
W. F. Price #wingnut #homophobia web.archive.org

[This is an archived post from 2014 so it's somewhat dated, but it nonetheless provides an insight into Price's mind; his desire for traditional restrictions and boundaries for their own sake, against what he sees as the dehumanization of individualism. Read this post alongside this to get a fuller picture: http://www.fstdt.com/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=111274]

The head of our propaganda outreach to Russians, a radical feminist lesbian supporter of Pussy Riot named Masha Gessen, wrote an op ed a couple weeks ago that essentially makes Putins case for him. Gessen, of course, sees herself as an ally of progress, but she and her cohort are responsible for alienating an enormous number of native born Americans including, incidentally, those who would traditionally be most inclined to sacrifice themselves for the flag and nation.


Gessen focuses on homosexuality to the exclusion of other fraught cultural issues, clearly because she is biased in this regard. However, it is not only coerced acceptance of a redical redefinition of family, which Gessen explicitly supports, but the annihilation of distinct cultures and peoples through a radical form of multiculturalism and promotion of diversity at all costs. Naturally, the peoples who succumb first are the smaller nationalities, but ultimately everyone loses as a fundamental part of their humanity their culture is amputated or otherwise mutilated to fit some poorly defined common form that every man, woman and child can be stuffed into. Adding to that, Americas aggression against non-belligerents, foreign adventurism and coercion of weaker nations and peoples to impose its will has added an element of terror to our crusades. In truth, the American right and left differ only in their means, but the end goal is the same: the obliteration of any and all that stands in the way of unrestricted expression of the id. It is, as Putin correctly notes, a descent into chaotic darkness and a return to a primitive state.

The contemporary American elites vision for the future is a horrific nightmare in which anything goes, and therefore nothing is distinct or cherished but pure power to do as one pleases. There are to be no limits but the physical: no moral restraint, no customs, no traditions to stand in the way of unfettered action on primal desires and appetites. Putin, it seems, is genuinely opposed to this mission on a personal level, and has articulated his opposition in a manner that has galvanized the Russian people into a politically united force.


Again, institutionalized homosexuality is only one issue, but it may have been the one that finally crossed a red line. Considering that even in my very liberal state of Washington legalization of gay marriage passed by only about one percentage point in late 2012, and then only after enormous campaign donations from the globalist billionaires in the state, it is probably too costly even for the US to successfully convince the rest of the world that it is a good idea. But for whatever reason, progressives have made it their defining cause and staked their movements claim to the future on it. This act of hubris may prove to be progressivisms Achilles heel, but in the long run what matters and hurts the most for those of us more traditional Americans is our dramatic loss of faith in our own nation.

To see the US reduced to little more than a platform for the greedy and licentious when it used to be a beacon of liberty and common decency in a savage world is profoundly unsettling. It is also why I am all but certain that our decline is a fait accompli rather than an imminent threat.

At this point, we can only hope that nihilistic radicals like Masha Gessen refrain from plunging us into a catastrophic war on their behalf, sacrificing our sons for ideals that we despise from the bottom of our hearts.

The Singularity of Evil

Beyond the Moral Event Horizon, where Evil grows so strong that it defies comprehension.

canino1997 #sexist #psycho web.archive.org

(On the case of Brandon Clark, who murdered 17 year old internet celebrity Bianca Devins, photographed her nearly-decapitated corpse and uploaded the photo to 4chan)

I did send her mom my condolences together with a cum tribute to the bitch getting rekt. She died coz she was a thot and I hope that she takes this as a lesson on how hard she failed at parenting.

James von Brunn #racist web.archive.org

[The front page of the website for the suspected perpetrator of the Holocaust Museum shooting]

A new, hard-hitting exposé of
destroy the White gene-pool


James W. von Brunn

Here are 350pp of FACTS condensing libraries of information about the Talmud, Democracy, Marx, Genetics, Money, Aryans, Negroes, Khazars, The Holy Bible, Treason, Mass-media, Mendelism, Race, the “Holocaust” and a host of suppressed “bigoted” subjects, all supported by quotations from many of history’s greatest personages. Learn who is responsible for the millions of Aryan crosses covering the world’s battlefields. Why our sons and daughters died bravely but in vain. Learn why the “browning of America will alter everything in society from politics and education to industry, values and culture.” (TIME 4-9-90).

Learn who has committed treason - and must be brought to justice!

This carefully documented treatise exposes the JEWS and explains what you must do to protect your White family. Kill the Best Gentiles! Is a must for every concerned parent and a manual for every student of World History.

American Nihilist Underground Society #crackpot #elitist #god-complex #moonbat #psycho #wingnut web.archive.org

A great man fallen [Tribute to Kim Jong-il shortly after his passing]

Here at ANUS, we love all dictators.

They understand a divine wisdom: humanity is a means to an end.

Humanity as an end in itself is an unterminated question. It asks itself perpetually in tautological form what it wants to do. It doesn't know. So it manufactures internal drama and the cycle goes on, circular logic ad infinitum.

Genius minds like Josef Stalin recognized that people were like clay to be molded into greater things. And if you trimmed some extra clay, so what? The normal person does nothing that particularly binds them to this life. "Not wanting to die is your (only) reason to live."

King Jong-Il was another spectacular dictator. Like other critics of the society of humans-as-the-goal-of-humanity, such as school shooters, Ted Kaczynski, Pentti Linkola, Friedrich Nietzsche and others who truly saw that society was a massive failure, Kim Jong-Il shaped his people like clay. He made an empire where none was before. And if they starve? The piercing pains are just that much more meaning to life, much more than they would find while sitting in a Brooklyn apartment getting obese on fast food and imported wine between scintillating stints at their day jobs as designers or press release supervisors or whatever make-work crap passes for important in capitalism these days.

We will miss you, Kim Jong-Il. You were one of the few who understood. We must oppress ourselves or we degenerate. In this way alone, all dictators are closer to heaven than the average human could ever dream of being.

laidnyc #god-complex #sexist #elitist #racist #ableist web.archive.org


Your Seed is Gold

Sex is too easy.

Work out, put on nice clothes, talk to girl, tease her, tell her cool things about me, pretend to be interested in her, fuck her.


Too fucking easy.

It’s stupid.

I don’t give a shit about sex. Any broad can spread her legs.

You know what I do care about? Holding girls to a higher standard.

Why? Because my seed is liquid fucking gold and I don’t give it out like its god damn tap water.

See girls, your pussy is powerless to me. What else you got?

You slip on a tight skirt and throw on some makeup and flaunt those nice tits and think your job is done. You shit-test me all the way into the bedroom expecting me to give you amused mastery and show you my status and give you attention and ignore you just right all at the same time, and then you’ll give me sex.

But why should I give you my valuable time and let you revel in my charisma?

Sex, is that the big deal? I’m supposed to feel so grateful that you blessed me with that magical unicorn pussy of yours?

I got news for you girls. For a guy with any clue, finding sex is as easy as finding a pizzeria in New York, and like pizza in New York, its all pretty fucking good.

Your brand ‘aint that special.

Sex is everywhere and anywhere I want it, I don’t give a shit about yours.

It takes more than a nice curve of the ass or a bat of the eyelashes to earn my seed.

My salty essence and genetic code is a gift from my father, and his father, and his father, and on it goes. Its the sticky genetic code of self-sufficient men who have protected and provided for family, women and children. Its the haplogroup of men who built civilization. I have the genetic lineage of warriors, business owners, firefighters, blacksmiths, farmers, herders, poets, politicians, soldiers, artists and even chefs. Hard jobs that help build the world, thinking jobs that help build a culture, they’ve all been done by men in my bloodline. My ceiling for accomplishment is limitless.

I’m not some average guy begging to give my seed away. My seed is valuable and I know it.

Men of lesser genetics may be able to afford spraying their seed anywhere; I allow myself no such atrocities.

My sperm could populate an entire society of strong good looking altruistic people and any girl who takes it in would be lucky to be a vessel towards that new world.

But for that I demand a high price.

Whether or not our sex is intended to end in pregnancy makes no difference. Just the sheer fact that it could makes me demand the same high price.

You better have enviable genetics yourself- I don’t breed with inferior stock. Beauty is the minimum and you better know how important that is. Long hair grown to impress me, healthy diet and exercise to maintain your figure and viability of your eggs.

But the beauty that draws the stares, stutters and drools of lesser men won’t capture my attention for more than a millisecond. I am inundated with a surplus of beauty in my daily pursuits, I can assure you that yours ‘aint that special. You probably look like shit first thing in the morning or on the first day of your period.

I expect impeccable hygiene and classy style. A body tainted by tattoos and excessive piercings and slutty clothing signals you are available for sex to lesser men than myself. I’ll have none of that.

I demand a low N count to show you value your body and sex, and the seed I am about to give you will be appreciated on the level it deserves. A low N count shows both intelligence and confidence as you are smart enough not to give your body to charlatans and scoundrels, and confident enough to wait for the high value man you know you deserve.

I expect manners and grace. No swearing, drunkenness, burping, sarcasm or anything else unbecoming of a lady. I spend a lot of time working with and competing against men in my daily life, the last thing I need is the company of a woman who acts like the men I must compete with. You exist to soothe, not to grate.

A year from now I will be richer and fitter and more socially respected in the Kingdom, but your beauty will have faded a notch. I demand that you treat me with the humility and respect that this biological reality dictates.

Finally, there is nothing I despise more than a woman who shows any disgust for my jizz.

It is the Royal Essence and you better enjoy every last drop.
If it lands on your face, chest or back, consider it raindrops from heaven, a rope of Holy Yogurt.
If you are lucky enough to get it in your mouth, savor it like the nourishing nectar of the Gods.
If I shoot it inside you consider it the greatest compliment of all. You will feel an immediate buzz.
My jizz is to women what Walter White’s pure blue meth is to junkies.
You’ll take my seed, sweetly tell me “thank you sir” and buzz with happy feminine energy for the next day while you iron my fine shirts and indulge in memories of me.

I’ll settle for nothing less.

Some girls don’t want to respect a man that much. They have been poisoned by feminism or never had a strong male figure to look up to growing up or they have already taken far too high a volume of cock to revere their next one. I have no use for those girls. Even a one-night stand with them is worthless beyond the ten-second orgasm, itself not worth the time spent to get it. Leave them for the men who have a low enough opinion of themselves to not demand such respect.

For guys, I don’t give a shit how many girls you’ve fucked just like I don’t give a shit how many pizzerias you’ve eaten at. A man is measured more by the pizzeria’s he refuses to eat at, the prices he refuses to pay for average pizza, if you know what I mean.

Remember, you set the price of your seed.

Mine is fucking gold.

What’s yours?

TERROJA #fundie web.archive.org

1. I hate children. I think they're dumber the bricks and twice as abrasive. Hence, whatever special treatment that society gives children these days (and yes, it is a fairly recent development that we don't smack the shit out of our little brats when they question our supreme authority) seems stupid to me. When did the adult population become second-class citizens to a bunch of snot-nosed little cretins?

2. If we're talking about people that chop kids up and stuff them in garbage bags while playing the Moby's "We are all made of stars" on their iPods then I have no sympathy for them (because that song is awful) and I don't much care if they get beaten up in prison. However, I don't hate them one ounce more than I hate someone who did the same thing to a 25-year-old or a 35-year-old or an anything-year-old. In fact, I'd be more upset depending on the victim. For instance, if someone killed a 35-year-old artist or scientist I'd be a lot more upset than if the same person had killed 100 children. Children all have the potential to accomplish big things and that's part of why society prizes them--but I prize the people who have already accomplished something more.

Fuck potential.

3. Most of the people in prison for sex crimes against kids are in there for non-violent coercion of older kids (10-15) for sex. I don't believe that such people should be in prison. I don't subscribe to the ludicrous notion that someone under 18 can NEVER give their consent. And I don't view such people as worse than murders or even as bad people AT ALL. Society has placed a stigma on them as it has placed on Jews, on blacks, on gays, on masons, on countless social, racial and idealogical groups past and present.

