
Grayson Bakich #transphobia #fundie web.archive.org

Back in March, MRCTV described how another 11-year-old student appeared before the county school board and caught sight of him in the girls' locker room, saying she was "panicked" and "wanted to cry" because of how uncomfortable she was with the prospect of changing in front of him.

Nice going, Lebanon Middle School.

This story sounds very similar to a similar incident that occurred at Pennbrook Middle School a bit further east in North Wales, Pa. My friend Stephen Green covered it earlier this week, describing how a transgender "girl" supposedly kept a "hit list" of actual girls he intended to attack, blindsiding one of them at lunch and pulverizing his victim with a Stanley cup and sending her into the hospital, screaming about how he was going to kill her all the while.

The worst part about that one was that another girl had warned teachers and staff that it was going to happen (five hours in advance), but the school just brushed it off saying that nothing would happen.

As Stephen put it, "It never does happen. Right until it does."
In all seriousness, I am convinced that being "trans" is just an excuse for men to act out their worst impulses, and the media will keep it under wraps because the trans victimhood narrative is still a hot (albeit cooling) commodity.

For instance, two weeks ago I wrote about some loony named Kyle Calvert, a self-described "trans non-binary" man who unsuccessfully tried to nail-bomb the Alabama State Capitol, and supposedly had issues with violent impulses.

That same day, my buddy Matt Margolis briefly touched upon what has been happening at Planet Fitness facilities, but I don't think he covered enough of the sort of perverted stuff going on there (my indispensable guides in finding stuff to write about at Libs of TikTok can elaborate, but bring eye bleach).

Then the week before, PJ Media's resident funnyman Kevin Downey Jr. shared with us the absurdly evil words of Jason Lee Willie, arrested twice for making vile, unhinged threats of shooting up schools, bombing churches, and molesting kids.

Of course, that doesn't mean that women who "identify" as men are immune from being as equally despicable, as the Covenant shooter from last year and a would-be copycat named Andrea "Alex" Ye demonstrate

jimmygoddard #fundie web.archive.org

An article referring to how evil my little pony is.
The show is created by a young woman named Lauren Faust – if that names seems familiar to you it should be: According to legend, Faust was the name of the person who sold his soul to the devil in return for great wealth and power. It’s highly probable that Satan has chosen Ms Faust to be his modern-day emissary of evil. The signs are clear.
From what we can tell, the ponies do not seem to have any belief in God. There was not one single reference to Christianity, Jesus or the Holy Bible in any of the episodes we watched. There were countless references to paganism, the occult and black-magic. We are concerned that watching this show might encourage young girls to experiment with the dark arts. We advise any parents who suspect their child has seen this show to consult their pastor.

One of their replies to a user

Christianity is the opposite of paganism. Your favorite TV show is selling paganism to kids. You are preventing them from knowing the true GOD.

Edo Nyland Award

For excellence in crackpot linguistics

:JUDGE :David-Wynn :Miller. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger web.archive.org



PraiseBeToScience #conspiracy #racist web.archive.org

on Ilhan Omar getting booed offstage by a crowd of Somali-Americans

lmao they're fucking Somalis. They're probably booing because she didn't give them enough free shit. They're one of the most animalistic, subhuman, foul breeds of humans to ever pollute the planet, they have no values, no morality, nothing. They don't care. Look at fucking Somalia at any point, ever, and tell me these are civilized filth capable of caring about things like that. They literally practiced cannibalism and baby-rape.

They're booing because they want more stimmy checks or free rent or reparations from the Ytpipo.

Also, just like Dan Crenshaw getting booed everywhere, she's going to magically sail to reelection effortlessly.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie web.archive.org

As I have documented extensively, the most prominent gay rights organizations, notably GLAAD and HRC, have colluded with academic researchers to defame my character. GLAAD collaborated with graduate students at Stanford and sent emails defaming me as a bigot to the organizers of a conference, with the explicit goal of preventing me from presenting my research. HRC has compiled a list of "bad guys" tied to sociologist Mark Regnerus, a researcher whose work survived the most rigorous investigation made on any same-sex parenting study; unable through proxy attackers like blogger Scott Rosenzweig to prove that Mark Regnerus engaged in any mishandling of data, the HRC -- a group thoroughly tied up with electoral politics and specifically the Obama Administration -- has engaged in blatant defamation and intimidation to drive Regnerus's alternative data out of the conversation. This is combined with threats of lawsuits against the editor who published Regnerus's peer-reviewed article as well as intimidations against people like me, who have been falsely characterized by the HRC as involved with Regnerus's study merely because I published an article explaining that his data matched a lot of my on-the-ground observations with gay families. GLAAD and HRC may not even realize how criminal their intimidation tactics are -- they are, in effect, promoting academic fraud by propping up studies with serious flaws and threatening professional reprisals and economic consequences against academics who come forward with contrary data. The RICO act includes these passages as well, relating to fraud.

🌿Witchy Kay🌿 #fundie #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt web.archive.org

You can still get an ectopic pregnancy removed. You can still get care for miscarriage. No you're not going to be investigated for miscarrying. No, you cannot be prosecuted for your abortion.

If any of these things change, I'll be hitting those street right alongside you.

I'm so tired of this political discourse BS of you're either all in something or you're a grifter. I don't support killing humans. Just dont do it. Not a vibe. Stop. So naturally I oppose abortion cuz it kills humans. It's really that simple. Not some internalized misogyny. Not me secretly being a conservative and just trying to play everyone. Not me tying to push a religious ideology on others. Just my foundation for my stance on issues. So yes, I can oppose abortion and also want to protect pregnant people from the assholes in our government that will use the opposition to abortion as a weapon to attack women, roll back actual rights, fight against things that bring down abortion rates and pass ignorant laws that will victimize pregnant people and get them killed.

formerfundie/exaltgod #homophobia #wingnut #god-complex web.archive.org

(for anyone wondering, exaltgod was an infamous fundie on deviantart, this is from her old tumblr before it got taken down in 2018, in this tumblr she claimed that she was no longer christian and became a neo-nazi that hated all religions)

anonymous: Do you know why homosexuals have higher rates of depression and suicidal thoughts? Probably because of people like you lol. You're a dumbass. They are feeling sadness because they aren't accepted. Once again, I'll say this: you are obsessed with gay people. Who the hell deliberately finds pro lgbt posts just to reply with hate? Lol get yourself some help bro. Maybe take that stick out of your ass.

formerfundie: I honestly don’t mind if my hatred is contributing to higher rates of mental illness and substance abuse among homosexuals. I would consider that my civic duty. But have you ever considered that perhaps the reason fags are so insane is because homosexuality is itself a mental illness, a defect, and it’s not uncommon at all for people with one psychological problem to present with others as well?

You obviously have no concept of fun if you’ve never taken the time to deliberately reply to a stupid post. I mean what are you doing right now? You think I’m an idiot so you’re taking time out of your day to insult me. Which I don’t mind really, it’s fun. But you can’t condemn me without condemning yourself.

Oh, and one more thing bro, I’m a girl.

Matt Barber #homophobia web.archive.org

In fact, multiple studies have established that homosexual conduct, especially among males, is considerably more hazardous to one's health than a lifetime of chain smoking.

To the consternation of "gay" activist flat-earthers and homosexual AIDS holocaust deniers everywhere, one such study - conducted by pro-"gay" researchers in Canada - was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE) in 1997.

While the medical consensus is that smoking knocks from two to 10 years off an individual's life expectancy, the IJE study found that homosexual conduct shortens the lifespan of "gays" by an astounding "8 to 20 years" - more than twice that of smoking.

"nder even the most liberal assumptions," concluded the study, "gay and bisexual men in this urban centre are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871. … [L]ife expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men."

This morose reality makes a strong case for a fitting redefinition of so-called "homophobia," that being "Homophobia: The rational fear that 'gay sex' will kill you!"

The fact that we don't have mandatory surgeon general warnings on the side of condom wrappers is a testament to the power and influence wielded by the radical homosexual lobby. (Warning: Male-male anal sodomy has been proven to shorten your lifespan by up to 20 years.)

Not surprisingly, that same homosexual lobby and its codependent enablers in the mainstream media moved quickly to sweep the IJE study under the rug. Under tremendous pressure, the researchers who conducted the study even jumped into the political damage control fray issuing a statement which read, "[W]e do not condone the use of our research in a manner that restricts the political or human rights of gay and bisexual men or any other group."

Yeah, so?

Of course, that's all just worthless fluff. All the political spin in the world doesn't change reality, nor does it eliminate the study's disturbing conclusions or practical implications. The research left ZERO wiggle room for anyone who would argue that homosexuality is a "perfectly normal and healthy alternative sexual orientation."

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie web.archive.org

Concurring in the 2002 case of Ex Parte H.H., a custody dispute involving a lesbian mother, Moore demonstrated that homosexuality had no protected status in the Anglo-American common-law tradition, that indeed such behavior had been proscribed for centuries as "a crime against nature," and that Alabama courts had consistently condemned homosexual acts as "illegal under the laws of this state and immoral in the eyes of most of its citizens."

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger web.archive.org

Moore's 7,000-word treatise came to mind last week when gay activists began targeting sponsors of Proposition 8, the successful ballot initiative that amended the California state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. Taking to the streets in furious indignation, activists created an "enemies list" of those who had contributed to support the measure, targeting them for boycotts and protests.

The elderly co-owner of a Mexican restaurant, who had given $100 to support the referendum, was driven to tears as she confronted "60 members of Los Angeles' LGBT community" who demanded an apology and an equal contribution to a proposed effort to repeal the referendum.

That incident reminded Diana West of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s, but it reminded me of Roy Moore, because of the angry insistence of gay activists that opponents of same-sex marriage are depriving them of their rights -- "rights" that Moore showed to be utterly alien to our nation's legal tradition.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia web.archive.org

As it turns out, gay boys don't usually kill themselves simply because people reject them for being gay. The vast majority of people really don't care what anybody does in their private sex life, which is why Dayna Morales, the tragic lesbian waitress in New Jersey, had to fabricate the tale of homophobic patrons stiffing her on a tip.

Homophobia is far less powerful than the reigning callousness and indifference of society to what's going on with other people, really. So gay boys are far more likely to kill themselves, not because people care about their gayness and hate them for it, but rather, because most people don't care about their gayness at all, other than horny gay men who are much older than they and fuck them up the ass when they aren't ready to deal with the emotional mine field of homosexuality.

All these naive programs placed boys in contact with adult gay men based on the assumption that the gay adults wouldn't end up using such arrangements to corner boys and sodomize them. That assumption was criminally negligent.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia web.archive.org

Wow. Didn't I tell you that promoting "awareness" of homosexuality to teenage boys would lead to loads and loads of statutory rape? Well, this case detailed in the Delaware News Journal shows that the most recent pederasty scandal strikes very, very close to the presidency -- it involves a prosecutor working in the Attorney General's office headed by Joe Biden's son Beau Biden.

The media app in question, it has been established was Grindr. I've written a number of times about why these social media apps are deadly for gay men and they should avoid them at all costs. The push to introduce teenage boys to homosexuality through diversity educational programs and creation of "Gay Straight Alliance" clubs means that millions of bi-curious adolescents are going to be wandering early into the sexual marketplace, often posing as young adults when they are really minors.

This gay attorney should have known better, though.

Matt Margolis #transphobia #conspiracy web.archive.org

The latest story comes out of California (no shock there), where teachers in the Buena Vista Middle School in Spreckels Union School District in California are accused of pressuring a female student to change her gender identity.

“It made me extremely angry, and now I’m taking action for that,” mother Jessica Konen told Fox & Friends on Tuesday. “I’m going to make sure that this doesn’t happen anymore.”

According to her complaint, two teachers and the school principal conspired to have the girl use her new gender identity and pronouns in school while using her true identity and pronouns in the mother’s presence. The child was also instructed to “not tell her mother about her new gender identity and expression.”

The lawsuit alleges that the school district has adopted and implemented a “Parental Secrecy Policy” under which “teachers and staff would keep certain information about students’ gender expression and identity secret from parents.”

Under the Parental Secrecy Policy, Buena Vista teachers and staff would keep secret from parents that their children had articulated confusion about their gender identity, evinced a desire to change their gender identity, or assumed or expressed a new gender identity, unless the student expressly authorized the parents to be informed. Despite keeping this information secret from parents, teachers and staff would enable students to change their gender identity and expression at school by, among other things: (a) counseling students regarding their confusion about their gender identity, desire to change their gender identity, and assertion of a new gender identity and expression; (b) addressing students by any new name matching their new gender identity that they wanted to be called; (c) addressing students by pronouns the students indicated they wished to be called by; (d) changing certain educational records to reflect the students’ new name and pronouns; and (e) allowing students to use unisex restrooms otherwise reserved for teachers

ancientmysteries.gayla-groom #crackpot web.archive.org

What Swallowed Jonah and Why?

The whale in the story was originally a big fish, becoming a whale in a 16th-century Bible mistranslation. Even so, scientists assert that there is no known sea creature that would swallow a man whole. Some whales eat plankton and would choke on a herring. Others, while capable of consuming something the size of a man, have shown no interest in doing so, and prefer to chew their food first. The big fishes under consideration all have deal-breaker problems, such as sharp turns in their gullets, or throats only four inches wide.

And let’s not forget: Jonah stays “in the belly of the fish” for three days and nights, praying about how sorry he is. What kind of fish would allow that? And how did all this happen?
I think it’s obvious, from a 21st-century perspective, that the fish/whale/sea monster that Jonah entered and stayed in for three days and nights was a vehicle that Yahweh sent to fetch him, just as the flying elephants and thunderbirds and dragons associated with sky gods were vehicles under their control. The sky vehicles are now called UFOs, and the sea monsters are now called USOs (Unidentified Submarine Objects).

