
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Guuse (originator of the Copypasta) #transphobia knowyourmeme.com

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Time_Barracuda #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Its not a bug– its a feature. For anyone who’s the least bit conspiracy minded this result makes perfect sense.

The sudden prominence of trans rights in leftist discourse has neatly split the left, and confirmed for many people their beliefs about the worst aspects of leftism, IE an obsession with ‘special rights’ at other’s expense, a focus on minutiae and a lockstep group-think that disallows any dissent, even at the expense of a shared reality. If I were a machiavellian conservative activist looking to create a societal trope to hobble my enemies I could hardly do better than the propagation of gender ideology in leftist circles. Its entirely possible that what we’re experiencing here is a massive psy-op– that would explain why trans rights have gone from being a minor blip on the horizon to suddenly being the central defining tenet of leftism. Trans rights is an artificial wedge issue being pushed by people and groups seeking to marginalize the left.

If you’re skeptical about this, consider how much you supported planned parenthood 5 years ago as opposed to today, and what a massive victory that change in opinion is for those who have been trying to dismantle planned parenthood for 50 years. PP’s wholehearted buy in to the trans business has alienated those who have long fought for its continued existence and it very well may not survive the inevitable (and well deserved) backlash coming down the line in the future, when people realize how many lives have been destroyed by cross sex hormones provided so casually by entities like PP. What could not be accomplished from outside has instead been accomplished from within. Its impossible for me to believe that’s an accident.

Some Incels #transphobia reddit.com


Trannies are already roping in droves

40% is life fuel


Based trannies saving us the effort


those are rookie numbers we gotta get them UP UP UP!


The worst part is that they aren't even gay they just have autogynophilia

That's exactly it. There's a small small minority of people who are actual trannies, and then there's a huge number of beta men turned on by the thought of being fucked as a woman so they venture into tranny cultist subs, get convinced that they'll turn into a cute anime girl, and end up looking like ogresses.


For people who actually defend this lifestyle; why? We have empirical evidence that undergoing life altering surgery for whats essentially your feelings is shown to cause great distress to them. Your not helping them by making their transitions easier. And it can be debated if gender is a construct or not, its not worth physically changing yourself over it.


It's not debatable, gender is not a social construct. There have been studies done raising boys as girls, and vice versa, and they generally adhere to their own sexual stereotypes naturally.


As bad as I feel for these people, it's incredibly funny and satisfying to watch troons compete against women in professional sports. Like that Aussie handball player absolutely bodying an entire team of 5'3 goblins, or that one MMA fighter breaking a woman's skull. It's satisfying because women are the ones primarily pushing this degeneracy onto the public.

actually that last one isn't very funny but still

SaveAustraliaFromInvasion #transphobia #conspiracy stormfront.org

There are a lot of taller women in media compared with 50 years ago. Tall women tend to have more masculine bone structure.
Many fashion models for example.
Taylor Swift is 5'10 or so.

Sorry to break it to you but fashion models are trannies too. And would a tall woman sprout an Adam's Apple? Miley Cyrus and Daisy Ridley are quite a bit shorter than Taylor but both are trannies. Miley Cyrus has an Adam's Apple, which can be seen in certain pictures and as for Daisy Ridley, have you seen her giant head and forehead? She has completely male bone structure. I'm guessing you've never looked into Transvestigations. Do you know much about anatomy? I knew next to nothing until a few years ago. But now that I do, it all becomes obvious.

It is hard to believe just how many trannies are in our faces everyday but White Genocide is hard to believe yet it's so obvious to those of us who are awake. I'm not trying to derail this thread but her hidden gender ties in with everything. She's not only promoting race mixing but is basically advocating to not have children, despite the fact that she can't physically give birth. Both of these ideas are pushed towards young White women and encourages them to be like their idol. Here is a good transvestigation video on Taylor Swift.


If you (and anyone else reading this) are even remotely interested in this topic, do your own research. Don't just take my word for it. Some people will say having one masculine feature doesn't make them a man. That's true. You need to look at the whole picture. Shoulder-to-hip ratio, trachea/Adam's Apple, position of belly button, limb length, brow ridge, etc. The only "out" trannies are the ones that look the most obvious. Believe me, trannies are nothing new. I'd love to post some convincing pictures of these celebrities but I can't seem to on this device. I can only post attachments and I doubt anyone looks at them.

Even though no one here can deny the Transgender Agenda going on right now, trying to convince some that celebrities are trannies and have been for a long time is akin to trying to convince them the Holocaust never happened.

And I'll now leave you of a video of Sandra Bullock before her Adam's Apple surgery (although it's still somewhat noticeable today). I urge everyone to watch just the first few seconds.


Some Incels #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Top kek


(seven _ pillars of_wut)
You're such an inspiration. You're honestly so brave for coming out! Honestly, you've done a solid job at passing for female! I'm really happy that the MTF transistion went so well!

But I'm assuming this is a troll

I'm not trans


We need to do this. Tell thots that they pass really well after their transition. It's a completely PC way to call foids ugly. And if they take offence, we can just say it was a misunderstanding and accuse them of being TERFs.


The fact that they get offended at being called trannies just shows all their virtue signaling bullshit

Foids are all transphobic


Being transphobic is a meme lmao they're just not as stupid as to truly believe trans are ok


3 minutes ago

Personally, yes. I struggle with body dysmorphia so of course the idea of looking even slightly not feminine kills me

1 minute ago

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being trans, but I don’t think anyone should just assume someone is out of the blue, especially with no biases to do so


Fucking Life fuel. Let others feel what I do everyday.

Toasty toasty admits trannies are ugly. Kekfuel.


I started this. Just saying.

I'm a big fan of your posts, no lie. You've posted a large portion of the most brutal blackpills on this subreddit.


Ultimate life fuel; thank you, messengercel.

William Rockwell #transphobia youtube.com

Contrapoints You can feel and think you're female. You can't help how you feel and think. But you can help whether or not you engage the delusion. A schizophrenic can engage his psychopathy by living a life reflecting it or he can seek helped through medication and counseling. By dressing as a woman you embrace the lie, and even worse, you teach others to embrace the lie. You are responsible for maintaining the sickness. Make a video about this issue, without the makeup and dress, and educate your viewers on how hard of a life this mental illness produces. Talk about removing it from the next generation using gene editing. Then we can talk about the redpill. You can be a force of good or bad in the world. Cheers.

Miata667 #transphobia reddit.com

[Reacting to a picture of a pregnant transman.]

Ya'll need to fucking cool with the transphobia and bigot comments. That shit is not fucking cool, OKAY!!! This man is fucking brave and would put navy seals to shame with his courage!!!!!! You are all transphobic bigots!!!!!!!!!

Kidding, I wouldn't even consider this thing a human. I have no idea wtf it is but it's not a human. PERIOD. This is not the same species as me and I would appreciate it people would stop calling this a man or woman because it is neither and it's sure as fuck is not human.

evilterf69 #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

"You have no idea how it feels to be in the wrong body"

I usually hear this when seeing a gender defender debate about why feelings means he's actually a woman.

And are you fucking kidding me? No one on this earth knows what it means to be alienated from your own body more than "cis" women.

Growing up we're slowly and subtly taught that our body isn't ours. It belongs to that boy that likes you. It belongs to those grown men catcalling at you on the street. Your head is cut off and your body plastered on ads, movie posters, not fully human. We're parsed and cut up into separate cuts of meat all the time. Our legs are wrong, our breasts are wrong, our stomachs are wrong. Sometimes our body is so "wrong" we get implants or liposuction. Sometimes our bodies are so foreign we starve ourselves because we're never "skinny" enough. Have these people forgotten that the first people on earth to experience dysmorphia, which we call dysphoria today, were women who didn't see our bodies the way they actually were? Our bodies are literally treated like objects that are separate from the mind. The first time I felt like my body wasn't mine was when I was 12 wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a cartoon owl on it, walking down the side of the road with my friend and being honked at several times. That's when I know that there was something wrong, that I wasn't allowed to simply exist.

