
Ishahchai #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans mod on a sub against religious fundamentalists ironically encourages reporting ‘TERFs’ for their gender heresy.

There was a situation with my takeout order, so I’ve got some time on my hands.

Lesbian = female homosexual: it may look innocent at first but it is how terfs communicate that they believe that lesbians can only be attracted to their same sex.

Yes, female homosexual is exactly what lesbian means. A female attracted to another female. Full points.

Biological sex/biologically male or female: another term to demean and reduce trans people to their sex instead of their gender identity. Trans people already know the difference between sex and gender, but terfs cannot tell the difference.The appropriate terms instead to use are: AMAB or AFAB (assigned male or female at birth) if you really have to talk about the trans person's past.

Emphasis mine. No, trans people equate sex and gender all the fucking time. So do many people, as gender became a euphemism for sex. Radfems believe in sex, because biology is a terf, and know that gender is a social construct.

Gender critical/gender abolitionist: may sound good at first but this is primarily used to criticize trans people that do not "pass", and that all people should be referred to by their sex.

Well, yes, all people should be referred to by their sex. Because sex is real. No trans person passes because changing sex is not possible.

TRA: trans rights activist. Used derogatorily by terfs to refer to 'big scary transgenders trying to bully them'

I mean, it’s more because trans rights activism is a direct offshoot of mens rights activism. But partial credit for accidentally acknowledging that TRAs are indeed big bullies.

Getting really angry at being called 'cis' or angry at cis in general: This one, to me, is a no brainer. If someone insists on being called a woman or a man and that 'cis' is bad, they're a terf.

This is great, because I’ve seen a lot of libfems express discomfort at the word cis, even as they pad that expression of discomfort with subservient praise, TWAW, they have it soooo much harder. But yeah, go on and call your supporters terfs. I love a self-fulfilling prophecy.


ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Actual numbers on "trans genocide"

When you compare the homicide rates of TIMs "of color" in the US to the homicide rates for black males and Latino males of their same ages, backgrounds, locales etc in the US, you'll find that black males and Latino males who "identify as" women in the USA both have much lower homicide rates than other males in the US like them who do not "identify as" women. Because most people "of color" believe that the TIMs "of color" from their own communities are unhinged, unstable and quick to fly into fits of rage, so they steer clear of these guys and give them wide berth!

Also, when you drill down into the specifics of the cases where the identity of the killer has been determined, what emerges is that these men were mostly killed by their male BFs, roommates, husbands, friends, acquaintances and partners in crime that they were in violent, abusive, exploitive relationships with. Sometimes, the TIMs got killed in altercations that they started.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist ovarit.com

RE: What do they get out of transing kids?

(mathlover )
Transing kids provides propaganda so they can claim that being "trans" is natural and normal because, after all, kids obviously know from very young ages that they are the opposite sex. It's total nonsense, of course, and it destroys bodies and minds. But the TCult doesn't care; the kids are just collateral damage.

Transing kids also deflects public focus away from the fact that the vast majority of "trans" are autogynephilic heterosexual men trying to force everyone else, especially women, to help them live their fantasy which gets them off sexually.

( notyourfetish )
Big pharma gets money.

Trans Pedos get adult children who can legally consent to thier depravity.

Evil narc parents get woke points, praise, and attention.

( LilianH )
And for a lot of parents they get a straight kid instead of a gay kid. Homophobia does appear to play a part in many parent's decision to trans their children.

(SecondSkin )
Trans peadophiles get adults with children’s bodies and minds in many cases. Non binary is perfect for this. Take hormones to block puberty but not cross sex ones, child brain in a child body still when old enough to consent to sex.

And if children can consent to gender affirmative care, then they can consent to sex- will be the next argument.

(TheLastUBender )
This is a sinister thought, but for adult TiMs especially - or adult AGPs - this is an alternate past fantasy. If I had transitioned in childhood, if I had skipped male puberty, I would now be a more desirable young woman. They're living vicariously through the likes of Jazz Jennings. They really want this alternate past dream to be attainable. They lose interest when the evidence that you don't just grow up into an idealized version of the other sex becomes too obvious to ignore.

( starstuff )
It is probably not possible for us to really understand. The male brain is dysfunctional; a waste byproduct of nature. Just like they'll never understand what it's like to be capable of higher thought, we'll never understand what it's like to be capable of absolute depravity.

(mooncakey )
gender ideology 🤝 pedophilia

Senpai Noticed Us!

Julie92845 #transphobia #senpai_noticed_us ovarit.com

RE: Ovarit is often featured on FSTDT!

I don't know if I can post directly to it, but FSTDT stands for Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It's a sad shadow of its former self, but it's a collection of posts from religious nuts and right wingers from all over the internet. And Ovarit is often quoted for our anti-trans comments.

The best part is that people can comment on our quotes, and you'll find a lot of good stuff for o/translogic there as well. I've been having fun reading through them and seeing their insane takes, like we are denying reality and substituting our own.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Transgender woman, 79, can claim Maine nursing home discriminated against her

( IrishTheFrenchie )
These facilities can't win. Just like all other women-only places such as gyms/spas... etc.

If they let him in and he assaults women, they get sued.

If they don't let him in, they get sued.

If they let him, even if he assaults NO ONE, families might pull their female relatives to prevent sexual assault from happening, and the home loses money.

The ZERO SUM game is, everyone loses except the perverted male.

( ProxyMusic )
But the issue here isn't just the risk of sexual assault. It's women with no other place to go, literally no escape, being made to room and share all their intimate living spaces with men. This guy doesn't have to put a hand on a woman, expose his genitals to women, or to spend his time jerking off under his blankets, for him to cause women in nursing homes discomfort and distress. The threat men like this pose to the privacy, dignity, comfort and peace of mind of women are as much a problem as the threat of sexual assault.

Moreover, rulings like this mean that residents and staff in long-term care facilities will be subjected to speech restrictions, coerced into saying what they know to be untrue, and psychologically and emotionally abused through constant gaslighting. Staff and residents will be forced to participate in the gaslighting of others too.

( Hollyhock )
and that enforced speech and gaslighting around elderly people w/ dementia and/or Alzheimer's is particularly cruel.

( ArtemisCitrine )
The key sentence is here: "But after the administrator learned that King is transgender, she allegedly told the social worker that she was rejecting her application because she did not want to place her with a cisgender-woman roommate."

So now, with this ruling, will elderly women be forced to room with males LARPing as women?

( thedarkhorse )
Hopefully they can find him another TIM to room with.

( jvsmine )
wouldn't be validating enough and I'm sure both those old rotting TIMs would put up a stink about how they're being discriminated by being isolated from the women.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner reacts to PenisNews accusing him of transphobia by saying "at least I have the balls to defend women in sport"

( notyourfetish )

. Sure, I know it's important that he speaks out, a way for normies to get closer to peaking

Nah. Women here will lecture you about the importance of allying with every walking dumpster fire on the planet, but I'm right there with you.

Bruce is a gross homphobe who jacks off in his daughter's underwear. I dont need that fucker to speak for me.

Imagine if the Grand Wizard of the KKK decided to support gay people. Should my black ass shake his hand and call him an ally because I'm also gay?

( TiredWoman )

Bruce is a gross homphobe who jacks off in his daughter's underwear. I dont need that fucker to speak for me.

Exactly. I am willing to agree to disagree on some things but that is just flat out degeneracy and it's sickening how comfortable he felt sharing it with the world. I'm not going to celebrate a homophobic and delusional creep.

( XX_Power )
I have said before no trans who uses wrong sex pronouns and wrong sex spaces is any kind of ally to me. Ever. I'll make one exception for TIMs who call themselves men, he and only use male spaces. I have encountered exactly one of those. They are rarer than detransitioners.

( Amareldys )
No, but I bet a lot of people would be like, "Even the Grand Wizard supports gay people! You don't want to be even crazier than the Grand Wizard do you?"

