
MarquisDePaid #fundie

I think something the Alt-Right is failing with is letting the Antifas monopolize the Autocaust. And when I say the "Autocaust" I mean Heather Heyers death.

While Heather was certainly in the wrong with her actions on that day, being on the Antifa side in a protest, she was still a European-American woman who lost her life. The European-American community still lost a young white woman essentially to leftist brainwashing and she could have turned her life around if the leftist oppressors weren't in power.
It wasn't a Jewish-American or African-American who died, it was a European-American woman.

Also, imagine the horror and rage Antifa would react with if we started rolling as if we were the victims of the Autocaust, and the attention it would generate by the confused and horrified rage.

CH #fundie

I was alerted to a potential bombshell in the de Jesus Cruz shooting story by Ricky Vaughn’s Gab feed (@Ricky_Vaughn99). David Hogg, one of the self-proclaimed survivors who made an infamous tape while hiding out in a closet during the shooting, may have been caught lying on tape.

The media is telling us David Hogg interviewed his classmate in a closet DURING the shooting. In this video, he clearly states the time as 9:30 A.M.


But, as the timeline from the Sheriff’s office shows, the shooting did not start until 2:21 P.M.

What the hell is going on here? These student activists are LYING to us.


Folks, I have archived the video, so they cannot get away with this.

We need the truth, the public deserves to hear the truth.


I am NOT saying this is a false flag. I am NOT saying that these are crisis actors.

I am saying that these student shitlib activists are LYING to us, and we need answers. The public deserves to know, just what the hell is going on?


Here’s what I think happened: They had a drill that morning in order to scare kids into gun control. During the drill, they made these videos.

Then, that afternoon, there was an actual shooter.

They lied and said, “we made these videos during the shooting.”

First of all, why did they lie to us?

Second of all, were FBI agents online posing as Siegetards and goading this idiot, Cruz, into doing a school shooting that afternoon?

That way, they would have all the video and students who were anti-gun activists and media-trained all ready to roll for their massive anti-gun psy-op.

David Hogg, who is the face of this group of charlatans posing as “concerned activists,” is the son of a prominent FBI agent. What the hell is going on here, folks?

If true, this whole post-shooting “march against guns” activist movement is a HUGE chaimstream media-driven hoax, probably financed by that agent of Satan himself, George Soros.

More suspicious details about David Hogg that lend credence to the claim he’s a hired crisis actor tasked with pushing a major social movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment:

Hogg works for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
From that same link, an antifa member claims Hogg didn’t go to Parkland HS; he went to school with him at Redondo Shores HS in California
Hogg really is the son of an FBI agent

Most hilariously, Hogg is seen feeding shitlib boilerplate scripted lines to a “schoolmate” in a video “interview” he supposedly shot “during” the Cruz shooting.


The whole hacktivist clown show has the feel of a top-down, rather than bottom-up, managed movement. A BIG LIE. Who’s behind the scenes, funding and directing the show? (((Curiouser and curiouser))).

Crisis actors and false narratives. It’s not like the Degenerate Leftoid Mob doesn’t have experience recruiting kids to tell whoppers. Turning out an army of child soldiers to shill for the cause du jour is the Left’s specialty.

America is drowning in lies. This age of chaos and spiraling decline will end, but not before the globohomos have tried every gaslighting weapon at their disposal. When the truth outs, the rats scurrying for cover will be a marvel to behold.

Chuck Lowe #wingnut

Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.

Aldous Huxley

The American Main Stream Media obfuscates, spins and lies as a part of it's job to support the Fascist designs of the Progressive left.

Hence, while cites are literally still smoking from the fires lit by the BLM/AntiFa Fascists they support, Chris Wallace asks the most transparent "When did you stop beating your wife?" question in the history of this country. His insistence that Trump demand that the Proud Boys not engage in violence, while the legions of Brown Shirt-BLM-AntiFa shithells have literally been in the streets, violently attacking people, buildings, business' and the Rule Of Law for the last 3 years and especially the last 3 months, is the ultimate, gas lighting of the American people.

The evil Triumvirate of the DNC, the 4th Estate and the Deep State want to "Burn it down", in order to rule over the ashes of what was once your hopes, dreams and economy.

Fuck these people, they are literally devils.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #psycho

The livestreams of the protests are lead by organizers focused around the usual local sources of street-level Commie faggotry: our university campuses and related NGOs. They're the ones organizing the protests and controlling the messaging, so observing them is a wise thing to do since I bet that they are tied to Antifa if not a front therefor because they (including the organized livestreamers like Unicorn Riot) believe that they can still get what they want because they have amenable authorities on the inside to fix things for them.

That's not just Minnesota At tourney General Keith Ellison, who is an Antifa supporter and whose son is an avowed member, but also Governor Tim Walz and U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (both have adult children involved involved), and both Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey as well as St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter are fellow travelers. Ellison is now the point-man for the prosecution of the former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing the would-be martyr. Ellison is being pressured to upgrade the charge from Murder in the 3rd Degree to Murder in the 1st Degree; the higher the degree, the higher the threshold for achieving conviction due to the greater severity of the charge, and thus pressure of this sort produces counter-intuitive results- it increases the odds of acquital.

And that will likely spark a new round of rioting if there is a new street-level team ready to launch them.


I have good reason to believe that this is not the case. At most there will be some violence that local authorities will be able to quell easily. The designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization (not "domestic", just "terrorist") allows U.S. Attorney General Barr to assign all 56 Joint Terrorism Task Forces to deal with Antifa and roll up its entire operational network. This includes people not formally affliated with the group, associates of the group, and so on; the sudden and wholly unexpected spread of the rioting to foreign countries makes a very strong case for international ties as men and material (especially money) has to cross those borders to make that happen, and that means a re-designation to "international terrorist" which makes things even worse for the criminals.

This threat, despite the theater, is waning as I write this. The rioting will end in the United States before the month of June is over, but that is not all that will be done; because the God-Emperor is insisting that this be handed by the mayors and governors, despite his mustering of Federal resources, he is exposing how these local and state officials are incompetent at their jobs or are actively treasonous to their citizens. The "catch and release" policies are now being highlighted as contributing to the problem where things are worst, and as such the optics for the G-E's enemies worsens by the day as other enemies flush themselves out in irrational bursts of heresy and sedition. (e.g. the heretical witches crying about Trump's visit to St. John's in D.C.)

And as for Trump, I don't care that your pet cause isn't being catered to--VDare, Gab, etc., that means you--because bigger stakes are on the table and the G-E is playing to win; grunts don't get to gainsay the boss, and you're all grunts. Pray you're not among the casualties when it's over, shut the fuck up, and shoot Left.

CH #fundie

[I don't even know which STDT to put this in]

Most antifa dweebos would think this female degeneration was a feature, not a bug, increasing as it does her perceived sexual accessibility to waaaaahhhtifa nü-males who will never get a woman in her pre-cocksaed pure state.

In a nod to famed CH commenter GBFM, I could have just as well titled this post “Before Desouling, After Desouling”. Antifa is a tentacle of the dehumanizing globalism project, which itself is a mass psy ops backed by the force of the state to deracinate and desoul Whites, severing them from rootedness to their homelands.

Globohomo desouling can take a young woman from an earthy prettiness to a cock-scarred pornslut cavorting with anti-white filth in a few years time. Our Western Civ is degrading so quickly that we can see this degeneration unfolding in real time.

Thankfully, we can also see our salvation rising with nearly equal quickness.

The Cominator #wingnut

The Reds in Weimar during the time of Stalin (although he wasn’t dictator yet) were disciplined brutal tough and masculine. Antifa and the leftists militants is a larp of this. Some deputized proud boys with local bikers and rednecks bolstering their numbers locally when needed should be able to take them if the state doesn’t intervene in their favor. The strength of the modern left is their massive dominance of institutions not their muscle. Thats why Trump needs to cross the Rubicon if need be before January 20th if all legal options for keeping the Presidency fail. The only real muscle the left has is warriors serving institutions who will follow any priestly order. Cops are far more inclined to do this then soldiers historically.

There are no riots in Florida and most Southern cities because of well armed rednecks and bikers who are fucking hoping they riot and stand your ground laws. The 1920s and 1930s German reds would have fought them anyway.

I hate the old left and the new but the left of the 1920s and 1930s were at least real men… not so anymore.