I and every fucking woman alive today have been made to feel alienated about our bodies. And not just externally. There have been so many times I wished I could either detach my female physical attributes or detach my female body as a whole.

Fuck you. You have no idea what it's like to be a woman. And when you say we don't know how it feels to be in the wrong body, you're proving me right.

Herr_Teapot #transphobia reddit.com

To any and all AHS trannies reading this, you will never, ever pass. You will always be a disgusting abomination in the eyes of everyone who isn't as stupid or delusional as you. Every day you take hormones only brings you closer to being a Lovecraftian abomination.

No amount of hormones could fix your broad shoulders No amount of hormones will hide your male skeleton structure, broad jawline, or your Adams apple and it certainly will never make your voice sound anything like what a real woman sounds. The moment you open your mouth to speak, everyone will know that you are nothing but a mimicry of a woman. Stop engaging in your delusions.

Hippie_Housewife #transphobia voat.co

Honestly, I don't think VS will ever stoop as low as to fully cater to GetWoke shit, and I disagree on this being a stupid decision. Yes, they did hire a transgender model, but that's a transgender woman who... y'know...actually looks like a woman

They have already stooped that low and fully catered. Hiring a man to walk in their women's lingerie is rock bottom, dude. That's not a "woman". That's a man who's had surgery and hormones, and probably comes fully loaded with lots of mental health issues. What is this "she". That's a "he".

FailAllAspects #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

Gay dudes want to fuck dudes.

Straight dudes want to fuck women.

Who wants to fuck a man/woman hybrid abomination? People with a tranny fetish. That is it.

The people spreading trap/tranny memes make it seem like trannies are beautiful women who have male brains, but in reality they are hideous creatures that are very obviously male. Truly passing trannies are EXTREMELY RARE, and even then, who would want to put their dick in that mess of a hole between their legs? I’d rather just do anal tbqh.

I have a theory that the people spamming trap/tranny memes are trannies trying to delude lonely young men into liking them or becoming trannies.

FACEandLMS & ClaireSp #transphobia reddit.com


When Chad fucks up his "privilege"


I am a transsexual who regrets transition. AMA
Throwaway account, obviously.
I grew up in a tiny Appalachian town in a pretty blue-collar family. All throughout my childhood, I felt awkward in my body. I was 325 pounds at my highest and not exactly the happiest camper
I was through the roof. After spending close to $35,000 including electrolysis, things seemed to be all right. But they still weren't "perfect". I'd notice the shar an les of m face, or how to—and I'd immediately sink into a deeper depression. I began to absolutely hate the things I couldn't change, like my height. Each time someone made fun of me on the street or laughed at me, I died a little inside.

I support trans. I wish 50% of men become trans. foids might get more desperate go for men with lower SMV

I don't see how you can be blackpilled and NOT support LGBT.

Less competition (2 gay men dating = 2 less men to compete with for women)
Women get mad at transwomen (bathroom bills etc)
Accelerationpill (fuck this planet)

and m2f tranny add +1 supply to the "women" pool, -1 to men pool, and then another -1 to men pool by entering into relationship with a progressive cuck.

I've always seen the hatred on LGBT on this sub as irrational and thinks its probably because this sub still has a lot of teens and young adults, as well as low IQ people....

Yes, a lot of posters here are 19 yo guys (who aren't even ugly). They are at the stage where they "have to" hate LGBT to feel secure in themselves. They come here because they are too scared to talk to women or because they find it hard to, not because they have suffered a LOT of rejection.

Trans men are really the only trans people that can succeed. At least most of them look like men. Very few trans women ever look like a woman. There’s always something you can see or hear that’s off.

I see IT downvoted you. It's over for ITdialotorcels.


well what can you expect, idiots put zero thought into what their transitioning will bring and pay the consequences. i don't understand why instead of helping them cope with their mental illness, people just give these guys the "go" and let them ruin their bodies with these surgeries. and then what happens? "oh it's not perfect enough, I'm flushing 35k away, I've sunk into a deep depression and have nothing but regret." should've gotten the real help they needed

Jack jackson #transphobia swissinfo.ch

The reality is military service is a little different than regular life with men in close quarters during training and service. Transgenders are 1-2% of the population. I know some want to be included but for the sake of everyone else just let it go. I would love to be a pilot but get headaches when flying. There are plenty of other people who can be pilots; the military has plenty of people.

waffleflavoredfloss & other TERFs #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

[OP of thread]
waffleflavoredfloss: Just wondering at the hypocrisy of trans women who use medicare and employer insurance to get things like fake breasts and facial surgery etc. When will these services be free for women who have qualms about how they look? If Im flat chested can I claim breast implants are for my mental health or if I have large jaw can I use facial feminization surgery on the tax payer dollar too? I just found out these things were covered by medicare and Im honestly floored its so insulting and unbelievable.

[assorted comments]
natalwoman: If TIMs can get breast augmentation for having small breasts after hormones - why can't flat chested women get breast augmentation as well? Same with facial plastic surgery too!

You can be a woman and not have big comic book tits - but that doesn't fulfill their fucking fetish.

berryflakes: And you can be a woman and have a big and / or broken nose. We are taught that surgery shouldn’t be the first thing to do, even if you engage in self destructive actions because of your looks, and it’s never covered, but somehow they can get it free and without anyone questioning it?!

waffleflavoredfloss: I find it insulting to women who have features these people describe as male as well like do they not see how sexist they are?

McKarty: I’m sorry, but they aren’t real women. There are only two types of woman: porn and anime.

Edit: and hentai women, of course, who are iNtErSeX— it’s a spectrum! Sorry to be so exclusionary; I’m still (always) learning.

vrishkin: It ok girl, I sexualize all women :* :*

I’ve asked people before if insurance should cover my meal prep, gym fees and supplements so I could match my dysmorphic body view and been told “yes” before.

TiM apologists are delusional

skallys: It's weird because they spend so much effort claiming everything about them "IS" female, but then do a 180 when insurance offers covered surgery on like 8 different parts of them.

tryingformighty: You have made an excellent point. How can they argue for "gender confirmation" surgery while arguing they shouldn't have to have SRS?

Of course I think we know the answer...both are ways they seek satisfaction from their fetish.

justhysterical2018: Reminds me of when the New Yorker wrote this pretty glowing piece about a stunning and brave TIMs facial feminization surgery. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/03/19/the-story-of-a-trans-womans-face

I read it and just laughed. Women like the Kardashians and the Real Housewives get made fun of all the time for their facial reconstruction projects. Sure these women look ridiculous, but where are our profiles in the New Yorker for getting "affirming" nose jobs and forehead reconstruction? When women get plastic surgery we're called vain and shallow if you can tell we've had work done. Can you imagine a New Yorker author discussing with sympathy how difficult it is for women to get fillers and nose jobs covered by insurance?

tryingformighty: Does this mean that if "transwomen are women" we can make fun of them for being vain and shallow when *they* have facial plastic surgery?

Miata667 #transphobia reddit.com

Trannies are fucking scary as fuck when you think about it. They belong in a horror movie. A dude who cuts his own dick off and dresses like a woman is something nightmares are made of. Shit is truly demonic as fuck.