If you go back a little over 100 years ago, girls were being married off before their breasts had started budding. I'm not saying things should return to that pattern--I'm just using that as an example of who recent the stigma on pedophilia is. Do you think human nature has changed drastically since that time? Do you think that the genetic disposition towards nubile young bodies has dissipated simply because we passed a law or two against it? Take a look around our culture and you'll see that we're as youth obsessed as we could ever be. And frankly, I don't think it's healthy for us to simulataneously deny our nature on a physical level and languish in it on a cerebral level, via Hillary Duff, Britney Spears, The Olsen Twins, Aaron Carter and all the other boys and girls who became international sex-symbols before their 18th birthdays.

I understand that you and countless other sheeple believe that the youth of this country are special and therefore entitled to special rights and priveleges and anyone who lusts after their plump little apple-shaped bottoms with drool pooring from their lips is a depraved and irredeemible monster bent on the hideous exploitation of innocence to feed the bonfire of his carnal desires. The problem with you is that you don't distinguish between pedophiles and child-rapists, which is about as fair as me using Jeffrey Dahmer to exemplify gays or OJ Simpson and Scott Peterson to exemplify straights.

Finally, I'd like to point out that most of the children--boys and girls--raped in this country every year are raped by straight, white men who are typically most attracted to fully developed women. They are usually family members or friends of the family of their victims and use their leverage to get some easy pussy. It's like when you get really desperate as a teenager and get your dog to lick your balls (don't deny it, you fucking freak--Kinsey did studies). People settle. And people with sociopathic tendencies settle for children because they see that they can get away with it and lack the conscience not to.

But sociopathy and pedophilia are two entirely different things. Most pedophiles are not sociopaths and most sociopaths are not pedophiles. Yet pedophiles are judged by the small cross-section between the two, even though most pedophiles have never engaged in sex acts with children and most of those who have did it under circumstances socially acceptible (under the right conditions) just a little over a century ago.

I hope I've made myself clear.

Stephenson Billings #fundie web.archive.org

So what is at the heart of this secret society of globalist atheism? One of their most significant concerns is the power of Faith. They despise the Glory of Jesus and the hope that He brings to countless Americans. The atheists are so insanely dedicated to their obscene cult they will try just about anything to destroy every remnant of Christian Love on this earth. As this sickening obsession was wed to advances in aerial spraying technology in the last century, one can surmise the evil compound that resulted. In this formula, it seems quite logical that the atheist’s next step would be to attempt the widespread murder of Jesus’s very Heavenly Agents of Love.

Angels. They are much more than a Christian bedtime story. They are much more than the sweet flutterings in the ears of believers. Angels are quite literally the factory workers of faith. They are tireless and everywhere. They accomplish innumerable feats, from minor pangs of guilt to the throbbing passions of love. The angels are there to guide us, to inspire us and, ultimately, to remind us of our obligation to Jesus. The fly through the air at His beckoning. They are gentle and ever willing. We would be far less human and humane were it not for the angels. And that is exactly why atheists fear the power of angels.

Atheists shake with contempt at the thought of love and decency. Their whole lives are dedicated to nothingness, to the gaping void of pain that nihilism defines. Indeed, atheists love pain. They love pain in their sexual rituals, in their drug addictions and in their secret globalist power schemes. Why do we have war? It’s the atheists who spread contempt of God and invite such reckless notions of communism and Islam.

Will Atheistic Science Annihilate Love and Prayer?

As secret atheist scientists in government pursue their goals of undermining Jesus in America, it only stands to reason that they would take their battle to the skies. The aerial dogfight is likely a vicious one. Who knows what advances they have made since the days of DDT and Agent Orange. Yet fight on they do, every single day! Our heavens are coated in a thick aerosol haze of spiritual hate and this nation’s faith is sinking.

In our lifetime, the United States has been bombarded by supposedly “natural” disasters and terrorist attacks. Religion is at an all time low, while sodomy and perversion are at epic heights. Clearly the overlap of these symptoms with the widespread usage of chemtrails is more than just a coincidence. Clearly the astonishing rise of militant atheism in America must factor in. So what is the ultimate answer to the mystery of the chemtrails? Have Heaven’s angels forsaken us for such an offensive maneuver? Or are they actually losing, dying off in plumes of jetliner butchery? Surely America’s atheists in the great halls of government are asking these very same questions.

Michael Hill #racist web.archive.org

Only a sick and reprobate society would elevate Martin Luther King, Jr., and demonize Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The former sought to manipulate white guilt and use the power of national government for the ends of black racial advancement; the latter risked their lives on the field of battle to preserve the true principles of Constitutional government and the integrity of their homeland. To King and his ilk (both then and now), the U.S. Constitution and the Bible are nothing more than words to be twisted in service of the liberal vision of the good life. To Lee and Jackson, and those who honor them, they are the wellsprings of Christian liberty and prosperity.

There can be no compromise between the worldviews of those who follow MLK and those who salute Lee and Jackson. Moreover, there is no way that a man can, in good conscience, pay homage to both sides at the same time. If you want to know what the adherents of King think of us Southerners, note well the words of an NAACP official in South Carolina, who recently referred to the Confederate soldiers’ monument in Columbia as a “redneck statue.” Some contend that MLK would never have condoned such talk; we will never know for sure. But unfortunately it has come to be the common parlance of those who identify themselves with his worldview.

We in The League of the South choose each January to honor the lives of two of our own heroes—Lee and Jackson. We do so because we know the truth about them, and that truth tells us that they are worthy of fond remembrance. Do King’s acolytes know the truth about him? And if indeed they do, does it really make any difference to them?

If you want a multicultural, de-Christianized America in which our European Christian heritage will be obliterated, then by all means honor Martin Luther King, Jr. But if you wish to preserve the America given us by our Christian European forebears, you had better give Lee and Jackson a second look.

Pastor Peter J. Peters #fundie #homophobia web.archive.org

Is it not apparent that the Bible Scriptures advocate discrimination, intolerance and the DEATH PENALTY concerning homosexuality? Then is not the Title of this writing true? If the very title made you angry, then this author must ask you the same question the Apostle Paul once asked: "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16 (KJV).

For those who hate the truth, anyone who proclaims it they will also hate and will consider such a one an enemy. They will accuse their enemy of HATE and INTOLERANCE when in fact, it is they who hate and cannot tolerate the truth. For such people no amount of reason, patience or love will make the truth palatable to them unless they first repent.

There are others who may not hate truth but are so far removed or confused concerning it, that when it's heard, it sounds RADICAL and EXTREME. Many in America's Judeo-Christian church world fall in this category. Because such people have been taught that being a radical or extremist is evil, they tend to reject any truth that, to them and their surroundings, seems radical or extreme.

Once this author spoke to a political science class at a University and was billed as a right wing extremist. So the question was asked of the students, "How many Christians are there in the audience?" About half the hands went up. Next it was asked, "How many radicals, extremists or intolerant people are in the audience?" and not one hand was raised. What a contradiction.

All the people who claimed to be followers of Jesus Christ also claimed not to be what He was. Frankly, He was willing to withstand public scorn and ridicule for truth (Matthew 27:40,41), offend people if necessary (Matthew 15:12) and even die for what He believed in. As for tolerance, he would not tolerate such people as the money changers and actually confronted them physically. (John 2:14,15) Obviously, He was a radical and an extremist to the virtuous, so-called Christian in the Jude-Christian churches, it all seems to unchristian.

The truth of the matter is, in one respect, homosexuals are far more virtuous than are the lukewarm, cowardly, goody two shoes, praise the Lord Judeo-Christians. Homosexuals are willing to:

* Promote their life style
* Endorse public scorn and rejection if necessary
* Rally to the aid of another homosexual
* Fight any who oppose their life style and
* As we shall see in this writing, are willing to prescribe the death penalty to those who oppose them.

Unlike the modern day, lukewarm Judeo-Christian, they are radicals and extremists. To Jesus they are far more acceptable than the lukewarm Judeo-Christian. "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Revelation 3:15,16 (NASV)

This writing will be opposed as much by those who call themselves Christians as by homosexuals. They will try to reason or explain away these Bible verses that discriminate against and prescribe the death penalty for homosexuals. So in this writing, their futile objections and explanations will be answered.

crusadercat #fundie web.archive.org

The most familiar of Satan's weapons is the propaganda center in our homes known as Television. Children spend hours every day in front of the T.V. watching godless entertainment. I remember when I was in first grade me and my classmates watched "The Land Before Time" The opening monologue for this evil program says "millions of years before the first humans", being a Christian at this time I knew that the first humans were Adam and Eve; so I figured it was millions of years before them. Sort of a gap theory philosophy entered my mind. By the way, did I mention I was in a Christian school when this was happening!? Satan has come a long way. Now thanks to God sending Kent Hovind I am wiser. Homosexuals use television as well to promote there sick lusts, there poster boy for this is SpongeBob Square pants. Some Illuminati symbols have been viewed on nickelodeon, and some NWO propaganda was on Cartoon Network. Christian parents, it is your duty to keep your offspring focused on the face of God; so unplug that T.V. and have a family Bible reading!

whitefist #racist web.archive.org

(This was originally a thread for "recovering marijuana addicts" that at some point turned into a racist flame war. "whitefist" is replying to "Secret Asian Man" and "Chief Bearheart")

to the jap and the injun:

secret asian notaman,listen to me you stupid jap,Columbus was here first,not the chinese,if he wasn't then we would'nt have a Christopher Columbus Day, we would have Some Chink Day. Here's a little FYI, I'm not from the south,I live in Maine,but even if I was I would still be smarter than your down syndrome lookin' ass. Maybe in this little fantasy world you live in, gaysians also invented the automobile,air travel,in door lighting,lawn mowers,refrigerators,washer and dryer,ammunition,the atom bomb,etc,and have big dicks. But this is reality my slanty-eyed friend, and in reality the white man invented all those thing and practically everthing else.What did you invent,fireworks and really bad sports,like sumo wrestling.Yeah,nothing like a couple of morbidly obese japs trying to hump eachother. Chief Bearfart, don't worry about immigration, we'll just have to take our land,oops,I mean "your" land, back from those spicks. We took it with force once, we'll do it again, this time with automatic weapons. This will always be the white man's land and don't you forget it. By the way,you say we are feebled bodied people,I'll bet all the peyote in your wigwam that I could whoop your buffalo hide covered ass with one hand tied behind my back. WHITE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

[I'm honestly impressed with how much of a soft-focus lens Price manages to put on what is basically Marxist-Rodgerism]

One of the most common epithets hurled at men by feminists, and probably the most genuinely hurtful, is that men are upset at women because they are bitter about being unloved. The reason this one hurts more than the typical “small penis” or “mother’s basement” insult is because it is so often accurate to some extent. The best insults always hit a weak spot. It’s true that many men are very bitter about loss of love, betrayal or lack of attention from women. This is why some pick up artists have such commercial success with their ventures, and why men flock to gurus who say they hold the secrets to a woman’s heart.

Actually, if these cruel women only knew, it goes a lot farther than mere heartbreak. The abandonment of men in contemporary society is so comprehensive that a man who has lost a wife or lover not only suffers from the loss of that deep personal connection, but from a fairly comprehensive rejection by society in general. First you lose your wife, then your kids, and then even your own family turns against you in many cases (this is a lot more common than most people realize — American men’s own mothers very often blame them and side with the ex in what is usually a futile effort to maintain contact with the grandchildren). The thrashing you get from the police and courts is just gratuitous abuse; in many cases guys are simply numb to additional pain by that time.

