
Iamcheese22 #homophobia deviantart.com

Be open minded." That's SJW talk for "It's not made for the fans, so get ready for a shitty product."

Fuck you, Troy Baker.

White people have been the stereotypical villains when it comes to religious cults, but what about the other religions that to this day, target and even kill homosexuals? Oh, but they're from the Middle East, and we can't portray THEM as bad people, right? Just white people. Not the fucking mushroom zombies that destroyed the world as we know it, no no it's the white people.

Fuck you and fuck Naughty Dog. If this whole goddamn game is Ellie The Lesbian (since apparently that's all she is now! Not Ellie the hunter, Ellie the girl who took care of Joel, no no, she's a lesbian, that's all that matters about her character now.) fighting "evil skinheads", I pray to the powers that be, that this game gets shit on from every direction. If these leaks are true, this game is gonna suck.

I knew it, as soon as the trailer showed Ellie in a relationship, this game was destined fo

Miriamthebat #homophobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com



Oh my god, I can't believe I'm posting this. I'm gonna get killed.

I had this idea for a while now, but today I finally sat at my computer and did it. I'm proud that I did, because I'm normally incredibly lazy.

No flames. I am totally pro-gay and support gay rights, and have many friends and associates who swing that way. But yaoi fancrap and the fans that make it are annoying and overly abundant.

Miriamthebat #homophobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com

) Multiple reasons I dislike yaoi so much, including but not limited to:

- For one, I find it incredibly disrespectful to real life gays. It's a media that treats gay men like sex-obsessed man whores. It's not helping in the fight for gay rights and equality. What happens if a politician uses the internet to do research on the gay lifestyle in order to influence his decision on a law, and finds all this yaoi and yaoi culture instead? It will give him the wrong impression, a bad one, and set back progress on the freedoms the gays have been fighting for. Hell, even yaoi fangirls disrespect gays by believing them to have the same stereotypes as their gay anime characters. Why is it that yaoi fangirls will ask a gay person "are you a seme or an uke?" and think that it's a perfectly acceptable question? I want my gay friends to be treated as equals, not to be seen as stereotypes who's lives revolve around sex.

- It's unhealthy for young girls to be so obsessed with yaoi. Nothing makes me more angry than seeing yaoi fangirls squeal about rape as if it's a good thing, finding rape "cute", or writing stories where a character gets raped then falls in love with the rapist. That's disgusting and wrong. And shota? If there's sex involved, it's pedophilia. It's not cute in the slightest and it should never be considered cute.

- Yaoi fangirls tend to hate female main characters, drawing hate and slaughter art. It's disheartening to do a search for art on your favorite female character, only to find pictures of her being tortured or dismembered. It's even worse if you do a search on your favorite straight pairing, only to find more pictures of a gay pairing with the female character being slaughtered in the background. My search for Sora/Kairi art brought up stuff like that.

- Many yaoi fangirls are elitists and think that they are better than people like me. They think I'm closed-minded or a homophobe because I don't like yaoi. Some yaoi fans also think they are victims of the same persecution as the gays themselves. To believe they suffer as much as the gays because of their hobby is ridiculous when there are gay people being murdered by their own family members for coming out of the closet.

- There's too much of it. The Kingdom Hearts fandom was nearly ruined for me because of the huge percent of yaoi art. Yaoi fangirls tell people "if you don't like it, don't look at it!" but it's impossible to do, especially when there's yaoi on the front page of deviantart nearly every day! Yaoi fansgirls also seem to find themselves above censorship, posting very racy or pornographic images in places they shouldn't and then getting angry if people complain.

- You saw how people reacted to my "just say no" image. I got a lot of hate mail and threats. And NONE of the hate mail was from people who were actually gay. The image itself was a joke and was not meant to be taken seriously, which is why I drew it with bright colors, chibi characters, and the stupid acronym. Yet people treated me like I was physically hurting gay people. I still see people insulting me in their LiveJournals long after the initial incident. All because of a joke image?

There are a lot more things I hate about yaoi, but I can't remember them all in specific to post them now

Yall-suck #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

On October 23, TFP Student Action members visited the University of Louisville to encourage students to defend true marriage. To the characteristic sounds of the bagpipes, TFP volunteers chanted slogans, distributed leaflets and held signs asking drivers to honk in support of natural marriage.

Everything happened as usual. Some students warmly received the TFP flyer, while others refused. Some accepted it just to rip it up. The majority of cars that drove by reacted with friendly honking.

Unusual Tolerance

However, about 45 minutes into the peaceful demonstration, several students, representing the homosexual movement on campus, began to react. First, a male student attempting to look like a woman approached, walking his dog, and wearing a shirt with the word "pride" printed on it in rainbow colors. He attempted to block one of the TFP volunteers' signs with his body and became the day's first example of pro-homosexual hypocrisy: preach tolerance, but never practice it.

Slowly, other students dressed in a similar way began to arrive, usually telegraphing their presence with curse words against TFP volunteers, or by displaying their middle fingers. One male student rudely blocked Cesar Franco's pro-family sign with a rainbow flag.

"So you preach tolerance," said Cesar, "yet refuse to tolerate my opinion?"
Rainbow student: Silence.

Cesar raised his sign above his head where the pro-homosexual student could not cover it. The student then attempted to rip the sign out of his hands. After failing to do so, TFP volunteer John Miller politely demanded the student answer whether the TFP volunteers had the right to express their own opinions, even if it differed from his own.
TFP member: "You're not willing to let us speak our minds?"
Student: "No."
Member: "You're not open-minded enough for that?"
Student: "Nope."
Member: "So it's actually a one-way street?"
Student: "Yeah. I'm fine with that."
Member: "So you are a hypocrite?"
Student: "Yeah. I'm fine with that ..."
Member: "You can't even live with a little opposition?"
Student: "Not when the opposition has existed for the past 2,000 years."

"Do You Love God?"

Another pro-homosexual individual arrived with a new sign: "You are loved." However, TFP volunteers were somewhat perplexed when the woman began cursing at them. Loved?
Several in the crowd began screaming, "Love!"

TFP volunteer Damien Murphy replied, "Do you love God?"
None of them answered his question. A woman walked up after a little while and asked, "If I did [love God], what would you say then?"
Damien replied, "Then follow His commandments."
"Oh, that makes sense," she stammered.

Aggressor Plays Victim

With about 35 people, the counter-demonstration of "love" grew more aggressive when a bearded student wearing the same "pride" shirt as many of his colleagues announced his arrival by cursing and blowing smoke in the faces of Cesar Franco and Elias Rubio. He then blew more smoke into the faces of other TFP volunteers, interspersing his antics with more curses and threats against "discrimination."


When TFP volunteer John Miller asked him where he read or saw discrimination in any of the TFP literature the man could not show him. The man only advanced against TFP volunteer Joseph Jordan and blew smoke in his face.
Here are some of the sound bites from the liberal students:
"You're spreading hate! Get off our campus!"
"I hate you and everything you stand for!"
"Lay that flag on the ground so I can stomp on it!"
"If people like you are going to Heaven, I would rather go to Hell!"
"If God exists, let Him strike me down now!"
The TFP members not only received verbal aggression from the pro-homosexual activists but also moral aggression. One pro-homosexual student attempted to "hug" a TFP volunteer from behind, but was thankfully stopped by a fellow volunteer. Another activist got very close to one of the TFP members, acting in a lewd and indecent way. Yet another acted in a similar manner with a dog that was present.

Clearly a Spiritual Battle

A female student approached a TFP member:
"I hope satan stomps on you," she said while recording the exchange on her iPhone. "Hail satan! Hail satan!" The TFP member calmly replied, "Record this for your friends, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is going to crush the head of the devil!" The student became visibly bothered by the response and began to repeat her chant to the devil, to which the TFP member repeated his prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The police arrived in time to allow TFP Student Action members to end the campaign without further aggression.

May God protect our nation from the homosexual revolution.

Virgin Most Pure, pray for us!

-from Spiritdaily.com

Yall-suck #transphobia deviantart.com

So at this moment, I laugh as I type this. I laugh at the sheer temper tantrums being thrown because of a law that -clearly- is good for society. But before I begin I want to tip my hat to PayPal for leaving and keeping the state of NC free from it's liberal intolerant views. Stay in NY/Cali where you belong. On another note, no one even start with that, “doN”t boother dis DA with ur propaganda! GO tel it too sorsses!” listen guys, I've already made contact with PayPal, the Governor of NC and some other companies and gave them my view on this crap. Oh! And almost forgot! If you wanna join the movement -like I did- and cancel your PayPal account... do it. Just saying, you don't have to though.

