Bro. Randy #fundie
The sad thing is that the majority of the press and the Hollywood types assume that anyone who is Christian is also a cATHOLIC. With that assumption, it is fair to call Christianity a cult.
The sad thing is that the majority of the press and the Hollywood types assume that anyone who is Christian is also a cATHOLIC. With that assumption, it is fair to call Christianity a cult.
[The user "Snowflakes" asked the following question, and the name of the TV show in question was removed by an admin]
I've got another question which is somehow related to this topic. I found out that my favourite actor is an atheist. The co-star of the show is Christian and the tv show he's staring is pretty harmless. So this news bothers me a bit cause I had no idea about this. How would you react if you found out your favourite actor is an atheist? Would you still watch the programme?
***Name of show removed by admin. The question can be asked without mentioning/promoting the show...which in my opinion isn't harmless according to Phil. 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things."
This post has been edited by Mrs. Kellie: Feb 14 2007, 10:17 AM
I am glad to hear that there are teens who want to hear that there are teens who want to hear the Word of God, and crave the Strong Meat :!: :!:
I once heard a creationist explain his theory that dinosaurs were really giant size lizards and other reptiles. He said that that because of the climate of the "pre-flood" world, things lived longer. Because reptiles keep growing their whole life, and would live many years, they would be gigantic, thus what we call dinosaurs. After the flood the climate changed, and things did not live as long. And just a thought on the dinosaurs mentioned in Job: didn't he live before the flood? (I'm not sure about that, but I think Job is the oldest book in the Bible)
To prevent anything from happening or even the wrong assumptions, unrelated male and female should NEVER be alone together outside of a public area regardless of age. Unrelated adults of the opposite sex should NEVER be alone or secluded with a child or teen. If you follow these as a young person and then as an adult, then you and others will be without fault of any event or question/assumption.
The cATHOLIC's interpretation of the Word of God is unified - they ignore it. They follow the teachings of men rather than the Word of God.
The only men you should ever be alone with are: your father and your husband. NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE should you be alone with a man. Second, you should never allow a man to touch you. If it is making you feel uncomfortable, that is an even stronger warning sign.
Why, with all the many productive ways to use the time you are given, would you choose to be part of a forum whose greatest sport and pleasure is to attack and destroy those things you don't comprehend?
when i see anybody touch that stuff " it make me wanta we'll it makes me wanta shove salvation in them pluss the K,J,V in them who's with me huh say who's with me { ok I'm gona start preachin in a minute lol!!!} and thats my cuzz'es job Matt {preacher_kid}LOL
[Fstdt and it's members.]
I'm not sure which board you are referring to. That point is irrelevant, because all such boards are equal. Poor taste and vulgarity seem to be the characteristics required to be a "popular" poster among their members. Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times. When I visit such message boards I always leave with mixed feelings of sadness and disgust. But for the grace of God I would fit in with those who post on them. I thank God He is true to His Word and regenerates fallen man.
[More slander aimed at fstdt.]
your ideas actually constitute conspiracy to commit a crime and a recruitment effort. According to the FBI agent I spoke to, your childish ideas amount to a conspiracy to commit internet fraud, internet vandalism and theft of bandwidth. Others have attempted to spam our site with porn. When they do that, the charges also include contributing to the delinquency of a minor, distributing harmful materials to a minor and (possibly) distributing child pornography. In additional to the federal criminal charges, a civil liability exists for any costs we incur, time lost, emotional distress and punitive damages.
[I don't like boards where] Spewing ignorant opinions about things not understood and fabricating disgusting scenarios about people they don't know appear to be their favorite pass-times.
[On fstdt quoting him and his members.]
We live in a nation that has a long history of protecting the rights of it's citizens. One of those rights is our freedom of speech. However, no right is an absolute right. Your right to freedom of speech ends when it infringes upon one of my rights.
[Could Hitler have been saved if he repented before he died?]
Mrs Debbie: Yes, if Hitler had accepted Christ as his Saviour he could have gone to heaven.
Yixzy: Isnt it awesome what a forgiving God we have?
[People in North Korea are taught that Kim Jong Il is God. Will they go to hell for not being christians?]
If a person in North Korea truly seeks the Lord and wants to know the truth then our all-powerful God will send someone to him.
[Heavy work pants were essential when women took over men's jobs at factories during WWII.]