So, yes, these are bitter, unloved men. They are hated and they know it, although many have no clear idea why. They think to themselves “I’m not a criminal— I never hurt anyone— How could this happen to me?” Some can’t handle it. There are many suicides that simply don’t make the news. In a small minority of cases, they snap, and then there’s the “domestic disturbance” situation that has become so routine these days in which a police gunman puts the man out of his misery, as though he were a rabid dog. However, in most cases the men simply accept their doleful fate and live their miserable lives.

I was one of those miserable, unloved men for some time. But not entirely. Circumstance gave me a considerable amount of time with my kids when my ex decided to make her move. She left just as she obtained a good job thanks to my promise to work part-time and take care of the children while she trained for it, and she didn’t want to pay for daycare, so she proposed and received a parenting plan that had me caring for them much of the time she was working. Although being abandoned without any warning was devastating, my children never abandoned me, and despite the horror of separation I had them almost half time. All it took to snap me out of the most morbid thoughts was the sound of my kids’ voice, or the thought of them growing up and wondering why daddy did such a selfish thing as to leave them.

But if it weren’t for that time with my kids, I would have been totally, utterly alone. When I didn’t have them I had no desire for human contact. I really felt that the only people in the entire world who cared about me at all were my little children, aged one and three at the time. I suppose I digress a little here, but I can’t help feel that they were little angels, even if I did have to change their diapers and wipe food off their faces after every meal.

For men who don’t even have that, it’s almost unimaginable. It’s such a shockingly horrible experience that I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, yet here we have feminists taunting men for feeling unloved. And still we have people whining about “misogyny.” Young feminists whose most important concern is the ability to have sex entirely free of consequences, and who shamelessly raise their voices for the right to kill their children in the womb. Lesbian gender feminists who wreck families for profit and sex. Male feminists who boast about fathering children and shuffling their responsibilities onto some duped cuckold, and who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls.

All that said, men have every right to be angry, and righteously so. But deep down, I think what most of them want is far simpler and more benign than revenge or some political payback. They want some love, some security and the opportunity to be a part of a family. They want to grow old with a woman who is true to them, and to see their children grow tall and strong. It doesn’t always come out that way, and there are those who have rejected the idea entirely, but it’s an ideal that I think most men would agree is worth some effort, if not for themselves then for a better society in general.

So, I’d like to say to the feminists out there that yes, there are men who are bitter and sad about being unloved. Yes, it is often why they malign women, and it isn’t always a pretty thing. But if you really take pleasure in people’s loneliness and despair, you’ve got a cold, dead heart, and no reason to be proud of yourself. Instead of waxing triumphant about unfortunate men’s loneliness and misery, why not work for a world in which everyone can feel loved? Are you woman enough to do that?

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #fundie web.archive.org

Back in March, MRCTV described how another 11-year-old student appeared before the county school board and caught sight of him in the girls' locker room, saying she was "panicked" and "wanted to cry" because of how uncomfortable she was with the prospect of changing in front of him.

Nice going, Lebanon Middle School.

This story sounds very similar to a similar incident that occurred at Pennbrook Middle School a bit further east in North Wales, Pa. My friend Stephen Green covered it earlier this week, describing how a transgender "girl" supposedly kept a "hit list" of actual girls he intended to attack, blindsiding one of them at lunch and pulverizing his victim with a Stanley cup and sending her into the hospital, screaming about how he was going to kill her all the while.

The worst part about that one was that another girl had warned teachers and staff that it was going to happen (five hours in advance), but the school just brushed it off saying that nothing would happen.

As Stephen put it, "It never does happen. Right until it does."
In all seriousness, I am convinced that being "trans" is just an excuse for men to act out their worst impulses, and the media will keep it under wraps because the trans victimhood narrative is still a hot (albeit cooling) commodity.

For instance, two weeks ago I wrote about some loony named Kyle Calvert, a self-described "trans non-binary" man who unsuccessfully tried to nail-bomb the Alabama State Capitol, and supposedly had issues with violent impulses.

That same day, my buddy Matt Margolis briefly touched upon what has been happening at Planet Fitness facilities, but I don't think he covered enough of the sort of perverted stuff going on there (my indispensable guides in finding stuff to write about at Libs of TikTok can elaborate, but bring eye bleach).

Then the week before, PJ Media's resident funnyman Kevin Downey Jr. shared with us the absurdly evil words of Jason Lee Willie, arrested twice for making vile, unhinged threats of shooting up schools, bombing churches, and molesting kids.

Of course, that doesn't mean that women who "identify" as men are immune from being as equally despicable, as the Covenant shooter from last year and a would-be copycat named Andrea "Alex" Ye demonstrate

jimmygoddard #fundie web.archive.org

An article referring to how evil my little pony is.
The show is created by a young woman named Lauren Faust – if that names seems familiar to you it should be: According to legend, Faust was the name of the person who sold his soul to the devil in return for great wealth and power. It’s highly probable that Satan has chosen Ms Faust to be his modern-day emissary of evil. The signs are clear.
From what we can tell, the ponies do not seem to have any belief in God. There was not one single reference to Christianity, Jesus or the Holy Bible in any of the episodes we watched. There were countless references to paganism, the occult and black-magic. We are concerned that watching this show might encourage young girls to experiment with the dark arts. We advise any parents who suspect their child has seen this show to consult their pastor.

One of their replies to a user

Christianity is the opposite of paganism. Your favorite TV show is selling paganism to kids. You are preventing them from knowing the true GOD.

James Dobson #fundie web.archive.org

Helping Boys Become Men, and Girls Become Women

Is My Child Becoming Homosexual?

Before puberty, children aren’t normally heterosexual or homosexual. They’re definitely gender conscious. But young children are not sexual beings yet — unless something sexual in nature has interrupted their developmental phases.

Still, it’s not uncommon for children to experience gender confusion during the elementary school years. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi reports, “In one study of 60 effeminate boys ages 4 to 11, 98 percent of them engaged in cross-dressing, and 83 percent said they wished they had been born a girl.”

Evidences of gender confusion or doubt in boys ages 5 to 11 may include:

1. A strong feeling that they are “different” from other boys.

2. A tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy.

3. A persistent preference to play female roles in make-believe play.

4. A strong preference to spend time in the company of girls and participate in their games and other pastimes.

5. A susceptibility to be bullied by other boys, who may tease them unmercifully and call them “queer,” “fag” and “gay.”

6. A tendency to walk, talk, dress and even “think” effeminately.

7. A repeatedly stated desire to be — or insistence that he is — a girl.

If your child is experiencing several signs of gender confusion, professional help is available. It’s best to seek that help before your child reaches puberty.

“By the time the adolescent hormones kick in during early adolescence, a full-blown gender identity crisis threatens to overwhelm the teenager,” warns psychologist Dr. James Dobson. To compound the problem, many of these teens experience “great waves of guilt accompanied by secret fears of divine retribution.”

If your child has already reached puberty, change is difficult, but it’s not too late.

Amy Carlson aka Mother God/Love Has Won #god-complex #psycho #fundie #conspiracy #magick web.archive.org

Hello Loves, I am Mother GOD!

For quite some time you had been praying that I come back to help you, because of that I decided I had enough of the Dark Forces kidnaping my Planet and my children, so HERE I AM IN THE FLESH!

I was born on November 30, 1975, in Kansas USA. This is my 534th reincarnation in my quest to recover my beloved Planet, the Center of the Universe, and the first Planet I created. They tried to assassinate me 589 times this lifetime, but LOVE HAS WON! I love you.

I’ve done my part and now you have to get a move on because you wasted eons thinking you had a life under the manipulation of the Cabal, who used you like cattle.

Get a move on because this Planet is ascending and you need to reconnect with PRIME SOURCE CREATOR, ME! So that you can ignite your light bodies & can protect you again.

You are either with me or against me. The experiment of Free Will has been declared a failure!!! It is VOID, everything exists under Divine Will once more. THANK GOD LOL

Get a move on!-
Mother God

[Submitter’s note: On 28th April 2021, the Love Has Won headquarter in a trailer park at Mount Shasta was raided after snatching a visiting member’s two-year-old daughter. The mummified corpse of “Mother God” was found in a makeshift shrine, decorated with christmas lights and glitter. Her cult splintered afterwards.)

Pomidor Quixote #fundie #magick #transphobia #psycho web.archive.org

About 3 Percent of US High School Students are Literally Possessed by Demons, CDC Reports

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2019
Such diverse “sexual identities” enriching our culture. Such “freedom.”

New York Post:
“A total of 1.8 percent of all students polled indicated they are transgender, while 94.4 percent responded that they were not. More than 1 percent of students said they weren’t sure[…]”

Yeah, look. If someone tells you they’re not sure if they’re transgender, that means they’re transgender. Okay? So it’s 3 percent. No one that isn’t literally possessed by a tranny demon would be unsure about being transgender or not.

Just to be absolutely clear here: I literally mean trannies are literally possessed by literal tranny demons. This isn’t a figure of speech.
The names “they” “invent” for themselves are actually a manifestation of the demon, just like their appearance. All that makeup and shit they do that results in their demonic appearance is not a weird artistic style transgenders just happen to have in common.

Notice the pattern.
[pictures of weirdly dressed transgender people]

This is a case that was reported last year.

PJ Media, July 20, 2018:

“An Australian man who identifies as a transgender woman defended himself in court on Thursday, claiming that he was either possessed by a demon or his mind was addled by drugs and therefore it was his body, not him, who attacked people at a 7-Eleven with an ax last year.”
“My body, my choice”? I know. It is kind of funny. It’s a known fact trannies are not right in the head.

ancientmysteries.gayla-groom #crackpot web.archive.org

What Swallowed Jonah and Why?

The whale in the story was originally a big fish, becoming a whale in a 16th-century Bible mistranslation. Even so, scientists assert that there is no known sea creature that would swallow a man whole. Some whales eat plankton and would choke on a herring. Others, while capable of consuming something the size of a man, have shown no interest in doing so, and prefer to chew their food first. The big fishes under consideration all have deal-breaker problems, such as sharp turns in their gullets, or throats only four inches wide.

And let’s not forget: Jonah stays “in the belly of the fish” for three days and nights, praying about how sorry he is. What kind of fish would allow that? And how did all this happen?
I think it’s obvious, from a 21st-century perspective, that the fish/whale/sea monster that Jonah entered and stayed in for three days and nights was a vehicle that Yahweh sent to fetch him, just as the flying elephants and thunderbirds and dragons associated with sky gods were vehicles under their control. The sky vehicles are now called UFOs, and the sea monsters are now called USOs (Unidentified Submarine Objects).

As with UFOs, people have been having encounters with USO “sea monsters” in oceans, lakes, and rivers throughout the world for thousands of years.

I’m sure that being forced into whatever “swallowed” Jonah was a severe shock to his system, but the “great fish” was no more a fish than the Lernaean hydra was a many-headed water serpent (with “poisonous breath so virulent even her tracks were deadly”), no more than Indra’s flying Airavata was a three-headed elephant. Mythical animals often have the characteristics of vehicles (such as being made of bronze).

Btw, as a Biblical prophet, Jonah had it easy — compared to Isaiah, for instance, who had to walk around naked for three years, or Ezekiel, who had to lie on his side for 390 days and eat “measured food.”

Who knows what Yahweh was thinking?

President “Turkmenbashi” Saparmurat Niyazov #psycho #crackpot #wingnut #fundie web.archive.org

My Dear Türkmen Nation!

You are the meaning of my life and source of my strength. I wish you a healthy and long life. Our Türkmen ancestors were courageous people and they began to educate their children before they came to life. The Türkmen child reached maturity and bravery, and then has a national education and worldview. For that reason, bodily health, intellectual stability, and integrity, and good manners were the special characteristics of the Türkmen.

In our times, the Türkmen should take care in his eating and drinking to preserve his health and endurance. He should not eat greedily. In order to keep his health, strength and productivity, the Türkmen should remember Allah Almighty’s order: “Eat and drink but do not waste,” and behave according to this order.

