Donald Trump

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

I predicted a Trump victory based on just a handful of accurate and fairly sampled polls — such as Rasmussen. And also from speaking to a broad cross section of middle-class Americans. The people I spoke to were wildly supportive of Donald Trump. I knew most polls were wrong.

Today that same broad cross section of middle-class Americans is thrilled with Trump’s first three weeks. They think he’s fantastic. They think he’s the first politician who ever kept his word. Based on this response, he could be the most popular new president ever.

Now let’s look at a few facts from reliable polls.

A Feb. 10 Rasmussen Reports Daily Tracking Poll shows 53 percent of likely voters approve of President Trump.


— A strong majority approves of Trump’s temporary ban on refugees and visas from seven Muslim nations.

— Trump calls “radical Islamic terrorism” America’s No. 1 enemy. A strong majority agrees.

— A majority of voters predict Trump will be a better “jobs president” than Barack Obama.

— Forty-six percent of voters think the country is headed in the right direction, versus only 28 percent a year ago under Obama.

Morning Consult/Politico backs up Rasmussen. Its polling shows Trump’s travel ban is popular, with 55 percent of Americans approving and 38 percent against. The only Trump executive order more popular is the one defunding sanctuary cities. Americans support that idea by a landslide margin of 55-33.

But the media choose to showcase only protests against Trump. They deliver “fake news” by ignoring the “Silent Majority” and focusing only on a loud, radical minority. That’s the definition of “fake news.”

Wayne Allyn Root ( is a best-selling author and host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now. His R-J column runs Thursday and Sunday.

June Pridmore #racist

An Alabama woman lost her job after her bigoted, inaccurate and grossly misspelled Facebook rant earned her the title of “racist of the week.”

June Pridmore, a senior-level employee with Regions Bank, welcomed the election of Donald Trump in a social media post that alluded to slavery and suggested President Barack Obama was Muslim, reported

“I voted him in,” Pridmore wrote. “I like him. He has a beautiful wife unlike the ugly and embarrassing woman (for lack of a better word), in the White House now. Ms. Trump’s face would make Michele (sic) O’Bama (sic) a Sunday face.”

“I’m certainly glad [Trump] he has a lot of money because she he (sic) won’t be bought out like Barack (sic), socialist Muslim O’Bama (sic) or his wife or all those host of relatives they have in the whitehouse (sic) for US to support.”

Pridmore inaccurately claimed the Obama family had flown their dog to vacations in a separate plane and invited several relatives to live with them at taxpayer expense.

“If any idiot out there thinks that is justified, you deserved him as president,” Pridmore wrote. “I prefer a man who can buy Michele (sic) and Barack and sell them several times over.”

The post was widely shared on Facebook, under the label “racist of the week,” and Pridmore’s employer launched an investigation — which resulted in her termination.

“We appreciate the concerns shared about offensive social media comments that were made through an associate’s personal Facebook account,” said Jeremy King, a spokesman for the bank. “We want you to know that we share those concerns. Those comments do not reflect our values as a company or the way we do business. The associate is no longer an employee of the company.”

The spokesman said Pridmore, whose LinkedIn profile showed she had served as senior vice president of loan operations since 2008, was not in a position where she could approve or deny loans.

Pridmore has deleted her social media profiles since her racist post cost her job.

Anonymous Chicago men #fundie

In a video that appeared to be shot on a smartphone, a group of young men and women viciously beat a 49-year-old man named David Wilcox while screaming phrases such as “You voted Trump” and “Don’t vote Trump.”

Wilcox told the Chicago Tribune that it began Wednesday about 1 p.m. at the corner of Kedzie Avenue and Roosevelt Road, when a black sedan scraped along the side of his Pontiac Bonneville, scratching it.

“I stopped and parked. And I asked if they had insurance, and the next thing that I knew they were beating the s— out of me,” Wilcox told the paper.

In the video, several men and women threw him to the concrete and kicked him repeatedly, sometimes in the face.

The laughing group threw haymakers at the Wilcox’s head, as he desperately tried to crawl and limp back to his Bonneville. The door hung open until one of the young men climbed into the driver’s seat and slammed the door.

A subsequent video obtained by the Tribune showed Wilcox grabbing onto the open back window of the car, as the young man drove off. Wilcox hung from the window, his feet dragging along the concrete as the Bonneville picked up speed.

“The guy took off. He was doing 70 or 80 down Roosevelt, swerving. He was trying to have me fall off, and I knew if I somehow let go, I was going to die,” Wilcox told the paper. “Then he slowed down. I was looking at oncoming traffic. He probably slowed to about 45. God was watching over for me. I rolled about five or seven times into the oncoming traffic lanes.”

Wilcox said he did vote for Donald Trump, but that no one would know this just by looking at his car. He said of Trump, “He’s gonna bring back the economy. I believe he’s gonna be the one to protect the [nation]. I know he doesn’t speak politically correct sometimes, but 95 percent of the country doesn’t.”

He claimed someone at a nearby bus stop yelled, “Yeah, it’s one of them white boy Trump guys,” during the attack.


“What’s happening to America?” Wilcox asked in a recorded interview with the Tribune. “You’re supposed to be able to vote in peace. It’s supposed to be part of our democracy, and what happened is I vote for somebody, and I get beaten, robbed, and my car stolen, and I have no way of getting my wife to and from work safe anymore.”

Philadelphia Neo-Nazis and the Oath Keepers #racist

Donald Trump has repeatedly told his followers to monitor polling places on election day — and some of his most devoted white nationalist followers are heeding his advice.

Politico reports that Trump-supporting neo-Nazi groups are planning to flood polling areas in Philadelphia next week to not only watch for supposed “voter fraud,” but also to actively discourage people to stay at home.

One of the groups’ vote suppression tactics will be to hand out free alcohol and marijuana to voters in the “ghetto” to encourage them to get wasted instead of voting.

“We also have some teams going in to the ghettos in Philly with 40s and weed to give out to the local residents, which we think will lead to more of them staying home,” a representative for the pro-Trump website told Politico. “We have had success with this in the past.”

Politico also reports that the Oath Keepers militia group is training its members to conduct undercover “sting” operations to monitor polling places for supposed fraud, and is aiming to watch “thousands of precincts across the country.”

Nonetheless, there’s no evidence that these tactics will be effective and there’s good reason to believe they will backfire.

“If on the morning of Election Day it turns out that we have white supremacists standing around looking threatening at polling places, I think it would arouse anger,” Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center tells Politico. “People would vote just to prove they’re not being intimidated by these radical racists.”

Davis M.J. Aurini #fundie

(about what Donald Trump said in the 2005 video)

The rank hypocrisy of this pearl clutching is astounding. This form of locker room talk is the nothing more than simple, healthy, virile, masculinity. Since the dawn of humanity, men have sat around discussing the beauty of women, bragging about how popular they are with the ladies, and making crude sexual comments about what they’d like to do with them behind closed doors. While feminists might scream “Rape culture!” and “Objectification!” these are nothing but the ejaculates of diseased minds. Feminists have a pathological fear of healthy male sexuality, and so they conflate the admiration of beauty with the devaluation of personality, and the desire for a woman with the intent to take her by force.

It is a biological fact that men are the initiatory sex, and that women are the alluring sex. Throughout all of the animal kingdom, males have to prove their worth before a female will accept them as a mate, and it is the female’s alluring nature which drives them to compete in the first place. Locker room banter is just one of the many ways that the males of our species psych one another up in preparation. It isn’t just normal—it is morally correct.

Richard Spencer #racist

Another white nationalist leader signaled his support for Donald Trump at an event billing itself as an “alt-right” gathering, Media Matters reported.

“There’s something about him, there’s something high energy, that is infectious, that you look at that and you think: this is what a leader looks like, this is what we want,” said Richard Spencer at the event on Friday. “Even in all his vulgarity and I would never deny him, this is what we want in a leader.”

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Spencer, a self-styled “academic racist,” is the president of the National Policy Institute (NPI), which seeks “to elevate the consciousness of whites, ensure our biological and cultural continuity, and protect our civil rights.”

In an op-ed for the group, Spencer also twisted Martin Luther King Jr.’s words in an attack on the civil rights leader, calling him “a fraud and degenerate in his life, [who] has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!”

He also described immigration as “a proxy war — and maybe a last stand — for White Americans” that same year, a topic he cited as part of his support for the Republican presidential nominee.

“The fact that Trump, from day one, defined his campaign in terms of immigration I think that was key, and extremely important,” Spencer said. “I don’t think our support of Trump is really about policy at the end of the day. I think it actually, you could say its about style over substance, because, policy, what does that really matter?”

Talking Points Memo reported that the event was originally slated to be held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., before being cancelled over “security concerns.” It was moved to a ballroom at the Willard Hotel in the same city.

“We have not been made by Trump,” Spencer said. “But we want to make Trump and we want to imagine him in our image.”

Conservative Tribune #fundie

ISIS Just Outsmarted Every Single Democrat

Weeks after Democrats mocked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for his views on refugee migration, he has been proven right.

According to The Washington Examiner, German security officials are now warning that an attack in the country by Islamic State group affiliates was imminent, due to sleeper cell members who have entered Germany disguised as refugees.

Manfred Hauser, deputy head of Bavarian intelligence, said that Germans must stay vigilant. “We have to accept that we have hit squads and sleeper cells in Germany.”

“We have substantial reports that among the refugees are hit squads,” he explained.

Furthermore, he warned residents that they could expect another Islamic State group attack soon.

“We have irrefutable evidence that there is an ISIS command structure that makes an attack in Germany very likely,” Hauser said.

If it could happen in Germany and across Europe, it could happen in the United States too, and Republicans such as Donald Trump have been warning about this since the beginning.

Trump has become notorious for his views on immigration, especially when it comes to the refugee crisis around the world. He has called for better screening, but has also said that many of the refugees coming in to the country are Islamic State group soldiers.

Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has often criticized Trump for his views on such immigration, calling him hateful and bigoted. But it’s not just Republicans that are worried about the threat of ISIS.

CIA Director John Brennan — who does not view himself as a Democrat or Republican — has also warned of imminent attacks by the Islamic State group.

He said they would use “refugee streams, traditional smuggling routes and legitimate travel” to smuggle themselves into a country so they could plan even more attacks.

Share this story on Facebook and Twitter and us know what you think the U.S. should do about Muslim refugees.

Do you think the Islamic State group has already infiltrated the U.S? Scroll down to comment below!

Pamela Geller #racist

Donald Trump didn’t kill their son; Muslims did.

The DNC hits bottom, but their depravity knows no bounds. They have found their narrative and they are clubbing the American people with it. The Muslim parents of a soldier killed by Muslims are on the DNC media tour. And it is disgusting. More on that here.

This parent sounds just like the Muslim parents of the San Bernardino jihad attacks, Orlando, Chattanooga, Garland etc.

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the father of a fallen Muslim soldier who spoke at the Democratic National convention and accused Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of sacrificing nothing for his country, Khizr Khan said, “The world is”They have seen the blackness of his character, of his soul."

Khan said, “This person is total incapable of empathy. I want his family to counsel him, teach him some empathy. He will be a better person if he could become — but he is a black soul. And this is totally unfit for the leadership of this beautiful country, the love and affection that we have received affirms that our beliefs, our experience in this country had been correct and positive. The world is receiving us like we have never seen. They have seen the blackness of his character, of his soul, that he is void of recognizing, empathizing with people.”

