
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Shinjicel #elitist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] incels have a more "interesting" personality than any other group of people.

I never got this, with incels, you always get gas-lit by foids, normies and chads that its our "personalities' that do not get us laid yet the threads here especially that quote thread from numerous great minds through history is 90% more interesting than talking about some retarded normie tier drama behind other normies backs and then spreading those rumors round the friend group or sitting at home smoking weed all day and playing smash bros or some other gay shit with your friends for the 90th time. Women and chads have even less of an interesting "personality", since all they do is think about sex or in women's cases leveraging sex for material possessions or for ego purposes.

I feel like if anything most of these degenerate fucks are afraid of incels and their line of thinking, not because of what we claim but because of how multi-dimensional you as a person have to be to adapt in a looks based world. You as a person are going to have to do a lot more to stand out as your looks will always be holding you back, whether it be getting a better paying job to in more severe cases not being picked on while being in public. As meritocracy and the idea of pulling yourself by your bootstraps gets obfuscated by the ruling class, this issue in particular will be the next frontier I feel like incels will have to fight knowing full well the futilely of it all in the face of AA becoming a bigger and bigger deal.

With all that said, I genuinely want to know, how retarded normie tier thinking has to be to even begin to say that its an incel's personality that is the problem when if anything the hobbies, past-times,career and friends an incel decides to associate themselves especially from my experience is much more interesting than normie tier groups of friends. Not to mention its much more liberating not having to deal with the overly offended crowd in general.

Mencius Moldbug #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger unqualified-reservations.org

The people cry out for shorter, more controversial posts!

The essential idea of leftism is that the world should be governed by scholars.

(By “scholar” what I mean is, of course, “intellectual.” But I don’t like this word, for the same reason I don’t like the word “liberal”—it makes me sound like Rush Limbaugh. Once any collective description acquires negative connotations in anyone’s mind, it is no longer useful. Also, note that there is no meaningful distinction between a scholar and a priest.)

Can anyone find an exception to this rule—i.e., a mass movement that is generally described as “leftist,” but which does not in practice imply the rule of scholars, or at least people who think of themselves as scholars? Your comments, as always, are welcomed with enthusiasm.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

Where are they now, these people who once built this nation? They are Whites Going Their Own Way (WGTOW) who have dropped out, moved away from the big cities, set themselves up with rougher surroundings, and done their best to secede from political and economic life. They are earning less to avoid paying taxes, and doing more through barter and producing their own food, supplies and tools.

If you go to the outer suburbs here, every other house seems to be subsidized to some degree by reselling products on eBay or other internet work. The kids who mow the lawn are paid in canned food. A guy down the street swaps homebrew beer and tobacco for raw materials to make more. The carpenter takes labor in kind in trade, or goods, and just acquired a used car cheap this way.

Look at their 1040s. Every single one includes a home-based business that generates massive deductions, if they even bother to file one. The end result is that these people have converted themselves from tax cash cows into tax-eaters. They buy almost nothing new, and are fixing those old gadgets, cars, heaters, air conditioners and water heaters, especially since the old ones work better anyway.

When you need someone to help out, you go hang out at the local watering hole that now serves homebrew beer and allows people to smoke again. The band tonight takes payment in home-grown vegetables and homemade beef jerky. People are buying what they need online with BitCoin or through swaps via Craigslist. There is a neighborhood website where further transactions take place.

Freeze Peach Award

Ken Turnage II #elitist #psycho msn.com

The Antioch City Council held a special meeting on Friday evening to decide if they should fire the chair of the Planning Commission. The commission chairman Ken Turnage II said Covid-19 is nature’s way of taking out the homeless, the weak, and the old and it should be allowed to happen.

Turnage II said it’s his personal opinion, which he posted on his personal Facebook page. He defended his action by saying it’s his freedom of speech.

“I don’t feel like I did anything wrong that I should resign for. I didn’t say anything negative about the city,” said Turnage II.

He came under fire after he posted the lengthy Facebook post on April 23rd. He has since taken it down because of death threats.

In part, he wrote “we have our old, we have our weak and we have our drains on our resources. This virus is targeting those sectors of our population. But as species, for our nation and as a planet we would strengthen when this is all settled.”

His post went on to say, “we would lose many elderly, that would reduce burdens in our defunct social security system, health care cost (once the wave subsided), make jobs available for others and it would also free up housing in which we are in dire need of.”

“I believe in ecological balance. If something happens from nature and it takes its course on the human species, that’s what it does,” Turnage II told KPIX 5 in an interview outside of his construction company. “I don’t regret posting or saying what I believe or what my opinions are.”

Turnage II said he’s not discriminating against any groups. He simply wanted to lift the shelter-in-place order so the economy can get back on track.

“To people to get so offended by a personal opinion, it says a lot about what has happened to our society,” said Turnage II.


“It’s a reckless thing to say. It’s just very appalling,” said Antioch Councilwoman Monica E. Wilson.

Councilwoman Wilson and Mayor Sean Wright asked Turnage II to resign, without success.

“That statement was very divisive. Now is the time for us to come together, to show the community that we value their life,” said Councilwoman Wilson.

Councilman Lamar Thorpe said as public officials, they’re representing more than 110,000 residents in Antioch and words do matter.

“We received so many emails and telephone calls from senior citizens who are outraged and in absolute disbelief when they hear things that remind them of Nazi Germany,” said Councilman Thorpe.

There are five people on the city council. It takes three votes to fire Turnage II.

darreact #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist darwinianreactionary.wordpress.com

To the Boomers it is always the 1960s and it turns out that the important issues today are exactly what was important to 1960s liberals. In fact, the book reads like a cry of “can’t we just keep debating the same things we did in the 60s?” The main threat is still those dastardly Christian conservative creationists who are always on the brink of becoming Nazis. The multicultural disasters of Rotterdam, South Africa, Malmo, and Paris are nowhere to be found. All we need is more education and some 1960s-style integration programs. (Remember how in the 60s we did integration, and it worked so well that there are now no racial issues in politics?) But equally, Pinker doesn’t like how the Left has moved on from the 60s: away from individualism to identity politics, away from free speech and towards banning unpopular views, away from modernism and towards post-modernism.

The stated argument of the book is that the Enlightenment values of reason, science, and humanism produced great improvements to human welfare, but those values and the benefits they bestow are under threat from both the Left and Right, and so we must rededicate ourselves to protecting these values and fighting against their foes. Other reviewers have provided terrific evaluations of Pinker’s arguments. For examples, see here and here for great reviews.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist amerika.org

While the coronavirus first seemed as if it would serve as an acceptable scapegoat for the failure of Leftism — diversity failing, equality creating enmity, mass incompetence of democracy, pollution threatening lives, food and water stocks failing, and war looming — the divisions in our population emerged.

We can see two groups: the unisonists, who want us all to do the same methods in unison so that no one gets ahead of anyone else, and the naturalists, who want us to each find our niche and for natural selection to trim the weak from among us while promoting the strong so we get stronger as a group.

Unisonists come from the oldest human impulse, fear. They fear that someone has something that they do not. They fear that their own inability to achieve the same thing will place them at a lower rank. In fact, they know they are lesser than others, but want to use the power of the herd to obliterate that.

The naturalists accept that there is an order larger than the self, that we all fit within it, and that we have a niche in it, both in terms of vertical rank and specialization. They do not look for universal truths and rules; they want to find something that works for them.

Right now, the naturalists have accepted risk because they recognize that life is uncertain and things sometimes turn out badly. It is better, they think, to have a functional civilization with some deaths than a dysfunctional civilization with slightly fewer deaths.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist #psycho henrymakow.com

Let me make it very clear to you: these idiots, these Covid-Hoax deniers, are the enemy. That might sound a bit harsh to you. I assure you, it isn't. When the end game is forced vaccinations and a microchipped population, then anyone supporting that in any way is truly your enemy.

How can they not be? Are citizens who collude with an invading force any less harmful than the invading force itself? Granted, a lot of these people are mindless, frightened sheep, but does that absolve them when they have access to the same information we all do?

My best advice is to drop these people from your life. Don't spend money at their businesses. Don't visit their websites. Don't patronize their advertisers. Don't engage them in conversation or email them. Have as little to do with them as is humanly possible.

Sure, you can try to educate them. You can show them facts, information and science. But my guess is less than one in a thousand will even bother to look at the material you give them. That's how stupid they all are.

When all hell breaks loose, and that could be sooner than any of us think, it's going to be every man for himself. These idiot deniers could very well drag you down with them. Anyone who has ever been in combat will tell you that a mixture of fear and stupidity is deadly. Once the bullets start flying, people like that not only get themselves killed, they get everyone else around them killed, as well.

If you're a young person reading this, then let me tell you that the adults in your life - your teachers, counsellors, doctors, aunts and uncles, and, yes, even your parents - are almost all clueless idiots. They know enough to make a living. Some of them have graduated from prestigious universities. Some of them might even love you. But their behavior during this "crisis" is telling you that they are most likely morons at best, and traitors at worst.

Speaking of traitors, anyone actively promoting this Covid-Hoax, whether in government, education, the media, or the medical field is guilty of treason. Every. Single. One. These people should not only be shunned, they should be arrested, prosecuted and convicted. Of course, that's not going to happen. Even the Q-Anon crowd is waking up to that reality.

The battle lines have been drawn. The enemy's plan is clear. They've shown you exactly what they intend to do. This isn't some distant prophecy of the end times. It's happening right here, right now. You need to start preparing for the worst.

Samuel Alito #racist #elitist vox.com

One justice took umbrage with that invocation of racism: Justice Samuel Alito. His dissent was the latest in a string of opinions bristling at the idea that racism still shapes many policymakers’ decisions today, and that the legacy of past racism still affects people of color. In the most noteworthy of those opinions, 2018’s Abbott v. Perez, Alito convinced a majority of his colleagues to write such a strong presumption of white racial innocence into the law governing racial voter discrimination that it is now virtually impossible for voting rights plaintiffs to prove that state lawmakers acted with racist intent.

Alito does not appear driven by broad skepticism of racial issues. While he has repeatedly lashed out at the mere suggestion that white policymakers may have been motivated by racism, he took a drastically different tone in Ricci v. DeStefano (2009). In that case, Alito wrote a lengthy concurring opinion suggesting that a cohort of mostly white firefighters were denied promotions due to a conspiracy between New Haven Mayor John DeStefano and a local black preacher.

Nick Land #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger thedarkenlightenment.com

For the hardcore neo-reactionaries, democracy is not merely doomed, it is doom itself. Fleeing it approaches an ultimate imperative. The subterranean current that propels such anti-politics is recognizably Hobbesian, a coherent dark enlightenment, devoid from its beginning of any Rousseauistic enthusiasm for popular expression. Predisposed, in any case, to perceive the politically awakened masses as a howling irrational mob, it conceives the dynamics of democratization as fundamentally degenerative: systematically consolidating and exacerbating private vices, resentments, and deficiencies until they reach the level of collective criminality and comprehensive social corruption. The democratic politician and the electorate are bound together by a circuit of reciprocal incitement, in which each side drives the other to ever more shameless extremities of hooting, prancing cannibalism, until the only alternative to shouting is being eaten.

