
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut adrenogate.net

Golfing great Tiger Woods was reported to have been in a single car traffic accident in the morning of February 23rd, 2021.

The phrase “All roads lead to Rome” applies heavily to this ritual — which is what this was — which has its roots in ancient practices primarily around the chief Greco-Roman deity Jupiter/Zeus the storm god.


To understand the ritual we have to be able to recognize the symbols of Jupiter the god and Jupiter the planet.

The Eagle
The eagle represents the god Jupiter/Zeus. The United States is the “New Rome”, Rome was “the new Babylon” and all used the eagle as a major symbol, indicating the real authority that they venerate.
The Tiger

His name “Tiger” is a reference to Jupiter.

In Chinese astrology the element of wood corresponds with the planet Jupiter. So the name Tiger Woods is Jovian on multiple levels across different traditions.

Tiger Woods’ main residence is Jupiter Island, Florida.

The accident happened on February 23rd in the zodiac sign of Pisces which is partially ruled by the planet Jupiter.

As I stated in my previous post: The sports drink Gatorade pays homage to Jupiter/Zeus – and the Jesuit/Catholics who venerate St. Peter who is actually Ju – PETER.

The lightning bolt logo is the Zeus/Jupiter symbol
It was first released for public consumption on September 9th a date written 9-9, a nod to the 99 gematria of “JUPITER.”

Most significantly “GATORADE” is a super match with “CATHOLIC” across all four base ciphers.

Tiger Woods is one of the two biggest endorsers of Gatorade; the other being the G.O.A.T. of basketball Michael Jordan who is an Aquarius and thus partially ruled by Saturn.

Orgonite Crystal #crackpot #magick #mammon orgonitecrystal.com

The concept of Orgone energy was first coined by Dr Wilhelm Reich in the 20Th Century. He propounded the existence of a universal energy also called as life-force energy, prana, chi etc. in different cultures. Reich believed that this life force energy surrounds all forms of life when active.

From this theory of orgone energy evolved Orgonites- a resin/metal mix with an addition of crystal (mainly quartz). Orgonites are able to collect, transmute and efficiently emit etheric energy. Thus they were substance with self-driven, continuously-operating and highly efficient. Whenever they come in contact with negative energy they transmute the Deadly Orgone energy into Positive Orgone energy. (DOR to POR)
The Orgonite gifting movement started long time ago. People started “gifting” the planet with Orgonites by judiciously placing, burying or hiding them in order to curb the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, detoxify the water bodies and enhance the overall environment. Stagnant energy areas like cell phone towers, power plants, electrical pylons, nuclear reactors polluted water body’s etc. benefit from gifting.
So what are you waiting for? Choose from a wide range of Orgonites with attractive designs and healing crystals and gift your loved ones now!

Robert Bruce #magick #elitist #quack #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Are you standing at a crossroads in your life, and could use spiritual guidance from a real mystic?

Have you always wanted to astral project, but are having difficulty, and feel frustrated… or, do you want to see auras, but they refuse to appear, no matter how hard you try?

Are you, or someone you know, suffering from a terminal illness, and in desperate need of deep energy healing RIGHT NOW?

Are there negative astral entities hurting you and your family… and you need help banishing them from your personal space, so they stop tormenting you?

Because you’re about learn EXACTLY how you can “pick the brain” of the world’s most accomplished, living metaphysician, so you can fulfill your own spiritual education…

Now it’s not my intent to brag… but truthfully, over the last 40 years, I’ve been through a lot. I’ve risen my kundalini countless times, explored the Afterlife thoroughly, exorcised full blown demonic possessions, helped people overcome fatal illnesses with energy work, written several bestselling books, and run training seminars around the world.

From the moment I wake up in the morning, to the moment I go to sleep at night, I am devoted to assisting my fellow humans with their spiritual success. It brings me great joy.

This is why I’m happy to announce that for the first time ever, I am officially available to the general public for personal one-to-one consultations – something I’ve NEVER done before.

That’s right… if you really want my direct help, you can get it.
60-Minute Counseling - only $199
Perfect for in-depth discussion
The most popular type of consultation
30-Minute Counseling - only $99

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

To be sovereign over one's self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one's own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one's consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System.
During the current psychological operation used for spiritual warfare against the human population, the goal of the Controllers is to destroy access to spiritual knowledge or truthful information that pertains to the possibility of self-ownership that comes with activation of the higher spiritual bodies. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families, intergalactic transmissions of Universal monadic plane frequency waves and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. This is highly activating to those awakening now to see the mass deceptions we have been fed in the mainstream, as well as to those embodying the ascension template that are able to conduct and integrate these higher coded vertical lines and rod and staff frequencies. Essentially our consciousness bodies and Spiritual Immune System are under targeted attack, as when our spirit is weakened and we are dehumanized, the conditioned masses submit without resistance to the blind obedience of the Controller’s orchestrated plan, for installing a global government for enforcing fascist tyranny.

Gaia Staff #crackpot #ufo #magick gaia.com

Through the centuries, researchers have not only been driven to find where Atlantis once existed, but also its connection to unseen forces, distant civilizations, and a seat of wisdom now buried beneath the ocean. Thanks to the memories of Matias De Stefano, an indigo child who remembers his past life in the Atlantean colony of Khem, we can take an even closer look at this lost civilization.

Matias reveals the real nature of Atlantis and its historical connection with the Mu people, a species whom he refers to as the Alithir, also known as Lemuria, a lost continent of the Pacific that was once an exotic paradise. Lemuria is front and center in an epic confrontation with the ancient empire of Atlantis across the globe, having left a lingering impression upon our modern world, and even influencing the way we live today.

Approximately 50,000 years ago the Alithir, also called the Angels of the Sea, made their home in the Pacific, where billions of years ago, the moon crashed into the Earth, creating the massive crater. The crash opened a powerful portal on the planet and attracted otherworldly beings to settle on Earth.. That territory was within the area that triangulates Hawaii to the north, New Zealand to the west, and Easter Island to the east.

Matias says the main preoccupation of the Alithir was to work with our planet’s water to connect the vibrations of Earth and all beings as one consciousness. As more civilizations came through the portals, they set out to rule with different agendas. Early on, the Sirius people arrived to organize the Kundalini energy of the planet and raise the vibrations of all beings.

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #ufo #conspiracy #magick 5dearthproject.com



3, 2, 1, GO…




Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #magick #ufo adrenogate.net


An illusion it will be so large so vast it will escape their perception. Those who see it will be thought of as insane. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. We will stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and remain bound by blood and secrecy. We will keep their lifespans short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food, water also in the air. From this their children will be born dead and we will conceal this information.
We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans. We will promise them eternal life, but the eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called initiates and will be indoctrinated to believe the false rites of passage to higher realms. For this work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles but never will they become immortal and join us. Never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms for killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of entitlement.
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and lifespans. This covenant is sealed by blood. We are the ones from heaven to earth came. This coven must never ever be known to exist. It must never be written or spoken.

