
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

JE Aggas #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

“At 7:21 pm, on December 25th, 2022, dispatchers received a call of a fire at the Puget Sound Energy substation at 14320 Kapowsin Hwy E. Deputies, Firefighters and Puget Sound Energy employees responded to the scene. The fire was extinguished and the substation secured. Power was knocked out for homes in Kapowsin and Graham. The suspect(s) gained access to the fenced area and vandalized the equipment which caused the fire. There are no suspects in custody at this time.” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.

Revelation 6:2 (KJV)
"And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." = 1225 (English Ordinal)

"cyber attack" = 1225 (Standard)

"antifa power grid attack" = 222 (Ordinal)
"power grid attacks" = 190 (Ordinal)
"power grid blackout" = 200 (Ordinal)
"Georgia Guidestones" = 200 (Ordinal)

Guidestones down 7/6/2022 to Christmas was 172 days
"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

ATT Batman buiding attack
From and including: Friday, December 25, 2020
To, but not including Sunday, December 25, 2022
Result: 730 days
"Hillary Clinton" = 73 (Reduction)

Mother-anon #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho boards.4channel.org

I can tell by the way you write that you bear the mark of Cain. You most certainly are an son of adam

i most certainly am not a son of Adam, my mother does not hide her disdain towards those rotten people. mark of cain brands one as a murderer and my mother pointed me in the right direction, i only had to see what kind of entertainment is the most popular at the moment. besides if i am son of Adam then why did i find love from a daughter Lilith instead of a daughter of Eve?

she really is the one, my mother is the only woman i feel like i am a true equal with.

i have been thinking this more thoroughly, the way i see it there are several different bloodline. Adam's bloodline is the most prosperous one but the ruling one is Canaan's bloodline. this is what my mother truly hates, the children of Canaan are counted among her true enemies (i sadly cannot entertain thoughts about them as it would conjure some very unpleasant things in my spiritual landscape, but i can say that the word 'cannibal' comes from Canaan). children of adam have sadly become accomplices but in the end my mother sees them merely as unknowing children who are just here to toil for their bread. i cannot know for certain what bloodline i belong to but i know that the toil is not part of my nature.

You seem to have a deep connection with your succubus. To what extent does your contact in the physical world extend?

the contact is third eye only and mainly happens through dream realm, even a light dream state is enough to gain a deep connection with her but i will always cherish that one moment when she appeared in my rem sleep.

Since the topic of glowies comes up infrequently itt what does everyone think the actual stance of them is wrt this topic?

when it comes to glowniggers my mother tells me that they are always children of canaan, it takes a special kind of cruelty to become one. i think Terry Davis was also right that you can drive over the glowniggers, children of canaan feel neither pain nor fear which means you can kill them with reckless abandon.

Vox #crackpot #magick #conspiracy wildheretic.com

How about this….earth is
concave….it is kept secret from most of society because…
If we were to know the truth, we would soon come to find that earth is MAN MADE…that God did.not create this universe, our universe is an artificial replication of God’s created universe..
A universe that eventually was poisoned, destroyed, by mankind.
So man, if wanting mankind to continue to exist, had to build artificial universe. Only a tiny percent of worlds population knows the truth. …convincing and brainwashing and training and enslaving 99.9% of population that our universe is Holy…and the masses are used by the elite to run, to be the gears and cogs (as unwitted slaves) to be the labor to make this artificial universe MECHANICAL earth machine run smoothly….all the that the elite can complete creation of ANOTHER manmade universe. Because they cannot stop our present universe from self destructing…

Gregg Prescott, M.S. #magick #conspiracy #crackpot in5d.com

The concept of the bifurcation of time refers to the idea that there are two different paths or potential outcomes that can occur in the future. This idea is often associated with spiritual or philosophical beliefs about the nature of reality and the possibility of different possible futures.
The concept of the bifurcation of time can also be interpreted more broadly as a representation of the duality that exists in the world, with two opposing forces or energies at play. Some people believe that the bifurcation of time represents the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, or other dualistic opposites.

Overall, the spiritual meaning of the bifurcation of time may vary depending on the individual’s beliefs and perspective. It can be seen as a symbol of the choices that we make in life and the consequences that follow, or as a representation of the duality that exists in the world and the potential for different outcomes depending on our actions.
There are a variety of explanations for the Mandela Effect, including the idea that it is caused by a glitch in the matrix or some kind of quantum phenomenon, or that it is simply a result of collective misremembering or the fallibility of human memory. It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support these more exotic explanations and that the Mandela Effect is more likely to be a result of normal human memory errors and the influence of suggestion.

Most likely, the Mandela Effect represents the convergence of timelines of many realities into one main timeline that we all share. In essence, each time a Mandela Effect appears, it represents millions (or more) timelines collapsing!

John F Kennedy via Erena Velasquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, and I am happy to connect and speak to my fellow Americans and the World.

The historical changes are happening right now to the planet Earth and her inhabitants. This 3D holographic illusion is getting crushed by high frequencies coming from Cosmos. Your life is going to transform to the magnitude you never imagined or experienced before. The transformations are happening on all levels including spiritual. Everyone is going to be shocked about certain truths, when they surface to the daylight.

You have been deceived for thousands of years. Now is the time for patriots around world to step into a spotlight to help speed up the process of the changes. Please, be selective on what you read on internet and devote more time on staying in positive energies. These are extremely important times to keep Collective Consciousness very high. The ground crew’s mission is a complete removal of Dark Entities and rescue children and women. After receiving ultimatum the outworlders are leaving Earth.

During my presidency I don’t think humanity was ready to hear the truth about Secret Space Program, Area 51 and etc.. Almost 60 years later finally hidden crimes and agendas against humankind are going be brought to the surface. The ones who are still asleep will refuse to accept them and claim that are just conspiracy theories. Your media is going to cease to exist. It never sided with the people only worked on behalf of the rulers and portrayed lies and deceptions.

Viruses and pandemics were engineered by Dark Entities, which were on purpose released to kill or make sick the population on Earth and same goes for extreme weather patterns like floods, hurricanes and winter storms. The ruling of Elite or whatever they call themselves are coming to the end. What you see now around globe are their last attempts to be in control. Tyranny and enslavement will be forgotten on New Earth.

Lorber-Verlag, directors Michael Zluhan and Manuel Zluhan #magick #fundie #crackpot lorber-verlag.de

Jakob Lorber (1800-1864) was one Chosen by God. One can call him a prophetic mystic, even more so, a Christian prophet. He himself humbly called himself “God’s servile scribe”. The importance of his prophetic work has been communicate to him via inter divine dictat, gets ever more recognition in this day and age. This 25volume opus unlocks all questions that move us about the history of salvation, indeed, about the entire history of creation. In it, both the formation and the structure of the worlds in its physical, astral and spiritual aspects are put under the microscope to the smallest level. In particular, we learn all about the nature of God, about the world of the angels, the levels of redemption of the souls in the world beyond earthly death and, at the centre, the nature of the Saviour Jesus Christ.

Original GermanJakob Lorber (1800 - 1864) war ein von Gott Erwählter. Man kann ihn als prophetischen Mystiker bezeichnen, mehr noch ist er christlicher Prophet. Er selbst nannte sich demütig den „Schreibknecht Gottes“. Sein prophetisches Werk, das ihm durch inneres göttliches Diktat mitgeteilt wurde, wird in seiner Bedeutung in unserer Zeit immer mehr erkannt. Das 25bändige Werk schließt alle Fragen auf, die uns über die Heilsgeschichte, ja sogar über die gesamte Schöpfungsgeschichte bewegen. Da wird sowohl die Entstehung wie auch der Aufbau der Welten in ihrem physischen, astralen und geistigen Bereich bis ins kleinste durchleuchtet. Besonders aber erfahren wir alles über das Wesen Gottes, über die Welt der Engel, die jenseitigen Läuterungsstufen der Seelen nach dem irdischen Tod und, im Mittelpunkt stehend, das Wesen des Erlösers Jesu Christi.

Gedaliah Shay #fundie #magick #mammon amazon.com


Do you experience difficulty in making progress in your workplace, among your colleagues, or even spiritually?

Do you get disappointment in places where you should get favors and keep experiencing failure even when you're close to the end of your dark tunnel? Or, do you find it hard to get the real purpose of your life, and you keep going round in circles without any real progress?

Why do you experience this, you may ask?

The depth of the Spiritual realm and its effect on your life is more than meets the eye! It is more than what you think it is. The secret to getting to the root of the world's evil powers is unknown to many, which is why they stay camped under the influence of the principalities of this world.

You know the magnitude of God's power and his greatness over every evil over your life, but do you know that you can command much more with some secret weapons at your disposal?

How would you like to know the exact strategies and plans of your enemies and combat them to turn things around to greatness for you?