Where the progressive enlightenment sees political ideals, the dark enlightenment sees appetites. It accepts that governments are made out of people, and that they will eat well. Setting its expectations as low as reasonably possible, it seeks only to spare civilization from frenzied, ruinous, gluttonous debauch. From Thomas Hobbes to Hans-Hermann Hoppe and beyond, it asks: How can the sovereign power be prevented – or at least dissuaded — from devouring society? It consistently finds democratic ‘solutions’ to this problem risible, at best.

Mencius Moldbug #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger unqualified-reservations.org

We have swallowed the red pill, which now makes its way to the stomach. The coating dissolves. The rotor spins up and the device begins to operate. Inside, the sodium-metal core remains intact.

And we begin the treatment. Again, our goal is to detach you—by “you,” of course, I mean only the endogenous neural tissue—from the annelid parasite which now occupies a significant percentage of your cranium, and of course is fully integrated with your soul.

This worm goes by many a name, but today we’ll just call it democracy. Once we’ve severed its paradendritic hyphae, you can remove your little guest safely in your own bathroom—all you need is a Dremel tool, a Flowbee and a big plastic bag. Pack the cavity with Bondo, wear a wig for a few weeks, and no one will suspect you’ve become a reactionary imperialist.

Of course, you came to us. So the worm must be a little loose already, or otherwise unwell. Which is great—but doesn’t really assist us in the procedure. UR is a scientific operation. Everyone gets the same cuts on the same dots. So for the purposes of our red pill, we’ll assume you remain an orthodox, NPR-loving progressive. Continue reading at your own risk.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger #elitist undepraved.mikraite.org

In primitive societies, sick people go to a witch doctor who jumps up and down. Then when the person recovers (as usually happens) the witch doctor takes credit and so the respect and admiration for witch doctors is sustained among the moronic population.

Essentially the same process is now happening with the coronavirus at a national level. The national witch doctors advise the leaders to impose senseless restrictions on the population. Then when the coronavirus naturally passes, the witch doctors give credit to the senseless restrictions.

The one exception to this is China. I suspect that the original coronavirus was virulent and mutated fairly rapidly. The Chinese response was to focus quarantine on those with symptoms. This meant that those with the coronavirus but without symptoms were allowed to spread the less virulent variations of the coronavirus. By doing this, China bred the coronavirus to be about as virulent as the flu. So China effectively solved the problem of the virus, but not the problem of the collective insanity of modern culture.

Most numbers thrown around are meaningless because there is no accounting of people who had the coronavirus but had no symptoms. The only country that I know of that has real numbers is Iceland which reports a 0.3% death rate which is in the range of the flu. So the coronavirus should basically be thought of as a bad flu. Like any new virus, it starts with exponential growth in a new population but then levels off as herd immunity is reached. Extrapolating from the numbers during the initial exponential phase makes no sense.

I view the coronavirus as a gift from God, essentially God giving depraved modern culture the rope to hang itself. The collective insanity of modern culture should finally cause the long overdue financial collapse that modern culture deserves. And that is a very good thing because it will reduce the attractiveness of modern culture and allow alternatives to grow.

darreact #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist darwinianreactionary.wordpress.com

So what is the Enlightenment view of human nature against which the Dark Enlightenment sets itself? Here we seem to have pretty strong agreement that it is the blank slate view of human nature that is not only wrong but disastrously so. (Steven Pinker’s The Blank Slate is required reading for anyone delving into these waters.) The blank slate was originally an entirely epistemological notion; it was the claim that knowledge came from the senses and that there were no innate ideas in Descartes’ sense. Restricted to this sphere it was relatively unproblematic and it is a view I share. But in the late 19th and 20th century the notion of the blank slate was extended way beyond its merely epistemological origins to encompass the entirety of human psychology. It is this expansion that the Dark Enlightenment sets itself against.

It is illuminating to understand how communism claimed it was the rational conclusion of the blank slate. Communism held that human nature is entirely malleable and that education and propaganda can shape people in any way desired. Communists held that people were so malleable that, say, parents’ affection for their children could be educated away and children could be happily abandoned to be brought up by the state, or that people’s self-interest could be overcome through education, and so people could work not for their own interests but for the benefit of the state, or that people could be educated out of their desire for material goods, and so on. The communist views were actually quite reasonable given blank slate equalism. For example, I seem remember reading somewhere that Trotsky claimed that there would be a Leonardo Da Vinci on every street corner after the revolution, and why not? If everyone is equal then inequality must be the result of social conditions. If there could be one Leonardo Da Vinci why can’t everyone be a Leonardo Da Vinci if we are all equal and society is perfected?

The official socially-approved lesson from the fall of communism is that it fell because it failed to see that people are naturally self-interested. Even uber-Lefty Peter Singer in his book Darwinian Left concedes that a political system can not require that people act against their self-interest. This is the view of the neo-liberalism that has reigned for the last 30 years: blank slate + self-interest. Neo-liberals of the right and left generally believe in the blank slate in all areas except that people are naturally materially self-interested.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist amerika.org

Most people still do not understand that humanity is locked in a mortal conflict. Evolution never stopped; we dominated the basics, like food and hygiene, and the race is now on to produce a variety of human which is inherently sane.

Sanity can be defined as the absence of obstructions to seeing reality as clearly as possible. These obstructions include illusion, or the pursuit of internal mental signals over perception of external reality, and stupidity, in addition to clinical insanity (which, since its basis is in neurosis, consists of illusion which has become a biological dependency).

Future humans will view the present age as a time of confusion when our ability to conquer nature outpaced our ability to understand nature as pattern order. Pattern order refers to the need for a certain pattern of objects and events in order for outcomes to occur; it replaces our old idea of linear causality and the intervening stage of relativity.

In that view, humans represent part of a pattern in nature that produces more intelligent species but kills them off if they become solipsistic, or focused on inward symbolism instead of paying attention to how their world is organized and what this implies for the best ways to adapt.

For example, future humans would find it ridiculous that we do not have cradle-to-grave reclamation and recycling plans. They would mock our ugly cities as psychologically destructive, look at jobs as blind repetition of method instead of a focus on productivity, and view democracy as a hive mind aimed at amplifying the lowest common denominator and enforcing it on those who are trying to break away from that gelatin mental state.

Those who might survive our time and live on will be extreme realists. That is, they will concern themselves little with the judgments of others, and focus on quality of analysis, brushing aside group emotions.

They will recognize hierarchy of ability inherently, and defer to those more competent in any area in order to achieve best results. They will view people that do not understand this principle as insane and exclude them.

Whichever human group reaches this condition of mental discipline first will come to greater technological and military power, and quickly subdue and eliminate the rest. Human history is writ in bottlenecks and genocide is one of them; each bottleneck improved our capabilities.

Stephan Kinsella #wingnut #elitist monarchists.blogspot.com

The celebration of the 4th of July as if it's a libertarian holiday is a bit much to bear. Secession from Bri Kinsellatain was a mistake. It's easy enough to realize that the Constitution was not some libertarian achievement as conservatives and libertarians delude themselves into thinking. The Declaration of Independence in 1776 led to all the standard evils of war and raising an army – in the words of Jeff Hummel, "unfunded government debt, paper money, skyrocketing inflation, price controls, legal tender laws, direct impressment of supplies and wide-spread conscription." Hmm, doesn't sound very libertarian to me. Stealing, conscripting, enslaving, murdering. The glorification of democracy. The expansion of empire. The entrenching of corporatist interests with the state. The substitution of traditional order with worship of the democratic state.

Monarchy isn't perfect, as Hoppe argues, but the move from monarchy to democracy was not "progress" as even some libertarians have mistakenly believed (as Hoppe notes, "although aware of the economic and ethical deficiencies of democracy, both Mises and Rothbard had a soft spot for democracy and tended to view the transition from monarchy to democracy as progress"). When I suggest it was a mistake to secede from Britain, libertarians – brainwashed by both Saturday morning Schoolhouse Rock propaganda (No More Kings; Fireworks; Three-Ring Government; The Preamble) and Randian pro-America mythology – freak out. "You want us to have a king? How terrible?!" or "But Britain is more socialist than we are!" Well, first, I don't want us to have a king. I'd prefer we have no state: no kings or congresscritters or revenuers. But we have a king now, under another name; he can tax and murder us, just like the dreaded monarchian boogey-man; the state is overlord of all our property, as in feudalism. And rejoining socialist Britain now would be terrible – but would the European monarchies have become democratic socialist states if America had never left Britain? Our secession led to a constructivist new utopian order based on a "rational, scientific" paper document and the rejection of traditional, unwritten, limits on state power, thus setting the world on the path of democracy and democratic tyranny, and all the evils of the 20th Century-WWI, WWII, the Holocaust, the Cold War, Communism, Naziism, Fascism, Great Depressions I and II. America's reckless utopianism corrupted its mother state, rendering it unfit to rejoin. But had we never left? One percent tax paid to a distant King over the ocean sound appealing, anyone?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #elitist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Productive citizens punished, homeless given a free pass"]

So France has been in lockdown for a few days now....


And one thing that caught my eye was that people were required to remain at home. But what about the homeless?

Well, the French have been putting them in (essentially) camps which has (predictably) angered homeless advocates.

So when I heard that San Fagsisco was already on a (reduced) lockdown called "shelter in placae" and it was being extended to all of California, and seeing the homeless crisis and the SJW response of government there, I was left wondering what would happen.

What The City has sometimes euphemistically called “encampment resolutions,” and what everyone else calls homeless sweeps, will cease, at least for now.

I repeat: No more sweeps.

Oh good...law abiding citizens who own the local hardware store are required to remain in their homes hiding from a virus, while useless drug addled pieces of (literal) human trash are able to wander around to their hearts' content.

How long until some enterprising Californians start realizing they can just put on crappy clothes and no ID and go back to living their proper life?

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist #psycho naturalnews.com

<long excerpt from an even longer Mike Adams screed..>

Dear clueless America,

You are now living under the tyranny you deserve. For the last four years, as truth-telling websites like Natural News were smeared, de-platformed and silenced, you said nothing. You were more interested in your Starbucks lattes, your inflated stock market shares, and virtue signaling your obedience to pop culture than defending the right of people to tell the truth.

You let the world’s “facts” be determined by the most evil, communist-infiltrated techno-fascists imaginable: Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many more. You said nothing as they silenced independent publishers who told the truth about natural cures, herbal remedies and the dangers of biological weapons research (which we desperately warned the world about in 2012). As long as YOU weren’t banned, that was the most important priority in your mind, and you rapidly self-censored your own speech to make sure you could continue to earn ad revenue on YouTube by complying with their “community guidelines” that outlawed truth and reason.

The reason you are stuck in an apartment in a high-density city, beating your head against the wall while your stock market portfolio vanishes with each passing day is because you thought it was more important to be obedient than free. You went along with the hyperventilating, screaming masses as they demanded the de-platforming of Natural News, InfoWars and an endless list of independent media organizations, claiming your “fact checkers” had a divine monopoly on facts (even though they were mostly funded by interested linked back to Big Pharma). [...]
You didn’t speak out against that. Instead, you altered your own speech to come into “compliance” with the censors, and you stopped sharing links to the banned sites, for fear of being banned yourself for promoting banned speech. In other words, you became became your own jailer for your pathetic mental prison.

You did that because you are a coward. You have no ethics, no morals, no courage and no principles. You helped build the very prison in which you now find yourself, and you can’t find a way out because you’ve never had a thought that was implanted into your consciousness by someone else.