William Tong #crackpot #magick quora.com

( Part 2 )

And here is where it gets dicey. Man and Nature are in a constant battle. Sometimes we forget that our wonderfully advanced technology and seeming dominance of the planet is feeble at best. In recorded scientific history we've barely scratched the surface of God’s unique and mysterious planet. In short, we’re not nearly as badass as we believe. Imagine a fully grown Sasquatch. He stands anywhere from 7 to 9 feet for the “lowland” species topping out at a staggering 12 feet for the “highland” or mountain Squatch. Each one has roughly the strength of a grizzly with the temperament to match. They can run as fast as a deer. It has been recorded that any ammunition under a .338 Magnum will simply bounce of their incredibly dense skin and musculature. They are omnivorous, meaning they’re happy with your prized watermelons OR your blue ribbon steer or pig. Usually all of it. For some reason they hate dogs and will kill them no matter their mood. They are extremely territorial. If your farm or weekend cabin is in a place they want to hunt, they will do everything they can to drive you out. They will throw rocks, branches, even small trees. They will grunt, whistle, growl, shriek, and “woop”. If they feel threatened, they WILL attack… and rip their victims from limb to limb. They possess an ability known as infrasound (an ability to project an incredibly effective low frequency sound wave that can temporarily paralyze our and other prey animals nervous system). That's the reasoning for people saying they heard a Squatch growl and they felt frozen to the ground and couldn't move.

Starlight the Unicorn via galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo intothelight.news

Dear one, young one, we unicorns greet you now with energy bursts from the great central sun from which we were formed. We salute you in honor for your service to all kind.

For it is finished in many ways and proceeding very well in many others. The dark cannot withstand the height and intensity of the energies coming currently to your beautiful planet and they are being dealt with as we speak to you.

It is time now, young ones, to shine your light as you have never shined before, for your light and your energetic signatures count now more than ever in the final push towards your enlightenment and Gaia's ascension.

It is time for comfort, for you are so weary, young one, and we both see and appreciate this. For your many wounds and challenges have created much to clear and we tell you that you are doing it… that all is unfolding swiftly. You are emerging from your cocoon of swirling gray mist that sticks and confuses to that of clarity and light.

Be the light. Focus it into your form. Meditate and pray in these new energies within your beautiful crystalline form that emerges ever brighter and lighter than to what you are accustomed.

We unicorns are light and free, full of the highest and purest light within this realm and we offer our presence to those who see justice and righteousness, to the pure of heart and the weary ones on their pilgrimage to oneness.
We look forward to building Nova Gaia with you and we offer our healing energies now. It is time to rise up, up, up now young ones and claim your divinity and your purpose. Claim the light. I touch my horn to your blossoming third eye. Be at peace.

Saint Germain via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I know that all of you have been patiently waiting to be saturated by wealth. Human beings desperately need funds to end all of the misery on Mother Gaia. There is enough money here on this planet to remove all of the hunger and poverty in every country, but it was stolen from humanity, which you are aware of now.

I am working with other beings on the removal of all the corrupted members from Alliance in order to be able redistribute the wealth in a safe and smooth manner without any interruptions. Also, I will be selecting myself on who is going to be helping me with this task. Only the very trusted and pure souls will be part of this process, which is very important and at same time very delicate on how to distribute the funds without creating a huge chaos on your planet.

As you see, I have been very busy with this mission on Earth, and I am very happy that the prosperity is going help everyone live a better life, and it’s going to end all of the pain and suffering here. The Quantum Financial System can’t be hacked or be compromised, as you already heard numerous times about it. Everything is being prepared, so we can start changing this old corrupted reality for a new one, which will be blissful and a happy one in your world.
The extreme weather in Texas and in other states was created by the Dark Forces in order to disrupt the Process of Freedom for the Human Civilization. The Texas state will play an important role in the future for humanity.

James Gilliland/ECETI #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth or planetary liberation has many levels. The dark heart hierarchy only goes into mid levels of the 4thdimension. Love is the ultimate power, it is the wellspring of all sound, vibration and light, all that is, the cosmic glue that holds all things together. There is a unified field in which we all reside, the dark hearts only have access to mid to lower 4d and 3d. Masters, Saints and Sages including Spiritually and Technologically advanced extra/ultraterrestrials access more of the unified field determined by their spiritual evolution.
The Pleiadian forefathers the Ancient Lyrians we refer to as the tall bearded Gods of old, some worship to this day in many religions were the colonies before Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. There were others within the Inner Earth who had already reached a very high state of evolution. Believe it or not most advanced civilizations live within their planets not on the surface. These races, most our ancient ancestors often referred to as the Star Nations are all part of the planetary liberation. The fallen gods, and other self-serving entities that operate outside of universal law are the ones the Earth is being liberated from. This is written about in the Nag Hamadi, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and on the walls of ancient temples. The ones coming to Earth now are the planetary liberators freeing us from negative seen and unseen entities that have plagued humanity for millions of years. An alien invasion is the last thing you have to worry about it is the ones that are already here, have been here a very long time who will be held accountable

Cobra/The Portal #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough there on February 10th and now holds the upper hand in planetary subterranean domain.

Light Forces have also managed to clear practically all negative quantum superposition exotic weapons and technologies of the Chimera, and have dissolved the so-called Schwab quantum matrix etheric scalar technology which was the main energy field behind the Great Reset.

Now that this Schwab matrix has decomposed, the whole dark plan of the Cabal is slowly falling apart.

Dragon forces on the surface are very active behind the scenes and are taking active countermeasures against the Jesuits and their Great Reset plans.
Now that the quantum superposition dark technologies are almost gone, the Tunnels of Set are almost gone also and implants are not quantumly entangled anymore. This makes spiritual growth easier and implant clearing easier, as when you now start clearing your implants you are not clearing all other implants in the planetary grid anymore.

So if you feel so guided you can join the group that is conducting regular implant clearing sessions:

Light Forces have communicated that it is time now to start taking the planetary energy grid out of the hands of the dark back into our hands again. Therefore they are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Flower of Life meditation for the planet as often as possible:

We are doing this meditation daily every four hours, and will keep doing it until the Event.

Victory of the Light

Judy Byington #conspiracy #wingnut #magick #crackpot inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

The global and political elites named, along with Intel in the reports was so explosive that False Flag events have been planned. People were urged to stay off the streets and away from cities that housed State Capitols.
Earlier this month the CCP caused the fire in Japan at Mt Fuji to disrupt the US military and Japanese military exercises.