( vulvapeople )
What's incredible is that his word isn't enough to placate female TRAs. They think he doesn't have any business weighing in because, since he was such an incredible athlete, he assumes all TIMs have the same advantage. These women are so deluded, they think TIMs' genderfeels somehow give them female physiology.

femlez34 & leaf2950 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIFs declaring they're nothing like "cis men"

( femlez34 )
I mean, TIMs know they aren't us as well, otherwise all these "transbians" would be dating each other. Forcing women to utter lies like TWAW and minimize our own unique experiences under the threat of being labeled a bigot is a power trip for them. They enjoy humiliating women and crossing our boundaries, I think that's a huge draw of the identity for a lot of AGPs.

Unlike TIMs, it seems like most TIFs are homosexuals. They aren't transitioning to invade male spaces and spend time with men, they're transitioning because of internalized homophobia. Straight TIFs have started taking from the TIM playbook and accusing gay men of being transphobes, but it's been pretty weak in comparison to what lesbians deal with, probably because 1) TIFs weren't socialized to feel entitled to the opposite sex, and 2) TIFs know that men can beat the shit out of them, so they're understandably cautious.

I have a close TIF friend that I knew as a lesbian for over a decade before she transitioned. She always made comments that she presented as butch because she assumed she would get more women that way, and she seemed most excited to transition because she thought she would suddenly have a bigger dating pool. I wonder if a lot of TIFs feel that way. Like they don't have anything in common with men and don't want to hang out with men, they just think women prefer man-like people and they view transitioning as a way to appeal to us. Sadly for her, her dating pool is way smaller now. She seems shocked to learn that lesbians don't want to date her, and straight women also don't want to date her. She didn't need to amputate her breasts and go bald just to attract bisexuals..

( leaf2950 )
There's an army of TiF straight women now. Theyre hyper aggressive and even more homophobic than TiMs. TiM's use misogyny and rape threats, these TiFs use homophobia and dehumanization. They try and encourage everyone to spread it. It has a "it's ok! im a gay trans man! i encourage everyone to use the word fggt! it's normal and fun!".

Theyre too afraid of going after gay adult men so they like to invade spaces for vulnerable, gay young boys to attack them. There's quite a bit of an age difference between the adult TiFs and the young gay boys.


Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIFs declaring they're nothing like "cis men"

Has anyone noticed, that on Tiktok predominantly, TiFs work so hard to differentiate themselves from “cis” men? They do the complete opposite to TiMs who argue there is no difference AT ALL from them and women. But I saw one video where a TiF was acting out a scene where they were imitating an aggressive man chatting up women and all the comments from other TiFs were like “Ugh hate cis men” and “trans men are just elite, we understand women”. Saw another video where one TiF out right said they struggled relating to men, and all the comments from others were agreeing and asking what do they even talk about, and some even saying they were scared to talk to men.

To me it is just so telling, deep down they know they’re not men. They don’t act, talk, or think like men. This is why I’m convinced they are stuck in a bubble of only hanging out with other TiFs (which they consider bro time!) and talking non-stop about their transition. The fact they’re trans IS their identity, because the moment they don’t mention it is when they realise they are alone and don’t fit in with men AT ALL even if they “pass”.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Suspect a big part of it is they're scared if they go too hard I'M A REAL BOY, RARGH!!! they'll get kicked out of all those women's spaces they want to keep using because men are dangerous.

( Calliope )
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a huge part of it. They know they're not actually men, and they know the dangers men present to women.

( mrsmeyers )
And yet they advocate for throwing their fellow women to the wolves. I've run out of empathy for TIFs, tbh.

( iCONIC )
TIFs stab their fellow women in the back by implying that womanhood is a clothing one can take off. They are misogynists. I have no sympathy for my past TIF self or any TIF

( hmimperialtortie )
Well of course you aren’t like men, you’re women. Yes, you’re misogynists, but that’s all.

BlackCirce & proudcatlady #sexist #homophobia ovarit.com

male homosexuality is a trip

I wish it weren’t glorified so much tbh. Male sexuality, for ALL men, is so depraved, dehumanizing, and just wrong. I don’t find it suddenly okay when they go after each other and are completely free to just treat each other like sex toys. It’s bad enough in hetero relationships when there’s a woman to kind of make the man sort of behave most of the time, but gay male sexual behavior really show the full ugliness of male sexuality. Blech.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Titty skittles WILL make you a softer, fluffier lesbian.

( ProxyMusic )
Ugh, the idea that men imitating/impersonating women = intimacy and closeness with women is such AGP thinking. Men believing that taking exogenous E - and getting "gender euphoric" from how soft, fluffy, and butterfly-like they feel - makes them somehow "connect with" and become "more intimate with" women reminds me of Buffalo Bill making his "woman suit" in "The Silence of The Lambs." Wearing women's skin to "connect with" them and become "more intimate" with them. Blech.

( TheLastUBender )
I don't know why this is so much creepier than regular male attraction to women, but this skin walker shit is upsetting. They single white female the women in their lives.

( Hollyhock )
While straight male attraction can certainly include objectification of women, this is a pathological obsession w/ themselves - they are narcissists using us as suits. Also, straight male attraction can include real intimacy and closeness - I'm sure an AGP has no ability to experience that - ever, which is why they don't date each other.

( lucrecia )
Where are these warm fluffy feelings for women who disagree with them?

( Samster )
Right? When they're turned down by a lesbian, do they have "warm, fluffy feelings" or do they immediately threaten her with rape?

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

This is the level of stupidity we are dealing with 😶


( legopants )
Then what makes you trans? What could it possibly be if not based on gender stereotypes and roles? You can't know what it "feels" like to be a man or woman biologically when you're not. there's not a single trans person alive I've asked how they knew that doesn't start wih "as a kid, I liked playing with (sterotypes) instead of (sterotypes)" LMFAO

THE ENTIRE DIAGNOSIS PROCESS is a form asking which gender sterotypes you more relate too for fucks sake LOL

( OwnLyingEyes )
As though the moment a child expresses a HINT of gender nonconformity, these ghouls aren't tripping over each other to start insinuating that he/she should be placed on blockers. As though that isn't EXACTLY the criteria that Tavistock used to approve "treatment."

( TheQuantumBoson )
This is DARVO, plain and simple. They're denying that they think a little boy who wants to wear a dress needs to be transed (which they do think), they go on to attack Rowling as "representing hate and ignorance", and then blame her for doing exactly what they're doing.

( RumHam )
I really just can't with the gaslighting. Lol We don't say that! No trans person thinks this way! Go look at literally any of their subs. They're obsessed with stereotypes and clothing, and anyone who's the slightest bit gnc gets called an egg.

( Riothamus )
Anyone who's willing to lie about something as blatantly obvious as their sex will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING whenever it suits their purposes. We cannot expect any honesty or consistency from these people.

hmimperialtortie & TheQuantumBoson #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Wikipedia censors list of trans-identified serial killers

( hmimperialtortie )
They’ll probably put them back as “female serial killers” soon.

( TheQuantumBoson )
I know, and then the MRAs will be all over it for their anti-feminist propaganda 🙄. Trans ideology is one of patriarchy's deadliest tools.

( hmimperialtortie )
TRAs are the more successful iteration of MRAs.

Califasauros & bellatrixbells #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I had no idea how badly transwomen were treated until I started getting mistaken for a trans woman. [41k upvotes on TwoXChrosomes]

( Califasauros )
Read the title and pondered a bit. Wonder how people would treat a white person in public who wore traditional black face and performed black racist tropes. Probably, today, not well in many places in the U.S. That's outside of acceptable behavior.

And, yet many of us here have encountered at least one female-identifying male wearing woman face...the tilting head, the giggles, the flipping of the hair, the bad makeup, the bad wig...while performing sexist, misogynist tropes.

What is the proper response of a black person in encountering a white person wearing such black face...behaving that way?

What is the proper response of a woman in encountering a female-identifying male wearing such woman face...behaving that way?

Should black people be called "mean" for not treating such white people with respect?

Should women be called "mean" for not treating such female-identifying males with respect?

( bellatrixbells )
I think the fact that one is called acceptable and not the other says a lot about society, including the way plenty of black women react to this comparison being made.

A great deal of people seem to think blackface is way worse, and I obviously understand that what we call womanface doesn't have a comparable history to minstrel shows, although some argue that drag shows are comparable.

I also understand that a lot of black people are tired of always being used as a point of comparison, but that doesn't mean some comparisons are not apt.