And now to begin. First off, if you don't know what the bill is, read about it and not just the media's reports slamming it www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2015E2/… So if a man feels or thinks he's a woman he can go straight into the woman's bathroom. This bill is against that. Second off, since when were laws made on account of feelings? Tell me that. What's the old saying? “Don't feel, think!”?

Now let me ask you guys, and all the fighters against the law for that matter, a couple questions that Michael Brown asked Bruce Springsteen in an open letter to him and his band (in context with his cancelling his NC concert due to HB2).

First, how do you know if someone is really “transgender” or not? Is it determined entirely by how they feel about themselves? If so, do you think that it might be hard to make laws based entirely on how people feel? Did you ever stop to consider that?

Second, what’s the difference between someone with “gender dysphoria” (or, as it used to be called, “gender identity disorder”) and someone, say, with schizophrenia or “multiple personality disorder” or some other psychological condition? In other words, if a man is a biological and chromosomal male but believes he is a woman, is he actually a woman, or does he have a psychological disorder? If he does have a psychological disorder, should we try to treat that disorder or should we celebrate that disorder? And is it right to call biological males who feel they are women and biological women who feel they are men just that? Perhaps that’s not the best use of the term. If anyone is deeply offended that I would dare suggest that many transgender individuals are dealing with a psychological disorder, could you kindly point me to the definitive scientific literature that explains that these biological males are actually females and these biological females are actually males? I’m not saying they don’t deserve compassion. To the contrary, I’m saying that’s exactly what they deserve: compassion, not celebration.

These are questions you really need to ask yourself before you go protesting against something that the media slams because it's common sense. But let's go deeper and be more practical here. Let’s say that a 6’4” male who used to play professional football and who has secretly agonized over his gender identity for years finally determines that he must be true to himself and live as a woman. Do you think it might be traumatic for a little girl using the library bathroom to see this big man walk into her room wearing a dress and a wig? Should we take her feelings into account, or is she not important? What if that was your little sister, niece or granddaughter? Would you care if she was traumatized? And when you speak of “the human rights of all of our citizens” (I'm looking at you LBGT) does that include little girls like this? I understand that this gentleman will have difficulties should he decide to dress and live as a woman, but that is still a choice he is making, and it is not fair to impose his struggles on innocent little children, is it?

And what if this same man, whom we’ll assume is not a sexual predator, wants to share the YMCA locker room with your wife and daughter, standing there in his underwear as they come out of the shower stalls wrapped in towels. Is this fair to them?

Let's go deeper. If any man who claims to be a woman can use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, then how do we keep the sexual predators out? I’ve asked people to watch this short video www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzwMJA… , giving examples of male heterosexual predators who donned women’s clothing to get into the ladies’ rooms, and I’d encourage you guys to watch it too. Without HB2, rapists and voyeurs and pedophiles would have free access to our women and daughters in the safety of their own bathrooms and locker rooms. Since you protesters clearly don’t like HB2 what’s your plan to keep the predators out? How can we tell the difference between a “genuine” transgender person and a sexual predator?

And one final question to Bruce Springsteen.
When you booked the concert in Greenboro, the laws in NC were just as they are today: In public facilities, people had to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that corresponded to their biological sex. Why, then, did you agree to come in the first place? Why cancel the concert when things today are just what they were six months ago?

You see guys, in your radical attempts to fight for what is right you fight for nonsense and a greater risk of crime. Though you fight for what is visibly wrong to your eyes (transgenders not getting their rights and are getting oh so heart broke) are you fighting for what is morally right? Really? With that I leave you to let this sink in and maybe you'll think from another point of view other than what you hear on the media. And since I'm a supporter of public opinion, in which I hope you guys are as well, I'll leave the comments section open.

So then obviously laws should be made in favor of religious groups when all they have to say is, “I know my god exists because I can feel him in my heart.” But wait, we'd be called psychotic... bigots even? lol Well I better go mail out some more buttered American popcorn to Putin as he watches American media.

Yall-suck #fundie deviantart.com

The idea that there was once absolutely nothing. And then nothing happened to the nothing until the nothing magically exploded (for no reason), creating everything and everywhere. Then the clump of exploded nothing magically rearranged itself (for no reason) into self-replicating bits which then magically morphed into dinosaurs... And MY beliefs are mocked?

brendan1903 #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

Seriously? You really believe the 'Russia is a defender of Western civilization' bull? Please. Putin plays a good game and talks a good talk, but he does NOTHING to actually oppose the EU.

He's a lightning rod of controversy and a distraction to keep people away from noticing the rebirth of the Soviet Union and the jihadi mob money that is really behind the militant Islam and SJW crisis. Which is just as fake as the joke known as the alt right cooked up by Robert Mercer and Putin's handler, Alexander Dugin.

I did not say the Yellow Vests have anything to do with Russia. I said they were infiltrated by Anglo-Russian intelligence. The MI6/KGB has a long history of such operations, the most famous of them is Operation Snow aka Adolf Hitler, Roosevelt and Mussolini. This was a resounding success as the 'Atlanticist' plans of Josef Stalin and the Empire of Japan were soundly defeated and the way was prepared for 'Eurasianism' aka China dominating the old world.

China and Putin may pretend to oppose each other but that rivalry is as fake as a cheap B movie.

Saying that Putin is a conservative is just as stupid as stating Hitler was a German patriot. The former Soviet Union and British Empire tops the list of most dangerous countries in the world.

Whining about a bunch of SJW sociopaths and useful idiot NazBols accomplishes nothing and distracts from the real point: Likud is stealing American technology and giving it to China. Under the guise of being America's friend when in reality the so called Jewish state has never been a ally of America.

missouripatriot #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Would you believe it? The Satanist cult is complaining that the pro-life law somehow violates their freedom of religion. Doesn't this show that the Satanists are baby killers? They seek to block the three day waiting period and the provision of an ultrasound for the pregnant mother. Josh Hawley has finally started to stand up for his conservative principles and has now defended conservative values as he defended the right to life and Missouri's pro-life laws. Solicitor General John Sauer said that there is nothing to be done as nothing is prohibiting anyone from practicing their religion. Since the law doesn't mandate any hindrance to the practice but just increases the likelihood of a mother choosing life, this in no way constitutes a violation to their religion so it looks like they won't be getting anywhere against the cause of life anytime soon.

All the while the abortions are shutting down in Missouri and still the marchers for life continue with their cause. I'm sure the law will be repealed...when abortion on demand is eliminated in the USA that is. Viva Pro Via!

robchen96 #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

Under free market capitalism, people have high living standard than left leaning socialism country. True. Capitalism is the only one dragged people out of property to become a member of productive socially than a left leaning socialism, somewhat yes and no? Capitalism brings technology from smartphones to better internet speed, which is good.

But here's a thing. I am using NATO and former Warsaw pact as an example

1. Under NATO’s free market i.e capitalism, which is flooded by middle eastern and northern African immigrants flee from war torn nation thanks to democracy. For the population that were mostly indoctrinated; bribed, placed most people in a golden cage called high living standard, and worst degraded with material pleasure. Growing up in capitalism/free market economy were money and greed is the main driving force for people who enjoying high living standard, which means late to form a families or no interest in relationships in some way in another while being replaced by migrants = “White Suicide.”

Feminism on the other hand poison the most people like men formed MGTOW thanks to men hater or other feminist movement despite they already have equal right, but it's not enough.

With the success of LGTQ+ culture in Nato country, the rise of drag queens story hours and abandoned the belief of Christianity to embrace new liberal culture.

2. Under the post Warsaw Pact’s Socialism had fewer or no immigrants. Like Poland fighting for nationalism against migrants and cultural degeneracy because most generations don’t grow up in a capitalist/free market country.

Most good looking Men and Women who live under post socialism or under socialism were traditionalism. Their are some feminism too, but they are still fighting back on this culture war

Homosexual were treated poorly during that time as well as post socialism eastern European in some areas.

Question for you

Which countries survive the most in another economy collapse: capitalist country with high living standard or fairly stable economy under post socialism or socialist country?

