
Saddam #sexist #crackpot incels.is

Daily reminder: There is literally nothing more destroying to your looks than male pattern balding

Why the fuck hasn't this been cured yet? Seriously, can someone give me an actual, good reason?

It's fucking DISGUSTING. It's REPULSIVE, and it can EASILY turn a 8/10 into a fucking 5. I'm NOT EXAGGERATING. Please fuck off with your "good looking people look good with or without hair" LMFAO NO. Not even close. Don't post fucking Jeremy Meeks or Jason Statham as examples either, because these are LITERALLY RARER THAN 1 IN A MILLION.

Even fucking LACHOWSKI man. WTF happened? He was BEAUTIFUL. Now he's barely past NW2, and it's OVER for him. He's just above average, and this was once literally one of the best looking guys on earth.

What the fuck is wrong with the world? The entire purpose of the medical and scientific community should be making youth last long as possible. Nothing else. FUCK moon landings, FUCK treatments to help 80 year old should-be-corpses stay alive. Life is YOUTH.

There is literally, literally no reason at all to look forward to getting old. It's just one of the most absurd copes there is. "Yeah, I can't wait to getting close to death". LMFAO. What the fuck is wrong with these people. Fuck everything.

Uglyme #sexist incels.is

If you were given a girlfriend would you like a Stacy or a Becky type?

Both would love you.

Personally, I'd choose a Stacy cause in the end women are just wholes to fuck so it's better to choose the best one if I could.

Note to the mods: it's NOT female worship alright? It's just a question.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa in public.

Talibans: Discovering new hights of basedness every day.

The funny thing is, soon every afghan female will embrace their natural place and start to be happy like they havent been in the last 20 years. Cucks will say that they are no longer receptive to feminist propaganda due to censorship. They cant accept that 99% of afghan foids wanted this to happen deep inside.

I was gonna say that I disagreed with their actions and I would rather sexually enslave her as punishment instead of killing her in Minecraft but now that I see the pic it seems like that bitch was pretty ugly lol good riddance

must have called them inkel thinking she was still protected by the globohomo

Reminds me of the Khmer Rouge or the cultural revolution in China.

The western narrative doesn't interpret those events accurately imo and the way I view it goes like this:

The Cambodians and communist Chinese purged their country of people who were westernized (white washed as we say). Mostly killing them all and seizing their property.

The original Chinese communist were aligned with the Slavic-Jewish communist imperialists. A different flavor from Anglo-Jewish capitalist world order but still a cumskin male attempt to shape the world in their image nonetheless.

I think most Asian nations are just satisfied to be themselves, and don't want foreign men coming in to cuck them and steal or influence their women. Which is a tendency that white cumskin men have (whether eastern Slavic-Jewish communists or western Anglo-Jewish capitalists) in bullying/cucking men of the Asian continent.

Flagellum_Dei #sexist #psycho #wingnut incels.is

Why foid genitals mutilation is necessary for civilization to function properly

By their roastbeefs not being mutilated comes unleashed barbaric foid nature which leads to hypergamy and other degenerations. As we can see today, giving foids any power results in decay of entire nations and downfall in every aspect. Their troglodytic attitude is destructive towards any form of greater community, since it's a obstacle to human progress. By mutilating their genitals, human race supervise that foid cattle won't have opportunity to sabotage existence of civilization. All of their power comes from having monopoly over 'their' bodies and when it's taken away, then all of their might used to oppress nonchads suddenly disappears. It's the only way to make sure that humanity is safe from decay caused by hypergamy.

Lebensmüder #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Venting] Stories about a chad I hated in high school

The guy had it all: Millionaire family living in a fucking designer building where parties took place all the time, good in sports, extremely intelligent, face was like the face of those greek marble statues - so incredibly flawless that you just want to punch it. That combination alone would have driven me to hatred/jealousy, because it simply cannot be that someone has so much fucking luck in life, but the "best" thing is about to come:

He bullied a severly mentally-ill student until he left school, he destroyed his science project and after the poor guy attacked him he was punished for it. The victim was warped into the aggressor by a system that failed him, this victim was one of my few friends and due to the severe bullying his grades dropped until he was removed from school.

As the refugee crisis began the chad developed an extremely leftist and hyper-politically-correct world-view and always acted concerned for some completely unrelated people on the other site of the earth - just a few months after destroying a life. Those people show no empathy towards the people in their proximity, but suddenly develop a conscience when the opportunity for virtue signaling presents itself - with this he became something pathognomonic for the modern zeitgeist in my eyes, an allegory for all the sanctimoniousness in our modern world so to speak. A psychopath is in that climate not shunned by society, but rather treated as an idol.