Matt Forney #fundie

It looks like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of America’s premier ethnic shakedown organizations, is running low on donations again. This week, they announced the new edition of their “hate group” list, a record of supposed white supremacist, far-right terrorist organizations operating in the United States. Most notably, Return Of Kings has been added to the list as a “male supremacy” organization, alongside men’s rights’ group A Voice For Men:

Also, for the first time, the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate group list: A Voice for Men, based in Houston, and Return of Kings, based in Washington, D.C. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.

This isn’t the first time that ROK publisher Roosh has been targeted by the SPLC: in 2012, he was named in one of the organization’s “Intelligence Reports,” alongside A Voice for Men and my old site In Mala Fide. Roosh later cited the experience as the final push that moved him to the dissident right.

It’s clear that the SPLC is going after AVFM and ROK in an attempt to scare liberal old biddies into giving them more money, because their attack was sloppy and poorly-handled. For example, the SPLC claims that ROK is headquartered in Washington D.C., even though it’s a website with no physical address or full-time employees.

Most hilariously, the SPLC’s dossier on alt right figure Richard Spencer confused him with Robert Spencer, the founder of Jihad Watch, suggesting they outsourced the research to a stupid intern.

Having said this, the SPLC’s attack can’t be handwaved away. Much like the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC’s purpose in naming organizations as “hate groups” or individuals as “extremists” is designed to incite violence against them. Ever since the election of Donald Trump, the left in America has become increasingly violent, and the SPLC’s list is a dog whistle to antifa and other groups with the intent of hurting or possibly killing Roosh and other targeted individuals.

How The Southern Poverty Law Center Fuels Leftist Violence

The SPLC, ADL, and other related organizations like to masquerade as legitimate news organizations who are merely calling attention to violent, anti-government extremists, but this is as far from the truth as possible. In actuality, the SPLC functions as an intelligence-gathering operation for antifa and other violent leftists, compiling dossiers on chosen targets with the implicit message of, “It’s okay to hurt, maim, or kill these people: they’re Nazis/misogynists/homophobes, after all.”

“Hate group” lists compiled by the SPLC have been used by leftist criminals in the past to identify targets for assassination. For example, in 2013, a left-winger committed a mass shooting against the Family Research Council after seeing them named by the SPLC as an “anti-gay” group. More recently, we’ve seen leftists openly going after Republican politicians and public figures, such as the attempted assassination of House Majority Leader Steve Scalise by Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson.

This is not the first time that figures in the dissident right have been targeted in such a way. Last summer, the ADL released a hit list of alt right and alt lite figures such as Mike Cernovich, Richard Spencer, and myself, with the purpose of inciting violence against us. In response, Cernovich and several other alt lite figures launched the #ADLTerror hashtag on Twitter with the intent of bringing attention to the fact that their lives were now in danger.
Lies, Damned Lies, And Lists

Moreover, the SPLC can’t even be consistent with the criteria it uses to evaluate “hate groups.” In response to their attack on A Voice For Men, ex-feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye (creator of the documentary The Red Pill) revealed that in 2016, the SPLC told her that AVFM didn’t fit their criteria for a group since they lacked an “official group policy,” due to the fact that AVFM was just a website and a forum. The SPLC has not yet revealed to Jaye why they changed their policy.

Regardless, it is clear that the international left is ramping up for a broader attack on the dissident right. While the alt right was the focus of much of the left’s ire last year, the movement has been weakened due to systematic deplatforming, failed stunts such as Charlottesville, and personality conflicts between its major leaders. As a result, the left now feels confident in going after sites like Return Of Kings that had previously been out of the line of fire.

Dissident right and alternative media figures should prepare themselves for an onslaught from the globalists in the coming months. With the 2018 midterm elections coming up and the Russia investigation in the U.S. unraveling, the left is looking to strike out at anyone who challenges their power or narrative. As the SPLC’s actions show, they are not above physically hurting or killing their enemies to achieve their goals.

smarmyanarchist #fundie

respectability politics is how we get people saying the entire BLM movement is a hate movement because some of the protests became riots or because some of the protesters chanted “fuck the police”, but when it comes to Neo-Nazis, they’re happy to engage them in “polite debate” because they appear “dapper” and calm/reasonable. it’s how people genuinely believe that “antifa are as bad as fascists” because we use violence against them.

it all comes back down to this bizarre preoccupation with how nice and polite someone seems, rather than the content of their ideas and their overall goals.

CertifiedRabbi #racist

No, I'd disown them. And I'm pretty sure that almost everyone secretly finds interracial relationships to be weird and offensive, they've just been brainwashed and browbeaten into pretending that it's perfectly fine.
My White older brother married a girl from Hong Kong that he met at UC Berkeley, and it pisses me off every time that I think about it or when I see his wife and his weird looking hapa kids even though I'm friendly and smiling on the outside when I'm around them. And White/East Asian interracial relationships are probably the least offensive interracial pairings since both Whites and East Asians have high IQs and civilized genes.
Engaging in miscegenation with blacks will have a dysgenic effect on our race and is equivalent to beastiality in my mind. You might as well be having sex with a gorilla. Why would you want to give your offspring an inferior brain and hideous phenotypical features? I can sort of understand why liberal "anti-racists" would want to be in a relationship with a black person in order to make a political statement, but genuine attraction? Their skin tone, hair texture, facial structure, and behavior is just so unappealing. Fuck liberal street cred; you could never convince me to find a black woman attractive even when I was borderline Antifa.

Kyle Chapman (aka RealBasedStickMan) #fundie

[OP of "AMA - Based Stickman Kyle Chapman here, hows it going The_Donald?"]

My names Kyle Chapman, otherwise known as Based Stickman. I came to fame through my actions at the Battle of Berkeley, March 4 Trump Rally. While I am reluctant to embrace this celebrity, I am more than proud and willing to support my president and help lead the fight against BAMN and Antifa.

Hopefully I will inspire others to do the same.

So with that said, ask me anything!

Verification Pic


Hey I appreciate your support from everyone. It's people like you who are going to turn the tides of Neo-Marxism and usher in a resurgence of a warrior spirit to Western Society and re-institution of our constitutional republic and traditional western values.

Our brethren in Europe, they're struggling right now. Their societies are under vicious attack from Islam, Globalization and Neo-Marxism. Our European Brethren are in a struggle for their very existence. Let's send them our prayers and support their causes wherever we can. People like Farage, Wilders, and Le Pen are leading the fight for the preservation of European civilization. Let's support these brave warriors and saviors of the West.

Thank you all, please follow me on Twitter @BasedStickman_, and on Facebook Based Stickman.

Internet Tough Guy Award

This is indeed not the reality of shooter games.

thisisnotmyreality #fundie

[Commenting under "Antifa forms a hit team, distributes hit list"]

Find a high spot (hilltop, rooftop, etc.) and bring one of these

10 points for every masked 'protester' you take out.

20 points for headshots

50 points if you hit multiple targets with a single shot.

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

Sermon 26: Safety in the Church
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
Luke 22:36 says "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a wallet, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Recently, the "March for Our Lives" Soros funded rally happened. They want to take away our God given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our congregations with the means of firearms. Even liberals in the Episcopal "Church" have been getting involved with this movement. Episcopalians don't want their congregants to be safe anyway, since they may object to guns but don't object to grown 6'4 men in drag using the same bathroom as little Susie and her mom. THIS IS A CONTRADICTION AND AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD! SAY AMEN IN THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD! YOUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

CH #fundie

Do leftoids and their antifa schlock troops have any self-awareness at all? Because if they did, they’d recoil at what their “progressive” movement has become: a bought and paid for tool of the Deep State. Their “Fight the Man!” ilk used to revolt against the Establishment before it became a moral imperative to support Davosian globalist oligarchs and neocon warmongers.

Case in point: the resignation of national security advisor Mike Flynn from Trump’s Cabinet. I won’t get into the thickets here concerning the events leading up to Flynn’s departure (it isn’t nearly as scandalous as the FakeNews media would have you to believe), but suffice to say the Left is very happy that their new Master, the invade-the-world, invite-the-world Deep State, has claimed a Trump Administration scalp.


I agree with both anonymous and Jack D. Trump’s “cave” (perceptions matter when you aren’t controlling the leftoid media megaphone) will make his Presidency more difficult. You give a shitlib an inch, they’ll take a mile. That is the nature of r-selected critters.