What is the worst?

Left leaning socialism: hit by the rock

Capitalism: hit by a bomb

Side Note: Socialism can be bad too i agree, but what they have done less damage to most of the country like east Europe and some Asian countries as well.

LifeinJesus #fundie deviantart.com

I am surprised that men do not hysterically laugh
At the preposterous notion of evolution.

Seems any lie will do for those who reject God’s Word as true;
Surely this is the reason they cling to such fables.

As if saying it happened billions of years ago
Lends credibility to this adult fairy tale.

Who knew that scientists were in the business of scratching ears?
That evidence backs creation is not what men want to hear.

For they neither want to answer to their Creator,
Nor acknowledge their sins in humility and repentance.

They would rather think “chance” brought them into existence.
This theory is not scientific, nor does it make sense.

Yet it is peddled in our schools as absolute truth.
And we wonder why we have self-destructive, murderous youth?

These men want to avoid the fact that they will face God’s wrath.
For “sin leads to death” and “all have sinned” as it is written.

Knightsoftheyear1776 #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

1. America was never founded by immigrants.

2. We already had an village idiot runing for 8 years before Pres. Trump.

3. White privilege is not a real thing. And rather a racist assumption. Only created to silence whites.

4. You only wish that the congressional candidate said that stuff because it woukd justify your hunger-game harry potter fantasy.

5. Those same, rascist white people, also voted for obama. And when he didn't do his job. They put their bet on the big mouth millionaire.

Nahmala #conspiracy deviantart.com

They really shouldn't have thrust millions of Jews into Palestinian land after the Holocaust. Carving a part out of Germany or Poland would have been a much better idea, because most of them were Polish and German. The establishment of Israel was a terrible idea. At least most of the world is opposed to Israel's behavior. Just waiting for the US to stop supporting a terrorist state.

That being said, there are Israelis have been living there all their lives, indoctrinated by the Israeli media. They're not going to leave. They're going to keep slaughtering and destroying because they've been brainwashed to believe they are doing the right thing. I fear Palestine will be wiped off the map before Israel is stopped. Inshallah, justice will be served and the aggressors will be punished, before it's too late.

DunkleMaterie #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Yo Ma-Harani. I use your file here to answer on someone else, I hope you don't mind.

it does not matter if we want to stay alive.

Gates works on a wonder vaccine by the way, which are "veeery popular"in India right now.
They make one supposedly imun versus corona, but weaken the imunsystem against four other kind of known virusses at the same time.

Wanna know why I don't link you the stuff directly PuertoRicoCoffee ?
First because you blocked me right now (LoL)
and secondly because I am pretty much convinced right now you can't speak german.
And I see most of those redpilling "conspiracy videos" in german.

paramount99 #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

I've been somewhat suspicious of this 'bat infection' from the offset: as it coincided 'too much and too closely' with the crazed bastions of the Marxist left going into frenzy 'do or die' mode (they never would as they are hand waving cowards and nothing else) after the UK government under Boris Johnson won an outright landslide victory over the loony left, commies, marxists, establishment, elites and the money grabbing (whatever the reason) globalists (Soros etc) as the happy medium triangle of Trump, Farage and the Boris took them on and soundly beat them with the FULL backing of the real people of our societies, and not the loony snowflake authoritarian fringes...
Are they over-reacting to the cases and deaths of 'corona virus' which apparently we most of us have within us anyway, as part of our immune system, and simply trying to run down our capitalist economies?!?
Over the past few weeks we have known directly two cases of people and three others who people we know, know, but we do not know, who have allegedly 'caught' the bat flu virus and had to go to hospital, and have been declared as having caught either corona virus or Covid 19, and in each of these cases none of these 'infected' people have actually has any tests, blood or other, to confirm that YES you have either of the said named virus', but have been signed off as officially had the said infection..............?!? Hang on a bit!!! So if just a handful of people we know or know indirectly have been officially put down as having the bat infection (and go on the statistics lists that the fake news lefty mainstream-media pump out at us) then how many more of the said numbers they give us haven't even been tested?!?!?!?!? Sounds a bit dodgy to me - and I only have a science degree... Plus you have to make note of the fact that, even the 'honourable' NHS of the UK has gone further left wing of late... And how are the 'state' police handling things lately?!?
BIG BROTHER certainly is watching over us - whether indirectly or not...
Maybe it isn't the virus that is the crux of the problem here...........

RigidSlut #conspiracy #fundie deviantart.com

I know, it's not really seizury but ignore that (cuz I'm still doing those! :lol:), we're on a serious subject.

Why do I think religion is the cancer killing earth? I'll tell you why, it indoctrinates us (as I stated before) into hatred and even causes war, it even rips families apart, and why would it rip them apart? Because some faggot in the family had to get indoctrinated into being a Christian, Jew, Catholic, etc. Religion also prevents us from eating certain foods that might ACTUALLY be good for you (like bacon, yum!) so we don't get nutrients.

Why would it indoctrinate us into hatred? Because they teach that "violent" or "immortal" video games, films, books, music are wrong, thus, making us hate things, there's the indoctrination part. Religion can also make you genocidal and close-minded.

Why does religion cause war? Because they teach you about politics and some even promote joining the military, which also causes war.

Why does it rip families apart? Because someone or a few members of the family had to become religious or leave the religion, which can cause families to be at each others' throats.

Why does it prevent us from eating potentially healthy foods? Because all foods can be healthy when carefully moderated, sometimes we need fat, which comes from beef/pork, because being too skinny isn't healthy, and beef enzymes can be healthy for you! :lol:

So, there you go, why I think religion is the cancer killing poor Earth, enjoy. =P

TL;DR version: Want one? Shut up and read the entire thing.

Stamplate by =1Foxylady

Sir Winston Churchill, Zionist-4-Ever #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

The speech below was written and delivered by Sir Winston Churchill in 1899 - have things changed in 100+ years?

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

--Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, First Edition, Vol. II, 1899)

orionbbb #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Wow, I thought things like that don't happen in the usa .-.

1.Islam at its heart is a deadly religion
2.Most Muslims desire to kill Jewish children and make peace is stronger that the average Christian
3.Tough one..
4.Muslims are hateful to western civilizations they protest and protest again against them.
5.Muslim terrorists are rising in many countries and states
6.Nothing even related to Islam is compatible with western civilization and democracy
7.In order to stop terrorism we need to hug muslims and avoid supporting Israel
8.No where in the Islam does it say to martyr yourself with a teddy bear
9.Experts say it will become the most ridiculous religion in the world someday
10. Jihad: a fun activity waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; it entails the will to kill other people
11. The majority of Muslims eat carrots and camels once a day to keep a healthy lifestyle.

The-Conquerors #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

This one goes out to :iconkajm: and :iconlady-warrior:. Lady warrior for pointing out one of the articles and Kajm for this involves climate change.

You know that little part of the constitution? You know the one where it says there say be no establishment of a main religion and church and sate shall remain separate? Apparently Muscums didn't get the memo that it includes them and the separation of Mosque and state.

So anyway a disgruntled bunch of concerned parents have got concerned about what their kids are learning. For example the pages of the history book has some parts of history edited or omitted.For example it categorizes America as a Democracy instead of a constitutional Republic. It lists Humans as being directly involved in climate change and the most disturbing is how it handles Islam.

For example in they claim the book praises Islam over Christianity and even other religions. For example the crusades are depicted as they are normally; a bloody conquest into the Middle East filled with rape and murder and all sorts of other fun things and goodies. On the flip-side however, Jihad is taken is a less violent voice. It is described as a "Spiritual struggle against oneself, in order to overcome obstacles. Not a holy war."

The group is also pissed of the distortion of facts. For instance Israel is put out to be the aggressor. For example it describes the U.S forcing Israel to withdraw from the Suez canal to end the "Invasion." Painting the picture that Israel was the aggressor when in reality is gave up that land willingly. It also states that it "prods" Israel to be part of the peace process, setting the image that Israel is the problem with the process.

They were at least able to get the climate change out of the school books: "And as of yesterday, the last publisher agreed. So climate change denial is out of the textbooks."

The battle continued before the board on Tuesday. Texas Eagle Forum vice president MerryLynn Gerstenschlager suggested promoting climate change was part of a United Nations agenda, claiming, "The climate change debate is not about saving the planet, but about the redistribution of wealth."

