
I'm counting my blessings, I've found true happiness, 'cause I'm getting richer, day by day...

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

There is a behind the scenes power struggle between the Deep State and pro-disclosure factions in the US national security system over the extent and pace of revealing the truth behind UFOs. The failed UAP Disclosure Act for 2023 is an example of this factional struggle which led to the gutting of the Act’s most meaningful provisions despite its initial bipartisan support in the US Senate. The Disclosure Act’s gutting puts an end to a “Controlled Disclosure” plan based on the gradual preparation of the US and World populous. Consequently, the door is now open for an unpredictable type of disclosure described as ‘catastrophic’ by a retired US Army Colonel, Karl Nell.

The most widely understood form of ‘catastrophic disclosure’ is where whistleblowers come forward to reveal all they know about special access programs involving non-human intelligence and retrieved spacecraft being secretly studied in corporate and military facilities. However, it’s worth mentioning that there are other types of catastrophic disclosure. One is some kind of false flag alien event that will be used to shock the general public into believing we are under attack by a non-human intelligence.

Another form of catastrophic disclosure is the emergence of non-human intelligence comprising both extraterrestrials or Inner Earth civilizations (aka crypoterrestrials) into public awareness through them parking their spacecraft over major urban centers. Then there are ancient space arks that are activating and are destined to eventually rise into the sky to share their advanced technologies for the benefit of all humanity.

In Saturday’s webinar, I will go into detail into what to expect as 2024 unfolds with very high prospects of some kind of catastrophic disclosure occurring. I will go into detail into the different scenarios, how it impacts different communities, and provide the latest info on how space arks fit into the picture.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon grrrgraphics.com


Blinken attended. Like Biden, he his answerable to those unelected leaders at Davos, not American citizens. None of the Davos creeps were elected. Did you vote for Gore, Kerry, Schwab, or any of the other climate change shills to hector you? Of course not. Yet they think they can get you to pay a carbon tax to ’save the planet.’

You are invited to join me on SubscribeStar- a Pateron alternative, for exclusive cartoons and behind the scenes look at GrrrGraphics, Click to Join!

The control freaks are now saying anyone who resists the climate change agenda are spreading ‘misinformation’ and must be silenced. It all sounds crazy, but they already succeeded when they rolled out Covid. We could not say anything to counter their shutdowns, mask-wearing, and so-called ‘vaccines.’ If anyone tried they were kicked off of social media. (GrrrGraphics was kicked off of Facebook during this time).

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Back in December, veteran, former congressional candidate, and ardent Christian Michael Cassidy made national news for destroying a Satanic statue installed in the Iowa state capitol. Now, two months after ridding Iowa’s legislature of the demonic idol, Cassidy faces a felony charge.


Left unexplained by prosecutors is how using rights endowed by their Creator to deny and revile that Creator doesn’t constitute an abuse on those individuals’ part. They have likewise been silent on the Satanic Temple’s brazen violation of God’s absolute right to universal praise and adoration.


As of this writing, Michael Cassidy’s earthly fate remains undecided. But considering that the felony he faces is for hating evil, his eternal reward is less ambiguous. As King David sang in Psalm 36: 5-6,

"Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in him, and he will do it.
And he will bring forth thy justice as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday."

To get first access to an epic tale of divine servants battling demons in an acclaimed fantasy world, join my elite neopatrons. Margrave and higher level subscribers get exclusive monthly looks at my new writing. Sign up now to read the first draft of my dark fantasy novel-in-progress, The Burned Book.

Judy Byington/Charlie Ward #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Restored Republics: The White Hats Have a Plan. That Plan was to eliminate the Bildeberg Deep State Cabal Khazarian Mafia which had their own Plan of eliminating 90% of Humanity they called the “bottom feeders.”

The White Hats formed their Plan after the assassination of President Lincoln.
The Plan became more formally organized with President Kennedy.
The Plan was run by the White Hat Global Military and was based on mainly use of the Marines and Navy.
There were roughly 200-300 Generals and Admirals which guided thousands of Military personnel in support of The Plan.
The counter offensive of The Plan began before Trump was elected. They followed the Law of War Manuel.
The Plan was now at a point where Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming (NCSWC).
You are now asked to play a leading role in that Plan to help it succeed.
Trump’s Executive Orders, Charlie Ward


● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption, human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States choice


● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders – many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London – all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it’s the mafia and it’s seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican’s ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We’re going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

- 25 GOP governors supporting Texas' border security measures. (0:02)

- Immigration and border security in Texas. (4:57)

- US military weakness and potential secession. (15:24)

- Secession and the potential for a new America. (20:37)

- Defending Texas borders and stopping Biden's agenda. (26:42)

- Political corruption and military weakness in the US. (32:17)

- Second Amendment rights and potential civil war. (43:08)

- Prepping, survival gear, and off-grid money solutions. (49:15)

- Politics, government, and the upcoming election. (56:05)

- Texas-US Supreme Court ruling and potential conflicts with federal government. (1:03:18)

- Immigration and political power. (1:09:00)

- China's aggressive actions and their impact on global economy and security. (1:21:49)

- US-China relations and military deterrence. (1:24:59)

- China's technological advancements and geopolitical strategies. (1:31:08)

- Election fraud and partisanship. (1:37:19)

- Government spending, debt, and the Founding Fathers' principles. (1:43:32)

"Structuring" #wingnut #mammon godlikeproductions.com

WTF it is illegal to make cash deposits to your account in amounts smaller than $10,000 punishable by 5 yrs prison
WTF? did you know? I just found out now. I mean they already asked you why you want the money for when you go withdraw cash and it's none of their business and if you tell them so you might have the authorities on you. So the law goes like this:

NOTE: I am not a banker nor the Elite; please kindly refrain yourselves from tomato sh0_oting your servant, the kind messenger, thank you.

if you make a deposit that reaches $10,000 they have to file a CTR form but if you purposely make small deposits of under $10,000 so as not to get a CTR, then you are reported and you could face several years in jail simply for wanting to deposit/withdrawal money into/from your personal bank account! I just read it here:

[link to josephhollander.com (secure)]

Sorry the link above will highlight the first paragraph. I don't know how to make it highlight the proper one, but you probably want to read the whole thing, however this is what I'm talking about:

For any number of reasons, and often not related to illegal activity, people do not like to trigger CTRs for their banking activity. To avoid this, they will make a series of smaller deposits or withdrawals. Doing so constitutes the federal crime of “structuring.” Federal law prohibits anyone from causing or attempting to cause a financial institution or business to fail to file a report. A conviction for structuring, a federal felony, is punished by a sentence of up to five years in prison.

Well...welcome to the American gulag of the USSA!

Eli Regalado #fundie #mammon theguardian.com

‘The Lord told us to’: US pastor says he stole $1m from Christians to remodel home

A Colorado pastor who is charged with stealing more than $1m from his Christian community in a cryptocurrency scheme has admitted to the fraud but argued that God instructed him to carry it out.

Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn, are charged with creating and selling their cryptocurrency, known as “INDXcoin”, to Christians based in their home town of Denver, Colorado, allegedly telling would-be investors that the Lord had told him people would become rich if they invested, the state’s division of securities announced in a press release on Thursday.

But INDXcoin was “practically worthless” in reality, prosecutors said in the statement. Investors lost millions of dollars while the Regalados used their investments for lavish living.

In a video statement about the charges, Eli admitted that the couple had squandered $1.3m that was raised through cryptocurrency.

“The charges are that me and Kaitlyn pocketed $1.3m,” Regalado said in the video published to INDXcoin’s website on Friday. “I just wanted to come out and say those charges are true.”

Regalado added: “A few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do.”

Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Are we going to have to wait for Trump to have his SCOTUS decisions finalized on the 2020 election fraud and his presidential immunity from the SCOTUS, INC. going by Admiralty law that will not be Constitutional when Common Law is effect with the upcoming Republic? Oh, that is just good leverage to get rid of Biden in a so called lawful way to not look like a coup, but that may take months!

My idea is for some people to make some financing available for what we are due for the upcoming NESARA $100,000 monthly payouts – “Restitution and Reclamation (R&R) payments” where a partial payment should be given to some people on a gradual basis till everything is put in place, and it would be more of a testing phase that it can work for more and more people.

