
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Marjorie Greene & @DefiantKiwi #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Greene)
I'm honored to be ranked as the number one defender of children!
Far-Left UK group calls for banning Libs of TikTok, MTG, Boebert, Posobiec over 'groomer' tweets

@RealMarjorieGreene The leftists personify evil with their support for gender affirming surgery and puberty blockers. Their enthusiasm for inflicting suffering on children through mutilation and biologically altering drugs is beyond belief. It's even more terrifying when health professionals support these crimes. These perverted leftist, child torturing, monsters must be stopped.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Woman gets called a transphobe for not wanting to share a bed with a TIM

(mathlover )
Why is this surprising? It was an opportunity for a "trans" man to coercively rape a woman. Or at least get off sexually. Is there any doubt that he would have been masturbating next to her in bed if she was able to rebuff outright rape? Or that he probably did masturbate, while sniffing the sheets, after she left the bed.

Everything these men do is easily interpreted and understood once you realize that everything they do is motivated by getting off and violating women to do so.

( Bolero )

The last, transmisogyny, is a combination of sexism and transphobia applied to trans women. Generally it involves seeing us as more dangerous than other women

Reality is a TERF, yet again

( no- )
Right? Why would they be more safe than other men? They're the same picture. And they know men are more dangerous than women because that's the excuse they use to demand access to female spaces.

( hmimperialtortie )
Imo they are more dangerous than other men.

( ErikaMart )
I'd share a bed with a normal strange man before a TIM I'm not joking

( butchplease )
If I have to choose between the man who's pushing himself into my spaces and the man who isn't, guess which one I'm taking.

( no- )
That's the thing about TIMs, they have a way of making other men look decent in comparison.

( XX_Power )
Statistically they're even more dangerous than other men! The crossdressers especially love rape and pedophilia if we go by incarceration data.

Papirouge #sexist #wingnut #enbyphobia #transphobia tumblr.com

"forced birth" is an oxymoron
You can't "force" something that is going to happen anyway. When getting pregnant, that baby is fated to be birthed at one point

It's like saying "forced puberty" or "forced aging".

If anything, abortion is the only "forced birth" because it artificially induce a delivery before term

#interestingly enough the 'forced' something is pulled by tra refusing to go through puberty
#they totally alienize this natural process by using semantics making sound like puberty was forced onto them
#the parallelism between trans activism and abortion activism are very interesting
#bc they both rely on antagonizing totally normal and unharmful bodily process

Sprig_of_mint , shewolfoffrance & Bolero #transphobia ovarit.com

Genderwoo = the Satanic Panic?

One of my deepest areas of fascination is the 1980s Satanic Panic, which began by parents becoming convinced that their children's daycare was being secretly run by a cabal of Satanic pedophiles. This belief catapulted itself into mainstream American thought. Doctors, law enforcement, social workers, psychologists, and other authorities believed the lies that America was full of Satanic ritual abuse underground societies. They used slogans like "Believe the children" and "children don't lie" while using junk science and manipulative interviewing techniques to convince children and parents of Satanic abuse that literally never happened. There's a lot more to it, and I recommend those unfamiliar take a look. The general attitude from those my age who were only young children when this was going on is "what was everyone thinking? How could they have been so deluded?" Do you all think in a few decades everyone will the same way about transing kids? Here's what really gets me--for different reasons, but both the Satanic-panic-influenced Bible belters of my childhood and TRAs of today hate JK Rowling!

( shewolfoffrance )
One contrast I find interesting is that right now, it's the people who are raising the alarm about abuse who are accused of stoking a moral panic. I'm fairly sure that within 10-15 years massive lawsuits, journalistic exposés, and personal memoirs about detransition will force the issue into the sunlight.

And while the accusations of Satanic ritual abuse in the 80s were never substantiated, and never even plausible in the first place; the evidence of medical, sexual, and emotional abuse in gender activism is all right there. Many TRAs will even brag about it publicly. Off the top of my head I can think of Dr. Yeet the Teats, rapist Eli Erlick, and the promotion of suicide-baiting as a tactic to force family members to support transition.

( Bolero )
My favorite thing about the current era is that Michael "Jesse Singal is literally murdering trans people" Hobbes did a whole thing about Satanic Panic on his You're Wrong About podcast. I think it's actually where I first learned about Satanic Panic (before I listened to a couple of episodes where I'd had prior knowledge about the subject, and started mistrusting his reporting).


@tehbewilderness #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

As a research methodologist the lack of defining terms spins my head..we are asking people for their views on an undefined, fluid and subjective group that can’t even define itself!

Trans is an illusory demographic created by the forced teaming the children of homophobic parents, & those who have fallen victim to the social contagion of gender identity beliefs,
adult male AGP fetishists who want to put on a male dominance displays everywhere they go.

@RexDraws #transphobia twitter.com

Male inclusion in the women’s category excludes women and girls from playing sport.

I am in awe of brave female athletes like
, who are fighting for the next generation. I stand with you sisters!


femlez34 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Watching trans murder rates inflate in real time

I've never met a TIM who passed, I can't imagine a situation where a man would be dating a TIM for a while and then suddenly learn they've been seeing a male. It would be possible to catfish someone online I guess.

They want it to be a hate crime so badly because otherwise there's no justification for their agenda. It's always "Sorry, it isn't fair for someone who went through male puberty to compete against women" -> "If you don't let me cheat in sports, some unrelated man out there is going to murder a TIP!", "Women aren't comfortable sharing a bathroom with males" -> "If you make us go in the men's room, we'll get hate crimed!", "Let's have children wait to medically transition until they've reached adulthood so that they're able to consent" -> "Preventing this child from being sterilized at age 12 will cause a different TIP somewhere else in the country to be murdered!"