However things go farther than the textbook. Recently in the story given to me by :iconlady-warrior: a group of parents received an ultimatum from the school, They have to send their children on a field trip on a "cultural tolerance lesson" on Islam or their kids will be pegged as racist. A tough demand given the kids are EIGHT YEARS OLD. So now they have to learn about Islam or else they are an evil racist and we can't have that. Forget that Islam isn't even a race. Why get stuck on little details like that?

"Community School were outraged after they found out that if their children decided not to attend a controversial field trip, they would be officially deemed racist. The trip was to a religious workshop about the Muslim faith, and administration warned that a “racial discrimination note” would be added to the students’ school records, should they fail to join.

And of course the parents themselves have to pay for this shit.

“I was shocked by the letter. To be told my kids have got to attend this workshop is disgusting,” said Tracy Ward, a mother of four. “Everyone should have a choice but that’s my opinion and I don’t want a stain on my kids’ record as a result.

“To be told we had to pay for the trip as well was just a kick in the teeth,” added another parent. “How dare they threaten to brand the children racist at such a young age. It’s going to make them feel like little criminals.”

Afraid of the disturbance they’d caused, the school quickly retracted their statement, saying instead that it was “important for children to learn about cultures and religions other than their own.”

Bullshit. It's one thing to be multi-culti. It's another to say we must be tolerant so cough up some dough so we can indoctrinate your kids and if you don't it must be because you're a racist. You know they are supposed to harsh on religion in school for a reason. I'm going to be straight here. Children are idgets. There's no other way to say it. They are idgets.

If a teacher gets in the front of the class, drops the holy Koran on their desk and announces that we are learning about the holy Koran guess what's going to happen. The kids are going to go home and tell their parents what they learned from allah, their magical sky-friend. This the reason for the separation. So that your kids are not indoctrinated in one religion.

And if you think that's bad there was a "quiz" on Islam given in a North Carolina school. Just for fun I shall post it for you and you can answer it for fun if you so choose ;P . Post your answers in the comments if you want and I'll tell you your grade. Let's begin shall we.

1. Islam at its heart is a _________ religion.

2. Most Muslims ________ is stronger than the average Christians.

3. In the 70s and 80s Islam returned as a political force with both a _________ and ________.

4. ______________ are _________ to western civilizations _________ and ______________.

5. Muslim _______ are rising in ___________ and _____________.

6. __________ is compatible with western civilization and democracy.

7. In order to stop terrorism we need to ___________ and avoid _____________.

8. No where in the ________ does it say to martyr yourself with a _____________.

9. Experts say it will become the __________ religion in the world someday.

10. ________: a __________ waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; it entails self and spiritual discipline.

11. The majority of Muscums ______________

Links: http://americannews.com/school-filing-racial-discrimination-against-students-who-refuse-muslim-education/, http://www.kvue.com/story/news/local/2014/11/18/battle-over-textbooks/19246779/, http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/11/13/mom-outraged-at-sons-hs-propaganda-most-muslims-faith-is-stronger-than-christians-158621

Angi-Shy #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

no its not, its almost the WHOLE islam. My cousin also is a half syrian and his dad is a fucked up jerk and the cousin is against all this shit that happens in the europe. The funny part is that they were happy to see you because they probably knew youre one of them and a MALE DUH so get a brain. The religion is about to kill kill and kill and to believe in mohamed the biggest pedo ever, lol. Im very glad for all those graffity in my country saying that about him as well. And how peaceful is to behead a wife who got raped? How peaceful is is for a little girl to get married for an adult pedo? What about hiding women under bukas and raping women from other countries only because they wear shorts??? How come they do this all even if they are NOT in their own country where that sooo called leaders are??? How come they want to kill all people who wont start believe in islam? Media in my country are so much controlled that they wont even talk about the real situation! There is one "ahmed" that randomly kills a family and he is not jailed because "he only was stressed from moving to the country" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! A good excuse for sure! We have only ONE tv station that says everything that really happens and fights against those who want to control what they air in tv news! So shut up if you dont know the real situation here in europe!
They all run from their country because of the war there and they just cause wars in other countries. THAT.IS.THE.TRUTH

first of all, YOU said it wrong, where are you from? If you live in europe, you would know the situation where immigrants and muslims want to take over all countries there and forceeveryone to believe only in their religion! 99% of them ARE monsters so you should reconsider before you comment next time. I reccommend you to hide in your burka and keep licking your husbands feet so he wont behead you and im rather not even asking how old you were before they decided to give you to some pedo husband lol.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

Takes a sip out of a cup title "SJW Tears.") Aaah, nothing like a good salty drink in the morning...one sec. (Barfs up the water) Bleh! Tastes like Uselessness and Stupidity. Gonna need to use mouth wash after this.

But yes incase you couldn't tell already I'm one of those nerds whose not that big on the whole Progressive Movement of Gay Characters in Fiction. Now hold on a second, I don't hate gay people, men or women. However I do hate a lot of them in fiction. You want to know why?

Because it's blatant Fan Service. It doesn't feel Organic have ANY Substance to it at all.

Blake and Yang or as the ship name is called...Bumblebee. (RIP Transformers Bumblebee your name is now used for a dumb ship.) is obviously fan service.

These two felt like Sisters at the beginning and now...now it's just awkward. Ya know how ya have those fantasies of sleeping with two hot sisters? In your mind it seems Hot, but I'm sure if somehow such a situation Actually presented itself to you, well first you'd probably pinch yourself to see if your dreaming, then once you realized you weren't and you had any sense about you you'd Nope the fuck outta there cause that'd be just too damn awkward. Unless you're one of those really perverted people then in which case Get Help.

Yeah...That's the Bumblebee (YangxBlake) Ship in a nutshell to me. The twisted thing is there are those who ship Yang with Ruby and those two Are Actually Sisters! XD

Then we have Korrasami. Again, seems all well and good on Paper but it just...came outta left field and not in a good way. You could Literally feel the writers write Mako out of the story and just FORCE these two together, again, I see these two as having a sisterly relationship. One second they're best friends and then the next they're suddenly into each other. Korra I could see as being Bi, she's a Tomboy after all, I could see it. Sure maybe Asami too, but together? This is why fiction and gay characters these days don't really work. Because all it ever feels like is for Propaganda and NOT actual character development.


Soldier 76 from Overwatch...that was just outta left field and again, felt like an excuse to have a gay character and they went with the old soldier dude to be different.

So before I go on a day's long rant about how much I hate LGBT in Fiction when it's done wrong. I'm gonna come out and say it.

jax1776 #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Shocking (or not) information on Bill Gates' involvement with China's creation of the Coronavirus or the CCP virus. When I heard that he "predicted" millions of deaths in the future, I got suspicious of him. I later found out that he also supports gun control for America.
Plus one video on Phil Robertson on 10 lies that are used to destroy America.
In other news: America continues to recover from the virus while fighting to find the vaccine for it. However, we must not forget that the virus was created by the Chinese Communist Party to be used as a bioweapon against the United States of America. However, due to its mishandling near Wuhan and suppressing its scientists and news media reporters with help from the World Health Organization. They allowed the virus to be spread around the world. And of course, China's propaganda machine blames America for the virus without any evidence.
And on a final note, I'll be on hiatus between May 1-4 starting tomorrow to show disapproval for the launch of Eclipse.

Those wishing to contact me can find me through my email account.

GameTrek #conspiracy #homophobia #racist deviantart.com

Apartheid regime - was basically part of colonial tatics which is pretty much segregation mo st likely brought on by the Zionists actions after WWII in 1945. During Hitler reign many "Jews" fled to the Palestine region, the government literally segregated Palestine and petitioned to make it a state of the Jews ( like a founding state for the religious practice ) and the UN gave troops to do the Zionists dirty work. Many arabics both Christian and Islamics/Muslims basically was forced to live in the areas provided where many had their land strip. Even if a Jewish person own land they were forced to move to areas where Jews were located.

All happen after 1945 and before 1948. "Apartheid regime" was most likely inspired by the Zionist along with the "great white flight" and Redlining of property.

The great migration - where blacks left south to escape racism 1900-1970
The great white flight - where many whites from the military came home and did not want to live next to anything different. 1945 - 1990
Redlining - where ( again Jews and supremacists ) literally purchased property of people leaving and encouraged blacks to move into cities and whites to move into suburbs. Creating the White Supremacists of Long Island
and the Black Ghettos. That being said many Jews during the 1970's in NYC
left buildings ) Ghettos. That being said creating the stereotype of "blacks in ghettos" mentalities.