And this one is, in my opinion. I mean, these men are taking stereotypical characteristics of our bodies and trying to recreat them in an attempt to pass for one of us, while acting out stereotypical, offensive character traits like come on !

Various Commenteers #transphobia ovarit.com

“Educate guests on their discomfort”

I started a new job at a gym, and today was watching and going threw orientation videos and pdfs, when of course, gender diversity policy comes up, and of course, TIMs are allowed to use women’s restrooms/showers/locker rooms and TIFs in male’s (though we have a separate gender neutral area). Tells us we have to refer to said guests with their preferred pronouns, etc.

The biggest red flags from this whole field of red flags, was: 1) There is a policy in which if we have a reasonable suspicion that they are lying about their “self identification which is a sincere belief”, and if we need to investigate they can provide proof of their gender identity with ya know, ID, certification, letter from a therapist… oh yeah and if you don’t want to use those things you could also use a letter from a friend or family member. 2) If a guest feels uncomfortable with using the same facilities as a TIP that we do not prohibit said TIP from using their “preferred facilities,” and we should educate the uncomfortable guest on why they feel that way

God forbid we empathize with women who don’t want to see a penis in the fucking shower area. Christ alive I’m tired of woke bullshit

( vulvapeople )
TRAs are incredibly hypocritical regarding "discomfort". They sneer at women's "discomfort" at having perverted men leer at us and expose themselves to us, but everything TRAs demand for themselves is entirely about alleviating (their completely baby-brained, manufactured) "discomfort".

( Radical_Phoenix )
"I am uncomfortable if I don't get everything that I want."

"Lol TERFs, I got the trump card!"

( Hermione )
Erhm… do they have a script or something to “educate” customers with? Because it doesn’t sound like “educating” someone on how to use machines, or times, or hours, or a lot to do with fitness.

I kind of doubt they do have a script, because there is nothing that can actually be said to make this a valid argument or just policy. They’re expecting to get sued, and if they have a standard message, then they are liable for that message. If they have something vague and fuzzy they can just fire the little guy and apologise.


Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs mansplaining why it's okay for women to be afraid of strange men

( hmimperialtortie )
They are the ones I am wary of. Ordinary men I pass on a busy street or in a shopping centre (the only places I encounter them) don’t bother me in either sense of the term. TIMs? Thank goodness I haven’t encountered one in decades, because crossing to the other side of the street isn’t nearly far enough away from them.

( NO )
Ugh, lucky.. I encounter them on a monthly to weekly basis.

( hmimperialtortie )
Benefit of living in a poor working class suburb, I think.

( butchplease )
"If someone demands you do something with them that makes you uncomfortable, they are not intersected in your wants/needs/feelings. Them playing victim is an attempt to emotionally manipulate you into acting against your best interests." LMAOOOOOOO oh this is RICH coming from people who are trying to shove their penises at lesbians and children!

( OwnLyingEyes )
Funny how men are suddenly able to see male violence against women....when they think they're on the receiving end of it, too.

( Boudicaea )
The one from the 6'3" man who is "so lucky" to be tall was really too rich. He just could not believe men are this bad! Poor baby

( OwnLyingEyes )
My favorite thing is the dudes who admit that when men start being scary (such as a man with vision problems down an extremely pitch dark alley) they just drop their fake Kardashian falsettos and use their real voices and he leaves them alone, because they're telling on themselves that they don't actually believe they're in more danger of violence than women, that when confronted with an unknown man, they KNOW it's safer to "out" themselves as a man dressed as a woman than be mistaken for one.
It's also just...a lot of TIM complaints about how they're extra super oppressed is like watching a kid get a small boo-boo and start bawling (except I'm way less likely to be sympathetic here). They experience the tiniest taste of what actual women experience and think it's this all new special horrible oppression that only happens to TIMs...because they haven't been listening to women, they haven't been taking our accounts of what we experience seriously, because women's oppression is constantly minimized by men.[...]

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Bad journalism 101: Don't EVER say most/majority when referring to a group or opinion, ESPECIALLY on opinion pieces. Good job, LGBTQIA2+ nation.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
So Rowling isn't allowed to convey the beliefs of actual LGB's who have contacted her, but TRAs are allowed to speak for "most" or "all" members of that very same group who they haven't spoken to or asked what they think?

Got it.

( ArmedFemme )
It's just mansplaining in a different font.

( mathlover )
The "vast majority" of "lesbians" in the "LGBTQ community" aren't lesbians at all. They are heterosexual men or bi/straight women. It's fine to use most/majority when it's true.

( ArmedFemme )
Also, referring to "we've" as in the reader agrees or has seen your perspective is really bad. Like, lose your job bad. This shows how this was never journalism to begin with, it's an echo chamber of agreement between TRA's.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I’m starting to realize that most of what we think is journalism is actually propaganda.

( KissMyOvaries )
(Many of) The lesbians who are supportive of the movement are the same lesbians who are not on the forefront. They are well settled into long term relationships and have not been pressured to have sex with a penis person who claims to be a woman. These are out of touch women who don’t know the truth of what’s happening. Source: this is what I see with older lesbians I personally know IRL.

Edit. And to clarify, none of these lesbians have overlapping social circles. I know them all in different contexts.

Various Commenters #sexist ovarit.com

B-b-but what about men??

( La_Terfa )

Men are demonized as these cruel creatures with no feelings.

Yes. Good.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Suddenly telling the truth is seen as being "demonized."

( SecondSkin )
This is why equality is a useless term. Feminism was supposed to be about women’s liberation from patriarchal dominance and male violence. It wasn’t about equality, it was about freedom from the hierarchy that keeps us the objects of male entitlement.

Men as a class have all the power. They can fix whatever ‘equality’ problems they have. They have every opportunity and all the power to fix themselves. ‘Gender equality’ needs redefined back to what it was always intended to be about -liberating women, and NOTHING about men.

( assigned_terf_at_birth )
Well said, sister.



Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: USAToday names "Rachel" Levine as one of it's Women of the Year

( YoureNotaClownfish )
I really want the entire list to be TIMs and maybe someone will actually peak.

An honestly, if "woman" now means feeling deeply identified with society's idea of womanhood, let them have it.

I am ready to just have a new word: Gynes, Ovanoids, I really don't care.

( OwnLyingEyes )
The issue is they immediately steal any new word created for us, because what they can't stand is us having any words to differentiate us; every boundary we put up must be obliterated. Remember seeing a TIM tantruming recently over how women are now using "AFAB" in things like personal ads searching for roommates, you know, HOW DARE THEY, THEY'RE STILL EXCLUDING ME AND REGROUPING ELSEWHERE AND I'M STILL NOT INVITED RARRGH.

That, and all of our legal rights and protections and such written into law are stored behind the word "woman;" which up until recently meant "adult human female" without confusion; I don't relish having to fight for those same things year after year under whatever the word of the day is for us.

( Iridescence )
Yeah, exactly. They say they're not erasing sex, but every time anybody tries to acknowledge it, it's eXcLuSioN.

( bellatrixbells )
Not to mention that it will be impossible to recognize women a few years from now when people read texts and news articles of our days. How many words would there be to know ?

I bet they probably even whine that they're not being called foids by incels.

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( La_Terfa )

"*I demand someone else baby me and do everything for me, every detrans group is just for you women! Fuck you, men need support and love and obedience.*"

Well, guess what: no. Stop demanding that women do things for you while being openly lazy, moid. The reasons why women transition are completely different from why men transition, anyway. Women transition for reasons that warrant sympathy and support, such as trauma, sexual violence, etc. Males usually transition because of their disgusting fetishes about being a "big tiddy catgirl", which they acquire after viewing grotesque porn.

Sorry that you ruined your body and your life because of a masturbatory fantasy, Kevin, but I'm busy supporting women with genuine problems and hardships. Go cry in your moid cave. Now that you don't have a dick to distract you, maybe you can even do something productive.

( butchplease )
Oh. I just realised. He doesn't ACTUALLY want a male space, he wants to intrude into the female space.

He wants the female space to be centred around HIM.

He wants the female space to be dominated by HIS voice and the voices of other men.

He wants the female space to exist for HIS gratification.

He wants the female space to submit to him.

