
Licensedtoshill007 #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

REMINDER: Transgender day of Remembrance is bullshit LLP

It's just a bunch of self centered, egotistical assholes trying to co-opt Remembrance Day for themselves. Remembrance Day is where we remember actual heros that gave their lives for our country and those who served it.

Tranny day of remembrance is supposed to be the same thing because a bunch of selfish assholes who were so desperate for attention they pretend to be another gender often kill themselves. That's a far cry from giving your lives so others may live. I honestly couldn't give two fucks if more trannies kill themselves than normal people, they could easily decide to stop being so self centered and act normal but choose not to.

Fuck these SJW for trying to steal something that belongs to the troops and the vets and make it about themselves.

degustibus #transphobia reddit.com

The fact that he's having these fantasies and going as far as to share them as if anyone buys it is making me very worried. This person should not be in a female bathroom where he might encounter female children. I'd be interested to read the comments on this post.
Is he really so delusional he wonders why he's being "misgendered"? 😒
Eta: Found the post and, in news shocking no one, not a single person found his bathroom story strange or concerning enough to remark upon.

Did you actually ponder if this man were delusional enough to wonder about why he's misgendered?
See, any man who thinks he'll be able to transform into a woman and have a better life is already so far gone that nothing else should really surprise you, but it's an honest reaction.
While there are some men who on some level can eventually pass at a distance, I get a kick out of the guys who will never really have a shot at it, I'm thinking of the guys I've known my height who go for it. What? You're 6'2", now you're wearing heels and strutting around at 6'5", just knowledge of height distribution makes you as a woman so unlikely. Or Bruce Jenner. Guy was on a Wheaties box for being a champion guy jock. Now he wants us all to play along with the fantasy that he has blossomed into Caitlyn. And media play along with this fantasy, actually daring to refer to him as Brody Jenner's mother. What? No, his actual mother is still alive, she's the one who gave birth to him, you know, baby i the uterus then delivered through the vagina. And then she nursed and raised her son. We're in some really bizarre times.

Yes, it always shocks me because I just can’t fathom looking in the mirror, seeing THAT, and thinking you actually look female to the point where you get confused/pissy when people see a MAN. I know this is a mental illness but it’s just so jarring.

The whole thing is funny and infuriating to me. I have been diagnosed with a mental illness or two, one is considered pretty serious. But even at my worst times I haven't mutilated my reproductive organs. I haven't insisted that others address me as another sex or participate in an alternate reality with me. And the state considers my one mental illness so bad that they took away my rights for 5 years, put me on a database, confiscated property, sent cops to all my addresses on record in case I retained any firearms.... But I never threatened anyone, never hurt anyone, simply got hospitalized. Yet much of our society now has decided that a man or a woman can flip sexes if they say they feel like they were born in the wrong body. And we're supposed to encourage every younger people to take the opposite sex's hormones and have surgeries and learn to deceive people. These people are supposed to be heroes. Traitor Bradley Manning got his time in Leavenworth shortened in no small part cause he became Chelsea and was so much more sympathetic. Bruce Jenner starts some nasty transformation in his 60s and while this process is going on plays some part in a fatal car accident which normally would have gotten lots more scrutiny, but Bruce was becoming Caitlyn and all of a sudden is ESPN's person of the year? Our country has jumped the shark.

sierramike76 #transphobia reddit.com

OK, here's what I don't understand. Forgive the crudeness, but I've seen much made of the phrase "post-nut clarity" all over the Internet lately. Do these dudes have any?? I mean, who wants to perform their fetish, or even think about their most minor proclivities, 24/7? That sounds to me outlandish, deeply distasteful, and absolutely exhausting.

That’s the thing, quite a few of these men talk about their “dysphoria” going away after they masturbate. They are so dense and in so much denial that they still won’t admit that the presence of “post-nut clarity” means that it is literally a fetish, fantasy tool, and addiction.

Because admitting that, even to themselves, would make them question everything in their lives. They are harming everyone with their forced public humiliation fetish, and they don’t want to believe that fact. No one wants to be the villain in their own story. It’s why they hug-box each other, and why questions aren’t allowed. It’s why when another man questions if maybe it’s just a fetish he has and that deep down he’s worried he’s not really trans, they all jump in with the validation and the uwus. That’s how fragile the web they’ve spun is. All it takes is a handful of men with this fetish questioning this where everyone can see it, and the whole thing falls apart.

EquivalentApple & vanny543 #transphobia reddit.com


Estrogen does slow their aging. They often do look younger than other men their age if they’ve been on it for a while.
Of course, TIMs who pass well enough to look like a woman look old for their age when seen as female. 26 year old semi-convincing TIMs look 46.


This is definitely true. One of my better male friends used to be a TIM and started hrt when he was 15–because he was so young (far too young) he started genuinely looking like a female over time, but he literally looked like he was a 25 year old woman when he was 16. The exact opposite happens to TIFs.

TrappedInMensBodies #transphobia reddit.com

Incels- actual incels, not people who want an excuse for not making the effort- hate these kinds of people. If you're too ugly to pass as a man you're not going to find more success as a- in their eyes- delusional woman.

And if it's because you're just looking for an acceptable way to express your own homosexuality- it's more common than you may expect- incels still hate it because homosexual men tend to be extremely promiscuous, have many sexual partners, and tend to have lower standards than women per statistics.

Guys on TheRedPill and pick up artists hate MGTOW. What does this have to do with the fact that they all hate and degrade women?

Any outside observer can see what this is. Incels and this new wave of TIMs who discovered their identity through Internet forums, porn, and anime (I'll just call them 'transbians') are both mediocre pornsick young men who are emotionally incapable of interacting with women. There has been research done which shows that watching porn from a young age causes a disconnect in the male mind.

First of all, their only experience with sex is seeing other people doing it on a screen, so they start to view this normal interaction between men and women as something immaterial and unattainable to them. Young men end up watching porn daily and rarely interacting with women, which puts sex on a pedestal in their minds and it becomes unimaginable that they will ever get to sexually interact with a woman. Incels take this despair out on women in the form of frustration and rampant misogyny, meanwhile Transbians cope with these hopeless desires by pushing them inwards, so being a girl becomes their new unobtainable goal.

Second of all, exposure to porn before natural sexual interests develop naturally leads people to develop their interests around what they see in porn, which is unfortunate because porn viewers tend to rapidly accelerate the intensity of the stuff that they watch as time goes on because the brain needs more and more dopamine forever. My theory is that incels ended up at abuse/rape porn while Transbians ended up at sissy hypno porn.

Any transbian would've been an incel if they took a slightly different path.

DeliciousBadger & smiolet #transphobia reddit.com


This is the worst and most dangerous thing about the cult.

Not only do they take hormones and ruin whatever sex drive they had with porn addiction, they try and drag others into it too.

I think it's a case of "if I can get others to think the same it will justify my mental illness" type thing. That and, unfortunately, plenty of incels who have very few friends will easily fit in the trans community.

Just think of how malicious this is, though. Convincing confused and mentally ill men that they should take hormones to permanently change their body and then also possibly cut their dick off to leave a gaping wound there instead. Like the top comment says as well, using the excuse that "feeling good when thinking about being a girl means your trans" is just blatantly not true.

I don't wake up and think "it feels good to be a man." I just am. That "feeling good" they experience is literally just arousal after hours of sissy hypno porn.


Almost this exact thing happened in a group I attend. Basically, this man in the group was talking about how he enjoys cross dressing (not drag though, he clarified that) and he's straight and single. He said he felt he was going to be alone forever because he crossdresses, said he was ashamed.

People in the group started saying he might be trans. He kept telling them that he is not trans. Eventually he flat out said that cross dressing is sexual for him, that he is aroused by it. There are two trans people in this group, and one of them told him that that is a very normal experience for trans people. The other trans person was nodding their head. They then asked if he wanted to start 'cross dressing' in public. I wanted to ducking scream. Thankfully, he was super patient and said 'NO, it's a fetish. That's why I'm ashamed of it. I'm not trans, it's role play.' They then tried to tell him that he is gender fluid. Eventually the group therapist changed the discussion.

Upper_Canada_Pango #transphobia reddit.com

Yup. Check out the very real sub /r/transmaxxing for more incels choosing to transition, the thing that never happens so often that they have their own subreddit.

Christ, what is wrong with men.

There's been a large degree of social breakdown, and a general shift further towards narcissistic behaviours in wider society. Obviously there's always been men like this but my hypothesis is that stemming from this increasing numbers of boys growing up are not being taught the positive 'masculine virtues' - things like restraint, setting and striving for realistic goals, and teamwork.

NewRedditSucksDick69 #racist reddit.com

[Comments under "TIL in 1984 a group of Australian Aboriginal people living a traditional nomadic life were discovered in the Gibson desert in Western Australia. They had been unaware of the arrival of Europeans on the continent, let alone cars - or even clothes."]


Joseph Tjapaltjarri

Really the most insane thing is this name. I like to think it isn't a translation and Joseph popped up in their language as a name.

Reply from NewRedditSucksDick69:

Bear in mind, this is coming from someone who’s race has a literally below room temperature average IQ. I’d take any semi-coherent thought they attempt to put together with a grain of salt.

9Hero #psycho reddit.com

[OP of "North Korean punishments are inhumane, but quite effective"]

While North Korea has nothing to be proud of, how they've managed to control and manipulate their population & avoiding a civil war is quite impressive in my opinion.

Understanding the Kim regime's resilience requires an understanding of the tools it has used to stay in power. The first is social engineering—creating a country where the very building blocks of opposition are lacking. North Korea has no merchant or land-owning class, independent unions, or clergy. Intellectuals are regime-loyal bureaucrats, not dissidents, and strict restrictions on the activities of students have cowed them into submission.

Second, the regime pushes an ideology. The Supreme Leader (suryong) system established Kim Il-sung as the center of a cult of personality. At the core of the regime's juche ideology is nationalism with a xenophobic, even racist, slant. Anti-Japanese sentiment, hostility to South Korea, and propaganda against the United States create legitimacy for the regime. As the regime inculcates its ideology and cult of personality, it strives for tighter controls on information. In the 1990s, after the famine, the regime's control of information decreased and cross-border smuggling grew, but recently the regime has tried to reassert its control.