But Jack D is also right that Trump genuinely admires Pence and probably felt he had to do him a solid on this issue, if it’s true that Flynn dissembled to Pence and jeopardized Pence’s integrity, (even if the matter on which Flynn dissembled is in the grand scheme the smallest of potatoes). I think Trump may come out ahead in the long run if Flynn’s resignation establishes an anti-Deep State precedent that Trump will tolerate no lying in his Cabinet, and firings are a real threat for anti-Trump subversives.

But the moral of the story is the Left’s total and complete alignment with the GloboHomo Axis of Weasel’s project to deracinate Western nations and replace them with chaotic, socially disemboweled market bazaars selling cheap Chinese-made trinkets and zika-laced tacos.

The leftoid equalist rebels will gladly subsume their directives to the Deep State if it means a continuation of open borders and the rest of the anti-White globalist agenda. It always comes back to anti-White posturing. Always. Shitlibs will rationalize any putrid alliance as long as their precious anti-White “social justice” isn’t hindered.

The real revolutionaries now are on the Maul-Right; we fight a crooked Establishment that includes, but is not limited to, the media, the government bureaucracy, the Deep State, the Democrats, the Republicans, academia, the judiciary, the entertainment propaganda machine, the Left, the Russophobic neocons, the Mexican squatters, the cucked Anglosphere, the Soros saboteurs, the SJW social media censors, and the street theater antifa perception manipulators and demoralization agents.

We are David versus the Goliath Left. If only the Left had the decency to recognize which side of that battle they represent.

Spike's Tactical & Pipe Hitters Union #fundie

Street-level politics, more specifically an ongoing conflict between white supremacist demonstrators and antifa, or anti-fascist counterprotesters, has become a big news story following the rise of Donald Trump. Now a gun company is using anger over antifa to sell dangerous assault rifles to only one side.

Spike’s Tactical, a gun company, previewed an ad on its Facebook page that depicts four heavily armed white men standing on the opposite side of a barrier and facing down a group of masked, unarmed antifa protesters. The ad mentions the sites of several political clashes that took place last year, including Berkeley, California; Portland, Oregon; Boston; and Charlottesville, Virginia. In the latter city, neo-Nazis and white supremacists arrived at a rally heavily armed last August, and a driver struck a peaceful counterprotester with his car, killing her.

“Not today Antifa,” a tagline to the violence-teasing ad declares. Antifa, it should be noted, is a style of protest used by leftists and not a formal organization with a hierarchy.

The ad, which anti-fascists worry is fueling a desire to kill leftists, was run in conjunction with a clothing company called Pipe Hitters Union, which also posted the same version of the ad on its Facebook page. Newsweek reached out to both companies for a comment about the ad but did not immediately receive a response.

Of course, owning a gun is not connected with any specific political ideology, and as a result, some gun owners were unhappy with the post.

“Thanks for showing everyone you stand with the fascists,” a commenter wrote under the post to Spike’s Tactical. “Good to know.”

“Something tells me your WWII Grandparents need to have a talk with you,” another commenter wrote to the company, referring to the Americans who fought against Nazi Germany.

“I’ll make sure to never ever buy gear from y’all. Thanks for the heads up, assholes,” another person wrote.

Kantzveldt #conspiracy

Antifa exposed.

An extensive analysis of video and photographic evidence was undertaken by concerned citizens of sites such as /pol/ and 8chan following a series of vicious attacks by a masked Antifa assailant weilding a bike lock at the Berkeley free speech event, which there included at least 6 incidents of lurking behind the crowd in order to launch opportunistic blows against the heads of Patriots, including the incident seen below were a person involved in discussion and with hands raised was struck

Analysis of the evidence indicated that the assailant had been at an earlier Berkeley event there unmasked in a stripey jacket and comparison was made, there are also indications he was at the earlier Milo demonstration in February were again innocent people caught up in the disturbances were struck with a bike lock.

It turns out the assailant, like most of those seen orchestrating the recent Antifa disturbences is involved in so called Higher Education, he lectures in philosophy and ethics...

It is certainly the case that he was known to others involved in Higher Education that were orchestrating the violence and that his actions were an observed tactic of that core group, that they were setting up strike scenarios and working in conjunction with him, all of which should really raise the question of do you really want these people involved in higher education...?

Andy Ngo #wingnut

Q: Why did you start collecting Antifa’s arrest records?

Ngo: It is an important information book for the public. Part of what makes Antifa a dangerous movement is that they rely on anonymity. And because the movement is anonymous the only information we have are through the arrest records and mugshots. Through that, I’ve been able to piece together a clearer picture of the demographics of who is involved.

Q: What kind of people are involved in Antifa?

Ngo: Antifa spans several classes of people. There are ideologues who are straight from the Ivory Tower, university students, and those who are vulnerable in dealing with instability and mental health issues related to homelessness and gender dysphoria. Antifa groups will welcome these people in, embrace them with a shared ideology and radicalize them. If they happen to get arrested or charged or convicted, these people are kind of easily disposed of, in a way? As much as I have been vocally critical against this movement, I do have sympathy insofar as they are people who have the potential to do a lot with their lives, but instead have been pulled into a movement that will use and discard them.

Q: Are you concerned for your safety, releasing the mugshots and arrest records?
Ngo: Yes. They have the address of my family, where my mother works, and they’re escalating [threats against me]. About six of them showed up at my home on Halloween and were pounding on the windows and doors. So I am concerned for my safety. Due to the threats, I’m not really able to stay in Portland much longer.
Q: Are there times that you think about moving on to another beat because of the danger?
Ngo: I think about that all the time. But if I don’t do it, there isn’t really anybody else.

Q: Are you concerned for your safety, releasing the mugshots and arrest records?
Ngo: Yes. They have the address of my family, where my mother works, and they’re escalating [threats against me]. About six of them showed up at my home on Halloween and were pounding on the windows and doors. So I am concerned for my safety. Due to the threats, I’m not really able to stay in Portland much longer.
Q: Are there times that you think about moving on to another beat because of the danger?
Ngo: I think about that all the time. But if I don’t do it, there isn’t really anybody else.

Q: Should Antifa be characterized as a terrorist group?
Ngo: I would describe their activities as terrorist activities. What makes them less deadly than jihadist groups is that they lack the funding streams to acquire weapons. But I think if they did have that, they would engage in that violence.
Q: Have you ever tried to speak with the members?
Ngo: Yes. I tried to let them know that they were misinformed about me. I did this every time up until my beating.
Q: What was it like, speaking to them?
Ngo: The point of wearing the black block is to make it so that these militants are no longer individuals — you’re part of a mass. So when I spoke to them, it wasn’t like I was speaking to an individual. It was like speaking to people who only had ideology.
Q: What kind of emotions did you see there under the surface?
Ngo: Anger and hatred. The times I have seen them attack people — they’re animalistic, I would say. The part of the brain that is driving them in those moments … it’s the primal desire to maim, to injure, to kill.
Q: I just want to circle back to your political views. What has shaped your ideology?
Ngo: I used to be a social justice warrior back in my undergrad days. I used to be someone who embraced the victimhood worldview, which is the undercurrent of the Antifa ideology. So I have a drive to show how this worldview is part of the same continuum toward the violent extremism of Antifa and other far-left movements. It’s not out of a partisan hatred, but rather I can see where they are coming from since that used to be appealing to me.
Q: What was appealing about the victimhood mentality?
Ngo: It was appealing to direct hatred and anger at others for my own failings because it meant I didn’t have to take responsibility. It’s much easier to blame a “system.”
Q: Was there a “Eureka” moment when you snapped out of that mentality?
Ngo: Yeah there was a moment where I had to finally come to terms with myself — that only I am responsible for my actions, my successes as well as my failures. I can blame everything and anything around me and while that may feel soothing, it doesn’t actually change the reality of my situation until I make different choices.
Q: Last but not least, how has your recovery been since the incident in June 2019?
Ngo: I’m doing a lot better, but I still struggle with cognitive stuff like memory. I have really intensive physical, occupational, and cognitive therapy to help me recover.