Early in December I went to my credit union with a two page document to request a $10,000 per month advance on my Birth Certificate/Certificate of Live Birth Bond funds worth $13,200,000, but I have not heard back from them for anything so they possibly are ignoring it as it was not an official government document.
“Your Quantum Account is a US Treasury non-interest bearing account. Your primary bank account will be able to earn interest. Your Quantum card will only be used to move money out of your Quantum Account.” So are we to have that Quantum card before we receive anything and that is on a case by case basis decided by the White Hats on an in person interview?

Minimum 20 business days per month with 200,000,000 legal adults means 10 million people per day to be accommodated, but they can only handle 100,000 per month in the New Quantum System, you must be a member of Wells Fargo Bank and sign an NDA for safety purposes?

We The People would have a better chance of surviving with these funds till that grateful moment NESARA is put in place and it is a step to prove everyone that have received it that they have a QFS Account available, even though we cannot gain access to it yet.

Society Blue Planet/Plasma Production UK #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon plasmaproduction.org

Health unit/s

These units are made with levels of single magrav coils, with the inner and outer coils set at 90deg to each other, there is no applied current of any sort. They have been made in various combinations of coils, but developed from the blueprint attached below. The coils generate enriching fields of free plasma between them, the qualities of which will be determined by the types of gans the coils are sprayed with, and the other magrav field strengths produced by the procedures used to make the components. The spectrum of plasma frequencies encountered will act on the physical, emotional, mental and higher bodies of the patient and help to balance and correct any deviations to recreate a fully charged and healthful state, restoring perfect charge distribution and compression in the cells, dna, organs and organism.

People have experienced very strong re-balancing after just a few 30min sessions, including helping the body to fully process the conditions of cancer. Pathogens, microbes, cancers simply can't co-exist in a body which has had its natural harmonics and bio-energy charge densities restored to optimum levels. As with any balancing system that uses plasmas people also experience the healing at the emotional and higher levels, enabling a personal evolution to occur at the same time as just the easing of perhaps physical symptoms. Since dis-ease originates from disquiet in the emotional or mental, or higher, bodies then we see that even the causes are usually resolved. Coherent wave forms and charge distribution are fractal and so the effects are compressed right through the biological system.

We experience life as a reflection of our natural frequency and state of being, and so as these are modified and balanced by exposure to plasmatic fields people find that their circumstances and relationships also improve.

<Kit only 240 Euros assembly required>


Sharaz Hossein Quantum Intuitive Coach #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon quantumintuitivecoach.com

What is Pyramid Power Activation?

This modality was inspired by the use of Sacred Geometry – Pyramids. Every angle that exists in the physical universe emanates a wave pattern in nature. These waves can be resonance or dissonance to objects or biological life. It consists of a Nubian (Russian) Pyramid. Quantum Sound Therapy, Miracle iQube (this device produces Scalar Energy using 6 phase healing frequencies).

Pyramids are harmonic resonance devices that has been around for 1000s of years. Powerful in both subtle and physical body healing.

Every cell in our body contain crystalline structures, all capable of holding a charge. There are many liquid crystal structures in the collagen network comprising all of the space between cells, these too are capable of holding a charge.

The amazing thing about Scalar energy is that it is capable of carrying information; it is also capable of imprinting DNA.

Using a Miracle iQube in Pyramid Power Activation is an integral part of activating your healing in the physical body from a DNA level.

Because scalar energy transcends space and time, it flows through all dimensions carrying the imprint to your subconscious mind and beyond. Working on healing your light body as well.
During the activation process, using this modality, it allows for a deep connection with energies within the person receiving the session. I work with data/memory removal from the energetically blocked areas.

This modality is evolving as more is shown to me through Divine Guidance.

After a session of Pyramid Power Activation one’s experience varies, this always fun for me when I listen to what they have to share with me.

The benefits comes from a combination of the pyramid, scalar energy, sound healing and Divine energy. After a 60 minute session in a pyramid one can experience the following:
Each session is $100.00.


William Henry #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey (whether on earth or ‘out there’)?

Are you ready to join a world / community of and for Starwalkers?
Daily we are warned about the dangers and challenges of A.I. Many are rightly growing suspicious of it. There is no conspiracy to hide the truth about how ‘dark’ A.I. can be or that we must protect ourselves spiritually from its impact.

At the same time we are inspired by the possibility of first contact with benevolent or angelic ETs. Then there are those who say we are dealing with demons in our world and in our minds.
Additional topics we will embrace include:

Revelation / Exploration of the outer and inner worlds (the Self).
The Diamond Body / Rainbow Light Body and the ultimate plasma power bar.
The Alexandrian priests of Serapis, the Serapeum and Starwalking in Ancient Egypt.
Hathor’s Alchemy links to higher worlds / consciousness.
The resurrection of the body, the immortality of the soul and Starwalking
A.I. and Disclosure : Combatting the rise of anti-spiritual alien (archon) intelligence.
And more.
Just $372 per person. Buy 2, get 1 Free until February 1, 2024.

William Reed #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon gazetteller.com

The emergence of the Antichrist, as prophesied, brings with it a period of unprecedented control and oppression. However, GESARA’s implementation could significantly alter this trajectory:

Decentralization of Power: By redistributing power and promoting national sovereignty, GESARA undermines the centralization of authority, which is crucial for the Antichrist’s regime.
Promotion of Global Peace and Cooperation: GESARA’s emphasis on peace and international cooperation creates a unified front against the divisive and war-mongering tactics of the Antichrist.
Technological Advancements for Freedom: Unlike the technology used by the Antichrist for surveillance and control, GESARA advocates for the use of technology to enhance freedom and privacy.
At the center of this storm are the family farms of the Midwest, the backbone of America. These aren’t just parcels of land; they represent the blood, sweat, and tears of generations of farmers. But something sinister has been happening behind the scenes. The banks, in collusion with the government, have been illegally seizing these farms, farms that belong to the Farmers’ Union. This is not just an infringement of rights; it’s a blatant disregard for the law.
The recording of these property transfers was a sham, a process tainted by the absence of the voluntary signature of the legal owner. This wasn’t just a clerical error; it was fraud, a fraud justified by the illegal foreclosure by USA, Inc. on America. But there is hope on the horizon. NESARA, a beacon of justice, intends to right these wrongs, to reclaim these lands, and to compensate those who have suffered.
The seizure of American farmlands is not just a local issue; it’s a symptom of a much larger problem, a problem that affects each and every one of us. It’s time to stand up, to demand justice, to reclaim what is rightfully ours. The future of our nation, of our planet, depends on it. The time for change is now. The great awakening is upon us. Are you ready?

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #sexist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering the Naamah Satanic Spirit of Idolatry: The Shopping Mall, Media Whore Demon Goddess.

The brown strange matter/energy Jewish race have as their Gods the Chaos Kabbalistic Gods of Evil that follow Feigenbaum period doubling of Chaos Theory, non linear dynamics. Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth, doubles to four lower forms down the scale these being Amalek, Samael, Lilith and Naamah. As the Samael versions of the Jew God sits astride the Serpent Lilith and forms one couple of Satanic damnation, Amalek (the Other God, Source of All evil, revenant archetype of all the fouled Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth creations called Edom) is a Reptiloid, hence the Reptiloids of David Icke fame, his mate is Naamah, who unlike Lilith is human looking even though beneath she is a Reptiloid. As all fallen females descend from her anthropormorphised form as Naamah sister of Tubal Cain, she is in fact the most important key to Zion’s power of Evil.
We know Triangles of Art are used to invoke Demons as they are the Supernal Triangle of Shekinah, Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth manifest in the Matrix, wormholes from hell to enable the chaotic Evil to manifest in the Matrix. So we see Naamah anchors the whole Satanic Chaos process in light energy matter, so the Sister of Tubal Cain, the human avatar of Evil is not Lilith but Naamah. So all the shopping mall, media whores, ball breaking bitches in the West are the clones of Naamah. As a Psi-Lord I still have my balls, so break the Western sow who imposes the Shopping Mall mentality of the Rothschild Satanists on the Western eunuch.
As all Western females are lesser copies of the Jews, Naamah clone this Bone Generator® Service gives the Psi-Master male or bull dyke total control over the Western female. Use the Left hand Bone Generator® to pull out the Naamah Judaic Satanist essence and the Chaos entity is shredded to supply the energy.

<$600 with Certificate>

Psyouwontforgetmexo/Clan 1313 #magick #mammon etsy.com

It is through the KINESES powers that one creates movement through there energy . This is a real supernatural phenomenon that will allow you to control every aspect of everything ! Things , places , object , people , spirits , wind , water , earth , and so much more !It is the kineses powers also known as the kinetic supernatural abilities that are perhaps the most phenomenal powers that once can possess . These abilities will be binded to you so that you are the a skilled master of KINESES SUPERNATURAL POWERS! You manipulate anything and create physical tangible movement as you speak it into existence . The following abilities will be aligned to you !