What a vile, supremacist liar. Especially since there are real questions surrounding the death of his son.

Alex Jones #conspiracy

Radio host, conspiracy theorist and U.S. President Donald Trump supporter Alex Jones — who earlier this year ranted about a “Jewish mafia” run by billionaire George Soros — was at it again Sunday with a theory that “leftist Jews” may have impersonated Nazis to discredit white supremacist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Speaking on “The Alex Jones Show,” Jones recalled his own experience, he said, protesting the Ku Klux Klan:

"I mean, quite frankly, I’ve been to these events, a lot of the KKK guys with their hats off look like they’re from the cast of 'Seinfeld.' Literally they’re just Jewish actors. Nothing against Jews in general, but they are leftist Jews that want to create this clash and they go dress up as Nazis. I have footage in Austin — we’re going to find it somewhere here at the office — where it literally looks like cast of 'Seinfeld' or like Howard Stern in a Nazi outfit. They all look like Howard Stern. They almost got like little curly hair down, and they’re just up there heiling Hitler. You can tell they are totally uncomfortable, they are totally scared, and it’s all just meant to create the clash."

As Jones explained in a video of his remarks video posted Saturday titled “Virginia Riots Staged To Bring In Martial Law, Ban Conservative Gatherings.”

Jon Anthony #fundie

1. Dismantle The Mainstream Media

As more and more of us start to wake up, the media will begin to sense this—in fact, they already have. Have you wondered why they’ve started to cover anti-Hillary stories? It’s because they realize that they’re losing credibility.

The mainstream media is very well aware that they’re losing their chokehold on the American public’s mind, so in a last ditch effort, they’re trying to seem unbiased. Do not buy into their lies—it’s all a giant farce; an attempt to regain their former credibility.

Over the next four years, it will be extremely important to start dismantling these outlets. It’s time to call them out for what they are. Start sharing alt-right stories on Facebook and Twitter, get our message out there. Don’t watch any mainstream media. Don’t buy mainstream magazines, don’t watch their news shows, hell, don’t even pay for cable. Do everything you can to bleed their pockets dry.

As more and more money moves away from the mainstream media, it will naturally move towards alternative news sources—sites like Return Of Kings, Info Wars, Matt Forney, and Danger and Play will become the new media.

Don’t expect this to happen at first, however. In one final cry, before its gory death, the media will proclaim that there is a new “racist, xenophobic” enemy that helped Donald get into office: the alt-right. Expect them to demonize us. Expect them to lie about us, to scream and shout, and to protest. This is fine, however—for we are anti-fragile. The alt-right is in a very unique position.

Any and all hatred towards the alt-right will be a net win for us. Why? It’s simple: any publicity is good publicity. A single mention of an alternative news site by the MSM can, and often does, net us tens of thousands of new viewers. In other words: if they ignore us, we continue to grow in power. If they attack us, we grow even faster. They can’t win.

2. Drain The Swamp

Everything that we’ve done up to this point to get Donald in office will be completely pointless if we don’t drain the swamp. This is our one chance—we have four years to do this.

In order for us to bring about permanent change in this country, we need to hold the cucks and libtards accountable for their actions. Anyone who pushed the pro-Islam agenda, rape culture, or feminazi philosophy must be called out for the traitors that they are.

The elites, the corrupt bankers, and the globalists must all be brought to light. In order for us to bring about true change, and to prevent a globalist dictatorship from happening in the near future, we must ensure that at least 25% of Americans are aware of the elites’ “conspiracy” by the next election.

This is a grass roots movement, and it is growing in power—but we must take away power from those who tried so hard to fight us. Now is the time to cause a ruckus and email your representatives. Now is the time to demand Hillary be thrown in prison. Every single person involved in Hillary Clinton’s private email server must be thrown in jail. Pedophiles and Satanists such as Anthony Weiner and Marina Abramovic, and traitors such as Huma Abedin and Comey must be thrown in jail for their crimes.

Now is the time to clear out the murky waters—to sift through the dirt and rotten garbage lurking below. I believe, that once all is said and done, America will enter into a new age of prosperity. The patriarchy will return.

3. Normalize Straight Males

For too long have men been oppressed, by the very civilization which we created. We have let the SJW’s and culture warriors back us into a corner, but we’ve finally started to fight back. More and more men, upon being exposed to the manosphere, are starting to wake up and take the red pill. We’re starting to realize, as a nation, that there is no reason to be ashamed of being white or being a man.

Once we start to dismantle the mainstream media and drain the swamp, most of this should happen naturally—it was only through the artificial social engineering that being a white male became a crime.

But, we can’t stop here—it’s time to start slowly red-pilling our blue-pilled friends. The best way to do this, is simply through osmosis. Don’t try to convince them with logic, because they did not arrive at a blue-pilled position through logic. They did so through emotion.

Simply be a beacon of masculinity. Be confident in yourself, be assertive, and don’t cave into ridiculous HR requests or political correctness social pressures. Again, once the mainstream media is dismantled and the manosphere grows in popularity, our movement will gain strength exponentially.

The normalization of males, especially white males, is essential for our culture to continue—the second that we started to become ashamed of our heritage and of our nationality was the second that the cucks started closing in. We cannot give them an inch, or they will take a mile.

This is not to say that our country shouldn’t accept immigrants—IF they go through the legal process. How did it get so far that it became socially unacceptable to shame ILLEGAL immigrants? Again, ILLEGAL immigrants? Like I said, it got this way due to an overwhelming amount of white guilt. Do not be ashamed of your heritage, men.

We have made a gigantic step towards national sovereignty with Donald Trump being elected as president, and we cannot let this victory go in vain. We must push onward and continue to normalize what is NORMAL. Being a straight male, white or note, should be the norm, not being a transgender, green-haired, SJW.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

At his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump listed a terror attack that never happened as part of the rationale for his controversial anti-Muslim travel ban.

In defending his executive order banning Islamic refugees and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., Trump said, “When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!”

“They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never like they never thought possible,” he went on.

However, there was no terror attack in Sweden on Friday. Perhaps, as some Twitter users suggested, the attack in Sweden happened in the same parallel universe as Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious “Bowling Green massacre.”

Julie Kelly #conspiracy

World’s Largest Science Organization Gives Top Honor To Conspiracy-Monger Michael Mann

The world’s largest science organization is bestowing a top honor on a climate propagandist who spends lots of his time making ridiculous, inflammatory comments.

If you need another example of scientific establishment’s deteriorating credibility since the election of Donald Trump, here it is: The world’s largest science organization is bestowing a top honor on a climate propagandist who spends lots of his time making hateful, inflammatory comments about the president, his family, his administration and GOP lawmakers on social media.

Michael Mann, a Penn State University professor and infamous author of the so-called “hockey stick” graph to show the planet is warming, will receive the 2018 “Public Engagement with Science” award by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) this weekend. The award will recognize Mann’s “tireless efforts to communicate the science of climate change to the media, public and policymakers.”

There’s no question that Mann is the climate tribe’s most outspoken firebrand. He is the media’s go-to source for a doomsday comment about anthropogenic global warming. Since the beginning of the month, Mann has been quoted in dozens of articles—not necessarily about science, but to berate the Trump administration for reversing many of President Obama’s climate change policies.

Cesar_Tort #racist

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that men and cultures are created un-equal. All men are unequal—nowhere in the natural world (and Man is part of Nature) is anything equal. Equality does not exist in Nature; equality only exists in the abstract world of mathematics and in the minds of delusional, liberal whites.

Alas, when non-liberal whites do what every other group on the planet is not only allowed to do but actively encouraged to do—advocate for its interests—it is called "supremacism" and "hate". This hypocrisy and absurdity is staggering.

In what deranged liberals call a "white supremacist" world, whites in fact are being denied freedom of speech and association. Pro-whites who go public are fired in the US or jailed in Europe.

Regarding this encyclopaedia's policy of "reliable sources", it has become a customary procedure for the System to relegate free thinkers and would-be heretics and their literary or scientific achievements to marginal outlets, such as self-publishing, that are very similar to those used by dissidents in the ex-Soviet Union.

Finally, when years ago I edited articles in Wikipedia I was unaware that the current zeitgeist was destroying our civilisation and the Aryan race through mass immigration into the West. So I moved on, outside the wiki.

Update of November 2016: Hopefully, the system will start to crack with the presidency of Donald Trump.

Joe Arpiao #fundie

Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio insisted on Thursday that President Barack Obama had used forged documents for proof of U.S. citizenship, but he told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he was not “stupid enough” to answer questions about the claim.

During an interview on CNN, Tapper pointed out that Arpaio and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shared the so-called “birther” belief that the president had lied about his birth certificate.

“You have both trafficked in this rather preposterous notion that President Obama was not born in the United States, and that he may have forged his birth certificate that he released,” Tapper noted. “Why would you risk your credibility on issues that you care about — like illegal immigration, like law enforcement — by getting involved in this?”

Arpaio immediately took exception to the question.

“What do you mean risk?” the sheriff shot back. “I’m the chief law enforcement elected by the people. I have a right to investigate and speak out.”

“We’re working on a fraudulent, forged government document!” Arpaio continued, speaking in an aggressive tone. “That’s what we are doing.”

“You’re maintaining that the birth certificate that the president of the United States revealed, you’re maintaining that is fraudulent?” Tapper pressed.

“That’s right,” Arpaio stated.

“Is there anyone — any credible law enforcement person outside of you and your organization, your contractors who has any agreement with you on this?” Tapper wondered.

“No, they haven’t looked at it,” Arpaio said defensively. “What are you kidding? I’m probably the only law enforcement official that has looked into it. Nobody looks into it. They shy away from it.”

“Because the president was born in Hawaii,” the CNN host interrupted.

“I don’t care where he was born,” Arpaio replied. “I’m talking about a fraudulent government document, a birth certificate.”

“And you say that because there are glitches in some of the printing?” Tapper asked.

Arpaio, however, said he would not “get into all the technical details” because he only owned a typewriter and employed experts who knew about using computers to forge documents.

“I’ve been around a long time. I’m not stupid enough to even talk to you about it,” he quipped.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group #conspiracy

AUSTIN BOMBINGS: Deep State Carries Out False Flag Attacks To Terrorize Texas

“These unending black ops in Texas are designed to intimidate the
Republican Governor and GOP-dominated legislature. TPTB need
compliance from Austin real bad. Without Texas playing the globalist
game there’s no way the NWO wins. Can’t happen; won’t happen,
never happened. Where California is the Left coast liberal paradise,
Texas is the Right’s last real bastion of courageous patriotism.”
— Intelligence Analyst & Former Military Officer

Operation Gladio C (OGC)is in full swing through these not so United States of America. Deep State has been regularly using OGC strategy and tactics to counter the “Patriot Movement” that elected Donald Trump.
This ongoing nationwide series of black operations is being conducted under the rubric of NATO’s Operation Gladio so the true perps can claim plausible deniability.
Not only has Florida been under unrelenting assault via false flag mass shootings and a recent engineered bridge collapse, the capital of Texas is now the target of a very purposeful bombing campaign.
Yes, this is war! A war by way of government-sponsored terrorism being waged against the American people.

Operation Gladio
This orchestrated campaign of terror is quite similar to the Operation Gladio bombings that were carried out in Germany and Italy during the second half of the 20th century by the same World Shadow Government that wanted to terrorize all of Europe into a totalitarian superstate known as the European Union.