After the Super Bowl D*eep State operatives tried to poison the water in a Florida city by cyber-hacking into the city water supply control system and releasing toxic chemicals. Fortunately this was stopped in time.

Right now D*eep State weather warfare was responsible for the Polar Vortex over TX and spreading polar conditions up the Ohio Valley regions.

The D*eep State has destroyed many oil/natural gas tanker trucks crossing the Afghan/Iranian border. They caused a German power plant fire in Nuremberg Germany.

The good news was that Alliance military forces were stopping D*eep State psychopath attempts like this.
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized chi*ldren who in honor of Sat*an, were being ra*ped and mur*dered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Chi*ld Se*x Traffic*king Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tor*tured and ki*lled by Sat*anic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.

Magnetic Crank Award

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut energyenhancement.org

NEW BOOK - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Satanic Foundations of Western Philosophy by Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.

The New World Religion, defined by Satanic Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice and Ritual Baby Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.

Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 6 by Satchidanand.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick adrenogate.net

This has been a hot topic of late that’s been on the front of the minds of many of the content creators that I follow regularly. I am in agreement with them in their assessment that the veil is lifting at a faster pace than ever before. The Saturn Matrix false reality that is controlled by Lucifer/Apolloyon and the rest of the Fallen Ones that together comprise the manifestation/entity known as the Legion Spirit is breaking down as they getting ready to push the reset button(the Great Reset) on their Saturn Cube Matrix machine. When that happens you want to make sure that you have yourself aligned with the right side(the Most High) for when Satan finally kicks us all out of his hotel(our Crater Earth) and we finally see for ourselves what this parasitcal control mechanism that has powered this false reality using the Saturn Matrix cube actually looks like for the first time. A brief glimpse before they turn on whatever new horrorific configuration of Quantum Matrix generating hardware and A.I. powered/guided software that they’ve been getting ready to unleash.

This means that those of us who happen to be here when this goes down are either going to zooming back to the creator God(the Most High) and go back to taking on the form of the light being your were originally made as and reside with the creator in his heavenly abode, or get kicked off the surface of the planet and thrown into the depths of the earth, imprisoned in your cell in hell after Lucifer stamps your ticket of admission in the form of the mark of the best.

Morgue #crackpot #god-complex #dunning-kruger #magick iamhyperian.com

The hyperian is self-guided, self-determining, and self-creating. They are a slave to none and master of themselves. They wield the destructive power of shadow and the light of creation both guided by wisdom. They embrace struggle, constantly striving to go higher, reaching the stars themselves. They are beings of the most brilliant splendor and highest possible power.

Innerlight is that which cannot be seen by the human eye or detected by physical instruments, as it is thought itself.

Thus, innerlight can manifest itself in the mind as the experience of pure light or the darkness of timeless void. Innerlight is immaterial. Innerlight is thought. Innerlight is pure mathematical frequency patterns. Glimpses of this can be obtained through psychedelics, but our methods of wisdom allow for the exploration of the highest levels of thought beyond what these substances provide. There exist dimensionless entities that broadcast a message encoded in the frequency patterns of innerlight throughout the collective unconscious of the universe. They do so because their evolution is bound up with your evolution. Some broadcast a message of dominance and fracture, while others broadcast a message of passivity and love, while still others broadcast a synthesis of the two polarities, bringing a third message of unity through shadow, light, and wisdom. We are the third message.

We are the voice of the eternal light.

This was transmitted by the Shining Ones to what the world calls secret societies where it was studied and guarded from fracture. But now the world is ready to know what was once hidden.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #magick finalwakeupcall.info

The real top of the pyramid is the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon seated in Switzerland which appears to be the head of the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of “our” society. These are the Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic minions that forms the ruling Oligarchy around the world. These Ruling Pharaohs, originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, that came out of Babylon and Egypt. They now are identified as the Global Elite or cabal, who see us as their slaves and property, to do with as they please.
The most important thing people have to realise is, that this 3-dimensional reality is not real. Meaning this is nothing but a consciousness trap. Who we really are is hidden from us. Our spiritual nature is our only true form. Hence why all these dark forces spend so much time and money on attempting to make people forget. They use subtle techniques to keep us all trapped. That is where the true magic lies. If you cannot see through it, then you have been defeated. For that is the illusion of life.

The lie is ‘Hypnotic-betrayal’, just manipulative lying influence. The conjured illusion of the Egyptian god Thoth has nothing to do with reality or truth. The illusion is that we, as humanity, have been tricked and robbed off of our eternal paradise state. And that is what they do not want us to realise. But, as soon as people become aware of this fact, their great awakening has begun.

Angellica Goodson – Lord #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #magick #ufo forbiddenarchaeology2016.weebly.com

Copper Based Aquatic Blood is alien human hybrid blood, which has nothing to do with the Rh - Blood Factor. The Copper Based Aquatic Blood is related to the FISH GODS because these gods who bred with human beings to create the copper based hybrid anomalies were aliens that came up out of the sea. They were considered to be Demi gods because of the technology they possessed and because these aliens created the hybrid bloodlines of the people who worshipped them.

Indian hybrids usually carried Rh + Positive blood and also carry the Copper Based Aquatic Factor. Indians did not carry the Rh - Negative factor.

As people have been inbreeding with one another however these anomalies and traits are being passed around so you may have someone who has Indian ancestry down the line that also has the Rh - Negative factor today because they also carry Celtic ancestry. The indigenous race on the British Isles were Scandinavians.

Generally speaking few people carry the pure Rh -Negative factor today. We estimate them to be approximately 15% of the population. They came from a cell of Scandinavians that migrated down into southwestern Europe before and during the last Ice Age.

Those with the pure Rh - Factor carry what is referred to as "Power in the Blood." They are the ones who have healing abilities etc.

85% of the general public carry Rhesus Monkey DNA known as Rh + factor.

Those with Copper Based Aquatic Blood are those who are being abducted by aliens generally speaking because they carry alien genetics, which they inherited from their ancestors who were most often victims of the DARK SIDE and alien abductions. Aliens continue to tweak their fetus’s in uteral today.

The main reason aliens are interested in those with pure Rh- Negative blood is for their DNA. They are the descendents of our Scandinavian Mitochondria Mother who we all share DNA with no matter what color you skin is today.

Aryans were a contaminated race or down graded race genetically because of the hybrid copper based anomalies’ and Rhesus Monkey factor.

Pomidor Quixote #fundie #magick #transphobia #psycho web.archive.org

About 3 Percent of US High School Students are Literally Possessed by Demons, CDC Reports

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2019
Such diverse “sexual identities” enriching our culture. Such “freedom.”