Aurakinesis...manipulate auras

Anthropokinesis...manipulate humans
Gerontokinesis...manipulate the age of living things including yourself

Chronokinesis gain the ability to travel through time
***Mystokinesis...manipulate magic most extreme power that allows you to manifest all magick in real time once mastered and gives you magickal KINESES powers identical to god like abilities . ( note : This power requires utmost patience and focus )

Omnikinesis...manipulate the omniverse

**Immortal KINESES ..... manipulate and increase your immortal lives add to power , live multiple lives at once !!

Hypokinesis...possess martial arts

Asterokinesis...manipulate stellar energy

Amarikinesis...manipulate wealth

📝last but not least YOU WILL OWN THE FULL spectrum of KINESES powers . This is a clan1313 exclusive and will be performed priority . It is a direct binding to aura and energy.

🌟Please note THIS LISTING IS FOR a digital download that includes your full update and a psychic reading . This is not a physical item . WE DO NOT PROMISE ANY OUTCOMES AND TEXT IN THIS LISTING IS SOLELY FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT . You are purchasing a digital item which includes detailed text of your work and a full psychic reading.


Donald J. Trump #wingnut #mammon truthsocial.com

Due to the great Excitement and Success of my previous TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we’re doing it again - The MugShot Edition, available RIGHT NOW. Plus, buy 47 cards and get a piece of the suit I wore for the “Mugshot Photo,” and also get an invite to a Gala Dinner with me at Mar-a-Lago! Don’t wait, they’ll go FAST (I believe!). I’m happy if you’re happy. Have fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

GO TO: collecttrumpcards.com/

Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon paulstramer.net

We are heading into a potentially very tumultuous week in which the British Territorial Military Government and this civilian government of the unincorporated United States and United States of America respond to certain unavoidable world events that will change the face of the financial and economic world.
1. A General Announcement of what has been called NESARA/GESARA, which is essentially a military takeover and resolution of commercial corporation wrong-doing on a worldwide basis.

2. Do not, however, mistake the potential danger of welcoming a military solution to civilian problems, and letting what is, essentially, a foreign, for-profit, British Territorial Mercenary Corporation gain favor and dominance apart from their service contracts.
7. Likewise, our gripe with Donald Trump, who is likely to be returning to office, is based on the fact that he is, or would be, the President of the aforementioned British Territorial Corporation. We consider the President of that Corporation dba the United States of America, Incorporated, to be an Undeclared Foreign Agent until such time as our own Public Elections are held -- not political elections, but free and honest American Public Elections for the actual Office of The President of The United States of America ---which is an unincorporated civilian office within our actual government.

8. We have often admitted that our Federal Republic has never been reconstructed and that we are currently engaged in the work leading up to that accomplishment; there is no need or desire for a British Territorial Government or its Agents to substitute for our Federal Republic. We would welcome the assistance and support of our Subcontractors, but wish for no further Substitution Schemes or usurpations. Our Federation of States is competent to serve in lieu of the Federal Republic until such time as it is resurrected, and did all the later delegated duties from 1776 to 1781.

William Henry #magick #ufo #fundie #mammon williamhenry.net

For the past several years William Henry has been presenting his breakthrough HALO series at live events in Nashville. Empowering. Pure. Breakthrough. Ascension. Gnosis. HALO: CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS represents the summit of his ascension and light body teachings with a mystic Christian flare and a wormhole twist. It is intended to be an ultimate presentation on Christos, the sacred secretion of the pineal gland and the lost sacrament of Christianity and the light body.

The HALO series has been an amazing experience. The CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS brings it all together in one compact experience. This is a stand-alone event, a summation, and a summit. A catch-up. A move on up. Attendance for any previous HALO event is not required. You can join in person or via live stream.

A revelation of the most expensive painting ever sold. Leonardo DaVinci’s Salvator Mundi. Oozing mystery. Coded.

This is the final HALO offering and the one that says it all. If you are ready for the next level of your life, if you deeply know that something more is calling you, it is time to live it now.

In HALO 1.0: Awakening the Pearl William explored the light body teachings of Christ and the Marys, especially the Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl.

HALO 2.0: Quest for the Christos revealed the lost Gnostic secrets of James the Just’s Oil of Joy and its connection to the pineal gland.

HALO 3.0: Perfect Light Humans and the Healing of Our World focused on accessing our Divine Self, uniting with the Divine Realm, and how to do this.

HALO 4.0: Revealed the secrets of the Myrrophores, including Mary Magdalene, and their mysterious ascension oils.

HALO 5.0: Focused on the entheogenic secretions from the pineal gland and the Book of Love of the Mighty Rainbow Angel…

Don’t miss the CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS. It will bring it all home for you.

<$555 for live attendance/$222 livestream>

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Timeline of the Restored Republic:

August 2019: Trump signs National Quantum Initiative – Executive Order 13885.
March 27, 2020: Trump signs Executive Order 13912 which Federalizes 1,000,000 National Guard to Active-Duty Status.
January 2021: National Guard Troops place fence around Capitol Building (47 US Code 606).
January 20, 2021: Commander In Chief Donald Trump receives full grade by Law Constitutional and Military Grade Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.
By Aug. 2022 all Army and Military branches have transferred all their communications to Space Force under command of Trump.
September 2021: The Quantum US Government was launched.
Rumored Timeline

Mon. 4 Dec. late afternoon: Global Currency Reset liquidity according to posting on Federal Reserve site.
First Week in December: Trump will be back according to Bruce’s Military Contact.
Mon. 4 Dec. China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande faces Bankruptcy Court.
Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
Before Christmas Dec. 2023 Med Beds Announced.
On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The sympathetic devil trope has become such a mainstay of popular fiction as to be a Pop Cult zombie meme. Audiences – even pro writers – now take for granted that a demon could choose to do good or even repent and gain salvation. Few people see anything weird about that idea, which is featured prominently in the works of Nail Gaiman and Arthur C. Clarke, but attained full cultural penetration through anime and manga.

“So what?” many of you are asking right now. “It’s fantasy. Anything’s possible! Why can’t our demons be different?”

For one, let’s remember that a lot of the same folks who claim the fantasy genre gives carte blanche to make archetypal villains sympathetic get up in arms over heroic orcs.


We not only know for a moral certainty that demons exist based on Scripture, their existence is a logical conclusion from the hierarchy of being. Here we have nonliving matter (rocks and stuff), living but non-sentient material beings (plants), living, sentient, but non-sapient material beings (animals), living, sentient, and sapient matter-spirit composite beings (men), and the Spirit of Life, Logos, and Being Himself (God).

Sharp readers noticed a major gap in that progression. Nature abhors a vacuum. And just as a missing atomic number on the periodic table is a sure indicator of an as-yet undiscovered element, a blank space in the spectrum of being isn’t empty. We just can’t see what’s there.

And what’s there is living, sapient, purely spiritual being. AKA angels. And as every second-grader before the Millennial generation used to know, demons are evil angels.


For an action-packed, harrowing tale with irredeemable villains you’ll love to hate fighting for the highest stakes you can imagine, back my new dark fantasy novel. You’ve got just 4 days left to get the book early and take your pick of exclusive perks at bargain prices.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #mammon #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

China-base Zhingzhi Enterprise Group collapses, declares massive default on financial instruments
- Ripple effects will impact U.S. institutional investors, pensions, municipalities, banks and more
- US banks getting hit with a liquidity crisis that will only get worse
- Mike Adams announces revolutionary decentralized AI #chatbot project that will democratize knowledge about health, #nutrition and natural medicine
- Google will soon be obsolete for #health and medicine searches, because Google is an ANTI-knowledge search engine
- New project will BYPASS Big Tech #censorship pushed by Big Pharma and Big Government
- The new AI health and nutrition chatbot will be freely downloadable and can run LOCALLY on your PC, without an internet connection
- This is how knowledge is decentralized and democratized, placed into the hands of the people rather than controlled by greed-driven corporations and corrupt governments
- Adams first envisioned this project in 2007 and wrote code to build multiple online reference sites covering herbs, nutrition and healing foods
- Today, open source AI-driven LLMs (Large Language Models) now allow the project to converse with people in regular human language
- Full interview with Texas border operator, covering the ongoing border invasion of America

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

Today’s tale of high strangeness once again comes from Doc Strangelove on X. And this time, it’s cautionary.