“The peak decision-making process is informed by the central planners within the US military and NATO leadership who have overseen the European franchise of “Operation Gladio” since World War II. “Operation Gladio” is still very much in play today as it was when the Red Brigades and Baader-Meinhof Gang (both left-wing terrorist groups) were terrorizing Europe in the 1970s and early 1980s. The recent terrorist attacks on the European Continent are also a testament to this as are the Al Qaeda, ISIS and Daesh terror MCEs staged across the Middle East.”
(Source: OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools)

Why Texas?
Because the power elite is determined to make an example of Texas, that’s why! Should any other state in the union attempt to resist the dictates of Deep State, or the New World Order agenda being implemented by the globalists, they will be similarly terrorized.

KEY POINT: The following event occurred on Sunday: Austin Bombed 4th Time This March : Deep State Intensifies Operation Gladio C Psyops This was quickly followed by the fifth explosion this month in Texas in Schertz, just northeast of San Antonio today. Whenever there is a spate of mass shootings or terrorist bombings, they are always executed to create an atmosphere of random and unpredictable terror. BREAKING: Another bomb explodes at Texas, second explosive device also found by Fedex Bombs and bullets have a way of accelerating the Hegelian Dialectic so that the “Problem~Reaction~Solution” phases can be effectuated swiftly, just the way TPTB like to do it—before anyone can think about it.

In point of fact, Texas is the single biggest impediment in the USA to the implementation of the sovereignty-smashing UN agendas—Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The two exposés that follow explain just how far the globalists have been willing to go where it concerns Texan independence and self-determination. In both cases it was false flag terrorism via geoengineered superstorms that was brutally inflicted on the Lone Star State. By targeting Austin and Houston — the 2 most liberal metro areas in Texas — the perps hoped to manufacture a sufficient level of consent that would compel the state government to acquiesce to the demands of the NWO cabal. Unlike California, Texas doesn’t promote the current climate change narrative which has really angered the “global warmers via CO2” fanatics.

TEXAS DELUGE: Was it a geoengineered weather event to enforce compliance with Agenda 21?
Hurricane Harvey: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targets Texas—WHY?

Alex Jones &
Austin is also the home of Alex Jones and his website, a video and radio channel that is beamed right from heart of Texas Hill Country. There is no other major Alt Media news platform that poses such a serious threat to the status quo.
INFOWARS has undoubtedly awakened a LOT of searching souls across the country over the years. Many great patriots and staunch truth seekers go there to get their daily news. They also visit the site to get the unfiltered back story to so many real conspiracies being run against We the People.
With this understanding, the unfolding Gladio bombing operation is quite likely a threat to the many hardcore Infowarriors in Austin who are determined to take down Deep State. When a whole culture grows up around an enterprise like INFOWARS and the truth-speaking Alex Jones, the bad guys will do whatever it takes to frighten those patriots who can be scared away from defending the American Republic.
Mike Adams’ is another serious truth-telling platform that is located in the greater Austin area. Natural News has specifically gone after the medical mafia in ways that truly threaten their massive century-long monopoly. He has likewise inspired many other patriots to take back their power from the “System”, to stand in their own truth, and to speak that truth to power. Now the reader knows why Austin, in particular, has been under a full-spectrum attack, and Texas has experienced full-scale weather invasions.

Special Note: Does the Shadow Government and/or Deep State really expect US to believe that they don’t have a firm grip on these terror bombings. The CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS and DIA, as well as other intelligence agencies and secret services within the U.S. Intelligence Community, have created a massive National Security State defined by advanced surveillance technology and spying techniques and yet a bomber(s) can terrorize Austin at will. Really, how stupid do these seditious perpetrators think we are? As if they don’t know when and where the next bomb will go off. Only G-men, particularly agents of Deep State, would try to maintain such a ridiculous ruse.

Dr. Michael Hurd #conspiracy

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg — billionaire socialist and Islamist of note — insists he’s not running for President, despite having dinner with Democratic voters in Ohio who voted for Donald Trump. It probably means he plans to run for President. Typical politician! He’s already lying...What would a Mark Zuckerberg presidency be like? Nothing magical or mystical about it. Zuckerberg is just another stale, tired and hollowed out leftist socialist progressive Democrat...

Paul LePage #racist

In a Friday press conference following his homophobic remarks about a state lawmaker, Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) called people of color and people of Hispanic origin “the enemy” and implied they should be shot.

“A bad guy is a bad guy. I don’t care what color he is. When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red,” he said. “You shoot the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin.”

The governor has offered a veritable potpourri of racist and homophobic remarks over the years. In his voicemail to state Rep. Drew Gattine (D) on Thursday, in an apparent attempt to convince people that he is not a racist, he said, “I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist cocksucker.”

On Wednesday, he called Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen Muslim soldier, a “con artist.” During a town hall on that same day, he said nearly all of Maine’s drug dealers are black or Hispanic. “I don’t ask them to come to Maine (to) sell their poison, but they come,” he said. “And I will tell you, that 90 percent-plus of those pictures in my book?—?and it’s a three-ring binder?—?are black and Hispanic people from Waterbury, Connecticut, the Bronx and Brooklyn.”

LePage grabbed national headlines earlier this year when he said men named “Smoothie, D-Money, and Shifty” were dealing drugs in Maine. He added, “Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue that we’ve got to deal with down the road. We’re going to make them very severe penalties.”

Among his other comments, he told the NAACP to “kiss my butt,” accused asylum seekers of bringing the “ziki fly,” and told the president to “go to hell.” LePage is an enthusiastic supporter of the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump.

Vox Day #fundie

[From "Where is the God-Emperor?"]

James Kirkpatrick wonders where the so-called leadership of the mainstream Right is in the struggle against the violent Left:

Saturday, however, was different. Antifa has been quite open about their desire to “shut down” the rally [Why The Bay Area Must Shut Down the Alt-Right Rally on April 15th, IndyBay, April 5, 2017]. So nationalists came prepared for violence, knowing the police would not protect them. And that’s precisely what happened—it just didn’t end the way antifa thought it would.

In short, Leftists started it, Rightists finished it.

What is really happening here: the American Right is finally learning to fight back, both ideologically and physically. They are breaking the taboos of the past. And powered by the freewheeling internet culture that spawned the new nationalism, the Trump supporters who rolled out to defend conservative speakers were dressed in colorful, often humorous costumes, as opposed to the grim, blackclad antifa, the staid enforcers of the status quo....

What’s truly incredible: even now, the American Right is still fighting with one hand behind its back, receiving no support from its supposed political leaders, including Donald Trump.

Though President Trump has gone out of his way to praise his non-white supporters, he has not once specifically praised the European-Americans who were at the core of his winning coalition. Even worse, he has not once defended his supporters who are being attacked on the streets and fighting in his name.

Trump may be President of the United States, but it is still very dangerous to wear a MAGA hat or Trump shirt in some cities.

Now, I'm not a leader of anything except the ELoE, but someone asked me, in my capacity as a known Alt-Right figure, if I would feel bad, or guilty, if blood were to be shed as a consequence of the Alt-Right's refusal to submit to the threat of violence from Black Bloc, antifa, and the post-American Left.

The answer, quite simply, is no. Not even a little bit. The course is set. The consequences are inevitable. The socionomic verdict is clear and the time of positive social mood, economic expansion, and peace is over. What we're seeing now are merely the first little steps towards the large-scale uncivil war that will be a significant part of the inevitable decline and collapse of the United States. Men have a responsibility to defend their families, their people, their nation, and their civilization, and I am very glad to see that there are still Americans, and Russians, and English, and nationalists of every civilized nation, who are willing to stand up and do so before it is too late.

The USA cannot be saved as a single entity because the American nation no longer controls the US state and has not done so for decades. Most of the European nation-states can still be saved, although the fate of a few, such as Sweden, may be in doubt. But that is because they are, despite being adulterated, still actual nations, whereas the USA is multiethnic empire held together by force, societal inertia, and deceit.

And now the lies are failing even as the centripetal societal forces gather momentum. Roosh sees four options:

There are four outcomes that can proceed from the juncture of which we stand. The first is a globalist resurgence at the polls thanks to demographic changes that push the vote far to the left, starting in 2024. If this happens, we will have a president that is more authoritarian than Hillary Clinton. The boot will come down on all facets of American life, especially speech, and we will essentially be living in an open-air prison.

The second outcome is a hot war where we win. The country will be ravaged and millions will die, but at least most of the deaths will be leftists.

The third option is a hot war where we lose because of foreign involvement. Not only are we much more likely to die in this engagement, but the globalist boot will come down with such a viciousness that those on the right who survive may hope that they had died in the war.

And the fourth option is the long divorce, one that we will easily win if the recommendations I made above are taken. Very few people die and life can proceed with high stability and prosperity for the majority of the country.

My expectation is a fifth one. I think uncivil war and partition coming on the heels of economic collapse is the most likely outcome. Warlords, corporate armies, and 4GW forces will arise. Some polities will be ethnically cleansed, others will be mixed, either by choice or by defeat. Remember, homogeneous societies tend to arise from larger heterogeneous forebears.

Dave Daubenmire #racist

Having created a bit of controversy by blaming Donald Trump’s Jewish advisers—specifically, Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner—for last week’s airstrike on Syria, Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire addressed the issue on his “Pass The Salt” webcast today.

Daubenmire spent a good portion of the program arguing that modern Jews are not the same as the Jewish people of the Old Testament because there has been so much intermarriage and dispersion over the generations that there is no longer such a thing as pure “bloodline Jews.”

As such, Daubenmire insisted that today’s Jews “are no longer God’s chosen people” and no longer have God’s blessing because they are “Christ-haters.”

“They’re not His chosen people,” he said. “Listen! We had better come to the realization as to who has this blessing fallen upon? Who? Is it upon those guys over [in Israel], those Christ-haters—I hate to even say it—the Christ-haters? The blessing of God is coming through those Christ-haters? Are you kidding me? That’s what we’re supposed to believe?”

“America is fighting Israel’s wars,” he continued. “And we’re doing it because why? Because those who bless Israel will be blessed. Well, we had better ask ourselves this question: Who is Israel? Are you talking about that piece of land? I don’t doubt something important is happening on that piece of land, but you’re telling me that those people there who hate Jesus are the ones that the world is being blessed through them? That doesn’t make sense to me.”

Carlos Beruff #racist

In a speech to the Broward County Republican Party on Monday night, a Florida home builder making his first run at political office said the U.S. should ban everyone who seeks to enter the country from the Middle East, reports the Sun Sentinel.

Unless they are coming from Israel, that is.

While Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has called for banning entry to Muslims, developer Carlos Beruff took it a step further saying no one from the Middle East should be welcome until our immigration department fixes our “broken” system.

Asked about his position on Muslim immigration, Beruff had a ready answer.

“Ah ha,” he said. “I think our immigration department is broken. And I don’t think it’s safe to allow anybody from the Middle East into this country.”

According to the Sun Sentinel, the Republican crowd applauded his remarks.

Pressed by reporters afterwards, Beruff said his ban would apply to Muslims and Christians alike.

“Pretty much anybody that’s got a terrorist organization in it, which is pretty much all the Middle East,” he explained.

When asked about people coming from Israel, he left the door open.

“I think Israel’s security measures are pretty strong,” he said. “Israel is an exception.”

Beruff — who is running for office for the first time — is part of a crowded GOP field seeking to replace retiring Sen. Marco Rubio, whose presidential campaign went down in flames after he lost the Florida primary to Trump.