It's their answer to everything because they aren't able to rationally justify any of their goals. If there are no hate crimes, then they really have nothing. Most of the people running the trans movement are middle aged white straight men who transitioned well into their adult careers and were never gender non-conforming as children. They tend to be high earning in fields like tech. They are essentially one of the most privileged groups in the country. They're desperate to bill themselves as the most oppressed in order to gain "allies" to push their agenda of giving male fetishists access to their non-consenting targets.

@FrancisAaronUK #transphobia twitter.com

A trans activist YouTuber with a 930K subscriber base shared my song in a reaction video. In it, I am accused of focussing solely on transwomen, and not transmen. A gauntlet is thrown down: “How about you say the same points, but to me. What makes me not a man?”
The first and most obvious difference between you and I and the reason you are not a man is that you require synthetic drugs to sustain the simulation that you are a man. Your voice, that facial hair, none of it is naturally induced.
I do not need drugs to have a deep voice or facial hair, my body naturally facilitates it. Yours doesn’t. You have no acquaintance with the flood of natural testosterone during puberty, how it affects behaviour, how a male's life is moulded by it.
Unlike you, I never needed to amputate breasts because as a man I never developed them. Your body does not produce the sperm cell and will never do so. Your body developed to produce the egg cell and thus you will remain female no matter what.
The common cult retort here is to suggest that I must think an infertile woman is not a woman, that those who cannot produce a sex cell are therefore no longer male or female. This is thick.
A male dog doesn’t cease being male when its balls are cut off, likewise a female human doesn’t cease being female because she has her ovaries removed.
Your body developed the apparatus to produce the egg cell. You may have had a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy, but you will not replace that with the apparatus needed to produce sperm cells – the cardinal defining characteristic of a man – a characteristic you do not have.
You have a lump of skin affixed to your crotch which was sourced from your arm or thigh. This skin graft is not a penis, it’s a facsimile, a crude construct, a wedge of flesh fastened to your front which ultimately serves to cater only to an aesthetic whim.
It is either limp or requires a gizmo tucked under it that you press to inflate. You think this is a penis? It's a strap-on made of excised flesh. You will thus never experience sexual stimulation as a man, never have an erection, and you will never have sex as a man.

Revolutionary Court of Urmia, West Azarbaijan, Iran #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #conspiracy independent.co.uk

Two Iranian LGBT+ activists who vocally challenged gender norms are facing possible execution, alarming advocacy organisations across the world and prompting outcry from their supporters

Zahra Sedighi-Hamadani, 31, and Elham Choobdar, 24, are widely known as advocates of LGBT+ rights who were living in northwestern Iran

On Sunday, a notorious hardline revolutionary court in the northwestern city of Urmia reportedly sentenced the two to death on religiously motivated charges of “corruption on Earth”, for “spreading” homosexuality, propagating Christianity, and making contact with hostile foreign media

A news agency associated with Iran’s judiciary confirmed that the two had been placed on death row, but said they had been charged with “deceiving women and young girls and trafficking them to one of the countries of the region”

No evidence has been publicly released[…]
While little is known about Choobdar’s case, Sedighi-Hamadani has for months been the focus of efforts by activists and advocacy groups, including Amnesty International, which has described her as an “Iranian gender-nonconforming human rights defender”

The activist, a mother of two who is also known as Sareh, was reportedly arrested last October by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard while allegedly trying to cross into Turkey[…]
Legal experts are baffled at how a border-crossing charge that normally carries a fine of less than $200 (£174) somehow expanded into a death penalty case[…]
Citing no evidence, pro-regime social media channels have accused Sedighi-Hamadani of trafficking hundreds of Iranian women and girls and forcing them into sex work abroad

In April, the Revolutionary Guard-affiliated news outlet Tasnim published a propaganda video about the activist, accusing her of gambling and financial crimes, and mocking the campaign to have her released

Various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

I saw this on twitter a comment about using puberty blockers so that it is easier for their child to "pass". This concept of passing is so upsetting. Basically parents are condoning that their child will have to live a lie for the rest of their lives.

What a terrible way to live.

( Beru )
I honestly think that many of these parents are terrified at the prospect of having a visibly gender-nonconforming child. That's why they push for 'passing' at all costs.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Even if they pass, so what? They'll be sterile, mentally ill, and still their birth sex. So who cares if they can fool more people than a person who transed themselves later in life?

( princess_toots )
And "passing" requires keeping everyone at a distance. You can't let anyone close enough to you to realize the truth. What a sad way to live your life... close relationships make life meaningful.

( Stealthygal )
This bothers me too. Why not push for greater acceptance of a wider kind of presentation instead of medicalizing it? (Oh wait it's capitalism.)

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Fetishistic transvestites' main regret is not transitioning sooner. For them passing is an erotic obsession, which they project onto "trans kids". In addition, TIMs tend to have a "sissification" fetish (forced feminization of boys), and some are simply pedophiles. But victims of childhood (prepubescent) transition will typically not develop sexual attraction at all; never mind a paraphilia.

I also think this is a trial run for transhumanist elites to biologically engineer their children.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Ugh, your comment just made me realize that piece about how some of this might be adult TIMs living out their forced-fem fetishes on children; I hadn't connected those dots, but it fits. One of the cockiest 'egg-crackers' I'm aware of is also saturated in all of that shit and won't stop hornyposting on Twitter about it.

Elon Musk & Various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

(Elon Musk)
We are simultaneously being told that gender differences do not exist and that genders are so profoundly different that irreversible surgery is the only option.

Perhaps someone wiser than me can explain this dichotomy.

There was a time when humanity realized girls could climb trees and want short hair and just be "tomboys". Many of them grew up to be fabulous mothers who showed their daughters how to be different. But now we cut their breasts off. Not exactly progress.

I wrote an entire book about gender ideology and its contradictions.

These ideas can’t be reconciled, which reflects how poorly thought out they are.