Instead of supporting diversity of thought, you demanded obedient conformity to a tiny set of twisted, fraudulent ideas, claiming the world would be a better place if “non-popular” content was systematically erased from the internet so that all the remaining voices would be in agreement. You called it “consensus” and explained that “fringe” voices were dangerous to society. So you supported Google and the tech giants carrying out a form of online ethnic cleansing, to rid the internet of information you didn’t want to see, since it opposed your own twisted worldview that was wholly derived from conformity with popular delusions rather than diverse, independent thinking. [...]
As it turns out, you aren’t even a real, unique person, and that’s exactly why the globalists have already written you off. You have nothing to offer them except a speedy death, and they have already unleashed the mechanism to achieve that (with Bill Gates at the helm of the whole project, of course). If you don’t die from the virus, they’ll kill you with kinetic wars, starvation (i.e. food supply control), vaccines or toxic medications. One way or another, your entire purpose, from the point of view of the globalists you supporters, is to end your life and remove your existence from this world.

That is why you now find yourself imprisoned in your apartment in a collapsing city. That is why you have no freedom, no food supplies, no firearms and no future. This is why every action you take is something you were told to take by the controlled corporate media. This is why you will be left penniless as the financial reset unfolds. This is why you will line up to be obediently injected with a “kill switch” vaccine, begging the government to chemically assault you with the very mechanism that will deliver you unto Death.

You have never been anything other than a sheeple, and you will die a self-deluded slave whose only purpose on this Earth was to generate some small sliver of wealth to be confiscated by the globalists who see humanity as their enemy. The entirety of your existence will soon collapse to nothing more than a numerical representation of how many dollars the globalists can extract from your assets as they euthanize you with the coronavirus vaccine.

This is the world you created. Welcome to your own personal Hell. You will be destroyed by what you have unleashed, which is why I have repeatedly and accurately called America a “suicide cult.”

darreact #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #elitist darwinianreactionary.wordpress.com

When I first heard the idea that race wasn’t real I, like I would imagine most people would, just rolled my eyes. It seemed like the kind of idiocy that only an academic could come up with in order to publish, not perish. Academia is constantly churning out ridiculous claims in a quest to have something new to say in a desperate attempt to get into the journals. For a while there was a cottage industry of papers claiming that every major historical figure was gay, but that fad seems to have died down. I figured the whole “social constructivism” fad was a consequence of post-modernism/post-structuralism which denies that anything is real and that ontology is socially constructed by power relations. I figured it would die off with the rest of the post-modern flash in the pan. But this idea hangs around, and it in fact gains in acceptance.

The debate about the reality of race is not a biological debate. People can agree about all the facts about the migrations of people around the world, and the results of modern genetic findings, and yet still disagree over whether race is real. That is because the debate today isn’t a debate about biology; it is a debate about metaphysics. The debate is about what it means to say something is real. Specifically, it is about what is it for a kind to be real; philosophy and science is still for the most part operating under the deeply entrenched “either essentialiasm or nominalism” dichotomy. I haven’t read Nicholas Wade’s book yet, but my sense is that he will not convince the unconvinced because he does not take on the abstract ontological issues upon which social constructivists rely, or provide competing realist ontology.

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #elitist naturalnews.com

With the coronavirus pandemic comes a much easier helicopter view of three “classes” of people in the United States, based on several easily-identifiable traits, actions and mental capacity, in general. Most Americans believe that the news on television and in the newspapers is real. They don’t realize that the coverage of a local story about a person or small business is completely different than “world news” or “national news” that’s nearly, if not completely, fake. Two tiers of Americans fall for the narratives, accounting for over 200 million people nationwide.

The Neanderthals
First off are the Neanderthals. These are people who become violent when the news upsets them, and the state and federal government take full advantage of their primitive and reactionary “state of mind.” States have already started banning the sale of alcoholic beverages, guns and ammunition. The U.S. government thinks ahead and wants to get the guns and booze out of the hands of the modern-day Neanderthals that haphazardly roam the metropolitan cities of America.

Neanderthals may have cell phones and cars, but they’re still mighty primitive. If they see an opportunity to get away with crime, they’ll take it, especially in the middle of a fake-news-manufactured-crisis. They’ll steal, fight in public, engage in road rage, sexually assault and rape, and even kill.

The Sheeple
Second come the Sheeple. These are folks who think they’re informed, but they’ve got all the wrong information, fake facts, fake science, and poorly concocted yet dogmatic opinions formed off of and based on all the trickery. Big Food, Biotech, Big Pharma, TV, newspapers, shill websites, and social media have the sheeple hypnotized, dumbed down, mesmerized, confused, dazed and punch-drunk.

The Sheeple still think the Democrat politicians aren’t total communists who want to destroy the country, eliminate the middle class, and create a police state government nobody will ever escape from again. They just can’t see it. They’ll be the first ones to run out and get injected with a dangerous, experimental COVID-19 vaccine, should one “come out.”

The sheeple are people who follow each other (like the name implies for sheep or even cattle) because they can never think for themselves. They get the flu shot every year and the mercury eviscerates their central nervous system and systemic brain function. They drink fluoridated water from the tap that lowers their IQ levels drastically. They eat blood-clogging, heart-damaging canola oil daily. They take prescription medications regularly, thinking that helps them stay alive. They are sheeple. They will walk slowly right off a cliff if the rest of the herd leads them there.

The Independents
The independents are the informed. They are educated, and not specifically in that school way, but they can distinguish reality, organic food and natural medicine from the fake news, bad food and twisted medicine. These people are “street smart.” Many run their own businesses, own land, own guns, grow their own food, are fully stocked with supplies, eat mostly organic food, drink only filtered water, and understand what supplements, superfoods and tinctures help with immunity and to fuel longevity.

The independents are informed because they read independent media for news, talk to honest professionals for valid information, and know the difference between actual science and the fake stuff propagated by the CDC and the FDA.

Informed folks don’t panic or get violent when the fake news dishes out emotionally-charged propaganda. Independents don’t turn in their guns and get force-vaccinated so that some nanny-state government can take away all their constitutional rights.

The independents don’t donate their money to fake, pink-washed, “non-profit” (means for private profit) cancer drives, where the presidents and CEOs all pocket the money while promoting chemotherapy and fried chicken.

That’s why, during this COVID-19 crisis, it’s important to understand that all Democrat politicians want to crash the economy, crush all small businesses, and bankrupt America – just in the hope to vote Trump out of office in November by blaming it all on him. Get it? The CDC is in on the fix too, avoiding testing Americans for the novel coronavirus so they can pump up the death toll and scare everyone into believing Big Government will save them.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

Most of us on the Right, no matter how racist, remain pretty ambivalent about slavery if not outright opposed. After all, taking people from their native lands, bringing them to a strange place, stripping them of their names and culture, and making them into forced chattel labor seems inhuman.

We can mention mitigating factors, like that the first slaveowner in America was black, most slaves were war captives who would have been dead and eaten otherwise, that slavery was usually gentler than living in a ghetto and working fast food, or that slaves inherited a world more prosperous than Africa.

Generally all of this misses the big issue, which is that by freeing the serfs, we deprived ourselves of a native labor caste in the West, at which point we picked up on a few crucial ideas from ideological religion, namely acquiring foreign slaves: [...]

In this, we see the problem with diversity: the host nation seeks to incorporate others as a form of labor, guaranteeing that it will gradually make them into part of its own genome, effectively abolishing itself.

Throughout human history, it has been tempting to use Others as labor, or to wage genocide against them, but to a long-term view, this simply bonds the two populations. If you interact with them, you become bonded; then, it takes a great deal of effort to sever those bonds.

In the long calculus, slavery was neither the evil which is portrayed in the Leftist media, nor in any way a good thing. It was a substitute for the natural order, in which every group has internal divisions that correspond to the standard distribution of abilities:

The West, like all great civilizations, died of class warfare, which happens when the many without particular competence gang up on those who know better about how to make a civilization which lasts for eternity.

Chattel slavery came out of this, and like the Holocaust, does not show us at our proudest moment. This leaves us only to clean up, make amends, end the diversity and class warfare which caused slavery, and move on.

darreact #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist darwinianreactionary.wordpress.com

Cultural Marxism is genocidal in that it attacks and prevents the working of these forces that allow ethnic and other genocide-susceptible kinds to persist.

The crux of my argument is this: ethnic and other genocide-susceptible kinds require the working of these forces in order to persist. The prevention of the working of these forces by individuals, society, or the state through laws, sanctions, violence, or social pressure, would result in the destruction, in whole or in part, of the genocide-susceptible kind, i.e., would be genocide. Cultural Marxism advocates and facilitates the prevention of the working of these forces. Therefore, Cultural Marxism advocates genocide.

Thus, the forces I discussed in parts 2 – 5 must be allowed to do their job of sustaining ethnic and other genocide-susceptible kinds. Specifically, from part 2, ethnic groups can not be prevented or censored from the reproduction of their distinctive traditions, or from advocating the creation of new members of the kind, i.e, advocating against miscegenation is not in any way morally objectionable.
From part 3: members of an ethnic group can not be hindered or censured for seeking to live among members of their own kind, i.e., “white flight” or any other kind of ethnic clustering is not immoral or objectionable, although introducing the factors that cause it is.
From part 4: an ethnic group has a right to reserve its territory to itself, i.e, borders, immigration controls, or housing discrimination are in no way morally objectionable.
From part 5: an ethnic group has the right to inculcate affection for the group in its members in order to urge them to perpetuate the kind and defend its territory, i.e., patriotic celebrations and displays of ethnic pride, ethnocentrism, or attempts to inculcate group affection among a people, are in no way morally objectionable.

In short, it is perfectly acceptable and unobjectionable, and in no way unjust discrimination, to favor members of your own kind when it comes to a whole host of behaviors and social functions. On the contrary, efforts to weaken and destroy these forces, known as Cultural Marxism, are immoral and unjust and may or must be resisted.

Adi #racist #wingnut #elitist faithandheritage.com

(Post from early 2018 entitled “Prince Harry is a Traitor”)

Prince Harry has had a long reputation of bringing shame to the British royal family. Known for his drunken nights out partying and fornicating, he has often acted in a way that is most unbecoming for a prince of Wales. He has also been an active participant in evil elitist endeavors such as the war in Afghanistan and the sodomite and transgender agendas.

Through his rebellious nature, he has had some redeeming moments during his younger days when he angered the leftist establishment. Back in 2005, for example, he wore a shirt with a swastika on the shoulder to a party.

Now the “matured” Harry has been fully brought in line with the agenda. His engagement to American actress Meghan Markle breaks nearly every traditionalist taboo that has preserved some semblance of chivalry among the British royal family:

1. While Kate Middleton, the wife of older brother William, has been criticized for not being enough of a feminist, Markle is being hailed as the first true feminist in the British royal family.

2. Markle is not only from a completely unrelated foreign people, but is not even from his own race. This means that the royal bloodline will, from now on, be forever stained with foreign DNA, which will greatly impede the family’s representative duties toward and relationship with the nation with which they have historically and covenantally been endowed.