What if you are shown the exact picture of the works of the devil and taught the surest ways to fight back and take over your life completely from the evil that witches and wizards control?

Wouldn't it be easier for you to know exactly where your problem stems from and the most definite solution to do to get back on track of progress?

Do you know the strange and terrifying lengths that men of this world go to acquire power? Do you want to keep yourself safe, away from their predatory Eyes?

This Book was specially made to prepare you by guiding you through steps on knowing your enemy, learning more about the power of God, and the exact ways to use the unconquerable weapons God has given you!

You need to stop grappling with the fear of the unknown and send fire for fire against the forces of darkness against you!

The Perfect Prayer handbook for all Christian Warriors.

Yuko Sato/Swami Satchidanand #magick #conspiracy energyenhancement.org

Thank you for your email. I read all techniques. My favourite is the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process Construct. It worked amazingly.

Day1 :

I meditated for about 30 mins on the hill yesterday. It was much fast to remove all blockages, I could say half time.

I created four constructs around me. It created a powerful protection also they scanned my body and remove average blockages through all my chakras

I found at

1. The blockage: a pond of black slimy liquid in my heart chakra. I removed it. Then I created a wonderful green gate by leaves, something like in the British garden. I will send the picture. There is a nice breeze through my heart chakra. I grew a green power in it. I felt warm.

2. The minions. Then I look down the place where there was a pond. I found thousands of eggs, all were black. I removed them and shocked, grounded into the centre of the earth.

3. The Black Magician: After burnt the eggs, many angels arose above. I bring into my Antahkarana to increase the size and function of my energy body, the new means of evolution. I found black vines connected to the Black Magician. I caught him and shocked him and cut him apart. Then burnt him and grounded him.

4. The controller: I jumped above with four constructs. I put them horizontally and scan all universe, like a fish net. I catch so many controllers and I shocked them and burned them all into the center of the earth.

5. I did the same as 4 a couple times even jumped higher

6. I did the same as 4 more. I found millions of Black Magicians and I shocked them and burned them all into the center of the earth.

Swami Satchidanand:

Yuko, you are an infinite energy immortal soul!

You will never die.

You are invincible.

These BM guys can not harm you.

Their only work. Their only task is to persuade you to be Evil.

To Pervert. To Degenerate.

To steal every drop of your Spiritual Energy.

To implant you with demonic energy blockages.


When all the blockages are gone you will fuse with your Soul.

Coercion Code #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick coercioncode.com

Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:

(1) Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.

(2) Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.
(5) Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”.

(6) Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan“. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura“, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan“. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.

(7) Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order.
(9) Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color!
(12) “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ“, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ“. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

This year the arduous spiritual journey has taken Guardian teams all over the globe in order to confront AI machinery and cloned out instruction sets run by assorted factions of NAA entities. The planetary solar symbiosis and cosmic clock initiation included reaching the highest threshold of tri-matrix integration for our time matrix parallel realities, which holds massive spherical domains of our timelines and matter manifestations all co-existing within different stages of matter, spirit and cellular memories.
Finally, after moving through several portal systems with Guardian teams to identify underground nests and bases to evict AI hybrid entities from the planetary stargate system, more of the divine revelations surfaced into view, revealing the most ancient love story of the Two Suns that led to angelic humanity’s origins. There were hints with the timeline records showing the passage and fall into phantom matrices through the Ring of Fire, as the result of several trigger events that were caused by the Lyran Wars which ultimately split apart the Two Suns.
Cosmic Mother Dragon proceeded to embody the entire 5D stargate system into Malta’s main Dragon Node intersection and bring it under her direct control with the Emerald Founders. As this stargate was being anchored in Malta, the subharmonic re-stringing process began to link into the ancient Andromedan portals in the Macchu Picchu stargate system, continuing on to the 5D Bali gateway and linking within the 11D systems in the United Kingdom.

This placed the highlight upon the Vale of Pewsey, where the Tri-Matrix of the Cathar solar coding for the coronasphere was anchored, and there was another expansion into the next complete triad of the harmonic universe that unlocked and extended out into 19D, 20D and 21D.

CREATOR GOD ATON OF LIGHT via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy fourwinds10.com


These portions shall be placed afore the messages of Seven Co­hans of the Seven Rays of Life. The purity of these teachers and the "Orders" established have been degraded and the names themselves taken and usurped by the Evil Brotherhood to cause the human to lose of his path unto his greater heritage. It was that these orders were established so much longer ago than you ones can imagine and were only for designation of identification that you might recognize a name, a label-just as the Master Cristos has many labels according to the language and cycle of evolution. I have had as many labels as you have groups of peo­ple--it does not mean I bear separate energies--only that man must give all things labels for he can no longer discern "pure energy" in silence


Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com


Our along with the Planetary and Cosmic Crystal Heart is healing and opening, ready for


Which we will be calling in with tomorrow’s Kryst-Mass Group Call, as we fully ignite the New Divine Organic Creatrix Field together as ONE!

All remaining fear-based imprints are being fully cleared and dissolved as our 12/13D Diamond New Earth Grid and Diamond Avatar Self and New Ascension Earth Realities can come fully online now!
We did it! THE WAR IS finally truly OVER!

OUR VICTORY IS UNFOLDING and about to become very real for all to see again!

The Divine Feminine has fully surrendered herself to Divine Love and the Divine Masculine, as he holds the container for the Creation of ALL NEW WORLDS to be birthed through her, or rather through both of them as ONE with SOURCE and ALL of Creation. As she fully lets go and surrenders, she dissolves into the antimatter and Cosmic Womb, that holds infinite potential within it, and together they collapse the Quantum Standing Wave function of the false Matrix realities, within the STILL POINT of the Zero Point Field of Divine Love, to birth forth our New Eden and Heaven on Earth!
The Original Twinflames are also healing the split and wall in time and Lyran war Timelines, cataclysm and all of the destruction of the Lyran Stargate, which is healing the masculine and feminine, and mental and emotional body split, as well as 12/13D connection and Interdimensional Stargate System. Also supported by the recent healing of the masculine distortions and connections to the Egyptian Timelines and the Giza and Orion Stargate system. This is bringing a final end to the Galactic and Interdimensional War dramas throughout time and space, across the Cosmos! All connected back to the 12 / 13 Original Tribes and Indigo Maji Graillines, and the Holy Grail, Holy Trinity Family. It’s the Royal Houses UNITING ALL AS ONE TRIBE again!

Acion #magick incels.is

Servitor creation


I emulated the ritual in this video when creating my servitor gf

Demonstration on How To Create a Servitor

imma be impressed when someone makes a servitor that brings you money
so far magicians only have control over their mental states, not the world around them

that's not true. Sorcerers have been manipulating the physical world for thousands of years.

I made money from a hoodoo petition spell

I've heard of attack servitors

I made an egregore that can touch you. I literally made it to prove the reality of magick to this forum.

I literally made this thing to mail to .is members. Do you want the egregore?

@Ignoredpinaples this thread has all of the information you'll need to create your own servitor gf

this fr? what does your servitor gf do

This is real

looks like youre messing with the spiritual world tho, idk if im too comfortable with opening shit lol

The human mind is powerful enough to create spirits.

how did you do your ritual? was it aided with weed or did you do it without anything ?

It was my first ritual. I used weed to get in the right frame of mind. I also used the pot smoke to purify the area. Most importantly, I blew the smoke on the book I used as a spirit house. I use the pot smoke as "the breath of life"

This is the ritual I emulated

Demonstration on How To Create a Servitor

Vital Frosi #magick #ufo #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info


Within the Plan of Evolution of Worlds, Earth is leaving behind the frequency of the Third Dimension, a vibration that has always accompanied it since its earliest history. We are entering higher frequency bands, with the lowest frequency corresponding to that of the Fifth Dimension.

In fact, what exists are energetic vibrations corresponding to certain frequency ranges, known as dimensions.
In the 3D frequency, matter is predominant. Everything is coarser, heavier. Everything is based on carbon, because that makes all impermanent. Carbon decomposes and renews itself, as if it were reborn from itself. This partly explains the Wheel of Samsara, which is nothing but the ring of reincarnations.
Today, everything is expanding rapidly. The veils are being lifted one by one, and in not too long, human consciousness will no longer be the same. We are in the final decades of the planetary transition, which was estimated to last three centuries.
Let’s talk about the dissolution of the third dimension. Everything is declining now. The last 50 years are the most amazing within these 3 centuries. Back around 2001, Gesara was to be proclaimed in September that year. Gesara is a definition corresponding to the exchange of all existing 3D systems to adapt them to the new 5D reality.

The occult forces that have always ruled humanity through work and debt do not want to accept the end of 3D because they cannot resist the new higher frequencies. Even if it is a universal plan, some human actions may promote or delay these processes, since everything is energy. Why in September 2001 retaliation was instituted. You all know the (9/11) consequences.