Key thought here - Women took over the men's jobs! I understand that companies were very short-staffed during WWII and women were called upon to keep the country going - BUT - as soon as the men came home those women should have headed back home to fulfill their original purpose as keepers at home! However, that is not the topic here - just wanted to get that thought in there. There is NO reason why the ladies could not do those jobs properly attired as a lady. It was just simpler to put on the man's pants than to become creative in their ladylike dress...... Although these women were hard workers at their new jobs, they failed miserably at remaining the ladies they once were.
[Thread about dresses vs pants]
I know some people say that there are some activities you cannot do in a skirt or culottes and be modest. I would agree. For example, I could see how it would be hard for a woman to be a skydiver in a skirt and be modest. I can see how it would be impossible for a woman to perform acrobatics in a skirt and be modest. I have heard people say it is hard to climb a tree in a skirt and be modest (I've also heard of girls climbing trees in a skirt ). I would suggest this: if you cannot do something in a skirt and be modest, perhaps you shouldn't do whatever that 'something' is. I'll give you an example: Kellie loves to go to waterslides. I love to swim. It is impossible for us to go to a water park or the beach and keep me from seeing things I shouldn't. It is also difficult for Kellie to go down a waterslide and be modest. So, we don't do waterparks. We have chosen to sacrifice pleasing our flesh for the sake of pleasing God.
By the way, to directly answer your question: there is a very large group which claims to be Christian, and they have murdered millions in the name of Christ. However they are not Christians. In fact, it was the true believers they murder. Who, you ask? The Roman Catholic Church.
I am not trying way too hard getting pants off women because women wear them. Ladies do not.
I am not going to argue because God's Word is His Word. God says it and that settles it. No questions asked.
Actually, the true Muslims think most people are the devil, and they want to kill all non-Muslims and blacks. For a little more information on the subject, go to the Chick Tract website and read the tracks about what Isalm's "Bible" the Koran actually teaches.
[Why do you choose to not believe in the fact that is evolution?]
The only 'fact' about evolution is that it is a myth concieved in the bowels of hell by Satan.
[Why would you rather believe in fairy tales?]
No, I do not believe fairy tales. That is why I do not believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or evolution. It is so strange to me that so many people can look at the world around them, see the evidence of creation, then take a leap of faith to believe such a massive lie.
I have been acused of being heartless, cruel and anti-Christian because I do not believe we should pump money into Darfur.
Kellie pointed out to me a few days ago that the Muslims are supposed to be kind, gentle hearted, loving people. So, .why aren't the Muslims spear-heading the relief effort?
My church recently visited the college, and many did not aprrove. They have very low dress standards. (Ex. Girls wear shorts to play volleyball in) I do not approve of that at all! I also don't agree with them competing with secular universities.
As far as guys and girls not walking together, and being in the same elevator, I do agree with their stand on that. I just don't see why they couldn't have those kind of standards in the rest of the college.
We allowed our daughter to be a cheerleader because -
It was at an IFB school.
There was no dancing.
Culottes were worn.
Old fashioned cheerleading took place - yells and stomping of feet and clapping of hands.
There was no hip movement or sensual behavior.
Hand and foot movements wer crisp and precise - could not be mistaken for dancing.
I see a woman wearing pants or a man wearing a dress (or other women's clothes) as a sexual sin. It is crossdressing. This sin, as homosexuality, is a physical sin, but it is also a sin of confusing the genders. Literally, those who cross-dress are mixing up or confusing what God has created. The cross-dresser would tell you that he/she/it was not born with the correct anatomy. That person would say that he has the anatomy of a man but the spirit of a woman. That is the extreme. Some simply put on the garments of the other gender - a man wearing a dress or a woman dressing to look like a man. Regardless of the degree, the result is the same: a man wearing a woman's garment is an abomination and a woman wearing a man's garment is an abomination.
This sin goes back directly to the feminist movement - the movement where woman literally wanted to become as men in society. The movement where woman forsook their God-given role in the home, their role shaping the generations to come, so they could move into the role of men.
["But don't all the other religions have faith in their gods? Why is our God special?"]
Because HE LIVES!!!
[Check out the rest of the thread too]
At the point of marriage, the man becomes the head of a new home. Ladies, in God’s order, are always subject to someone. I’m sorry ladies, but that is God’s rule. A lady will always be under her parents (specifically her father) or her husband. At this point in the wedding, the father will give his daughter to her future husband. If, up to this point, the girl has given her affection or loyalty to anyone other than her parents and the Lord, she has defrauded them.