Moonman #fundie

[Alt-right rap song Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift]


They tried to shut us down, cancel our permit
My people in the rally, all covered in spit
James driving shift, white polo outfit
If the break lights lit then you must acquit
When obese antifa are in attendance
This car grill does fat acceptance
Turned a closed rally into an open circuit
Elon Musk is asking how we sent that hamplanet into orbit
Because you blocked traffic and attacked him with crowbars
he sent more commies flying with less deaths than the USSR.
What a backflip, stop the crocodile tears
that's the most acrobatic Heather's been in years.
Remember, antiracist is just antiWhite in code
Should have dropped feminist studies and learned to cross the road
Now an ugly bitch is dead and a hot car is being toed.
You cried tears of joy when they passed Obamacare.
You died just the same, now we'll save on welfare.
Trump's new plan to pay off America's debt:
Every alt-righter gets a brand new corvette.
Used to burn crosses, now we burn rubber.
Turned a girl who made powerpoints instead of kids into flubber.
You said you like to try new food when you travel.
So we sent you on a trip to taste some gravel.
That's the healthiest meal I remember these drug addicts eating,
so it took me by surprise that your hearts no longer beating.
My homeboy Herschel made a call to Hack on Triple J
Made Tom Tilley light a tikki torch on the side of Triple K.
Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift,
The paramedics who responded probably got the gift.
Make fun of the alt-right for watching anime - like Initial Drive
If you normies had tuned in maybe she'd still be alive.
Good thing you had Vice journalists within reach,
they haven seen that much shit lying around since a Liberian beach.
When I first saw the pic of Heather dying on us,
I was confused and asked "Is she stuck under that bus?"
The alt-right just had the National Guard deployed
Now jobless lefties want to make us unemployed.
I'd say they were trying to bring us down to their level,
but now that's 6 feet under meeting brimstone and the devil.
I suspect she was retarded before that car gave her brain damage,
It had dodge written on the front - she wasn't up to the challenge.
Even with the jewish media demanding that Trump must disavow
he still defends the alt-right and the Chad Plough.
To all you black pilled faggots saying the movement is dead,
even the President says its fine to park your car on a red.?

The Distributist #wingnut #dunning-kruger

More needs to be said about the self-identity of western progressives. I would maintain that the defense of this identity (and its virtue) explains most of the insanity coming from the left today.

I notice two tricks, in particular, being used by leftists here.

First trick, linguistic, is the creation of loose words for their own political radicalism. These words are used to organize and galvanize when new, when discredited however they disappear and seem to apply to no one. We can see this in labels like “AntiFa” which the left has defended for years but now seems to be a figment of our collective imaginations. It also applies to general terms (“SJW” and “woke”). Who coined these? The left. But to hear their account they are right wing smears. This is process is complemented by the second trick, historical, that defines “progressive”, as by its essential nature, to be good, honest, and always winning. As such their history curves around counter examples and a self flattering triumphalist narrative is constructed. Whereas real identities (religion, ethnicity, and nation) refer to real things and therefore have real messy records of good and bad actions, the progressive identity need not worry itself with such troubling nuance. Any evil doer who called themselves a “leftist” or “progressive” in the past is vetoed from their history by definition. The inquisition & crusades will forever be part of “Catholic history”, but Eugenics and the Gulags are not and never will be part of “progressive” history. Progressivism is of course a religion. But these deceptive tactics give it the ability to do things we don’t usually allow. The first is the construction of impossible to meet historical moral standards. Since the left can never be held to account this is a fun excercise.

The second is an ability to shift standards in order to maintain its dual illusions (“always right and always wing”). For this reason neither the progressive moralist nor prophet ever need to doubt their work. But also as a consequence, the ideology itself is mercurial. Many have said that progressives see “progress as God” (e.g. it cannot fail it can only be failed) but the problem is deeper. The “God” the progressives worship has no nature, it is shifting, and ephemeral. There is no there there. Progressives have created for themselves and identity that always wins and that is always good, but the price they pay is that this identity is entirely EMPTY. It has nothing in it.

As such the progressive is the culmination the ne plus ultra of the rootless and stale modern condition, as sad as that is.

Can we not all strive something more authentic in our own identities?


Wulf Ingessunu #fundie

The Hooded Man is the 'Divine Fool' acting through his intuitive will; he is 'The Fool' of the Tarot, numbered 0 - the Void. He appears as a hooded figure, inside whose hood there is a total darkness, not 'blackness' but a Void! His eye appears from the Void; he can be an Agent of Chaos, laughing at the (s)laughter of battle, of the breaking down of structures, of 'law-tables', of that which is decaying, degenerate and dying. Ho! Ho! Ho! He laughs as he mounts Sleipnir and rushes through the Nine Worlds at a furious pace, leading the Wild Army of the Dead. That which is falling only needs a push!

'The guilty shall tremble!' Controlling powers need authority, they need to make laws to stop any form of opposition to their agenda. Anarchists do not want authority, and they do not want laws. Nihilism and anarchy are necessary in that they break the power of the authority that oppresses. Left-Wing Anarchy, however, in the form of such organisations as ANTIFA, are based upon the upholding of the 'multi-cultural society' and the 'sword-arm' of the agenda of the Global bankers - Marxist Socialism and Communism. ANTIFA opposes the forces that seek not to 'integrate', not to become a mongrel 'Race of Tan' and to lose their identity, to lose their only hope for the evolution of Man. Thus ANTIFA is alright so long as it is contained and takes this path, for it does not oppose the agenda of Global Capitalism, it protects by violent force that agenda. But it is controlled - and it is contained. Should these forces be transformed into a real opposition, through the creation of a new Barbarian and the creation of new Tribes of Barbarians separated out from this society, raw and surging with energy and power, like the Germanic Tribes that swept down upon Rome, this new 'Roman Empire' will fall just as surely as the Roman Empire fell before yesteryear's Barb-Aryans.

There need be no barbarians from 'without' this time, since it is the world that is today enslaved, not just a part of the world; this time the barbarians will arise from within, separated out from the 'mob', from the 'herd', from the mass-consumers, raw and strong, healthy and virile, opposed to the weakness and sickness of this 'Modern World' - they will be the 'Men Above the Ruins' who 'Revolt Against the Modern World'. Each will be a form of The Hooded Man, each will hold within himself the 'Powers of Light and Darkness', each will wield the Sword of Victory holding within itself the 'balance of Light and Darkness'. And then, only then - 'The guilty shall tremble!'

There are 58 Words in this prophecy, and there are 58 Letters in 'The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness are strong within him'. 58 is the number of ROBIN. 'Robin' comes from 'Robert', a word meaning Fame-Bright which is 'Light': as 'Robin Hood' this become 'Fame-Bright Hood' which is a way of saying 'Light-Darkness'. In the name 'Robin Hood' we have the archetype of the Folk-Hero that holds within him the Balance of Light and Darkness - the whole Man. In Jungian terms the 'whole man' who has re-integrated the Shadow side of his nature - the Dark Side. This is the bit that Judaeo-Christianity, Socialism, Liberalism and Humanitarianism cut out! In this prophecy lies the way back to right, the way back to wholeness and the recreation of the Whole Man.


End-Note: Those who have not, as yet, learned 'The Hooded Man Prophecy' off by heart would now do well to do so; it needs to be memorised (with the heart) and to be meditated upon, thus allowing its wisdom and teaching to become part of you, to be integrated into your whole being.

Andy Ngo #wingnut

We are witnessing glimpses of the full insurrection the far-left has been working on for decades. Within hours, militant antifa cells across the country mobilized to aid BLM rioters. The first broken window is the blood in the water for looters to move in. The fires come next. They are now literally at the gates of the White House, arguably the most secure location on Earth. They want the revolution & they don’t care who or what has to be destroyed in the process. If their comrades die, they are elevated as martyrs in propaganda. BLM at its core is a revolutionary Marxist ideology. Its founders have made no secret of their worship of Communist terrorists & fugitives. They want regime change & the end of the rule of law. Antifa have partnered with them for now to help accelerate the break down of society.

