
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Patick Courrielche & Luke Rudkowski #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Woke Left Targeting Children, Crew Discusses Disney's Subliminal Messages

PC: They've been working this stuff, we saw it in 2012, before the whole transgender movement started taking off in America, we saw it being pushed at schools pretty heavily, and then of course you see these major writers writing these series, these movies, and they're part of this whole scene. It's been embedded within the culture for a while. We always wonder, how do these things happen? They happen because we've allowed the left and the woke to monopolize all of these institutions that define what it means to be American. The only way to fight back is to create our own institutions and get our own messages out there.

It's Gold Rush right now, the way that the right see this all happening at Disney and Netflix and what have you, they want other options. They just don't have the options out there. For so many years I would tell people, "Do not give money to these people's movies and their television shows, don't subscribe."

But then the the pandemic hits and now people are stuck at home, they have nothing to do, they have no other options, they need options.

LR: We have to fight back. I think memes are also extremely important, like the meme, there's a Doge dog in the 1920s saying, I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost my savings, I lost everything, and then you have the GigaChad Doge in 2020 saying I never had any of those things.

And when you're seeing messages like that, it resonates with people, because, yeah, I never had savings, I don't have a house, I don't have a real job, I have this gig economy created by Klaus Schwab in the World Economic Forum that literally is just screwing me over, so, memes I think are super, super important.

It is essentially human slavery which they're slowly conditioning us to be OK with. These inflation numbers don't represent what actually is happening out there in the real world. There is a total bloodbath, the poorest people of the world are being screwed over by all these globalists, by all these leaders that just want everything from them and it's disgusting.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger gotquestions.org

The reason preferred pronouns present a dilemma for Christians is that they imply something the Bible indicates is false: that a person can change genders or be born into the wrong biological sex. Referring to a person who is biologically male as “she” or “her” is, in literal terms, to say something untrue. Worse, when it comes to an issue such as transgenderism, using preferred pronouns can be construed as enabling or endorsing a harmful, unbiblical situation.

From a spiritual and scriptural standpoint, then, the literal intent behind preferred pronouns is unbiblical. Men are not women, and vice versa. Other than a tiny percentage of persons who are biologically intersexed and deserving of special consideration, there are no third, fourth, fifth, etc., genders, nor any basis for a person to “choose” such a thing. For the same reason that believers ought not pretend that other faiths offer salvation (John 14:6) or that other gods are real (1 John 4:1) or that something sinful is morally right (Isaiah 5:20), many believers conclude that it’s immoral to enable the basic premise behind the use of preferred pronouns.

This is why, at the very least, all believers, in all circumstances, need to be careful not to give the impression of accepting the assumption behind preferred pronouns. While Christ was merciful and loving to both the adulterous woman (John 8:10) and the woman at the well (John 4:23–24), He gave no mixed signals about their sin (John 4:17–18; 8:11).


Preferred pronouns also create issues from a secular standpoint, without taking religious values into account. As stated above, using words like he or she implies something about the biology of the subject. Forcing people to use preferred pronouns, then, would literally be a coercion of speech. Demanding that others use such terms implies that you have a right for other people to speak or write in ways that agree with you. At least in legal terms, it’s hard to imagine society could forcibly require the use of language that overtly contradicts certain opinions or ideas.

As a parallel, demanding use of preferred pronouns would be like insisting that others refer to us as “your majesty,” with a bow or curtsey, because we feel we are royal-blooded, even though they don’t believe we are.

GraceHoward1729 & Champagne_Lasagne #transphobia ovarit.com

( GraceHoward1729 )
Misogynists are not welcome here.

💜🤍💚 Here are a couple of facts, as a friendly reminder:

Men who pretend to be women are men.

Women are female; men are male.

Lesbians are female homosexuals and exclusively own all sapphic spaces.

Calling men who pretend to be women "women" makes you a misogynist.

Lesbians are female homosexuals. Lesbians are not male heterosexuals. And no matter how much whining they do, misogynists can't change that fact.

This all doesn't need to be said, because reality exists independent of people's words. Reality doesn't require mass campaigns of psychological control with official contradictory slogans to be repeated ad nauseam; reality doesn't rely upon doublethink or propaganda-induced fear for compliance. I am not forgetting any facts, because reality is impossible to forget, not sorry.

( Champagne_Lasagne )
MEN are not welcome here.

💜 Here's a couple of facts, as a friendly reminder:

Transwomen are men.

All women have vaginas, all men have penises.

Enby lesbians are misogynist "not like other girls" women and are not welcome here and in all sapphic spaces.

Calling women "females" is degrading yet necessary, because some fuckwits refuse to acknowledge the meaning of "woman".

Lesbians are women who love women. Lesbians are only Cis women who love Cis women. And no matter how much whining they do, men and homophobes can't change that fact.

Evidently this all needs to be said all the time. Moids and handmaidens are always ignoring these types of facts however, fuck them.

@AbsMcFabs #transphobia twitter.com

An abbreviated version

I’m so glad that the bathroom signs for #xoxofest are a hit ☺️

Women! Ignore your instincts! Let men intrude on your boundaries!

And when the bad things inevitably happen, we'll use the fact that you ignored the big red flag warning against you - "Why did you smile at him instead of running away if you were 'uncomfortable', as you claim?"

I was in more danger of being raped by my ex than some trans girl minding her own business in the stall next to me.

Because your ex had more opportunity.

Yet you want to give predatory males more opportunity by opening up female-only spaces to any male who says he qualifies for entry.

littleowl12 & mrsmeyers #transphobia ovarit.com

( littleowl12 )
Girls are the bread and butter of gender clinics

I know gender clinics started their predatory crap with boys. But let's face it, there was never going to be that much growth, even with Jeanette Jennings parading poor Jazz around. Most parents would never allow their sons' genitals to be lopped off. Even for super dysfunctional homophobic families, it was just unthinkable. Even most adult TIMs don't bother with neo-vagina nonsense.

But look how much more "open-minded" parents are about mutilating their daughters' bodies. Early hysterectomies, breast amputation. Parents are so much more accommodating that now gender clinics focus on girls as their main prey. If a boy shows up, fine, but it's definitely about girls, now.

Does anyone have stats on the demand for neo-vaginas vs. phallo/metoidioplasty? I know the latter has far fewer surgeons and is much more expensive. But I'd love to know what percentage of TIFs at least attempt to get some sort of genital surgery.

It's just heart breaking how reckless parents are with their girls as opposed to their boys.

( mrsmeyers )
Making women and girls hate themselves is very economically viable. They are disposable, especially if they aren't "pretty."

