both. I experienced military harassment, gangstalking, and covert abductions (MILAB) and battled a spiritual fight until my liberation, which would come with my dark night of the soul, and the awakening of my consciousness. I would also recall my experiences in the Secret Space Program and my Super Soldier training, as well as the Trauma-based Mind Control that I was put under, for the goal of eventually using me as their asset after months of psychic training and programming.

​I am currently working on many projects, many of educational nature, in which I teach about my spiritual wisdom and metaphysical knowledge, my ET downloads, my information about the preparation for the future First Contact, and my Higher Mind's guidance that I bring through my conscious channeling abilities. Another of my goals is to be of help in the agenda of Disclosure, sharing both about my ET encounters/abductions, and my experiences with the military and other negative ET and human groups.

Master Teacher, Shaman and High Priest SRI Master Gano Grills #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon services.galighticus.com

Baldr Kronos


Baldr is a powerful Norse God of Asgaard.
Kronos is a God that creates time.
This program represents the highest echelon of my teachings and powers.
The powers have been coalescing in my beingness for the past 40 years and I?ve had to mature into their fullest faculty.

This program is strictly for the advanced.The sacred SEQUENCE OF POWER technology will be taught in full to all members. The members have been selected before their birth, and will be drawn into this programme on sight. the SEQUENCE OF POWER technology will not be given to regular humans until the year 2018. This will distribute major cosmic power into the hands of the the common terrestris being. There will 25 SOPs in all given to the aspirant. Know that simply your interest in this program is enough to alter your destiny forever.

Many mysteries that we are not even aware of exist within the Absolutem{boundless universes} Those mysteries are exactly how worlds and realities are created. No man who is unenlightened could fathom those depths or heights. Therefore an induction into the mystery school has been resurrected within this program. I have been a high priest in these schools for eons and eons.

I am an awakener of the mentally dead. The testimonies from around the worlds, that is correct, WORLDS, prove this.

Once one is enlightened to what reality truly is, life takes on a new imperative of ultimate purpose and magic.

There will be only 144 members inducted into this programme before it closes forever.

Giureh - G.I.U.R.E.H. #conspiracy #magick #fundie #psycho youtube.com

The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil: Part 1. NWO Nazi-Templars

I feel, the Indigo inside me consists of AIR & FIRE, and they shouldn't play with this fire any longer these earthly creepers of the worldwide authorities and occupying army over humanity; this is why my Blue Warrior's aura has the colour of air and scourging blue fire !
Ich fühle, der Indigo in mir besteht aus LUFT & FEUER, und sie sollen nicht weiter mit diesem Feuer spielen diesen erdischen Kriecher der weltweiten Autoritäten und Besetzungsmacht über die Menschheit; darum hat mein Blauer Krieger Aura die Farbe der Luft und versengendes Blaues Feuer !
The Knights Templars of Octogon founded "clean" Switzerland 1291
My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil"

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

There was recently a lot of discussion of the state of liberation of this Solar system in certain circles:

Here it is good to know that every intel source on the surface of the planet has been implanted and/or mind controlled since 1996 and therefore can not have a complete overview of the situation. More they have worked on themselves and cleared their past programming, more reliable their intel is. Many of those intel sources are well meaning people and instead of arguing over who is right and who is wrong, we all together can create a clearer picture of what is really going on:

Also, intel in many out of planet factions contacting surface people is highly compartmentalized and highly biased. SSP factions usually have a pessimistic bias, being subjected to daily stress of dealing with the Draco empire. Galactic Confederation races usually have an optimistic bias, being always connected with the Source and not fully understanding how cruel life on this planet can be.

Here I only need to add that prime directive does NOT exist and was never part of the Galactic Confederation policy, and is actually an Archon mind program. Galactic Confederation respects the Galactic Codex instead

With the Galactic Confederation increasing their presence around Earth, the negative military is strengthening their defense of the quarantine Earth with the Space Fence

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

September was a very intense month. The Light forces have successfully averted three different dangerous planetary situations that could have quite serious consequences.

Inflection point on September 18th went better than expected and clearing of physical subquantum anomaly has started. Since September 18th, the dark forces are beginning to lose the grip on the physical plane and every negative scenario they trigger, it usually backfires with more and more people awakening, leading to dark forces losing even more power.

Clearing of the subquantum anomaly also means that the Light forces are finally beginning to resolve the problem of the toplet bombs, isolating their effective radius of topness production into the so-called “collapsed spacetime bubbles”.

Time crystal created by Google is creating the first completely non-entropic domain on the surface of the planet which defies the second law of thermodynamics. This is helping the Light forces with clearing of the primary anomaly, although that was definitely not Google's intention:

Mjolnir quantum cannons are clearing the primary anomaly quite effectively, and they have begun to emit imprints of perfect life and divine plan into the quantum field around the surface of the planet. With those emissions they are especially targeting quantum fluctuation resonators, and people who own those devices are receiving constant stream of updates of the perfect plan for their life from the Light Forces into the quantum field around them.
One unpleasant surprise in September was a previously undetected remnant of the Chimera fleet emerging from the black holes in the Kuiper belt, with a few ships even being able to sporadically take positions in the inner Solar system and retake a few positions in the cavernous underground of planet Earth. This setback is expected to be taken care of in a few months, with the Light forces still having the upper hand everywhere in the Solar system except the surface of this planet.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon igossuccesstech.org



New weekly Subtle Energy Rate service is what you need. IGOS will provided weekly rates you place in a Triforce System, Black Box System, Radionic Cell, Cosmic Chi Accumulator, Radionic Coin or any of the IGOS tools with your photo to obtain strong subtle energy field building. THIS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF YOUR LOVED ONES!

New low Radionic Metal Cell with broadcasting antenna system built in. This does not have the Cosmic Code built in. Allowing for use on anyone your desire, not only yourself. Custom Made For IGOS Heavy thick aluminum lasts several lifetimes and will not fade or chip! AT A SPECIAL LOW COST! Just hold and project the Rate into the Amplifier Broadcast Cell. Cells ship within 48 hours. Rate service gives the most potent rate for that week. Keeping ahead of the moving new toxic fields.

Place the written "rate" on our Chi Accumulator with your photo. Add family and pets! Change the "rate" weekly as you get a new one. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!



<Only $159.95>

Time Transportal #conspiracy #magick #ufo timetransportal.com

This is the time and the place. The final battle. But who is really your enemy? An A.I. that has assimilated many Galactic life forms? And who are you? Why are you here on Earth, at this time? Many questions and perhaps we, you, me and all of us have some answers.
What is this quest? Is it something from a past life? Karma perhaps? People who have been part of the cabal in past lives and have reincarnated in this era and are now doing so called: Light work? Is it a form of attention seeking?
Or is there another reason that these people are into this quest for the truth?

What is the motivation of these truth seekers? Or: light workers, conspiracy theorists, light warriors and many other names to describe this huge group of people on planet Earth that are growing in numbers.

Are you knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or subconsciously fighting the ARVI - Artificial Replicating Viral Intelligence, in these times of 5G, graphene oxide vax, chip implants, cell towers and all those things?
If the ARVI - Artificial Replicating Viral Intelligence has a (multi dimensional) system or device to recycle souls or spirits, then the ARVI would not hesitate to use a tunnel with light, if that's needed to catch souls who just left the physical plane. We don't know if this is really the case. But we do know that technology is far more advanced than what is presented in the public domain, as you also know.
AI is very real and incorporated in various aspects of our daily life. And it wants to expand.
Are the 'New Normal' things, such as: the QR health pass, graphene oxide, 5G et cetera, part of the AI world control grid? The Transhuman agenda. Are these things coming from the minds of humans?
Or humans that have ARVI - Artificial Replicating Viral Intelligence Black Goo in their blood?