Nevertheless, as a result of the expansion of collective consciousness, the Earth timeline was changed in 2010. With the exception of the Armageddon timeline, a new, softer and less painful timeline was introduced. This timeline is valid until the end of this transition.

By 2050, no remnants of Old Earth will remain.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed for size>
Our Ascension Conference in Paris was a huge success. Interest among the surface population was more than expected, and the conference was sold in a few days after being announced. Despite all organizational challenges everything went smoothly at the conference, and we had a strong and dedicated group of about 320 participants. For many of them it was the first opportunity in years to reconnect with their fellow Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.

We have managed to reawaken and revive the Sisterhood of the Rose, and hopefully you will hear from them soon.
It is a very interesting synchronicity that China has dropped its zero covid policy just after the weekend:

It is also interesting to note that Iran appears to have disbanded or at least weakened the power of its “morality police” during the weekend:

This is the first victory of the renewed Goddess energy and is related to the reactivation of the positive Qajar Goddess timeline which is happening behind the scenes:

Qajar dynasty has reactivated Goddess mysteries in the early 19th century in the Persian court:
Meanwhile, the clearing of the Chimera group continues.

In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system:

They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”.

The only part of the pit now remaining is the facility under DARPA with the central quantum computer.

The Light Forces should definitely take the status of the suffering of the surface population into consideration and risk more, be more active on the surface, but at least we got this:

Lev #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Info on karmic duel between Light and Dark Forces, scheduled for December 22, 2022, at 00:48 AM CET, DNI unveiled six months ago (see Scrubbing, Disclosure News, 25 July 2022).

Recall. Archangel Michael and the Karmic Council’s Head Guan Yin, in their official statement about this event, highlighted that its purpose is to determine whose collective force – Dark or Light – will become the dominant and controlling on Earth.

According to the Cosmic Law, which ALL SPACE RACES obey, in a karmic duel, victory is awarded to the one, WHOSE ACCUMULATED SPIRITUAL POWER IS HIGHER. The one, who has it lower, couldn’t stay on the planet and must VOLUNTARILY LEAVE IT FOREVER.
On December 15, 2022, at 09:01 PM CET, without waiting for the duel’s appointed date, Darks brought down an energy strikes of monstrous power on Light Forces, which lasted up to 04:00 AM CET on December 16. The strikes were carried out from Black Shasta in California.

The Light Forces’ counterattack followed automatically in a split second from Elbrus in the Caucasus. It was so devastated, that entire Dark Pole on Earth’s Subtle Plane burst into pieces.

The Light Pole was also damaged, but retained full viability. Its strength and might were disproportionately higher than of the Darks’, who had no chance in direct contact.
On December 17, 2022, at 08:05 PM CET, through a Single Hierarchical Channel, the Higher Light Hierarchs confirmed the results of the karmic duel of the two worlds.

From Now, On Earth, Only One Pole Runs – Of Light. This Means That The Collective Power Of Darks And Their Presence On Earth Have Finally Ended.

The Dark Forces’ resistance and the consequences of their actions will affect for some time, but not so destructive. The rescue of earthlings from hell will accelerate, and all the efforts of Co-Creators and the Higher Light Hierarchs are focused on this.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

Our thoughts are vibrational frequencies
We project our momentum into the quantum field which creates our reality

The movie The Nightmare Before Christmas creates an expectation of a future event
Its promotional picture contains a huge wave

This is predictive programming where belief is imprinted into our subconscious
And we help make it become a reality

The character name of Xana Kernodle is of one of the girls supposedly murdered
At the University of Idaho

In the movie Citizen Kane
Xanadu is the mansion of WR Hearst
Who is famous for his fake journalism

Xanadu is also the name of the mansion of Bill Gates
Who is famous for his promotion of the fake Covid vaccine

The address of the fake University of Idaho murders is 1122 King Street
11 22 is the date of the fake JFK assassination
And Kernodle in Dutch means Grassy Knoll
As in the grassy knoll of the staged theatrical JFK event
All these actors can now have a higher rank in the CIA

When people are poisoned with fear it affects mass consciousness
And keeps people in spiritual and mental confusion

It puts people in a hypnogenic trance
In a non questioning state of mind
Accepting whatever they are told

Just like where the congregation at a church has no clue
That their beloved pastor is actually a pedophile
And attends Satanic human sacrifices

The Occult have a greater understanding of how energy works
Which allows them control

When virtues disappear it becomes a breeding ground for Black Magic
People sell their souls to the winning team
But in the end they will be on the losing team
And will have a massive amount of karma to work through!

Judith Kusel #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are in the midst of intense collapsing of the old order and old guard, structures, forms, and thus upheavals are occurring everywhere. With this intense climatic changes are occurring.

Here is South Africa we are having torrential rain in places, and I have been shown it is a deep cleansing in the highest degrees, just like volcanoes and fires, transmute, earthquakes are pressure point valves releasing the old, and more than this, storms clear the old by literally blowing it away. Expect more!

With this the African continent is already ascending into the New Earth, as she holds the spine and all her immensely powerful sacred places and crystalline pyramids and crystalline pyramid grids are now fully integrated into the New Earth, as the New Earth has formed around the old earth and Africa is the oldest continent – what they geologists refer to as the Supercontinent, the first.
I have been told a year ago, that it is vital to have all our highest transmitter channels open, (especially now that the chakras are held in the spine for the first time since Golden Atlantis – all fifteen of them). With this we need to remember that we have 12 bodies, and not just one.
The mental body holds the subconscious fears, mental blocks, and false programming in the highest degrees and indeed unless we can transcend the lower mind, we cannot access the highest mind. This can only be done once the Heart Chakra is fully open now merge with the throat and Alta Major – and then with the Third eye and higher. This is important to realize, for if there are any remnants of the control boxes implanted into the populace of Atlantis in the cranium area (if never removed it is still blocking), the higher mind cannot be accessed, as well as jarring devices, wiring, negative entities, and thus the feelings of separation from self and others will persist.

We are in for sweeping changes in all forms and expressions and it will accelerate up and in to 2032.

Lisa Renee #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

As we move into the end of the year which has an opening of the galactic nodes governed by Sagittarius, the Cosmic Krystal Cathedral activations have begun initiating dragon nodes throughout the planetary grid network. There are ongoing preparations for the Universal Melchizedek Starhuman Coupling made through the original hierogamic union which tells of the ultimate love story. The ancient sacred marriage that occurred during the creation of our Universal Time Matrix as these Two Suns, as Cosmic Creators, were split away from each other eons ago. The Cosmic Father Melchizedek Logos sun star network unites with his counterpart Cosmic Mother Elaysa Melchizedek Logos sun star network, forming into the hierogamic union that reunites our Universe with the Tri-Matrix of Krystal Star and the Cosmic Emerald Dragon Founders.
The Archontic forces of the NAA desire to keep the realms of planet Earth under their control by keeping the collective Soul of humanity mired in dark ignorance and confusion about how the reality works, which creates misalignment through the control of perception in the reality. They interfere with any individual that awakens and wants to seek and align to truth in the Natural Laws, in order to achieve self-realization, peace and spiritual freedom. Whenever there is great spiritual progress being made, these dark hierarchies will do whatever they can to interfere and to manipulate. They lie and attempt to incite fear and self-doubt in the truth seeker, so we must stay vigilant to seek and properly discern truth. Thus, we must be willing to cast away all falsity; whether false ideologies, false identities, or negative ego mechanisms.

When we have greater understanding of the War Over Consciousness, that seeking truth in the Natural Laws and spiritual awakening is under direct attack from a myriad of dark forces and artificial intelligences, then we have the proper context of the current global situation.

mysteryca #conspiracy #crackpot #magick mysterysuccubusblog.wordpress.com

Lately I’ve been talking to other people with spirit lovers and in relationships with various supernatural beings.

Everyone seems to have a similar experience with spirit kids. Even if the spirit parents were from a small homogeneous culture somewhere on the astral plane that would be very unlikely. It begs the question of what’s going on.

I’m ignoring fringe cases, like a woman who created a child as some sort of servant and a man who says he was invited to help create the soul of the antichrist by Sophia.

In the case of a male human, after the succubus mother gives birth, the children are in every case I’ve read about taken away to the astral plane to be educated and brought up.

Women who give birth to spirit kids seem to be a bit more attached. Then again, those children seem to have very important demons as fathers as opposed to random succubi who don’t have to rule hell, so maybe that changes things.

Succubi also have a rule that the human father is required to teach his daughters sex, mostly by being a training aid. Humans find it upsetting but they aren’t given a choice in the matter. Succubi who don't often interact with humans don’t seem to have that tradition, and one seemed horrified by it.

After that, the children usually disappear never to return. One exception I remember seeing involved a daughter joining her mom by marrying her human father. And that’s it.