All men are the same. Fuck him big time.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
And chances are 100% he was EXACTLY like this when he was pretending to be a "woman"- entitled to women's spaces, time, effort, and emotional labor with ZERO effort on his part and ZERO care if he made women uncomfortable.

( hmimperialtortie )
Screw them. They got into this through their porn addictions and hatred of women. Go make your own groups, scrotes. Other blokes do it, they make their Men’s Shed groups for mutual support.

( La_Terfa )
Male "mutual support" is only skin deep though, since they aren't that capable of empathy.

( proudcatlady )
And it’s usually harmful. I genuinely don’t think men should meet up without female chaperones. Get a bunch of men together and something violent is going to happen eventually. These guys will just bond over their misogyny.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Anybody else feel like autogynephilia is just a formal term for the obvious?
( hellamomzilla )
They're called perverts.

And, another reason not to give Blanchard and the other sexologists the time of day is they want to normalize fetishes and make women in society participate, against their wills, in these sick men's performance out in society.

And if some man is pretending to be a woman, he's likely got a long list of fetishes. Tell me again why I have to pretend that these men are like me, like my mother, like my daughters, like my friends, like every actual woman on the planet? Because no one wants to actually step up and tell these men that they're mentally ill and/or sexually creepy and they should try to do something about it because they're menaces to society.

( notyourfetish )
This a thousand times. They're just perverts.

Also, inversion theory has been a thing forever, though it was used to dismiss masculine women as "men" born in the wrong body.

It's all so sexist.

( hmimperialtortie )
Well said.

The irony is that if TIMs really had ladybrains and female socialisation they wouldn’t be the disgusting perverted brutes they are. Their behaviour would be entirely different.

( shewolfoffrance )
I've thought this so many times. If Lia Thomas had a ladybrain, he'd be too embarrassed, too apologetic to even think of poking his head in the women's locker room, let alone hoover up awards meant for women.

( hmimperialtortie )
Exactly. Their behaviour is proof that even if ladybrain existed, they don’t have them.

( TransWidow )
Yes, this. Having divorced one, I can tell you that AGPs aren't always just run-of-the-mill perverts. They do have dysphoria, they do think they're born in the wrong body, they do have psychiatric problems beyond paraphilia, they do have a bunch of tortured explanations as to why they are women, they do want to transition.

I think the insight was not that some men are perverts, but that the only possible motivation for straight men who want to transition is AGP, since transition makes their life harder in nearly every way. At least gay men (while I still don't think they should transition) remain somewhat able to date who they're attracted to after transition.

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( sojourner_truth_ )
See, this is why I'm not of the belief that detransitioners will be the cavalry that comes running in to save the day. The women sometimes have interesting things to say, but nobody will listen to them because they are women. And the men? No great shakes. Look at this whiny loser, moaning that women have something that he wants, and stamping his feet that he can't just instantly have it too, implying that the women owe it to him. Incel logic 101. Maybe he stopped IDing as trans but he is still the same as he was before he transed himself. It starts with entitlement and misogyny, and that's how it continues. Waah waah waah, how dare women have something! I want it I want it I want it! No, I don't want to lift a finger, omg that's what women are for!!!!! Ugh. Disgusting scrote.

( crodish )
Yeah, I'm wary of putting detransitioners on a pedestal, or thinking they'll be the next generation to break down barriers, etc. A lot of them still see feminists as their Big Bad, even if some of them are female. The most we can do is support them but not expect the same to be given to us. As is the usual for being women...

( sojourner_truth_ )
You're right; they are quick to paint us as the problem!

Plus many of them were mentally ill and unstable to start with, which is why the gender cult was able to suck them in. Those pre-existing mental illnesses didn't disappear in a puff of smoke once they saw through the trans delusion, as many of Isaac's supporters are seeing.

In a political fight for women's rights and children's safety, I want allies I can count on to not lose the plot at every errant breeze. So many detransitioners go back and forth multiple times. It's like quitting an addiction or leaving an abusive partner. It may take 6 or 7 attempts to break free for good.

( La_Terfa )
This is why I have zero sympathy for detrans moids, and I actually believe that detrans women should actively keep them out of their support groups. There's no fixing these gross broken moids.

various commenters #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( crodish )
Came across this and wanted to throw a table. It is exactly this. EXACTLY THIS that happens, over and over and over again, whether it's "cis" men, or trans-identified men, or detrans men. It's always men looking to women to provide emotional labor for them, it's always men who are unwilling to put in the work, it's always men who want to take over women's hard earned spaces because they won't do it themselves. Never for themselves and never for each other. And it's still always women's fault somehow.

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men. 1) it's not specifically detrans men, it's ALL men, so don't take it personally, because we sure as hell didn't become warmer to you during your identity as a woman 2) you've proven our point over and over.

Detrans women have spaces because the women bothered to make an effort. They bothered even if they didn't feel suited for it. They stepped up.

Men need to step up for themselves if they want their own spaces. Be willing to do the work for the change that you want for yourself!

Edit: now I'm half worried that "detrans man" is going to be the new oppressed minority that "transwoman" currently is, and women become unable to say anything against them because they're already so damaged and fragile. It's the same fucking cycle repackaged in different words urgh

( carbon0va )

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men.

These are selfish men who've demonstrated they're perfectly ok with exploiting women, invading our spaces, abusing us online, etc for their own gratification. Why would we like them? These people don't change, they just change tactics.

( SCP353 )
They won't. Similar to how men complain that they have no male shelters for domestic abuse but actually don't give a shit about those men/don't actually want to form communities. They just want to blame women for getting all the attention. It's all in bad faith.

( La_Terfa )
Lol, shelters for men aren't even needed. Cases of women being genuinely violent are vanishingly rare and moids always have the financial means to escape these hypothetical scenarios and protect themselves.


sojourner_truth_ , salty-tomorrow & Carrots90 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM wonders if he should impose on a women's SA group for validation
( sojourner_truth_ )
I'm tempted to write a frothy screed about the travesty that is the entire industry of mental health care.... again... but in this case I think the TIMs hear what they want to hear. "Oh, my shrink said it would help me loads if I went in there with the women and it would give me a massive throbbing euphoria so I should do it" yeah... maybe that's what happened, but maybe that's him being a typical narcissist and twisting crumbs of what was said to suit his fetish. Motivated reasoning, I think they call it.

Some of these men do have a shred of decency inside of them, a little quiet voice of conscience, telling them that they are being a creep. The trouble is that a man's boner can scream way louder than that little quiet voice of conscience. I think that's one reason why TIP so often post these "I can tell my coworkers and random people passing me on the street think I'm a creep/liar/deluded/joke/monster" is because that's what they think of themselves deep down. When gender loons get together they talk each other out of recognizing that voice of reason and egg each other on to do more and more degenerate things, like cross dressing in a women's SA support group and fretting over if you look convincing enough in your larp.

( salty-tomorrow )
The therapist probably told him NOT to go to the women’s support group because women-only groups are important for women to heal, and since he’s trying to convince himself he’s a woman too, he’s turned it around.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Exactly what I think happened. Talking with a fetishist is like talking to a drug addict or bad alcoholic. Their reports about what others said must be taken with a grain of salt, especially when they're throwing up their hands and saying someone twisted their arm into self-gratifying behavior.

( Carrots90 )
Motivated reasoning,

Best phrase ever!

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: When they say the majority of trans people never regret transitioning this is who they mean. These are the men we're sacrificing young girls for.

( SakuraBlossoms )
When a trans person doesn't regret transitioning, it's because their mental health issues were never treated. Same with the woman who blinded herself and was happy after. Same with people suffering from anorexia; they don't regret being dangerously underweight and instead want to be thinner, until the mental disorder and the distorted thinking it causes is properly treated.

It's so obvious that transitioning (physical) doesn't treat gender dysphoria (mental), such as with the despair that comes if someone "mistakes" them for a member of their sex. Or I would imagine if a guy like this just looked in the mirror. Although some of the men never had gender dysphoria to begin with and just did it for the coom.

