
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Lady Checkmate #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "California Proposes Jail Time for Using the Wrong Pronoun for Transgenders"

Here it is in plain English. Sodomites never wanted equality, they already had equality. They have always wanted to dominate and control what others say, believe and live. I'm not surprised that Ontario and California (Sodom and Gomorrah) are leading the charge. But, there is a remnant that stands against them in Jesus name. Apostates seek Jesus Christ and return to righteousness.

Come quick Lord.


Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified.Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Faustus Crow #fundie #senpai_noticed_us #transphobia faustuscrow.wordpress.com

(FSTDT fanfiction!)

This is an answer for the Reptilian Jew and the FSTDT coven:

Pharaoh Bastethotep: “Okay, I’d like to commmission a voluptous torbie catgirl in pearly power armour, riding a kirin through an alien fungal jungle with a tricorder in her hand, from outa my Tulpa creating lamp, of an Illuminated Fiery brain.”
Vman: “Dafuq, did I just read yer right? That’s, Airily politically incorrect—Bastethotep— Better to Flee, before you’ll get picked up by the Thought-Police for that porny Entartete Kunst comment”
Pharaoh Bastethotep: “Damn it to Fiery Amenta! Okay, I’d like to commmission a transgender cat-girl-boy in black power armour, riding a drone through the policed urban jungle, with a rainbow flag in her-his, its, Fornicating hand, from outa my over-watched brain.”
Adey: “Sheesh! Drinking the bong Water is not a good idea. So quit doing it guys. Fight your addiction! As the great joker said, “I don’t do Drugs, I am Drugs.”
Anon-e-moose: “Don’t know about the others intake of addictive Foods on this here FSTDT coven forum. But I don’t do drugs, Adey; I’m going cyber druggie beyond my Earthy Persona.
Anon-e-moose: continues: “The 55 Gb installation file for “DOOM IV” is downloadable via the Bethesda/id Software site, no box required. Get with the times, ‘boys and girls;’ its yer reactive Reptilian-brain-stem, which is initiating these Elemental four F’s games.”

The Activist Mommy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia facebook.com

I can't wait to meet some of you on the 16th at the Columbus, Ohio Gay Pride Parade. There are many petty trolls on my page right now who are making the very small-minded argument that I hate homosexuals. Poor things. They couldn't misunderstand me more. When you see me post against transgender bathrooms, why do you assert that I hate homosexuals? When I post against 5-year-olds transitioning to the opposite sex, is it fair to assume I hate transgenders? The honest mind will admit it's not fair and it's non sequitur. If your 20-year-old son was a drug addict, and you warned him that he needed to quit drugs, does that mean you hate drug addicts? No, it actually means you love your son enough to tell him what he needs to hear in that moment.
I love homosexuals and am willing to tell them what they need to hear, even if it temporarily makes me their enemy. Jesus loves and died for the homosexual, the heterosexual sex addict, the fornicator, the adulterer, the porn addict, etc. He wants all of us to be free from anything that would seek to destroy us and master us. I have been mastered before by lust and rebellion. Christ delivered me and can deliver you too.
I will be at the Gay Pride Parade to meet homosexuals, interview them, ask questions, answer questions, and make some new friends. ??
#ActivistMommy #GayPride

Rita Strakosha #quack #homophobia #transphobia pinknews.co.uk

A self-published “study” claims that eating too many fatty foods can cause homosexuality or make you transgender.

Author Rita Strakosha, who says she has “an M.P.S. degree in Clinical Psychology from Albanian University”, sent the 56-page document to PinkNews after self-publishing it as an e-book on Amazon.

In the document, which she has also put up for free on her website, attempts to link homosexuality to an unhealthy diet.

It claims: “Homosexuals— [often eat] large amounts of high glycemic index foods and fat, or eating an imbalanced diet, leaning toward carbohydrates. Some studies show an increased rate of obesity among homosexuals.

“Gay men, lesbian and bisexual women report a higher odds of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption than straight men and women.

“Access to a high calorie diet and alcoholic drinks was limited to the social elite circles in the past. Homosexuality as well appears to have been more frequent among that group.”

The paper ties homosexuality to fats, sugars and alcohol, proceeding to claim that cutting them out of your diet can “prevent the return of homosexual attractions”.

It argues that following a healthy diet with no sugar and sleeping adequately will ‘cure’ homosexuality in an individual and prevent its return.

It directs people to avoid “steer clear of— heavy or rich foods, fatty or fried meals, spicy dishes, citrus fruits and carbonated drinks”, if they want to stay heterosexual

Anonymous #sexist #transphobia fstdt.com

[On a (possibly fake) post featuring an admitted paedophile who happens to be trans]

Another good reason to oppose the trans agenda. This dude goes around raping his daughter but because he claims to be female (I'm sure his cock....sorry lady penis....is still intact though) when he is finally arrested this will be recorded as a female perpetuated rape. It makes me feel physically sick to see people in the comment thread here referring to this child rapist scumbag as "her" and "she".

If we factored out all m2t rapists and all female perpetuated statutory rapes, would there be *any* actual female rapists?

Anyway this dude should spend the rest of his life behind bars and be made to *actually* be trans if you catch my drift lol.

Brenda Sinclair #homophobia #transphobia #racist patriotnewsdaily.com

yes an abomination in the eyes of God in heaven two gays in whitehouse and a trannie gay called michelle who dressed up to be a woman first lady with a penis, how dis respectful to americans what a dis honor they were allowed to sleep and stench up the whitehouse with their parties of little boys to rape, yes obama child trafficked out of white house wikileaks proved it, in time he will be arrested


Matthew K. Burke #fundie #homophobia #transphobia politistick.com

God Made Man and Women; Biology Agrees, Yet Fake Scientist Bill Nye Wants Children to Change Their Flavors

Anti-Christian bigot and fake scientist Bill Nye on Monday published a new anti-Christian video in which he rejects the science of biology and pushes homosexuality on the nation’s youth.

Denying the biology of thousands of years, Nye claims that anyone who supports gender perversity and sexual delusion is somehow “enlightened” and “forward-thinking” in a new episode of his Netflix show that masquerades as promoting “science” (Bill Nye is not a scientist, fyi) but instead attempts to brainwash children with Cultural Marxism.

Using cartoon ice cream characters to make his deceitful point, Nye portrays the vanilla ice cream cone as a Christian bigot for believing in the obvious science that God made two sexes, male and female while portraying other flavors, like strawberry, as representing other ‘sexualities” as being the victims who are discriminated against.

In the video, the vanilla heterosexual cone who believes in biology says that his “feelings” make him “the most natural of the ice creams.”

“I just think if you want to get right with the big ice cream in the sky, change your flavor,” the vanilla cone says to the other flavors of ice cream cones as if the biological body and anatomy you were born with is somehow based on feelings rather than—reality.

Psychotic sexual deviants who one day wake up and “feel” like they are the sex opposite of their biology and science are not mentioned in the video. Instead, they are the rational and open-minded, accepting sorts, of course, according to Bill Nye.

For lack of better descriptors, it’s shameful, disgusting, and evil.

In 1963, as a matter of congressional record, the Communist goals to destroy America were revealed, all 45 of them. Here are three that leftist Bill Nye either knowingly as a subversive, or unknowingly as a useful idiot, is trying to at least partially fulfill with his video:

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Actually, to correct Bill Nye’s flawed ice cream analogy, God did make different flavors, all kinds of different races, skin colors, personalities — we’re all individuals with uniqueness, etc. But he only made male and female, a scientific fact. But DNA proves there are only two sexes — male and female.

Radicalcowgirl #transphobia aestheteangel.tumblr.com

(This is discussing the possibility of transwomen being able to give birth)

What if we worked on curing or alleviating the symptoms of female specific reproductive problems like PCOS birth control side effects or endo befor we even attempt to cater to males wanting artificial wombs wouldn’t that be amazing

(there’s not just one gallon of science liquid in the whole science community we have to carefully section off to certain things because we’re going to run out. people working on helping trans women carry children probably wouldn’t be working on alleviating female specific reproductive problems anyway, if they were doing something else? theyre both gaining information on female reproduction but in very different ways, so while helping trans women carry children could help us understand female biology more and help alleviate symptoms that way by gaining knowledge for those working on it, the scientists working for reproductive transplants would unlikely be working on cures for female reproductive problem’s otherwise. they’d probably be working on different types of potential transplants.)

It’s prioritizing male usage of a female organ when the people who live with these organs naturally go untreated every day.

Free Criticism #moonbat #homophobia #transphobia maoistrebelnews.com

I am personally inclined to accept the transwoman over the homosexual, or more accurately, I am more inclined to accept the autogynephile over the homosexual. I think there is a reason the homosexual was integrated into imperialism first, and there seems to be a struggle in the ranks of the bourgeoisie over the integration of autogynephiles.

Even though I am inclined to accept autogynephiles over the homosexuals, I freely admit I think the radical feminists have pegged them pretty accurately. The autogynephile does have the mind of the rapist, or rather, the sexual fantasies of the autogynephile tend toward extreme submission of the female. There is an article where a feminist recounts her experience as a phone sex operator talking to men who we would know recognize as having autogynephilia, and she points out none of these men ever fantasized about becoming a woman and dominating other men with their new vaginas. Their sexual fantasies are always playing the submissive, and clearly “Stefonknee” is no different.

I would say the integration of the autogynephile is basically a confirmation of the rape-culture thesis. Basically the Oppressor Man and his Oppressor Woman force the Homo-Fascist (the white gay male in charge of the LGBTQ alphabet-soup in the West) to integrate the autogynephile because they get-off on autogynephilic sexual fantasies. Not all women, but a lot of them do have rape fantasies. The rape fantasies of women aren’t exactly like the sexual thoughts of the autogynephile. The rape fantasies of some straight women are usually more narcissistic; the man is raping me because he is overcome with lust for me and must possess me now. This fantasy is still focused on the hyper-exaggerated erotic mental state of the male rapist. The submission fantasies of the autogynephile are being in the act of submission itself, having really nothing to do with imagining the erotic mental states of their would-be sexual partners.

In that sense, the sexual thoughts of the autogynephile are closer to straight men than any woman. It is probably easiest for the straight man to sympathize with the autogynephile, especially any straight man who has every constructed an elaborately detailed feminine fantasy object for masturbation purposes. The difference seems to be one of identification with the feminine fantasy object, or in the case of the autogynephile, perhaps even a lack of imagination on the erotic mental states of actual women.

In any case, from my previous experience working with LGBTQ people in student activism, I am inclined to believe anti-transwoman sentiment is because the homosexual male doesn’t want to really integrate this identity into the LGBTQ alpha-bet soup they control. The male homosexual sees the autogynephile as a homosexual with a mental disorder. If this is true, I suspect the real difference between the male homosexual and the autogynephile relates to the onset of the sexual imagery. The homosexual male begins identifying with the feminine fantasy object earlier on, even before the onset of puberty, while the autogynephile is a post-puberty version of the same sort of internal fantasies. The continuity here is best evidenced by the androphilic transwoman, who in another context would develop into a ‘normal’ male homosexual. The male homoseuxal sees this an understands what he could have been forced to become, given another cultural context, and fears the integration of the transwomen because it could lead to the extinction of his identity, given a profound shift in political/cultural values.

