
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Martin Sellner, Gerrit Huy, Roland Hartwig and unnamed Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and Identitarian Movement members #racist #wingnut theguardian.com

Politicians from[…]AfD[…]met the head of the[…]Identitarian Movement and neo-Nazi activists[…]
It is likely to feed a fraught debate over whether the AfD should be banned[…]
The meeting was attended not only by two state and municipal-level AfD politicians but also one active member of the Bundestag, Gerrit Huy, as well as Roland Hartwig, a former MP who has acted as a personal aide to Weidel since September 2022. One party branch of the AfD’s has described Hartwig as being tasked with the party’s “strategic positioning”

The AfD figures were meeting with Martin Sellner, who was tasked with introducing the “masterplan” and is a key figure in the pan-European “New Right”[…]
The Identitarian Movement is on a list of organisations whose membership the AfD considers incompatible with party membership[…]
One key idea that Sellner has been trying to nudge into the political mainstream is “re-migration”[…]Target not only asylum seekers but, as Sellner elaborated[…]also citizens holding German passports who, he claims, “form aggressive, rapidly growing parallel societies”[…]
The explosive subject of “re-migration” apparently dominated the discussions[…]Sellner allegedly presenting the forcible extradition of “non-assimilated” German citizens as the biggest “challenge” if the AfD were to gain power

Ideas discussed at the meeting[…]included that of deportations to an unnamed state in northern Africa that would provide space for up to 2 million people. People who lobby on behalf of refugees in Germany could also go there, Sellner is reported to have suggested[…]
During the meeting, Sellner said, he had made it “unmistakably clear that no distinction can be made between different types of [German] citizens[…]all re-migration measures have to be legal”[…]
Huy[…]is reported to have claimed that she developed her own “re-migration” concept, and appeared to suggest her party no longer opposed the government’s plan to lift a ban on dual citizenship for that reason

Nick Fuentes and Vincent James #elitist #pratt #wingnut #racist rightwingwatch.org

Vincent James and Nick Fuentes: The Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr. Of White Nationalists

James: “We’ve reached millions of people. There’s a big benefit to that but it’s something—I’m not saying that I regret it, I’m just saying that it’s not easy. It’s not for the weak, that’s for sure. To go through the things that we [have]—journalists stalking us and shit like that—it’s not for the weak.”

“The fact that we have sort of paved the way and made it easier for people to talk about these things, you’re kind of jealous. It’s like, ‘What the fuck man?’ It’s like, ‘Dude, I lost my job, all these things happened to me, I lost my bank account to say these things.’ It’s kind of like, almost, you know, Martin Luther King in a way, kind of, or Rosa Parks.”

Fuentes: Yeah, We’re the first ones. We’re the ones getting beaten down and firehosed.”

James: “Yeah, it’s kind of like that, It’s almost exactly like how those Blacks were hit with fire hoses.”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
All around the world, "jew tunnels" has become a household term.

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@Nature_and_Race Trust me, White people around the world will wake up soon. We are completely done with the kikes’ subversion and destruction.

( @FC88 )
@DavidBlaine401 @Nature_and_Race They already are

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@FC88 @Nature_and_Race Not quite yet, a lot of the White people in my area still have their minds corrupted by (((media))) and have yet to wake up, as do many Whites throughout the world. But there will be an absolute and obvious breaking point.

( @Imnotreallyintousernames )
@Nature_and_Race the other day I was telling the guys at work about the jewish rape tunnels and they got a laugh out of it like I was bullshitting them
One guy came in the next day saying "oh my God, it's real! I even watched a rabbi suck a baby's dick!"

Put a smile on my face.

( @FC88 )
@Nature_and_Race I also threw up a Roman to a random guy in traffic and said “white power” and he copied me. Pretty cool

( @JohnnyHooker )
@Nature_and_Race I prefer to use “Jewish rape tunnels” for greater clarity

( @SmaxOfCharacter )
@Nature_and_Race "Hey, didja see that thing about the jew tunnels in New York?"
"What? No."
"The NYPD were called, and they found stained child mattresses and baby chairs under a synagogue."
"Yeah, one of the guys escaped out the tunnel using a sewer grate. Here, there's even a video."

Then take it from there.

@Nature_and_Race, @Invictus2525 & @WakeUpOrDie #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
These child-raping tunnel-rats have been at this shit for thousands of years, lads.

At some point, we should probably put a permanent stop to these motherfuckers.

( @Invictus2525 )
@Nature_and_Race End them

( @WakeUpOrDie )
These kikes wield the power that they do because of our OWN people that have been bought and paid for...
NOTHING can be done until we target our own sellout turncoats and snuff their treasonous asses out.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The US government has time and time again declared White men to be "America's greatest domestic terrorist threat".

Why should young White men even remotely consider risking and sacrificing their own lives for a government that hates them?

( @blucord124 )
@Nature_and_Race Don’t forget, however, we must teach military skills to our children and neighbors. The government will eventually release the non-white military on us.

( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race been retired since 16 and only one of my men still “serves”. My conscience will be clear when that fateful day comes, the day they send the brown hordes dressed in American uniforms to harm my people.

( @damnitjesse )
@Nature_and_Race never poor enough to trade my health for a check. You'd have to be retarded to trust niggers with guns around you or doctors with needles. Go to hell.

( @Eye2Myself )
@Nature_and_Race The worrying part is that this new army they're building won't care about rounding up Whites or shooting us when the time comes.

( @EuropeMan )
@Nature_and_Race They say this for two reasons one they hate White people. Two they know that a United White race is the only thing that can stop them.

( @Nthman )
@Nature_and_Race White people are a resource, and not citizens with rights, to talmud terrorists, end of story.

( @Silentdeadly1 )
@Nature_and_Race - I don't blame White people. Who wants to go fight for the deep state?

( @Resi63 )
@Nature_and_Race Good. Glad to see white people aren't willing to sacrifice their lives for a Democrat Socialist government that loves faggots, hispanics and niggers more than whites.

( @Dude2020 )
@Nature_and_Race Why should they fucking care (I know the real answer). They push diversity everywhere but suddenly its bad when the military is niggers and spics.

( @PaniconPandora )
@Nature_and_Race With low White recruitment, how long till they offer citizenship in exchange for service?

Now a "legally" armed foreign military in it's enemies country ready for a false flag to start a Nakba of White homelands...

But they won't require a false flag. The sheer crimewave as a result of the invaders will force Whites to respond. We know how it works from here...

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jew-lovers like you are the reason why the world has been conquered by jews.

@Nature_and_Race andYOU can't change yourself from a puddle of sputum, you sick, f'ing ,anti-semite, whore.

( @VincezzzZ )
@Nature_and_Race Sick weak pathetic Jew enablers have always been the problem, they are the first to yell out "they aren't all the same" when a heinous crime like child rape or murder and organ harvesting is done by them. I personally believe they are mentally ill to accept that a people who identify as gods chosen , because they wrote that in a book and them perpetrate atrocities in gods name could integrate and be part of a white western society. Those enablers might be sick as the jew itself is sick.