New York Post:
“A total of 1.8 percent of all students polled indicated they are transgender, while 94.4 percent responded that they were not. More than 1 percent of students said they weren’t sure[…]”

Yeah, look. If someone tells you they’re not sure if they’re transgender, that means they’re transgender. Okay? So it’s 3 percent. No one that isn’t literally possessed by a tranny demon would be unsure about being transgender or not.

Just to be absolutely clear here: I literally mean trannies are literally possessed by literal tranny demons. This isn’t a figure of speech.
The names “they” “invent” for themselves are actually a manifestation of the demon, just like their appearance. All that makeup and shit they do that results in their demonic appearance is not a weird artistic style transgenders just happen to have in common.

Notice the pattern.
[pictures of weirdly dressed transgender people]

This is a case that was reported last year.

PJ Media, July 20, 2018:

“An Australian man who identifies as a transgender woman defended himself in court on Thursday, claiming that he was either possessed by a demon or his mind was addled by drugs and therefore it was his body, not him, who attacked people at a 7-Eleven with an ax last year.”
“My body, my choice”? I know. It is kind of funny. It’s a known fact trannies are not right in the head.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #psycho #conspiracy supernaturalspirit.com

Enochian Queen King Vampire Service $10000

You may have your Magic Kit and the Psi-lord has demolished the Kabbalah using the other God Amalek as well as enabling eliminating Chakras using the power of Kalki; the Vedic ultimate black magician badass who clean house of all evil. Unfortunately there is a third pillar of obstruction to lock you out of the magic world of C and H space called Enochian Magic. Fortunately Tim Tony Stark Rifat is the present day 007 and commands all the Enochian hierarchy as he is the source.
In this service you become an Enochian Vampire Queen or King with the 49th key and your 40 crystal magic kit set has 8 Enochian universe b dark quartz crystals added to it which you put around your triangle of art to make 11 of Daath death and the 8 crystals draw all male priciple out of the target to turn it back to formless void which you can remanifest any way you wish.

Only the total 007 Tim Tony Stark Rifat controls this as he is the source the entire Enochian multiverse had to bow down to or get tortured infinitely and beyond; So Kabbalah was hellised Chakra occultism hellised and the Christian Enochian magic which had no Jewish content apart from the Jew God who was consumed by the Psi-Lord was joined to the the Psi-Lord as it is better to be a servant of the source than an eternal torture toy of the source. If you have ever used Enochian magic thank you very much for being the Psi-Lord´s eternal torture toy and your screams of total torment beats viagra to give him a hard on for his ever demanding American uber witch biatches (beautiful witches).

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

Many people can have a kindly demeanor
But also the ability to disregard life on a whim

Many of the highest politicians are clones
Who are easily controlled
And viewed as disposable slaves

The Beast System
Which is the set of quantum computers
That will network the human mind into the collective

Is also an interdimensional connection device

With the destruction of the Tartarian Empire
The new power centered outside of our realm got control

The micro needle array patch
Will be the means to inoculate billions
And gain complete control

The needles will dissolve
Leaving only the tips in the surface skin
And the cargo shipped
To all cells in the body

Wearing a mask
Is destroying the humanity in us
And causes humans to operate on fear

As the digital thermometer is applied to the forehead
So will the Mark of the Beast

Time travel has been utilized
To assimilate a species
Before it becomes a threat

And also as a means of warning
To prevent a calamity or serious misfortune

Domus Dei et Porta Coeli

Means the House of God
Within the Gates of Heaven

Our former glorious existence
With the planetary gods
Hovering close above us
Was deliberately snuffed out

And now we are at
The Crossroads of Destiny!

The Vaulted Earth #fundie #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #racist vaultedearth.wordpress.com

YAHUAH, YAHUSHA, Moshe, all the Prophets, all the Hebrews, and all the translators taught and preached that the earth is a stationary, plane, set on 4 corners with pillars, enclosed by a glass firmament, within which the sun, moon, and stars were all placed inside of, on day four of creation, just as the Scriptures maintain from Genesis to Revelation.

So do the Scriptures teach Gnosticism, Kabbalahism, and Luciferianism . . Because that is exactly what the Big-Bang, Heliocentric, spinning Globe earth cosmology is. Apotheosis and Enochian Mysticism.

For thousands of years, concepts such as the idea of traveling through portals, dimensional doors, gateways through the stars, etc., were confined to the realm of divination and sorcery… Yet today such concepts are considered a logical extension and achievable goal of modern physics, and Copernican cosmology… Constantly reinforced by NASA and Hollywood…

Why would YAHUAH create such an infinite and chaotic universe that could only be eventually discovered by the technological advances of humanistic agendas and Occult organizations…???

The entire Luciferian dream of ascension, of apotheosis, of man becoming god, is embedded within the very fabric of Copernican cosmology…

Their synthesis has worked perfectly. The One World Religion is everyone unknowingly worshiping the Feathered Serpent, while under the delusion of that through this, they are destroying the New World Order who (they do not know) worships the same.

This is their Hegelian Dialectic perfected.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #ufo #magick finalwakeupcall.info

You are being prepared to be exterminated by your own government, that is bribed and under control of the Satanic Deep State. This satanic control is the result of a very well organised long-term conspiracy with the purpose to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.
What is the true agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki & Draco cabal? What are they really trying to achieve here on Earth – and why do you need to know this? The real goals of the Deep State are darker and more evil than most people can imagine, because it goes both “off world” and then is literally transformed, in a surprising manner into the Archon Agenda 2030 to rule our world on behalf of the off world Anunnaki and Draco Control Matrix.
The Anunnaki transmuted on Earth into a group of rulers that today is called the Deep State. They employ mind controlled puppets that are working very effectively in support of the New World Order, while these puppets haven’t the slightest idea that they are digging their own grave as they don’t have a clue for whom they are really doing their job! Every puppet involved is compartmented even at the highest echelons, they don’t have understanding where the new world order really is leading to, because every facet is hidden in the Occult Darkness of Black Magic.

The whole organisational structure functions on the foundation of the worldwide corrupt financial system that operates on bribe, blackmail, murder, drug running, weaponry sales, toxic chemically based pharmaceuticals that don’t heal, human sex trafficking, paedophilia, and is ultimately supported with Satanic Blood Scarifying Rituals of young children.