Personally, I believe many of the trolls who come here are not atheists, as they claim, but really are sad little child-like people who know they are in rebellion to God and are miserable because of it. I believe you come to this site because there is something deep inside you that yearns to know the truth, yet you squelch that yearning and turn back to the world. Truly, I have pity for you.
If they teach you doctrines that are in any way contrary to the Word of God, even though it may seem that they have Scripture supporting their position, then be warned. I can twist Scripture to support abortion, sodomites and many other things.
Dan found out about a birthday gift that Sue was planning to give him – a kiss. Later that night, he asked for his birthday present and she gave it to him. A few minutes later, Anne and Dan sat in the back seat of a car watching Sue and Mark in a passionate embrace. Now several years later, three of the four have had illegitimate children, two of the four have already been married and divorced, three of the four have been heavily involved in drugs and alcohol. And one still struggles to this day with her walk with God. Was all of this the result of the one kiss? No, not completely, but the one kiss was a match dropped in a sea of gasoline that was the unrestrained emotions of four teenagers.
Well, folks, you will notice that KeepingTheFaith is now in the member group 'TROLL'.
Like all trolls, he has come here to look for things to mock us about. By the very act of looking, he has accomplished one of our goals: he has read the plan of salvation. When he stands in Judgement, if he continues to reject Christ, he will be accountable for the Scripture he has read here.
I don't mean to be mean but Darwin's gone loco [winking smiley] [confused smiley] [laughing smiley] I mean we didn't "evolve" from monkeys. Evolution is a major topic in my younger youth group,my friend says "If we "evolved"why aren't there any new humans walking outta the Birmingham Zoo?" which I think we need to ask the Scientists that question.Any comments? biggrin.gif
Emphasis added
If a sodomite does not like being referred to as queer, then they should repent of their blasphemey, obey God and lead a normal (not queer) life.
After the flood the atmosphere of the earth was dramatically changed . Before the Flood the earth's atmosphere had a "greenhouse" effect because of the canopy of water surrounding it. Three major things happened after the Flood: the canopy of water was gone, harmful rays of the sun entered the atmosphere, & man and animals began eating meat. Earth experienced many atmosphere and climate changes, and because of that many animal species - including dinosaurs - died and became extinct.
Lol I like what your friend said. Of course we know that evolution is a heap of rubbish. Darwin might have gotten hit on the head when he thought that one up. No, I think it had more to do with the fact that he was so anti-God he had to come up with something that didn't have God in it.
I think it is a crying shame the godless left has take our great, God founded country to the depths we are now at. There should be a revolution among Christians in our Jehovah-centered country (as well as some house-cleaning in congress). We need to return our great nation to the Christian roots it was founded upon.
While I am not a medical doctor or psychologist, I know that the weight of sin which has not been confessed and dealt with in someone's life can also cause depression. I also know that being without the Lord in your life will cause depression. In fact, one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to be an encourager. While a Christian can be discouraged and depressed, it is far more likely to see depression in the unsaved.
So, what is your walk with the Lord like? Specifically, are you saved? Was there a time in your life when you realized that you needed the Lord in your life, when you realized that without the Lord, you would go to hell? Was there a time when you gave your life completely over to the Lord and surrendered to Him and His will? I am not asking if you have been baptized or if you do good things, I am asking if you have given your life to the Lord and asked Him to save you.
If you are saved, what is your walk with the Lord like? How much time do you spend reading the Bible and praying?
I also have a huge problem with parents who dress their little girls like little harlots. It certainly is not the child's fault when they are abused, but they still should not be immodestly dressed.
I used to work at a cleaners last year and one day out of nowhere 2 black guys came in with guns and robbed us!!! The only ones in there was me and another lady and of course the robbers.
God however protected us from harm and none of us were hurt.
Tell me that wasn't God... I know God was with me
I am not saying that every woman that is raped was dressed immodestly. I was answering the scenario that lemuel gave to me. He said that she tempted him, and then said no. I think that in today's world that everywhere a man looks there are women dressed immodestly, and that causes the struggle to begin within each man. Many times it consumes his thoughts, and he can think of little else. Some men can control themselves, and some can't. You never know what man can or can not handle the constant onslaught of nakedness. The man who rapes will most likely be looking for an opportunity to present itself no matter how she is dressed. And for those who say that rape is not about lust but about power, then why rape? Why not just beat them? Yes the rapist should be held responsible and punished, but I think that every woman that dresses immodestly, every centerfold, or playboy bunny, every stripper lap dancer, or porno queen should share some of the responsibility for what they have driven the rapists to.