Jim #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "National Capitalism and Sanctions on Russia"]

The Global American Empire thought sanctions would ruin Russia[…]Formerly talking weeks, now talking years

The Russian economy has, according to statistics, been knocked down ten or twenty percent[…]The question is, is it, like the ruble, bouncing back, or going over a cliff?[…]
The effect of the sanctions has been to impose National Capitalism on Russia from outside

A modest dose of national capitalism worked great for the Trump economy. It spectacularly industrialized South Korea
National Capitalism defined
National Capitalism is self sufficiency in the organization of people for production, and self sufficiency in the skills and equipment needed for production, that relies on internal free markets and supports local businessmen[…]
If the skills and equipment needed for producing one thing are in your country, rather than in a foreign country, production of that thing has large beneficial externalities, making it easier for others of your people to produce other things, creating opportunity and incentive for the talented among your people[…]
So how is this working out for Russia
A builder in the middle of a one horse town found that nails and screws were unobtainable or absurdly expensive[…]
According to Global America Economists, that builder is now going to stop building[…]What he did instead of building was go to China and buy a self contained computer controlled machine that turns metal into nails and screws[…]
If millions of Russians are doing something similar[…]long term effect will be to create Russian skills and jobs[…]
When the McDonalds franchise pulled out of Russia. The former franchisees organized a new franchise[…]Which means that Russians are a whole lot less likely to be forced to watch black people, mixed race couples, transexuals, and faggots, eating burgers on television

Got Questions #fundie #enbyphobia #transphobia gotquestions.org

God specifically created two distinct genders to serve two distinct roles in His creation (Genesis 1:27). God made Adam in a special act of creation (Genesis 2:7). Then He created a woman, Eve, from Adam’s rib to be a helper for him (Genesis 2:20–22). Adam and Eve had distinctly different physical attributes. They were clearly different because God designed them to be different, and He liked them that way (Genesis 1:31). The man and woman were designed to reproduce so that the earth would be filled with beings who bore the image of God (Genesis 1:28). Only a male and a female coming together can create a new human being, and it takes those physical gender differences to make that happen.

When God gave the Law to Israel, He put prohibitions against the blurring of gender. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” This does not refer to a woman slipping into a pair of work pants to muck the stalls or a man putting on an apron to grill steaks. This verse is referencing a trend on the increase today: the intentional masking of male or female characteristics in an attempt to defy one’s God-given gender.


Pop culture is going gender-insane, throwing common sense and reality out the window in its attempt to be “edgy” and “progressive.” Androgyny is now celebrated, and gender-reality is looked upon with disdain, but celebrating something doesn’t make it right, and despising something doesn’t make it wrong. Slavery was once celebrated; that didn’t make it right. Child labor is acceptable in many parts of the world; that doesn’t make it right. Prostitution and child trafficking are rampant in many countries; that doesn’t make them right. And, even though gender-confusion, transgenderism, and androgyny are riding a wave of popularity today, that doesn’t make them right.

Rod Dreher #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia theamericanconservative.com

This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these "family-friendly drag shows". It's all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles -- sorry, "Minor-Attracted Persons."

Did they even go this far in Weimar Germany?

How much more of this are we prepared to tolerate?

I note that Hungary is hated by some Western European governments because it will not put up with this crap -- because the Hungarians have understood from the beginning what is at the heart of this corruption.


Will the GOP candidates rise to the occasion? We will see. It is time to start putting Biden, Pelosi, and every Democratic official on the spot and force them to defend this barbarism. Not just the child sexual mutilations in hospitals, but all of this sexualization of children. Today it's a Spanish communist state minister pushing pederasty. How long before it starts here in America? Don't say never. A lot of the stuff that's totally mainstream now we were told would never happen here -- and that people who warned that it was coming were nothing but a bunch of Religious Right bigots trying to scare people into failing to recognize that #LoveWins.

If we as a society will not defend our children from these sickos, we don't deserve to survive. In Canada, within living memory, that pervert Magister Juggs would not have dared to wear giant prosthetic boobs to teach a high school class because fathers would not have tolerated it. At last, though, fed-up Canadians are protesting outside the high school where that fetishy teacher is employed.

@hatpinwoman #transphobia twitter.com

Everything women were demonised for predicting has happened

Men are infiltrating women’s spaces&sports

Young children are socially transitioned

GNC children are unnecessarily medicalised

Women are harmed as a result of Self ID

“Terf” was just a word for women with foresight

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Twitter poll: Would you have sex with a trans person?

( femlez34 )
I love the response, "No, because they are misogynists". Kudos if that was one of you ladies. It's so true though, even if you could be attracted to them, their sexist views would kill the vibe. Not just with TIMs, I've met a couple non-medical NB women that I've been attracted to, but I couldn't stand the idea of dating someone who thinks they're special and unique and as a "cis woman" I must love all the abuse and discrimination. Even though my wife and I are nearly on opposite ends of the lesbian presentation spectrum, we're still united as women.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Ugh it kills me to see tifs being misogynists, I'm like what the fuck is wrong with you, girl. You can't self ID your way out of being a woman.

You can see it right out in the open - the trans activists basically only ever talk about tims. Tims are the loud ones, they get all the attention.

I don't understand how Tifs and NBs don't see the blatant misogyny

( femlez34 )
Omg, the sexism within the trans community is staggering. TIMs accuse the TIFs of having "male privilege" and just steamroll them. You see this on the trans reddit subs all the time, a TIF will politely bring up that TIFs still have the problems with reproductive issues, or being socialized as girls, and the TIMs explode.

( mathlover )
Never. I'm lesbian so would never have sex with a man. All transwomen are men so there is absolutely no way, ever, that I would have sex with one. No lesbian would - a lesbian having sex with a man is always rape. Wouldn't matter what they looked like or if they have had their junk made into a front hole.

And I wouldn't date any of the deluded women trying to escape mysogyny by pretending they are men. They are not capable of mentally healthy relationships and need to devote any emotional energy to all the psychological healing they will need when the delusion eventually betrays them.

( Turtlefuzz )
I'm bi and I would not want to be bumpin' uglies with a TIM or a TIF. Super bi, super fly 😎

( Tiramisuomi )
AGPs came at me likes flies when I was online dating because I listed myself as bi. "You'll have the best of both worlds uwu"

🤮You mean the worst of both worlds. Worst.

( friedparata )
the worst of male.