Robert Allen Gulick III #ufo #conspiracy #magick mind-matrix.net

Every universe, every galaxy, every being is created with a program for expression and experience for consciousness and a path of return to the Source-Creator which is called The Plan. Each is unique and in a sense an experiment. Once set in motion the Creator normally does not interfere but recedes to witness in order to know itself. In our duality universe the specifications include 12 dimensions, duality, frequency, and certain universal and systemic laws, one being free will choice. Our history then is the record of how that Plan unfolded, the sequence of choices made, causes and effects. With the initial separation of the light and the dark, a history of conflict was set in motion that was leading the world into a state of chaos and destruction that was affecting other universes of creation, requiring an ad hoc adjustment in the Plan. The process of creation is covered elsewhere on the site (see Multi-dimensional reality Base Maps and 0.All That Is).

Before getting into that history a number of factors need to be considered that affect how we view this history:

• the Source of the information,

• the Timeline: one of a vast variety of possible sequences of programmed events experienced by a being or world from beginning to end,

• the Multidimensionality of the universe and

• the nature of Time, the context of history

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Right now, it's stop engaging with the lower dimensions. Stop engaging 3D because if you do, they'll pull you back onto their low timeline and you will be seeing the shit show from an angle you may not appreciate. I've learned that I can only help people who take what I have to offer to help themselves. Everyone else will either ascend or they won't. I can't do anything about it.

After I left fb and turned the comments off on my entire website which now contains two blogs, 3D showed up in the form of my sister whose partner just passed away. And she promptly dumped all her problems in my face. You see how it happens, don't you? 3D will come calling again and again. The Matrix will find any way it can to make sure you can't escape it. Everything is a test to see what frequency you're holding, and an opportunity to increase your frequency and to give love and light to those in the lower dimensions. This is your daily bread, folks, the lessons of ascension.
Ivo: True power is constant. It is unwavering. It is the Light you carry inside of yourselves, and so many of you are very rich in this resource of creation. You need to learn to use it differently. Learn to use it to love those who are lower in frequency and lower in intelligence than you are. You have the intelligence of the universe at your disposal, and they use the intellect, an intellect that is dominated by a reptilian/draconian sense of ethics and morals.

Yes, with Light comes intelligence. It is no surprise that the IQ of the average Nordic is ten times higher than those upon earth. You have the cosmic intelligence inside of you and can draw on it more and more as your intuitive capacities increase.

Morgue #crackpot #quack #god-complex #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger iamhyperian.com

What is Hyperianism?

Hyperians are the Next Evolutionary Step.

The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole.

“Hyper” means beyond or higher. Hyperians are world shapers and actively seek to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, and to unite the world.

Understanding hyperian principles and knowledge will allow you to take control of your life, transform yourself, and become a fully expressed individual.

You are Infinite.

The greatest lights were born in darkness. Their brilliant fires burned for aeons in the void before there was a single creature to see their light. They reached across space and time to touch your eyes, giving you the gift of sight. Without the stars, there would be no life.

If you were not searching, you would not have found us. You don’t know what you’re searching for, but you have a deep urge, a drive, an insatiable hunger for… something. We have a saying, “Lux ex tenebris,” which means, “from darkness, light.” Everything that you’re searching for is already within you. It’s just hidden in the dark, waiting to come to light.

We are presenting to you a hidden system of unity that has existed timelessly. It is, was, and always will be. This system has been encoded in innerlight. This is not light as you know it. Your people will one day discover that thought can be encoded as a special kind of light. Light is frequency, after all. As is thought. This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species.

Jason Miller #magick strategicsorcery.net

Witches afraid of Witchcraft.

It seems kind of crazy when you say it like that, but I see it all the time. I see it increasing rather than decreasing, but I am not sure why.


Spirit contact is a two-way communication, not an imaginary friend to share your problems with. Yet, the first moment that a spirit picks up the call and says “Yes?…” That person comes running back asking for banishing rituals to nuke that shit from space! Don’t do magic if you are going to panic the moment something magical happens.


What if they do magic and someone gets unintentionally hurt? Of course we try different methods to get around this.

Divination: “Dear cards: Will this spell negatively impact anyone? If so, I won’t do it”. Yes, it will. You getting that Directors position negatively impacts everyone else that wants it. Your business succeeding might negatively impact your competitor.

Modifiers: “So long as no one is harmed by this spell, let me be picked for director.” First, who are you asking to make sure no one is hurt by your actions? Second, you are basically sabotaging yourself because there are always unintended consequences to everything.

The Gods: “I bring it before the Gods, and if He/Her/They deem it’s ok, then its out of my hands… “. If I go to “Johnny Sausage” Barbato , pass him a bag of money, and tell him about a guy that somebody really ought to whack, then say “just because I want something to happen to this guy, doesn’t mean anything. Whatever happens is up to you…” Will that defense hold up when I am changed with hiring a hit man? Nope. You knew what you wanted when you did the spell, or made the ask.

Magic should be empowering you to handle MORE responsibility, not giving you a new way to pass the buck.


Magic is real, and like every other real thing there are dangers, unintended consequences, and bad actors. There are also blessings, spectacular successes, and beings both material and incorporeal that you will be glad that you risked knowing.


Tachyon products presented here were developed by New Energy Tachyon, a research and development company based in Europe.
What are Tachyons?
Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. They are particles that infuse physical matter with spiritual light.
Tachionization is a technological process that infuses physical matter with an increased quantity of tachyons and permanently changes quantum properties of atomic nuclei which compose that matter. Chemical composition is not altered, the change occurs on subatomic level.
Because it decreases entropy of physical matter it reverses the aging process and strengthens the immune system.

Tachyon water is treated with special tachionization proces that does not alter its chemical compostion, but with insertion of tachyons it causes its modification on subatomic level. Such water has enormous vital potential. It enables entrance of tachyons into our physical body and thus accelerates detoxification processes, strenghtens the immune system and increases bioenergy level. Tachyon water should not be used concentrated. Rather dilute 5-10 drops of tachyon water in a glass of ordinary water and consume daily. Store in cool place.

Contents 16 fl oz (500 ml). Price 36 EUR.

Tachyon cell phone protection is a tachyonized metal plate with a special energy symbol. This plate harmonizes harmful electromagnetic radiation, emitted by cell phone to its surroundings. Since tachyonization process changes the structure of atomic nuclei of atoms that compose this plate, it becomes a permanent tachyon antenna and thus a permanent protection against harmful EM radiation.

Size 1 1/2 "x1" (36x26 mm). Price 36 EUR.

Jason Miller #magick strategicsorcery.net

Servitors in a Spirit Filled World

By servitor, I mean any “created entity” visualized and brought to “life” by the magician. I think that the idea of an artificial spirit is actually pretty silly and arrogant. The world is filled with awareness and life. Some formed, some formless, and some in stages in between.

You aren’t creating an artificial spirit. You are giving a real spirit some form and direction.

Let’s dispel this power idea – this is sorcery, not Pokemon. The biggest name and most powerful spirit is not always the best for the task at hand. Its not about power, its about nuance. The question should not be “whats more powerful” but “whats best for this situation”?