As with UFOs, people have been having encounters with USO “sea monsters” in oceans, lakes, and rivers throughout the world for thousands of years.

I’m sure that being forced into whatever “swallowed” Jonah was a severe shock to his system, but the “great fish” was no more a fish than the Lernaean hydra was a many-headed water serpent (with “poisonous breath so virulent even her tracks were deadly”), no more than Indra’s flying Airavata was a three-headed elephant. Mythical animals often have the characteristics of vehicles (such as being made of bronze).

Btw, as a Biblical prophet, Jonah had it easy — compared to Isaiah, for instance, who had to walk around naked for three years, or Ezekiel, who had to lie on his side for 390 days and eat “measured food.”

Who knows what Yahweh was thinking?

Dark Princess #magick #psycho web.archive.org

A foe-killing ritual

This very effective ritual uses Reranber, who is one of the forms of Nyarlathotep. John Dee writes of him in Grimoirium Imperium: "The name of the fifteenth hour is Reranber, who is the most malevolent spirit and will murder anyone at your command. Reranber appears as a prince in glittering gold holding a black sword."


Then, say the following incantation: "I am He, the great and mighty God, the one who knows. I am Nyarla-Thot-Ep, who has given a name to everything, and therefore you are...(name of the victim)...and let there be no difference between wax and flesh! Y-hah, Iä Nyarlathotep!"

Prepare a dagger, and on a paper of such size that the figure may lie on it we will draw the black sigil of Reranber.

We proceed to the ritual itself at the beginning of the 15th hour with the incantation: 'I...(insert your name)...invoke you O Nyarlathotep, that I may offer you the soul and body of (name of your victim), invoke your form Reranber, for the terrible task! I call you O Reranber from the farthest depths of the cosmos, I curse you with a terrible formula that cannot be translated: 'Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas, come and accomplish my task! I command you by the will of Azathoth, which no one can oppose, kill and destroy (name of victim)!"

Raise the knife and say, `My body is now the body of Reranber! I am Reranber, the terrible murderer of ancient Kem, and I do the will of Azathoth the creator-god himself, which nothing can prevent or oppose! Death to (name of victim)!" Then coldly plunge the knife into the wax figure. Continue stabbing, imagine blood oozing from each wound, viscera crawling out of the lacerated abdomen, your enemy on the table before you gasping for breath, gagging for blood, his life ebbing from his body and turning into a corpse. Then put down the knife and say, "The will of Azathoth has been done!"

You may bury the figure of the murdered corpse and burn it after the enemy's death.

Joe Newby #homophobia web.archive.org

“Our program staff monitors the media to make sure that anti-gay defamation is corrected and doesn’t occur anymore so that those stereotypes that you see about gay people in the media or when we have anti-gay voices in the media GLAAD responds to make sure that the LGBT community is heard,” he said.

In other words, the group works to ensure that only one side of the debate is heard while seeking the censorship of those who, like Phil Robertson, do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle.

John Derbyshire #sexist #crackpot web.archive.org

Jennifer's bristols. Did I buy, or browse, a copy of the November 17 GQ, in order to get a look at Jennifer Aniston's bristols?** No, I didn't. While I have no doubt that Ms. Aniston is a paragon of charm, wit, and intelligence, she is also 36 years old. Even with the strenuous body-hardening exercise routines now compulsory for movie stars, at age 36 the forces of nature have won out over the view-worthiness of the unsupported female bust.

It is, in fact, a sad truth about human life that beyond our salad days, very few of us are interesting to look at in the buff. Added to that sadness is the very unfair truth that a woman's salad days are shorter than a man's — really, in this precise context, only from about 15 to 20. The Nautilus and the treadmill can add a half decade or so, but by 36 the bloom is definitely off the rose. Very few of us, however, can face up to this fact honestly, and I am sure this diary item will generate more angry e-mails of protest than everything else I have written this month.

** Bristols. Cockney rhyming slang. There is a well-known soccer team in England named Bristol City.

Amy Carlson aka Mother God/Love Has Won #god-complex #psycho #fundie #conspiracy #magick web.archive.org

Hello Loves, I am Mother GOD!

For quite some time you had been praying that I come back to help you, because of that I decided I had enough of the Dark Forces kidnaping my Planet and my children, so HERE I AM IN THE FLESH!

I was born on November 30, 1975, in Kansas USA. This is my 534th reincarnation in my quest to recover my beloved Planet, the Center of the Universe, and the first Planet I created. They tried to assassinate me 589 times this lifetime, but LOVE HAS WON! I love you.

I’ve done my part and now you have to get a move on because you wasted eons thinking you had a life under the manipulation of the Cabal, who used you like cattle.

Get a move on because this Planet is ascending and you need to reconnect with PRIME SOURCE CREATOR, ME! So that you can ignite your light bodies & can protect you again.

You are either with me or against me. The experiment of Free Will has been declared a failure!!! It is VOID, everything exists under Divine Will once more. THANK GOD LOL

Get a move on!-
Mother God

[Submitter’s note: On 28th April 2021, the Love Has Won headquarter in a trailer park at Mount Shasta was raided after snatching a visiting member’s two-year-old daughter. The mummified corpse of “Mother God” was found in a makeshift shrine, decorated with christmas lights and glitter. Her cult splintered afterwards.)

Pomidor Quixote #fundie #magick #transphobia #psycho web.archive.org

About 3 Percent of US High School Students are Literally Possessed by Demons, CDC Reports

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2019
Such diverse “sexual identities” enriching our culture. Such “freedom.”

New York Post:
“A total of 1.8 percent of all students polled indicated they are transgender, while 94.4 percent responded that they were not. More than 1 percent of students said they weren’t sure[…]”

Yeah, look. If someone tells you they’re not sure if they’re transgender, that means they’re transgender. Okay? So it’s 3 percent. No one that isn’t literally possessed by a tranny demon would be unsure about being transgender or not.

Just to be absolutely clear here: I literally mean trannies are literally possessed by literal tranny demons. This isn’t a figure of speech.
The names “they” “invent” for themselves are actually a manifestation of the demon, just like their appearance. All that makeup and shit they do that results in their demonic appearance is not a weird artistic style transgenders just happen to have in common.

Notice the pattern.
[pictures of weirdly dressed transgender people]

This is a case that was reported last year.

PJ Media, July 20, 2018:

“An Australian man who identifies as a transgender woman defended himself in court on Thursday, claiming that he was either possessed by a demon or his mind was addled by drugs and therefore it was his body, not him, who attacked people at a 7-Eleven with an ax last year.”
“My body, my choice”? I know. It is kind of funny. It’s a known fact trannies are not right in the head.

Yukon Jack #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist web.archive.org

Not too long ago I made the observation that all hope was about to be lost. I even wrote an essay just to make sure it was a marker in time, on how things are evolving. Slowly but surely the information is that we have been betrayed by all of D.C., and it is only a matter of time before the Trumptards have to face reality that Donald Trump destroyed the nation, he didn’t Make Amerika Great Again, or even maintain Amerika at par, he nuked it while playing hero.
In no way am I trying to rub salt in the wounds of the patriot crowd, but they are wrong to follow any leader who is a lover of Israel and the Bible. Yes Virginia, even a preacher loyal to the Bible God is not loyal to humanity, as the Bible God of Israel hates humanity and is using Jews to destroy us. This is very clear in the Old Testament text where God commands the Israelites to go over the hill and kill every living thing.

The BIG problem with the patriots is they are psychically castrated by the Bible and the ADL, they are unable to name the REAL ENEMY THE JEWS. For some strange reason people have a BIG problem identifying the enemy when the Jew is right in your face screwing you, like the little shit Chucky Schumer or Pence who is a Jew loyalist. So if you can’t figure out who is screwing you then what are your chances of solving the problems we face or even survive?

Yukon Jack #crackpot #racist #wingnut web.archive.org

Any thinking person can figure out the Bible god is the egoic projection of the writers, a the encoding of the prejudices of those who wrote it, god was man’s creation, the bible god is obviously a mental outpicturing of the racist authors. Thus god chose the Bible writers. How convenient. Many in the alt media are now figuring out the Holy Bible is really Jewish supremacist writing claiming holiness.



The Jews who wrote the Bible says god chose Jews. Translated – the Jews with supremacist mindset and huge egos choose themselves and made themselves gods. If you believe the Bible god then what you are really doing is making the Jew your God. Just as plain as day obvious once you wrap your mind around it. The real “god” are the feelings of the soul. Love. The ego of the Jew is not love, it is hate for all others.
The Holy Bible is not salvation, it is induction into an insane supremacist death cult. All the assumptions about God are wrong. God is not judgemental – the Jude is judgemental and his courts are where you are judged – on earth – not in heaven. What so few in this age understand is that no man has any authority over another. No man has the right to use the state to enforce their wishes on others.

Christians don’t understand they are part of the insane Jewish supremacy cult. If you say you are saved and everyone else is going to hell then you are operating in Jew hell consciousness.

Colin Liddell #racist #psycho web.archive.org

[Re: Is Black Genocide Right?]

Instead of asking how we can make reparations for slavery, colonialism, and Apartheid or how we can equalize academic scores and incomes, we should instead be asking questions like, "Does human civilization actually need the Black race?" "Is Black genocide right?" and, if it is, "What would be the best and easiest way to dispose of them?" With starting points like this, wisdom is sure to flourish, enlightenment to dawn.
But why should Whites even be in a position where we are forced to consider such a possibility? The White race is history's victor. We conquered Africa and the Africans on the sheer merit of the superiority of our race, culture, and society, and in a land that was largely going to waste we built an affluent and modern society capable not only of supporting a large number of our own people but also a vastly larger number of Blacks than would otherwise have been able to survive there. Of course, Black labour helped, but if that hadn’t been there, we would have imported White, Indian, or Chinese labour and have done the job anyway.

Rather than asking about White genocide, it surely makes more sense by any objective standards of utility, morality, or progress, to ask whether there should be such a thing as Black genocide.

Mr. Enter #dunning-kruger #quack web.archive.org

So, let's talk about masks, the end all be all of stopping Covid or something. So, let's get right into the news here

Here's a 60 minutes interview with Dr. Fauci, saying the general public shouldn't wear masks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI&feature=youtu.be

Here's our US surgeon general saying that we shouldn't be wearing masks on a tweet that is still up https://twitter.com/surgeon_general/status/1233725785283932160?lang=en

An Australian news service talking about masks, complete with a demonstration by a fireman who apparently went viral showing that aersols go through anything but an n95 mask which the majority of the public is not using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqRL1GXu5DE

I could go on and on with news reports from earlier this year, including from the CDC itself that told the general public not to wear masks. So, there's two options about this - either they were lying then or they're lying now. So, we as the general public have two options - either listen to known and admitted liars or don't wear masks.

Argument #1 against masks: Our health establishment, across the world, almost universally told people not to wear masks back then the pandemic began. The established science on masks has not changed since then. There have been no longitudinal studies or science experiments changing our understanding about them.

At best, you could argue that our health establishments lied to secure these masks for doctors and such. Under this argument, masks should still not be worn by the general public, as that need hasn't gone away. Doctors should still be the ones to primarily receive masks before the general public.

Argument #2 against masks: There are edicts (not laws. Laws require a process to be enacted) about requiring masks. None of these edicts require specific kinds of masks. I've heard people say "you can use anything to make a mask." This is one of the stupidest things that I've ever heard. A "Wear your fucking mask" person even suggested a scarf. Ignoring the fact that it is now July, and even in the northern United States we're experiencing 90 degree weather on the daily, scarves generally have holes in them, which do nothing to prevent aersolized droplets from getting through. Many of the masks you can buy on amazon specifically come with disclaimers stating that they do not provide protection from Covid, but you're allowed to go in public areas with those masks and no one bats an eye. This is even ignoring that in some places in the United States, we do have anti-mask laws. As in, if you obscure your face, you can be arrested. Good thing we don't live in an environment in which police officers would just love to abuse that little fact. http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/mcs/maskcodes.html

Do you want to know the worst thing? Someone wearing a mask made from like an old t-shirt or something, thinking that they're safe... and doing more risky behavior. Going out more, making them more likely to get the disease and spread it. If you tell me that "anything can work for a mask" you are objectively wrong and I designate not to listen to you. n95 masks go through a specific processes that your sewing machine is not capable of.

Argument #3 against masks: People are stupid. People who think they're safe tend to be even more stupid and let their guard down. According to the science, last time I checked, we're supposed to stay 6 feet apart (2 meters in Metricland). However, when we talk, we're supposed to have an even greater distance because the droplets go even further. Guess when most people take off their masks? That's right, when they're talking.

I heard someone say that they borrowed a relative's mask. That is about exactly as hygienic as using someone else's underwear. Bet you didn't wash it either. Wearing a disposable mask twice is like wearing a disposable condom or diaper twice. Cloth masks (that do not stopped aeroslized droplets) must be washed after every use or they become more of a health hazard than they create. They trap moisture. Moisture becomes a petri dish.

You ever touch the inside of your mask with unwashed hands? You ever not wash your hands after taking the mask off? This is my favorite one because it happens the most - you ever only put the mask on your mouth and don't cover your nose? A mouth that's closed doesn't spread droplets anywhere near as far as your nose.

Do you want me to go on? Do you put your mask on before you enter a store and take it off as soon as you leave? Welp, you got the bacteria from your car keys, the car door, anything inside the car, and who knows what else on the mask... and on your face. And if you take it off as soon as you leave - guess what - all store bacteria is on your face as well.