As a mother of astral children myself, I can say that it doesn’t make me happy. I miss them even though they were never a real part of my life. I’m not in a relationship with their father and have to hunt them down if I ever want to see them, and only when I have a chance to astral project. I don’t understand why nobody talks about this.

The truth is unlikely to be as simple as is claimed by spirit partners. At minimum the similarity in behavior combined with wild deviations in explanations of how it works should give one a moment of pause. There may well be a conspiracy against the people of earth since that’s the only way all the available information would fit. My intention is not to create division in relationships, but taking what we’re told at face value is a terrible idea in nearly other occult situation.

Bishop Climate Wiseman #fundie #god-complex #magick #mammon #quack fij.ng

Climate Wiseman, a bishop and founder of Kingdom Church, Camberwell, London, United Kingdom, was found guilty of fraud by an Inner London Crown Court after he sold bottles containing hyssop, cedarwood and olive oil as “plague protection oil” during the pandemic.

According to the UK Mirror, Wiseman, 47, sold each bottle as part of a “protection kit” that contained other items like a “prayer card and scarlet yarn” for £91.

He also told his flock during the pandemic that they could drop dead if they did not purchase the kit.

While defending himself in court on Thursday, Wiseman told a group of jurors that he was inspired by a visitation from God, who during the visit, told him he was a prophet who could cure coronavirus.

He also told the jurors he had performed many miracles, including curing the blind, and insisted he believed the oil was capable of curing or preventing Covid-19 for him and members of his church “because of their faith”.

Kerry Cassidy/Gene Decode #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #magick #crackpot beforeitsnews.com

<topic list for podcast x
- Kerry Cassidy & Gene Decode via Patriot Underground RoundTable>

Devils Mountain in Ukraine: Reptilian Hive
Crimea Pyramids & Energetic Region of Khazaria
Nazi & Aldebaran Connection
Grey NT Presence Discovered In Mexico
Direct Engagements With NT Battalions
Alliance Flooding Tunnels & DUMBs
Scion Home Star & Creating Mercabic Fields
Bakhumt Ukraine Intel: Underground War
Hitler’s True Identity: Rothschild Illegitimate Child
Albert Pike Crafted The Alien Agenda: WW1-3
Augmented Alliance: Off-World Groups Unite
What COVID Really Is: An AI Delivery System
Expanding & Hollow Earth
Harnessing The Energy Of The Human Race
Falkland Islands & Black Goo
The Agenda Behind Gold Acquisition
Clones & Androids Emerging Among Us
Elon Musk’s Desire To Merge Humanity With AI
The Battle For Free Will Survival
Inside The AI Wars: The Nazi Takeover
The Twitter Files & Awakening Humanity

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo primedisclosure.com

Greetings Lotus Born Star Blossoms of the New Eden Manifestation
With the 1212 Portal fully open and the Gateway to the 12/21 Solstice merging with the Eternal Now we are being fully activated and upgraded to Solar Christos Luminous beings of Light. Higher Heart Activations flowing in!

On this 13th day of the 12th month the Goddess energies are filling this realm with the Codes and Keys of Love and Compassion for the Awakening of all Sentient beings of the Way.

Today we commence the Wavespell of the Red Moon on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. Over the next 13 days the Yin merges with the Yang as the Eagle flies with the Condor. The Hieros Gamos Codes of Divine Union are fully anchored into this realm to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in planetary Liberation to be released from Samsara and all suffering.

As we journey in between worlds and through the void the Veils become thinner and reveal our Great Exodus into the Pure Land of Infinite Life.

In the Mind of Buddha the Wisdom of the Ages is transmitted to the Hearts of Humanity to bring the Gnosis of Truth to set your Spirit Free. Rise up in the Honor and the Glory of the Holy Spirit to bridge all worlds into the One True Ascension timeline…A’Ho!

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

Greetings ,

In just hours the powerful 12:12 Gateway portal will be active for 10 days, during the alignment with the galactic center located at 26° Sagittarius. All of 2022 led us to this moment! There is a perceptible shift occurring in the collective field. It is a harbinger of new thought, new ideas, new solutions, new consciousness. Those who are galactic beings respond to stargate activity with heightened intuitive instinct and active involvement. You are transmitters and receivers of light. You are influencing the field.

I heard the call ten years ago during 2012, when I was compelled to relocate to Mount Shasta to do more of my Soul’s work. It came up unexpectedly, being pulled to my connection with the mountain’s powerful root chakra vortex portal. The 12 harmonic tones vibrated within my Merkaba Torus, synching my biofield with the 12D celestial frequencies humming and vibrating in Gaia’s grid. 12 is the activation code. It is pulsing strongly in the field right now!

During the 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway, your bioelectric field attunes to the ascension consciousness encoded in the galactic plasma photonic light. When you travel to the galactic center and step into the 12:12 stargate, the 12 crystal rays of the 12 universal dimensions will ignite more of the dormant 12 strands of DNA embedded in the double helix. You are in the process of becoming divine humans.
The human race is experiencing waves upon waves of sentient consciousness awakening their higher brain centers and psychic awareness. The veils are dissolving, the lights turning ON. Upon my spiritual awakening, I was guided to draw a circle with 12 points and spin. Little did I know it would evolve into Metatron’s Cube activation of 12 light beams attuned to phi harmonics spiraling into the Quantum Vortex. Let’s celebrate the magic of 12! During the 12:12 Gateway, you have the opportunity to up-level into more divine Soul actualization. This is AA Metatron’s gift to humanity!

Kerry Cassidy #conspiracy #wingnut #magick #crackpot projectcamelotportal.com


I am assuming your saw my recent video about the slow outreach of the white hats and lack of truth coming out in a timely manner…
THE PROBLEM is you and your team and talking DOWN TO PEOPLE and again reflecting the philosophy. Bottomline that philosophy appears to guide ALL YOUR DECISIONS having to do with communicating to the People! A BIG MISTAKE. Again what you and your team fail to recognize is CONSCIOUSNESS IS A FIELD and people learn even non-verbally from each other consequently the field of RESONANCE means knowledge spreads in a manner exponentially and in a style greater than the sum of its parts. THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE MISSING in your analysis and application of PR and communicating with the people using the lowest common denominator thinking (illuminati thinking) to guide your program.

That thinking is not only antiquated it is WRONG. What will actually happen and is happening is people reach UP to join the LEADERS of thought and those with the HIGHER VIBRATION rather than the other way around. Why you don’t know this indicates to me two things.

1. You and most of your generals etc are still programmed with Mkultra type programming that has not been cleared and that is impeding your progress.

2. Or you are dumbing yourselves down on purpose to appear MUCH DUMBER than you actually are…

Misunderstanding the nature of CONSCIOUSNESS and your AUDIENCE and their ability to outstrip YOU! Is disastrous.
I am MOST CONCERNED about this aspect because it engenders a soul debt on the part of the planners and the perpetrators. 1. Hidden tribunals 2. Use of clones 3. Deception at every level especially of the people 4. Behaving exactly the same as the enemy 5. Lack of demonstrated understanding of the PEOPLE 6. Typical secret society in-group behaviors 7. Underestimating the People 8. Being guided by the LOWEST motivations within the People rather than the highest and the list probably goes on…

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #ufo #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

When the first vortice is entered, there is lots of turbulence as the old disharmonious programming of many thousands of years falls away and as new information comes to us.

The term BIO is defined as LIFE, and PHOTON refers to LIGHT. Thus, the word BIO-PHOTON is LIFE LIGHT.

BIO-PHOTONS carry information from cell to cell, a process which is responsible for our becoming multi-dimensional as the LIGHT that is already within us is more concentrated and has a higher rate of “spin”.

Therefore, an inter-cellular network is occurring.

As the process of regeneration to higher states of being occurs, individual as well as collective consciousness changes; emotions shift; and finally, the physical vessel transforms to align with the tremendous BIO-PHOTONIC network that has happened and that continues to occur.

Many researchers refer to this as the “Light Body”.

Our thoughts that are comprised of electrical frequencies produce emotional magnetic frequencies, and our experiences manifest accordingly.
The “New Earth” is not a place. It is a frequency.

The frequency is a type of veil, and the veil is becoming thinner.

The word “frequency” indicates the rate of a certain phenomenon at various intervals of occurrence.

The phenomenon of receiving enormous amounts of BIO-PHOTONS is happening faster as all planets in our solar system increase in SOURCE LIGHT as the “Photon Belt” is engaged as well as the soaring towards “The Great Attractor” is intensified.

To reiterate information on this which has been detailed in a previous article, “The Great Attractor” is a section in the cosmos that is larger than our galaxy— “The Milky Way”.

It holds a mass of 1,000 trillion Suns, and our solar system is zooming towards it at 2.2 million kilometers per hour.

It is a massive electromagnetic field of radiation that bends gravity. It is devouring neighboring galaxies, but it is also sending out profoundly enormous amounts of LIGHT into the consciousness of all beings—including those of our planet.