( @HoloKlaus )
@Nature_and_Race These attacks against you are ridiculous. I read your posts for long time and I know you are very loyal to true NS ideology.

There is a trend going on to attack everyone that does good for the white race but these attackers give the real fakers a complete free pass.

I wonder why 🤔

( @UltraFortress )
@Nature_and_Race Imagine calling RC anything but the most devout of NS vanguards. Kinda cringe.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Trying to find a "good jew" would be like trying to find a tick that doesn't suck blood.

jews are bad because of their blood. jews are a race, and as such, their every thought, word, and action is compelled by their racial instincts.

jews cannot change their genetics any more than hyenas or rats can. jews can convert to Christianity all they want, but that will not change their jewish racial instincts.

( @Refuter )
@Nature_and_Race The biggest mistake that past leaders, who expelled all Jews from their lands, allowed was letting those that 'convert' to remain. You know that was some total bullshit and the Jews just kept on jewing under a false Christian banner. Expulsions should have been into the sea, rather than outside of their borders.

( @qMAGAs )
@Nature_and_Race Jews are a fucking cancer

( @Christian_Hart )
@Nature_and_Race VERY VERY TRUE. I wrote a post on this a while ago and explained natural law to people.


The jews goal is to end 'discrimination' which is absolutely VITAL to life. You will die almost instantaneously without it. This is because everything they do, promote and believe is an instrument to murder Whites...(not going to beat around the bush here anymore because the hour is late...almost too late).

( @Noah9310 )
@Nature_and_Race And their jewish racial instincts are contradictory to Christianity, which is why there are never any jews that are actually Christian and following the Commandments.

jews will "convert" to promote within the church, sodomy, pedophilia, usury, ruining White peoples' (true Christians') countries with forced open borders, murder of babies, transsexuals and genital mutilation, feminism, promotion of race-mixing, etc.

( @Gab55 )
@Nature_and_Race this seems to be true of nigger races in general - what is Christianity then though offered to jew and gentile? (which was its purpose..)

there are some pretty famous examples of niggers whether Marx or that preacher (black nigger) that their stripes don't change which Christian or not (your choosing or the subjects of this thread) seems like a hierarchical or categorical issue (finding 'good' nigger) than religious?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jews rape children in those secret tunnels under their synagogues.

( @Miked1985 )
@Nature_and_Race We have crossed the rubicon.
They have hurt so many children and they know it. This is the point of no return. They will kill you for knowing.
It’s very possible a very small group can undermine everything by just having control of media , courts , prosecutors and the narrative.
Bill Barr is a coward.

( @AspenShoveler )
@Nature_and_Race And they ritually murder gentiles and consume their blood. Nothing has changed since the days of Simon of Trent.

( @Forever_Hitler_1488 )
@Nature_and_Race Jews are a cancer

( @Zoraproxi )
@Nature_and_Race Jews rape children period, those fuckers were even dancing while getting cuffed.

( @BloodyProphecy )
@Nature_and_Race anyone wanna lay odds on bodies being hidden in said tunnels? And that being the reason they wanted to cement them up and not allow anyone to talk about it?

( @The-Leper-king )
@Nature_and_Race the kike rape, torture and kill white children

( @JanusIanuarius )
@Nature_and_Race Sacrificing the children of their enemies. They are the Synagogue of Satan. People need to know their Jewish lineages, because most are clueless, and many 'white people' are in fact of ELVEN DESCENT AND PART JEW AKA THE TRIBE OF DAN, THE SCYTHIANS, THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, THE WELSH, ETC, ETC.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Non-whites are allowed to trash on White people.

White people are not allowed to trash on non-whites.

Non-whites are allowed to be non-white supremacists.

White people aren't even allowed to defend and support their own people.

There is a war being waged against White people. And so far, White people are taking all the shots without firing a single shot back in defense.

( @Thegreathate )
@Nature_and_Race its the thing where white men instinctively know. the first shot is a form of suicide. as in the life you had is over. the entire weight of the zog machine wil come down upon us. either you cuck and claim muh self defense or some such. or. you double down and bring righteous fury upon all of our enemies.

i know when that day comes i will lay my former self to rest and most likely die atop a pile of corpses and spent brass

1488 0/

( @crazykeptmesane )
@Thegreathate Amen, brother. This is thing that will we see us through. @Nature_and_Race Whites I believe are the only race who can visualize the future, and know there will be consequences for their actions. To know that we will go forth to die for our children, for our kith and kin- this is the thing that MUST frighten the demonic spirits who want us gone the most.

( @Cotterpin )
@Nature_and_Race Because for the last 50-60 years, we’ve been conditioned to feel guilty for purposely denying the “majority” minorities the life they deserve. We’ve been taught we have it so much better because we’re White and we owe it all to them because we’ve held them back or exploited them in some way.
It’s more than likely we have it better because we’re White but only because we used our intelligence to think our way through problems and out of situations.
They should stop hating and start learning. Maybe they too can change their governments and build beautiful cultures.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There's already a race war. And every race is united against White people.

@Nature_and_Race Trying to start a race war, aren't ya?

( @Rodger_james )
@Nature_and_Race Isn't it stunning that there are still dipshit Whites that can’t recognize what is going on around them?

( @Self_Reflection )
@Rodger_james @Nature_and_Race The greatest weakness of whites has been their general empathy, in particular their desire to humanize other races and see them as exactly the same as them.

They always learn the hard way

‘But with social media, this doesn’t have to be the case.

( @beautifulpinkrose )
@Nature_and_Race Sadly, there has been a covert race war. We just didn't know about it. It was a covert war on Northern Europeans by way of Northern European women. Look at the crime stats.

In 2020, the left declared overt war on Northern Europeans and Europeans.

People from heritage of witchcraft and violence were incited to make war on people from heritage of Christianity.

These evil people arose against people of the MAYFLOWER COMPACT, people whose heritage is Christianity, Europeans.

The Lord is covenant authorized and obligated to handle these people.


Esther and Jehosaphat's experience are templates how for us to be saved.

By the Grace of God, the Lord deports all these evil people who are RACIST to Northern Europeans and Europeans from America and Europe back to their homelands, in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ.

( @StephanGuy )
@Nature_and_Race The only race you can openly hate? White

The only race that its own race openly hates? White

The only race told it has privilege while being a host organism for all other races to pick off of? White

I can go on. You are right.

( @ConMeNot2 )
@Nature_and_Race Out of 7 billion people on earth... only one billion are white. We are a minority that is being genocided.

( @GermanicMechanic )
@Nature_and_Race stack that ammo. White power!

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race It's time to fight back, we don't have much time. More and more Whites are waking up and realizing there's a war on them. Anti-whitism will collapse on its own weight, cause forcing Whites into a death struggle will backfire.