This compounds with the problem of security theater. I repeat, if you think that you're safe and you're not, you take risks you otherwise shouldn't. By improperly wearing or handling a mask, you create more of a health risk. Rule 1 to not catch Coronavirus - don't touch your face. Masks require you to. Actual surgeons wash their hands before putting it on and taking it off.

Argument #4 against masks: Heat stroke and sweat. Your body gets out excess heat via various orifices. Your nose and your mouth can do a great deal to help with that. When you have a mask on, the heat is trapped there. Yes, they make breathable masks. Any mask that breathable is likely to do nothing to stop the spread of Covid. There are mainly two things that can happen in this case. Number one, it can cause heat stroke.

You know what heat stroke is like? It's not pretty and it can kill you. It also requires immediate medical treatment, which as you might know, is in short supply in some areas. Here's a question - how many high profile cases of heat stroke do you think it would take to get these mask edicts removed?

But let's not get so drastic. Your body has other ways of getting rid of heat. That being sweat. Sweats are droplets, which spread droplet based diseases like Covid19. This is the reason that gyms are still closed. Yeah, certain Asian cultures do wear masks when people are sick. Flu and cold seasons tend to be the winter, where it's cold and this usually isn't as much of a problem.

But no, even some Asian cultures are saying no to masks - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/01/south-korea-incidents-of-covid-19-mask-rage-flareas-summer-heats-up. If the South Koreans can't handle masks in the summer, do you really think the rest of the world will? If I need to remind you, South Korea was the country that was so determined to beat the coronavirus when their contact tracing pointed out a gay bar it created a wave of homophobia. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/05/12/with-new-covid-19-outbreak-linked-to-gay-man-homophobia-on-rise-in-south-korea/#2bce2b404909#2bce2b404909. Some South Koreans are refusing to wear masks so much it's starting actual fist fights, because to get someone to wear a mask or a fucking scarf in 80-90 degree weather is unreasonable, unless you want to have a heat stroke pandemic on your hands and dropping compliance.

You go out on a hot day and no one is wearing a mask. And let me tell you, when it comes to something like civil disobedience like this, it becomes easier and easier. How many people shot off illegal fireworks on the fourth? Yeah, how many of those people do you think are going to keep going along with all of this? You can only ask people so much before it turns unreasonable. Here's some sciency stuff about masks and such https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7087880/

Argument #5 against masks: Here's a little bit of a wager for you. Either masks are effective (enough) or they're right, right? Those can be the only two options, right. If they're not effective, then any mask ordinance is... useless at best. If masks are useful... then things like the lockdowns and removing people's right to an education is useless at best. Are masks useful? If yes, then we don't need lockdowns. If masks aren't useful enough to make lockdowns useless then they're not useful. I was told repeatedly that we could just sit in lockdown forever and ever. We can't, but it's nice to live in a fairytale once in awhile.

Argument #6 against masks: A different kind of social distancing. I don't like what our culture is becoming. People nowadays, especially online, where most of us are, have stopped seeing other people as people, but... walking vectors of disease. That's not a good way to live. It's an incredibly dangerous way to live, actually. And masks... make the problem worse. Do you know what kind of communication a smile is? What it can really do for a human interaction. It's not something that you can do behind a mask. Most of our emotional communication comes from the mouth. When everyone is locked off from each other it creates an emotional distance, on top of the physical one.

And people are already... literally killing each other out there. This is not something we need more of. It's become incredibly dangerous. I can't imagine the kind of mental illnesses that we're instilling the youngest generation with. The generation after Z, I think they're called "Alpha" (which uh... doesn't make sense but okay) is being born into this. This is going to end up defining their generation; I could imagine a lot of... trust issues, nevermind obsessive compulsive tendencies. When young people have trust issues they tend to turn to violence or... drugs and alcohol, or they completely withdraw.

Argument #7 against masks: Mental health. I'm going to make this one quick. Masks are and do have a hellish effect on some people's mental health. For example, if someone has PTSD from being strangled, then it's probably going to be a trigger. It's not as simple as just "oh, it's a stupid piece of cloth." It's more like "I woke up during a surgery in more pain than I've ever felt in my life and medical masks bring me right back to that time" or "I was gagged when they kidnapped me and brutalized me." I'm not going to go deep into this, because for the past few months society has finally decided to become honest about how they don't give a fuck about mental health in the slightest.

Argument #8 against masks: Poverty. Again I'm going to make this quick, because as established, society has a whole has been honest with how they don't give a shit. Masks that actually work are in short supply. Short supplies causes prices to rise if demand doesn't fall. Getting ahold of masks that actually work becomes harder, especially for the more impoverished of us. Preventing people from going into locations based on their inability to procure this can count as discrimination against the poor. Yes, they can make something out of... rubbish. But as established that's not really effective. So, in turn, you'll only have the more well-off people with masks that actually work, which, once again, is discrimination. I supposed you could give them out for free. But we have shortages of PPE and the free stuff should probably go to the doctors and hospitals, right?


So, please keep telling me to wear a mask that just might be illegal that you don't know if I can afford while you wear one made of an old bath towel filled with mildew that you never wash. It's what the science says after all, after they've said repeatedly to not wear masks unless you yourself are sick. Keep wishing that people who aren't wearing masks get and die of Covid, without realizing that masks don't keep you safe. They're meant to keep others safe. If you keep fiddling with them and putting them on without washing your hands, you're more likely to die of Covid than someone who has never worn a mask ever.

And please, keep taking down your masks to shout at people so you know they can hear you being a hypocrite. I'd prefer someone who never wears a mask than someone up their ass about how everyone should wear a mask without knowing how they do or don't work. It really makes you look like you're on the moral right about this whole thing. If you hope I get Covid, I hope you get heat stroke. Hell, I can even claim the moral high ground because heat stroke isn't contagious.

Andrew Schafly #quack #wingnut web.archive.org

Hydroxychloroqine (C18H26ClN3O), also known as hydroxychloroquine sulfate and HCQ, is a drug sold under the name Plaquenil Prior to COVID-19 it was most commonly used to treat malaria, and also currently to treat lupus. The package insert for Plaquenil describes its mostly minor potential side effects some of which occur at much higher doses than what is used to treat COVID-19.

It has been used by the physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko as a part of successful treatment for coronavirus and was recommended for such by President Trump (see: Vladimir Zelenko's coronavirus treatment). Specifically, Dr. Zelenko used hydroxychloroqine, azithromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc as a part of his treatments to his patients.

China, South Korea, and India all use hydroxychloroquine to successful combat the effects of COVID-19.

Never-Trumpers in government and hospitals block early use of this medication, and instead either withhold it from patients entirely or delay it until the end stage of the patient's life when medications are least effective. Other governments (such as Texas), wanting to make sure current patients had a supply for their pre-existing medical needs, permitted it only with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

Leonso Canales, Jr. #fundie #conspiracy web.archive.org

Language, an important human behavior, slowly but constantly evolves from older forms to newer ones. Also our greetings through time have changed several times:


12th Century HALLOW Chaucer(1340) Europe
16th Century HALLOO Shakespeare(1564-1616) England
19th Century HULLO U.S.A
20th Century HELLO Thomas Alva Edison(1847-1931) New Haven, CT
21st Century HEAVENO Leonso Canales,Jr. (1940- ) Kingsville, TX

Hello took life in 1878 when Thomas Alva Edison said the first word through the newly invented telephone. Who really knows, the news media was not around at the time to give us an accurate account. He could have said, "Hullo," jokingly and mistakenly misprinted. The fact is that Hello was printed by Noah Webster's dictionary in 1883.

The telephone kept expanding, and so did the greeting. As the greeting "Hello" kept growing it soon became a general greeting. Webster's dictionary kept on printing "Hello" as a greeting word. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) rejected the "Hello" greeting all his life. His greeting was "Ahoy, Ahoy!" The dictionaries became a standard foundation for the language and continued to promote the word as our standard greeting. We never questioned it; we took it for granted and learned it as it was always there..., and strangely enough it has become our most used word on a daily basis. "I" is the second. This negative phenomenon possibly has set its pattern. We have been too busy and too involved in our daily doings to see the whole picture. Until a person born in Kingsville, Texas questioned the connotation of the word "Hello." The "O" is not enough to hide the most negative word (Hell) printed in every dictionary! This greeting word "Hello" has been upon us for 117 years! Maybe subconsciously we have promoted and fueled the wrong message.

Let's now understand that we all have been misled. We should now put it behind us and call the 20th century negative and obsolete. We should now set a new example and set a new precedent! It is up to us now to make a change and start setting and paving a new road for our youth and ourselves. Let's show the rest of the world that we are united, friendly, and unique people.

Let's now begin working towards the next 100 years with a more harmonious, intelligent, and positive new universal greeting: "HEAVENO!" A symbol of Peace, friendship and Welcome!


Morris Dictionary(1962)

hello: Legend has it that Thomas Alva Edison himself was the first to say hello over the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell, who is reported to have used "Hoy" or "Ahoy" all his life, rejecting "Hello."

(Submitter’s note: In 1997, he actually got a small town in Texas to adopt “HeavenO” as its official greeting.

Michael Sisco #wingnut #fundie #elitist web.archive.org

Contrary to popular belief, by all objective observable criteria, Monarchy has been a resounding success. Recorded history makes it evident, that Monarchy has been the predominant form of governing on Earth since at least 3,000BC. What evidence is there that humans at large are so much more advanced, and intelligent than all of humans of the past? If Monarchy was such a menace to the Earth, would it have remained so dominant a force? Liberal democracy is a mere speck, in comparison.

For example, beginning with the unification of upper and lower Egypt, monarchy led to nearly three millennia of stability since 3150 BC. Certainly, it was developed in pre-historic times, flourished in the Greek Bronze Age, in Rome between 700 and 500 BC, The Chinese states, and early medieval Western Europe. The worlds greatest cultures and institutions, in every period, were cultivated and shaped by the Royal dynasties. Even the Nubian Kingdom in Africa produced periods of continuous stability, one lasting for at least 900 years. Until the pernicious lies wreaked chaos in England, the feudal Monarchs also produced stability. There is no doubt that Monarchy built great things! As pointed out at Unqualified Reservations, the world’s most beautiful and impressive architecture were built under the royals’ watch. One need only to compare the age of the Monarchs, to the age that followed. The rise of popular government, whose various expressions fought for dominance, destroying much of the cultures they consumed, and leading to the most bloodshed in the planet’s history.

Why exactly was Monarchy so successful? First and foremost, it is a natural reflection on Earth, of the hierarchy of Heaven. The Christian teaching of man, being created in the image and likeness of God, also applies to the order of civilization. Because mankind is created in His image, the most ideal form of government is that, of as a single head. Just as the father is the head of the family, so the King is the head of nation. Under a monarchial system, people are more inclined to reverently view the monarch as a dear relative, with a healthy blend of fear and adoration.

President “Turkmenbashi” Saparmurat Niyazov #psycho #crackpot #god-complex web.archive.org

Fate gave me the role of being leader of Türkmenistan at the juncture of the second and third millennia. The burden of the responsibility of taking my people from the last years of the second millennium, in which things did not go well, to the summits of the third millenium fell onto my shoulders.

This position and responsibility, which have been given to me without my asking, have motivated me to call up my spiritual, intellectual and physical strength that Allah granted me with and use them as a societal force to achieve progress in my country. I understand that it is necessary to call up not only my own strength but also all the national spiritual strength given to the whole Türkmen nation. Indeed, throughout history which connects one generation to the others, there is a law of individual-society relations: the power which has been generated by the society in one era comes to life in an individual matured in the same nation at a later point. This should not be put to keeping people where they are but to come back with a different outlook and raise them to the summits. I dedicate Ruhnama, my desired and expected book, to my people. Although the demand for a book such as this has come from our generation, this is not a problem which has only surfaced in recent history. The Türkmen generations before us, even though they did not make such demands explicitly, felt the necessity of spiritual principles which will not lead our generation to divide and disappear. Each individual comes to the fore with the symbols that constitute its core: the commander holds a weapon, the poet holds a pen, the doctor holds a remedy. The President, as historical character, writes his guidelines and come to the fore with these.

My main guideline is Ruhnama. As a systematic worldview, Ruhnama is the core of all my political, economic and life targets, with civil content and methods of use in different areas of society.

President “Turkmenbashi” Saparmurat Niyazov #psycho #crackpot #wingnut #fundie web.archive.org

My Dear Türkmen Nation!

You are the meaning of my life and source of my strength. I wish you a healthy and long life. Our Türkmen ancestors were courageous people and they began to educate their children before they came to life. The Türkmen child reached maturity and bravery, and then has a national education and worldview. For that reason, bodily health, intellectual stability, and integrity, and good manners were the special characteristics of the Türkmen.

In our times, the Türkmen should take care in his eating and drinking to preserve his health and endurance. He should not eat greedily. In order to keep his health, strength and productivity, the Türkmen should remember Allah Almighty’s order: “Eat and drink but do not waste,” and behave according to this order.

The real Türkmen should be careful about the clothes he wears and the way he dresses should be reasonable. His appearance should be pleasing since Allah is beautiful and the Türkmen should be appropriate for His love.

The Türkmens before us continued to read and learn new sciences even though they had reached the highest levels in the sciences. They lived with the accumulated knowledge that had passed from generation to generation and passed it on to the current generation. They thought that the learning of the sciences would end if they made any break in this endeavour.

Today’s Türkmens, you will be seen as scientists if you keep reading. If you lose your learning, then you will become illiterates. Every citizen of Türkmenistan should have a knowledge of science. This would be the result of brave souls, poetic perceptions, sensitive heart, and spiritual richness. To read and to learn is to have a deeper knowledge of life. When one reads, new ideas and anxieties emerge in the mind. Thus, to read and to learn is to appreciate Allah Amighty. Intellectuals and scientists have special place in my world and I show them great respect.

