
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Mike Stone #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Some of you may remember a piece I wrote back in 2021 about the enormous amount of high-rise residential construction going on in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.

My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.

Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Something Ain't Right

When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.

What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department donated surplus equipment to the Ukraine, leaving them under-stocked.


Ann Barnhardt #fundie #racist #quack #crackpot #kinkshaming barnhardt.biz

[From “Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” can’t be truly appreciated and understood until you know that it is the story of the miraculous healing and conversion to Christianity of a Diabolical Narcissist Jew”]

Thanks for the patience with all of the reposts this week. Unpacking takes ten times longer than packing, and doing it in the run-up to Christmas is… logistically challenging. It’s Christmas Eve, and that means the traditional viewing of “Scrooge” from ARSH 1951[…]Let us pray with Holy Mother Church:

for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord[…]

The ARSH 1951 film “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim is the definitive film version of “A Christmas Carol”[…]
“A Christmas Carol” took on a whole new life and depth of meaning for me when, after my in-depth study of Diabolical Narcissism several years ago, I realized that the reason why “A Christmas Carol” is such a compelling story[…]
The pre-conversion Scrooge character is a classic DN. He is a cerebral narcissist – highly successful in his profession, a miser, caring for nothing but “his work” – which just happens to be usury (Usury? In London? Nooo…)[…]
Scrooge descends into psychopathic usury, and, as we have discussed, even descends into that horrific sexual perversion – ASEXUALITY, by dumping his fiancée and living a life of LOVELESS, MISERABLE, ELITIST SOLITUDE[…]
The other point here which is TOTALLY lost on the modern world is the fact that EBENEEZER is quite possibly the most HEBREW name ever, and that EVERYONE understood when Dickens wrote the book that Scrooge was one of the many JEWISH USURERS in London[…]
The story closes with the words, “And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well”[…]

That, friends, means that Ebeneezer Scrooge, an ethnic Jew and atheist (as almost all ethnic Jews today are), received baptism and became a believing Christian

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.

Carmen Cojocaru #racist #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exognosis.com

Jews are type 3 Sirians. Humanoids in the Sirius B star system are white or olive skinned, a mixture of benevolent and malevolent (mostly malevolent) power hungry, selfish, often in the Illuminati banking system, eager either to dominate humanity and transform the Earth into a paradise in their style, or just dominate and control humanity.

The Type 3 Sirians entered into an alliance with the Type 4 Sirians (Annunaki) known as the Sirian-Annunaki Alliance. About 40% of their members have evolved in a more humanitarian direction while the majority of about 60% have as their mission to control and dominate the planet.

They largely control the mass media. Their philosophy is divide and conquer. They specialize in instigating one tribe against another and in permanent war to keep the people divided. They are one of the groups behind the ongoing conflict in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are the force behind the Israeli Mossad and the Khazarian mafia, a terrorist organization that controls the government of Israel and many Western factions.

They rule in Ukraine and provoked Putin to war to take their territories. The Khazars together with the Sumerians and the Jews are at the origins of the Jewish people. Contrary to public perception, the Semites were not among the original descendants of the Jews, they were a different Sirian-Orionian hybrid race that also settled in ancient Persia.
Recent research has indicated that the real Semites were the Khazars and it is funny that some of the Jews consider the Khazars to be their enemies, this makes the Jews anti-Semitic. There are also secret organizations of the Khazars whose objective is to enslave the Jewish people and everyone on Earth. The Jews today are led by another related group of Orion-Sirius hybrids called the Zionists who are an extremely evil consortium of aliens and their descendants who control large portions of the planet. They have an alliance with the dark Illuminati.

TERFs or far-right white nationalists?

They're the same picture.

various commenters #racist ovarit.com

RE: The Welsh Refugee Counsel used 12 year old schoolgirls to entice migrants to come to Wales

( nopenottoday )
It's genocide of native European populations. And I'm sure many people are getting paid off to assist

( Carrots90 )
My Russian husband thinks it’s a way to bring in authoritarian government

Flood the West with people who are accustomed to harsh/corrupt/dysfunctional governance and ‘manage expectations’. As long as it’s better than what the migrants are leaving from, they will be more likely to accept it. And it has to be fast. The older migrants adjusted to the west. Rapid immigration won’t risk assimilation or inter community harmony

Undo feminism, gay rights, personal liberties, etc

( pennygadget )

There must be some financial gain to someones high up. This is not out of control wokeness or an excess of compassion.