(nopenottoday )
He won't be laughing when his bones are deteriorating and he's got some estrogen induced cancer

( Tortoisemouse )
There are so many parallels with anorexia.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Before ROGD, the majority of "trans people" were fetishistic transvestites / autogynephiles. They usually don't regret transitioning because it is sexually motivated. Their main regret is not transitioning earlier as they are erotically obsessed with "passing". They advocated for childhood transitioning aka. medical abuse of children, since they project their fetish onto gender-nonconforming children. In addition, most transvestites have a sissification / forced feminization fetish as well, i.e. they get aroused by the humiliation of a boy forced into stereotypically feminine dress, behavior, etc. And some of them are pedophiles.

sojourner_truth_ #transphobia ovarit.com

I find it so funny how these gender loons tell on themselves. Since their comments are permitted to be fact-free and logic-free, we get a bit of a Rorschach test of what the loon thinks and feels deep down. The "if black women get to be women then obviously I can too!" is the most obvious example.

The guy saying Christianity is at fault for saying there are 2 sexes... I'm guessing he was raised Christian or in a Christian country, but does he think the other religions were passing out binders, packers and fake rubber vulvas to their parishioners in some grand orgy of gender? Factually, it's ludicrous. It does give me an inkling of his inner world though.

I think deep down that he knows participating in this degeneracy is damaging him as a person and taking him farther and farther away from decency, goodness, and from God, which is actually one of the interpretations of hell- it's not a physical location, it's a state of mind in which you as a person are living in degeneracy and immorality, being held captive by your own endless lust, greed, rage, indolence etc. TIP are the perfect example. Personally, I'd rather be sleeping peacefully in my grave than to be an abomination who constantly fantasizes about raping children and animals. This dude is living in hell. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't trying to drag the rest of us into hell with him.

I just had the realization that if a church elder sat him down and told him with love and compassion everything that I just wrote, he might come to his senses at least a bit... and that person would be guilty of a hate crime under Federal law.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: B-b-but, it's a LIFE SAVING procedure!
(crodish )
They all NEVER understand this. The very fact that you need to take fake hormones, get surgery, and all that other unnecessary crap is in itself PROOF that "being trans" is a complete fucking sham, because "cis" people don't need to do anything other than literally JUST BE.

Your body is FINE. It's biologically, physically, functionally healthy and doing whatever the fuck it was originally made for. STOP FUCKING WITH IT. IT'S THE BRAIN THAT IS THE ISSUE.


Anyway, happy another AGP castrated himself and took his genes out of the pool

( overanddone )
You asked for this, if you'd done your "research" you'd know what you were in for.

And no, you are not a woman and never will be. No woman has to dilate a wound every day.

( hmimperialtortie )
Serves you right, halfwitted misogynist pervert. Schadenfreude all the way.

ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "You have to suffer on my behalf"

By promoting the narrative that since TIPs suffer more than any other, to make them suffer any more would be a cruelty so great, other people must start suffering on their behalf to protect them from any more suffering.

One way to stop this narrative in its tracks is to question the starting premise, meaning the belief that "TIPs suffer more than any other." Since you didn't preface that phrase with "allegedly" or "supposedly," I dunno if you yourself actually belief this premise, OP. I suspect and hope you don't. I sure don't.

I believe the idea that "TIPs suffer more than any other" to be a totally false premise. I see no evidence that TIPs "suffer more than any other" group of people in any way - psychologically, emotionally, socially, economically, physically, whatever. In fact, prior to messing with their health, many TIPs seem to have been lucky enough to have been born and gone through life in excellent physical health and not to have experienced any physical suffering - and many have grown up with considerable privilege in terms of their sex, race, class, access to education, athletic prowess, achievements and awards, and so on. Big strapping, well-off white guys with massive, robustly healthy male bodies so exceptionally physically fit and athletically talented that they became big time HS and college sports stars like Lia Thomas, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner, Laurel Hubbard, Richard Raskin/Renee Richards, for example - how exactly do guys like this qualify as most long-suffering, most deeply suffering and "most vulnerable" people on planet earth?

I find it ridiculous that in recent years, so many people have come to take it for granted that "gender dysphoria" is the worst affliction human beings have experienced evuh in the course of history, and that it causes far more profound and painful suffering that any other mental illness, physical disease or injury, or unfortunate twist of fate that makes life hard to bear. [...]

butchplease , homosuperior & Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Quotes from transwomen

(butchplease )
What upsets me the most is that I'll never be able to hate these lowlife perverts as much as they hate us.

( homosuperior )
Don’t worry babe I can hate them enough for the pair of us!

( butchplease )
Thank you darling

( Owlchaser )
I don't see them as fully 'human', in the sense that they act more like predatory animals obsessed with sex. I think you trade something essential to being human for that level of hatred.

( butchplease )
Oof. I'm inclined to agree.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: So tired of the "tru trans" folks trying to do damage control

( itsnotaboutewe )
Sometimes I think some of these old-school transsexuals like Blaire White, and AGPs like Debbie Hayton, are only pretending to be sort of on our side in the hope that if we are the crocodile that we will eat them last. Such people want to be the last trans standing. I have noticed recently that the more victories we win the more they try to walk back their helpfulness towards us. They are retreating further towards the type of transness they themselves were once highly critical of because they finally realise that any victory for us will ultimately be a loss for them. They are disingenuous at best.

( vulvapeople )
White seems like a contrarian in any case. If he didn't identify as trans, I could see him being another Milo Yiannopoulos.

I think Hayton and most other "reasonable" TIMs who cuddle up to "terfs" are looking for the ultimate form of validation -- getting a woman who doesn't buy into transgenderism to call them "she/her". Miranda Yardley is one of the very, very few trans-critical TIMs who doesn't seem to be playing that game.

( operaghost)

I think Hayton and most other "reasonable" TIMs who cuddle up to "terfs" are looking for the ultimate form of validation -- getting a woman who doesn't buy into transgenderism to call them "she/her".

THIS. Its just another form of narcissistic supply for them.

( ProxyMusic )
Jenn Smith too. Smith says he's a trans identified male. And he warns that in his view, calling any boy or man a kind of girl or woman - whether it be "transwomen" or" "trans woman" or "trans girl" - is extremely dangerous to women, girls and to young boys.

( doloresonthedottedline )
Jenn Smith is a bit eccentric but honestly I have a ton of respect for how much he focused on foster kids being pushed into transitioning.

RisingUp #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiM says stealing and wearing his mom's bra is a "one of a kind opportunity" and a "euphoria IV drip"

Imagine giving birth to and raising a child to near-adulthood, giving it all your love and care for a decade and a half, and this is how it rewards you.

TIMs either don’t understand, or don’t care, or actively get off on how disgusting and disturbing women find this behaviour. Every time TIMs on Reddit confess to this other TIMs line up to defend them.

I feel so sorry for any woman who has one of these predators living in her house. Especially their mothers. It’s a lot harder to disown a son than to disown a brother.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: OMQ catfight between two girlies!! Can't even tell which one's the stunning and brave one and which one is the menstruator!

( hmimperialtortie )
Trannoid males are even more repulsive than other MRAs.

( LOriginedumonde )
TIMs are the high priests of the MRAs.They’re so sexist and misogynistic that they think they can become not just women, but better women than actual women. That is peak male supremacy.

( hmimperialtortie )
Perfect description.

(immersang )
Always with the “are you scared transwomen are going to steal your man?” LOL. No, buddy, no actual woman worries about that. We live in reality.

( hmimperialtortie )
A man who’d go off with a TIM would be no loss anyway.

( Eava )
Most of them don't want men, they want other women. And the ones that do want men usually end up crying about being dumped once they are honest about being trans.

( Committing_Tervery )
Most aren’t even honest about it, they are just discovered by the other person’s eyeballs, outed by another person, or found out by a google search.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Women who peaked, do you remember a seed being planted at any moment?

(notyourfetish )
Again, Bruce Jenner.

I learned about AGP because I heard about him wearing his daughter's underwear (so gross) and he said some unfortunate things about gay people.

That was when I realized the "movement" was just sexist, homophobic gibberish and all TIMs are rapists and perverts. All of them.

I've yet to be proven wrong.

(CeruleanPisces )
The thought of them in womens shelters. The way it can and will be abused angers me in a way that is indescribable. Men with an inability to tolerate the fact that they are men do not belong in womens shelters. I don’t care if they are LOOK exactly like women. I don’t care what age they transitioned at. I don’t fucking care. Castrated or not. I don’t care if they are raised with a lifetime of female presentation and socialization.

