
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Guillaume Durocher #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #racist europereloaded.com

The speed of social change in the modern era, and in particular in the contemporary West, is so rapid that we all are liable to feel a bit lost.

A recent example of this was provided by none other than Hillary Clinton, that most “progressive” representative of global oligarchy. You see, the 71-year-old Clinton, whose presidential campaign was premised on making history as the first female presidency, still believes in biological sex:

In an interview with The Sunday Times, journalist Decca Aitkenhead asked the Clintons if someone with a beard and a penis can ever be a woman, to which Chelsea replied emphatically, ‘Yes.’

However, as Aitkenhead describes it, Hillary looked ‘uneasy’, and blamed generational gaps for being less accepting.

‘Errr. I’m just learning about this,’ Hillary responded. ‘It’s a very big generational discussion, because this is not something I grew up with or ever saw. It’s going to take a lot more time and effort to understand what it means to be defining yourself differently.’

Hillary’s squirming on the topic caused visible glee in the foul-mouthed comic artists at The Daily Stormer. Meanwhile her daughter Chelsea also believes that men claiming to be women have a human right to play in women’s sports.

There’s something truly surreal about these kinds of developments. One wonders where to start.

This sort of insanity has been a long time coming. The truth is that Western civilization has been steadily feminizing for at least the last two centuries. The decline of men has become a topic of conversation on the outer edges of the mainstream media. Men’s decline has been at once biological, economic, social, and moral.

Witness the testosterone levels:


Source: “Generational decline in testosterone levels observed,” [b][i]Endocrine Today[/i][/b], February 2007
Sperm count:




In Western Europe, the decline of men has been systematized through the use of quotas in favor of women. In June 2000, France voted a law requiring political parties to have 50% female candidates. Today, the European Commission has a stated objective of having at least 40% female managers, an objective that can only be reached by systematically discriminating against men in promotions. The EU wants to impose a similar legal quota for publicly-traded European companies, to have 40% women on all corporate boards. This would also apply to fields, such as tech and sciences, where there are few female applicants to begin with.

At the risk of discouraging people, and I think we should always be realistic, I believe the decline of men has not bottomed out yet. In Western Europe certainly, the process of evicting excess “white males above 50” – a common phrase in France – has not been completed. While there are certain protections in the United States, I suspect that “woke capital” and pious H.R. departments will become more aggressive in discriminating against men, in the name of equal outcomes between the genders, itself tendentiously equated with equal opportunities.


The predominance of women is not without consequence for liberty and excellence. A 2015 Pew poll found that women were almost 50% more likely to support government censorship of “statements that are offensive to minority groups” than were men. Women, particularly left-wing women, are more politically intolerant: one survey found that 30% of Democratic women had blocked, unfriended or stopped following someone online for their politics, as against only 8% of Republican men. The London Times reported in May 2016 that female students overwhelmingly supported censorship of university publications if these were “considered offensive to certain groups.”

Naturally, any number of truthful statements may be painful or “considered offensive to certain groups.” Most pointedly, any suggestion that men and women have meaningful biological and psychological differences, and therefore to some degree should have different social roles, will be considered “offensive.”

This highlights the self-reinforcing nature of Western societies’ feminization.

One Million Moms #homophobia #transphobia onemillionmoms.com

Kellogg’s has supported the homosexual community for a long time, and now it is obvious they are going after our children. As part of an effort to say "we're all in this together," Kellogg's has combined several of its popular cereals into one package to support an LGBTQ "anti-bullying" campaign called Spirit Day.

Kellogg’s calls it All Together Cereal, an exclusive, limited-time offer in which the cereal brand’s famous mascots are promoting their individual cereals packaged together in a purple box with rainbow colors.


Kellogg’s goal is to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle by using cereal mascots to brainwash children. The company is also donating $50,000 to GLAAD to support its anti-bullying and LGBTQ advocacy work.


Kellogg’s needs to hear from you. Supporting the homosexual agenda versus remaining neutral in the cultural war is just bad business. If Christians cannot find corporate neutrality with Kellogg’s, then they will vote with their pocketbook and support companies that are neutral. Sign our petition to Kellogg’s now!

Chad Greene #transphobia thefederalist.com

Trans people are dying!” chanted a group of transgender protesters interrupting Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg during one of many CNN discussions on LGBT issues. Beto O’Rouke and Don Lemon were greeted by a passionate trans activist named Blossom Brown, who shouted, “Black trans woman are being killed in this country, and you have erased trans women for the last time.”
Kamala Harris responded compassionately to an audience member who interrupted her forum by shouting, “How do we get those men to stop killing us? How do we get those men to stop killing trans women of color? We are hunted. Systematically hunted. How can they do that?”

In response to these accusations, Buttigieg calmly assured the audience, “I would like to believe everyone here is committed to ending that epidemic.” Harris responded to the question of how she would address violence against transgender people by saying, “There has to be serious consequence and accountability when it happens.”
Sen. Cory Booker took the issue a step further when addressing more widespread accusations of anti-LGBT violence, referring to it as a national emergency and saying, “We live in a country where we still see regular, everyday violence and intimidation and bullying against Americans because of who they are.” He proposed an “Office of Hate Crimes and White Supremacy” to handle the issue.
The media alarm bells have been resonating on this topic for quite a while, and as each year passes, the ritual listing of transgender murder victims has become a staple of LGBT reporting. In fact, it is impossible to find any article detailing a particular murder without a paragraph or two devoted to discussing the “epidemic” of violence against transgender males dressing as females, specifically of color. It is clearly embedded in our collective consciousness despite the right’s efforts to shed light onto the issue with far more accurate and rational reporting.
Does the Data Show an ‘Epidemic’ of Hate?
I have spent much writing discussing how these stories are exploited and manipulated to create an impression of violence and hatred that rarely reflects reality. As such, I have become familiar with nearly all of the cases so often repeated, but I realized it was time to collect them together and analyze them as a whole.

The Human Rights Campaign has organized this information in packets starting in 2015 through the present. Using these resources, I independently researched each case to the best of my ability with the available information. The HRC reports can be found here: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
In the HRC’s 2019 ongoing information page, the organization made this important statement:
Some of these cases involve clear anti-transgender bias. In others, the victim’s transgender status may have put them at risk in other ways, such as forcing them into unemployment, poverty, homelessness and/or survival sex work.
After years of simply declaring “hate” to be the core motivation, this comes as a refreshing admission of the realities surrounding these murders. However, the LGBT left’s bias toward victimhood still pushes them to place blame where no feasible solution could be found to resolve it.

We Need Honesty About Crimes Against Trans People
Although LGBT advocates and media insist these cases do not represent a true picture of violence, as often the victim is identified as a different sex by the police until family or friends correct reports, we still have no evidence of a pattern or “epidemic” of violence. It is certainly false that trans women are being “systematically hunted” or that black trans women are specifically targeted.
What we do know from all available resources is that the violence these individuals experience occurs to a very broad range of people with diverse backgrounds and identities. It is clearly more an issue of high-risk environments than identity-based discrimination.
Another important element to recognize is that regardless of gender identity, local, state, and federal authorities take each case very seriously, and more than half of reported crimes have resolved in sentencing. No one is looking the other way or tolerating this violence, and certainly not because the victims are transgender.
The truth is there is very little our government or society could do to reduce these incidents. They result from cultural influences, dangerous environments, and high-risk engagements. The most powerful effects the left, LGBT advocacy and media, and Democratic leaders could have in protecting transgender people would be to tell the truth about prostitution, drugs, risky sex practices, and domestic violence. Continuing the narrative of fighting hatred and bigotry will do nothing more than win popularity points; it won’t save lives.

Admin #transphobia #kinkshaming feministwiki.org

Transgender ideology

Transgender ideology is a loose catch-all term referring to philosophies, world views, and dogmatic statements adhered to by political activists who see themselves as trying to uphold the human rights of transgender people. The political movement of furthering these ideologies is called the transgender movement. Feminists tend to use these terms critically when pointing out sexist, homophobic, or otherwise problematic aspects of the movement. Those who support the transgender movement tend to oppose the term transgender ideology, likening it to phrases such as homosexual agenda which is used to ascribe a sinister intent to gay/lesbian/bisexual rights activists.

The practice of supporting transgender ideology is called transgender activism (often shortened trans activism) and a person who follows this practice is called a transgender activist (often shortened trans activist). The word "transgender" in the phrase "transgender activist" is not to be understood as an adjective for the person in question (i.e. "an activist who happens to be transgender") but as a reference to the activism they practice (i.e. "an activist supporting transgender ideology"). Many trans activists are not transgender themselves.