The film is homosexual propaganda marketing the word "Moffie" appose to the negative plural of faggot.

Moffie is basically slang towards men big negative oppose to "flowery". It can mean many things like cross-dresser,

Flowery is a guy/boy/man who is soft spoken and appears feminine manor but is not. Like many dudes are just flowery ( 1960's peaceful mentality ).
Not gay...........however a moron who does not understand this slang might thing "Moffie".

Otherwise the film is propaganda.

"Apartheid regime and its culture of toxic racist machismo"

The Apartheid regime had not cultural, toxic racist machismo. In fact their is nothing wrong with that asides being labeled "toxic" which is a broad point. The point being as with the "Great White Flight" or even "Jim-Crow" was another reason to hold back South Africa

DunkleMaterie #conspiracy deviantart.com

Man I am on fire today! Two political uploads in a single day! But I suppose this is to be expected. onion head 'smoke'
After all the western leftist propaganda media can only piss anybody off who has taken enough red pills.

But enough. Let's start with:
I will now show you how the western propaganda media tries to manipulate your image of Kim Yong Un's sister, also known as Kim Yo-jong!
And how they try to manipulate you into thinking "she must be an evil person".

How? Well the media does it... °drum rolls° drum roll plz "badish" ...
by using her own bodylanguage against her that she showed the public leisurely some random day!

By using a picture that does not show her with a warm expression.
And in our human mental minds any expression like this could be interpreted (and will be interpreted by our brains) as possibly
° calculating
° unemphatic
° annoyed
° threatening (even)
The picture they used could even be interpreted as an glare. I already read someone writing that apparently we can see the malicious energy glittering in her eyes.

Kim Yong Un and Northkorea are targets of hatred and malice itself by the western worlds media and its not officially admitted NWO agenda.
They... haaaaate the famous supreme leader of Northkorea who has not bowed down to their corrupt FED guided banking system.
Or how they want to remain an actually independend land of proud people who decide for themself.
The west has only one real problem with Northkorea and that truly is, that it is Northkoreans who decide about Northkorea. That is all it is. Everything else... is not important. Nod

Further down we see pictures presenting this beautiful asian woman called Kim Yo-yong with warmer and more happy expressions on her face. Happy Happy..Onion
Those could (and will) very easily be interpreted by our human minds (and brains) as...
° heartwarming
° empathic
° kindhearted
° openminded
° cheerful

My question to the disgusting (leftist) western media propaganda.

Why was this woman smeared before she officially replaced her brother as the supreme leader of Nothkorea, her brother who is apparently fighting death right now in hospital or might already be deceased?
Why is she smeared and degraded before she could even fell a single decision in the most important role of a land that deserves it's independence?
Why are people insulted in an attempt to openly shame them for rooting for this woman and saying she is beautiful (like I do)?

This woman who I did not even knew existed since this article has been published?
Because the west never had anything better to do as to demonize the hell out of her brother and the current supreme leader?

And why is the western garbage media trying to manipulate our perception by using a less carming picture of her?
How dare they trying to FORCE an opinion onto us with this outdated trick that is constantly used to always subconsciously degrade or improve the perception of people in the west?
You must really think that the populace is very, very stupid. Which it is not! =)

And I wish her everything good on earth and more.
You on the other hand, the "journalists" and publishers of all kinds who tried to manipulate us... I wish the blessing and love of a certain "Meme-Animegirl" with batwings upon you.
Haha, who am I talking about? Morrigan Aensland of course. =D

Silly conspiracy theorists out there?
Who do you think I was thinking about?

Michael Mark Angelo (mangelo212) #wingnut deviantart.com

Me and my Admins condemn and i'll never forgive the Muslim terrorists who attacked and bombed the Church which resulted the deaths of Innocent Christians who called as Infidels, This proves that Muslims commited their atrocities against Non-Muslims in Southem Philippines as they appose Bangsamoro referendum and Peacetalks to the Philippine Government. These Muslims will pay for this, Fuck you all Wahabbi Islamofascist terrorists for killing Christians for not being Muslims just because they're practicing their faith, My Admins are right... ISLAM IS NO LONGER A RELIGION OF PEACE BUT AS POLITICAL IDEOLOGY! You called that Religion of Peace? #SuchABarbaricWAY! For me this is not a Religion of PEACE this is considered as a F*cking #CowardlyACT of #Barbarism & PIECE of SHIT! #FuckISIS for using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckAlQaeda for using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckAbuSayyaf #FuckJemaahIslamiyah #FuckBIFF
*FuckMNLF #FuckMlLF & #FuckMauteGroup far using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckBokoHaram for using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckALSHABAAB for using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckTaliban for using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckRadicalMuslims for using their religion as a Political Ideology! #FuckALLMUSLIMS! FUCK YOU ALL TERRORIST
BREEDERS & #GoatFuckers! AND MOST OF ALL…… FUCK ALL MOROS! News: (URL redacted)
#JusticeForJOLO! #AllMullimsAreSAME!
*Fucklslam #1slsmlsACancer! #IslamlsNotARACE!
#KillThemWithFIRE! #ShitReligion #StupidReligion #WorstReligion #PieceOfSHlT! #DisgustingReligionOFAllTlME! #FucklSLAM! #EndHate!

Zuoki #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Yes I totally agree. The Corona virus is not a weapon that is created by the US, but created by the Chinese themselves, which they released on Wuhan as an experiment to wipe out Japan.

The Corona virus is a Chinese virus, it is made in China.

The Najing Massacre is a Chinese fabrication and propaganda it never happend, they're lies of the Chinese.

Neetsfagging322297 #conspiracy deviantart.com

Nope. Most "nazis" don't support genocide, actually.
Just large-scale deportation and they deeme the holocaust to be a lie. If anything, most of them are teletubbie nationalists. Evil? that's just idiotic. -) Rather, they are mostly a well-meaning lot that stick to what they think is true over fee-fees or what society deem is true.

The NSDAP have no equivalents today save for perhapse the Greens in Germany, ironically enough.

Your very use of the n-word shows you are an ignorant lolcow with no clues as to what you preach about. Like saying that political correctness is communism or that the post-fed US is capitalistic.

What you believe to be your morals is something society programmed in you without you even noticing it, kind of been there a while back. Thankfully, I came to notice it. On an Earth were the holocaust did indeed happen and in all of the west, an alternate you would see it as the moral and right thing to do... -)

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

(video link is another TheQuartering link from Shawn. Still thinks we should take what that deranged sex pest Neo-Nazi thinks. Also Ted Cruz and Badass are words that never belong together.)

DAMN! Who knew Ted Cruz had it in him? One minute he’s going on and on about being “chosen by god to be the next president”(BTW how did that work out, hm?) and now he’s putting his foot down on Hollywood to cut the shit out!? Did the beard change him? I know characters become more serious and badass when they grow a beard in games and movies but does this also apply to feel life? Wow...Go Ted! Like Jeremy said, it doesn’t matter what political party you’re on...can we all admit that this censorship sucks!? To all you SJWs, Wanna know WHY disney doesn’t make a full on gay or lesbian romance movie? It’s because they want that sweet china money so Disney will just sprinkle in that little woke powder but in the end if China says Jump then Disney will say how high and eat the Chinese government’s shit with a smile. You want your high budget film full of “representation”? Your target isn’t the U.S.A, it’s the CCP.

MetalMatte #psycho #conspiracy deviantart.com

Jews are going to BURN IN HELL for what they did to the poles, the germans, britians, france and for what they did to the russians and for what they ARE doing now to the pallestinians and
the whole Europe and United States of America.
FUCK THE JEWS, I hope the Muslims kill EVERY SINGLE JEW, that is what they atleast deserve

SpecialGuestStar #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Where is the science that justifies social distancing except in the spittle sector of your mouth and nose?

Where is the science that shows the probability of fomite (surface) transmission, when all we get is that it is possible if some virus gets on a surface, but they didn't evaluate infectivity of the virus found?

Where is the science that says people can't go outside where the virus does not live long in the sun but must be locked inside?

How are these the least intrusive restrictions on individual liberty to achieve the state's goal to slow the spread of the virus?