3. Markle is a divorcée. While I do not think remarriage after divorce is always sinful, it needs to be approached with caution. In this regard the Church of England’s position – that if exes are still alive, remarriage should be granted only in exceptional circumstances – is a commendable one. In Harry’s case, it is good reason not to marry Markle on these grounds alone. Reportedly, it was her career that stood in the way of her previous marriage, which is itself a testimony to the fact that she, as a feminist, wouldn’t put her family first. It also implies that her divorce was based on illegitimate grounds. Rumors are already doing the rounds that because of this, Queen Elizabeth might not attend the wedding at all.

4. Finally, as Markle is a descendant of a freed slave, the marriage is also unwise based on the criteria of social class alone. Class distinctions lie at the very foundation of the institution and maintenance of royalty, which is based on fundamentally anti-egalitarian propositions. By showing his complete disregard for social (in addition to racial) distinctions, Harry’s marriage is an attack on the very institution of the monarchy itself.

I would say that, if the wedding were to take place, it would mark a sad day for the Anglo-Saxon world, but then again, the royal family hasn’t had their people’s best interest at heart for a very long time.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist amerika.org

When we look back over Western history, we see a steady liberalization beginning about a thousand years ago when the good leadership of the kings allowed society to thrive, spreading wealth and power to lesser men.

These promptly revolted, in part angered by the high costs of European wars and the chaos brought about by Christianity fragmenting into different sects, and overthrew the kings, transferring power to the middle classes in the name of the impoverished peasants.

France gave this movement its ultimate form with its revolution, overthrowing the aristocrats entirely and replacing them with a republic based on democracy. That failed quickly and suddenly, leading the movement to adopt socialist-style subsidies in its future plans.

Liberalism, or the idea of anarchy with property rights, gained support among the middle classes because like all human solipsists they project their own situation onto others, and assume that if everyone just lived in nice suburbs and worked hard at their jobs, life could be fine.

This takes civilization for granted and refuses to nurture it, which requires strong leadership, instead preferring to sit around and divide up the wealth of the past while making money from selling consumer products to peasants. We are still living in this “liberal” form of society.
An egalitarian wants to be treated as an equal, meaning that there cannot be hierarchy. Bad and good have the same value so that the individual cannot be ranked as one or the other and by that process, lose social standing or a chance to partake in the benefits of civilization.

When one explores Leftism to its roots like this, it becomes revealed as the psychology of the individual preemptively and passive-aggressively defending himself against society through a dual symbolism of victimhood and scapegoats.

As Leftism collapses in the twenty-first century, it will become more important to understand its roots as a psychology, instead of taking it at face value, since we know that it is merely selfishness (individualism) and will mask itself in whatever positive-sounding illusions it can.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #racist #elitist amerika.org

Diversity will always lead any nation to the lowest possible denominator of its constituent diverse peoples. The lowest common denominator always pretty much ends being The Rape of The Sabine Women. And yet Cologne, Germany’s rape-rape festival did nothing to change the hermetically closed mind of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Or the set of her immigration policies that made it possible.

When you ask an evil scumbag “what is best in life?”, the answer you will typically get is something along the lines of this.

The greatest happiness is to scatter
your enemy, to drive him before you,
to see his cities reduced to ashes,
to see those who love him shrouded in
tears, and to gather into your bosom
his wives and daughters.

Thus, there is a good historical reason why open immigration Republicans get candidly referred to as cucks. Except I have more respect for the actual viewers of cuck porn movies than I do for pro-immigration Republicans. They only do it to their own wives and daughters. The open borders policies of GOP “thought leaders” like !JEB! or Kevin Yoder would put that pounding on the women you love and care about in life. Maybe Yoder learned to love diversity over at the local Res.

And the Democrats? I offer State Rep. Ponka-We Victors the following self-improvement challange. See if she can get Eric Swallwell and Sheldon Whitehouse to care about their own as effectively as she tries to care for hers. I’d do better waiting for Godot than I would sitting around expecting that to ever happen.

The sexual slavery trade in Amerika teaches us something truly obvious about the Liberal Democrats and Cuckservative Republicans that strive so hard to make it impossible to enforce the Thirteenth Amendment against underage exotic whore traffickers. They are highly-intelligent, well-educated, intimately connected power rangers of the DC Elite. They know better. They do not care better. They do not care about you. Your women, are their clientele’s playthings. One day their will not be enough lampposts left standing in Old Town Alexandria to properly conduct all the impromptu hanging ceremonies.

darreact #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist darwinianreactionary.wordpress.com

am going to try to write a few shorter posts over the next couple of weeks instead of my usual long, multi-part epics. Today’s subject is traditionalism. The point of this post is merely tactical, a way to get around the negative connotations of the word “tradition.” As soon as someone says they are a traditionalist they open themselves up to some immediate objections. You can already hear howls that slavery was a tradition, or invocations of Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery. Either that or you will invoke images of silly harmless holidays like Groundhog’s Day. This is because the word “tradition” has a connotation of rote repetition for no other reason than that is how things have always been done.

However, this is not what a self-described traditionalist is trying to convey. When someone claims they are a traditionalist they are making the point that things have been done a certain way for good reasons, and that there isn’t really a better word for this in English than “tradition.” What is missing from the word “tradition” is the crucial point that traditions are teleofunctional. Take Chesterton’s fence. Chesterton’s point is that the fence serves a purpose; it has a function (to keep the horses in or whatever). A fence is a designed artifact with a function, and in claiming that tradition is like a fence the analogy is that traditions are designed to prevent problems, that traditions are teleofunctional.

Just because something has a function of course doesn’t mean it was good. Slavery had a function, providing the slave owners with a life of comfort. It is a separate argument to show that a social structure is needed or good. The ultimate weapon of reaction/neoreaction is that claim that anti-liberal structures are inevitable given the workings of nature (gnon) and human nature; that liberal values are deathwish values.

Plus, saying you’re a traditionalist sounds so musty and fuddy-duddy; saying you’re a teleofunctionalist sounds modern and sexy. So my proposal is to stop calling ourselves traditionalists and start calling ourselves teleofunctionalists. If you really want to sex it up call it bio-social teleofunctionalism, which encapsulates the Dark Enlightenment in a nutshell.

Send_Ford_To_The_Chopshop #elitist (reverse) #ableist wehuntedthemammoth.com

The very reason neurotypicals are considered “typical” is BECAUSE they’re abusive. They built civilization, which is to say they took more from nature and their fellow humans than they deserved, bullied everyone around them into following their ways and raped anybody they could get their hands on to spread their poisonous genetic material far and wide. Hatred and revenge should be human rights provided they’re against those responsible for bullying.

Dave Blount #wingnut #elitist moonbattery.com

[From "No One on Food Stamps Should Be Allowed to Vote"]

Those who are taking money they did not earn that the government has confiscated from others should not be allowed to vote. Letting those who ride in the cart instead of pulling it write the rules will result in ever more takers and ever fewer makers until the cart breaks down.

There are other people whose right to vote does not benefit society and is arguably unreasonable. Mr Reagan makes the case:

[Link to video]

Passing out suffrage too freely has resulted in the degeneration of government. James Madison could not get elected today. It is terrifyingly possible that Bernie Sanders could.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

In other words, Leftists experience more reinforcement of their behavior from propaganda, where Rightists use it mostly to confirm what they already know, although both sides seem to be pursuing information which confirms their assumptions rather than seeking new ideas.

This shows us that the Leftists are accusing us of what they are doing yet again. Their propaganda works on them, but ours seeks merely to remind us of what we believe. This makes sense since we are the minority party in a time when the West has consistently shifted far Left, especially since the 1960s.

When we look back further, what it meant to be Right-wing, centrist, and Left-wing have changed a great deal since the early 1900s. After the Great Depression, America swung Left as hard as it did in the years following the Civil War. Panic over the system failing led to embrace of desperate hopes.

This means that Rightists are trying to maintain opposition to the dominant paradigm of our time, which is liberal democratic market socialism, a fundamentally Leftist system with free markets grafted in to fund it, and globalism grafted on to spread it like the coronavirus on a cruise ship.

It also shows that the infection model applies to Leftism, not Rightism. Rightists are noticing that the Leftist system is not working, and then confirming those observations with propaganda; Leftists are trying to maintain denial of the failure of this system with increasingly inflammatory propaganda.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

February 12 is Darwin Day, a celebration of Charles Darwin and his legendary research, even the parts that the Left finds unsettling.

Darwin pointed out a simple idea: instead of an order based on predetermined outcomes, which would necessarily be circular because its assumptions would equal its conclusions and squeeze out any variability that could keep information and energy transfer occurring, nature operated by a simple heuristic, saving whatever survived by adapting and reproducing. This includes both traits and animals.

This means that if humans have a certain trait, it is because those who had the trait reproduced more than those who did not, and gradually gained genetic prominence. In addition, it states that almost all of our behaviors are strongly influenced by these traits, so things like culture — the byproduct of a sub-group adapting to a certain area — are genetic, as are the basics of intelligence, personality, and outlook, including aesthetics.

His theory remains controversial because it denies human wishful thinking, which says that we invent ourselves and can be whatever we want to be. In fact, we are products of history and our genetic origins, and no amount of education, propaganda, financial incentive, or law can change that. We are who we are, and we can only become what we are or linger in denial, causing us to become mentally disordered like any who live without figuring themselves out.

Even more, despite early religious objections to natural selection because as a theory it replaced the notion of God creating the world, and current political objections to the rejection of universality posited by natural selection, since people with unequal minds cannot be equally rational, the major objection to it today comes from its affirmation of human differences. Human groups have a spectrum aligned on the standard distribution of every trait, and traits including average intelligence vary between groups. There is no equality in nature; equality stands revealed as a human fallacy.

That seems unfortunate, since natural selection fits handily with morality. If “good to the good, and bad to the bad” is the ultimate statement of morality, it mirrors the idea in natural selection that those who figure out how to adapt, thrive, and breed will persist while those who refuse to accept reality and adapt will not. This applies to both individuals and groups.

Those who wonder where to go further should investigate Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton.

Andrew Sabisky (Former adviser to Boris Johnson) #wingnut #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger theguardian.com

If the mean black American IQ is (best estimate based on a century’s worth of data) around 85, as compared to a mean white American IQ of 100, then if IQ is normally distributed (which it is), you will see a far greater percentage of blacks than whites in the range of IQs 75 or below, at which point we are close to the typical boundary for mild mental retardation. Typically criminals with IQs below 70 cannot be executed in the USA, I believe.

That parsimoniously explains the greater diagnostic rates for blacks when it comes to ‘Intellectual disability’.

StraightWhiteMale #racist #psycho #elitist changeaview.com

How to end vagrancy and illegal aliens simultaneously

We could get rid of illegals in a month - if we wanted to. Problem is, nobody wants to. Hispanics don't want their brothers to leave. Consumers don't want higher prices for food and services. Investors don't want increased labor costs.

BUT, there is a solution:

Enforce E-Verify and eliminate birthright citizenship (or make it restricted jus soli). Do those two things and we wouldn't even need a wall - the illegals would deport themselves.

OK now what? What about the cheap labor?

Use prison labor (perfectly legal under the 13th Amendment) and vagrants to do the work the illegals are doing now.

How? There is only ONE solution: Offer the vagrants three choices: Stop being homeless OR accept room and board in return for sobriety and WORK (via job shops) OR get arrested and be put to work. The couple of percent who truly are too ill to work, we will take care of (after we've concluded they have no assets or income). The job shops partition out work the illegals are doing now: picking crops, processing chicken, sorting recyclables, cleaning buses, repairing hiking trails, picking up trash, etc. The employers pay back the government to offset the cost of the room and board or incarceration. There are no other solutions. Get tough or accept vagrancy.This is bullet proof. Win Win Win Win Win. If you have a better solution, provide it.