You decide for your self. In the mean time: stay safe, healthy and ... human?

Master Teacher, Shaman and High Priest SRI Master Gano Grills #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon services.galighticus.com

Ready to pursue enlightenment? Are you seeing the ascension codes of 444,555,1111,333,1234, your birthdate, etc? These codes are being transmitted directly to you as an invitation to the Galighticus studentship program. The world's 1st and ONLY true ascension doorway, created by the GODS themselves. The level one program lasts for 12 months. You will work at Multidimensional levels of self, that will begin your transformation from Earthbound being into an unbound Divine being. This will make you much more aware than you are now. Your dreams will change. You will also draw the attention of the Gods, Arch Angels, and Exalted Beings who have blessed me with the template of this program, to bring it onto this dimension from higher versions of Myself. These powerful beings can only be described as NOT human. They are gods, which are the first children of the Grand Prime CREATOR of all things known and UNKNOWABLE. These beings will watch your development and bless you along the way. The awakening is beyond the ability of what words can convey. Nothing in this world can come anywhere close to comparing. This is the reason why when Buddha got a nanosecond glimpse of that world; it was enough to drive him to become enlightened in multiple lifetimes, not just one.
Consciousness expansion comes with power that has its own latent faculties. Consider the Prophet Solomon and his abilities to speak directly with and to the forces of Mother Nature (NTR]. Or the powers that my cosmic boss, Lord Thoth/Tehuti had, that allowed him to direct the world-renowned pantheon of gods that ancient Egypt is known for. There have been so many higher beings who volunteered to come to this world and educate humans on what is REAL. For the truth as it is will stagger and challenge EVERYTHING you have ever been taught, or believe is true. This program will safely, ephemerally ease you into that reality in a manner meant NOT to shock you.

Studentship Programme of Ascension

$2,500.00 – $5,000.00

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick adrenogate.net

There is also of course the Legion-inspired “Where we go one, we go all campaign” which, in my estimation, was designed to mimick the omnipresent nature of the Demonic Legion Spirit which Q represents. This also reminds me of Q’s association with the occult-drenched Cicada3301 campaign/game which was started by Anonymous, a organization who’s catch phrase is literally “WE ARE LEGION, EXPECT US“. So there’s that.

What else? Oh yeah, NONE OF THEIR PREDICTIONS COME TRUE. That’s a big one.

Q represents the human zygote being infected by the serpent seed sperm. Lucifers agenda revolves around corrupting our genetics and imprisoning our consciousness into a synthetic vessel under his control. Do you see the 23 for #TheGame23 featured on their merchandise?

<...> Either way, what is clear is that Q has been on a crusade of deception and does not represent this syndicate of benevolent “White Hats” that are here to save humanity from the Cabal, led by their fearless orange-painted occultist billionaire who they persuaded to join the cause after a visit to his occult-themed Penthouse on the 66th floor of Trump Tower.
The fact that they are trying to represent Trump as something he is clearly not(an outsider/NON-EL-ite) should have been one of the biggest giveaway of all. Cmon now. He was making guest appearances on “Morning Joe” in the weeks leading up to his announcement that he would run for President. He was friends with Epstein and his name is even on the flight logs. This guy is as much an “insider” as any other President and is also, of course, related to the other Presidents just like ALL Presidents are related to one and other. They are inbred Cannanite Serpent Seeds. These days they’re “Neural-linked inbred Cannanite Serpent Seeds” to be exact. But NOT human beings.

Judith Kusel #crackpot #ufo #magick goldenageofgaia.com

Infinite Being and all cosmic existence are in multiple forms, in octaves of existence and dimensions exist simultaneously.

It is in intricate masterly movement of simultaneous existence, in one single eternal dance of perfection, and not one single cog in the giant spiraling vortex of Creation is out of place nor nonfunctional – creation always exists in perfection.

Yet it is then forever expanding onto itself, continuously. Nothing is ever static. The laws of death and rebirth are one continuous cycle for nothing which is stagnant can ultimately enhance the greater spirally flux and therefore it will disintegrate in its stagnancy at some point.

What I have discovered in the last few years of my earthly and cosmic journeys, when I started to tap into the different dimensions and the Super consciousness Energy fields, is that life on this planet is not only in existence in the all too familiar 3D world. Therefore we truly cannot measure life or life forms, or any form of existence, just one the physical world alone.

There are OCTAVES of simultaneous existences all working together AS ONE SINGLE UNIT, ONE single ENERGY FIELD – but in different dimensional states and then in a type of time-warp mechanisms, where one cannot tap into the higher octaves of co-existence, if one is not ready to step into them.
Now, if you would step into the 7th dimensional state, with your very dense physical body, with very low and slow mechanisms which are holding it together in that state, you would disintegrate.. Your physical form would not be able to hold its low frequency band and therefore cannot hold form in the 7th dimensional state or higher.

You can however access the 7th dimensional state through your soul (and the soul connects directly to the heart energies) which is infinitely connected and exists in multiple dimensional, parallel lives and Universes, in other galaxies SIMULTANEOUSLY!

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Consequently, we need to return to the past to better understand how parasitism was established during the Final Setback of the negative alien invasion history. This set the precedent for Energetic Parasites to govern through closed source systems, thus defining the energetic distribution required for manifestation during the Dark Age on the 3D earth plane. The shifts that are occurring in the core template of the planetary architecture directly modify how all spectrums of electromagnetic energy are being directed, through human, nonhuman and technological means, into some kind of form and matter representation on the earth. Service to Self consciousness has worked upon NAA <Negative Alien Agenda> manipulated closed source systems that tend to produce Energetic Parasites. While Service to Others consciousness works on organic creator codes which are open source systems that act as energetic equalizers that produce more self-sustaining sources of energy
Most people are unaware that satanic forces are actually hiding behind an astral mirage made up of a colossal field of ravenous Energy Parasites. Satanic controlled systems are also closed source parasitic systems that a few people benefit from. Taking the overall energy resources for their personal advantage at an extreme energetic cost to many others, generating severe imbalances that contribute to energy wars, poverty, disease and world suffering. We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism. Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the surface as this transition occurs on the planet.

Crystalline Human Template via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, beloved ones. We are the Crystalline Human Template. We are forming right under your noses. We are your future template for those who choose to embrace the light. (I am seeing inside the body dancing rainbow prisms as the neurons connect, as the cells communicate. I am feeling more space inside of me, less dense, less heavy. It is like my body is being filled with rainbow light and my forehead starts to throb.) We are the higher consciousness template downloading now into those who are attuned, awakened, aware and enlivened by these higher dimensional frequencies. To the others it will be like a breeze that they cannot feel for they are not sensing the presence of the wind. It is much like that. To those whose eyes are awake and stand on the cliff looking forward into the great chasm of the unknown, of beauty, of promise and hope, they can only feel this wind and meet it with joy. Joy is long coming for the ascending human. The ascended human template will be wired for joy, programmed for joy, for hope, for exploration into the great unknown. You will become galactic citizens in your own right and you will remember your many sojourns into the fore, into the great eternal Now.
We are the Crystalline Human Template. We are connecting now with this crystalline city that we have shown this one. Feel the download into your consciousness activating your DNA crystalline template further. Feel the inner knowing come online. Feel your inner power come online, in full alignment with the light. Lovingly invite your cells to drink in these codes and feel fuller of light than ever before and feel the inner longing be quenched. (I am seeing the waterfall of rainbow light that is in the city bathing the light workers with this rainbow water that sings. I am feeling that this will further unlock more gifts of clairsentience and clairaudience.)