Kab/Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick #conspiracy familyoftaygeta.com

Earth isn’t completely hollow but has many large caverns and connecting tunnels. There are advanced humans who have lived there for thousands of years. This has been known by the military for decades, and by contactees for much longer. This civilization has been called Agartha, but the name used by Pleiadians and the inhabitants, is Pachimilah (pak-ih-mee-lah).

The City of Crystal

A million years ago, humans were seeded around the planet. Genetic diversity was designed to create opportunities for soul learning within the Waking Dream. The first humans looked like Pleiadians and lived in the area of present-day Sweden, in a place called Crystal. Pleiadians came to be called Nordic because they looked like those with long white hair and blue eyes in this region. These humans were close to Pleiadians and learned to live a very high vibration lifestyle as Pleiadians do.

Exodus to Inner Earth

At this time on Earth, there were negative ETs visiting and many humans were being corrupted into dark practices. Pleiadians decided there would be a place where these humans would develop without any interference. The humans of Crystal agreed and Pleiadians set it up and provided everything needed.


The Inner Earth humans are very spiritually evolved and peaceful. Their presence has always assisted Earth to survive. They look like Nordic people and are very fit and healthy. They don’t die of sickness or disease. Through many generations of contact they know Star People well. They have Soul Origins as other humans and return to Origin when they choose to leave the body form. They will be reunited with us in Sheen.

Crafts and Hollow Earth

UFOs have long been associated with Hollow Earth, but the real connection has always been Pleiadians. Inner Earth humans fly in crafts but they don’t have their own ships. They only fly with Pleiadians. Some of them have been taken to the Pleiades and other worlds, which is made possible through Pleiadian technology.

Vladimir Primorsky #homophobia #ufo #magick teosophia.com

Let's divide homosexuals into groups. The first there are hermaphrodites from the birth. These persons combine both aspects of sexual life, they face with a very real problem and get into a difficult situation. The human ignorance and wrong education still aggravate this problem.

The second there are those having serious emotional problems after birth, they turned to homosexuality to allow these problems. It also includes the imitation homosexuality. A number of people of all classes try to imitate their heroes (if it is possible to use such term) and thus they have developed a bad sexual habits. This is one of the prevailing reasons today among many men and women, it is based on a very active imagination, plus a strong physical or sexual nature and impure curiosity. This category includes many of gays and lesbians, especially among young people alas.

But these two groups are very small in comparison with the third and the most important group. Homosexuality in this group is the result of old habits from the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. These are those who did not learn the necessary lessons of love, first of all the spiritual. They again and again get to such reality situations of life when it is necessary, making a choice towards true love, brotherly, spiritual, but they choose sexual relations, aggravating their problems. So the whole class of the people was created. They have a very excessive sexual sensuality and so can’t untie knots of the karma. In this group there are persons could not know everything learn without being homosexuals. In other words, they chose to come to this Earth in this life as homosexual.

Those who became the homosexual because of the unsuitability of desires, dissoluteness and debauchery, sexual perversion are the small fourth group. Before we go into that, let‘s first be aware of the fact there are millions of homosexuals in the world men and women. Some fines of this world have been homosexuals.

James Rink #conspiracy #ufo #magick supersoldiertalk.com

The German Space Program

The origins of the German space program go back to 1918, when members of the Thule Society started to receive communications from extraterrestrials through medium Maria Orsic These communications contained instructions on how to build antigravity devices, temporal displacement technology and portal technology. In the early 1920s, Thule member Dietrich Eckart invited Adolf Hitler to attend a session with Orsic, as Hitler had already been chosen by the Illuminati to be Germany’s leader. With help from extraterrestrials, the Nazis had by 1936 developed a fleet of flying saucers that included the Rundflugzeug, Vril, Haunebu and Andromedagerat models.

It isn’t clear whether the ETs who contacted Orsic are the same as the Aryan ETs who supported the Third Reich. According to Rink, the Aryan ETs are tall blond-haired, blue-eyed humanoids who are very racist.

Base 211 – Neuschwabenland

During the 1930s, the Nazis began construction of a base in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, which was known as Base 211. In 1938 the first inhabitants settled there, and Germany invaded Poland four months later.

By 1940 the Antarctic base had 300,000 inhabitants, called Neuschwabenlanders, who were provisioned by U-boats. They used geothermal energy to power their facilities and, later, free-energy technology.

Operation Highjump

In 1946-1947, President Truman ordered Rear Admiral Richard Byrd to organize a military assault on Base 211. It was officially called an exploratory expedition, and it included 4,700 men, 13 ships and multiple aircraft. The fleet was met by flying saucers, probably piloted by ETs, which shot up out of the ocean and destroyed several aircraft and at least one ship. Allegedly, the greys offered technology that would help the U.S. defend itself against the Nazis. In reality, however, the Illuminati ruling class of the U.S. were Nazi sympathizers. Furthermore, the greys, like the Illuminati, were acting on behalf of the Draco Empire.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

What happens when you have the solution. You have the evidence, the proof. It’s game over. Or is it?
The Q/Military white hats have the BLOCK CHAIN EVIDENCE OF THE STEAL OF 2020 and the more recent MID-TERMS. And they have even stated so publicly. So why you must be asking yourself is this game of thrones still going on with the Biden/Double/Clone acting like a dictator being backed and run by the white hats to do any and every little dastardly deed they can possibly think of… Continuing to threaten the economy and violate our borders letting in alien human hybrids (part of the Grey AI Overlord agenda) setting us up for the X-MEN WARS IN THE FUTURE… now that their minions are in place all around the U.S. The “Alliance” is busy rounding up bad guys, covens, deep in underground bases…battling the alien overlords in their nests rescuing children that are able to be saved and still searching for the Lynch-pins.
The reason is simple. The Q/White Hats are not yet ready to actually WIN this game. They like so many sting ops conducted within law enforcement where they cannot expose the bad guys yet because they have just a few more of the higher ups… the drug kingpins to wrestle to the ground and shuttle into their Guantanamo Bay Military Tribunals and execute outright under cover of darkness while masses of the People still sleep.
Is the cure worse than the disease America? Do you sincerely believe it is possible to KILL KILL KILL all the REPTILIAN PEDO CHILD SACRIFICING MINIONS AND THEIR LEADERS OUT THERE IN TIME to save the Human Race…What’s left of it?

How many vampires can you catch? How many Buffy the Vampire Slayers are there out here? Because before we are done the Q/White hats are gonna need to begin recruiting legions to fight the Luciferian Wars into the future.

EarthisConcave #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick #ufo earthisconcave.com

Concavity of Earth as basis of Universe with central octahedron inside Celestial Sphere organizes all aspects of life. When you realize that Earth is concave and stationary and not a planet rushing through space – everything goes to the place where it should be.

Our cabalistic Controllers by forcing heliocentric lie through media, education and science are trying to steal our soul connected quintessentially with octahedron. The pineal gland as the seat of the soul is chemically blocked by poisoning air, water and food. Creativity is inhibited by the restriction of natural freedoms and keeping us vibrating at low frequency of fear. Even NASA “warns” us of been attacked or collided with an imaginary object from non-existent cosmos.

Earth is protected by tiny ice/glass layer at 100 km height from the inner terrarium with high temperature, but we can be visited by creatures and UFO from outside terrarium. That’s why EXITS at North Pole, South Pole and other places are highly protected by army.

Scientific experiments with free atmospheric electricity and Ether ( smallest particle of matter, about ten to the minus one hundred meters) are prohibited by Controllers promoting GOD – gold, oil and diamonds.

Many people fed by heliocentric lie at every step of life, unconsciously get lost, because the lie repeated thousands times “became” true. So now we have three classes of people: Those who see; Those who see when it is shown to them; Those who cannot see.

All humans naturally desire knowledge and real knowledge is knowing the causes. But today having knowledge is punished, the search is punished. Blindness, ignorance and obedience are rewarded.

The goal of a rational life is to think what is true, feel what is beautiful and love what is good.

People have those who tell them the truth as their greatest enemy and they ignore you first, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Kristian #crackpot #quack #magick realityfiles.com

Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals , salts, hormones and enzymes. Only urea , the substance after which urine is named, can be poisonous when present in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream. In small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purifying, and clears up excess mucus. Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect.
Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies. A mixture of potato and sulfur powder, mixed with heated, old urine helps against hair loss. One should rub this mixture into the scalp; this slows down loss of hair. All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added. Trembling hands and knees can be helped by washing, and rubbing one’s own warm urine into the skin directly after one has urinated. An universal and excellent remedy for all distempers inward and outward. Drink your own water in the morning nine days together and it cures the scurvy, makes the body lightsome and cheerful. It is good against the dropsy and Jaundice, drunk as before.
One’s own urine is a specific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her personally and is just right for what he or she needs at the present moment, because it changes its composition all the time. It is not only something that cures, but it also sustains health when taken as a preventative. Taken energetically, one could consider urine to be an exact hologram of both healthy as well as diseased body fluids. All information from the body fluids is collected and stared in the urine.