It's meant to be as complex and confusing as it can be, otherwise it could part of a rational discussion. It's emotional coercion; "if you don't agree with this statement you must be against the people whose this statement is about and therefor an enemy and a heartless monster".

The 3 biggest inconsistencies of gender ideology:

1. Insisting on respect for pronouns but imposing the label ‘cis’ on others.
2. Saying feelings are all that count but encouraging modification of the body.
3. Rejecting pathology but demanding access to medication and surgery.

Yes Elon. Because the losers, degenerates, and outcasts figured out that they can bully the masses into acquiescing to their behaviors under the guise of acceptance, inclusion, and equality. Now, the bar we’ve set as a society in civility is in hell, and it’s a free-for-all.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

The Triumph of Media Power

Race realists and white advocates believe the truth is on our side. However, “truth” is elusive in a democratic, media-dominated society. (Apparently, so are the concepts of male and female.) Racial differences in IQ are some of the most consistent findings in all of social science, but our rulers conceal them.

The most “woke” people in our society are white liberals. New findings indicate that they believe things that are obviously false. However, they don’t fear censorship. They know their sources of (dis)information will remain.

Zach Goldberg, perhaps the leading scholar of absurd American beliefs, reported years ago that white liberals prefer non-whites to whites. This attitude is unique among all people in the world, and perhaps in all history. It means white liberals may support policies because they makes things worse for whites. “Perhaps this is why white support for increasing immigration coincides with more negative feelings towards whites,” wrote Mr. Goldberg in 2019 in Tablet.

Mr. Goldberg recently reported that by 2020, white liberals had begun to believe that whites are more violent, lazier, and less intelligent than blacks.

One could argue that “intelligence,” “violence,” and “laziness,” can’t really be measured. However, if we accept the relationship between IQ and intelligence, crime rates and violence, and income and laziness, white liberals believe things that are provably wrong. It would be fascinating to see how white liberals justify their anti-white beliefs.

CNN, The Guardian, Slate, and countless other powerful outlets celebrated the takedown of the site “Kiwi Farms.” It was a controversial forum that hosted what could be considered “hate speech” against “transgenders.” Cloudflare prevents DDoS attacks. They are felonies. The pressure on Cloudflare for protecting Kiwi Farms was like persuading the police to look the other way while you ransack the house of someone you don’t like.

I don’t know much about Kiwi Farms, but critics accused it of obscenity, hateful speech, threats, and doxing. All that is fine, of course, if the victims are “racists.” Those with power respect no principles of free speech, legal norms, or what defines “hate.”

South African Anon #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Maybe the kids are alright...


This is what blackpilled /pol/tards fail to understand.
The MAJORITY of people are completely NORMAL and DO see through all these deranged LGBTQFPZXXX+++++ bullshit, and do NOT accept it.
Don't fall for an illusion of this new "tolerant and accepting society" that prises niggers and trannies, it doesn't exist outside of a curated internet echo chembers like reddit's front page and veryfied twitter accounts. Those are legit propaganda machines that's sole goal is to either brainwash or demoralize.
Close your browser and step outside, talk to regular people. Most of them are normal, sane people with traditional views and values.

no- #transphobia ovarit.com


Trans rights wants:

* External validation at all costs.
* The institutional and systemic erasure of the bodily reality of women and girls.
* No freedom of assembly for women.
* No safe intimate spaces for women.
* Free cosmetic surgery.
* Priest class status. No accountability for their sexual crimes and access to vulnerable victims.
* To freely practice exhibitionism and voyeurism.
* Indoctrinating children.
* Sterilizing children, LGB youth, and neurodivergent people.
* No free speech, especially for women.
* Suppressing female class consciousness.
* Deplatforming and harassing feminists.
* Replacing feminism with rape culture and postmodern identity politics.
* Inhumane medical experimentation (uterus transplants on men).
* Letting men with breastfeeding fetishes feed their questionable nipple discharge to infants.
* To force society at large to participate in men’s cross dressing and feminization fetishes.
* To allow women to be raped and impregnated by male inmates in prison.

@varindeus #transphobia twitter.com

sexuality is not about genitals, it’s about personality and appearance.

AHAHAHAHAH! 😂😂No. If I like a woman I like her because she’s a woman. If she had a dick or a frankengina and had the best personality in the world it would still be a man pretending to be a woman and I would still be like NOPE. You’re a man. It’s pretty straightforward.

Various Incels #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Most disturbing thing I saw on IT

Hey incels! 26(MtF), autistic, celebrating 4 wonderful years with my 5'0" tall hubby! 😍 The man of my dreams. Keep seething tho! 😂🙄


This is kinda sad actually

Just find a man with a wig theory

Kill it with fire.

Which one of them do you think has more autism? I got no fucking clue

Wait that non-troon dude is 5ft tall


I've never seen tranbomination with more than 50 updoots, even IT is lookist


Pukefuel of Thursday

(Misogynist Curry 卐)

"even IT is lookist"

yep, during recent flood of selfies most attractive people got most upvotes xd

Maybe it's because of their nice personalities not looks:lul:

If anything this is further proof for the blackpill. That dude would've been able to have a cute wife if he was 5'10" but he had to settle with a nasty looking troon. He's an alright looking guy. Absolutely over for short men today.


just begging for an incel to call me ugly


Why would incel call her ugly where she is clearly not?
I mean maybe nose is too small ok, but she is definitly attractive.

Long story short 726 upvotes for attractive female and 38 upvotes for pictures of tranny faggots that everyone puke at - blackpill definitely is not real.

mathlover #transphobia ovarit.com

Addicts "feel" better temporarily when given their drug of choice. But all you have done is made the addiction worse. The only effective treatment is to help the addict through the difficult period of learning to live life without the drug.