They are actively trying to attract migrants, there must be a benefit. This isn’t just kindness

The theory is that they're bringing them in for cheap labor. But that doesn't track because these migrants almost certainly consume more taxpayer money and resources than they contribute

( asmahan )
I think "they" are just trying to balkanize countries and destroy/eliminate common cultural touchstones and heritage. So the country is weakened from within by partisan in-fighting and multicultural strife. Makes them easy pickings for..... whatever you want really.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So kinda looks like those Pakistani Rape Gangs are a feature, not a bug in their books. I wonder why.

( Disappearanceoftheychromosomer )
Reasons I can come up with:

1. Immigration lowers wages.
2. If you get a lot of immigrants to a historically oppressed nation between a country you can surpress its peculiarities and stop and independentist sentiment from forming.
3. Immigration creates divisions and conflicts between the working class.
4. Immigration lowers political standarts of living.
5. They want to normalize pedophilia.
6. They want society to be more divided, political and cold in general. They want no trust between us so we are forced to trust them.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

The Jewish Hollywood moguls long ago decided that it would help them make more money if the general public viewed films as being "Christian." In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original Jewish developers of the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives and married beautiful Christian starlets.

This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made "stars" to change their Jewish names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of "nosejobs" for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.

Here are a list of many Hollywood actors and their real Jewish names . . .

Joey Adams ................................ Joseph Abramowitz
Eddie Albert ................................. Eddie Heimberger
Woody Allen................................. Allen Konigsberg
Lauren Bacall .............................. Joan Perske
Jack Benny .................................. Benny Kubelsky
Milton Berle .................................. Milton Berlinger
Ernest Borgnine ........................... Effron Borgnine
George Burns .............................. Nathan Birnbaum
Joan Blondell................................ Rosebud Blustein
Joyce Brothers ............................ Joyce Bauer
Mel Brooks .................................. Melvin Kaminsky
Joey Bishop ................................ Joey Gottlieb
Charles Bronson ......................... Charles Buchinsky
Rona Barrett ................................ Rona Burnstein
Cyd Chrisse ................................. Tula Finklea
Tony Curtis .................................. Bernie Schwartz (daughter is Jamie Lee Curtis)
Joan Crawford ............................. Lucille Le Sueur
Dyan Cannon ............................... Samile Friesen
Kirk Douglas ................................ Isadore Demsky (son is Michael Douglas)
Bob Dylan .................................... Robert Zimmerman
Rodney Dangerfield .................... Jacob Cohen
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ................. Douglas Ullman
Joel Grey ..................................... Joel Katz (father of Jennifer Grey)
Elliott Gould ................................. Elliott Goldstein
Zsa Zsa Gabor ............................ Sara Gabor
John Garfield .............................. Jules Garfinkle
Judy Garland ............................... Frances Gumm
Paulette Goddard ........................ Paulette Levy
Eydie Gorme................................. Edith Gormezano
Cary Grant ................................... Larry Leach
Lorne Green ................................ Chaim Leibowiz
Judy Holliday ............................... Judith Tuvin
Leslie Howard .............................. Leslie Stainer
Buddy Hackett ............................. Leonard Hacker
Jill St. John ................................. Jill Oppenheim
Danny Kaye................................. David Kominsky
Alan King ..................................... Irwin Kniberg
Larry King.................................... Larry Zeiger
Tina Louise.................................. Tina Blacker
Ann Landers................................. Esther Friedman (Abigail Van Buren is her sister.)
Dorothy Lamour .......................... Dorothy Kaumeyer
Miehael Landon .......................... Mike Orowitz
Steve Lawrence .......................... Sidney Leibowitz
Hal Linden.................................... Hal Lipsh**z
Jerry Lewis ................................. Joseph Levitch
Karl Maiden ................................. Maiden Sekulovitch
Paul Muni .................................... Muni Weisenfreund
Ethel Merman ............................. Ethel Zimmerman
Jan Murray ................................. Murray Janofsky
Walter Matthau ........................... Walter Matasschanskayasky
Lilly Palmer ................................. Maria Peiser
Jan Pierce................................... Pincus Perelmuth
Roberta Peters.............................Roberta Peterman
Eleanor Parker............................. Ellen Friedlob
Joan Rlvers ............................... Joan Molinsky
Tony Randall ............................. Sidney Rosenberg
Edward G. Robinson .................. Emanuel Goldenberg
Dinah Shore ............................... Francis Rose Shore
Shelly Winters ............................ Shirley Schrift
Winona Ryder..................... Laura Horowitz
Gene Wilder............................... Jerome Silberman