Jeff Giesea (disciple of Peter “Dracula” Thiel) #wingnut #psycho web.archive.org

by @bunkerwsmith

BACKGROUND: The Alt-Right is fueled by incredible passion and talent but very little money. Taking this movement to the next level will require resources. That means $$$. My hope is that this guide makes it easier for people to contribute. Consider this a kick in the pants to support the movement, even if it's a small amount.

PRINCIPLES: A few quick principles as I put this together. (excuse the faggotry)
1. How you spend your money is a personal decision. My goal here is to give you options. (I'm happy to offer my personal opinion of the best places to invest if asked, but that's not my intent here.)
2. Obviously there's some subjectivity about what's considered #AltRight. I'll do the best to scope this appropriately.
3. This is not a personal endorsement of any of the resources listed.
4. I realize this is USA-centric. Over time we can add more international resources.
5. Consider this a living document. Feel free to DM or tweet edits or additions.

ANONYMITY: This is one of the biggest concerns among Alt-Right donors. For the vast majority of donors (contributing $0-$5k annually), anonymity is totally between you and the organization you're funding. There's no federal reporting requirement of donations. Leaked info is always a risk, so check with their security practices if you're concerned. Contributing via Bitcoin and PayPal may offer additional privacy protections. In the USA, 501c3 organizations have to report those who donate $5,000 or more in a single year on their annual 990 forms. If you want to donate more than $5,000 and are concerned with anonymity, I suggest getting in touch with the organization directly. In the USA, personal gifts can be made tax-free up to $12,000 per year.
-> We are working on a guide to contributing using bitcoin.

Here is a working list of places to donate with links.

- American Renaissance - @AmRenaissance - https://store.amren.com/donate.php
- Chronicles (Rockford Institute) - @ChroniclesMag - https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/my-account/login/?redir=%2fdonate%2f
- Counter-Currents - @NewRightAmerica - https://secure.counter-currents.com/donate
- National Policy Institute (Radix Journal) @RadixJournal - http://www.npiamerica.org/support
- Occidental Observer - @TOOEdit - http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/donate
- VDare - @vdare - https://www.vdare.com/contribute (you can contribute to individual authors like Sailer and Derb directly via Vdare)

Daily Stormer - http://www.dailystormer.com/contributions (fund Andrew personally at http://adventurequest2012.com)
Dissident Right - @adissidentright - http://dissidentright.com
Millennial Woes - @MillennialWoes - https://www.patreon.com/MillennialWoes?ty=h
Rome is Burning - @RomeBurningShow - http://romeisburning.show
Steve Sailer - @Steve_Sailer - http://isteve.blogspot.com
TheRightStuff - @ThaRightStuff - http://therightstuff.biz
WeimericaWeekly - @HadleyBennett - http://www.socialmatter.net

Red Ice Radio - @rediceradio - http://www.redicemembers.com/amember/signup/index
Rome is Burning - @FerricJaggar - http://romeisburning.show/
White Rabbit Radio - @eurorabbit - http://whiterabbitradio.net/membership-options-page

-> Here's another list of "heroes of the Alt-Right" with contributions info. https://goo.gl/yxjxfQ

David Wright #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger #crackpot web.archive.org

What is love, actually? What is love being misunderstood as?
Love explained

Love is an anti-sexual feeling

First of all, I know all of this by experience. I have been in love multiple times before, and I am as certain as one could ever be, that what I felt was love. It was amazing. It was an experience of quality, and definetely something that everyone deserves to feel and understand. ...Which they clearly don't.
Though I never succeeded at getting into a relationship, I have been close, and I have felt what it would be like to have a girlfriend, without being in doubt about anything.

Okay let's begin...
Love is the most effective feeling against sexual thoughts. The idea of thinking sexual thoughts have never been more distant, and for once, revealingly demotivating, than that very moment of quality when you're in love. On top of that, being in love also makes you feel alive and very emotional, whether it's the happy kind, or the sad kind where you're missing that person.

Love is basically two things:
• Emotional and
• Anti-sexual

Couples who are having sex is just as misunderstood about love as couples who claim to not feel emotional about their relationship. I'm having a hard time respecting people who can't see the logic in this, who choose to have sex with that very special "loving" partner that they claim to love. B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T...
If you haven't felt this kind of emotional and anti-sexual feeling before, then you are unexperienced with romantic love, and you shouldn't be allowed to have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
If you haven't felt this kind of emotional and anti-sexual feeling before, then you are unexperienced with romantic love, and then you probably haven't found that one and only person yet. But don't worry... once that happens, you'll know EXACTLY what I mean.

But how come our relationship seems to work out so well, when we're having sex?
Because you're confused about whether you're having a nonromantic sexual relationship, or a romantic nonsexual relationship. I'll get to that later... But keep in mind that you two WANTED eachother. You are simply partners. I prefer to call that "natural attraction". However, the day you realise what it would be like to have a LOVER then you will not want to think about having a simple partner anymore. Until then, please don't abuse the word "love" again. It's a strong word that one should simply not condescend with something as silly as sex.

Okay, so let's bring up some facts:

• You can have a romantic non-sexual relationship.
• You can have a non-romantic sexual relationship.
• You can have a non-romantic non-sexual relationship.
• You cannot have a romantic sexual relationship*

* Such a thing does not exist. Romance is non-sexual. Sex is non-romantic. These two things does not work out together at any time. When you “crush on” someone, your brain sees the non-sexual beauty on someone. Both the inner non-sexual beauty (approachability, intelligence, interest in you, personality, etc.) and the outer non-sexual beauty (look, voice, clothing, and all those things). Basically, every positive thing that you can find on someone that does not include anything sexual. Love is like a magic thing that can vanish ALL sexual feelings and temptations, and replace them with all the non-sexual qualities of that one special person that you’re having a crush on.

The more in love you are with someone, the more inappropriate it feels to think of them in a sexual way. When you’re truly in love, you might even forget that sex is a thing that exists in this world, temporarily! Love is simply the most powerful feeling in the world, and the more you feel it, the more distant the idea of sex becomes. This is why I think EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this world NEEDS to read, and think about this quote: “Love is an anti-sexual feeling” before even talking about, and using the word “love”.

Also, make sure you don't misunderstand my point! If you want to have a child, and reproduce, go ahead and do it! Just make sure my message is clear, and you're doing what you have to do for the right reason ☺
This has nothing to do with religion. I am 100% atheist, and this is nothing but pure knowledge that comes from years of experience with being in love, and being part of the loving nature in mankind.

Think of a girl or a boy that you really like. Maybe your crush, or your girlfriend/boyfriend.
Now imagine that their parents just died in a traffic collision, and now they're standing next to you crying. What would you do? Comfort them, right? This is where, my theory about love really becomes clear. The thought of doing anything sexual to them suddenly becomes very inappropriate. Inappropriate because giving comfort just really doesn't work out with sex, or have anything in common with anything sexual.
That feeling you get, when you decide to comfort someone, is exactly how love is supposed to feel. Love is like wanting to comfort someone all the time, even when they're not sad. Love is also the ability to feel "comfortful" torwards someone who isn't even sad. You can tell that two people really love eachother, when the 'comfortful chemistry' is between them as a standard, and no tragic experience is needed. These are difficult words, but actually, this is precisely what I mean. Sex is just an inappropriate thing when it comes to love. Period.

Another reason to say that love is an anti-sexual feeling
When you fantasize about someone in a sexual way, you're thinking of them as an object. A sexual object. You may not always think of them as an object, but once you're fantasizing about them in a sexual way, all you see is an object.

Now... love is the exact thing that makes us humans see the PERSON that hides behind a human's body. Love makes us feel the other person's identity, as if it was our own. Love makes us realise that behind another person's body, exists something far more amazing than just an object. If you're actually in love with someone else, then it also means that you will find it wrong to think of them as an object - at any given time.
In other words: You will not think of them in a sexual way, because the personality, and the identity that you see will keep disturbing your sexual thoughts. It is NOT possible to sexually fantasize about someone that you love unless you're really concentraded about not thinking about their personality, and identity. So yes... it IS possible to sexually fantasize about a loved one, but only if you're trying hard to not think about all the things that makes you love them. And honestly... as you get closer and closer to someone that you love, get to know them better and better, this whole idea of thinking sexual thoughts about them WILL become more and more distant. Because you will automatically find it wrong to think of them as an object for sex. THAT'S HOW LOVE WORKS! If you do not feel this way, then you do not feel love, simple as that.

" People who find the love of their lives, and then later have sex with them, is like people who buy the most expensive meal in the world, and then soaking it with Heinz Ketchup. "


Theory: Love is an anti-sexual feeling
Theory proven and confirmed

R.G. Thatcher #racist #conspiracy #wingnut web.archive.org


A Prophecy of Israel’s
20th Century Braveheart

ADOLF HITLER, the enigma of the age! A man shrouded in mystery! Who and what was he? Was he really a raging demonized maniac as portrayed below who destroyed whatever was good and right, or a conquering hero who helped his people stand up on their own two feet and destroy their oppressors?
Were the German people really blind to follow him? These are the questions this article WILL answer! The presentation of facts and analysis of those facts that follow WILL alter the political direction of Western Civilization! They will be profound and TRUE! They will establish Hitler as a Saint of God who was PROPHESIED to come in the Holy Bible. They will point a finger, not at Hitler, but at the Jews and their Communism and call them Satanic! This is heady powerful stuff. Can you handle it? Be strong and rejoice in this new Biblical view that is so needed at this desperate hour in Western civilization as many Gentile nations rage and build up their armies to destroy us. All ministers, preachers, and teachers who claim to acknowledge God’s Word, the Bible, WILL be held accountable for what they do with this priceless insight. Too many people in high positions have been guilty of calling good evil and evil good, some unwittingly due to mis-education and others knowingly because they ARE mis-educators and disinformation agents of the Communists and Jews (Edomites). But whether you are a Christian, agnostic, an atheist, or even a Jew, of the right or left politically, will you be able to accept the answer given? It will all depend on whether or not you are a person of TRUTH. Regretfully, too many people embrace whatever ideology or values which appear to be acceptable to their own peer group, not bothering to substantiate anything or even knowing how to. Your ability to come to grips with TRUTH will have to be your problem.

Although this article may very well be read by people of different races and creeds around the world, its primary audience will be found in Europe and the Western hemisphere, therefore they will be nominally Christian in that they supposedly take their beliefs from that book referred to as the Holy Bible. But only the TRUE Christian who TRULY seeks to upgrade his understanding of TRUTH as the Holy Bible professes to proclaim will be profoundly affected by the new insight presented here. Of course, there will be some of you nominal Christians who may actually, for the first time, sit down and READ the Holy Bible with more than just casual interest. And then perhaps in the not too distant future, our pacified inept nominally Christian society will be able to stand up and FIGHT the Beast and its allies that so much want to engulf us. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS TIMELY AND REVEALING EXPOSE, FOR THE HOUR HAS COME!

Is there a third alternative to Communism or Capitalism? The Communists and Liberals will emphatically scream “NO!” And as proof they will point a finger at Hitler, 6,000,000 dead Jews (Edomites) and the destruction wreaked by World War II. The answer posed to the West by Hitler keeps resurrecting itself, but the Communists and Jews are constantly trying to keep entombed their ideological enemy. They want us to focus on just one concept – “BETTER RED THAN DEAD!” – and nothing else. We are constantly reminded by the Communists (but not the Russian Communists who are playing dead) that we of the West, as decadent Capitalists, have as a choice only Communism to rising Fascism as the lesser of two evils. They will also be quick to point out that any form of rising nationalism, of putting one’s country first, is merely fascism or neo-Nazism. The very thought of being tainted as a neo-Nazi usually triggers a conditioned response – you would probably quickly recoil in horror even as the fictional vampire recoils at the sight of the cross (i.e., the Swastika). We have been conditioned even as dogs were trained and conditioned in the famous Pavlovian experiments! The “Christian West” has been lowered before the specter of atheistic Communism.

Cannot the world remember that Hitler and the National Socialist movement were the archenemies of the Communists? We have been taught that Hitler’s “real” problem was “ANTI-SEMITISM” with which he infected his movement. And “ANTI-SEMITISM” the West equates repugnantly with the dreaded contagious AIDS through mind conditioning from “our” Jewish controlled communications media. We just cannot seem to remember that it was the Jews who started Communism in the first place – that most of the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks of the Communist revolution in Russia were Jewish. No, we cannot remember that because we WERE NEVER TAUGHT THAT! But what we ARE TAUGHT is that Hitler had a fixation disorder with regards to the Jews and used them as scapegoats to explain why Germany was having so many problems.

When are Christians going to read the Bible? If we are going to condemn Hitler for waging war against his enemies, we are going to have to condemn a lot of God’s servants who lead ancient Israel. (Read about God’s instructions to King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:2 & 3.) Should a soldier be condemned for doing his consecrated duty. Of course NOT! Only a criminal should be condemned to jail or death. As you will be shown “[Hitler] executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgments with Israel.” Can we as Christians not righteously judge this day between good and evil? Who is good and who is evil? The executioner and our soldiers who defend us OR the criminal and the enemy troops? CHOOSE!