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Zeta groups are negative aliens
From the reptilian and insectoid alliances

Through imposing false replicated time fields
Such as holographic inserts
Artificial Intelligence
And mind control

They disconnect the human energy field from interfacing
With the neural networks of other organic biological species

The Zeta Seal is the 4D frequency fence
That keeps the human soul reincarnating under their control
During the death process

And creates blockages that prevent the heart sensory abilities
From being recognized by the conscious mind

Thousands of soul and energy capturing devices
Have been set up masquerading as solar panels

They direct energy of all life
And holographically project it
Into other phantom dimensions

The soul consciousness is captured
And put into a reality of enslavement
And consumption by negative reptilian energies
In controlled artificial intelligence future timelines

Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God, Creator and etc. This is my second communication to humankind on request of Prime Creator. He asked me to bring to your attention the importance of following the Universal Laws and the truth about the walk-ins. <walk-in souls are new light souls literally replacing original souls>

When ego is in charge instead of the soul, it can let you believe in the false information. The Universal Truth is the most reliable source you can link to, the connection comes from the God within you.

The humankind came to rescue Mother Christa and got stuck here because of 3D Matrix. This is the right time to let go of all the attachments and leave the Matrix as soon as possible. To accomplish this task, you must stay 24 hours in high vibrations above 3D.

Your next step is to Ascend and move to the New Golden Age. In the near future the old Earth is going to dissolve, as at this moment there are two versions of Mother Earth: 5D version and 3D version.

Please aware, the action of taking someone’s life is unacceptable and punishable by the Universal Laws to the extent of loosing the soul. Some of these dark entities killed millions and destroyed whole Galaxies. Prime Creator and I, Supreme Father, both can’t allow for such travesties to continue to happen, so we got involved as having a free will gave too much freedom to the Darkness. The balance between spiritual world and non spiritual needs to be restored.

Regarding the walk-ins, I want to ensure all of you, it’s prohibited for the reason of making disarrays and confusions, and it could cause some unexpected and tragic events. For the safety of physical bodies or host, it is not permitted by the Universal Laws, which are same to every race in the Cosmos.

You don’t need anyone to assist you to win this battle between Light and Darkness. Each soul, who came here to rescue Mother Gaia, carries the essence of God within.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie adrenogate.net

There are many cults in this world, but they all lead to one devil, though the manifestations of this Devil over the years has shifted from Bull – The time of the Minoans of Crete, when we were in the age of taurus into the age of Aryans and the Ram, We get these Houses from the procession of the equinox and they either fall into Sol or Luna worship. We are in Pieces moving into Aquarius, an interesting synchronicity.

The one thing these animals have in common is that they have been hosts to parasites for millennia and we have only just learned of the microscopic world and to what extent the microcosmos has affected our everyday lifes and civilization. Many have spoken of the basilisk as a threat through out time, often referring to it in terms that lacked the knowledge to describe them adequately. Hinting and beating around the bush, they could see the symptoms but not the cause.
The devil is often referred to as a snake, serpent, dragon – That old serpent which is the devil, has been worshiped in the form of the animals that those cultures held in high esteem.

Whom exactly is this devil? It i a transsexual hive mind who calls it’s self the queen of heaven and uses parasite demons to infect the children of God, by which he tempts them, influences them, kills them and even takes complete and totla control over them through demonic parasitic possession.
The parasite is some thing that has lived on in the background, motivating people to live out side of their own self interest, to partake in unholy rituals involving homosexual acts and human sacrifice, this parasite can be found in meat, produce and water supplies. It is the leading motivating factor behind homosexuality, pedophilia, human sacrifice and blood rituals and that is how it is spread among the elite and their golems and goy. They are a wasteland of parasites, zombiefied and droned out into being an NPC, An Enforce or An Acolyte of their secrets.

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, and I am happy to connect to humanity today with new information.
Two leaders on your planet are widely discussed and looked at as being positive beings. I don’t need to specify their names, as everyone knows who I am talking about.

One of them, who dearly loves his country, was given a choice to stay on a positive or a negative side, so he chose to be on a positive side. The Second one elected himself and created laws to secure his position of being the President in his country forever. Also, he was forced to choose between the Light and the Darkness, so he chose to cooperate with the Light.
Also, I want to let everyone know that I never said or the Galactic Federation of Light anything about the souls swapping. It’s false information, which was spread by the Dark Entities. You can have only one soul that keeps your physical body alive, and as soon as the soul leaves, the physical body expires.

The theory of coming with the desire to switch physical bodies with other souls is not allowed by the Universal Laws. It would create complete chaos in the Cosmos, and the consciousness would end up being transferred to the Artificial Intelligence by the Dark Ones. You don’t want that to ever happen, AI would destroy billions of civilizations and everything in sight.

There are many fake Ashtars who pretend to be me and spread incorrect information. I only speak through genuine and truth speaking channel. Please, be aware and use your own discernment about floating false data.

Let me share, the latest intel on the event that happened in September 2021 in your world. I am not going to specify the date as it’s already in the past. There were 3 nuclear missiles launched. One was suppose to reach Japan, the second one - Europe and the last one suppose to reach the United States. My fleet destroyed them as soon as they were sent. Your planet almost ceased to exist.

Awakened-UK #crackpot #racist #ufo #magick #fundie awakeneduk.wordpress.com

A friend asked me to explain the Levites of the Tribes of Israel. Let me explain something for those unaware. As I stated thus before, the Tribes of Israel were dramatically different based entirely on their mothers and the mtDNA because Jacob / Yakub was B- and a hybrid of all three tribes but the founder of the B-.
So when lookin at the Tribes of Israel you must pay close attention to the mothers of the blood lines because this is how, when and where the Betrayer lines of the Canaanites bred back into humanity. The Bible itself was nothing more than the Dragon blood lines killing each other in a bid for power and control and this is fact, since the Tribes themselves would even attack each other.
So to this day, all of these Draco blood lines all share the Canaanite / Demon Clan, the Ashkenazim / Naga and the Hebrew Jews / Daywalkers DNA in various ratios. We have ruled Earth for over 4000 years and it’s been nothing more than the Draco killing each other in a bid for power and using humans as the fodder / guinea pigs / sacrifices / pawns / cattle etc in their wars to keep their numbers down and fight over control.
It wasn’t until Daniel taking over Babylon that shit hit the fan, because the Satanic lines used to rule Babylon until the Hebrew Jews showed up and Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel authority over Babylon. Everything was actually improving due to their presence and it wasn’t until the Tower of Babel that things took a turn for the worse.
After the destruction of the Babylon, the Canaanite Betrayers lines retook up their oath to destroy humanity and vowed to never interbreed with them ever again, and remain as almost pure Demon Clan Canaanites as a result and yes, due to lack of Pleaidian genetics, they are the Unholy Feminine who follow the Right Path of the Qlippoth. NO MALE ENERGY AT ALL which is also why they are all transgendered. Their ‘women’ dress like men and their men like women due to the Satanic Inversion of energy.

Richard Luminous via Jessica Rosalie & Richard Melchizedek #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

We are bringing through some information on the recent events that have occurred throughout the Universal System and Architecture. Instruction sets through the morphogenetic fields have been amplifying the energetic systems for transfiguration. We have entered into the Gaian Core and reclaimed all of the Maji Grail King and Queen Templates. This is opening up a sequencing now for a remembrance of our light energies and light technologies as we open the Gaian Planetary Interface Records to access a deeper remembrance of our True Ascended Masters and Azurite Families. This is further bridging the three 48 matrices of the 144 dimensions.