If your Jewish, be proud of it. Why change your name to hide your real identity? The answer is obvious. Because if the public knew THE TRUTH that Hollywood and the television networks are Jewish owned and controlled, many people would think twice and stop watching. Nobody likes to be manipulated, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Anything based upon a lie is not something that Christians ought want to be a part of. I don't like Hollywood's deception, anymore than I do their immoral filth that has corrupted America's homes for the Devil.

Research and you will find, that Judaism rejects Jesus as the Messiah 100%, and those unbelieving Jews are behind the most vile smut, filth and sexual immorality imaginable in society today. They revel in it, and the profits! Wherever Jesus Christ is not found, neither is morality and righteousness. If I were a part of the shameful culture of Hollywood, which glorifies wickedness and blasphemes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I guess I'd change my name too in embarrassment.

"AJ" Joyce and Cozy Cat Nationalist #racist twitter.com

"AJ" Joyce: The Chinese Diaspora, like the Jews, are a high IQ, urban dwelling group. Unlike the Jews, they aren’t over-represented in media ownership, radical leftist social movements, the pornography industry, or lobbying for foreign interests. Perhaps @jordanbpeterson can explain this.

Cozy Cat Nationalist: Every JQ rebuttal is essentially about removing moral agency from Jews and putting it back on Europeans.

It's like trying to convince someone they have an abusive parent. All you get is endless excuses, minimization, and self blame.

Ricardo Duchesne #racist eurocanadian.org

European males were exponentially the greatest visual artists in history. According to the most objective comparison we have on the respective contributions of the world’s civilizations to the visual arts, Charles Murray’s Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences 800 BC to 1950 (New York: HarperCollins, 2003), Europeans clearly stand way at the top. The crazies on the left have dismissed this book as a subjective assessment without much merit, insisting that all cultures have contributed more or less the same to culture.

But any person whose mind has not been warped by current academic trends can’t deny that Human Accomplishment is the first impressive effort to quantify “as facts” the accomplishments of individuals and countries across the world in the arts and sciences by calculating the amount of space allocated to these individuals in reference works, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Contrary to the accusations of establishment academics, Murray recognizes that one cannot apply a uniform standard of excellence for the diverse artistic traditions of the world, and this is why he created separate compilations for each of “the giants” in the arts of the Arab world, China, India, Japan, and Europe. (He only produced combined inventories of the giants for each of the natural sciences, since world scientists themselves have come to accept the same methods and categories).

Now, although Murray did not compare artistic achievements, he noted that the sheer number of “significant figures” in the arts is higher in the West in comparison to the combined number of the other civilizations. In the visual arts, the number of significant artistic figures in the West is 479, as compared to 192 for China and Japan combined, with no significant figures listed for India and the Arab World.

I have stopped with the end of the 19th century because it is apparent that Gombrich was not too keen about the major trends of the 20th century, the Expressionists, Surrealists, Dadaists, or “modern art” generally, even less about the “abstract artists” of the post-WWII decades. Spengler anticipated this decline in the late 19th century. Understanding this decline would be a major subject of writing. The many passages cited above were meant to convey to readers that European superiority in the arts has not been only about number of great works; it has been about the incessant drive of European artists to find novel ways of painting, new ways to portray life, use colours, shadows, light, express the infinity of nature and human emotions. Europeans have reached deeper into the meaning of everything there is. It is almost as if God put them in charge of bringing about perfection. Sad to know that our current elites are now in charge of destroying this perfection for the sake of equality and diversity.

feministfang, eclecticwordblender #sexist #racist #psycho tumblr.com

Listen! I don’t give a fuck how these ugly brown men are treated in the west. Stop showing sympathy for them. Everybody knows what happened in india a few days ago. These are your poor "victim" brown men that some of you think are better than white men. I literally smirk whenever something bad happens to them. I feel happy when Muslim men in india get lynched by mobs. I love it when these men kill each other out of hate. They all deserve it. They deserve worse. And i hope they all burn in hell for eternity.

as long as we’re getting rid of a male, idk man w. silver lining.