The US is getting a small preview of the anarchy antifa militants have been agitating, training & preparing for. Those who are harmed first are the weak & vulnerable, the people who cannot protect themselves. Abolishing law enforcement is a condition for their success. The destruction of businesses we're witnessing across the US is not mere opportunism. It plays a critical role in antifa & BLM ideology. The goal is to abolish capitalism & have regime change. To do that, they have to make economic recovery impossible. Media, politicians, public—all of us—have underestimated the training, purpose & capability of left-wing extremists. Every part of the rioting has a purpose. Fires destroy economy. Riots can overwhelm police & even military. All of it leads to a destabilized state if maintained.

smarmyanarchist #fundie

how incredibly privileged and sheltered do you have to be to think that when dealing with a group of people that wants you dead, a government/media that allowed them to rise to power, our priority is “seeming to be in the right” to “impartial observers”??? first of all if someone is “impartial” about fucking nazis they’re wrong, period, and will never do anything tangible to support human rights. i mean shit they can’t even condemn fucking nazis. second of all who is still under the impression that violence isn’t an effective way to keep nazis from becoming more powerful? survivor after survivor of the Holocaust has said that debating their oppressors was useless. every time an alt-right fuckface gets punched or doxed they talk about how they’re afraid to show their faces in public or talk about their plans for “ethnic cleansing” publicly. this means they don’t have the social influence to gain yet more followers and sympathizers. this is exactly what we want. this is how we stop them. this is how we could’ve stopped a Trump presidency, and the decades-long political decay that allowed it, if we weren’t so naive.

who is still under the impression that the corporate media won’t control the narrative to the point that the facts are irrelevant to public opinion? did yall ignore Ferguson? did yall ignore the election? are yall ignoring the fact that there are people who support a gag order on scientists because they’re reporting scientific facts the current regime doesn’t like? the assumption that we can count on fair treatment by these supposed “impartial parties” is glaringly false if you put any amount of critical thinking about the context into it. “oh but mlk was successful!” mlk was demonized and assassinated by the govt and then years after his death turned into a Nonviolence Figurehead that white Americans bring up solely to delegitimize protests they don’t like, erasing the majority of Dr. King’s message and beliefs in order to do so; pretending his work is “done” although we still have to march for the worth of black lives. besides which, the govt of that time supported him because they wanted people to turn away from the black nationalists and militants. Dr. King’s success was due largely to the fact that people were willing to be violent in pursuit of justice. i’m not even saying violence is always the most effective way to protest- i’m saying that sometimes it is, and when that’s the case, your scorn should be directed at the people who created the conditions so dire that average citizens are willing to riot and vandalize. not the people acting out of desperation and rage.

in order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. america has lost its conscience long ago. america stopped considering it “wrong” to generalize entire peoples long ago. america stopped considering it “wrong” to take away people’s rights in the name of “safety” long ago. in today’s america it’s considered wrong to be too rude to people advocating genocide because “it’s their free speech!!!” even if you ignore morality, the fact is that nonviolent resistance to the rising fascist movement has failed. we absolutely must be willing to protect our fellow human beings by any means necessary, or accept the fact that we’re turning a blind eye to atrocities.


Mick Williams #fundie

Today's Laugh 12-1-18


Caption 1: "The left vs. conservatives" (something is randomly labelled "Antifa" and two men with masks and turbans are labelled "Mao" and "Che". Both appear to be fighting.)

Caption 2: "The left vs. literature"
A sign in the background reads "Banned from School" and the following list appears: "RUDOLPH" - promotes bullying; "SANTA" - capitalist; "LORD OF THE RINGS" - Racist portrayal of orcs as inferior; "DANIEL BOONE" - nationalist; "LITTLE HOUSE" - sexist; "GRINCH" - belittles deformities; "LASSIE" - animal exploitation; "SCROOGE" - promotes Christianity; "FROSTY" - climate change denial.

Just Mat:
They guzzle sewage from hell while finding everything good, wholesome, beneficial to humanity, helpful and just plain enjoyable and fun as evil. Actually, they are the type who can never be "happy" until they have made everyone else (except their own filthy ilk) miserable. And they use the bludgeon of illegally passed laws supported by illegal judges to beat true people over the heads with. I say "true people" because these things have lost every shred of humanity and have become vicious rabid (but sentient and trained) animals. And that fact that they can still think on some level makes them a threat to people.

Mick Williams:
I think there are 2 main reasons why they can't debate: one is not having a leg to stand on; the other is being a product of the leftist education system. They don't know history or logic.

Mick Williams:
When you throw punches like girls, it's necessary to outnumber conservatives 20 to 1.

Lady Checkmate:
Smh. Those cry-bullies will only physically attack others when they outnumber them 20 to 1 (cowards) and those monsters would rather sexually exploit children than show them wholesome tv shows and cartoons. They support sexual deviants reading books to preschoolers at the library (priming them for child-rape), but take issue with those same children hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SMH. Children need to know that God loves them and He has a plan for their lives. But, the child-rape advocates don't want children to know the Truth, so they fight anything wholesome, pure and righteous. They're disgusting filth.
Matthew 18:6 (KJV)
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mick Williams:
Yep, and a lot of these guys wearing millstones are going to be dressed in drag--former child cultivators.

Vladtheimpaler14 and LeftistsToTheLions #fundie

[Commenting under "I think people underestimate just how evil Antifa are. Please read this."]


I'm already at the point where I'd happily go to jail just to enjoy torturing some Antifa scum

They're subhuman


user reports:

1: All Physical Removal must be self defence

I approved the post. Torturing communists is an act of self-defense, as communism inherently violates the NAP as it inherently seeks to infringe on our peaceful ways of life.

Additionally, he actually stated he'd "happily go to jail" as a hypothetical, it was a statement on how much he hated them and not on what he'd actually do.

Casey Gillespie #fundie

A sergeant in the Tennessee State Guard has been reprimanded after engaging in a conversation on social media alluding to running over anti-fascist activists with a military cargo truck.

The Tennessee Department of Military confirmed that Casey Gillespie, who apparently took part in the public discussion with another man on Gillespie’s personal Facebook page, remains a sergeant in the volunteer arm of the department.

Screenshots posted online by Nashville Antifa show Gillespie posting about the anti-fascist group’s Jan. 3 clothing and food distribution initiative in downtown Nashville, apparently warning others to look out for the group.

The local antifa chapter, which put up antifa flags nearby, was joined that evening by fellow activist groups Nashville Anarchist Black Cross and Middle Tennessee Autonomous Network as they handed out food and supplies to the poor.

“Antifa in downtown Nashville on Capital Blvd.,” Gillespie wrote. “Theres (sic) not many of them. Stay Safe!”

Another man commented soon after, “Man I wish I could drive my deuce and a half LOL,” referring to a military cargo truck.

Gillespie replied that he had seen no counterprotesters.

“I wouldn’t be counterprotesting I’ll be looking for blocked streets LOL,” his friend wrote.

“That deuce could drive on through!” Gillespie replied.

Though Randy Harris, director of joint public affairs for the Tennessee Department of Military, said that the other man “sort of led the charge on this and Gillespie just sort of commented on it,” he added that Gillespie was still in violation of the agency’s policy and Gillespie's leadership had “counseled him and they have disciplined him.”

Screenshots of the since-deleted Facebook page show that Gillespie had identified on his public profile as being a sergeant in the Tennessee State Guard.

When reached by phone Thursday, Gillespie declined to comment or offer an explanation about the posts.

Harris confirmed that the other man was not a member of the Tennessee State Guard.

Matt Weiler #conspiracy

he also may have been setup.. powers that be are pushing for a civil war. An ex cia guy predicted a mass shooting over the next few weeks two days ago on a radio show i listen too.. there may be another mass shooting in the next month framed as a right winger.

Some sources close to the investigation said there was antifa literature in the hotel room. MSM won't touch it.. CIA does operations like this in countries all over the world. Look up operation Gladio in Italy.. all declassified

SoulSurfer #conspiracy

Metal Gear Reveals Scarlet Lucifer (Woman Riding Beast) New World Order

Metal Gear Peace Walker - KGB Agent, Final

Note: To Understand this you must understand Allegories; Predictive Programming and Symbology. If you do not then this is a waste of your time so click X. It requires researching and studying.

Starting with Gun Control

False Flag Predictive Programming Alert!!

Army without Borders= Antifa and ISIS.

V is also for Venus, and also represents the Jesuits (Guy Fawkes) Vendetta against King James (The Church of Christ)
In 1605 Jesuit Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the King James Parliament. The infamous gun powder plot. Why do you think pope is calling for an end to protestants?

The woman rides the beast. The machine is also part of the beast.

A Couple of scriptures to reflect on:

The King James Bible Warns us Clearly

1 Thessalonians 5:3King James Version (KJV)

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Now you know why the Jesuits hated King James. While the man may have had sins, he did one good thing with creating the very tool that is warning us.

Do not listen to those who will ridicule this topic. They will lead you to your demise. This is a warning the way I see it and these people, the Illuminati Jesuits are insane. They basically told us their plan through a video game. And only those with eyes to see can see the message. I hope you are awake; if not then God help us all.