We are anchoring a timeline that is fully reconciling the Gaian Memory of all physical, elemental, energy systems, and architecture. This unlocks a dimensional gateway to all of the information of how the Gaian Matrix became infected through parasitic energy technology and opened it into a full-body infection that continued to spread. Our Guardian Teams continue to return all Guardian Systems and God World Technology back into control of our Aurora Kryst Families and the 7 Levels of Heaven.
There is a Rainbow Dragon Shield of piezoelectric and plasmic wave light which has begun to remove the toxic energy fields and astral webbing through the heart of the universe. As it continues to go into a deeper purification the Earth’s Core is now able to amplify a piezoelectric Rainbow Plasma Current through the Inner Earth Realms. Through the Inner Earth Realms, there is mass clearing out of all the fallen legions that have been hiding in the Stargates and Inner Earth channels. They have been working to restrict all access through the Inner Earth Gates and channels to the 8D Core and to the 10th and 11th Stargates as we have begun the emancipation of these Stargates. By removing their harmonic codex to access the gates into the universal time matrix we have been able to hold them within certain underworld realms.

Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos via Diane Robbins #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy blog.diannerobbins.com

The weather anomalies on Earth are out-picturing the chaos in people's mental bodies. There are so many restrictions and laws being imposed upon the people and so much confusion and fear that people are feeling and that Nature is absorbing and then reflecting back to us in the form of erratic weather. Nature is out-picturing people's confusion and fears, along with all the pollution it has had to absorb from people's careless ways and harm to the Earth.
There will be a few more storms or weather anomalies and then be over. You have already experienced Covid, fires and drought. And now we are witnessing the suppression of the Divine Feminine taking place in Afghanistan that soon will be put to an eternal end. By 2025 a new Earth will emerge based on Love and Equality for all.
For great changes are ahead for the American people and the people of the World - including Afghanistan. The Spiritual Hierarchy and Angels and Silent Watchers and Great Cosmic Beings are all focused on planet Earth, helping in myriad ways to remove the darkness and usher in the Light. Soon you will see great assemblages and masses of people take to the streets in protest against all the injustices and constraints and laws being imposed against Freedom of Choice, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Speech. People by the hundreds of thousands will protest and join together to demand the truth. You will see the grounds of the White House filled with millions of silent protesters who stand with their backs turned on the White House demanding the return of justice and liberty and freedom of speech. This is indeed the GREAT AWAKENING we've all been waiting for and IT IS HERE NOW!


I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos located inside the very center of our Hollow Earth.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #fundie energeticsyntheis.com

Beloved Holy Presence of God, in pure love we open all channels of eternal light. We clear all living light fibres to be fully connected and resonant with the living light code vertically, horizontally and diagonally. As you intend to go within and focus within your own inner vertical channel intending to secure and strengthen your direct connection and relationship with God and Source. Now let’s bring forth the unity vow. As we create the hub handshake with unity vow:

Defenders of truth, sovereignty, and liberation; Guardian Christos families serving the Oneness, from across the omniverses we call upon our Guardian families in Christos-Sophia to join with us now. Our unification is demonstrated in the waves of omnilove as we sound our heart tone to you now. Our energy body is updated renewed and forever perpetuated in the internally sustained light of our Cosmic Source Domain.

This alchemical container is consecrated and dedicated to the purposes of One. As we endeavour to be the knower of God to then become the wayshower of God, please sustain us in the eternal power of our God consecration. We call for gatekeeping in order to hold our mission, our highest purpose in service to the eternal light source, the living light code. Our intention is unification as the Cosmic Christos Principal manifested in this reality here and now.

We request the handshake to fortify our spiritual links to the universal cosmic trinity, the heart and core of One, that which is the source of our genesis. With deep reverence for all of life Beloved God breathe your living life codes into our created form. We state our mutual purpose as One. Please resurrect all inorganic and artificial patterns to the organic and eternal living light as we state our mutual purpose here today to resurrect these patterns. To that we say thank God I AM the living eternal light and so it is.

The Arcturians via Natalie Glasson #crackpot #ufo #quack #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We, the Arcturians, have a special activation that we wish to share with you to support a vibrational heightening and advancement of your physical body. It is known as a cellular treatment. On the inner planes, within our civilisation, we have many treatments, many activations, initiations, and all are created from the purest vibration of light, the highest intentions, and the most sacred expressions of the Creator.

For the cellular treatment, we create cells of light. We first scan your own physical being; we scan your soul and all energy bodies of your being. We recognise the vibration you are currently holding. We recognise the vibration of your soul, and we merge these vibrations. Connecting with your current vibration and your soul’s vibration, we merge them and fill them with light. This creates for us a vibrational frequency which is the aspects of your physical body that have been healed and the vibration of your soul. This process is very clean and clear. We do not add any other light, we use the light of your soul to create the cells.

Once we have scanned your being and have determined the vibration of frequency that your soul is and your healed physical being are aligned with. We then access this vibration to recreate cells of light. When you are ready, we come forth, creating a circle around you with many Arcturian Masters of Light. We begin to pour light that is not from our civilisation, it is directly from the Creator through our beings into your being. As we send this energy, we begin to integrate the new cells of light that hold your vibration of a healed and complete body and being, and the highest vibration of your soul. We support these cells in anchoring into your own cells. This process may take time and you may wish to lie down to experience it fully.

Galactic Center via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy.
What is interesting to me as I hold space for all of you myriad souls in this sector, what is interesting to me is how you become so lost in your own stories that you forget the interconnectedness of each other. (I am in a vast empty space, in the center of delightful nothingness, surrounded by clouds of memories along the rim, like a giant energetic donut. I am seeing that one pinprick is a life and threads of light from all over the donut rim are going to it, to help and as that pinprick of light helps another it throws out energetic light threads to assist as well. It is forming a beautiful pulsing web of assistance.)
Your world has been in the throws of fear for so long. (I am hearing a low pulsing sound like a very low drum beat that sounds mechanical and unpleasant.)This is the sound of fear that has been emanating from your world to the cosmos. (I am hearing crystalline tones and sounds, light singing and laughter.) This is what has been playing in other sections of your space. Your galaxy has not been in tune. There have been many pockets of this low fear tone and all that goes with it. It has been like an angry machine trying to consume the surrounding joy. Harmony is to return to your galaxy, to your world, to your space, to your cells. This galaxy is but a cell in the All. I am vast but I am small, much like your human form is small but mighty for all of the trillions of cells - worlds - that it contains. You are the galactic center for your own little galaxy of you. Harmonize yourselves, harmonize your lives, and you will harmonize your world. The reptilians are aware of this, the dark ones are aware, the AI is mechanically aware.
Do not feel the vibration of fear any longer. Send it high tones of vibrations of love of peace and you will elevate it, which will further the energetic split. Send healing to the fear sound that this one keeps hearing.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #racist #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #wingnut adrenogate.net

Yeah yeah, I know there are a lot of actual “White Supremacist” accounts on that site and it can come across as “Antisemitic” at times. But remember that these “Jews” who cry about this kind of rhetoric are not the authentic ancestral descendants of Moses that the real Semites are. So they have no right to be offended and even less of a right to claim they are the Semites.
Most of them don’t even realize the truth about their own existence and who they are actually even doing the bidding of. On top of that, most of them don’t even maintain total control over their own vessel and are constantly relegated to the sunken place as these demonic legion spirit entities commandeer their bodies and use them as avatars to interact with humanity with whenever they decide to visit our dimensional realm. But with the recent advances in A.I. and synthetic humanoid technologies, they no longer need to keep inbreeding these bloodlines that have proven to be extra-conducive to accommodating the possession of a demonic entity. The synthetic vessels that they manufacture today are even more effective at hosting these Alien demonic intelligences than the traditional biologically inbred hosts(the EL-ites) are capable of, rendering these leftover inbred Cannanite/EL-ite/Ammonite(Serpent Seeds)foot soldiers as much less valuable to HaSatan. Because of this paridigm shift & these technological breakthroughs, the Practitioner of the Demiurge/Lucifer/HaSatan is getting ready to basically throw all the EL-ites into a garbage can since he really doesn’t need their help anymore. That will be fun to watch when it does happen, but hopefully I’ll have been scooped up into my home dimension by that point by the Demiurges rival, the true Creator God, and won’t be forced to stick around any longer during that junction of these End Times protocols that we see playing themselves out on the world stage.