The real Türkmen should be careful about the clothes he wears and the way he dresses should be reasonable. His appearance should be pleasing since Allah is beautiful and the Türkmen should be appropriate for His love.

The Türkmens before us continued to read and learn new sciences even though they had reached the highest levels in the sciences. They lived with the accumulated knowledge that had passed from generation to generation and passed it on to the current generation. They thought that the learning of the sciences would end if they made any break in this endeavour.

Today’s Türkmens, you will be seen as scientists if you keep reading. If you lose your learning, then you will become illiterates. Every citizen of Türkmenistan should have a knowledge of science. This would be the result of brave souls, poetic perceptions, sensitive heart, and spiritual richness. To read and to learn is to have a deeper knowledge of life. When one reads, new ideas and anxieties emerge in the mind. Thus, to read and to learn is to appreciate Allah Amighty. Intellectuals and scientists have special place in my world and I show them great respect.

Dark Princess #magick #psycho web.archive.org

A foe-killing ritual

This very effective ritual uses Reranber, who is one of the forms of Nyarlathotep. John Dee writes of him in Grimoirium Imperium: "The name of the fifteenth hour is Reranber, who is the most malevolent spirit and will murder anyone at your command. Reranber appears as a prince in glittering gold holding a black sword."


Then, say the following incantation: "I am He, the great and mighty God, the one who knows. I am Nyarla-Thot-Ep, who has given a name to everything, and therefore you are...(name of the victim)...and let there be no difference between wax and flesh! Y-hah, Iä Nyarlathotep!"

Prepare a dagger, and on a paper of such size that the figure may lie on it we will draw the black sigil of Reranber.

We proceed to the ritual itself at the beginning of the 15th hour with the incantation: 'I...(insert your name)...invoke you O Nyarlathotep, that I may offer you the soul and body of (name of your victim), invoke your form Reranber, for the terrible task! I call you O Reranber from the farthest depths of the cosmos, I curse you with a terrible formula that cannot be translated: 'Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas, come and accomplish my task! I command you by the will of Azathoth, which no one can oppose, kill and destroy (name of victim)!"

Raise the knife and say, `My body is now the body of Reranber! I am Reranber, the terrible murderer of ancient Kem, and I do the will of Azathoth the creator-god himself, which nothing can prevent or oppose! Death to (name of victim)!" Then coldly plunge the knife into the wax figure. Continue stabbing, imagine blood oozing from each wound, viscera crawling out of the lacerated abdomen, your enemy on the table before you gasping for breath, gagging for blood, his life ebbing from his body and turning into a corpse. Then put down the knife and say, "The will of Azathoth has been done!"

You may bury the figure of the murdered corpse and burn it after the enemy's death.

Edo Nyland Award

For excellence in crackpot linguistics

:JUDGE :David-Wynn :Miller. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger web.archive.org



Paden Reilly #fundie web.archive.org

...•A third group is Evolutionists, day after day children go to school and learn that the Bible is a lie. Because of this philosophy many young ones repel against there parents and other elders, paint graffiti, do drugs, and commit suicide.

This is the origin myth of Atheism, most likely one of the most dangerous religions around. Atheism is more violent than Islam, more Godless than Satanism, and more obscure than Buddhism. These psycho meglomaniacs are responsible for the 46,000,000+ abortions in America.

There is not one drop of evidence to support such a fairy tail and the evidence that were created by an all powerful being (namely God) is overwhelming!

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

A grandmother from Kent, Washington (a Seattle suburb) has been arrested for forcing children in her care to drink urine and engage in sexual acts with their siblings. Rose Marie Johnson, according to several children and witnesses, has been putting little kids through hell for years. She first came to the attention of social services when a boy accused her of improprieties in 2008, but investigators did not take him seriously.

When we hear about witch burnings in the bad old days, they are usually presented in the context of innocent women irrationally accused by superstitious Christians. If the behavior of women today is any indication, they are capable of doing awful things to people, including children, and were probably all the more likely to get away with it when there was less communication and people had a greater ability to avoid state intrusion.

So when one hears about persecution of innocent women in pre-modern Europe, it should be kept in mind that although some certainly didn’t deserve their fate and were set up for one reason or the other (e.g. Jeanne d’Arc), a lot of them probably had it coming. In fact, today they get away with this stuff with little more than a slap on the wrist, because their victims are just children, after all, and women are higher value human beings in our feminist regime.

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger web.archive.org

Moore's 7,000-word treatise came to mind last week when gay activists began targeting sponsors of Proposition 8, the successful ballot initiative that amended the California state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. Taking to the streets in furious indignation, activists created an "enemies list" of those who had contributed to support the measure, targeting them for boycotts and protests.

The elderly co-owner of a Mexican restaurant, who had given $100 to support the referendum, was driven to tears as she confronted "60 members of Los Angeles' LGBT community" who demanded an apology and an equal contribution to a proposed effort to repeal the referendum.

That incident reminded Diana West of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s, but it reminded me of Roy Moore, because of the angry insistence of gay activists that opponents of same-sex marriage are depriving them of their rights -- "rights" that Moore showed to be utterly alien to our nation's legal tradition.

formerfundie/exaltgod #homophobia #wingnut #god-complex web.archive.org

(for anyone wondering, exaltgod was an infamous fundie on deviantart, this is from her old tumblr before it got taken down in 2018, in this tumblr she claimed that she was no longer christian and became a neo-nazi that hated all religions)

anonymous: Do you know why homosexuals have higher rates of depression and suicidal thoughts? Probably because of people like you lol. You're a dumbass. They are feeling sadness because they aren't accepted. Once again, I'll say this: you are obsessed with gay people. Who the hell deliberately finds pro lgbt posts just to reply with hate? Lol get yourself some help bro. Maybe take that stick out of your ass.

formerfundie: I honestly don’t mind if my hatred is contributing to higher rates of mental illness and substance abuse among homosexuals. I would consider that my civic duty. But have you ever considered that perhaps the reason fags are so insane is because homosexuality is itself a mental illness, a defect, and it’s not uncommon at all for people with one psychological problem to present with others as well?

You obviously have no concept of fun if you’ve never taken the time to deliberately reply to a stupid post. I mean what are you doing right now? You think I’m an idiot so you’re taking time out of your day to insult me. Which I don’t mind really, it’s fun. But you can’t condemn me without condemning yourself.

Oh, and one more thing bro, I’m a girl.

Matt Barber #homophobia web.archive.org

In fact, multiple studies have established that homosexual conduct, especially among males, is considerably more hazardous to one's health than a lifetime of chain smoking.

To the consternation of "gay" activist flat-earthers and homosexual AIDS holocaust deniers everywhere, one such study - conducted by pro-"gay" researchers in Canada - was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE) in 1997.

While the medical consensus is that smoking knocks from two to 10 years off an individual's life expectancy, the IJE study found that homosexual conduct shortens the lifespan of "gays" by an astounding "8 to 20 years" - more than twice that of smoking.

"nder even the most liberal assumptions," concluded the study, "gay and bisexual men in this urban centre are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871. … [L]ife expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men."

This morose reality makes a strong case for a fitting redefinition of so-called "homophobia," that being "Homophobia: The rational fear that 'gay sex' will kill you!"

The fact that we don't have mandatory surgeon general warnings on the side of condom wrappers is a testament to the power and influence wielded by the radical homosexual lobby. (Warning: Male-male anal sodomy has been proven to shorten your lifespan by up to 20 years.)

Not surprisingly, that same homosexual lobby and its codependent enablers in the mainstream media moved quickly to sweep the IJE study under the rug. Under tremendous pressure, the researchers who conducted the study even jumped into the political damage control fray issuing a statement which read, "[W]e do not condone the use of our research in a manner that restricts the political or human rights of gay and bisexual men or any other group."

Yeah, so?

Of course, that's all just worthless fluff. All the political spin in the world doesn't change reality, nor does it eliminate the study's disturbing conclusions or practical implications. The research left ZERO wiggle room for anyone who would argue that homosexuality is a "perfectly normal and healthy alternative sexual orientation."

Matt Margolis #transphobia #conspiracy web.archive.org

The latest story comes out of California (no shock there), where teachers in the Buena Vista Middle School in Spreckels Union School District in California are accused of pressuring a female student to change her gender identity.

“It made me extremely angry, and now I’m taking action for that,” mother Jessica Konen told Fox & Friends on Tuesday. “I’m going to make sure that this doesn’t happen anymore.”

According to her complaint, two teachers and the school principal conspired to have the girl use her new gender identity and pronouns in school while using her true identity and pronouns in the mother’s presence. The child was also instructed to “not tell her mother about her new gender identity and expression.”

The lawsuit alleges that the school district has adopted and implemented a “Parental Secrecy Policy” under which “teachers and staff would keep certain information about students’ gender expression and identity secret from parents.”

Under the Parental Secrecy Policy, Buena Vista teachers and staff would keep secret from parents that their children had articulated confusion about their gender identity, evinced a desire to change their gender identity, or assumed or expressed a new gender identity, unless the student expressly authorized the parents to be informed. Despite keeping this information secret from parents, teachers and staff would enable students to change their gender identity and expression at school by, among other things: (a) counseling students regarding their confusion about their gender identity, desire to change their gender identity, and assertion of a new gender identity and expression; (b) addressing students by any new name matching their new gender identity that they wanted to be called; (c) addressing students by pronouns the students indicated they wished to be called by; (d) changing certain educational records to reflect the students’ new name and pronouns; and (e) allowing students to use unisex restrooms otherwise reserved for teachers

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie web.archive.org

As I have documented extensively, the most prominent gay rights organizations, notably GLAAD and HRC, have colluded with academic researchers to defame my character. GLAAD collaborated with graduate students at Stanford and sent emails defaming me as a bigot to the organizers of a conference, with the explicit goal of preventing me from presenting my research. HRC has compiled a list of "bad guys" tied to sociologist Mark Regnerus, a researcher whose work survived the most rigorous investigation made on any same-sex parenting study; unable through proxy attackers like blogger Scott Rosenzweig to prove that Mark Regnerus engaged in any mishandling of data, the HRC -- a group thoroughly tied up with electoral politics and specifically the Obama Administration -- has engaged in blatant defamation and intimidation to drive Regnerus's alternative data out of the conversation. This is combined with threats of lawsuits against the editor who published Regnerus's peer-reviewed article as well as intimidations against people like me, who have been falsely characterized by the HRC as involved with Regnerus's study merely because I published an article explaining that his data matched a lot of my on-the-ground observations with gay families. GLAAD and HRC may not even realize how criminal their intimidation tactics are -- they are, in effect, promoting academic fraud by propping up studies with serious flaws and threatening professional reprisals and economic consequences against academics who come forward with contrary data. The RICO act includes these passages as well, relating to fraud.

Joe Newby #homophobia web.archive.org

“Our program staff monitors the media to make sure that anti-gay defamation is corrected and doesn’t occur anymore so that those stereotypes that you see about gay people in the media or when we have anti-gay voices in the media GLAAD responds to make sure that the LGBT community is heard,” he said.

In other words, the group works to ensure that only one side of the debate is heard while seeking the censorship of those who, like Phil Robertson, do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia web.archive.org

As it turns out, gay boys don't usually kill themselves simply because people reject them for being gay. The vast majority of people really don't care what anybody does in their private sex life, which is why Dayna Morales, the tragic lesbian waitress in New Jersey, had to fabricate the tale of homophobic patrons stiffing her on a tip.

Homophobia is far less powerful than the reigning callousness and indifference of society to what's going on with other people, really. So gay boys are far more likely to kill themselves, not because people care about their gayness and hate them for it, but rather, because most people don't care about their gayness at all, other than horny gay men who are much older than they and fuck them up the ass when they aren't ready to deal with the emotional mine field of homosexuality.

