
Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is strip #29 in the “Down the Rabbi Hole” series (July 7, 2024), most of which appear to be inspired by the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


Panels 1-2: Trans man card person with “he/him” button approaches gender clinic. They’re the four of melons. Tats has previously portrayed female card persons as being of the melons suit - the male ones have the normal hearts/clubs/spades/diamonds. This card person was portrayed in a previous strip¹ as emerging from the clinic “post-surgery”.

Panels 3-4: “Alice” (Year Person 2024) appears out of nowhere and does a timey-wimey thing.

Panel 5: Future vision starts. Trans man card person no longer has a suit or number, has a red gash with stitches across their upper card face, and an eggplant emoji stitched to their lower card face. This is how he was portrayed after emerging from the clinic in the aforementioned previous strip.

Panels 6-10: Trans man card injects testosterone, becomes horrified at the balding hairline and beard, becomes jealous of a pregnant woman, and has a big sad at what he has become.

Panels 11-12: Future vision ends. Trans man card person hesitates in front of clinic.

Panel 13: Clinic shown to have four stained glass windows: A king and a unicorn, a queen and a genderbread person², a jack and a scissors, a joker with a scalpel and a syringe. (The king and queen windows appeared previously.) Trans man card person discards “he/him” button and leaves. “Alice” leaves in the opposite direction.

¹Seen here in Down the Rabbi Hole #16: https://sinfest.xyz/view.php?date=2024-06-24
²Explanation of genderbread person here: https://www.samkillermann.com/work/genderbread-person/

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 16, 2024: Anti-Semitism Awareness Act”]


spoilerPanel 1: Squigley says that “They're making it illegal to say Jews run the world”, to which Slick replies “What?”
Panel 2: Slick asks “I have to take down my neon sign?”, along with a neon sign reading “Jews run the world”
Panel 3: Slick asks “And delete my website”, in front of a Geocities website whose title is JewsRunTheWorld.com
Panel 3: Slick asks “And cancel my daily skywriting?”, along with a sentence airwritten and reading “Jews run the world”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This the 5th comic in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, riffing on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


The scene suggests a path though a forest glade, though the background art is inconsistent between panels. Throughout, Year Person 2024, in the role of Alice, just stands around looking at the other characters.

Panel 1: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel more”

Panel 2: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel times infinity”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel times infinity plus one”

Panel 3: Tweedle-RFK jr runs to catch up with the other two, saying “Hey wait up guys, I love Israel too”

Panel 4: Tweedle-RFK jr looks at 2024 and does a bodybuilder flex pose, saying “Oh hello, check out my guns”

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “June 7, 2024: Zionist Radfems”]


spoilerPanel 1: Monique is reading on her smartphone while wondering “Why are so many Radfems pro-Israel”, “All the big TERFs are Zionists” and “How? Why?”
Panel 2: A mustachied man wearing overalls and a red cap answers “Jews”, and Moniste says “What?”
Panel 3: The man says “Jews take over all movements”, “Get promoted in Jewish media” and “To push a Jewish agenda”
Panel 4: Monique says “That's ridiculous”, “Can't be true”, “…” and “Can it?”

Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 30, 2024: Auslander Raus”]


Panel 1: A man wearing lederhosen and a woman wearing a dirndl are dancing. Above them is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in Fraktur
Panel 2: A redhead man is wearing green clothes and is dancing. Above him is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in Celtic font
Panel 3: A Pepe is doing some DJ while three other Pepes are wearing urban clothes and are dancing. Above them is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in a pseudo-Disco style
Panel 4: A man is wearing a keffieh and is flying a Palestinian flag. Above him is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in a pseudo-Arabic font

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Old-school film projector.

Panel 2: Kids watching. Miko is in front.

Panel 3: [in movie] The rail line leading into Auschwitz.

Panel 4: Three prisoners in white-and-gray striped prison outfits. Devil-Person in a Nazi outfit, with a rifle.

Panel 5: The prisoners are being kicked into a flaming pit by Nazi Devil-Person. This is most likely meant to be a crematorium, despite that it looks exactly like how he draws people being sent to Hell. Also the real crematoriums were for disposing of corpses after they’ve been shot or gassed, and were not a method of execution.

Panel 6: The kids who are watching look shocked.

Panel 7: Uncle Sam running alongside US soldiers, who are oddly wearing modern combat gear.

Panel 8: Devil-Person Hitler… presumably. The mustache looks a bit wrong, though.

Panel 9: Devil-Person Hitler gets punched in the face.

Panel 10: Uncle Sam stands atop unconscious Devil-Person Hitler, holding a US flag.

Panel 11: Miko puts on the truth glasses. Originally the glasses were a “They Live” reference, but Tats seems to have forgotten some time ago exactly how they’re supposed to work.

Panel 12: Through the glasses, Uncle Sam is revealed to be a Fat Cat businessman with a cigar and top hat (Possibly meant to be Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild? Though he died before WW2), Devil-Person Hitler is revealed to be Germania (a pre-WW2 symbol of Germany, similar to Lady Liberty for the US), and the flag is an earlier version of the Rothschild Family Coat of Arms, minus the Lion.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 21, 2024: Illuminati Starter Kit”]


Panel 1: Slick is reading a letter he received: “Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Illuminati”
Panel 2: A female green devil is showing a book whose cover features the Eye of Providence. She says “Enjoy your Illuminati starter kit”
Panel 3: The kit includes a “vial of adrenochrome”, a “Masonic pin”, a “sex orgy mask” and a “personal Jewish handler”
Panel 4: Slick is in a villa, wearing an aristocratic dressing gown, drinking a glass of adrenochrome, with dollar notes raining down from the ceiling as his Jewish handler stands behind him, clutching his hands and grinning like a hag. He says “I can afford groceries now”

Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia #sexist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 17, 2024: Man or Bear”]


Panel 1: A blond woman with a white dress is just meeting a bear, and shouts “Bear!”
Panel 2: The bear is hunting down the woman
Panel 3: The woman sees a bearded man and shouts “Oh thanks God” and “A man!”
Panel 4: The face of the man is displayed, revealing a transwoman. This transwoman has pink hairs and a pink beard, a bow in hher hairs and wear a T-shirt on which is written “Kill TERFs.” The transwoman says “It's ma'am!”

Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 4, 2024: Jew Hatred 2”]


Panel 1: a bald man with large ears is singing “I can't make you love me” and “If you don't”
Panel 2: the same man is singing “You can't make your heart fell” and “Sometimes it won't” in front of "JEW" written on a wall with light bulbs
Panel 3: the same man is singing “Here in the dark in these final hours”, “I will lay down the law” and “And take over power”
Panel 4: the same man is concluding with “So I can jail you” and “Yes I will jail you” while sniffling. Below is the legend “Nosferatu - 'I Can't Make You Love Me So I'm Going To Jail You' - Talmud Records”

Tatsuya Ishida #wingnut #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[Submitter’s note: In recent comics, the riot cops have been shown to be tools of oppression under control of the Anti-Defamation League]


A morbidly obese, non-white woman of ambiguous race, apparently a college professor teaching a class, points to a whiteboard.

Panel 1 - Professor says: “All white people are racist demons.”
Whiteboard says “Wypipo bad kill mayo monkey”, displays a bloody knife and severed head
Panel 2 - Professor says: “Whiteness is a disease, a plague that needs to be wiped out”
Panel 3 - Professor says: “Oh, and free Palestine”
Panel 4 - Riot cops beat her in front of the class

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #magick sinfest.xyz

[From “April 21, 2024: Hyperborea 3”]


Panel 1: In a carnival, a young blue-clad boy wearing a yarmulke is standing near a high striker
Panel 2: The boy is taking the hammer
Panel 3: The boy has difficulties trying to lift the hammer
Panel 4: The boy leaves, angry. Meanwhile, a blond girl is walking by
Panel 5: The girl ias seen the hammer
Panel 6: The girl has lifted the hammer
Panel 7: The girl is moving the hammer in the air
Panel 8: The hammer has striken the base of the tower
Panel 9: The puck has striken the bell
Panel 10: White confettis are raining on the girl
Panel 11: The carnie is giving to the girl a doll representing a Norse girl
Panel 12: While the girl has gone to her father, the hammer is displaying a Celtic triquetra

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #dunning-kruger sinfest.xyz

[From “April 19, 2024: Hyperborea”]


Panel 1: A father is telling a story to his daughter, starting with “Once upon a time, in the land of Hyperborea”
Panel 2: A man wearing a horned helmep and a bard, his wife wearing a crown of flowers and their sons; two other Norses are in the background. Meanwhile, the teller is saying that “A proud Viking race lived in peace for a thousand years”
Panel 3: The daughter is asking to her father “A thousand years? How'd they do that?”
Panel 4: The father answers “Strict immigration laws”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “April 5, 2024: White People”]


Panel 1: Slick is passing in front of a depicting a 1950s-style white man smoking a pipe, a mayo jar and a flour sack while voices are saying “White supremacy”, “White rage” and “White fragility”
Panel 2: The screen show a Neo Nazi, a Klansman, Pepe the Frog and a Christian cross while a voice is saying “deplorable”, “hateful” and “toxic”
Panel 3: The voice says to Slick “But wait” and “There is a way white people can gain mainstream acceptance”
Panel 4: A pink-haired person is riding on a rocket under the slogan “Sodomy”, while a rainbow and a bearded man wearing pigtails are in the background

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “March 25, 2024: Golem 4”]


Panel 1: Smoke is mounting in the sky along with balloons reading “I stuck around St. Petersburg” and “When I saw it was a time for a change”
Panel 2: A man, his wife and their two children lie on the ground, having been shot to death, along with balloons reading “I killed the Czar and his ministers” and “Anastasia screamed in vain”
Panel 3: Two soldiers and a tank are advancing along with balloons reading “I rode a tank, held a general's rank” and “When the blitzkrieg ragd and the bodies stank”
Panel 4: A gilem wearing a black hat, payots and a Star of David on his chest along with balloons reading “Pleased to meet you” and “Hope you guess my name”

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “April 6, 2024: White People 2”]


Panel 1: Slick is watching “Dumb White Guy” while the TV post is saying “And now back to our program”
Panel 2: A white man wearing pair of overalls and holding a pitchfork is standing in the midst of a farm while saying “Duhhhhh” and “Durrrrr”
Panel 3: Slick is asking “Who writes this crap” while the farmer is thrice saying “Derp”
Panel 4: A lan wearing a yarmulke is using a typewriter. From the windows this man is seated in front can be seen the signs for Hollywood

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #transphobia sinfest.xyz


Transphobic caricature buys horomones from a vending machine, then sees a cis women with her baby. Jealous, the transwomen runs to a baby store(or something, I’m not sure what) and buys a new baby and starts breastfeeding next to the cis woman


Cis: “That’s sick.”

Trans: “I am a mother, performing her motherly duties.”

Cis: “You’re a sick man with a sick fetish abusing a baby.”

Trans: “That’s violence. You just did violence on me.”


Cis: “I’m reporting you.”

Trans: “Ha Ha Ha Ha you have no power here. This is Tran [sic] Country.”

Cis: “You won’t get away with this, Pedophile.”

Trans: Watch Me!” (sinister posters of Joe Biden and some transwomen hang overhead.)

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