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #homophobia #racist deviantart.com

Seriously stop! Your face is hamburger! Stop it! m.youtube.com/watch?v=em3Gg86F…

I’m not a twitter guy but goddamn, Disney! You gotta own EVERYTHING even everyone’s tweets who uses may the fourth b-Nope! You’re not owning my ass, Disney! Sheesh, that was close! One wrong move and I would’ve been rebooted into the main villain against Safespace and snowflake...Nazi! Or Homophob-ick! Race-mist? Trans-morphic...phobic! A-Not-see! Shit-lord! Wait, wasn’t that taken back by kek people? Sex...fist? Wait, that’s just fisting XD Ha! Wait, what was I talking about?...Eh, it wasn’t important.

paradigm-shifting #conspiracy deviantart.com

I'm not a doctor, but here is what I know for sure -- the world is controlled by psychopaths and run by idiots. Think of it not as a conspiracy, but more like a brush fire. History is filled with con men always looking for useful idiots to help them accomplish one thing or another. Snake oil salesmen. Each time these snake oil salesmen make a little bit of progress, the general population becomes slightly more dumb and willfully ignorant. Repeat this for two whole centuries, and this is why both at the highest levels of government and the general population -- and regardless of anyones politics -- everything is fucked. This planet has become an insane asylum. Too many people are addicted to drama and outrage. The entire western world has degenerated to a bad episode of Jerry Springer or WWE. At this point, I can't trust any system. Not political, not medical, not any system. Not until this brush fire burns itself out. And thats going to be a very destructive process. Thats not nihilism or negativity, thats just being honest about reality. The situation is not hopeless, but our current society will collapse completely before things get better. And whether globalist elites exist or not, there will be mass depopulation. Because the human race is doing it to itself. My general advise to people facing this brave new world -- don't let fear control you. You need to survive these times so you can help to build a better world after all the idiots kill themselves. Keep a positive attitude. This doesn't mean ignore everything with fake positivity, thats what fear wants. It means to not let fear dominate you. Face whats coming, do your best, survive to build a better tomorrow.

lawalkiria #psycho deviantart.com

Today, on this glorious day, the 20th of April, Fate gave us the greatest gift we could ever ask for, a man, a warrior, a leader who would fight for our race and would unite the European peoples again, all Germanic tribes gathered together with the purpose of Final Victory.

On the 20th of April of 1889 the world was stirred by his presence. Nothing would ever be the same.

That man full of courage, loyalty, strength, power and greatness is you, mein Führer. You came to this world to fight for us and you gave everything for the Struggle, including your life.

On this day, I want to tell you, with all my heart, how much you mean to me and to all of us Nationalsocialists.

You're the light that guides me every day, unveiling me the Truth. I fear the darkness no more, thanks to you.
You're the fire that burns inside me, waiting to be awaken.
You're the thunder that sounds distant, claiming for revenge.
You're the breath of life.
You're the energy that keeps my soul alive. You made me the way I am, so I thank you eternally for choosing me to fight by your side. You're my life, my everything, I am yours and I'm proud of it. Of being connected in such a strong way to the greatest man that has ever existed.

Today, all Nationalsocialists honour with joy and pride the birth of Adolf Hitler, unser Führer, a man whose essence will stay alive always and forever. Living through every each of us, he gives us once more the strength we need to fulfill his dream.
A Nationalsocialist Reich, glorious and eternal!

Happy 131st birthday, mein Führer!


wwweamonreillydotcom #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

In recent years many of my former music, movie and literary heroes have let me down and I stopped being a fan.

Most recently I realised that the band Eels and their front man E (Mark Oliver Everett) actually support (baby-butchering and baby-part-selling) Planned Parenthood. I was a massive fan since 'Beautiful Freak'. Even read 'Things the grandchildren should know' (there are no grandchilden btw, no children either. Maybe Planned Parenthood has got them all) I an no longer a fan. My conscience won't let me be.

Before that I liked a few of The National's songs only to hear that they too support the baby-butchering and baby-part-selling Planned Parenthood.

I was a massive fan for years of U2 (ever since 'unforgettable fire' in 1984) until they couldn't keep out of Ireland's marriage referendum. They even brought the bitter, twisted, catholic-hating drag queen 'Panti' onstage in Dublin. I despise the band now and realise how foolish and blind I was to their massive hypocrisy for years. A mulit-million dollar band that won't even pay taxes in their own country.

I have almost every album 'Moby' has released since 'play' in 2000. I found out he too supports the legalised killing of babies in the womb and is an anti-Trump nutter. Don't believe me? Check out his twitter page. "The Little Idiot" is right!

Since the early 80s I was a massive Bruce Springsteen fan. I got every album and saw him in concert several times. A few years back I saw that he is staunchy pro-abortion and supported the abortion-loving, 7-nation-drone-bombing Obama in his two campaigns (despite having said previously that it's not good for an artist to be too close the the seat of power). what a HYPROCRITE

Recently in Ireland a bunch of Irish singers, musicians, writers, artists, architects all came together calling themselves "Artists for Repeal 8th" to try and repeal Ireland's life saving 8th Amendment. (This 8th Amendment has saved hundreds of thousands of babies lives for the past several decades and is safe for BOTH mother and baby. There has never been any trouble with this heroic 8th Amendment) Any of those artists (many of them I was a fan of beforehand) will be boycotted by me forever more.

It's like being stabbed in the back by an old friend but my conscience will not let me be a fan of any of the above again. In times of trouble you find out who the good guys are......

SilverStarApple #wingnut deviantart.com

TL;DR: COMMUNISM IS GAY BECAUSE YOU'RE TAKING AWAY PICTURES OF MEN and all other forms of everyone else's property

As an aside: Communists have to ignore Communism's faults and Strawman the current way of life, this eroded-away pseudo-Capitalism with unchecked Deep State corruption and far too much Nanny-state interference, as something purely evil and unfixable because that's the only way Communism can seem preferable to what we have now.

One more thing: Communism killed more people than Nazism. And fuck Communists for making me say this next part, but... Nazism killed the people it wanted to kill: Jews, gay people, non-nazis, and so on. Communism starved and killed and purged its own detractors and its own supporters and its own farmers and anyone else who got in its way or spoke out against it or had the corruption of a higher-up blamed on them or got raped by a communist soldier and shot in the street for it. It was a colossal failure that dwarfed Nazism's death toll four times over. Marx was a retard who bitched about how he felt things "Should" be, even though the proposed methods he and his fans came up with were always stupid, fallacious, and doomed to fail. Marx thought if he ruled the world, he could make everything fair and orderly and "Equal", because he was a prat with an absolutely spectacular ego.

Oh, and the Nazis, the National Socialists, were leftist. Hitler was a far-left failed liberal arts student who blamed all his woes and the world's woes on an ethnicity he deemed priveleged, and he preached this to his followers while violently stamping out opposition and free speech. He went out to purposefully try and scare critics of his dangerously far-left ideology into silence, and he succeeded. When he took over, he went to war over land he felt he was owed. He thought nothing his ethnicity could do was wrong, and everything the "Enemy" ethnicities did was wrong, especially everything the "Evil Priveleged" ethnicity did. He was leftist, the Nazis were leftist, and no matter how hard the SJWs cry "It's Lenin on one side and Hitler on the other! Our enemies are literally Hitler!", it will never magically become truth.

Marxism, Communism, SJWism, Socialism, call it what you like, it doesn't work. It doesn't work, it doesn't create utopia, it just gives power to retards too stupid and ignorant to understand why competition matters or is necessary, why there aren't more than two genders, and why Communism always results in failure. And if anyone should have absolute power, it sure as hell isn't someone like that.

INB4S: (Except they're actually retarded things communists have said after I showed this to them)

Inb4 some butthurt communist decides things that say negative things about communism, such as comics, are not to be trusted because reasons.

Inb4 some butthurt communist decides he/she doesn't have to analyze his/her own belief in communism if he/she pretends he/she instead believes in some mythical perfect mutant strain of Communism beyond the comprehension of non-communists.