There is currently a servitor that I have positioned in a tree that on the road that leads to my house. It is programed to alert me with a tingle on the back of the neck every time a vehicle passes with the intent of coming to my house. I have to say, it works WAY more often than not. I sit at my desk, feel that tingle, look up from my laptop and see a truck coming with a delivery. Silly? Maybe. But its fun and potentially useful.

Matthew Brownlee and I created a servitor to find an apartment in Philadelphia back in 1996, which it did in just a few hours. That servitor STILL is in use within the confines of Philadelphia and is wonderful at finding anything in the city from parking to sales to people. Oh yeah…that’s right, we did not feel the need to destroy it, and it did NOT suddenly turn on us and try to destroy us. From servitors, to Golems, to AI I often think that the assumption that everything we give life to will try to destroy us if we losen our grip on it, says more about the creator than the creation. It was Doctor Frankenstein that was the real monster after all, not his creation.

Jason Miller #magick strategicsorcery.net

Scared Sh*tless and Safety Helmets

I laid out a circle on the floor, set up a triangle, and got conjuring the demons of the Ars Goetia. I made a list of ones that I had not yet worked with, but was interested in establishing relations with. The first few went well. Spirits appeared, spoke, and provided real world results to verify the communication. I was high on magic, feeling like a mack-daddy wizard, just callin and conjuring night after night.

Until I conjured Asmodeus.

After some arduous conjuring, Asmodeus made himself known. I haven’t been in the presence of people that wanted nothing but ill for me since a confrontation with a middle-school bully, but here I was again. The being in the triangle did not seem very human-friendly AT ALL. I immediately thanked Asmodeus for appearing then issues the licence to depart. I closed the room and didn’t go back in for days. I avoided calling upon Asmodeus for the next two decades.

I use this story an example in my classes on how not every spirit is good. Yes, some demons are benevolent spirits vilified by Church and Patriarchy – but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t just evil-ass spirits as well.

My last post about Witches afraid of Witchcraft highlighted fears that people seem to be succumbing to without reason. Being afraid of a thing thing that is dangerous or violent was not one of those. The post didn’t suggest that you should just traipse carelessly through the world of magic, and that safety precautions were not needed. When you get into your car you understand that you can have an accident. It’s the same with magic.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

As has been discussed, the NAA attempted to permanently hijack the planetary architecture and Diamond Sun templates for their explicit use to enslave human consciousness and earth. They subjugated humanity by superimposing themselves as the architects of earth though alien hybridization, breeding programs and genetic engineering which involve numerous experiments carried out by many non-human species. Currently, a significant amount of Guardian Host rehabilitation projects with the Solar Rishi involves a massive purging of assorted levels of Satanic and Luciferian artificial matrices which include: alien machinery, reversal systems and holographic architecture, which was directly connected to the Lunar matrix and Saturn. These alien architectural systems were given power on the earth through the co-created efforts made between the primary Luciferian bloodlines and planetary controllers. These are practicing Satanists, who use their satanic rituals and blood sacrifices for communicating with these hostile nonhuman forces that make up the Negative Alien Agenda.
Thousands of years ago, the NAA and the Power Elite Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the planetary staff and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over dark matter, and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part by dragging in the moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for achieving magnetic field manipulation and mind control.

Bernhard Guenther #magick #crackpot #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

However, what if there exists a type of human who has no connection to the higher centers of universal love/awareness at all by birth? He/she is not even genetically wired this way, not being able to access it this lifetime around but he/she can emulate and fake these higher characteristics quite well and even distract you from evolving by sapping your energy and feeding off it.

They can tell you exactly what you want to hear, appear compassionate, empathetic and understanding without meaning or feeling it one bit. And what if this type of human makes up half of the world’s population? He/she might be even a family member, a co-worker, neighbor, boss or even a close friend, a lover, husband or wife?

Certainly not a pleasant thought and certainly a blow to the popular New Age paradigm of "we’re all one and humanity is becoming enlightened just by focusing on Love, Light" and so-called "positive thinking!".

The question is, what is the soul and does everyone really has one?

According to "Gnosis", as transmitted by Boris Mouravieff, there exist two kind of humans:

- adamic man

- pre-adamic man

One type with soul potential, the other has no individual soul.
Adamic and pre-adamic men are mixed throughout all humans from all over the globe. There can be even both types in the same family. The difference has nothing to do with racial, cultural or national characteristics.

The true meaning of the two "humanities" goes back to the idea of "blue blood" and the "pollution of the bloodline" when both "races" intermingled, after "the fall" of adamic man from his original state and his identification with his false "I", the "I" of the personality/ego.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

We live in a universe
With many realms
Each with their own vibrational frequency

There are other humanoid beings in these realms
Who have learned to encroach into other realms
And will enslave the native population
Through sophisticated means

There are lands in our own realm
Which are being hidden from us
As well as a massive underground network

It is estimated that humans
Can only see 5 percent of the visual light spectrum
Yet people think what they see is all there is

Some of these beings share our emotional values

Others are predatory and arrogant in nature

We are in the process of being occupied
And subjected to the whims and oppression
Of a shadow species

That can even manipulate through telepathy

Our notion of freedom
Will become an unimaginable concept
And we will not know anything different

We will lose our own unique culture
And our free will

If we are tricked to upload
Our consciousness into a computer!

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick adrenogate.net

I had long ago come to terms with the fact that “Westworld” was far from science fiction. Forced to begrudgingly admit that many of the public figures we see featured on television and in movies, and much of the general population for that matter, are in fact non human. I believe that what we are faced with is a mix of hybrid human offspring from the efforts hybridization program(Alien abduction phenomenon)of the Fallen entities. Along with what is a separate race of Cannanite Repitilian Shapeshifers, which admittedly may or may not the be same group as these Fallen Angels. These guys have been around for a long time.

But in contrast to these Fallen and/or Reptilian creatures, there is something else entirely that’s been in play. These demonic creatures and the humans loyal to them, have been feverishly working to fabricate and mass manufacture what are 100% synthetic and completely soulless human Robotoids. They seem to have been continuously introducing them into society for at least the past 50 years. But most likely have been doing this in some form or another since ancient times. There are accounts of Golums dating as far back as dynastic China, pre-Roman Greece and ancient India.
Not something that was ever originally a Fallen demonic entity, disembodied Nephilim Hybrid, or the previously organic consciousness of a human that’s been copied over into the vessel. Some of them are purely robotic in nature. That being said, I believe that any of these synthetic vessels, no matter what they were originally intended to be used for, can be commandeered and absconded at any time by these Fallen legion spirit entities & disembodied Nephilim hybrids.