Xamindar #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #racist #pratt descentbb.net

I'm always amazed of the lefts capacity for justifying their evil using straw man arguments and blaming everyone else for the atrocities they are committing.
-The way they are (medicinally) castrating children to change their gender identity/puberty. Future society will look back at this like we do lobotomy now.
-murder unborn children (Nazis would be proud of this, specially for non-aryan races)
-rioting in the streets in the name of "peaceful blm protests" with pre-delivered piles of bricks to boot!
-attempting and succeeding in propaganda and indoctrination in our school system (another thing nazis are very proud of, socialists as well)
-the various institutions of "reverse-racism" against white people and others such as affirmative action, progressivism, reparations for history no one had part in, wokeism, etc.
-control of the mainstream media and social media with aggressive silencing of any opposing opinions. Nazi germany all the way up to modern communist states love this.
-using government police (FBI) and IRS to harass political opponents and anyone else who supports them.
-politicizing and in some cases allowing to happen, mass shootings in the sole goal of disarming the people so they can more easily exact total control.
-calling your political opposition "deplorable" similar to how the Nazis called other races "Untermenschen" to ease the acceptance of mass genocide of said peoples.
-and most grave in my view, is frauding the presidential election to instill their own dictator over the United States in opposition to the people's vote, justifying it because "the current president is a nazi and he must be removed at any cost".

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head and I am sure there are more. But that should be enough to scare anyone who believes in the US constitution and values of a free society.

@Sephardi_Bee #transphobia twitter.com

Would you engage in sexual relations with a trans person? If no, please explain why not in the comments. Please RT for coverage.

I would never be with someone that believed mocking another's sex with dress up parody was ok anymore than I think blackface as a hobby or personality traits is acceptable.

Like I don't care how much you "believe" you are that. It's not acceptable to play dress up and parody them. I don't care what your reasons are. It's dehumanizing behavior and I won't allow it in my life or even be associated with anyone that believed it was ok.

Matt Walsh & Marjorie Taylor Greene #transphobia twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)
Tennessee will become the first state in the country to make surgical and medical “gender transitions” for children illegal. We will pave the way. This is just the beginning.

The Left is wailing and screaming and threatening to have me arrested and even killed, but they are powerless to stop us. Their threats mean nothing to me and their insults and accusations mean even less. We’re going to see this through. No matter what.

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Georgia next!
The 118th Congress must pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act to make it a felony to perform “gender affirming care” on minors.
If we don’t some states are going to do the opposite of TN and protect genital mutilation of kids before they are old enough to vote.

(Matt Walsh)
Amen. Every Republican in Congress should be speaking out on this issue loudly and consistently. It is not only critically important and morally right, but a winning issue on top of it. Americans do not support castrating children.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
“When it comes to ‘gender-affirming care,’ which is really child abuse, this is actually an assault and it’s child abuse. This practice should never happen.”

Read more about my bill, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act:https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3607955-marjorie-taylor-greene-introduces-bill-to-make-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-youth-a-felony/

@RealMarjorieGreene there are no transgender kids they are abused kids...

@RealMarjorieGreene how about a Bill for the Jan 6th prisoners?? This is outrage of Justice.

@RealMarjorieGreene It's way past abuse it's mutilation and it's evil

@RealMarjorieGreene Thanks for working to hold the line against the tyrannical Left.

@RealMarjorieGreene why does "gender-affirming care" NEVER include letting boys be boys and girls be girls?

@RealMarjorieGreene We should really be treating the Wine Moms that are suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy that are sending their sons to school wearing dresses. Fix the Wine Moms and gender-affirming care will go away.

real_feminist & madderthanhell #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Remind the Dems that they can't weaponize Roe to get our votes until they have their own anti-woman platform

( real_feminist )
I said this (i forgot to mention pro-surrogacy, whoops):

"The Democratic Party has spent the last several years dehumanizing women and pushing a misogynistic platform. You are now pro-sex work, pro-porn, and pro-gender identity. All issues that strip women of our humanity just as much as the attacks from the Republicans. Democrats have argued for our bodies to be bought, sold, rented, and mocked. You have fought for protect the men who rape sex workers and the men who wear womenface from accountability. Biden has also abused his power to strip us of our legal sex-based rights.

I say 'you' and not 'we' because, although I have been a lifelong Democrat, I no longer consider myself a part of your party since you no longer see me a human being.

The last two days have been awful. Our abortion rights have become time-limited. Yet, Democrats still refuse to acknowledge sex-based oppression or your role in the War on Women. Say it -- "WOMEN". Adult human females. Sex-based oppression.

You have exploited this opportunity to coerce us into voting for you. Why on earth do you think that we'll vote for a party that is controlled by MALE SUPREMACISTS and portrays feminists as the root of all evil?!


( madderthanhell )
Warning that they'll ignore the issues you raise and use your email to build their fundraising list.

I submitted a comment to them last week complaining about their party's promotion of regressive, sexist, gender identity ideology. Got an automated reply promising response in a day or two. Then...nothing. No response. Until today when for the first time ever I got a request for a monetary donation, focusing on the Roe issue, and signed Kamala Harris... F*ckers. Fastest ever hit on an "unsubscribe" button.

( real_feminist )
Ugh. I hope they get slaughtered in the voting booth. We're completely fucked either way.

@transwidows #transphobia #kinkshaming twitter.com

“Old fashioned cross dressing” was not OK, and not something we should go back to. When it was “behind closed doors”, wives were still being coerced. Nobody these days would say that hitting your wife is OK as long as you do it quietly and nobody else knows.

Every time you make an exception or a prevarication to show you’re “not transphobic” it’s trans widows and children of transitioners who pay the price.

You might as well say “they should have to put up with it so we don’t have to”.

Also I suspect, the myth of the benign part time domestic cross dresser, was put about by the Beaumont Society to gaslight and trap wives.

For the hard of thinking who are currently attracted to the top tweet here, it’s comparing fetishistic male cross dressing where the wife is forced to participate, as being coercive control on a par with physical abuse. Coercive control is a crime and this is a valid comparison

mathlover & WholeGrain #transphobia ovarit.com

Lesbian visibility week event ..with a TiM

( mathlover )
"L With the T" as the title of the event is horrific. It is basically saying that prey (lesbians) should have no way to avoid their predators (rapey male "trans").

( WholeGrain )
All these TiMs with their "LwiththeT" hashtags and the like, meanwhile I see actual lesbians use "LetTheLOut" the most. Tells you all you need to know.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Responding to the "How do we know what sex people are without checking their genitals?" crowd

( TheLastUBender )
I really love how women grimly and quietly squirrel away information, helpful articles, studies, incriminating screenshots and explanatory memes to combat the collective gaslighting.

It is like being part of a resistance movement. But I thought it would be about something less heinously absurd. Can't they axe this nonsense so we can focus on social policies and climate change? Ugh.

( Riothamus )

Can't they axe this nonsense so we can focus on social policies and climate change?