Lastly, the androphilic transwomen actually desires straight men, seeing ‘normal’ homosexuals as too effeminate to desire sexual encounters with. While they are really homosexuals, they don’t actually desire other homosexuals. In some way, this leads to a divergence of how the two types of homosexual construct their sexuality. The androphillic (homosexual) transwomen desires straight men, while the homosexual can either desire masculine men or they can fetishize other homosexuals (this seems to be the most common). The most extreme form of the fetishizing other homosexuals can be seen in the bug-chasing fantasy. The homosexual with the bug-chasing fantasy fetishes the male homosexual with aids as the ultimate male-slut, and begins to resemble the straight male slut/virgin binary that is more commonly known about.

Myself, I believe Marxist-Leninists must return to an anti-homosexual view, a view that has been held by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hoxha, etc. If this means an alliance with the transwoman, autogynephile and/or androphilic, so be it. However, we should not be under any illusions about the nature of their identities. Ideally, in the imperialist oppressor nations, after a revolution, the LGTBQ pyramid will be restructed, with the male homosexuals at the very bottom. The queer-theorist autogynephiles will be near the top of the hierarchy, followed by the female bisexual, then the male bisexual. Some politically acceptable form of lesbianism will police it, but will be directly answerable to the party.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia wnd.com

When certain families raise their children in today’s culture to be God-honoring, productive, respectful young adults, it’s an astounding accomplishment.

It still happens, praise God, and many of you are still trying to do this.

But the forces allied against such happy outcomes are growing, metastasizing through the disease of secular American culture.

To keep protecting our children, we must recognize honestly what’s going on, even if it is a deeply sobering, heartbreaking picture.

It’s all-out war, one that God is possibly allowing for a time as part of judgment on America.

The left calls the transformation of America “progress.”

But no, it is instead an insane race toward the crumbling temples of ancient barbarism, leading our children by the hand as the sacrificial victims brought willingly to the pagan feast.

Can God “turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children”? (Malachi 4:6)

It may be a divine consequence, if not judgment, of America’s callous slaughter of 60 million unborn lives. God has a habit of giving us what we want.

We are reaping the fruit of abortion: marriage abolition via the homosexual and gender confusion agendas. “Don’t want the blessing of faithful husband/wife love – new human life? OK, take the emptiness of fruitless pleasure instead.”

Sexual promiscuity and cohabitation before marriage were just the beginning. The severe spiritual disorientation that results in the disintegration of male and female norms is being visited on the next generation as we fail to guard their hearts, their eyes, their bodies.

Corruption is “cool”; protectiveness is stifling. The bar of “education” in sexual matters is moved ever lower until Ph.D.s in anti-Christ mythology are dragging youth through a gutter of horrific abominations in grade school. Students are tutored in masturbation as a child, then mutual masturbation as a pre-teen, then experimentation in all directions as a teen. Abortion is always a “health care” option.

And sometimes, adults break a sacred trust and violate children themselves.

The result? More children who exhibit the classic signs of demonic oppression.

Many are behaviorally unhinged, some unaccountably anxious. Others are perennially dissatisfied, proudly rebellious, even self-destructive through cutting, drug use, eating disorders. And then there are those with violent impulses – teen rapists, looters, vandals.

Gender anarchy is one of the last stops on this nightmare trail, a natural outcome of rejecting the sanity and beauty of male and female God-designed identities. Homosexuality was the stop before. And while homosexual desires arise from some level of gender confusion, many stop short of a complete repudiation of the anatomical reality of masculinity and femininity. Or at least, they used to.

Satan is not done with our precious sons and daughters yet. He wants us to hand our children over willingly, believing it’s for their own good, and scream in outrage at any who try to issue warnings.

It’s now “cruel” not to let boys dress in skirts and eyeliner and disrobe in the female locker rooms at school.

Watching this descent into the hell of child corruption for four decades, it’s difficult to understand why more people who call themselves Christian are not radically upset. Some are – that’s our hope and promise.

But for instance, America’s most fervent pro-life activists often avoid any stand on this issue. It may be fear, or it may be that they resist connecting the dots about where decades of sowing disrespect for the fruit of marriage takes us.

After killing millions of our own offspring, Americans are jaded and desensitized to the sexual corruption of our children. Many believers now contend, unbiblically, that it’s un-Christian not to cooperate with these diabolical delusions.

This blindness may also be God’s judgment.

We are more afraid of the worldly label of “hate” than the divine label of “unfaithful.”

Parents allow schools to teach children detailed elements of sexual perversion in sex education. Should 11-year-olds learn, inaccurately, that anal sex is a manageable “genital” activity? Do we not weep in despair at the smashed innocence in a sensitive child?

Friendly librarians hand our children “young adult” literature selections that include pornographic passages. Parents trust that what a school recommends will have no negative effect. This category of literature has exploded in the last 15 years – complete with rape scenes, homosexual sex, masturbation, oral sex, gender fluidity – only because parents are not the watchdogs they used to be. The healthy skepticism that once accompanied parental oversight is quickly vanishing.

So we have porn-obsessed boys who crave sex with other boys – but are willing to accept sex with a predatory adult male.

We see teen lesbians who hate males flirt with witchcraft and think abortion is a sacrament.

And highly disturbed middle schoolers are exploited by social media and radical teachers and threaten suicide unless parents support them in identifying as the opposite sex and beginning hormone “treatment.”

Does any parent bring a baby home from the hospital and proclaim, “Oh, I can’t wait until he is a 17-year-old drag queen who begs to have castration surgery!”

Do any parents pray that their adorable baby girl grows into a foul-mouthed, tattooed “gender-queer” who damages her breasts permanently through chest-binding?

Of course not. America is drowning in parental tears. “I never thought this would happen!” “What did I do wrong?”

Sometimes parents do bear some responsibility. But sometimes it’s the corrupt world that is increasingly impossible to screen out.

We must change it.

What can America do to turn this around? First, we must face the war that is being waged and search our own hearts, with repentance and conviction.

Read and study Scripture about the nation that turns from the Lord:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I will also reject you from being priest for Me.
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children." ( Hosea 4: 6, NKJV)

Can we save our children? Yes. But first, we must save ourselves.

Radladiesunite #fundie radladiesunite.tumblr.com

Dear trans women—

I dare your privileged first world asses to go to other parts of the world and tell women who have been victims of FGM and sex trafficking that you ‘identify’ as a woman and that you don’t like when they talk about their vaginas and how they’ve suffered for being born with a vagina because it hurts your feelings and makes you feel ‘invalidated’. ://////
Tell those same women that you love porn and feel like prostitution is 'empowering’. (((((i can already hear them:“hum hi yeah it’s not vaginas that are the problem it’s when you equate them to womanhood’. well you people think any mention of female biology is violent transphobia. Not everything is about you and your #firstworldgenderistproblems))))

#trans #transgender #cis #terf #anti #terf #transphobia #radfem #libfem

Andrew Koenig #transphobia pitch.com

A Missouri state senator reduced children who identify as another gender to an episode of Kids Say the Darndest Things.

On Tuesday, the Senate's education committee heard testimony on Senate Bill 98, which would prevent children in public schools from using bathrooms and locker rooms that don't correspond to their "biological sex."

The bill is opposed by groups like PROMO, a statewide LGBT organization. Elizabeth Fuchs, PROMO's public policy manager, warned the committee that the bill puts transgender students at increased risk for harassment, bullying and violence.

After Fuchs testified, state Sen. Andrew Koenig, a Republican who represents St. Louis County, spoke. Koenig noted that he is a father as well as a foster care parent.

“Kids say funny things," Koenig said. "‘I want to be a girl or I want to be a dog.’ Who knows what they’ll say? But that doesn’t mean I turn around and try to cultivate that and say, ‘Yes, you can be a dog.’"

He added: “At the age of 5, 6, 7, is it appropriate to cultivate something that they genetically are not?”

Father Dwight Longenecker #fundie #transphobia patheos.com

The Devil of Detroit and Caitlyn Jenner

I was doing some research for an article on the statue of Baphomet which was unveiled in Detroit last weekend when I discovered some very interesting details.

For those of you who are not up to speed, the Satanic Temple unveiled a nine foot statue of Baphomet–or Satan.

As I looked at the image and read up on it I saw that the Devil is portrayed as transgender or androgynous.


Rising from his lap is the pagan Caduceus–the rod with two serpents entwined that the pagan god Mercury carries. According to Satanic lore, this is a phallic symbol with the earth powers of the serpent intertwined.

The winged goat headed figure not only has male genitalia, but breasts.

Furthermore, when you look closely you’ll see that the beast has two arms–one male and one female.

On the arms are the Latin words “Solve” and “Coagula”. These mean “Separate” and “Come Together”. These are occult words for the task of the alchemist who takes what is integrated and natural–breaks it and then puts it back together in a new (and perverted) way.

This is precisely what Satan is doing at this time with human sexuality. Through feminism, homosexualism , trans genderism, gender confusion and “identifying” as whatever gender a person wants the distinctions between male and female are being broken and put back together however it is desired.

...Does that mean Caitlyn Jenner is a demon? I’m not saying that, but the Jenner story is part of something happening in our culture.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Western Sodom pours money upon many who goes public as transgender or homosexual. It's like for women showing more skin. Ex-christian West is worse than a pagan world. They ruin kids to make money.

"What is Western Sodom, and where does it get its wealth from, and what are you talking about?"

Western Sodom is homosexual immorality-wired Western nations and their mimicking mentally-servant nations; their wealth comes from making poor nations work for nothing. The West congratulates immoral people as heroes and encourages coming out as something immoral and rebellious against God. It is observed that God is striking secular nations with childlessness and hopelessness. The land will go to other peoples. The Lord alone knows what will happen to nations, but He decreed severe judgment upon the sinful nations in the Endtime. You need to repent of your sins to get saved. (John chapter3)

Time to Turn #transphobia fstdt.com

@Anonymous asshole

So instead, you should just let popular culture (which says it's cool and normal to be trans) decide for you, right? Suddenly, you find you're not just a guy with girly interests, you're actually a girl who was born in the wrong body!

The trans-enabling is playing off of the mentally ill. There was always the gender dysphoric people, but now trans-enabling plays off of other mentally ill to convince them to drug themselves.

Most parents wouldn't agree to chop off their kid's legs because they hate that part of their body and believe they should've been born legless. And that disease is the same as transgender.

You shouldn't buy the trans propaganda, people. It's cultural manipulation of the highest order.


Trans people have nothing to with LGB people since it's a mental illness. Might as well re-add pedophilia/pedosexuality/whatever those sick fucks are calling it now and make it LGBTP.

Mother Dyke #transphobia beardyke.tumblr.com

the episode of svu where the trans teacher tries to kill the trans kid’s father is probably the only one that even comes close to being honest about the state of trans culture nowadays and it’s the least obnoxious preachy one

not saying all trans ppl r murderers lol just like, the young trans kid getting involved in crime, the trans people saying that a parent not letting you start hormones is abuse/basically murder, etc

Mack Major #fundie #transphobia #homophobia edendecoded.com

YOGA: End Game

The spirits of Yoga confuse sexuality, and lead people into lesbianism, homosexuality, fornication, and masturbation.