Some TERFs #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy reddit.com

Re: TIM makes women uncomfortable after they were nice enough to invite him in their home


Lol, of course the thread is locked.

There are so man Trans moderators that take over subreddits to control the narrative.

You bet if it was a story about a brave handmaiden standing up for a poor transgender person being insulted and asking for advice on how to uninvite their "transphobic" friend they would let it soar to 2k comments and hit the front page.

It's just gross how these people spread their influence like a virus, they're not content with lesbiansgonewild having bizarre pictures of people who are very clearly men (who do not pass at al) showing their erect penises on the page. They have to take over other subs and make sure to lock any post where people are voicing an opinion that does not push the trans narrative. It's actually disgusting and manipulative. They will not win as this cannot go on forever, eventually threatening suicide and trying to take over spaces will not work, the rabid activists will end up a pathetic fringe group nobody takes seriously and everyone derides for their narcissism and unreasonableness.


The amount of work TRAs are putting in on spreading propaganda is insane. They have really put in a lot of work trying to worm their way into traditionally female groups, civil-rights groups, and certain spaces like technology. I don't even necessarily think companies and the media care that much about trans rights beyond those associated with the far left. I think mtfs especially just never shut up, they're on a crusade to shout down other peoples opinions and shame women into accepting them. There is no shortage of incels and horny dudes who will jump in to upvote their posts against the evil women


Oh my god. It's insane how they are choosing to say, "this has nothing to do with being trans"

🤣🤣🤣 What a joke.


Like, I’ve had guys over in my house and they would not do this cause they know we would call the police / pepper spray them but slap a wig on and call it a girl dick and suddenly it’s how do we let them down gently for exposing themselves to us while high on cocaine


yeahhhhhhh hahahaha it has everything to do w it. using “she/her” pronouns and a “girly” name to lower their guard and after infiltrating their private space, assaulting and sexually harassing them. a cis girl wouldnt get away w that (or even go Nearly that far) and a cis guy wouldnt even be there in the first place.

god im so tired of the mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance


“It’s nothing to do with being trans, she’s just an asshole”

Yeah, because “she”’s a man and most men are assholes.


Here are the top three posts I got on this sub just searching "sleepover".




It's endemic and hardly any TiMs contradict the idea so it's clearly their majority view of the way women act. They can't deny it's part of the fetish, which itself stems from their delusional, objectifying and misogynistic ideas about women.

Some TERFs #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Fell into this sub and thought that this was some cherry picking of isolated events....open r/mtf and this is right on the front agh



I had a date with a guy yesterday night and my big boobs made him blush hardcore. Gotta love these little achievements were guys look more at your chest than at your face

best purchase I ever made were breast implants :-p Only a bit more than a week post-op and I'm already so so so eager to show them off. Boobs are such a beautiful gift


If it helps you out, I'm just a mostly regular dude and I didn't end up in these spaces because I was a radfem looking for company: I started out noticing that something was definitely wrong with the trans discourse I saw online and increasingly IRL as well and that's how I found GenderCritical and its sister subs.


That's great. I always say this, everyone can see that this is wrong, you don't have to be a radfem to realise that this is just unbelievably fucked up in so many ways. We might disagree on a lot of things and maybe if we manage to quell this insanity we can all go back to arguing again. But right now, this trans stuff is harmful and dangerous to all of us, especially young girls and women, so everyone gotta come together and try and stop it, no matter where we stand on other things.


As others say, pointing to delusions and madness or the truth has nothing to do with radical feminism or any other label.

To lift the curtain, one must exist the cult to get s better view of the cult. This is that better view. You get to see them for what they really are.

Of course not all of them are like this. Some trans peeps are against this BS but then they’re silenced or are afraid to speak up.


I'm usually super left wing and came to GC (which is how I found this sub) expecting them to all be crazy and to have a laugh. Instead I found myself agreeing and questioning why, as a feminist, I'm allowing men to dictate what women are just because they say they are women. I've also reached out to a few trans people trying to get a different perspective but as of yet I haven't been swayed from the idea that most trans people are mentally ill and need therapy and support, not transitioning. Though I do think there are some people who do experience dysphoria due to a brain abnormality, I also feel the majority fetishise womanhood and are highly misogynistic thinking that we are just fuck holes with portable boobs.

Some TERFs #transphobia reddit.com

Re: TiMs sure do like to trap people in to sleeping with them thinking that they are women. Withholding information you know matters to the other part is fraud? Doesn't this make it a sort of a rape fetish?



Slept with a guy without informing him that I'm trans.

And he didn't notice,

I'm tired of having to disclose something that no longer matters. I'm not a danger to anyone, so I shouldn't have to be obligated to disclose.

We both enjoyed ourselves.

Also I have discovered a new feature of my vaginal I can get wet without lubrication. Don't ask me how. I'm getting wet these days ;-)

Love life!


Almost 600 upvotes celebrating a random guy not noticing that he's having sex with a TIM. Coming up next: celebrating a minor not noticing that you're 30, your drunk one night stand not noticing that you're not actually her boyfriend, your sister not noticing that you cream her underwear on daily basis, and many other awesome things! Stay tuned and don't let all the prudes of the world prevent you from having sex!


I'm always confused by the obvious lie about 'not noticing.' I always assumed that it was just part of the fantasy that they're roleplaying online, but I've encountered it so many times I'm starting to think they actually believe it's possible.


I wonder how many men are still a bit confused about women’s genitalia and just don’t want to be an ass (and risk not getting access in the future) by mentioning it’s different than others they’ve encountered. I also wouldn’t be surprised if some men were just so “woke” that they ignored the differences because they believe TWAW.


I'm always confused by the obvious lie about 'not noticing.' I always assumed that it was just part of the fantasy that they're roleplaying online, but I've encountered it so many times I'm starting to think they actually believe it's possible.

I love boobs, and in my entire life, I've probably seen two or three sets of breast implants that almost convinced me they were real. That's something like 0.3% of the boobs I've seen.

Ain't no way in hell that anyone is getting fooled by a fake vagina.

There are definitely men who'll have sex with TiMs and play along with the ruse, but there's ZERO possibility that they don't know what's going on.

I have a relative who's batshit crazy, and the secret to dealing with her is just treat her like she's not crazy. The second that you give her a hint that you think she's batshit crazy, all hell breaks loose.

MarcoosT93 & FlatCommunication3 #transphobia reddit.com

Re: The pseudobisexuality is strong with this one.



I know this is obviously gross but I can't help but feel a twang of sympathy for people like this. How awful is their life snd how deranged are they that this is what they settle on to improve it. I know it's not exactly their fault per se but the progressive left has some answering to do for promoting a lot of it's ideas without any kind of restraint or forethought of the consequences down the line. Like what's it going to be like 20 years from now when all these dumb confused teenagers are mutilated hormone addled disfunctional adults? Fuck I sound like pearl clutching conservative but this shit genuinely concerns me

Hard to feel sorry for them when they're yelling about sucking their girl dick and\or masturbating in the women's washrooms. Too much time in the trans forums. Maybe if they spent time away they can develop some empathy and sympathy for the women they are colonizing.

It is hard to feel sorry for them but I'm a compassionate person it's one of my core values. I just look and see a horribly broken human trying to find love and acceptance so desperately that this is the step they're taking. It genuinely breaks my heart

I agree somewhat too. I mean, look at the transsexuals, who have totally been steamrolled over by the agp fetishists and the trans trenders. Mostly though I feel the worst for the kids who have been told if they want to play with toys not typically associated with their gender they are trans and should be put on puberty blockers. I draw the line at feeling even remotely sorry for any of these men who take over women's spaces with such gleeful malice and spite.