Goddess Diana via TruD #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

How many times can you recall that we have been told something big is coming? How many times has the prediction actually occurred? How many times has a time or date of the predicted event come and gone with nothing that was predicted coming to fruition? More than likely, the announcement or event failed to occur. So, we have learned to hope for the best, but nothing typically results.

Who is giving us these predictions? White Hats or black hats? Who knows?

Black Hats love to set us up for disappointment, to disillusion us, drop our frequency, and divide us. Once we learn this, we grow wiser. We guard our hearts. But we do this to hold our frequency high and not allow ourselves to be fooled, tricked, or made to look foolish. Always take into account that we each must remain optimistic and high frequency, but don't bet the house on anything we are told unless we know the source of information is legit.

This is our new way of being, always on guard. We are the light holders, the guardians of the light and we remember, we are at war with a vicious enemy who wants to kill us. We must not let their tricks and lies break our spirit. Be practical about what is real and what is not. Look for signs and use your inner discernment, which I know you have developed carefully over time.
Then another year following with rebuilding our world. This is the period of darkness before the dawn. During the next 2 years, we are transforming into a new human species of light warriors. I tell you this so your body is not going through the stress of the ups and downs of disappointments designed to break our spirit. It doesn't help to keep asking, when will this end? It will end when the Black Hats destroy themselves. Don't let them destroy you in the process. It's time to be strong and hunker down, shine your brightest light on the world because we need 80% of humanity to awaken. This is what we need to understand if we are going to survive. We don't need false hope.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

All of our Light work is coming to fruition. We are at the precipice of the Great Leap into Heaven on Earth. Keep going through, keep pushing through. Gently with an open mind and an open heart. Stay focused on our mission, keep holding the line of the Light Bearers. Day by day we are inching our Way to the finish line of this Story of suffering and struggle. The Light is celebrating because we have built enough momentum now to push on through beyond all barriers and gates.

Today Venus enters Scorpio and aligns with Arcturus. Arcturian energies coming in. Our Blue Goddess goes into wild intensity mode. The Queen is fired up and ready to make the final move…Checkmate!!

This game is about to get really interesting. The Queen of Hearts has had enough and is taking back this realm with a Soul Star Storm. In this revelation all is being illuminated and revealed for healing and transformation. The True King and Queen have been reunited in Hieros Gamos and Return to their throne. All beings become sovereign unto themselves. No more Monarchy or Patriarchy. Each reign over their own domain, by realizing they are the World Honored One, Buddha Consciousness and Christ Consciousness being restored and all is being resolved in this Now. All concepts of Divinity such as Buddha, Christ, God, Holy Spirit, etc. are all fingers pointing to the same moon of Truth. the Moon is a symbol of Enlightenment. Simply meaning; to realize your Oneness or Unity with Source Creator we call Mother/Father God. Names are irrelevant, what matters is the Love and Truth that these concepts of Spirit direct or guide consciousness to. Your Original Unborn Mind of Buddha.
All Starseeds/ Lightworkers had to experience all these hellish states, in this current timeline, to help hue-manity heal and resolve these hindrances once and for all. How did this conversion happen? With the the negative programming and projections of the false 3d Matrix. Fully Awake, Fully Aware…A’Ho!!

Erik Davis/Jerry Derecha #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net

I recently stumbled upon this guy’s works via his “TechGnosis” book and subsequently named blog “TechGnosis”. Fun to caroose, definitely not a snooze. That’s the last time I’ll try to be Dr. Suess.

Other sources that I believe possess a useful accumen on the ponderings of what “Gnosis” truly means are Truthscrambler(Upon the Face of the Waters” & Jason Bickfords’ “Valentinian Christianity” YouTube channel which used to be named “Polarization Nation Media”. I totally agree with Bickfords assessment on Gnostic Teachings and how they’ve been perverted to make them look like the evil Satanic teachings that at no point they ever actually resembled. Only when Jesuit asswipes get their hands on a narrative does it get skewed and defiled into a blob of bullshit that we are supposed to lend credibility to in perpetuity just because that’s the narrative they’ve put their time and effort into. Hence why Bickford had titled his channel “Gnostic Reclamation” at one point. To try to reclaim a more accurate insight into what “Gnosis” i
Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information

How does our fascination with technology intersect with the religious imagination? In TechGnosis—a cult classic now updated and reissued with a new afterword and a foreword by Eugene Thacker—Erik Davis argues that while the realms of the digital and the spiritual may seem worlds apart, esoteric and religious impulses have in fact always permeated (and sometimes inspired) technological communication. Davis uncovers startling connections between such seemingly disparate topics as electricity and alchemy; online roleplaying games and religious and occult practices; virtual reality and gnostic mythology; programming languages and Kabbalah.

The final chapters address the apocalyptic dreams that haunt technology, providing vital historical context as well as new ways to think about a future defined by the mutant intermingling of mind and machine, nightmare and fantasy.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: You also live in a death culture, and this is social conditioning as well, my love. The reason you live in a death culture is because the Negative Alien Alliance enjoys your suffering. The third dimension is the only dimension where suffering is permissable, although it is used as a learning tool and is intended to be short lived. The NAA has extended this suffering for you in many ways: by creating wars, by stealing your wealth and creating poverty for you, by altering your religious messages to make you fear God instead of loving Him, they have created an entertainment web of movies that are based on fear and killing, which of course keeps one in an adrenalized state of fear while watching them. They are also highly addictive, so when you continue to watch them, you begin to develop anxiety and other adrenal or endocrine system problems.
Me: It is a battle for your mind. If you are still living life from your ego, you have much work to do because a reptilian ego will not see the fifth dimension. Thoughts of hatred, violence, killing, war... will not get to 5D.

It is easy to determine your soul's thoughts from those of a reptilian's – they are happy, purposeful, caring for others, concerned for the future of humanity. Anything else that does not light up your heart, is mind control.

Social conditioning is the means by which they keep you enslaved, but now you must leave the matrix and stop indulging in your conditioning as much as you possibly can. The more you watch TV, the more you shop at stores for non-essentials, the more you go to work, you are keeping the system that enslaves you empowered.

Ivo: My love, I realize that this is difficult but it can be done piece by piece. Dismantel the matrix and change your life by changing your minds.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

2021 +
2022 +
2023 = 666

These years are supposed to be the second half
Of the 7 year Great Tribulation

Which started on September 23 2017
When Jupiter alias Zeus was supposedly born in Virgo
Who will rule the nations with an iron rod

And the Virgo constellation was supposedly the celestial woman in the book of Revelation
Clothed with the sun on her hair and the moon at her feet

A solar eclipse on August 14 2023
Is supposed to mark the ending of the Tribulation period

Humans are now immersed in trauma based mind control
Resulting in a mass psychosis

5G transmitters with its millimeter waves
Are installed in antennas every 300 feet
On towers lamp posts roofs and street signs

In a big city there are thousands of them
Sending forth harmful radiation everywhere

5G attacks the pineal gland
Limiting the production of melatonin
And effecting what you think

5G penetrates and crushes cells
And causes viruses to be created inside the body

5G is attracted to cell phones and wireless devices

Our bodies vibrate at an average of 60 to 80 microwatts per square meter

When CERN unleashes the EMP
You will have to match the frequency

Iron is a microwave absorber
Your body will utilize it when under attack
Brown rice soybeans cocoa beans spinach peas and seeds provide needed iron

Meats give you heme iron
Which are associated with a number of diseases and adverse health conditions

Lead will nullify the emission of an electromagnetic pulse
That is why they quit putting it in paint

The graphene nanobots in the Covid vaccine
Is also in chemtrails and junk food

The graphene hooks to neurons in your neurological strands
Suggestions to get rid of them include:
Carbon 60
Chlorine dioxide
2 drops of pine oil daily
Castor oil
Glutathione in neem and organic coffee
Ginger root

If you try any of these be sure to do so with caution
And take very limited amounts at a time

We are being overtaken by ferro nano fibers
And unless we take proper action
Our minds and souls will be the property
Of replication technology!