For example every year, Indian men and boys - who practice yoga - dress as women to invoke the Devi goddess; and offer their bodies as a living ritual sacrifice. [see image below]

The Kottankulangara Festival in India is one of their most popular festivals where millions of men and boys dress as women. The belief is that the Devi-goddesses (female deities) bless all men who are dressed as women and make their wishes real.

In Hinduism, it is believed that a person that displays BOTH male and female sexual characteristics are highly enlightened.

When a person does a Yoga pose - whether they know it or not - they are signalling demonic spirits to visit them.

Yoga has always been occult. Those that practice or taught yoga never hid this fact. Yoga is connected to Serpent Power, which is Satanic power. When a person does yoga they yoke and bind themselves to Satanic, demonic energy.

Christians that do yoga are utilizing their body as an antenna to attract demonic spirits.

These Yoga demonic spirits then will awaken what is called the ‘Serpent Energy,’ also known as a Third Eye Awakening. Once the third eye is activated, the person will experience certain ‘side effects’ that may include (but not limited to):

•becoming sexually promiscuous,
•having awakened lesbian or homosexual desires,
•and a strong interest or attraction to transgenderism.

The spirits that are being yoked to through practicing yoga will affect other areas of the practitioner’s life. This is a guarded secret of Yoga gurus and teachers: the 3rd eye awakening is really the eye of a demonic spirit that the person has connected to themselves.

This 3rd eye now has desires, thoughts, and passions that the person never had. Because something or someone else has now entered into them. They are now ‘yoked’ to the spirits that were channeled through yoga meditations, mudras and poses.

This is why a Christian has to be wary of diving into eastern practices that they are totally unfamiliar with. You don’t want to be guilty of placing yourself under the watchful eye of The Serpent: ‘that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.’ [Revelation: 12:9] And if you are a Christian practicing yoga, this is exactly what you are doing.

You may not have known that you were practicing these things, but after reading this ebook you will be fully informed. It's decision making time. Will you embrace the spirituality of Hinduism - or will you fully embrace Jesus Christ? One thing is for certain: you cannot have them both! How long will you remain undecided, teeter-tottering on the brink of indecision? Can yoga save you from a burning Hell that awaits all those who reject Jesus as the only way to God? Will yoga be there to save you in your time of distress? We serve a true and living God - one who cares about the condition of His children, and wants our undying devotion towards Him and Him alone. Mixing God with paganism is like mixing a fresh glass of drinking water with raw sewage. Once you do that it’s no longer safe to drink.

*This was a FREE chapter and just a tiny sample from my ebook SEDUCED BY THE SERPENT: YOGA AND TANTRIC SEX REVEALED. It’s very important that the body of Christ be properly informed about the influx of Hindu spiritualism that is infiltrating Christianity like never before. This is bigger than just yoga - it’s spiritual war! What we did by creating this informative ebook was to sneak behind enemy lines, listen in on their plans and then report back to the Church. This is the war report - and it’s one you need to read!

Kenosha Unified School District #transphobia planettransgender.com

THE KENOSHA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT is currently forcing Ash Whitaker and other transgender students to wear badges of shame the same as the Nazi’s did in an effort to humiliate and endanger LGBT lives.

The Daily Beasts reports thatA federal Title IX lawsuit filed in Wisconsin on Tuesday alleges that the Kenosha Unified School District instructed guidance counselors to have Ash Whitaker, a 16-year old transgender boy, and “any other transgender students at the school” wear “bright green wristbands” so that the school could “more easily monitor and enforce [their] restroom usage.”

The Transgender Law Center has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Ash Whitaker and his mother which reads in part:

(Whitaker had been using the boys room uneventfully for seven months when he was denied) access to boys’ restrooms at school and requiring him to use girls’ restrooms or a single occupancy
restroom; (b) directing school staff to monitor his restroom usage and to report to
administrators if he was observed using a boys’ restroom; (c) intentionally and repeatedly using
his birth name and female pronouns, and failing to appropriately inform substitute teachers and
other staff members of his preferred name and pronouns, resulting in those staff referring to him
by his birth name or with female pronouns in front of other students; (d) instructing guidance
counselors to issue bright green wristbands to A.W. and any other transgender students at the
school, to more easily monitor and enforce these students’ restroom usage; (e) requiring him to
room with girls on an orchestra trip to Europe and requiring, as a condition of his ability to
participate in a recent overnight school-sponsored orchestra camp held on a college campus, that
he stay either in a multi-room suite with girls, or alone in a multi-room suite with no other
students, while all other boys shared multi-room suites with other boys; and (f) initially denying
him the ability to run for junior prom king, despite being nominated for that recognition based on
his active involvement in community service, instructing him that he could only run for prom
queen, and only relenting and allowing him to run for prom king after a protest by many of those
same classmates/

THE KENOSHA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT denied all of the complainants allegations—

Chick Publications #fundie #transphobia chick.com

Why Mutilate the Body? It's About the Soul!

The current dust-up over forcing ladies to accept men in their restrooms and showers is causing a lot of rethinking. This, in addition to recent stories of young children receiving hormone treatments to change their gender.

Trevin Wax asks a number of questions in an article on The Gospel Coalition website entitled "7 Troubling Questions About Transgender Theories." One question illustrates Satan’s central strategy to lock in the people caught in this bondage.

Wax’s question number 3: "When a person feels a disjunction between one's sex at birth and one's gender identity, why is the only course of action to bring the body into closer conformity with the person's psychological state, rather than vice versa?" In other words, why is it necessary to alter the features of the body (by hormones or surgical mutilation), instead of the beliefs of the soul?

Wax is referring to the practice of hormone therapy and surgical sex change rather than dealing with what is clinically known a “gender dysphoria.” In fact, several states have been pressured to outlaw any attempt by professional therapists to help troubled children recover from this dysphoria (confusion).

Satan knows where his weakness is in this debate and is attempting to close the door to lock these slaves into this destructive life style. By convincing governments to pass laws against professional counseling, this is only one step away from outlawing witnessing to homosexuals. This will likely come about when it becomes a hate crime to approach someone about God's biblical view of this sin.

God does not leave any room for debate on any sexual identity outside of male and female based on birth. A definite division even on clothing is clear in Deut. 22:5 so that there is no confusion introduced into society.

The whole "sexual revolution" has occurred because the culture has come to approve all kinds of unbiblical sexual activity. Mankind’s natural curiosity and fallen nature wants to explore whatever the culture provides or approves. Therefore, if sin becomes legal, and the culture approves it, even young children have no defense, especially when the parents are willing to fund the hormone treatment.

Satan does not let up until all doors are shut against the gospel. That is the end game of the homosexual steam roller. Toleration is not the goal; only full approval. All objection must be silenced backed by the power of the state.

Yet, the gospel will never be completely silenced. As soul winners, our mandate is basically one-on-one. The Kingdom that we serve, is bigger than any earthly province. We must stress that “gender dysphoria” is curable by the blood of Christ. No need to change the features of the body. When the heart is renewed, the body will be fine.

We cannot, however, overlook the role of Satan’s henchmen. As emphasized in the Chick tract, Home Alone, demon involvement must be addressed by the power of the Holy Spirit. As Wax points out, this is not about the shape of the body, it is about the condition of the soul. Yet, modern psychology, without spiritual rebirth, has proven ineffective, to the point that homosexual behavior has been declassified as a mental disease.

Soul winners should welcome any help from the government in curbing this sin and protecting our freedom to witness. But the final solution is a new creature in Christ, one lost soul at a time. In our darkening culture, we must soberly pray for greater compassion for those in this bondage, and more opportunity to share how God’s genuine love can satisfy where Satan’s counterfeit cannot.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia lovethetruth.com

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.

That is why TSA are sticking their hands down U.S. citizen's pants and blouses at all U.S. airports. Mothers are being made to drink their own bottled breast milk. The elderly disabled are being forced to remove their diapers. You are the enemy America! Our nation's founding fathers never could have envisioned a future time when men's urinals would be installed in ladies' restrooms! God forgive us! The Devil is the author of confusion! This is why he publishes hundreds of different English Bible revisions. This is why there are hundreds of different religious denominations. This is why Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.” America's churches are confused. One preacher says this, and another preacher says that. Most neo-evangelical churches tolerate dozens of different Bible versions. What utter confusion! This is not of the Lord.

The answer to 1984 is 33 AD! Another civil war or revolutionary war won't restore faith in God in our nation. The answer is not in the White House. The Gospel is the only answer!!! This nation is beginning to embrace sodomy, satanism, pedophilia and bestiality! Those U.S. Supreme Court judges in Washington D.C. need to understand that they must one day appear in God's courtroom. Men don't fear God anymore. There is a heresy being taught these days which says to reverence and respect God, but not literally fear Him. My friend, we ought to actually be afraid of God and what He will do to us if we disobey Him!!! Genesis 18:25b, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

We need revival in the United States. Everywhere we go these days, we are finding transvestites, dyke lesbians and effeminate wimps! It is not uncommon to see two men kissing each other on TV, which is an abomination. The television networks ABC, CBS and NBC are pumping homosexual filth into homes across America. Walt Disney is controlled by Satan, which regularly promotes premarital sex, teen glamour girls and homosexuality. Two men or two women kissing each other is sickening! It is morally reprehensible!!! Romans 1:32, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Homosexuality is worthy of capital punishment (Leviticus 20:13). We are living in a warped generation that doesn't see anything sinful about homosexuality, knowing that the Holy Bible condemns all sexual immorality (Colossians 3:5-6; 1st Peter 2:11; Jude 1:7).

tiffanybw #fundie #homophobia #transphobia rr-bb.com

It is like we live in a world where homosexuality and every single deviation from what God created to be (deviations such as trans-gender, multiple wives or husbands, bi sexual, pan sexual... which basically means anything goes as long as those involved in it are consenting adults; don't know if this means animals too; don't care and just , gay/lesbian/multi multi partnered homes being portrayed constantly on tv in a positive light where as traditional family, if portrayed at all, is delivered to us in a negative way). It goes on and on.

The absolute worst part about it, how it is celebrated by most everyone. If a word of disapproval spoken at all... the person voicing this disapproval of such acts is called every name in the book and deemed a hateful racist. If a person tries to celebrate their own traditional values they are immediately condemned and labeled as hateful and racist. Anything moral and as God intended = hateful and racist.

Yes, it is worse when same people doing these things, celebrating these things, claim to be Christian. Like you, I pray for them. I don't understand how they can reconcile that they live such an openly sinful lifestyle and at the same time call themselves children of Christ.

I do understand Christians who struggle with sin. I am one of them. The difference, we don't call it "right". So, if a true Christian struggles with alcoholism, with anger issues, with selfishness, with homosexuality; all those things we recognize as what they are.... WRONG. We mess up and we do wrong things. But we try not to. When we have done wrong, we repent; verses calling our sin good and celebrating it. We are certainly not proud of the wrong we do.

