
Jean-François Braunstein #wingnut #dunning-kruger twitter.com

[Translated from the original in spanish.]

The philosopher Jean-François Braunstein, against the woke ideology: "It is a religion without forgiveness in which the white man is always guilty"

-“Why do you consider it a religion?

-I talk about religion because it goes against science, against the free exchange of arguments and reality as we know it. It is the first religion taught in universities. Since the 19th century, this has always been the place of tolerance and freedom of opinion, and today the majority are dominated by this woke religion. It evokes what we call the "great religious awakening." And it is a religion without forgiveness in which the white man, colonialist, is always guilty of oppressing the eternal victims. Freedom of discussion, the search for truth and objective knowledge are in question. It is a determined attack on the enlightenment, the heritage of Western knowledge and culture. It was my duty as an intellectual to address it.”

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Anti-Christian Bill Mahr (in the attached video clip) openly admits as he talks to Piers Morgan that abortion is “murder” and he is “ok with that.” Mahr said, “I can respect the absolute position…I really can. They think it’s murder – and it kind of is. I’m just OK with that. There’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry we won’t miss you.”

Three important points:

1. The left have gained so much ground in the culture that they (like Mahr) are becoming very brazen how they state things and reveal their true heart and motivation. Warning--they are coming after anything Christian, coming after Christians.

2. Mahr states that abortion is “murder.” But murder is a crime in our culture. So he is ok with someone committing murder?

3. He is making a moral judgment stating that abortion is “murder” (which it is), but he has to borrow from a Christian worldview to make such a moral judgment. Without an absolute basis morality is subjective—relative.

Watch the video clip to hear him for yourself.

If you would like to read about how Bill Mahr once plotted to deceive me and Answers in Genesis, read the articles at the following links.



10:28 PM · Apr 14, 2024 · 41.9K Views
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Ken Ham #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Joe Biden’s proclamation to make today Transgender Day is not just an insult to Christians, it is an attack on the Son of God, it is an attack on the gospel, it is blasphemous, it is Joe Biden’s war on God that he has taken to a new level. I believe he has really crossed a line.

I thought of

a. Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel said ““But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was hardened so that he dealt proudly, he was brought down from his kingly throne, and his glory was taken from him.” (Daniel 5:20)

b. Belshazzar and the words “Mene Mene Tekel and Parsin.” Daniel said, ““And you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all this, but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see or hear or know, but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored. “Then from his presence the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed. And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN. This is the interpretation of the matter: MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting;” (Daniel 5:22–27)

c. Haman. As we read in the book of Esther about Haman right before his fall. He thought he was on top and could do anything, bring in any law he wanted….But little did he know the gallows he built for Mordecai would be for himself and all his sons.

d. King Herod. As we read in Acts, “On an appointed day Herod put on his royal robes, took his seat upon the throne, and delivered an oration to them. And the people were shouting, “The voice of a god, and not of a man!” Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory,” (Acts 12:21–23)

Matt Walsh #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

1) It is always wrong to intentionally kill innocent, defenseless human beings.

2) Unborn babies are human beings. They cannot possibly be any other species but human.

3) Therefore, abortion intentionally kills innocent and defenseless human beings.

4) Therefore, abortion is wrong.

This is the pro-life argument broken down as simply as possible. It's a very strong argument. In fact, no one on the pro-abortion side has ever been able to answer it. Instead they change the subject or obsess over the hard cases.

Conservatives should bring it back to this argument. This totally unanswerable, obviously correct, morally and logically coherent argument.

Instead they run away whimpering, letting the pro-aborts off the hook.
4:40 AM · Apr 11, 2024 728.2K Views
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Sally Wald and Larry Cook #ableist #crackpot #elitist #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Sally Wald

“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism. Are You ok with that? It will be the demise of the United States. We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.”

Larry Cook

“If we dissolve the vaccine industry we dissolve 99% of new autism cases.

Which do you choose?


Ray Comfort #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

The Evolutionists

There's a primitive tribe of people on this earth that need to hear the gospel. This is because they draw back from the truth, and choose to live in the jungles of spiritual darkness, bonded together in ignorant devil worship. Be warned: If you become a missionary and take the gospel to them, they might eat you alive. They speak a strange dialect of their own, but if we care, we have to learn to speak their language. We mustn't forget that (despite their strange and ignorant beliefs), these are human beingsmade in the image of God. This is hard to believe, but they think that they came from apes. Really. They are called "The Evolutionists," and the only effective way to reach them is to use the Law as a schoolmaster to bring them to Christ.

