
diversity_is_racism #fundie

(In a thread titled "Why are antifa such a big bunch of faggot crybabies?")

Everyone under democracy is a bunch of effete (note: the word "faggot" is a sad substitute for this) crybabies.

The solution is eugenics + monarchy + nationalism + traditionalism + a caste system

Any fucking questions?

Hannah R. McClintock #fundie

[Sorry for a WTF source, but the only non-wingnut sites covering this were Liveleak and Portland PD homesite itself.]

On Saturday, a 19-year-old so-called "anti-fascist" protester was arrested after she punched and spat on demonstrators at a #HimToo rally in Portland.

The #HimToo rally was organized by conservative activist Haley Adams to draw awareness to the sexual victimization of men and the falsely accused. Left-wing counter-protesters showed up to disrupt the event. Demonstrators and at least one reporter on site were harassed and assaulted by the agitators. The rally ended with a total of six arrests.

In footage captured by independent journalist and Quillette Magazine editor Andy C. Ngo, a young Antifa counter-protester later identified as Hannah R. McClintock by the Portland Police Bureau confronts male demonstrators at the rally. Backed by a chant of "We believe survivors" by her fellow Antifa activists, McClintock gets herself into a fighting stance and waves on the demonstrators to apparently engage in a physical altercation with her. She also spits on them as she repeatedly yells the word "b****."

Later in the video, McClintock physically assaults the male demonstrators.

Two #HimToo activists are heard in the video directing their fellow protesters not to fight back against the female and to "calm down."

"Let it happen, let it happen," says one of the protesters. "Don't touch her. Let her attack us, let her attack us."

Apparently failing to elicit the reaction she wants, the aggressive Antifa female continues with her antics. McClintock repeatedly gets in the men's faces and spits on them yet again.

"It's all good, it's all good," a #HimToo protester says calmly in response. "Let her spit. It's all good."

McClintock assaults a #HimToo protester once again before a swarm of Portland officers take her away.

"McClintock was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street. McClintock was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Harassment," says a press release from the Portland Police Bureau.

Guided Meditation #conspiracy

Non-Elected elites in their luxury sky boxes are going to herd people like cattle into Fema camps. Confiscate their property and force them to live in urban hell holes. But only if we let them. Supporting Globalists, supporting Antifa, supporting Hillary, and what the Democrat party has become, is all helping to ensure your children live in a Megacity Hell Hole.\n\nThe Globalists use carrots and sticks to herd people into thinking what they are doing is their own idea. Like staging tragedies like the Vegas Shooting to confiscate guns. They inject hundreds of millions of dollars into groups like BLM to spread hatred and mistrust in Police departments in hopes that the people will demand the federalization of all 18,000 police departments and 640,000 full-time police officers. A Massive Power Grab.\n\nOur whole legal system and government is multi tiered with one set of rules for elites and another set for ordinary people. We even have to constitutions. Both political parties are stacked with Freemason and deep state loyalists so that no matter which party wins -- THEY are in power. People don't like to believe that old familiar faces in politics and on network news are actually agents of the elites and the one world police state. Republicans have their RINOs (Republicans in name only) that always can be counted on to stop legislation and tow the Elite party line. And there are kind and friendly faces on the News like Diane Sawyer that are praised for their help and silence by the Council on foreign relations, in promoting the one world police state. \n\nProtecting American Sovereignty, Securing our borders and stamping out Globalism like the cancer it is, will be the best ways for us to stay free. Notice how loving your country and being proud of your flag and anthem are suddenly a bad thing? Well don't believe it. They are trying to undermine the United States from within so they can destroy it. Megacities will be our eternal bondage.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

(commenting on story "Trump: Media 'going crazy' with Wilson's 'total lie' about phone call")

I'm going to share something with you that everyone SHOULD know: alt-left trolls are very manipulative and deceptive...when things aren't going their way, they're not above "faking" a situation to event a crisis that in their insane mind gives them a right to troll and harass anyone that disagrees with them up to the point of issuing death threats and death wishes (think about the recent conservative restaurant issue, ANTIFA, etc.) when simple trolling doesn't do the trick. The alt-left is psycho loony.

LeftistsToTheLions #fundie

[OP of "??? Leftist Junk ???"]

This one goes out to all my anarchos who identify as capitalists!

To the tune of "Sex Junk" as performed by (((Rachel Bloom))) on Bill Nye Saves the World.


This world of ours, has many an intruder

But must I choose between only Remington or Ruger?

Are my options only Glock or Stoeger Cougar?

My people live in a sewer. Not just literal sewer, a human sewer.

Sometimes I do speeches in the mirror, please don't tell me I'm the only one who does that.

'Cause my leftist junk is so oh oh oh! So much to simply go go go!

Anarcho-commies, start at the top off. Physical removal may have some chopper stuff!

It's revolution ain't nothin' asway, there's nothin' taboo about taking leftists away

Just add helis or Augusto Pinochet (Chilean hero)

'Cause my leftist junk is so oh oh oh! So much to simply go go go!

If they're commies I'll displace'em, Lenin or Mao Tse'Tung

I'm down for anything, no SJWs in my town!

Give someone new an upvote, then shitpost Michael Brown (Enter nerd guy who looks disapproving)

"Oh you're such a fascist. Did you learn 1488 on reddit?"

STFU with all of that while I drop some leftists.

Politics's a spectrum, everyone is on it. Even you might be removed if you lean left on it.

Anarcho-Syndicalist, Natsoc, just remove what doesn't feel right...

You're a homosexual, trans-gendered, filthy Trotskyite!

Who enjoys a ocean flight in the cold moonlight? With the Atlantic swallowin' a sacrifice?

Damn skippy homeslice deport 'em with me all night

(Nerd removes ANTIFA™ headgear to reveal he's wearing a MAGA hat)

Removal how you want it it's your g-damn right!

'Cause my leftist junk is so oh oh oh! So much to simply go go go!

Get out our vicinity! Get out our vicinity! My leftist junk's worse than latkes and gefilte.

With lots of shekels.


Ft. Nolan #fundie

AntiFa is not anti-fascist, they are anti-Christ Bolsheviks intent upon overturning the Constitution of the United States by violent means. (If I’m wrong, they should sue me).

Much like a deviant, rebellious and defiant problem child who sees nothing wrong with him or herself, they provoke and provoke every sensible person into becoming a “bad guy” for daring to correct and discipline this sociopathic behavior.

It’s hard to say where and when the spark setting off this powder keg will take place. Even if the AntiFa pukes draw first blood unleashing an overwhelming backlash, they will still be justified in their actions while villifying those “treating” this rabid infection.

Issues and complexities abound, there’s more undercurrent than meets the oars.

jonascord #fundie

Bull. The Left will NEVER admit they were, or are wrong, stupid, in error, pick one or several.

If they can't win one way, they will try another.

Look at Hitlery's private army, Antifa.

They are out to overthrow the election, trash the Constitution, and put their Queen on the throne.