He also acted like a pretentious hippie cunt and always spewed empty platitudes like "Life is no competition!" and other shit - yes, of course you see it that way, you rich and attractive piece of shit, because you never had to fight/compete with others due to the privileges you had since birth which you interpreted as only natural. Had success with women who felt attracted to him because of his "easy-going" and "intellectual aura" (actual quotes) - just fucking lol, you cannot make this shit up.

My school career was nothing more than a series of black pills.

Uglyme #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] IT morons really think we behave like this irl do they

One of cucktears favorite piece of (idiocy) advice is "the reason why you're incel is because you call women foids, noodlewhores, cumdumpsters, holes, etc. If you stop calling women like that maybe they would want to be with you"

Seriously are they that stupid? Do they think that we actively go around calling girls like that on a daily basis? Imagine if I said "thanks you fucking hole" to the girl at the grocery store. How long you think it'd take for me to get arrested for harassment? What those dumbasses fail to understand is that most of us try to be normal and functioning members of society but women don't care about that, they just give us the cold shoulder cause we are ugly. If we use those terms here it's because this is a safe non judgemental place for us to cope. So, soytears can shove their advice up to they used up asses cause it doesn't fucking work.

Insane Telepathic Vaginas Award

RageAgainstTDL #sexist incels.is

Women have insane telepathic abilities an they can tell all that and more. They can also tell by looking at you if you have true confidence or not, if you volunteer on the weekend, if you're a real nice guy or a fake nice guy, whether you've fucked other girls before, if you have female friends, etc.

Women have incredible powers of perception. They know everything about you from one glance.

'Gina tingles = everything's good
'Gina dries up = everything's bad

Simple as that.

The vagina knows all. If we could recalibrate vaginas for other perceptual feats we could use them to replace polygraphs or judges in courtrooms and to cheat at blackjack at casinos.

islamicincel #sexist incels.is

The ideal woman is a submissive uneducated one

Women must be kept dumbed down.

They must not be educated. They must not even be allowed to read or write.

They must not be allowed to work

They must not be allowed to vote.

They must rely completely on a man for her survival.

That is the ideal woman

Nothingness #psycho incels.is

Death as the central goal of human existence

True man finds meaning in death. Only death gives him meaning and rises him from quagmire of animal existence.

Here in determination to put his life above natural determination man reaches real freedom. In pursuite of goal that denies life he goes beyond cage of natural determenism.

Everything collapses beside this will to die;
Fate, wisdom( wich is always a prisinguard of our existence) laws, moral delusions, idolatry of everyday existence, letargy of habbit, this despicable happiness that is the bait of slavery of life. Everything is destroyed by this lightning of will to die.

Death is freedom and only one true value of human being.

Life is a cringe a slavery and death of consciousness and will. Life is a slavery and evil.

Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth incels.is

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

2002AM1488/II (“卐 2002AryanMaxxed1488's Reincarnation 卐”) #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] A letter to the females of my generation.

Well, the jig is up. You've had 20+ years to get your act together, and now everything you whores have been doing for the past 5-odd years have come back to bite you in the ass in the worst way possible.
Do I feel sorry for you? No, not at all. Did you feel sorry for my 15, 16, 17, and 18-year-old self whose only companion during those dark years was his PS4, while you sluts got to party it up and fuck young Chads? No, you didn't, so why should I feel any sympathy when you dumbshits get your pretty little princess powers taken away?
You've had your fun, your years of being the "cool people" while I had to rot in darkness.
I almost didn't want to vote this year, until I reflected on the suffering I've endured since 14.
Knowing that pain, the decision quickly became easy.
And also, when abortion is outlawed nationwide, (which, by the way, is gonna be sooner than you realize) those coat hangers are gonna make you suffer.

Tellem-T #racist incels.is

Mix breeding should be illegal

Seriously the UN should have a comitee worldwide to punish anybody that have kids while being a of different races, you could fuck but no impreganting, but allowing mixbreed children should be illegal and if done a prison sentencement to both parents.

I'm speaking from first hand experience since I suffered from from identity crisis my whole life, I didn't fit in with people and family members from both my mom and dad side. Now my parents are not together because it's a fact that most interacial marriages have a higher rate of divorce/marriage failure, especially if the dad is ethnic. Mix breeding creates abomination and confused individuals, take a look at ER. Hapa Manlet with a dad that will never understand his pain, just like my dad, he will never understand my pain of looking black

Mix breeding should be illegal it's just as worst as abortion and first degree murder, it creates abomination identity crisis individuals which leads them to be self hating, like myself and ER

Identity crisis leads to self hatred, so don't blame me for being self hating

TheNEET #fundie incels.is

I used to be 100% honest, but it didn't benefit me in the long run. At some point I've concluded that normies are violent animals, so manipulating them to gain something is a-ok. I don't consider them a subject of my morality, I'd slay them if not for the ramifications. I've developed two personalities: one is the real one, the caring one, and the other is absolutely sociopathic, only seeks to maximize the pleasure. I don't want to get cucked, so I use the second one most of the time irl.