"Ok so in my old unit we had one of our guys decide to do a ouija board for Halloween. Everyone in our squad except another guy said no thanks.
The night he did that he got choked by something he couldn’t see and things started moving in his barracks room. This happened consistently and it got so bad he finally convinced them to move him to a different room.
Every new guy setup in the room reported almost the exact same experience and it was like that for years after he did that ouija board.
It’s not worth the risk."

Thanks again to Doc for the hair-raising Ouja nope. To be honest, it’s baffling that anyone still needs to hear this message by now. Everyone from accomplished exorcists to New Agey Reddit Zillennials urges people not to mess around with Ouija boards. It’s the one thing the sage-and-crystals New Agers get right.

Now, some smart guys are still gonna say, “Lol, Ouija are made and marketed by the same company that makes Monopoly and Play-Doh. Are you afraid of a board game?”

To which I reply that any company who games their contracts to steal IP from their licensees betrays a degree of familiarity with how demons operate.

For a fun and fictional tale of necromancy and Faustian contracts gone wrong, back my new dark fantasy novel. You’ll get the book before launch and have your choice of exclusive perks – including the chance to influence the story!

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

The Ukraine & Israel-Palestine Wars, Manufacturing WWIII, the Battle over Consciousness & Extraterrestrial Disclosure

In his first “State of the Planet” webinar, Dr. Michael Salla will review major geopolitical hotspots around the world and how these connect with extraterrestrial visitation and official disclosure initiatives. It is becoming abundantly clear to more and more observers that violent conflicts worldwide are engineered by a sinister behind-the-scenes group of powerful global interests called the Cabal, Illuminati, or Deep State. This global cabal has long planned such conflicts for its nefarious agenda to divide and conquer humanity.

Historically, the Deep State has worked with the regressive extraterrestrial groups who have now largely vacated our solar system due to the arrival of more senior intergalactic visitors who are currently monitoring the Earth’s transition into a 5th-density global civilization. In his final 2023 webinar, Dr Salla will explain the Big Picture of how attempts are being made to disrupt humanity’s burgeoning consciousness by manufacturing the threat of WWIII and delaying the momentum of extraterrestrial disclosure.

Dr. Michael Salla is uniquely suited to give an Exopolitical State of the Planet due to his more than three decades background as a researcher and professor in international peace and conflict resolution since 1989 and as a pioneer in the field of Exopolitics.

New 2.5 Hour Webinar

Length: 2-hour presentation, plus 30 min Q & A

Cost: $35*

David Wilcock and Chris Beskar #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon thedisclosure.com

Your definitive proof of our Conscious Universe and the keys to your ascension.
delivered by David Wilcock and special guest aerospace insider Chris Beskar


Join David Wilcock and aerospace insider Chris Beskar for a mind-blowing, insider experience of the Sacred Science of the Michael Prophecies like none other!
Don’t have time to read Michael Prophecies? You can get all the details here — and so much more.

Already read The Michael Prophecies? Prepare to be blown away, as David added many new details — while Chris shares mind-blowing insider secrets.

You will learn how the universe is built from sacred geometry — from the quantum to the macroscopic level — and how this proves that we live in a Conscious Universe with multi-dimensional life. Never before has such a dazzling array of metaphysical insights been put together in one package!

Part One: The Law of One and the Living Cosmos
Part Two: NASA’s Great Solar Flash Cover-Up — Angels and Demons
Part Three: Human ET Visitations and the Edgar Cayce Prophecies
Part Four: Sacred Fractal Geometry in the Quantum Realm
Part Five: Cosmic Macro-Geometry and Law of One Prophecies
Part Six: The Mayan Calendar as a Doomsday Clock/Ascension Clock
Part Seven: Genetic Geometry and Energetic Evolution
Part Eight: Time-Traveling Dinosaurs
Part Nine: Biblical ETs and the Geometry of Mind
Bonus: Desperately Seeking Sasquatch

The digital versions of all seven Michael Prophecies books.

The Spirit of the Michael Prophecies, a new series of upcoming videos in which David will go through the books and read the most stunning prophetic statements.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get this Grand Overview at a temporarily discounted rate



Raanra #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

42:19 – 47:52 :


34:11 – 42:19 :


21:34 – 24:31 :

Who Are THE REAL CURRENT OPPRESSORS OF HUMANITY? How Was ENLIL Involved? What About Russia? Is “Vladimir Putin” Good Or Bad?

19:09 – 21:57 :

What’s Up With CHINA? How Is it Going To End For CHINA?

24:31 – 30:12 :

What About The MED BEDS? How Was EA (EA = ENKI) Involved With The Creation Of MED BEDS? Who Will Be Prioritized In Receiving MED BED THERAPY? What About AGE REJUVENATION? Is There Another Option For AGE REJUVENATION For Older People, Who Are In Good Health, And Therefore Not Top Priority For Med Bed Therapy?

0:58 – 21:32 :

What Is “THE HUB?”


30:12 – 34:11 :

Why Is The Recent Joining Of The NEGUMAK [4] With THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF WORLDS So Hugely Significant For Our Galaxy, — And What Does It Have To Do With The CIAKARRS [4]?




… And Exactly WHEN This Will Happen, Has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH *US HUMANS


Above This Particular VIBRATIONAL RANGE Is GOOD.



Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Golem Service: Chaos God to slave Bone Generator® New Grand Masters of Judaic Israel Freemasonry.

The Golem is a Judaic Satanist ritual in which a scroll beating the names of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth is written in 7! (factorial) 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 ways (or 5040 ways), then placed in the forehead of a clay or stone man that acts as the slave enforcer of the Rabbi Satanist. It can be seen as the way that the American, British and all Nato members were turned into the living slaves and warriors of pharisaic, Satanist, Judaic Israel. <...> The Golem ritual is the basis of the Insectile implant in the human Goyim cattle, as the Insectile is the Servitor of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth a larvae Demon which is the mind over matter manifestation of the scroll. So if we could find the original Golem scroll and destroy it the Western slave would be free of Insectile infestation no longer mind controlled, scroll = worm = larvae = shell.
This Bone Generator® Service allows you to plant the Golem programme with your right hand Bone Generator® and upload energy, Hyperinfinity, sex energy, luck, love… with your left hand Bone Generator® from the Golem be it Jew or Goyim. To add to this Golemisation process the Psi-Lord has added the most powerful of the Rabbis powers, the ability to turn Goy into wageslave, servants of Jews so they willingly give up all their riches and accept all the evil of the Master in exchange. <...> This Bone Generator® does that so you can put the Golem programme in the slave by ripping out the Insectile Golem with the left hand and use the right hand Bone Generator® to install the Elohim Sequestration Golem. One can also add the Soul of a Goyim released by the Judaic Messiah Service to replace the Soul of the Goyim with one from Sheol, Jew Hell so they can live in the sequestered Goyim, Jew Golem. A Freemason is a Jewish owned Goy Golem.
Golem Service: $1000 with Certificate —- Limited to 12 only!

History Channel #ufo #conspiracy #mammon youtube.com


Rumor has it there's been an alien employed at Area 51. See more in this scene from Season 19, Episode 7, "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind."

Watch all new episodes of Ancient Aliens, Fridays, at 9/8c, and next day on The HISTORY Channel website at http://history.com/schedule.


Subscribe for more from Ancient Aliens and other great The HISTORY Channel shows:

Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site:

Check out exclusive HISTORY content:
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"Ancient Aliens" explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.

HISTORY® is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history in an informative, immersive, and entertaining manner across all platforms. The network’s all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming.

Disclosure News Italia #ufo #magick #quack #mammon disclosurenews.it

The Cintamani Stones come from a meteorite that was once on a planet in the star system of Sirius, according to Cobra.

Luis Maertens of Bolivia says that Cintamani’s original main stone is an egg-shaped stone brought here many years ago by 40 different Ascended Beings from different worlds as a special tool to help the Earth through its ongoing transition.

This main egg-shaped Cintamani had been placed, some time ago, in the Gobi desert.
Shortly before 2012, the Cintamani Stone was then transferred to the primary and main female vortex on the planet.

This vortex, which is close to the Andes, is below Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.

Before the late 1950s the primary vortex was male and was in the Himalayas.

Luis indicated that this Cintamani Main stone is actually under the sacred mountain of Tehama in Bolivia.