As time moves on, everything that is anti-God, celebrated more and more. Anything traditional, moral, stated as 'good' in the Bible, anything having to do with Christ, with God.... immediately condemned by society. Currently, Christians are openly discriminated against (not so much our basic rights, but with negative words such as hateful and racist). God, and Christ, still factor into society enough so that there are people out there who, I guess they care enough to lie to themselves. Maybe they really do believe in God but haven't truly accepted Jesus into their heart, or maybe they are simply afraid of death and so it comforts them to "say" they are Christian as they run around committing every sin they can possibly fathom. Or maybe these people know exactly what they are doing and are trying to destroy the last vestiges of what is left of Christianity in this nation.

It'll eventually get to the point to where Christianity is illegal, and considered akin to the word 'terrorist'. That is where we are headed. The farther this nation gets from God, the more depravity we see, the more violence we see. This nation is barely recognizable to me anymore. It's sad when the average 2 year old already knows the definition of the words 'gay' and 'straight'. I had no clue at that age. But they put this stuff in movies for children, in toddler learning programs, in cartoons. And if the little ones don't hear about it that way, they hear about it at day care and at preschool when the teacher reads them books everyday about Janie having 2 mommies and when it comes time to go to the bathroom the toddlers are even more confused because suddenly they are told they are no longer a 'boy' or a 'girl' and what bathroom would they like to use today/would they like to be a boy or a girl today?

Sodom and Gomorrah was so bad off that groups of homosexual men were banging on Lot's door demanding to rape an angel. I don't know what else went on in that place, but truly I can't imagine it being much worse than it currently is here in the USA. There's not much more 'taboo' left to declassify from the category called WRONG. There is not a lot left in that category. Even murdering babies is permissible. (Personally, that is the thing that gets to me MOST.)

Today's generation, those that are currently babies, I don't see them getting to be my age. I think for sure God will come before then. Because with each successive generation, due to society teaching people within it to celebrate and aspire to what is... no disputing it... SIN; each successive generation gets worse and worse. I pray for them as it is so much more difficult for them than it was for us. At least we were taught these things were wrong when we were babies. For them, they are not taught basic morals and values. I would imagine that God will consider this when they stand before Him and He judges them.

The Last Trump #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

(In response to story "11 States Sue Obama Admin to Push Back Against Mandate to Allow Male Students in Girls' Restrooms"):

Well, it's a start.
Nice to see 11 States pushing back against outrageous tyranny and standing up for reason, public safety and common sense. But last time I checked there were 50.
Shame on the rest of them for allowing his royal highness to rule by decree. Again.
God's version of morality is no longer politically correct so NOW Obama will decide!!?
Sad to see that so many inadequately educated liberal extremist yuppies today don't even recognize tyranny enough to know NOT to endorse it. :(

Oklahoma Congress #transphobia rawstory.com

Oklahoma lawmakers passed a bill on Thursday rejecting the federal government’s directive on trans-inclusive restroom access, going so far as to declare a state of emergency over the matter, KTUL-TV reported.

“It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby
declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval,” Senate Bill 1619 stated in part.

The measure, sponsored by state Sen. Brian Bingman and state House Speaker Jeff Hickman, restricts students around the state from using restrooms according to their gender identity, in direct opposition to the White House’s stance, announced earlier this month in response to similar legislation in North Carolina.

“This directive to schools is not only unlawful, but the breadth of overreach in this instance by the Obama Administration is shocking,” said state Rep. John Bennett (R). Bennett co-sponsored a concurrent resolution calling for the federal House of Representatives to impeach President Barack Obama regarding the issue.

Anonymous Coward #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

Millennials Are the Cause of Transgenderism

Millennials is the first generation exposed to constant,
non-stop, 4K-quality porn, and they're also
the culture of instant tinder hookups.

They were already metro-sexual,
which reduces the taboo of transgenderism,
but they've also gotten bored with regular sex and porn.

it's not a coincidence that transgenderism has become
a political issue in tandem with millennials
supporting Bernie.

The Last Trump #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Transgenders and homosexuals given some of the highest offices in the land.
The transformation of America into depravity and debauchery continues.
Christianity's days are numbered in America, and indeed worldwide.
Just as the Bible forewarned. What a book!!
We know Jesus returns to a world that hates Him and His flock.
There is no parade or welcoming committee to greet Him when mankind's Redeemer returns.
No, sadly, He returns to battle.
And we are watching the stage being set right before our very eyes.
Not long now, folks.. :)

bill-11b #homophobia #transphobia bill-11b.tumblr.com


So the real question here is, do I believe in biology, and to that end, do i believe the evidence that suggest man, just like every other living creature, has evolved over time by way of natural selection, and the answer to that is absolutely, yes.

I believe that homosexuality is a biological disorder, and that transgenderism, (excepting intersex people) is a mental/emotional disorder.

If we are to believe that man has evolved over eons by way of natural selection, then there is really no way someone can call a trait that leads to reduced reproduction or retards reproduction altogether as anything other than a disorder.

I think homosexuality is completely natural in occurrence (thought there are clearly people who ascribe it in a quest to be special) however that does not make it normal. People born with one foot arrive that way naturally, that by no means makes them normal.

To that end, I think homosexuals have no choice in their sexual attraction and as such should receive the same rights and have the same responsibilities as anyone else in society - that does not mean extra special rights, or the right to force people to labor for them, etc.

Transgenderism on the other hand, I find to be a mental or emotional disorder, as the person legitimately believes themselves to be something they aren’t.
I think most trans individuals need their family’s support, guidance, and help - not their enabling of a mental illness.
If after extensive counseling and therapy, a professional determines that the best way for a person to live through their disorder is to transition, then I see no issue with that. However, transitioning children, giving them hormones before they’re even in puberty yet, etc I see as child abuse and indicative of the parent’s own mental illness - a parent is there to raise the child, and that means sometimes you don’t give them what they want, because as it turns out, children are very poor longterm decision makers.

I don’t hate gays or trans people. I accept however that they are not what “normal” looks like, and for good reason - the species selects traits that make it stronger and better adapted to the world, and allow it to reproduce as much as possible, not traits the halt reproduction.

There would be, in my estimation, almost no anti-LGBT sentiment, if there wasn’t a practice of forced integration and acceptance by that movement.

The more a guy in a wig demands to be able to use the same restroom as a young girl, the more suspicious it becomes. The more gays try to force private businesses to serve them and use the law as their broad sword of forced tolerance, the more push back we will see.

Amos Moses #fundie #transphobia christiannews.net

Amos Moses:
No, you are confused......... and you are trying to confuse the issue...... XX or XY..... done and done........ all of this other nonsense is just that... we do not choose our gender.. it is not "imposed" by society..... that is all subjective nonsense...

Gender Ideology Harms Children
Originally posted March 21, 2016 – a temporary statement with references. A full statement will be published in summer 2016. Updated with Clarifications on April 6, 2016.
American College of Pediatrians

(Transphobic copypasta from the American College of Pediatricians)

Ambulance Chaser:
OK, that's nice, but the American Association of Pediatrics has taken the exact opposite position on this measure. So there are some "doctors, men of science, pediatricians" who strongly disagree with this law. So now you have to make a choice: which are you going to believe?

1. The American Association of Pediatrics is the official, nationally-recognized organization for representing pediatricians. It has over 60,000 members nationwide and publishes the respected Journal of Pediatrics.

2. The American College of Pediatricians was founded in 2002, specifically to oppose everything the AAP says. They have somewhere around 200 members (at best) and put forth no scientific evidence to support their positions. Those positions are basically the Republican platform on everything medical. In other words, they're a fringe group that exists solely to oppose liberal ideas and the AAP, while sounding like a legitimate medical organization so that right-wingers can quote them and sound important.

Amos Moses:
i am going to believe Christ..........................

Ambulance Chaser:
What was it you said before about not being able to refute the points?

But hey, that's your prerogative. You can "believe in Christ" on this issue. What was it He had to say about transgenderism again?

Amos Moses:
19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Oh, gee,,,,,NOTHING there about transgenders......... just MEN AND WOMEN.....XX and XY....

Ambulance Chaser:
Yes, as you said, nothing about transgenders. He doesn't define "male" and "female" and there's certainly nothing about chromosomes in there.

Amos Moses:
The bible is not a science text.......... So it would not say those things...... especially the so called modern English terms.... people invent words to avoid being told they are wrong.... God created men and women....... there is nothing outside of it.......... except sin and confusion.......... make all the convoluted arguments you want.... it wont change anything ...

Ambulance Chaser:
No, I'm sure it won't change anything for you. You've made it clear that you aren't interested in hearing facts.

Amos Moses:
If you ever find any........let me know............. but i doubt you have any to begin with.......

Who do you say Christ is?............

Ambulance Chaser:
If you really want to learn about transgender people, you might start with the APA's position paper. It's full of answers, backed up research, and publicly available.

Who do I say Christ is? I don't know what that means, but I don't think much about Christ on a daily basis because the subject has zero impact on my life.

Amos Moses:
Good to know your opinion on Christ.......... the rest of what you write about then......... is of no interest to me because......... it lacks any verifiable truth...............

"6 Reasons Why Most Scientific Research is Fake, False or Fraudulent"

(Citation to Waking Times, a conspiracy site)

Ambulance Chaser:
Well, aside from the fact that Waking Times appears to be a nutcase crank website (it cites Cracked as a source!?), let's assume that what they say is true.

Okay, so now we've established, for the moment, that something is not automatically true just because it's written in a scientific journal. There could be flaws, bias, whatever.

So, what are the flaws in, oh, pick a study on transgenderism. Any one. And critique it.

No, don't throw me more crank websites or arguments against "science" as a whole. Those aren't useful or relevant. No peer reviewer ever earned a grant by saying "hurr durr, science isn't reliable, so this study is false lol!" I mean ACTUALLY read it, critically, and with an eye toward any problems it may have.

Yes, what I'm asking you to do is HARD. It's work. I mean, graduate-level psychology-type work. Work I can't do, by the way; I freely admit it's beyond my skills. But it shouldn't be a problem for you, because you believe that your knowledge of psychology is greater than that of the preeminent experts in the field.

So what do you say? Are you up for this?

Amos Moses:
It is all fallacious... it cannot be science..... it is all subjective "feelings".... by definition.... NOT science........ unless one thinks a person is just a mixed bag of blood and electro-chemical processes and that men have no control over who and what they are...... which is also fallacious............

"I was born this way"..... is just garbage reasoning for "my feelings" are the only thing that is important........... Hey....... i was born the way i am....... a christian with a sound mind...... so who are any of them to tell us that we are wrong and they are right if that is all it is.............. It is NOT!.........

Ambulance Chaser:
It's "all fallacious?" So then, a few posts ago, when you were trumpeting the American College of Pediatricians' position as "scientific" was that fallacious too?

Amos Moses:
No, because it lines up with scripture, science, and common sense............. just because a scientist says it.......... does not make it science........... and peer review only costs about $500 and you can get pretty much any nonsense published....

Ambulance Chaser:
So, science is great and we should all believe science, as long as it's science that supports what you want to believe. Otherwise, it's fake.