@MrArchnemesis #racist #conspiracy gettr.com

Ugh…, WE KNOW, NYC! The tumnels. Or at least I do. How many fucking tines do we have to tell y’all about tunnels to DC schools? Child services and police traffic children? Planned parenthood harvests organs? Schools groom kids? Open borders for kids we don’t even know exist to be trafficked and disappear without a trace? Pizza shops and websites for orders? For Christ sakes start listening. Jews are the goddamn #synagogueofsatan .Every single one of them. #zog. Ban them or burn them. I don’t care.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Those reasons fall directly on us. We're the ones responsible, because when a nation turns its back on God, it dies.

Collectively, the people of this country have never engaged in such widespread sin and rejection of God as they are now. And that doesn't look to change any time soon.

As Cassius put it in the play Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves."

stone-porn.jpegBy continuing to sin, the people of this country are dooming it to failure. And that responsibility lies with all of us individually. Until we stop sinning, the country will never recover. In fact, it's only going to fall further from grace.

What are these sins, you ask? Just about everything.

If you're watching porn, you're part of the problem.

If you're cruising hookup sites and jerking off to OnlyFans, you're the reason why the country is in the mess it's in.

If you've had an abortion or impregnated someone who had an abortion, you're directly responsible for the downfall of the country.

And on and on it goes.

Modern society is a funnel to hell. Not only does society condone every sin imaginable, from murder (abortion), to child molestation (trannyism), to immodest dress, to homosexuality, drunkenness, and more, but sin has become so commonplace that nobody even bats an eye over it. The vast majority of sinners are unaware that they're sinning.
Another Trump presidency, as beneficial as it will be, is not going to clean up the level of sin currently ongoing. Sure, a Trump administration will crack down on illegal immigration and child sex trafficking, and that's a good thing. But it will do nothing to put an end to individual sin being committed on a daily basis by just about everyone.

A country on the brink of collapse will never recover until the citizens of that country refrain from destroying it with sin. If we wish to save America, we have to start with ourselves.

Swami Satchidanand #crackpot #wingnut #magick #racist #conspiracy satchidanand.substack.com

Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician Aristocratic Families have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis including all the Satanic Rituals in Against Satanism Volume 3 - RITUAL SEX, RITUAL DRUGS, RITUAL BLOOD SACRIFICE, RITUAL HUMAN SACRIFICE, RITUAL PEDOPHILIA, RITUAL TORTURE, RITUAL CANNIBALISM, RITUAL CASTRATION.

In this book - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME SIX - we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician Aristocratic Families like Springmeiers "Twelve Bloodlines of the Illuminati", which starts off with the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires the Rothschilds infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.

Every famous person Generals, Politicians, Priests, Policemen, Professors, Presstitutes, musicians, spooks, is a Phoenician Aristocrat related to the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires...
The far simpler truth is that the 10,000 year reign of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires demands - it is their religion - it is their means of survival, the fall of empires failed by infiltration, from within. Thus the current fall of the Anglo-American Empire and the rise of the Chinese Century. We have the histories of seventy-two Empires which failed in the same way. Recently failed Empires include the British Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire.

The purpose is to stop the rise of humanity, to degenerate humanity, to retain total control. The purpose is the Control of humanity so that they cannot evolve, they cannot break their chains, they cannot know the truth, that they are maintained, those who could be Gods!

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Our country has been under a human invasion since Ronnie Reagan signed the ‘come on in, welcome’ bill aka the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Dubbed the strongest anti-illegal aliens bill ever. What a bald-faced lie. What he did was open the flood gates.

Donald Trump did his best to stop the insane catch & release. Asylum seekers would remain in Mexico until a trial date. 93% of asylum cases are bogus and thrown out. In the meantime, those so-called asylum seekers suck off your paycheck while your family goes without.

Congress after Congress has refused to tighten current asylum laws so now, we have free-loaders by the MILLIONS applying for asylum for spousal abuse or a hang nail. Court dates are being set for five to as long as 10 YEARS from now because the system is past overloaded.
Forget the Unreachables on this issue. It is unbelievable millions of Americans and thousands of elected public officials for decades have and are fighting like hellions to protect those who enter OUR country ILLEGALLY. That’s like demanding someone who robs a bank be released from prison because the thief “just wanted money for a better life for his family.”
This daily nightmare while fake president, Joe Biden, in Stage One Altzheimer’s, flies off on another vacation. We know he’s not running the game plan. Biden’s brain is gone. He’s just a marionette while the other former illegitimate president, dirty, filthy traitor, Hussein Obama, and his commie masters are pulling the strings.
Think terrorist cells aren’t organizing? Wake the hell up America. It’s not just Texas but AZ is also being over run by illegal aliens – not the PC “migrant” or “immigrant” BS. They’re being given cash, phones and shipped all around the country; diseased and illiterate and even being given work passes in violation of federal immigration law. GOT THAT “RED” STATE GOVERNORS?

Gino Bulso #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist msn.com

Bulso is a Christian nationalist who believes the Bible is the foundation of civic life and government. He says 18th-century values are the ones Americans should adhere to.

“Certainly, you know, 50 years ago we had a consensus on what marriage is; we don’t have that anymore,” “One hundred years ago, we had a consensus on sexual morality; I don’t think we have that anymore. So the values that I think most parents want their children exposed to are the ones that were in existence at the time that our country was founded.”

“I had some complaints from Williamson County parents and a Williamson County School Board member, in particular, about Pride flags in some of our schools in Williamson County,” Bulso said. “The whole idea is that a school is a place where a child goes to learn, not a place where a child goes to be indoctrinated” in “transgender ideology and other similar issues.”

According to Bulso, the Pride and trans flags represent the 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing marriage equality and are a misguided interpretation of the 14th Amendment that requires states to recognize same-sex marriage.

“That’s one issue that I think that flag represents. This idea that, somehow, the 14th Amendment has an equal protection clause that extends this protection, which is obviously something I very much disagree with,” he said. “And I think — a lot of parents and I would be included in that group — really think that this transgender ideology is probably the most dangerous one that comes under that Pride flag.”

As written, Bulso’s bill bans any flag except the U.S. and Tennessee state flags from being displayed on government property like municipal buildings, state courts, and schools. That will change, Bulso said, as exceptions are written in that conform to a “very strong consensus”, while still denying “political” or “ideological” flags a place in public.

Flags that promote an “agenda,” like the Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, will still face a ban, Bulso said.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Philosophical Foundation for Christian Nationalism”]

In Marxist terms, the superstructure[…]is required to understand the base[…]
One cannot fight “communism”or whatever conception of evil you prefer, with neutrality[…]
The “conservative” position of resisting multi-culturalism, resisting communism, resisting moral depravity (homosexuality), and the destruction of the family, breaks down without an intellectual superstructure based upon Jesus[…]
Rejection of the Word of God destroys the foundation of resistance[…]There are no communists, no Jews, no atheists, no homosexuals: there are only Christians and antichrists[…]
Tolerance of homosexuality in a society is the tolerance of child sexual abuse. Sodomy spreads by direct physical rape or the raping of the mind[…]
Christian Nationalism[…]
The Christian portion — the faith — is the acceptance of a body of literature (the Bible) as that “superstructure” which should guide one’s morality, public policy, laws and philosophical inquiry, including fields such as biology[…]
Nationalism is the model laid out in Genesis 10 — ethnically homogenous nations. Empires — the inverse of nations — are ethnically and culturally “diverse”[…]Tend toward tyranny and are, per Genesis 11, anti-Christ[…]
This is the crisis we face — the destruction of a previously (more-or-less) homogenous White, Christian and English speaking people by the invasion of non-Christians, non-Whites, and non-English speaking people. This process IS the re-establishment of a new Babel[…]
The reason the European population alone is targeted for genocide is precisely its Christian nature. Satan (and his children) will always target the Christian, whether they be in the villages of Africa, the universities of China, or the civilization of Christendom[…]
The preservation of the White race is the preservation of the Gospel[…]It was through the White race alone that loyalty to Christ has spread

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Remember that there are still people sitting in federal prison for walking through the capitol building.