Perhaps most important, the North Korean regime is brutal in its use of force. Dissent is detected through an elaborate network of informants working for multiple internal security agencies. People accused of relatively minor offenses undergo "reeducation"; those accused of more serious transgressions are either immediately executed or interred in miserable political prison camps. Even more daunting, according to the "three generations" policy, the regime punishes not only the individual responsible for the transgressions but his or her whole family.

People accused of political crimes are arrested and sentenced to prison camps without trials, while their families are often kept in the dark about their whereabouts. Up to 120,000 inmates were in the country’s four major political prisons in 2014 and were subjected to gruesome conditions, according to the United Nations report.

Two million to three million people were believed to have died during an extended famine in North Korea in the 1990s, The New York Times reported in 1999, around when the country began to recover.

At the time, North Korea used food as a tool to enforce political loyalty, prioritizing its distribution based on who was most useful to the nation’s political system, the United Nations report stated.

More recently, the inmate population in North Korea’s political prison camps has been culled through “deliberate starvation,” the report found, adding that suspects are also starved “to increase the pressure on them to confess and to incriminate other persons.”

These punishments are extremely inhumane as everyone knows but they're quite effective in asserting power and control. I'm quite impressed at how even the military is starved to cripple them from even having any thoughts of oppossition. The abuse is so blatant that no one dares to even think about rivolting against their leader.

IEatzCookies #psycho #sexist reddit.com

in regards to this article

sounds like it wasn't even "real" rape. they were both drunk, fucked, and she regretted it later. not anyones fault, just alcohol

She was unconscious when he started having sex with her. That’s not consensual.

if he was drunk then he clearly wasn't in his right mind either.

That doesn’t make it acceptable. And we don’t know if he was drunk or not.

no, it's not acceptable, but it's also not his fault alone, it's both of theirs.

so it’s her fault she was raped?

If a drunk man and a drunk woman have sex and the next day she regrets it, what, the guy raped her? That's fucking retarded.

She didn’t “regret it the next day.” He had sex with her when she was unconscious and unable to consent.

That's what she says now. But you're talking about a woman who's gross enough to cheat on her boyfriend with her "rapist" just to feel empowered. I can't honestly take anything she says seriously, and I don't understand how you can either.

But that's the new thing nowadays. "All women are innocent little flowers who should be able to have sex all they want without being called sluts, but they can also call rape every time they regret it afterwards." Honestly when are we going to stop holding people's hands and let them grow up.

IEatzCookies #psycho #sexist reddit.com

I provided a sensible, logical argument why the guy who's also DRUNK is not completely at fault either, just like if a woman who was drunk and gave a handjob to a drunk guy who had passed out would not be a rapist either. But you're completely ignoring my point by beating a dead horse with your exhausted argument. I'm not defending rape. If a DRUNK man who is unaware of his actions has sex with a woman who is drunkenly unconscious, it is not okay, but it does not quantify as being the same level of sex crime as a man who holds a woman at gunpoint and rapes her while both parties are sober and conscious.
The fact that you're trying to equate ACTUAL RAPE with a person drunk out of their mind having sex with another drunk person who can't say no is disgusting. Not only does it villify people who are simply under the influence, but it is an insult to women and men who are actually raped. Someone who is forced to have sex while both parties are sober and aware of their surroundings has gone through a much more horrifying ordeal than someone who passed out drunk and another drunk person had sex with them.
Now, if the person having sex with the drunken and unconscious person is SOBER, then it is absolutely rape. But that's not what we're talking about. What we are talking about is how YOU are saying that if a man and a woman are drunk, it is the man who must be put to blame for anything that happens.
I do not defend rape, I think it's horrible, whichever gender it happens to. But if something is NOT rape, then it shouldn't be treated like rape.

Hapacels #sexist #psycho reddit.com

If a female did not say “no” to sex, then it’s a yes by default

Many men are getting falsely accused of rape now just because females feel violated despite the fact that they haven’t communicated properly. If you didn’t say no to sex, it’s your fault if a man put his penis in your vagina even if you didn’t want it. After all, how is he supposed to know?

If you drank alcohol and claimed to be too drunk to say no, you still consented because you chose to drink in the first place.

If a guy grabs your ass and you didn’t say no, then it’s not really sexual assault.

I don’t care if you are shy. Or your body shuts down when you are afraid. In fact, if you freeze instead of running/fighting in dangerous situations, that’s a mental illness and you need professional help, but don’t blame men for your mental disorders because it’s not their fault that they didn’t know you didn’t want it.

Even if a man said that he will kill your daughter if you won’t fuck him, it’s still not rape to have sex with him. You chose to pay the sex ransom. Now take responsibility.

Just because you felt violated doesn’t mean you were raped. Regret isn’t rape. Rape isn’t based on how you feel. If you didn’t communicate properly, it’s on you and the guy shouldn’t be punished for not knowing since it’s not his fault. If you have trouble standing up to yourself then get help, but don’t blame the guy. It’s your problem, not his.

__asamara__ #racist reddit.com

Holocaust is being committed once again. But don't worry. In 70 years, these suffering Muslims will provide an awesome origin storyline for Marvel's movies. And hundreds of thousands of Chinese and westerners will get their Ph.D on this subject matter. Not to mention many tear-jerking Oscar-worthy movies and books.

(deleted account) #homophobia #psycho reddit.com


N8_the_B8_88 #racist reddit.com

[OP of "Rant: I fucking had it with gypsies" - the user of from Czechia]

These little brown cunts have been problem in my city since the end of Communism, not only they dont work, abuse welfare and are dumb as rocks, but they also like to steal and generally do bad shit, back in the day these bitches had a ghetto far from the city where they lived in isolated, but few years ago, lefttards came in with their plan to "diversify the city in order to eliminate racism" and now, because gypsies are literally multiplying like rats, the 2/3s of the city are literally infested with this human filth and the city is in ruins, so all I can say is
Thank you for listening, have a good day

ABunchofTards #sexist reddit.com

Honestly, letting women in the military is a horrible idea. They make inferior soldiers for obvious reasons, and even in support roles, the amount of love triangles and gender strife will severely degrade unit cohesion.

You're not likely to have your buddy's back if you have to listen to him fucking the girl you like every few nights or so. It's simply unrealistic to expect people not to be people. You can shake your fist at the heavens and damn humans for being the flawed monkeys that they are while refusing to take it into account, or you can plan around our species' flaws and actually get things done.

_w3w3w3w3 #wingnut #racist reddit.com

You know the thing is with the Germans...? They did not want a war, and they did not start the war lol.

Hitler even said in his memos something like "I admire the British, we are very much alike"(I can't remember of the top of my head).
The Jews(Zionists) bankers/media started the war because Hitler could see what they did to Germany in world war 1 and how they were controlling the country etc and keeping them in debt.

He got rid of the Jewish owned bank and created his own currency... that is why they started the war against Germany. You know that the Federal Reserve was created+owned by Jews? and they lobbied the then president(paid him) and called it the "Federal Reserve" and not by random lol it sounds like it is government owned, when in fact it is private.

Henry ford the car manufacturer wrote a 3-page book of sorts about the "Jews" and how they had a monopoly on everything and how they were corrupt and started wars etc, etc.

A British aristocrat also has written before the wold war 2 started... "It seems we are heading for war again, because of the fucking Jews".
They created and owned the financial system, and the media back then(they still basically do)... they had complete control over the masses... if you think "fake news" now is a problem, back then they printed all sorts of lies to start the war, so that they could say to the British "we will fund you, but you have to give us what is now Israel from the Palestinians"... Also, what they wanted was something bad to happen to the Jews in Germany so that in the future there would be this term called antisemitism... so they can not be question on anything they do in the future (And as you know, it has worked out well... merely say the word JEW and people why call you racist etc). Hitler said he did not want a war many times to Churchill but he was paid by them... this has been proven and there is evidence of a Jewish owned oil company that paid Churchill 700k in today's money, that was how Churchill who was on a MPs wage, and then a PMs wage... was able to afford a massive mansion stately home and 20+ servants... his "advisor" was also a Jew.

Also, It has been found out that the polish massacres etc and massive grave sites that were thought to of been the nasty Germans, was in fact the Russians... they dressed in German clothing and rape/butcherd/tortured/ innocent polish women,child,men, no matter the age etc, and left some alive to tell the "tale". This was found out to be a lie, and was proven the Churchill and the USA president must have known about this at the time, but still signed off on it.

Problems arose for Germany when they sorted their country out from the Jews...

You see, the Jews were pushing books...books that contained degenerate things such as "sex changes", "genders", and all that filth about women not being part of the family, not having kids, all the stuff today that is wrecking society, communist books, etc... and guess what? mostly all those degenerate books were written by, you guessed it... Jews, those were the only books the Germans burnt lol.

The Jewish media all around the world was causing problems for Germany, they were telling the Jews in Germany to"revolt" against the German people... and such. It started of with "strikes" and "not buying German goods" and it went of for weeks, in the end Hitler decided Germany will have 1 day were they don't buy Jewish things/close Jewish shops etc... then the Jews started doing what we would call "terrorist attacks" like Islamist's do... killing innocent Germans etc, this went of for a long time... Hitler did nothing, in the end it was the German people that went mad and started smashing up Jewish owned shops etc... Hitler ordered it to stop, and anyone that carried on, would be arrested. For years he let the Jews leave to another country and helped them, he was even going to give them Madagascar to settle on a place of their own, but the British I think took that and that idea went out the window. You see... Hitler was not this "evil" person, that just randomly started one day killing Jews lol and wanted to take over the world, that is nonsense.

Hitler was the first leader of a nation to outlaw the cruelty of animals, to ban drink driving, etc... He "won" by an democratic election, and loosened gun laws and opened gun clubs for his people. His country was in ZERO debt to the Jewish bankers and the country was finally prospering... THIS is why they started the war, the Jews, again...

The polish were the first to attack Germany as after world war 1, polish had claimed some German territory and a small slice of Germany was cut off from "Germany" ... Hitler, in the end... did go and help those people, but not for a while... as he did not want to start a war. The polish cut up, tortured, and raped those German people...

Also, the territory up north that people say he "invaded" was no such thing, he was welcome their and said to them he was only there so he could defend Germany and the people their had no troubles.