The term trans rights activist (shortened TRA) is sometimes used for its similarity to men's rights activist (shortened MRA). Just like so-called MRAs claim to support men's human rights but end up blaming everything on women and opposing feminism, TRAs claim to support transgender human rights but end up blaming everything on women and opposing feminism.


Trans women are women

One of the core dogmata of the transgender movement is the statement that trans women are women (and the less often repeated trans men are men). Under this view it's important to write trans woman as two words (adjective and noun) and not transwoman, to stress the fact that so-called trans women are literally a subtype of women, just like white women, black women, short women, tall women, and so on. The statement "trans women are women" is not meant as a vague slogan of moral support, but in a literal sense.
Since the statement contradicts the dictionary definition of the word "woman" (adult human female), it implies that a different definition would be better. When asked about this, transgender activists usually avoid providing an actual definition. Most attempts tend to revolve around a circular definition, such as "anyone who identifies as a woman, is a woman." As such, the statement "trans women are women" is probably best described as a dogma.
The idea that transwomen are literally women is taken as the basis for many problematic conclusions, such as: transwomen deserve to partake in women's sports, transwomen should be seen as part of the natural dating pool of lesbians (see also cotton ceiling), transwomen deserve to use all female facilities, enter female-only spaces and events, speak on women's rights as women, and so on.

Gender identity

The idea that "trans women are women" is usually backed by a belief in an essential, inborn, and immutable "gender identity" that every person supposedly possesses.[6] Transwomen are said to be real women on the grounds that they possess a "female gender identity" which they are said to share with women. Likewise for transmen and a "male gender identity" that is supposedly shared by all men.
Just like transgender activists refuse to provide an objective definition of womanhood, they tend to refuse defining gender identity on any objective terms. Usually, when explaining how a person has discovered their gender identity, one hears references to sexist stereotypes ascribed to womanhood and manhood. When confronted directly however, transgender activists refuse the notion that gender identity is based entirely on those stereotypes. Since no objective measure exists at all, they are effectively forced to accept the claims of anyone and everyone regarding what their gender identity is. Thus we see transwomen with full beards and intact male anatomy, who are said to be literally real women like any other.
Transgender children
Since gender identity is said to be inborn, it follows that some children would be transgender, and only need to find this out. Once it's found out, the only way forward is to support the child in its transgender identification. This leads to the transgender activist "affirm-only" approach towards youth, where for instance a boy who says "I wish I was a girl" or "I'm actually a girl" is from that point on treated as if the child is literally a girl. (Given a female name, referred to by female pronouns, asked to be considered a girl by others, and so on.) Likewise for girls who express that they wish they were a boy, or claim that they are internally a boy. Trans activists are opposed to the alternative "watchful waiting" approach.
The trans activist affirm-only approach has been supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics.[7] Parents concerned over this model of treatment published a long criticism and launched a petition reaching 1,200 signatures.[8] Psychologist James Cantor also published a fact-check article criticizing the AAP's decision.
Trans activists usually support giving puberty blocking medication such as Lupron to children who think they are transgender.[7] These children may be as young as 10 years old.

Cisgender people oppress transgender people

Another core tenet of transgender ideology is the notion that cisgender people oppress transgender people, just like how men oppress women, white Americans oppress black Americans, or how straight people oppress gay men and lesbian women.[11][12] As such, when a man identifies as a transwoman, his position relative to that of a woman turns from being her oppressor to someone who is oppressed by her. His male privilege is denied as he is now considered a woman, and the fact that he is a transgender woman means that he is oppressed by so-called cisgender women. Further, being both a woman and transgender means he is considered to suffer under two axes of oppression, akin to how black women suffer both from racism and sexism. This way, a white man suddenly becomes comparable to a black woman with regards to oppressive power dynamics in society.
As per the principle of intersectionality (appropriated from black feminism), transgender activists often say that the feminist movement should not only include transwomen's concerns, but outright center them in many discussions, as otherwise the feminist movement might fail to sufficiently address their concerns.

Collusion with "sex work" activism

For reasons not entirely clear, many if not most transgender activists also seem to support the "sex work" movement.[13] Possible explanations for this collusion might be:
* Both movements stem from queer ideology, which is based on transgression of social norms without regard to ethical concerns
* The transgender movement being dominated by autogynephilic men who are interested in upholding a society in which women exist for male sexual pleasure
* Anti-feminists supporting both the transgender movement and the "sex work" movement, simply because they see both of them as weapons against women's liberation

Steven R. #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia simplychristian.fandom.com

Sermon 15: Voting the Bible

By Bro. Steven R.

“Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.”-Deuteronomy 1:13

In Canada, they just had an election where they essentially re-elected wacky socialist and racist Justin Trudeau. Trudeau did lose some seats to the “conservative” party but just like most Republicans most Canadian “conservatives” are pro-abortion and pro-sodomite “marriage.”

Canada’s got this weird sodomite predator named Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv. Yaniv is an effeminate sodomite who wanted a local business to have a female employee wax his testicles. Closet sodomite Trudeau supports this nonsense. Even effeminate sodomite Blair White got in a spat with Yaniv over this. Yaniv is even more ridiculous than Charles Clymer who decides to call himself “Charlotte” and wear gaudy makeup like Ronald McDonald to earn “woke” points with leftists.

Here in the US, we have an election coming up in 2020 and the Republicans have a sick and demented incumbent president guilty of adultery, child abuse deceit, collusion with a hostile power, cocaine and Adderall and Sudafed abuse, as well as supporting sodomy and pornography and gambling as well as cannabis. The Democratic Party will nominate someone even more liberal who will promote socialized medicine, “non-binary” IDs, tuition free college, a stipend for doing nothing but sitting on your rear end, as well as promoting polygamy and bestiality.

Look, finding a biblically right candidate will be difficult, but it’s possible. There are still a few good Republicans who aren’t sellouts to the liberal RINO agenda promoted by Wicked Donny out there, who actually value life and religious liberty. We don’t need compromises like Ted Cruz or Gregg Abbott (a papist) in Texas. Sure they’re not insane looks like Gavin “free healthcare and orgies for illegal aliens” Newsom, but no compromise isn’t acceptable. The Constitution Party is full of solid biblically sound conservatives. Look at some independent candidates in your area as well! Live your faith and exercise your right to vote even if things seem bleak right now! We can save ourselves from liberal moral decadence, but we need a a revival!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #transphobia brianniemeier.com

A Texas jury has sided with a witch who seeks to turn her son into a girl as revenge against her ex-husband.

"Jeff Younger said his son is happy being a boy and does not desire to be a girl, according to The Texan. James Younger’s pediatrician mother, Anne Georgulas, as well as counselors and therapists who testified on her behalf, told the court that the 7-year-old is transgender and had expressed to each of them that he wished he were a girl.
A Texas jury decided Monday that Jeff Younger cannot stop James Younger’s social gender transition to a girl. A social transition refers to when a person begins to publicly conform to the opposite gender, according to Planned Parenthood."

There it is. They're taking out kids and sterilizing them under color of law. If we submit to this ultimate humiliation ritual, Western civilization is done for, and it will deserve the coming oblivion.

A small white pill: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken an interest in the case.

If Abbott orders the arrests for child abuse of the witch, her attorneys, the butchers in scrubs who are facilitating the torture of her son, and the jury, we may have a chance to avoid plunging into the abyss.

In the meantime, pray for James.

UPDATE: The cultural doomsday clock has been moved back one minute from midnight.

"A judge ruled Thursday that Jeff Younger has a say in whether or not his 7-year-old son goes through a gender transition.
Judge Kim Cooks of Texas’s 255th district ruled Thursday that parents Younger and Anne Georgulas will have joint guardianship over James Younger, LifeSite News reported. This joint guardianship includes joint decision-making for medical decisions."

Praise God for delivering this boy from Moloch's claws. This is justice for him and more mercy than our sick society deserves.

Ideally, Abbott keeps his nerve, and the father be making all of his son's medical decisions because the mother will be behind bars.