Jeanine Pirro #fundie

Appearing on Fox & Friends on Friday morning, weekend Fox News host Jeanine Pirro warned that, should prosecutors indict a Trump family member on criminal charges, there will be hell to pay with the American public.

Addressing reports that at least one grand jury is investigating President Donald Trump and his associates, the former prosecutor excitedly stated that it probably is concerning to Trump that he is being persecuted.

“I’m sure this is on Donald’s mind, he never stops thinking,” she explained. “But at the same time, this is an agenda.”

“Here is my concern,” Pirro told the Fox & Friends hosts. “If they end up with an indictment against a family member, just to get at Donald Trump because they couldn’t get at him, there is going to be a real uproar, a real uprising in this country.”

Pirro went on to add, “I was a prosecutor for 32 years, you can indict a ham sandwich. The only person in that grand jury is the district attorney who is interacting all of those grand jurors on what the law is — and the body language is clear!”

Donald Trump #fundie

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called for expanded surveillance of American Muslims, is refusing to rule out extreme measures that include warrantless searches or faith-based identification requirements.

"We're going to have to do things that we never did before. Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule,” Trump told Yahoo News in an interview published Thursday. “And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

When pressed on whether these measures might include tracking Muslim Americans in a database or noting their religious affiliations on identification cards, Trump would not go into detail -- but did not reject the options.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

Sinclair Broadcasting Group #fundie

According to the New York Times, Sinclair Broadcasting Group — a conservative news network run by GOP donor Daniel Smith — is requiring affiliate stations to run right- wing programming that includes debunked stories favorable to President Donald Trump.

With Sinclair’s potential acquisition of Tribute Media Group, concerns that they might exert their allegedly pro-Trump bias over a majority of American news stations is growing.

The article claims that Sinclair requires news stations they own to broadcast “must-runs” — news packages created by the network such as one issued by the company’s vice president of news Scott Livingston that decried biased media and positioned themselves as bastions of journalistic objectivity. Stations are reportedly required to broadcast these must-runs within 48 hours of receiving them from the network.

Sinclair currently owns 173 stations in many large media markets, and with their purchase of Tribune, they would own 42 more and could then control up to 70 percent of all American broadcast media.

In 2013, the Seattle Times ran an article critical of Sinclair’s conservative bias, as evidenced by their treatment of Democratic candidates such as John Kerry, the subject of a critical documentary aired just before the 2004 election. According to KOMO employees, Sinclair reportedly ran a story “critical of the newspaper industry” and of the Seattle Times specifically in response.

Along with the must-runs, reporters at Seattle’s KOMO news station told the Times that they were once subject to a strange request from their editor — to investigate a (now debunked) advertisement for “paid protesters”. They soon learned that the request came down from Sinclair’s corporate HQ.

Despite Livingston’s assertion that Sinclair works “very hard to be objective and fair and be in the middle,” reporters at KOMO told the Times a different story. They complained — under condition of anonymity — that the must-runs are “too politically tilted” and “occasionally of poor quality,” and a union representative for photojournalists at KOMO said their union members have expressed dissatisfaction as well.

“It’s something that’s very troubling to our members,” Dave Twedell, the KOMO union rep, told the Times. “I have not found one of our members who is supportive of our company’s position.”

Tony Perkins #fundie

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins jumped into the debate over Donald Trump’s call to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. yesterday, citing the same shoddy Center for Security Policy poll as Trump to say that “we shouldn’t be embarrassed to say that we oppose those who want to come to the United States to destroy it.”

In an email to FRC members last night with the subject line “How Do You Solve a Problem like Sharia?,” Perkins did not mention Trump’s proposal directly, but alluded to the “national discussion” about “who should and shouldn’t be in the country.”

Warning that unlike previous generations today’s immigrants don’t want to “come to America and assimilate,” Perkins declared that the U.S. may soon “lose our identity in the shadow of muliticulturalism.”

He then addressed the debate about Muslim immigration, writing, “What most people either don't realize or willfully ignore is that only 16 percent of Islam is a religion — the rest is a combination of military, judicial, economic, and political system. Christianity, by comparison, isn’t a judicial or economic code — but a faith. So to suggest that we would be imposing some sort of religious test on Muslims is inaccurate. Sharia is not a religion in the context of the First Amendment.”

Penn. Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R) #fundie

Have you seen the OMG LOL WTF opening prayer at the Pennsylvania state House that's got everybody talking about what a crazy ass GOP state Rep. Stephanie Borowicz is? The one what happened the same day the legislative body swore in its first Muslim rep, Democrat Movita Johnson-Harrell, who had brought all her friends and family to celebrate the occasion with her, many of whom were also Muslims?

It was OH MY DEAR SWEET JESUS, but we don't mean that in a religious way, or in a nice way.

First off, we must note that these sorts of opening prayers are fucked up and weird and seem to fly in the face of that whole "separation of church and state" thing. (There's been a bit of controversy about this in Pennsylvania!)

We also must note that Rep. Borowicz herself responded to the controversy by saying, "That's how I pray every day," she is not sorry, and we believe her when she says all her prayers are that batshit.

And oh boy, do we mean batshit! Far be it from Wonkette to make fun of a person's personal praying style, haha just kidding, LET'S DO IT.

Borowicz started out with that whole "HEY LORD" casual Southern Baptist crap, like you are just asking God how it's hangin', but then she quit fucking around and got serious. She told Jesus some things about himself and reminded Him of all His greatest hits, kind of like when Trump's Cabinet praises him before a meeting. She shouted "JESUS" no fewer than one million and eight times, we guess because you have to say "JESUS" a lot to make sure you have His holy attention, as JESUS is reportedly bad about playing with His iPhone these days while people are praying.

It's around the 1:22 mark when House Speaker Mike Turzai, who is also a Republican, kind of casually looks over at Borowicz like "the fuck is happening right now?" Around then, Borowicz begins explaining Jesus some evangelical GOP talking points about Donald Trump protecting Israel. (Is that a tell that really she meant this prayer as a dogwhistle, because OMG MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE, or is it just because Michele Bachmann types can't fucking shut up about their extremely two-faced support for Israel, which is in and of itself pretty anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim, considering why they support Israel? Only God knows her heart.)

It's at the 1:46 mark, when Borowicz is wrapping up her long-winded Amen, when Turzai literally nudges her like "in the name of Jesus CUT IT THE FUCK OUT."

We thought she might break out in tongue-speaking, but maybe Turzai's nudge interrupted the Holy Spirit's flow. Shit happens.

Are people offended? Oh yes, they are! Because even if Borowicz didn't literally mean her prayer like WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, MUSLIMS, it sure came across that way to a lot of people, on such a historic day in the Pennsylvania state House.

As the prayer reached a crescendo, at least one member shouted objections. Turzai, standing behind her, looked up again and nudged her elbow, prompting her to quickly conclude the address. Afterward, the protests only grew louder.

"It blatantly represented the Islamophobia that exists among some leaders — leaders that are supposed to represent the people," Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, the newly sworn-in Democrat who is Muslim, told the Pennsylvania Capital-Star on Monday. "I came to the Capitol to help build bipartisanship and collaborations regardless of race or religion to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the Commonwealth."

Johnson-Harrell has also said she would like Borowicz to be censured. The governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, was reportedly "horrified."

The top Democrat in the state House had thoughts:

"Never have we started out with a prayer that divides us," House Minority Leader Frank Dermody said to applause from Democratic members. "Prayer should never divide us. It should bring us together."

And this guy walked out:

I walked off the House floor in protest during today’s prayer led by a GOP member. This fire and brimstone Evangelical prayer was before the swearing in of the PA House’s first ever Muslim woman. It epitomizes religious intolerance.
— Rep. Kevin J. Boyle

And this Democratic rep, a Christian man, also had thoughts:

Prayer should never be weaponized, especially on a celebratory day for @RepMovita as she’s sworn in as the 1st Muslim woman to serve in the #PAHouse. This prayer was deeply disrespectful and meant to intimidate Movita & her family. We won’t stay silent on what matters! #LoveWins
- Rep. Jordan A. Harris

As for Borowicz, as we noted, she is not sorry, because it ain't your business what she says to the Lord, whose name is JESUS, did you hear His name is JESUS, all you Muslim people in the chamber? Oh, you knew that, because of how Jesus is a beloved prophet in your religion? OK well anyway, JESUS!

On Monday, Turzai, the GOP House speaker, reminded everyone to at least try not being total dicks while they're praying:

"As you are preparing your thoughts, we'd ask that you craft a prayer that is respectful of all religious belief," Turzai said.

At press time, Vice President Mike Pence was thinking about calling Borowicz and appointing her to be the new Space Force Secretary Of Going To The Moon And Stickin' A Cross In It For Jesus, just kidding, he's not allowed to talk to women unsupervised because Mother is worried he'll accidentally fuck them.

Donald Trump #racist

The witnesses described the story this way: Mr. [pro-golfer Bernard] Langer, a 59-year-old native of Bavaria, Germany — a winner of the Masters twice and of more than 100 events on major professional golf tours around the world — was standing in line at a polling place near his home in Florida on Election Day, the president explained, when an official informed Mr. Langer he would not be able to vote.

Ahead of and behind Mr. Langer were voters who did not look as if they should be allowed to vote, Mr. Trump said, according to the staff members — but they were nonetheless permitted to cast provisional ballots. The president threw out the names of Latin American countries that the voters might have come from.

Mr. Langer, whom he described as a supporter, left feeling frustrated, according to a version of events later contradicted by a White House official.

The anecdote, the aides said, was greeted with silence, and Mr. Trump was prodded to change the subject by Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, and Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas.

Just one problem: Mr. Langer, who lives in Boca Raton, Fla., is a German citizen with permanent residence status in the United States who is, by law, barred from voting, according to Mr. Langer’s daughter Christina.

“He is a citizen of Germany,” she said, when reached on her father’s cellphone. “He is not a friend of President Trump’s, and I don’t know why he would talk about him.”

She said her father was “very busy” and would not be able to answer any questions.

But a senior White House staff member, who was not at the Monday reception but has heard Mr. Trump tell the story, said Mr. Langer saw Mr. Trump in Florida during the Thanksgiving break and told him the story of a friend of Mr. Langer’s who had been blocked from voting.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

Who could have predicted that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump would use the terror attack in Orlando to make incendiary, fact-free statements?

Well, just about everyone did. But Trump still sank to a new on Monday morning by implying Obama may secretly be in favor of terrorist attacks on American citizens.

“He doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It’s one or the other,” Trump said of Obama’s approach to terrorism on Fox & Friends Monday. “And either one is unacceptable.”

Trump went on to imply that Obama has “got something else in mind” when it comes to stopping terrorist attacks, as evidenced by the fact that he won’t say the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” which would apparently be a more effective way to stop terrorists than preventing them from getting guns.

“We’re led by a man who is a very — look, we’re led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” Trump said. “And the something else in mind, you know, people can’t believe it. People cannot — they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the ways he acts and can’t even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable.”

How long until Trump implies that Obama is a foreign agent who falsified his birth certificate? At this rate, it wouldn’t be shocking to see him say it during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

Donald Trump #fundie

Asked to comment on the convention speech of Khizr Khan, a Pakistani immigrant whose son, Army Capt. Humayun Khan, died in Iraq in 2004, Trump described Khan as “very emotional” and said he “probably looked like a nice guy to me” — then accused him of being controlled by the Clinton campaign.
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s scriptwriters write it?” he asked in an interview with ABC.