The entrenched interests started pushing this TRA nonsense after Occupy Wall Street brought mainstream attention to class issues. Gender Ideology exists purely to divide the working classes over the critical issue of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

( NotCis )
Yeah, I hate doing that. I don't want to participate in this charade that if we just present the right evidence in the right format, they'll listen to us. I prefer to respond with something like "Somehow modern man figured out which sex to rape and oppress for thousands of years before anyone knew what chromosomes were. Any theories as to how men managed that?" Put the onus back on them.

( TheLastUBender )
I can't say that I'm not part of the squirreling, but I LOVE your take. You're right, their claims are patently, obviously absurd, and presenting evidence won't work even as well as your reply.

( Tortoisemouse )
I have found presenting evidence does work.... not to change their minds (although you never know) but to make them concede defeat which is basically what happens when they have a big screaming fit, shout names at you and then block you. To me that's a win. And there are others watching. Even if the others watching are people who already agree with you, we give each other strength by speaking out publicly.

Also I have had some amazing experiences on Twitter of being attacked by a TRA, getting into a "debate" in which they get nasty, and then suddenly I am being backed up by two, three, four other women, all completely calm and reasonable and firm of resolve. It's like, we've got each other's backs.

But yeah. I wish we were fighting something that wasn't just a fabricated invented vanity project. That's partly why it's so exhausting.

@Slatzism #transphobia twitter.com

once again: gender theory came from queer theory and queer theory came from a bunch of male French intellectuals trying to turn their pedophilia into an academic discipline.

blaming mUh FeMiniStS for this shit is insidious midwittery

all the roads of gender ideology lead back to male sexual degeneracy. all of them. every single one.

all the roads forward through gender ideology inevitably take us to the normalization of male sexual degeneracy. all of them. every single one.

feminists (esp. lesbian feminists) in the 60s and 70s were the only ones sounding the alarm about this shit!

what was the result? the total demonization of feminism until which point it had been sufficiently psyopped by liberal parasitism so as to be completely unrecognizable.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Tomorrow, I will introduce the Protect Children’s Innocence Act to criminalize the child abuse that many call “gender-affirming care.”

My legislation would immediately make it a felony to subject children to puberty blockers or horrific “sex change” genital surgeries.

It also blocks all taxpayer-funding for these barbaric procedures, bans colleges from teaching it, and prohibits foreign aliens who commit these appalling acts from entering the U.S.

@repmtg What happened with The Age of Consent ? Parents/Doctors should be arrested for this type of abuse/atrocity on minor innocent children.

@lili60 @repmtg The jews destroyed the concept of consent so they could keep fucking children. The entire LGBTP movement was founded by the same jew who started NAMBLA. "Gay rights" is about fucking your children. Trannies are about fucking children. Vaccines were about fucking children. And it was about fucking children the first time the jews did it all in Weimar. Nothing has changed.

If you submit to jewish pilpul and agree to their arguments that an 8 year old can "consent" to DNA-altering genetic therapy, or "consent" to having a nice jewish doctor cut their uterus out, then having sex with your child is quite literally the least damaging thing they can "consent" to.

Even their Talmud talks about how harmless it is to fuck a 3 year old.
This is the tribe that controls our banks, our media, our schools, and our government.

I'm old enough to remember when both the Right and the Left agreed that female circumcision performed by primitive tribes on young girls was an atrocity, and was to be decried and discouraged in every way possible. Surely, this childhood transexual madness is 1000 x more egregious? No?

How bout a bill to remove the jews from power over our political and financial systems...take away their power and endless money supply and the kids will be saved by default..
But wait...I almost forgot..
You're a low life jew shill whore...nevermind...

yeehaww-cowgirl #fundie #transphobia at.tumblr.com

As a black girl, it’s just impossible for me to ignore the similarities between black face and drag as phenomenons that were/are incredibly normalized in popular culture. Both are offensive exaggerations of an oppressed class to the point of caricaturization by the oppressor class for entertainment and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. The defence line drag apologists always use is that drag is an exploration of gender expression especially for gender non conforming males who were never able to express their femininity and that’s why it’s different from black face in that sense which is just blatant racism. What they don’t know is that white performers often used the excuse of exploring their “inner negro” when in blackface and it was actually a very popular response to blackface criticism lol. And even then..why should women be mocked and made sexual objects in order for men to be able to “express themselves” it’s really just grade A sexism so many drag performers have expressed not thinking that women should participate. There is no other explanation for why drag queens are overwhelmingly much more popular than drag kings and that’s the fact that embodiments of men aren’t seen as jokes. Recently read this really fascinating paper that talks about how similar the two are I strongly recommend it

Rod Fleming #sexist #transphobia pitt.substack.com

The OP dances daintily around the real issue. Certainly some adolescent MtF is the result of autogynephilia. This can set on with staggering rapidity. Where I live, there are many ado AGPs and they are not shy. In many the 'change' took less than a month and in some, less than a week. Until we find out what actually triggers autogynephilia, we cannot formulate strategies to counter it, other than one-to-one counselling. There are not enough sceptical counsellors. (I am one.)

However, the OP rightly suggests that something else is going on and there is. It appears to be a form of autoandrophobia, the fear of being a man, or the hatred of the idea of being a man. This is evident from the statements of subjects with this condition. What the OP dpes not do, spectacularly, is even ask why this autoandrophobia exists. She does not point to decades of anti-masculine propaganda pushed out by Hollywood and the MSM. She does not mention the teachers deliberately punishing boys - for being boys. She does not discuss the literally billions of anti-masculine online comments, some of which have been rehearsed here, which basically say 'woman good, man bad'. This is only a tiny selection of the vast amount of anti-masculine hate-speak we live under - and mostly, promulgated through social media, conventional media and education.

No, not all men are rapists. No, not all men start wars, though they die in them. No, not all men are violent criminals. No, not all men are abusers. In fact, nearly all men are decent, kind, courteous and protective. Yet the opposite message is hammered out, day after day. And where does it come from? It comes from feminism and the relentless anti-masculine campaign its leaders have carried on for 50 years now.

If you want to save these boys, you have to destroy feminism. Otherwise, sacrifice them on the altar of a bitter, jealous, man-hating cult and then, please, stop complaining and trying to divert the blame. That's your choice and we shall know you by the decision you take.

Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pitt.substack.com

[Part of a much longer article]
QAnon and other well known forms of internet and social media triggered radicalization arise from online echo-chamber communities. Reddit forums, Twitter, transgender Discord communities, and even chat during online gaming are rife with gender indoctrination. Trans activists and older trans women are often the source of the information our boys get online about all things trans. Older trans women coach younger boys online into taking hormones as young as possible so that they pass, and stay youthful and childlike in appearance. Our boys are told slogans, and are taught to not question or believe anything contrary to the ideology. These people tell our boys that detransitioned people are evil. They tell our children to run away from home and join glitter families because parents are abusive transphobes for even questioning what is going on. They tell our sons that the only solution to their problems is to medically transition. These influencers steep our sons in trans ideology and create a system of online indoctrination that is not that different from any other form of radicalization happening today. If you don’t believe me or think I am exaggerating, I suggest that you visit a few sub Reddits like r/MtF, r/asktransgender, or just find the twitter account of a trans activist or two and you will quickly see what I mean.

@cejacksonlaw #enbyphobia #transphobia twitter.com

“Non-binary” is not real, valid, or meaningful. It indicates nothing about a person, except buy-in to a shallow faux-spirituality of ego worship w/ daily faith rituals of navel-gazing & breathtaking co-opting of gay rights (no you are not “coming out” as NB — that’s not a thing).

NB is “trans lite,” allowing people to join the gender craze (complete w/ social cred, special attention, legal privileges & oppression points) who otherwise wouldn’t b/c they know themselves well enough to know they don’t have the commitment to fake sex change.

NB is the shallowest faction of genderism — there are no expectations of behavior or appearance that flow from “declaring an NB identity,” yet laws that privilege “gender id” apply to NB as if it is the deepest: eg, it is NB that’s getting legal status as a 3rd sex (M/F/NB).

Non-binary is also the most naked appeal to a transhumanist spirituality of the “gender identity” labels, for the believers who medicalize “being NB” - “NB affirmation” (“nullo” surgeries etc) is a limitless, customized menu of ways to try & transcend (or just deny) being human.

Philosophy Freshman Syndrome Award

TERF Edition

divinedionne #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #pratt at.tumblr.com

It's only illogical if you never carefully thought about the difference between a concept and a human being. Between the ego and your essential human essence.

Celebrities are a good example because they have larger-than-life personal brands (concepts) that often obscure their humanity. For example, a superstar like Beyonce is associated with certain concepts in people's imaginations: glamour, sexiness, icon, being a diva etc.

She's so heavily associated with these things that people might use her name as a substitute for saying these words. They might look at an outfit and say "That's so Beyonce" or a way of dancing, behavior, and movement and say "That's Beyonce-esq".

Yet, if you were to take it one step further and say "I identify as a Beyonce" people would find it odd. Because they recognize that although Beyonce is heavily associated with some concepts, she's also a distinct human being. And to" identify as" her is almost like saying she's more of an idea than a real, living breathing person.

Yet, this is precisely what the concept of gender does to women. It takes ideas and aesthetics commonly associated with female human beings (softness, feminity, wearing dresses, certain hairsyles, nurturing a child etc) and uses those things as a substitute for actual living breathing human females walking this earth. This is the reason why gender has been defined as a tool of sexist oppression wielded against women.

To "identify as" Beyonce Knowles-Cater I would have to first remove her humanity (her distinct human thoughts, emotions, ideas, livingness, beingness) and flatten her into a concept, an idea, behaviors, styles of dress, movements that I can embody.

This is what every male who "identifies as" female does. Without exception. And it would be one thing if they did it to cope with some mental illness. But now "You don't need dysphoria to be trans". It's the normalization of female dehumanization.

Ok bye.

furyosa , BlueToyotaTacoma & Vasilisa #transphobia ovarit.com

To the handmaidens of the 'Be Kind' brigade
She said 'Be kind' to the children protesting displays of their male teacher's fetish

She said 'Be kind' to the female athlete protesting the male athelete winning her race

She said 'Be kind' to the woman protesting a man's presence in her communal showers

She said 'Be kind' to the hospitalized woman protesting a man's presence in her ward

She said 'Be kind' to the raped woman protesting a man's presence in her shelter

She said 'Be kind' to the imprisoned woman protesting a male rapist sharing her cell

She said 'Be kind' but the kindness she's demanding only goes one way

She said 'Be kind' as she lay prostrate before her male masters

We said 'No' as we will not join you in your prostration

We said 'No' as we stand for women's sex based rights

( BlueToyotaTacoma )
It's why I have decided to stop feeling guilty all the time. My dad tried to make me feel like shit because he has a way of making his victims feel like they're the perpetrators. He is a narcissist and these men are the same. I don't owe anything to narcissistic men and neither do any of you. I don't care if he calls me a "little shit," a "manipulator," or anything else. Similarly, I don't care if they call me a "transphobe" or "bigot" or whatever. These men are just as bad as my dad. They are exactly the same kind of toxic person.

I'm sick of being made to feel small by men. When it comes to narcissists I'd rather be an "asshole" than a handmaiden.

(Vasilisa )
I felt so moved reading this. I think it encapsulates, in a very concise form, what it means to be a woman. I’m thinking here of the fact that I too was in the “be kind” brigade. We are conditioned to be so and much as I regret this, it was hard to unlearn - if it’s even possible to unlearn completely.

I see the “we” in the last verses as being a union of the “she”’s in the first verses. It’s finding a collective that gives strength, conviction and “class consciousness” to (some) women (like me. Others may not need it, and brava to them!).

I will save it to reread, (yes) thank you, furyosa.

FailedArtist , ATF & HikikunDeformis #transphobia #racist blackpill.club

defending troons is against the rules now
users who defend troons, or say retarded stuff like "troons are based" will get warnings, and then will get banned if keep insisting on this retardation. nuff said


Based. I remember that Phreddy guy was defending troons to the death, thank god the forum reset and his acc was deleted.

after the kf controversy i cannot tolerate troons being defended, troons are literally destroying the internet and censoring everything.

I hope old posts don't count. I have lost all sympathy for these assholes, they are getting extremely authoritarian. I defended them strongly before, I've since made myself more informed about them, they've exceeded all limits in my eyes and can fuck off.


after the kf controversy i cannot tolerate troons being defended, troons are literally destroying the internet and censoring everything.

Man I hate trannies more than you but I am not upset about this case at all. Kiwifags used to go on incel websites and larped as users and tried to dox our members. Finally trannies did to them what we couldn't do all these years ago.

I don't like nigger rioters either but when they are curb stomping some white liberal traitor I also don't mind their antics as much. Or when a nigger kills a mudshark and her mixed race children.

J.K. Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

Endless death and rape threats, threats of loss of livelihood, employers targeted, physical harassment, family address posted online with picture of bomb-making manual aren't 'mean comments'. If you don't yet understand what happens to women who stand up on this issue, back off.

Respectfully -- and I sincerely mean respectfully -- you need to fall back and support men like Matt Walsh. You're not built for this conflict. The failure and cowardice of men got us into this mess. Matt is standing up. You need to support him. Men have to fix this.