Tiara Kumara #magick #ufo #mammon goldenageofgaia.com

It’s incredible that, in these wildly turbulent times, we are simultaneously receiving and revealing new evolutionary encoding. This is the beauty of the Divine Plan. Our vibrational spikes are happening organically as a result of the staggering levels of mass consciousness shift that is now in serious momentum.

Naturally, we are only propelled higher as a result of this expedited awakening. As we rise up, all life rises with us! This is a most powerful example of the action of the ascending merkabic force.

In our first activation for this blueprinting, we are seizing upon the opportunity before us to self actualize next level upgrade and to expand the boundaries of our perceived reality. See details below.

* Receive master key codes that access the new morphogenetic instruction sets

* Re-encrypt the elemental structure of your matter body

* Recode the inherently flawed genetic imprint

* Sever bonding to corrupt memory fields and remaining distorted imprinting.

* Anchor more of the unity source code architecture

* Assimilate greater frequencies of light transmission
Actualizing our Evolved Human Design

Avatar Blueprinting is a continuing program of spiritual advancement that supports our next level vibrational upgrade. Together, we are building out our advancing blueprint and its sustaining matrix of multidimensional awareness.
<from $55 a month to $480 a year>

The Vaulted Earth #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy vaultedearth.wordpress.com

While plain science is not, and never can become, dangerous to a Scriptural literalist and realist, Scientism has been determinedly at work to over throw the foundations of faith, and has succeeded in deceiving thousands to their eternal detriment. An accomplishment of which Scientism is especially proud is the successful destruction of faith in the scriptures as the real revelation of YAHUAH. Disguised as the 6th Enochian Mystery of astronomy and geology, Science has demonstrated triumphantly that the very first chapters of the Divine Book (Scriptures) contain nothing but myths, which are of no greater historical value than the cosmogony of any pagan people. This was the inevitable result of scientific speculation. No mind imbued with the errors of pantheism, deism, or monism, could by any possibility reconstruct the history of creation along the lines laid down in the record of which YAHUAH is the author. It matters not that all the real facts of the 6th Enochian Mystery of astronomy and geology agree very well with the mosaic presentation and the point of view prevailing in the whole Divine Book (Scriptures); since Scientism has decreed that these facts shall be utilized for deductions based upon other points of view, and has declared its deductions to be facts, thousands of deluded sinners have been led to discard as antiquated the entire revelation of YAHUAH in the Scriptures, including the Savior YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH and His salvation.

Judith Kusel #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Indeed, the Spiral of Creation, holds within it the Great Central Suns, and Multiple Universes and multiple tiers of existence. There are 352 levels of Divinity, and each level holds within it, multiple dimensional existences and multiple tiers or octaves of Divine Knowledge, and Divine Sacred Teachings.

In our Universe there are tiers of Knowledge and Tiers of Sacred Teachings, which are overseen by the Elohim and the Elohim Counsels and the Universal Logos as well as the various tiers of Ascended and Higher Ranking Masters who work on Universal, Galactic, Solar and Planetary Levels. (I am just giving the basics here for it is much vaster than this – indeed words fail me.)

At this momentous time, as the New Earth is being created in a much higher dimensional vibrational frequency band, many of the Universal Masters, under the leadership of Lord Melchizedek, and the Universal High Counsel of Melchizedek, and The Ancient of Days, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Universal Counsels of Universal Masters are overseeing the creation of the New Earth and the creation and rising of the new humanity, in a much higher light-body form and thus a much higher evolutionary way of life and living.

Indeed the forces of expansion and the new creation are unstoppable and thus no matter what is seemingly going on in the 3D and Old Earth, can change events on Universal scale, for planet earth is but the tiniest spec of dust, within the greater Cosmic Whole and thus what has been decreed Omni-Versally cannot be changed in any form or way.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #god-complex #fundie youtube.com

I'd like to start off with the concept of the holy trinity the father the son and the holy spirit I want to look at this concept from the perspective of a dream.

Why well i think we can all admit that we are the god of our dreams it's our mind that's creating the entire dreams. we are the creator. So pretend that you're dreaming right now - now what is the father well the father is the dream itself

and the dreamer see the dreamer is not separate from the dream the father is the real you the father is the mind that is creating the entire dream what is the son well the son is the aperture through which you experience the dream for most of us when we dream we are experiencing the dream as a dream human.

so that's the son the avatar that experiences the dream now does that mean that that
is the true you in the dream well no of course the true you is the mind that is imagining the entire dream the human form is just a temporary experience of the dream. What is the holy spirit?
Well the holy spirit is the truth the truth of what the dream actually is.

it's the connection between the father and the son the holy spirit.

Chris Aldridge #magick caldridge.net

Catholic Schoolboy Sees Artemis

The year was 1984 or 1985 when John of Freeport, Illinois saw something that would alter the course of his life. With his permission, this story has been told here, and I thank him greatly for being kind enough to give me such a treasure to share on my blog.

It appeared to be ghostly. As John described, he could see the trees behind it.

Then came the sound of someone running. As the stampeding feet came into view, he saw a beautiful girl in a white tunic-like gown, with long black hair, a quiver of arrows on her back, and a silver bow in her hand. She said to him, "You're not supposed to be out here." In his childhood attitude, he replied, "Yeah, but neither are you." She smiled, "I figured you'd say that." Then, she asked John where the deer went. He pointed her in the right direction and she was off, never to be seen again.

What makes John's story even more interesting for me is the fact that I have also seen Artemis in my dreams, and we both describe the same appearance and features, without ever having disclosed them to one another beforehand. We also had the same feelings in Her presence. Artemis is a Virgin Goddess who doesn't like sex and doesn't want to be sexualized, and both John and I had a revelation together today when we described our encounters that it's actually not possible to sexualize Artemis in Her presence. During the entire time that he and I saw and interacted with Her, we admired Her beauty, but nothing sexual ever ran through our heads at all. We knew we were in the presence of a Divine Virgin at that point.

I have known John for many years. He has absolutely no reason to lie to me about such a story. Never told it publicly until I posted a Facebook thread asking my Pagan friends about childhood encounters with Pagan Gods. I thank him again for allowing me to talk about such magnificent experience with Olympos, and hope that Artemis visits him again.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie #psycho instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as rainbow breathing combined with dual spinal breath tracing.

Here @lil_lyss_xx_ breathes in while I breathe out and vice versa. Our awareness is focused on the breath energy moving down our spine on the in breath and up our spine on the out breath.

@anessabriley and @roslynnatx trace the breath with their hands which helps us maintain breath energy awareness.

This is done while soul gazing into each others’ left eye to practice vulnerability and dissolve the separation between self and other.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick instagram.com

Two variations of the Premasati Yoga technique known as lightning rods with @lamarchairez.