Trump also questioned why Khan’s wife, Ghazala, did not speak on stage, despite the fact that she sat for an interview with MSNBC the following day.
“His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say,” he said. “You tell me, but plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet and it looked like she had nothing to say.”

The Khans appeared in Philadelphia on Thursday, the same night that Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, formally accepted her party’s nomination. Khizr Khan’s moving remarks quickly reverberated beyond the arena, and their effects have since spilled out onto the campaign trail. In an interview the following day with MSNBC, Ghazala Khan said she did not speak because she is still devastated by her son’s death and grows emotional when she sees his picture.

Although only the latest instance in which Trump has attacked a convention speaker, the Republican nominee’s remarks drew strong rebukes Saturday — but only silence from several senior GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the vice-presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

Michael Savage #fundie

However, Savage ultimately returned to his theory that Obama is in fact a secret Muslim Brotherhood supporter, but also a Maoist. He claimed that “ObaMao” is running a dictatorial socialist system complete with “reeducation camps” — i.e. schools and universities — and “the only thing missing now is the actual beatings, arrests and murders in America.” He predicted that such violent actions are on their way, just as anti-Semitism spread gradually throughout Hitler’s Germany before leading to horrific atrocities.

“We are living through a very dangerous transition in America right now and there is only one individual who actually knows what is going on and is willing to say it, he is as clear-eyed on it as I am, Donald Trump,” Savage said. “Which is why all the Lilliputians of the Reich are attacking him.” [Emphasis added]

This, of course, led Savage to beg the parents of Hollywood celebrities to stop their communist children from destroying America through another Maoist Cultural Revolution.

Savage also speculated that the Obama administration has already brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power in the U.S. and very soon American “children will be forced to bow to Allah.”

He said that while liberals deny seeking to murder Obama’s critics, he knows that liberals, such as Fox News host Megyn Kelly, whom he refers to as “Chairman Mao’s mistress” and “Martha Mao,” are closet Maoists who will bring brutal communism to the U.S.

Donald Trump and supporters #fundie

Donald Trump supporters taunted and called for violence against a number of protesters at a tense rally in Las Vegas Monday night, reports from the scene say. BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins took a short video in which one man can be heard shouting "light the motherfucker on fire" as a black protester is being removed from the premises:

NBC's Benjy Sarlin says that one individual shouted the Nazi greeting "Sieg Heil" in the area of the same protester. Sarlin wrote that "Trump took the interruptions in stride and complained that they were the only way to get media outlets to turn their cameras towards his crowds to show off their size."

From Coppins' story:

"Physical altercations between protesters, security, and the occasional tough-guy supporter have been a running theme in Trump’s combative campaign this year—but Monday night was different. Reporters who regularly cover Trump said they had never seen anything like the fevered, frenzied mood that gripped the ballroom in Las Vegas."

A Republican presidential candidates' debate is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. ET Tuesday night at Vegas' Venetian Hotel & Casino. Trump leads national polls of likely Republican primary voters by a considerable margin.

Coincidence Detector designers #racist

If you’ve ever encountered some of Donald Trump’s rabid “alt-right” supporters on the web, you know that they really relish attacking Jewish people with anti-Semitic slurs and images. noticed this week that some alt-right Trump fans created an incredibly creepy browser extension for Google Chrome whose purpose is to mark and track Jewish people online and make them targets of anti-Semitic harassment.

The “Coincidence Detector” extension, which was just removed from the Chrome store by Google this week, marked Jewish journalists and reporters with an “echo” tag that consists of three parentheses on both sides of their names. So if you were using the extension and reading an article by Mic’s Cooper Fleishman, you would see his name as “Cooper (((Fleishman)))” to single him out as Jewish.

The “echo” tag is a reference to the neo-Nazi notion that “all Jewish surnames echo throughout history” — that is, they believe Jewish people are responsible for myriad conspiracies over the centuries designed to extinguish the white race.

The point of the Chrome extension, wrote one neo-Nazi on Twitter, was to expose how much influence Jews have over the media and how they’re supposedly all conspiring to bring down Trump and promote Hillary Clinton.

“With this tool you begin to see patterns, constant bias, a common theme,” he wrote. “You want it deny it, rationalize it, fine, but we see it constantly. And that plugin shows it.”

At any rate, if you’re on social media and you see a Trump fan putting multiple parentheses around someone’s name, it’s because they’re marking them as Jewish and signalling to their followers that they should be targeted for harassment.

Eric Trump #racist

Eric Trump denied reports that his father planned to revise his immigration policy, which involves mass deportations and a border wall paid for by Mexico.

“My father’s speaking about immigration all week, so I won’t steal his thunder and his fire,” Eric Trump told “Fox and Friends” on Monday morning, as Donald Trump was hurling Twitter insults at MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“But you know, my father’s immigration plan is pretty simple,” the younger Trump said. “He wants secure borders. You have to know who’s coming into the United States of America. You can’t let people come in unchecked. We have 100 million people in this country that are out of the workforce. Right? I mean we have manufacturing jobs in this country have gone down one-third since 2000. We’re losing jobs across the board, yet people are walking in unchecked and we don’t know who they are. And they could be ISIS.”

Eric Trump said his father wanted to protect Americans and their jobs from foreigners.

“I mean, they should come first — you were born in this country, you were born here legally, you’re here legally,” Eric Trump said. “I mean, wages have been stagnant for the last 15 years and it’s because you have, you know, Syrian refugees coming in. It’s because you have, you know, thousands of people coming over the border.”

The median wage has remained relatively stagnant for decades, although some economists believe that metric is misleading, but Syrian refugees aren’t to blame.

The U.S. has admitted nearly 11,000 refugees from Syria since its civil war erupted five years ago.

“I mean, and Americans are suffering because of it, and that’s his point,” Eric Trump said. “So he’s speaking to Hispanic and Latino leaders and he’s having really amazing conversations. He’s also speaking to law enforcement, he’s speaking to border patrol. And you know he’s going formulate a really, really great plan that’s humane and ethical and that treats everybody well. But we have to solve the problem. It’s a real problem for this country.”

The younger Trump dismissed the notion that his father had changed his position on immigration.

“My father hasn’t flip-flopped on anything,” he said. “This was all the auspices of one article that came out that didn’t really — wasn’t grounded in any substance. But again, my father is giving a big speech on this on Thursday so he’ll be talking a lot about the specifics.”

Bill O'Reilly #fundie

(Admittedly not so much fundie, as face-palmingly stupid. We really need an Morons Say the Darndest Things, maybe.)

Ex-Fox News host Bill O’Reilly came to the defense of Donald Trump, saying the president was right about President Andrew Jackson possibly stopping the Civil War, despite have died years before it began.

In a recent interview with the Washington Examiner, Trump pondered why the Civil War couldn’t have been avoided while claiming that Jackson — who was a slave owner — had a “big heart” and could have stopped it. Trump’s comments were met with derision from the media as well as historians.

O’Reilly, who is not a historian but authored “Lincoln’s Last Days: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever,” had a different take on Twitter, lashing out at the media for attacking the president.

“President Trump is right about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War, the morons on cable news are wrong,” O’Reilly tweeted.

O’Reilly used the tweet as a teaser to draw viewers to his online pay-per-view broadcasts that began last week following his dismissal from Fox News after it was revealed the network paid out more than $13 million in sexual harassment claims.

Jim Bakker #conspiracy

While appearing on “The Strang Report” podcast yesterday, televangelist Jim Bakker warned that there is an effort afoot to “kill Trump”—both with words and physically.

Bakker told host Steve Strang of Charisma News that Donald Trump is under attack by “evil speech”: “I’ve never seen a man—especially a president—so hated and such evil speech going on. It’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen. There’s a war against our president. There’s a war against Christianity.”

Such anti-Trump rhetoric, he said, is proof that we are living in the Last Days.

Bakker said that God told him that “there’s going to be an attempt on our president’s life very soon,” lamenting that “the world is marching in the streets against our president and it is a war like I’ve never seen before.”

The church “literally elected this man,” Bakker added, noting that the president thanked Bakker personally for supporting his campaign.

“They want to kill him,” he continued. “They’re referring to him as Nixon, they want him impeached. If they cannot kill him with words, they will try to physically murder the president of the United States.”

“The adversary” is out to kill Trump, according to Bakker, because they are upset that Trump unexpectedly won the election, which he described as a “miracle” from God.

Michael Savage #racist

Vice President Mike Pence was the special guest today on Michael Savage’s radio show, where the far-right talk show host urged Pence to place strict limits on both legal and unlawful immigration before the U.S. turns into “a one-party state” like California.

Savage, a radical conspiracy theorist who frequently spoke with Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and recently met with him at Mar-a-Lago, rejoiced that Trump is “talking about all the things that I’ve lived for all these years,” particularly the need—as he sees it—to crack down on immigration.

“Unless we stop the flood of massive numbers of new people who come into this country legally or illegally who almost always vote Democrat, we’ll never ever have a Republican administration,” Savage said. “It will be just like California, which is a one-party state. I truly believe that if I can send one message to yourself and the president, yeah, the security of the nation, sure, but it’s all connected to illegal immigration, I think you all know that by the way.”

Pence agreed that the administration knows this—indeed, Trump made a similar statement last year—and praised Savage for being “in the forefront of a call for decisive action in this country to end illegal immigration,” before vowing to “end illegal immigration once and for all.”

Newt Gingrich #fundie

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for every American Muslim on Thursday to be “tested” in the wake of the fatal attack in Nice, France.

“Western civilization is in a war,” Gingrich told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia? Glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door. But we need to be fairly relentless about defining who our enemies are.”

Gingrich, who is reportedly being considered as a running mate for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, did not offer any specifics as to the nature of the “test.” The interview aired a day after CNN reported that Hannity provided the private jet Gingrich used to meet with Trump in Indianapolis.

Officials in France have not identified the parties responsible for the Bastille Day attack, which killed 80 people and caused critical injuries to 20 others.

But Gingrich directed his remarks toward the Islamic State terrorist group, blaming the Nice assault on President Barack Obama and “Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right.”

“I am sick and tired of being told that the wealthiest, most powerful civilization in history — all of Western civilization — is helpless in the face of a group of medieval barbarians,” he told Hannity.

Jeffrey Lord #racist

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has been coming unglued ever since revelations about his phony “university” have gone public. Trump’s main strategy so far has been to attack the judge presiding over the case for being biased against him due to his “Mexican” heritage. Top Republicans from around the country have been almost universal in condemning Trump’s attacks on Curiel’s heritage, but the candidate has responded by quintupling down on his racist attacks.

In an article posted at The American Spectator, top Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord tore into Republican leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell for not standing up for Trump and against the “real” racist in this case: Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

Lord’s case that Curiel is a racist hinges on his membership of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is an organization dedicated to “the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys.” This association isn’t any different from other ethnic lawyers associations such as the National Italian American Bar Association, the Irish American Bar Association, or the The American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, but Lord seems to think it’s all a big conspiracy to bring white people down a notch.

“Can you imagine the uproar if the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had belonged to a ‘white attorneys association?'” Lord asks rhetorically, without noting that Scalia was actually a keynote speaker at the National Italian American Foundation’s (NIAF) first international legal conference. The NIAF, in case you were wondering, is an organization that is “dedicated to promoting the contributions of Italian Americans.”