GameDevCel #sexist incels.is

Skilled Whore is a meme

i see a lot of normies thinking some "expericiend" women would give more pleasure than an inexperient virgirn.

which is complete bullshit, a women don't need special training to open her mouth and contract her libs around a cock, or to spread he legs, and moan while she take a dick.

this experencied how myth was invented so roasties could feel better about their slutness and feel superior to virgirns foids.

i'm tired of normies that say "why would you want virgirn hur dur?" "she woun't know how to pleasure you hur dur"
stop pretending giving a blowjob is some science, it can be teached to a foid of how to do it in less than 10 mins, and her tight virgin pussy would give much more pleasure than a punched lasagna of a rosted beef that took a hundred cooks plus.

you won't find any serious research about vagina becoming loose with sexs, everything you will find at google will be mun science seguring to whores that "your vagina will be tight even if you have sexs with 50 guys and have a babie despise your age hurdur"

Celsior #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt incels.is

Throughout history, every single progressive was backwards, harmful, and set humanity behind by at least 50 years

Nothing novel, just some food for thought. Feel free to discuss it, if you will. I’m open to disagreement.

A good example would be Reddit’s second most popular/favorite boogyman, Hitler, who also had intensely progressive ideologies in his own ways. He may not have put it to word, specifically, but not only did he believe that he was doing the right thing under the guise of progression, but he also thought that his idea of pushing the human race forward for a good cause was impeccable and unquestionable, thus his means of implementing it became rapidly aggressive and assertive, thinking anyone who disagrees with him is less than human, keenly attuned to what a modern day leftist/libertarian/neoliberal thinks of himself and his own doctrines, and will do anything to force them upon you. He is also under the impression that it’s the ONLY GOOD option, and any alternative must be shut down for GOOD, through whatever possibility. It’s extreme and radical, just by its nature alone.

It’s funny, come to think of it. :feelshaha: Reddit’s second most collectively hated big bad guy was actually someone with the same set of ideological frameworks as them, just from a completely different era with a different perspective on what is progression and what is not.

It was always the anti-progressives and the ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ crowd who got caught in the crossfire, and had to fight their miserable way just to compensate and help reinstate whatever’s left. They didn’t want to get involved, but they had to retaliate, as soon as they realized how politically charged everything in their lives is becoming.

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] Empathy is a trait of sufferers

Foids, chads and normoids will never understand compassion because they never faced struggle. Chads can say fuck you to anyone and not feel bad in the slightest, but if that chad was always told to fuck off as a child, he wouldn't do it because he know how much it hurts. Suffering = wisdom and understanding tbh

This is why normoids are so fucking evil and selfish.

Yes, they have no humility. That's also why they are so sensitive to being insulted.
Tbh, getting my ass kicked online over the years has actually turned me into a better Person.
That's why self-deprecating Humor doesn't work with normies because they are all narcissists to a Degree.
They simply can't take attacks of their own ego.

Think About it, Society has created an entire sub-Group of self-deprecating People to be Entertainers and we just call them Comedians. That's how incapable the normalfaggot is of self-criticism.

It is another reason why I can't stand non- incel places
Normoids are the most self- centered piece of shit narcissists I've ever seen
It is always about them one way or another, never about anyone else

Yes, they just ping-pong stuff on you, its never really About you as a Person. Even when they praise you, they expect something in return. If a normie praises you and you don't react, they get pissed.
That's why I stopped trusting People early in my Teens, it is just pointless. There is no true altruism with them, they are Always selfish.
They cum in your face and then they expect you to smile jfl

Redpill Robert #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Having a daughter doesn't mean you have to be a cuck

(video showing a Texas judge savagely beating up his daughter, uploaded by her; for more, see this quote)
As an oldcel I randomly remembered when this was all over the news back in 2011. I laughed my ass off re-watching it. For those too lazy to watch it's a Judge from Texas who beat his daughter's ass for getting on the internet when she was told not to. At 3:45 he drops a blackpill on what computers have done too.