Yeah thank you for giving me the term Transexual I was looking for a distinguishing name. Also that's been my pet peeve, so what if a kid plays with the opposite genders stuff? Nearly all kids do, I definitely borrowed my sister's barbies more than once I didn't need hormones. I also occasionally wore make up as a teenager or had my nails painted.... Because that shits fun, instead we're enforcing a somehow more rigid gender binary by saaying you can only be your birth gender and any deviancy means chemically altering and mutilating you


I mean, look at the transsexuals, who have totally been steamrolled over by the agp fetishists and the trans trenders.

Autogynephilic transsexuals have steamrolled plenty of people but not themselves, that's for sure. As for HSTS (homosexual transsexuals) some of the biggest leading trans activists who have promoted self-ID + puberty blocker regimens are HSTS.

Look I know your friend is a transsexual but please stop repeating this old canard. It's simply not true.

RobotCockRock #racist #homophobia #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

[Comment under "What is Trump's greatest accomplishment thus far?"]

Putting an end to left wing Semitic evil like the war on Christmas, trans in the military, etc. Homos aren't prancing around as much as they used to and women are slowly learning to keep their place. Arabs and Mexicans know they they aren't wanted here. A lot of other things, but those are the first that come to mind.

admin_worth & fiveshowersadaycel #transphobia reddit.com

Re: How did sex-change operations work in Neanderthal caves, IT? I'm curious :)



There is a very very very small percentage of transgender people who are legit. But the are we are seeing it today is so overblown. And psychologists and ethnologists have known this and what causes it for years. Hell even history lecturers. Simply put behavioural sink. Cultures strive, have meaning. Basically our survival instincts have a purpose. To spread, grow, even dominate. But when you establish that powerful society, thigns start to shift. A growing hedonism and narcissism develops. If we applied narcissistic test measures on people today and people 80 years ago, narcissism would rate much higher today. The death of spirituality occurs. True spirituality, and is replaced by faux spirituality at best. Fake religions, e.g yummy mummy yoga where they pretend they are enlightened and zen in their $200 designer yoga pants, their $40 coffee keep cup, before they get in their $67,000 SUV to drive home. Society begins to pleasurise our instincts. This is seen in feminism and the end of slut shaming. Making young women basically a walking vagina in a hookup culture. Usually a class of dominant males monopolise a lot of resources and sex. A growing class of lower value males grows out of this. Tensions arise. ANd a lot of unnatural behaviours occur. Homosexuality is seen in animals, but when a behavioural sink occurs it presents in much larger numbers. Same in humans. The growing sexual marketplace is locking out more and more males. It is a surprise more men are identifying as bisexual or homosexual? It's a deep subconscious cope. They actually aren't homos, but their deep psyche is making the best of their world. Same with most transgenders. Trasgenders are an even weirder bunch as the entire movement operates like a cult, finding the vulnerable ad drawing them in. But have you ever seen a legitmate chad or chadlite be transgender? Maybe once in a blue moon. Most transgsenders are male to female, already a glaring sign, and most of those ex males were low status males, in regards to both socio standing, and sexual standing. Their cope, which the movement is partly to blame, is to say, no all that anxiety and low status, and depression you are feeling isn't because you have mental problems or are a justified reaction to your low social position. No it's because you are transgender and those feeligns are you not fitting into your body. You were born in the wrong body. Now go and see this doctor so you can get one step closer to chopping your cock off.

They ironically were born in the wrong body. A non chad body that is. Ha they been born chad they would feel good. Their desires would be met. They would be respected, likely even loved by parents even more. But no they were born into a sub-prime body. Never dealt with it properly. Were vulnerable and led astray. I mainly feel sorry for most of them. Caveat, a tiny fraction of them are legit. Most however are low status men tranny coping.


sex change operation

reminder trannies its not a vagina, you got mutilated and castrated by doctors who are looking for profits and are using your mental instability, its literally a inverted ballsack in a drilled hole with no use or purpose, its a fresh wound that body is trying to constantly close, and its so confused why is not being closed cause you shove dilators for hours, daily for years, that it starts growing hair and teeth inside of it, using makeup, silicons, female clothes, perfume and pumping female hormones wont trick nature and biology, your body, facial structure, hormones, skull, bones, smell, genes, dna will always be male which mof of you can see by just looking yourself at mirror, instead you got real help, you got deluded so much by people who validate you and give you fake pat in back for their ego boosts and false moral righteousness, that you are risking a suicide like fifty percent of your kind and heavy depression which every tranny has and on which pharmaceutical mafia profits even more, when the short hype and honey moon phase is over and when your youth fades away and truth instills, you will regret not getting a real help instead of false validation and pop science that led you into mutilation, delirium, confusion, illusion and void that you cannot turn back from.

i know about the hair but is there any source on teeth specifically growing inside those wounds? just wanna know



FlatCommunication5 #transphobia reddit.com

For the sake of clarity: "old school" transsexuals, crossdressers, and autogynephiles are all the same people

The contemporary transgender movements is an offshoot of the straight male crossdressing culture of the 1980s and 1990s. These men all fit the AGP profile to a T: Joe Roberts and David MacKellar were NASA engineers. Many of these men transitioned and had SRS. A lot of them basically ran empires creating and selling 'feminizing' guides (books, DVDs etc) and accessories. There was a lot of in-fighting between crossdressers and "true transsexuals" (similar to ‘transgenders’ vs truscum). Neverthless, they lobbied relentlessly throughout the late 1990s. In the aftermath of Matthew Shepard’s murder, they demanded gay rights activists to include “gender identity” to their anti-discrimination lobbying and could be quite forceful about it. They were joining lesbian organizations as far back as 1997. Phyllis Frye (he defended a TIM who had married a man in a landmark case) is an attorney and he participated in the drafting of the International Gender Bill of Rights. Notice Martine Rothblatt's signature. Rothblatt is a friend of Susan Stryker. (the timeline of the article mentions the "gender identity" controversy and concludes with the story of a black TIM's arrest without mentioning straight male crossdressers at all - which is strategic. It mentions TIMs protesting the APA for "pathologizing trans people" in the 1990s)

from Sandy Stone's The Empire Strikes Back

Initially, the only textbook on the subject of transsexualism was Harry Benjamin's definitive work The Transsexual Phenomenon (1966). ... When the first clinics were constituted, Benjamin's book was the researchers' standard reference. And when the first transsexuals were evaluated for their suitability for surgery, their behavior matched up gratifyingly with Benjamin's criteria. The researchers produced papers which reported on this, and which were used as bases for funding.

It took a surprisingly long time--several years--for the researchers to realize that the reason the candidates' behavioral profiles matched Benjamin's so well was that the candidates, too, had read Benjamin's book, which was passed from hand to hand within the transsexual community, and they were only too happy to provide the behavior that led to acceptance for surgery.

This sort of careful repositioning created interesting problems. Among them was the determination of the permissible range of expressions of physical sexuality. This was a large gray area in the candidates' self-presentations, because Benjamin's subjects did not talk about any erotic sense of their own bodies. Consequently nobody else who came to the clinics did either. By textual authority, physical men who lived as women and who identified themselves as transsexuals, as opposed to male transvestites for whom erotic penile sensation was permissible, could not experience penile pleasure. Into the 1980s there was not a single preoperative male -to-female transsexual for whom data was available who experienced genital sexual pleasure while living in the "gender of choice". ...