Meanwhile cops around the country were kneeling for BLM as they burned down every city in America.

That’s what serves as justice in this country.

( @KennyLiquorbush )
@Apolitical Anybody who is still pretending that US isn't a jewish puppetshow is willfully ignorant.

( @jimwinter78 )
@Apolitical The (((feds))) raided that amish farm.
Going after the kulaks again .

( @War_Wizard )
@Apolitical There is no justice in the jewdicial system.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Apolitical. That's Judeo-Bolshevik justice. No mercy for dissidents. No punishment for state-sponsored terrorism.


( @Nutta )
@Apolitical And they just ran Laura Loomer out of two presidential campaigns, the blue needs to be purged for disobeying their oath, and now California passed a law allowing non-citizens (illegals) to be LEO's, thereby creating their own militia de-facto! They have loyalty to no one except who writes the payroll check.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Apolitical As long as kikes run our judicial system, there will never be justice for us.


various commenters #wingnut #racist #psycho gab.com

( @BritainFirst )
The Irish are still protesting against the invasion of their homeland by Third World immigrants.
May the Lord bless their endeavours.

( @NordicWolf )
@BritainFirst Protesting AKA begging your oppressors/invaders, has never served any useful purpose other than that of your oppressors/invaders.

@BritainFirst They're not "migrants." They're not "immigrants." That's jew language. They are invaders.

( @miketimothy210 )
@BritainFirst cmon Irish. Show the world diversity is bull shit. Save Ireland and its heritage. You don’t see Irish migrants invading Africa, the Middle East or elsewhere. I’m an American and America is lost now. I have migrants here causing havoc, getting free housing and monthly deposits on debit cards. Very different from my Irish grandfather that came here in 1904. Poor and homeless for a few years but worked his ass off to earn the right to be an American. He embraced America and what it stood for. Never trying to change the Culture. If he was alive today he would be back in Ireland rallying his brothers to fight.

( @Swed )
@BritainFirst When do the Irish start hunting the invaders?

( @Letsgo_Ky )
@BritainFirst if your not white in that country- your an invader

( @Count_Noses )
@BritainFirst Have any rraabi/politicians been burned alive yet? Any 'jewnalists' decapitated? THIS IS (((war))).

( @AZLion )
@BritainFirst They better do something to save whats left of their country before they all die from the death vax!

( @zman173rd )
@BritainFirst Be careful young lady. Your Garda will turn their backs to you while the black monkeys rape you. The blacks aren't the problem, they just do what they can get away with. Your GARDA is the problem. Deal with it.

( @AmerPatCon1st )



David Wilcock #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The inner standing of the true meaning of being born as a “Spiritual Sovereign Soul” as opposed to being incorporated at birth into “The Evil Corporation System of Enslavement” is the first step to regaining your sovereignty.
To fund their New World Order, they incorporated using our birth certificates by which we became debt slaves in their system for a debt they incurred and will never be paid off.
Their goal of a New World Order is not new It has been planned for hundreds of years, having been passed down from generation to generation through the 13 blood line families who answer to their overlords. The NOW was never to be spoken of as they knew that if we found out, they would be hunted down and dealt with swiftly. Thus, “The Great Awakening” – the New World That God Has Always Intended for Us.
I encourage you to RESEARCH everything that I am providing. The “Act Of 1871” was the instrument they used after the US lost the Revolutionary War; it was at this time that the Rothchild’s and the global bankers infiltrated countries throughout the world. The US Treasury was financially exhausted due to the war that the global bankers had orchestrated, as they always have. The global bankers have started every war, funding both sides to control humanity.
The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation. They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law – God’s Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.
So, with all of these facts presented, this is “The Great Awakening” – the British Crown, along with the Vatican, has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters. We no longer comply.

Kohl #racist twitter.com

Khalid, you’re here in the UK because you, your parents and your entire ancestral bloodline were incapable of creating a functioning country.

You’re a failure from a long line of failures.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Shia can convert to whatever religion he wants. He will always be a racial jew.

Shia LaBeouf Confirmed Into Catholic Church, Considers Becoming a Deacon

( @ShadowStruggler )
@Nature_and_Race Once a jew always a jew, his dna is evil, he can´t change that.

( @damnitjesse )
@Nature_and_Race the trad caths make me sick. They're all race mixing scum. I'd box that faggot E M jones if I was also 109 years old like that antiWhite pos.

( @ernestbarkhorn )
@damnitjesse @Nature_and_Race Race is important. But God is more important.

( @damnitjesse )
@ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race definitely NOT. The true God finds that Luke warm and spits it right out.

White pagans of good character are in the Christian heaven with the other Whites and there are no nons.

( @ADrake )
@damnitjesse @ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race Pagans do not go to jewish heaven.

( @damnitjesse )
@ADrake @ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race no kikes in heaven. Buzz off religion divider. That is jewy

( @ADrake )
@damnitjesse @ernestbarkhorn @Nature_and_Race I'm the divider, but you have no problem with insulting other Whites that don't follow your (((abrahamic))) god by claiming they will be in your jewish heaven?

You know how you guys are always talking about taking our own side? Yeah, quit worshipping crucified rabbi.

( @ernestbarkhorn )
@ADrake @damnitjesse @Nature_and_Race Yeah, you are right. Jesus was from Galilee, which was an Aryan province.

( @nature_therapy )
@Nature_and_Race I think it's part of being a jew, the belief that they can just convert to other religions on a whim.

It's shapeshifting and parody, so an expression of ethnic jewishness. Any reverance they think it shows for other cultures is thinly veiled contempt, because they're incapable of doing anything without mockery. Even when they adopt a host religion to "avoid persecution", they're doing it as a flag of convenience without any real sincerity.