Another word we have also been conditioned to use and respond to is the word “PREJUDICE”, and oh, how prejudiced we are against our OWN BLOOD RELATIONS – the German people – a CHRISTIAN folk, and how readily we defend NON-Christian aliens, the Jews! Truly we are a confused people who have drifted from our anchor, the HOLY BIBLE. And if I were your typical biased “Christian” who thinks all Jews are God’s Chosen, that Jesus Christ was one of the Jews as we know them today, and that Hitler was evil, I would NEVER have been able to figure out the references to Hitler in the Bible. What I came to understand through my own in-depth studies was that Adolf Hitler, contrary to political deception of the masses, was not the evil person he has been portrayed as. However, I did not study Hitler first. I studied the Jews and found out about their garbage books, the Talmud. And then I became, I figured, as incensed as Hitler became against the Jews. I, as a Christian, learned that the Talmud was not their name for the Old Testament of the Bible, but really the repulsive idiotic ramblings of various ancient Rabbis that makes null and void the Holy Bible. What I received from my studies was a definite case of RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION against these people who call themselves Jews. If you do not know what I am talking about, that is what a lot of deceived “Christians” come down with when they are confronted with a Nazi! You know, that exasperated angry feeling. But now my indignation was rightly directed against the Talmudic Jews (Edomites) who have developed Communism as their tool to gain control and enslave the world. Communism is but a by-product of Talmudic thought. It is the system that they, as the elite, will use to rule the masses (GOYIM). I WAS ALARMED!

Gregg Buell #crackpot #conspiracy #racist web.archive.org

[Did someone say does this stuff sometimes sound like poetry. Have some song/poetry of pure racist conspiratorial alternative science]

Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation

My deck of cards has 52 nearest solar systems
NASA has not even mapped out 52 nearest solar systems
Let alone made plans to travel to another solar system
Lets play 52 pick up
With new card and board games
Coerce NASA into another Moon Landing
Make NASA stick up for themselves against the Pentagon
In the year 2000 Joint Chiefs of Staff news article
Approved a new Moon Base but it never materialized
The Joint Chiefs of Staff canceled Apollo
30 years of wars substitutes Apollo scientists with troops
NASA director sold out in 1980 when the Electric Windmill Car
Was invented
NASA director sold out to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Hidden safely behind hidden cameras no one complained
NASA also lost humanity its first Aircraft Carrier Hospital Ships
Electric Windmill Ships windfall is a new Hospital ship
NASA coerced into doing the wrong thing
This could not happen if the hidden cameras were exposed
NASA’s unequivocal triumph of genius was shot in the head
By those with the guns
No avoiding WW III now
After the NYC WTC attack
Nukes will eventually be planted in NYC
Unless the other side is totally, bankrupt
Invent an Electric Windmill Car + Ship a stroke of luck
Idiot Generals suppress luck and genus
Promoted to General after you walk on the Moon
Thousands could be living on the Moon in 2002
Inventions in landing on the Moon
Destroy by the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Invention board game on the computer
You land on the moon and all these inventions pop up
To invent 1,001 spin off inventions
Game more sophisticated than any Microsoft game
You land on Curie, Bell, or Edison and pop up windows
List all their inventions
Atomic age poetry just before Nukes blast off in NYC
We must change all the worlds madmen
WW III before we visit another solar system
Thanks to the NASA directors who sold out to Generals
Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted it this way
Unequivocal triumph of Madness
There is no avoiding WW III now
Now we must win WW III
Parish in Nuclear War over the suppressed Electric Car
Oil Kings have no mercy on the masses
TV News went along with this for Oil Money payoffs
Double-dealer they took cancer research funds
CNN and MSNBC did this to humanity
On a scale of $$$$ Hundreds of Billions of dollars
TV stifles
This takes on another connotation today
Electric Windmill Car + Ship would have drove humanity
To the nearest 52 nearest solar systems in 1980
Generals get new glasses and the Rx with their benefits
5 billion people pay dearly for these Generals
Bridges and crowns are the most expensive
So, false teeth are suppressed to billions by dentists
Everyone’s mentality is that of Oil Kings and their Court
Government lets those who prey on us rule
Big Brother is watching, but not watching out for you
Big Brother is watching, but not watching out for you
There is no seizing hole of Big Brothers conscience
He is like a Black Rapists taking what gets him off
Cold-blooded killers
Blacks are born; the Army coerces Whites
NASA could dominate over these environments
But choose not to fight for the right to Moon Landings
NYC will join club Hiroshima
Jews will spread their war to the shores of America
Intellectuals in a unpublished war behind hidden cameras
Oil was bankrupt in 1980
Cancer could have been cured with real Intellectuals
Who could outsmart the Jews and Generals
Moreover, land on the Moon
With thousands of troops who would be promoted to general
Intellectual talk about what is gravity
Is never published on the News
News keeps the masses uninsured and in debt with student loans
Comprehend the News media doing this to 5 billion people
News of the new atom laser at MIT
Does nothing if its not in your computer invention games
Waves or particles in physics
Even Physics News Updates on the web sold out to Warriors
52 nearest solar systems are out of their mind
Really, they are out of their minds
Impossible for men at war to see 52 nearest solar systems
Let alone trade their war inventions for space inventions
Genius of a computer board game
That brings up all the inventions in history of man
Finally a program that needs more computing power
Than Microsoft Golf
Observe protons in multimedia giving off light and gravity
Warp speed space ships with gravity satellite engines
Aliens on the way to the nearest 52 nearest solar systems
Joint Chiefs of Staff never wanted you to know about this
Even the Joint Chiefs of Staff could not avoid being sucked into
OK’ing black hole of Faggot Sex in the Army Oil Kings wanted
Misleading you are the idle rich
Misleading you are the idle rich
How is gravity generated can be misleading
How hard it is to find this invention is also misleading
USA is mobilizing for WW III not a gravity invention
Mobilization of the intellectuals waits until the war is won
Between wars we land on the Moon
In addition, install smart lasers on cars
War is more addictive than landing on the Moon
It’s in the atrocities that’s hard to comprehend for Astronauts
News she knew it was wrong to drown her five kids
No news about 5,000 kids burning in gasoline fires
Our American Caesar and Oil Kings
Will be reincarnated in a distant galaxy of Hell
Consciousness transported at warp speed
To some Hell hole 52 million light years from here
Turn to your consciousness and brain inventions
Brain will have a slot in my computer board game
Lobotomy history up to the gas that can tame Generals
Jew Generals who get off on killing PLO girls
A lobotomy gas can suppress this desire
It just has to be invented
A perpetual motion machine creates gravity
There are thousands of perpetual motion machines
They exist in their own spectrum
Far from the Judgements of our Supreme Court
Conduct of this highest Court
Is responsible for the NYC WTC attack
Business as usual
Even when mobilization is for war not Universe Conquest
Sailing over cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays going fast
Some s-rays can travel 450 times the speed of light
Next generation of high tension lines from Public Service
Public Service will not invent these
Someone playing the computer board game
My deck of cards has 52 nearest solar systems will
Mobilization catalysts can be war or universe
Top leadership of Earth has picked war for now
Observe Ivy League selfishness in their web pages
You need a password even to pay your tuition
Pay Channels on Cable TV do not offer a University
CEO forgot to have any mercy on 5 billion people
Miracle of vision
If you land on this on my board game, you get Mercy
No mercy in the number of pop up windows
As they will fill your computer screen
Throw the dice in the Casino
Lawmakers threw billions of people to the trash bin
Godsend of perception that created itself
52 pick up is more than picking up on 52 solar systems
52 pick up is more than picking up on 52 solar systems
Commanding Officers do not second-guess vision
Big Brother is watching on hidden cameras
But not for consciousness inventions
Public Services is not know for its innovativeness
Light year travel depends on these Public Utilities too
Train wrecks and car wrecks are beyond their innovations
How do you expect them to travel a few light years?
How do you expect them to travel a few light years?
Docking rocket sections in orbit
Docking 747’s in flight
Train concept is one of the places you can land on my game
100% power from your Intel CPU will be used
When you land on this Hotel
Hotel is not a Casino - you can win here
Photographic memory can be made into a pill
You just have to make the gamble to find these pills
Nuclear scientists are occupied
Smarter scientists can pick and choose invention games
Bankers have been intimidated by Oil money
Fiery car crashes with people on fire inside didn’t intimidate
Bank One went along with the oil genocide
NYC Banks did too
One-arm bandits are the makers of idiot gamblers
Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation
Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation
Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation
My deck of cards has 52 nearest solar systems
My deck of cards has 52 nearest solar systems
Land on any of the 52 solar systems
And all the inventions in history will pop up
In one of those annoying, pop up windows
Most annoying thing about Microsoft programs
Is their lack of pop up windows with histories inventions
Getting a PhD in Light Year Travel is eons away from reality
All of Chinas masses could profit from the sale of Taiwan
Using force how much could they get in dollars for Taiwan?
More billions than Bill Gates and Microsoft have
Using the money for tuition would double their money
Sailing Shanghi and Calcutta into a Riviera
Winds of the Electric Windmill Car and Ship
Would do more for these parts of the World than any other
Worst off would be Corpus Christi and Mecca
Profits from Oil have bought more cocaine than penicillin
ATT know who spends big bucks on long distance
Big Brother is listening to the cash
Injustice is by way of the Black MD’s who misdiagnose so much
Pointless to make a Black a MD
Just to have Black MD’s
Even their statistics makes them mass murderers
VIA the Medical School policies in place by the government
Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation
I introduce you to a God invented Universe
My deck of cards has 52 nearest solar systems
That contains more things that are unimaginable
Than Humans could imagine
Than Humans could imagine
That could be living in the nearest 52 solar systems

Sorcha Faal #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy web.archive.org

Trump Clone War Socialist British Massacre Victory Joined By Doomsday Plane Flight When Empire Strikes Back

A disquieting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin wishing Prime Minister Boris Johnson “good health and success” after this British populist leader led his conservative forces yesterday to their historic “bloodbath massacre defeat” of socialist-globalist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his demented leftist followers—a battlefield victory so profound it sent a “catastrophic warning” clear across the Atlantic Ocean to leftist Democrats in America on the grim fate that awaits them in the 2020 election, states it was more than fitting that top socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden was in California yesterday viewing this bloodbath massacre defeat, where he declared Prime Minister Johnson is President Donald Trump’s “clone”, at the same exact time obsessed Star Wars fans in California with sleeping bags and a portable movie projector have started camping outside Hollywood's Chinese Theatre, more than a week before the next installment of this movie blockbuster begins playing—the comparisons of which between this futuristic science fiction movie franchise depicting freedom loving peoples rebelling against an evil space empire and present day reality are becoming harder to ignore—most particularly because this socialist-globalist election battlefield massacre masterminded by Trump-clone Boris Johnson occurred on the 11th anniversary date of 13 December 2008 when top climate change religious figure Al Gore warned the North Pole would be completely melted and free of ice by 2013—an important fact to note as within hours of Prime Minister Johnson achieving his historic victory yesterday, the “evil empire” European Union threatened to slam the United States with crippling climate change tariffs—a threat quickly responded to by President Trump ordering his nation’s feared Doomsday plane to begin nuclear war exercise flights—a Doomsday plane sure to be placed under the command of the new Space Force military command the US Congress just gave money and authority to Trump to create this week—which comes during the same week veteran NASA astronaut Michael Collins posted a shocking Tweet hinting at alien life and its being reported the US Navy is covering up new technology—advanced space technology further alluded to this past week by retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast stating that “fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour”—which one knows would be developed at the highly secretive Area 51 base where its been revealed all of its visitors now have to wear “Foogles” to severely limit their vision when moving about. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Dave Truesdale #racist #wingnut web.archive.org

(Basically, SF is for white, cis hetro males, by white, cis, hetero males. Anyone else is culturally appropriating it.)
The SF field has always been open to everyone at every level, so the basic anti-diversity claim from the Woke crowd is an outright lie. This has been pointed out to them on numerous occasions over the years, yet they persist in the lie, repeat it often and ever louder, thus revealing their own disingenuous nature, and all the while labeling anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint a racist, sexist, homophobe, because these are the tried and true strawmen guaranteed to shut down any argument.

They scream and holler about cultural appropriation when it comes to the white oppressors in SF, yet use smears and intimidation3 to aid in their attempts to appropriate (and thus balkanize–divide and conquer) the SF field in service to the lie born of the double helix comprised of their social/political agenda of non-diversity in the field.

Mountain Manna #quack #crackpot #mammon web.archive.org

Mountain Manna is a water based homeopathic tincture / extract containing concentrated organic M-PMEs (M-state-Precious Metal Elements) in their highest natural energy state. They come straight from mountain mineral springs; before the dissipating effects of reactions with sun, air and soil. We believe that these M-PMEs are bio-superconductors, which flow the light-of-life.

This class of materials has also been called White Gold, ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), ORMUS and m-state. We believe that they are related to the Biblical Manna, the Water-of-Life, the Alchemist's Elixir of Life and the Philosopher's Stone.

The benefits attributed to their use as a mineral supplement are due, in part, to the isomeric energy released by the M-PMEs as they are digested in one's body. Their unique energy frequencies tend to bring a holistic balance to the nervous, and cellular systems, as well as the subtle bodies. The objective of regular consumption is not primarily as a curative to alleviate a specific condition, although such benefits can occur, but for sustenance to build a reserve of special frequencies not available in our normal diets anymore.

Since these spring-water colloids are offered in a very concentrated and bio-available liquid form, the suggestions for use should be closely followed.

Coming directly from spring waters deep in the Trinity Alps of Northern California, Mountain Manna is extremely rare in the purity and grade of its natural elements. Very limited quantities are harvested as dictated by the optimum flow conditions at specific times during a given spring's annual cycle. Our care in the production of Mountain Manna ensures that you get the highest energy natural m-state minerals. These colloids are extracted with the source water to the desired concentration and then processed through a series of successively tighter filters to allow only the smallest organic mineral particles in the final tincture / suspension (98% are smaller than 1/10th micron).