But this isn’t even the craziest part. No, the craziest part is that Lord believes Trump is the true victim of racism and that McConnell and Ryan are race-baiting white people by not coming to his defense.

“In a blink Ryan and McConnell have shown exactly why Donald Trump has blown away the Republican Establishment in the GOP primary season,” Lord thunders. “The GOP Establishment has lay (sic) down with the flea-infected mangy old political dog of racism — a left wing dependable from the days when Democratic Party co-founders Jefferson and Jackson allied the new-born party with slave owners.”

It seems clear now that the Trump campaign’s response to charges of racism will be to rely on the precedent set by the time-old case of Rubber V. Glue. Whether the voting public finds this logic compelling is another matter entirely.

Donald Trump #fundie

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump suggested Wednesday that the families of terrorists ought to be targeted in the fight against Islamist militants.

Trump made the remark during an interview on "Fox & Friends," noting the Obama administration wants to see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad leave power while the U.S. is simultaneously working to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a common enemy.
"You've got to pick who you're fighting, you can't fight everybody," Trump said on the show.

"ISIS is our No. 1 threat," Trump continued. "I would knock the hell out of them. I like to do one thing at a time."

Asked about the possibility of civilian casualties, Trump initially pointed to civilians being used as human shields before suggesting the families of terrorists should be targeted.

"I would do my best, absolute best — I mean, one of the problems we have or one of the reasons we're so ineffective, you know, they're trying to, they're using them as shields. It's a horrible thing," the real estate tycoon said.

"But we're fighting a very politically correct war. And the other thing is with the terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump added.

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families."

Tim Nolan #fundie

A former judge now serving as a school board member in suburban Cincinnati has been charged with felony human trafficking of a minor, felony inducing a minor to engage in sex and a third count of giving alcohol to a minor. The indictment was obtained by River City News publisher Michael Monks, who described Nolan as an, “outspoken and controversial” political figure.

Judge Tim Nolan of California, Kentucky represents District 5 on the Campbell County School Board. Yesterday afternoon he was lead into court wearing handcuffs as the “perp walk” was filmed by the local CBS station.

News anchor Cammy Dierking of WKRC described Judge Nolan as an, “outspoken supporter of the local Tea Party.”

The sex trafficking allegedly occurred in August 2016 — while Judge Nolan was serving as the chair of the Donald Trump campaign in Campbell County, KY. Trump beat Hillary Clinton 59% to 35% in the county while voters also elected Nolan.

In April of 2016, Nolan unsuccessfully attempted to remove Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as a delegate to the RNC Convention. Between fighting Senator McConnell in April and the alleged crimes in August, Nolan was appointed by Governor Matt Bevin to the Kentucky Boxing and Wrestling Commission, but was removed only days later when a scandal erupted over a Ku Klux Klan photo posted to Nolan’s Facebook.

Unlike Republican Governor Bevin, the Trump Campaign chose not to drop Judge Nolan after the KKK scandal.

The alleged sex crimes were investigated by Campbell County Police, but Nolan was arraigned in front of Judge Elizabeth Chandler in Boone County District Court as Campbell County Circuit Court Clerk Taunya Nolan Jack is the daughter of the defendant — who served as a Campbell County Judge from 1978 to 1986.

Last November, Judge Nolan won a school board seat for a district with 5,000 students and 700 employees. Nolan beat an incumbent with 10 years of school board experience and 27 years experience as a teacher in the district by campaigning for so-called, “school choice vouchers” and for the elimination of all local property tax revenue for schools.

Rumors of the investigation surfaced in early April when Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Scott Wartman broke the news that Campbell County Police Chief Craig Sorrell had denied an open-records request that sought documents involving any investigation of Tim Nolan.

In announcing that the state’s Special Prosecution Division would be handling the case, the office of Attorney General Andy Beshear stated that, “a core mission of Beshear’s is to bring justice to the victims of rape, sexual assault and human trafficking.”

Nolan is being tracked by a court mandated ankle monitor after being released on $50,000 bond. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for May 5 in Boone District Court.

Matt Forney #fundie

In the days after Wikileaks released the emails, leftists went berserk, claiming that the Russians were behind the hack (with no proof whatsoever), accusing Vladimir Putin of trying to influence the presidential election, and even accusing Donald Trump of being a Manchurian candidate for Moscow. Curiously, none of them have taken note of the multitude of other countries who are also sticking their hands into the American cookie jar, most notably Mexico, whose government has been funding riots at Trump’s rallies.

It’s quite telling that the only country that leftists don’t want influencing the government is a white, traditionalist, Christian one. The left’s anti-Russian hysteria isn’t simply repugnant: it’s a throwback to the anti-communist fervor of the early 1950’s. The difference is that while Joseph McCarthy’s claims that communists had infiltrated the government had validity, the left’s hatred of Russia is rooted entirely in their paranoia and hatred of healthy, prosperous societies.


Before and during the Cold War, leftists were in love with Russia. The Soviet Union represented the end goal of leftism: total state control over every aspect life. Because of this—and also because the Soviets extensively funded efforts to infiltrate Western institutions—the American and European left sided with Russia at every opportunity. For example, during World War II, leftists promoted the idea of opening a second front in Europe with the goal of taking pressure off of the Soviet Union, when the militarily smart move would have been to let the Nazis and Soviets destroy each other. The Normandy invasion was completely unnecessary; all it did was enable the U.S.S.R. to colonize much of eastern Europe.

Similarly, in the 1950’s, leftists in the media and government smeared Senator Joseph McCarthy when he courageously pointed out that Soviet agents were deeply embedded in the State Department and other prominent federal agencies. The Venona Papers—a collection of decrypted messages from the Soviet Union’s intelligence agencies released in 1995—later vindicated many of McCarthy’s claims. Later, in the 1980’s, leftists vociferously opposed Ronald Reagan’s aggressive stance towards the U.S.S.R., claiming it would lead to war; Ted Kennedy even begged the Russians to intervene in the 1984 presidential election and help defeat Reagan (irony).

The love between the Western left and Russia died when the Soviet Union collapsed. Since the end of the Cold War, Russia has transformed itself from a failed socialist state into a patriarchal, traditionalist one, reasserting its place as a world power. Christianity has been revived and takes a central role in Russian life, open homosexuality is frowned upon, and George Soros-funded front groups have been banned from the country. The reason why Russian (and other eastern European) women are known for their femininity and beauty is because these nations resist the moral turpitude of the West.

All this naturally makes Russia an enemy of the degenerate left. Anti-Russian feelings among leftists exploded in 2012, when members of Pussy Riot, a Western-funded leftist agitator group, were arrested after they broke into an Orthodox church and disrupted a mass in process. Leftists began foaming at the mouth a year later when the Russian government formally banned homosexuals from distributing propaganda to minors. When Russia began attacking ISIS last year—and actually made progress towards dismantling the Islamic State—Barack Obama shit a brick and “moderate” Republicans such as John Kasich and Lindsey Graham began speaking of war with Russia.

The left’s fear of Russia is simply their fear of normality, of white heterosexual men taking back what’s theirs. They’re aided by clueless cuckservatives who still think the Cold War is on and Russia is the Red Menace. Additionally, a large number of Russian Jews in the American political establishment, such as neocon Max Boot (a prominent #NeverTrump Republican) and radical lesbian activist Masha Gessen, have spent their careers agitating for more conflict with Russia. (Ilya Sheyman, another Russian Jew, is the head of, which was behind the riot that shut down Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago last March.)


Common Filth and other commentators have quipped in the past that the U.S. will start World War III with Russia over the issue of gay rights, and those predictions are disturbingly close to coming true. The left’s irrational hatred of Russia combined with our constant meddling in their internal affairs (for example, see Ukraine, where we helped instigate an anti-Russian coup right in their backyard) ensure that tensions with Putin will continue to escalate.

This is lunacy. Beyond the fact that Russian society is one that we should aspire to emulate, Russia is a superpower with a nuclear arsenal. Vladimir Putin is not some tinpot potentate of a third-world hellhole; he’s a crafty leader with a strong military and a nation of hundreds of millions behind him. Hillary Clinton will almost assuredly escalate tensions with Russia, possibly bringing us to war, destroying what is left of America with it.

The left hopes to distract Americans’ from the Democrats’ corruption and malfeasance by ginning up a Red Scare 2.0, and we can’t let them get away from it. Leftists’ hatred of Russia, combined with the apocalyptic ramifications of war with Putin, are too significant to ignore.

Lane Davis #fundie

Something had set Lane Davis off, but that wasn’t unusual.

It was a clear summer afternoon on July 14, on Samish Island—a small, idyllic community off the northwest coast of Washington state—where Lane, a balding, bearded, Donald Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist and prolific YouTuber and Redditor, known online as Seattle4Truth, lived with his parents.

Lane had spent that Friday morning as he did most mornings, on the internet. This day, like the others, Lane read and retweeted posts celebrating the Second Amendment, bemoaning diversity, and spreading conspiracy theories that alleged Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was involved in a child sex ring and DNC staffer Seth Rich
had been murdered for leaking sensitive emails to WikiLeaks. It was the end of a busy week during which he contributed to the Donald Trump subreddit, and over on The Ralph Retort, a fringe blog where he worked as a political editor, (unpaid, according to the site’s owner), he had celebrated the idea of a Kid Rock Senate run, claimed America was under threat of Sharia law, and wondered whether CNN was “literally ISIS.”


Lane’s parents, Catherine and Charles Davis—Charles was known as Chuck to his friends—were used to their 33-year-old son’s outbursts. They had become so frequent that Charles had started recording the tirades on his phone. But that afternoon, they were tired of Lane’s screaming, wanted him to leave, and told him as much. Instead, Lane chased his parents around their home, spitting in his father’s face while screaming that he wasn’t threatening to kill them, but “pedophiles who were taking over the country.”

Catherine Davis called 911. The tape of her call was acquired by The Daily Beast.

“He’s not physically threatening us or anything,” Catherine told the dispatcher. “He just gets out of control and he’s ranting about stuff from the internet.”

Was Lane drunk, the dispatcher asked? On drugs? Was there any history of a mental disorder?

“No, not reported, but he’s not working and he gets on these rampages and he just needs to move on,” Catherine replied.

The dispatcher suggested Catherine and Charles stay away from Lane until the police arrived.

“We’re trying to but he’s chasing us around the house,” she replied. “He’s mad about something on the internet about leftist pedophiles and he thinks we’re leftist and he’s calling us pedophiles. And I don’t know what all.”

Catherine laughed. “He just lives on the internet and he gets really worked up about everything that’s going on. He needs an intervention of some kind here.”

Police were on their way, the dispatcher told Catherine, and she hung up. But Charles’s phone kept recording.

On the 12-minute audio file later recovered by Skagit County Detective Kevin Sigman, a manic Lane, enraged by his mother’s 911 call, says, “OK well, so here’s the deal. If I am going to go to prison for threatening to kill somebody, I mean...”

“Leave the knife alone,” Charles says while his mother tries to reassure him: No one wants to send him to prison, they just want some help.

Lane doesn’t seem to hear or believe his mother. “So, you are going to send me to prison?” he asks. “My life is over.”

Minutes later, Catherine called 911 again. The audio recording is hard to hear. In it, Catherine is running and the portable phone she’s using breaks up. Catherine screams “He stabbed him!” before the connection is lost.