Nuance Bro #transphobia youtube.com

The issue that I wanted to focus on is this narrative that trans people are dying. So I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but there's this big issue in the trans community or the LGBT community at large about transgenders being murdered. So when they talk about trans people are dying, do something, they are saying that trans people are being murdered in the streets and that this is a huge problem and that politicians need to do something. Now this issue always perplexed me because I always heard people talking about transgender murders but I never heard anybody use the stats. So, what are the stats behind transgender murders? Now, a great resource that I found is from the leftist publication Mic.... if we scroll down, we can see the number of documented trans homicides per year. So how many is it? We can see it. In the year 2010, there was a total of 9 homicides. Now I don't know about you, but 9 homicides in a year in a country of 330 million people, I don't know if I would consider that an epidemic. But the argument being made is that it is rising. As you can see here, we go from 9 homicides in 2010 to a peak of 24 homicides in 2015, and the most recent number they have is 2016 of 23 homicides. Now to be fair, 23 homicides might seem low, but we have to look at things per capita...….

(Nuance Bro goes on to claim that statistics show that there is no epidemic of trans people murdered specifically for being trans)

Lydia Church #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Nothing justifies gay 'marriage' since God condemns it. (And Jesus, since He is God.)

Leviticus 18; 22
Leviticus 20; 13
Deuteronomy 22; 5
Romans 1; 26-27
1 Corinthians 6; 9-11
1 Timothy 1; 10

Homosexuality is a sin.
There is no marriage between them.
There is no transgenderism.
God didn't 'make' anyone gay.
There are only two genders.
The fall of man lead to the sin nature.
God made us male or female and we are our birth gender.

Singing any song does not alter the facts.
That song has absolutely NOTHING to do with this issue.

God loved the whole world, so He sent HIS SON to die for
our sins to save us, not just from the stain of sin, but the
power of sin over our lives, including the sin of homosexuality,
so that we could be saved from that lifestyle and the sin
of homosexuality will no longer have power over us!
We will be heterosexual, as God intended!
John 3; 16

th9joker #transphobia youtube.com

I'm certain one thing after watching this, between the crazy men that think they are women, and the pervs that think they can pass for women, and the walruses that actually are women, these people are all ugly women.

Nathanael Blake #transphobia thefederalist.com

Britain has a new state religion. In theory, Christianity, in the form of the Church of England, is the established faith of old Blighty. In practice, a new creed has taken its place, and it is eager to punish nonbelievers.
Consider the case of David Mackereth, an English doctor whose Christian faith has been officially declared impermissible. Mackereth was fired for refusing to “‘refer to a man six foot tall with a beard’ as ‘she.’” A judge upheld his firing, declaring that “belief in Genesis 1:27, lack of belief in transgenderism, and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment are incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here, transgender individuals.” This ruling is part of a new religious establishment, complete with penal laws.

The judge’s language is awkward but nonetheless revealing insofar as it acknowledges it is an affirmation of faith to declare that a tall, bearded man is, in some mystical sense, a woman. The claim that a male can be (or become) a woman is religious, not scientific.
Thus, the judge not only condemned the biblical belief that God created us male and female, but also denounced “lack of belief in transgenderism” for any reason, religious or secular. The doctrine of transgenderism will not tolerate rival faiths, and so this newly established creed aims to punish all nonconformists, be they Christian or atheist, Jew or Hindu.
Self-Worship Isn’t Freedom
The central doctrine of transgenderism is the belief that human will determines reality as we create ourselves. A man who identifies as a woman is therefore a woman and has always been. Social, chemical, and surgical alterations are merely the outward affirmation and outworking of this inward truth, and the imperfections of physical transition do not negate the metaphysical truth of gender identity. Not all people who identify as LGBT accept this radical ideology, but the loudest voices preach it aggressively.
These mystical doctrines of transgender ideology exemplify modern self-worship, in which the human replaces the divine dictates of revealed religion as the source and creator of meaning. Catholicism preaches the real presence of Christ veiled in the bread and wine; transgenderism professes the real presence of the woman veiled in the male body.

But discontentment lurks amid the triumphant claims that identity determines reality. Self-creation is not freedom, for it only changes our master. Desire appears as the most authentic aspect of the self, and so it, rather than reason or revelation, rules human efforts to create our own truth and meaning.
Furthermore, since we are not gods, our efforts to create ourselves are hindered by the natural laws of our existence and by what older creeds called sinfulness. Self-worship does not overcome our consciousness of sin or the given nature of our embodied human existence.
Thus, self-worship turns to self-loathing misanthropy. A tall, bearded man may hate the doctor who denies that he is actually a woman, but this is not because the doctor is vicious or deceitful. Rather, he hates the doctor because the doctor tells the unwelcome truth about embodied existence. Vile bodies, indeed.
Likewise, making our desires our masters does not lead to glorious aesthetic self-creation, no matter how many commercials selling sneakers, smartphones, and tacos insist that it does. Rather, the ascendancy of desire is destructive to ourselves, other people, and the world. Older religious and philosophical traditions knew this and provided solutions, as exemplified in the Christian understanding of sin and redemption.
Transgenderism Sees Other People As the Problem

Modern self-worship struggles to address the problem, and transgender ideology is not the only point at which moderns are caught between self-worship and self-loathing. Environmental misanthropy provides another example.
The ranks of star environmentalists are flush with those who epitomize greedy indulgence. Rather than practicing self-control, it has become fashionable to question whether it is good to have children, with celebrities, politicians, and pundits opining that it is best to have few, if any. They see children as burdens on parents, societies, and ecosystems. If we are primarily consumers of products and experiences, what intrinsic good is there in making more people?
That question is unanswerable as phrased. It is only when we realize that we are begotten, not made, that the good of human beings becomes visible again. People are the point, and we flourish in community and are fulfilled by relationships — not by ever more consumption or fantasies of self-creation.
Self-worship elevates our desires and thereby sets us at war with others and the world. We see other people as the problem, rather than the purpose of life. Self-worship cannot eradicate the problem of sin, however, nor bend the world to one’s will, and so it often results in self-loathing, which in turn is redirected toward others. Private-jet environmentalists who lecture working families about having children illustrate this, as do transgender activists who want to force everyone else to affirm their mystical sense of self, rather than biological reality.

The judge in Mackereth’s case got it backwards. The teaching of Genesis 1:27 that God made humans, male and female, in the image of himself is the firm foundation for human dignity and human rights. The real threat comes not from a Christian doctor’s refusal to pretend a man is a woman, but from a mystical ideology that worships the self.

Nicole Russel #transphobia thefederalist.com

The U.S. Supreme Court hears a landmark case on gender identity and sex Tuesday, in oral arguments for R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. James Shupe offered his perspective in an amicus brief for that case.
The following is an interview between me and Shupe, who made waves for being the first “legally non-binary person” in the United States. Shupe achieved clarity through therapy, and returned to life as his birth sex even though the LGBT community shunned him. He’s begun to share his story and speak out against the dangers of transgender medicine.

In 2016, an Oregon circuit court ruled Shupe could change his gender to nonbinary, the first legal ruling of his kind. LGBT activists lauded it as a landmark decision that now plagues Shupe.
Here’s a closer look at his experience living as the opposite sex, regretting it, returning to live as his birth sex, and becoming a vocal opponent of transgender medicine altogether. This transcript has been edited for clarity and length.
For readers who may be unaware of your journey, describe why you decided to become the “first legally non-binary person” in the United States?
I experienced a major mental health crisis at age 49. I began researching psychiatric issues on the internet. It didn’t take very long for me to stumble upon gender identity disorder, transgenderism, and transsexualism.
At first, I was skeptical that I could actually be a female based on this newly discovered thing called “gender identity,” something I’d never heard of before because I’d always understood myself to be a male. But numerous medical and media articles describing mental health issues disappearing after undergoing a gender transition quickly convinced me that I was a woman and that transition would fix me. I also discovered the Department of Veterans Affairs had a newly launched transgender medical care program [that] erased all of my doubts completely.

At the time, I was especially vulnerable to being duped into believing that I was actually a female trapped in a male body despite not feeling like one for two reasons. 1) I had fragile mental health and was desperate for a cure. 2) During my military career, I’d often cross-dressed for sexual pleasure and had an attraction for men while dressed as a woman, a problem I’d acted out on during several occasions.
So this newly discovered information about being a female because of gender identity based on “feeling like a woman” was a much more palatable explanation for what I had previously understood my behavior to be per military regulations: transvestism.
So, armed with this new information and false beliefs about myself, I immediately began identifying as a transgender woman, mimicking the role of a stereotypical female, and taking female hormones. I also planned to undergo a vaginoplasty surgery to have my penis cosmetically reshaped into a vagina. I was born in 1963, so I’m older than the theory of gender identity, a term first used for transsexuals in 1966 when John Hopkins opened their gender clinic.
Unfortunately, all of this turned out to be delusional thinking. By the end of the charade, I’d come to the realization that my sex change was a failure and a hoax and by then I was just as desperate to escape being legally classified as female as I was previously was to solve my mental health problems.