Hatred_Incarnate #racist incels.is

No, people are alt-right because massive non-white immigration is the death knell of western civilization. I don't think it has anything to do with being an outcaste or not getting laid or any of that other shit. It just objectively sucks and people have had enough of it.

No one wants to see their homeland swamped by boatloads of African subhumans or become a part of the Middle East. Every time I see some boatload of Africans touchdown in Europe, I see Europe dying a little each day, a great tragedy given all that Europe has contributed to the world. I'm quite sure that if all the men in the alt-right were getting laid 24/7 with tradthots as hot as Lauren Southern or Lana Lokteff, they'd still be pissed off at the non-white invasion and not only that, but the leftist pieces of shit in power and the fucking feminists too.

Ratatat #racist stormfront.org

It's a shame we even have to ask this question...it is such disgusting behavior for children to be repeatedly assaulting an elder and one who is their teacher no less.

Statistics don't lie and statistically speaking there is no hope for these negroid children. No matter how much money you throw at the education system the results will always be the same: the negroes will always perform at lower levels than whites. Even in experiments where negro children were adopted by white parents when they were infants and received all the same "privileges" that a white child would receive for literally their entire life, even then the negro children always turned out to be an inferior product than the white children. It's a matter of genetics.

The victims here are the white children who are having their education disrupted and the white teachers who spent years in college getting advanced degrees only to walk into a career where they have to try to do their jobs in a hostile environment.

The perpetrators are the jews.

Incline #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Based South Africa putting white chadlites in their place

Look at this shit they still get free food because of JBW they would absolutely slay in SEA they mog me so hard but I moneymogg them.

This young men were looking for a job and got surprised

South Africa has lots of scientific advancements, for example: Just kill the white farmers who grow most your crops Theory

They are based they know whites mog all their ethnic population so they wanna get rid of them just look at this two dudes they fucking mog me out of this universe yet they are homeless and struggling to find job. Can't really blame the south africans for doing this, god's speed to them.

that would be a good idea except for the fact they are also killing black farmers and stealing their land

Well can't expect too much from those low iq communist wannabes. Still at least they are trying. Tbh if you think about if you are white you want as many ethnics coming to Europe/USA as you can. More ethnics = your white skin is more valuable.

chad worship thread ethnic chads killing whitecels as usual

Shit you're right it sounds like chad worship but what I wanted to show in this thread is just how Africans put this JBW white colonizers in their place by giving them low status.

Shittin' Niglets #racist niggermania.net

They "redistricted" my school about five years ago. What was once a new, flourishing, upwardly achieving student body of generally well behaved white students with a few token niggers, is now a full on nigger warzone. They've ruined my school, my job and it's only getting worse. I can count my white students on one hand, out of the 115 students I have. It's all loud niggers.

Best part? We're not even allowed to discipline them, or write referrals, because the STATE said our district had a "disproportionate" amount of niggers being suspended. This is happening everywhere in this country. Niggers are magical. If you dare tell a nigger to put away his crap music and porn/weed sail foam during class, you'll get in trouble, and fired.

We can't even fail niggers anymore. Skool be free wifi an food an shit. Education is over, in this country. It's all sail foams and chance to run around, screaming, stuffing your face and throwing trash on the ground before and afta "band" noise and sports, and nobody can do anything about it, lest dey mama scream at da skool board.

14words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

By "opposite race" I take that to mean "human" but what they mean is "enemy".

The jewish leadership wants every race to think of us white humans as their enemy.

The jews obviously see us as their prime enemy, which is why they are pushing White Genocide, but not black or brown genocide, not until after we are gone, then jews will push black genocide, because blacks are useless and the browns will be all for that since they hate blacks, then the jews will reduce the brown population down to the number of slaves that they actually require for their purposes to serve them.

Steven Rowlandson #racist realjewnews.com

”They’re children of Satan their Father, you know, the Lord told us so.” It is interesting how people tend to believe in a god, but when it come to believing what the real God has to say, most people prefer to believe lies myths and fairy tales told by Jews, apostate preachers and those who walk in darkness.

Irene Bonney Faulkes #racist realjewnews.com

Preston Jones thinks the Jews are ‘not omnipotent’.