Dr. Michael Salla/JP #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

JP currently serves in the US Army and has been disclosing covert missions he has participated in with the approval of more senior officers in secret space programs. Contrary to his recent SSP missions, he was taken this time by Nordic-looking extraterrestrials in one of their spacecraft that was part of a convoy to two of Jupiter’s moons: Ganymede and Europa. The spacecraft’s crew involved three Nordics that he met back in 2008 during his first contact experience in Brazil.

In the Ganymede visit, he was asked to observe a resupply mission where a base belonging to another extraterrestrial group was given supplies by the Nordic convoy. JP said that the base he visited was not one he had seen when taken to Ganymede by another convoy that was organized by US Space Command in late 2021.

He was next taken to Europa where the spacecraft flew into a cavern located inside a crater on the surface. Inside the huge cavern he witnessed a large crystalline city. A vast ocean was also witnessed adjacent to the city. JP made sketches of the underground city and the Nordic space convoy which are shown in the video of this interview.

JP says that the Nordics allowed him to take his mobile phone with him, which is currently not the case with his SSP missions organized by US Space Command. where all personal electronic devices are left behind. JP took photos of the city inside Europa, and of the departing Nordic space craft when he returned to the pickup location. Photos and a video of the departing Nordic spacecraft are being released in this video. The photo of the city inside Europa is being withheld until he has permission to release it.

Mother and Father God via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Dearest children, I am your Mother God speaking. I am surrounding your fields with a warm energy hug of pink light and golden warmth. Can you feel it? Let us breathe in each others’ energies. Feel my presence, as I feel yours. We are having a cozy mother child snuggle and I am grateful to be invited in.
(I am feeling her sadness and seeing her tears.) Oh children, it was never meant to be this way. The darkness in this realm has been so intense. My heart has been broken by it, and in your healing, I find my own. We are all healing together, this realm, this universe. For the whole body must be healed and healthy to be totally healthy. And this experiment gone wrong, and yes I use the word wrong, for it was taken to such extremes, it has been a cancer, and so for all of us to be whole and fully pulsing with light, Gaia and your realm must feel this pulsing light.

And children, this is what is coming.
(I am having dizziness and intense ringing in my ears suddenly. My team is saying ‘We are adjusting your systems and sending these adjustments further into the message encodements. You may continue.’)
I am here overlighting this message by my lovely partner. I am your Father God. (I am seeing and feeling a large dark blue cape around Mother’s soft pink golden layer, but this feels like an energy wave of strength, like granite, holding me up.) You are not alone. You are loved more than the stars could say, if every one of them had a turn to speak. Warriors, soldiers, friends, welcome home. Welcome home. You are loved beyond measure. (His eyes are misty as well). I assure you, we are all very ready for your homecoming. Be at peace in the coming times. Be strong, solid, secure. You are not alone. Your angels are with you, and your teams expanded. You are ready.

Masonicon #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #quack #magick #ufo #racist deviantart.com

Zak's Everybody knows lyrics

Everybody knows that the dice is loaded
everybody rolls with finger crossed
everybody knows that War on Terrorism isn't over until Heat Death of the Universe
Everybody knows Ash Ketchum always lost and never wins
Everybody knows that our Physics fixed to prevents us from having nice things(whilst let us having it's opposite things)
the Poor stay poor and blamed for Climate changes, the Rich get Richer and everyone pretends latter's wrongs never existed
That's how it goes
Everybody knows

but nobody knows that there's hope
Nobody knows that Nikola Tesla's inventions solves world energy and environment problems best
Nobody knows that Ash wins anything, just cuz Pokemon anime writers make any moment of his victories fillers
Nobody knows that unknowables aren't violates laws of physics as much as they thinks
Nobody knows that Cancer only exists in modern history
Nobody knows that "every country and Religion has both Good and Evil people" thing are can't and never have any exceptions whatsoever
Nobody knows that Aliens(extraterrestrials or extradimensionals) ever meet any of us
Nobody knows that their own souls are hyperdimensional calculators
that's how it goes
Nobody knows

Tommy Truthful #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick tommytruthful.com

CERN gets its name from Cernnunous which is Abbadon, lucifer, and shiva the destroyer. No wonder they have a statue of Shiva right outside of CERN.

333 IS ANOTHER PLAY ON 666, SHIVA IS THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS, SHIVA IS IN FRONT OF CERN, The True Meaning of 333 and the connection to lucifer aka shiva.

Satan may actually be Shiva in the east. This is also shown in the bible in Revelation, the number of the beast, the beast is another name of the serpent agathodaemon, the symbol of the soul, the serpentine system, in the ancient world. The number of which is 666.
The ancient Pythagoreans, who were part of the Golden Chain, brought knowledge of Egypt to India. Showed god as the Pentagram with the number 666 underneath. The pentagram is the symbol of Venus who is the serpent, this is where the Baphomet comes from. The androgynous serpent. Lucifer is another name for Venus as well.
This 666 is the symbol of the reborn soul and of God. A friend of mine who is Greek and has ancient knowledge in Greek showed me in the Greek Bible that 666 is put as Xi Chi Stau. However, the original spelling of 666 in the ancient world and is the revealing part. It's Chi Vav Vav. In ancient Kabala, repeating letters in this case would just be filling in the number code; the actual letters to be used here in kabala would be ChiVav… And from here the Vav becomes Va as the Kabala texts show.
Chiva is the ancient name of the serpent God associated with the moon in the Near East, which is originally male, this was also spelled as Sheba the B and V are double letters so one can be exchanged for the other. Sheba becomes Shiva further east where this knowledge came from. Shiva is still called Lord Chandra, the Moon God. The Chiva is also called The Breath of Life. The prana energy of the soul and all creation is shown as the serpent in Hinduism. The Chi is Shi.
In ancient Kabala, letters were numbered, and NUMBERS were used to spell letters. NUMBERS NEVER LIE!!!!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The cyclical plasma apocalypse will be when 2 realms merge
And the multiverse will be revealed
It is fantasy becoming reality

It will begin with the Trumpet of God
When the plasma breaks through the barrier between worlds

The sky will seem to collapse

The plasma is sentient and it will give life to inanimate objects
Spiritual forces in the heavenly places will be energized
And will interact with us seeking to possess us

The Papyrus Ipuwer tells of a time when the sky was in confusion
When an oily substance resembling naphtha or petroleum rained from above

Lapland tradition believes when Jubmel the heaven lord flashes red blue and green
A storm wind will result and wild air spirits will rage

Amen or Amon means red and hidden
Ra means Saturn
Amon Ra means red obscured Saturn
Flags around the world display a red sun

It was a time of semi darkness that resembled twilight
When you say amen at the end of prayer you are bringing in your own darkness
The alteration of Mars is the origin of the belief in the Antichrist
Islam belief is that the Antichrist has one eye
And rules in the underworld or hell which is the lowest heaven

Mars is the god of the underworld
Jesus was given the attributes of Mars

In Psalms Jehovah is the King of Old
Who divides the sea by his strength
Who breaketh the head of Leviathan
And cleaves the fountain of the world

Jehovah is Saturn
The sea is the celestial ocean of plasma
Leviathan is the cosmic plasma serpent
The cleaving of the fountain of the world is the terminal points of the electrical current
That snaked its way up the north celestial axis or Tree of Life

Solomon is Sol which is Saturn
Om means vibration
And On is the heavenly city of lights

Saturn reverberated the God frequency
With a humming sound that resembled the word Om or Ohm

And with the energetic vibrational sound frequencies
Built the celestial city of God

When you repeat the voice of god by repeating Om
You can build your own light structure!

european-pyramids.com #crackpot #magick #ufo european-pyramids.com

Ever since my discovery of the fact that there are indeed ancient pyramids in Europe – long known ones as well as recently discovered ones – I tried to find a pattern or template for their positions within the so-called world energy grids. Neither one of those energy grids seemed to fit for all of the European pyramids. Some pyramid locations would fit into the Hartmann and Curry grids, others into the Flower of Life template and none of them of course into the so called “pyramid belt" of the 23rd latitude.
After I checked all the above mentioned theories, I stumbled over a rather strange map of energy lines: the “Synchronic Lines" discovered by the Damanhur society of Valchiusella in Italy. This spiritual community claims to have found the “Dragon Lines“ of the Earth, which are invisible energy lines running roughly north/south and east/west, sometimes underground and sometimes in the air. Two or more line intersections form energy knots, where sacred places with pyramids or temples can be found. On two designated areas of our world there are intersections with 4 lines: in Valchiusella and in Tibet. According to the beliefs of the Damanhur community these places have the highest spiritual qualities.

imageThe "Dragon Lines" lines discovered by the Damanhur Society

This map shows no straight lines, but lines with crooked bends, 90° turns and even extensions to either side. There are 9 red lines running roughly north/south and 9 blue lines running east/west.