They won't be happy until the shooting starts, and then they will be amazed that The Great Prole Uprising doesn't spontaneously occur.

Like a mad dog, they will have to be "put to sleep".

It's deeply depressing to look into the future and see oceans of blood.

whitism #racist

Re: Is it wrong if I'm starting to hate white people?

It is perfectly ok for a white nationalist to hate white people, white people are the biggest enemies of white nationalism. The whites are our biggest enemies. Only a minority of whites support white nationalism and many are actively opposed to it and so out of all the racial groups Whites seem to be most against us with Jews coming a close second... if there were as many jews as whites then jews would be the ones who are most opposed to us. So as a white nationalist I see whites as the number one enemy and threat we face as white people today. All white countries that have fought for the sake of whites have faced their biggest opposition from whites... just think north/south conflict, Rhodesia, etc... Whites are the biggest enemies of whites... the european civil wars, etc.... white antifa people

SpearChuckinJungleBunny #racist

I've noticed lately that the number of people viewing our main TNB forum here on average has gone up by about a hundred compared to what I've seen in the past. As I write this it is at 385 viewers and I've never seen it that high. Makes me even more proud to be a Niggermaniac, which I will be until the day I die and into the afterlife I will still think niggers are rotten, idiotic, ugly, useless violent pieces of crap.

It's safe to say that Nigger Fatigue has increased in the past few weeks. It's driven primarily by the Nigger Felon League's pet nigger monkeys kneeling. Nigger Lives Don't Matter and Antifa Ape Attacks play a role but the "bread and circus" crowd control activity known as football is the central reason. No self-respecting human being should waste their time watching a bunch of baboons smash one another chasing a ball, switch to the human-dominated sports, there are plenty of options.

I don't take offense to niggers kneeling while White, Hispanic and Asian Americans stand and proudly show respect for their country and all that the flag and the Anthem represent. Niggers should kneel when humans are around anyway, I mean why would you expect animals to stand and show respect for a song unless you specifically trained them to? We used to have niggers very well trained but they're slipping out of control. I say let them act like the jutting-jawed bootlip retard jungle beasts that they are, so more and more humans wake up from the Magic Nigger Myth perpetuated by all forms of media and by our schools.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Florida church warns at every door 'we are heavily armed'"

(as always, she cuts and pastes a Fox News story: It's here:

If cowardly, alt-left, atheists w/ties to ANTIFA want to kill soft targets, they'll find they picked the wrong victims if they choose bible-believing Christians.

Former Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) #conspiracy

Former Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) has joined a growing far-right smear campaign against the students who survived last week’s massacre in a Parkland, Florida high school.

Since the shooting, which killed 17 people, the students have become outspoken advocates for gun control to prevent future acts of violence.

Kingston attacked the students as mere stooges for “left-wing groups who have an agenda” during an appearance on CNN Tuesday morning. Kingston added he believed George Soros was actually orchestrating the students’ activism.

Kingston’s claims were met with disbelief by Alisyn Camerota. “Jack, I’m sorry. I have to correct you. I was down there. I talked to these kids. These kids were wildly motivated,” Camerota said.

Kingston made similar claims on Twitter, suggesting the survivors were being manipulated by Soros, Antifa, and the DNC.

O really? “Students” are planning a nationwide rally? Not left wing gun control activists using 17yr kids in the wake of a horrible tragedy?

Secret Asshole #fundie

Well, it isn't like ANTIFA has a sense of irony. They truly believe they are fighting real Nazis. They honestly do not have a clue they're basically just fighting against blue collar workers, construction workers, veterans, mechanics and other people who do manual labor for a living while most of them are unemployed or living off daddy's dime.

Which is going to be a lot more expensive. I want to see this law go into affect, because these faggot mayors need to see their little pet mobs go to jail. The fact that they are terminally getting blown the fuck out every time they start shit is only icing on the cake.


Yes. Their entire ideology, the entire social justice wave is based on outdated 1960s ideology and injustices that largely do not exist anymore. They dream of being these 'freedom fighters' and 'anarchists against the man', except most people just want to better their lives, not start another civil war or restrict speech, behavior and art.

ANTIFA is a direct threat to creativity, the first amendment, the right to assemble. If it were up to me, I'd gun them down each time they showed with bean-bags, rubber bullets and rubber pellet launching grenades. They're fascist cunts and posers and seeing them get permanently injured from their larping is something we need to see more of. Because these faggots are children throwing a tantrum, and they need to be taught violence is not something you fuck around with.

Secret Asshole #fundie

[On the proposed "Unmasking Antifa Act"]

It adds leverage to the state while weakening a terrorist group. Granted that 'terrorist group' is filled with soyboy faggots, limp wristed university liberals and weak white boys. Seriously, I've seen more black guys on the OTHER side than the ANTIFA side. If the 'fascists' have more blacks than you, you REALLY need to take a look at yourself. I've also only seen ANTIFA do any damage through cheap shots, hitting defenseless targets and shit like that.

When its open street warfare they ALWAYS get fucked. Because they don't have ANY blue collar supporters. Its not like the days of old where union riots involved bombs, lead pipes and men. Now it involves weak, lanky faggots looking to club someone in the back of the head against fucking steel workers and veterans. Its so pathetic.

The mayors that support ANTIFA and call off the cops are doing the opposition a HUGE favor, because we see how weak they are. They spout civil war, but holy shit, if they're putting that out there, the war would be quick, violent and they'd be eradicated in a second. Their enemies are holding back. They don't have a single clue what would happen if the opposition was as violent as they were. There would be bodies on the ground for sure.

DerekJack123 #racist

I would bet everything I own that Jews are behind all this nonsense going on in America. This is their end game to destroy the white race. No they don't need to destroy all of us. They already control the leftists and Antifa types.

Mark my words, within the next month there will be more deaths, mostly on the left. Probably perpetrated by some Jew, to lay more blame at the feet of white people. I'd say by October the latest we are in some form of open armed conflict in this country.

Adam Ford

Anonymous, rage-filled domestic terrorists who worship a toxic ideology and commit mob violence against innocent people with the silent compliance of local authorities and the media. Antifa is the new KKK.

CasaPound #fundie

[A blogger takes a tour of an Italian racist organization called CasaPound, which owns a pub (and other properties).]

I asked Sébastien [his guide] what he would do if a gang of Africans appeared at the door. CasaPound is a legal organization, so they technically cannot discriminate against any group. He said that occasionally, when a black person shows up and asks for a drink, they wordlessly give him a tiny plastic to-go cup and wait for him to leave. Apparently, that has worked so far as most non-Europeans know the pub belongs to them and voluntarily do not bother trying to get in. [...] I asked what would happen if antifa tried entering the bar. Sébastien explained that if someone steps into that pub and slanders Mussolini, they're getting smacked across the face and being made to clean the bathroom.


CasaPound has flown out to Kosovo to defend citizens against American backed rebels and to South Africa to defend Boer farmers against blacks.