There goes another minute, gone forever. Go share your faith, while you still have time.
3:41 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 8,429 Views
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Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

It is 100% IMPOSSIBLE for anything inside of space, time and matter to cause space, time and matter to expand. God is outside of space, time and matter. He is the uncaused first cause.

imageBig Bang ‘theory’
who created the big bang

5:31 AM · Apr 7, 2024 · 8,832 Views
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Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 #fundie twitter.com

God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent.

Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come.

I pray that our country listens. 🙏

Readers added context

Monday’s eclipse was predicted hundreds of years ago, it will not have been caused by contemporary actions.


Earthquakes occur naturally and happen (on average) more than 30 times a day across the world, although many are too subtle to feel.


3:13 AM · Apr 6, 2024 · 10M Views
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Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

There is no excuse for abortion to be legal. None.

An unborn baby is a human person.

This is obvious by nature of human reason, but 95% of academic biologists around the globe also say a human life begins the moment of conception.

People have a God-given right to life.

Abortion kills that life. Brutally. Via suffocation, dismemberment, lethal injection, crushing of the skull.

lexbyanyname #moonbat #racist #psycho twitter.com

it's so sad to me that i spent over a decade tampering what i wanted to say (on so many issues) to try to still succeed in tech and be accepted because i thought that was the way to help build an ethical tech industry. i see the naivety now.

in regards to Palestine, what i wanted to say (and now can but should have immediately and loudly) is that: i support armed resistance, i pray for a one state solution, and i am happy when i see IDF soldiers die.

Liz Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

They want bird flu to be the new covid.

But let’s be clear.

I will not mask.

I will not social distance.

I will not lockdown.

I will not vaxx.
3:43 AM · Apr 6, 2024 · 917.5K Views
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Dr James David Manning #fundie twitter.com

EARTHQUAKE IN NYC ALERT Jesus prophesied in The Tribulation there will be earthquakes in divers places , Mt. 24:7. Today a 4.8 earthquake hit The New York area. I wish to report all ATLAH is well and safe. But let me inform you more prophecy fulfillment is on the way, sooner than you think. ONLY THE ELECT (ATLAH) will be saved, Mt. 24:22.


3:56 AM · Apr 6, 2024 · 88 Views
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Red Pill Vegeta #sexist twitter.com

Slut. Men are just sick and tired of not even having the OPTION of marrying virgins. Men are expected to bust their ass, be wealthy, and have top tier genetics for what? A single mom with 2 baby daddies? It has nothing to do with feeling small. Used pussy is not attractive. Sorry you bought into feminism hype and no real man wants you now. You can fuck all the guys you want, but you and I both know you’ll never find a man you actually like/respect to love you back because you’re a used up wh0re. You keep getting pumped and dumped and it angers you so much. That’s why you hate me. I remind you of every man who fucked the shit out of you and ghosted you the next day.

Charlie Kirk #biphobia #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Did you know there are 145 days on the calendar celebrating LGBTQ?

Feb 19-25 - Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March 21-25 - LGBTQIA+ Health Awareness Week
March 31 - Transgender Day of Visibility
April 6 - International Asexuality Day
April 13 - International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)
April 14 - Day of Silence
April 26 - Lesbian Visibility Day
May 17th - International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
May 19th - Agender Pride Day
May 22 - Harvey Milk Day
May 25 - Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
June 23 - Stonewall Day
June 28 - International LGBTQ+ Day
July 14 - International Non-binary People Day
July 16 - International Drag Day
September 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week
September 23 - Celebrate Bisexuality Day
October 8 - International Lesbian Day
October 11 - National Coming Out Day
October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week
October 19 - International Pronoun Day
October 19 - Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)
October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week
October 26 - Intersex Awareness Day
ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER - Trans Awareness Month
November 5 - Trans Parent Day
November 8 - Intersex Day of Remembrance
November 13-19 - Transgender Awareness Week
November 20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance

And this isn't even a complete list if you include other designated days from the UN and other worldwide institutions and authorities.

We will be judged.
3:38 AM · Apr 2, 2024 · 496.8K Views
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Eric Metaxas #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Instead of abjectly apologizing for the despicable offense to MILLIONS of American Christians for declaring Easter Sunday "Trans Visibility Day" the WH just labeled all criticism of this evil act as "dangerous misinformation." DO YOU SEE WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH? Staggering.
4:06 AM · Apr 2, 2024 · 17.6K Views
366 Reposts 9 Quotes 1,131 Likes 12 Bookmarks

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy twitter.com

Breaking: This forest plot was done by a statistician. It is extraordinary to see all the lines are on the right side of the forest plot. What this means is that nobody should be vaccinated. It’s not a close call. More vaccines -> higher chance of chronic disease.