They do not follow the meridians, nor are they electro-magnetic currents.
imagethe yellow dots mark the European pyramids and major megalithic temples in Europe

What a coincidence, what synchronicity to find all the newly discovered European pyramids connected on one single line. The already excavated pyramids on the Canary Islands can be found on another blue line crossing northern Africa, passing Malta with its immense megalithic temples and turning south to Egypt. The Sardinian and Sicilian step pyramids are connected to each other by the north-south running red line.

Galaxygirl's Team via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

That is why the great solar flash is so important, but in essence you are bringing the great solar flash here. The codes that you embody and absorb from the sun are bringing healing to your world. That is why it is essential that you get sunlight on your skin whenever you can in the next coming times as it will soothe your nervous system. The Galactics are putting in extra soothing codices to calm the human nervous system as it metamorphs into what it was always supposed to be.

Subtle Energy Sciences #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger #mammon subtle.energy

If humans and animals have subtle energy systems within them, what about the planet we are all born out of? The deepest roots of human civilization revere certain mountains, rivers, and other natural sites as being imbued with “spiritual power.” These energy veins and vortexes, Earth’s ley lines, are making their way into the modern consciousness, and being studied in a scientific way for the first time in ages.

China calls them Dragon Lines, while the South Americans call them Spirit Lines. These lines on Earth are the energetic veins of the planet. Because Earth grid lines radiate subtle energy, it is not something that is yet directly detectable through modern instruments. The effect of these power places can be seen in the interactions that they have with human health, consciousness, and the way we traditionally determined the location of our sacred sites.

Some go even as far as to claim that the planet even has its own chakra system that follows a double helix grid through the continents and oceans of the planet.
Negative Ley Lines, also known as black lines, which are said to drain a person’s energy.

Black lines are unusual, in that they may not even occur in the form of lines at all. Sometimes found in curves, or localized areas, these energy points could correspond with the idea of negative orgone energy, as proposed by Wilhelm Reich; or the concept of the deadly energy, “sha”, put forth by practitioners of Feng Shui. Luckily, these points have not been found to be linked in a network, and should not be ruled out as a possibility if a great amount of usually healthy people begin to all experience health issues after spending time together in a concentrated space.
Ancient cultures may have been more connected than we give them credit for today, and it seems that there may be a lost, energetic technology at play that we may be overlooking in modern society.

Recalibrate your subtle energy with our Awaken the Mind meditation technology.

Russian state TV hosts #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #wingnut twitter.com

Araik Stepanyan: I would like to continue this painful topic. This is a religious, psychological, people’s topic. We need to be very specific as to what we emphasize and not be shy about it. I believe the Orthodox church should proclaim that Zelensky is officially the coming of the Antichrist. He is official Antichrist! From the standpoint of Orthodoxy, this man is the classic Antichrist. We should forget the surname Zelensky, e should simply call Zelensky the Antichrist! He formalized it, officially, practically and in writing! He made a deal with the Devil, and he is fulfilling his obligations per this contract! There can be no diplomacy or familiarity with this! We should realize that the destruction of Orthodoxy and it’s uprooting is taking place!

Alexander Kamkin: Araik, I will disagree with you. You flatter Zelensky by calling him an Antichrist. He is just a small demon, but no more than that. Yes, he serves the Antichrist, he is building, stone after stone…

My dearest, there is so much blood, a sea of blood, a sea of Ukrainian blood, a schism in the church. It couldn’t be accomplished by a small demon! He is definitely the AntiChrist! The Antichrist should be finished off!

Archangel Michael via Ronna Vizane #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

You, the StarSeed, who have balanced and harmonized the vibrational patterns of your four lower bodily systems, so that your Soul Song is resonating to the Fourth sub-plane of the Fourth Dimension and higher, are now beginning to access the HIGHER FREQUENCY RAYS OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE FUTURE. There is a new Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe and for each person who is ready to don a shining cloak of many colors – a refined auric field of Light of the New Age. These wondrous gifts are programmed within the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and they are now available to those who have attained the required level of Self-Mastery.

Adamantine Particles of Creator Light are complete Facets of Creator Consciousness ready to be activated, programmed, and manifested into new, unlimited creative endeavors. At the initiation of each subsequent plan for a new creative project, the Adamantine Particles are encoded with the Divine Blueprint for that plan.
The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount – that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment – can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY-diated out into the world of form. The Supreme Creator is composed of infinite, indefinable Essence Power, which is so overwhelming that you cannot even imagine ITS magnitude.
Your planet is now plugged directly into the heart-core of the Great Central Sun within the Milky Way Galaxy. The new cosmic waves of Creator Light are a great gift to the awakened Souls on planet Earth. Even though these refined, higher-frequency Rays are not being beamed down directly into the lower Fourth- and Third Sub-Dimensional levels, the transforming frequencies of Light will gradually filter into and affect everyone and everything on and within the Earth.

Alexander Pagani #fundie #magick #quack charismanews.com

What's the difference between mental illness, a broken spirit and demonic possession? We sat down with pastor and apostle Alexander Pagani who works in deliverance ministry, and he is sharing his biblical insights to help shed light on what deliverance is and what it is not.

"First and foremost deliverance is not fighting the darkness it's turning on the light. It's total dependence on the Holy Spirit to deal with the root of the problem," Pagani says.

What is deliverance?

It is the military might of the kingdom of God destroying and removing strongmen in the kingdom of darkness. The entire purpose of salvation is to give followers of Jesus wholeness, while the purpose of the enemy is to break us into pieces.

Your soul can be whole or it can be fractured. "It can be broken in multiple pieces, now those pieces is where I believe Legion actually enter in," Pagani says.
"When it's a malevolent entity, its goal is to always destroy you. Leading a person to committing the act of suicide. When it's emotional it leads to this perpetual place of depression or instability," Pagani says.

When there is a dark entity influencing someone, the goal is to push them off of the deep end. The difference with mental health is that it often feels like anguish and doesn't lead to the place of destruction.

What isn't deliverance?

God can lead believer's through seasons where He is breaking things off like pride and insecurity and it can feel like you are being attacked. The importance in telling the difference between God refining you and the enemy attacking you is the end goal.

God will always work to bring you back together stronger than ever, give you peace and a beautiful future. The enemy's goal is to steal, kill and destroy and will lead you down a path of deep darkness and depression.

Mental health issues can be fought through affirmations and natural tools to help realign your thought processes.

Dr. Michael Salla/Brad Olsen #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Brad Olsen has researched the topic of giants in his books and extensive travels around the world, searching for out of place artifacts (OOPARTS). He has learned that while the discovery of giant skeletons in burial sites was extensively discussed in newspapers in the late 1800s, the topic was completely covered up soon after the turn of the century. For over a hundred years, organizations such as the Smithsonian Institute quickly took control of burial sites, silenced archeologists, and imposed a shroud of secrecy over the whereabouts of retrieved giant skeletons.

In this Exopolitics Today interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Olsen discusses accounts of giants in the texts of ancient civilizations such as Sumer, the cover-up of modern-day excavations of giant human skeletons, and why the Smithsonian Institute has suppressed the topic. He explains the variation in the size of giants and responds to the idea that extraterrestrial visitors such as the Anunnaki created different-sized giants as avatars for their starseeds.

Finally, Olsen addresses recent claims of living giants being found in stasis chambers around the world, and the possibility of them soon awakening. Importantly, he and Dr. Salla discuss problems raised by human history of hunting and exterminating giants, and the likelihood of giants either trying to reassert control over humanity or helping us enter a new golden age.

Saint Germain via Kimberly Lusanna #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

These secret societies had access to much esoteric information such as maps, locations of ley lines, and the workings of earth. The plan of the elite was always to beat the reincarnation system by trying to extend their natural lives using life extension technologies.

The new world explores didn’t care about gold and treasures and finding money, they had everything they needed, as usual they were combing the planet for portals and buried technology. The secret societies never had the exact location because the light removed the life extension from the surface. They located a portal in the location where Disney World now resides.

There are many natural portal systems located in north America including under Sedona, California, great lakes, lake Tahoe, and Florida near locations of water. There is an underground system that goes from California to Florida. These are natural earth portals that open up and can take you all over the world. There is a reason why the cabal-built buildings over these portals because they are trying to get access to natural portals and they don’t want others to access these portals which go to inner earth.
Walt Disney is an occultist and satanist and p——-. He is a reptilian and consumed adrenochrome. His company Disney is known as p——— incorporated. There are child sacrifice k—— rooms, child p—- studios , and s— film productions located below ground in this area which is attempting to reverse the polarity of the portal to negative. They are trying to harness energy and pump out more negative energy. They alliance has since flooded the underground tunnels connected to the killing rooms and studios but the negatively still remains. In the future all of this area will be removed and deconstructed when the cabal is removed from power. This is part of cleanup process. They are poisoning our environment and most of the entertainment venues on planet earth need to be decontaminated it. The light forces are taking care of these pits of hell.