As the 73-year-old maritime lawyer and grandfather of two lay bleeding on the back deck, stabbed by his son in the chest and the back with a chef’s knife, Lane walked outside, dropped his weapon and stood with his hands in the air, waiting for police to arrive.

Catherine called 911 once more. “He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead.”

Davis M.J. Aurini #fundie

(about what Donald Trump said in the 2005 video)

The milk sops who are attacking Trump over this comment are criticizing his lack of politeness—the meek language we adopt whenever we find ourselves in mixed company. If his statements had been made in public they might have had a point—a frank conversation about bowel movements belongs in the doctor’s office, not at the dinner table, and telling a woman you barely know that you’d like to “grab her pussy” is the sort of social maladjustment that suggests a temperamental problem—but this was nothing more than a small clip of a long conversation, all of which happened behind closed doors, and exclusively amongst other men. Nobody present was offended—Bush’s own replies affirmed and agreed with Trump’s—and any man who denies having had a similar conversation is a bald faced liar.

Yes, the conversation was rude, but rude is not immoral; the behaviour that married couples get up to in the marital bed is also rude, and yet St Paul commands married couples to do it well, and to do it often. If you walked into a confessional and told the priest that you wanted to kiss pretty girls, he’d give you five Hail Marys for wasting his time, and even a nun like Mother Angelica can enjoy a bit of rude humor: after reading a Galatians 15:21 on her television show, she joked, “—drunkenness, orgies, and other things—oh my; I’m curious about what these other things might be!”

What sort of world is this where we expect Donald Trump to be better behaved than a Catholic nun? And what sort of hypocrites make up the Republican establishment, if this off-hand remark offends them? Do the indiscretions of the Democrats in general, and the Clintons in particular, even warrant a mention at this point? Or can we simply state that we’re living in a world of puritanical hypocrites, who promote the most depraved and debauched culture seen on this planet since the fall of Rome, but who are more than happy to scream “Pervert!” at their enemy because he once patted his wife’s derriere while boarding a plane?

Mahathir Mohamad #racist

Citing Trump, Dr M says against mass immigration from China

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad denied today that he is against foreign direct investment (FDI) due to racism, clarifying that he opposed such move from China as it allegedly leads to massive immigration.

The former prime minister said even the rest of the world feels so strongly against mass immigration, highlighting United States president-elect Donald Trump’s suggested deterrent border wall against Mexican immigrants.

in“I categorically welcome FDI from China as I welcome FDI from any country. What I object to is the kind of FDI from China,” he said in a blog post.

Dr Mahathir said China is not investing in Malaysia’s manufacturing industries, but instead is acquiring land, building settlements, towns, and cities that will later be sold to Chinese nationals who will come and live here in the millions.

“It is this massive immigration that we object to. If the project is by Indians and a few million Indians are to come and live in Malaysia, we would also strongly object,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said the same situation currently happens in the Europe with many objections against refugees.

“Mr Trump wants to build a wall to prevent Mexicans and other South Americans from migrating into the US. They have police patrols and guard dogs to keep out these foreigners.

“That’s how much nations are against mass immigration into their countries,” he said.

Calling himself “pro-Malaysia”, Dr Mahathir warned that the Chinese will compete against local businesses, eventually taking a large chunk of the economy.

“The Chinese are welcome to invest in industries in Malaysia. But just as we would not welcome mass immigration of Indians, or Pakistanis or Europeans or Africans into Malaysia, we have to adopt the same stance on Chinese immigration into Malaysia,” he added.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak accused Dr Mahathir of committing great slander against the federal and Johor governments with his comment on the Forest City project in Johor Baru.

Najib dismissed Dr Mahathir’s allegation that 700,000 Chinese nationals would be brought to Johor under the project and granted Malaysian citizenship.

Ruben Israel, Aden Rumsfeldt and others #fundie

Donald Trump supporters traveled hundreds of miles to protest an empty Phoenix mosque, much to the irritation of its neighbors.

Ruben Israel, a self-proclaimed Christian street preacher who hates the King James Bible, Catholics and Mormons, came to Arizona from Los Angeles to shout complaints through a bullhorn and argue with residents of nearby homes, reported KPNX-TV.

“You got a mosque right here and you’re not doing anything about it,” Israel shouted at one neighbor. “I hope when Trump gets into office he turns this wicked building into a 7-Eleven.”

Another protester, who drove to Phoenix from Tucson, complained about the influence of the nation’s roughly 3.3 million Muslims — who make up about 1 percent of the U.S. population.

“Muslim religion is tearing down America,” said Aden Rusfeldt, a self-employed entrepreneur who promotes a “politically incorrect business and marketing webinar” online.

The Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, which was closed on Monday, has been targeted multiple times in the past by anti-Muslim demonstrators — including protests organized by militia member and Marine veteran Jon Ritzheimer, who is awaiting trial on a variety of federal charges for his role in the armed occupation of an Oregon nature preserve.

Neighbors said they’re tired of protesters screaming about Muslims outside the mosque, which was empty during the latest demonstration.

“He’s out here protesting nothing,” said one man, watching Israel bellow through a bullhorn. “There’s nobody here, man!”

Usama Shami, president of the Islamic Community Center, said he and other Muslims understood that the protesters represented a minority of Americans, but he said their message of “hate” was clearly intended to intimidate worshipers.

But Israel, who often takes part in anti-LGBT protests, said the demonstration was simply a peaceful free speech rally.

“We’re trying to say keep it on the sidewalk, exercise free speech,” Israel said. “It’s our free speech to take their holy book and rip it like this.”

Israel ripped a page from the Quran, and said, “We can do this.”

Jonathan Van Maren #fundie

Nov. 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - Since the election of Donald Trump, the level of meltdown on the Left has now reached proportions rivalling Chernobyl. University students at Cornell hosted a cry-in, meeting together to weep at the fall of Hillary Clinton. As per usual, more hate crimes were faked, and every bit of potentially racist graffiti was pounced on as evidence that Trump’s election would result in vicious race wars. Actual violence and rioting done by angry progressives has been almost completely ignored. And then, the one theme that keeps recurring on talks shows across the nation: fear. As the result of Donald Trump’s election, many people, apparently, feel as if the leadership of the country is now fundamentally opposed to them in some way, and they are scared.

Which is exactly how Christians have felt under Barack Obama for the past eight years.

Many of my non-Christian and liberal friends find it bewildering that both evangelicals and Catholics voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, a thrice-married casino operator infamous for his vulgar trash talk. I want to take a moment to explain to them directly why most Christians voted for him anyway. It’s simple, really: Christians voted for Donald Trump because they felt that the threat a de facto third Obama term posed to Christian communities was an existential one.

The attacks on Christians from the highest levels of government have been relentless now for nearly a decade. Obama wants to force Christian churches and schools to accept the most radical and most recent version of gender ideology, and he is willing to issue executive decrees on the issue to force the less enlightened to get in line. Christian concerns are dismissed out of hand as “transphobia.”

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton informed one audience that Christians would have to change their beliefs on some issues. And now Christians are having conversations around the dinner table about what do if the government forces curricula on them that they cannot accept, because their own government is increasingly indicating that Christian parents are too homophobic and too hateful to teach their own children. Can you understand how terrified mothers and fathers are at the prospect that those in power want to actively prevent them from passing their beliefs on to their own children?

I can understand why those from some immigrant communities might be worried about how a Trump presidency could affect them personally—but as for the largely white liberal university students throwing a temper tantrum—what do you have to freak out about? No one is saying that you can’t pass your values on to your children. No one is saying you’re a bigoted, fascistic hater of minorities simply because you happen to have a different belief system. But they are saying that about Christians—and you were, too. And they mean it. The students weeping in fear at a Trump administration have nothing to worry about. No one’s going to cancel their Women’s Studies program or shut down their LBGTQ2etc Collective. Get over it.

And then there was the rapid rise of rainbow fascism. Christian bakers are under attack. Christian photographers. Christian pastors. Real people are losing real businesses that they had labored for years to build. Their way of life is being destroyed. In some cases, Christian business owners saw the wages they needed to feed their families dry up because they were targeted by gay activists and labeled hateful, homophobic bigots simply for declining to assist in celebrating a gay union. That’s all. They just wanted to live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs, and because of that, activists came gunning for them. It wasn’t good enough to go down the street to any number of photographers or bakers who would be more than happy to help celebrate a gay wedding. They needed to see those little family businesses destroyed, even if it meant that the baker and his family ended up on the street. Dissenters must be crushed.

These things happened, and are happening, and many of you shrugged your shoulders and thought to yourselves that the homophobes got what they deserved. You didn’t care about these people, and you didn’t respect their right to live out their beliefs because you thought there was something fundamentally wrong with those beliefs.

And then there was the fact that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton wanted to force Christians to fund the abortion industry, something many of you support because everyone babbles on about “reproductive rights” without ever talking about what abortion actually is. Abortion. Google it. I’m challenging you in all seriousness. That’s how I ended up involved in the pro-life movement: by Googling it and realizing what abortion was. Take a second, and actually look at pictures of the dead babies, and then remember that Barack Obama even voted against protecting those children who survived abortion, and that Hillary Clinton defended abortion even in the latest stages of pregnancy.

Is it really so hard for you to understand that those who fight tirelessly to protect these babies might be willing to gamble on the support of a brash billionaire rather than cast their vote for someone who thinks the youngest members of the human family are nothing more than soulless trash? I’ve seen an aborted baby before. I’ve held a butchered little boy in my hands. Maybe if you did, too, you could understand why we don’t think Hillary Clinton is a good person. We think her political positions directly result in dead children, because that’s the truth.

This is not even to get into the fact that the Democratic war on religious liberty was so malicious it had them going to court to force nuns—a group called “Little Sisters of the Poor”—to fund birth control. Dissenters must be crushed, after all.

The simple fact is that Christians voted in self-defence. They voted to put the brakes on the relentless, eight-year-long assault not just on their values, but on their ability to live their lives unmolested without having radical progressives attempt to force some newly invented ideology down their throat or hang some new “phobia” label around their necks or garnish their wages to pay for medical exterminators to suction tiny human beings into bloody slurry. Most of these Christians are not activists. Most of them simply want to be left alone. But for eight long years, they weren’t left alone. And so this time around, they voted to give Obama and his progressive minions the hugest shove they could.

Donald Trump may well prove to be destructive force. Time will tell. But for many people, he is currently destroying all the right things. Michael Moore wasn’t wrong to refer to Trump as a “legal Molotov cocktail” that the voters threw right through the front window of the elites. Secular progressives have been using political correctness to strangle the life out of Christians, calling them every name in the book and treating them like seething, hateful gay-bashers. Now, the media saddled a man with every label they could possibly come up with—and he won anyway. Progressives created a system that would convict Christians every single time, replete with ever-shifting speech codes that informed any number of bewildered men and women that the hate they didn’t feel towards anyone was obviously there, anyway. And then a sledgehammer named Donald Trump showed up, and the harried and henpecked voters decided to use it to smash a system created specifically to marginalize and label them.

What you have to understand is that Christians hear the media much differently than the rest of you. They hear themselves being mocked and ridiculed by men like John Oliver, who believes that a man with a penis can simultaneously be a woman. They hear themselves being cursed as awful people by Samantha Bee, who thinks that it’s perfectly okay to stab a baby in the skull in the third trimester of pregnancy. They hear themselves being called hateful bigots by Bill Maher, who claims to value diversity. And they may chuckle painfully, but they also know that they are loathed by those who are now demanding to know how they could possibly have voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, a woman who would have taken her own sledgehammer to religious liberty at the very earliest opportunity.