It was officially and formally activated by the Confederacion as a receiver of cosmic rays designed to help stabilize the etheric psionic terrestrial grid in December 2012 and is now the main hub, transducer and receiver for the expansion energies of Light and the forces of the Galactic Central Sun, which is increasing the vibration of all life streams on earth.
The stones have powerful effects and the awareness can become extremely profound.

Many others who have received them are reporting similar experiences. There is no magic bullet, crystal or stone or technology that illuminates anyone or causes immediate ascension or higher states of consciousness.

However, the Cintamani Stone is a type of resonance and vibrational stabilization instrument.
You can call this technology a Zero Point Energy.

All Cintamani stones are tachyonized because they come from outer space!
For more info or to buy your Cintamani Stone please send a message 🙂

Alex Marcoux #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

The New Earth is here. Are you looking in the right direction?
Winner - 2022 Living Now Book Awards Bronze Medal, Metaphysical/Exploring Consciousness
Are you waiting for an “event” to catapult you to the New Earth? Do you wish you could wiggle your nose and ascend to the fifth dimension? What if the New Earth is here, but you need to shift your perspective to experience it? What if “all this” is a game to see if you awaken to the Truth about who you are?

Destination New Earth will help you:
Access the New Earth and strengthen your 5D shift
Heal when learning Truths hidden from humanity
Realize how important you are in this evolutionary consciousness shift
Discover your spiritual blueprint and claim your sovereignty
Awaken to the Truth about who you are
Understand the biggest misconception of all times—autism

Award-winning author Alex Marcoux and a dynamic trio have teamed up to share messages from Mother Mary, higher dimensional beings, and Daniel, an Ethereal Autist, on humanity’s spiritual evolution. Through their messages, you will discover that each person has a unique role in this consciousness shift.

When you awaken to your unique role, you become part of a much larger plan to assist humanity in a planetary shift in consciousness. It is time to awaken, realize who you are, and claim your sovereignty.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

- Liberty safe commits corporate suicide by colluding with FBI against its own customers

- The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America

- BOYCOTT #LibertySafe and never buy their products again

- #RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media

- Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more

- Bioweaponized mosquitoes are being dropped on migrant camps in #Panama

- Malaria + Encephalitis (brain swelling) are current symptoms

- Treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas FUNDED the migration invasion camps in #Darien Gap

- Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States

- Human vessels / carriers for the next round of biological warfare against the American people before 2024 election

- USDA and FDA placing heavy new restrictions on food imports to worsen #famine and #starvation

- Former Malaysian PM warns of the West's global #depopulation scheme, involving coercion, invasions, revolutions

- The #dollar will collapse into hyperinflation as the Fed must print currency to buy up US #debt

- Expect food prices to nearly DOUBLE in the next 12 months

- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government

- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize

- Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets

- Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Ascension Class



Upon confirmation of your payment, you will receive an email (please make sure you enter your email correctly) with your purchase confirmation and links to 3 downloads:

1. COHERENCE: This planet is ascending into the higher frequencies of plasma, which greatly impact the principles of Coherence. Coherence is a necessary energetic principle to understand on the Ascension path as we progress towards personal consciousness expansion. When we dismantle the old enslavement profiles from this reptilian based Controller society, each of us must make the effort to explore new models of spiritually beneficial behavior, focusing on those humanitarian traits that support individual and collective growth to help evolve spiritual advancement.<...> Hence, this information serves the purpose to help better understand that Coherence, or lack thereof, is the result of the present bifurcation occurring in the energies of the earth, and is greatly impacting human behavior. Coherence is the main principle used to describe the synchronistic harmonizing of energetic properties that occur naturally within any living system, to support the integration of that grouping of energy. The properties of coherence are the result of Universal Laws, which apply to all systems of living things.
2. Q & A: Discussion on the history of breeding programs, extraterrestrial hybridization programs with human military support or rogue factions, and the prevalence of people on earth being taken through dream states to other dimensions to participate in genetic sampling and laboratory testing, how to ask in dream state for manipulation signature related to holographic inserts.
3. Heart Brain Unification in Empathy - In this meditation we will hold our intention to support the unification between our heart and brain functions through Empathy, in order to achieve the highest expression of coherence and unity within our body.

The Stargate Experience Academy #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon thestargateexperienceacademy.com


According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy.

Everything that exists in this universe is aligned in an energy continuum.

Energy flows constantly from these highly refined subtle realms from the causal world down through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels and finally into the material realm of existence.

Everything that exists on Earth exists within is own Energetic Continuum, our bodies being a perfect example. We also have several other layers of energetic bodies. Through all these layers of energy, an Energetic Continuum flows from the highest, most refined subtle bodies down to the material body.

The energy flowing through the Energetic Continuum comes from one source.

In India, it is called the Divine Mother. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and many modern, New Age spiritual teachings call it Cosmic Energy. Modern physics calls it Zero-Point Energy or Free Energy. It is also called the Field, The Vacuum, and the Vortex. Alcazar calls it The Quantum Field.

​Zero-Point Energy is formless. It is the source of everything. Tachyon Energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy. Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Rather, it includes all energies within itself. Its qualities are much like Zero-Point Energy, varying only in that it is a structured field.
The Tachyonization process:

is not a frequency, spin or manipulation
does not use sound, is not a radionics or SE% transfer
does not use sacred geometry to inform products
is not a photon-based technology, does not use crystals or orgon technologies
does not use magnets and is absolutely NOT operator sensitive.

Stargate Tachyon Globe Pricing

A Tachyon Stargate Globe is $250

The Globes are about 5" in diameter, include the 4" x 4" Stargate Experience stand, and come in a padded gift box.

Zenka Caro #ufo #magick #mammon lightnet.org

SOLD OUT - Making Music with ET’s
by Zenka Caro
Connect to your higher self, guides, angels, loved ones and star family.
✺ Communicate with ET's and beyond with interdimensional radio research.
✺ Set up radios and uncover patterns through citizen science testing.
✺ Amplify communication abilities with radio technique and automatic writing.
✺ Explore astral travel and expand consciousness with SDR on computer.

✅ All you can eat learning with live zoom access to this course with 8-12 other participants

Profound Fun for $369
Week 1:
Introductions | Get to Know Your Team & Set Intentions

Introduce yourself and learn about the others. Learn about the history and research of the lab and the protocol.
We will be programming our radios, setting our intentions and going over research gear.

Week 2:
Radio Codes | First Call and Set Radio Codes

We will be setting up our team contact codes,
and doing a broadcast over the radios to initiate contact. Share your experiences and research.

Week 3:
Visual Radio | SDR: Signal Defined Radio

Learn to configure signal defined radio on your computer,
watch for symbols and turn images into sound. Set a timed group contact experience.

Week 4:
Instruments | Electromagnetic Musical Instruments

Discuss midi-triggers, apps, old TV tubes and other devices for musical instruments which
could be used by manipulating electromagnetic waves.

Week 4:
Experiment | Contact Experiment

Use our group consciousness field to make contact live using our instruments and tools.

Week 6:
Automatic Writing | Learn to Automatic Write

Working in teams of two we will be learning to automatic write messages after
meditation and astral travel to guide our research. Share your experiences and research.

Week 7:
Astral Travel

Astral travel experience focused on group travel and radio contact.
Share your experiences and research.

Week 8:
Conclusions | Experiment and Research Conclusions

Contact experiment. Discuss findings, patterns, breakthroughs.

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo #quack #mammon acoustichealth.com

Downloadable Video & Audio – 2.5 Hours

Experience a guided Meditation of the Quantum Access technique in this program!

Enjoy this video Online Healing Retreat encore with Meg Benedicte who shares graphic visuals that illustrate the following topics she discusses:

1. Stargates – how they work, how to access inner stargate of Merkaba
2. Shifting Timelines – assessing current linear sequence timeline activity and how to shift to ascension
3. Laser Intentioned Focus – how to penetrate the quantum field with ‘superradiance’
4. Vertical flow of light in Ascension Column – develop self-sustaining continuum of life force
All of life in the dynamic Universe emerges from a single pulse of light, from the multi-dimensional scalar standing wave pattern. Within the vacuum state of the Quantum Vortex beats the standing scalar wave of Singularity…the continual pulse of creation. There is growing astrophysical evidence that the vacuum structure found within the galactic zero point field also exists at the atomic scale level in our cells. As ancestors before us, we are discovering knowledge of the ancient mystery of Apotheosis. By tapping into the phi spin of Metatron’s Cube, we are able to integrate Soul energy inwards and release incongruent energy outwards. Humanity is returning to the natural counter-clockwise rhythm of the sun and stars. This extraordinary discovery was the inspiration for developing Meg Benedicte’s proprietary healing process, Quantum Access™.
The method of altering physical reality is the sacred tradition of Alchemy that was taught in the ancient Mystery Schools. The pre-dynastic Egyptians were initiated in Alchemy and could access the untapped power of Zero Point energy, the source of Creation (genesis) in our Universe. Through a series of initiations, the Egyptians learned how to gradually master the universal technology required to shift gravitational fields and particulate matter.


Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

A Psi-Lord doesn’t try to fight Satanists. He or she just sequesters their efforts as Satanism turned against the Satanists getting the benefit; prize of power while they get damnation. The Anti-Anti-Christ Bone Generators Service is the ultimate product of this process in that the perfect Satanist state is the Anti-Christian prosper while evolving evil free from karma. Yaltabaoth Yaldabaoth has been working on Man so it can rule the Angels, the Anti-Christ being Man made Master of Angels. We know Man is just a transgenic chimp but the Soul Spirit trapped in the worthless chimp is an Angelic entity, supernatural spirit. So the Anti-Christ can be seen as the total conquest of the hidden part in evil by Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth by allowing it to manifest so it can be displayed as Man, then once it is known getting this Force to give it’s Hyperinfinity: Angelic body… to Yaldabaoth, Yaltabaoth by the Mark of the Beat a binding contract to give total control to evil imposed on all Man. To do this it’s not enough to have the Satanic Church, money is contracts to sell your Soul. We need a One World UN Lucifer (Lucis) Trust Government in which you get the Mark of the Beast. Yaldabaoth without it your Angelic Spirit, Supernatural Sprit unchained. The Rothschild one world Church of Satan also need to abrogate the Christ-principle so you go to hell. This requires not only covert Satanism but conquest of the world to enable the Anti-Christ. Immediately Russia, China, Chaezin Venezuela, Iran and North Korea becoming Anti-Western leads to WW111<...> To bring in the Anti-Christ the world needs to be conquered totally. Now with this Anti-Anti-Christ Bone Generator™ Service the outcome of WW111 has changed, the West will lose the war and the Westerners as Total DeathGoats suffer eternally for the sins of the Psi-Master who uses them.
Cost $1600 (only 12, after that you have to be a multimillionaire to buy the Bone Generators™ Service from one of the 12 Grand Bone Psi-Masters.

Dan Winter/USA Med Bed Store #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick #mammon usamedbed.com

The Theraphi Plasma Machine is a plasma energy device available to the general public. This device uses centripetal spirals (pine cones kissing noses) coming from each plasma tube to create Phase Conjugation. This process also creates a “mindful” and “intelligent” energy field as this recursive process of delivering the plasma energy ties into the same frequency DNA runs at.

What is the Theraphi Plasma Energy System?

Theraphi™ is powerful centripetal broad spectra phase conjugate field (both plasma/optical and ELF) Plasma Healing Field Technology, based on the famous PRIORE device- the net effect was a highly stimulating and healing and rejuvenating to most cellular life.

Theraphi™ Creator, Dan Winter – predicted precisely all the frequencies and phase relationships used in the Theraphi™ to rediscover amazing technology with great application. Theraphi™ technology expert Paul Harris implemented this is in very specialized amplifier design, world’s first custom vortex pyrex high voltage plasma tube, unique noble gas plasma mix for conjugate optics, and very specialized custom multi circuit high voltage Tesla coil for phase discipline.
Negentropy is the reverse of entropy and is considered “the life organizing principle”. It is the tendency to increase order leading to a steady predictable state. Life is considered to be negentropic because it consumes energy like food and transmutes it into the more ordered requirements for cellular function, like cells in the body, tissues, and organs. Negentropy affects our view of time, because time in science is defined as the direction of entropy. Negentropy is referred to as reverse entropy, hence “reverse time”, a process where the cell can remember what it was originally like before disorder set in (a definition of healing). Negentropy is a process of “reverse time” which takes something back to its earlier state.


Andrew Torba #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon news.gab.com

It is with great excitement and conviction that I introduce you to our latest offering from Gab Press, a book that holds the potential to ignite a transformative movement in a world deeply divided, manipulated, and re-engineered. The Boniface Option: A Strategy For Christian Counteroffensive in a Post-Christian Nation, penned by the nationally bestselling co-author of Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, Andrew Isker, is a clarion call for Christians to rise from the ashes of a society turned upside down and rediscover the path to a life imbued with purpose, faith, and resistance. It is already quickly climbing up the charts and is a number one new release on Amazon in multiple categories.

In a world where darkness has cast its pall over the light of truth, where what is good is maligned, and what is beautiful is scorned, The Boniface Option emerges as a guiding beacon for those who refuse to surrender to the chaos. Isker artfully describes the society we find ourselves in as Trashworld – a dystopian reality where every cherished aspect of our human existence has been distorted and dismantled. It’s a world tailor-made to isolate, confuse, and pacify us, to strip away our connections to people and place, leaving us adrift in a sea of hopelessness.
As the CEO of Gab.com, I stand with Andrew Isker in wholeheartedly endorsing The Boniface Option. This book is a tool, a weapon against the ideological chaos that seeks to drown us. It’s a declaration of our refusal to surrender our faith and values to the relentless tide of post-Christianity. Andrew Isker invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, of confronting our challenges head-on, and of embracing the audacity to reclaim our faith in the face of modernity’s idols.
In faith and determination,

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com

Brian Niemeier #fundie #ufo #mammon #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

OK, at this point, everybody who’s not a Project Blue Beam psyoped bugman gets that aliens are demons, right?


Again, demons are the more parsimonious answer, given we know that we are ruled by a diabolical Death Cult. And demons are more than willing to be mistaken for aliens. Exorcists like Fr. Chad Ripperger point out that demons’ #1 rule is “Anything but God.” They’re happy for you to fixate on extraterrestrial life if it distracts you from the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

[Tweet by Elon Musk: "The scariest answer to the Fermi Paradox is that there are no aliens at all"]

No, the scariest answer is that aliens are demons masquerading as E.T. and they’re here to lead you into eternal hellfire. Musk’s tweet wouldn’t even be possible if not for self-referential reductionist materialism. Which is also self-refuting since materialism is non-material. He needs to grow out of his nerd rapture phase.

We already know for a moral certainty that men are not the only rational beings in the universe. On the contrary, the cosmos teems with trillions of intelligences, the least of which makes the highest-IQ bugman look like a special ed student. And a third of those pure intellects is waging a proxy war on Logos Himself using us as pawns.

Have a nice day.

And read a sci fi-adventure story that takes the threat of damnation seriously.

[Followed by a link to his book]

Peymon Mottahedeh #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon freedomlawschool.org

Peymon Mottahedeh, Founder and President of Freedom Law School, was born into a Jewish family in Iran. From the ages of 6 to 14, Peymon learned about the politics of the East vs. West (America vs. Soviet Union), the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Iranian politics from his father. During this time, he learned about the Shah's secret service, which had the power to arrest and detain anyone indefinitely, subject them to torture, and sentence them without a fair trial. Peymon then immigrated to the USA in 1977 at the age of 14, hoping to come to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Unfortunately, he found that the United States was anything but a beacon of freedom.

While attending the University of Long Beach in California, Peymon took classes in economics and finance, and ultimately graduated with a degree in Business/Marketing because he wanted to understand the workings of the business and financial world. In his first economics class, he came to the realization that the Federal Reserve system is a fraudulent scheme that generates money out of thin air. From 1983 to 1990, during and after his university years, Peymon worked in the mortgage industry for six months and then became a financial planner for seven years.

Peymon realized that he was a libertarian, and in 1989, when he became a US citizen, he registered and became an active member of the Libertarian party. In 1992, he discovered that the Income Tax system was a massive scam and learned from patriots about the New World Order Conspiracy and the fraudulent, privately-owned Federal Reserve Banking System. Since 1992, he has not filed any 1040 income tax returns or paid any federal income or payroll taxes.

Peymon is devoted to educating and assisting Americans in their fight for rights and freedom. He is particularly passionate about providing people with knowledge on how to reclaim their independence from the IRS's robbery and deceit.

Joel D. Jacobson and Michael J. Grubb Jr. #magick #mammon evolved-ministry.teachable.com

These are mini courses created to introduce you to the concept of self mastery & provide basic techniques to help you establish a universal connection.