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

(Gary A. Anderson)
China just needs to wait and let their mole of a President; Joe Biden break the backs of the American taxpayer. It’s that simple and done way before in secrecy with the idea of forever keeping it unknown to the future.
(Barbara Boxer)
The US should just drop a country that will ignite a nuclear war. Taiwan is that country. What is any other rationale for this to exist. America cannot make a comeback, after nuclear war. Taiwan cannot be trusted. Taiwan has always looked out for Taiwan.
(J P)
There are four sequences that must occur to subjugate another nation: Attack, Invade, Conquer, Govern. Apply these to Russia, and you see none of those have occurred. Apply these to China and you will also see none have occurred. The China threat is manufactured by the Democrats and the media. Russia's 'threat' of over 78 years is also manufactured by the media. The true attacks on America that killed innocent civilians occurred on 9-11, then later in Orlando, and then in San Bernardino, and again in New York. Look to the facts as to who is America's enemy.
(YG Pom)
What agression? Taiwan is part of China, the only aggression in that region is caused by the US who is not even a neighboring country there

L’Era dell’Oro – Antonella e Werner #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The destruction of the pyramid of the Kabbalah

The upper floors have already been torn down.

Now we are witnessing the destruction of the base of the Kabbalah.

It is the sheep, who are at the base of the pyramid.

Here we have most of the small and medium entrepreneurs, the freelancers like lawyers, notaries, etc., their employees, the PA employees.

They are the sheep who have been unknowingly supporting the Cabal for centuries.

They are like hamsters on the wheel. They feed the system by paying taxes, but above all with their fear of everything they energetically feed the dark ones.

Now soaring energy costs, out-of-control inflation, is driving the sheep to hysteria. Their comfort zone is collapsing before their eyes.

It was the sheep that sustained the covid farce. Without them the elite would not have been able to keep up the charade.

Most of the order-loyal sheep pricked themselves. From the data emerging the serum works….
No wonder they too lose their skin with magic serum. They thought they were given saline solution.

So many are dying…..

Here the theory that serums are used to eliminate clones, used by the Cabal as blockheads, comes in handy.

They have been placed at all levels of society. They are recognisable by their devotion to the charade covid19.

We are witnessing the controlled demolition of this criminal clan.

During the covid farce this clan was at the forefront of the regime, it applied all the grotesque and absurd Nazi regulations.

Going back to the Deep State pyramid, they are just above the sheep. They are like the shepherd, sooner or later they lead the sheep to the slaughter.

They have always been the ‘wooden heads’ of the Kabbalah.

Let me remind you that the so-called ‘great captains of industry’ are all connected to the Rotschilds. They didn’t make their money by producing anything, but they were feted by the Deep State.

Now we also put Epstein lists where we will see them all…..

I’d say this is it!

Neo #racist #conspiracy #fundie descentbb.net

That's not the right definition at all. Zionists are pretty much Babylonian/Phoenician/Canaanite people who pretend to be Jewish and put a group of people who weren't originally Jewish into the land of the Israelites after the Israelites of the Bible were displaced and didn't remember who they were. The Zionists used to be Luciferian but the antichrist betrayed them. The antichrist is referred to as Lucifer in a verse in the Bible.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Every minute, every hour, every day - corporate and institutional powers openly profess their hatred of White people.

If you listened only to politicians, you wouldn't even know it was happening.

In fact, you'd think it was happening to everyone but White people.

The Anti-White Industrial Complex is the greatest threat we face, and the Anti-White Uniparty is integral to its function.

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@KeepNHGranite its still the jews

( @debbyloo )
@RussianTwitterbot @KeepNHGranite
Piss on non-White's!

( @Avikikerberg )
@RussianTwitterbot @KeepNHGranite The Jews have every angle covered on their war on the white race.

( @AFutureForWhites )
@KeepNHGranite They're taunting White people more and more and there are no politicians willing to condemn any of it. There is virtually no one at all in the public eye who is condemning it. The "unity" and "we are all one race" preaching people aren't condemning it either.
How there is a single White person who cannot see the anti-White agenda is beyond me.

( @JosephJMcGraw )
@KeepNHGranite If you were completely new to this country, and had never been exposed to any media at all, then you were to sit down and watch only commercials on the idiot box today. You would be convinced that blacks and deviants were the only population of this country. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs to turn OFF the idiot boxes, permanently, and turn off your zombie brain washing control devices, (dumb-phones and tablets) and attempt to break their mind control programming..NOW!!! When you are curled up in the fetal position sucking your thumb after the SHTF, don't expect us to save your sorry asses!! SAVE YOURSELVES!!!

( @Sorin13 )
@KeepNHGranite And then the kikes are like: "Why all the antisemitism?" 🙄

( @dnile08 )
@KeepNHGranite The anti-White propaganda in the media is directly attributable to the Jews who control the media.

@KeepNHGranite I have learned from Gab that I’m not white being part Spanish and Italian; which I thought I was considered white. Point is my Dad would be considered white so I understand and support the white race and how important it is.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jews have no self-awareness or self-control.

They always take their power too far, and end up suffering serious backlash from the people they've subjugated, oppressed, and abused.

jews have overplayed their hand once again. Believing, yet again, that their power is absolute, that they are untouchable.

They will come to regret what they've done to the world. Some may even wish to apologize. But by then it will be too late.

We are living in the zenith of jewish power in this world.

And the world is suffering because of it.

But it won’t last forever. In fact, it seems to be crumbling around us

( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race The problem is the half, and quarter, and all types of partial Jews will slip through the cracks and start the cycle again hundreds of years later.

( @Will_Geo )
@Albzi @Nature_and_Race we'll have to have mandatory genetic tests to weed them all the way out

( @ALushPair )
@Albzi @Nature_and_Race sad to say but jews, like parasites may be integral to the ecosystem

( @Texian_Nationalist )
@Nature_and_Race Instead of the NWO its the JWO...

( @LeFurie )
@Nature_and_Race The next Fuhrer is coming.

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race I agree. It amazes me that the jews, with their ability to plan and execute in slow motion over large timeframes lose self-control like this.

( @HighCapacityAssaultUterus )
I was just talking to a friend today... You ever watch a very jewy show? They're ALL going to shrinks. It just goes without saying that jews are all insane. They are unable to function in reality, which is why they exist in a fantasy world where they are God's favorite and eternal victims.

( @felis_concolor )
@Nature_and_Race may they not live to regret their overreach this time.

Lord Kohl #racist twitter.com

Why should White people have privilege in our own countries?

The whole reason you’re in our country is because you and your ancestors failed to create a thriving country.

You deserve nothing but the crumbs we leave behind.