FineprintWe make no specific claims as to any medical benefits of any of the Mountain Manna formulations. People who use them do so entirely at their own risk as would be true of the use any product containing m-state precious metal elements. Mountain Manna is sold as a natural mineral water. Any use is the responsibility of the buyer.

Missing Universe Museum #fundie #dunning-kruger web.archive.org

Per Evolutionists a vestigial organ or appendage is supposedly something that exists in a living organism without any function, but served some useful purpose in the past in some ancestral form. These should exist as well as harmless appendages that never did perform any useful function. They would be external as well as internal.

Here is an illustration of a created man as opposed to one who just evolved by chance:
Note that the Evolution man is bloated due to the numerous useless internal vestigial organs. Evolution would be obvious and undeniable if we looked like the man on the right! He would have trouble finding a suit that fits!

If Evolution is truly occurring, vestigial organs would not only exist, but they would greatly outnumber the fully functional ones! The same argument applies for transitional forms as described in Exhibit 5. Since Evolution is a random, chance process, there must be numerous trial and error combinations until a functional organ or appendage is produced. Any of these "vestigial" organs would still be in existence in a multitude of species and individuals and there would be no doubt that Evolution is fact.

However, in the late 1800's there were an estimated 150 vestigial parts in the human body. Supposedly anyone can claim that something is vestigial because it serves no apparent purpose and the individual can survive without it. Today there are no vestigial organs claimed for the human body! That is because in the last 100 years, medical science has found that there is indeed a purpose to everything in the human body.

Creation says there will be zero vestigial organs while Evolution requires millions of them.

imageThis car engine also has no vestigial parts because, like the human body, it too had a Creator! If something so complex as the human body could evolve by chance, then even more so could this automobile evolve by chance.

I don't know what many of the car parts do, but that doesn't mean they are useless leftovers (vestigial).

imageJust look at how the human body is ingeniously packaged. Like the car engine above, everything in the human body has a purpose and was designed by a Creator.

imageFirst we remove the external vestigial organs so we can make an incision.
After the incision we must remove the internal vestigial organs that are in our way.
Then we can perform the heart surgery.

Why don't we ever hear doctors mention vestigial organs?

imageVestigial Organ Donor Card - why don't we see these?

imageWe're having Vestigial Stew today.
Tomorrow it will be left over left overs!

The Singularity of Evil

Beyond the Moral Event Horizon, where Evil grows so strong that it defies comprehension.

canino1997 #sexist #psycho web.archive.org

(On the case of Brandon Clark, who murdered 17 year old internet celebrity Bianca Devins, photographed her nearly-decapitated corpse and uploaded the photo to 4chan)

I did send her mom my condolences together with a cum tribute to the bitch getting rekt. She died coz she was a thot and I hope that she takes this as a lesson on how hard she failed at parenting.

James Weidmann aka Chateau Heartiste #sexist web.archive.org

Lots Of Feminists Are Getting Banged Out By PUAs

Ronin asks:

Just out of curiosity, have any of the real PUAs here ever used game to nail a Jizzabel-type feminazi?

As an aspiring womanizer, you don’t need to act with intent to nail an avowed feminist. If you scavenge snatch in the SWPL regions of any major American city (barring a few notable exceptions*), you WILL have collected more than a few feminist notches on your bedpost. This is because most girls in the big blue population sinks of SWPL-Land are feminists of one stripe or another. You can’t swing an Emperor Deluxe condom without hitting a feminist in the cooch if you live or operate within these zones of misandry.

Of course, not all SWPLcity feminists are cut from the same unsanitary napkin. SWPL chicks generally fall into three main groups of feminist identification:

1. The Femcunts

These are your Jizzebomb fanatics, the devotees of feminism as a life-affirming ideology. They are the smallest in number, but the loudest in bitchery and kookery. This is the kind of manjawed girl — typically a lawyer, academic, organic farmer or diversity consultant — who reads and comments daily at sites like Feministing and Slate/Salon/SuckMyClit with furrowed brow, regurgitating what she learns therein at parties and in the middle of dates, exposing a vile expectation that all the world should agree with where her retarded logic takes her. As long as you don’t embroil yourself in her occasional tantrums at invisible enemies, and keep the pick-up light and breezy while steering her in different conversational directions whenever you sniff the approach of another feminist tirade carried along by the id winds, you will get the bang. She is, underneath her femcuntery, still a woman, and as such (however much you may need reminding) she will respond viscerally to ancient cues of your mate worthiness, and her vagina will flower in spectacular opposition to the wilting of her mind. You don’t want to stay with women like these beyond a few hate smashes, so for shits and giggles I suggest you regale her in the morning with your support of the Second Amendment and the ludicrousness of the equal pay myth. For bonus soul-shivving points, casually muse aloud, after you have sprayed her mug and she’s inserted her glazed face into your armpit nook, that 1 in 5 women who are being raped will orgasm during the act.

2. The Partisans

These are the girls who occasionally read feminist blogs (usually when a fat femcunt friend passes along a link) and parrot the benumbing Cathedral crap they hear on TV and read in approved MSM papers. But these soapbox episodes are blessedly infrequent and pass unremarked, unless they manage to corral some dipshit manboob into acting as a sounding board for their cockamamy nonsense on white male privilege and socially constructed beauty standards (Hugs Shyster, Scrotumless Scalzi, I’m looking at you two distilled estrogen pools.) They believe the feminist canon, but live and conduct their dating lives in a decidedly non-feminist fashion. You will rarely, for instance, find a fattie or a mustachioed Marcuntte wannabe amongst this group. At the end of the day, they like being girls, and are all too happy to ignore the inherent contradictions between feminism and their love of shopping for shoes and falling for assholes.

3. The Lemmings

You have to understand that the anti-feminist/pro-rationality message does not get out in America’s major cities. There simply isn’t an anti-Cathedral reporting or opinion outlet with enough heft to influence more than a tiny fraction of women away from the idiocy that is feminism. This being the case, MOST women in the cities will have spent the better part of their sexually adventurous single girl years steeped in the platitudes of feminism, and they will know nothing else. Combined with women’s natural aversion to abstract thinking beyond immediate, selfish concerns, what you wind up with is a population of lickspittle lemmings who mindlessly nod in agreement every time a talking head exploiting this deficiency in the mental circuitry of half the voting public sonorously intones something about “equal pay for equal work”, or “war on women”. The Lemmings, by far the largest group of women you will likely encounter unless you live in South Dakota, include all types of girls, from club sluts to self-important HR robots to daddy’s princesses to deliriously frantic scenesters. Luckily for your sanity, these girls do not take feminism seriously; not if we measure “seriousness” by the frequency and intensity with which a person holds a belief. They are far more interested in looking hot for you, and gossiping endlessly about relationship drama in their circle of friends. Sure, if you press them “What do you think of free birth control?”, they’ll eagerly approve and perhaps segue into a condemnation of those “rape-y Republicans” and Sandra Fluke’s godliness, but mostly they just go about their lives oblivious to feminism’s charms.

So there you have it. Given that 90% of your city’s women are feminist in name if not in execution, the odds that you will bang out, or currently are banging out, a feminist are pretty good. Most hardcore feminists, whether or not they know it, are fucking men who either pretend to give a shit about their precious ideology, or don’t even bother with the pretense of pretending to give a shit about it. In fact, the majority of men, and an even bigger majority of players, are like me: they find feminism absurd on its face and will dismissively change the subject anytime the girls they are seeing make the mistake of veering into feminist bromide territory. Most girls are sensible and will know when their feminist retardation is turning off the men they like, and will quickly fall in line with the change of subject.

There are exceptions. A few supercharged feminists will eventually wind up with sycophantic manboobs for lovers, and a more perfect pairing I couldn’t imagine.

*I currently live near one of those notable exceptions, and damn straight I’m keeping that info close to the vest.

**Many SWPL cities have geographically extensive ghetto areas, which I don’t consider part of the SWPL, or feminist, world. Ghettoes are like exotic locales that SWPLs like to brag they’ve lived in for six months, when in fact all they did was read about them in the crime section, or pass through them on a bus.

Sandra Porta #quack web.archive.org

Therapeutic defecation in the highEnergy Forest of the Weser Highlands
Price: 450 €

The gut is the key to our wellbeing. But when was the last time you talked to your gut. Asked it; 'How are you doing with the food? What are your dreams and wishes?'

We Are clothed for most of our life and in order to defecate we sit down on a cold chinaware surface.

Thousands of years ago, when humans still had to flee from dinosaurs, one went into the forest for defecation. The gut got fresh food from nature and gave it back to nature. A circle of energies. Now a days your energy ends up in the sewage plant. In the worst case, your food has also been processed industrially. Break this vicious circle.

In my weekend seminary “Therapeuthic Defecation in the High Energy Forest” We cook organic PaläoDiet according to Felix Olschewskis. Afterwards, we wander together through the high energy forests of the Weser highlands and defecate in turns or together in the beautiful nature. In this, we consciously absorb the energy of the forest into our gut as we enjoy the beautiful view.

Please bring comfortable clothing and your toilet paper of coice. (Not bleached, for the sake of the environment.) Furthermore, I ask you to not eat corn for 48 hours before the seminary, as that is badly digested. (Otherwise, the roes will eat it)

Cost per week and participant 450 EUR
Photo book of your Gut Adventure 45 EUR
(If I am allowed to use the images on my following website, the fee does not apply)

For a maximum of 18 participants

Next date: 4th of May 2019

Start: 9.30
I look forward to enjoy our guts together with you.

Original German
Therapeutische Defäkation im hoch Energiewald des Weserberglands
Preis: 450 €
Der Darm ist der Schlüssel zu unserem Wohlbefinden. Aber wann haben Sie sich das letzte Mal mit Ihrem Darm unterhalten. Ihn gefragt: ‚Wie geht es dir eigentlich mit der Nahrung? Was sind deine Träume und Wünsche?‘

Wir Sind größtenteils unseres Lebens bekleidet und zum defäkatieren setzen wir uns auf eine kalte Porzellanoberfläche.

Als die Menschen vor tausenden von Jahre noch vor Dinosauriern fliehen mussten, ging man zur Defäkation in den Wald. Der Darm bekam frische Nahrung aus der Natur und gab diese zurück zur Natur. Ein Kreislauf der Energien. Heut zu tage landet Ihre Energie in der Kläranlage. Ihre Nahrung wird schlimmstenfalls auch industriell verarbeitet. Durchbrechen Sie diesen Teufelskreislauf.

In meinem Wochenendseminar „Therapeutische Defäkation im Hochenergiewald“ Kochen wir biologische Paleo Kost nach Felix Olschewskis. Danach wandern wir gemeinsam durch die Hochenergiewälder des Weserberglands und defäkatieren abwechselnd oder gemeinsam in der schönen Natur. Dabei nehmen wir die Energie des Waldes bewusst in unseren Darm auf, während wir die schöne Aussicht genießen.

Bitte bringen Sie bequeme Kleidung und Ihr bevorzugtes Toilettenpapier mit. (Nicht gebleicht, der Umwelt zu liebe.) Des Weiteren bitte ich Sie 48 Stunden vor dem Seminar keinen Mais zu essen, da dieser schlecht verdaut wird. (Sonst essen die Rehe diesen)

Kosten pro Wochenende und Teilnehmer 450 EUR
Fotobuch von Ihrem Abenteuer Darm 45 EUR
(Wenn ich die Bilder für meine folgende Internetseite nutzen darf, entfällt die Gebühr)

Für maximal 18 Teilnehmer/innen

Nächster Termin: Samstag, 4. Mai 2019

Beginn: 9.30 Uhr
Ich freue mich mit dir gemeinsam unsere Därme zu erkunden.

North Korea #quack web.archive.org

Kumdang-2 injections


Russian Itar-Tass on Kumdan-2 injections:

• ” PYONGYANG , June 11. / Correspondent . ITAR-TASS Yuri Sidorov / . Attention visitors recently held in the capital of North Korea international trade fair attracted the attention of the immune system stimulant ” Kymdan -2 .” This multifunctional injectable preparation is produced Korean pharmaceutical company ” Pungan .” According to its general manager Chung Sung Hoon , he was in great demand in foreign countries , including Cuba , Syria, Mongolia and Germany. ” Mongolian firm ” Aisha Pharma “- he told reporters , – monthly sells approximately 20 thousand packages ” Kymdan -2 ” not only in their own country but also in neighboring countries . This month , Sung Hoon Chung added , “our Mongolian business partner made ​​a proposal to increase supply.” ” Kumdan -2 ” is intended for the treatment of hepatitis , diabetes, polyps and other diseases , has a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory action , promotes rapid tissue regeneration and strengthening immunity. Korean Ministry of Health says nearly 100 – percent efficiency of this tool that is based on extracts from the famous Kaesong Ginseng / ginseng / grown under special conditions. For maximum healing effect by long scientific research has been developed specially formulated fertilizers for this plant , which included several kinds of amino acids , small doses of gold, platinum and other rare earth elements. Moreover, according to recent surveys of North Korean medics, ” Kymdan -2 ” is effective for the prevention of dangerous infectious diseases such as avian flu and SARS . It also protects tissues from exposure to radiation during radiotherapy. ” Kymdan -2 ” useful during sand storms. ” Channel

2. Unique features of Kumdang-2 Injection

1) Kumdang-2 Injection is a herbal medicine extracted from Kaesong Koryo insam (ginseng) cultivated in Kaesong DPR Korea by applying rare-earth molecular fertilizer. It contains insam saccharides, light rare earth elements, a micro-quantities of gold and platinum.
2) It causes no pain during and after injection.
3) Unlike chemical medicines, it has no adverse side effects.
4) It has no contraindications and can be used together with other medicines.
5) It optimizes the systems of autonomic nerve and self-curing by stimulating hypothalamus, the centre of the autonomic nervous system, functions anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria and anti-virus, restores the diseased parts t revitalizing and proliferating cells, optimizes immunity, maintains the homoeostasis of the body, and functions anti-oxidant
6) It absorbs or removes all those that have not originally been in human body (e.g. cancer, pathological secretion, etc.) including those of the same cellular tissues as the healthy ones like polyps or some skin diseases.
7) Owing to its healing mechanism, it can cure a large variety of diseases, and its effects instantly emerge vivid and last long.
8) Dosage does not vaiy according to diseases, but alters a little according to the patient’s body weight and severity of the illness.
9) The main purpose of injection is to cure diseases, but it is also good for healthy persons as it invigorates them, optimizes their immunity and makes them more beautiful.
10) It is good for those who have taken chemical medicines like anti-biotics and narcotic drugs and those who have drunken much alcohol because Kumdang-2 Injection prevents, neutralizes or removes all side effects and addiction. In particular, when taking such medicines that entail severe side effects like anti-cancer and anti-TB medicines, it is advisable to apply this injection simultaneously with them so as to prevent their side effects and expedite cure of the diseases.
11) Hitherto, in uses of Kumdang-2 Injection, nobody could find any sign of attachment (love), addiction, intoxication or their similarity of any kind.