After a good-faith period of participation in the grand gender experiment, I came to believe the whole thing was smoke and mirrors, complete quackery. By then I knew I wasn’t a female and like others before me, I had similarly discovered by trial and error that changing your sex is impossible. You could say that becoming non-binary gave me the means to save face and as a byproduct, I became famous for doing so.
What does it mean to become non-binary?
Like everything else with gender, non-binary is a made-up term. It’s a “catch-all” terminology for all of the transgender identities that fall outside of male and female. It can mean anything from you think of yourself as transmasculine or transfeminine, or neither male or female, or even a combination of the two.
How long did it take before you realized your quest to become non-binary was actually a result of trauma?
It wasn’t until late 2018 and early 2019 after two psychiatric hospitalizations that I was able to face up to the truth about myself and my sexual behaviors. Once I was willing to do that, I became familiarized with what Dr. Ray Blanchard had correctly theorized about men like me decades ago: that I am sexually attracted and aroused by the idea of myself as a female.
Dr. Blanchard claims there are two types of transgender women: homosexuals attracted to men, and men who are attracted to the thought or image of themselves as females. The latter is the most prominent population group in western countries, and sadly that’s the motivation for all of these middle-aged men such as myself who begin to believe they are women after what’s essentially a sexual fetish has been undiagnosed, gone untreated, or been misdiagnosed as gender dysphoria, and has then escalated and developed into an alter ego female personality.

First, my sexual behaviors were a coping mechanism for my very painful mental health issues that were rooted in the trauma of my childhood sexual abuse as well as violence I’d experienced and witnessed. Second, I was also now feeding what had become an escalating sexual addiction that was being fueled by pornography and yet another sexual paraphilia I’d developed: masochism. Experts in these fields of expertise state that sexual paraphilias are often comorbid and I agree.
Who bears the blame for your transition? You? Your doctors?
I’ve gotten feedback that insinuates that I got exactly what I asked for from my medical providers during my two gender transitions. But the truth is my doctors and mental health professionals bear significant blame, because the work of Blanchard and others on autogynephilia was published all the way back in the 1980s, yet most psychologists and psychiatrists either know nothing about it or intentionally chose ignorance. It’s framed as an unpopular diagnosis.
When I confronted my caregivers at the VA that had rubber-stamped me with gender dysphoria instead of a sexual paraphilia and asked to be reevaluated, their response was to fire me as a patient and then claim that they had no experience treating sexual paraphilias. However, the VA has already done studies explaining why people like me are acting out sexually but the folks treating me didn’t put two and two together. Instead, they fed and enabled the delusion that I was a woman, making them the most culpable.
Describe when and how you realized you needed to “de-transition.”
Becoming non-binary was like redoing the whole gender experiment all over again with different parameters and then getting the same outcome. I didn’t stop taking hormones and by then I had an even bigger mess to walk back because I was no longer a relatively obscure transgender woman. I now had international fame associated with the landmark court decision to cope with, making reclaiming my birth sex much more difficult.
But admitting and accepting the truth about myself gave me the strength to reclaim my male birth sex. And after I did, I began treatment for my correct diagnosis: a transvestic disorder with autogynephilia.
What does “de-transitioning” feel like? Is there a feeling of loss? Anger? Relief? Is it harder than transitioning?
There was no sense of loss and it’s certainly easier than transitioning because you’re not fighting against your biological reality, societal pushback, and forcing others to indulge your delusion.
I do have plenty of anger about having been medically experimented on by people with advanced degrees who should have known better, leaving me feeling duped about having fallen for the quack theory that I have a gender identity. I now realize that I don’t.
I was falsely led by mental health practitioners to believe that my feelings decided my sex, but that’s neither scientific, measurable, nor enduring because my feelings can and have changed. I’ve come to realize and accept that the only thing capable of reliably grounding me to reality is my male chromosomes and reproductive system.
All of this legal fiction and outright fraud has indeed left me very bitter and angry. I want the people who have caused me physical and mental harm held accountable for their actions and roles in the medical experimentation that was perpetrated against me.
Do you believe most people who have decided they are transgender would have been better off remaining their biological sex?
Yes, I believe everyone would be better off being recognized solely as their biological sex. The medical procedures being touted as “gender transitions,” if they work at all, are in fact nothing more than cosmetic changes to people’s bodies. I’m proof of that.
But here’s the biggest thing: even if you could somehow argue the medical treatments are legitimate hormonal and surgical procedures, lying to the patient about being another sex based on the pseudoscience of gender identity and forcing everyone else to play along is nothing short of medical malpractice and legal fiction.
How did you decide to go from a non-binary person who has de-transitioned to somewhat of a public critic? Is your personal story well received?
First and foremost I had to do so because people were continuing to use my court decision to put more and more non-binary sex markers on state driver’s licenses, and they were also continuing to write about my court case in academic and legal journals. And this was occurring against a backdrop of readily available information on the internet, my Wikipedia page, and on my personal website explaining that I had reclaimed my birth sex. Some of these folks were intentionally casting me in a false light to advance gender ideology.
What are your expectations for the case SCOTUS is about to hear, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as it relates to your personal journey? Should gender identity be protected under the law like sex?
I think the justices will rule in favor of R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes and protect religious freedom because the male plaintiff, who claims to be a female is, in my opinion, the exact same thing as I am: A cross-dressing man that is sexually aroused by the image of himself as a woman. I sincerely believe that he and I both suffer from a transvestic disorder and with what Dr. Blanchard refers to as autogynephilia.
While I believe that autogynephilia is a mental health problem worthy of treatment and compassion, based on my experience I think it’s unworthy of public or employment accommodation, even if it has progressed to gender dysphoria.
Like myself, because the man in the case who now identifies as a woman’s transvestic disorder has apparently gone untreated for probably decades, and because quack theories about gender have been allowed to proliferate and infiltrate society and law, his sexual identity problem has apparently gotten so out of control that he now believes he’s a female. That’s unfortunate, but he’s not a woman and neither was I. So I feel the Supreme Court needs to set the nation straight about that in order to protect females and religious freedom.
We need to quit wasting so much time and resources and return to a clear-cut definition of biological sex because a lot of children are now being harmed by gender ideology too. As to whether gender should be protected under the law? The answer is no, because it’s based on nothing more than personal feelings, perceptions, stereotypes, and pseudoscience.

Kjartan Arnorsson #transphobia furaffinity.net

I've spent an embarrassing amount of time in my head. My brain pretty much runs on daydreams. In there, I've been a cunning detective, a flying superhero, a ruthless resistance fighter, a self-taught architect, a daring astronaut, a terraformer, a guttersnipe who breaks thru to prosperity by scamming the rich 'till they bleed money, a goldbricking soldier, an escaped slave, a guerilla, and let's not forget the most frequent fantasy, a handsome cocksman with all the work he can handle from a bevy of randy beauties.

And that's just fine and dandy. Reality would be much harder to bear if we couldn't escape into the endless fields of fantasy from time to time. If you're a fat, middle-aged guy who dreams of being a slim tween girl, there's nothing to stop you - you can be whoever you want in the privacy of your own head.

But OUTSIDE your head? Ah, there's the rub. The real-life people around you are under NO obligation to work as actors in your lil' brain-theater, no matter how passionately you believe in the production. In fact, if you interrupt their business with babble about your fantasies, they have every right to point a finger in your face and laugh loudly.
Dream as big/far/weird as you please. Call yourself whatever you want. In this, at least, we still are a free country. But the minute you want me to play along with your fantasies, you'd better hand me a clearly written script and pay me full Actor's Guild rates.

electronicoffee #transphobia reddit.com

WRONG. There were ZERO transgenders at Stonewall. Nice attempt to "Transwash" gay history and co-opt and STEAL gay heroes. Stonewall was the victory of DRAG QUEENS who are gay men who dress like women for FUN, CAMP, and PERFORMANCE. You don't get to steal OUR history because DQs look KIND OF like TGs.

Commentaryandthings #transphobia #kinkshaming reddit.com

I’m a 14 year old. I want to give a commentary on fetishes and how they’ve affected my friends.

I apologize if this post isn’t 100% about AGP. But it is relevant. This has been a point of concern for me for a while and I needed to get it off my chest.

I will say I do think actual trans people exist, I have met some who are normal and nice people. I just think they get over shrouded by all the fetishists out there.