A girl was sitting on a couch in the corner reading a book. Sébastien explained that she was "doing her homework," which meant catching up on fascist literature assigned by the senior members. If she didn't do the assignment, the other members would know because when they return to headquarters, they are quizzed on what they were supposed to read. If men fail to answer questions related to the assigned literature, they must get down on the floor and do push-ups.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Notice how fast proof is being taken down on the internet, I suspect Antifa will be used to bring in martial law, this is why UN MRAPS were being sent down our Highways, Stadiums Malls and Walmarts will be used as collection points. so be aware from this day forward.

This is all being staged, they are using Gun Control and Hillary to divert attention away, I suspect the they will have their professional teams out to make it appear like Antifa and or Right wingers to blame for the carnage, explains why Russians troop and Chinese Troops have been training here on our soil, and it appears it is all coming together for the Globalists, this is a all or nothing operation for them. and I suspect history will show the las Vegas shooting as the We the Peoples Modern Day World order. my opinions on this matter

PESH28 #fundie

[Swedes tell "racists": 'We are not your women' - Swedes are hitting back following a series of far-right violent marches over the weekend which targeted asylum seekers and migrants.]

Racism is worse than rape might be the slogan of those leftist fools. The only fault of the patriots was to protest too strongly at rape, sexual assault and robbery by migrants. It should be said too, that most reported 'far right' rampages either didn't happen, were grossly exaggerated, or were done by Antifa, Black Bloc or other police provocateurs.

smarmyanarchist #fundie


Michelle and her friend can suck my antifa dick

Only in the mind of a social justice warrior can look at a positive sentiment like this be seen as something negative.

Only in the mind of a liberal, reactionary status quo warrior can being friendly and accepting of fascists and those that support them be seen as something acceptable.

Go fuck yourself.

im sorry but do you actually know what a liberal is?
A liberal is a person who holds left leaning political ideals. (Pro gay/womens/trans rights pro abortion and all that good stuff)
Another name for a liberal is a progressive. In other words your political beliefs are likely very liberal in nature.

Just that in my case i am a classic liberal where as you are probably more of a neo-liberal/neo-progressive.
Hope that clears that up somewhat for you.

Ill gladly discuss this further if you are open to it. So just ask me a question if you want to.

when liberals try to mansplain the word “liberal” to you, not knowing you’re using the word in the maoist sense lmao

anyways all fascist supporters and fascist sympathizers (the people in the above comic) can choke

CH #sexist

[Seriously I kinda wonder why this guy was a PUA in the first place]

Other effects of low T on a nation’s men:

leftist politics
vocal fry
esssra klein
john scalzi
beta orbiting
grinding incel
male feminists
experimental homosexuality
bad taste in, well, everything
androgyny in look and attitude
cuckoldry and miscegenation
marathon running
interracial adoption
open borders
vidgya gaming-induced deep vein thrombosis
protruding nipples (very disrespectful)
anal play and anal play accessories
math class is hard
shia lapoofter
fake news
tranny “rights”
butt-kicking babes
haven monahan (and other fake rape fantasies)
patton oswalt
talmudic sophistry
barack obama
literal bending over backwards for invading hordes of higher fertility ingrates
social justice posturing
“toxic masculinity” (the irony)

As you can see, chronically low T on both the individual and societal level is almost entirely downside. Bullying decreases. Maybe you could call that an upside. I wouldn’t.

theangryamerican #fundie


(The person who made this probably rages at the mere mention of the word “antifa”)

Nobody rages at the words antifa. The group is the laughing stock of the world right now. It’s a bunch of beta males who have to ask their mom to make them a sandwich before they go out and put on masks to LARP on 75 year old Trump supporters in a 12:1 ratio until they are encountered by Based Stickman and beaten back into the depths of Hell whence they came. Had to reblog it just because this shit is too comical.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Antifa roaming Austin streets telling people they have no business being out after dark

Was confronted coming out of work on Congress Ave at 9pm. Told get off the street if I know what's good for me and don't get caught outside my house.
Cops were everywhere and Antifa running and hiding in the shadows, dressed in full black garb.
After the bombings today, Antifa is up to something !

borjastick #conspiracy

Some of you may have seen and heard that Daily Stormer, the bastion of free speech and presentation of a different vision and alt right position has been ejected from the internet by both google and Go Daddy.

They use the usual excuse that DS broke community rules etc. really that's just a way of justifying shutting down an alternative voice, and that in the land of free speech! DS always stressed a violence free position and never advocated anything other than peaceful protest and opinion.

This all came about after the Charlottesville riots last weekend where a legally held rally was attacked by antifa boot boys, who seem to say that it's right for them to use mass violence against white supremacists but not the other way around and that they can shut down free speech because they think so. Funny how the good old left are always right...

So what does this have to do with us here? Masses. The left seem to have gained the permission of both the law makers and the MSM to attack and shut down what they see as fascism and ugliness, just because they cannot control their foaming mouths and irrational thoughts that violence against free speech is totally justifiable and yet cannot see the pure irony of it all.

They of course see holocaust denial as a platform for right wingers and fascist Nazis who hate all but ourselves. Not true of course but hey why let the truth get in the way? If we allowed truth to win out Codoh and this forum wouldn't need to be here.

This could be a difficult time as antifa/jews/self righteous and all backed by the frightened media put the boot in on anything they don't like.

Alex Jones #conspiracy

This is breaking: Paul Ryan was onboard the train carrying lawmakers, a whole bunch of lawmakers, to a high-level GOP retreat. A truck kamikaze rammed it, a cement truck, a big truck, a dump truck kamikaze rammed it. And Paul Ryan was on board. There’s one dead. A bunch of people injured. But what’s the odds of this? No, this is a message, you better believe it. And they’re going to spin it and try to, “Oh, it’s no big deal, everything’s fine.” “Oh, Vegas isn’t Islamic.” Of course it’s come out it has. “Oh, there’s not multiple shooters.” This is a serious message, very serious message that we can get you anywhere you are. You go to your baseball practice, we’re going to shoot you. We’re going to come after your family.

Rammed the front of the train, killing the driver and derailing part of the train. I mean, this is amazing. So this country is in a civil war. You can believe this was on purpose. I mean, I’d say 98 percent chance. This is unbelievable.

You had two miles away in Washington Antifa meeting with videos and police raids saying they were going to derail trains at that exact place and derailing a train a month before, but nobody -- it wasn’t a passenger train. And then they go, “Oh, the driver admits that he missed the speed limit and just went ahead and went too fast around there.” Yeah, whatever. I mean, this is getting ridiculous.

DragQueen_Eclipse #fundie

Anyone who thinks anarchy and Antifa actions are inherently "Peaceful" is looking for a watered-down variation of 'anarchy' that will never get past chat-rooms, blogs, and social media. or believing that you can eradicate the fascist and crypto-fascist by chanting and debates that does not mean we fetishize violence or use it as oppressive tactics (see State sponsored Violence)

Also, accepting the fact that as anarchists and various radicals, we are always in a 'self-defense' mindset because the State, Police, fascist/Crypto-fascist, sympathizers etc, want us eradicated, combined that with various Races/Ethnicities, Sexes, Gender-Identities, Sexual Orientations and we are always being attacked, from Class to Identity.