All these naive programs placed boys in contact with adult gay men based on the assumption that the gay adults wouldn't end up using such arrangements to corner boys and sodomize them. That assumption was criminally negligent.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia web.archive.org

Wow. Didn't I tell you that promoting "awareness" of homosexuality to teenage boys would lead to loads and loads of statutory rape? Well, this case detailed in the Delaware News Journal shows that the most recent pederasty scandal strikes very, very close to the presidency -- it involves a prosecutor working in the Attorney General's office headed by Joe Biden's son Beau Biden.

The media app in question, it has been established was Grindr. I've written a number of times about why these social media apps are deadly for gay men and they should avoid them at all costs. The push to introduce teenage boys to homosexuality through diversity educational programs and creation of "Gay Straight Alliance" clubs means that millions of bi-curious adolescents are going to be wandering early into the sexual marketplace, often posing as young adults when they are really minors.

This gay attorney should have known better, though.

John Derbyshire #sexist #crackpot web.archive.org

Jennifer's bristols. Did I buy, or browse, a copy of the November 17 GQ, in order to get a look at Jennifer Aniston's bristols?** No, I didn't. While I have no doubt that Ms. Aniston is a paragon of charm, wit, and intelligence, she is also 36 years old. Even with the strenuous body-hardening exercise routines now compulsory for movie stars, at age 36 the forces of nature have won out over the view-worthiness of the unsupported female bust.

It is, in fact, a sad truth about human life that beyond our salad days, very few of us are interesting to look at in the buff. Added to that sadness is the very unfair truth that a woman's salad days are shorter than a man's — really, in this precise context, only from about 15 to 20. The Nautilus and the treadmill can add a half decade or so, but by 36 the bloom is definitely off the rose. Very few of us, however, can face up to this fact honestly, and I am sure this diary item will generate more angry e-mails of protest than everything else I have written this month.

** Bristols. Cockney rhyming slang. There is a well-known soccer team in England named Bristol City.

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie web.archive.org

Concurring in the 2002 case of Ex Parte H.H., a custody dispute involving a lesbian mother, Moore demonstrated that homosexuality had no protected status in the Anglo-American common-law tradition, that indeed such behavior had been proscribed for centuries as "a crime against nature," and that Alabama courts had consistently condemned homosexual acts as "illegal under the laws of this state and immoral in the eyes of most of its citizens."

PraiseBeToScience #conspiracy #racist web.archive.org

on Ilhan Omar getting booed offstage by a crowd of Somali-Americans

lmao they're fucking Somalis. They're probably booing because she didn't give them enough free shit. They're one of the most animalistic, subhuman, foul breeds of humans to ever pollute the planet, they have no values, no morality, nothing. They don't care. Look at fucking Somalia at any point, ever, and tell me these are civilized filth capable of caring about things like that. They literally practiced cannibalism and baby-rape.

They're booing because they want more stimmy checks or free rent or reparations from the Ytpipo.

Also, just like Dan Crenshaw getting booed everywhere, she's going to magically sail to reelection effortlessly.

🌿Witchy Kay🌿 #fundie #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt web.archive.org

You can still get an ectopic pregnancy removed. You can still get care for miscarriage. No you're not going to be investigated for miscarrying. No, you cannot be prosecuted for your abortion.

If any of these things change, I'll be hitting those street right alongside you.

I'm so tired of this political discourse BS of you're either all in something or you're a grifter. I don't support killing humans. Just dont do it. Not a vibe. Stop. So naturally I oppose abortion cuz it kills humans. It's really that simple. Not some internalized misogyny. Not me secretly being a conservative and just trying to play everyone. Not me tying to push a religious ideology on others. Just my foundation for my stance on issues. So yes, I can oppose abortion and also want to protect pregnant people from the assholes in our government that will use the opposition to abortion as a weapon to attack women, roll back actual rights, fight against things that bring down abortion rates and pass ignorant laws that will victimize pregnant people and get them killed.

Yukon Jack #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist web.archive.org

Not too long ago I made the observation that all hope was about to be lost. I even wrote an essay just to make sure it was a marker in time, on how things are evolving. Slowly but surely the information is that we have been betrayed by all of D.C., and it is only a matter of time before the Trumptards have to face reality that Donald Trump destroyed the nation, he didn’t Make Amerika Great Again, or even maintain Amerika at par, he nuked it while playing hero.
In no way am I trying to rub salt in the wounds of the patriot crowd, but they are wrong to follow any leader who is a lover of Israel and the Bible. Yes Virginia, even a preacher loyal to the Bible God is not loyal to humanity, as the Bible God of Israel hates humanity and is using Jews to destroy us. This is very clear in the Old Testament text where God commands the Israelites to go over the hill and kill every living thing.

The BIG problem with the patriots is they are psychically castrated by the Bible and the ADL, they are unable to name the REAL ENEMY THE JEWS. For some strange reason people have a BIG problem identifying the enemy when the Jew is right in your face screwing you, like the little shit Chucky Schumer or Pence who is a Jew loyalist. So if you can’t figure out who is screwing you then what are your chances of solving the problems we face or even survive?

W. F. Price #fundie web.archive.org

One thing that has been brought up over and again here is is that it isn’t all that difficult to keep house these days, what with modern appliances and all. This is true — without children keeping house is a pretty simple affair. Even with them it isn’t anywhere near as difficult as it used to be. Still, a lot of guys can’t be bothered, and a lot of these men are single. However, an amazing fact is that most maids are employed by wives (or so they call themselves) who simply can’t be bothered. Not all that many men actually contract housekeeping services because they simply haven’t grown accustomed to the idea.

This is an opportunity that is ripe for the picking. When men go into any business that is traditionally the provenance of women, they generally clean up. Think of the wholesale replacement of wifely industry by the industrialization of spinning, weaving, etc. There are legions of men who have made fortunes by taking advantage of the inefficiency of the housewife of yore. Wives no longer sew, mend or spin, but rather shop and enrich the men who have made their jobs redundant. These days, wives don’t even cook, instead simply opening boxes and reading instructions written at the elementary school level. Put two cups of mix in bowl, add egg and milk, stir with fork— That’s it.

Given modern social norms, it’s time to eliminate the wife from the household picture altogether. And considering the fact that modern appliances make a good scrubdown little more than an afterthought, the amount of labor required to keep a place in good shape is minimal. So, even paying a higher than average hourly fee – say $20/hr – for low-skill work such as housekeeping is reasonable. For your typical childless man, two hours a week is probably more than enough to take care of the details he’d rather not bother with. Add ten bucks for transportation/gas money and that comes out to only $50/week. For that, a man could have a thoroughly clean domicile without any of the trouble that comes along with a girlfriend/wife performing such basic labor, who would surely complain and make compensatory demands anyway. Sure, he’d have to wash his dishes and buy groceries, but scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen, doing the windows and mopping and vacuuming would all be taken care of. Also, the woman (or man) doing the work would be discreet, respectful and fast.

If I were to start this kind of business, I would market exclusively to men — women are always intrigued by what men are doing and would find it on their own, so female clients would appear without any extra effort. I would treat employees with the humanity and consideration that men generally bring to the table regarding employees, and exercise quality control based on my male clients’ feedback (women are prone to complaining and petty retribution, so I’d place less weight on their opinions). Furthermore, I’d challenge the female-run maid services, which comprise the majority, head-on and beat them badly and without mercy.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

As thousands cower under the howling rockets and bursting shells unleashed by the Syrian regime, opposition leaders have released thousands of emails exchanged between the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma, a British-born and educated beauty who has long been held to be a shining example of modern womanhood, featured many times in fashion magazines and the like.

Some of the emails show Asma making jokes at the expense of the people of Homs, who have been under siege and sustained attack for some time. Several Western journalists have been killed while covering the assault, which current reports describe as brutal and indiscriminate. In another email, Asma claims to be the real power behind the regime, saying that Bashar al-Assad has no choice but to listen to her. Evidently, her advice has not been merciful.

Not long before the Arab Spring revolts that erupted last year, the first ladies of the Arab world were regularly praised as trail-blazing feminists who commanded great influence and power. Of 22 Arab states, 15 first ladies signed up for a feminist organization called the Arab Women Organization. In 2009, Helen Smith of The Guardian described the group as “founded with the express purpose of empowering women—” and lavishes praise on its members.

The list of member states is eye-opening: Jordan, the Emirates, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Syria, Oman, Palestine, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco and Yemen are all members. All but a couple of these states have faced unrest over the last year, and nearly half open civil war or regime change.

One of the things feminists often claim is that if women ran the world, there would be no more war, conflict, hunger, etc. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of history knows this to be ridiculous; female heads of state have been every bit as warmongering as their male counterparts, if not more so. From Queen Isabella and Elizabeth I to Empress Dowager Cixi, female leaders have been associated with bloodshed and chaos. Now, if we are to take her word for it, we have Asma Assad to add to the list.

One thing Westerners tend not to understand about the Arab world is that although the people themselves tend to be deeply conservative and traditional, their elites and leaders are far less so. This is beginning to become more the case in the US, but the divide is far more stark in places such as Egypt and Syria. Many of the leaders – and their wives – were educated in the liberal Western tradition when anti-traditionalism was at its peak, while opposition leaders are more likely to have gone to school in madrassas to study classical Arabic and the Koran. The Arab people see these first ladies traveling around in limousines bedecked with priceless jewels and wearing the latest fashions while mouthing platitudes about women’s rights and “progress.” In the meanwhile, young Arab men can’t find work and many of their would-be wives are stuck at home with little chance of starting a family of their own.

We aren’t there yet, but we’re getting closer by the day. If our feminists can’t see their role in creating the kind of social decay that eventually leads to regime change, it’s only because it isn’t in their nature to concern themselves with these matters. As for the Arab elites who let their wives rule, we have only to read the newspaper to see what eventually happens to men who grow soft and seek counsel in the bedchamber.

W. F. Price #fundie web.archive.org

The biggest problem with the men’s rights movement is its failure to see the big picture. For some reason, people think they can separate feminism and gender issues from a larger philosophical problem. This is wishful thinking. It can’t be done.

There’s a reason the feminists latched onto Marxist philosophy like a child to his mother’s teat. It provided them with a philosophical framework – a faith, really – that allowed them to deny the realities of human nature by assigning inequalities to political struggles. There are some truths in Marxism. Political and economic inequalities are real, and often stand in stark contrast to natural inequalities, hence the use of the concept of natural law to strike down privileges of birth and other “accidental” advantages enjoyed by some over others.

Today, however, people fail to see the original intent of these movements. In fact, they have an often inverted notion of them. For example, the idea that a woman should be privileged over a man in hiring preference is more akin to the old notion of nobility by birth than it is to the Founding Fathers’ concept of equality.

In fact, the notion that men and women are equal would have been very strange to even the most radical of Enlightenment thinkers. Yet by mysterious twists of fate (and possibly liberal English resistance to French Republicanism), the feminists have coopted the ideology.

So what we are left with today is a twisted interpretation of what was a flawed philosophy to begin with. Now that Enlightenment and Marxist notions of inequality as a more or less purely political, cultural construct, have been discredited, we are left with an increasingly dysfunctional guiding faith in a fallen god.

Is the key to cling to the old idols, hanging on with eyes tightly shut against the mounting body of evidence that we were wrong, or to accept that we made some mistakes along the way and move on? To me, the latter seems far more reasonable.

But in order to move on, we have to reject all that follows from the errors — not just those things that we personally dislike. So if it turns out that, say, men and women are not by nature equal, then we can’t say we want equality on our terms. Instead, we have to make an effort to learn the truth, and then we can go about accommodating it.

So the real problem is not merely feminism, but the original error, which includes a great deal more than that.