I’ve noticed a lot of my friends and even myself develop fetishes. At first I thought it was normal at age since y’know... puberty but then I saw people like you talking about how it was concerning and I took a look into it.

I used to have a lot of fetishes when I was 12-13, I’ve gotten rid of a majority of them and am trying to get rid of the rest. I’ve noticed my friends are into things and it concerns me a bit.

A have a friend who’s into dragons, which honestly pretty tame when it comes to fetish standards but he’s also being into beaten. One of my other friends is into being tied up.

What really concerns me is my MtF friend. He’s into ABDL, petplay and BDSM... and like me he’s 14...

According to some people we should still have our innocence at this age, or at least have some of it. Out of the many friends I have only 1 has really maintained their innocence. I lost my innocence at age 11. It wasn’t due to anything sexual it was because when I entered middle school, I heard and saw everyone cussing at eachother, being mean to eachother, talking about sex. 5th grade was a happy and friendly enviroment. This wasn’t. I will say 7th grade was probably the best time of my life so far, but that’s a whole other topic.

I feel like we’re growing up a bit too fast. A lot of my friend’s friends have already lost their virginity.

It just feels like something is... wrong. I’m assuming that this kind of stuff isn’t normal. But if yall older folk could confirm or deny it that’d be great. I’d also like to hear your commentary on the situation as well.

EDIT: Aight it 100% not normal as I expected. I also get this weird feeling that people on this sub hate me now but hey that could just be my anxiety talking.

CL Moller & Taras Bulba #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

(CL Moller)

Across multiple topics and conditions, women were consistently more supportive of censorship than men. The one exception was for text that argued that women evolved to be better leaders than men. For this passage, women were equally as (non)supportive of censorship as men.

As a woman, I just don’t understand how other women think they are better than men when they want and accept less stringent benchmarks for themselves because they are women, and higher benchmarks for men - ie, more censorship of men. Doesn’t that signify men are more powerful?

(Taras Bulba)

It's one of those uni-direction phenomenon between the genders. In the current climate, it seems women covet male prestige, for example holding a high status job and making a lot of money. Yet there doesn't seem to be any desire for men to include themselves in women's spheres.

(CL Moller)

Except sports, where transgender people, from male to female, want to participate in women’s competitions, where they have physical advantage, rather than compete against men, where they are also-rans!

06549r #transphobia reddit.com

[on trans men]

When it’s not a mentally ill lesbian who thinks she needs a penis to have sex with a woman, it’s a mentally ill straight girl fetishizing feminine gay men and using disgusting homophobic slurs to refer to herself.

Bottom line: it’s a fetish.

Sensirr #transphobia reddit.com

If Gender Clinics actually followed TRA rhetoric in treating 'gender dysphoria'...
...this is how it would go!


Patient: Hello, I'm here because I'm dysphoric.

Doctor: Well, what are you dysphoric about?

Patient: Well, I'm a male--

Doctor: AMAB you mean. Go on.

Patient: -- y-yes, but I'm a woman inside --

Doctor: And outside. Transwomen are women.

Patient: -- o-of course! But basically I need tits to feel my true self.

Doctor: ...Why? Transwomen are women.

Patient: Yeahhh, but women have tits and I don't, so I'm dysphor--

Doctor: Women don't need to have tits to be women.

Patient: O-Okay true, but what about my dick? I at least want SRS--

Doctor: Women can have dicks. Also, men can get pregnant. Why are you dysphoric? It sounds like you don't understand what men and women are.

Patient: Well, true that women can have penises and men can have vaginas, but--

Doctor: Indeed, it is true. So your dysphoria is baseless. Now get out of my office.

BenLewisWaddington #transphobia reddit.com

Ah yes, QueersAgainstHate. The most ironic people of them all listing subs like truelesbians as hate and demand they be shut down.

Because to them it is hatred for actual lesbians to have spaces on the internet without the TQ people transplaining their sexuality to them and reeking of homophobia. Get the message visitors from QueersAgainstHate, you are hateful, not us.

daughter_of_bilitis #transphobia reddit.com

TERF = trans exclusionary radical feminist. It's what trans rights activists call women who think that sex (as in, sex not gender) which causes the oppression of women worldwide. Naturally, radfems do not think a man can "become" a woman since women have vagina, uterus, labia, secondary-sex characteristics etc. and men cannot build those structures from regular skin. People often use the word TERF in the way people used to use the word "dyke."

u/mariachi_iuguslavo #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

So, as far as you’ve might know, tumblr used to be a battleground for discourse some time ago, and i believe it still is, but long time ago there was some proeminent TRA who were CIA agents, and also russian infiltrated activists spreading messages contrary to those discourse. The thing is, wtf was happening that time? I’ve even got an email saying “tumblr had deleted some posts that you shared because of infiltrated russian agent spreading stuff”. Does anybody remember that? Isn’t TRA still under cia propaganda? I think it was like 2017 or 2016. When i received that email that shit freaked me out so i’ve backed on feminist activism even. I’m using my secondary account to post here, since I’m a public person and don’t want any politic posts attached to my name. Edit: here’s the transcript of the email tumblr has sent me:

Dear (my blog), As part of our commitment to transparency, we want you to know that we uncovered and terminated 84 accounts linked to Internet Research Agency or IRA (a group closely tied to the the Russian government) posing as members of the Tumblr community. The IRA engages in electronic disinformation and propaganda campaigns around the world using phony social media accounts. When we uncovered these accounts, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts. While investigating their activity on Tumblr, we discovered that you either followed one of these accounts linked to the IRA, or liked or reblogged one of their posts: 1-800-gloup bellaxiao previously known as: blogmadworldlove bellygangstaboo cartnsncreal previously known as: feelmydragonballs destinyrush previously known as: delightfullyghostlysong gogomrbrown previously known as: go-mrbrown, infectedv0ice, todd-la-death honestlyyoungpersona lagonegirl massmedear previously known as: massblog021 mooseblogtimes morningwoodz previously known as: 5cubes, bangbangempire, empireofweird, gifemprireohh, innerpicsempire, picsempire nevaehtyler previously known as: laserenita noteverythingiswhite previously known as: ashleyfsilver sumchckn previously known as: blondeinpolitics, blvckcommunity, classylgbthomie, hwuudoin, politixblondie swagintherain previously known as: blacklivesmatterusa, carzwithgirlz thetrippytrip previously known as: matrixpath, themostpost thingstolovefor previously known as: the-inner-mirror You aren’t in trouble, and don’t need to take any action if you don’t want to. We deleted the accounts but decided to leave up any reblog chains so that you can curate your own Tumblr to reflect your own personal views and perspectives. Democracy requires transparency and an informed electorate and we take our disclosure responsibility very seriously. We’ll be aggressively watching for disinformation campaigns in the future, take the appropriate action, and make sure you know about it. — Tumblr Tumblr 35 East 21st St, Ground Floor. New York, NY 10010. Email settings

electronicoffee #transphobia #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Hey dumbshit. How am I sexist for addressing the biological reality that girls prefer to play with dolls and boys prefer to play with trucks? Sorry you hate science or that gendersex is a binary that largely dictates much of behavioral reality. I don't give a fuck about your anecdotal life evidence. No one does. You don't even know what a regressive means because you ARE a literal regressive. Pathetic. Gender and sex were synonymous for most of history until redefined by a feminist asshat professor in the late 60s. We're reclaiming it. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gendersex

kingjameswriter1965 #sexist #fundie #transphobia kjbisjesuschrist.blog

All you ladies who want to copycat and piggyback off of Joyce Meyer and all other feminists who need to get right with God, you need to get saved, go back to the kitchen, and do what God commands a woman should do. That goes for every woman police officer, every woman soldier, and all else who “wear the pants” (literally) and make people think they’re tough, strong and manlike.

My soul, I’ve seen pictures of women with huge muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger who think that’s what strong women should look like. Let me say, that is nothing but disgusting and prideful. By the way, you’ll see these she-men in the Isagenix commercials and ads!! Ugh! SO gross!! And if they don’t have big muscles, they’re showing off everything they do have, clad only in skimpy underwear!! Isa-Body?? It should be called “Gag-Me-With-A-Spoon!!”

Here’s a powerful article by Bro. David Stewart on how women ought not act like men and quit their positions as pastors and ministers. They are really serving the Devil, not God. You can also look up in his website about how women in the military are being repeatedly raped, sodomized and molested by their male peers. Sound like the good life, ladies? You’re an imbecile if you think you can be a frontline soldier! God pities you!!