2:21 PM · Apr 5, 2024 · 47K Views
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Vivek Ramaswamy #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

America now has a two-tiered justice system: one for President Trump, another for Biden. One for Assange, another for Manning. One for BLM/Antifa, another for peaceful protesters on Jan 6. Lady Justice does not wear an eye patch, she wears a blindfold.
3:14 AM · Apr 4, 2024 · 365K Views
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Donald Trump Jr. #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Biden is banning religious symbols from Easter celebrations at the White House, while flying the trans flag and declaring Easter Sunday to be "Trans Visibility Day."

This is the left's new religion. They want people worshiping the trans flag instead of God. They must be stopped.


4:40 AM · Mar 31, 2024 · 1.7M Views
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Ken Ham #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

“There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Romans 3:18)

Today, we can apply this verse this way:

“There is no fear of God before their [Joe Biden and his Administration’s’] eyes.”

Christians call today “Resurrection Sunday.”

Joe Biden has proclaimed today to be “Transgender Day.”

In his official proclamation published on the White House website, Joe Biden:

1. Celebrates redefining marriage that God created and defined.

2. Celebrates redefining gender that God created and defined.

Joe Biden is not God but has set himself up as a god in opposition to the true God.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

He will truly be missed,’: Rossview High School senior dies while playing basketball.

this is the new normal.

Have you ever heard of this happening before the Covid vaccines rolled out?

From wsmv.com
8:07 AM · Apr 1, 2024 · 52K Views
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Liz Wheeler #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

This is so evil I thought it was fake. Had to verify on the White House website that Biden actually is desecrating Christ’s resurrection by promoting the satanic transgender ideology on Easter Sunday. Biden is quite literally doing the work of the Devil.


7:00 AM · Mar 31, 2024 · 149.5K Views
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Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The CDC says that the cases of myocarditis post vaccine are rare, mild, and short-lived. They are lying to you.

I want to share with you what they mean by that using a real case from a post on one of the Vaccine support groups:

Really looking for help and support my son has myocarditis following his 2nd Covid jab at 16. He seemed to recover however 2yrs on hes now 18 he is now unable to work just completed his 2 yr apprenticeship as a welder to be placed onto long term sick.

After having a 24 hr heart monitor fitted it show 28 episodes of bracicardi in a 24 hr period even when he was asleep he has been referred as urgent to be told by the appointments team it’s an 11 month wait for cardiology.

He has become isolated too scared to use his car and is just waiting for an appointment, he has nightmare about going to sleep and not waking up …. Every parents nightmare.

We thought about going private but people have said his treatment could cost a huge amount which we would find a way of doing but surely something is available on the NHS His pulse is sitting at 40-42 beats per minute, Sats are 95-97 gets very dizzy, unable to stand up for too long and his life has changed dramatically over the last 3 yrs any help would be appreciated.

Any help or advice would be really appreciated 🙏 xx
2:15 PM · Mar 30, 2024 · 88K Views
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Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

He wasn’t responsible for what happened despite what the media says. It was four years of lying, cheating, and betrayal by those who wanted to get Trump at all costs.

Nevertheless, he gathered himself and released a video telling people to go home—an act the illegitimate J6 Committee tried to criminalize.

Then they impeached him again.

Despite all of it, he’s decided to come back to retake the White House and finish what he started, a decision that provoked Biden’s DOJ to indict him multiple times for 700 years in federal prison.

Who else could endure what Donald Trump has?

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

In the Fox News article, Harris is quoted equating abortion with "reproductive healthcare." But abortion is death to a human being--it's the murder of a child.

Harris claims, "attacks against an individual's right to make decisions about their own body are outrageous, and in many instances, just plain immoral."

First of all, a child developing in it's mother's womb is not part of the women's body. Harris doesn't understand science or the reproductive health system. A fertilized human egg is looked on by the mother's body as foreign tissue to reject. The same sort of thing happens if someone has a kidney transplant, which is why they need anti-rejection drugs. But the woman's body has an inbuilt anti-rejection system God created to enable the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus to develop the body of the individual.

Secondly, once an egg is fertilized, no new information is ever added, so the fertilized egg is 100 percent a human being made in God's image.

Thirdly, the genetic information in a fertilized egg is a very different combination to that of the woman or the man. This is a unique individual different from any other human being ever, now, or that will exist.

Fourthly, if the fertilized egg is male, the Y chromosome came from the man, not the woman, so how can this be a part of the women's body when she has a different combination of information?