THIS is the way to deal with an attention-whoring social media-addicted teenaged daughter. Most cucked left-wing dads not only would have tolerated this, they'd have also gone out and bought magnum condoms and gave them to the daughter for all the Chads and Tyrones she would be sleeping with.

diogenes #fundie incels.is

IT'S OVER (if you don't max your stats out)

After a few months of daily LDARing and meditating on what it means to live while LDARing and where my life is going, I realized that if you and maxxing what are you doing. If I live in LDAR mode I might as well kill myself.

But fuck it don't we all want to live a happy life and ascend? For us genetically subpar males our path has already been decided and it's filled with pain and tears, suffering and hard work. But it must be done. If you dont looksmax you are indisputably volcel. I know that we are able to come up with many excuses to AVOID (because that is the goal of the excuse) having to work hard, but excuses are just excuses not realities.

I have disproved all of my excuses and I can do the same for yours. If if you reflect and at the end of that reflection you don't want to do and be your best then you are VOLCEL and FAKECEL.

VisVoi #conspiracy incels.is

Honestly they just want us locked up so that they don't have to look at us.

Once they lock all the incels out of sight, female standards will rise and they will demand that normfaced males be locked up.

One day, any face that falls short of perfection will be carted off to a pit.

znbox #sexist incels.is

The biology of female sexuality

I was thinking and reading about this a lot, also going undercover to female forums and I have built a theory which still has some plot holes but I want to know your opinion.

So, biologically males need to impregnate the most females, and females need the best mate (i.e. Chad). And most of the people still live by biological instincts. Incels who want a wife are superior in this case (or just desperate).

I know for a fact that very few females can get an orgasm from sex. I was lurking into female forums and they were seriously asking each other how to masturbate and what orgasm feels like. I went undercover as a female in some beauty forum and one foid told she could cum for the first time from masturbating at like 23 after having 7-8 partners, but still couldn't cum from sex. I mean the whole discovery was incredible to me, just as when I found out in high school that females too get horny. As far as I understood very few get orgasm from thrusts only, most orgasms come from clitoris which is usually unengaged during sex.

So my theory is that modern females don't want to have kids and families due to peer pressure and propaganda like "job, career, travel" but their bodies tell them they need to be pregnant so they find sex with Chad but can't get orgasms so they need more and more incoming. Their conscious brain thinks everything is fine but their subconscious brain is so fucking surprised they are not pregnant yet so it tells them they need to fuck more because their biology didn't account for condoms or birth control pills.

The conclusion is pretty popular in this forum: it will benefit everyone if females marry young and get pregnant. It will distract them for 5-7 years, and then they must get pregnant again.

Still don't know whether foids have sex because their body makes them pregnant or because they want to cum or maybe it's connected somehow.

AccountError #sexist incels.is

[Based] Women were expected to STFU throughout all of history

Across the world, women were not permitted to speak without her husband's permission. The punishment ranged from gags, floggings and sometimes beheadings. We need to adopt this again, any foid who speaks without permission needs to be curtailed one way or another, this way, we will decrease the amount of low IQ shit being said. Everyone will also have a better hearing ability since your ears won't wont to close up hearing a roastie.

Subhuman Niceguy et al. #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

(Original Post by Subhuman Niceguy)
[Venting] Imagine being stuck inside the International Space Station - with a foid.

I feel so sorry for that man, putting a bullet in the foid’s head may be his only option - in order to conserve supplies.

Imagine being stuck with this bitch in the ISS until February:

[video oomitted]

[first comment by Subhuman Niceguy himself]
The foid looks Jewish to me.

Are the cameras always on in the ISS

That foid would have semen in zero Gravity in all her holes, in GTA V

(WacoGoesDown, in response to Sloth.Belgrade)
probably not but the government monitors it & you have to maintain communications 24/7 & the foid could report you

(Sloth.Belgrade, replying in turn)
Fair point

AccountError #sexist incels.is

Foids who make sex all about them are annoying as shit


1. the man sacrificed everything to get into the relationship
2. all you do is starfish dead body sex and expect work from him
3. he asked for it and wanted it, you just agreed

literally stfu ROASTIES

VST #fundie incels.is

Every single fucking movie has a fucking sex scene/kissing scene or other displays of affection in it.

I'm fucking sick and tired of watching that shit, it literally just shows what we will never have, it's like the universe just wants to fucking rub it in.

I fucking hate every single second of this existence. You literally cannot do anything without getting reminded of being an incel. Fuck this shit.

gymletethnicel #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Remember that every female your age has received miles of shlong

This is something very brutal to remind yourself of. While you haven't even received a single hug or a single fucking kiss, the opposite sex has already done every act in the book. Also, remember that getting your first kiss gives you an unimaginable amount of dopamine which literally cannot be attained with coping. So you will literally never even experience the dopamine rush of sex and kissing, let alone actually doing these acts. Even if you somehow magically turned into an attractive male and could slay, the harm has already be done. While people around you are growing up and are becoming adults, many and have their own children even, you will literally always remain a child because of your bone structure.