Then there's Reed Rickson, a TIF who was Harry Benjamin's patient in the 1960s. Rickson's family ran a smelting business and she grew up wealthy. She founded the Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) in 1964, a philanthropic organization funded entirely by herself, whose stated goals were "to provide assistance and support in areas where human potential was limited by adverse physical, mental or social conditions, or where the scope of research was too new, controversial or imaginative to receive traditionally oriented support." The EEF funded the creation of the Harry Benjamin Foundation and the opening of the Johns Hopkins gender clinic as well as countless research efforts, journals, and newsletters.

Dallas Denny, a TIM with degrees in psychology and sociology, took over EEF after Rickson’s death in the 1990s. Dallas Denny edited the magazine Tapestry (“tapestry” refers to the convergence of [autogynephilic] crossdressers and transsexuals. The magazine has existed since the late 1970s) and directed the crossdressing conference Fantasia Fair. He was a personal friend of Joe Roberts, crossdresser who appears in the Tri-Ess documentary. (check the comments for some overt old school AGP. They mention Alison Laing, a crossdresser who transitioned who published feminizing guides for crossdressers and the “Lobby Days” ) Denny has written guidelines for gender therapists throughout the 1990s and 2000s

A study sample from 1987 reveals that "(s)ome history of fetishistic arousal was acknowledged by over 80% of the heterosexual males, compared to fewer than 10% of homosexual males and no homosexual females." A 2011 study confirms this finding (69% self-report transvestic fetishism, 6 times more often than HSTS). AGP transsexuals have NEVER been the minority. As for AGP transition being pragmatic in some cases, this is what old school AGP transsexuals have done. (gaming the system + creating the transgender movement)

Nikki Joly #homophobia #transphobia detroitnews.com

When the home of Nikki Joly burned down in 2017, killing five pets, the FBI investigated it as a hate crime.

After all, the transgender man and gay rights activist had received threats after having a banner year in this conservative town.

In the prior six months, he helped open the city’s first gay community center, organized the first gay festival and, after 18 years of failed attempts, helped lead a bruising battle for an ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays.

For his efforts, a local paper named him the Citizen of the Year.

Authorities later determined the fire was intentionally set, but the person they arrested came as a shock to both supporters and opponents of the gay rights movement. It was the citizen of the year — Nikki Joly.

“It’s embarrassing,” said Travis Trombley, a gay resident who fought for the ordinance. “How do you do it to the community you have put so much effort into helping?”

Why Joly, 54, would allegedly burn down his home remains a mystery. He didn’t own the house, which was insured by its owner, police said.

His attorney said the lack of a motive cast doubt on the case.

Meanwhile, a police investigative report suggests a possible reason for the fire.

Two people who worked with Joly at St. Johns United Church of Christ, where the Jackson Pride Center was located, said he had been frustrated the controversy over gay rights had died down with the passage of the nondiscrimination law, according to the report.

The church officials, Barbara Shelton and Bobby James, when asked by police about a possible motive for the fire, said Joly was disappointed the Jackson Pride Parade and Festival, held five days before the blaze, hadn’t received more attention or protests.

chippysammy, copytree & bigpapi579 #transphobia reddit.com

Re: TIM wants to transition but wouldn't want to be a "frumpy old woman". Other TIMs sympathize and suggest transitioning now and then just detransitioning back later. They don't even want to be women, they just want to be porn dolls.


Considering MtF’s are almost never attractive wouldn’t it just be better to live as the guy you are and work on yourself and make yourself “hot”. They don’t realise they’ll never be hot women. They’ll never be women. They will never ever ever look like an anime character - no one does - not even those cosplayers who put circle lenses in and do all the makeup etc. Why don’t these men see r/transpassing is just men in clothes not made for their broad body shapes, in makeup that’s all the wrong shades and colours (ooh hot pink lipstick will go with my green dress!!1!), with balding heads and cheap wigs and the obvious masculine faces?

Do they really think the people on there are passing goals? Because that’s all you’re going to look like! Show me a MtF who looks like an anime character.


Yep. The few on there who end up looking somewhat nice (not passing, mind you, but nice-looking) were already rather beautiful men with fine features who then had FFS on top of it.

But I think a lot of the others see those before and afters and then somehow think that hormones will somehow do that for them, too.


I mean there's nothing wrong with looking like an obvious dude in a dress. A regular guy can look good in the right women's clothes and subtle makeup. But that would never be validating enough for most TIMs. Compare the top posts at r/crossdressing to r/transpassing. The CDs look better and happier, no contest.

artificialgraymatter #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy reddit.com

Re: Curious TIM enquires about the mental effects estrogen has had on other male users in a trans forum. Results in some... interesting replies.


Interesting how liking men is considered female behavior. Sure, the average woman is interested in men, but where does that leave lesbians? Do lesbians "think like men", if that's the case? I'm genuinely curious what they think about that.

Apparently, estrogen makes one like men.

Lesbians must not have estrogen. 😏

"I interact differently with my son"

that poor kid.

also, if doctors start spending money researching how to shove wombs into mentally ill dudes we deserve to go extinct.

we men deserve to go extinct

Doctors come in both sexes, and I think the comment refers to the doctors..

Western medicine is a patriarchal institution founded and enforced by men. And even female doctors are their pawns.

So, regardless of your presumption, the sentiment still stands. But yes, women should totally be punished for what men do...

Russell James #transphobia stormfront.org

The Queering of the West: The "Transgender" Agenda

Say it loud and say it proud: "transgender" is a scam.

There's no such thing as a transgender person because gender doesn't apply to people, it applies to language. Words have gender -- masculine, feminine, or neutral -- humans have sex -- male or female. And sex is a very simple issue, either you have a Y chromosome or you don't. Science has settled the matter.

OK. It's not quite that simple, sex is determined by the gene, SRY, which is a testis-determining factor. This gene is almost always carried by the Y chromosome (more on that below).

The promoters of the "transgender" agenda will sometimes refer to exceedingly rare birth defects like Klinefelter or XX male syndrome to buttress their case. But this argument is based on the wrong assumption that sex is determined by genitalia. As noted above, it is not, it's determined by genes.

Those who suffer from Klinefelter syndrome are born with two X chromosomes and one Y (XXY). This makes them technically male (sterile) but with some feminine manifestations.

XX male syndrome is a little different. Because of unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, the X chromosome, passed on by the father, contains the SRY gene. As with Klinefelter sufferers they are technically male (and sterile), with feminine manifestations.

Both of the cases above represent exceedingly rare birth defects. In the case of Klinefelter syndrome about 0.03 percent of people will have the condition. XX male syndrome is even rarer -- less than 0.005 percent of population are afflicted.

As you can see, being male or female isn't about how you "feel", it's determined by genetic reality. If you "feel" like you're a woman inside a man's body (or the reverse) that doesn't mean that you are some heretofore undiscovered "gender", it means you suffer from a mental disorder.

derpado514 #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia reddit.com

Hollywood is a satanic kabal where you become famous once you sell your soul to 1 of the 9 major studios ( You know they all in this shit together...)

At some point, TV, movies, music, commercials..anything going over the air or sold on a shelf, is used to the keep masses subservient and distract them from real world problems, within our own lives and externally, that they make us believe are either non existent or impossible to resolve..or just not talk about them at all, anywhere.

Multi-multi-billion dollar company uses a fraction of 1% of their funds to prop up a "celebrity" who will go and make hundreds of millions for the studio...make 1 person rich to create the image that celebrities are worth something, so people can idolize and look up to them.

Celebrities are living ads. This was my conclusion, even before that southpark episode.

The satan part is that hollywood is using the LGBTQ+ movement to kill religion.