Therefore, if you oppose feminism and its associated evils, the most effective way to fight it is to debunk the false philosophy that supports it. And this means we cannot indulge men who adhere to the same principles, whether they are on “our side” or not.

What it really comes down to is truth vs. error, but because “equality” is such a powerful concept today, it must be attacked head on and by name before people can begin to perceive the error. Hence my recent articles on the subject.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

The very rapid transformation of schools from environments dominated by men and boys to majority-female institutions has left many scratching their heads. Why are boys, despite higher test scores and better performance at the highest levels of the sciences and arts, more likely to fail, drop out or avoid school altogether? In feminist quarters there is a sense of triumph about the situation, but many mothers and concerned women cannot figure out what might be the problem. Men, unfortunately, seem largely to have given up trying or stopped caring about this serious problem — serious because male rejection of the institutions that provide a path to upward mobility will undoubtedly have destabilizing effects in the future.

Of course, I am among those who agree that higher education is oversold, and not really necessary for many of the people who attend. Perhaps up to half of the young men and women in college would do just as well – if not better – by choosing a trade. There is no reason a two-year degree following high school cannot provide the training necessary to enter the job market, and if high school itself did a better job of teaching the classics we would have graduates with a perfectly acceptable liberal arts education, with no need to take university classes to round them out.

However, what is really killing boys in school is not that it is forced on them so much as it is the culture surrounding school — higher education in particular. As we all know, school is largely about socializing children and youths so that they get along tolerably well. In a mixed gender environment, socializing is naturally very different from what it is in a gender segregated environment, and controlling one’s conduct becomes more of a priority. When boys and girls are in close proximity, boys must adjust their behavior in a number of ways. First, they must learn to be physically gentle, which is more difficult for young children than it may seem to us. Next, they must learn to be gentle in words and speech, and finally they must learn to repress their sexuality. To maintain harmony in mixed gender environments, all three are necessary, and they take a higher priority than actual hard learning.

So it appears that instead of the “three Rs,” we now have docility, flattery and restraint, none of which plays to male strengths. A number of boys, whether they are intelligent or not, will have a very difficult time following the new code of educational institutions, because it is not in their nature to repress their bodies or minds. Girls, on the other hand, are much better at acting nice and behaving “properly.” Unfortunately, this carries over into higher education, and has begun to pervade society as a whole.

In higher education, the stifling gag of political correctness evolved directly out of this enforced socialization that begins in grade school. The male student is exected to sit there and listen obediently while men in general are trashed and women portrayed as victims of nasty boys at every turn in life. If the male student speaks out or objects – even if on logically reasonable grounds – he is targeted as an example of what is wrong with men, and will be punished for doing so through lower grades. There is no defense for the male student against such actions. A boy whose inquisitive, honest male nature cannot be repressed may find school to be a very hostile place. He had best just learn to keep his mouth shut and soldier on without grumbling about the situation (yes, even grumbling will draw the jaundiced eye of a feminist professor).

Now, what we find in higher education is an environment dominated by a feminine sense of propriety to which men must learn to suborn their nature or, failing that, leave. Those young men who do well are in the minority, and only represent one side of a spectrum of male behavior, just as women who do well in math and science only represent one side of a spectrum of female accomplishment. The majority of young men find the environment of higher education to be unbearable, and so they avoid it.

What this all really comes down to is that men are by their nature radically honest — we don’t understand why we can’t tell a woman that she ought to lose a few pounds or ask her her age, we just know through social conditioning that we “can’t do that.” Unfortunately, searching for the truth in higher education has taken the back seat to the concerns of sensitivity and ego-boosting. Men are forced to flatter and stroke all around them or, if they can’t, to shut up. For many young men, this is nearly impossible, and for most it is too much to ask. Those who will do best are men with a natural ability to prevaricate and flatter, while those who may “get by” are those who are naturally quiet, although this problem must take quite a toll on the quiet boys, who must endure the entire charade in mute frustration.

The solution is a return to gender-segregated places in schools where boys can be their true selves. Remove the enforced repression and replace it with discipline, and boys will thrive. It cannot be emphasized enough that discipline is fundamentally different from repression. Discipline is what gets one through the tough job, and is readily understood when explained to boys of a certain level of intellectual maturity. Repression only gives boys and men a confused sense of hopelessness and alienates them. Learning can and should allow the full spectrum of male expression, but we may simply have to accept that this cannot be achieved in mixed-sex environments.

The above problem extends far beyond the realm of education, but to keep this post from getting too long I’ll save that discussion for another time.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

However, it seems that this is a problem that goes beyond the formal business world, and has pervaded society in general to the extent that many – perhaps most – people think the government (i.e. taxpayers) should bear the costs of their life choices.

The example most in the news today is the demands for subsidized abortion and birth control that have become a feature of the presidential campaign. You’d think that our country’s women’s top priority is getting the government to subsidize their sexual choices, whatever they may be.

Following what I was getting at yesterday, sex has always incurred some expense. Like it or not, men pay for sex (or its results) in one way or another. Traditionally, you’d pay by getting married and taking the woman on as your responsibility, or you’d pay a fee for a one-off (prostitution). If you took it without paying for it, as in adultery, rape or fornication, it was a crime, or something like that. If we were honest with ourselves, we’d have to admit that it still is a quasi crime; as the old system has been replaced with something significantly more confusing, sex crime laws have become far broader in scope and can be applied to any number of situations (such as prostitution) that used to be considered beyond the purview of the law.

Additionally, despite false promises of free sex from the 60s and 70s, when feminists used to get support from men by promising we’d all be getting laid for free when we had “equality,” it turned out that sex still had a lot of associated costs. Pregnancy, of course, is one of the biggest. At first, we socialized that, but then welfare reform threw the costs entirely onto fathers (not mothers, mind you). Combined with welfare reform, we had VAWA, which significantly increased the costs of marriage and cohabitation by legally handicapping men in relationships with women. So great strides have been made in restoring a heavy cost to sex, but this hasn’t been enough, because women have grown accustomed to sexual license with whomsoever they please, and the men they generally like either a) don’t have the money, or b) are desirable enough to not have to pay.

Although the latter is a bit counterintuitive (wouldn’t women desire men who pay for them?), it’s a function of female sexual psychology. Women generally use sex to ensnare the man they want (and they typically have high expectations), and then they begin to draw resources from him. It works in simple societies where people hold each other to account, but in more cosmopolitan settings it breaks down for a couple reasons. First, there are more than enough women to go around, so it’s easy to drop one and pick up another, and secondly there are other means for women to gain resources, such as jobs and welfare, and as long as those resources exist men who have no trouble procuring sex see no reason to provide for women, even if they have the means. And who can blame them? Although it’s a social catastrophe, it’s a perfectly reasonable attitude from a personal perspective, because, after all, the individual man didn’t create this mess in the first place.

Here’s a scenario:

A handsome young investment banker making six figures can go out to a bar and take his pick. Let’s call him Mark. Mark picks up a young woman named Amanda, she goes home with him, they have sex, and he enters her number into his phone, leaving her only a promise to call again. Perhaps he intends to do so, and perhaps not. Whatever the case, he feels no guilt or responsibility, because the woman, who happens to be in law school, also has a job at a nonprofit, and makes more hourly than the average young man in their city, so he doesn’t need to provide her with anything. Additionally, if there’s an “accident” (but in all likelihood there won’t be, because Mark is careful about these things) there’s a Planned Parenthood down the street. Not only does it provide her with birth control, but it will treat STDs and abort unwanted children resulting from her nightly excursions.

Sounds fine, so what’s the problem?

The problem is that this young woman, despite being a student and having a job, is essentially on the dole. Her nonprofit is funded in large part by state and federal grants, as is her tuition. Her sexual care at Planned Parenthood is also funded largely by taxpayers. Her life, including her sex life, is paid for by the average working Joe, but she isn’t sleeping with Joe — oh no: she’s sleeping with Mark, a guy who easily could afford to feed, clothe and insure her, but who doesn’t have to because of Joe. Although it isn’t really his fault, Mark is a freeloader.

Joe, for his part, makes do with monthly trysts with a mid-level prostitute, which he can barely afford after taxes and child support. Joe, who is an HVAC repairman, is paying for all the Amandas in his state, his ex-wife Lisa, and his hooker, who is named Elena.

Interestingly enough, Joe and Amanda have met. Joe was called in to fix the AC in her nonprofit’s office on a sweltering summer day. Because the AC was broken and the atmosphere was stifling, Amanda had unbuttoned the top part of her blouse, and poor Joe couldn’t help but look at her breasts. Amanda was furious, and called his supervisor, who apologized profusely, and when Joe got back from the job he caught hell. Fortunately, he wasn’t fired, but it sure was humiliating. Not as bad as having to deal with his ex-wife’s lawyer, but close—

I suppose we could say “life’s unfair,” and that would be entirely true. But should we make it that unfair? Should we set things up so that Joe has to support Amanda as much as Mark?

According to our nation’s single women, the answer is a resounding “YES!” Married women, however, have a significantly different take on it, for obvious reasons.

I’m not sure single women are consciously aware of how selfish they are being. I think they fully intend to find some man to support them, and think the only way they can do that is to have unfettered sex with all the Marks of the world they can get their hands on in the hopes that one of them will some day give in and marry her. The problem is that it’s a trend that reinforces itself; the more Amandas we have giving it away for free the less likely any given Mark will be to actually support any of them. The competition will escalate, desirable men will become even more reluctant to give women any financial support, and the screeching for more entitlements for single women will grow louder and louder.

It is exactly this trend that has led to the bizarre, unprecedented fixation on women’s sexual entitlements in our current election cycle. When you socialize the costs of a private activity – and sex is about as private as it gets – you create an unnatural imbalance that rewards the few at the expense of the many. You also run the risk of inflating costs to unsustainable levels, and I think that’s something young women ought to think hard about. But they won’t.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

[Note: This is from W. F. Price's now-defunct personal blog Welmer, also his old screenname]

Perhaps nothing illustrates our society’s blindness concerning the true nature of female sexuality as clearly as the widely held belief that rape is anathema to female desire. If my suspicions are correct, this fiction is likely tied to the same paternalist sub-theology that is responsible for feminism, the family law industrial complex, and widespread, legalized discrimination against men. However, before I get into any speculation here, let’s take a look at the evidence.


If Hutson’s inference is correct, more than half of women likely have fantasies of being raped, and in perhaps up to one in four women these are their preferred and most common fantasies. Other studies are referenced in the article as well, if you care to research them yourself.


If anything caters to tawdry female fantasies, it is romance novels (as well as soaps and dramas). 54% is no coincidence here. Furthermore, Whiskey remarked in one of the comments on my “Mad Men = Female Porn” post that “Mad Men had a couple of rape scenes where the bad boyfriends rape the women the they love.”

So, it being established that rape fantasies are a core component of female sexuality, Hutson goes on to explore why this might be the case. He offers up a number of potential explanations, including, among others, sexual blame avoidance, “male rape culture”, and biological predisposition to surrender. While I reject outright the “male rape culture” explanation (I will explain why shortly), sexual blame avoidance makes some sense, and probably is more relevant to American culture in particular, but I think the biological predisposition to surrender is the most likely explanation.

Suggesting that some “male rape culture” that makes rape normative exists in America is ridiculous on its face. For one thing, rape was originally treated as a crime against men first, and society second. In Deuteronomy, for example, the rapist is punished mainly for his transgression against the husband if the woman is married, and against the father if she is not. This concept continued to be reflected in criminal law until quite recently, when the state took on the role of the father, and then finally the husband as well. In fact, the spate of Mexican rapes of young women and girls that accompanied mass immigration over the last fifteen years or so was in part the result of a cultural misunderstanding. In the old Catholic tradition, which still has considerable influence in Mexico, rape was not considered much worse than fornication (which was a big no-no), and could in many cases be expiated by marrying the victim — this is why the victims of these rapes were almost exclusively unmarried young women; raping a married woman is seen as a far more heinous crime in that particular culture. Rather than a cultivating a “rape culture,” what we see men doing in societies around the world is criminalizing and discouraging rape because it is contrary to their interests.