Over4Mexicels #elitist incels.is

We incels have an aristocratic soul

Most of incels in the past would have been philosophers, historians, scribes, mathematicians and military men.

We would be notable men, while most Foids and normies would be peasents living in mud. Chads would be kings relying on our astronomical knowledge of the world.

That most of us hold higher ideals is just evidence that in the past we were part of the aristocracy. Its not our fault that degeneration took over and our ancestors werent able to maintain their physical vigor and appearance. Or that they decided to defile their racial purity.

I think this is also why we detest mass driven politics such as democracy and socialism.

laidnyc #god-complex #sexist #elitist #racist #ableist web.archive.org


Your Seed is Gold

Sex is too easy.

Work out, put on nice clothes, talk to girl, tease her, tell her cool things about me, pretend to be interested in her, fuck her.


Too fucking easy.

It’s stupid.

I don’t give a shit about sex. Any broad can spread her legs.

You know what I do care about? Holding girls to a higher standard.

Why? Because my seed is liquid fucking gold and I don’t give it out like its god damn tap water.

See girls, your pussy is powerless to me. What else you got?

You slip on a tight skirt and throw on some makeup and flaunt those nice tits and think your job is done. You shit-test me all the way into the bedroom expecting me to give you amused mastery and show you my status and give you attention and ignore you just right all at the same time, and then you’ll give me sex.

But why should I give you my valuable time and let you revel in my charisma?

Sex, is that the big deal? I’m supposed to feel so grateful that you blessed me with that magical unicorn pussy of yours?

I got news for you girls. For a guy with any clue, finding sex is as easy as finding a pizzeria in New York, and like pizza in New York, its all pretty fucking good.

Your brand ‘aint that special.

Sex is everywhere and anywhere I want it, I don’t give a shit about yours.

It takes more than a nice curve of the ass or a bat of the eyelashes to earn my seed.

My salty essence and genetic code is a gift from my father, and his father, and his father, and on it goes. Its the sticky genetic code of self-sufficient men who have protected and provided for family, women and children. Its the haplogroup of men who built civilization. I have the genetic lineage of warriors, business owners, firefighters, blacksmiths, farmers, herders, poets, politicians, soldiers, artists and even chefs. Hard jobs that help build the world, thinking jobs that help build a culture, they’ve all been done by men in my bloodline. My ceiling for accomplishment is limitless.

I’m not some average guy begging to give my seed away. My seed is valuable and I know it.

Men of lesser genetics may be able to afford spraying their seed anywhere; I allow myself no such atrocities.

My sperm could populate an entire society of strong good looking altruistic people and any girl who takes it in would be lucky to be a vessel towards that new world.

But for that I demand a high price.

Whether or not our sex is intended to end in pregnancy makes no difference. Just the sheer fact that it could makes me demand the same high price.

You better have enviable genetics yourself- I don’t breed with inferior stock. Beauty is the minimum and you better know how important that is. Long hair grown to impress me, healthy diet and exercise to maintain your figure and viability of your eggs.

But the beauty that draws the stares, stutters and drools of lesser men won’t capture my attention for more than a millisecond. I am inundated with a surplus of beauty in my daily pursuits, I can assure you that yours ‘aint that special. You probably look like shit first thing in the morning or on the first day of your period.

I expect impeccable hygiene and classy style. A body tainted by tattoos and excessive piercings and slutty clothing signals you are available for sex to lesser men than myself. I’ll have none of that.

I demand a low N count to show you value your body and sex, and the seed I am about to give you will be appreciated on the level it deserves. A low N count shows both intelligence and confidence as you are smart enough not to give your body to charlatans and scoundrels, and confident enough to wait for the high value man you know you deserve.

I expect manners and grace. No swearing, drunkenness, burping, sarcasm or anything else unbecoming of a lady. I spend a lot of time working with and competing against men in my daily life, the last thing I need is the company of a woman who acts like the men I must compete with. You exist to soothe, not to grate.

A year from now I will be richer and fitter and more socially respected in the Kingdom, but your beauty will have faded a notch. I demand that you treat me with the humility and respect that this biological reality dictates.

Finally, there is nothing I despise more than a woman who shows any disgust for my jizz.

It is the Royal Essence and you better enjoy every last drop.
If it lands on your face, chest or back, consider it raindrops from heaven, a rope of Holy Yogurt.
If you are lucky enough to get it in your mouth, savor it like the nourishing nectar of the Gods.
If I shoot it inside you consider it the greatest compliment of all. You will feel an immediate buzz.
My jizz is to women what Walter White’s pure blue meth is to junkies.
You’ll take my seed, sweetly tell me “thank you sir” and buzz with happy feminine energy for the next day while you iron my fine shirts and indulge in memories of me.

I’ll settle for nothing less.

Some girls don’t want to respect a man that much. They have been poisoned by feminism or never had a strong male figure to look up to growing up or they have already taken far too high a volume of cock to revere their next one. I have no use for those girls. Even a one-night stand with them is worthless beyond the ten-second orgasm, itself not worth the time spent to get it. Leave them for the men who have a low enough opinion of themselves to not demand such respect.

For guys, I don’t give a shit how many girls you’ve fucked just like I don’t give a shit how many pizzerias you’ve eaten at. A man is measured more by the pizzeria’s he refuses to eat at, the prices he refuses to pay for average pizza, if you know what I mean.

Remember, you set the price of your seed.

Mine is fucking gold.

What’s yours?

Jim #racist #sexist #wingnut #elitist blog.reaction.la

When whites are driven out of affluent middle class areas which then become terrifying run down burned out urban jungles, it is not Jews that they are fleeing.

The inner city used to be where the affluent, the rich, and the upwardly mobile lived. It is not Jews that destroyed the inner city, Detroit, Ferguson, and are now destroying Chicago.

Female bad behavior comes from desire to fuck taciturn narcissistic assholes, starting at age eight or nine. If it was Jewish influence, they would want to fuck neurotic talkative dweebs resembling Woody Allen. Margaret Mead fucked people of both sexes and numerous races, but did not fuck Franz Boas.

Blaming Jews is yet another good news religion, because it is easy to gas the Jews, but considerably more difficult, and more disturbing, to keep women under loc parentis supervision from eight to menopause. So the program of restoring civilization sounds a lot easier if all you have to do to get things back on track is gas the Jews.

If we blame the Enlightenment, in particular and especially the extravagantly absurd claim that all men are created equal, if we blame blacks, single women, and the holiness spiral, then it looks like a harder problem, that requires us to do things that are inherently unpopular and unholy, whereas exterminating a market dominant minority is always popular, and you can very easily get away with representing it as holy. Jews are a market dominant minority, and we whites are about to become a market dominant minority.

People who hope to win an election with a universal franchise have to blame the Jews, or else blame whites in general. You cannot shut down a holiness spiral in a democracy except with another holiness spiral.

Muslims in Europe and America are very close to successfully representing gassing the Jews as holy, and shortly thereafter will go to work on similar representation of whites.

Notice eager Jewish collaboration in Muslim efforts to represent gassing the Jews as holy. This falsifies the doctrine that Jewish misbehavior is collectively rational behavior that advances the interests of “the Jews”.

I have often said that going after the Jews is goring the matador’s cape, rather than goring the matador. You have to shut down the holiness spiral itself, rather than a category of people that contains a disturbingly large proportion of exceptionally enthusiastic demon worshipers.

Shutting down the holiness spiral requires something like an inquisition. We don’t need to burn people at the stake, though Charles the second did need to burn a few people at the stake, in particular one alarmingly and excessively holy female heretic, whose holiness was inconveniently and irritatingly genuine, and whose Unitarian Christian derived belief system was alarmingly twenty first century. But mostly what Charles the second did was fire everyone in state and quasi state jobs, and invite them to re-apply for their old jobs. In the job interview, the applicant was asked whether he would “conform” – conform to the new standard of moderate holiness, which prohibited excessive holiness in general, and the old form of holiness in particular. If one declined to say he would conform, he did not get burned at the stake – but neither did he get his old job back. Many who declined to conform departed under their own power to New England. A few said they would conform, got their old jobs back, but then engaged in apostacy, and those ones Charles came down on pretty hard, but usually they got ridiculed and their careers got ruined, rather than burned at the stake. Looks to me that only one genuinely sincere and genuinely holy heretic got burned at the stake by Charles the Second, and all the others that were burned were two faced slimy lying hypocrites, and that most of the apostates just got laughed at and their careers stalled, rather than burned at the stake, or even fired. But you really do need to sometimes take firm measures against stubborn and excessively ostentatious holiness.

The problem with Jews is that they are a market dominant minority with a strong identity. Being a market dominant minority with a strong identity they are particularly subject to potential persecution, plus, in even in the absence of actual persecution, they still have an extremely strong persecution mythos, which makes them paranoid and hostile. Since one is going to get treated as a persecutor no matter what, one feels inclined to actually persecute them.

Jews are are inclined to attack the fabric of the host society, because when it’s strong it attacks them, and when it’s weak it lays off. The fabric of society is essentially everything “fascist”, so they are naturally anti-fascist insofar as they identify as jewish. Obviously this pattern has been reinforced. The reform jews most so because they are actually trying to integrate, which they can’t if everyone is Nordic Catholic “Fascists”.

When they engage in a holiness spiral, they don’t have any personal attachment to the things that their utopian schemes will destroy, or any concern about the reasons it won’t work. Whereas a white man would say “what about my job, family, community, ancestors, people, church, business”, your typical academic jew would say “Certain elements of the bourgeois will feel the move to equality as oppression (and I never liked those dumb goyim anyways)”.

Their talents make them useful to short-sighted elites, which puts them in the position of High, but with more mobility, more of a mobile bandit; they can always go elsewhere and feel just as at home. In addition to the insecurity they feel as a persecuted minority, they are naturally aligned with High which has in our recent history been engaged in destructive anti-fascism.

Their talents further mean that they are quite good at the subversion, which, lacking attachment to their host society, they naturally get into.

But the problem is not Jewish participation in subversion, it is that subversion is profitable, respected, and rewarded. Make it unprofitable, despised, and dangerous, and there will not be a Jew in sight.

Civilization is the art of people living together in large numbers: The basic problems of civilization are shutting down violence, ensuring that men and women agree to stick together for richer or poorer, or better or worse, and are forced to stick by that agreement, and securing property rights. Leftism is an attack on all of these, leftism is siding with the forces of entropy for political advantage, and Nazism is just leftism that has been left behind by a hundred years of movement even further left. “Fascism” is freedom, freedom is made possible by law, law is made possible by first establishing order, order is made possible by peace, peace first require victory, and victory requires war. Leftism reverses this chain of causation and moves us back towards the war of all against all. Leftism weaponizes covetousness and envy to attack property rights and female sexual lust to attack marriage. Single women, rather than Jews, vote for the mass import of rapeugees, because unconsciously they hope to be sold naked in chains on the auction block.