Yet people expect us to act as if nothing is happening, as if this brutality isn't the reality of our existence. It is beyond over. Cope or rope.

Atavistic Autist #quack #sexist #racist incels.is

Many incels and autists display "personality disordered" traits of BPD and narcissism, which is often used by our detractors to say we're bad people. But it is obvious to anyone with cursory knowledge into Cluster B personality disorders that they are post-traumatic conditions, which derive from severe social problems during childhood and adolescence.

If you're an autist with no capacity to successfully socially bond, for example, it is only natural that your psychology will be affected by this as you try to shield your psyche from intense pain and shame spurring from social/romantic rejection and ostracism. Hence compensatory grandiosity, rejection sensitivity, violent revenge fantasies, and all the rest.

But it turns out, as I have found and spoken of previously, there is a DIRECT solution to all this that can stabilize you, remove your depression and heartache, and restore your hedonic tone (enable you to truly ENJOY life unlike psychiatric jewpills which simply numb you and make you a permanently impotent vegetable).

That solution is OPIOIDS. For they treat not only physical pain, but acute mental pain too! And it's more profound that even that...
[rest omitted]

Den66kj #racist incels.is

[RageFuel] My parents are disgusting race traitors

My mom is nordic and my dad is a sandnigger (fortunately not that dark skinned atleast)

But why the fuck would someone do this shit? The result was me. Someone looking like a genetic experiment that went wrong.
Both communities and cultures reject me

I can't even look in the mirror anymore without being ashamed of what my parents did and seeing my deformed body.

I constantly have problems with my skin, it's sensitive as shit and my immune system is almost non existent too :feelsree:

Whenever you hate yourself for genetics think about me :feelsrope:

Sadness (“Remember Sodom and Gomorrah”) #fundie incels.is

Fuck it. I'm taking the Godpill.

Fuck it. I'm sick of this degenerate society. I've seen too much promotion of fornication, faggotry, and other sexual immorality by the Satanic MSM, I've heard too many stupid rap songs about "fucking hoes", and I've overheard too much stories of Chads fucking party sluts every weekend.

You know what? I don't envy them. I don't envy any man who's had sex with a non-virgin. The only type of sex that should be happening in the world is between a man and his wife. Anything else is an abomination. JFL at playing Russian roulette with antibiotic-resistant STDs, child support, and false rape accusations just for a used impure hole that you'll regret fucking someday.

Mainstream churches are also becoming less and less moral. Some guy on a Catholic forum made a thread asking how to find a virgin wife, and he got completely white-knighted. Here are some quotes:

I was a Catholic virgin on my wedding night 2 years ago at age 26. My husband found me on Catholic Match. But he wasn't looking for a virgin, only.

I would not have dated and/or married someone who expressed your attitudes.

many Catholics just have accepted the modern-day promiscuity as the norm.

Even the churches are being corrupted. End times are truly near, and I don't want any part of the rampant degeneracy in our society. Only God matters.

I'd rather be an 80-year-old virgin who's pure in God's eyes than a 20-year-old Chad fornicator, or a cuck who's married to a impure woman.

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." - 1 Corinthians 9-10

Degenerates will be judged harshly by God when the time comes.

squirrelsonfire2 #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Based If a white foid supports BLM she should be forced to give them nonstop affirmative action white pussy whenever requested

Not supporting race mixing because it’s disgusting. However I wouldn’t even want to date a foid who race mixes in the first place, and the ones who support BLM are too far gone anyways. They should be treated as fleshlights by black men whenever requested for white pussy reparations.

Sterilize them and let the blacks use them as sex dolls.


Wagiecel #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] A pretty good quote from the Simpsons by Mr Burns

"If you can take advantage of a situation in some way, it's your duty as an American to do it. Why should the race always be to the swift, or the Jumble to the quick-witted? Should they be allowed to win merely because of the gifts God gave them? Well I say, "Cheating is the gift man gives himself."

And before you go cheating = bad, did you know most females are cheating by default wearing makeup? They're basically committing fraud on their appearances and genetics. Such behavior has become so normalized its not even considered cheating FFS!

soulartemis #psycho #sexist fundie incels.is

[Soy] White male doctors who perform hymen reconstruction surgery on Muslim sluts are the worst kind of white knights

It’s not like this is cleft palate surgery. These Muslim sluts knew what they were getting into by fucking before marriage, and yet they didn’t care, and now they go crying for a second chance through hymen surgery to fake the virginity that they recklessly threw away.