Got it.

Amos Moses:
Very good......... because that is exactly what many "scientists" are doing today ..... they have "a Priori" removed certain conclusions based on nothing but their biases and beliefs.... and that belief is "materialism"......... so that even if all the evidence points to anything outside "materialism" ................ it is "a Priori" dismissed as being the correct answer......................

Dr Scott Todd, an immunologist at Kansas State University
"Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic."

The prominent evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin
"We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfil many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door."

So DESPITE the claim of an "Open Mind" and "Following the Evidence"..........they have clearly stated that they.... and a vast majority of "scientists" .......WILL NOT follow the evidence.................. So anything they have to say............ IS NOT SCIENCE...................

Mack Major #fundie #homophobia #transphobia edendecoded.com

When the LGBT and those who support the gay agenda celebrate 'free love' and 'love wins,' THIS is what you are really supporting. This is what homosexuality REALLY looks like.

Because when you engage in, practice or support any element of the LGBT lifestyle, you're really supporting Baphomet

Baphomet is simply another term or name for Lucifer... better known as the Serpent, Satan and the Devil.

Below is a description of Baphomet. You'll notice that he has female breasts.

This is because from ancient times until the present, Satan has always been depicted as being both male AND female, with BOTH genitalia (female breasts and a male penis).

While going through different images for the new book, it suddenly dawned on me: THIS is why there is such an interest in transsexuals, lesbians and bisexuals in our society today.

Notice how Baphomet, aka Satan, appears to be BOTH genders: as evidenced by the female breasts?

Satan is depicted as bi-gender in 99% of the images you'll run across. Which officially makes the devil the very first transsexual in history!

Now you see why the Bruce Jenner transformation was such a huge story. This world is run and literally controlled by devil worshipers. They control 90% of the media, music, movies, tv, news outlets and even some social media outlets.

The only agenda these flunkies of Satan promote is their own: which is really Satan's agenda. Hence why television seems so slanted when you watch it, and obviously programming a pro-gay anti-God agenda.

And when you see LGBT being promoted and supported on a wide scale, these are followers of Satan bringing their god out of hiding and into the light. Coming out of the closet was never meant for homosexuals: it was actually meant for Satan!

The Bible even seems to hint that the Anti-Christ will be of a homosexual nature when he arrives on the scene.

"Neither shall he (the antichrist) regard the God of his fathers, NOR THE DESIRE OF WOMEN, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." *Daniel 11:37

As we get closer to the closing of this age before Jesus Christ returns to take over the world, expect to see more of Satan and his antics on open display like never before. Like the unveiling of Satanic statues in places like Detroit or Oklahoma City.

The designer of those statues very cleverly hid the female breast part of the statues, so it wouldn't be too obvious or offensive to the unsuspecting public. As if a big statue of Satan wasn't already offensive enough...

The Bible says that Satan knows his time is short.

"Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!" *Rev 12:12

Meaning that any chance he has to delay or prevent the return of Christ, he has to take it now. (He knows he cannot stop it: but his hope is in delaying Jesus' return for as long as possible: thus extending his inevitable torment and punishment).

Transexualism and bisexuality is promoted as openly as it is today because these are characteristics and trademarks of the Devil's very own nature.

His nature is bisexuality, homosexuality and confusing the different genders, and mixing the holy with the profane. It's how he defiles people and keeps them from ever being able to connect with God and live a life of sexual cleanliness and holiness.

Just be aware that his tremendous push to normalize homosexual/bisexual and transsexual behavior is more evidence that the appearance of the anti-Christ is near. It's evidence of an old ancient devil-worshiping religion making a comeback in so-called "Christian" America.

I've been telling people for some time now that America's real religion is Individualism: the religion of self-interest above everything and everyone else.

And the religion of Individualism is driving American consumerism and the US economy today. This is what Satanism is at its core.

Self-interest is what led the founding fathers of America to violate every Christian principle in the book.

•by enslaving black people,
•raping black women;
•raping and murdering Native women and their children,
•enslaving Irish immigrants;
•and later by installing Jim Crow, then modifying Jim Crow today through crafty laws and cunning legislation that still deprives a huge segment of the population of its God-granted rights.

Sidenote: Have you ever noticed that whenever you see old lynching photos of a Black Man his pants have been 'pulled down?' How'd they get that way? And what was the fascination the lynchers had with pulling down another man's pants? I'm not trying to suggest anything, or maybe I am... but that's another article for another day.

Even the layout for Washington D.C. was designed off of occult symbolism as seen below. Not the Baphomet Star, the Masonic compass, and the so-called 'Star of David': which is NOT a godly symbol at all, but was really an occult symbol used by King Solomon to conjure demons with.

Anton Levay, the founder of the Church of Satan, said in so many words that most Americans were really Satanists too: they just hadn't realized it yet.

This is because Satanism is basically a religion of self-pleasure, self-fulfillment and self-indulgence.

It's the forbidden fruit Satan used to trick Eve and Adam to indulge in. And it's the doorway that led us to this very point in America today, where a man is confused about his own gender and role, and so are many women.

Sadly, too many churches have become Satanist in doctrine and creed. Why else would flaming homosexual men and women feel comfortable sitting in church without changing?

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error." Romans 1:24-27

It's time for Christians to stand up for Jesus Christ like never before.

The strong delusion has already been released. And if you're not careful, you'll get sucked right into the vortex.

Christians say they would never bow the knee to Satan. But the truth is: if you're all about self-love and self-pleasure anyway, you're already following his belief system.


If you're someone who is struggling with homosexuality, there is powerful deliverance in store for you. Jesus Christ is a MIGHTY deliverer.

There is no sin so powerful or dirty that His blood cannot overpower and cleanse it completely.

"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool." Isa 1:18

"I, even I am, he who blots out your trangressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Isa 43:25

Jesus will give you a brand new life, a new heart and help you to develop a new mindset. You can literally become a NEW person through Jesus Christ! All you have to do is sincerely want it, and be willing to leave your former LGBT lifestyle (or whatever sinful lifestyle) behind, in favor of the brand new life that Jesus has in store for you.

The Last Trump #transphobia disqus.com

(responding to story "PayPal Pulls North Carolina Expansion Plan after Transgender Restroom Law"):

Which rights were taken away from gays again?
Oh yeah, that's right. None.
Gettin' old, that play the victim routine of yours. Nobody's buying it anymore pal.

The law in question forbids cities from passing non-discrimination ordinances. If you don't think a right was taken away from gays, you at least have to admit it was taken away from cities.

Are you for real?
We're talking about people USING THE TOILET. In the appropriate bathroom designated for the anatomy that, you know, they actually have, and the gender that they scientifically, biologically and just matter of factually, actually ARE. Period.
Regardless of any nonsensical feelings and opinions.
RIGHTS taken away!!? Rights? Huh? Hello???

No matter how badly you and the liberal left, scientifically confused, and sheer fact denying crowd wish it wasn't so, there are, indeed, only TWO genders. Male and female.
And intelligent folks know, that the two are to forever be, you guessed it, segregated.
And if THAT really needs to be explained to you more fully, than you're in worse shape than I thought.

The fact that you truly believe that transgenderism does not exist is irrelevant. The fact that you believe it to the point of stomping your foot, using multiple punctuation marks, and shouting at me does not render it any more relevant.
What would be relevant is if you were able to overturn the decision of the American Psychological Association that transgenderism exists as a recognized psychological condition, and that its best treatment is to reassign the sufferer's gender.
But, hey, if you think you're better at psychology than the country's most preeminent psychologists, don't let me stand in your way. I look forward to reading your paper.

You just did!
There's TWO genders. It's just science, bud. No need to take it personally.
And it doesn't matter how they "feel". You keep them apart in bathrooms.
Unless you are a complete m0r0n and like to temp fate and victimize people trying to pee in peace. It's ok if you don't get it. Most liberals today don't.

Papers he says! You're the type that requires papers to understand common sense, huh? Yeah, life must be pretty complicated when you're a politically correct liberal today! Funny how we managed toilet training all of these thousands of years just fine with the sexes wisely segregated, huh?
A concept so basic only liberal America could possibly screw it up.
BIG issue today! Yes, your hedonistic, drug addicted and gender confused 'psychologists' today in fiscally, morally, and academically bankrupt Bizarro Amerika surely know better than all of the previous generations of mankind!
Papers! Hee, hee! I think you missed your calling. Clown! :)

mumblypeg #transphobia freerepublic.com

Funny that it’s always the MTFs (deranged men pretending to be women) wanting to go into ladies rooms.
FTMs (girls pretending to be boys) demanding to be allowed access to urinals? Not so much.
There’s a reason for this. FTMs are less likely to get surgery and more likely to revert to just being lesbians. IOW lesbians KNOW they are really women and don’t want to risk being RAPED in the men’s room.

Business people know they are being set up for valid lawsuits should a woman be raped on their premises as a result of compliance, as well as orchestrated law fare from the tranny activists for failure to comply. It’s a no win situation for business owners, and they’re screaming about it.
And state lawmakers’ inner “duh!” is finally beginning to kick in.

Bolaino #fundie #homophobia #transphobia nairaland.com

well, I believe more in Obatala than The hebrew Jesus, but that bein said.In all honesty, I have no qualms with Homosexual men or lesbian women, of a truth, every human has the right to love or have sex with whoever or whatever they like, some women have sex with Dildos, while some Men have sex with Life sized dolls, and there is also the issue of Masturbation, which I have no problem with, because it is truly the right of every one to do as he or she likes.

but there is also Paedophillia, Beastiallity, and Animality, but all these sexual concepts and Practices are leading to an Obvious Fatality of the Human Race, because if we are to really encourage GAYISM, it'll become a Trend and before you know, Nigerians being very Good Copy cats will start copying GAYISM, because I know of a truth that the issue of Transgederism, is as a result of Homophobia, the Homosexual Democrats of The United states and it's Allies are turning men into women, to make Homosexuality more appealing, you could sleep with a Man and not know it, because he might be a Caitlyn Jenner or another Trans. And when you know that you've slept with a Transgender, you might like it and from there you'll start sleeping with more Transgenders and before you know, VOILA. You are hooked on Anal sex. and before you know, you are Gay.

GAYISM is Demonic, it's evil and barbaric, and I know that Ancient Greece practiced Homosexuality as a Cultural act, and therefore I am not surprised that white Men are Homosexuals. Because nearly all white men have been sexually molested while growing up, and it's that evil act of Child Molestation that has turned into Homosexuality. I don't know if you are Gay or if you have Gay Family members or Friends, and I honestly do not care. But what I care about is that I hope to never have anything to do with any Homosexual person. If you are Homosexual then I am judging you. You need spiritual Re-orientation.

Gary Cass #fundie #homophobia #transphobia defendchristians.org

Top Ten Anti-Christian Acts of 2015

10) Obama makes a swipe at Christianity at National Prayer Breakfast In an effort to justify and minimize recent Islamic terrorism, President Obama tries to assert moral equivalency with Christianity by appealing to the Crusades.