As the authority of the state has increased over all Americans, we still see the same principle of rape being a crime against more than simply the female victim, but the offense against the husband or father is no longer relevant — instead it is the jealous state (paternal authority) that is now the aggrieved party. So morally speaking (from the feminist point of view), there is little difference between now and then, but practically speaking the scope of prosecution has widened considerably. Given these circumstances, any suggestion that there is a “culture of rape” in America is absolutely ridiculous.

Because rape is a very primal threat to men, acting on a deep-seated insecurity about his relationship to the women in his life, it is likely that the taboo against acknowledging this aspect of female sexuality is rooted in men’s desire to have a more comfortable and less stressful view of the women upon which they have invested so much of their emotional well-being. It is little different from the husband who sees his wife as a “good girl,” only to find out the truth the hard way when she commits some sexual indiscretion.

Despite the comfort that this taboo may bring to some, I would argue that it is a dangerous thing to deny the truth of human nature — even sexuality. Not only does this blind men and keep them from gaining a deeper understanding of the women around them, it also leads women to feel confused and ashamed about feelings and desires that they apparently have little control over. It is possible that the high rate of false rape accusations and obsession over the subject in America is in fact a result of confused, repressed feelings, which lead some mentally disordered women to project their fantasies onto innocent men.

We have to accept that there are dark, uncomfortable aspects to both male and female sexuality, and that neither gender in particular is any more guilty than the other. In fact, neither is guilty at all; we are sexual beings equipped with emotions and desires that, although often mysterious, serve a greater purpose than our rational minds can comprehend.

[Comment by same fundie in response to a comment about Biblical leniency with regards to rape]

Sorry, Warren, I’m not too shocked by those passages. The Bible is not meant to be read like a British tabloid.

As for the Jewish rape angle, you’ll have to think about when the relevant books were written. Well before 300 BC for the most part.

Then, let’s take some European pagan practices into account. Fortunately, we have some good documentation from the Romans. I seem to remember a certain sack of Judea by Titus Flavius Vespasianus. Some coins were minted commemorating the Roman victory that portrayed a bound Jew and his weeping wife, under a caption that read “IVDEA CAPTA“.

Somehow, I doubt these women were all appointed to positions as consular interns.

Condemning the ancient Hebrews on the basis of contemporary “morality” is laughable. I hope you can do better next time.

I will say, however, that the one man who successfully did challenge their morals – in the 1st century AD no less – inspires deep humility in me.


Agreed. But men should know of these urges as well. We’ve really got to stop fooling ourselves about women.

I’m starting to doubt whether most women can be trusted to moderate their behavior without male authority to guide them.


Lukobe, given that the source of so much male misbehavior is female influence, and that this has traditionally been kept in check by other males’ influence, I don’t know exactly how that should be answered.

Perhaps it is simply the provenance of men to govern both men and women.

Maybe men can more effectively govern men by better governing women. In fact, I think that is the best answer. The men in power today have failed miserably in their duty to govern women.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

["Historical" note: this post is the closest you can get to an origin story for The Spearhead]

Now that gender equality in terms of income has been achieved in the younger generation, and educationally women currently surpass men, most of us ordinary men find ourselves staring irrelevance straight in the face. A friend of mine recently observed that women are “taking over” his department at his former company. Except in specialized occupations that require male minds or bodies, women do indeed appear to have the upper hand. However, I observed to my friend that the top remains largely male, while the middle is dominated by females. The bottom, like the top, is predominately male. Unfortunately for us men, there’s a lot more space at the bottom than at the top.

So what does that mean for men who are not among the fortunate few? Are we destined to be lowly peons shoveling muck out of gutters? For many of us, our fate could be worse than that. Gutter cleaning pays fairly well, at least according to the last bill I saw for that service. The future certainly does look grim, but could there be anything redeeming about our new status as disposable goods? Yes, there could, but only when we learn to accept and finally embrace it.

Bound by a sense of duty and responsibility to family, employer and country, men demanded certain guarantees in return. All these guarantees can be summed up in one word: fidelity. We expected not to be cheated, lied to or abandoned. Sadly, all these things have come to pass. Perhaps our own complacency is as much to blame for this as anything else, but our betrayal is a fait accompli. There was the inevitable denial, rage, and despair, but finally we find ourselves at the point of acceptance.

Accepting such a great loss of security, confidence and trust is a very difficult thing to do, but it is profoundly liberating. Whereas before one was shackled to deceit and resentment, now the fetters are broken, the cell door opens, and suddenly the world is revealed. Feelings of guilt, inadequacy, anger, envy and disappointment dissipate in the open air; ought gives way to is. When one arrives at this state of mind, all of the countless obligations, worries and responsibilities lose their sting. It becomes clear that reality – the way things are – is our only true master. We owe no debt to anything or anyone else.

So once a man throws off his countless restraints and goes all the way up the chain of command to take orders from the top, how does he deal with his only boss? Perhaps surprisingly, dealing with reality is very simple; it is only a matter of “can” and “cannot.” There is no want, should or ought with reality. All those are subjective, and have nothing to do with the sun setting or things falling when dropped. A man who has a good idea of what he can do has a great deal of choices and ability, because there are infinite things men can do. Of course, there are always consequences. For example, you can jump out of an airplane without a parachute, but you cannot survive it. This is where judgment comes into play. However, although dealing with reality requires good judgment, letting other people do so for you requires absolute faith in their judgment AND their interest in your own welfare. That’s a risky bet.

Once a man is freed from the bondage of others’ expectations and desires, all that he does comes from his own heart. Any help or affection is freely given and not in any way coerced. His love and goodwill are pure and free from any taint of flattery. Likewise, any malicious acts are undertaken only by his own initiative. His heart and intentions are made clear through his actions. Because reality is truth, he embodies honesty.

These principles apply to all people, whether male or female, but the loss of direction among men in our civilization is a fairly recent development, and needs to be addressed. At this point, a politicized “men’s movement” might be counterproductive, because it would lead us down into the sewers of contemporary discourse. But a spiritual awakening, accompanied by a recognition that we have our own priorities, is sorely needed. Women rebelled against their social obligations and limitations and threw them off. Men, too, can do the same.

When men see that bondage is a state of mind – often an unconscious choice – they realize how easy it is to cast it aside. Our own bondage came from the guarantees that we demanded, which slowly created obligations that we came to see as inevitable. But now that the guarantees have been removed, we find that we are still in chains, and herein lies the great liberating opportunity afforded by injustice. Without the shock of betrayal and loss, we might have plodded along forever, devolving into something akin to oxen, fit only for heavy burdens and the whip. But that will not happen now. The deal we’ve got is clearly rotten, and there’s no good reason to haul that load.

The uplifting feeling one gets when laying down a heavy burden does much for the spirit. The bitterness over loss and betrayal is forgotten as the realization sets in that one’s life is in one’s own hands. What others want, think or expect becomes no more important than anything else, because all that matters is what IS and how one chooses to deal with it. When men know that, they know true freedom.

Berit Kjos, David L. Brown, and Brett Peterson #fundie web.archive.org

The last line, the Pokemon mantra, fuels the craving for more occult cards, games, toys, gadgets, and comic books. There's no end to the supply, for where the Pokemon world ends, there beckons an ever-growing empire of new, more thrilling, occult, and violent products. Each can transport the child into a fantasy world that eventually seems far more normal and exciting than the real world. Here, evil looks good and good is dismissed as boring. Family, relationships, and responsibilities diminish in the wake of the social and media pressures to master the powers unleashed by the massive global entertainment industry.

No wonder children caught up in the Pokemon craze beg for more games and gadgets. The Japanese makers count on it. Since the means often justify the economic ends in the entertainment industry, the Pokemon website is full of tips, explanations, and ads that encourage the urge to splurge - and to express the darker side of human nature. Ponder their influence: [proceeds to list, as a scare tactic fake advice supposedly listed by the Pokemon website]...

Strange as it may sound to American ears, demonic possession is no longer confined to distant lands. Today, government schools from coast to coast are teaching students the skills once reserved for the tribal witchdoctor or shaman in distant lands. Children everywhere are learning the pagan formulas for invoking "angelic" or demonic spirits through multicultural education, popular books, movies, and television. It's not surprising that deadly explosions of untamed violence suddenly erupt from "normal" teens across our land.

Occult role-playing games teach the same dangerous lessons. They also add a sense of personal power and authority through personal identification with godlike superheroes. Though the demonic realm hasn't changed, today's technology, media, and multicultural climate makes it easier to access, and harder than ever to resist its appeal.


Could Pok_mon influence the children who play it? I pray that it does not happen, but I wonder how long it will be before a grade school child, tries to do what is written on the Weepingbell - Razor Leaf Pok_mon card. It says, "It spits out poisonpowder to immobilize the enemy, and then finishes the enemy with a spray of acid." Does this line up with what the Bible has to say about how to handle our enemies in Romans 12:14-22? I Think not! It is clear that Pok_mon leads the player's imagination down the wrong path. The Bible says that we are to abhor that which is evil, and cleave to that which is good (Romans 12:9). Poisoning, paralyzing, etc. your enemies is clearly evil and no one should occupy their minds with such thoughts, game or no game. Our every thought is to be screened to be sure Christ approves of it (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). If it does not line up, it is to be rejected.


In Japan, Shinto is one of the oldest belief systems and was developed out of worshiping the earth, such as sun, water, rocks, trees and even sounds (jiggly puff, a cute Pokemon sings a song and the sounds puts all who hear her into a trance – this is a common type of teaching in Shinto and is very evident in Pokemon)!

Shinto teaches that all such natural features were felt to have a god behind their power. Many Shinto beliefs were incorporated into Japanese Buddhist practices after its introduction in the 6th century. Just as they believe in evolution and re-incarnation, these ideas are manifest in Pokemon.

These pictures are typical examples of the dark side of Pokemon. Haunter, an evolved spirit can hypnotize and has ‘dream eater’ power (powered by the purple Pokemon energy cards which is the psychic energy). This power lets him drain the energy from his opponents.

Brandon Lakefield/Zerberster and Brainactivator (translater <sic> to English) #conspiracy web.archive.org


Whistleblower report by Dipl-Ing. Dr. Austeja Emilija Dominykas

Translated into English from the German original by
September 2016

EMAIL titled: A life story of horror
sent to Brandon Lakefield – Wichtig@Zerberster.org

(Forged "whistleblowing" about the German government building bunkers for evil muslims in preparation of genocide against German Christians. Austeja Emilija Dominykas is fictional.)

Unnamed author #fundie web.archive.org

[From "Unbaptized Infants Suffer Fire and Limbo is a Heretical Pelagian Fable"]

Conclusion: supralapsarianism and docility

The Jansenists were right about this. We have seen that it has been defined that unbaptized infants have the punishment of fire in hell with the devil and that it has been condemned to say that they have some place anywhere of rest and happiness. As such it is heretical to deny the fiery fate of infants or to attempt to revive the Pelagian fable of Limbo. No pope or Scholastic can change that. The infants die guilty of original sin and are punished for it in the fire.