The Germans actually did not bomb us, until Churchill sent the RAF to bomb German civilians... which happened many times as Hitler did not want to start a war and did not retaliate... so Churchill kept doing it, as he needed the Germans to bomb us to involve the Americans. Eventually Hitler did bomb us...

It is funny how we sided with the communist Russians when STALIN killed millions and millions of people... and had connections to Jews and was himself a Jew...

Hitler did not want a war so badly he even sent a plane over London/UK and dropped flyers stating he did not want a war, as the Jewish owned media would not say that to the people...

The text I have written may not be in perfect order lol... but you get the picture. The Jews owned the media and the financial system, they drove the narrative.

The ones that win the war, can write history...

Even historians etc say world war 2 narrative does not add up, and things are just "missing" entirely or later proven to be false and lies, etc...
End of the day... Hitler defended his German people from the polish that were slaughtering the German civilians caught between Poland and Germany, and reclaimed the land that was stolen from the Germans in world war 1 from the polish as well as at the time Poland was starving them and killing them as well as they were all basically "Germans" and spoke "German". They were happy to see the German soldiers arrive and save them.
Polish started that little conflict, but then it was "over". There was no need for any war lol... Hitler was not randomly killing Jews then or wanting a war with anyone.

If you think I am chatting shit. Please watch Europa: The last battle 1-10 parts. LINK: https://www.reddit.com/r/altunitedkingdom/comments/dp0tiv/europa_the_last_battle_full_10_part_series_links/

Also, just a quick one... the 3 senates that disapproved of the Federal reserve were on the titanic... the titanic sunk.(Not saying this has anything to do with it... but interesting none the less lol) 3 weeks later it was approved. JFK... he said the country is under the control of the Jews, he wanted to do what Hitler had done...move away from the Jewish owned bank and system and create own etc... he died 6months later... interesting again.

Hilter never would of "invaded" us, if it was not for the zionists starting the war and Churchill being brought and paid for making Germany our enemy no matter the cost even when they did not want a war. We would not be speaking German. If anything we would be free'er and not be in such a degenerate state of affairs with indoctrinating our children, women not wanting to get married and have a family, a normal family now being a man who is now a woman, a women who is now a man with a dick, a child who was born a boy but is now a girl and so on....

EDIT: The polish only did what they did because there leader was a commie... and just like Stalin. The polish in today's world is the most based nation most likely, and Orban is great. Things have changed of course... poland was tricked into doing what they did at the time, through the Jewish zionists.

WARNING: If you watch this... you will not look at the world again the same way. It explains everything from the beginning to when the financial system was created, and by who(jews) up until today's events... SOROS flooding countries with immigrants etc(Not random), the pushing of LBGTQ on our children, pushing women to work and give up the family, pushing for abortions etc, etc.... You have been lied to.

TankieTime #moonbat reddit.com

The violence from HK protesters makes me sick

It’s so despicable that these people are being championed by the west and worse, leftists. While the media goes on about HK police murdering protesters (where fam?), these people are violently maiming and beating people from mainland China and other counter-protesters. It’s genuinely sickening and I can’t stand to see another video of a someone being targeted by these bastards.

Solidarity with our comrades facing the real violence in Hong Kong.

BleuNuit_ #magick #god-complex reddit.com

how to bend reality

We all have a subconscious mind and a conscious mind, 95% of our life is run by the subconscious mind and 5% with the conscious mind, thats why it's so hard to be who you want to be, because your conscious mind wants to be it, but you never become who you want to be, because you're stuck with all the subconscious beliefs that you have from the time you were born.

The law of attraction and the law of vibration , all the thoughts that you have generate your reality/outer world of what you think the world is suppose to be, but the thing is, its impossible to control your thoughts and vibration frequency because it runs on auto pilot from the subconscious mind, BUT why the fuck would 95% of your reality would run on subconscious mind with beliefs that you dont even want and dont give a fuck about and that your stuck with, THE REASON IS the subconscious mind exist because it's an energy saving mode, thats why habits exist, to save energy. So you're just a fucking drone, no matter how smart you are or how bad you want it will not change shit, you're stuck on a program.

The more energy and the longer your semen retention streak is, the balance is going to start to change from 95% subconscious mind/5% conscious mind, and at one point you can completely reverse it 100% conscious and the subconscious mind 0%,it wont be of any use!! and at that point you will experience heaven on heart because with 100% energy in the conscious mind you wont have zero beliefs holding you back, you'll be able to attract ANYTHING and become ANYTHING you want to be, when you have 100% conscious mind running, you manifest like crazy, because you believe 100% there is absolutely 0% beliefs limiting that , the subconscious is shutdown, now you become a walking god, you're transcending the game, YOU OWN THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, it takes a long streak/years to completely shutdown the subconscious, but as you go your life is going to be way better even at the ratio of 80% subconscious mind running to 20% conscious mind.

That's why you guys start experiencing synchronicities on SR, because now that your using your conscious mind a bigger % of the day, because you have energy, you start to see things that you think about with your conscious mind in your reality, because now you think about new things that you have enough energy to think about, you're not a 95% drone with beliefs of who you think you are ANYMORE !!!

Reality is a hologram, it's not material, you just see it like that for the time being that your consciousness is stuck in the human body suit.

You bend reality by controlling your thoughts, feelings and emotions, become the master of your life and control it by shutting down the subconscious mind.

Love you all !!!

JohnGaltsWife and her son #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut reddit.com

[OP of "Well, it happened"]

Today I received a call from the assistant principal at my son’s high school. Apparently several students went and complained that my son is a “nazi”, is violent and quick to anger, tells nazi jokes and they feel threatened by him. My son said that he was pulled from class and interviewed by the assistant principal and school resource officer. They searched his bag and questioned him as to why he takes German instead of French or Spanish. They refused to tell him who his accusers are but he has a suspicion that one is a girl who had a crush on him but he rejected her because she is a degenerate complete with “bisexual” and “I don’t stand for the pledge” in her social media bio. He thinks she’s wanting revenge. He swears he has never threatened anyone or shared his beliefs and I trust him implicitly. He admitted he has made some slightly edgy comments during the never ending holocaust chapter.

Any advice? The principal told me he is not in trouble and she took no disciplinary action but wanted me to be aware. These are the kinds of things that can escalate quickly and ruin lives.

afterthe_fapocalypse #sexist reddit.com

Wives: look for an employee not a partner

Hypergamy means I have to manage her. I know the rules, I abide by them, no baring my soul to her and no assumptions of equality. In some ways we are complimentary, but never equal.

Having my shit together, no woman can be a partner to me. None. They just aren't built like that. And as the relationship manager then, my role is not to look for a partnership but to hire an employee. A high-level one, but someone who will work for me and develop the next generation of employees (children) growing up. That will be her project. Mine is ensuring that the whole system (family) functions.

Finally, things like pre-nups and that sort of thing are contracts signed upon hire, not something I sneak in. I'm up front about it.

Advantages of this mentality:

* I make myself into the best business I can to attract applications and make reception of a business card a big deal.

* See the realities of life. I'm hiring, so will I hire someone who can't perform? If she's hit the wall, has baggage (debt, emotional, high n-count), etc. then I don't hire. Maybe I interview, and maybe I let her buy me a few drinks, but "sorry the position you're looking for isn't available".

* I'm the source of valuation, because I'm hiring. It's not "Oh, look, there goes another angel. I hope she likes me!" No. It's whether I like her. I'm the one with the business here, she's the one with the talent. So I hope.

* Approaches and introductions etc. are easy because I'm the one vetting, not going out to be vetted. Rejection anxiety is low, because I'm just looking to hire, not to find the magic unicorn to complete my broken soul. Flirting is just like a cocktail schmooze.

* I have a goal in the exchange apart from earning her approval (the worst) or even just having fun (which isn't bad at all), unlike the beta mindset where I'm just hoping that whatever routines and clothes and tone of voice I've put together makes her like me. No.

* I am also honest at the outset. No games or tricks. I don't mean that I don't use 'game', but I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not, because my focus is on her and who she is, not on me and how I'm being seen.

* If she wants to move 'to the next stage' then she needs to demonstrate why she should be promoted. Not just the "I'm a woman so therefore pay me more for contributing no personal value to your life".

* It helps establish a reward paradigm for her, so I'm not just thinking "that's what she should do" or "that was nice" and then forget about it.

* Lastly, it helps me get into the mindset that I'm training her. I'm training her to contribute value to my life (her job), not for her to appreciate me contributing value to hers (why would I hire someone to work for them?).

I have made mistakes over and over again with women that the above essentially skirts. Just looking at it from a job POV is so relieving.

EvolaDidNothingWrong #conspiracy #wingnut reddit.com

The "space race" is communist propaganda.

The Soviets never went to space. Not only is there no evidence to suggest they did, but the very idea is so ludicrous that even a small child could tell that it's false. First of all, the idea that an allegedly "semifeudal" or "preindustrial" society could advance into one capable of spaceflight in only a few years is so obviously absurd and false that it doesn't even merit a refutation. It simply defies all common sense. Second, there is no record of any real technological progress happening after the coup of 1917. Socialism, being easily the most inefficient system ever devised, would have made technological advancement FAR WORSE, if not nonexistent, than when it was under the supposedly "semifeudal" regime, for the simple reason that socialism destroys all scientific progress: see Lysenko for just one example. Third, given how horribly collectivization destroyed agriculture and livestock and the nonexistent priority the Soviets would continue to place on them, there is no way that anybody would be in any shape to successfully complete so much as one space mission, let alone several of them! The supposed "scientists" (if any either existed or were still alive) would be far, far too malnourished to get started on one. The logical conclusion therefore is that the so-called "space race" is nothing but socialist propaganda. The Cultural Marxists, realizing how miserably their dumbass system failed, made up this bullshit story in order to attract gullible morons to their genocidal ideology about how the Russians successfully traveled to space not once but multiple times.

The simple fact of the matter however is that the communists NEVER even got close to space; all of the achievements in spaceflight, without exception, were achieved by capitalists. Try showing me so much as ONE example that communists made any achievements in spaceflight. I won't hold my breath though; you're never going to find it. Ever. But it must not have been REAL socialism right???