To not use Preemptive and offensive actions is surrendering, submitting to politicians, legislature, Ballot Boxes is surrendering, believing the Police will protect you is surrendering. Non-Violence is dangerous and protects the state. Liberals know this and use this "Non-Violent" stance to further oppress those that will fight for their autonomy because it will abolish their authoritative hierarchy aswell

Wearelegion1963 #fundie

It's not white genocide, it's white suicide. They keep voting in policies that are eroding their own cultures, and immigration will eventually make them a minority in their own countries.

The thing is, I think they're going to run out of white guilt soon. Take France for instance, if Le Pen loses, the next time she or someone else runs will be even more extreme, and they will probably win.

The right-wing uprising is happening all over the world, and like you said, it's going to get violent.
Some form of totalitarian government will form out of all of this, you can be damn sure of that.

I wouldn't be so hard on then, after all the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed during the civil rights movement. All of this was done in the name of brotherly love, peace, and equality. America has such a terrible history with Slavery and such that it's very hard for people to make a moral argument against immigration without being called a racist bigot.

It just kept snowballing from there, and now we have Antifa saying illegal immigrants have a right to be in the US.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "More layoffs planned at Carrier plant Trump promised to save"

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Thanks.

(Fox News story follows:

Lady Checkmate:
So, now they're blaming trump for the fact that their business leaders are struggling to keep their business afloat. Trump is NOT God. They should get business tips from him, but pray to God and trust that He wis faithful. Trump is the potus he can't run their business for them as well. Hopefully, he will do something to help them because he gave them(us) his word. Perhaps he should ignore the twitter. ANTIFA, alt-left trolls (put the secret service on them) and focus on what's more important...praying. I'm sure he has a plan.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

I've been arguing for years that the best way to take down the left is to send our people into their orgs in order to make them even more extreme and autistic.

SJW overreach was the best thing to ever happen to the pro-White cause in decades. Their promotion of transsexuality, anti-White rhetoric, radical feminism, communism, Islam, et cetera, and their opposition to free speech alienated God knows how many people. That's why I view Antifa as our greatest allies. Making Antifa the face of the anti-Trump/Alt-Right movement would guarantee Trump's reelection and chase hordes of moderate White liberals into our arms.

But there's still no way in hell that "Chelsea" is some kind of covert Alt-Right mole. That would have to be one of the most insane long cons in history. But regardless of his loyalties, his type of freak flag left-wing politics should serve as the model for anybody from our side that wants to infiltrate and sabotage the left from within.

Chelsea Manning 2020!

Marlon Strickland #fundie

Marlon Strickland: It sounds to me like you support Facism. Facism is pretty much every man for himself. Are you liberals equipped and prepared for that. I don't believe y'all would last long

HiSeizure: Definition of fascism 1 often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition

Marlon Strickland: Like I said your intelligence is not what you think it is. I know what Fascism is. And it's not conservatives. It's the little Antifa punks. If you continue to piss off the conservatives there will be no liberals or Antifa punks left

doggie47304 #fundie

(Responding to another member, who wrote in response to an article posted entitled "Leftist Antifa Terrorist Arrested with Bombs with Plans"; "There was NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, in the articles about a motive or linking him with a conspiracy. All there was was Cernovich's editorializing with no relation to the limited info in the article. Again, could be the usual lone wolf. Obviously, you WANT damage and destruction, people hurt, just to further your twisted agenda!") Boldface mine:

He's a member of Antifa, nimrod. Only someone with the IQ of a cup of chocolate pudding can't figure out what motivated him -- far left-wing ideology.

You're are truly a moron.

EthicalFunTime #fundie

[From "What happened today with the dead antifa was ethical."]

It was not legal. However, it was ethical, and while I cannot condone this action, I can say, however, that it was a morally justified action.

Details still remain to be known, as well as motives, but we have at least one dead antifa and 19 others injured. This is a good thing. They are mockeries of life and need to fucking go.

Also, Charlottesville PD and the mayor are now marked as anti-white and anti-American. You will be remembered, friends. I'm sure other groups are taking down the names of every cop who fired on us. Note that even the fucking PORTLAND PD has behaved better and more professionally than the Charlottesville PD. That is very, very sad, and every cop in the Charlottesville PD probably will not survive to the end of the decade after we win the civil war the left will start. If you are an honest cop in the Charlottesville PD it is probably in your interest to start ratting on your mayor and to get him out of office ASAP -- this is not a threat, but advice, because the mob never was good at creating a criminal justice system and the south is known for lynching. And the cops sided with antifa over law-abiding Americans. You fired on Americans, you are so stupid and now the angry critters will remember you all, every single name, all your family members, your daughters. What happens to your daughters in a wartime situation when you're dead and they're captured? Yup. You done fucked up, po-pos.

The end of days are coming. Get jiggy with it.

Chase Shelburne #fundie

A lot of people are talking about Spencer, and not the man who punched him. He's part of the Antifa -- an extremist, communist terrorist group responsible for killings and firebombings across Europe. To them, anything to the right of communism is fascism, and by supporting these pricks' ability to punch people they disagree with, you're putting yourself next on the list. Communism is far more dangerous historically than fascism, yet ignorant people are giving this guy a pass because, 'lol punched a Nazi.'

brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy

So again we have the useful idiots...sorry Trotskyite and Bornman and George H W Bush Nazi Brownshirts are at it again, making themselves look like idiots, buffoons and straight up laughing stocks. I know that these people were brainwashed by the far left controlled education system, and the mainstream media telling them fascists and white supremacists are under every tree but to see these people beating up conservatives and engaging in other disgusting activities, while the Jihadi Troika and the idiot Latina bartender being pushed by the 'Justice Democrats' and Soros to lead the nation if the Donald leaves make all sorts of anti Jewish statements and proclaim their love for terrorist groups [I support a single Jewish state with religious freedom and respect for all, the Nazi terrorist group known as Likud, the Muslim Brotherhood front organization Hamas and the KGB puppet Fatah can all go kick rocks to me.] and a president who has a settlement named after him in Israel, went to the Wailing Wall wearing a yarmulke and openly condemned white supremacists is considered a Nazi because of active measures and other propaganda operations done by intelligence agencies, Communists and fascists against the American people.

Pretty sick huh?

George W Bush was best buddies with Putin the poisoner who invaded Ukraine and is helping Assad stay in power, to be fear the Trotskyist neocons started it all by using the US Armed Forces, PMCs and intelligence agencies to fund, arm and train Neo Nazis and Islamic extremists to go around and cause chaos so as to make the world wide worker's revolution easier. Clinton gave away 20% of the US' Uranium to the Russian Empire in Uranium One. Iraq and Afghanistan were both fought to remove obstacles for Iran and to hand both nations over to Russian and Chinese conglomerates.