I know some will ridicule; but this is mostly for those that see and know. The more you research the more you will become in tuned with the truth; and the truth will rise. What your heart treasures there your heart will be. Treasure truth and allow the truth to manifest. This is how I see. (It is also called synchronicity.)

Pinochet-Heli-Tours #conspiracy

[Commenting under "Are these antifa types and anti-capitalist protesters professional provocateurs? It seems like the evidence is mounting they often are."]

(((George Soros))) is the man who funds most BLM and loony leftist protests. He profits from collapse.

raziel71 #fundie

I did not say no Christian have ever committed murder.There is also a big difference between murder and defending yourself from someone that tries to kill you. An of course, a real Christian would not murder anyone. I dont consider catholics Christians, if you know anything about history. But, you are deflecting from the main point, the Texas massacre murderer was an atheist that also liked antifa and though that Christians were stupid. All in his FB page. The others in the last 20 massacres were mostly atheist, or democrats, or left leaning. This is easy to look for in the internet. Lanza's mother a democrat, same for the Columbine teenagers, the muslisms in California and Florida registered democrats, which by the way, tend to be atheist. You have no argument because the facts are clear.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut

Everybody remembers the disastrous Charlottesville rally from back in 2017. Not everybody remembers it the same way.

Ask most people, and they'll tell you how a bunch of neo-nazi troublemakers descended on the town and started a riot that ended up getting innocent people killed. The Left loves this narrative, and they wave it around as a call to action against the fascists they say are overrunning the country.

People who actually investigated the debacle have a vastly different picture of what took place. They know, for instance, that officials herded the right-wing protesters into what was essentially a kill box with only one way in or out. Police stood down, putting the protesters in direct contact with the Antifa counter-protesters, who were conveniently bused in for the occasion. A Lefty with a gun spooked James Fields, who drove into a crowd. Soon afterward, a morbidly obese girl died of a heart attack. Fields was duly made an example of with a life +419 years sentence.

If it looks like it, sounds like it, and smells like it, you call it what it is--a setup.

A setup that worked so well, the powers that be are now roping a new set of protesters into round two. Only this time, it won't be twentysomething dissidents, but NRA Boomers, in the Left's kill box.


Unfortunately, the mainstream media coverage of Charlottesville was tailored to keep guys like Van Cleave from learning anything that might actually help defend the second amendment. So in all likelihood, we'll see another riot with the blame placed squarely on "gun nuts".

The up side is that power-drunk Leftists don't realize that giving Joe Boomer and his AR-15 the same treatment as torch-bearing weirdos won't play well on Main Street. Dissenters' main problem right now is that not enough normies understand that our rulers hate them. A big swath of them are about to learn.

For a thrilling fictional account of underdogs fighting back against an oppressive nanny state, read my explosive military thriller series!

Andy Ngo #racist

[across several Twitter posts...]

The building set on fire at the BLM Minneapolis riot is collapsing now. It looks like the city is just letting fires continue. Firefighters were attacked when they responded to the auto parts store engulfed in flames earlier.
A boy who says he’s 13 apparently drove a car into a store during the Minneapolis BLM riot. He asks others to help him get the car out because it is stuck. #GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter
This is the Walgreens on E Lake Street. Police and firefighters stopped responding long ago. Seems like they are giving people the “space” to riot and loot all night and into the morning. When firefighters responded earlier to a fire, people began pelting rocks at them.
Antifa, BLM and extremists who made plans to kill ex-cop Derek Chauvin at his home were angry to find the property protected by a full squad of police. There were dozens of police around the home. #GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter
Fires are still smoldering in Minneapolis this morning. The entire affordable housing development was razed to the ground. Wendy’s and Autozone have been completely destroyed in the riot as well. #BlackLivesMatter #antifa #GeorgeFloyd
Footage from inside the ransacked Target at the Minneapolis BLM riot last night. People brought their children there. Others could be seen using drills and other tools to try and remove cash registers. Drugs from the pharmacy were looted. #BlackLivesMatter #GeorgeFloyd
Ilhan Omar’s daughter retweeted a list of needed supplies for “comrades” who are rioting in Minneapolis. The Twin Cities DSA asks for ply wood, sticks, rackets and more.
This looks like antifa black bloc. Antifa accounts on social media are already crowdfunding bail money for any comrades that may get arrested. #Minneapolis #BlackLivesMatter #GeorgeFloyd
At the Target in Minneapolis that was being looted tonight during the BLM riot, a woman in a wheelchair was attacked.

James Buchanan #racist

People expect to hear about Internet censorship in Communist China and the pseudo-democracies in western Europe where police use “hate crime” laws to raid the homes of right-wing people who want to stop the Third World invasion of Europe. But we don’t expect to hear about Internet censorship here in the United States, where the First Amendment is supposed to protect free speech.

Well it happened right here in the U.S. First, Andrew Anglin’s website, the Daily Stormer was taken down by its host GoDaddy supposedly for an insensitive remark about Heather Heyer, who died of a heart attack when James Fields plowed through a group of Antifa after they began to attack his car. Heyer was about four feet to the right of Fields’ car, but not one mainstream news outlet has reported the truth about what happened there. The problem of deranged, leftist terrorists has become so widespread, several states have begun working on legislation to protect motorists, who might find themselves in a situation where they have to drive through violent protesters to escape an attack.

Once GoDaddy set the precedent for de-platforming a White Nationalist website based on a whim, Network Solutions, which had been hosting Stormfront for 22 years abruptly pulled the plug. Not only did they stop hosting Stormfront, they STOLE the website address and sat on it for over a month. Only after being pressured by lawyers (and perhaps the realization that what they were doing was probably illegal), did they finally release their claim on so that the owner, Don Black could move his website to a new domain host.

It should be noted that this wasn’t government censorship although the people who did it may have been been motivated by George Soros and Hillary, who want to punish and de-platform people on the Alt-Right. This was censorship by politically correct, liberal Social Justice Warriors, who can’t handle the truth and who want to snuff it out whenever brave Americans step forward and tell the truth about important issues. These self-appointed censors have wormed their way up into positions of power at GoDaddy and Network Solutions, and they think they can decide who can and can’t have free speech.

These activist liberals have been driven insane by Hillary’s defeat in 2016 and have been going after the Right “by any means necessary” to try to shut us down and take away our Rights. The first victims of censorship are always political radicals, whom the bourgeois class thinks “don’t deserve free speech.” Many people fall for the propaganda from the Jewish-owned liberal news media that anyone, who defends the White race, is an evil Nazi, who doesn’t deserve to have any Rights. Little do they know that today’s conservative is tomorrow’s “Nazi” when it comes to being a target for militant SJWs and Antifa terrorists.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