Temporarily giving puberty blockers only fuels a child's false hope that they could ever change sex. It makes the child's psychological issues worse. The only effective treatment is to help the child through the difficult period of learning to accept, and live life, as the sex they are.

@BretteDutton #transphobia twitter.com

I didn’t affirm my daughter, I removed her from the contagion. Within months she pulled what I called a “sees and desist” — she saw the truth and left the cult. Over a year later, she’s thriving more than she ever was when involved in gender craze. #YoungGCWomenUnite

Crazy how many people are mad I didn’t let my daughter go down a path toward mutilation. Maybe if studies showed transition actually improved mental health, I’d consider it, but a lot of you are proving that living your trans life didn’t make you any less of a miserable person.


Weird, many of you are claiming I abused my child by questioning her trans identity, yet you’re also referring to her as “she” “her” and “daughter”. It’s almost like you don’t care about my child as much as I do, or her identity, you’re just miserable, pathetic people. Stay mad.


We have an incredible homeschool coalition where I live. Anna is back in public school because I do trust her now, she’s the high school’s renowned TERF apparently. But my younger two, 2 and 4, I doubt we do public school at all.

Removing my child from social media meant she had to interact with friends in real life. It literally gave her more human connection. And she and I are closer than ever before.

Remove her from social media. Stick to it. That was the biggest thing for us, being removed from the social contagion gave her time to reflect on who she is without being influenced.
ALWAYS snoop. Removing our children from social media is a good start, to keep them from the predators and grøømers who would go behind our backs and tell our children lies. I’m so sorry about your experience 😔 I hope your daughter comes back to you safely.
I removed her from all social media. I purchased monitoring apps to block certain websites from her phone, and would receive dmail@alerts if certain words were flagged in her searches or texts. I also would not let her spend time with any friends whose parents o didn’t trust.
She turns 16 in less than two weeks. She survived not being affirmed. I’m so happy this gives others hope. We can’t let our children@hold us hostage with threats. Their infantile threats only prove we need to parent them more than ever. They’ll be ok.

Every-Man-His-Own-Football #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Video game fans peaked by TRAs messing with their favourite video game

When TIMs complain about transphobia, in the vast majority of cases, it is narc rage caused by an interference with their erotic obsession. That's also why they are so excessively focused on "TERFs" (and so ready to use threats of rape) rather than on the men who are actually violent towards TIMs. When Serano invented "transmisogyny" the first example he gave was jokes about men in dresses. What made the transvestites in GTA 5 so much more offensive to TIMs than misogyny is that they are clearly portrayed as male. Supposedly in trans logic any of the female characters in the game could be trans.

@varindeus #transphobia twitter.com

The basis of the “what is a woman ” argument is the mistaken premise that a woman is an “idea” or a “feeling”. So anyone can have that feeling and thus be a woman. Nope. A woman is an adult human female, the member of the human species responsible for production of Ova.

Whether they currently produce them or not is neither here nor there. A legless horse is still a horse. Dissociating words from their meanings is a trick used to confuse and deceive, with far reaching ramifications. What is a child? A child is a young human person.

Except some will say no, it’s an identity, a feeling, an idea, a concept. A grown man can then say he identifies as a child, and he wants to play with children and have a childhood. Does that sound ludicrous? It should. But that is where this bullshit semantic game is heading.

Iamnothere000 #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Based Sandman sends trans-creature to hell. Cucks are willfully blind to Muslim transphobia.

In the German city of Münster, during the degenerate AIDSfest known as CSD, a valiant Muslim brothers stood against the ever-dilating tide of genderless abominations by smiting one of those creatures with such force, that he/she/it fell to the ground and died short time after.

Police-cucks and media searched several days for the perpetrator, giving out a politically correct description: Male, so and so tall, wearing a hat.

Everybody was expecting the killer to be some bio-German Nazi, whatever. However, as it turns out, its as a Muslim migrant, doing what Muslim migrants do best: Integrating the native German population into the new Islamic kalifate of Germanistan.

Now everyone of those outraged faggots pretends nothing happened, lol.

Its exactly like with antisemitism, were 80-90% of actual violence against JUDEN is done by Muslims, but no one will talk about that, lol.

Lol, this culture is not sustainable and will soon be replaced by something superior.

The Thing is he wasnt russian jfl. Germany and their propaganda
All the Twitter leftis politcian posted about it. Look russian men bad
If they knew from beginning he was sandnigger they wouldnt push it

What the fuck is CDS?

ups... I meant CSD

Matt Walsh #conspiracy #enbyphobia #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

Let me introduce you to Dr. Scott Mosser, who cuts the breasts off of adolescent girls. Many surgeons across the country will and do inflict “top surgery” on minors. Mosser assures us that he follows very “strict” guidelines before performing double mastectomies on children.



Mosser also offers “non-binary” services for patients who want to be neither male nor female.


Mosser assures his patients that regret after surgery is “exceptionally rare.” He cannot possibly know this because we‘ve never done these sorts of things to this many children before. How many 40 year olds are walking around today who had cosmetic mastectomies at 16? Almost none


When the media tries to “debunk” the claim that doctors are mutilating kids, they simply ignore top surgery altogether. They ignore it because it is undeniable that this is happening to children. It’s also totally indefensible. They know that too.

Everything I’ve posted here is factually accurate and publicly available on Mosser’s website. I didn’t use any information that he did not publish himself. That won’t stop the left from calling this “misinformation,” of course, but I want to state it for the record anyway.

Of course the game is completely rigged. The Left claims that these sorts of things aren't being done to children but if you cite a specific example to disprove that claim, they'll accuse you of terrorism and incitement.