They are men. They can get back in their own fucking lane.

( Erhanne )

When I joined an (intersectional) feminist subreddit and its associated discord, and naively asked what was the "point" of being trans when we could abolish gender and let everybody dress as they like and do what they want. I don't remember the exact answer but it was unconvincing. Something like "sure we should abolish gender but we can't because they need our acceptance now".

I remember concluding to myself that trans were "too weak" to undertake their gender nonconformity (therefore enforcing gender roles instead of breaking them) and considering them with a mix of pity and anger.

I progressively lost contact with that group and afterwards it took 3 years for me to peak, only to discover that my partner had peaked way before me (we didn't speak about this topic).

( BlankandPitiless )
I think it was the bathroom bills in North Carolina. I remember people kept saying over and over "of course no man is going to dress up as a woman to go into a woman's bathroom!" And I just kept thinking, men do all kinds of crazy, obscene and heinous shit, why is this a bridge too far? I still felt bad for the transgenders I'd encountered, but it was obvious to me that the people against the bathroom bill were not arguing in good faith. And it was always just this little feeling in my gut that told me that none of this made sense. Men can dress as women, I genuinely don't care, but the bathrooms felt like an encroachment on women.

hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

(submitters note: regarding J.K. Rowling)

The funny part is, so much of her sympathy for them in that essay is misdirected - as she’s found out since becoming the target of their rape and death threats. They’re not funny, sensitive, harmless super-gays. They’re perverted, very dangerous men.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Women like me can't be bullied out of resistance" - new tweet from J.K. Rowling

( butchplease )
The scrote replying to her with "trans women are being raped and killed in mens prisons!!!!" ... proof? And how, HOW is it better for actual women to be raped and killed instead? :) oh, I forgot. Peniswomen are precious darling angel flowers who bring laughter and princess-like glitter joy to this world and must be protected, coddled, spoiled, and fellated at ALL costs. Lowly bleederwomen are just fuckmeat who exist to be abused 💕

( Kevina )

"trans women are being raped and killed in mens prisons!!!!"

So? That's got nothing to do with us. Male violence in a male prison = a male problem.

( Cigarsofthepharoahs )
Yup. Male violence against males is for males to fix. Women are not human shields.

( Melkora )
Yeah! So, are we now not only responsible for protecting ourselves from male violence somehow, but also for protecting men from male violence somehow?

Sorry, sir! Are men supposed do play some role in this game too? Or is it, as ussual, all female job?

( Melkora )

"trans women are being raped and killed in mens prisons!!!!

Yeah! Men are being raped and killed in men's prisons. I suppose by other men. It's a consequence of male violence, which is one of the biggest problems of humankind.

Sadly, this man doesn't seem to care about solving or at least minimalizing this problem at all. The only thing he is suggesting, is to expose women (who are in no way responsible for male violence, on the contrary, they are the primary innocent victims of it) to even more male violence. Moreover, the extremely vulnerable kind of women, who are even in a more compromised position and even less able to defend themselves. Which is still not enough for him! He is trying to rebrand the last desperate attempt of women to protect themselves as vile bigotry and even more support for male violence.

In other words, he presents male victims of male violence as valid and worthy of protection, while female victims of male violence as reasonable human sacrifice to protect men from each other.

various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

If you’re not including TW, then you aren’t really supporting women

( TransWidow )

"If your black rights activism doesn't include white people, it isn't black rights activism", "If your gay rights group isn't fighting for straight people's rights, it isn't gay rights activism", "If your group fighting against child abuse doesn't include adults, then you hate children", "If your animal welfare organization isn't centered on plants, you're a bigot".

We should just start repeating these when we hear that claim about feminism.

Of course this one

"If your gay rights group isn't fighting for straight people's rights, it isn't gay rights activism"

isn't satire anymore

( femlez34 )
Re: gay rights activism, definitely. Just like the word "trans" means nothing at this point, the word "queer" is also so "inclusive" as to mean absolutely nothing. Lesbian spaces are flooded with straight TIMs, and also equal numbers of straight women married to men who admit that going down on a woman would be gross to them, but they love being "queer". Like wtf does that even mean?

Like 10-20 years ago I was involved in LGB activism to bring about marriage equality, but I and everyone I knew doing that stuff stopped years ago. We kind of got what we wanted and moved on. All the "LGBT" groups I used to support are LGB in name only, they only work on trans issues and just keep the "LGB" in the name for clout. It functions to trick straight people who aren't keeping up on these issues to blindly support them. Honestly I'm actively against them now because for the most part "trans rights" means going backwards on women's rights and embracing homophobia and conversion therapy for homosexuals.

( Boudicaea )
Perfect encapsulation of the problem.

The demand that women center men/"trans women" in feminism is the height of sexism. It relies on the gendered notion that women always be self sacrificing. That we always put everyone else's needs first. There is nothing more anti-feminist than the idea that TWAW.

n3847 #transphobia ovarit.com

Men want stuff that isn't theirs. It's really not more complicated than that.

spoilerpeople just wanna live their lives in a way that aligns with what feels most right to them sometimes that means taking on the
title of woman it's really not any more complicated than that

The creeps would wear my skin if they could. "Living their lives" = them taking over everything for women and rejecting reality. FFS, we have one day. They are colonizing our one day. International Women's Day and almost every entity is promoting these demented creepy men as speaking for women.

It's like, "In honor of international Women's Day, we will have a conference and the keynote speaker is Hideous man with dick in his pants and in a dress. What is going on here? ACLU is saying stuff like, "No one gets to tell us what it means to me a woman...Trans women are women". Objective reality tells you freaks what that is and that trans women are NOT women, wtf? This on IWD!

The Vagina Museum is talking about MEN today.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( hmimperialtortie )
I’ve said it before and will say it again - none of these cartoon caricatures are nearly as horrible as the real thing. TIMs are almost without fail viscerally disgusting. Yes, I include the “pretty” ones in that.

( lesbiansaurus )
They always look 5,000 times worse as a "woman" than a regular ass man.

( hmimperialtortie )
Absolutely. Even the ones who were meh as men are foul in womanface.

( shewolfoffrance )
Graham Linehan is not a handsome man. But as a transbian, he was the stuff of nightmares.

( hmimperialtortie )
Ain’t that the truth! 😆😆😆

( jessebelleinhell )
The makeup/ facial hair combos are my favorite😂

( hmimperialtortie )

( jessebelleinhell )
I know..god, it's ridiculous😂 Someone needs to tell them that you can be different and 'weird' as long as you have good taste..(and don't make impossible demands from other people and threaten their rights , but what do they care ..)

( hmimperialtortie )
They’d fail on all counts! The threats and carrying out the threats are the main thrill.

pennygadget #wingnut #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

This is precisely why identity politics and the fetishization of oppression is the biggest problem on the left right now. The only way liberal people (specifically young liberal people) can have their voices valued is if they can win a gold medal in the Oppression Olympics. And, if they're just a "boring White girl" or "an oppressive White boy", it's not surprising that they'd be tempted to identify into an "oppressed" gender/sexuality that would offer them instant clout in their social circles without having to really do anything

hmimperialtortie & Tesserae_Tali #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Top 6 Myths About Trans Kids. Number 5 Will Surprise You! - Sue Donym

( hmimperialtortie )
The only thing that surprised me about number 5 was that anyone is claiming it. Which on a moment’s reflection isn’t really surprising, because this whole movement is a lie, and of course they’re not telling parents they want to sterilise their kids and arrest their mental and physical development to keep them childlike and vulnerable. More money for the medical industry and more victims for the paedophiles.

( Tesserae_Tali )

Trans kids and sexuality have nothing to do with each other!

I agree that sexuality and trans identity are inextricably entangled for most trans people, including so-called "trans kids," but I think the relationship is perhaps a bit more complicated than what's portrayed here.

There are, at a minimum, two distinct groups of trans-identified minors. Those who display extreme gender non-conformity and gender dysphoria from early childhood have well-above-average odds of growing up to be homosexual. Boys of this sort are the classic "trans kids," the population represented by the cited studies on desistance; the findings of these studies don't necessarily extrapolate to the more recent (and far more numerous) ROGD cohort.