9) Kelvin Cochran, the chief of Atlanta’s Fire Rescue Department, was sacked by Mayor Kasim Reed for giving Christian co-workers a religious book he wrote. Parts of the book contained passages condemning homosexuality. Cochran is suing the City of Atlanta for religious discrimination.

8) Christian Bakery Pays $135,000 for “Emotional Suffering” to Lesbian Couple Aaron and Melissa Klein, the Christian owners of a bakery in Oregon, “Sweet Cakes by Melissa,” was ordered to pay $135,000 in state-ordered damages for refusing to bake a wedding cake. The state swooped in and seized their accounts.

7) Christian Institutions Sued for not Hiring Homosexuals A Roman Catholic school in Massachusetts has been ordered by a Superior Court judge to hire homosexuals for non-teaching positions. Matthew Barrett was hired as the food service director at Fontbonne Academy which is sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston. While filling out employment forms, Barrett listed a “husband” as his emergency contact. Because Barrett’s living in an open homosexual relationship violated the values held by the school, he was told he could not work there. Barrett sued the school, and Superior Court Justice Douglas Wilkins agreed he had been illegally discriminated against. Wilkins’ ruling stated that since Barrett’s job was a “non-teaching” position, the school’s religious values did not matter.

6) Christian Military Chaplains Bullied A military chaplain recruiter, Douglas Lee of Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, recently told The Washington Times that growing hostility within the military to religious freedoms has made it harder to find chaplains willing to serve our brave servicemen, leaving them without the necessary and important spiritual guidance they need and deserve.

5) NYC Pastors threatened with $250K fine for “misgendering” transsexuals One of the fallouts of the whole abominable Bruce Jenner becomes “Caitlyn” gender bender sideshow is a draconian new law in NYC. If you call a transsexual person “he” or “she” when they preferred to be called “zhe” you could be fined $250,000 according to a newly updated anti-discrimination law in New York City. Pastors are not exempted, so they must either must shut up about biblical, hetero-normal sexual ethics or pay up.

4) Charleston and Oregon Mass Murders of Christians On June 17th in Charleston, SC a dissolute racist went into an historic Emmanuel AME Church and shot nine black Christians dead, including the pastor, Clementa C. Pinckney, in hopes of escalating a race war. On October 1st, another crazed gunman killed nine people and wounded up to nine others at quiet, Umpqua Community College in rural Oregon. The depraved shooter entered the classroom, murdered the teacher then asked the class about their religion. If they said they were Christians they were shot in the head.

3) Lawsuits against Pro-lifers for exposing Planned Parenthood The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a powerful series of videos from an undercover investigation that proved Planned Parenthood was illegally profiteering from the sale of baby body parts and cadavers. The videos shook the nation and have precipitated numerous Federal and state investigations. Renewed calls to defund Planned Parenthood are shaping the Presidential primary debates. Now David Daleiden of CMP and Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who served on the CMP Board, are being sued under racketeering statutes and could face huge civil judgments and possible criminal prosecutions. Imagine if they had exposed illegal activity of a Christian organization, do you think any judge would require this go to trial?

2) Islamic Terrorists attack Christmas Party in California On December 2nd two Jihadi terrorists, a man who worked for the city and his wife, conducted a terrorist attack at his department Christmas Party. Fourteen people were killed, and twenty were seriously injured before the terrorists were killed by police. This came on the heels of a terrorist attack in Paris. This a sober reminder that, according to the FBI, there are Jihadist sleeper cells all over the US planning their attacks.

1) Homosexual Marriage vs. Religious Liberty & Kim Davis On June 26th, in a raw act of judicial tyranny, the US Supreme Court rendered an unconstitutional opinion that some believe makes homosexual marriage legal in all 50 states. The erroneous Obergefell decision led a Federal judge to make national news by throwing Kim Davis, a Kentucky County Clerk, in jail because she refused to issue same sex marriage licenses. DefendChristians.Org rallied with Governor Huckabee in support of Kim Davis and helped to secure her release. We are part of a movement to undo the unconstitutional Obergefell opinion. Some state legislatures are ready to begin nullification of the rogue opinion in early 2016.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Twice in recent weeks, I have been in the presence of transvestites. One of my nurses at the hospital, after my gallbladder removal surgery, was a transvestite (a cross-dressing effeminate man). And then a week after my surgery, my doctor said I could eat normal, so I stopped into Wendy's for a double-cheeseburger. The cashier was a tall transvestite. It was creepy! I do not judge others. I am never unkind to anyone, but my heart cringes with disgust when I'm in the presence of queers. They need God, but don't want him (Romans 1:28). Whenever I have been in the presence of homosexuals, they hated me without cause merely because I am a Christian. If you even mention God, and love the Lord, homosexuals will despise you. Homosexuality is a horrible sin, the bottom of the barrel of a culture, as low morally as a society can go. The Bible tells the truth of the matter in Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”

We are living in ungodly times. I believe that we are now in the end times prophesied of in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 of “perilous times” (hard, difficult, to endure) that would come in the last days. Certainly, to be a God-fearing Christian in an openly wicked homosexual society is very difficult to cope with. Increasingly, Christians are being demonized along with organized religion. This anti-Christian sentiment by Hollywood and the liberal media has sparked much hatred in youth today toward Christianity.

Case in point, a crazed Oregon community college student open-fired a couple days ago on his peers, murdering a dozen college students, specifically targeting Christians. Witnesses says that the gunman asked each victim “Are you a Christian?,” and then killed them if they responded, “Yes.” The daily news is filled with much insanity, police brutality, blatant government crimes, family violence and things which are difficult to receive. The news has become so bizarre that each day seems like another episode of “The Twilight Zone” by Rod Serling. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com

I have repeated myself over and over again for years now. The homosexual movement, including its related perversions like “transgenderism,” has nothing to do with “equality” or marriage (other than to destroy it). It’s about the destruction of freedom, and specifically, the destruction of Christian freedom. Truth does not change, and the truth about homosexuality does not change. Homosexual behavior is sin. It’s destructive and dangerous. It’s unnatural. It’s immoral. It’s a gross perversion of God’s design for human sexuality. It’s naturally repulsive to those who retain a functioning moral compass. The same goes for “transgenderism.” People who imagine or pretend that they are members of the opposite sex are in open, degenerate rebellion against God, reality and nature. Whether this is due to mental illness or not, it’s still dead wrong.

The God-haters in this movement and their fellow travelers in positions of power will not stop until Christianity is criminalized. At its heart, this is a manifestation of the battle Satan has waged against God and His people. It is demonic influence that drives these homosexuals to target Christians, in order to crush their freedoms. This county clerk in Kentucky is a target because she is a Christian. These Godless degenerates now have the force of bad law on their side. Bad law—immoral law—is tyranny. Tyranny is what Satan desires over humanity, and he will get it, as the Bible has forewarned us.

The radical homosexual movement is one of the foremost tools the devil is using to topple our freedom, and if we had a thousand county clerks like Kim Davis stand up to this lawless edict from the federal courts, we might stand a chance of beating it back. But there are not many Christians of such courage today.

Dark times are falling on this nation, and there are numerous fronts of evil that are working in concert to destroy the Godly foundation of freedom upon which the United States was founded. Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is an enemy of all that is right and true, and he is certainly a treasonous enemy of our country. He is a strong supporter and pusher of the militant homosexual agenda. He is part of God’s judgment on this wayward nation that has forcefully expelled God from the public square. Whether it’s the communistic “global warming” agenda, the homosexualist agenda or even the lunatic “black lives matter” racist agenda, all these are heads of the same tyrannical hydra. They all seek to bring tyranny down on the American people.

While these agents of Satan may have awful success here in the short term, in the very end they will lose in a big and terrible way. While we can and should resist their devilish efforts to turn America into a third-world hell-hole of despotism, those of us who belong to God through Jesus Christ know that Jesus has already won the war at the cross. Our spiritual enemies now stand forever defeated, although they still have great power for a short time until the Lord’s return.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut wnd.com

Everywhere we look, “progressive” means exactly the opposite.

Case in point: The leaders of the Episcopal Church USA, the Presbyterian Church USA and the United Church of Christ are all patting themselves on the back these days. Leaving behind sound biblical doctrine, they’re now celebrating “marriage equality.”

All three denominations ordain openly homosexual clergy and will now perform same-sex (so-called) marriages. “Aren’t we progressive?” is the smug attitude of these long-established mainliners, who may soon be joined by the ELCA (Lutherans) and the United Methodist Church in the official fiction of marrying two men or two women.

In these organizations, numerous leftist causes compete against God-driven priorities. The Episcopal Church USA, for instance, prays for the empowerment of “transgender individuals” — in spite of biblical revelation that people are created (not “assigned”) to be male and female. And among therapy options, youth in the Episcopal Church should embrace gender-switching but must never be counseled to welcome heterosexuality.

Episcopalians gush over government entitlement programs and the pro-”gay” positions of the Boy Scouts. In fact, the resolutions at the ECUSA General Convention resemble those of the National Education Association: all hard-left politics, all the time.

But Sodom, we have a problem.

Is this really, objectively “progress”? When our dominant religious institutions degenerate into advocating inhumane “human rights” and unhealthy, bizarre sex practices, America needs to take note.

The end of civilization may be closer than we think.

Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie #forced-birth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia lamblion.us

Franklin Graham is not calling the pastors and evangelists of this nation to do something he is not willing to do himself. He has, in fact, become the model of a prophetic voice speaking out boldly against the sins of our nation. In the process he has taken the bull by the horns on many occasions. Consider his comments on the following social and moral issues:

Abortion - "There is no place for compromise on straightforward issues such as abortion... God has given us clear biblical direction that we must follow and obey... As a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe this is a nonnegotiable issue. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children, and no law of the land and no party platform can ever legitimize it."

Gun Control - "The gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don't address a more important issue - the constant strain of violence put forth by the entertainment industry [in movies, music and video games]. But the problem - the real crux of the issue - lies not in the instruments of violence used... The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man."

Islam - "Islam is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war." "For Muslims, peace comes only through supmission to Islam. When they speak of peace, they mean supmission to their religion... Worldwide, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been slaughtered in the name of Allah, under the bloody flag of Islam."

ISIS - "The evil of ISIS really shouldn't shock us - it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse... One thing is for sure - one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Hinduism - "No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me. None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation."

Same-Sex Marriage - "True followers of Jesus Christ... cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter... This moral issue has been settled by God Himself and is not supject to man-made revisions or modifications. In the end, I would rather be on the wrong side of public opinion than on the wrong side of Almighty God who established the standard of living for the world He created."

Homosexuality - "The church is on dangerous ground when it departs from the teaching of Christ and attempts to redefine His commands and compromise His truth. There are many things in Scripture that Christians disagree on, but the Bible is crystal clear about the sanctity of life and marriage. It is also clear that homosexuality is spelled out as sin — there are not ifs, ands or buts."

Transgender Restrooms - "[The idea] is not only ridiculous, it's unsafe. Common sense tells us that this would open the door, literally, to all sorts of serious concerns, including giving sexual predators access to children. It violates every sense of privacy and decency for people of both sexes, adults and children."

Secularism - "When the Berlin Wall came down, everybody said we had won... [but then] Secularism came. And Secularism and Communism are the same thing. They're godless. They're anti-Christ."