3. Notes

1) This being a herbal medicine, it can be administered without punctuality in disregard of the timetable exhibited in the enclosure of its packet. According to the hitherto clinical records, the rate of recovery was higher among its random users than its punctual users.
2) All the patients with clear knowledge of the principles of its dosage have experienced satisfactory effects and 95.5% of them resulted in complete cure.


5. Contraindications

• No contraindications have been reported. In the period of administration, you need not refrain from drinking or become too sensitive to foods. As no medicines antagonistic to Kumdang-2 Injection have so far been found, you may use Kumdang-2 Injection with any other medicines depending on your conditions.

6. Adverse Effects

• No adverse side effects have been found so far.


(Submitter’s note: For brevity’s sake, I’ll just post what they claim it cures and omit the paragraphs where they elaborate on the dubious claims.)

• Allergic skin diseases, Ambustion, Chilblain, Engorgement
• Cosmetic Effects
• Diabetes
• Different kinds of inflammation, Fevers of unknown reasons, Loss of appetite
• Disorders before and after child-delivery
• Drug Addiction
• Epidemic diseases including Bird Flu and New Flu, AIDS
• Gastric hemorrhage, Stomach cramp, Diseases of large and small intestines
• Heart Diseases, Arthritis
• Hypotension, Impotence
• Infection, adhesion and scar after medical operation
• Liver disorders caused by alcohol
• Malignant influenza and other kinds of cold
• Medicinal poisoning, Harm from use of computers, Stomatitis
• Neuralgia, Neurosis, Debility, Insomnia
• Pancreatitis, Poisoning by perished food, Thyroid Diseases
• Polyps, Myalgia, Vegetative Neurosis
• Spontaneous Gangrene, Epilepsy
• Sterility caused by undergrowth, Menstrual disorders, Cystitis
• Stimulant to children’s growth, Anti-radioactive
• Treatment Hepatitis А, В, C, D, E, G
• Tuberculosis (ТВ), Uterine and other intestinal hemorrhages
• Various cancers
• Venereal diseases, Resistance to aging

Journey To The Heart #fundie #mammon web.archive.org

The Akashic Records level I
The 2 day workshop on 4 DVDs

Cost: $113.00 set Includes $6 Shipping to US/CAN

The Akashic Records Level I:

At last…the ultimate in-home resource for personal change; work using The Akashic Records; more than just a book, the complete weekend workshop on 4 DVD’s, along with the complete manual and meditations used during the class.

This complete workshop is specially designed to be accessible to everyone. No prior experience, no need for psychic abilities, just an open heart and the willingness to learn a Sacred Prayer.

You can own this whole program for less than half of a live workshop; with the benefit of being able to view and review the material as many times as you want.

What you'll learn:

*How to open YOUR Akashic Records using a Sacred Prayer
*Grace Points ~ Physical points of Action to anchor information received or let go of what no longer serves you.
*The Art of Questioning ~ Learn how to formulate your questions to deepen your experience.
*How to Align, Attune and Allow for this sacred energy to flow…
*An easy way to connect to Akasha
*The must powerful way to protect yourself
*How to use this energy with any other modality

Journey To The Heart #fundie web.archive.org


References to the Akashic records, or the eternal Book of Life, date back to antiquity. References in the Old Testament and beyond give us the sense that there is a collective storehouse of knowledge that is written on the fabric of reality.


The Akashic records are like the DNA of the universe. They are the soul's journey over time, so every thought, word, and deed is registered in the Akashic records. Each soul has its own Akashic record, and there are collective records of all souls or all journeys.

They way we receive information from the Akashic Records is in encoded Light language, which is Sacred geometry of words encoded in fire, so learning how to interpret the information is crucial. We start learning to use our inner senses to give words and interpretation to what we receive; we also start getting fine-tuned to this new energy.

The Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul from the time it leaves its point of origin until its return. At the time we make the decision to experience Life as an independent entity, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion, and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records. Akashic because it is composed of Akasha, (the energetic substance from which all life is formed); and Records, because its objective is to record all life experience.

By opening the Akashic Records with a Sacred Prayer, we align ourselves to the vibration of the one receiving the consultation (either ourselves or another). The Prayer works with energetic vibration to "key in" to the specific "name" of the life form, and carries with it God?s protection through the Masters, Teachers and Lords of Akasha.

The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past, present and future in to the "now". By accessing the Akashic records, we can identify and release anything that we have created, that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God.

'We can look at why we have addictive patterns, why we choose the relationships we do, why we have created our habitual responses, and how to create action in our lives instead of re action.

The heating energy of the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things; therefore, overriding any illusion we have created that causes us to believe we are separate from God/Spirit/Source.

It is one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our oneness with God/Spirit/Source.

laidnyc #sexist web.archive.org


Your Seed is Gold

Sex is too easy.

Work out, put on nice clothes, talk to girl, tease her, tell her cool things about me, pretend to be interested in her, fuck her.


Too fucking easy.

It’s stupid.

I don’t give a shit about sex. Any broad can spread her legs.

You know what I do care about? Holding girls to a higher standard.

Why? Because my seed is liquid fucking gold and I don’t give it out like its god damn tap water.

See girls, your pussy is powerless to me. What else you got?

You slip on a tight skirt and throw on some makeup and flaunt those nice tits and think your job is done. You shit-test me all the way into the bedroom expecting me to give you amused mastery and show you my status and give you attention and ignore you just right all at the same time, and then you’ll give me sex.

But why should I give you my valuable time and let you revel in my charisma?

Sex, is that the big deal? I’m supposed to feel so grateful that you blessed me with that magical unicorn pussy of yours?

I got news for you girls. For a guy with any clue, finding sex is as easy as finding a pizzeria in New York, and like pizza in New York, its all pretty fucking good.

Your brand ‘aint that special.

Sex is everywhere and anywhere I want it, I don’t give a shit about yours.

It takes more than a nice curve of the ass or a bat of the eyelashes to earn my seed.

My salty essence and genetic code is a gift from my father, and his father, and his father, and on it goes. Its the sticky genetic code of self-sufficient men who have protected and provided for family, women and children. Its the haplogroup of men who built civilization. I have the genetic lineage of warriors, business owners, firefighters, blacksmiths, farmers, herders, poets, politicians, soldiers, artists and even chefs. Hard jobs that help build the world, thinking jobs that help build a culture, they’ve all been done by men in my bloodline. My ceiling for accomplishment is limitless.

I’m not some average guy begging to give my seed away. My seed is valuable and I know it.

Men of lesser genetics may be able to afford spraying their seed anywhere; I allow myself no such atrocities.

My sperm could populate an entire society of strong good looking altruistic people and any girl who takes it in would be lucky to be a vessel towards that new world.

But for that I demand a high price.

Whether or not our sex is intended to end in pregnancy makes no difference. Just the sheer fact that it could makes me demand the same high price.

You better have enviable genetics yourself- I don’t breed with inferior stock. Beauty is the minimum and you better know how important that is. Long hair grown to impress me, healthy diet and exercise to maintain your figure and viability of your eggs.

But the beauty that draws the stares, stutters and drools of lesser men won’t capture my attention for more than a millisecond. I am inundated with a surplus of beauty in my daily pursuits, I can assure you that yours ‘aint that special. You probably look like shit first thing in the morning or on the first day of your period.

I expect impeccable hygiene and classy style. A body tainted by tattoos and excessive piercings and slutty clothing signals you are available for sex to lesser men than myself. I’ll have none of that.

I demand a low N count to show you value your body and sex, and the seed I am about to give you will be appreciated on the level it deserves. A low N count shows both intelligence and confidence as you are smart enough not to give your body to charlatans and scoundrels, and confident enough to wait for the high value man you know you deserve.

I expect manners and grace. No swearing, drunkenness, burping, sarcasm or anything else unbecoming of a lady. I spend a lot of time working with and competing against men in my daily life, the last thing I need is the company of a woman who acts like the men I must compete with. You exist to soothe, not to grate.

A year from now I will be richer and fitter and more socially respected in the Kingdom, but your beauty will have faded a notch. I demand that you treat me with the humility and respect that this biological reality dictates.

Finally, there is nothing I despise more than a woman who shows any disgust for my jizz.

It is the Royal Essence and you better enjoy every last drop.
If it lands on your face, chest or back, consider it raindrops from heaven, a rope of Holy Yogurt.
If you are lucky enough to get it in your mouth, savor it like the nourishing nectar of the Gods.
If I shoot it inside you consider it the greatest compliment of all. You will feel an immediate buzz.
My jizz is to women what Walter White’s pure blue meth is to junkies.
You’ll take my seed, sweetly tell me “thank you sir” and buzz with happy feminine energy for the next day while you iron my fine shirts and indulge in memories of me.

I’ll settle for nothing less.

Some girls don’t want to respect a man that much. They have been poisoned by feminism or never had a strong male figure to look up to growing up or they have already taken far too high a volume of cock to revere their next one. I have no use for those girls. Even a one-night stand with them is worthless beyond the ten-second orgasm, itself not worth the time spent to get it. Leave them for the men who have a low enough opinion of themselves to not demand such respect.

For guys, I don’t give a shit how many girls you’ve fucked just like I don’t give a shit how many pizzerias you’ve eaten at. A man is measured more by the pizzeria’s he refuses to eat at, the prices he refuses to pay for average pizza, if you know what I mean.

Remember, you set the price of your seed.

Mine is fucking gold.

What’s yours?

James “Chateau Heartiste” Weilman #sexist #psycho web.archive.org

Catfish Game

An emailer asks me for the details about how I run Catfish Game.


I want the details about the fake profile pics and pulling girls. You basically catfish them?


Basically, yes. Sometimes. Or the fake pic is so obviously fake that it’s not really a catfish, but an opportunity to wildly flirt with the girl and issue increasingly brazen challenges to her to overcome her “weird suspicions”. It’s what I call Gaslight Game, and the objective is to corrupt the girl’s comfortable grip on reality and make her think she’s going a little bit crazy believin’ her lyin’ eyes and her gatekeepin’ thighs. It’s akin to the advice I have given to men who get caught cheating: deny deny deny, until your woman starts to question her sanity.

It’s hard to give too many revealing details, what with the heat around every corner, but a couple of commenters provided personal techniques that are similar to what I do. From Chris,

I did exactly this all throughout 2012-2015 when I was on POF.

I used to hate being seen by locals on that sewer of a site, and so always used fake pics (that were, admittedly, a reasonably close resemblance to how I actually looked). I used to hunt for someone like me on Google Images.

The thing is, 50% of chicks never remarked on anything untoward when they met me, and when the other 50% mentioned me not looking like my photos I shrugged my shoulders and said “photos can be funny like that”. I actually had a girl I had been seeing on the regular (for around 4 months) finally discover one afternoon I had used fake pics; she was really upset that she had been duped, but it didn’t stop me from continuing to plough her.

One of the other reasons I used fake pics was that I could run no-holds-barred asshole game on these girls with the confidence of anonymity.

Those were my best years in game.

100% cosign. I use two methods. The one Chris describes here (similar looking photo and nonchalant dismissal of the woman’s suspicions) and a supplementary method where I choose a fake photo looking nothing like me and then challenge the girl to see past the pic and ask herself what kind of sexy asshole would think he could get away with this *wink*. Or, like I mentioned above, I’ll turn on the gaslight and make her think she’s nuts for even questioning my moral rectitude. The overall effect is a positive one: “who does this guy think he is?”

From HEM, a reminder that if you’re gonna try Catfish Game, you had better have command of your frame,

I like to do this when I get bored. I actually prefer not even using a pic at all. But, sometimes I’ll use a scenic pic of some exotic place. Put something interesting in the profile bio (eg something that illustrates you’re intelligent and witty, as well as explicitly state that you’re alpha; the alpha can also be referenced in the screen name) and prob about 30% will respond. Of those, half will immediately ask for a pic. I usually trash them. The other half are receptive to what you have to say. Be straight-forward, brash and cocky. Never compliment their looks. Never apologize for something jerky that you say. You’ll be amazed at the results.

These are generally useful rules for online and offline dating. Truth is, there is plenty of overlap between the techniques advised for each realm of pickup.

No Pic Game is a cousin of Fake Pic Game, and the tactical payload is the same: zero fucks given sexiness combined with an enticing challenge to a woman to rise above her lameness. Plus, follow the general rule that a big component of any online pickup is radical pre-screening. The numbers are there, so there’s no good reason not to screen.