For Christ's sake the ex CIA head and Nazi sleeper agent George H W Bush, may his and his stooge Castro roast in hell, helped China become the superpower it is today!

And no one is talking about these issues!

Pop culture, the cult of wokeness and pathological skepticism have weakened society and the modern intellectual class so much to the point that the Fourth Reich is rising up now and most people don't even see it! Most people don't know this but one of the major foundations of Nazism, as well as one of its biggest supporters, came from the psychiatric community. The labor camps and the T4 euthanasia program which disposed of the mentally ill and dissenters to the regime were run by psychiatrists and the orders that killed so many innocent men, women and children, came from psychiatrists themselves! The same psychiatric community that is declaring everybody who opposes or questions the mainstream version of an event and ticking off every perversion under the sun, is the same group of people who supported eugenics and helped in the atrocities of the Third Reich!

Never forget!

Antifa, SJWs and many of the people on RationalWiki and genuinely believe that they are fighting fascism, and that anybody who opposes their 'social democratic' utopia is a tinfoil hat wearing nut or a goose stepping fascist. What these people don't realize is that their ideology is just a modernized version of the basic ideology of fascism and National Socialism and their behavior is no different from Hitler's Brownshirts that the Fuher used to create fear and use that, along with the false flag Reichstag bombing, to seize power in the German Republic and create the totalitarian Greater German Reich. Hitler's ideological mentor Trotsky, and his boss Lenin also used ignorant anarchists, progressives and Communists to commit acts of violence and terror in order to destabilize Russia, and once the Bolsheviks seized power the two men wiped out any opposition to their rule through purges and deliberate catastrophes.

Stalin as evil as he was, was against the globalist agenda and a proud nationalist, so after he realized Hitler was nothing more than a less smooth and more violent Trotsky he managed to convince FDR that fascism wasn't worth the effort but the Red Army had already provoked Japan into attacking, so the generals running America saved the day and Old Joe got poisoned some years later for his resistance. Reagan and the Iron Lady were set up in a similar way, they were portrayed as monsters and the worst evil imaginable and these lies beamed into the heads of young impressionable students, so instead of thanking these three world leaders for doing what they had to do in order to keep national sovereignty alive, we rail and curse at them like idiots. P.S Some of the propaganda against Reagan came from the KGB itself.

Just like what we see in the Demonrat Party.

Bernie was cool in 2016 but he's too old now, so Predator Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez battle it out while Omar hopes the public doesn't see that she fucked her brother and is a conwoman, Talib is wondering how much money Hamas and Hezbollah are sending over and Presley...sigh.

Meanwhile Fuher Bi Bi drops white phosphorus on any opposition to the Nazi Likud Party while handing over American military technology to Il Duce Winnie the Pooh so he can oppress his own people better with the help of Big Tech up in the Californian People's Republic - run by the CPSU, the KGB and the Workers' and Peasant's Red Army, that provides AI research, access to American satellites, and ways for the Chinese government to improve its totalitarianism in means that would make IngSoc proud.

Does any one see something wrong here?

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat worth a damn but she still hangs on to socialism, must be the military experience.

Trotsky even had the swastika as well, although he prefered to use it on his soldiers' uniforms and on Soviet currency instead of a red flag.

The party program of the Nazis as well as some of Hitler's and Mussoloni's speeches sound very similar to the rhetoric used by that of SJWs, of course they wouldn't notice that as they're too busy whining about insignificant Neo Nazis and alt right edgelords on some socialist echo chamber site or complaining about some imaginary oppression.

Seriously this is the same shit the CIA and Castro used to fuck up Latin America in the 70s and 80s. The Cubans indoctrinated and funded the street thugs, ignorant academics and guerrillas and unleashed them onto the streets to cause chaos, while the CIA sent in the death squads and the black ops boys to wreck things even further. It's how Iran Contra got started.

Articles exposing the fascist origins of 'social justice':……

Russiagate - the Big Lie of the 2010s:………

Epstein the eugenicist:……

Ignorant Skeptics and Debunkers Pushing for Thoughtcrime and Psychiatric Incarceration of Dissent:…

CIA collusion with Lamestream Media:………

Suppression of evidence on 9/11 nuclear smart missile and guided drone attacks:…

Big Tech's attempts at controlling free speech ('The medium is the message."):…

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist

One of the ploys used in the Covid-1984 Scamdemic is the facade and excuse to release large numbers of the criminally mental ill from prisons and jails. Given that there are few, if any, legitimate job opportunities for this brood in the economy, one path these individuals pursue is directly into the discordian paid ranks of antifa and BLM. WInter’s Razor holds that “normal people don’t set fire to buildings.”

This explains why target cities run by Fifth Columnists experienced endless nights of chaos, and how other cities can receive immediate reinforcements once the latest police abuse hoax is run.

Homeless, broke, criminally insane antifa recruits are set up in undisturbed encampments in Portland.

Many pajama people may believe all this is a function of false “Hanlon Razor” incompetence at multiple levels. But in reality, it is deliberate malice.

A marker of malice is the new policy not to release mug shots of persons arrested. This, along with the end of the bail system, allows unprosecuted criminals to be quickly recycled undetected back into the discordian ranks.

It also hides the freakish zombie apocalypse appearance of this posse from the public. This example of mug shots at right clearly shows how scary these untermensch are.

Klas_Vegas #ableist #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[Letter]We need to speak about Kevin (antifa/autism content)

I have worked ten years (socialwork) with people with autism and when i look at the pictures of the arrested antifa members from philly I see direct that at least two of them has autism (diagnosed or not). Today every scientist in the autism field knows that autism shows in facial traits, that an ocular inspection is the most secure way to identify autism and that it shows already in the first year long before the infant says it's first word.

Look att the man to the right. His face is so wide that I can bet my left ball that he is autistic. I have seen the exact faceshape among so many with autism. The case is closed. The man in the middle Joseph Alcoff, just look strange without me being able to pin point what is wrong with single picture. But he has glasses, over 80% of all the autistic people I have met has had glasses and had often severe eyeproblems. And I immidiately recognise the baby face so common among people with autism ( many people with autism I have met have to show ID well in to the 40's here in sweden to buy alcohol or cigarettes).

With autism comes almost always lack of "theory of mind" (inability to understand others, lack of empathy) and a "mixed intelligens". I really can't understand why we let this people with severe mental health issues run our daily lifes and tell us what to do and not to do.

I have the same problem with mass-shooters that has all shown clear signs of autism. But I have only read one single call from a psychiatrist that the choseen path with"autism as a gift" is absurd considering the mass-shooters and all the existing documentation they have on autism and violence.

The connection between violence and autism is well documented since hans aspergers very first writing but evryone in the field pretends that it doesn't exist.