Ladies, you don’t have to be physically strong to be seen as authoritative, you need to obey God Who will strengthen you in mind and spirit to serve Him. You don’t need to dress like men or act like men. You need to be soft, sweet and loving. You need to dress like a lady, e.g., feminine, NOT a feminist. If you’re a lady, act like a lady, for goodness sake!

There’s nothing uglier than a woman who looks like a man, talks like a man, and wants everyone to think she’s a “he” and I won’t go any further than that. We have too many he-shes and transgenders in this nasty world to mention here. Do you think God approves of all that? NO!! And I don’t care if you don’t like what I just said, you can get mad at GOD because He said it first!!

u/gemini1097 #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

I have always wondered how the trans movement had such a massive support within institutions like ministries and NGOs or the media. It really came out of nowhere in a decade.

I fear that the trans movement is actually just the spearhead of something much bigger and that actually does align with a lot of today's global elites ideology: transhumanism (see Get Out for an idea of where such ideology can lead to).

I think that the goal for these people is that if they can make the general population accept that a male can be a female just because he wants to, then whatever body enhancement and modification that technology will be able to provide would be completely ok: "If he can get a uterus implanted and a fake vagina because he feels like he is a woman, then there is no problem for my old body to get a fresh pair of lungs and legs." Cue the commodification of the body on an even bigger scale.

I feel like the acceptance of this charade that sex is not something that we are naturally born with but something that we can change at will is just the first step of something even more sinister. Any thoughts on that?

c0rbis1 #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut reddit.com

This way to Clown World!


[Image shows Honkler the Nazi clown frog riding in a mine cart down a slippery slope with NPCs inside it crying “Racist!”, “Slippery Slope Fallacy!”, “Bigot!”, and “Evil Frog!”. The slope is labeled in descending order:

1. Let us marry each other in peace
2. Accept me for who I am
3. Disagreement is hate speech
4. LGBTQ+ Pride Month
5. Bake my cake, bigot!
6. Dildo parades in public
7. Diversity is our strength
8. Desmond is Amazing!
9. Pedo-drag storytime!
10. Wax my balls, bigot!
11. Pedophilia is a sexual orientation
12. Teach 5th Graders Masturbation
13. Teach 6year olds self-touching

At the bottom of the slope is Hillary Clinton photoshopped as a demon sucking out a baby’s soul. There is also a (most likely fake) MailOnline article with the header “Children as young as SIX are to be given compulsory self-touching Lessons that critics say are sexualizing youngsters”.]

Admin #transphobia #kinkshaming feministwiki.org

The word TERF (or terf) is a slur that is used predominantly by transgender activists and their allies against people who criticize the transgender movement on the basis of feminist concerns. Since the slur is used for people with feminist concerns, the main target tend to be women. As such, it's usually understood to be an anti-feminist, sexist and misogynist slur.

The word was invented as an acronym for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, where the "trans-exclusionary" part referred to those holding roughly the position that transwomen should not be included under a feminist definition of womanhood, and the "radical feminist" part was meant neutrally, i.e. for people who would indeed describe themselves as radical feminists in the true sense. Over time, the acronym pretty much became a four-letter word. Nowadays the capitalization is frequently omitted, and the already ambiguous original meaning ignored entirely. Still, users of the term tend to claim that it's a neutral description. The "trans-exclusionary" part may now refer to anyone who thinks transwomen should not have unfettered access to all female-only spaces (e.g. changing rooms), should not partake in women's sports where they have unfair advantages, should not be considered a natural part of the lesbian dating pool, etc. Although most members of the public would see these as rather sensible positions, considering a "transwoman" may have intact male anatomy, transgender activists nevertheless see all of these types of "exclusion" as unacceptable.

A closely associated term is SWERF, which is supposed to stand for Sex-Worker-Exclusionary Radical Feminist and is used for those who see the sex industry (prostitution, pornography, etc.) as highly exploitative and sexist. Like TERF, the term is almost always applied as a slur, and to misrepresent the political position of the person it's used against. Ironically, some of those who have to face the term most commonly are women who worked in prostitution and became anti-prostitution activists as a result of their own experiences as so-called sex workers.

They've heard of the feminine penis!

But why is nobody talking about the mouthfeel?

kgreyy #transphobia reddit.com

There is NO SUCH THING as girl dick, lady dick, or feminine penis. Men are NOT lesbians, no matter what they feel like. HRT does not change ANY biological traits or characteristics, it just overdoses a person’s body with more hormones than they’re supposed to have. Feelings are not fact.

Ffs I need to go camping or something.

SilentMutationFactor #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

So I basically live under a rock, meaning I don't watch news and am not up to date on current events and politics, and have no friends to discuss things with. I'm not sure if what I'm about to write is in any way accurate or if I'm missing some big piece of the puzzle, so please feel free to correct me or enlighten me as you see fit (but please be nice!).

But even as far removed as I am, I am noticing that the 2 major political groups in the US have both adopted policies that are/will a have far reaching, negative impact on women's rights.

On the left we have the trans activists erasing women's biology, rights and spaces, and on the right we have the abortion abolishonists and Christian family hierarchy upholders, with the husband as the front and center, ruler of his domain, threatening female bodily autonomy.

Both are seriously detrimental to women's rights and advancements and it's starting to scare me. It seems like a huge deal to me but it doesn't seem to even be a topic of discussion outside of radfem spaces... I almost feel like it should be a topic for r/conspiracy TBH.

Historically, these 2 parties (Democrats and Republicans) have always held the majority votes. So it seems like regardless of the results of the 2020 election, women are just fucked?

Am I missing something here? How is no one seeing this as a calculated attack on women? Or even considering it questionable?

I'm at the point where I'm just baffled by the fact that people don't even acknowledge women's suffrage and the continuous threat and discrimination we face. People are denying that sexism and the gender wage gap even exist. Is this gaslighting on a major scale or am I just crazy? Lol.

I guess I just feel lost and alone and would really like some input from people I feel safe around and I'm thinking that's this subreddit.

winters_frost #transphobia reddit.com

The transcult likes to say the examples picked out are "fringe and radical" but that's the entire point of this thread: is it really considered "radical" if so many people in the various trans subs upvote, agree, and support these kinds of posts?

Like the majority of transcult have no problem with calling Jessica Yaniv as fringe and radical because of how much attention he's got, and yet they'll have no problem with upvoting, praising and supporting the legions of TIMs that are basically just as bad as him. The TIMs who brag about making women uncomfortable in restrooms, stealing their mom's/sister's underwear and jerking off in them, fantasizing about sharing tampons and pads with women, etc.

Does r/itsafetish purport their examples represent the entire transgender community?

You know what's ironic about the popular emotional gaslight rhetoric of "we just want to live our lives in peace and pee" that the transcult loves to use?

The actual trans people who are just "living their lives" aren't complaining on the internet and blaming all their problems on transphobia. Because they're, yknow, actually trying to live their lives in peace instead of constantly trying to play SJW on the internet. They're the type that don't try and force and coerce society into accepting them into women's spaces or recognizing them as women. They're the type that try to fit into society rather than being entitled little shits who think society is what needs to bend to them because of some imaginary "oppression". It's why you don't really hear them speak out that often either, usually because they hate the transcult/TRAs/SJWs almost just as much as they hate us TERFs.

But you'll occasionally see them posting in places such as here, because ironically these trans people know that if they post in the various trans subs calling out the predatory and creepy behaviours of those TIMs, they'll get backlash from the transcult/SJWs too for being "invalidating", or even "transphobic" themselves.

But the worst part of all this is that all the creepy, predatory, entitled Jessica Yaniv-type transfolk and their virtue signalling SJW allies you see that comprise the majority of the various trans subs like mtf, gencyn, asktg, traa, egg_irl, etc. constantly use these "peaceful trans people living their lives" as props to try and either disguise or excuse their own creepy predatory behaviour. "I'm just trying to peacefully live my life, which is why lesbians should stop being transphobic and have sex with my girldick!"

To answer your question, it honestly doesn't even matter whether the "peaceful transfolk living their lives" or the creepy predatory TIMs are more representative of the trans community. Because no matter how much of a majority of minority either group are, and no matter how much we here at itsafetish point out the creepy predatory behaviours of these TIMs, the creepy predatory TIMs and their apologist SJW allies will always just default to using those "peaceful transfolk living their lives" as props and claim that they are no different from them. And then ironically, they'll accuse those peaceful transfolk of being transphobic themselves if they dare speak out again these creepy TIMs that think they're women just cause they feel turned on and "gender euphoria" from feeling like a girl.