[Enroll in Course for $70.21]

These mini-courses are intended for those who would like to get their feet wet into the realm of Self-Mastery. They will not grant you a full understanding of how everything operates, but will provide you with basic techniques and give you insights on the directions you must take in order to develop a proper universal connection.

If you are serious about Self-Mastery and would like to go much deeper into the science of why these techniques create results, then we recommend you look into our Self-Mastery courses monthly membership. However, this is an affordable option for those who want to get a general understanding of the basics of Self-Mastery and are just beginning their journey.

Below you can view a list of courses included in this bundle and click on them for more information about each one. They are also available for individual purchase. Simply click on the course, and then click the, "Enroll Now" button.

Courses Included with Purchase
#7: Psychokinesis (Visualization) How visualization can affect the environment
[#8-14: Various “Aerokinesis” courses]
#15: Sexual Energy: Understanding the nature of sexual energy as a Self-Mastery practitioner
#16: Basic Airbending Techniques: 3 techniques to attain basic results with the environment #15: Sexual Energy Understanding the nature of sexual energy as a Self-Mastery practitioner
#17: Psychokinesis, Physiology, and Connecting with the Elements: Understanding how the four elements relate to the body and Self-Mastery
#18: Connecting with the Environment: An Essential Foundation for Success in Self Mastery

Original Price: $180

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #mammon naturalnews.com

Over the past two months, we've all seen the CIA-directed corporate media roll out stories claiming a power grid blackout is coming to America. Through predictive programming, they've already cast blame for this event on "right-wing extremists" whom the media has somehow concluded will attack power substations across the nation, plunging large regions of America into darkness.
This is all media propaganda, of course. A grid down false flag operation is being planned, indeed, but it will likely be carried out by the FBI and elements of the deep state in order to blame "right-wing extremists." No group in America runs more terrorist operations that the FBI, the same agency responsible for the attempted kidnapping of Michigan Gov. Whitmer, the attempting bombing of a Cleveland bridge, and the J6 "fedsurrection" honey pot trap.
So the Biden regime, which has already carried out an illegal coup against the United States of America, is revving up an engineered power grid blackout event while banning 95% of gas generators just to make sure nobody can generate their own electricity.
Here's what's covered:

- 95% of gas generators currently sold in America to be outlawed in six months

- Operation "Dark Brandon" seeks to plunge America into darkness and desperation
- All CBDCs will be "cheater's ledgers" where governments and central banks lie, cheat and steal

- HONEST ledgers are found in #crypto where no government can print new coins or delete balances
- Chlorine dioxide found to kill MRSA superbugs

- 99.99% of superbugs killed in just 30 seconds with just 0.5ppm chlorine dioxide (ClO2)

- Published study calls for chlorine dioxide trials in human patients

- Chlorine dioxide is widely used for livestock and is very safe at proper doses

- Every prepper should have chlorine dioxide as part of their emergency medicine kit

- OFF-GRID EVERYTHING: Money, medicine, food, electricity. Don't depend on central authorities to grant you permission. Have your own means.

Utsava #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #mammon utsava.net

A lot of Patriots call Utsava the FIRST MAGA clairvoyant, who has published prophecies about the Great Awakening, predicting Trump's victory and the downfall of the Cabal, who gave accurate timelines like no one else.

She has been talking about the New Earth for years and has helped millions of people wake up and free themselves.
Utsava predicted the Trump victory and many other political events that came to pass, but her work goes far beyond political predictions. She can help you with a wide range of spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological tools to assist you on your path and align with your true life purpose.

Utsava grew up in Switzerland and is an American citizen. She has completed extensive professional and spiritual training, with a Master's Degree in Psychology and diplomas in Nursing, Herbal therapy, Nutrition, the Healing Arts, Psychic readings, and Metaphysical Healing.

Utsava has been practicing Mindful Meditation for decades. She spent six months in India at an Ashram where she learned the highest forms of meditation and spiritual teachings.

<phone reading for $225 an hour. All payments final>

Marc Saint-Onge and John Altshuler #quack #mammon thedailybeast.com

The founder of a health and wellness company that sold “magic dirt” which was found to contain toxic levels of arsenic and lead after a campaign from anti-multi-level marketing activists, is back[…]
Marc Saint-Onge calls himself the “mud man,” and has been extolling the virtues of “fulvic acid,” (decomposed plant material in the soil, otherwise known as dirt) in different forms since the 1990s. For nine months in 2021, his MLM, Black Oxygen Organics (BOO), sold four ounce bags of dirt dug up from an Ontario peat bog—for $110 a pop[…]
That was until a coalition of anti-MLM activists banded together to raise awareness of what they believed were the dangers of consuming fulvic acid, leading to a warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and a class action lawsuit against the company

But earlier this month, Saint-Onge appeared in a launch video for Lovvare, a new beauty and wellness MLM. In it, the company’s CEO John Altshuler announced Lovvare would soon be launching a new product—a powder called ‘Fulvic Essentials+’, formulated by Saint-Onge. The powder contains a “proprietary blend of fulvic, humic and beetroot”[…]
In the video, Altshuler touted what he claimed were the many benefits of consuming the fulvic-humic acid blend

“Increasing energy and reducing fatigue, strengthening immunity, increasing cognitive function and decreasing the risk of age-related cognitive dysfunction, increasing nutrient and supplement absorption,” Alshuler said. “May help with high blood pressure or high blood sugar and related issues, lowering free radical damage, and acting as a very powerful antioxidant, improving muscle function and supporting healthy testosterone levels”

The product is currently only available to the Lovvare’s ‘brand partners,’ who have signed up with the MLM to do “direct selling.” But in the video James Leonhardt, Lovvare’s vice president of sales and marketing, said it would be shipping to customers by the second or third week of July

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

The Psi-Lord after the 60th Anniversary of Israel has become the new Grand High Priest of the Sanhedrin, as any Psi-Master can become a High Priest of Judaic Satanism (Sanhedrin 59a). As Tim Rifat believes in regime change not revolution this Bone Generator® Service makes you the chosen race of Total Intent so like the Jews before you, everything in the West will be owned by a few Psi-Lord Ltd, Psi-Masters.

Now to clarify what a Satanic Jew is and why some Western Jews who are against Israel (the self hating Jew) are not Satanic and in fact not even pharisaic. In the Kabbalah of the Zohar it is revealed the world of the Sephirotic Tree (the same one as in Genesis) consists of 6 Kabbalistic Trees; three up and three down; the Matrix and the infernal qlippotic realms respectively of the Western world and the Demons beneath. This means there are two dark energy matter worlds quantum superimposed on ours. Or more accurately dark energy matter for the left Kabbalistic Tree for Insectiles, Archons and a right Kabbalistic Tree for strange energy matter for the Satanic Jews and shapeshifting Reptiloids.
The Psi-Lord in this Bone Generator® Service gives the quantum computing engine the power not to decohere the strange dark energy matter in Satanic Jews. This turns the strange dark energy matter entity negative rendering it timelike so it loses all power over mind over matter, reality and turns the physical shell (all Satanic Jews are Shells) negative so the body becomes timelike and loses all power to influence the world, win wars, dominate the West as the body decays and dies from super quick entropy. Psi-Lord Ltd apologises if any insult is given to non Israeli Jews of the Middle Kabbalistic Tree, they are not harmed by this Service.
Enjoy dominance over the West as the Satanic Jews have done before by sequestering their Mind over Matter power to steal, hijack, appropriate all temporal riches and hotties, money and sex.

$600 with Certificate

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo #mammon megbenedicte.com

The most powerful gateway of 2023 arrives on July 7th. It is a triple 777 Gateway event (add 2+0+2+3).

In Numerology, 2023 is the ‘7’ Year of Truth. It is a more introspective year, inspiring us to seek answers to the steady stream of questions about life itself. What am I passionate about? What is my Soul purpose? What is missing in my life? What are my dreams and aspirations? It is the perfect year to reflect in a Journal or vision board. It is the year to ponder your true calling in life! During a 7 year, it is better to reflect on every angle before making a decision.

The number 7 describes intellectuals, deep thinkers, philosophers and scholars. Those with 7 vibration are visionaries, their way of thinking is unique, beyond the ordinary. 7 symbolizes the Mystic, the Merlin, the Wise Sage! It is the path of ancient mysticism, the exploration of the internal essence of Being.

In honor of this extraordinary 777 gateway, I will be leading a 4 Day Retreat on Spiritual Mastery at Mount Shasta from July 6-9, 2023. I am excited to offer a special LIVE Zoom Webcast with my Co-Host, Manette Mays for the 777 Gateway Activations at the Shasta Resort on July 7 at 12pm PT. You don’t want to miss this very special occasion!