OwnLyingEyes & KissMyOvaries #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How calling a vagina a front hole DOES affect me

( OwnLyingEyes )
It's harmful to all women because it's taking away clear words that are necessary for understanding how our bodies function and replacing them with newspeak words that were created for the sole purpose of allowing some delusional women to sink deeper into those delusions. And FFS, doctor's visits take time out of my day and I pay a premium for accessing a small amount of their time; can we please not waste it playing inconsistent pronoun-and-gibberish games (especially when said delusional women you're sacrificing and expecting me to sacrifice so much to appease aren't even in the room)?

And it costs confidence in them as professionals, people I'm supposed to trust with my health, with my life, who can't or won't even speak clearly about what's happening to me because they're too afraid of offending insane people by acknowledging reality.

( KissMyOvaries )
This is why I don’t give a flying fck if TIFs end up with long term body damage. If you’re so stupid as to believe that you can become a man, then maybe you deserve what comes to you. Almost immediately after peaking I could see just how much damage TIFs do to other women. I’m not going to waste any energy on caring about them, because they ACTIVELY try to destroy other women.

I do want to say that I have ZERO problems with detrans women who have also dropped their narcissistic bullshit. There are a few prominent detrans women who are still all stuck up on themselves and no, I don’t support them as I don’t support narcissistic people.

Various commenters #transphobia blackpill.club

RE: We should accept trans men

(pariah anti hipocrisy)
Trans people are sick degenerates, and they have too much acceptance from society that even encourages their repulsive degeneration.

These sick faggots do not need our acceptance.

No we shouldn’t they choose to become incels by trying to become a “guy”.


This is gonna sound like a conspiracy, but in the documentary "what is a woman" by Matt Walsh, There's a tranny who talks about Pharma companies making MAJOR FUCKING PROFIT of trannies. Anyway the documentary is shit, but only that one section was interesting.

Its not a conspiracy. Its a simple reasoning. If your identity doesn't exist if you don't take hormones, then you are simply a human bag of excrements used by scientists to sell pharmas. Imagine if theres a war, shortages of pharma occur, many trannies simply stop to BE... Their identity is the hormones they took, no doubt about it. Their brain chemistry, all depends on external hormones... even their phisical appearance depends on the alterations made possible by scientific progress... This is enough to tell you what trannies want to do and which one is their political stance, of course they want to keep relying on state services, because witout it they don't have access to their own identity, they cannot BE.

(Mister Spice)
I swear where do all these faggot supporters come from all of a sudden? A thread about wanting to fuck traps now this shit?

''Trans men are basically incels''

No they aren't, they are foids (who deserve to gag on my dick of course)

Also bold of you to assume that i give a shit about men's rights


Also bold of you to assume that i give a shit about men's rights

Yes it was obvious you prefer foids rights.

(Mister Spice)

Yes it was obvious you prefer foids rights.

Aren't you the one who supports LGBT degenerates and feminists?

@StellaDoves #transphobia twitter.com

Women, children & LGB's have sex based rights. If, as is being asked we defer to gender, then these rights are removed. By removing sex based rights safeguarding of Women, children & LGB's are also removed. Simple! If you don't see this as a problem, YOU are part of the problem!

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) called on school officials to out transgender and gender nonconforming students to their parents. Speaking at a “Parents Matter” rally on Wednesday, Youngkin criticized Fairfax County Public Schools’ Regulation 2603, which allows students to use the pronouns, restrooms, and other school facilities that correspond with their gender identity, and does not require school officials to notify parents of students’ transition.

“They think that parents have no right to know what your child is discussing with their teacher or their counselor,” Youngkin said, “particularly when some of the most important topics, most important topics that a child may want to discuss are being determined.”

“What’s their name? What pronoun will they use? How are they going to express their gender? This is a decision that bureaucrats in Fairfax County believe that they should be able to make without telling parents,” the governor continued.

VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Parent asks TIP for help as TIM child on blockers can’t have penile inversion (2017)

Yeah, women have nothing to gain from puberty blockers - as far as medical problems go, those you get from mastectomies are very probably much less severe than those you get from puberty blockers. (Not counting the risk of surgery, but it is pretty safe nowadays, and brittle bones are likely to necessitate surgery, so ...)

But. I don't think it is stupid that TRAs want to die on the puberty blocker hill.

Not if you assume that their end goal, their real goal, is to ensure male access to ALL female spaces, and that they don't care shit about how many children they harm in the process.

The adult male AGPs who never intend to ever part with their penis profit from sickly small boys who actually look like girls thanks to puberty blockers being the public face of transness.

And I think that's the plan. Those children are used for publicity, so that adult male rapists, with penis and all, can get into womens' spaces and the general public thinking of them as frail, sickly boys with feminine faces.

@Woman4W #transphobia twitter.com

If a black woman wasn't black, she'd still be a woman.
If a disabled woman wasn't disabled, she'd still be a woman.
If a genderqueer polyromantic demisexual woman wasn't... all that bullshit, she'd still be a woman.
If a transgender woman wasn't transgender, she'd be a MAN, baby.

AGPinochet #wingnut #transphobia #fundie kiwifarms.ru

My TERF Sisters and Chud Brothers, do not despair for not only have the troons not actually won but their ultimate fate is unchanged. More and more anti-Troon Laws are being passed, a sitting congresswoman has gone on the largest news show in the country to advocate for making trooning out kids a federal offense, Richard Levine is a commonly mocked figure by normiecons. Remember when South Carolina cucked out of the bathroom bill? Those days are long gone and at the rate Christian Nationalism is gaining steam I would not be surprised if cutting off adult troons from their horse piss was a mainstream Republican position by 2030.

@theleechskiss #transphobia twitter.com

Yes, the patriarchy is rubbing its hands in glee that I'm defending trans women, whom it notoriously loves sooooooo much. Look who your side is allying itself with for five minutes! Republicans! Toreys! Conversion therapy advocates! The Heritage Foundation! Fox News!