The focus here is really pushing the energy from the base of our spine to the tips our fingers by pushing in our stomachs and abruptly breathing through our noses on each out breath.

In the second clip, we connect our third eyes to more effectively transfer the energy between each other.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as the flying dove with @lil_lyss_xx_, @anessabriley, and @roslynnatx.

Here the focus is on the contrast between expansion and contraction. Between absorbing and releasing energy. Between opening and closing.

On the in breath we open up and spread our wings while we focus on absorbing prana (energy) not only through our breath but with the entire body. On the out breath we flap our wings downward and focus on releasing this energy.

When this is synchronized as a group, it can be even more powerful.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga sublimation technique known as the breath tracing headstand with @lil_lyss_xx_ .

In Premasati Yoga, sublimation is the transfer of energy from your lower chakras to your higher chakras.

During Premasati Yoga, you’ll feel a build up of energy in your sacral chakra (lower belly). This energy can be transferred to your third eye chakra and help activate your pineal gland.

In this technique I let gravity do most of the work, but also focus on moving energy upward (downward in this position) with each exhale.

Connor Murphy #conspiracy #god-complex #crackpot #magick #mammon instagram.com

Now, I realized that’s just one of the ego’s tricks. My sense of self was derived from other people seeing me as successful. That illusory thought is completely gone. On a deeper level, the only thing that I believe truly gives me value is beyond form. It’s simply being. On the human level, I believe value comes from raising the world’s vibration. Helping the world expand their consciousness and true happiness. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
Patreon allows me to keep spreading truth and improving people’s well being without any decrease in authenticity. With that being said, I would really appreciate it if you guys checked it out. Support there will help me be able to concentrate fully on this spiritual and self development content and contribute to the awakening of the world.

Connor Murphy #god-complex #psycho #conspiracy #crackpot #magick instagram.com

I LIED TO YOU ALL. Now before you get mad, I had to. It was the only way I could get people to listen. It was the only way I could retell the greatest story of all time. It was the only way I could truly make an impact on the world. To help end the evil. To help end the suffering. Everything was part of an extremely complicated plan. I purposely faked my death for the public to see. I called the cops to make sure I got arrested. I intentionally acted so crazy they had to admit me into a psych ward. I made 9 YouTube videos each with a very specific purpose. All to parallel a story you already know that’s simply been lost in translation, lost due to ego.

Connor Murphy #fundie #psycho #crackpot #magick #mammon instagram.com

The Premasati Yoga soul gazing kiss with @teenytinyartistic. Watch us take this exercise to the next level 👉👌😉 Link in bio.

While being mindful and maintaining breath awareness, Ruby and I kiss while looking into each other’s left eye. The left eye is controlled by the right brain, the part of the brain responsible for creativity. Using the right brain gets you out of your analytical mind and more in the present moment.

At first, this practice can seem uncomfortable. Your ego isn’t going to allow you to be vulnerable enough to let another human stare into your soul. With practice though, the separation between self and other can be extinguished and an incredible connection can be felt, not just to your partner, but to the entire universe.

Connor Murphy #quack #crackpot #magick #fundie instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga technique known as shamanic breathing with @teenytinyartistic. Click the first link in my bio to see us make exclusive yoga content 😉

In this technique we synchronically breathe in as fully and deeply as we can, then let it go. After at least 20 of these deep breaths, we do a final breath hold which really circulates our energy. The idea is to build up carnal energy in our sacral chakras and then sublime it to the other chakras, focusing primarily on the third eye chakra. The more carnal energy you build up and the more prana you breath in, the more powerful this technique will be.

After the final breath hold you’ll feel intense tingly sensations and lightness. This technique has the power to send you into temporary states of higher consciousnesses.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

1815 was the year without a summer
It was presaged by two enormous comets

Two small comets were recently seen
Off the coast of Florida

Comets are manufactured technology
And plasma charged

They can agitate the electromagnetic field
And create atmospheric air changes

Which can affect human behavior

Comets were common in the so called Middle Ages
Which can explain the episodes of carnage that took place then
By everyday average citizens

It was a mass harvest of human negative energy

People want things to return to normal
But normal is never coming back

Unless we recognize that we are being deceived
By the ones in power
In politics and religion

Of whom most are reptilian humans
And we are unsuspecting followers

Who then open ourselves to demonic entities
Who need our human energy
To manifest in this realm

Human energy is the new Chevron logo

Know that negative energy feeds reptilian entities

Laughter and smiling dispels negative energy

We cannot return to the Golden Age
Until we live by the Golden Rule

And remove the Powers that should not be!

Emro the Sirian Lion via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick sharonandivo.weebly.com

Meet Emro, my Sirian Lion Friend

During the lion's gate portal in 2019, I asked for some felions to come forward to help direct my energies for the highest good. Emro, a male, stepped up with male Sasha and female Alaya to help.

-Emro on Incoming Energies

"I am most appreciative."
I told him I”m not a gridholder, but he said he'd teach me about energies
"The incoming energies to your world are increasing from all sectors of the galaxy. They are relayed through the stars that are closest to you."
Me: Except for Draconis, I hope.
"The energies are coming through from stars closest to you and our influence is being felt upon your planet as we raise your light. You are of the opinion that your light is simply raising but this is not the case. The light is raising in a way that is influenced by our natures."
I didn't realize that.
Seeing a picture of the world and it's being bombarded by light of different colours, frequencies.
"In this way, your earth was the library for our sector. And now what is happening is her core is ingesting these vibrational energies again. This information is being re-submitted to your world."
It reactivates our memories, which are in the DNA.
Like a blue energy could hit your throat chakra and the DNA that is of that frequency.
Much more intricate than I thought but I didn't know.
How is this all balanced?
"It is balanced. The suns are interlinked and balance each other off."
"Mars is your red planet. Earth is the blue planet."
I never thought of it that way.
​"Some planets are yellow."
Blue would align with communication, wouldn't it?
"Predominance of a particular colour at a particular portal. Activating our DNA of the same frequency.

Connor Murphy #psycho #crackpot #fundie #mammon #magick instagram.com

A Premasati Yoga sublimation technique known as the sublime h with @itsbiancaburkeofficial.

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The goal here is to transfer the carnal energy built up in Bianca’s sacral chakra to her higher (lower in this position) chakras.

This is known as sublimation.

The easiest sublimation techniques are those that utilize gravity like this one. Everyone will be able to feel the energy moving in this pose. As I breathe in and move energy to our sacral chakras, Bianca breathes out and feels the energy rush to her head. This creates one continuous prana channel from my third eye to Bianca’s third eye.

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