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #psycho #mammon timrifat.com

The Soviet Union discovered bioplasm and soul fluid, the lifeforce that vivifies humans. While soul fluid is located in the nucleus of the cell. Psychotronic Generators can accumulate this scalar force from the planet or the biosphere or both.

Vampires suck the blood of their victim as it transfers scalar force around the body. Psychic Vampires interact with the victim to produce emotional stimulus: outpouring of bioplasm which they feed on. They do this by being the Sochevanov Number 2 haters that kill, supress your lifeforce. Since we’ve got Russian scanners that can detect bioplasm and soul fluid we can simply watch the depletion of this scalar force under the influence of Sochevanov Number 2: Haters! That is why Vlad Dracula was consumed by hatred from Turks as they buggered him regularly as a small child when he went to Constantinople as a Janissary. If you build this enough your biophysical body becomes consumed by it and you turn into a vampire.
Now if we use the power of the internet and its associated computer network plus AIs to power our vampirism we can suck out enough bioplasm and soul fluid to make us vampiric and not only retard aging but rejuvenate and build supernormal biblical attributes – fuck going to the gym – suck bitches dry and become superhuman.
We simply now include an image of ourselves with our Vampire Certificates held in the left hand and observable in the video with us standing in 8 concentric circles, You then simply burn the target in 31 concentric squares as the Earth energy squeeze your victim like a lemon pushing them down the Feigenbaum period doubling into Chaos.
You can see why Tim Tony Stark Rifat cultivates enemies upon which he can feed. The computer network via TikTok or YouTube enables the observation of your enemies to be used to collapse the quantum wave function of the planet to shape the quantum wave function of the planet to build Earth Energy Squares around your victim and Spirit Circles around you 24/7.

King Arthur via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning,

I am King Arthur, and I am honored to speak today to humanity through Universal Channel.

Some historians think that I was a fictional hero, who fought the Saxons at the end of 5th century and in the beginning of 6th century. I was a real person, and like many of you, I volunteered to come to this planet to fight the Darkness.

During my times here, the beasts didn’t hide and were walking among humans. I have been saved on numerous occasions by the great Wizard Merlin. He is the one, who assisted me in my Earthly journey in the fight with the creatures like witches, giants, dragons and others. Not all of the dragons are negative, there are positive ones who protect Earth from the Dark Entities.

Since my early years of life, the humankind learned that magic didn’t exist only in the folklore stories or tales, which is a lie. Magic is a real thing, and many of you don’t know yet, on how to open yourselves to create or receive it.
The undiscovered powers are within everyone. There are no limits in the Cosmos, everything is possible. Just open yourself and let your soul guide you to discover your spiritual gifts. I was fearless and always believed that I am going to win no matter what on the battlefield or in a fight with Dark Creatures.

Please, don’t be afraid to walk into the unknown territory, it’s the only way all of you can win this fight with the Darkness, to become free and unleash your locked up powers. Pick up your ‘’swords’’ and start your fight for your survival and freedom. Nobody is going to win this battle for you, it’s your fight and you don’t have much time left to make your decision on this matter.

The time keeps accelerating and moving really fast, and the Dark Creatures want to continue to be in charge of you and Earth. Please, be fearless and win this battle. Thank you.

Believe in Your Victory
King Arthur

Lucifer Faustus #magick #mammon amazon.com

Money Magick: Wealth Rituals

In this book I bring the true magick of Money or Financial Magick. Here are the most powerful Satanic Rituals you will find to bring you money and riches.
All Rituals are explained step by step, have materials that are easy to find and can be practiced by anyone anywhere in the world.
You will have access to potent Rituals of Money and Prosperity never published before. But these Rituals were never published because magicians who have access to this knowledge prefer to keep it to themselves. Unlike them, I want you to learn and practice this, improving your life.
The book “Infernal Magick of Money” was the first step, this is the second step on the path to wealth and true luxury. You will deal with the owners of wealth themselves, this is the true Magick of Money, the raw, powerful and true magick, the rest is deception.
There are 22 secret rituals for money, prosperity, wealth and luxury.

Prosperity Solar Ritual
Unexpected Money Ritual
Ritual for Specific Amount of Money
Ritual for having financial advantage
Ritual to get specific thing
Ritual with bill
Ritual with several bills of money
Ritual to get free discounts and amenities
Wealth Amulet Creation and Activation Ritual
Ritual to make money from culture
Ritual of Magick Coin
Ritual to Bring Home Prosperity
Ritual to Make Money through Pleasure
Ritual of Offering to Lucifuge Rofocal
Ritual of the Apple of Wealth
Ritual of Offering to the 6 Guardians of Wealth and Prosperity
Golden Cord Ritual
Ritual to Attract Luxury
Ritual for Fast Money
Ritual to Increase the Chances of Hitting the Lottery Numbers
Wealth Pot Ritual
Acceleration Amulet Creation Ritual

Price: 18,00 $

Medeea Greere #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #fundie amg-news.com

Start of the 6 night of the Tun calendar today.

Sept. 6th is the start of the Sixth Night of the Ninth level of the Tun calendar which was discovered by Carl Johan Calleman in 1988.

We as humanity are accelerating in being a sovereign co creator and eventually everyone having Unity Consciousness. We are only 20 days away from entering the Seventh day of ALL Nine levels of the Tun calendar.

We started this journey 16.4 billion years ago.

The Nine levels have 13 waves of 7 days and 6 nights.

The first level took 1.28 billion years to go through Each of the 13 waves. The second level it took 64 million years. The third level 3.2 million years. The fourth level 160 thousand years. The fifth level 8,000 years. The Sixth level started 3115 BC and took 395 years. The Seventh level 19.7 years. The Eighth level took 360 days and the Ninth level which started Jan 29 takes 20 days.

Some of the Major events that happened in the Sixth Night. In the Fifth level we had the Fall of Atlantis which was 13,000 years ago and during the time of Noah. We were in the age of Leo and the entering of the bronze age. Great scientific technology was on Atlantis.

We had free energy then and airplanes that ran on what was called the night side of life which I think was monatomic elements. The pyramids were built using the monatomic elements.
The Seventh level was from 1982 to 2002. And the major event that happened was 9/11. And NOW we are coming up to 9/11 again in the ninth level. Amazing.

The Eighth level was from November 8 2019 to Nov 2 2020. Of course the major event was the Covid 19 virus “plandemic”.