The “Proud Boys” Idiot Bunch #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist

[WONKETTE HEADLINE: Proud Boys Tore Down A COVID-19 Memorial, Because Caring That People Died Is For Commies ]

In recent weeks, the covidiots have turned. Now, those at anti-lockdown protests are not only demanding their right to defy stay-at-home orders and social distancing protocols, they're not only asking that they get to risk other people's lives, they are demanding that everyone else join them. They grab at the masks of reporters who cover the rally and at those belonging to counterprotesters. They get in people's faces. They scream. If they were leftists this would be a super big deal and Tucker Carlson would have had a thousand fainting spells by now, but they're not.

One thing that would be very big news if these people were liberals but is not because they're not is that last week, during an anti-lockdown rally in Spokane, Washington, a bunch of Proud Boys trashed a memorial to COVID-19 victims. A memorial made out of crosses meant to represent people who have died from the novel coronavirus, two of which they broke. Crosses. You know, like the one Jesus hung on?

The memorial had been put together by activist Tom Robinson, who runs the Stronger Together Spokane Facebook page. Robinson also attended the protest as a counterprotester, where he planned to simply stand with his memorial and not bother anybody. This did not work out as planned, because these people are the biggest assholes on earth. A video posted to the group's Facebook page show the protesters harassing Robinson, screaming at him to take off his mask and otherwise acting like the school bullies in a John Hughes movie.

The primary antagonist in the video was a Seattle Proud Boy who called himself "Milkshake," but whose real name is Daniel Lyons Scott. "Milkshake" wore a midriff bulletproof vest and a Hawaiian shirt — aka "big luau," get it, official shirts of "Boogaloo Boys," the far-right fanatics hoping that the pandemic will lead to a race war.


Here’s the video
[Sadly I couldn’t post a video link]

The video also features a man old enough to have grey hair taunting Robinson and claiming that he "knows" that this is all a hoax and a very aggressive woman wielding a flag. Here are their pictures, should you happen to live in the area and want to avoid people who will probably infect you with COVID-19. Or, you know, if you work in human resources.


Tom Robinson told the Spokesman-Review that he felt afraid for his safety and so left the area. When he returned, he found his memorial had been destroyed.

Soon after, Seattle area Proud Boys Zac Staggs, Josh Hanks, and Daniel "Milkshake" Lyons Scott posted a video to TikTok in which they actually bragged about tearing the memorial down, writing "Antifa made a fear propaganda cemetery. We cleaned it up. We don't stand for COMMUNIST FEAR" as a caption on a picture of it. The image then switches to a picture of the crosses in a pile on the ground, with a hand doing the "OK" symbol now associated with "White Power" over it. Because of course.

[TikTok of the fromage-for-brains doing just that. Jerks.]

Charming people, no?

Robinson has since put the memorial back together, replacing the two crosses broken by the Proud Boys in their attempt to stamp out "communist fear." Most likely, unless these douchenozzles keel over and die from COVID-19, everyone involved will remain at an impasse. Because that's just how things are now.

Cliff Kincaid #conspiracy #wingnut

Trump has to recognize that staying in power is the only peaceful way to avoid having Biden impose his agenda of death and destruction on the nation as a whole.
We can expect such violence if Biden doesn’t manage to seize power through fraudulent elections. But fear of the aftermath if Trump stays in the White House is no reason for Trump to vacate the presidency. In the face of the threat from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other communist groups, Trump has every right to stay in power and keep the country together, in the name of national sovereignty.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist

[From "Your Favorite President Lost White Guys"]

2020 is on us.

Let this fact sink in.

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he couldn’t motivate enough White men to vote for him. He improved with literally every other group in the country EXCEPT for White men.

After six months of nationwide chaos, White men drifted away from Donald Trump. Donald Trump had a problem with the White vote. It takes a special kind of genius to lose his margin with White men while the Left was beating the drum of anti-White hatred at a fever pitch. Evidently, White men decided that four more years of having Donald Trump as president wasn’t worth what it had cost them. Couldn’t he have said something about what was going on instead of rolling out the Platinum Plan?

The media’s narrative about “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” couldn’t have been more false. It was the populists and the “white supremacists,” not conservatives or Republicans, who soured on Donald Trump and deserted him in the 2020 election. A whopping 7% of voters said that “racism” was the most important issue facing the country. Also, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Muslims moved toward Trump, not away from him. Apparently, they didn’t buy into the “white supremacy” narrative.

Donald Trump and his campaign team were cucked on race. They were too afraid to crackdown on Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They were gaslit by the “white supremacy” narrative. As a result, they pandered to minorities, demoralized their base and the White vote slipped and they lost.

Could it have easily turned out otherwise? Yes, Donald Trump’s campaign took the White vote for granted. It is what got him elected in the first place in 2016. In the final analysis, it was what undid him in 2020. They ran a different kind of campaign in 2020 than 2016 in which Joe Biden was able to improve on Hillary Clinton in 41 out of 50 states and all but two swing states because of White guys.

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

The Proud Boys are an international conservative or paleoconservative fraternal organization formerly led by Rebel News personality and Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. Proud Boys describe themselves as "western chauvinists" and espouse pro-second amendment, pro-free speech, anti-illegal immigration, and anti-racist views. Proud Boys tend to gather among themselves to hang out at restaurants or bars, and also attend political events either in support of or in opposition to other groups. They can typically be identified by their black and yellow Polo shirts.

Proud Boys have been vehemently mischaracterized and slandered by the liberal mainstream media, perhaps more so than any other single conservative organization in recent times. Most news outlets characterize the Proud Boys as white supremacist, alt-right, and fascist, as well as accusing them of promoting political violence. Wikipedia holds strongly to this warped view,while hypocritically characterizing Antifa, an anarchist terrorist faction, as mere "political activists".It is likely Wikipedia holds this view as a result of parroting the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, a notoriously dishonest organization which Wikipedia tends to use as a source.

In actuality, the Proud Boys are a multiracial group (which even some liberal outlets have noted) and have continually denounced the Alt-Right, to the point that actual Alt-Right groups often attack them and their founder as well. The FBI has declared the Proud Boys are not extremist or terroristic.

The Babylon Bee #wingnut #racist

[Submitter’s note: this is satire and shouldn’t be taken literally. The Babylon Bee is a Christian right-wing satire site that used to be pretty clever IMHO]

Portland Police Raise Millions By Letting Citizens Throw Tear Gas At Antifa For $5 A Pop
July 27th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Facing massive budget cuts, the Portland Police Bureau has come up with an exciting new way to fund their department. Upstanding citizens can now pay 5 dollars to throw tear gas at communist protesters. People from across the country are lining up to live their lifelong dreams of blasting dirty commies with tear gas.

"Getting bathed in tear gas is the closest my son Fidel has been to taking a shower in weeks," said a local Portland mom after paying her five bucks and chucking a canister at the crowd. "I'm hoping our basement will smell a little better now. I used to think that all police were evil fascists, but my time gassing commies has opened my eyes. That was the most fun I've had in ages. Thanks, Portland Police!"