Not to say that some artists are legit, but they will have to work 100x harder than someone who gets bought out by dj khaled or w/e because now they are pushing someone else's agenda for business, no longer about the art form at all.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Just what happened today blew my mind, and the irony is that this particular thing is as common as cornflakes, so to speak. Let me be blunt.

I went to the Wawa, where I go for lunch. At the counter was a bald man in a long black dress. I kid you not. I tried to assume that it was really baggy pants, but no, it was a dress. Also there were women wearing leggings so tight they looked like they were painted on. Last week a butch female was there, and the week before some skinny girl dressed like a boy with a short, cropped haircut, with her girlfriend in tow. By the way, they looked absolutely miserable.

I’m not going to judge them, but the Bible says for men to not put on a women’s garment, and pants of any kind on a woman is an abomination to God.

It’s as though everything is backwards. No wonder the gays/lesbians are taking over. Nobody says a word, so they flourish, propagating their unseemly, hellish doctrine on the ignorant and unlearned. Forget the Bible, we’ll do what we want! But a day of reckoning is fast approaching.

austinmonster #transphobia reddit.com

I love how every time I bring up the whole "male, female, or genetic mistake" people always post the same few articles from either a university in California, or Canada in their defense.

Of course it's always California and Canada - the two places it's illegal to misgender someone.

Edago #psycho #transphobia twitter.com

[Submitter's note, the following is a PM from furaffinity, the link leads to a tweet from the reciever of said PM]

**RE: Why hello there!**

Just so you know, i am a furry too, but i am so sick and tired of all the rubbish the far left has done to me directly and inderectly i stopped being a social justice warrior.

If you wanna pretend there are 200 genders be my guest, but do not have a little temper tantrum and call people a nazi because they do not share the same beliefs or opinions as you.

If you have not guessed by now, i am the guy you called a nazi on dead by daylight...

I hope you know that when you behave that way you turn people against you. I used to be a fan of communism and i loved Obama, but when i saw how the democrats reacted when Trump won i was both horrified and ashamed of them.

Just some friendly advice... Instead of calling people names like Nazi when they fail to agree with you or respect your safe space, act like a grown adult and agree to disagree.

I also just wanted to share this video with you because it reminded me of you and GEN Z in general.


I never got hooked.. (wink) Have a nice day, and see you during Trumps re-election!

**RE: Videos for you**

[Links to "Punch the Nazi" by Ruka Ruka Ali & "Come be PC" by Chris Ray Gun]

It did not send the link in the previous message so here, i just wanted to share these two videos since i thought you would get a laugh out of them! I hope to play with you again on dead by daylight soom... Maybe with me being the killer so i can show you what happens to Antifa in my neighborhood OwO

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #transphobia kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Another pet peeve I have (and I know I’ve lost you already with my harping) is that people think they can change genders. My first thought is, where did this come from?? But then I realize the human heart is desperately wicked, and those without Jesus Christ are easily influenced by the Devil.

Why would anyone want to change what God has made them to be? And this is pushed in the public schools?? Tell me I’m wrong! That’s just sick! I can’t imagine what legions of devils are at work when a person has a trans-sex operation or whatever you call it (it’s called ABOMINATION)!! There are DOCTORS who SPECIALIZE in this kind of garbage! They get paid probably millions of dollars PER SURGERY to turn a girl into a boy or a boy into a girl! What’s next? Trans-SPECIES??? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Oh wait, that’s ALREADY been done (chimeras)!!

What set me off was when I saw something on Facebook that someone my family knew had a female name after a male name. It reminded me of that nasty Bruce Jenner person-thing. We are certainly in the end times, when good is called evil and evil is called good!! I don’t know the person, but if he’s got a female name, that sets off alarm bells in my head!!

Also, while I’m calling Facebook out, did you know that now you have the option to change your gender on your profile?? They just brought this out a couple weeks ago! So that means if I wanted to say I’m male, then people on the outside would think I’m a man!! UGH!! Talk about “coming out of the closet!” ANYBODY can be or imitate a LGBTQ anymore!! I’ve accidentally been called “brother” before, but this is too much!!

I’m sorry to rant so much but the world just gets to me sometimes and I need something to get it off my chest. Hence, my lovely blog!

By the way, if you don’t like what I’m saying and are judging me solely by what I’m writing here in this post, then you don’t know me very well. You need to quit judging people and let God be the Judge! Because I’ll tell you right now, we are ALL going to be held accountable for our lives when we face Him. EVERY idle word (and deed) men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the judgment (Matthew 12:36)! It’s going to happen, don’t you worry.

Mike78 #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

Something terrifying is going on in Porn: Attack of the Killer Man-Jaws

"You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth – nothing more.”

How do you subdue a powerful nation?

By invading from the inside out. By effeminizing the men. By loading their bodies with hormone disrupting drugs and chemicals, reversing the gender roles of their parents with liberalism and feminism, by pushing transgender and homosexual agendas in school, television and social media to shame healthy masculinity and condemn heterosexual normalcy. Everything you see happening around you today.

But there's another, far more insidious way that no one picked upon until now. Oh yes.

Fuck up their sexuality with porn. Inundate them with the most vile perverse shit imaginable: men fucking other men. But not just gay porn. Oh no- that would be too obvious and would cause a heterosexual male to turn off the computer and vomit. Trick them. Deceive them by dressing other men up in makeup, giving them fake breasts and fake asses and fake vaginas, plastic surgery and hormone replacement therapy and have even the men fucking them believe they are women. Sound impossible?

This is the fucked up truth of the Reality we live in.

That's right. the overwhelming majority of "female" porn stars are actually **trannies**. Men born with penises who had their dicks chopped off, fake vaginas stitched together, given estrogen at a young age and every operation imaginable to try to make them appear as women. But they aren't women. They are men dressed as women, and when people watch this perverse shit it FUCKS THEM UP.

Something very terrifying has been going on for many years in the porn industry and no one noticed it until now. After all- "HOW" you might say. How can trannies be having sex with other men and yet appear as real women with tits, asses and everything? Don't the men notice? It's really quite simple.

Lube. It's porn, people. They use tons of lube all the time and the actors will not be able to notice the lack of natural female lubrication. Hormone replacement therapy and SRS at a young age to prevent scarring of the fake vaginas and overtly male characteristics from showing. Brazilian buttlifts and other body fat displacement procedures to give the appearance of wide hips, rib removal for narrow waists, injections for big asses. Breast enhancement. Tons and tons of makeup. Plastic surgery.

Here's the kicker though: there are some male traits you *simply can't remove*. Look for these ALWAYS: wide shoulders, MAN JAWS, sloping back forehead, pronounced brow ridge, ring finger longer than index, long spindly arms, lack of a Q angle of the femur, "adonis belt" created by male hip structure, high cheek bones. When you actually study the physical anatomy of these porn "actresses", it becomes readily apparent that they are in fact biological males.

EXHIBIT A: Asa Akira https://s15.postimg.cc/80n721dmj/akira.png

LOOK AT THAT MAN JAW! Good god, how do ANY of you think this is a woman?!?! Look at the high cheek bones. This is a TRANNY! Look at his skin up close! https://s15.postimg.cc/g659084gb/makeskin.png That's MALE SKIN. He looks TOTALLY like a thai lady-boy in that pic. Can you see it? I hope you can fucking see that guy is a dude.

Exhibit B: Phoenix Marie https://s15.postimg.cc/3rigzw58b/phoenix_marie.png

HOLY FUCK! JUST FUCKING LOOK AT HIM!! If you can't see that that is a MAN with makeup on something is seriously wrong with you.