We’ll have to see how a Trump presidency progresses. With men like Mike Pence around him, he may prove to be an ally to the Christians who cast their ballots for him last Tuesday. But even if he isn’t, Christians are simply relieved that he isn’t Hillary Clinton. As I pointed out prior to Election Day, most of us are quite aware that Donald Trump doesn’t care about abortion or religious liberty. But on the other hand, Hillary Clinton is passionate about abortion, and she is passionate about furthering her party’s radical social agenda. Even if Donald Trump does nothing for Christians, at least he’ll leave them alone. After eight years of Barack Obama, that would be a tremendous relief.

That’s why so many Christians voted for Donald J. Trump.

John Shorey #fundie

Last week, End Times author John Shorey appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show” where he discussed his belief that former president Barack Obama is trying to undermine President Trump and create chaos throughout the country.

Shorey and Bakker pointed to a recent WorldNetDaily column claiming that Obama is directing a “shadow government” and “shadow White House” in Washington, D.C., where “Michelle Obama and [Valerie] Jarrett will strategize to topple Trump”—which is a bit difficult to believe seeing that the former president is currently taking a long vacation in French Polynesia following trips to Hawaii, Florida and the Virgin Islands.

Shorey and Bakker, however, were convinced that Obama is actually directing anti-Trump campaigns from his Washington residence.

“This is insane,” Shorey said. “It almost sounds like fiction.”

Shorey contended that “horrible leaders” like Obama are bent on “destroying this nation” and generating a “destruction of confidence” in Trump, which he said could lead to a “full-blown economic meltdown.”

“This is the kind of event that has to happen—and the globalists want it to happen, because the globalist agenda, the globalist economic solution, requires that America’s economy is brought to its knees,” he said.

Shorey went on to explain that “those who oppose Donald Trump” could “cause a crash” that ripples “around the world,” which would then allow Trump’s globalist critics to install a world government where they control the leadership.

This, he warned, could spur war with Russia: “If somehow they succeed in getting rid of Trump and the other side goes back into the White House, Putin knows where that’s going to bring them. And I believe that if something happens to Trump, we literally could see Russia do a pre-emptive [strike] against America.”

Donald Trump #fundie

Donald Trump is going on a furious Twitter tirade about the “rigged” election

Over the weekend, Donald Trump reinvigorated his pleas against the so-called rigged election in a barrage of tweets lambasting not only his political opponent Hillary Clinton and the media at large, but also Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan for being a bystander.

According to Trump, the media is rigging the election toward Clinton; the GOP establishment and Paul Ryan are working against him; and if Clinton wins in November, it will be because of large-scale voter fraud.

He tweeted:

Voter fraud! Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the questions to a debate, and nobody says a word. Can you imagine if I got the questions?
2:24 AM - 18 Oct 2016

WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED! —
1:58 AM - 18 Oct 2016 · United States, United States

Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!
11:33 PM - 17 Oct 2016

The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD
4:01 AM - 17 Oct 2016

Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign, by putting stories that never happened into news!
11:31 PM - 16 Oct 2016

Polls close, but can you believe I lost large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Media rigging election!
10:36 PM - 16 Oct 2016

Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!
10:14 PM - 16 Oct 2016

Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail. Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election
11:23 PM - 15 Oct 2016

This election is being rigged by the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies, in order to elect Crooked Hillary!
10:45 PM - 15 Oct 2016

This is certainly not the first time Trump has said the election has been — or will be — rigged against him; he first raised the conspiracies over voter fraud and Clinton-media cahoots in August and renews the claim every time he seems to be slipping in the polls. After Ryan said he would no longer campaign for Trump, the Republican nominee added him to the list of things working against him.

As it is now, days before the final debate, and less than a month before Election Day, the polls don’t look great for Trump. He seems to recognize this, tweeting about the negative impact the sexual assault allegations have had on his campaign (although he blames the media for putting out “fabricated” stories about them).

As my colleague Dara Lind explains, it is an attempt to preemptively excuse a possible loss in November and retain his much-cared-about image as a winner. But it also could have adverse results in November, fueling Trump supporters to rebuke — and possibly protest — the results.

Even Trump’s vice presidential pick Mike Pence thinks this is a bad idea, telling a supporter to stop calling for a revolution after Election Day. “We will absolutely accept the result of the election. Look, the American people will speak in an election that will culminate on November the 8th,” Pence told Chuck Todd on Sunday’s Meet The Press. “But the American people are tired of the obvious bias in the national media. That's where the sense of a rigged election goes here, Chuck.”

That, however, hasn’t stopped Trump from pushing the idea that the election is unfairly rigged.

Alfred W. Clark #fundie

The Left wants to use Christianity to police the Alt-Right

Left-wing, Jewish journalist Peter Beinart has a telling piece up at The Atlantic, “Breaking Faith: The culture war over religious morality has faded; in its place is something much worse,” about how the decline of Christianity has lead to an increase in racial identity, especially among many younger whites affiliated with the alt-right. He writes:

“Secularism is indeed correlated with greater tolerance of gay marriage and pot legalization. But it’s also making America’s partisan clashes more brutal. And it has contributed to the rise of both Donald Trump and the so-called alt-right movement, whose members see themselves as proponents of white nationalism. As Americans have left organized religion, they haven’t stopped viewing politics as a struggle between “us” and “them.” Many have come to define us and them in even more primal and irreconcilable ways.”

As if there is something wrong with whites supporting and promoting their own interests. Beinart then discusses Richard Spencer, Milo, and how secularization has lead to an increase in racial identity among both younger blacks and whites. He concludes:

“Maybe it’s the values of hierarchy, authority, and tradition that churches instill. Maybe religion builds habits and networks that help people better weather national traumas, and thus retain their faith that the system works. For whatever reason, secularization isn’t easing political conflict. It’s making American politics even more convulsive and zero-sum.

For years, political commentators dreamed that the culture war over religious morality that began in the 1960s and ’70s would fade. It has. And the more secular, more ferociously national and racial culture war that has followed is worse.”

Beinart is basically correct but there is more to this story. The two most basic forms of identity are racial / ethnic identity and religious identity. When the two intersect and form an ethno-religion, which is basically what Judaism is, the religion of Beinart’s co-ethnics, one probably has the strongest identity possible. (Most early pagan religions were also racial ethno-religions, and arguably some forms of Christianity are too.)

The problem, however, is that Beinart can’t just wave his magic wand and resurrect Christianity to police white people — as much as he may wish it. The irony is that mainstream Christianity today is on a universalist trajectory that would repel the very people that Beinart wants to police. As I noted in a previous post, “Is Contemporary Christianity a Suicide Cult?,” contemporary Christianity is becoming more and more effeminate and seems to repulse more manly men. For example, regarding the recent controversy to expel open-borders Russell Moore from his leadership of the ERLC, just take a look on Twitter at some of Moore’s most ardent defenders: Nearly all of them literal cuckolds or Christian SJWs.

In short, Beinart fails to recognize that Christianity had a greater hold on young white men when it was in fact more like the alt-right, when it wasn’t as extremely universalistic as it is today and didn’t eschew racial identity for whites.

John Ziegler III #conspiracy

Man cites “hybrid humans” conspiracy fear in horrific murder

In mid-January, a Pennsylvania man killed his pregnant 25-year-old wife in their home with a scimitar-like sword. She was found dead of multiple sharp force trauma to the head and neck. Their 2-yr old son was unharmed. The 6-month female fetus did not survive. This week, police testified in a hearing that John Ziegler III admitted to killing his wife Diana because he needed to save the world from “hybrid humans”:

When Northern York County Regional police interviewed John Ziegler III, he told them that he’d been “feeling off” for the last three months. Ziegler also expressed a belief, they said, that he could change the weather with his emotions.
He believed that his wife was the “queen bee.” Ziegler thought everything would change — it wasn’t a political statement — with the election of President Donald Trump.

The mental history of Ziegler is unclear from just the provided news reports. The couple had not lived in the house very long. Three months prior to the crime would have been November, election month. The date of the crime January 27, seven days after Inauguration day. The police log is incorrect in stating it was 1-17-17. I was not able to pinpoint which of the many insane ideas about “hybrid humans” Ziegler might have been referencing or what “Queen Bee” specifically referred to. Some may interpret this as a growing cultural acceptability of extreme ideas proffered by talk radio hosts and internet conspiracy sites. Have these ideas pushed some people over the edge? It’s tempting to blame such vile extremism as triggers, but rampant murder isn’t occurring. More will likely come out in the trial scheduled for April in York County.

Mark Downey #racist

A white supremacist church leader is feeling emboldened by Donald Trump’s election win — but not bold enough to tell reporters where his group worships.

Pastor Mark Downey, who operates the white supremacist Kinsman Redeemer Ministries, has written an extremely lengthy open letter to Donald Trump that’s circulating on Christian Identity church websites, reported WCPO-TV.

Christian Identity adherents believe, contrary to biblical scripture, that “Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon” people are God’s “Chosen People,” and the small but influential religious sect informs nearly all white supremacist and extreme anti-government groups.

Downey, however, sees Trump’s election as an opportunity to enter the political mainstream.

“I am an outsider, about as non-partisan as a liaison with Providence and a potential President could be,” Downey wrote. “Nevertheless, I wouldn’t be wasting my time if there was the possibility that you could be the called out one to lead us out of the terrible mess we’re in.”

The letter, which was written Oct. 9, suggests that “divine destiny” will lead Trump to victory, and he called on the Republican to disavow mainstream evangelical Christianity and endorse Christian Identity’s extremist ideology.

“The wolves in evangelical clothing will not tell you the following things to do, because for the most part, they are shabbez goi, which means they are the lackies for their Jewish masters,” wrote Downey, who essentially encourages Trump to recast himself as a religious leader.

“If you want to make America great again, it is imperative that we isolate ourselves from a world gone crazy,” Downey wrote. “It is madness to impose other morals and values upon this once great Christian nation. Think of it: a White Christian America as envisioned by our founding fathers or a third world melting pot that has no identity, no heritage and thus no future of greatness. No other religion will make America great again. Have you ever heard ‘No King but Jesus’?”

Downey cited anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that influenced Adolf Hitler, whom he’s praised, to beg Trump to crack down on the media.

“You’ve been a media player for years (and) the media is run by the Jews. It goes all the way back to the Rothschilds,” Downey wrote. “It’s a fact, that six Jewish companies control 96% of the world’s media. And boy, do they have an antichrist agenda.”

Although most Americans are unaware of Christian Identity teachings, the sect’s beliefs influence Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi groups — who have outspokenly endorsed Trump — as well as anti-government militias and the “sovereign citizen” movement.

“Only one race answers to the Holy Bible scenario of Israel in the latter days, and that is the White Race,” Downey wrote.

Downey told a reporter that his congregation met in Florence, Kentucky, although its mailing address is in nearby Alexandria, but he stopped returning calls when the journalist identified his profession.

Another northern Kentucky church, Fellowship of God’s Covenant People in Union, lists Downey as its pastor.

The last time Downey, who claims he ran for state legislature in 1994, got anywhere near mainstream politics was in 2014, when he urged his congregants to cast write-in ballots for a neo-Nazi candidate for the U.S. Senate who also lived in Florence.

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