Final note. I can drop one vagnette from my worldstar. If I meet an online prospect for a first date who has not seen my real pic, she naturally will be stunned once our faces are inches apart. I immediately move to reduce her anxiety: “Yeah, I know, you’re pleasantly surprised. Even better in real life than in photos.” This gets a laugh. If it doesn’t, I follow up, “If you keep acting weird, I’m gonna think you’re a serial killer. Some guys are into that. Not me.” See what I did there? What would normally be a defensive position is upturned and the onus to act like a normal person is placed on her.

If she bites on all this, she will get around to asking me why I chose a fake pic. I measure her buying temp and use that to decide wether to continue whimsically gaslighting her or to get real and confess that the fake pic is there to a) evade the feds or b) screen for really shallow women. Now she’s feeling a need to prove she’s not shallow. Off to the races!

James “Chateau Heartiste” Weilman #sexist #psycho web.archive.org

Feminist Idiocy Unintentionally Provides Useful Game Advice (Again)

A graphic produced by some dumb feminist associated with the dumb feminist Twitter hashtag campaign #WhyIStayed is amusingly, if unsurprisingly, self-contradicting pabulum that works well if read with the opposite meaning intended.
(The Power And Control Wheel, a widely accepted diagram of abusive relationship dynamics)

Duluth, Minnesota. Fuckin’ ground zero for empty-headed shrill feminist white girls.

If you didn’t know, #WhyIStayed was a de-clawed internet cat swarm that defensively erupted after video of Ray Rice knocking out his adoring now-wife in an elevator emerged. The #WhyIStayed message, if one could call it that, was “Don’t blame women for anything, ever, that goes wrong in their lives.” Really, how else do you interpret thousands of women offering thousands of lame excuses for why they stayed with their sexily abusive alpha male lovers?

There must be an equivalent hashtag called #WhyIHadNoTroubleLeavingMyBoringBetaMaleBoyfriend. There’s not? Oh too bad.

Anyhow, if you sift through this dung pile of feminist ego assuaging butthurt you find a few curious nuggets of anti-feminist truth about relationships and how to keep them going.

“not take her concerns seriously” — women love love love when a man charmingly patronizes them.

“say she caused it” — it may be unethical, but then why does it work so well?

“use jealousy to justify actions” — chicks do dig occasional flashes of jealousy, as long as it’s obvious the man is expressing them with complete control over his emotions.

“make her feel bad and guilty” — reframing.

“play mind games” — that’s one way to provoke a vaginal gusher.

“smash things” — occasional bursts of anger, when justified, are cues of sexy male dominance and they do turn on women.

“make her do illegal things” — the ghost of Bonnie chortled.

“threaten to leave her” — dread game.

“make her ask for money” — because throwing money at women really makes them fall more in love. /sarcasm

“give her an allowance” — if women have no agency in abusive relationships, shouldn’t they be treated like children for their own protection?

“not let her know about or have access to family money” — chicks dig mysterious men. by the way, this PSA is starting to read like an action plan for fleecing wealthy beta males.

“take her money” — aka make a woman feel like she’s invested in you. she’ll try harder to make it work.

“be the one to define men’s and women’s roles” — chicks dig a leader. and they also dig benevolently sexist men!

“make all the big decisions” — because letting women make big decisions works out real well when they’re trying to decide whether to leave an abusive alpha male.

“treat her like a servant” — 50 Shades of Gray has sold millions of copies. To women.

“act like the master of the castle” — this has got to be a feminist secret wish list.

Another day, another drubbing. Thank you feminists, for revealing the holes in your hearts your beboobed beta male lackeys cannot fill!

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

I’ve seen a lot of people in the manosphere blame women’s suffrage for many of the excesses of feminism. “If only women hadn’t been granted the franchise,” they say, “we could have avoided all of these problems.” Sure, that’s probably true, but in a one person one vote system like Democracy, politicians will always have an incentive to extend the franchise, as we are seeing today with the Democrats’ push to give illegal immigrants citizenship.

There’s a simple explanation for it:

Say you’re a politician who wants to keep his job, and you have an opportunity to gain a lot of grateful, supportive voters who will keep you in office. If you’re ambitious like most politicians, you’ll do what you can to make that a reality. When that chunk of potential supporters actually exceeds 50% of the adult population, as women do, you’ve got an enormous incentive to be the guy who gave them the vote. This would give you great job stability.

Maybe some male voters would drop their support for a candidate based on that issue, but knowing men most would not, and even if a politician lost a large proportion of his male supporters, he could still come out ahead with significant female support, which would be all but guaranteed if he were the one who gave them the vote.

As one can deduce from simple arithmetic, the more voters one stands to gain, the stronger the incentive. I’m not sure what percentage a given population of non-voters has to reach to provide a strong enough incentive for a politician to defy his constituents on their behalf, but it’s probably far lower than 50%. I’d guess it’s around 15-20%, which suggests that if illegal aliens came to be that large a proportion of the national population, there would be overwhelming pressure to give them the vote. Whatever the number is, I think this would be the sort of thing on which a statistician could base a revealing study.

So why weren’t women given the vote immediately after Democracy was implemented in the US? First, most of them didn’t ask for it or care much about it. Female literacy wasn’t all that high in the early 19th century. Then, there’s the fact that traditions – even newly established ones – are more firmly followed in young, vigorous nations. Finally, in pre-industrial America men and women had essentially the same interests, so for most of the country the idea that there was a conflict of interest between the sexes was simply an alien notion, and therefore men and women in a given family would vote the same anyway.

The latter is highlighted by one of the first states to attempt to legalize women’s suffrage: Utah. Because polygamy was still common in Utah in the mid 19th century, giving women the vote would substantially increase Mormon clout relative to non-Mormon neighbors. The Mormons did in fact give their women the vote, and they promptly voted in favor of polygamy and other Mormon norms, which ultimately triggered the federal suppression of traditional Mormonism and the delay in granting women suffrage in other parts of the US.

As we can see from the above, there will always be an incentive for some people to grant universal suffrage, and all it takes is one change to the law for it to become permanent. Therefore, if a country bases its political process on the one person one vote standard, women’s suffrage is all but a certainty.

CH #sexist web.archive.org

["Hey ladies, if you're so equal why are you mad about getting raped? Checkmate feminists."]

One of the reasons I brought up the naughty teacher in LA and the contradictions in the law is that something that’s been on my mind is this idea that there is equal responsibility for sex. It’s something feminists will never fail to bring up when one suggests that it isn’t fair that a guy is on the hook for 18 years when he slept with a woman without intending to have a child. What they consider a rock-solid, ironclad justification for demanding the support is “he didn’t have to sleep with her.” Well, no, he didn’t. But take a 17-year-old boy and a mature woman of, say, 29, and who has more control over the sex act? Who is the gatekeeper? If the woman isn’t in any position of authority over the boy, it’s a legal sex act in most states, so she is free to sleep with him if she wants. However, realistically speaking, the woman has far more control over whether sex will actually happen. A boy of 17 has very little self-control over sex.

So why is it that the law puts the burden of child support on the boy when the responsibility for pregnancy lies overwhelmingly with the woman? It’s another one of those contradictions that characterizes feminist thinking.

Another thing that highlights this is the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society. If as many rapes happen as they claim, chances are someone on your street has been raped recently. There must be multiple simultaneous rapes occurring at any given time within your zip code. Can you hear the silence screaming around you? (this is probably what goes through the minds of feminists). Anyway, the point is that if men are so irrepressibly prone to rape and so sexually voracious, and women so prone to being unwilling, then who really is most responsible when consensual sex does happen?

One of the most sacred and cherished rights of feminists is the right to say “no” — that is, the right to deny sex. Do men value the ability to deny sex as much as women? Perhaps when it comes to forced sodomy, but that isn’t a common issue. One rarely sees men marching down the street with placards declaring that “NO MEANS NO,” and when they do, they are generally just holding signs for women. So, if women actually like denying sex, and are more likely to exercise that power, who has more choice when it comes to whether or not a given sex act will occur?

When a woman gets pregnant as a result of consensual sex, who bears the bulk of the responsibility?

Let’s break it down:

Men have a higher sex drive than women
Men have less control over their sexual impulses
Women value the ability to deny sex
Women are far more likely and able to deny sex than men

If the above are true, then barring outright rape, surely women are more to blame for pregnancy than men. So why does the law treat males and females as equal participants in the sex act, and why does policy hold the man to be more responsible? Clearly, the female has more control.

Additionally, it creates a double standard where statutory rape is concerned. If women have more control over whether a sex act will occur, then older women who sleep with with adolescent boys are guilty of a more serious crime than older men who sleep with adolescent females. The adolescent female has more control over whether she will have sex than the adolescent male, who is hopelessly overwhelmed by surging hormones. However, men who sleep with underage females are generally punished more severely than women who do so with boys.

There’s been a lot of hand-wringing over the disintegration of the American family and marriage, but few people dare to point out the obvious reason America is fast becoming a nation of bastards. It’s actually fairly clear: women are not being held to the appropriate level of responsibility where their sexual choices are concerned. In the old days, it was understood that, barring rape, women were more responsible for who they slept with than men, and if they screwed up they had to deal with it. This is why the rate of illegitimacy was so low for so long. However, today, women can get pregnant and receive guaranteed support from not only the government, but whatever random man they permitted to have sex with them.

Holding men more responsible than women for sex has been an abysmal failure, yet the policy remains in place despite thousands of years of received wisdom that lets us know it is a bad idea. Holding men and women equally responsible would be inappropriate as well, but we’ve gone past even that. Without some change in policy soon, the majority of all births in the United States will be illegitimate in a decade or so. The current system, which absolves women of responsibility for a choice that is largely in their hands, and for which they have even more options and tools at their disposal to deal with the consequences than ever, is unsustainable.

W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

[I'm honestly impressed with how much of a soft-focus lens Price manages to put on what is basically Marxist-Rodgerism]

One of the most common epithets hurled at men by feminists, and probably the most genuinely hurtful, is that men are upset at women because they are bitter about being unloved. The reason this one hurts more than the typical “small penis” or “mother’s basement” insult is because it is so often accurate to some extent. The best insults always hit a weak spot. It’s true that many men are very bitter about loss of love, betrayal or lack of attention from women. This is why some pick up artists have such commercial success with their ventures, and why men flock to gurus who say they hold the secrets to a woman’s heart.

Actually, if these cruel women only knew, it goes a lot farther than mere heartbreak. The abandonment of men in contemporary society is so comprehensive that a man who has lost a wife or lover not only suffers from the loss of that deep personal connection, but from a fairly comprehensive rejection by society in general. First you lose your wife, then your kids, and then even your own family turns against you in many cases (this is a lot more common than most people realize — American men’s own mothers very often blame them and side with the ex in what is usually a futile effort to maintain contact with the grandchildren). The thrashing you get from the police and courts is just gratuitous abuse; in many cases guys are simply numb to additional pain by that time.

So, yes, these are bitter, unloved men. They are hated and they know it, although many have no clear idea why. They think to themselves “I’m not a criminal— I never hurt anyone— How could this happen to me?” Some can’t handle it. There are many suicides that simply don’t make the news. In a small minority of cases, they snap, and then there’s the “domestic disturbance” situation that has become so routine these days in which a police gunman puts the man out of his misery, as though he were a rabid dog. However, in most cases the men simply accept their doleful fate and live their miserable lives.

I was one of those miserable, unloved men for some time. But not entirely. Circumstance gave me a considerable amount of time with my kids when my ex decided to make her move. She left just as she obtained a good job thanks to my promise to work part-time and take care of the children while she trained for it, and she didn’t want to pay for daycare, so she proposed and received a parenting plan that had me caring for them much of the time she was working. Although being abandoned without any warning was devastating, my children never abandoned me, and despite the horror of separation I had them almost half time. All it took to snap me out of the most morbid thoughts was the sound of my kids’ voice, or the thought of them growing up and wondering why daddy did such a selfish thing as to leave them.

But if it weren’t for that time with my kids, I would have been totally, utterly alone. When I didn’t have them I had no desire for human contact. I really felt that the only people in the entire world who cared about me at all were my little children, aged one and three at the time. I suppose I digress a little here, but I can’t help feel that they were little angels, even if I did have to change their diapers and wipe food off their faces after every meal.

For men who don’t even have that, it’s almost unimaginable. It’s such a shockingly horrible experience that I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, yet here we have feminists taunting men for feeling unloved. And still we have people whining about “misogyny.” Young feminists whose most important concern is the ability to have sex entirely free of consequences, and who shamelessly raise their voices for the right to kill their children in the womb. Lesbian gender feminists who wreck families for profit and sex. Male feminists who boast about fathering children and shuffling their responsibilities onto some duped cuckold, and who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls.

All that said, men have every right to be angry, and righteously so. But deep down, I think what most of them want is far simpler and more benign than revenge or some political payback. They want some love, some security and the opportunity to be a part of a family. They want to grow old with a woman who is true to them, and to see their children grow tall and strong. It doesn’t always come out that way, and there are those who have rejected the idea entirely, but it’s an ideal that I think most men would agree is worth some effort, if not for themselves then for a better society in general.

So, I’d like to say to the feminists out there that yes, there are men who are bitter and sad about being unloved. Yes, it is often why they malign women, and it isn’t always a pretty thing. But if you really take pleasure in people’s loneliness and despair, you’ve got a cold, dead heart, and no reason to be proud of yourself. Instead of waxing triumphant about unfortunate men’s loneliness and misery, why not work for a world in which everyone can feel loved? Are you woman enough to do that?

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