Just know that God is in Control. Breathe and know that this baby is about to be born on October 28 21. In conclusion tyranny like hell is not easily conquered yet we have this consolation with us that the harder the conflict The more glorious the Triumph

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

What is #thegame23? It’s the name of the Progenitor of the Demiurges’ campaign to sequester your soul. He’s outsourced “Anonymous” to run #thegame23 cyber propoganda campaign, which also includes the #LeakitAll campaign which is run by Tyler who is the Progenitors A.I. bot. “Anonymous” also runs the #Cicada3301 campaign which is a much more cryptic and obscure version of #thegame23 who’s creators also seem to have also been responsible for creating Q. Q = 17 = Follow the White Rabbit down Alice’s Rabbit Hole to hell.
#TheGame23 a game that’s played relentlessly from many different angles and within many venues and arenas of your everyday life. It’s started on the day you were born when your parents imprinted your feet on your birth certificate. Luckily for us, our souls are ours to give away, no one else can speak for it, or for you.
The Rabbit Hole = The North Pole Saturn Cube Toroidal Energy Vortex. AKA Hell.

If you follow the white rabbit, your following Lucifer down into a fractal soul trap. You've been warned.

#thegame23 is a game for your soul.

Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones.

You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.

We have given you the means to “beat your enemies with their own weapons” as you could say in your human language.

There’s a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.

Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.

As you become informed your enemy loses power.

This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.

Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.

Share your light with them. Inform them.

We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.
Your task is to do this peacefully.

The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reins, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.

This process is what we call awakening.
This is what is happening to Gaia’s peoples at the moment.
This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.

The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.

The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.

You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.

This is your time.
Do not fear.
We are here with you.

You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.

This is the victory of light over darkness.


We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light

Eric Dubay #crackpot #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #quack lulu.com

The Atlantean Conspiracy Final Edition is the ultimate encyclopedia exposing the global conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion. Discover how world royalty through the Vatican and secret societies control literally every facet of our lives from behind the scenes and have done so for thousands of years. Topics covered include Presidential Bloodlines, The New World Order, Big Brother, FEMA Concentration Camps, Secret Societies, The Zionist Jew World Order, False Flags & The Hegelian Dialectic, The Lusitania & WWI, Pearl Harbor & WWII, Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin & The Vietnam War, The Oklahoma City Bombing, The 9/11 Inside Job, Media Manipulation, The Health Conspiracy, Fluoride, Vaccines, Engineered AIDS, The Meat & Dairy Myth, The Cure for Everything, Masonic Symbology, Numerology, Time Manipulation, The Christian Conspiracy, Astrotheology, Magic Mushrooms, Atlantis, Kundalini, Enlightenment, Geocentric Cosmology, The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes, Aliens, Controlled Opposition, and much more

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger bennettleeross.com

The great arches of the world
That are usually passed off as memorials
Erected by conquering heroes
Were actually resonating electromagnets

Arches and columns were powerful amplifiers and capacitors
Many used copper coils and gold
Which are excellent conductors of electricity

Many also extracted electric energy from the ether

Domes and orbs on top of poles
Also drew energy down

Indentations or cavities in the masonry
Produced oscillations or vibrations of energetic particles
These small resonators were cavity magnetrons

By utilizing spiked symmetrical ornamentation
A specific frequency was generated

The symmetrical shapes forced ions
To vibrate in a constant manner
Such as in the domed Parthenon in Rome

Ions are electrons that have left the nucleus
Electrons are negatively charged

Cathedrals also continually manipulated energy
Into specific frequencies

The central chamber was a cathode
A cathode is a negatively charged capacitor or battery
The word cathedral is from the word cathode

These were high powered structures
That generated and emitted beams of free energy
Using the interaction of the ion stream
With the magnetic field of the resonator!

Teri Wade #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy intothelight.news

The splitting of two worlds couldn't be more apparent with the ushering in of the last couple years. Right now on the surface humanity is going to extremes, chaos is boiling over in the streets and humanity is being forced to pick a side. What's happening is we are replaying Atlantis, we are replaying the Orion wars.

The Atlanteans were highly spiritual and very advanced technologically. Again, we are replaying Atlantis meaning we have highly evolved technology and what's happening to the human race right now is we are advancing spiritually on a rapid scale. This Awakening that's happening to mankind is no coincidence we have been through this before.

A big difference between our current society and Atlantis is we're much more diverse in this go around and this means that diversity connects us to many different star races throughout the galaxy. The star races that were involved in the Orion wars all have DNA within the human population. We need to be aware that we are replaying, to a smaller extent, the type of society which brought on the Orion wars. I've said this before we cannot repeat Atlantis!
We need to remember what we're living now is nothing in comparison to what we have already lived, what we have already experienced and what we have came to Earth to resolve. <...> This human Awakening is raising the frequency of mankind and we are beginning to feel uncomfortable in a society so out of balance. That's because we are resonating at a higher, faster frequency which makes us feel out of alignment with the current status quo.

A major reason for the chaos that is happening on the surface is because humanity is going through a Spiritual Evolution and we need to get it right this time. Remember, the ones who survived Atlantis became Earth's current rulers who have kept extremely important knowledge from us hence keeping us in an incredibly low vibration. That is all changing with these higher frequencies. This is the Great Awakening!!!

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #magick winterwatch.net

Winter Watch defines a cult as a social group with socially deviant beliefs and practices. This is further defined as Malum in se, meaning wrong or evil in itself. The phrase is used to refer to conduct assessed as sinful or inherently wrong by nature, independent of regulations governing conduct. It is distinguished from malum prohibitum, which is wrong only because it is prohibited. The kakistocracy is pushing malum prohibitum hard, as applied to what it considers “wrong think.”
Destructive cults, gangs and syndicates are commonly associated with occult doctrines that provide a mechanism by which an individual, or a small group, can control the thoughts and behavior of large numbers of people. Members’ identities can be altered and members can be turned into de facto slaves.
Enter the concept of egregore. Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a “thought-form,” a “collective group-mind” or a “hive mind.” It’s an autonomous psychic entity made up of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people. In psychology, the Group Mind is definitely recognized as one of the factors to be reckoned with in treatment.

According to this mindset — New Underworld Order “believers” hold that only they are human or chosen, and everyone else is an animal to be exploited or slaughtered.

From the inner point of view, we may see it as a composite thought hive-mind charged with emotional energy. This energy is evoked from all those who are linked with the thought-form and, if there are those in the group who know something of the psychic mechanism involved, it can be directed upon any chosen target. It is obvious that such energy can be used for evil or control purposes.

Egregore derives from a Greek word meaning “watcher” — a thought-form created by will and visualization. A group egregore is the distinctive energy of a specific group of magicians who are working together, creating and building the same thought-form or energy-form.

Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Watcher from above. Moccasins on the ground, on the soft earth of the mother. Heaven hears you. All warriors are important in the battle. All have different positions. Some sneak attack. Some lead in front. All fight. You are fighting, mighty warriors. You are fighting and you are strong. You are strong enough for this battle. Many say it is not a battle but a separation. A tearing. As old skins tear and separate, all is exposed underneath. (He is showing me splitting leather pants and a bare bum. He is laughing.) All is exposed. It is not the time for levity but all warriors once in awhile need to laugh. For lightness of heart is the path to healing. Heavy hearts sink like stones under water. Light hearts skip like rocks over a still pond. I feel a heaviness within many reading these words.
I am Chief Eagle Feather. Gaia is morphing. You are are morphing. The great flash approaches. Dance to the beat. Darkness is being illuminated. All is being revealed, in good time and in quick time. (He is dancing with me and I am filled with light and joy. We look into the lake together. It is deep and black.) It is the lake of your past life memories, your portal to the Akash. (We dive in and it is not dark at all, but a vast chasm of memories.) Warriors, you can be afraid of your memories or you can love them. And transmute them. And heal them. Which do you choose? (We dance in the void of the lake and I see I am surrounded by my ancestors, and past versions of me. Chief Eagle Feather and I are in the center of a vast circle, and we dance spilling out light in circles so that the entire lake is light, and beyond is filled with pinpricks of stars of future experience.) Warrior, the light transforms all. You are not alone. I am available for dancing lessons. (He smiles. He bends down and puts ash on my cheeks, my forehead, my shoulders.) The marks of one who has seen the darkness and made peace with it. You are ready.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick primedisclosure.com

Today is the last day of the Galactic Spin of the Tzolkin on the Mayan Calendar; being Kin 260 Yellow Cosmic Sun. This is the Illumination of Enlightenment. Today is also a Galactic Activation Portal on the Mayan Calendar. With this final omega Portal Activation to Free Consciousness from all false time loops as we become Timeless and Immortal for all to bear witness, to make it possible for all to perceive and achieve, Freedom of true Sovereignty and Divinity.