69-XXX #transphobia #psycho reddit.com

Re: Young autogynephile thanks NeovaginaDisasters for existing

You know how there are all those crazy Gore Vans that drive around covered in posters of aborted fetuses and abused farm animals? The ones where vegans and anti-abortion protestors invite you to come watch disgusting videos of gore to try to sway you?

They should have something like that but covered in displays of GRS complications and a looping video of Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty

Armchair Psychologist Award

TheGuruLikes #transphobia reddit.com

Trans identifiers who claim to be homosexual on the basis of the sex they identify with are immaturely and pathologically focused on physical attributes at the expense of the substance of homosexuality.

Through spreading rhetoric of "genital preference", they're regressing the public debate back to a time when society framed the nature of our relationships only in shallow terms of sexual activity. It's a manipulative misappropriation of public sentiment via a childish form of retribution for an apparent lack of self esteem. What's most insidious is how their tactic sows confusion, misunderstanding, and self-doubt around the nature of our sexuality among naive homosexuals.

How many of us homosexuals have put much thought into considering what it truly means to be oriented to intimacy with a partner of the same sex?

I see the fundamental essence of homosexual attraction as an emotional connectivity with one other's biological sameness. External body parts and secondary sex characteristics merely touch the easily observable surface, but since that's the maximum extent by which a heterosexual trans identifier can relate, they are limited to a superficial and inadequate set of assumptions about the nature of homosexual orientation, much less heterosexual orientation. It's ignorance. Our easily manipulated gay brothers and lesbian sisters are also ignorant. Their minds are so consumed by underclass ideology that they've no capacity left for realizing that the alphabet diversity game is stripping us of our shared yet individually born identities.

Attraction to same sex physical features are an outer layer of our sexuality whereas desiring same sex romantic intimacy is fulfilling an innate psychological impulse to be unified with the same sex. Only same sex partners can provide the necessary relativity to each other's mutual homosexual desire. The same applies to heterosexuality in the inverse. Heterosexuality and homosexuality are opposite sides of a complex coin. It would be far more appropriate to place those two phenomena in a box together than it is to group either with sex identification. Gender theory further distorts and unnecessarily complicates the distinction.

Trans identifiers are at most a novelty in terms of sexual experience. It doesn't matter much that they approximate the look of the other sex. In the end, the state of knowing that person is biologically the same forms the fundamental basis of an emotional connection with a same sex partner.

Hopefully a silver lining to the the rise in trans theory lunacy is that it will catalyze more of us to better understand what defines our sexuality, thereby helping truth to ultimately contain this public mental health crisis.

ImPiqued1111111 #transphobia reddit.com

I hope this isn't gratuitous or anything. I was just watching Magdelen's last video. She is known for quotes like "lesbians don't have a penis" and "I'm not your martyr" (quote might be slightly off).

This quote struck me. I am seeing so many people deciding to speak out more in her honor. Me included.

I think the world is seeing more of her.

mronion82 #transphobia reddit.com

Didn't you know? If you declare yourself to be a woman the slate is wiped clean. Abuse, criminality, selfish behaviour... none of it matters because all that was before 'you found your true self'.

So you're perfectly free to walk back into the lives of the children you abandoned, and take credit for the things they achieved despite you.

CoolCluxClan & thrownawaylyktrash #transphobia #psycho reddit.com

Re: Worse than army recruiters


Transcript: iol I've been pressing Xanax with estrogen and selling it to high schoolers

*image of some pills*


Remember, one day you'll open up LE Reddit Xd Xd and as usually for their agenda pushing they do, they'll show you news about how a fag got hacked to death, burnt alive, beaten with a baseball bat til his head turned into a concussion having lump of meat, fed to dogs alive whatever the fuck has happened, alright?

You're going to have a human response to that since you are a human being. Involuntary empathy, just like how you yawn when someone else yawns in front of you. You are going to say "shit, that's harsh man. I mean I'm all for criminalizing/prohibiting/Russianstyle Freedom'ing this thing but this is too much"...



I just don't get the mentality; this ideology that you natural hormones are something that NEED to change. That changing them and becoming, physically, the opposite sex is something inherently virtuous that everyone needs to aspire to. Why? Do they hate the very idea of cultural norms that much? Are they really that all-in on liberalism?

Step 1 force identity politics

Step 2 change your own identity to match that of the side you perceive to be “better” or “more righteous”

Step 3 hate on anyone who doesn’t match that identity (even tho you didn’t either before you changed it)

”The future is feminist”. And suddenly liberal guys wanna be women. Hmm.

TheGreatWhoDeeny & 69-XXX #transphobia #conspiracy reddit.com

Re: literal paedophilia


Transcript: We need more kids on the server 12yo is prime age for hrt

Medically, true!

corrupting kids is fun too they don't know any better


Assuming the best case scenario - in which they were just joking. It wouldn't be a thing you should joke about. Grooming children is not humor.

The problem is that none of these people are joking. There is massive overlap between trans and pedophilia and you only have to scratch the surface to see it.

Majority of trans allies/supporters are only doing it for woke points and the trendiness of it all. They have no idea what they are actually supporting.

They need to be shown. Last year my girlfriend thought it was no big deal and had a 'live and let live' attitude. After I showed her some articles and links to these subs she did a complete 180.


They are 100% serious. This is the grim reality of AGP culture. They usually know to keep it well hidden, so even on Reddit it can take some digging to find the overr pedophilic discussion, but on Discord the discussion is just right out there in the open. The pedophilic aspect isn't a loony fringe, its a fundamental part of the online AGP community

Ive been seeing this shit for over a year. Its all over Discord. But nobody irl will believe me. I got called a rightwing conspiracy theorist for talking about this. I have found literal grooming operations from pedos and AGPs that operate on Discord and have tax exempt charity status. There is a very real phenomenon of child grooming for hardcore sexual fetishes on Discord, lots of people know about it, much of it is in the open. But you can't talk about it because the groups perpetrating it are protected identities now - transsexuals and BDSM communities. Just look how mainstream DDLG/MDLB shit has become. There is a literal effort to normalize pedophilia.

People are using Discord to corrupt children. This is not a drill, but nothing will ever be done about it as long as whistleblowers get shamed into silence. As is many, people have screencaps and such that they are afraid to post anywhere for fear of retribution. But given a chance to post truly anonymously, I think the truth will come.out

vampyreking666 #transphobia reddit.com

For these guys, being a woman is basically living a porno fantasy. They need to not only be average women but become porn star quality women and are often sad and angry when they can't become that. To them, even passing as a normal every day woman is not enough. They wanna be hot and sexy because they believe women live on some kind of "easy mode" where the world bends over for women and pleases them no matter what.

And then these guys get encouraged by fellows in the same boat, all to increase delusion by accepting it in others. They all just wanna be porno sluts and sadly, they think women are one dimensional things - to them, everything women do is related to sex. Wouldn't put it past them to fetishize being an escort. Prostitution is an ugly business at times and very dangerous, yet some might fetishize it. Jack the Ripper killing them sold separately, though maybe some of them would enjoy that. Because to these guys, a woman is nothing but a living sexual thing. Doesn't have hopes, dreams, or thoughts, other than "Oh my god, need big black cock!". So they fetishize half the population and often marry it to some casual racist assumptions.

Women may love to wear a dress, but it making their pee pee hard isn't part of it. I mean she might feel beautiful in it and sexy but these guys probably start jizzing in their pants at the sight of themselves in lipstick and heels. And that's the problem. They're not really women just guys who love women so much, can't get one to date them, and want to become the thing they desire. So that way they don't need to consider another's feelings - for them, "they are the porn."

chippysammy #transphobia reddit.com

[In reaction to a meme about transwomen feeling gender euphoria/validation by men being dismissive of them]

I wonder how the female surgeon who’s about to do a TiM’s SRS would agree to such a statement? Considering women face SO MUCH sexism in medical school, women surgeons especially, I’m sure they’d love to know the narcissistic deluded man who jerks off in striped socks thinks she just a dumb woman teehee. Might just “accidentally” forget to make sure there’s adequate blood flow to the clit so it doesn’t go necrotic and fall off teehee just dumb woman things!

To be very honest the only female surgeons I can think of agreeing to mutilate a hopelessly deluded mentally ill individual are psychos, like actually incapable of feeling any empathy. Neovaginas are not even near being ethical, I am sure it will be considered a very dark chapter in plastic surgery.

Maybe they’re extreme TERFs and do it on purpose lol. /s

Mmm yeah let's not... personally i haven't run across any terfs that wish physical harm on trans people and it's bad to perpetuate that. I am sure some exist but they should be denounced.