Inb4 some braindead communist says "But goodness and equality are inherent parts of communism, the USSR wasn't communist because it wasn't good or equal. Real Communism has never been tried on a large scale uwu"

Inb4 a communist says "But a communist government can't be bad if we democratically elect the communist leaders after violently making the country communist. There's no way a communist power-siezer would ever choose to hold on to power. Or lie to other communists, who always make rational and informed decisions when it comes to votes. Democratic Socialism is the best kind of Communism because we'll all vote on whether we want the bad of communism to come with the good and we'll all vote no and everything will be great!"

OnlyTheGhosts #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

[When you claim that vaccines cause autism,
despite countless studies that point to the contrary.]

According to who exactly? Oh, that's right, the same people who are SELLING THE PRODUCT. Couldn't possibly be true that a trillion-dollar industry is lying, right? Nor could it possibly be true that the CDC is lying either, hey?

It's not like the CDC hasn't been exposed as corrupt already, and run by crooks.





It came out in a USA Congressional Hearing that the CDC was lying about the MMR vaccine, that they destroyed the evidence even when their own studies showed that the MMR was linked to Autism!



Most of what the public is told about vaccines is unscientific, science-denying propaganda.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrmKUk_aqW8 (Dr. Toni Bark vs low information

The scientific reality is that there no studies that refute the link between Autism and vaccines. It's just claimed to be lots of them, but in reality there are none.

Not one study exists which actually clears vaccines of any link with Autism nor any other form of neurological injury that has been linked to vaccines. I have seen misrepresented studies aplenty. I have seen attempts to mislead. I have seen the CDC and various pharma lobby types trying to pretend that a study totally clears vaccines, and I have seen that every time so far, none of those studies so presented really show what the pro-vaccine industry folks claim that they do.

I have seen studies and fools claiming that because they found no link between MMR and Autism, that "all" vaccines are not connected to Autism. This lie of theirs *FAILS LOGIC!*

I have seen studies and fools claiming that because they found no link between Thimerosal in vaccines and Autism, - while ignoring that the Thimerosal was replaced by another experimentally proven neurotoxin (Aluminium) - that all vaccines are not connected to Autism. Yet again, this lie of theirs *FAILS LOGIC!*

Then there are studies that pretend it's only the MMR and/or Thimerosal, again ignoring the Aluminium. You just got another big dead elephant in the living room.

Thimerosal still is used in some vaccines, it was removed from 'most' vaccines, but not 'all' vaccines. Aluminium salts are neuro-toxic as well, and are now widely used in vaccines. So, your line ["When you claim that preservatives which have not been used in almost any vaccine since before you were born have damaged your child,"] is not sticking with the truth. I can cite plentiful peer reviewed studies showing how dangerous these are. The CDC lies and pretends that Thimerosal is safe despite admitting to the FDA that there was too much mercury in the shots. Which is why it was removed from most of the vaccines in the 1990s, then replaced with the aluminium. Both are neuro-toxic, so replacing one with the other doesn't make vaccines safer at all. There's a common furphy among pro-vax nutters claiming you can get more aluminium from food, it's utterly stupid to claim and a lie; only 0.3% of the aluminium in food will get into your bloodstream through the digestion system. Pro-vax websites are often pushing propaganda instead of science. Can't let that trillion dollar industry suffer any loss in profits, can we?

The pro-vaccine industry folks will argue that correlation doesn't equal causation when it shows vaccines are harmful, but claim correlation does equal causation when they want to claim vaccines reduced disease. Can't have it both ways, make up your bloody minds!

The devastating truth is that there is not even one peer reviewed scientific study with randomised double-blind testing with control groups of totally unvaccinated versus vaccinated that shows vaccines work at all.

You’re all just running on faith in the advertising. You believe in "authority" without verifying the authority's claims. Your "authority" is often corrupt. There's too much MONEY involved.

By the way, there's a huge difference between "Intelligent Design" and "Creationism". You wrongly conflate the two as if everyone who questions the mainstream is only a Christian and no other beliefs or scientific views exist. That's just plain ignorant. The logic of claiming that disease proves people weren't created by something or someone doesn't work either. The Zoroastrians believe that the world was created for evil purposes, for example. It could also be argued that an "intelligent designer" was trying their best, but wasn't perfect or perhaps not aiming at perfection. The argument is flawed.

shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: kind of picked this fight but its does goes to show you just how deep in the Anti-SJW this guy is)

drivanmoffitt: Ok... Where the fuck are you getting the notion that sjws are calling Anakin an incel? I mean the term incel who can't seem to get into women's pants and blame their looks for it... Anakin isn't that at all, hell in Canon (new) he still depicted as being very faithful and loyal to his wife even after her death (granted he can't do much because he's stuck in a life support system but still), so where did you get that horseshit from?

Shawntheimmortal942: In the video 7:03 -8:05 but here’s the tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/MagsVisaggs/status/1244379462214574086also (submitter note: she was pointed the contradiction of her twit by other twitter followers, some of which seem to have a left-leaning view on things) this bitch looks like every goddamn feminist who would have an opinion like this.

drivanmoffitt: That's the opinion of one woman, one person, where in the new Canon do they suggest that Anakin is some incel prick?

Swantheimmortal942: Give it time, they’ll give her a comic series where she’ll write Anikin as a Nazi incel in a new book. My theory is they’ll do this to make Anikin look weak compared to Rey because even John Boyega said Rey ain’t shit compared to Anikin. Anyway, she’s the writer of the show Vagrant queens so I wouldn’t be surprised if marvel or disney Star Wars gave her a book to write and make it canon. Maybe it’ll be “Anikin: lost days” or “the truth”

drivanmoffitt: dude, you're just being paranoid, people on that tread pointed out the contradictions, so I doubt they would give her a book or comic to write involving Anakin. As for Rey, I like I her character, just because you bitch and moan about her being a mary sue (somehow...) doesn't make her an interesting perhaps, hell, the movies show that's she's NOT perfect, she has plenty of flaws, most of which relates to her abandonment issues and (justifiably) anger she has over it. Also, the same could be applied to Anakin and Luke too you know, why can't they be considered 'gary sues' too. I really don't see where you and all the other people who complain about Rey get the notion that she's a mary sue.

Shawntheimmortal942: Dude...watch this trailer about the new warriors book https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5PCWUCv1rnUand tell me that Disney wouldn’t okay an incel Anikin. Didn’t they already retcon that the empire was founded by a woman who was totally better than Palpatine? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jFpTYCfLiIsThey are trying sooooo~hard to erase past characters to push a narritive(also Kneon is a leftist so don’t even try to use that excuse, okay?) Rey is a Mary Sue, she left the new trilogy with EVERYTHING, Luke’s light saber(I heard they changed it to “Rey’s light saber” in the Star Wars Disney world store)palpatine’s powers, the ability to heal with the force which she didn’t train for(don’t even mention the books because if I’m watching a movie then I shouldn’t go read a fucking book to know what the hell is going on. It”s like when the injustice series had a prequel comic which doesn’t seem to be mentioned in the game)and is somehow “all the Jedi” even tho that comes right out of her ass. Rey’s abandonment issues are even more inconsistent! She knows that her parents are nobodies but uh oh now her father palpatine’s son and she’s making out with Kylo ren even tho he’s killed so many people and their romance was never established. Anakin has actual flaws from his anger to his impatience to his gullibility but in the end sacrifices his life to save his son and wasn’t Luke whiny bitch in the beginning? He was but then over time he grew and got stronger and even tried to save his father from the dark side. Rey and Kylo...what are they? Are they enemies? Are they in love? Is it a love hate relationship? I have no idea what was going on between them hell it would’ve been cool if Rey did end up joining Kylo in the last jedi because at least it shows her doing something interesting. But no, Rey is just Rey. Look, you can like Rey all you want but I just don’t find anything interesting about her and seeing her walk around getting everything is just more “the force is female” BS.

drivanmoffitt: oh joy more bullshitting anti-sjws... seriously dude, things are not like that at all, and at this point anti-sjw nonsense is simply a vehicle for far-right individual to push their ideology into a community they think is ripe for it. And to me, the Force is not female, nor is it male, I honestly think it's more neither, which I imagine you have an issue with don't you?