Observe what is happening with the Rohingya. The Rohingya correctly believe that a good Muslim should live under Muslim rule, and that a Muslim should establish Muslim rule wherever he lives. They attempted to establish a Muslim state in Burma, the Burmese were not having any, and are now expelling them. The expelled Rohingya don’t want to go to the USA. They want to go to a Muslim state, but Islamic states fear that if they accept the Rohingya, the Rohingya will decide that their hosts are insufficiently Islamic, or the wrong kind of Islamic. The US government wants them, wants to dump the on marginal electorates in flyover country, and you really cannot blame the Jews for this. You cannot blame the Rohingya for this. They don’t want to go to an infidel state. It is single female lust for men manly enough to subjugate them. If a bunch of east europeans were fleeing some place, I bet the PUAs would be keen on bringing them here.

Lawful Evil Award

If you want a picture of André du Pôle's vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

André du Pôle #elitist #wingnut #psycho #sexist #fundie returnofkings.com

5 Essential Life Lessons From The Hindu Law Code Of Manu

Most ROK readers should find the idea of vocation intuitive. Women have purposes specific to their sex and should not attempt to steal or destroy manly places. However, the caste hierarchy and relative leveling of vocations may seem extraneous to American readers: the US were founded over the idea that neither a centralized Church nor a nobility should exist. Did not the Founding Fathers reject the caste system from the start? Indeed—but I am neither American nor conservative enough to put them on the same footing as sacred texts.


A hierarchy where manly men have authority over feminine women works well. Each one has a role fit to its nature and can realize one’s own purposes with the help of the other. An inverted, matriarchal hierarchy where women would rule, on the other hand, is dissatisfying: women would look like caricatures of men by being bossy, let their defects such as conformism and group-thinking tendency express, and turn men into slaves or short-term driven pleasure-seekers. None of the parts would be able to realize its better tendencies, such as loving and caring for women, or meeting with challenges for men.

Likewise, the four-caste hierarchy is the good or fairer one. A society following it and having proper individuals at each level would be the most harmonious one, even in poverty. When the regular order gets messed up, so does the whole society: Kshatriya pretending to spiritual authority start subordinating it to political interests, just as the Protestant princes of Europe did in the sixteenth century; Vaishya pretending to power end up commercializing everything, turning politics into a marketplace where lobbyists and sellouts abound. “Inferior” castes cannot help but bring their essential ethos with them no matter where they go or what they pretend to be.

The lesson, here, could be that modernity has been mostly synonymous with a “vaishya-ization” of society: universities have turned into an academic niche market, politics have become a market as well, and the process have been aggravated by women trying to play men—especially upper bourgeois women pretending to political power. Each “inferior” caste denythe “superior” ones their rights and prerogative have made the world poorer.

As for myself, I have no problem with the idea that some, even men, should not have the right to financial independence: libertarianism may work well among men of Mensa, but a 70-IQ people clearly need some paternalist management not to drown into their own stupidity.

“Even a capable Shudra must not accumulate wealth, for when a Shudra becomes wealthy, he harasses Brahmins.” (10.129) Some wealthy people fund seditious, divisive groups such as BLM, some who enjoy a small authority act like power-tripping small chiefs, some women get beta orbiters and management power— A fair hierarchy is not one with equal chances or opportunities to get promoted, but one where each one can reach his rightful place.

Alt-Right blogger Lawrence Murray contrasted Buddhism, which enjoys some cultural status and association with the upper classes in the West, with an “intensely alien Hinduism.” Practicing yoga, reciting a handful of mantra and mingling with other bourgeois bohemian while sipping fair trade green tea seems indeed easier than vindicating such a frankly non-modern order.

Modernity in general and the so-called American Dream in particular entertain a deep trend of anti-traditional, anti-dharmic thinking which promotes an abstract and formally autonomous individual able to do has he wants. “Gender” or the negation of biological sex in the name of a chosen or psychological sex is but the last product of the trend.

If you could choose between a society where Hillary Clinton had won the election and a society with castes and sacred fires, would you have the guts to choose the second option—knowing that women would be women but also that you may be, say, a Vaishya and thus not entitled to (for example) give a scholarly opinion about what the Bible says?

Whatever your answer, remember that modern ethical theories come and go with the Zeitgeist, whereas dharmic cultures still exist today side by side with modern technology. I could bet anything that in a hundred years the Law Code of Manu will still be studied while Anita Sarkeesian’s name will be forgotten.

Jim #wingnut #elitist #sexist #racist blog.reaction.la

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy gives us the official version of the enlightenment:

“Reason is man’s central capacity.”
“Beliefs are to be accepted only on the basis of reason, not on the authority of priests, sacred texts, or tradition.”
“All men (including, on the view of many, women) are equal in respect of their rationality, and should thus be granted equality before the law and individual liberty.”
“Man is by nature good. (Kant endorsed the Christian view of a “radical evil” in human nature, but held that it is possible to overcome it.)”
“Both an individual and humanity as a whole can progress to perfection.”
“Tolerance is to be extended to other creeds, and ways of life.”
“The Enlightenment devalues local “prejudices’ and customs, which owe their development to historical peculiarities rather than to the exercise of reason. What matters to the Enlightenment is not whether one is French or German, but that one is an individual man, united in brotherhood with all other men by the rationality one shares with them.”

The first two propositions superficially sound like a commitment to the scientific method – but somehow they have left out evidence, experiment, and observation. After dismissing religion, the Enlightenment demands adherence to three blatantly false religious beliefs, which beliefs contradict reason, experiment and observation far more blatantly than young earth creationism does.

All men are not equal, nor women equal to men, nor groups and categories of men equal to each other.
Nor is man by nature good. In the cold and morally neutral terminology of the dark enlightenment, the natural outcome is defect-defect, and avoiding this outcome, getting to cooperate-cooperate, becomes more and more difficult as the number of people that you have to deal with increases. It takes social institutions, and to deal with these ever larger scales, these institutions have to be ever more finely honed and precisely made, and are ever more vulnerable to entropy and error.
The “progress to perfection.” line is that our nature is entirely the result of environment. Just raise the self esteem of women and blacks, and everything will be lovely. This has been tried, and the outcome is far from lovely, but they just keep trying harder. The grotesquely inflated self esteem of blacks leads to blacks committing acts of violence against whites, and the grotesquely inflated self esteem of women leads to disastrous choices. They divorce the father of their children expecting to marry a six foot six athletic billionaire, or they marry late, or they do not marry at all.

The extension of tolerance is notoriously selective, and necessarily selective, for if tolerance is mandatory, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and freedom of speech is forbidden, which is not very tolerant at all. Tolerance is not extended to the “intolerant” meaning not extended to those who prefer to cooperate with people who are cooperative, and who prefer to refrain from cooperating with those who defect. Hence the financial crisis. Official minorities and single women, and in particular minority single women, and in particular blacks, and in particular black single women, generally do not repay mortgages. Any criterion that leads to banks extending loans to people that are inclined to repay, leads to banks discriminating against minorities, single women, and especially blacks. Which is forbidden. And so the 2007-2008 financial crisis. So the enlightened tolerate Muslims blowing people up and raping infidel women, but do not tolerate whites hanging out with people who are inclined to pay their debts. That is one creed and one way of life that they are not inclined to extend tolerance to. Forbidding an ever increasing range of speech and association is necessarily intolerant. We should stick to suppressing dangerous lies and heresies that aggressively pursue political power (such as The Enlightenment). Any suppression of freedom of speech, association, and assembly that goes beyond this is excessive and damaging. Official tolerance is inherently and necessarily dangerously intolerant.

Civilization is the advance of technical and scientific knowledge, and most importantly, social organization. Most of all it is the capability to maintain cooperate/cooperate relationships in very large groups. You will notice that the enlightenment is a root and branch attack on civilization, and Rousseau explicitly framed it as an attack on civilization and intent to destroy civilization.

The devaluation of local prejudices and customs is the dismantling of Chesterton’s fence, the abandonment of the slowly and painfully accumulated habits, customs, laws and institutions that make civilization possible, the devaluation and abandonment of the roots of Western Civilization. Our Cathedrals are empty and abandoned.

Russell Pearce #wingnut #elitist uspoln.com

The far-right former lawmaker who helped push Arizona’s “papers please” immigration law has resigned as a top official with the state GOP after making comments about sterilizing poor women. The state Democratic Party recently highlighted comments made by Russell Pearce, a former state senator, on his radio show. Discussing the state’s public assistance programs, Pearce declared: “You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I’d do is get Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations—Then we’ll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.”

Several days later, commenting on his statement which caused widespread public outrage, Pearce stuck by his position, saying he didn’t understand “what all the fuss was about,” adding “I was holding back pretty hard when I said what I did.” Asked to elaborate to see how far he would go, the former lawmaker argued, “Finding employment as a condition for having children, using alcohol and drugs is not even half of it. Right now our biggest problem are food stamps and that’s the part of the story nobody seems to want to deal with.”

“A lot of lazy people seem to have mistaken the government for a charity. That’s not how things were meant to work,” Pearce said. “And food stamps are draining the budget faster than it takes a drunkard to kill a bottle of whiskey. And this is not the case with Arizona alone, this is going on nationwide. We need to put this under control or else we’re looking at bankruptcy. And everybody is making jokes about it instead of trying to find a solution. Well, I have.”

Pearce then went on to explain how “we need to limit food stamp access to women who have been sterilized,” and how “that’s the only way of separating the ones who are willing to work for food from those who aren’t.” Asked whether that means women will, effectively, be made to give up the prospect of having children in the future simply because of the fact that they’re poor, the former state senator replied, “In order to be able to feed a baby, you first need to be able to feed yourself. That’s a pre-requisite in this case. What can I say, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

“Bottom line — if you want food stamps, you’re going to have to be sterilized,” Pearce summarized his proposition. “Of course, there’s also another aspect to this, perhaps even a more obvious one. If you’re already poor enough to be looking for food stamps, that means you’re incapable of being successful in our society for whatever reason. And if you’re unfit to be productive, and this might sound a bit harsh, but the fact to the matter is, we don’t need those kind of genes. We don’t need any more lazy people, so it’s actually a good thing you’ll have to be sterilized. Look, think of it in terms of being able to have all the unprotected sex you want without having to worry about pregnancy ever again. I’m telling you, it’ll be a hoot,” he concluded.

Arthur Gordian #elitist #racist socialmatter.net

A Brief Defense Of The Hereditarian Caste System

Returning to the topic of Indo-European mythology, there are two distinct ways that Indo-European societies organize themselves. The first is by means of caste, which Georges Dumézil defines as an order built on the concept of function. He argues that the Proto-Indo-Europeans organized themselves into three groups, the famous trifunctional hypothesis of Priests, Warriors, and Laborers, and that this caste system evolved into the various manifestations we see from India to Ireland. While there were numerous permutations of this system, each changing in some way the specific character of the castes, the same foundational rules applied across the board, namely that society should be divided along the lines of the function men play in the maintenance of order.

The alternative method of organizing society, also indigenous to Indo-European societies, is the class system which dominated the post-Medieval world. The major distinction between class and caste is that class system organizes people by socio-economic status rather than social function. What one does in society does not matter in a class system. What matters is the amount of wealth and status you can accrue from your function. Members of the upper class can be politicians, businessmen, or generals, but these roles are insignificant to the class system. It is certainly true that upper-caste members tend to be wealthier than lower-caste members in traditional economies, but the material differences are incidental to the caste system and central to a class system.