Literally everyone, all Governments, official bodies, observers disagree with you.

No they don't.

Ah yes, I remember when the technologically inept peasantry of the Soviet Union pushed back the Nazi war machine with pitchforks and rocks.

1. There was never a "Nazi war machine" and 2 ) nobody ever invaded the Soviet Union. All of the damage that happened in 1941 to 1945 was caused by communism but of course the dumbass socialists blamed everything but their retarded ideology for it.

And when they dominated the foreign policy of the USA because they were so scared of being infiltrated by those crafty yet illiterate peasants.

This literally never happened.

Even your Capitalists agree the Soviets were first to space, and not only that, they wanted to use Soviet space technology in joint space missions. Or maybe those pesky cultural Marxist peasants took over NASA to spread Socialist lies.

No, but they can still fall for them. You're one example.

Are you saying that they over represent the importance of their space program, or that it never happened and and was invented for propaganda?

Yes. The "space race" never happened. Literally every single "achievement" the Reds made was faked.

Wow that is insane.

Oh but believing that socialism works is perfectly logical? FUCKING LOL

SocialistsWorstEnemy #conspiracy #wingnut reddit.com

Germany never invaded Communist Russia

Before I begin, don't get me wrong. I utterly despise "fascism" and "national socialism". Hitler was a dumbass who made mistake after mistake, such as trying to reclaim the word "Nazi" (a slur coined by leftists to shut down debate and silence anybody who criticized their genocidal ideology), failing to privatize healthcare (which would have improved everybody's health by AT LEAST 25%), failing to officially ally with England, stupidly bailing out businesses rather than letting the market sort it out, and despite having 12 years to do so they never managed to neutralize even as little as one socialist.

But "invading Russia" wasn't one of them. Basically the Reds were paranoid about "capitalist encirclement" and thought that sooner or later somebody was going to try to invade them even though capitalists already knew that their Marxist utopia was destined to collapse on its own. They literally begged over and over again for Germany to invade them, but they never did, since it would be too expensive. So rather than wait for the attack that was never going to happen (again, what would be the point?), they literally faked an invasion of their socialist hellhole so that they could get to play victim before the rest of the world and justify more of their stupid policies. They even published (poorly staged and obviously fake) photos and clips of "capitalists" (in actuality Russians dressed as capitalists) murdering people, just to seal the deal. But nobody invaded Communist Russia. Sure, 50 million people were murdered (which the Reds pointed to saying "SEE? WE REALLY WERE INVADED!"), but that's because socialism starved almost all of them to death; their deaths weren't caused by capitalism or even a lame leftist ideology like national socialism. Their failed utopia killed them all and rather than admit that socialism doesn't work, they chose to blame white people ("Germans") and other anticommunists for these millions of deaths.


Books and teachers can say and publish anything they want. And in this case, they chose to get this propaganda campaign literally from Communist Russia itself rather than a more believable source like the Congressional Record or the FBI. The only "teachers" who claim that Germany invaded Communist Russia are either idiots who fell for the commie propaganda or cultural Marxists intentionally spreading tankie myths. All of our "sources" for this supposed invasion trace back to socialists, and all socialists lie.

Show me a single non-communist source "proving" that Germany or, hell, ANY other country tried "invading" them. It literally doesn't exist. JFK and every other fucking moron in the West dishonestly claiming that somebody invaded communism base their sources entirely on Russian Marxists and other professional victims who are too lazy and stupid to get a job, and just want the government to give them everything. Millions of innocents died not because of any "invasion", but because of communism itself and they blamed the white race for it. But I guess that must not of been REALLLLLLLL communism as usual, huh? Fucking idiots.

5arge #ableist reddit.com

Autistic people are not illegal, but we don't pass special snowflake laws for them just because they are socially awkward. Pay for your own therapies, or hide in the basement.


If that's what you have to say, don't say it. It's pretty rude and ignorant.

You asked a question in an open forum, you don't get to control the answers you receive, prick. The basement is the right place for you.


Wow. This is probably the most disgusting thing I've seen on reddit. I hope insurance covers your therapies so that whatever is hurting you so badly can be resolved and you can be ready to come out of the basement.

FYI, autists can have hundreds of dollars in medical bills per month, even after insurance, and they go to those therapies because the world is speckled with cancerous attitudes like yours, and they need help coping in a world that has more tolerance for your closed-minded abuse than for a diverse brain.

Please know that whatever you think of autists is a reflection of your own self, and not a statement of any truth about others.

All of the autistic people I grew up with got NO THERAPY and NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. When I was a kid, they were just called "retarded" as if that was ok to label another human. I never treated anyone poorly because of their developmental disabilities. They are people, just a little different, but still people. That being said, OP is a fucking leech. A human parasite. Looking for handouts because it's just easier to make society pay for your issues, it's their fault for not being understanding of your condition. I will always advocate for people to get the fuck off of Reddit and find a way to pay for their own shit. There are people in greater need, who can't even afford to surf the fucking internet, and those public funds should be reserved for those folks in greatest need. Socially awkward weirdo is not a fucking prognosis worth throwing money at...

Gotta love your virtue signaling though, you are a super awesome person with super great ideas... and you're totally going to change the world by whining on Reddit to strangers.


The real issue here is your complete ignorance of what autism even is. And I'm not virtue signaling--this is a daily issue in my life. I'm legitimately upset by your ignorance and ableism.

Oh, I get it, you're in the spectrum yourself. Grow the fuck up kid, it's a tough world out there for NTs too. You can't take offense anytime someone won't kiss your ass because you are special. There are people with deeper problems that are more difficult to overcome out there who are making their best go at it and we will never hear them bitching and complaining because they are too busy getting it done.

Ableism is a word that fucking cowards and weaklings use to shame people who have any success in life despite opposition.


I'm 33. My husband and I make plenty of money. Nobody's asking for special laws, just wondering where insurance will cover what's needed and where it won't. ADULTS plan ahead for expenses like that. I don't want my ass kissed. I want you to learn about disabilities and stop being incredibly rude on the internet on subjects you're very ignorant about. Also, you're literally bitching and complaining on this person's post. I'm pretty sure the coward is the one hiding behind a keyboard and yelling at someone asking simple questions about laws, services, and the general mien of an area.

Go get something done, like learning a bit about autism, or maybe just practice being kind.

I know enough about autism to know that YOU exemplify the worst kind of person in the spectrum. Selfish, bitter, and high functioning enough to cast judgement on others, but soooooooooooooooooo fucking disabled that everyone needs to provide for your well being, just because. You totally do want your ass kissed, it's pathetic. I'm not a bad person, I don't do bad things to people and you honestly have no clue what kind of husband and father I might be. I just have no problem telling anyone who's got enough going for them that they can hang out on Reddit, that they have enough and don't deserve a handout from the rest of society.

centrists_are_cucks #wingnut reddit.com

[OP of "The absolute state of the left in 2019..."]

Been seeing a handful of posts lately about the Turds (Kurds) and them getting their own nation and comparing their statehood to Poland ߤΊ
No. They don't deserve it. "Kurdistan" will never happen no matter how many times leftists and right-cucks wish for it to happen. They are full blown communists who train western Antifa members. The Poles endured USSR tyranny for decades and soldiered on, whereas the Kurds, as I said above, are Antifa trainers.

Compaing Poles to Kurds is some pea brained retarded shit, then again, a handful of posts about the comparisons coming from the left is not surprising.

The Poles were more deserving of a nation to call their own than the Kurds ever will.

Don't get me wrong, northern Iraq (Iraqi Turdistan) is stunning and beautiful but if I was given the choice of visiting Poland or the future """nation""" of Kurdistan, you wouldn't pay me a million dollars to visit a communist country in the Middle East masquerading as a democracy and left-libertarian. Poland all the way.

TLDR fuck the Kurds. They are nothing like Poland and fuck their independence.

EvolaDidNothingWrong #wingnut #quack reddit.com

Literally all socialist dictators supported vaccinating people.

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hoxha, Tito, Sankara, Machel, Kim Jong-Un, Maduro ECT ECT....

Seriously, what is your response to this? You REALLY want to keep practicing a human rights violation that literally all totalitarian shitholes and failed states supported?

oH nOoo

Did you know all these dictators also liked to breathe air? Air is a human rights violatioooon!

If breathing air was a socialist policy then yes we would all have to stop breathing air. But breathing air is not a policy at all, so it's perfectly optional.

It was a socialist policy that "murder is illegal" MURDER IS NOW LEGAL AND GOOD

You are literally the biggest mass murderer of all time. You have massacred even more normal people than Mao, Stalin, and Lenin combined, for the simple fact that you promote that ideology that has exterminated over 225 million normal people in less than a century making you the accomplice in all of their horrible murders. They all died merely so that you could maintain your vile, disgusting Marxist utopia. Your ideology has contributed nothing but misery to the male gender, and anarchist punks like Nedjelko Cabrinovic have only instigated your quest to genocide millions of innocent whites. You should have no right to speak freely. If your teaching were to be accepted as the foundation of the life of the universe, it would lead to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind. And thus the adoption of such a law would provoke chaos in the structure of the greatest organism that we know, with the result that the inhabitants of this earthly planet would finally disappear. Should you socialists, with the aid of your Marxist creed, triumph over the men of this world, your crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any life on its surface, as it did billions of years ago.

128730 #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

[OP of "Allowing men to marry younger women would fix things?"]

So NRx is about returning social mores to a state that would be more in line with what humans have done historically, right? Well, historically, even in the Western states that most NRx models for an ideal government are based on, men could marry girls way younger than 18. Why was this done? Why was it changed in recent times?

I think the change in that custom was brought about intentionally (as intentionally as anything in the Cathedral is done; I'm not implying that there was an evil cabal of fat lesbian feminists that unilaterally succeeded in taking women away from men, although the desire definitely does exist on their part) , as a means of "undermining patriarchy" (aka shit-testing society). My reasoning is as follows:

A big part of Cathedral dogma is that women need to be educated in order to become strawng and independent and better than men, because Equality. The only way women could begin to do that is if men stopped marrying them as virgins at 13 and forcing them to have and raise children. So my idea is that pedophilia actually helps patriarchy, in that women are more likely to be married, having children, only having sex with one guy, not getting divorced etc, if all they know is powerful older man dick and authority. Changing the laws and customs regarding "pedophilia" was a big step toward current clown world nuttery.