Notice also that Harris uses the word "immoral." What does she mean by that? What is her absolute authority to claim something is "immoral?" If the God of the bible is not the absolute authority, then morality is relative and her statement about something being "immoral" is meaningless as it's all subjective depending on what a person decides.

Steve Kirsch quoting former co-worker #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Just received this text from a former co-worker:

Hi Steve,

I saw your interview with Tucker Carlson regarding the Covid vaccine.

I was injured by the last Moderna Covid vaccine booster shot (Bi-valent 4/5) I received in October 2022. As a result I developed Acute Myocarditis, Arrhythmia, leading to Heart Failure which I continue to suffer from to this day. This is a known side effect of the vaccine. mRNA triggers spike proteins in the body similar to the Covid virus.

Incidentally, I have never tested positive for the Covid virus. I was very cautious wearing a mask, avoiding crowds and getting the latest Covid vaccine booster shots as they became available.

In addition to the cardiac complications, I exhibit symptoms of long Covid: fatigue, low energy, body aches, sleep problems, shortness of breath, palpitations, and difficulty exercising.

It's great to hear from you. I wish it was under better circumstances.
3:31 AM · Mar 19, 2024 · 502.1K Views
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Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

This would galvanize Trump’s base. If this can happen to Trump—why couldn’t it happen to you?? A tyrannical govt seizing private property because they hate your politics. No business person—who’s conservative—is safe.


11:58 PM · Mar 21, 2024 · 90.6K Views
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Liz Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

It’s crazy for any man to vote Democrat after watching Dems try to ruin Kavanaugh based on Christine Blasey Ford’s fake accusation.

Men, do you realize with Dems in control, any crazy woman can make a false accusation & you’re ruined?

Any man is vulnerable to this.

8:53 AM · Mar 20, 2024 · 123.6K Views
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Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

I have often found that since the evidence is not on their side, some skeptics resort to using fear tactics to attack Christianity.

Yes, he actually said it: creationism “may pose the greatest threat to the future of our children, your health, and the nation’s economy.”

This remarkable quote came from Arthur Caplan, who was chairman of the medical ethics department at the University of Pennsylvania and frequent TV commentator, when he once wrote in a major newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer. What prompted this venomous attack? Vice-presidential candidate at the time, Sarah Palin, apparently believed in creation and was on record as having said that students should be allowed to “debate both sides” of the evolution question. She also added that creationism “doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”

In Caplan’s eyes, this simple desire to allow children to discuss both sides of the issue meant “a vote for Sarah Palin, or any creationist, is a vote for change, all right, a change back to the lifestyles of the 19th century.” Attacks like these demonstrate better than anything I could ever say why the biblical apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis is so crucial. We must be out on the front lines to combat the mixture of hysterics, misrepresentation, and scare tactics presented by secularists everywhere.

Liz Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

Christine Blasey Ford had ZERO PROOF of her accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.

No location.
No date.
No witnesses.

Her friends & family denied it.

But Democrats tried to ruin Kavanaugh based on false allegations.

Men are not safe with Dems in control. Remember this in 2024.
8:48 AM · Mar 20, 2024 · 198.6K Views
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Jay Decay 💀🍄 #homophobia #pratt twitter.com

[Submitter’s note: Link leads to the tweet being replied to due to limited visibility]

I'm pretty sure "MAPS" aren't represented on [The Intersex-inclusive progress flag] so I don't see why it'd need modified [to remove pedophiles]

That’s the all inclusive faggot flag right? MAP’s are bunch of faggots, so yeah they’re included.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie #pratt twitter.com

As much as evolutionists wish otherwise, life doesn’t evolve around Darwin—or at all.

Let me make a few observations about the culture in the West today. For instance, at Christmas, we don’t sing carols such as the following, do we?

Silent Night, Holy Night,
All is calm, All is bright,
For Charles Darwin we just want to say
Thanks for showing us the evolutionary way,
We’re glad we know we’re an ape
We’re glad we know we’re an ape

And we have never heard of anyone constructing a calendar like the following, have we?

BC (Before Charles) and AD (After Darwin)

If someone used this kind of calendar, we would of course be living in the year AD 200+ On this basis, Abraham lived around 3,800 BC.

Aimee Terese and Glypticfille #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #kinkshaming #quack #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Aimee Terese:

“Men who eat pussy are spiritual lesbians”


“There is likely a direct correlation between men who do this (99% of leftist men) and modern leftism. It is my suspicion that there is something in the vaginal fluids that is capable of estrogenising the body, cuckolding the spirit, hence thousand year prohibition against it.”

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