On the other hand, children who show no signs of gender dysphoria or extreme gender non-conformity prior to pubesence, only to suddenly identity as trans as tweens or teens, are a more heterogeneous (and heterosexual) bunch. Some of them may be struggling with internalized homophobia/lesbophobia/biphobia (although it should be noted that adolescent distress about sexuality isn't quite the same thing as prepubescent gender dyphoria). Others of them are AGP or AHE; in other words, their trans identity is about sexuality, but it has nothing to do with homosexuality. And finally, some of them have contracted a psychosocial contagion—in Carl Eliot's words, "a new way to be mad"— for reasons that have little to do with sexuality at all.

gncautistic , XX_Power & actualdyke #transphobia ovarit.com

(gncautistic )
TIM's don't care about TIF's

This has been said 100 times already but it just makes me sad. Why do we never see males tweet ''TMAM?'' why don't we see TIM's defending TIF's so fiercely the way TIF's do? oh yeah it's because males don't give a shit about females, no matter what gender they pretend to be.

I know sometimes we can get frustrated by TIF's since some of them are so close to getting it, but they don't. TIF's hate us so much and it hurts. I wish we could have a real sisterhood with them, help them understand it's ok to be dysphoric as a woman and hate our bodies and hate how society treats us, but we can work together to overcome these things and help change how people see us.

It feels like the saying how you can bring a horse to water but can't make them drink. As much as we want it, they will only see the truth we they want to.

(This a vent post btw)

( XX_Power )
I totally get what you're saying about the lost sisterhood. When i read how TIMs want to rape and brutalize it, i don't really care because they're just males. Rapey, cruel, stupid males are neither new nor interesting.

With the TIFs it's much sadder. We know exactly how they feel, many of us were them or would be them now if we were born earlier (me for example). But they believe the lies of males rather than their sisters, they just want to be free from misogyny but instead of fighting it they'd rather sell their sisters to men. Some will come around eventually, after all exulansic was once trans identified.

But sadly, there will always be women who have so much internalized misogyny and so much hatred of themselves, that they'd screw of all women if it got them a crumb of male attention.

( actualdyke )
it's wild to me how even within their circles TIMs shit on them 24/7, but if TIFs Point out the obvious discrepancies between how the two of them are treated even within trans and ~queer~ circles, they get shouted down and called privileged and transmisogynistic .. and they STILL 100% believe that TIMs are more oppressed than them and they need to protect and stand up for their poor marginalized sisters. this whole thing is the most wide scale project of gaslighting that I have ever witnessed in my life

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: You feel disconnected from womanhood because you're not a woman.

( butchplease )
If you want to "feel solidarity" to women, how about you stop being a misogynistic perverted freak who appropriates our experiences, language, human rights, and spaces 😳

( levitation )
If they're so desperate to feel "solidarity" with real women then maybe they can listen to us instead of fetishizing and talking over us.

( bellatrixbells )
This exactly. Feeling solidarity with someone doesn't mean becoming them. It means listening to them, understanding them and being empathetic of their frustration, suffering, etc. It doesn't entail attempting to become them. If you need to find a way to literally, physically feel the same way as another person in order to feel solidarity with them... You're kind of in the fast lane to be a sociopath.

( Champagne_Lasagne )
I think it's just how men experience empathy. The only way is to make them feel the same pain/discomfort of the person they're trying to empathize with. Women don't need that, whereas how many times have you heard a man say "what if it were my daughter??" in response to female suffering. They can only relate when it affects them too on a personal level. Another hint that they're not women.

( mathlover )
We should be doing everything we can so they feel disconnected from womanhood by an unreachable chasm. Which is reality. They can never have what they want. They will never be women. They will never have a place among us.

( puppy_cat )
It really disgusts me when they pretend they're somehow similar to actual women who are infertile. Fuck off.

( jvsmine )
"realizing I will never carry a child" what do they mean realizing it? they knew all along they never could. they just developed a fuckin fetish and are getting increasingly more desperate to come so now they're moaning about how their feefees hurt "realizing" they can "never carry a child". what a bunch of pathetic losers as well as delusional freaks.

someone remind me again why we need to be nice to these men? why I'm supposed to forget how uncomfortable this makes me in favor of listening to some scrote whine about how at least I'm a "cis" woman so I should be grateful for the pain and bullshit I experience? seriously I peak more and hate them more every day.

hmimperialtortie , pennygadget & ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The Abelism of Trans Activism

( hmimperialtortie )
There’s a post about the coming self-inflicted woes of TiPs with dementia, but the flipside that occurs to me with this is TIM so-called nurses or carers losing their shit with dementia patients or those with any other cognitive impairment when they don’t address the TIMs as laydees. Women are already punished for not wanting male perverts staffing women’s wards - how long before age care facilities kick out residents for being twaaaaansphobes?

( pennygadget )

but the flipside that occurs to me with this is TIM so-called nurses or carers losing their shit with dementia patients or those with any other cognitive impairment when they don’t address the TIMs as laydees.

I'm kicking myself for forgetting this one.

Sadly, I can totally see TIM caregivers losing their shit because a 90 year old woman with Alzheimer's refuses to learn their pronouns and/or refuses to let them help her in the shower. This prospect is especially scary because the nature of the disease means the victim usually can't report abuse (and even if they do report it, nobody will believe them). 😥

( hmimperialtortie )
Oh yes, it’ll happen. As will TIMs being among the male staff who rape women in these homes (if it hasn’t already).

( ProxyMusic )
TRAs have been focusing on "educating" people in the nursing/care home industry - and the even larger at-home care industry - for years now. There are already training materials and "model policy" documents for the industry that say old TIMs must be allowed to share rooms and bathing facilities with women in care homes, and that any elderly women or their families who object should be seen as bigots and phobes with old-fashioned, out-of-date ideas. Some of the people doing training for this industry openly crow that it's a good thing older generations who haven't been drinking the kool-aid of gender ideology all our lives will soon be dying off, taking our transphobia and our antiquated beliefs in the primacy of women's safety, privacy and dignity with us.

( hmimperialtortie )
I cannot say what should be done to Trans Rape Advocates.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Dementia care advice for transgender patients drawn up - BBC News

( Earthmoon )
The final part of the article is only bit that makes any attempt to say what this care advice is, rather than why it’s necessary. They say repeatedly that patients may wake up confused over why they’re dressed strangely or missing their body parts, but then say that patients will be helped to continue presenting the way they wanted to.

This sounds a lot like they’re going to have trans dementia patients insisting they are their actual sex while the care assistants continue to push their trans identity on them because that’s what they wanted when they were “lucid”.

How would that help in any way? It props up the trans facade at the expense of distressing the patients who don’t understand what happened to them.

( pennygadget )

This sounds a lot like they’re going to have trans dementia patients insisting they are their actual sex while the care assistants continue to push their trans identity on them because that’s what they wanted when they were “lucid”.

So, basically, a child as young as 2 can consent to changing their legal gender. But an 80 year old male with dementia who wants his nurse to call him "John" instead of "Jessica" is told to shut up and wear his dress.

This makes me so sad. Life in a nursing home with diminished mental faculties is hard enough. But now these people will be forced to endure extra stress and confusion when they decide they want to be their birth sex and the TRA nurses tell them "no". This is cruelty! If a "trans-woman" patient regresses into childhood and wants to wear trousers and be called "John", what's the problem with just letting him do it? I don't get it!

( real_feminist )
The ones with sissification fetishes would be thrilled at the idea of their older selves being tortured like this.

( Carrots90 )
Watch for the ‘I id as demented’ men flooding the nursing homes for their sissification fetish.

They will be able to house them with the diaper fetish guys

( bumpyjerboa )
Oh yikes. You're probably right and it goes to show how absolutely sick they are.

( Julie92845 )
It won't help the patients at all, but they don't care about that. It's all about showing how supportive they are to the trans agenda.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( pennygadget )
So Abbot is committing genocide by demanding that trans youth NOT be systematically sterilized, experimented on, and chemically lobotomized?

I don't think TRAs know what "genocide" means

( Hollyhock )
"genocide against trans kids" equates to letting kids wear what they want, play w/ toys they want and not sterilizing them. Okay, then.

( NO )
Oh, you think being called sir is genocide? Hope you get fucking drafted scrote.