So....Islam is right on women? Maybe the part about marrying women off early is right. I don't know about the polygamy part though. Seems like a good way to have hordes of angry horny men around is to make it so that only a few men have access to most of the women; and in fact this extreme sexual deprivation and the resultant frustration is what fuels Jihadism.

I don't know about the bugging 9 year olds part either. I think prepubescence is too early to get started on explicitly sexual domination of women. Little boy buggery and diddling is totally out of the question.

I know this isn't an original thought in NRx circles, but I think its worth bringing up here on Plebbit where tons of newbs and others may see it.

EDIT: By pedophilia I mean anything that would be classed as statutory rape in the US. Sorry I didn't clarify that.

m3Me_Magic and tchower #racist #conspiracy reddit.com

[Comment under "Based Poland"]


The nerve of that german dude to fly a flag in the Islamic State of Germany!

Reply from tchower:

Germany is so afraid of being associated with any form of racism or patriotism that they’d rather have racist, homophobic, misogynistic and bigoted Muslims rape and dominate their nation who favor their race over Germans. The interesting thing is, the US actually didn’t even want to fight Germany in world war 2. We just had to fight Japan and happened to be dragged into Europe and the Soviet Union’s problems! My grandparents fought in WW2 and have passed away, but hated Japan, and never said a word about Germany and what happened. It’s just all the Jews who run the money system in the US made a really big deal about the holocaust, even though the same thing happened in Asia to the Chinese, and whites being murdered and raped and sent to death camps in the Soviet Union by Jews. Since the Jews favor their own race over all others, the Jews ignored what the Japanese did and the white genocide organized by Jews in the Soviet Union. The Jewish role was critical for the formation of the Soviet Union and the genocide of more whites than Jews in the holocaust.

Various commenters #sexist reddit.com

Re: Because your degree matters more to women then your personality apparently.


A Good Man Is Getting Even Harder to Find

Women with college degrees outnumber men by a significant margin. That means trouble for the future of love and relationships, writes Gerard Baker.


I remember a few years ago, if anyone ever discussed the “hypergamy” question in the context of the earnings gaps and why it’s sometimes necessary on public forums , you would have immediately gotten the misogynist or even the incel label, for suggesting that men must outearn women for a rational reason. Now, as more empowered progressive women ironically complain about men not meeting traditional and sexist expectations, hypergamy is no longer a taboo topic to discuss. Although it’s important to note that no one in the liberal feminist leaning media has mentioned the term hypergamy to describes this phenomena, owing to its problematic links to the manosphere and Redpill philosophy.

Anyway, observing a lot of the so called progressive women who are reaching their early 30s being incredibly vocal about this issue tells me that eventually, we will have a neofeminist/neotraditionalist/5th wave feminist movement that will attempt to address the problems of modern women, one of which is the inability of men to outearn women. This movement will call on men to tolerate women expanding their gender roles and transcending gendered expectations whilst simultaneously calling on men to fulfil their gender roles and expectations for the good of women/western birth rates/marriage rates. And society will condone this inconsistent movement because prioritising female happiness above all else has become a western secular religion. I wonder if future generations of men will comply or will they stand up against hypocrisy and call out women?


Yeah, but not because of the women.

This men unmarried men means that any major problem will shatter our society like a hammer. Women won't be there when the shit hits the fan. And men with no families will prioritize themselves over society--as will literally every single woman.

That's assuming these men don't simply choose to tear civilization down.

We're doing a pretty good job of it right now. This is classic Jordan Peterson. It's incredibly dangerous for society to put so many men in such a shitty position. Even if most of them just wither and die in silence, there's a minority that will lash out, and that has the potential to topple society.


This is what happens when liberal schools make it easier for girls to succeed and harder for boys...I’m glad I have a daughter, i can’t imagine having a 14 year old son today.

I’m 34 and married maybe I’m lucky. It seems women want men who:

are older


smarter - higher education

make more money than them

That will be a problem if schools are still making it harder for boys to succeed...girls will need to lower their standard because the only boys who will look at them soon will be beta male feminists...ugh...


A good man means a man with a degree, but he should also be the one cooking in the house because women no longer cook at all, since being in a kitchen as a person with a vagina is very awful and demeaning. one who should shut the fuck up and stand back and never talk back and never, under any circumstance, stand up for his rights, one who should expect his woman to go around and talk about how they have sex and how big his dick is because it’s his body, her friends’ subject of discussion.

Also, you should never address the issue of whether you and your woman are a bit too overweight and should solve it because that means you are controlling her body and shaming her. Maybe cut down on drinking that beer in the evening because you’re a drunk and men who drink are rapists 100%.

And maybe never tell a girl she’s beautiful because that means you’re a creep. Don’t tell her you’re not interested in her either because then you’re a dick. Basically don’t breathe next to them at all because who does that to women?

Fucking hell, I’ve seen way too many posts about relationships lately on reddit and I must say I want to put bleach in my eyes. And i’m a girl.

“Girl, he asked for your number?! That piece of creeping shit!!!”

Now it’s about degrees. Because that was a thing I gave a shit about when I met my man.

But you know, on one hand, it’s good if this type of woman ignores men like these. Dodging a bullet.


Isn't this just biology though? Women are driven by their nature to seek out a mate that has the most resources and highest possible social status, a college degree is one of the main ways you'd gauge that in our society.

Yes, obviously. But feminists claim gender is a social construct and men and women are the same. Further, when men out earn women, they claim to be oppressed. And now that women out earn men, it’s men’s fault there aren’t any good partners.

... are you just trolling or did you legitimately not understand the reason this was posted here?


I see a reset where having a high school sweetheart will be in more of a demand than a degree holder. I'm talking about a really dependable man who cares about how his lady is feeling.

Degrees are becoming the next taxi medallion. The car is now worth more than the medallion. There are a lot of nice men who're debt free & working the trades. If there was a college debt reset I could see a flow of woman that want to snag up one of those nice men because they no longer have to worry about debt because at that stage in their life they're looking to settle down.

Basically women in the near future will demand a hallmark channel movie and not a degree.


I'm gonna get me a 20 year old village girl when I'm ready to get married (in my home country) . Cos the difference between her at 20 without degree and 23 with degree, is the loss of skin elasticity. Probably the hardest thing to hear for carousel riders


Women have outnumbered men in higher education since 1983. It's been a long time since gender-specific education programs have been justified.

Currently, the imbalance in favor of women is greater than the imbalance in favor of men that inspired the passage of Title IX, but the pile of government-sponsored educational freebies for women only just keeps getting bigger.


We often hear that men feel intimidated by strong - in this context read: better educated or higher earning - women.

To me, this seems like one of those things that most of us believe, but for which there is not by far as much anecdotal or empirical evidence as we would expect.

Rather, from the little I have observed, the problem is more that it is difficult for women to respect lesser earning or lesser educated men. In fact, many of my female friends admit something like this openly. And this appears to be not so much because they are concerned about financial stability (most of them are high-earners in their own right), but rather some kind of deeper, evolutionary drive. In fact, in most of the scarce instances of couples where women are better educated that I know, I sometimes observe a disturbing tendency towards condescension among women. Not because my friends are bad people, but because it frustrates them.

True, better educated men may also be condescending, but the dynamics are different and the effects often innocuous.

The only true exception to this that I know are good friends where she is a specialised surgeon and he a photographer and part-time house husband. She makes a multiple of what he does and runs the household finances. I am not sure how they manage to overcome these instincts, but one idea comes to mind: he is a brilliant photographer, close to the top of his field - the issue is only that it pays much less than hers. So maybe that is why she is able to respect him?

I would love to hear about your anecdotes on this.


also possible that not all guys are secure enough to date girls with higher education or career

I can't believe this kinda thing get's taken seriously. You can bet any argument based on "Men are just insecure" or "Men are just toxic" or "Men are just weak" can always be traced back to anti-male sources. There was never any evidence to back up that claim. It's just feels.

In fact, it's not just feels but projection. Many studies have been done that prove men will marry up or marry down. However, women are hypergamous and have a strong preference for 'marrying up'. Their own behavior mixed with the advantages society bestows upon them has lead to fewer men they prefer to be available. It has nothing to do with men being insecure or male behavior at all. Men are rational actors in the sexual market place. Why in wouldn't men marry up and improve their quality of life? In fact, now that women vastly outnumber men as graduates of universities you see exactly this happening:

Partnership shift. Men are now more likely to marry up

A Record Share of Men Are “Marrying Up” Educationally

Women's progress boosts men who 'marry up,' study says

Men Are Now More Likely Than Women to “Marry Up”

More Men Than Women Are "Marrying Up", A New Study Finds

Various commenters #sexist #wingnut reddit.com


In case anyone was wondering what they teach in our schools today. Taught that men don’t experience sexism today.


A photo of a paper entitled “Web of unequal power relations”, defining various types of prejudice and who they target

In my sociology class, the professor (who was a woman of color) taught us that not only are women the only victims of sexism, but also that people of color are the only victims of racism. She got in front of the class and said that "black people cannot be racist, only white people can be racist because they have all the power".

I was the only white person in the class and I felt so attacked.

Honestly what is wrong with education these days

My school is around 65-70% Asian. I’ve seen white classmates be harassed because of their race, and there’s nothing they can do about it. If an Asian student calls a white student “the next school shooter”, everyone laughs, and if the white kid were to reply “shut up dog eater” or some other racial stereotype, they’d be sent to the principal’s office. White students also weren’t allowed to make any European cultural groups, because apparently that would be racist. So while there’s a Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, and 3 separate Asian clubs, the Italian and German clubs were not allowed to be made. People also act like white people still hold the power at the school, despite the student union being 100% Asian, and the school staff being majority ‘people of color’.

I am Hispanic and I hate the fact that people says that "white" people can't suffer from racism, just because you are the majority doesn't means that people can't attack you just because you are white, I have seen how being white has become in a meme of offensive "jokes" and how easy it is to say "fuck white people" and "white people be like" (follows by something humiliating).

Hispanic isn’t a race, but I agree.