"Take this, commies!"

Antifa rioters have condemned the PPD's actions as "a criminal fascist attempt to protect the protectors of white capitalist power structures from being hit in the face with bricks." They have promised to retaliate with a barrage of water balloons, super soakers, and explosive mortars which they will peacefully hurl at officers' heads.

Sources are reporting that using this new tear gas initiative, the PPD recovered its entire 15 million dollar budget cut in just two days.

BummerDrummer #sexist #quack #conspiracy

[Blackpill] People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power. You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to. They are
Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide.

[links to youtube videos denying the pandemic]

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

“They” are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rothschild Foundation, the Trilateral Commission, Harvard and Yale Universities, the CDC and the WHO, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, among others. These are the people running the world. These are the organizations responsible for the falsified and purposely manufactured fake Covid-19 pandemic. And these are the people and organizations that have organized and set loose the low life bands of rioters, looters, and marauding criminals in the BLM and Antifa movements that are terrorizing this country today.

This country is late in the process of total ruination, and heading straight toward annihilation. A new order is sought, and is gaining ground ever so quickly. If not stopped, all current systems will be replaced, including money, the entirety of the monetary system, agriculture, social behavior norms, private property, all medical care, travel and movement; all with mandated and enforced restriction of every individual. This means a complete loss of all freedom and liberty for the planned goal of unlimited worldwide societal control. If this is allowed to come to fruition, we are all doomed

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy

President Donald Trump boosted a Georgia Republican candidate who refuses to disavow a white supremacist she posed with in a photograph and has seemingly promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

“A big winner,” Trump said in a tweet Friday attached to a story on a pro-Trump website noting that Marjorie Taylor Greene in the heavily Republican 14th District had performed well in the primary despite having an ad banned by Facebook. “Congratulations!”

Greene, the owner of a construction company, was the leader in Tuesday’s primary but did not secure 50 percent of the vote and so is headed to a runoff against her closest rival, Dr. John Cowan, a neurosurgeon.

Greene has posed in photos with Chester Doles, a Georgia man who once was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan and served a prison sentence for beating nearly to death a black man he saw in the company of a white woman. She has dismissed media queries about the photos as “silly” and “fake news.”

Greene has peddled conspiracy theories about QAnon, a complex fantasy about a group of influential pedophiles trying to bring down Trump that at times has veered into anti-Semitism. Jewish Insider uncovered a 2018 posting on a QAnon website signed by a Marjorie Greene that brought in anti-Semitic tropes accusing Jewish billionaire George Soros and the Rothschild family of being involved in the conspiracy.

The Republican Jewish Coalition told Jewish Insider this week that it would not support Greene if she won the runoff, but would not oppose her either.

In the banned Facebook ad, Greene cocks an automatic rifle and warns antifa, a group that organizes counterprotests against the far right and has become fodder for conspiracy theories peddled by Trump, not to come to her district.

Independent Conservative Voices(TM) #wingnut #racist #pratt

isosum (53 points):

Communists aren't Nazis - they're worse: they killed around 100 million people last century, compared to the Nazis' 6 million.

Stop buying into the narrative that the only kind of evil in the world is "Nazis" or "right-wing" extremists.

Wesman_Todd_Shaw (9 and 8 points):

Nazism was a defensive response to communism.

Bolshevik Jews had staged violent uprisings in Bavaria in 1919, and afterwards in Germany too. Hitler was correct.

pcpmasterrace (7 points):

The German people threw their support behind Hitler because they were tired of antifa terrorism.

Ethnocrat (9 points):

The Nazis were the good guys you boomercuck.

Judy Byington #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie

POTUS, the Security Teams and all RV teams were watching the riot Antifa agitators. As POTUS announced publicly yesterday Mon. 1 June, he would be deploying the military to stop the riots. This meant that the President was enacting soft Martial Law under the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the US military to quell the riots where Deep State Democrat governors and mayors were not able, or willing, to stop rioters with police and National Guard.

For proof of this read QAnon's posts mentioning "Calling the Ball" from Mon. 1 June at "Calling the Ball" was a term used of fighter pilots coming in for landing on aircraft carriers.

The term "Deep State" was not synonymous with Democrats as opposed to Republicans, but the Deep State has overtaken the Democrat party almost completely, though there are plenty of Republican Deep State Congress-people like Romney, Flake, etc. whom the Deep State compromised.

Government officials on both sides have taken criminal bribes from Deep State cartels and operatives coming in from Deep State operations like Antifa rioting, drug & gun running, money laundering, big Pharma profits, mafia-cartel money flows, human and child trafficking, etc.

The Deep State has all but lost a large portion of the Black Vote so their strategy and MSM narrative now was to use the riots to stoke racial hatred and new threats of Covid-19 infection surges to keep the people in fear and the economy depressed so that Trump was not re-elected and the Deep State would regain power – that was all they cared about.

Padraig Martin #racist

[From ""Distinguishing Southern Nationalism"]

Over the last week or so, I have received criticism for my attacks on generic White Nationalism, the so-called Alt-Right and Nazi LARPers. Generally, these are attacks from weak keyboard kommandos and obese geriatric geldings, some of whom mistook the original intended target. Regardless, given the reaction, it seems I struck a nerve. Good!

The vast majority of those who threw threats in my direction could not bench press an AR-15. Some of those who took shots at the latest round of strategic posts are intellectually too soft to see past their myopic understanding of our current predicament. Bowl Patrol? If you cannot see that someone like Dylann Roof would have done more strategically for “White People” by not being a psychopath, actually engaging in positive networking and community fellowship, then you lack strategic clarity. You are inferior in every single way – mentally and morally. You are useless. Go back to whatever leader du jure of your movement is taking pictures of himself in his underwear.

If you are serious about doing something for your people, let’s take an honest look at the differences within the movement: Southern Nationalism vs Generic White Nationalism.

Identity Dixie is a Southern Nationalist content producer. That is who we are. Generally speaking, ours is a fraternal group that seeks to build a Nationalist consensus within the South. The goal is to intellectually and emotionally lay the ground work for an independent South. Some members of Identity Dixie are also members of other groups that have aligned goals, but at their core, Identity Dixie contributors work the Southern zeitgeist. We are not the guys on street corners or running around in the woods playing Rambo on the weekends. We are the guys who convince the normie Southerner that he has a better future in a Free South.

What Identity Dixie is not is a generic White Nationalist entity. We obviously do not hate White people, but not all White people are the same. The Whites who call themselves Anti-Fascists are not my White people. Nor for that matter are Boston Brahmins. I went to graduate school with Boston Brahmins, they hate you and me. Generic White is simply not a good enough distinction.

I will root for White people in other areas of the country to do well, but they are not my own. Not all Whites are made equal. The German-American descendants of the 48ers, who comprise the rank and file of both AntiFa and the Alt-Right, have very little in genetic common with me other than skin color. The only ideological difference between the two groups is their brand of genocidal collectivism (one being crusty anarcho-communism, with a simmering hatred for Heritage America, and the other some form of authoritarianism, as long as it’s pro-white). Otherwise, they are almost identical. Their general hatred of Christianity and their support for socialism are entirely foreign concepts to me.