If was a facetious and flippant comment.. I don’t think any doctor would risk their license especially knowing these experimental surgeries create their own risks. Thought the sarcasm was obvious but added it must for you.

Also I never wished harm on a trans person. I joked that the surgeons fuck up, not “I wish their surgeons would fuck them up tee hee”

Ben Carson #transphobia thehill.com

Ben Carson's remarks during San Francisco visit spark backlash

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson sparked backlash after he reportedly said "big, hairy men" were trying to enter homeless shelters for women during a meeting at the agency's San Fransisco office.

Three people at the meeting told The Washington Post that they interpreted his remark to refer to transgender women. Two agency staff members told the newspaper that he also complained that society did not know the difference between men and women anymore.

The staff members told the Post that the comment upset many people present at the Tuesday HUD meeting and at least one woman left in protest.

A government official also told the newspaper that Carson has made fun of transgender people during meetings in Washington.

"His overall tone is dismissive and joking about these people," the official said. "It's disrespectful of the people we are trying to serve."

“The Secretary does not use derogatory language to refer to transgendered individuals. Any reporting to the contrary is false," a senior HUD official told the Post in a statement after being asked about Carson's reported remarks.

The official, who was not in the meetings, told the newspaper that Carson was talking about men pretending to be women to get into battered women’s shelters rather than referring to transgender women as “big, hairy men.”

The Hill has reached out to HUD for comment.

One staffer who took notes during the meeting told The Post that Carson said "Transgender people should get the same rights as everyone else, but they don’t get to change things for everybody else.”

He reportedly followed the comment by saying that shelter operators and women's groups informed him that homeless women would be traumatized if “big, hairy men” enter shelters identifying themselves as women. He also reportedly said that single-sex shelters should be able to turn away transgender people.

“That was the first time any of us heard him use such derogatory language,” one staff member told the newspaper.“He’s more tactful when he’s talking before Congress, whereas this sounded like a slur to me.”

National Center for Transgender Equality spokeswoman Gillian Branstetter was quoted condemning Carson's comment in the Post.

“It’s gravely insulting to have the specter of violence from cis gender men used to restrict the rights of transgender people who are ordinarily the victims of that violence,” she said. “It’s a mythical notion that policies that are inclusive of transgender people somehow pose a threat."

"It’s frankly despicable that such a harmful notion would be used by someone charged with facilitating programs meant to help people in need, many of whom are transgender,” Branstetter added.

Following the Post's report, Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) released a statement calling for Carson's resignation.

“Secretary Carson's remarks are revolting. These comments only affirm that his recent efforts to erase the Equal Access Rule are rooted in ignorance, not sound policy. By allowing shelters to discriminate against transgender Americans, the Secretary is putting lives in danger," she said.

The remarks were also met with criticism online.

Carson has previously sparked controversy over remarks used to refer to transgender people. He told The Hill in 2016 that being being transgender “doesn’t make any sense.” According to the Post, he has also said transgender people are "abnormal" and shouldn't be in the military.

hyeonmi #transphobia reddit.com

I, like many people my age grew up online, spending dozens of hours a week glued to my computer and phone. I spent a chunk of that time on twitter and tumblr, two TRA social justice strongholds since about 2012. And the TRA dogma has been so prevalent in my upbringing online that their terminology, gaslighting, malicious manipulation and just straight up lunacy is almost... normal to me.

I grew up hearing that lesbians need to unlearn their genital fetish or they’re bad people. I grew up hearing that “TERFs” are an evil subhuman sect of the population that deserves only the worst because their thoughts and words “literally kill trans women”.* I grew up being taught to never doubt that trans women are women and trans men are men, full stop. That I couldn’t even call them their correct sex because that would be literal violence. It’s horrifying that they have fostered an environment on these huge platforms (with many minors and impressionable young people) where there’s a constant threat of trans suicide, being ostracized by society and being considered a bad person if you don’t comply with the TRA ideology without criticism, without question and dissent? Dissent is not even an option for us. And... ugh. This was all on websites I used from age 13 til now, as a 21 year old. Surrounded by friends of the same age. Having our environment flooded with this fuckery, and our minds bent by malicious adult TRAs to submit to them accept these harmful lies.

I’m envious of older gender critical thinkers I’ve seen here on reddit who got to grow up normal, and not be exposed to all this and thus have an easier time smelling the bullshit and being critical.

After all though, I’m better off than some my peers. Despite being surrounded by it all I’ve always been more resistant and less into the TRA’s schtick. I never self described as cis, never put pronouns in my bios, never questioned my “gender identity”, hell I never thought much of it at all. Like I don’t even have one I’m just female. On the other hand though I have had many friends and knew tons of people who drank the TRA kool-aid, bottoms up with not a drop to spare. Every single one of them is suffering and mentally ill in some way, desperately in need of a positive life change and real help and coping skills, but what they got instead was all they knew. Fuck the trans cult.

*(It’s honestly jarring how much emphasis they have on hating feminists and lesbians but generally ignore misogynistic/oppressive men. And how there is no equivalent for the whole anti terf phenomenon for trans men. Reflecting on this was my peak trans moment.)

I could go more into it all but I’m tired atm. Sorry this is barely readable lol just wanted to get my thoughts out there and maybe others will feel the same and even if not, I’m interested to hear your opinion on what I’m thinking.

Billy D #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut oneangrygamer.net

Matt Makes Games’ Celeste was always suspected of being a game themed around Left-wing propaganda, but there was never any definitive proof. Well, the latest expansion makes it clear exactly what kind of politics the game’s developers are trying to promote, and it casts all doubts aside.

In the latest DLC update for Celeste there’s a short picture sequence that shows the main protagonist, Madeleine, at her computer. In the corner just behind the keyboard there are two flags, a gay pride flag and a trans pride flag. Keep in mind that this is a game for kids and it’s rated ‘E’ for Everyone by the ESRB.

This comes shortly after The Coalition added 19 Pride flags to [I]Gears 5[/I], which also removed all doubt about the agenda that the developers were trying to push.

The Social Justice arm of Twitter were quick to point out the presence of the flags, as noted in a tweet from September 10th, 2019, which claimed that the main character – who is a child, by the way – may be trans and/or gay.

A more thoroughly detailed image was highlighted by Twitter user sylvi, who circled the flags in the image and then followed up with a high resolution post from Lynn, showcasing exactly what you feared the flags would be: gay pride and trans pride flags.

If you’re unable to view the images, you can see an enlarged version of the image below.


What did I tell you all before? Celeste was a gateway that leads you down a road toward the destruction of Western civilization.

Then again, this should have been pretty obvious to anyone who was paying close attention to Matt Makes Games over the years, from banning discussion about their inclusion of Anita Sarkeesian in the game Towerfall, to their appearance at the 2018 Game Awards. The signs were always present.

So parents beware: you think your kid is playing a twitch-reflex platformer, but in reality they’re playing Communist Brainwashing Simulator 6.9. They’ll go into their bedroom saying their prayers and taking their vitamins before booting up Celeste, but after playing the game they’ll come out of their room vaping with a Che Guevara shirt on and tweeting #ImWithHer on their Failpad 7.

Just remember that it starts with pixels, but it ends with two soft nuts in a petri dish.

Michael McCracken #transphobia #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

ContraPoints-DUDE as even though your penis was mutilated or what ever it is you freaks do your still a MAN! You have the same X & Y chromosomes tha Yahweh-God created you with HENCE YOUR A MAN! Albeit a mentally ill man your still a man. so get the medical help you need to get your head right.

Shv3ya #transphobia reddit.com

It's very telling that instead of making memes/signs/shirts about assaulting the men who beat up and kill trans people, their memes and signs are about violence towards women who don't see them the way they want to be seen. I fully believe that they hate women more than any MRA/MGTOW kinda guy.

PKM #homophobia #transphobia #sexist neogaf.com

I thought about it, and why not?

It's super easy in NJ now. All you need is to fill out a form. No doctors, no surgery etc..and only like $6!

I get all the male privilege and now I get lady privilege!

I can Metoo my co-workers and/or blame any shit I get on my sex/identity

If I get arrested..I've seen Orange is the New Black 😎 "Niiiice"

Boat sinks, me and the children come first!

War breaks out? Good luck fellas? (Tho I think I'm to old anyway *shrug*

But seriously, why not? What do I have to lose?

I'm gonna be a male presenting female lesbian basically? I'm gonna get sooo much social cout!

Who's with me! Lady GAF...let's do this!

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