Respectfully, I've been facing down the Punch-and-Kill-TERFs brigade for a while now and not once have I thought, 'what I really want is to hand this over to a man who thinks feminism is one of the worst things to happen to western civilisation.' 1/4

Like many women on the left, I despair that so many self-proclaimed liberals turn a blind eye to the naked misogyny of the gender identity movement and the threat it poses to the rights of women and girls. Walsh's film undeniably exposed what many leftists are too scared to, 2/4

but a shared belief that women exist as a biological class (and water's wet and the moon's not made of cheese) does not an ally make. I believe women are susceptible to certain harms and have specific needs and that feminism is necessary to secure and protect our rights. 3/4

Walsh believes feminism is 'rotten' and his default appears to be denigrating women with whom he disagrees. He's no more on my side than the 'shut up or we'll bomb you' charmers who cloak their misogyny in a pretty pink and blue flag. 4/4

Shannon Boschy and Chanel Pfahl #transphobia #wingnut antihate.ca

With 41 candidates listed as running across 12 wards, the passing of the August 19 registration deadline has locked in the candidate list for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Among them are two candidates making their opposition to “gender ideology” not just the keystone of their campaign, but the entire arch

Shannon Boschy and Chanel Pfahl have entered their names for Ottawa’s Zone 6 and Zone 8 respectively. Both have a history of anti-transgender activism that long predates the recent attempts to secure a position with the OCDSB

Boschy is a financial planner and partner at the Ottawa-area firm where he works. Sometimes shooting videos from the office, he has penned multiple blog posts complete with accompanying videos since at least December of 2020, focusing primarily on the “dangerous social contagion”[…]he has identified as the “gender ideology”

Under the name Shannon B Douglas, he has penned multiple articles attempting to separate trans people from the larger 2SLGBTQ+ community[…]
“I’m a candidate for school board trustee - running against Canada’s only trans-identified school trustee Lyra Evans,” Boschy wrote in July on Twitter. “After 20 years of declining results in education in Ontario, it’s time to stir the pot”[…]
Twitch streamer and trans woman Clara Sorrenti was doxed and swatted at her London, Ontario home[…]
Boschy’s response to the news was to post publicly “so sad you're reaping what you've sewn and crying victim, boo-hoo”[…]
Pfahl refers to herself as a “real LGBT advocate”[…]posted that school-sponsored participation during the capital city’s pride parade was really about “tearing down the fabric of society for an imagined utopia where all groups have equal outcomes (communism rebranded)”

The former science teacher repeatedly posts and retweets anti-trans statements, fear-mongering about “Critical Race Theory,” and far-right media figures on her Twitter account

Researcher1536 , crodish & emissch #transphobia ovarit.com

( Researcher1536 )
Long post coming in--

I opened up to a friend this week. She said she has a hard time treating TIMs as women when she comes face to face with them. We had a TIM cashier in a cheap AF wig and a TIM server at a restaurant. I said, you don't have to treat them as women, because they're not. Biological sex cannot be changed. Wear a dress, who cares. But you can't change your sex. I explained as much as I could in a crowded space with families around-- sports, bathrooms, children (briefly), women's support groups being invaded, why language matters. I told her there were dozens of other topics and I could talk for hours. At the end of it, she goes, "and you're entitled to your opinion." I replied, biological sex is NOT an opinion; it's fact. People KNOW this shit is ridiculous. She admitted she can't process it when she comes face to face with TIMs. Even the brains of TRA-lites override their feelings in that split second. This same friend said a year ago she thought her 6 year old son, who is on the spectrum, was trans because he liked to wear dresses of his older sister. Fast forward to today, the boy hasn't worn a dress in months. This insidious cult is harming so many kids who want to be kids and play with clothes and have fun with different roles. If my friend had medicalized the boy, he'd be another Jazz right now.

( crodish )

At the end of it, she goes, "and you're entitled to your opinion." I replied, biological sex is NOT an opinion; it's fact.

throws table She JUST told you how she couldn't see TIMs as women and you were telling her she doesn't have to! Why is she so desperate to brainwash herself?? So glad she didn't trans her son urgh

( emissch )
I really do feel like TRAs who get semi-peaked thoughts as they get close to the edge are in a really fragile mental state in that moment. So I think if you start dishing out hard truths it can be too much for them so they start to step back off the ledge and go to their safe place. I was never a TRA so haven't experienced personally, but based on prior accounts I've read on here and elsewhere it just seems like there is an intense emotional cycle going on.

@cejacksonlaw #transphobia twitter.com

ED claims that all of the single-sex spaces & activities historically allowed under Title IX were only valid b/c no one was “harmed” by them — but now that “transgender” students feel harmed, sex categories must go. Biden’s Title IX proposal helpfully explains why upholding

sex-based categories can’t continue: “When a person is denied access to education…activities consistent w/ their gender identity, it causes them more than de minimis harm on the basis of sex. Therefore…such treatment generally violates Title IX”. ED is insisting that only the

harms suffered by “transgender” students from sex categories count (“a range of serious dignitary, academic, social, psychological & physical harms”); harms suffered by “cisgender” students from losing single-sex spaces are just “unsubstantiated concerns about privacy & safety”.

In other words, nothing is more important than validating everyone’s “gender identity.” Any downsides or negative consequences to eliminating female-only spaces & activities are just bigoted, cruel overreactions to the harm prevention that really counts: affirming identities.

Of course, ED dodges an obvious question: how, exactly, is a school supposed to “treat everyone according to their gender identity” when gender identity is not defined to, for instance, be limited to cross-sex identification? How shall we avoid “harm” to enbies or gender fluid?

Maybe we’ll see a flood of Title IX complaints & even lawsuits charging schools w/ “gender identity discrimination” for not keeping up w/ neopronouns, & for “only” offering “girl/boy” options for locker rooms etc. That’s not very validating for non-binary or genderqueer students.

It’s also pretty dismissive of reality for ED to frame single-sex spaces/activities always allowed (until now) under Title IX as existing just b/c “no one was harmed,” as though there are no actual *benefits* (esp & mainly for girls & women) to having male-free spaces/activities.