( butchplease )
In Germany, these perverted men are actually appropriating the Holocaust for themselves.

There's very little I hate more than perverted men who are getting off on the thought of "genocide". You know they're wanking to it.

( Yemaya )
These AGP men are so interested in “trans kids” because they need narrative that there’s such a thin as “trans kids” to keep living their fetish publicly.

( hmimperialtortie )
Plus they want children sterilised and kept permanently undeveloped (physically and mentally) so they have permanent fucktoys. These men are child rapists.

( starwars )
Many AGPs enjoy fantasizing (sometimes in a sexual way) about being in those children's shoes.

( Carrots90 )

when you prevent kids from sacrificing their health, organs, fertility, etc to the latest social contagion

WatcherattheGates , notyourfetish & XX_Power #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans celebrity Caitlyn Jenner offers a dose of common sense | Daily Mail Online
(note by submitter: regarding this Daily Mail article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10578993/Trans-celebrity-Caitlyn-Jenner-offers-dose-common-sense.html )

( WatcherattheGates )
'The world's gone mad,' [Jenner] says. 'It was never meant to be like this.'

As a former Olympian, she particularly despairs of trans women being allowed to compete alongside biological females in sport.

'I don't think biological boys should compete in women's sports — we have to protect women's sports,' says Caitlyn. 'That's the bottom line.'

Urrgghhhh . . . Jenner helped start all this!

( notyourfetish )
Ikr? I can't stand his ass.

He also thinks gay people shouldn't be married. All TIMs are homophobes like him. It's why they don't give a shit about destroying our spaces and our rights

( XX_Power )
Yes!!!! Crossdressing has insanely homophobic origins and even still a few years ago you'd have crossdressers sticking up their noses at the "gross gays". Only when they realized they could hitch themselves to a winning team did they put their worst homophobia in a drawer and tried to act like they loved them to get into women's spaces.

Imagine telling a crossdresser in the 70s that he'd be allowed, state sanctioned! To intrude not only into spaces where women undress, but even where little girls are??? Beyond their wildest disgusting dreams.

And here we are...

worried19 , sonic_fiXXation & Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Has anyone else tried to just ... stop caring?

( worried19 )
I'm not sure what to suggest. I feel highly distressed by the recent news, especially out of Texas, where it seems like everyone has come out of the woodwork to support hormones and surgeries on actual fucking children. They are sterilizing children, cutting off healthy body parts, and celebrities and the mainstream media celebrate this. There is no real journalism anymore, outside of a few brave outlets. It's just sickening. How can this be happening? How can so many people be okay with hurting children's minds and bodies, especially after years (fucking years) of denying that anyone was ever touching children under the age of 18. TRAs are evil. I want to believe some are just ignorant and misguided, but the people orchestrating this are pure evil. It's so wrong what they're doing. I'm not a religious person. I don't even think I believe in hell. But I hope to God these people have to give an accounting of their actions someday.

( sonic_fiXXation )
Sometimes I indulge in a bit of dissociation, not the numb kind, the kind where I watch the human race destroy itself and laugh at it, as if I'm not a part of it.

( Owlchaser )
I think you're feeling sick and overwhelmed because you aren't doing anything about this. I'm not writing this in a finger pointing "you should be doing more, what do you expect" way.

You're on campus, but are you in a GC club talking about how insane all this is? My guess is no. At work, you probably also can't talk about it, and again I'm going to assume genderism is shoved in your face on a regular basis (be it coworkers, pronoun signatures, etc) without you being able to do anything about it; even so much as speaking freely.

I feel the same. Yes, I know the reasons why we 'can't' speak up. But right now there are people in Ukraine standing in front of tanks. I think all of this cognitive dissonance is occurring because we know that we're right. We know how utterly, fantastically stupid genderism's claims are. But we're scared to speak out because of the social pressure and potential financial damage (being fired, black listed, and potentially facing insane TRAs).

I think the only solution is speaking out. I know it doesn't work; that friends and family cut off relationships. But I think aligning both your thoughts AND actions/words with the truth is the only solution.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

(GCnewb )

The thing about enbies

If men and women who identify as non-binary truly believe that they are a third gender or even sex, that they are neither men nor women, then why do they insist on being included in women's resources?


( Jellyfishes )
Unfortunately male NBs often enter women's spaces too

( XX_Power )
Male NBs are just lazy TIMs lol

( OutHereInTheDeep )
My thought has always been that they wanted to be seen as special, but don’t want to be associated with castration/want women to know they’re still sexually “available”.

( pennygadget )
For the female enbies, its a safety thing. They KNOW they'd be sitting ducks in a men's space

For the males, its the thrill of colonizing a female space and forcing all the girls inside to center him when he's there

Also, sadly, we know women are way more likely to tolerate this bullshit than men. Thats why our spaces are now a dumping ground for mentally ill gender-specials

( ElectricBlue )
I think there's also a wider difference in perception of TIFs/female nbs than TIMs/male nbs. I think the TWAW campaign has been so successful that a lot of people now do believe that TWAW, whereas whatever woke thing they might say, they still do just believe an NB woman is a woman with some kinda fancy deal going on.

( platypus )
Because everyone knows a "non-binary female" is just a woman.

The thing is, by trans rhetoric, we're all non-binary, too.

A lot of NB women are just trying to go along and say "well okay, if 'woman' now means 'someone with a female gender identity,' and a female with no internal gender identity is 'non-binary,' then I guess I'm non-binary? No big deal I guess?"

But of course, once you say those words, the pressure is on for you to "prove it" by going on T and getting top surgery.

It's a trick designed to induct women into the cult.

( no- )

we're all non-binary

That's the thing. If you're a human being and not a walking pair of tits who identifies as a sex object, you're technically not a woman according to genderism. Not liking sexism automatically makes you nonbinary, because we all know a real woman is a brave and stunning transwimmin who cosplays as a bimbo for fun.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( jvsmine )
"I'm afraid my thing will get hard and that will make me uncomfortable" ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME even with the teenage TIMs. I don't feel bad when they grow up to mutilate themselves, especially not the transbian ones. young TIMs are just as male as adult ones. keep them the fuck away from our daughters.

( hmimperialtortie )
All too few of them do get the lop. They’re not remotely “dysphoric” (a term I’m sick to death of seeing, tbh). They want their preferred rape weapon available.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Yeah, it's crazy how gender dysphoria went from "extreme distress over one's anatomic sex" to "fear of being correctly identified as a pervert".

( hmimperialtortie )
I’m sick of seeing it applied to everyone who dislikes aspects of their body or social role, for that matter.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: r/reddit is not feeling Lia Thomas et al. at all

( Owlchaser )
I hate the "I'm a transwoman and I agree with it" garbage.

Get out of our private spaces, stop using language that identifies us, stop saying you are one of us. This opinion that what TIMs do is unfair only in sports is ludicrous.

( shewolfoffrance )
This is why I don't believe in "based" TiMs. Even if they concede that males shouldn't be in women's sports, they always want to extract something from women in exchange, like insisting that it's ok if they use the women's bathroom "if they pass".

If Debbie Hayton types accomplish something good for women, that's great. But I do not trust for one second that he or his ilk would be willing to give up something they want, that rightly belongs to women, just because they know it's the right thing to do.

( XX_Power )
Debbie hayton just wants to be an extra special man, it's soooooo obvious. First by trooning out and terrorising his wife and children and now by being the good™ trutrans™

It's a no from me dawg

( Althea )
I think a small percentage of TIMs want to distance themselves from trans athletes because they're uncomfortable about how much negative PR the issue is generating.

( butchplease )
They openly say that, too. "This is so unfair to trans women!!! :(" they never care about actual women.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
I think the percentage of TIMs doing that is far from small.

( Althea )
I don't think so... in social media discussions of trans athletes, the ones with trans flags in their bios tend to vehemently insist TIMs should be on the women's team. I think most TIMs do not want there to be ANY area in which it's socially acceptable not to treat them as real women, because doing so may open the floodgates.

( Fredrica )
Doing so WILL open the floodgates. That "biological advantage" is also that "biological reality" of sexual assault etc as male-typical crimes against women. The pieces just need to be put together. I think first sports will draw the line, then women's prisons next.

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