I just plea for the people that do show up to present the movement well, although I know that that's probably not realistic since the people that are crazy enough to engage in pro-White activism in the real world tend to have "eccentric" personalities. Just please do your best to not spout extremist rhetoric or display extremist symbols. And please, please, please be non-violent.
And for the people that will denounce me for being a beta optics cuck; of the two scenarios listed below, which do you think will best help our movement to grow?
Strategy A, the "don't cuck one single fucking inch" strategy: call out the Jew as much as possible while carrying torches; don't reject our traditional symbols like the Confederate flag, neo-Nazi symbols, and KKK uniforms; don't be afraid to give Nazi salutes because it strikes fear into our enemies and helps to "trim the fat"; beat the fuck out of anyone who dares to attack you first in order to prove to the world that we're alpha Chads; don't forget to bring guns and tactical gear because it's technically legal under the 2nd Amendment; and make sure to bring shields, helmets, and batons because we're almost certainly going to get physically assaulted by leftists.
Strategy B, aka strategic optics cucking: show up wearing a suit or at least normal clothing; carry innocuous yet subversive signs that read "It's Okay To Be White"; use Jared Taylor as the model for how to respond to extremely politically incorrect questions about race; respond with love and kindness towards our enemies rather than hate and anger; and never fight back when attacked and do your best to act like pacifist monks.
When I was writing comments on this subreddit in the immediate aftermath of the first Unite the Right rally advocating for strategy B, people were angrily denouncing me and accusing me of intentionally trying to get people on our side hurt. And I guess that it's actually true that I care more about what's best for the movement than I do about the health and safety of our supporters that are engaging in real world activism. And this is an issue where Richard and I strongly disagree.
Richard seems to be genuinely concerned about getting punched again, whereas that mindset makes absolutely zero sense to me because I'm simply not afraid of being physically assaulted. And it seems like there's something like a 50/50 split among people in general who are actually genuinely terrified of the prospect of being physically assaulted (even if they know that it probably won't be fatal), while the other half couldn't really care less and even enjoys fighting. And then there's another split in the movement between the people like me that are much more afraid of getting their life ruined through a doxx, whereas people like Richard give absolutely zero fucks when it comes to that type of thing.
So, I don't want to give Richard and other people in the movement too much shit by calling them pussies if they're unwilling to martyr their bodies by absorbing some blows from Antifa and other anti-White, communist degenerates without fighting back - because obviously I'm the bigger bitch here for being scared of being doxxed.
But regardless of who's a bitch or not, my advice in favor of pacifism and optics cucking is simply right. By not fighting back, even when you're justified in doing so, you deny Antifa and the larger left's strategy of baiting you into committing crimes and looking like violent thugs.
I used to be a radical leftist activist that was borderline Antifa, so I know how they operate. They intentionally try to provoke the police, or in this case Alt-Right activists, into attacking them because then they'll have tons of great footage of the police/Alt-Right activists acting like violent savages - which they can then convert into propaganda footage for their cause. They can also wage lawfare against you in order to throw you in jail, turn you into an informant, sue the fuck out of you, and ultimately discredit you in the minds of the masses by making you look like dangerously violent neo-Nazi Klansmen.
You're going to be completely surrounded by dozens of hostile leftist journalists who absolutely despise you and who secretly sympathize with the leftists that are trying to violently shut down your speech. They're going to edit their footage to make you look like monsters regardless of what you say or do. But you can't use that as an excuse to go full 14/88. You always have to keep your composure and maintain the moral high ground.
And try to think about it this way: We all know that Antifa and other anti-White communists are going to show up in droves, right? Welp, stop thinking about them as your mortal enemy and start viewing them as your greatest asset. They're autistic enough to proudly display communist symbols and physically assault you, and that's ultimately a good thing for our movement. Bait them into attacking you so that you can send them to jail, sue the fuck out of them, and discredit the entire leftist establishment that backs them and the underlying "anti-racist" leftist ideology that they represent. And by baiting them, I don't mean lunging at them or cussing them out or whatever. Simply showing up with an "It's Okay To Be White" sign or a red MAGA hat and an American flag will be enough to provoke them into violently attacking you. Take the beating, try to look as vulnerable as possible, and don't fight back.
Congratulations! You've successfully figured out a strategy to turn the left's violence and extremism into the greatest PR asset for our movement. They're the ones that will come away from that rally looking like evil, communist, anti-White monsters. And you and the larger pro-White/Alt-Right community will come away looking like the victims that were being violently persecuted simply because you're mildly pro-White and were trying to exercise your free speech rights. That will red-pill so many fucking people. And you only have to suffer some cuts and bruises that will eventually heal. And that's a pretty small price to pay if you really do care about saving your people from the anti-White left and (((You-Know-Who))).
I know that your natural instincts are to fight back and to defend yourself because nobody wants to look like a weak little bitch while getting laughed at and taunted by an angry mob, but that's honestly what you have to do if you want to strategically outmaneuver our enemies. The Western world has been completely cucked; they don't like bullies. This whole mindset of trying to out-alpha Antifa and control the streets by force is so meatheaded and counterproductive at our current level of growth and popularity. You guys tried that strategy at the first rally, and it backfired horribly. The sane response to the absolutely massive PR disaster that was the first Unite the Right rally isn't to double down, as most people in the movement are (stupidly) advocating for. Give my strategy a chance.
And oh, yeah - police your ranks too. The left - heck, maybe even the government - will almost certainly send infiltrators into the movement that are intentionally going to try to make us look bad and produce legal evidence and propaganda footage to use against us. We already know that they did that at the last rally. All they have to do is send in a few people carrying extremist symbols like Nazi flags and give Nazi salutes to the press in order to give the press the "gotcha" footage that they want. Even if those people are genuine, you still need to try to gently remove them from the rally and go out of your way to clearly denounce them. And I don't care if people will get mad at me for saying that. You have to have a zero tolerance policy towards that type of bad optics if you want the movement to go mainstream and actually make a difference.
This is our chance to rehabilitate the movement and put the wind back into our sails. Don't fuck it up.

Lemmingwise #wingnut #homophobia

The expansion of free speech to also cover obscenity, porn and sex is a relatively new idea, first defended by hustler magazine.

To use the oxford definition, see below.

It was conceived and is intended to cover opinions and political ideas/speech and to protect the airing of such.

When you think about it a little, there is very little reason to put sexual content on the level with opinions.

Now I don't particularly mind what people do in their bedrooms or what pictures people draw, but I do think there is a negative link on the health of a society in general and the degenerate things it permits. Allowing little boys on billboards that also strip for money and acting like effeminate drag queens has a negative effect on society beyond the abuse against that kid, it has a demoralizing effect that is comparable to the broken window theory.

And contrary to the people that generally defend the vilest of porn as supposedly being free speech, they are generally not open to hearing the opinions about this, particularly not when you start with one of the holy cows, homosexuality and its link to both disease and pedophilia. I don't know if people are born gay, that seems to be true. I do know that abused kids are more likely to be gay and that there is an active recruitment of that type (the vagina monologues famously had the glorification of such a moment of an underage girl and an adult woman; the fact that it wasn't shouted off stage shows how far people are misled on this. The scene was removed a decade later or so.

Perhaps the line "it was a good rape" was a little too on the nose coming from a 13 year old character. But this was a prizewinning and much applauded play.

There is also the infamous article "can we just admit that we do want to convert kids?" article. And you can discover that that's how it works today. Just go to antifa meetings, to marxist feminist meetings, go to gay bars and genderqueer parties. I saw it in real life before I started studying the statistics.

To get back on track, obscenity despite what US courts decided in their case against hustler, shouldn't cover obscene content. I think everybody in their heart knows that tits being removed off facebook is not the same thing as conservative pages being removed off facebook. One is a speech issue, the other is a obscenity issue.

Now how does that tie in to CP vs a terror attack?

Well I'd have to prove that CP is obscenity, but it is by definition, it's in the P (even if definitions of porn are hard to make, just try to put the right line between boobtwitchers and female twitch streamers) of pornography. I don't have to exactly identify the line to be able to broadly state that some barrier should exist that separates camwhores and female game streamers.

Then I'd have to prove that sharing the terror attack is speech. I have the presumption that people should be able to see it so that they can both learn from it politically and practically. You'd want the protections of freedom of speech to be broad, because the temptation to silence others lies in almost everyone's hearts. That's about the best I can make the argument, if someone else can make it better, let me know.

Finally, besides the freedom of speech, there is the issue that sexual release gives a huge dopamine rush that if it came from a drug, it would be a controlled substance. A dopamine rush means that all the thoughts and actions you did prior become more firmly rooted in your brain. There is no "one time" exception in the bedroom. If you discover something you like, you're going to want to do it again. And, I find that you can even condition partners to associate that dopamine rush with specific sexual activities and make them like that and ask for that.

Do you really want some percentage of people to habituate themselves to having sexual release in regards to the abuse of children? I think this is the strongest argument against CP.

Definition of freedom of speech in English:
freedom of speech

mass noun
The power or right to express one's opinions without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
‘the move would further harm freedom of speech in the region

Ghost #fundie

White Nationalism = Socialism

Why are Antifa and White Nationalists “fighting” each other when both sides want the same thing? Socialism! When confronted with this obvious contradiction, White Nationalists have created terminology in an attempt deflect this question; the “Horse Shoe Theory.” Much like their favorite defense mechanism in debate, “the Jew;” the Horse Shoe theory provides enough rhetorical cover so that their followers don’t become disillusioned with their abstract political stances. But no amount of rhetorical redundancy can eliminate the modus operandi of White Nationalism; Socialism.

How can White Nationalists tout that minorities are welfare receiving, inferior races? When its White Nationalists themselves who are advocating their own submission to the State, with their WHITE hands out waiting for a subsidized existence? By advocating Socialism, White Nationalists are admitting that White folk are incapable of independence and self-preservation without coercion of State authority. Much like how the modern LGBTQ movement has used State power to assert “its” perspective on society.