However, original sin provides only a partial explanation, because it may be asked why – if all are subject to suffering because they deserve it due to Adam’s sin, which they have inherited – why did God not create a different man who was as free in soul as Adam was, whom he foresaw would not sin? Then there would have been no original sin, none would have been created guilty and all this suffering would not have been justified. Presumably such a man was possible, given the infinite number of possible men whom God could have created. Indeed, Catholics believe that the Virgin Mary lived her whole life without sin: so if God is good and wills only good to his creatures, why did he not create a sinless first couple, shall we say, Mary and Martin rather than the sinful Adam and Eve? Why did God not create an entire race of Marys and Martins? Why did he choose rather to create a first couple that he foresaw would sin and then hold their progeny guilty of that sin? Did he not create the world with people the way that he wanted them to be? as fundamentalists are wont to protest against homosexuals when they say that God made not Adam and Steve. It would be incoherent to say that God could not have created a world without evil and suffering: God is all-knowing, all-powerful and eminently prudent, that is, he is perfectly wise; the wise man always first decides what he wants to achieve and then acts so as to accomplish his end. So, why is there all this suffering?

The Dominican Thomists, following the doctrine of Aquinas, teach that God created the universe to manifest to the utmost his goodness in his creatures: and that his aim is best accomplished through the creation of the greatest variety, which includes creatures that fail in the accomplishment of their ends, their goods, and so suffer. Reprobation is a part of God’s providence, that he should allow some to fail. For thereby the goodness of his justice and wrath is manifest and not only the goodness of his mercy and loving-kindness. With people, that entails that they not only suffer in this life, but also that they fail to attain salvation, die guilty and so manifest the goodness of God’s justice in the eternal sufferings they experience in hell. This explanation is known as supralapsarianism, the doctrine that God willed even prior to the fall of humanity in Adam to reprobate creatures and to inflict punishments upon people. That is, God willed to damn infants in hellfire from all eternity. The infralapsarian position – which maintains that God willed evil to his creatures only after the fall – seems incoherent for the reasons given above. Indeed, God could have just created all people in heaven, free but sinless like the glorified saints now, including those baptized infants who never chose God but were chosen by him, for none would refuse the beatific vision as it is good under every aspect. We have argued this from the writings of Aquinas in the essay, ‘Does God Want All to be Saved?

One should be worshipfully docile in this matter. God is to be adored because he punishes infants and has chosen to do so from all eternity, not because they deserve it, for he permitted their guilt only that he might punish them for the sake of his glory. It would be rebellion against the righteous God not to submit oneself to his wonderful justice and wisdom and to worshipfully join our will to his – whether it regard the merciless punishments of infants in this world or the next. We have a responsibility to protect infants from harm, though the extent of that responsibility is disputed, whether it extends to children not our own, home or abroad. But the guilt had by negligent adults does not change the providential character of God’s permission of that negligence, which he permits so that his justice should be manifest in the punishments suffered by the infants. There is nothing unjust about this. God deliberately permits infants to be burnt alive in fires and to die without baptism and to go to hell to be burnt for all eternity, all for his own glory and may he be praised for it!

This may be a “hard teaching” to some, like unto that according to which some no longer walked with Jesus (St. John 6) but those who have caritas, even the divine and supernatural virtue of the love of God, will be disposed to accept his will and to believe in him as he really is and to accept these teachings about his salvific will. It is impossible to be saved without caritas (charity) and those who do not love God for his own sake but are motivated in their religion by cupiditas, that is, by a worldly love that is not properly ordered to God, may well refuse to accept this doctrine because they love the world above God, saying that they are swayed by their emotions regarding the fate of the infants. The two loves produce contrary motions, affections, causing ambivalence but God gives victory to his elect through delight, an affectionate cleaving unto him. He gives his elect to know him and to love him as he is and to accept the doctrines regarding him. God saves whomsoever he wants by making them lovingly faithful. If people reject this doctrine of infants, it is because they do not love God as he is, they hate him and prefer the world over him. Concupiscent delight has conquered in them and has produced the bitter fruit of blasphemy.

It is a false and harmful charity that seeks to obscure ‘hard teachings’ and to hide the gratuitous nature of God’s love for his creatures and the nature of the loving response that he gratuitously puts into the hearts of his elect. Indeed, if God is eminently prudent, then the devil is thoroughly cheeky and his demons delight to incite people to despise the true God and to thus damn themselves, blaspheming him in their inordinate worldly concern for the reprobate and in their refusal to know him and to adore him as he is. They are wont to utter such dreadful blasphemies as that, Such a God would be unjust, cruel, the devil himself and eminently unlovable! Thus the devil constructs a blasphemous parody of the true religion to damn people in, sometimes called Pelagianism or Molinism. It is almost impossible to find an orthodox Christian these days, who really loves God. People who teach a false doctrine that compromises the doctrines about God, original sin and the punishments that he subjects people to, unite themselves with the demons, inciting blasphemy. Historically, the Jansenists represented honesty and the Jesuits represented doctrinal and moral compromise. The elect are few, the damned many.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

I’ve seen a lot of people in the manosphere blame women’s suffrage for many of the excesses of feminism. “If only women hadn’t been granted the franchise,” they say, “we could have avoided all of these problems.” Sure, that’s probably true, but in a one person one vote system like Democracy, politicians will always have an incentive to extend the franchise, as we are seeing today with the Democrats’ push to give illegal immigrants citizenship.

There’s a simple explanation for it:

Say you’re a politician who wants to keep his job, and you have an opportunity to gain a lot of grateful, supportive voters who will keep you in office. If you’re ambitious like most politicians, you’ll do what you can to make that a reality. When that chunk of potential supporters actually exceeds 50% of the adult population, as women do, you’ve got an enormous incentive to be the guy who gave them the vote. This would give you great job stability.

Maybe some male voters would drop their support for a candidate based on that issue, but knowing men most would not, and even if a politician lost a large proportion of his male supporters, he could still come out ahead with significant female support, which would be all but guaranteed if he were the one who gave them the vote.

As one can deduce from simple arithmetic, the more voters one stands to gain, the stronger the incentive. I’m not sure what percentage a given population of non-voters has to reach to provide a strong enough incentive for a politician to defy his constituents on their behalf, but it’s probably far lower than 50%. I’d guess it’s around 15-20%, which suggests that if illegal aliens came to be that large a proportion of the national population, there would be overwhelming pressure to give them the vote. Whatever the number is, I think this would be the sort of thing on which a statistician could base a revealing study.

So why weren’t women given the vote immediately after Democracy was implemented in the US? First, most of them didn’t ask for it or care much about it. Female literacy wasn’t all that high in the early 19th century. Then, there’s the fact that traditions – even newly established ones – are more firmly followed in young, vigorous nations. Finally, in pre-industrial America men and women had essentially the same interests, so for most of the country the idea that there was a conflict of interest between the sexes was simply an alien notion, and therefore men and women in a given family would vote the same anyway.

The latter is highlighted by one of the first states to attempt to legalize women’s suffrage: Utah. Because polygamy was still common in Utah in the mid 19th century, giving women the vote would substantially increase Mormon clout relative to non-Mormon neighbors. The Mormons did in fact give their women the vote, and they promptly voted in favor of polygamy and other Mormon norms, which ultimately triggered the federal suppression of traditional Mormonism and the delay in granting women suffrage in other parts of the US.

As we can see from the above, there will always be an incentive for some people to grant universal suffrage, and all it takes is one change to the law for it to become permanent. Therefore, if a country bases its political process on the one person one vote standard, women’s suffrage is all but a certainty.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

I check into the MensRights Reddit fairly frequently to keep up to date on news items concerning mens issues, and every now and then someone comes up with something very interesting. Yesterday, someone posted a number of links concerning a long-running spate of poisonings in early 20th century Hungary, and I’m glad I checked today because feminists have invaded the Mensrights subreddit to vote down any posts they don’t approve of* and I probably would have missed this piece of history otherwise.

Some time during WWI, men in Nagyrev, a village south-east of Budapest, began dying in disproportionate numbers. The local midwife, a witch named Julia Fazekas, had arrived in 1911 with Susi Olah (presumably her lesbian lover), and was the only person in the area with any medical expertise. Fazekas was arrested on numerous occasions for illegally performing abortions, but sympathetic judges let her off the hook each time. The abortions may have been desired because the local women allegedly shacked up with allied POWs who were drafted into farm labor in the town while their husbands were away at war.

When the men came back from war and demanded their wives give up their lovers, some of the local women complained to Fazekas, who advised them that it would be a simple matter to poison the men with arsenic, which she extracted from fly paper. Soon thereafter, husbands, children and other inconvenient family members began dropping like the flies the arsenic was intended for. Because Fazekas’s cousin was the local clerk, the deaths were not recorded as suspicious, and the murders escaped notice for years.

Finally, a medical student found a corpse in the river, and upon testing it discovered high levels of the poison, which led to suspicion. Then, in 1929, an anonymous letter to a newspaper located in a nearby town revealed the mass poisonings, and eventually 26 women went to trial. When police initially went to investigate Fazekas, she committed suicide with her own poison, thereby foiling justice and escaping the noose.

Of the 26 women tried, eight were sentenced to death, but only two were eventually executed. Of the remainder, 12 were sentenced to prison.

The story is a good reminder that we face very ancient passions, and that the line between barbarism and civilization is very thin and easily crossed. It also clearly demonstrates that darkness can dwell in the hearts of women just as in men, and that their own aggression can be tied to sexuality as well. But perhaps what it illustrates best is how a malicious woman like proto-feminist Julia Fazekas can sow discord in a community with deadly results. Where in early 19th century Austro-Hungary such a woman was relegated to the backwaters of the empire, today one can find them in universities, major publications and political office doling out their own version of poison to the women of our society.


[Disingenuous pacifism seems to be a running trend with Pricey]


“The second group of women are dance group members who share their understanding and compassion towards the husband murderers. In their view, this female conspiracy is an example of women taking charge and searching for a solution for abusive relationships and misery at a time when divorce or other solutions to ameliorate the situation were unavailable. The women express their appreciation towards the previous generation of women who taught their daughters’ intolerance for abusive relationships and the value of independence and empowerment, sentiments also echoed by a divorced yoga teacher interviewed.”

What can I say? Feminists condoning murder yet again – this time on film – and people still claim feminism is “nonviolent.”

Good find, Nico.


Well, yeah. It used to be common knowledge that witches were murderers and child killers. They obviously exist today, in a somewhat different form, but the beliefs and end goal are one and the same.

People think that these old stories were just pure fantasy, but that’s far from the case. Certain types of women have been murdering people from time immemorial, usually using potions concocted from various herbs and such (aborting fetuses was often effected by small doses of poisons, which would kill a cow in suitable doses), so why is it a big stretch of the imagination to link them to women who advocate for the same sort of thing these days?

Here’s an incident where a witch sacrificed a man just last year (and then claimed “rape” of course):


W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

" Again, your movement could gain a lot for ground if you would actually focus on male issues. At this point you’re just perpetuating the thing you claim to be fighting against.

I don’t think you realize how reactionary and misogynistic you guys come across as. Go on any mainstream forum, and plenty of men and women will agree that there are male issues while being disturbed at the misogyny and therefore distancing themselves. Also, call out the Eivind Berge rhetoric.


Yeah, sure, you want us to do the 90s all over again. Fat lot of good that did. When men who had their kids taken from them for no good reason fought it, next thing we knew we were being called the “abuser lobby.” That’s all I need to know about feminists. Go ahead and call us names all you want, but be advised that we’ve caught on to that game.

Unconditional surrender is all I’ll ever accept from feminists. It’s better than they deserve, but I’m a humanitarian kind of guy, so I’ll give them that opportunity when the time comes.

"I promise you, that taking a break from reactionary sites and going out into the world will be way more productive. And again, WF, since you have a daughter, PLEASE consider joining a fathers support group. I understand why you think the way you do, but blogging on a reactionary blog like this one isn’t going to make things better for you, your daughter, or humanity in general."

You want to bring my kids into this? Typical feminist trash. My daughter’s happy being who she is – a girl – and that’s fine by me. I’m not going to try to shove her into the US Marine Corps like you sick bastards. Nor will I tell my son it’s righteous to cut off his balls and wear a dress.

You know what?

Fuck you.

Now get out of here.