It is who and what is in them, with them and behind them that so far is ‘not omnipotent’ because such evil forces have been with the world since before Noah’s flood and most decidedly since that time.

That is one side of the matter and the other is that the Jews are still here with almost total power.

Veterans Today could only defeat their Jews controlling the country with military force. That is missing and who would want another Civil War.

The Dragon or Serpent, has featured throughout the world’s history in all civilizations and cultures with their religions of the stars, planets, angels (aliens some call them) and they are demons and supernatural evil powers.

The Dragon was potent during the times of the Roman Empire with its evil Caesars. War was made continually on the Christians and their churches throughout that land.

This Dragon made war on the Woman, the Church of Jesus Christ, and had his success in persecutions and martyrdom with an innumerable people.

Nevertheless, she has been protected until this day, in some form or another. This is apparent in history for despite this Dragon’s successful forays, in making war against her Seed — Christ, and afterwards His seed of Christians, the Church remains.

She sits at the gates of hell but those gates will never prevail against her.

Therein lies the hope of the world.

Without a miracle from heaven in the political scene, it appears the nation could be finished and others with it.

That it is possible to rid the land of the Jews, the basic cause of the mess into which it has sunk, is debatable.

In the past scores of countries have ridden themselves of the Jews but only for a time. They always pop up again in some form or other within each country.

Christians must take a stand against this evil power, this evil force that motivates the Jews, that Dragon, the Old Serpent, the Devil (and his many evil angels). The battle is more than with flesh and blood but against the supernatural powers controlling the nation.

So Christians must also make a stand against the flesh and blood enemies within the midst of their churches and nation.

The blinkers of deceit that darken the vision of very many Christians must be removed. Then perhaps their prayers could save the nation as they act against the supernatural forces and against the flesh and blood Jews within their gates.

The walls must fall down somehow and victory come in some form. It happened at Jericho. Is there to be a Joshua for today?

ETS101K #racist #psycho amren.com

RE: Farmers with ‘Boer Lives Matter’ Banners Storm South African Court

The Afrikaner has a history of standing and fighting.

Yes and we are experts at counter insurgency tactics, we would have beaten the English a second time were it not for them placing woman and children into death camps, taken the whole of Africa at Cuito Cuanavale in Angola if the world did not ditch us I think the kill count was 32 of ours dead & this mostly due to helicopter crashes vs the thousands of theirs, even the Cubans and Soviets avoided us back during clashes there.

WW2 when the South Africans arrived at the battles of El Alamein & so on after they cleared East Africa they took names and kicked donkeys.

There's great land elsewhere, the Earth is enormous, just relocate the farms to the Northern hemisphere. The blacks will not stop killing, it's what they do. Sometimes you just have to admit you lost, pack up and leave.

Nope it's our land, we can still fight, we are now making examples of them day by day said it before they are a cowardly nation if you beat the living life out of one or two they will think twice before doing it again. More and more get their faces rearranged daily if I read the papers here & there seems to be more of them "found next to the road" in what appears to be hit and run's. More like faces batched in, see it this way we gave them their 27 years to be black now it's time to take back.

Their 72 thousand strong army a few years ago 200 of them got killed by untrained rebels in the Central African Republic back in my day we knocked 200 in one hour & the rest ran away. #racist en.wikipedia.org

(This is a banned editor moaning about his racist edits to articles being reverted)

One of the Wikipedia sayanim is heard from! Didn't take you very long.

Unconstructive? Uninformative? Because it tells the truth about who is commiting these crimes? Without resorting to weasel words, per Wikipedia guidelines. Can't have that now, can we? Try looking at the FBI violent crime statistics.

Or continue to believe that whites are avoiding one shopping mall after another because they are racists who fear "diversity" and not the crimes committed by this diverse population.

various commenters #racist reddit.com

Re: Self defense: Chinese man got provoked/beaten down by Pakistani twice in Nanjing then stabbed paki with knife.

who the hell do these Pakis think they are, especially when they come to our country? gtfo.

CPC paid those scums each 80,000 RMB per year for studing in China.

Typical foreigner in China, has a Chinese Lu girlfriend and insults the natives. When is someone going to do something about it?

CPC shields these halal Smoking Drunk pakis. You cannot do anything.

we need to do this more to foreign scum

I hope paki brownie media could widely spread this shit.