Look what your ideology demands; enforced labels, controlled language, a curb on free speech, scapegoating, punishing & prohibiting of certain groups, medical experimentation on children, denouncement of scientific fact, projecting propaganda, censoring opponents & book burning.

@starmum22 #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

A🧵on the great unanswered questions of our time. You all know them, you’ve all asked them and all you get in reply are circular definitions, insults or tumbleweed.

1. What rights do trans people currently not have?
2. Why is it ok to identify into a sex but not a race/ethnicity/disability?
3. Why is standing up for women’s rights transphobic?
4. Why do you care about preferred pronouns when they’re used if you are elsewhere?
5. If trans women are women what they transitioning from?
6. If trans women are women why do they need to transition?
7. Where are all the middle aged women transitioning?
8. If trans men are men, why are they not dominating men’s sports?
9. If being trans is not a medical condition, why do you need medical interventions?
10.How can you be both trans and non-binary?
11.Why does it take surgery and drugs to be your true authentic self?
12.Where are the statistics showing trans people are attacked at a greater rate than other groups of people?
13.Why are trans women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces justified but women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces means they are hateful bigots?
14.Why is it not ok to misgender a trans person but fine to call someone ‘cis’ when they’ve asked you not to?
15.If gender is a social construct and anyone can dress/behave however they want, why the need for transition?
16.If sex isn’t real, why transition?
17.Why do feelings trump material reality?
18.Do you believe that adult male born people with a penis should be able to undress in female communal changing rooms with women and girls?
Feel free to add your own.

Declan Hayes #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy canadianpatriot.org

Adolf Hitler’s elite SS Leibstandarte kick started today’s Transgender™ industry when they dressed as drag queens in the 1942 film Die Große Liebe (The Great Love), featuring Zarah Leander, one of the Führer’s favorite film stars. Hitler, as a glance at those he had killed in his Night of the Long Knives to cover up his male prostitution years in Vienna and his incestuous relationship with Geli Raubal, his own niece (who suicided to escape him), was as camp as the SA thugs his SS thugs dispatched. From a Nazi point of view, however, Adolf Hitler’s elite SS Leibstandarte drag queens were in the best of company.

And, though Hitler’s SS Leibstandarte gender benders were obviously fine physical specimens, even better male specimens are today transitioning to females where they are winning all kinds of sex segregated sports that were once the preserve of girls and women and bringing us a bizarre clone of Huxley’s Brave New World, fascism with a trans human face.
Trans-humanism is the Orgy Islanders’ revamped eugenics movement that is evolving into a neo-superman philosophy and the Orgy Island A listers – Nobel Prize-winning physicist Murray Gell-Mann; the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking; the paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; neurologist Oliver Sacks; molecular engineer George M. Church; and the entire staff of Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, which Epstein kick started with a $6.5 million donation – are amongst their key collaborators to make Epstein’s ilk the new Abrahams and, as with Genesis 26:4, make their “free range” trans-humanist children “as numerous as the stars in the sky” with dominion over “all nations of the earth”. Epstein had even ear marked his New Mexico ranch for this purpose of inseminating young girls and, much like the SS hospitals did in their time, raising the new-born to be the new trans-human master race.

RawSienna , notsofreshfeeling & drdeeisback #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What does it mean to be ‘treated as' a woman?

( RawSienna )
What TIMs mean when they say this is “you better pretend I’m a woman when it suits me, so I can go slumming in misogyny when I feel like it because it gives me hate-boners”.

For women, it means being mistreated to varying degrees in culturally-specific ways depending geographic location.

( notsofreshfeeling )
TiMs never experience misogyny; they can't go slumming in it. It takes about 10 seconds max to clock the most passable TiM on earth.

( RawSienna )
I phrased it badly. No, of course they dont experience misogyny…they’re misogynists. What I was trying to say is that misogyny excites them sexually.

( drdeeisback )
Excellent. And yeah, 'treated like a woman' makes zero sense--it seems, when asked, the only nonsexual and nonsexist answers are 'people saying she about me and being able to use spaces for women'. Aside from the fact that this is, in fact, a sexual answer, it's not as if men don't have the word 'he' and spaces for men.

@SophieXY44 #transphobia twitter.com

If a man stood outside a woman’s restroom and demanded access or else he would kill himself, it’d be seen as manipulative and abusive. But if he claims to be a woman, women are told to capitulate else his death be on their hands.

Spoiler: It’s STILL manipulative and abusive.

JonFreeman #wingnut #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

given that libs is the "lazy party" (i.e. "I can help everyone by literally doing nothing and sheltering in my house? SIGN ME UP! WHERE CAN I BERATE OTHERS FOR STEPPING OUTSIDE?") ...

it's no wonder that "strong female leads" written by feminists are basically drag versions of "asshole male lead".
They can't figure out how to write their own likeable character, so they gender swap and call it a victory for womanhood.
actually, that explains a lot about feminists...

Shmuel "Sam" Coinsniffer #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why are troons always the masculine ones - I think I might have solved this mystery

Every tranny lolcow ever has an anvil jaw, 5'oclock shadow and look like a caveman with a wig. Not only do they never pass, but they are always the most masculine ones that decide to troon out. But why?

I was listening to MATI, and Jewrsh was talking about the autist-to-troon pipeline. Most trannies are autistic, this isn't news either. So autism, masculinity and trannies, how do they all connect.

I present to you: The extreme male brain theory:

The extreme male brain, explained

TL;DR Autists are exposed to abnormal amount of testosterone in utero and this affects the brain.

Well, actually it affects the appearance as well:

They created two sets of composite images made up of the facial appearance of individuals scoring high and low for symptoms of ASD. When these images were rated they found males with more symptoms of ASD to be rated as more masculine in appearance.

This finding not only lends support to Baron-Cohen’s theory but also connects physical traits and behaviour through hormonal effects.