Christian Persecution - "Even in America there has recently grown an ugly, anti-Christian bias and intolerance that is changing our nation from the inside out, opening doors for all kinds of discrimination and loss of religious freedom that we hear about daily in the news."

Government - "We're living now in a time where we see the spirit of Antichrist is at the government level." "I have no confidence that any politician or any party is going to turn this country around. The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to take a stand."

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

It is my personal opinion that this whole cross-dressing ordeal with Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner was planned long ago. The reason is because of the way it is progressing in social media, and the timing of it all. What are the chances of Bruce Jenner coming out as a woman right before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 2015 that same-sex marriages are now legal? And now Bruce (I'll never call him Caitlyn) is doing interviews nationwide, and even has his own upcoming TV show promoting his new deathstyle, which will debut on July 26. It is shameful. Jenner (a male) blasphemes God by claiming that God chuckled and made him a male with a female soul, to cause him internal struggle in life as a test...

[Snip news article]

As you just read, Mr. Jenner thinks that God chuckles over his cross-dressing. Jenner believes that God created him for the purpose of dealing with gender identity. My friend, that is hogwash! The truth is that Bruce Jenner is confused about sin. God in His infinite wisdom did not make a mistake when He made Bruce Jenner. God does not make mistakes. If God ever created a homosexual man, who desires to have sexual relations with other men, then He messed-up by giving that poor man male genitals incapable of mating with other males. Kindly, God did NOT intend for men to sodomize each other in the anus!!! Two men cannot naturally reproduce to conceive children. If a man believes that he is a homosexual, then God is calling him to a life of celibacy, because homosexuality is a vile sin (Romans 1:24-32).

whereismysafespace #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Raping trannies?

Recent events on that sub (mostly a tranny seeking attention) got me thinking. Is it right to refuse rape to someone who would transition from male to female? After all if their desire is to experience life as a woman, people of this sub agree that getting raped should be a big part of that experience. I'm not saying we should go out of our way and rape the ones that don't pass. But if a tranny really looked like a woman, wouldn't it be some kind of discrimination not to rape it because of its transgender status? I can live with being a rapist, but I hate feeling like I'm discriminating against anyone without a good reason. Of course I'd like to hear your opinions about other issues on that subject I might have missed. For instance that a tranny still might have a bit of male strength, and since it was born male, its brain might still work better than that of a normal female (not as good as a male's because of the female hormones though), making it harder to surprise and track than a classic rape victim. Granted strength and intelligence might correlate with manliness, which means the ugliest most masculine trannies will be the ones most dangerous (diminishing the interest of interacting with them rape-wise even more).

Michael Savage #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

Last week on “The Savage Nation,” a caller told radio host Michael Savage that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are pressuring schools into “using sexuality based sex-ed and opening up their bathrooms to whomever wants to use it.” Savage lashed out at the ACLU as “the most dangerous organization in American history” and “the worst parasites the world has ever seen in this nation” because it seeks to “poison your child’s mind into accepting a perversion that’s beyond comprehension.”

“Are the straights bullying the gays or are the gays bullying the straights?” Savage continued. “Does anybody tell a gay how to live? No. They wouldn’t dare. Then why do the gays think it’s their right to tell everybody else what to think? Because they can. It was never about equality.”

He added that the “vermin” advocating for gay rights are “sick degenerates” who want to “poison” and “destroy your child’s mind,” adding: “I will not mince words, I don’t care what it costs me anymore, may it be the last day of my broadcast but I’m not going to lie, but I am sick of the sick perverts running and ruining America.”

Dr. Don Boys #fundie #transphobia donboys.cstnews.com

Most modern Americans are so shallow and media-struck, they can't think normally. Homosexuals don't exist, only heterosexuals who do awkward, abnormal, even abominable things with the same sex. Likewise, transgenders do not exist, only uncertain, unstable, and unwise people who mutilate their bodies in search of an elusive dream-that always becomes a nightmare.

Look, it's rather simple. A child is born. His or her attending physician holds up the new-born, slaps his or her rear, lays the child on his or her back (don't get hasty, we'll get to the gender soon) and after a quick glance writes "male" on the birth certificate. That settles it and he will be called "Bob," "Bill," or maybe even "Bruce." His parents think they have a boy but he later decides he is a she. Much later in life he enjoys wearing female clothing and identifying with females. He looks down at himself and appears to be a man but "feels" like a woman. The trouble is you can't trust your feelings. Your eyes are telling you the truth while your feelings are lying to you and will end up making a fool of you and destroying your life.


I suggest that each person keep his or her parts that they were born with and not listen to the "voice within them" since it is their body parts that will be removed, not those of the voice within.

No, transgenders do not exist.

The Last Trump #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

(on a story about the Girl Scouts of America allowing transgenders to join)

So sad to see the Boy and Girl Scouts of America victimized by the militant LGBT agenda once again. These predators just can't seem to leave our children alone.

You want to be a special "class"? Then form a special group. The Transgender Scouts of America. No reason to integrate with the boys and girls who have "accepted" the fact that they were born boys and girls. No reason to subject these well adjusted kids to gender confusion when there doesn't need to be any. Transgenders get their own bathrooms in many places in mentally ill liberal America today. Time to get their own clubs too.

Our kids are off limits. Recruit elsewhere. Thanks.

Cliff Kincaid #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia aim.org

President Barack Obama has issued a declaration on human sexuality and what constitutes moral and mental health for the nation. He is warning Christian parents that the federal government wants their kids.

This is not how the story is being reported, however. For example, a story in Politico carries the headline, "Barack Obama denounces 'conversion therapies' for gays," with the words "conversion therapies" in quotes, as if to suggest there's some doubt that homosexuals can return to being straight. This is all too typical of the mentality that grips the major media and is designed to suggest that homosexuality is somehow natural and cannot be changed. But honest journalism, which is virtually non-existent when covering homosexuality, would take a different approach to the topic.


The other side of the story would include reporting that Obama's political proclamation in favor of outlawing sexual-orientation change therapy not only constitutes crass exploitation of the terrible suicide of a mixed-up young person named Joshua Alcorn but serves as an indictment of his Christian parents. Joshua was confused about his sexuality and had begun referring to himself as a girl, Leelah. The parents had tried to get help for the troubled 17-year-old before he committed suicide.

The implication of the Politico-style reporting on this topic is that being "homosexual and transgender" is a fact of life that cannot be changed. That's false. But the media just can't bring themselves to report the facts.

Politico says the parents in this case found religious therapists who "attempted to convert her [Leelah] back into a boy." This, too, is false. The child was a boy. Politico calls him "a transgender girl," another falsehood.

In essence, Obama is proposing to ban parents, on a national basis, from seeking help for their children when they go through confusing times or have sexual problems. This is the totalitarian mind-set of the gay rights movement and its supporters.


From Obama's perspective, these parents stand in the way of creating an army of "LGBT" young people who will forever be grateful to the President for standing up for their "rights." Like the dope smokers in Colorado, participating in what Obama calls an "experiment," these young people constitute another Democratic Party constituency. Obama doesn't seem concerned, however, about the consequences of their immoral behavior. After all, he was a heavy dope smoker and look what happened to him and where he ended up.

Laurie Higgins #fundie #homophobia #transphobia illinoisfamily.org

In a recent article about the upcoming political protest in public schools sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), I referred to the "sickening sweetness" of increasing numbers of Christians.


When I refer to the sickening sweetness of Christians, I'm describing those Christians who misuse-make that torture- Scripture to argue that Christian bakers should make wedding cakes for homosexual anti-weddings.

I'm referring to Christians who misuse Scripture to defend keeping kids in school on the Day of Silence even as administrators and faculty use their schools to promote homosexuality as equivalent to heterosexuality and good.

I'm referring to Christians-including public school teachers and church leaders-who say nothing as five-year-olds are exposed to positive images of and assumptions about homosexuality and gender confusion in our taxpayer-funded schools.

I'm referring to Christians-including teachers and church leaders-who said nothing when the sacreligious and egregiously obscene homosexuality-affirming play Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes was taught at Deerfield and Highland Park High Schools or when the deceitful Laramie Project is taught virtually everywhere.

I'm referring to Christians-including teachers and church leaders-who said nothing when The Perks of Being a Wallflower was included by public school teachers on a middle school recommended book list in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

I'm referring to Christians-including teachers and church leaders-who say nothing when schools decide that restrooms no longer correspond to objective biological sex but rather to the disordered desires of confused children.


And let's not forget that our children are watching us. Perhaps we can set an example of courageous, faithful self-sacrifice for them, and perhaps we can gain a moment more of freedom for them and their children.

Clement Pulaski #fundie #homophobia #transphobia truesonsofabraham.com

Last week the Obama administration expressed its support for a petition demanding a ban on homosexual and transgender conversion therapy for minors. The petition was started in memory of Joshua Ryan Alcorn, a seventeen-year-old boy who took his own life after suffering from the delusion that he was a girl named Leelah. Joshua's parents are described by the media as conservative Christians who did everything in their power to restore their son to his right mind. Unfortunately, Joshua was still able to access social media where he found encouragement to persist in his disease.


While it is bad enough that the petition demands an end to therapy aimed at helping sick children, the full implications of this demand are deeply disturbing. Note that in addition to the therapy itself, the petition also condemns Joshua's parents for removing him from school and trying to limit his contact with his peers, actions that are within the accepted limits of parental authority. In essence, the petition blames Joshua's death on his parents' refusal to accept his delusion. The moral principle behind the petition is clear: it is abusive and evil for parents to discourage their "transgendered" children.

For now, the only legal action demanded by the Left is aimed at conversion therapy performed by mental health professionals, but it is easy to see how parents who teach their children to reject homosexuality and transgenderism could also be labeled as criminal in the future. For if, as the petition states, it is unethical for a therapist to attempt to "reverse any child's gender identity or sexual orientation", how could it not be unethical for a parent to attempt to do so? By now, the ultimate goal of the Left should be obvious to all Christians. The Left desires to use the authority of the state to destroy the Church and the Biblical teaching on sexuality. Christian businesses and Christian families will be targeted and prosecuted. Children will be taken from Christian families in order to prevent "abuse" and to provide the children with a full range of gender options.

The "sexual revolution" is not a finished event that occurred in the 1960s. It is an ongoing process and it is accelerating. During the first stage of the sexual revolution abortion, pornography and homosexuality were legalized. But although these practices were legal and promoted by the mainstream culture, it was still possible for individuals to express their disapproval of these practices and to teach their children to avoid them. Now, in the second stage of the sexual revolution public disapproval of sexual perversion will become taboo and will ultimately be criminalized, as is already happening in other countries.

We must not be deceived: we are entering the darkest period in the history of the world. I would prefer a thousand times over to be fed to lions than for my children to be taken from me and raised as sinful perverts. But this is the future that the retreating church is inviting.

Gina Miller #fundie #transphobia #homophobia barbwire.com

On Tuesday, I read an Associated Press report about a young woman who, with the help of the radical liberals of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and another homosexual activist group, is suing a business for firing her because she refused to dress and behave as a woman. This girl pretends to be—or believes she is—a man, and the business did not want to employ a woman presenting herself as a man. She had apparently dressed and looked like a man when she was hired, but only when the company processed her paperwork and driver’s license did they realize she was a female. Management told her she would have to dress and behave like the woman she is in order to work there. She refused and was let go.