Imagine the influence of feminism in Canada which has rached to the extent that they have been given enough power to brainwash children from young to make men live inferior life than women. More boys will turn to white knights, resort to alcohol and drugs to supress their emotions because they are made to think how masculinity is a problem.

Then people say feminism represents minority group when in reality most of the people are not against their practises.

I think you have hit the nail on the head when you say it brainwashes men throughout their lives.

Historically beautiful women could enchant men and live a very privileged existence- she receives beneficial treatment from every interaction she has with men. (my ex girlfriend would always get a discount when her car was serviced etc)

This is why we see the very ugly women fighting so hard for feminism - they always wanted the benefits of being beautiful. This is why stealing men's work comes naturally to her. Due to western governments : Now even the ugly women can get beneficial treatment.

It clearly sucks to be a poor Canadian guy. But what I have also noticed - Beautiful women are losing out due to feminism! (rarely) some of them will complain about it. E.g. we see guys who won't stop when a woman's car has broken down since they have been shown to make false allegations.

Of course, the ugly women are ecstatic about feminism.... They are the only beneficiaries


Wow straight white men are just the fucking worst aren't they?

They never have anyone discriminate against them for their gender, skin color, or sexual orientation LOL fucking losers.

arrested development theme plays

Ironic isn't it, this document is an example of discrimination against men but due to the magical patriarchy it somehow doesn't count because they are so advantaged in today's society. It's not like there's large swaths of boys being left behind in school or a whole host of male victims being ignored. No, that's just completely ridiculous...

No, every male is either holding the reigns of power in a patriarchal system who has only been gifted their power by the grace of society's gendered norms (not through their own merit), how dare they hold women and minorities back! Or... They're an incel, neck beard, and their suffering is somehow their fault. Why aren't they good enough for women?! Even though Patriarchy hurts men too but you better not talk about it because you're taking away from the actual oppressed groups. Who cares about a whole generation of disillusioned and demoralised children. Nah! What's important is people's personal values and who we decide is worthy of empathy based on...

My own morally righteous assumption and a belief structure (where like everyone else, I'm making it up as I go along) that I demand you take as fact. Otherwise you are sexist/racist. If you point out my contradictions, it also means you are sexist/racist. If you talk out of turn, you disgusting white male oppressor, you are a sexist/racist. What's that? No, of course, you can't fucking win. You are a disgusting sub human filth who isn't allowed to have their oppressive opinion.


Yeah... I posted once about how I was a straight white catholic married guy and that I'm proud of all those things.

Holy shit.

The amount of pure hate thrown my way... Some from people who call me a 'friend'

But it doesn't matter because, well, I'm a straight married white catholic. So therefore I've never once experienced any kind of discrimination.

Oh. And despite the fact thay all my ansectors were peasants. I'm clearly directly responsible for all slavery and religious intolerance in the history of the world.


I'm not even a Bernie fan , but that guy got played hard because so many people wanted a woman president. Women were much more interested in the war monging , rape defending, drunken cunt Hilary than him. They openly bragged their gender preference as their basis for choosing her.


This seems to have come from the shift from discussing 'disadvantage' to 'privilege'.

Some research shows that if you have strong beliefs about privilege than you are less empathic to the privileged people. There was a study where they tested peoples change in attitudes after a class on white privilege and they found that rather than being more empathic to poor black people they students became less empathic to poor white people. Another study found that people who believed strongly in male privilege much more sceptical of research that showed sex differences which benefit men (ie a study that showed men were better at X). Also, a study of the trolley dilemma found that feminists were more likely to sacrifice men than the general population. It's reasonable to assume feminists believe in male privilege.

All this leads me to believe that the result of the change in the language you mentioned will be the dehumanisation of privileged groups. It possible that something like this was the intention behind the change in language based on the misguided belief that it will help the oppressed.


How is this not blatant propaganda to literally ANYONE?! It's literally racist, sexist, (not sure if this is a real word but it's the closest I can get) religiophobic, and all around terrible.


I'm Asian and I've been told that only white people can be racist which just feels patronising imo. First off what is the definition of racism? I always assumed it's the ignorant assumption that your race is superior than others?

So for them to say only white people can be racist, is ironically them admitting how they see white people compared to everyone else, they're basically saying only white people can realistically see themselves as superior compared to black people and it be offensive. If a white person thought they were genetically superior to a black person, I'm sure these people would see it as racist, but if a black person thought they were genetically superior, being taller/bigger, stronger, faster, well endowed, nice ass instead of a flat chicken butt etc, that's not racist? Ironically these people sound like the racists they are condemning e.g:

"only white people can be racist, because only white people can realistically think they're better than everyone, no one could possibly think a black person is superior, come on look at them they're black. Every single white person loves being white where as no one could possibly feel superior being black, what can black people be proud of? Nothing"


Yeah that's like saying there's no such thing as reverse discrimination. It happens all the time. I have worked at a hospital that was mostly women and they were always mean to the man and said oh you're a man you can do that you're a man you can do this. I always thought you can do the worst jobs. I started to go to nursing school and experienced excessive bias. This was even in California. The women teachers did not like men. I also had a problem with one lesbian nurse in college that was an instructor. She said men should not be doing this kind of work this is Woman's Work and men are taking good jobs from women. I complain to the dean but it did no good because she had a high pass rate on the exam. Finally I just had to drop out. Is really caused me to have a great hatred towards women. And a lack of respect towards most of them.


That is applied Marxism. Omg I got to live long enough to see disguised marxism taught in schools in United States.

You can find a word for anything you don;t like and say is oppression.

Precisely this. The west was warned multiple times during the cold war and long before that foreign subversion especially in relation to social justice matters would be used to install far leftist governments. This nonsense coupled with the growing influence of China on businesses is the result of ignoring the warnings or being a useful idiot.


Yeah :/ I majored in Creative Writing and English Lit. You'd think there wouldn't be a TON of SJW talk, maybe some in works that deal with gender and race. Nah, I feel like I got a freaking gender theory degree. Every class delves into colonialism, intersectionality and such.

Higher ed also sends white women a lot of mixed messages about where they fit into this whole web of oppression. In one class, I learn that I'm so damn privileged I've got nothing to complain about. In other, I'm told that women are the 'subalterns of white people' and that, white women are also colonized, but by their husbands and fathers.

Eck. I'm sick of it all. I just wanted to talk about books! :(


"I won't date you if you're not tall enough"

"I can hit you, cut you, scratch you and spit on you and you can't hit back. The second you do, I'll cry enact my double standard pussy pass power and have you arrested"

"If you're not making upwards of 70-90k a year don't talk to me. Money, money, me, me, me, money"

"Guys don't get insecure, just shut up you'll like it, you're a guy right you should feel honored to get with me"

"Your clothes aren't brand name and you don't have this whole list of qualities I want so goodbye"

"You have to pay for every meal, bill, expense and anything that comes up and I MIGHT look at your dick for 4 minutes on the weekend and I said MIGHT and that's if you clean the kitchen and give me 2 footrubs after your 12 hour shift"

You're right, we don't experience strife or sexism, silly me.

Various commenters #sexist reddit.com

Re: 'Shy and awkward’ student, 19, who googled 'how to make a friend' then touched a schoolgirl, 17, on her arm and waist while trying to chat to her faces JAIL after sex assault conviction


The victim burst into tears during the second encounter and went to police with her mother, claiming Griffiths 'would have touched her breast had she not moved away'.

Oh god it must be so traumatizing that he wanted to be her friend. Yes she's definitely the victim here.

Fucking scum. America, Australia and India are shitholes thanks to the UK and its disgusting culture.


why are we wasting police and court time on this nonsense?

B/c a major part of the feminist agenda is to criminalize the very existence of heterosexual men.


I pray for all the shy and awkward young men in school and higher education. As if getting harassed, ridiculed and assaulted isn't enough on their plate to deal with.

This society can get fucked.

It's honestly an untenable situation. Flirting and courting requires some degree of physical contact in modern/Western societies, and as long as women refuse to initiate things (which by and large is the case) you're REALLY rolling the dice if you dare to make an advance.

Well they've raised it from untenable to IMPOSSIBLE with this Metoo culture of instant justice based on accusation alone.

God help these young men. God help them all for having no choice but to live in this awful world. Might as well just stay shut-ins for the rest of their lives at home rather then stay shut-ins in a jail cell.

r/MGTOW is not without merit. I just take issue with the rampant misogyny over there, as well as the not infrequent racism.


We can think of no motivation for you to touch the victim other than sexual

This part of the quote is even worse. What a stupid assumption. Heterosexual guys touch other guys all the time. It's part of natural human interaction. We are not moving toward an age of enlightenment, we are moving towards the dark ages of human interaction, and in the end it will hurt women the most, as they will be treated as though they have lepers by 50% of the population.


'It was quite a while - three to five seconds. He smirked at me, he didn't stop he just touched me and walked off and I broke down crying - it was quite traumatic.
'I struggled for a couple of months afterwards, I was applying for Oxford at the time and I found going to Oxford a stressful thing.

How are we supposed to take this person seriously. a guy smiles at her and touched her arm, and now she's got PTSD and can't go to school?

I don't think we should be holding people accountable for other peoples mental illness.


Feminism teaches girls to live in perpetual irrational fear. There's a tiny little helpful sexual instinct in women that causes them to be cautious. Feminist propaganda fans this spark into a raging inferno and then teaches girls that it's totally legitimate to project their irrational internal feeling on others as though it's real. They jump at every shadow and are afraid of everyone. Their lives are a prison built by ideological brainwashing saying shit like "I can't even go out after dark alone!".

None of it is true. No studies or statistics back up any of it. In fact, it's quite the opposite. There is no safer identity in all of society than 'young woman'. Sexual violence against women is almost never instigated by a stranger, and women really don't face much violence at all in any context compared to men.

Glad to see this dudes will have to register as a sex offender and rot in jail for the heinous crime of touching a paranoid delusional girl on the arm. /s Touched her on the fucking arm... Students today are weak shit.