Masculine Features Support ‘Extreme Male Brain’ Theory Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Puzzle solved or am I being autistic.

for every tranny that passes


theres a dozen more that are built like linebackers with jawlines that could cut glass


Sick of seeing Chad trannies with a nicer jawline than me.

Many such cases! am lowkey jealous

When TiMs are confronted or misgendered, they get angry and resort to violence, while TiFs hide and start crying. They can cut off their tits and dick but they can't dig out the socialization (or autism).

Now find a link between autism and transitioning

Autist becomes incel becomes tranny. It's such a common thing Incel wiki has an article on it.


Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia naturalnews.com

The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels.
The British Royal Navy just launched an aircraft carrier (the HMS Prince of Wales) that broke down just one day into a four-month mission. Apparently, one of the propellers (the “screws”) won’t work, and the multi-billion dollar vessel can only sail around in circles. Somehow, this is entirely fitting, given the insanity, corruption and incompetence of the not just the British Empire but the entire swath of Western European nations that now demonstrate pure incompetence and suicidal tendencies. No doubt there are plenty of transgenders, gays and lesbians on board the HMS Prince of Wales, but none of them can figure out how to make the propellers work. This is the perfect showcase of what western civilization has become: An incompetent, groomified Idiocracy of gender delusions and bureaucratic stupidity, pretending to still be a world power while their own people ready to be frozen and starved to death in a few months’ time
The total takedown of America has been the goal all along, of course, among Democrats who despise families, children and the rule of law. We now live in a nation where armed Antifa lunatics stand guard to protect trannies and child groomers — in the state of Texas, no less — while police are ordered to stand down and watch. If armed conservatives guarded a conservative speaker, that would be deemed an “insurrection” or an act of “extremism.”

GraceHoward1729 #transphobia ovarit.com

What does it mean to be ‘treated as' a woman?


Men: oh btw for some of us it's not enough to jack off to your pain, we actually want to be treated like you!! like women just like you hahah! and we'll pretend to be you, and you have to pretend too!! haha oh even though we have male bodies so we're not actually oppressed lol we just want to be treated less than and we want to perform 'femininity' like you're forced to and we want to be treated like the subordinate sex class and thus redefine you in law and society as actually being the subordinate 'gender' created by patriarchy! we have pink gender souls and so do you haha and female brains lol we'll call the porn 'sissification' and our existences 'feminisation'.

yeah yeah we know cross-dressing is the most common paraphilia of convicted sex offenders but shhhh shhhh let us in the spaces you fought hard for girlies we'll wear your oppression like a costume and get breast implants and jack off to you being degraded lol it's ‘gender affirming’ it’s our right!!! this is the men's sexual rights movem- oop i mean "trans rights movement" hahahah oh btw call us women, because we are women, 'women' is just a male fetish now. lol all that shit how we treat you cos you have a female body, all that shit you’ve been fighting against for centuries, we want that enshrined in law that you have to be treated that way, we’ll erase centuries of feminism just because we sickos want that misogynistic treatment lol. ha and if you object you’re ‘transmisogynists’. oh btw there's no such thing as female. so we’ll erase you too. and btw what kind of hormones does your ‘female’ body naturally produce? we're going to start injecting that. fuck yeah. omg is that 'milk' coming out of my moobs? let me force-feed this disgusting synthetic shit to a child. im a mother! but there’s no such thing as mother. ha this isn’t child abuse!! oh women btw while we redefine you in law and society to mean that you are how misogynists treat you, you’re going to have to call us ‘she’ and shut the fuck up about it. lol

2nd wave feminists: NO-

men: fuck you stfu cissexist transphobic terf swerf disgusting transmisogynist cissies stop oppressing me I will rape you with my girldick

2nd wave feminists:

2nd wave feminists: general public, are you hearing this? hello?!


Moonlit Piglet, foreword Wesley Yang #pratt #transphobia wesleyyang.substack.com

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been interviewing teachers and parents of schoolchildren caught up in the ongoing transgender social contagion that is an open secret visible to all teachers and parents in certain Blue enclaves. I spoke to multiple parents who reported that between 20 percent and 50 percent all the girls in their children’s middle or high school classrooms identify as trans or non-binary. The following is written by someone whose identity I have confirmed, who teaches in a Blue enclave somewhere in America.

Last month, I wrote another piece for Wesley’s Substack where I talked about the biggest barrier to discussing DEI programs productively: If you’re honest about what’s going on, no one will believe you, because it just sounds too crazy to be true.

Here are some solid figures: I had six classes last year, and I didn’t have a single one without multiple students who identified as transgender. The absolutely lowest number was two in a 26-person class. 70% or so of these students are female, and talk about breast binding and “top surgery” are common conversation topics at lunch time.

It’s relatively common for students to transition, detransition, and transition again, especially in response to the identity shifts in their classmates. At one point, a single student’s decision to go with they/them pronouns set off a chain reaction that resulted in four more of her friends doing the same. It’s gotten so ridiculous that a neighboring teacher recommended weekly pronoun checks.

It’s primarily a way for straight kids to make themselves gay.

And why wouldn’t they?

In these internet-poisoned youth subcultures, being a boring straight kid (especially a boring straight girl!) puts you at the absolute bottom of the hierarchy, a totally acceptable target for barely-concealed contempt and passive bullying. I had a group of queer students who ate lunch by my desk every day, and every other joke they made was about the one “token heterosexual” who liked to hang out with them.

Of course, she was non-binary too by the end of the year – you can only take peers “punching up” at you for so long before you’d want to join them on their level.

LavenderLane #transphobia ovarit.com


spoilerOne day most of the women who are TERFs now will
claim they never were, because it will be so
embarrassing. Like all the people who don't admit they
voted for Thatcher

More likely: most parents who transed their kid and then watch them suffer/die young will cry that they were manipulated by our media and the medical industry. It’s going to take probably another 5-15 years but there’s going to be a wave of these doctors getting their asses handed to them in lawsuits.