Scott Robert Salmonsen aka Heavenly Handiman #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy auricmedia.net

There is a battle at hand between the forces of good and the forces of evil. While this battle is as old as mankind, the darkness is growing rapidly. To understand this insanity occurring all around the world you must come to the conclusion that the source, the top of the pyramid, is in fact the Devil spoken and detailed in the scriptures of the Holly Bible. He has slowly, mostly through indoctrination by secret organizations and more currently by Zionism taken control of the world’s leadership, decision makers, money managers and wealthy powerful families, most notably the Rothchilds & Rockefellers. His goal is to take control of the entire world, to deceive belief in the one true living GOD, to be worshipped as god, and to send as many people to hell as possible. He is the Father of lies and he is now in near complete control of our world. This is the only explanation for never ending wars, rigged elections, plandemics, sabotaging resources, opening borders, education by indoctrination, offshoring jobs, selling technology, foreign control precious metals, manufacturing, and drug production.
The liars in charge call anything contrary to their false narratives a “conspiracy Theory”. <...> I personally believe that nearly everything I have been told since my birth in 1961 has been one giant lie. From Christmas & Easter to the faked moon landings to planes flown by Islamic terrorists taking down skyscrapers. From innocent till proven guilty to mandatory college educations to fair presidential elections.
There is no way out. These powers that be, call them Elites, Globalists, Zionist, the Cabal, or the Deep State, I call them Satanic Zionist Global Elites control every government, alphabet agency, every military, every intelligence Agency, and news outlet in the world. The only thing that will save us is the love of Christ Jesus and his triumphant return.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy omnia-veritas.com

Germany had been very good to the Jews. German Jews were the wealthiest people in the world. In the years following the First World War, the Germans resented the fact that the Jews, Einstein being their chief spokesman, had stabbed the Germans in the back during the war, and then twisted the knife at the peace negotiations in France, where a large contingent of Jews decided Germany’s fate, and reneged on Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, one of which assured Germany that it would lose no territory. The Germans had thought that Wilson’s pledge would be honored after the Germans had surrendered in good faith. Had not the Germans received this promise of the Fourteen Points, they would not have surrendered and were in a position to continue the war. The promise was broken.
Jewish revolutionaries took advantage of Germany’s weakened state, which Jews had deliberately caused for the purpose, and created a Soviet Republic in Bavaria and overthrew the monarchy. German-Jewish bankers cut off Germany’s access to funds. German-Jewish Zionists moved to London and brought America into the war on the side of the British at the very moment Germany was about to win the war. <...> The German-Jewish press, which had initially beat the war drums louder than anyone else, teamed up with leading Jews in the German Government at the end of the war and demanded that Germany submit to the demands of the Allies, give up vast territories and make the reparations payments. The German-Jewish press and Jews in the German Government, many of whom were the same persons who had most boisterously called upon the German People to go to war, insisted that the Germans accept responsibility for causing the war, though they had not caused it. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Whenever anyone revealed the truth of what was happening, the Jewish press immediately smeared them by calling them “anti-Semites”. The situation was similar to, though even worse than, the situation in America today.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
That doesn't change the fact that muslims are grooming, abducting, raping, beating, and murdering White children.

jews may have brought them to White countries, but muslims themselves are the ones committing all these horrible actions, all on their own.

@Nature_and_Race Muslims are only here in America and Europe because of Jews who are the real problem.

( @dajdklanfjkabvjka )
@Nature_and_Race That is true. But the fact Jews brought them there and keep them there means that if you can defeat Jewish power first, then you can just mass deport the Muslims and not allow them back.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@dajdklanfjkabvjka -- In the meantime we have to defend ourselves, and more importantly, OUR CHILDREN, from these brown fucking savages.

( @RobertGuy )

Muslims and negroes are the jewish Golem to attack the White race by proxy. Jews are cowards, so they manipulate these subhuman beasts into being their shock-troops.

It all ends when we drop the jewish psyop of "radical individualism," and when we begin to have White solidarity. The isolated, atomized individual is already divided and conquered. The group has unstoppable strength and morale of its own.

( @comegetyasome )
@Nature_and_Race must be a sandnigger,has me blocked. I've never met a muslim I could trust.

( @Sn0wGl0be )
@Nature_and_Race The Jews knows Muslims are a shitty bunch. They wouldn't have brought them into European countries if they weren't.

"But those child raping Muslims hate Jews too!"

And? Jews are the enemy of everyone. Many blacks hate them too; that shouldn't stop us from recognizing the cancer blacks are to White people.

( @leafz )
@Nature_and_Race The biggest part of this problem is the traitorous leaders of European, and N. American countries allowing these migrants...even encouraging them, to invade White countries...

Then turning a blind eye to the horrendous things they are doing to their citizens... Often saying these migrants have mental problems, and should be excused for their actions...

@MrArchnemesis #conspiracy #racist #psycho gettr.com

I watched some “patriot” show about weight loss and healthy living. They don’t get it.
All the food is poisonous and owned by blackrock aka Jews.
All the alternative healthy food is owned by Jews in the WEF.
Cattle, farming, and gardening is all regulated by the Zog.
And the soil is being poisoned by the Zog so even if you went off grid they’re putting the zap on your ass.
The only way to live outside of a satanic system is to remove the satanic system.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger bloodandfaith.com

[From “Notable Truths for European Man”]

The color of one’s skin matters. If it did not, the Bible would not note skin color. King David was a white man[…]King David was the Virgin’s ancestor and Mary was the mother of Jesus. The Father of Jesus Christ was in no-wise whatsoever a Jew. Christ and His bride as described as White[…]
It is error and lies that equate the modern Jew to the biological descendants of Jacob, renamed Israel

Esther 8:17 shows that[…]many ethnicities have converted to Talmudic Judaism

Jesus Christ recognized that these “Jews” travelled around the world to convert people to their traditions and made them twice the sons of hell as those Jews/Pharisees already where (Matthew 23:15)[…]
King Herod was an Edomite Jew who was a liar and murderer like his father, the devil. (Matthew 2:16, John 8:44)[…]
Jesus Christ was not in error when he declared that the Jews were “liars, and of the synagogue of Satan.” These scriptures are as applicable today as the moment when Christ uttered these words to John in a message to European churches, whom he loves (Revelation 3:9)

Every Scripture written since Christ’s Resurrection where written in a European language — Greek

Jesus Christ did not come to save everyone, he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is why Paul is sent to Europe. The Twelve Tribes dispersed abroad into Europe. Are other saved? Yes, even the dogs feed on scraps from the Master’s table

Jesus Christ stopped speaking Aramaic and stopped speaking Hebrew. The words he uttered in the Revelation are explicitly Greek (I am the Alpha and the Omega”)[…]
A good Jew is a former Jew who, like Saul, converts to Jesus Christ, changes his name, and then declares publicly:
•That the Jews murdered the prophets
•[…]Murdered Jesus Christ
•[…]Are not pleasing to God
•[…]Are contrary to all of mankind because they[…]prevent men from hearing the Gospel so they can be saved
•[…]God’s wrath abides upon the Jews

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Christianity will not turn blacks into Whites.

( @White_Appalachian )
@Nature_and_Race blacks can’t be Christian.
1) A Soul ❌
2) Humanity ❌
3) Mental capacity for repentance ❌
4) Integrity ❌
5) Ability to act Godly, not upon violent or deviant impulses ❌
6) Heterosexuality (All blacks are fags, some just haven’t got caught yet)

They have none of the 12 marks of Israel nor do they even resemble humans. They are NOT people.

( @David_Brownnn )
@Nature_and_Race Blacks should be christians in Africa, not here.

( @TheNationalEagle )
@Nature_and_Race Christianity is only for the White man. Jews and niggers aren’t welcome.

( @thebrokenchaingarden )
@Nature_and_Race one of the biggest lies over told....that niggers are just 'black people'.

As in black versions of us......


( @debbyloo )
I was blocked by a Christian Swede who didn't like that I posted that jews & muslims can blow each other up.
She defended the muslims as God fearing.
I said piss on the muslims.