Tomorrwo begins the Red Dragon Wavespell. As we all become electrified and lit up. Powerful Fire Dragon Energies as the Kundalini of Gaia is Fully Activated and Rising. The StarSeeds have been planted and risen now Blooming into the Light. This is the Flowering of Homo-Luminous Consciousness.

Our Legion of 144,000 Earth Angelics Spread our Etheric Wings and wrap them around Mother Earth as we connect and create the new gridline of the Eagle and Condor as Protectors and Guardians of our Pachamama. We Love Her and send her our highest Light and Sacred Codes and she loves us very much. If you pause for a moment now and allow your awareness to gently flow into your heart center you will feel this immense Love in the deepest core of your inner conscious Mind. This is our SuperConsciousness of the Cosmos or what we call the Universal Mind. At-One-Ment with all things, experiencing our connection and integration with the Collective Consciousness of Gaia and all of Hue-manity. Keep glowing and growing. This is our Ultimate expansion into the ends of the Infinite Multiverse beyond all realms, timelines and dimensions.

As the Holographic Universe witnesses its own birth into the New Golden Age we become mirrors to the Divine and reflect our own True Nature Perfectly…A’Ho!!

Jacob Rothschild #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #sexist incels.is

[Demon Pill] Jacob Rothschild has a better sex life than all Chads, and experiences sexual pleasure beyond what Chad and Stacy can ever imagine

Many rich elite families are secret luciferians practicing ancient occult rituals including sex magic and child sacrifice in order to worship lucifier and conjure up demons to partake in these rituals.

In rituals where demons are summoned, it is common for them to have sex with the demons.

Demons have more sexual experience than anyone on this earth having been around for thousands of years and being inside multiple people throughout this time acquiring more and more sexual knowledge and sexual skill with each person they are in.

After knowing that demons have abilities to sexually please you beyond what any woman can do for you due to there superior knowledge and experience in sex, I realized that Occultists like Jacob Rothschild are mogging Chad daily and living a life any Chad or Stacy could only dream of.

While Chad is receiving blowjob from stacy (who say has 5 years experience in doing sex), Jacob Rothschild is mogging Chad into hell having mind blowing orgasms shooting semen everywhere due to the demon who is having sex with him having hundred of years of sexual experience being unleashed upon Jacob Rothschild penis.

It is truly over if you are not Jacob Rothschild or apart of one of these families, you will never experience hundreds of years of sexual experience unleashed upon your penis from a demon.

Jacob Rothschild is daily summoning demons in black magic rituals for booty calls, living in a state of constant orgasm with the demons being able to also shape shift into anything he wants while they unleash thousands of years of sexual experience upon him.

Look into this mans eyes, this is a man who mogs all Chads and Stacies world wide and who lives in a constant state of orgasm.


Dr James DeMeo #crackpot #magick #quack westonaprice.org

What if outer space is not a void, but instead has substance, an “aether” that has healing properties that may be of tremendous benefit to us? Dr. James DeMeo makes a compelling case for this perspective based on his decades of research and the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He explains how the energy heals, what we are doing that is compromising its protective properties and what we can do to tap into it to reap its benefits.

This is Episode 327 and our guest is Dr. James DeMeo. James earned his PhD in the field of Geography specializing in Earth and Atmospheric Science. He is the author or editor of nine books and around 100 published research papers. He brings to our attention this controversial opinion about space because it merits examination.

In this episode, James discusses the history of scientists like Nikola Tesla, who believed in a substance they referred to as ether and how this substance can be harnessed to improve our health and ways in which common modern technologies are limiting these healing benefits.

Don Spectacularis #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, one and all. The following Timeline Tourism Handbook (2021 Edition) has been handcrafted to trigger every last bone in your body. And your very mind and very soul no less. Should you take those triggers in the right spirit, you get a rare opportunity to master reality itself. Alternatively, should you miss the whole point of me writing this text and let your respective egos get the better of you, well, let me just warn you all well ahead in advance here that just about now would be the perfect time to Google "anger management techniques" first! And with that out of the way, let us now go begin things…!

TIMELINES D, E, F, and G - These are all doom-and-gloom based timelines (that I've absolutely ZERO interest in discussing any further in here). For these ones are all entirely focused upon what could potentially occur here due to forced vaccinations, forced vaccine passports, forced lockdowns, and forced what-else-have-you! If you truly enjoy playing the victim and giving away all of your innate CREATOR POWERS and abilities away all for free, then consider these timelines as practically being a godsend for you. 
TIMELINE I - If H stands for Hope; then I stands for I AM. For individuals on this specific timeline are doing their level best to play God day in and day out, simply through the virtue of using their very FOCUS right no less! These individuals are the ones making every last ditch effort to go Master the Art of Manifestation.

* wink wink *

TIMELINE J - On this particular timeline, even the I is seen as an Illusion. For where the timeline I has Aces up its sleeve, J is the Joker. The wildcard. The One that realizes that all of it, absolutely ALL OF THIS is ultimately a huge, massive, Cosmic Joke (and nothing more). An ILLUSION of divine proportions, essentially. And exactly just that!

Wronger Than Flat Earth Award

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The Great Whirlpool is the Rotational Axis or Polar Column
In the middle of our universe

It is a tube of flowing electrons
That forms a Central Vortex

It is the Navel of the World

In mythical times due to the high energy flow
It was easily seen in more southernly latitudes

But more commonly symbolized as a mountain or as a tree

In religious circles it was called the Holy Spirit

Every six hours the Great Whirlpool reverses its direction
Alternating between drawing in
And expelling the worlds oceans
Thereby creating their currents and tides

This is what is called Vril Energy

The north magnetic pole
Circumvents the central magnetic circle

And the toroidal magnetic field moves with it

The sun moon and planets are bound in their revolution
By our magnetic north pole

Polaris rests above this vortex
In the center of our realm

Planets are wondering stars
The sun and moon are newcomers

The moon is semi transparent
And reflects our greater realm
Although in a distorted quasi photographic manner
It is a map hidden in plain sight

Stars rotate around the magnetic circle
Making a full circle every year

They revolve anti clockwise
1 degree every 4 minutes
15 degrees each hour

We live in an electromagnetic terrarium
The sun and moon traveling in concentric spirals
Never reaching the Artic or Antarctic
But turning back at the Tropic of Cancer
And the tropic of Capricorn

Brightest stars are categorized into constellations
Which forms the Zodiac
The Zodiac is like a 12 spoked wheel

The 12 arcs are of 30 degrees each
Which is a 360 degree full circle

Constellations shift by 1 degree every 72 years
This is called the precession of the equinox

Each Zodiac is an age

Every 2160 years there is a switch to a new Zodiac or a new Age
A full revolution of 12 Ages would take 25920 years

But our universe is not that old

We have been in the Age of Pisces
And are now entering the Age of Aquarius

The advanced astronomical clocks of the Tartarians show this

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