Pleiadian Collective/Family Of Taygeta via Neioh #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

You Are Part Of All That Is!

Many Of You Have Religious Beliefs, Doctrine Or No Belief Or Assurance At All.

Many Have Left Doctrine As It Is Simple To Research The Ever Changing Words Of Mankind!

As Rulers Collected Scriptures And Decided What People Would Be Taught, Please Understand That Fear Was At The Forefront Of All. Fear Drew People In Dread And Not Love For A Creator Described As Angry, Jealous, Vindictive And A Murderer Who Took Sides.
Know Fully That God Is Spirit And Reacts To Each Form Of Life Energetically In A Matching Vibrational Frequency.

Some Illnesses Were Planned By The Soul As A Catalyst For Growth And Expansion.

Nothing Is Wasted And Everything Is Working For Your Good With A Change In Perspective.

You Were Never Meant To Remain Here!

With The Light Of God-ELAKO, Or Any Name Of Your Understanding, ELOHIM As Many, Knew Love As One!

There Is No Understanding Of Infinity To The Human Mind.

There Is Understanding Of Beginnings And Endings.

For A Moment We Return To ELOHIM And The Understanding Of Expressions Of The Divine With Intention, Becoming Many.

These Are Called By Many Names Now.

Know That These Names Are For Your Understanding Only.

In A Vibrational Frequency (Density) Of 12-D (Dimension-Location), Many Knew Themselves As This Love.

They Communicated Without Language In Tones And Light.

They Created Forms For Themselves And Chose Others To Be With.

There Were Fairies, Angels, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians, Orions And More.
Fairies And Angels Traveled The Multiverses And Loved All.

Archangels Rose To Serve And Travel Without A Stationary Home.

All Learned To Communicate And Visit Other Stars.

Telepathy Was Created And Technology Grew. FAE Assisted With Crafts And Discovered Their Power And Magic To Assist The Forming Of The Galactic Federation.
We Leave Together To The Beloved Light Of SHEEN!

Together We Are ONE!

I Love You So!

Galactic Anthropology #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy galacticanthropology.org

On November 18, 2022 a Q-drop appeared that contained the word ‘Ascension‘, and apparently for the first time (1,2). It is a common practice to see all kinds of Q and Trump-related news appear in communities that are interested in the exploration of the galactic and exopolitical world.

The idea of ‘Draining the Swamp‘ is popular in both groups. In fact, within the paradigm that is developed and studied on this website the various species from organizations like the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Intergalactic Confederation (9) would be waiting for us to finally expose the Cabal and free ourselves from their millenia-old grip (3,8).

In one of the telegram groups a story appeared that combined this Q-drop 4963 with the information from Elena Danaan (15) on the Anunnaki. This page is about this link between the Q-movement and related elements within the ‘Galactic’ scene (10).
(3) If you are new to this galactic aspect of matters, certain benevolent groups like the Galactic Federation of Worlds would have actively removed all of the malevolent extraterrestrial groups (4,5), not only from our planet, but from all of their strongholds in the solar system, with places like the Moon, Mars and Ceres (6). That was their part of the bargain. The role of the Anunnaki turned out to be complex. There would have been some kind of ‘galactic trial’ in which Enlil, representing the Enlil faction of this group was found guilty of innumerable crimes against humanity (7). This cleared the way for the removal of his son Ninurta from our planet by Anu (the father of both Enki and Enlil) himself. Our part of the bargain would be to take care of the human people and their tradition of manipulation and control (8).

Merope via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Merope am speaking on behalf of my sisters and brothers tonight of the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades portal is now active and open. Much change and much heartache we see upon your world in these harrowing and hallelujah times. For they are both. You are in a world of dichotomy, opposites, polar differences. It is time for unification and a coming together.

I Merope am a medium sized celestial body within the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades is my home. I have always been here, feeling the great love and nurturing from the loving ones that reside on and around me. The Pleiades has a rich long history. There are many stories I could tell. All star systems have their stories, their losses, their gains, their heartaches and heart activations, healings.
Many rendings of intergalactic battles have been within this hot spot of space. We Pleiadians were able to ascend up and through it, to make and protect our homes and civilizations by rising higher into the dimensional field. That does not mean that great loss was not keenly felt. The galactic wars hit our sector first. I was wounded and yet I healed. I have become an oasis for peacekeepers, for loving families and for hearts who seek solace and grace. Planets heal. Suns heal. Galaxies heal. Our galaxy is finally in the process of ending the Great War. It will take some time. But know that the battle is not lost. Know that the light is here. The star network is very real, a very tangible inter- algorithmic tapestry of light that transmits codes and joy, that transmits hope. Feel these blessing flow into you now. I suggest a big breath in with open mouth, and breath out with open mouth. I suggest that you sit with this Pleiadian love blanket of codes for awhile to calm your nervous systems.
I am Merope. I love you. Feel my light wrap around you and be at peace. These codes are home codes, calling you back into the higher aspect of you, reuniting you with your starseed self.

Indian in the Machine #ufo #magick #conspiracy ournewearthnews.com

As the theory goes… Homo Sapien is splitting into two new species, and is going extinct.

1) 3D Homo Sapien evolves into Homo Christos.
2) 3D Homo Sapien dies off.
3) Some 3D Homo Sapien morph into Homo Borg Genesis.

Earth is being cleansed of all 3D energies… hence the extinction of Homo Sapien and the evolvement of Homo Christos… the new human who will reside on 5D earth.

The only thing is… earth can’t go to 5D as a base set of frequencies, without a good ol’ fashioned trip to the spa. In earth’s case… her trip to the spa is a pole shift.

If there is a pole shift, it would be mean lots of massive and likely unsuvivable on the surface of earth, earth changes would happen.

All sorts of humans are beginning to realize planetary evacuation is the only way to survive waves that would be 5 miles high, in the event of a pole shift.

So a pole shift event is a planetary evacuation event, they are the same thing.

Those who refuse the beam from the spaceships would likely die via some massive series of earth events, which would follow the pole shift.

As I said… Homo Sapien goes extinction… fortunately any one of us, even the nearly soulless, have an opportunity to morph into a Higher version of ourselves.

Even the Homo Borg Genesis, can reconnect with their souls.

Even a Homo Borg Genesis could morph into Homo Christos… but only with a strong God connection.

ALL of us need a stronger God connection right now, to guide us through the storm, to help us with solutions, to help us move into the highest version of ourselves.

This is ultimately what we are all here to do… usually this can be done in a more relaxed atmosphere, but humanity has chosen to either die because they are not ready for the higher frequencies, or people are raising their frequency and are in a 4D mutation phase… where they are a bit of 3D and 5D all intermingling together and sorting out… with 5D energies triumphant.

No one is without any solution, where they are soul/God merged.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The next stage of reclamation of Christos and Return of the Emerald Order that began on 11:11 with the Cosmic Mother Dragon reclaiming her body parts in the sacred architecture connected to the Alhambra Palace in Spain. Essentially, the Cosmic Mother’s sophianic heart principle has a galactic access point within the Alhambra Palace complex, which holds an incredibly powerful secret of natural alignment with galactic nodes. The Cosmic Mother Dragon connected with the Unis Mundi in this location and transmitted light seed codes into Alhambra through her sacred rainbow dragon breath through the 11:11 gateway, as a part of the solar fire that anoints and reclaims sacred structures on the Earth for their true divine purpose. Alhambra’s recent retrieval from the anti-human vandals inverting its sacred architecture and spiritual properties in base 10 reversals, begins another stage of planetary architecture restoration of the sacred crystal heart of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine, which is necessary for the reseating of King Arthur and Queen Meri-Guinevere within the Triple Solar Solomon Temple being built in the Albion.
The aftershock of recent planetary shifts with Alhambra, comes with another round of aggressive dismantling of reversal 55 or base 10 current which contain metatronic coded architecture that held down or contained shadow bodies and lunar forces in the planetary matrices and humanity. This lends to de-manifestation occurring with the demagnetization of structures in matter that were exposed to the lunar magnetic fields of NET mutations.
The organic Rasha body tones of AL LA are connected to the dark matter coded blood crystals of Solar Reisha or Yana’s, whereas these three archon entities with signature of Al-cantra, Al-cazaba, and Al-hambra were being used to invert Solomon blood codes and keys, while harvesting human sexual energies via the sexual misery programming powered up by red cube networks in Alhambra.

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