White Nationalism itself is NOT a natural and organic means of social organization if the State is needed for its existence. Much like Communism, White Nationalism has to be forced onto a populous, which molds the perspective of the masses into its man-made ideas. This is the basis of ALL Communist models throughout contemporary history.

Unlike the individual Freedom of Capitalism, White Nationalism uses the same politically-romantic collective language as the Communists. They emphasize the need for collective unity, recognition and justice; which are the same adherents of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. So are these groups really enemies?

I’ve personally called out the main mouth pieces of the White Nationalist movement on the hypocrisy mentioned previous, only to be purposely ignored. For they know, they can’t articulate the contradictions of their abstract political views. They are nothing more then Nazi cos-players who use the Internet to organize groups of disenchanted life losers who need someone else to blame for their own bad decisions. Just LIKE ANTIFA!


dlo_3us2001 #fundie

Responding to a comment made by another member: "There is a supernatural hatred of both Jews and Christians in the world and country. There is nothing logical about it.

It's amusing to see the left claim it is a right-wing problem given all the antisemitism [sic] on its side from Muslims and blacks like Al Sharpton. The left is vehemently anti-Israel."

Jesus said it would happen.

It is caused by their hatred of God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible.

I will stick with God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible, over the liberals, democrats, leftists, evolutionists,
homosexuals, transgenders, feminists, Antifa's, Black Lives Matter groups, prochoicers, Muslims, KKK, White Supremacy groups, Non Believers, false teachers, blind guides, anti-Semitism groups, Communists, Nazi groups,

These groups have NOTHING to offer, but, sin, looting, rioting, protesting, hatred, anger, bondage and death.


nontolerantman #fundie

I don't think people realise what we're dealing with here, these people would kill you and your whole family if they got the chance


2/ Yet you're moaning about optics and some guy who may have had a nazi flag or some antifa idiot who got run over?


3/ They kill you, your wife, your children and they'd morally justify it because any nationalists are "nazis" to them.


4/ They want you dead, they want you in the fucking ground, they want your lineage wiped from the planet. Stop being pussies.


5/ They openly wave their communist flags, they openly state their intentions and you're worried about our fucking optics?


6/ These idiots killed 100 million last century and they're going to do it again given half the chance, this is not a fucking game.


7/ This is a civilisational struggle for the essence of western civilisation against an eternal enemy of 3000 years who WILL kill you.


8/ So stop being a pussy and moaning because someone got run over, step over it. They. Would. Kill. Your. Children!


9/ You're no more important and twice more hated to them than the millions they murdered in the middle east in the last 20 years.


10/ Obviously I'm talking about the "globalists". Their antifa pawns are just their hussars.

FreedLymonia #fundie

I do not hate freedom. But I hate selfish sociopaths who who use "freedom" as a shield to hide behind while caring not in the slightest for anyone else's freedom or the other needs of society.

And projection it is. I care for others, look at any the averages, right wingers donate more than liberals. And you say not caring for anyone else’s freedom? On what they are free unlike In a socialist system where they can’t voluntarily transact. It’s not charitable to reach into some one else’s wallet man, dig into your own. Obviously you lack the basic knowledge of the situation or you would be on my side.

a socialist system where they can’t voluntarily transact.

Which I do not advocate (in character or in reality), nor does any but a few fringe lunatics with zero relevance in real life.

Obviously you lack the basic knowledge of the situation or you would be on my side.

[eyerolling smiley]

cough fascist Blackshirt thugs aka antifa cough not to mention corbyn having a literal communist and attending communist meetings... well to be fair europe is unimportant anyways

Blick Mang #racist

Karl Marx, the Frankfurt Institute, National Socialism, there's no coincidence why they come from the same place.

Germans hate themselves. They can't sit down for longer than 10 seconds without wondering what they're doing wrong. I see it every day here. Intellectual collectivism, the Antifa movement, the anti-Pegida movement now, it's all a very simple projection of self-hatred by the ethnically insecure.

One of the greatest blunders in history was the unification of Germany under Bismarck. The preservation of Prussia, Bavaria, and others as distinct entities would have prevented large-scale wars by Germany, and provided a level of nationalism necessary to function as an immune system against such ideologies. Add two defeats in world wars, and it's no wonder why Germans are scared to walk around in their own skin.

Bellatrix #racist

The public assembly of things like Antifa and pro-immigration groups certainly deny the rights of Europeans to exist. What about that, you white fools?

Note how Jews declare Israel's right to exist but we're condemned for saying an entire race has a right to exist.

I can't handle the white stupidity anymore.

We need to get non-racial whites out of the way so the adults can get things done. Maybe non-nationalist and non-racialist whites should be treated, by us, like the cattle they are alleged to be.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie

Did she leave anyone out? Oh YES - apparently she believes Christians are the only "sane" ones left!

Trump has exposed how insane the Democrats, liberals, leftists, prochoicers, LGBT's, Pagans, Wicca Witches, Muslims. Socialists, Communist, Antifa's, Progessives/Regressives, Black Lives Matter Groups, Snowflakes, Feminists, and non believers have become.


Lions Gate #fundie

The issue is, what exactly are they kneeling about in the first place? This whole thing goes back to Ferguson and the whole “hands up, don’t shoot” fabrication. These people are propagandizing as many American people as they can into believing the narrative that cops are deliberately and indiscriminately shooting down innocent young black men all over the country, which is utter nonsense.

This weekend dramatically exposed the NFL’s support for BLM and to show they’re not going to stand for a flag that represented such injustice. Make it be known the NFL supports cop killers of BLM and the violent thugs of ANTIFA who are also connected to BLM.

This would be like the NFL in the 60s/70s supporting black panthers or weather underground or something like that. The NFL is now supporting or in unity with two groups who are just as violent and radical. Why?

Matt Forney #fundie

The left is no doubt going to escalate.

At the next battle, they're going to bring knives, possibly guns.

Fortunately, the right is learning, adapting to antifa tactics, and beating them black and blue.

I'm not worried anymore.

In fact, I'm hopeful for the future.



The left should be scared shitless right now.

Nathan Damigo and Based Stick Man are heroes to 60 percent of Americans.

The average American is being trained to see antifa and leftists as worthless scum deserving of a beatdown, possibly mass execution.



This is why I'm not worried about Trump.

If he wants to be the American Heinrich Brüning, he'll just get eclipsed by a genuinely right-wing leader.

Americans are not only becoming more open to the idea of a "fascist" government, they CRAVE one.

Every street brawl pushes them right.



The left will start stabbing right-wingers at events like Berkeley.

They'll start shooting them and intimidating/assassinating the family members of nationalist leaders.

And when they do, they'll be giving the rest of America the justification we need to physically remove them.


church mouse guy #wingnut #conspiracy

Aren't you smart enough to ID the rich white homosexual vegans of antifa outside of the coffeehouses waiting for the limos to pick them up and drive them back to mommy's basement? The dress all in black and wear black facial masks and never bathe so your nose should be able to ID them. They may be seen beating up on the elderly in wheelchairs or on walkers.

As for BLM, Pelosi hangs out with those terrorists. You will know her by her eating $100 a gallon ice cream with a $24,000 refrigerator. She was last seen in a colorful designer Ghana scarf to show her solidarity with African peoples but not white South Africans just to be clear.

OddGarfield #fundie

How I Feel In Modern America
As much as it pains me to cover parts of a painting dating back to the War Between the States, the message is clear.

(Image: a Civil War-era painting of a Confederate soldier hiding behind a tree, with Union forces advancing from the background bearing an American flag. The Confederate soldier has the Confederate flag edited onto him and the word "@confederatetruth" written above his head, while the Union soldiers similarly sport the Coexist logo, the LGBT pride flag, the hammer and sickle, the logo of the Antifa movement, the logo of CNN, the Democrat donkey and a Black Lives Matter icon.)

Bill P #racist

Who does Rothman think is going to do the “wet work” for him this time? At least the Bolsheviks had impressive numbers of Balts, Caucasians and various other tough, smart white ethnics on their side.

What do their equivalents in the US have? Mexicans and blacks? Private school antifa white kids whose fathers would sacrifice a testicle to keep out of harm’s way?

Maybe this explains Masha Gessen’s love of Chechens. But there must be another explanation for her support for bringing in the world’s most murderous white people, right?

These types are why we need to provide both moral and material support to Jews like this guy. [Link to Wikipedia article on Ze'ev Jabotinsky]

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