One other key similarity between AntiFa and the Alt-Right is their assumption that they will save the United States. True Southern Nationalists have no interest at all in saving the Empire. The United States is dead. It is a stinking, rotting carcass. The smell of its decomposition is evident in the Affirmative Action company commander, with an 85 IQ, leading your Southern enlisted sons into battle. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA from West Point because her Marxist professors wanted to achieve a social justice objective. White people did that. More specifically, Northern Whites empowered this marginally literate officer. Had she gone to the Virginia Military Institute, her inferior self would have transferred to Richmond Community College before she completed Hell Week. Now, her Communist Chinese counterpart is laughing, confident that he can beat an army led by incompetents in a week. He is right.

You can thank Northern Whites for your modern country.

And before you give me a diatribe about the JQ, just stop. Whites founded America. Prior to its existence, it was a massive forest comprised of wild savages, hunting and enslaving one another. They were conquered by Europeans. Towns and cities were erected by Whites. Institutions were established by Whites. If we assume Whites are superior, how did they let everything get taken by a tribe of Khazar gypsies? Let’s face a cold hard fact: three percent of the population did not weasel their way into power. Heritage Americans got lazy and gave it away – the same as they did when they sent their manufacturing to China. Specifically, Northern Whites gave it away. If I want to be even more specific, a cabal of Boston Yankees and German 48ers from the Midwest and Pennsylvania gave away the country that Anglo-Saxons and Scots-Irish built.

Why in God’s name would I want to align myself with the same Whites who get an occasional generational itch to dismantle the South?

Northern Whites first dismantled the antebellum South, a White dominated society, through a mass invasion. Northern Whites literally raped, pillaged, and starved Southerners, compelling them to remain in a Union against their will. Then they not only freed the slaves, they empowered them in local positions of governance throughout Reconstruction. Suddenly, I am supposed to look past their history and find myself aligned with their descendants because we share the same skin color?

Less than one hundred years later, the grandparents of these same generic White Nationalists lamented segregation. They demanded that the 101st Airborne march into Arkansas and impose integrated schools. It was a Wisconsin White gunman, Arthur Bremer, descendant of a 48er, who shot segregationist, George Wallace. Northerners later fought to reduce his sentence and they succeeded.

If the apple does not fall far from the tree, why would I now suddenly align myself with the grandkids of Midwestern Marxists? No thank you. Rather, I will align myself with my father’s people, many of whom fought and died to protect the Anglo-Celtic society upon which the South is based.

The fact is, the Alt-Right is full of socialists. They were raised praising Sherman, Grant, and Eisenhower – men who destroyed the South. They love themselves some Lincoln. They have nothing in common with Southerners. They cannot be trusted. So what if some guy in Vermont or Pennsylvania flies a Confederate Battle Flag? How edgy, bruh! That may resonate with your fellow militant egalitarians who equate imagery with purpose. It simply tells me the guy has nice taste in flags.

At the end of the day, generic White Nationalism is a fool’s endeavor. It is bound to fail. Southern Nationalists know they will have to go it alone. The socialists who comprise the majority of the rank and file of White Nationalists want to revive an American corpse.

In sum, keep your generic White Nationalism. Keep your bowl patrol. Keep your pagan imagery. This is not about optics for me. This is not about some short term edgy phase in my life. The Southerners with whom I daily interact are the legacy of a multi-generational quest to establish their own country, predicated on hierarchical stratification, Anglo-Saxon norms, and Christian values. We may not be perfect, but at the end of the day, we are not LARPy pseudo-Nazis.

Good luck and enjoy your pool parties.

SilverStarApple #wingnut

Many celebrities were caught donating to "Minnesota Freedom Fund", a terrorist organization that funds terrorist organization Antifa to help them pay for corrupt lawyers, bail funds, and travel expenses.

These pieces of shit ARE the system, they ARE the corruption, and they are ALL GUILTY OF TREASON against humanity.

Nobody's stopping them because the right-wing/alt-right/humans who oppose slavery and pedophilia, whatever the fuck you want to call them... Nobody's stopping the pedoleft because nobody who opposes the pedoleft is violent enough to put the fear of God back into those rapists.

This is fucking infuriating. Cops have beaten white people to death before. But this victim was black, so the left should care, right? And the murderers were cops, who neither side likes. Except the left loves cops when they're doing things the left wants done, like censoring and arresting peaceful conservative protestors. But still, THIS time, the left hates cops for this week because THIS time, their incompetence/evil killed a Protected Pet and member of the Paid Voter Caste.

This should be something that unites everyone and makes everyone agree that changes need to be made to how cops operate. But no, communists are evil by nature and they don't see this as a problem to solve, they see this as an excuse to chimp out.

Let me get this straight, white people walking around with tiki torches equals a "violent group", but literal fucking anarcho-communists being bussed around to torch down black-people-owned businesses and housing for the homeless while locals loot TVs without looting bookstores for obvious reasons... All of this is supposedly "Just protesting"?

Am I having a fucking stroke?! Is this the planet the fucking Boomers and the even lower generation that came before them and taught them everything they know, the Boomer-Birthers, left behind for us?

You know what? I've had an idea for a new philosophy.

Ever heard of Humanism, the belief that "we are all human" and helping other humans regardless of race or creed is the ultimate moral good? (yeah, as if it's a morally good thing to help someone whose creed is "rape pillage burn and cry waycis at the whites we exploit". give me a fucking break)

Ever heard of Civic Nationalism, the idea that if a Swede and a Brit and his Labrador and a PedoMuslim all head to France, they magically become French people who are not only totally french, but no matter how they act their behaviour is also more french than anyone who complains about France being overrun and burned and raped by the non-french? (Yeah, being French means importing Islamists to rape your kids for you. That's what being a "Real french person" means. They knew what Muslims were for decades but the Yellow Vest protests started too late to save anyone.)

Tell me, what is "Humanity"? If we're talking about the flesh-and-blood creatures, it's just another type of living thing. If we're saying a heartless bastard lacks humanity and a kind person has humanity, then humanity is a set of ideals, not something you're inherently born with and can't lose/discard.

I've invented a new philosophy.

It's called Civic Humanism.

If you're a good person, if you're a human where it counts, then you're a human being and your human rights are sacred. Helping you is a morally good thing. And if you're a pedo lefty commie piece of shit, you aren't human at all. Prisons exist because we recognize that rapists and mass murderers shouldn't be free to roam the streets, but they're not doing their jobs right because rapists and mass murderers are roaming the streets right now. Those rapists... They sometimes call themselves Liberals, and sometimes they call themselves Communists, and sometimes they call themselves Leftists, and sometimes they call themselves Democrats, but they are criminals and their goal is to rape.

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