In Dumézil’s Mitra-Varuna and his two volume work on Ancient Roman religion, the author shows the conflict which emerged in the Roman Republic when the class system began to eclipse and replace the ancient religious caste system. Like most European religions, especially among the Germanic peoples, the priestly caste was largely absorbed into the warrior caste and retained only ritualistic significance, which Dumézil traces in the various priesthoods of the Monarchy and Republican period. What distinguished the Romans was the rise of a system where men were divided into socio-economic classes, such as the Senatores, Equites, Proletarii, and so forth. While there were hereditary roots to these classes, after the Republican period they were primarily economic, as the poet Juvenal tells us:

Would you not like to fill up a whole note-book [of satirical writings] at the street crossings when you see a forger borne along upon the necks of six porters, and exposed to view on this side and on that in his almost naked litter, and reminding you of the lounging Maecenas: one who by help of a scrap of paper and a moistened seal has converted himself into a fine and wealthy gentleman? – Satire 1

Juvenal’s complaint should sound familiar to modern ears: unscrupulous foreigners who lacked any respect for the Roman virtues or laws usurped the positions of power, authority, and wealth from the native Roman population. The openness of the Roman system, which transitioned toward the class structure after the Servile Wars in order to permit qualified plebians to serve in high military office, allowed the complete disenfranchisement of the Romans themselves.

—when a guttersnipe of the Nile like Crispinus —-a slave-born denizen of Canopus —-hitches a Tyrian cloak on to his shoulder, whilst on his sweating finger he airs a summer ring of gold, unable to endure the weight of a heavier gem—-it is hard not to write satire. For who can be so tolerant of this monstrous city, who so iron of soul, as to contain himself when the brand-new litter of lawyer Matho comes along, filled with his huge self; after him one who has informed against his noble patron and will soon despoil our pillaged nobility of what remains to them—-one whom Massa dreads, whom Carus propitiates by a bribe, and to whom Thymele was made over by the terrified Latinus; when you are thrust on one side by men who earn legacies by nightly performances, and are raised to heaven by that now royal road to high preferment—-the favours of an aged and wealthy woman? – Satire 1

As hard as it is to tear ourselves away from the masterful writing of Juvenal, let us return to the point; the openness of a class system, which reduces all social order to that of wealth and popularity (to which Juvenal has more to say, but I’ll desist), creates the opportunity for the erosion of social values and cultural goods by removing one of the core limits on superbia, the overweening ambition of the opportunist.

The rise of the low-caste man to a position of absolute power is bad enough, as history has demonstrated, but the greater danger is that such a society is a magnet for every two-bit con man and grifter across the globe. People with no attachment to the land, culture, or society can use class systems to free-ride on the cultural and social capital of a well-ordered society until even the greatest community is brought down under the overwhelming weight of parasitism. Rome became that magnet, attracting the scum of every corner of the Mediterranean to pull down the greatest civilization before our own. When wealth alone determines social status, anyone willing to violate the norms and unspoken rules governing society can elevate themselves, because when their actions transform society into a cesspit of corruption and despair, they can simply pick up again and move on to the next target. The weight of social disapproval, which ensures a functional society’s consuetudines et usus, the unwritten customs, values, norms, and beliefs which undergird social order and protect against anti-social disruption, does not function on the alien. Cicero declared the fundamental character of a community to be a common language, common “ius[1],” and common weal. There is no common language, “ius,” or weal in the Rome Juvenal is portraying to us, and that is largely due to the Roman class system.

Thus, we return to the notion of caste, in which function and heredity primarily determine one’s social position. I am under no delusion that I am a “secret aristocrat,” as the liberal slur goes. My heredity is pure redneck back over five hundred years. Under a strict hereditarian system, I would most likely be prohibited from receiving enough education to read Juvenal. Nevertheless, the reactionary in me says that my personal situation is irrelevant, and I ask of my reader to keep that in mind themselves as they read the following. If I must be a farmer in order that my people should be free and my children be assured a place, no matter how humble, in their own homeland, then that is a price I am willing to pay.

No functional society is possible without a hereditarian caste system. The arrogance and superbia of Man is such that there must be hard, unbreakable limits on personal ambition, along with strict disincentives to opportunistic parasitism. I am not saying that there cannot be any movement, or that every son of a farmer must be destined to farm forevermore. Even Plato did not suggest this. Every system has some level of flexibility, both ethnic and caste. It is no coincidence that English populations on the borders of the Danegeld, Wales, and Scotland show DNA markers for Nordic and Celtic genotypes. Nor do I deny the various Ciceros and Charles Martels who rose from middling ranks to preserve and protect their homelands. However, the flexibility inherent in any caste system is a weakness in the armor of a nation, and every exception to the rule justifies the waiting masses of alien grifters, who undermine the whole of social order for the material benefit of himself and his tribe.

Hereditarianism is perhaps the most important safeguard to any society because social stability rests on consuetudines et usus, unwritten norms and ethics tied to particular ethnic and cultural groups. It is no coincidence that Ethnic and Ethics arise from the same Greek root. One does not routinely scam one’s neighbors because they are kith and kin; their essential connection to you is the bond and guarantee of equitable relationships. We mourn the day when “a man’s handshake was his bond,” but that handshake wasn’t the true bond. The bond, (in legal terminology, the collateral of a contract) is the reputation one has in the community, which is built upon common heredity. Honor matters because it is the mark of approval from the community that one abides by the unwritten rules which make society spin. The alien neither has honor, nor cares for honor, because he does not care for the community with which he shares no blood.

In any caste system, the alien is either the lowest caste or outside the system altogether. The merchant, who surrenders his identity for a cosmopolitan existence, is also low on the scale, even when he shares blood with the community. This is because a caste system is a fundamental barrier to dyscivic practices and free-rider scenarios, and these two groups have the most to gain from undermining the system and replacing caste with class. When wealth replaces blood, who becomes the highest members of society? It is no coincidence that the word “liberal” was nearly always preceded by “bourgeois” until the 20th century; they are the beneficiaries of the replacement of the medieval caste with the capitalist class system. Likewise, the replacement of caste with class is the only means wherein the alien will be permitted to rise in status over the native-born.

Caste and blood are the only protection that native-born labor have against oppression and loss of self-determination–hence the traditional support of the rural working class for reactionary politics. The upper-castes, the priesthood and aristocracy, are limited in their oppression by those very customs which make society run, but the alien landlord or banker is not so constrained by the cultural limits on power and is free to grind the working classes into dust. When a reactionary says, “neither capitalist nor socialist,” it is a recognition that both are symptoms of the same social breakdown.

The destruction of social order epitomized by the English Whigs and the resultant socialist working-class backlash to an out-of-order bourgeoisie have their roots in the rejection of the role of blood and heredity in determining a social order. Bourgeois rebels against custom and order create socialist rebels by destroying the functional limits on power in society which rested in the hereditary aristocracy.

There is a price to be paid in personal liberty for a caste system, true. I would never be allowed to become a scholar in a society where heredity ruled. The other option, however, is this:

Then up comes a lordly dame who, when her husband wants a drink, mixes toad’s blood with his old Calenian, and improving upon Lucusta herself, teaches her artless neighbours to brave the talk of the town and carry forth to burial the blackened corpses of their husbands. If you want to be anybody nowadays, you must dare some crime that merits narrow Gyara or a gaol; honesty is praised and starves. It is to their crimes that men owe their pleasure-grounds and high commands, their fine tables and old silver goblets with goats standing out in relief. Who can get, sleep for thinking of a money-loving daughter-in-law seduced, of brides that have lost their virtue, or of adulterers not out of their teens? – Satire 1

[1] It can mean law, justice, or Right. In this situation, it probably means all three.

PakiAnna #racist #elitist reddit.com

[Classists say the darndest things!]

I disagree. If your family has been in America for over 3 generations and you're not a millionaire yet you should leave. America is the country of prosperity and entrepreneurship, if you are not contributing to the culture, you're just being a worthless leech that should leave. White people whose families have been here for generations have 0 excuse to be poor or struggling.

Jim #wingnut #elitist #sexist blog.reaction.la

We may reasonably suppose that the first six civilizations were founded by high IQ peoples. Their homelands are now all occupied by low IQ peoples, as for example Egypt and the Indus Valley. And any smart people currently in the vicinity of the Indus valley are descended from foreign invaders who conquered a low IQ population that had lost or was losing the capability to operate cities and irrigation.

The Maya created writing and the positional number system, and used it to accurately predict the motions of the moon and sun. Their descendents were for the most part homeless nomads, their largest city being two hundred mud huts. Their great cities were abandoned, even when they commanded key resources. The descendants of the Maya are obviously incapable of operating a great civilization, indeed, without white rule, could not even have cities, or political units larger than tiny tribes with poorly defined territories. They wound up running naked through the jungle with pointy sticks to the extent that they had any jungle.

You would think that positive eugenics is natural in a civilization. The smartest people get to the top, command and effectively utilize all the good stuff, so have more surviving children. And sometimes it does work like that.

But if the smart people are the ruling and fertile people, they will proceed to ensure that their smart children get all the top jobs. This will disturb the topmost rulers, who would like to have limitless freedom to appoint obedient people to the good jobs, regardless of ability, and more importantly, regardless of family. In particular, they would like the freedom to not appoint the sons of powerful rival families. If you have a bunch of fertile smart industrious men inserting their kids into the top jobs, then you wind up with aristocratic or semi aristocratic system. The Bishop is succeeded by the Bishop’s son, which bothers the pope no end. The colonel is succeeded by the colonel’s son, which bothers the general, which bothers the King. One drastic solution, popular in China, is to give the top jobs to eunuchs. You want a top job, have to give up your man parts. Note the striking similarity with today’s political correctness, which requires metaphorical castration of males, and prefers literal castration of males.

Affirmative action for women makes a lot more sense when we recall that working women, unlike working males, do not reproduce, therefore will not be succeeded by their children. If you are a ruler, able (aristos) fertile patriarchal families are a problem, working women and eunuchs are the solution. And if the very smartest women are not all that bright, all the better, will be less capable of plotting against you. So the smartest females do not reproduce. Even if working women are substantially less productive than working men, working men are threat, working women are not a threat. Similarly any measures to prevent the affluent white male children of affluent white males from getting ahead. Such measures are rationalized in the name of social justice, but such measures give the most powerful more power.

From the point of view of the emperor, eunuchs are a better solution than working women, since eunuchs are substantially smarter than women, and have zero offspring, not merely near zero offspring.

A system of rule by the best (aristos) will, if the best are fertile, tend to become hereditary or semi hereditary. Thus patriarchy plus meritocracy will give rise to aristocracy, because affluent patriarchs have numerous sons, the meritocrats start running the system as a job placement program for their numerous sons, and the Pope will not be happy. Conversely, when the King tries to do stuff to make it less hereditary, he is apt to make the best less fertile.

One would suppose the mandarinate to be eugenic, and indeed China, unlike other civilizations, has not become a low IQ wasteland. But mandarin exam was corrupted to select for grinds rather than smarts. Any test can be gamed. The more that scoring high in the test matters, the less predictive of accomplishment it is. Thus selecting people on the accomplishments of their family and recent ancestors is apt to produce more accurate predictions than over reliance on an examination system. If the outcome of an IQ test has little direct effect on your career, it will accurately predict accomplishment. If you hand out nice jobs on the basis of an IQ test, considerably less so. If nice jobs are handed out on the basis of the test, the test is apt to become a marathon of rote memorization, which is what happened with the Chinese mandarinate exam. But for obvious reasons, emperors were unenthusiastic about handing out nice jobs on the basis of family accomplishment, for accomplished families are rivals.