@Woman4W #transphobia twitter.com

If trans people existed through all of history and just sat back and watched what women went through & never bothered raising their heads above the parapet until we fought for and won our own rights, that narrative is one of abject cowardice and not worthy of respect.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

It’s a war on White America.

It’s planned demolition of Christians.
Kike fave, Hillary the Hildebeast, converted classified records for her own use, destroyed the proof on the heels of a federal subpoena.

Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ that’s embezzlement, a crime.

But no raid.

Berman, Tapperman, and Blitzer of Jew-run CNN spun Hunter’s laptop exposing the Big Guy on the take in Ukraine as Russian disinfo.

It’s now debunked.

Under penalty of ‘not being above the law,’ Biden committed money laundering, a crime.

No raid.
The imported invaders, election fraud, recall fraud with Gascon, cultural filth, Rachel Levines, BLM looting, demographic diluting, energy collapse, inflation rise, demonization of Whites, weaponization of leftist ideology, FBI Gestapo, CRT indoctrination, Madison Avenue miscegenation, youth castration, porn proliferation, selective incarceration, rampant crime, Soros’ DAs, Big Brother’s bureaucratic standing army, wider federal centralization, deep state fortification, gun confiscation, de-industrialization, unbridled FED, DC entrenchment, Jew-packed courts, Jew-bought Congress, Big Tech censorship, Goldman-Sachs offshoring, half the country deplorables, food prices soaring, domestic war on terror, weaponized IRS tax collectors, patriots as domestic extremists, vaccine gene pool damage, pedos running the schools, money laundering in foreign nations, money laundering from foreign nations, billions to Ukraine, Israelization of foreign policy, bloated military, the unending HoloHoax, media lies, mocking all hard-working White folks, cracks in the Covid jigsaw, scorn of brotherly love, jews and their shills above the law.

We’re being robbed and murdered, swindled out of our sovereignty by the synagogue of satan.

And Trump’s gonna fix this?

Stop pleasing the Jews? He won’t risk it.

Another ‘plandemic?’ Trump took the jab, enabled the lab.

Only secession will fix this.

The Trump Raid is just noise to distract from the ravages of the tiny hat boys.

Moe Bedard the Gnostic Warrior #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia gnosticwarrior.com

The great Greek philosopher, Socrates once said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

In today’s modern culture of social media and virtue signaling, there is a massive trend among people to support things and new ideologies that they have no real knowledge about.

It’s been dubbed the “I support the current thing #trend.”

It’s a way to say that you support something without having to do any work or research.

You just have to show up, and say, “I support this thing.”

Meaning, that, unlike Socrates, they do not know that they know nothing. But they act, lie, and will even fight you as if they do.
This trend is pushing many people to support and defend certain new ideologies they have no real knowledge about that can be potentially harmful to our nation’s youth and future. They are also contrary to our nation’s history and its traditional values.

I think we all know by now that the world is not black or white. There are shades of gray in every situation and topic.
The problem is that when you do that, you are supporting the wrong thing. If you don’t even know what it is, then how can you support it?

If you’re going to support something, be sure you know what you’re supporting before you do so. There are plenty of people who don’t know what they’re talking about and have no idea what they’re actually supporting.

If you don’t know anything about something, then don’t be foolish and support it. Also, do not expose your children to new woke ideologies and mentally ill drag queens that can damage their minds and ruin their lives.

You will not only look like an idiot and child abuser – you will become one.

Knowledge equals power!

This ancient fact will never change no matter what trend ignorant social justice warriors try to impose upon other people.

In regards to real knowledge (Gnosis), as former Navy SEAL and podcast celebrity, Jocko Willinck would say, “Get some!”

@prof_curiosity1 #transphobia twitter.com

Trans activism demands in a nutshell:
➡️male bodied people can access ALL women's spaces & undress in front of girls/women
➡️Male bodied sex offenders can access female victims in prison
➡️Gay, GNC, autistic children who are gender questioning to be chemically sterilised.

17throwaways17 , La_Terfa & Mandy #transphobia ovarit.com

The way gender non conforming women are being treated is pushing them
The way GNC women are treated is making more and more think they are "nonbinary" or shouldn't be women because theyre not feminine

It's making me so angry

Theres is tiktok by this GNC woman and now her experience is making her "dysphoric" like fuck that.


( La_Terfa )
One of the biggest evils of transgenderism is telling women that, if they're not completely flawlessly feminine (in a caricature-like way), or don't like being sexualized and abused by men, they're not really women.

( Mandy )
All the women who don't like it can exclude themselves from the category of women; the women who remain will aspire to perform as sex objects for men as the ultimate validation of their identity. They will compete among themselves to be the most objectified. They will objectify themselves to gain male approval.

Helen Joyce #transphobia twitter.com

It seems there needs to be some honesty here from you and those who don’t consider trans women to be women that you wish to continue to call them men. Because if not the case then there is a very small group of women who were born with a penis and in some cases retain it.

I used to think that it was "kind" to refer to people how they wished. But now we have male rapists in women's jails, male athletes in women's sports, lesbians told they're bigots if they won't sleep with males, etc. So, yes, I am going to insist on saying who people actually are

Helen Staniland #transphobia twitter.com

This hasn't happened here.
Social transition isn't a harmless act. If a school forces staff and pupils to call a male pupil 'she', it's then much more difficult to make the case that that pupil should not be able to access changing rooms set aside for female students. They count.

What makes Ministers in this Government get up in the morning & think: “what hateful & hurtful thing can I say today about a very vulnerable minority of young people?” Replace “trans” with “black” or “gay” & you get my drift. We’re back to Section 28, but this is worse.

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

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