It’s also insulting for ED to frame objections to losing single-sex spaces as concerns of “cisgender” students; how do ED officials know if all students who see value in keeping female-only spaces “identify as cisgender”? ED is forcing everyone into a made-up “trans/cis” binary.

radbelinda #transphobia #fundie #pratt #conspiracy at.tumblr.com

two rules to live by:

1. if you create a sacred caste of men who cannot be questioned or accused, abusers will do whatever they can to join this caste

2. if you create a group of women it's acceptable to shit on, even when there are valid critiques to be made of said women, men will take that criticism and apply it as viciously as they can to as many women as they can get away with

#'why would a man go to all the effort of dressing as a woman to abuse women when they can abuse women anyway?'#idk why did paedophilic men go to the effort of ordination to access children rather than just fathering children themselves#why do men go through years of med school to assault female patients rather than just going to clubs and finding easy targets

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TIMs are "willful women"

( BlackCirce )
Wrong. A “willful woman” is a woman, an adult human female, who demands to be treated as all three, to be recognized as an adult and a human while female, who demands to be recognized as a full political subject, a full citizen who inherits the privileges and duties of a citizen, the possessor and creator of her works in art and science and philosophy whatever their intent or quality, a full authority over her children and household. That is what a willful woman is. A man who ejaculates wildly at the touch of silken drawers is simply a pervert.

( no- )
I googled Sara Ahmed fully expecting her to be a TIM because wtf, but no, this is a handmaiden 🤦‍♀️

( GraceHoward1729 )

A man who ejaculates wildly at the touch of silken drawers is simply a pervert.

lmfao. reminded me of this: “The first time I put on the black silk panties I got a hardon right away.” - Julian Beck

"Transvestism is costuming which violates gender imperatives. Transvestism is generally a sexually charged act: the visible, public violation of sex role is erotic, exciting, dangerous. It is a kind of erotic civil disobedience, and that is precisely its value. Costuming is part of the strategy and process of role destruction. We see, for instance, that as women reject the female role, they adopt “male” clothing. As sex roles dissolve, the particular erotic content of transvestism dissolves." - Dworkin

Reason number #789270842 these full-time fetishistic parodies have a vested interest maintaining women's oppression and subjugation, in upholding patriarchy and sex roles and hindering women's liberation. The eroticism goes away if our inferiority established by the oppressive 'gender' hierarchy is abolished. And ofc what's important is not women's liberation but ensuring paraphilic men have permanent hard ons. christ

( Seven )
Ugh, these fetishistic caricatures are so demanding of something i wished SO HARD i never were..

( mathlover )
That describes men. Men who play make-believe "women".

Tainted Slav and deathevokation #transphobia #wingnut doomer.boards.net

[Tainted Slav]
Forum's still active. They have been going through worse than some trannie pedophile's army of simps.
Besides, they have some comfy telegram chat. Glorious place, but sometimes is uncomprehensible and highlty retarded, aye.

I dunno... I guess it's only ok when it's Twitter creeps harassing you, doxing you, going after your family members, boasting about destroying your primary source of income when they get your Patreon taken down and get you banned from twitch for not even expressing a hot take.. Kiwifarms isn't even half as evil as some of these little shits that get away with murder in broad daylight because they think they're on the right side of history on a multi billion dollar social media platform that spent millions on "combating extremists" but willfully ignores these insane people. When people on the other side do 1/10th of what you're guilty of then it's harassment.

[Tainted Slav]
Oh and also don't forget that there's an archive that stores whole archive of keffals doings that were documented by farmers, which is the main reason why keffals have ever organized this whole "crusade".
Also, there was no swatting, police of London have politely come, asked to follow with them and confiscated his hard drives, probably because they might have somy thoughts that this character might've had something not legal on his drives aside of dyi hrt bath brewed shit that he have sent to\instructed how to make the groomed minors (mainly boys).

ketmar #transphobia #wingnut doomer.boards.net

most "twitter trans" are disgusting. and not because they're trans, it has nothing to do with that. but that "trannie-shittalk" is directed to them, because that's what get most butthurt from 'em.

also, threads usually devolve into this when there's nothing more fun to talk about. it's a way to ping the cow, to make it start producing some fun again.

p.s.: fun thing: there are quite… a lot trans-members on The Farms actually. and please don't ask me how i know that. ;-)

@saeterjenta #transphobia twitter.com

💜a TERF can belong to any or no political party
🤍a TERF can be atheist or religious
💚a TERF might or might not be a radical feminist
💜 a TERF fights for the safety and
protection of children and women
🤍a TERF opposes the prefix cis
💚a TERF tells the truth


Virginia Republicans #transphobia wtop.com

Virginia issues new guidelines that roll back transgender student rights

Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration on Friday night released policies that roll back LGBTQ students’ rights in Virginia schools.

The “2022 Model Policies” will require that students use facilities and programs that “match the sex they were assigned at birth,” and require parental permission to change their names and genders at school.

The Virginia Department of Education reviewed the previous “model policies” adopted during former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration, and alleged that the policies promoted a “specific viewpoint aimed at achieving cultural and social transformation in schools” and disregarded parents’ rights, as well as “legal and constitutional principles.”

“With the publication of these 2022 Model Policies on the Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools (the ‘2022 Model Policies’), the Department hereby withdraws the 2021 Model Policies, which shall have no further force and effect,” the Department of Education document said.

One of the hot-button issues involved restrooms, locker rooms and changing facilities that transgender students are allowed to use. The previous 2021 model policies said that transgender students should be allowed to use facilities that matched their gender identities and required that school districts and teachers accept and use students’ gender pronouns and identities.

In the 2022 Model Policies, the word “sex” is defined as biological sex, and the phrase “transgender students” means “a public school student whose parent has requested in writing, due to their child’s persistent and sincere belief that his or her gender differs with his or her sex, that their child be so identified while at school.”

That means that schools are supposed to defer to parents on what names, nicknames and pronouns teachers and staff should use when referring to the student; whether the student can get counseling; or whether the student expresses a different gender at school.


Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Have I already lost her? Is it already too late?

( GA626 )
As a mother myself with a 5 month old, I very much dread her future and the thought of this happening.

You cannot restrict her access to the internet, but what I would do in this situation is explain to her the dangers of strangers on the internet, explain what the term 'grooming' means, and also explain to her what puberty blockers are used for and the permanent damages they cause to the body.

Show her pictures of TIF's, after 'gender affirming surgery', even if you consider them extremely graphic. Show her the damage this ideology causes. People like Chloe Cole and other detransitioners are people she should look up and read about. Libsoftiktok, Kellie Jay Keen etc.

I don't know how old she is, but children are immature and won't hit full maturity until 25. She cannot possibly know anything about her future, other than the ideas put into her head now by the trans cult and she needs to be protected from those ideas. She needs to understand exactly what happens when you are sterile.

If you want to find your daughter again, this is what needs to be done in order to make her understand the reality behind the ideology. It's designed to tear children away from parents and destroy relationships. You could also explain to her what a cult is.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It sounds like a nightmare.

( LunarMoose )
Home school her (can you?) Turn OFF the internet. I would absolutely do this (I did turn off the internet for my home at one point, not because of trans issues - daughter's behavior was really tough for a few months. This sucked for me, too (I like the internet) and daughter said I'd never survive. I sure did! And those issues disappeared :) Move. Do you have relatives you can stay with (in a conservative part of the country?) Then send her to a private school. Or home school.