I have no respect for the male doctors who perform hymen reconstruction surgery and disrespect Muslim culture by interfering in an important rite in the culture.

ToxicPersonality #psycho incels.is

I will obtain control over a section of society

Ive been thinking that what i can do is slowly obtain power over the course of 15 years so that im at a point where i can make major decisions that effects the lives of tens of thousands of people. If not much more. Im currently making meticlious steps to reach this goal. Ive made a stepping stone of goals that are obtainable for me that end in me being in this position. Everyone will be sitting back, enjoying life, just living it up with each others company. Doing what people do. While i will be there all along, crafting a master plan through bite sized steps, slivering my way between them, as they sit, oblivious to my creeping grip encompassing them from all around. They will all answer to me, for i am the supreme calculator, the mastermind, the insidious genius. My wraith will come down upon the snivering swine that inhabits the earth, for they will be subjected to my will. It will be up to me if they live like complete shit, or have a good life. Mark my words. For they have always doubted me, but what i say does come true. For i am the one whom holds the truth.

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

All promiscuous women should be required by law to feature in periodical "thanksgiving" fuckfests

spoiler(link to japanese porn omitted)

100% COMPLETE solution to inceldom:

1) all women are required to be married by 14.
2) women cannot work/drive or leave the house without father/husband/brother companion.
3) all types of welfare are extinguished.
4) all women that vehemently refuse to marry or that have been found cheating their husbands: they're required by law to become state whores and be featured periodically in fuckfests like the one in this JAV, where they get to have orgies with incels and lower status men in general. They're thanking the men for allowing them to live and have freedom to be sluts fucking Chads instead of getting killed by stoning like it should be the case.

Ideally those women would also get sterilized so no single mom dysfunctional offspring would pester our societies.

(Emphasis original)

Moroccancel, KillNiggers and opioidcel #psycho #sexist #racist incels.is

[From “School shootings are the ultimate expression of despair.”]

OP by Moroccancel
School shootings are the essence of how social outcasts express all the hatred and enmity against a society that treats them as trash and that they will not fit in because society will always reject not only the different, but the worthless

I welcome any mass school shooting. I celebrate it because they have essentially had enough balls to elevate the great pain of millions of silent men. The normies cope with the idea and call everything "mental illness", "he had to improve his personality" but that is not true. Mass shooting is the ultimate expression of life in the face of death, it is, in short, the desire for power and attention in the highest form, for one last time before dying or ending up permanently in prison, hopefully executed or on death row for a few years

What social outcast will not be happy by the instant normality that is broken? Bravo

In video game


It's the most selfless act one can do. Most pussies just stick to their own thoughts and rope

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Normies hating mass shooters is hypocritical beyond belief because mass shooters are created not born. Mass shooting is the end result of a lifetime of social ostracisation and humiliation resulting from bad looks and non NT ness

Absolutely. Imagine being rejected, hated, being told that your life is over before it even begins

It is the logical consequence of every person who rationally understands that revenge is the only answer. Because violence has always been against them


Your talking about a fraction of mass killers, Most just do it for fame

Nah most do it cause of jewipill brain rot/damage

jet112 #sexist incels.is

Being a "chad" is not natural

god made us ugly for a reason. its to advance materially and personality wise.
why there are so few chads? because its a quirk of nature. its not supposed to happen, men are supposed to be ugly.
this is why most chads become sales managers or athletes, is because that's the only thing they deveoped. they haven't went through the dip of fire like we did

Serious, Serious's mother, Sloth.Belgrade, veryrare and Stupid Clown #sexist incels.is

[From “My mother is based.”]

OP of the thread by Serious:

Even my mother says that she doesn't understand why rape is such a big deal, especially when woman is not virgin anymore

But my mom is 60+ already, so she may view life in an old fasioned way, plus she was virgin when she married

From Sloth.Belgrade:

She's based:feelzez::feelzez::feelzez:
It's only rape, if a female is a virgin, married, or a widow

From veryrare:

@Stupid Clown

She's probably only saying these things because she herself is older and thus more spiteful towards young foids. Most of the "basedness" some old women have is just them hating on younger foids out of jealousy. I definitely agree with her tho

Foids with high body counts complaining about rape is like a golden corral complaining about a hobo stealing

Facts, Your mom probably acted like any other foid out there
To call her based is just .... no comment

ItsACrazyWorld #sexist incels.is

How feminists can claim men have had it better historically is a joke: men have traditionally been canon fodder, have had really hard, shit jobs...