AbysmalDescent #sexist reddit.com

Re: 'Shy and awkward’ student, 19, who googled 'how to make a friend' then touched a schoolgirl, 17, on her arm and waist while trying to chat to her faces JAIL after sex assault conviction

Imagine a world where men could send women to jail just for touching them. Like, just permanently end their future(judicially, professionally and socially destroy them) and incarcerate them(with other far worse criminals no less), just because of a touch. No violence. No ill-intent. No danger. No harm. Literally just light tactile contact(not even skin-on-skin).

Imagine a world where men could actually think this is an appropriate and equal response to a woman touching them. I can't even imagine such a world and, yet, this is what is considered normal when the genders are reversed. It is just insane the level of power that women have, and the level of hatred and disregard that exists for men(regardless of their intent or the circumstances placed upon them) for this to even be possible.

This also wouldn't even have happened if it was another woman who had touched her, nor would it happen if it was a man touching another man or a woman touching a man. At best they would think "oh, that's a bit awkward/inappropriate" and then moved on. They wouldn't see themselves as victims or respond with violent anger. The only punishment I could even justify in this scenario is a course in etiquette, and even that seems excessive given the circumstances.

I've been touched without consent by females ever since high school. One even grabbed my dick during a pair assignment while the teacher was out of the room. Everyone thought it was funny. Her only punishment was not being paired with me again. Such male privilege. And don't get me started on parties and bars.

I've had women grab my ass when I worked at a bar, and they weren't doing it in a nice way at all, and yet the thought of sending them to jail was not even remotely on my list of responses. There was no response of anger, vitriol or violence.

To me, this would be as much of an over-reaction walking on the street and having a stray dog come up to me, looking for food, and poking me with its nose(with no sign of violence whatsoever), and then me going "that dog needs to be put down, it's oppressing me".

If a woman attacked violently, then I would consider pressing charges because she is a danger to herself and others(ironically, she would probably still not face any jail time because she's a woman).

”Imagine a world where men could send women to jail just for touching them.”

Yeah, on the waist, without saying a word, and the girl having said "stop" before.

Pretty sure that is not how it went down but, even if it was, that still doesn't justify the type of overreaction it got.

It's not normal to go up to someone, touch them on the waist without saying anything, and leave.

It doesn't matter whether it's normal or not, the point is the type of response you would have to it and why you have that response. If a woman touched you on the waist, under any circumstance, you would not consider sending her to jail for it. You would also not just presume the worse of intensions against her character either.

If a stray dog came up to me on the street and touched my knee with his paw, that wouldn't be "normal" but it also would justify me kicking that dog or calling for that dog to be put down either. And, people are capable of basic empathy or sympathy for a dog, surely they are capable of doing the same for an awkward, sheltered and inexperienced teenage boy too.

lmao imagine actually defending this.

Are you are not familiar with the concept of critical thought? I understand how fair judgement and fair treatment might seem like radical concepts to you, at least when it comes to men, but surely these concepts aren't beyond your comprehension. I also understand how ingrained misandry is into our daily thinking and rationalizing, which these types of cases exemplify perfectly, which is why I pointing these things out.

A woman can never be too cautious with a man who touched her fucking waist without permission.

"can never be too cautious"? What are you even talking about here? Are you going to instantly die from someone touching you? Are you going to fall ill or be crippled from a light touch? Or are you just speculating and escalating on other shit that didn't happen? if someone walks next to me, does that give me the right to punch them in "self-defence" because "you can never be too cautious"? And, yes, you can be too cautious how how you exercise that caution is overt and detrimental to others.

A man doesn't have a "right" to touch any woman like that.

Who said anything about having a "right" to anything? Is this another projection? You can certainly say "hey, don't touch me" to anyone you like and you can communicate that clearly and constructively to anyone. You can certainly take some steps to prevent it from happening, including removing yourself from the situation or removing them from the situation. The's not the point. The point is the type of reaction you have being disproportionate and targeted. It's like no one has the "right" to insult me or "offend" me, and yet that doesn't mean I get to assault them or send them to jail if they do.

I'll concede that the punishment is disproportionately severe, but he deserved to be punished nonetheless.

Do you think a woman would warrant that type of punishment if she touched another woman? Or if a woman touched a man? Or if a man touched another man on the waist? How is it that you can only truly justify this type of overt vitriolic reaction when it comes to men, and only men, touching a woman?

Maybe a fine + hours of community service and some classes on how to not creep women out.

Have you ever considered the possibility that the way women see/treat men, or how easily/quickly women can be "creeped out" by men(and only men) might also be majorly detrimental or inherently bigoted? That, maybe, society is teaching women to have an irrationally negative disposition towards men or a strong prejudice against men that is just culturally accepted. What if, for example, it was a black person touching white person, and then that white person had an overly-violent reaction to being touched by a black person because they are black, and then called for jail time or "community service and classes on how not to creep white people out"?

electronicoffee #transphobia reddit.com

WRONG. There were ZERO transgenders at Stonewall. Nice attempt to "Transwash" gay history and co-opt and STEAL gay heroes. Stonewall was the victory of DRAG QUEENS who are gay men who dress like women for FUN, CAMP, and PERFORMANCE. You don't get to steal OUR history because DQs look KIND OF like TGs.

GreekSymmetrics #sexist #crackpot reddit.com

Why are modern urologists/endocrinologists so misandristic and ignorant?

Claiming that a 4 Inch length 2 Inch girth penis is normal and totally acceptable….

Just lol at any "doctor" who denies the importance of sexual dimorphism

since when did emotions and gynocentric/liberal ideologies became more valued than Cold rational Facts?

A guy with a 4 Inch length and 2 Inch girth penis will get terrified and socially belittled by almost every sexual Encounters, he might find a Woman for a Long term relationship were emotional and financial support primarily matters, but sexually wise he will never be a raw satisfaction, he will never be able to have truly satisfying ONS, he will be the typical long term relationship provider who's considered by over 30 women when their sexual wild years are over

No sex toys, creativity, communication or Position will ever be able to compensate for the lack of a well sized dimorphic human male penis

Thats literally just a meme created by the feministic 68s Generation who tried to make sex into a eloquent science

for hundred thousands of years humans relied on the typical Basic primitive in and out game during sex (of Course only strong men with a relatively large penis had Access to sex, weak unmasculine men were simply wiped out of the genepool), but now suddenly in the 20th century a Generation of "sexual experts" wants to tell us that Women's sexuality is far more than just Basic Penetration, and that women actually hate Basic vaginal sex because they are magical complex sexual beings who prefer a intuitive sensual romantic twink who can effectively hit her 230830248 errogenous spots over a strong primitive masculine man

But no no no, penis size and masculine dimorphism doesnt matter, every Woman is a lesbian anyways

It's About personality, humans especially women are complex individual beings who have a complex individual sexuality, women dont want brutish vaginal Penetration with a large thick penis, no no they want a feministic feminine man with a small penis who's totally fine in making himself to a submissive lesbian by only Performing oral sex

Women dont want to be dominated, it just happens so that 98% of women want a Partner who's taller then themselves teehee

Such Arguments are basically Nothing else than human narcissism in a nutshell, this whole "Sexual dimorphism does not matter women want nice Kind husbands" nonsense is just a direct proof that most humans on this earth totally lack self awareness

Claiming that women and men are both complex individuals, and that Basic primitive natural dimorphic traits dont matter since it's all About "Personality and communication"

We are one evolutionary stage higher than a caveman… And we still Claim that humans are non-primitive morally superior individual beings….

This here basically describes 95% of all modern urological/endocrinological "doctors"

TranscriptPhysician labelled “Dr. Cuck”: “Trust me, it's totally normal to have a 16 inch bideltoid as a full grown male along with a 3 inch penis and peanut sized testicles. My junk and boy is also not bigger but my wife still loves me We hadnt had sex since 5 years but thats ok since tyrone does a better job than me anyways

And stay away from that toxic testosterone (BTW if you want some estrogen I can quickly prescribe it to you)”

btw if you want to get some urological and sexual Facts from A REAL RATIONAL BASED urologist/andrologist then visit the Website of the austrian urologist"Dr Georg Pfau" he's an extremely based doctors who doesnt care About liberalistic or feministic Moral constructs but only About Cold rational facts

Commentaryandthings #transphobia #kinkshaming reddit.com

I’m a 14 year old. I want to give a commentary on fetishes and how they’ve affected my friends.

I apologize if this post isn’t 100% about AGP. But it is relevant. This has been a point of concern for me for a while and I needed to get it off my chest.

I will say I do think actual trans people exist, I have met some who are normal and nice people. I just think they get over shrouded by all the fetishists out there.

I’ve noticed a lot of my friends and even myself develop fetishes. At first I thought it was normal at age since y’know... puberty but then I saw people like you talking about how it was concerning and I took a look into it.

I used to have a lot of fetishes when I was 12-13, I’ve gotten rid of a majority of them and am trying to get rid of the rest. I’ve noticed my friends are into things and it concerns me a bit.

A have a friend who’s into dragons, which honestly pretty tame when it comes to fetish standards but he’s also being into beaten. One of my other friends is into being tied up.

What really concerns me is my MtF friend. He’s into ABDL, petplay and BDSM... and like me he’s 14...

According to some people we should still have our innocence at this age, or at least have some of it. Out of the many friends I have only 1 has really maintained their innocence. I lost my innocence at age 11. It wasn’t due to anything sexual it was because when I entered middle school, I heard and saw everyone cussing at eachother, being mean to eachother, talking about sex. 5th grade was a happy and friendly enviroment. This wasn’t. I will say 7th grade was probably the best time of my life so far, but that’s a whole other topic.

I feel like we’re growing up a bit too fast. A lot of my friend’s friends have already lost their virginity.

It just feels like something is... wrong. I’m assuming that this kind of stuff isn’t normal. But if yall older folk could confirm or deny it that’d be great. I’d also like to hear your commentary on the situation as well.

EDIT: Aight it 100% not normal as I expected. I also get this weird feeling that people on this sub hate me now but hey that could just be my anxiety talking.

06549r #transphobia reddit.com

[on trans men]

When it’s not a mentally ill lesbian who thinks she needs a penis to have sex with a woman, it’s a mentally ill straight girl fetishizing feminine gay men and using disgusting homophobic slurs to refer to herself.

Bottom line: it’s a fetish.

Sensirr #transphobia reddit.com

If Gender Clinics actually followed TRA rhetoric in treating 'gender dysphoria'...
...this is how it would go!