Exhibit C: Aletta Ocean https://s15.postimg.cc/h8ffir7u3/aletta.jpg

A pig with makeup on is still a pig! Notice the protruding male brow ridge, the sloping male forehead and the strong male jaw this guy has.

Exhibit D: Stoya https://s15.postimg.cc/nm4im050b/stoya.jpg

Holy crap! Look at that male face! The jaw, the brow ridge, the high cheek bones! THAT IS A DUDE. PERIOD. *That is just a straight up dude with long hair and makeup on*

So how many of you have been jerking off to these trannies your entire life without realizing they were men? I've never seen these before and only happened to stumble upon them by looking through a list of "the most beautiful porn stars" (isn't that fucking ironic? Basically a slap in the face). AT LEAST ONE OF YOU FUCKERS READING THIS HAS BEEN JERKING OFF TO MEN FUCKING OTHER MEN. YOU'VE BEEN LUSTING AFTER DUDES IN MAKEUP! WAKE UP!!!

This is only a tiny tiny sample of the hidden trannies pervading the porn industry. Make no mistake- ALL famous porn actresses are trannies! You simple can't climb the pyramid to fame and fortune without forwarding their sick agenda. That's right- Pamela Anderson, Jenna Jameson, all those big names are 100% trannies. Men with fake tits and makeup.

Open your eyes. Women don't have man-jaws. Even ugly women at least are still WOMEN. These AREN'T WOMEN. See the male features. SEE THEM. These are MEN sucking off and getting fucked by other MEN. NO they are not "hot". NO they are not "sexy". THEY ARE MEN WITH MAKEUP ON AND ITS DISGUSTING!

As if there wasn't enough reason to stay the fuck away from porn as it is? SMH

Some incels #transphobia reddit.com

Re: 90% of /r/detrans are female-to-male, because women realize quickly that being a short weak framed man is HELL. BLACKPILLED



Imagine a 5'4 feminist type deciding to become a man, thinking she'll get "male privilege". She takes testosterone and gets her tits cut off and becomes a weak framed 5'4 incel that no woman wants to date. LMAO LIFE FEUL.

They want their female privilege back immediately. They thought they wanted male privilege, what they really wanted was CHAD PRIVILEGE.

And the ugly fat balding man who has never gotten a date in his life puts on a skirt and bra & has guys lining up to fuck him. Transgenderism is a huge blackpill.

Men who become women can be put in 2 categories.

Transwomen who like men/trannies: In this case they have immediate access to infinite sex with men and other trannies.

Transwomen who like women: In this case it's fucking over lmao. Lesbian women don't want to date a fucking manly tranny. This is where the "high suicide" is. These trannys realize that real women want nothing to do with them, they either suicide or settle for other trannys. Almost no trannies pass, 99.9% look like freaks without fakeup

Interesting. Now that you mention de-transitioning, I'm really curious about the percentages now. I know more transitions are MtF, but it sounds right that FtM would have more quitters.

It seems 90%~ of detrans people are FTM, even though the vast majority of trans people are MTF. These numbers are staggering, even moreso when you adjust for population of ftm vs mtf


And unless they are Asians usually they will never pass. Asian have narrowed shoulders and small bones which help with finding clothes

There’s a chance for a male to female transgender to improve their life. It’s small, and most trannies don’t pass for real women but when they do it’s a good improvement.

Female to male is like someone giving you a large pizza and chicken wings for free and you throwing that perfectly good food into the garbage. The same person buys you the pizza and wings every day.... only for you to throw it away.

Seriously. Being a man is brutal and based on how much money you have and how big and strong you are.

Women say men have the winning ticket. Only Chad does.

Exactly, they never wanted to be male, they wanted to be Chad

Being Chad means people take you seriously. Incel like me can speak the truth but I am not attractive so people won’t accept it


there should be more debate about this topic. i wonder WHY women change back to women after they had a taste of what it was like being a man.

i wonder what the suicide/depression rates are for FtM as well. i bet it’s a lot higher than MtF. KEK

And this is despite the fact that women can look more convincingly like a man than vice versa, minus the height.

obersturmfuhrerss SoyBugDestroyer #transphobia reddit.com

Not getting it guys. Its a trans person.

So long as they are just living their life and letting you live yours, what's the issue again?

Right there with you if they're pushing sexuality on 8 year olds or trying to assume orwellian control over language.

But if they're just living their own life? I don't understand the issue.

obersturmfuhrerss: You are trying to rationalize disgusting and despicable behavior that damages society. We should not normalize this type of behavior even if you think it is not harming you. Children nowadays see this shit everywhere and they think it is normal.

This person should be treated in a mental institution, not encouraged to live with delusions.

SoyBugDestroyer: We live in a society. Your actions affect other people. They affect me, my wife, our children, and everyone else.

If you want to be a subhuman freak pedophile mental case, you are free to fuck off into the woods and run around with the animals. Human civilization has laws, sexual dimorphism, moral boundaries, and social standards. Continual breaching of these pillars of society will lead to its ultimate erosion.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Another thing that fuels my righteous anger is that damned FLAG. Now, just to make a distinction. It’s a rainbow, right? WRONG! That is NOT a real rainbow. The “pride flag” is only SIX colors. Six is the number of MAN, and in this case, HOMOSEXUAL man. God’s rainbow has SEVEN colors. The sodomites are so against God and hate Him so much that they turned the rainbow into an abomination itself, of SIX colors! It leaves out the color INDIGO!!

HERE is God’s rainbow… SEVEN colors…

See that reddish purple at the far right? That’s INDIGO.

So why am I going on about this? Because it needs to be EXPOSED for the SIN that it is. These people are defiant, rebellious, and sick-minded. PRIDE, in what?? You can get married like NORMAL people do?? You can defile yourselves with one another?? You can adopt children (God help them) and “raise a family”?? You can flaunt your SIN in God’s face, and expect Him to back off?? Oh no, NO, my friend, GOD ALREADY HAS YOUR ETERNITY IN MIND. You’re the one who has to change YOUR mind!! YOUR DEGENERATE, DISGUSTING, FILTHY, “ALTERNATE” LIFESTYLE MAKES GOD ALMIGHTY SICK!!!

We are all sinners, folks. The LESBOS, BISEXUALS, GAYS, TRANNIES and QUEERS– EVERY one of them will fall on their face in the Lake of Fire one day and confess that JESUS IS LORD, to the glory of God the Father, EXCEPT THEY REPENT– NOW— and come to Christ as the GUILTY SINNERS THEY ARE. AMEN!! EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #homophbia #transphobia #conspiracy soulwinning.info

I live on the island of Guam, which sadly is being horribly corrupted by the United States. I have heard the most vulgar language (on multiple occasions) at Ypao Beach Park during local family picnics, filth blasting from the radios of local residents, listening to the ungodly disgusting ghetto music coming from the United States. The islanders like Negro Rap music for some reason. Lesbianism and gender change is become popular on Guam, and the local politicians are very defensive of their “rights” to be immoral. I have lived on Guam now for 15 years, and have seen the island morally deteriorate. I can truly say that the indigenous people on Guam are some of the best, friendliest and most generous people I have ever met, but the sinful filth from the United States is corrupting and ruining the island. Unfortunately, the next generation will be very different! The young people are changing for the worse, because of the influence of technology! TECHNOLOGY IS OFTEN A CURSE! Don't ever forget dear reader that UNGODLY FREEMASONS RULE OVER AMERICA!!! That is way wickedness is legal and flourishing in America, because Lucifer is the God of Freemasonry!!!

Exposing Ancient Mystery Religion (Luciferian occultism controls Freemasonry and the U.S.)