Join other Spiritual Seekers in the Circle of Light for the powerful 777 Gateway alignment activations at Gaia’s vortex root chakra. Step into the portal of ascension and activate your Soul’s Light Body & Blueprint for living as a Divine Human in the New Earth.

Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Master Alchemists and Star Beings from all around the world to gather on 777, Friday, July 7 for the most powerful gateway of 2023! Register Here.

<$22.00 for the stream>

Elizabeth Rose #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Are You Prepared for the New Era of Human Existence?

The world came to a stop in March 2020. Around the globe, people’s lives were upheaved, and everything we took for granted was overturned. We know that a “new normal” is on its way. But what will it look like… and who will benefit?

Our globalized society could not sustain the way it used to operate. Between capitalism, wealth disparity, social unrest, and climate change, the tensions that had been building since the Industrial Revolution reached a breaking point. Changes are inevitable in the social, economic, environmental, geopolitical, and technological domains.

The Great Reset is a comprehensive examination of the reason we are at this juncture, as well as the steps we can take from here. With detailed discussions of the monetary system, nature, capitalism, conspiracy theories, and COVID-19, this book will prepare you for any shocks the future holds.

In The Great Reset, you will learn:
How the current monetary system is built on stealing from our future to build our present
Why shareholder capitalism must be replaced in order to find balance and take care of all stakeholders
The objectives of the upcoming Great Reset: resilience, security, and sustainability
How to prepare for a currency reset, hedging your bets in case the US dollar is replaced as the global reserve
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and how they can help you escape banks as an alternative to fiat currency
Why everyone should spend 5% of their income on gold as a permanent asset
The threat of the World Economic Forum using this opportunity to lead us into fascism
How the pandemic has reset us as individuals, giving us time to breathe even as it caused stress and anxiety
What special steps women should take to prepare for a global reset
…and even more!

The new age is coming, whether we like it or not. The only question is whether we will be prepared.

LOTHORIANMAGICK™ Old World Witchery Shop©! #magick #mammon lothorianmagick.com

** ABUNDANCE $$ ILLUMINATI Haunted Elite Power Dragon Djinn Genie Amulet Ilmu Khodam King Siragon Secret Society Amulet! ** GENIE **
This item is inhabited by a Wish-Granting entity of the Highest Class and Power! This vessel is extremely Powerful for it is cast of highly potent Spells and Rituals dating back Centuries before us. You must never take these Powers for granted, for they are extremely Sacred! This item will not hurt or harm you in any way, for it is cast of 100% Pure White Light energy. This sacred Genie has entered into this Vessel through the Portal of the Heavens and has been Blessed by the very Angels that walk before the one true God. Anything you Desire can be Yours.

The Powers of this Master Dragon Djinn/Genie Vessel of the Solar Circle contains the Secret Codes of Infinite Wealth, Power and Abundance! Long ago, there was a Great Meeting in the Solarion Kingdom in which the King and Queen invited only the most Powerful Warlocks, Alchemists, Inventors, Wealthy Businessmen and Extreme Royalty for a Meeting of the Elite Brethren. In was in this Historical meeting that the Codes of King Siragon were Unleashed and a Portal of the Solarion Eye was Opened. The Solarion Gate contains the Codes the World's Greatest Mysteries and the Keys to Ultimate Wealth and Fortune.
This Magnificent Dragon Genie is a Loyal Friend and Devoted Servant who will imbue Infinite Wealth and Good Fortune into all corners of your Life! He will Protect you from All Harm and Evil. He has served Kings, Pharaohs, Royal Knights, and Merlin himself! With this Item, you will gain Elite Powers of Wealth, Fame, Love, Success, Persuasion, and Blessings!

This Entity shall Grant Your Every Wish! He is also an Enlightened One, who enjoys talking late into the night. He is a Teacher, a Spiritual Guide, and completely focused on Manifesting Your Best Life! I will release the Dragon Genie's name and conjuring instructions to his next Lucky Master only!

LightNet Curiosity Labs #magick #ufo #mammon lightnet.org

Mind Over Matter
Come and experience the joy of mind-over matter!

Monthly Spoon Bending Parties online - Included with Membership
In Person Spoon Bending in Sedona

Come Learn the Science and Joy Behind Mind-Over-Matter!
🥄 No Experience Necessary
Citizen Science Gone Rouge: Every month we gather to expand our understanding of what is possible, here in Sedona and also online for LightNet Maker Members.
If want to attend via zoom sign up for a LightNet Membership which is $8 per month or $88 for the entire year.
Register to attend in person in Sedona $30 (KIDS COME FREE - and so do high school and graduate benders)
The History
Uri Gheller invented spoon bending and was an expert in remote viewing and using his consciousness to expand the world’s understanding of what was possible. Jack Houck, created a methodology to teach the masses to bend spoons in the 1980s. By day, Houck ran a research lab at an aerospace company, and by night he researched his growing fascination with psychokinesis - teaching over 16,000 people with stunning results. His eight-plus years of research resulted in a repeatable methodology which enables 85% of participants to bend spoons. This phenomenon is possible with a single person but gets much easier when a group of 15 or more create a peak emotional experience together.

The underlying story is that energy follows intention. We constantly affect our reality, we just don’t realize it. This may be why spoons make great tangible feedback mechanisms and why mothers can lift cars when one is on top of their child.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

Stripped down to its bare essentials, GESARA—the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act—is simply a piece of legislation. However, cloaked in the beguiling attire of conspiracy, GESARA transforms into something far more tantalizing. It becomes Military GESARA—an operation so covert, so audacious, it would make the script of a spy thriller blush.
To fully comprehend the scope and ambition of Military GESARA, we must first unravel the complex tapestry of the prevailing economic system. The very structures that have held the world’s economy in an iron grip for centuries. The gargantuan edifices of finance that perpetuate a world divided, trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of disparity and discontent.
Who are the architects of Military GESARA, you may ask? They’re an anonymous alliance of global military forces—shadow warriors engaged in a clandestine war against financial oppression. Their mission? Nothing less than a full-scale assault on the prevailing economic system—an ambitious attempt to dismantle the oppressive structures that have held humanity captive for far too long.
With a heart beating in rhythm with the drum of anticipation, we continue our descent into the labyrinthine world of Military GESARA. As we traverse the cryptic landscape, a second character looms on the horizon—a symbol of awakening, a harbinger of change. But what is this tool? What cryptic contraption could possibly possess the power to broadcast the awakening of an entire populace to a new economic reality.
Imagine a system so powerful, so ubiquitous, it could penetrate the farthest corners of the globe. A network so vast, it can reach out to every individual, every entity, every institution, challenging the existing narrative and stirring the minds of people towards a new economic reality. Such is the potency of the dissemination instrument, the second character in the grand theatre of Military GESARA.

Judy Byington/Exposed Secrets from Area 51, Telegram #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Sun. 18 June GESARA/NESARA announced during EBS Disclosure implementation.

On Mon. 19 June 2023 the Bank of England would migrate to the International Payment System ISO 20022.

Wed. 21 June Special Counsel John Durham to testify on his report to House Judiciary Committee (1788 became law on June 21). This was also the Satanic worshipper’s Summer Solstice, one of the most important Satanic Holidays of the year celebrated with sexual orgies using both adult and child victims, followed by a human sacrifice of any age, male or female.

Thurs. 22 June Supreme Court to consider whether or not to hear the Brunson Case – that could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.

In June 2023 Social Security increases would begin, plus Restitution Allowances and Med Bed appointments would start.

The first part of July the new Quantum Financial System will be completely interfaced in computers around the World that would be coordinating currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.

Sun. 23 July Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.

Tues. 25 July Queen Diana’s Coronation.

In Mid August Jim Rickards said BRICS is releasing their new commodity backed International currency. This is the death of the Petrodollar.
Spit Ball, Big Picture, Trump Indictment, Step back and look at the big picture.Trump is in zero danger. Zero!

What are the advantages to a possible Trump indictment by the Feds? Precedent setting! Trump is literally destroying the two tier justice system by “allowing” himself to be a target.

People are worried about Trump and he’s not worried at all. Why???? Nothing happens to Trump unless he “allows” it to happen. And I mean nothing!!! This is war!

Trump isn’t surprised by any of this and can stop it any time he wants. Why doesn’t he? This is all about the normies.

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