Patient: Hello, I'm here because I'm dysphoric.

Doctor: Well, what are you dysphoric about?

Patient: Well, I'm a male--

Doctor: AMAB you mean. Go on.

Patient: -- y-yes, but I'm a woman inside --

Doctor: And outside. Transwomen are women.

Patient: -- o-of course! But basically I need tits to feel my true self.

Doctor: ...Why? Transwomen are women.

Patient: Yeahhh, but women have tits and I don't, so I'm dysphor--

Doctor: Women don't need to have tits to be women.

Patient: O-Okay true, but what about my dick? I at least want SRS--

Doctor: Women can have dicks. Also, men can get pregnant. Why are you dysphoric? It sounds like you don't understand what men and women are.

Patient: Well, true that women can have penises and men can have vaginas, but--

Doctor: Indeed, it is true. So your dysphoria is baseless. Now get out of my office.

GreekSymmetrics #sexist reddit.com

i want a penile transplant so bad

van der merwe from south africa does it, but he charges 300 euro alone for consultation

ive seen some Pictures of it, and it seems promising

i want to have a big fat cock with which im able to totally and brutishly fill out a Woman, give her Deep extreme orgasm just from brutishly fucking her with a large penis

this is what 95% of women prefer over all that "Muh complex sexuality with lots of communication" bullshit which is just used to delude the small average man

they just wont admit it to a average man, but chad and tyrone with their big cocks are getting the most raw and satisyfing sex you can only Dream of

Ive seen it on dozens of private sex video on WhatsApp Groups sent by the chads of the Groups, as i already mentioned, there was a 16 year old chad who recorded himself fucking his milf teacher with his huge penis, she screamed "finally a big dick!!!!" like her life depends on it

women are total liars with their "It's About sexual skills and muh communication"

NOTHING will ever satisfy a Woman as much as a dimorphic dominant tall wide framed tyrone or chad with a large hard penis

I have a Right to have a large penis, especially if im the victim of womens feminization and our feministic Propaganda which has lead to the fact that urologists are ignorant and misandristic against hypogonadal men

Im seriously thinking About sueing this state to pay for a penile transplant, im physically impotent and underdeveloped but no urologists has ever helped me despite the fact that my testicles are just as small as the ones of a 10 year old boy

99_1_Rule #conspiracy reddit.com

You would not believe me if I told you this.

I was feeling particularly suicidal tonight, so I figured, fuck it, I'm gonna call the Suicide Hotline and just vent.

According to their website, 97% of calls are answered within 75 seconds.

Guess how long I waited for? Just take a guess. Got your guess in your head? Okay? Ready?




I waited a total of nearly 15 minutes on the phone and no one even fucking picked up.

I made a r/SuicideWatch post earlier today and someone literally commented "Oh good! :)" on my post before I deleted it.


I am 1000% convinced everything is fake. Everyone is acting. I live in a simulation. This is actually all fake. Everything is actually fake.

I feel like I'm being driven to madness. I genuinely feel completely insane. It's such a life-changing realization. Nothing is actually fucking real.

You are treated the way you are treated by design. If any of you even are real. For all I know, I'm the only actual real person in this simulation and "incels" have just been created by some supercomputer AI that I'm plugged into.

I've ran numbers and I've studied high levels of statistics. So much of the shit that happens to me shouldn't be statistically possible. My life genuinely feels like a movie. Everything just feels so artificial and fake.

Everything feels like The Truman Show.

I'm done playing by the rules.

I'm done being toyed with and played with like a fucking animal. If you are in on this and you're not NPC's or AI designed specifically to accommodate to me, then fuck you.

I've been Neuro Typical my entire life and I've never had signs of autism or other mental disorders or learning disabilities. Yet, I'm still somehow going mad. I feel like Russel Crowe's character, Steve Nash, in A Beautiful Mind. Everything feels like it's collapsing suddenly. Everything, every single day, it just keeps getting worse.

I'm going to free myself from this fucking hell and I hope all of you do the same if you're really here with me.

Bless you all.

BenLewisWaddington #transphobia reddit.com

Ah yes, QueersAgainstHate. The most ironic people of them all listing subs like truelesbians as hate and demand they be shut down.

Because to them it is hatred for actual lesbians to have spaces on the internet without the TQ people transplaining their sexuality to them and reeking of homophobia. Get the message visitors from QueersAgainstHate, you are hateful, not us.

Some incels #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Re: Is there anything more cucked?


My daughter is 11 and came home with $50 she charged some kid $50 to be his girlfriend for a week I don't know if I should be mad or high five her.. sos.


Yeah, high five your 11yo for being a literal whore.

Slayyy girl. QWEEN. Hu$$tlin, Makin dat $$$.

At such a young age too, what an enterprising independent girl. At her rate of maturity, she'll be imported to Dubai as a human toilet at the record-breaking age of 14.


The Dubai portapotty thing is lifefuel. I remember reading one woman cried after being shit on and I laughed out loud. Based Arabs tbhngl.

lol they really do that? thats fucking based actually ngl

Yep. They know women will do anything if you pay them enough, so for fun they fly out these little Instagram sluts and take turns shitting on their face and tits.


And when these foids turn 35 and it’s time to hang up the cleats? It’s time for vanilla missionary in the dark twice a month with mr. beta bux. “What’s past is past, tee hee!”

normietflthrowaway #sexist reddit.com

Re: Manlet’s GF photoshops him to a taller height to increase her social media presence. Even if you ascend they’re ashamed of you.


My girlfriend [M29 F29] photoshopped a picture to make me look taller.

Basically what's in the title. But I can give some background info: my girlfriend and I have been going out for 2 years now. I'm 5'6" and she's 5'4". It's honestly been an amazing relationship from my perspective, she's my first real girlfriend and sex partner so perhaps I am biased but I have been very happy with her. She has been with a good number of guys before and it used to give me some anxiety because they were all tall (6'2'lish, approx. by their photos) and handsome, but she kept reassuring me that my height doesn't matter to her and she's matured past the point where she cares about that superficial stuff. So I got over it. And our romantic life is great, she's never given me a reason to doubt her love for me.

Men are honestly more like human trophies to modern empowered females than we are fellow human beings to them. They dont actually value us as people, they primarily value us for the feelings of social status security they feel we can offer them.

Women's increasing, hypergamy motivated height fetish proves this all too well. Tall man = Big trophy as far as they are concerned; Having a taller man than other women literally makes a lot of females feel superior and good about themselves. Guy in the post isn’t tall enough to make her look good, so she feels so insecure about this she edits him in pictures. She wants, needs a taller trophy to show off in order to feel secure with herself.

High IQ. Hardest blackpill for me.

Same. Female romantic love is a profitable myth. They never love the man, only what he does for them and when he makes them look good. We are honestly just social status objects to them: the security they feel they get for being with a guy is what mostly determines their feelings for him.

That’s why a man’s height or money are more important than who or how he is as a human being for an insane amount of them. The same men who are desperate to believe in the fantasy that is female romantic love are the same ones who stupidly refuse to recognize the completely obvious fact that the main way men have always competed for women is through signaling material and social status.

F29 and pictures of past boyfriends that mog him.

She got the wall and is need of betabuxx. Either he’s cool with being the bail out or he’s completely clueless.

He’s clueless, like most short or ugly guys with his level of optimism towards women. He won’t wake up to the truth until he gets hurt bad enough. Already starting to happen to him.

I think he feels something is amiss since he’s posting on that sub. Too bad nobody there is gonna drop the black pill on him

Even if they did he probably still wouldnt accept it. He’s gotta learn the hard way for himself, like most guys. We all start off blue pilled, we are raised to be, but on top of this we are also taught to invest our sense of self worth as men into our ability and willingness to keep women on a pedestal. Some guys get treated like shit by women for their whole life and still never figure it out, because they’d basically hate themselves just for being seriously critical of women at all.

Things are only changing today because the internet is allowing males to come together and share information, but for a lot of guys this still isn’t enough, they gotta get hurt real bad multiple times before they are able to consider taking women off that pedestal in their minds.

blackpillnormie6 #sexist reddit.com

I never understood that guys appeal. altrighters and so many "manosphere" guys treat him like a god and chosen one. i see it for what it is... cringe cuckcservatives falling for bullshit

All of politics is just different ways for women to manipulate and exploit men.

We (rightly) bitch about feminism a lot, but traditional gender roles are all about protecting and caring for women and shit too. Prove your masculinity by rushing to see who can protect and serve women most effectively!

I lol at memes like this. The watermark says "Men United" but it's about threatening little boys with weapons to protect your daughter.

Our culture wars are basically an argument about what values are best for women. But everyone agrees that's what matters most.

Heads, men are disposable. Tails, men are disposable.

”Our culture wars are basically an argument about what values are best for women. But everyone agrees that's what matters most.”

Actually incredibly high IQ comment, this is how all human societies have been for all of time, it's part of our DNA. Even the way Islam treats women is based on the pretense of protecting them from men

I just wish people stopped acting so fucking moralizing about it. Society values women more because they have eggs and a pussy. Okay, fine. Dont act like theyre victims and men are evil and we need to liberate them from oppression and shit when men on average live much harder lives. When for most men, just finding friends and dating options is a struggle if you arent exceptional.

That's the wild thing about gender. Is that we've just completely reversed reality and decided as a culture to feel sorry for the far more privileged group.

Imagine if we grew up constantly being reminded to be nice to the oppressed rich which people. It's fucking insane. Poor people and minorities have it harder but at least everyone knows it. Men have to deal with being treated like shit AND being constantly bombarded with reminders of how lucky we are to be men.

Being a woman will always be easier but it'd be nice to one day live in a world where people notice this and are empathetic to the 80%+ of men for whom things are much harder.

_crusoe #racist #sexist reddit.com

”Lol Asian women are one of the biggest self haters in the fucking world.”

???? have you seen white people?

Arab guy here. True, white people do hate themselves in many ways, but mostly because of some weird collective guilt. But unlike Asian women, white women generally are favorable to white men provided white men are Chads/Chadlite. However, white women are increasingly ditching white men for black men, which is a sexual desire adjacent to bestiality. Like Arab/Middle Eastern women, white women are extremely into big cocks.

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