I don't receive any money for my website ministry, never have, and never will. I spend about $1,000 a year of my own money for two VPS hosting plans, to keep my ministry going, which is my privilege for Jesus Christ. The only reason I spend so much money is because my web visitors use about one terabyte (1 trillion bytes) of bandwidth per month. Amen for that! About 15,000 web visitors spend at least one hour a month searching through my ministry websites. Praise the Lord for that!!! I am so grateful. I only wish I could do better, and by God's grace and with His help I will in the future, Lord willing.


Some incels #transphobia reddit.com

Re: 🤡



Ok so maybe the gender identifying part of their brains are miswired. So what? We don't have nearly enough understanding of the brain to rewire them, so might as well let these people go with it.

What's the alternative?

I agree their brain might be miswired (although a lot of them are likely confused after being sexually abused as children). But whats the better solution....Giving them therapy and at least promoting the idea that they should accept their body or mutilating themselves? I read a really gross article and their fake vaginas need continual maintenance because its literally a wound that the body is trying to heal.

I seriously doubt you get any sexual pleasure from your fake sex organs, so just why on earth would you do it? If someone wants to cross dress go for it but the whole hormones and mutilation part is just pure insanity.

They promote fat acceptance but don't promote people to accept their fully functional body if at all possible. Clearly there is some weird fucking agenda going on.


Ok so maybe the gender identifying part of their brains are miswired. So what? We don't have nearly enough understanding of the brain to rewire them, so might as well let these people go with it.

What's the alternative?

I mean, it seems pretty damn unfair that they get the privilege of being what they want AND a whole movement promoting their acceptance and defending them from being discriminated for their transgender status and their gender-nonconforming appearance. I'm a straight man whose appearance is also gender-nonconforming, and I face a lot of discrimination and harassment because of that. But not only is there no movement working to defend me from it - I'm not even allowed to speak out for myself.

So what makes transgender people so special? Why can they have that and I can't?


The Daily Signal knows whats up. People already were well on their way to accepting it. Then they had to sabotage their own progress by being attention seeking bitches over the whole thing. True acceptance means eventually becoming invisible -- to be a part of daily mundane life. Once it was starting to get that way, they made noise to keep attention on them, because they must've somehow thought silence meant we hated them.

Now people are starting to see them as the annoying neighbor that won't shut up at night.


I couldn’t give a fuck about gays or trannies. I just wish they’d stop rubbing everything in my face. We don’t need a whole month dedicated to them. That’s the only thing I dislike about LGBT how much it’s all in my face.

we will only keep things in our bedrooms! as they wear bsmd gear around children in a parade

They really don’t sell the fact that they’re mentally sane

also heterosexual coversion is bad, meanwhile they have gay conversion clinics everywhere


I support gay rights and the discrimination of Christcucks, but the ...TQXYZ+ is the shit I oppose just as much.


Gay men have at least 50 sexual partners in their lifetime. Even the ugly ones. It's enough for me to wish that I was born gay.

justforlulzandkeks #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com



Ehhh depends on how passable they are, unfortunately I'd say 95% mtf aren't passable which means no qt trap waifu for us.

I sort of agree with you actually. If you find one that passes well attractive, that's not gay. Your brain is perceiving feminine features and reacting to them. But if you want to have sex with someone who has a dick, that's gay.

But either way all of them would reject us, so yeah it never began tbh fam.

you can be attracted to female secondary sex characteristics, but knowingly dating a man, with a dick (or a neo""""vagina"""") is indeed very gay. not to mention most (mtf) trannies don't pass at all

In the past, like, 3 yrs or so the left has seemed to bend over backwards to appease a population of people so small it shouldnt matter. LA has quite a bit of transpeople, and this isnt politically correct, but most of them are def mentally ill in some capacity. Now they're spouting parodies of incel talking points but without a hint of irony

there's a lot of money to be made on trannies. it's the medical industry's delve into transhumanism


It’s seems very unlikely the natural rate of transgenderism—if there really is an organic component to it—is nearly as high as the rates we’re seeing now.

it isn't. it's just being pushed heavily because there's money to be made from the psychiatric appointments, medications and surgeries. the virtue signaling leftists eat it up because they think it's progressive, meanwhile the medical industry rubs its hands


as always, it's about the money, and as always, just follow the money

Sometimes I think that the radical feminist "TERFS" are just the logically consistent and coherent feminists.

they are literally and unironically right. the whole tranny ideology is self contradicting and logically inconsistent. gendercritical ideology deconstructs it. of course as actual women they get shit on for saying mentally ill men/fetishists in dresses aren't and can't be women, which is incredibly ironic. though it doesn't help their image that they absolutely hate men. they're also anti porn and prostitution, which are also big memes being pushed by libfems, so naturally they are hated by the mainstream """"feminists""""

Cl0uDOnSunset #homophobia #transphobia removeddit.com

I hate the LGBTQ Community

Now before i start, i am not homophobic. When i say LGBTQ Community, i dont mean the individual average homosexual person, i mean the cringy over the top twitter culture that the LGBTQ Community has become. I hate the fact that it is somehow considered wrong that I wouldn’t date a transgender, or that its considered toxic masculinity for punching a man that attempts to kiss me (knowing that I am straight). Or that its somehow homophobic to be ok with a straight pride parade? Or that its homophobic for me to get annoyed that so many already established fictional characters are being turned gay for the sake of “rEpReSeNtAtIoN”. I still wont get over the fact that Kevin Hart lost an opportunity to host the Oscars because of some jokes he made. Im not even gonna acknowledge how many years ago those jokes were made because its irrelevant to the fact that they are JUST JOKES. He said that if he could prevent his son from being gay, he would. Why is that wrong? As a straight man, I would prefer if my son were straight. If my son were gay, I would still love him regardless but it wouldn’t be the same type of bond (im not gonna get into that because this will be longer then it should be). Im sick of being called a homophobe for basic normal things i do/say/think just because The LGBTQ Community has become a group of easily offended cringe worthy narcissistic twitter stan culture enthusiasts.

Mountains_beyond #transphobia reddit.com

I’m actually surprised we don’t see more TiM mass shooters, as so many fit the “aggrieved narcissist” profile. The only ones I’ve heard of are Randy Stair - though his self-identification as trans was not widely reported, Geoffrey Websdale, who trans’d in prison, and Claire Wolfever.

Fish-Eyed Fool #psycho #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Yeah I don't get why people are so broke up about Etika's death. What because he was YouTuber? People fucking kill themselves all the time. I dunno, maybe I just wasn't following the guy. Personally, I think Chloe Sagal setting himself on fire in the name of mental health and having his message completely ignored, in favor of making it about bullying, was more tragic.

Revbo™ #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

“If very few people are willing to date trans people, what does this mean for their health and well-being? If trans and non-binary people lack access to one of the most stable sources of social support, this could explain some of the existing health disparities within trans communities.”

According to your study, 12.5% of the population is just fine dating a crazy mutilated freak, doc. Considering the crazy mutilated freaks are less than a tenth of one per cent of the population, I'd say their dating options are well beyond anything they could possibly have ever hoped for, and they have assholes like you, who insist that the rest of us are "transphobic," whatever that means, to thank that the number is that high and most likely climbing as you indoctrinate a new generation of children, barely out of the womb, in to your degeneracy.

Gay Frogs Award

It's all those chemicals!!1

UnchosenZombie #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

If only there was a vid. The mother is flooded with hormones so the fetus changes sex in utero, Its an agenda barely anyone knows is happening, they are wiping out real men. 90% + of all humans that aren't public citizens are secret trans. Celebrities/media/politicians.

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