( @Poohisms )
@Nature_and_Race Is their self esteem that low?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Poohisms -- blacks are just genetically deficient. No ideology, philosophy, religion, or social system will ever cure them. They are forever genetically primitive.

( @beautifulpinkrose )
@Nature_and_Race The satanic left emboldened African decent people to believe they can run amuck. But they get charged, prosecuted and convicted to the fullest extent of the law, in Christ Jesus.

Of course, there is the Lord who is the Judge.

( @krain21 )
@Nature_and_Race Whites need to quickly understand this: no matter what amount of efforts you put in, nobody will achieve the White standards.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The accounts promoting Asian women, and trashing on White women, are not run by White men.

They are non-whites pretending to be White. They are anti-Whites pretending to be pro-White. They are subversive infiltrators.

Do not listen to these twisted, degenerate faggots. And do not blame actual pro-White men for what they say.

( @GabSpellCheck )
@Nature_and_Race Yes, you're quite correct.
But that said, a lot of White women do fit the "woke Karen" stereotype, to put it in simplistic terms.
However, I also try to recognize they have been the prime target of anti-White propaganda since the 1960s, and they are particularly vulnerable to it because it appeals to their emotions, not their intellect.
It's a difficult problem, and there are no simple solutions, but I believe a good place to start is to encourage young White men to live a life that exemplifies traditional White values and virtues. The women will tend to follow the strongest leaders; it's how women naturally respond.
That's something you already do, and I commend you for that!

( @ShadowStruggler )
@Nature_and_Race I only date white women, I want to pass my green eyes, light brown hair and pale skin.

( @bluesea123 )
@Nature_and_Race agreed, they hate women so badly except for asians?? How can you be pro white and promote race mixing? There's definitely something wrong with that picture.

( @LeFurie )
@Nature_and_Race Asian women are ugly compared to European women, but I suppose some degenerate men like what they can get.

( @woodgrames )

Even chinks can shape-shift when they're hidden behind the internetz.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race How could a sane White man look at an Asian woman and think that's a good option? Every race needs to date within their own, especially Whites. For if the White race is polluted, subverted and lost, the gift to this earth of the Almighty Creator will be squandered. What a sin that would be.

( @Lvlsportschick )
@Nature_and_Race hopefully peeps like thats i'll be the first to be raped and beheaded by our new visitors

they need God for real

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From “Is Trump Hitler?”]

The Left has portrayed Donald Trump as Adolf Hitler. This has led to the outrageous, over-the-top political and judicial subversion of a once functioning constitutional republic[…]They have done so because they believe in their own rhetoric. The fact is, Trump and Hitler share much in common[…]
The reasons that the Trump-Hitler comparison works is not because the Left is right about Trump. Rather, the American political Right is wrong about Hitler[…]
Like Trump, Hitler was an outgrowth of a hurting middle class that recently lost a war and, more importantly, lost its moral bearings to Far Left radical subversives[…]Just as the political tyranny of transgenderism and homosexuality raged through schools throughout Germany in 1932, the same was seen in 2016[…]
Much of the same complaints voiced by Trump are identical to those by Hitler. The lack of national pride… the elite vs working class divide… the border invasion of illegal aliens… all of these messages are straight out of Mein Kampf[…]
Trump was and still is surrounded by sycophants with very little actual capacity to run a nation-state. Hitler, by contrast, spent five years working on a shadow government of likeminded individuals[…]
Germany only had a decade of widespread Marxist inculcation. Consequently, when the NSDAP slid into power, it was able to flip the script faster. Whomever leads a populist revolt in the U.S. will need to be very cautious[…]
Hitler understood the true nature of Nationalism. Trump does not understand the term because he is an American[…]The United States is not a nation. It is a union of quasi-independent states and an amalgamation of races and ethnicities[…]
Trump’s desire to ignore racial realities undermines his ability to be a Nationalist. It is the string that pulls the garment apart. In this regard, the Left is wrong about Trump – he is no Hitler. In this regard, the Right is wrong about Trump – he is, unfortunately, no Hitler

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Happy New Year, White people.

( @Memphis1984 )
@Nature_and_Race And only White people !

The rest of you mystery meats can fuck off !!!

( @BatKun )
@Nature_and_Race Zero fucks about the blacks in the new 2024! 🍺🥃

( @SnowMann1 )
@Nature_and_Race 2024 will be interesting. 🇮🇱

( @WhiteyRighty )
@Nature_and_Race TRUTH! White Power NOW! 14 Words and Heil Hitler! WPWW

( @tfc )
@Nature_and_Race here is to hoping that one day we'll be allowed to raise our children in a safe white homogeneous environment.

( @WeldorChick )
@Nature_and_Race Happy New Year to you also💥

( @MADDH8R )
@Nature_and_Race Happy New Year fellow White Brother!!!

( @NightHawk555 )
@Nature_and_Race Happy New Year Whitey

( @DarkOGB )
@Nature_and_Race White power!!🤚

( @JamesStorey )
@Nature_and_Race happy new year back at you white brother

( @Thesmokinglaptop )
@Nature_and_Race happy new year rc.
Hail victory o/

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Arabs and Middle East muslims of every type are invading our country from our southern border.

These fighting age men will groom and rape White girls.

If White Americans aren't willing to unify, organize, and fight back in real life we will go extinct, and we will suffering horribly as we all die off.

( @EuropeMan )
@Nature_and_Race White revolution is the solution

( @Jack0Neill2Ls )
I don't know if it was a fake article or not. I didn't vet it. But apparently the Irish burned down another complex that is or was going to house illegals. There's hope and that kind of thing will inspire more action.

( @Kekian_Thunderbolt )

"But they're natural conservatives and will VOOT for Trump! We all bleed red! Jesus, MAGA, niggers!" -- infinite hordes of mindless Boomervermin

( @RivalNation )
@Nature_and_Race It’s gonna get bad real fast, heck it’s already past midnight. Extinction is no longer knocking on our door, it is laughing in our faces and teasingly saying -oh yeah, what you’re going to do about it White man?-

( @RealBasedCross )
@Nature_and_Race REPLACEMENT.

( @Lordgriffen2019 )
@Nature_and_Race Things we cannot be protesting we must fight these bastards with rifles and artillery

( @senatuspopolusqueromanus )
@Nature_and_Race My rabbi LOVES them!!! I mean, hates them as far as hanging out with them and is super-waysis towards them arabs but loves their holy mission #tikkunolam to drive white americans to genocide, replacement and extinction....... badammmmmmmmmmm tssssssssssss!! 😅😂🤪 #sarcasm

( @JohnnyHooker )
@Nature_and_Race only 3% of whites have any survival instincts at all. We need to withdraw to rural areas but also stay mobile. It will need to get worse before whites perceive reality.

( @DemoCrack_Defector )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder how fast the Democrats would shut down the border, if overnight there were 24 million undocumented young tall blonde single women from Ukraine, Russia, Sweden, and Germany.