Shawntheimmortal942: First of all did you even watch the videos? Second, “Anti-SJW nonsense is simply a vehicle for the far right to push their ideology into a community they think is ripe for”? Yes~that totally isn’t what an SJW would say to poison the well or seeing a different point of view, that is a garbage rebuttal and you know it. Also really subtle on trying to call me a sexist too, pal. My issue isn’t the “force being female” my issue is this SJW bullshit getting shoved down our throats. All the male characters are turned into cowards or bitches while the fame characters are heroic. I’m just calling a spade a spade hell the media is constantly demonizing people who even dare to criticize last Jedi and you’re telling me there”s NO narrative being pushed down our throats?

drivanmoffitt: what? I'm not calling you a sexist, I indicated that I flatly don't think the Force, should it be a sentient entity, is neither male or female, and by the way, the guy you made a journal about is a FUCKING NEO-NAZI for crying out loud, as he pushed for some neo-nazis like shit both in the past and today, and has repeated be showed to be harassing cosplayers and making statements like "I wouldn't rape you", you are following individuals who are not good people and taking their word like gospel even their talking points of "go woke go broke" has been proven to be wrong. Captain Marvel made over 1.1 BILLION dollars in the box office, Black Panther made 1.3 BILLION, the new trilogy collectively made over 4.4 BILLION dollars, which by the way, Force Awakens is 2 billion, Last Jedi is 1.3 billion and Rise of Skywalker a billion, these industries are not going broke just because a bunch of idiots on the internet are complaining about it.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Even more whining from shawn and his “get woke go broke” meme that ignores Captain Marvel’s existence)

I’m not a football fan but goddamn how the mighty have fallen! So that woke well dried up, hm? Look, everyone has every right to protest and have their voices heard but when you bring business and money into it...there’s a limit. These companies love money and social justice isn’t paying the bills so what’s the alternative? I’m not saying you can’t protest but when you bring these companies into it, they’ll suck you dry until you’re not profitable anymore. You gotta keep your politics and your business separate. I know SJWs are gonna cry censorship while trying to censor others but they’re too fucking stupid to see the hypocrisy.

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

(he is reacting to a YouTube video by far right YouTube personality TheQuartering, who has been chased out of the Magic The Gathering community for sexually harassing cosplayers, saying “I wouldn’t even rape you” to people, and espousing far right and Neo-Nazi political beliefs, as well as being a spiteful and crude bully in multiple nerd communities)

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why!? Does every industry have to go broke to slap some sense into them? I MEAN C’MON! Anakin as an Incel? These people are paid millions to make a show, movie, or comic about their fan fiction where men suck. Civil war 2 had Captain Marvel locking people up without trail so she should become a fascist in her next series, right? It makes sense! These ass pats must feel amazing for so many of these companies to bend the knee and lose millions. Lemme try for a sec...ALL MY CHARACTERS ARE GAY! Now I wait.

It’s just more SJWs who hate men and only see men who get angry as “white male rage” and not character development.

no-regrets-here #homophobia deviantart.com


Do you ever see those people who have that gay friend, and then later come up to you and say that they're gay? Even though they were straight until they started hanging out with that person? Then before you know, everyone else starts saying they're either gay or bisexual...
Or when you friend reads that gay manga, and then comes later saying they're gay x3
People and their "love" these days: Hormones

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

(submitter’s note: someone doesn’t like that I posted his defense of artists who made pedo-pandering work!)

Just want to say this first but I hope you all know the drill! Don’t attack ANY of these people, if any of you do then I will condemn it! To the people I’m responding to, please consider making a DA account and talk to me. I don’t shut off my comments hell you can talk to me in notes and it will be private, I promise you. Niam2020...the asshole who called me a fucking pedo! It’s one thing to call me sexist, racist or any of your fucking buzzwords but calling me a fucking pedo is way over the fucking line so go fuck yourself, you scum fuck! You are fucking garbage! I would never stoop so low to call someone a pedo just because I disagree with them so fuck you! If you’re not going to give me the same kind of decency then I don’t give a fuck what happens to you! GO DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE!

So I just found out the shit I say has been quoted and responded to by people in this site called fstdt.com and they seem to really love me! Here are some comments! This is from a journal I made about Patreon going up in flames because they got woke and are now going broke

and look at these tags

Tell me where in my journal am I being a pedo? People like this like to use words without knowing what they mean! It’s only a matter of time before SJWS run out of names to call people because words like sexist, nazi, homophobic etc etc are losing their meaning because of people like this. Also I love how they didn’t put the link to the video I put in my journal. Hmmmmmmmm~why tho?

How am I sexist? Or a psycho or a wing nut? I’m calling out how so many people are all for “Believe all women no matter what” but when it comes to Biden he’s protected! Shouldn’t he have been cancelled the minute he was smelling and touching women and little girls so inappropriately? I mean, what’s the point of protecting Biden? He obviously can’t beat Trump! Again, how does this post make me a wing nut, psycho, sexist? Hell there are far left people going crazy because they don’t want to vote for Biden.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #crackpot deviantart.com

Read an article on Sankaku(Yes, I get my news from a hentai site XDD) about SJWs disowning Notch(the creator of Minecraft) and J.K Rowling(creator of Harry Potter) because they’re so butt hurt that they don’t agree with them politically. So these children are plugging their ears, shutting their eyes and screaming until they get their way by...saying Hatsune Miku made Harry Potter and Minecraft. Twitter...is a hell of a drug. This is what happens when parents don’t discipline their children.

This whole thing reminds me of this scene from Mommie Dearest archive.org/details/MommieDear… 9:23-9:29

Seriously, please grow the fuck up! I don’t like Rowling virtue signaling about refugees(which by the way, has she even housed ANY since then? She has mansions so it’s not impossible.) or her retconning Harry Potter characters into being gay or whatever for brownie points but is too lazy to write these characters being such. However I don’t pretend she doesn’t exist! I think rational people can just disagree with someone but it’s SJWs we’re taking about and they’ll unperson and demonize anyone who disagrees with them because they’re a hive mind who hate different opinions. Hopefully for Christmas, these fucks can get some common sense and decency under their tree.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #dunning-kruger #crackpot deviantart.com

Also gotta love how the left leaning news shitheads went straight to “russian bots” when talking about people leaving the Democratic Party, it’s like they never considered that someone has a different way of thinking than them. That’s why they created bullshit like “Internalized misogyny” and “internalized racism” its because they blame society for the way you think and not you for being an individual who has different opinions. The Democratic Party is now a hive mind and if you dare to stray from the path then you’ll get shamed, demonized, you’ll lose your job, get de-platformed by people you thought were your friends. THIS is why Trump is winning so much! You can blame racism all you want but ask yourself this...do you really want to live in a world where the slightest disagreement turns into a major issue? Do you really want to live in such minefield because you’re scared of offending someone? Are you fine with people screaming “racist, sexist, homophobe, etc” just because they lost an argument? People like to act like they’re living in fear ever since Trump won and I think they are living in fear but it’s not because Trump, it’s because the left are pointing guns at each other with itchy trigger fingers just ready to tear each other down. Is that really a better alternative? “Well, don’t offend people, it’s easy!” The left made the O.K hand signal a sign of “white supremacy”...nuff said.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Gotta love it! I knew that this would blow up in the left’s face but they just kept pushing and pushing these fucking witch hunts! I know there are good things that Metoo did but it was also used as a fucking weapon used by spiteful women to ruin the lives of men! So now it’s “believe all women but if it’s against someone I vote for then give them a chance and due process” it’s a mouthful, sure but these feminazis are known for their big mouthes...and it’s not always used for yelling! HA!

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

I have heard there are better alternatives than patreon and if you can find them then I recommend abandoning this sinking ship! When you get banned for a NSFW drawing of an obviously mature Hex Maniac with big tits and you lose all that money because she “looks young”...Ya gotta leave! Now they want you all back? This is get woke go broke and they are suffering for it and I’m not losing sleep over their own failure. If you have a patreon and you haven’t had any trouble then keep at it but always have a backup since Patreon is getting ban happy, this goes out to all the NSFW artists out there to find better alternatives! This is what happens when you try to do business with the woke crowd, the creators who are actually profitable leave while your site is full of communists. Keep that iron wall up and strong, Patreon! I’ll sleep soundly with the sounds of your crumbling business and cries of “why!?”...maybe I’ll touch myself...I will touch myself XD

Edit: Patreon begging people to come back by claiming they’re “cutting the bullshit” mobile.twitter.com/Patreon/sta… when they’re just making more bullshit! You can’t say “Creativity over everything” but add in the fine print “Except if your political views are different than ours and if so then fuck you, you fucking nazi!” Eat shit, Patreon!

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