The Lord destroyed two entire cities for this sin (Sodomy). In fact, the destruction is so great that even today, with all of our science, there is no trace of those cities! If God created you as a lesbian, then He was a hypocrite when he destroyed these cities. Do you believe God to be a hypocrite? Of course not. God cannot sin.
[QUOTE(Bro Randy)
As I said above, any romantic touch, outside of marriage, leads to a desire for more touching. Any teen guy who is alive and honest will admit that.]
I think I honestly have to agree with you now, even though I'm a girl. I don't even want to hug a guy again. A couple months ago a guy I liked (who liked me too) massaged my back for a few mintues; afterwards I knew that that was wrong because of the way it made me feel.
[In response to a sane poster asking if Mrs. Debbie thought God created woman to be man's personal maid.]
There's this radio talk show I listen to sometimes, and on that show, women call in complaining that their husband never helps them in the house or never thanks them for taking care of the house. Almost every time, the host of the show responds by asking the caller, "When was the last time you helped hubby with his work or thanked him for working so hard?"
Don't get mad at me because God made you a female, and don't get mad at me because God defined your role. Maybe you should get mad at yourself because you are not submissive to the will of God. Or, perhaps you should get mad at the women's libbers for making the lot of women around the world worse than God planned it to be. Or, perhaps you should get mad at society for tricking so many people into believing that buying stuff was more important than raising children (thus making so many people 'need' two incomes so they can pay their MASTER card - their VISA to AMERICAN DISTRESS).
Like Mrs. Moosemuffin has said, there are plenty of verses where God has defined the ladies role. But, let me add: Raising the children, training them, is the single most important job there is. Think about it: Mom's have the awesome responsibility of forming the leaders of tomorrow. What more important job can there be?
(Mrs. Debbie comes right out and says women are inferior to men!)
The woman was a special creation by God for one be a help meet for the man, her husband. [Gen 2:18-22] There is nothing in these verses that says that she is equal to him or to work in positions that men work in.
If by 'dating' you mean going out to have fun and enjoy the company of one person of the opposite sex in a romantic relationship, then there is no place for it in the Christian's life.
When studying the Bible, there are portions which are poetic in their composition as well as those which are figurative. However, despite the poetic or figurative nature of certain passages, we still must take the literal meaning of those passages.
We are not here to defend or promote evolution. You asked for a scientific overview of evolution. The point is that there is no 'good science' that demonstrates evolution is true.
Basically, the theory is that some 15-30 billion years ago, there was nothing. Then, all of a sudden, BANG. All that is exploded into existance from nothing.
Since then, the universe has been on a steady course of random evolution. According to the theory, this random course has come to the point where we are now.
Even in the most basic explanation (as I have given here) it is flawed. One of the fundamental laws of physics is that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This whole theory assumes that matter spontaneously created itself.
On the other hand, God is the author of the laws of Physics. He can do miracles, and He gave us the explanition that he created the universe.
First, CoN[chronicles of narnia] is not a parable, and according to it's author, was never intended to be a parable and never intended to be Christian. Second, mythology is planly pagan. There is never an acceptable time to mix pagan worship with the things of God. Finally, since CoN contains paganism, and was never intended by it's author to be Christian, it is pagan.
[Buddhists are good people. good people who have no anger or hatred. Good people go to heaven in my book. why be punished for loving and treating others well?]
Well, your book is not the one in heaven. God's book is! And God's book says that all your righteousness is as filthy rags.
I believe a Buddhist can be a nice person, but unfortunately being a nice person doesn't get you to heaven. So, yes, I believe there could be a good Buddhist. There are many good muslims. There are many good Lutherans and Catholics, but if are salvation is based on our goodness we have no chance of heaven.
By saying this you are denying the omnipotence of God......His unlimited power. God created the heaven and the earth and all that dwell therein. He chose for the chromosomes to be placed as they are within man and within monkeys. Many scientists have studied themselves out of a belief in God. They have laid aside the natural knowledge of God for the un-natural knowledge of the world and its humanistic systems. Had man continued in the knowledge of God the theory of evolution would not exist.