...have been sent away from their family, etc. For example, the other day, I was watching a documentary on the Great Wall of China. Effectively every man in the army was drafted to build it. How many hours per day they worked, I have no idea, though you can imagine it's gonna be at least 12. The fucked-up thing though? These men were forced to stay there, work, no days off and were 1000s of miles from their families. Many soldiers had wives & kids (I guess people died by mid 30s then...so even a 20 year old soldier, would often have a couple of kids, probably), who they were forcefully separated from for an indefinite period of time. Allegedly the thing took 200 years to build - imagine that: you live in the south, are taken by the army, moved 1000s of miles North, working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, until you die, never seeing your family again. And women want to argue that they have had it hard?

In reality, it did get better, since apparently when the general saw the moral of the men dropping, he allowed the wives and kids to move from their hometowns to where the wall was being constructed, effectively building villages along the route to accommodate the workers.

Likewise, look at human history - it's been nothing but fighting the entire time. Men would be sent out into the battlefield, outnumbered, knowing full well they were about to be slaughtered. They were literally worthless...nothing more than canon fodder...

In contrast, I wonder how women would react if they were conscripted and about to be sent into battle, sent over the top of the trenches, knowing they would be gunned down by the enemy? Would they want this form of equality?

HumanTrash #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] Every second a foid dies somewhere in the world

Just thinking about this makes me feel so much better, right now when you are reading this a filthy chad-worshiping cunt dies somewhere :feelsautistic: Doesn't matter if it's a baby or a 120-years old granny, they are all whores and they will all die.

micropenis29 #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Teen Pregnancy Should Be Seen As Normal

In a healthy society, most foids ages 12-15 would be marrying and having babies. They would then continue having babies until they are 25 or so, and they would of course be full-time mothers and housekeepers.

Most men would be married with anywhere from 5 to 15 kids.

These would be the social norms, and anyone who broke them would be ostracized and rejected by mainstream society. The people most likely to fall into this category would be GigaChads, Chads, and the lowest-IQ foids since Chads prefer not to marry any foid, and the lowest-IQ foids are too dumb to realize that they need men to provide for them while they focus on child-rearing.

Note that this is the exact group that we want to stop being taken care of by society and to thus stop producing children, since this is the dumbest set of people.

crawer #fundie incels.is

Everything is about cucking

Some guys think cucking is only sex related but in reality everything is about cucking, you most always ensure you are getting the best of every situation and putting others at a disadvantage and taking their shit (cucking them) in order to advance in life.

Whenever I take a shit I make sure it is big and I wipe my ass with as much toilet paper as I can I use the whole toiler paper roll to clean my ass to maximize the benefit and clenliness of myself and I don't give a fuck if the next person gets no toilet paper and I fucking lol when the toiler gets clogged and overlfows and some cuck has to clean that shit up.

When I lived with my family I used to think it was good to share but more close to the end of when I was staying with my family before I moved out I understood they were complete shit and everything was better if I had it for myself. I proceeded to hog everything and cuck everyone in every way possible, would take a big time shit in parents bathroom so it stank and they were uncomfortable and couldn't have sex so I was sexually cucking them there. Whenever they bought something good like cookies or cake would instantly eat all of it past the point were it was even enjoyable so my idiotic siblings couldn't have any. took 2 hour showers to maximize clarity of my skin by sometimes not even being under the water but using the steam from 2 hour shower to clear up my skin, turned my waiting siblings into big time shower cucks they couldn't shower and would stink.

Doing all this and understanding the importance of cucking others and always being in the best situation myself has put me in a much better place to succeed in life.

JeffGoldblumInTheFly #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] If I turned into a 10/10 giga chad and a 5/10 foid wanted to fuck me, I would say for her to give bj to 5 incels first

If she says no I would say to her, "Well is your choice, I have many more to fuck".

If she agree and do it, I would ask the incels if she really did gave them the blowjobs, and then after confirming it I would say:

"You're such a dumb bitch, do you really think I'll fuck a hole like you? You don't even deserve my respect, least of all my thick cock, you're a promiscuous bitch who unfortunately won't go through other times like this in your life, I hope they all have herpes on their dicks and that your mouth swells up with grotesque sores to show how much of a whore you are. Die degenerate bitch."

FidelCashflow #psycho incels.is

Anyone else unironically want ww3 to break out right now?