Fertility in our civilization is of course massively dysgenic, because women are artificially placed in the workforce and education, with the most able women being most forcefully helicoptered into courses and jobs far beyond their ability.

As “Smart and Sexy” demonstrates, our mandarinate exam (the SAT and LSAT) has been jiggered to avoid selecting too heavily for ability. If, however, our mandarinate exam was fixed as proposed in “Smart and Sexy”, and if we had patriarchy, our civilization, like the Chinese, could avoid becoming a desolate wasteland of low IQ savages running through the woods with sharp sticks. And it would not be hard to make our mandarinate exam better than the traditional Chinese mandarinate exam.

The Chinese communist party currently selects on test results, on family accomplishment, and on individual accomplishment. This is likely to give substantially better results than the traditional Chinese mandarinate exam. Unfortunately they also are affirmative actioning women, probably for the same reasons we are, and this is producing significant dysgenesis in China.

Wotans Krieger #racist #wingnut #psycho #elitist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

During the 12 years of the Third Reich attempts were made to re-establish the link between Blut und Boden, recognising that amongst the German peasantry (not to be misread in the modern sense as a pejorative term) the purest Germanic and Nordic blood was to be found, for by this time the German nobility had become bastardised by the blood of middle-eastern money lending families. We see this today with the supposed English Royal Family that will forge marital alliances with the most unlikely people, the mercantile class, which has its origins in mediaeval Jewry and money lending. Crowns can thus be bought for a few shekels.

In the Reich that is to come these bastardised noble familes will have no place of honour for they are enfeebled distortions of the once racially pure Germanic aristocracy. Thus we must begin again the restoration of the caste system. Building on the vision of the Rigsthula I propose that these reconstituted castes be as follows:

Kon-This must be a recogniseably priestly caste, separate from the one below. In contradistinction to Julius Evola I regard the mystic, priest and shaman to occupy a more important role than that of the Ksatriya warrior-noble. The present nobilities of Europe have long since lost any abilities which they once had, no doubt a consequence of their race-mixing with Levantine elements.

Jarl-The Aristocracy of regenerated Aryan man, occupying positions of leadership in all aspects of Germanentum. They must take their instruction from their spiritual superiors.

Karl-The producers and farmers of our folk. The term peasant must have its honour restored and once again represent the very best in Germanic man. The Karl must recover his mystic link with the land of his ancesters. England must once again become an agricultural not an industrial economy. Thus we can assist the earth to heal itself and we in turn will reforge our lost link with the sacred earth.

As far as the non-Nordic, non-Germanic and non-Aryan caste of the Thralls is concerned they will be banished from our sacred ancestral lands. Once our people and land have been freed from the dual poisons of capitalism and industrial exploitation the Thrall will cease to have a purpose and non-Nordic elements will be banished from our lands. The Rigsthula makes it clear that this caste was an alien one. The very presence of the Thrall in our lands represents a very real threat to our biological survival as a racial community. Some of these Thralls may outwardly appear to be people of our own blood but the obese, the sexual degenerate, the drug addict, the alcoholic and the career criminal should be regarded as part of this slave under class and the necessary corrective measures undertaken. They are the Untermenschen much prized by the liberal elite.

The Woden Initiate of today will form a part of the Kon caste of tomorrow. It is imperative that we focus our time and resources in building up our spiritual knowledge and powers in preparation for the age which is to come. Our descendants will together form the priestly caste which has been built from our loins and give the spiritual direction and leadership that our people need.

Tea Party Community #wingnut #racist #elitist teapartycommunity.com

HE NEW ANT and the Grasshopper, Two Versions:


This one is a little different....
Two Different Versions ...
Two Different Morals


The ant works
hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper
thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm
and well fed.

The grasshopper has
no food or shelter, so he
dies out in the cold.


Be responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard
in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant
is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper
calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be
allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving..

and ABC show up to
provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper
next to a video of the ant
in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper
is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears
on Oprah
with the grasshopper
and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not EasyBeing Green ...'

Occupy the Anthill stages
a demonstration in front of the ant's
house where the news stations film the SEIU group singing, We shall overcome.

Then Rev Al Sharpton's assistant
has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper
while he damns the ants. The Reverend Al can not attend as he has contractual commitments to appear on his MSNBC show for which he is paid over two million dollars a year to complain that rich people do not care.

President Obama condemns the ant
and blames
President Bush 43, President Bush 41, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the
for the grasshopper's

Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid
exclaim in an interview on The View
that the ant has
gotten rich off the back of the
grasshopper ,
and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts
the Economic Equity &
Anti-Grasshopper Act
retroactive to the beginning of
the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number
of green bugs and,
having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar
and given to the grasshopper .

The story ends as we see the grasshopper
and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house,
crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken
over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood.

The entire Nation collapses
bringing the rest
of the free world with it.


Be careful how you vote in 2016.

I've sent this to you because I believe that you are an ant
not a grasshopper !

Make sure that you pass
this on to other ants .

Don't bother sending
it on to any grasshoppers
because they wouldn't
understand it, anyway

Tenniel #racist #elitist stormfront.org

Re: World IQ Scores are decreasing dramatically

If race is not specifically included in the analysis, the conclusions of that analysis will be, to that degree, BS.

This is not to say that the White race is not becoming dumber. The reaction time tests are probably the most accurate indicator of this historical drop in intelligence in White nations. A 14 point IQ drop (one stanine) since Victorian days is a very significant loss of average intelligence. However, as usual, I believe race was not taken into account in this reaction time study, so the drop for the White race was probably, to take an educated guess, 5 to 10 points. Obviously the White race getting dumber -- for the obvious dysgenic reason that the most intelligent are having fewer kids than the least intelligent.

This decline in intelligence is true for all races, except perhaps the Oriental race -- because the Chinese government has implemented a eugenic policy reversing dysgenic tendencies. Negroes, by the way, are getting dumber faster than any other group. However, negroes are also the most successful race biologically in the world. Their population in Africa, despite HIV and Ebola, is increasing faster by far than any other racial group. This negro population success, combined with their stupidity and exacerbated by their rapidly declining intelligence, is an absolute disaster for the upward evolution of intelligent life on earth.

Notice the matter-of-fact tone of the article -- as though nothing can be done to reverse this trend and as though it doesn't really matter. Just more jewish bull**** propaganda.

There is, of course, a solution: White racial segregation at a White continental level combined with eugenics policies is the clear solution. In fact, the reason (the only reason) that eugenics is stigmatized as it is, is because it is the clear solution. The jews do not want clear solutions for the decline and extinction of the White Race. So, of course, too, the White solution cannot be achieved without first solving the jewish cause.

John Hawkins #wingnut #transphobia #racist #fundie #elitist #sexist #homophobia rightwingnews.com

20 Basic Truths You Can't Talk about in America Anymore

1) People who want to change sexes should be treated by a psychologist, not deformed through surgery, given hormone treatments, and falsely told that they can change sexes.

2) Most people who remain poor over the long haul in America stay that way because of their own poor life choices.
3) Most black Americans are good and decent people, but percentage wise there are more black Americans in jail because percentage wise, black Americans commit a lot more crimes than white Americans.
4) As often as not in America, the people claiming to be “victims” are the real bullies and they don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.
5) The reason most politicians in D.C. are shameless liars with no character is because most Americans will knowingly choose a shameless liar with no character who says what they want to hear over an honest man with morals who tells them the hard truths they’d rather ignore.

6) Illegal aliens are foreigners who knowingly broke the law to come here and Americans owe them even less than we owe other foreigners living in China, Sweden, or El Salvador because at least those people didn’t break our laws.
7) Life begins at conception and having an abortion is no morally different than strangling your baby in the crib.
8) Most liberals aren’t patriotic and they don’t love their country.
9) Our soldiers should make every effort to avoid civilian casualties, but when it comes right down to it, the life of an American soldier should be treated as more important than the life of a foreign civilian.

10) We’d be better off as a society if the people who are ignorant, ill informed, or who really don’t care one way or another, didn’t vote.
11) The only practical way to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land.
12) This is a Christian nation that has been successful because it adopted Christian principles and the more we move away from that, the worse off we will be as a nation.
13) Men are just generally better at some things than women, just as women are just generally better at some things than men are.
14) “Racism” used to be a big deal in America, but these days the people who cry racism are usually phonies trying to gain a political advantage or deflect from ethical shortcomings or poor performance.
15) Long term, the only way our country can pay its bills is by asking everyone who’s not dirt poor to pay as much in taxes to the government as they’re given in services if they want to continue to receive those services.
16) Nine times out of ten, a mother and father will do a considerably better job of raising a child than a single mother, a single father, two gay parents or their grandparents.
17) The Boy Scouts could never survive gay scoutmasters because no parents with a brain in their head are sending their male, teenage boy out in the woods alone with a gay man who may very well be attracted to him, just as the parents of Girl Scouts wouldn’t want to send their teenage daughter out alone in the woods with a straight adult who might secretly be savoring the opportunity to have her alone.

18) People who are homeless over the long term are overwhelmingly mentally ill or have substance abuse problems and the only thing we can really do to help them is round them up, put them into halfway houses and force them to get treatment in spite of themselves.
19) If you have good character, you should feel ashamed of taking food stamps, taking welfare, or being on a school lunch program.
20) We would be much better off as a nation if most of the immigrants to this country were well educated people from nations in Europe that shared our Western values as opposed to our current policy which brings in mostly less educated people from Third World nations.

Jaybees #elitist #racist #psycho freeratio.org

A very common argument against capital punishment is that many innocent persons are executed.

The difficulty with that argument is that the execution of innocent persons actually performs a useful function.

Those who are executed are frequently black (unless they happen to be wealthy) or poor whites. I haven't done any research on this, but my general impression is that when someone of wealth or high social standing is tried in a case where capital punishment is possible they get off the hook, like O.J., Leopold and Loeb and others.

All of which works out well from society's viewpoint. The poor person who commits a capital crime is far more likely than a wealthy person to commit similar crimes if he escapes the chair or gas chamber or firing squad. The wealthy person who gets out from under that threat is unlikely to commit a capital crime again.

So, executing innocent persons may actually be an argument FOR capital punishment.

angryxtian #conspiracy #elitist #wingnut ignorantchristian.wordpress.com

If There Was A Global Warming, The poor cuntries should have to fix it anyway. It doesnt effect us so its not are problem so we have no intrest to fixing it. Its countries like Indonesia and Pakistan and Bolivia all the libral environmentals are threatning so those places should worry about it or ignore the nutjobs and they should leave us alone. Its not are problem.

But global warming is just a hoax. We al know that. Its for politics and libral shame guilt and its for hurting industrys the librals dont like. The scientsts debate it all the time but theres no agrement at all. They used to say the industrys were causing a ice age back in 1970s and now they say its getting to hot. Sure seems like its cold in a lot of places from what I heard. All those valcanoes have more polution every year than the hole 6,000 years weve been around.

Consistent Thinker #elitist iidb.org

If I was an idiot, how did I get the grades that I got, the standardized scores that I got, the IQ test scores that I got, the electrical engineering position that I got, and my current RA job and academic path as a graduate student at the school that I go to?

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