Q The Storm Rider #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

12-30-23: Q) The Storm Rider – Latest posts – Intel and commentary – Chinese MIL COMMS> Wires>];




The Great Waking Dragon Operations and military Protocols that will lead to a full CHINESE REVOLUTION & END OF THE CCP (& the Rothschild/Rockerfeller CIA operations controlling the CCP)

“This means you cannot fix the world and corruption without setting the people and citizens of China free from the world’s largest Communist country…” “You are watching real operations unfold in real time. THE STORM.”


The PLAN to save the world

NCSWIC –Q The Storm Rider


Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #racist #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

It is now well known that we live in a fake manipulated 3D world, where nothing is reality. Looking back into the true history of humanity on planet Earth, tells us more and shows clearly, how and where today’s humanity has landed. Assume that all history of today is deception and cast a glance into the past at what really happened.
Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Before our generations of deliberately simplified souls, by switching off all but two strands of our DNA.

The “Great Mudslide” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, only remnants of which remained visible here and there. The technological innovations used then are, for now, phantoms on the horizon for us. Compare old architectures like Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom tower in Utrecht with the tacky block boxes made of glass, steel and concrete of today. Then, that clearly proves the decline of our current culture and civilisation!

The territory of today’s Ukraine partially overlapped the territory of Khazaria, the homeland of the Khazars or Khazarian -nep-Jews to which the Bauer branch, later called Rothschild also belonged.

The Khazars are purely evil in character. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from planet Nibiru and landed in Summer, from where they migrated north. They have always been a curious race of thieves, swindlers and murderers characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversions.
The key to humanity’s evolutionary success lay in the unique characteristics of Earth and its surrounding space, which was further enhanced by the action of other measures implemented by the three installed moons, all of which were of artificial origin: the Moon, Lelya and Fatta. A special “psi generator” was also installed in the Earth’s interior, described as the major source of life.

Thomas Dalton, PhD #racist #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

AT 2.1 billion people, Christianity is the largest religion on Earth. And yet, not a fraction of a percent of these people understand even the basic facts of their own so-called religion. If they did, they would be utterly appalled. Their entire religion is a fraud; it is based in Jewish lies and Jewish duplicity to an extent that is astonishing. If only Christians knew that they had been duped!
In worshipping the Jew, and in accepting the Jewish lie, the Christian becomes a virtual Jew; in fact, he becomes more Jewish than the Jews themselves

In Christianity all of Judaism, a several-century-old Jewish preparatory training and technique of the most serious kind, attains its ultimate mastery as the art of lying in a holy manner. The Christian, the ultima ratio of the lie, is the Jew once more — even three times a Jew.
Christians are obviously too embarrassed to examine such inconvenient facts, and in any case are, in recent years, all too anxious to appease their Jewish brethren. Jews certainly aren’t going to bring it up; as “artful liars” (Hitler) and “great masters of the lie” (Schopenhauer), it makes them look mighty bad. Academia is too Jewish and too Politically Correct to mess with such a touchy subject. Better to let sleeping Christians lie.

Any rational and objective person must come to just one conclusion: that Christianity is a Jewish hoax, conceived to demoralize and cripple the hated Gentile masses, as a way of getting even with Aryan Rome. It has no basis in fact, and no contemporaneous evidence; it is illogical and indeed idiotic (“God sent himself down here, and then killed himself, because he loves us”); and it keeps White and Gentile masses absorbed in a fairy-tale world until the day they die.

Christians! Wake up! Your lives are a fraud. Paul and his fellow Jews pulled a colossal hoax on you, and present-day Jews are only too happy to perpetuate this fraud. And you pay the price, every single day.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

News Year's greetings to all White sisters and brothers!

One year closer to victory!

( @carter_hall )
@NEW_ORDER Heil Hitler, brothers!

( @White_Appalachian )
@NEW_ORDER Happy New Year! Hail Christ! Hail Victory! Heil Hitler!

( @SD_Lupo )

( @JanusIanuarius )
@NEW_ORDER This used to get me banned everywhere, but your thoughts on what Hitler really knew? There are 'white people' but also evil white jews. The Nazi's were being controlled by the Ashkenazi playing both sides of the war. They get to persecute the real Hebrew Jews, whilst killing all the Pleaidians after the fact. Blood determines race, color is secondary.

@OHMichael #racist #wingnut gettr.com

American? No. First & foremost, Michael Rappaport is a JEW.
ALL of this perverted degeneracy is being pushed, supported, produced, defended & profited from, by JEWS.

The Uni-Party, federal government leviathan, media, Federal Reserve, EU, WEF are ALL controlled by JEWS. 2% of the US population is JEWISH, yet JEWS make up 80% of the Biden regime cabinet. Why is that? 🤔 Why do JEWS occupy so many positions of power in White majority nations, despite being a tiny ethnic minority? 🤔

Folks, if you think this is shocking or purely 'conspiracy theory', you're not familiar w/ the centuries-long pattern of insidious behavior of the JEWS.

Whenever you look more closely at ANY controversial issue, behind everything rotten, depraved, corrupt or immoral, you'll find the JEW.

Don't take my word for it, try it yourself. Pick any issue that's in the 📰. Follow the trail of who proposes it, supports it, or funds it. Chances are, when you reach the bottom of the rabbit hole, there will be some Jewish influence to be found. Noticing the insidious behavior of the JEWS & calling them out for it is NOT 'antisemitism'. It is called 'pattern recognition'.
#jews #jewslie #jewscheat #jewssteal #jewishsupremacy #Talmud #namethejew #blamethejew #expelthejew #deportation #HandsomeTruth #based #GoyimDefenseLeague #COVID #TheGDLControlsTheMedia #TribeAndTrain #RaceFirst #HitlerWasRight #WhitePower #WhiteUnity #UniteTheWhites #GreatReplacement #border #immigration #WhiteGenocide #Biden #Trump #MAGA #USA #ADL #ACLU #SPLC #MSM #Israel #Hamas #Palestine #Gay

Mr. Imperialist #racist twitter.com

Shapeshifter: So according to you POCs can’t be Canadians?

Mr.Imperialist: Yes. Fundamentally the Canadian identity is an English French one and it’s unique battle and development against and with each other. Some fresh of the boat Hindu cannot be apart of that.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @HandsomeTruth )
Looks like some White Boys in California are about to do some BIG TIME IRL JEW NAMING!!!

( @SpookyMuffin )
@HandsomeTruth HOLY HOLOHOAX SHEKELMAN! Keep up the good work goys coming at ya from Vero Beach, FL where we have a HUGE kike problem.

( @sirenman )
@HandsomeTruth everybody is aware of it. but by the time 'everyone' admits it. it will be too late. they have trained us it is anti semitic, LOL. to gang tackle the most important powerful entities. then just ignore it. by 1.6% of our nation. the noose is being put over our heads and our nations as i write this. WTFU!!!

( @TheRealJugLY )
@HandsomeTruth TIME TO MAKE IT 110

( @AncientAryan )
@HandsomeTruth SIEG HEIL o/

( @Snickler )
@HandsomeTruth its the perfect one , it shows where the jews introduced pedophilia

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