All the Twitter clowns are going off right now about getting close to ww3 because Iran and burgerland are bitching at eachother again. Obviously nothing's gonna happen but at this point I actually want a major war scenario to kick off.
My life is so fucking boring and repetitive that I would enjoy a change of pace like that. Worst case scenario I die in the war (which doesn't really matter since nothing in my life was ever gonna get better anyway), or I survive the war and im able to prosper in a reverse hypergamy situation because millions of men have died, similar to what happened after ww2.

mylifeistrash #sexist #psycho incels.is

I hate men who feel sorry for women in any sort of capacity and/or want to help them

Nearly all women in the west live like gods.

If a woman is fucking up in life, she's going far out of her way to do so. Intentionally burning shit down, and even then, even after murdering her own kids, some white night will still come in and marry her, save her, whatever.

Helping a woman should be punishable by having acid poured on your dick and balls.

angryJohnDoe #sexist #psycho incels.is

Having a sex slave

I have been unable to shake the thought of having a sex slave. Especially when I’m at the gym with all the foids dressed like sluts. I have been thinking of all the ways I could get away with it, and how I can avoid getting her pregnant. The easiest method being doing a little bit of research and finding a foid I know can’t have kids. There have been absolute legends like Arial Castro that managed to get away with it for decades so if you’re a lot more careful than them it could work out

rightfulcel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Calling women toilets is the most high iq idea ever

Normies are so brian dead they struggle to connect the dots completely. They are so autistic they are like "LOL women aren't toilets" while ignoring what we just said. Instead of being angry about the posts they go straight to that because it requires no energy. Also toilet is offensive and funny also true I might add. Lol at normies.

metabuxx #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] I've NEVER met a virgin man above 20 who didn't want to kill himself

20 years of being treated as a subhuman by holes, being shunned for their genes, not experiencing milestones (first kiss, first date, teen love), having every effort fail, but still being bombarded by virtue signalling and gaslighting can drive a man towards insanity and depression.

Those men are nothing but walking corpses who are somehow surviving, trying their best to get through this wretched life. They spend the days of their miserable existence rotting and contemplating suicide.

They survive to make Chads look even more attractive and they know it. So they continue to walk, eat and sleep, hoping that on some fortunate day they'll be lucky enough not to wake up.

In case IT screenshots this thread"B-but I've met 30 year old virgin men who are living happily and enjoying things they love to do. Sex isn't important." :soy::soy:


ThoughtfulCel #sexist #racist incels.is

[Serious] If America ever gets a female presisent its over

Females have group preference. A foid running America would mean she would be solely trying to benefit women.

The government and justice system are already corrupt garbage, but they'd be even worse with a foid in office. At least they leave me alone. She might start hunting me down too

Laws would be passed protecting, coddling, and defending women. Life as a male would continue to gradually get worse.

You see how hard people shit on trump? Imagine shitting on the first female president. You would be arrested and charged.

Jews and Cumskins would push cuck agenda even more than they already are.

Female president = over for incels.

dyellow #sexist #homophobia #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Most men DESERVE to be incels

Mostly normies. Think about it rationally: women don't have moral agency, they're just instincts, but men can think. Who do you blame, the dog or the owner?
I blame the owner. Cucks have allowed the peak of degeneracy we are living, they are the enemies, not foids. These men are worthless sacks of shit that will sell their souls just to get attention from a woman, such people don't deserve to even be normies, they deserve to be incels, and live a live of servitude. I don't deserve to be an incel, I'm a hard worker, I have good values, strong and capable. I just happened to be born with an ugly face, this is totally unfair.
Now lets see who deserves to be thrown in concentration camps:
-White Knights
-Men into Findom
-Subscribers of twitch thots
-Men that like/compliment foids on social media
-"Sugar Daddies"
-"Sissy" fags

More suggestions?

Frankenstein's M. #sexist incels.is

Why it's a bad idea to ascend

I was scrolling pass normie book and noticed yet the same familiar occurrence I saw working in a grocery, men are dating way below their SMV for relationship security, when your looks match sees this she's not gonna be interested in you, even if you've been with her for a while she's eventually gonna give in to the reality that guys 3 points and above would want her and she'll have no reason to be with you, if you're below 5 you must try with cripples to stand a chance and that doesn't guarantee that you won't be cucked, it's over :feelsrope:

virgin4life #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] A relationship is worth more than $36,000 per year according to survey.

A survey found that 41% of people would give up their relationship for a $36,000 raise. So 59% think a relationship is more valuable than that.

32% of millennials would break up with their significant other for a $37,000 raise
Forty-one percent said they would end a relationship for a promotion.

This means that what we are missing out on is worth at least $36,000 per year to the average American. Yet we are supposed to sit down and shut the fuck up when there is NO WAY WHATSOEVER for us to get a relationship. We are supposed to just accept that we can't have something everybody else gets and is worth over $36,000 per year.