If this were my daughter, I'd make every drastic step I could to interrupt this. As others have asked - how old is she?

( FlorenceBlue )
Take away any device she has that connects to the internet.

( WatcherattheGates )
I don't know how old she is, but if she is younger than 17, take a hammer and smash her phone and computer. I mean it. That is the only way. If you can, also take her on a gap year to Europe or somewhere else, immediately. I promise you that if you sever it all, you will see her come back, bit by bit.

hmimperialtortie , sojourner_truth_ & momofreyrella #transphobia ovarit.com

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream says "words have meaning, TRAHR"

( hmimperialtortie )
No, they’re not. Nobody is trans, there’s no such thing. These “rights” are rapists’ privileges.

Also make up your alleged minds, do words have meanings or not?

( sojourner_truth_ )
So many people will have to walk these bad takes back when sanity prevails. It's crazy how many people who are dead wrong on literally every other issue (like Tucker Carlson) will be dead on the money here, and people who have a stellar track record are pushing pedophilia and the destruction of women's rights.

( momofreyrella )
Its so weird agreeing with Tucker Carlon of all people!!

( sojourner_truth_ )
I know, right! I actually watched him on youtube talking about the Libs of TikTok doxxing and half of my brain was melting, just in shock that I was watching him. What has the world come to?

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Opinion: I'm a transgender player in a women's hockey league. That's exactly where I belong - CNN

( ProxyMusic )

Throughout my transition, I remained active in my sport. I tried playing adult men's "beer league" hockey at first, but I didn't feel safe physically, since I was playing against large bodies as my own body was rapidly changing and losing muscle mass.

And playing in that league only added to my anxiety, since I didn't feel comfortable expressing my true identity in front of my [male] teammates. I was certain that my male teammates wouldn't accept my transition.

So he didn't even give the other blokes a chance to demonstrate their fealty to "diversity and inclusion" by allowing them to know and accept him. He sold them short from the get-go by deciding in his own head right off the bat that they'd never accept him, thus he never bothered being honest and open with them. In one act of mental gymnastics, he pre-judged them to be intolerant arseholes and conveniently let himself off the hook. So much for "authenticity" and "living your truth."

I felt like a complete outsider, as if I had something to hide every time I stepped in the locker room -- whether I was covering up the physical changes I was experiencing because of transitioning, or lying about my life off the ice.

News flash: hiding who you are and lying about yourself leads to social awkwardness and unease. It's impossible to feel at home with others when you are not at home with yourself.

( RisingUp )

I felt like a complete outsider, as if I had something to hide every time I stepped in the locker room -- whether I was covering up the physical changes I was experiencing because of transitioning, or lying about my life off the ice.

But in the ladies locker room he’s totally happy letting it all swing free! How charming.

( hmimperialtortie )
You belong in a locked ward, male.

( mittimithai )
This has to be the best line.

"The first couple of years during my transition were tough: During one particularly rough three-month period, I posed as a man at work while living my true identity outside it."

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( PointySpoon )
Just a thought for the day, I’m gonna call MRAs re-skinned TRAs now. Since we always call TRAs re-skinned MRAs hahaha

( vvvqvvv )
I genuinely do not understand the cognitive dissonance TRAs have. They think they are being “progressive” by using sexist stereotypes to discern gender?

What is progressive about pushing a young girl with “stereotypically masculine interests” into surgery and hormones? They are SO close to getting it right but also somehow miss it by miles. Why can’t “masculine” girls simply just be masculine girls? Why MUST they become boys?

Gender ideology is riddled with such overt hypocrisy that I can’t help but assume TRAs are lacking serious cognitive abilities. How are they so blind?

( queen_beastmode )
Oh yea, TRA's and MRA's are definitely part of the same internet mano-sphere culture. If you put a TRA and an MRA together they might disagree on certain identity issues and key talking points, one might be more likely to vote republican and the other democrat, but if you dig deeper they share very similar core values and a semi-fascist rhetorical style that is hard to miss.

( yikesforever )
I don't think men want women to cut off their boobs though, that part doesn't match a world that men would want.

But otherwise the outcome of their actions certainly is a place where men have easier access to assault women and girls and take things that belong to women. Though I don't think it's intentional for a lot of them. The ones who have been swayed by emotion seem to really believe "trans" people are a set of people that are more marginalized and in pain than any other set of people.

( Peppermint )
I think the men who want women and girls to cut off the boobs are the men who are jealous of women and girls. Everyone should be horrified that non-trans people are being given drugs and surgeries even TIMs but we don't hear a thing.

( Evee_Era )
This is a good pt too. A lot of envious transwomen really hate us.

( Evee_Era )
Good point. FtM adds another stepping stone in their destruction of woman so they can redefine and include themselves. The goal is to confuse kids so they can inject their TRA beliefs enough for transwomen to slip in and gain access.

Scott Lively #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy wnd.com

It is sanctification, or becoming Christlike over the course of our lives, that is the hard part, as we who are justified await glorification upon His second coming. We are promised in Philippians 1:6 that He who began that good work in us WILL be faithful to finish it.

How does all this relate to American Babylon and the LGBT plague? Bear with me.

As Paul warns in Romans 1, suppression of truth about God doesn't just foreclose salvation to you, it sets you on a path away from sanctification, so that instead of becoming increasing more clean, healthy, life-affirming and Christlike, you become increasingly more dirty, sick, death-affirming and anti-Christlike. The far end of that path is the reprobate or depraved mind that the Bible associates specifically and singularly with homosexuality, which in turn is associated with a long list of civilization-destroying behaviors.

Importantly, the warning is not primarily about the consequence to individuals, but to society as a whole. And it is the same warning given both to Noah's generation before the Great Flood and to Sodom and Gomorrah before they were incinerated. Bottom line: the widespread normalization of homosexuality is THE key harbinger of God's wrath from Genesis to Revelation.
Should the MAGA "red wave" be defeated in November, this entire generation of young people will be coercively recruited to LGBTism beyond anything ever seen in this world. No human effort will be able to stop it.

Likewise, an "OBiden" victory over pro-family Russia in the Ukraine war (strengthening and enhancing America's sole-superpower status as global LGBT agenda-enforcers) would absolutely ensure Ukraine and all of Europe would get the same treatment as American schoolchildren – backed 100% by the Demons of Davos. Some will cringe at this idea, but Russia may be the only hope for stopping the globalists in Europe and saving the Ukrainians (and all Europeans) from a fate worse than death – the LGBT enslavement of their progeny.

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