It was just a short few weeks between the time she was hired and then fired. This is yet another case of the radical homosexual-“transgender” activist movement using lawfare to crush the rights of people to run their businesses as they see fit, free from being forced to hire mentally ill cross-dressers. The SPLC in its devilish case is trying to conflate this case with “civil rights” for “transgendered” people. As they write in their “case docket” at the SPLC website:

Tristan Broussard, a young transgender man, was fired from his manager trainee position at Tower Loan, a Mississippi-based finance company with 180 locations nationide, for not agreeing to dress and be treated as a woman. The Southern Poverty Law Center and allies filed a federal discrimination lawsuit alleging Tower Loans violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights by firing plaintiff Tristan Broussard. Title VII prohibits against employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

— The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, alleges that Broussard’s former employer Tower Loan violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal law that protects employees from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Courts nationwide have repeatedly recognized that Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination protects transgender workers.

I am not aware of an abundance of nationwide cases that have “repeatedly recognized” that the Civil Rights Act covers mentally deranged people who believe, against biological reality, that they are the opposite sex, but wherever these rulings may be made, they’re dead wrong. Never in the wildest imaginations of the men who crafted and passed that legislation, would they have intended it to cover people with such mental illness at the expense of the right of employers to not participate in such lunacy. Further, since when can the employer not dictate employees’ dress code, specifically that it should match their gender?

This is tyranny, and it has not come to the United States from an invading nation with tanks and rockets. It has come wrapped in a hijacked-rainbow flag, under the banner of “diversity” and “nondiscrimination.” At this point, only the most uninformed and deceived among us cannot see that the radical homosexual movement—a movement based purely on lies and sin—has at its heart the wicked goal of tyranny over Christian freedom, expression and conscience. Don’t doubt it. While this particular case does not necessarily involve a Christian employer, ultimately Christians and Christianity are the true targets of this hell-born movement. But, these activists will gladly target anyone who resists their dark agenda, as this company, Tower Loan, is sadly discovering.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com


The vicious bullying of Christians by “LGBT” activists has reached a tipping point. The end game is no longer disguised and it’s this: Christians will be prohibited from exercising their First Amendment constitutional rights to object to homosexual behavior or gender confusion. That is, if the activists get their way.

In other words, the Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD and other “LGBT” bullies will tell us what we can and can’t believe.

The Gospel According to “Gay” is here, or so they hope. But in spite of the pending Supreme Court review of same sex so-called ‘marriage’ followed by a possible tsunami of homosexual tyranny, the rainbow radicals are stunned by a bit of push-back. They fret that their lavish funding and incessant thuggery are not producing the expected result, which is the easy overthrow of Judeo-Christian moral values in America.

Take for instance, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, instructing its school faculty to be respectful of the tenets of Catholicism both on and off the job. Don’t promote abortion or homosexuality as marriage, for instance, even on social media.

But San Francisco’s city government and “gay” community are not known for logic and respect. Outrage has greeted the notion that any church would require those in its employ not to bite the hand that feeds them. Bay Area “gays” want to dictate to the Archdiocese what it can and can’t believe, thank you very much, and the controversy may be headed to court.

That’s what they think of the First Amendment.

A number of cities and states are getting wise to the fascism of pro-homosexual public policies. Sexual orientation and gender identity provisions in discrimination law (SO/GI measures) are being turned back. Americans are figuring out that these laws do “protect“ homosexuals and transvestites, but only from opinions they don’t like while handing them a club to bash people of faith. As people lose jobs simply for having the wrong opinion, and small businesses close after months of threats and leftist harassment, the public understands what is really happening: tolerance is a one-way street for sexual anarchists.

For faithful Christians, there will be no mercy.

Americans don’t agree. A new poll published by Family Research Council and the National Religious Broadcasters found that a whopping 81% agreed with this statement: “Government should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses.”

In the wake of an absurd state regulation passed in Minnesota for schools, a parents’ group commissioned a survey of voters and 90% agreed that students should have privacy rights for bathrooms, locker rooms and showers, including separate male/female facilities. A bill has just been introduced in both the MN House and Senate, called the “Student Safety and Physical Privacy Act” to mandate separate facilities for biological males and females and to overturn the recent school sports’ transgender policy.

In Arkansas, SB 202 just passed the legislature and was allowed to become law by the governor. It prohibits amending local discrimination policies with new categories, and that means “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” can’t be added.

This blow to “LGBT” dreams of glory follows on the heels of a successful December referendum in Fayetteville repealing a local transgender bill. The repeal effort featured intense lobbying by Michelle Duggar of the 19 Kids and Counting cable show.

And then in a stunning victory for freedom, an SO/GI ordinance just failed in Charlotte, North Carolina by a 6-5 vote. The measure would have prevented faith-based objections — i.e., no First Amendment religious rights.

The Human Rights Campaign spent a lot of time and money on the Charlotte bill and they are furious at the rebuff. They hoped to pass a bill with no faith exemptions. HRC calls religious freedom proposals “license to discriminate” bills, referring to proponents as the “anti-LGBT rump.” A paper HRC published called “Chipping Away at Equality” predicts these bills would allow Christians to turn away divorcees, Jewish people and biracial couples from businesses, and that EMTs would refuse to treat dying transgender patients using these bills as an excuse. No examples where such actions have occurred were provided.

And the roll-back doesn’t end there. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback by executive order rescinded a SO/GI discrimination order put in place by former governor Kathleen Sebelius.

And in Georgia, where Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran was fired for expressing his traditional Christian moral beliefs in a book, a bill is moving through the legislature to secure First Amendment rights in such cases. The radical group Get Equal spread misinformation in an email blast about the Georgia bill, alleging that it “—would make it legal for anyone citing a ‘sincerely-held religious belief’ to have a free pass to discriminate against just about anyone — LGBTQ or not.”

A Florida bill has been introduced that would restrict restrooms to people of the same biological sex. A new Michigan bill would allow adoption organizations to exercise religious freedom. There’s a similar bill in Congress, the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, sponsored by Congressman Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wy.)

And of course, we can’t forget the current Jezebel of “LGBT” tyranny: Houston mayor Annise Parker in her ongoing fight to deny citizens a vote on a local “LGBT” measure. A city clerk affirmed that more than enough signatures had been received to put the ordinance to a vote of the people, but the mayor’s shady maneuvers held it up. A judge rejected her plea to avoid a jury trial brought by local pastors whose sermons she subpoenaed in a thinly-disguised intimidation tactic.

One piece of legislation some are hailing as good news is actually the opposite: a Utah bill barring “LGBT” discrimination was supported by the LDS Church because it included religious exemptions. But it’s a trap. The bill language contains subjective “weasel” clauses allowing employers to make final determination about free speech, which qualifies “—unless the expression— is in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer.”

Welcome to the land of major loopholes. Many companies are already in bed with the “gay” lobby or afraid to limit their demands, so this language hands the “LGBT” bullies a tool to render the faith exemption meaningless.

And why is any church endorsing homosexual and “transgender” lifestyles anyway? That is what SO/GI “non-discrimination” bills do. They don’t just secure a right to an apartment or a job. It’s the right to have an apartment as an open and proud homosexual or transvestite (even if your landlady is a single Christian widow who believes this lifestyle is a sin). It’s getting a position while proudly proclaiming private deviant practices, even if co-workers believe marriage is male/female. Dare to express traditional values on the job and any Christian is guilty of harassment. These folks will have their lawyers all over you.

There is no respect in Scripture for these sins, but quite the opposite: our Lord calls homosexual sex an “abomination.” I don’t know how a church somehow justifies a “right” to housing and employment solely based on a sin identity.

The good news is that lots of Americans do understand and are standing up for what we believe and what our Constitution guarantees. The Lord Jesus Christ has framed the parameters of our faith and no wicked deceit the lavender lobby devises will every change that.

Gina Miller #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com

I would correct the name of the Planet Fitness policy. It’s not a “no judgment zone.” It’s a no common sense zone. Yet, this is only part of the logical fallout for a society that rejects transcendent moral truth, and instead, embraces degenerate perversity, insanely viewing it as “good,” “normal” and deserving of special rights, when it’s anything but.

The radical homosexual movement has shown that it will not stop its evil campaign to force on society the mainstream acceptance, and even celebration, of abominable sexual behavior. What began several decades ago as a not-so-humble effort to get homosexuals “out of the closet,” has turned into a full-blown crusade to viciously crush any opposition to all aspects of in-your-face displays of sexual degeneracy.

Planet Fitness is not alone among large corporations that have bent in submission to the dark will of this evil movement. Many, if not most, of the big companies have implemented policies of workplace acceptance of “out and proud” homosexuals and so-called “transgenders,” people who are under the delusion that they are the opposite sex. At the expense of the rights of the vast majority of employees in these companies, men who dress like women are allowed to come to work in such grotesque costume and even use the women’s restroom, and employees are not permitted to object to this blatant lunacy.

The bit of good news in this story is that Planet Fitness is losing members over this insane policy. There are still plenty of rational people among us who see through this “transgender” nonsense and understand that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that it is simply wrong to allow men into the private dressing rooms and restrooms used by women. This is an argument that needs no defense, and yet we are living in a time in which truth and reason are being trampled under the dirty feet of Hell’s minions, a mentally deranged time in which truth and reason are outrageously becoming casualties at the hands of homofascists and their supporters.

my-oddly-drawn-circus #transphobia my-oddly-drawn-circus.tumblr.com

[In response to a list of trans women who have already been murdered in 2015]

On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or partners in this country every day.

That’s 144 women. Dead. That’s 20x the amount of trans”women” getting killed.

And guess who’s killing trans”women”? Other males.

Guess who’s killing women? Males.


Gary Cass #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut defendchristians.org

The Top Ten Anti-Christian Events in 2013 are:

10. "Quentin Tarantino parody" on the life of Jesus Christ, entitled “Djesus Uncrossed”, showing a fake movie trailer of Jesus engaging in extreme violence and shocking profanity.

9. The unveiling of an IRS scheme that harassed conservative organizations, including DefendChristians.org.

8. California bill stripping youth organizations of their tax exemption unless they allow for openly homosexual members.

7&6 [tie]. Air Force Technical Sergeant Layne Wilson faced sudden termination after he complained to a Air Force chaplain over the use of the Christian chapel for a homosexual “wedding”. California bill allowing “transgender” public school students to pick which bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams of which to be apart.

5. Boy Scouts caving to the immense pressure from radical homosexuals to allow homosexuals into the organization.

4. Southern Poverty Law Center partnering with Marines’ training on extremism and labeling pro-family organizations as “Christian terrorists.”

3&2 [tie]. US Senate passing Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a bill that would allow for cross-dressing teachers in public schools and punish Christian businesses and institutions for not hiring homosexuals. Supreme Court ruling that the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional.

1. Obamacare requiring Christian businesses and institutions to fund abortions.

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