Bad move, now his other 3 child brides and half of his clan gonna be gunning for him.

No one force them to move to China. They come here with 20 man families in tow from shitholes to seek a better life at Chinese taxpayers’ expense and they want to talk about jealousy?

They think themselves so powerful picking on normal people going on about their lives. Just look at their faces when people fight back and the authorties starts knocking.

A good lesson for Pakis in Pakistan shithole.

GOAT. Why are these pakis even in China trying to start shit.

CPC's genius plan.

what do you expect from pakis? In britain they bloody gang rape children. Look at rotherham and all the child grooming cases. They don't see other groups a people just as prey, especially children and women

The irony is that in some Asian board, we have to lump together with south Asian like them, and no mention of their problems can be made.

various commenters #racist reddit.com

Re: Asian customer assaulted at TopShop while store manager sides with the assailants

She only dates white men. https://v.qq.com/x/page/7in23Z2AAtG.html

I mean It's certainly horrible and I support her as an individual under attack. But if she or someone wants to involve racism so to get support I disagree.

Edit: the video starts with her saying "you are the first foreign man I see in this show". Hosts asked "Didn't you see the last one from Russia?". She answered "I forget that one the moment I see him". In the show, female host said she'd 'bursted' tonight and became different. She replied this was a hard-to-find opportunity(but the man is based in Hong Kong). Near the end, male host said she came all the way back to China from NY for the show, but ended up with an American. Show was in 2011. She was born in 1983. Man was 43, had 4 Chinese gfs.

Someone specifically talked about this episode on forum, although her name was confused with a homophone in the thread. http://bbs.tianya.cn/m/post-free-2128482-1.shtml He mentioned that in previous episodes she was always nitpicking and not polite to Chinese guys, but suddenly she put on a blush this time. Many girls in this dating show have white fever, too.

Not our fight then

And also majority of asian feminists will stay quiet about disproportionate black on asian female violence bc they place black ppl higher up on the leftist oppression olympics totem pole above themselves.

And ironic how the black store manager was allowed to kick out this (prob leftist) asian female while Starbucks got in big legal trouble for trying to kick out 2 black males for loitering.

Black people are so high up on the leftist oppression olympics totem pole that they can be openly tribalistic and racist and people will be too afraid to call them out for it.

African American women act like this all the time. That's why they have the highest out of wedlock rates. Just a bunch of pumps and dumps


This comment is racist and wrong and I don’t agree with you. You need to re educate yourself. I’m not saying the situation is okay but what does race have to do with it? The attacker could just as easily been someone not black. This is ignorant. Manage


Blah, blah, blah. Typical meek Asian response. Can tell Asians to shut up but can't tell the Afro Americans who assaulted her, "You're racist and wrong. I don't agree with you. You need to reeducate yourself." BYE!


Considering over 90% of NYCs violent crime is non-white, primarily black and Hispanic, it’s not entirely inaccurate to say “they act like this all the time” ... especially in NYC

Well I'm not going to tell anybody not to support somebody who is a victim of a crime, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't care about anybody who wouldn't care about me. I (and the Asian community) shouldn't be a crutch for these Lus and Chans. People who you fall back on when you need support and then be treated as lesser people when you don't.

Also, just because I don't support racism especially against Asians doesn't mean I will have sympathy for these racists, when they get the short end of the stick. So yes, I hope those racist attackers get caught and charged to the full extent of the law, but no, I don't have sympathy for this woman at all. Two separate issues.

you're getting the downvotes bc the majority of asian females in the US like her and also this one

"First ever Broadway play written by an Asian-American woman is about the identity of Straight White Men"https://old.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/906sr6/first_ever_broadway_play_written_by_an/

have BLATENTLY walked away from asian men and openly play for team white guy. Let her old white guy boyfriends advocate for her

wow just a random unprovoked attack? wtf? i mean how many times does that actually happen? that shit is fucked up.reading some of the comments..i love how black people are saying "stop generalizing us" well guess what? stop doing the same to us then.the sad thing is the attacker targeted her because she is Asian. we are powerless and they know it. they think they can get away with this more so than if this was done to a white person.zero respect for Asians period.who she dates doesn't really have nothing to do with this. she was targeted because she was Asian. think about how bold this shit is. out of nowhere she gets punched in a public space without any reason. that shit is frightening.think about it...it could have been your gf or wife that this happened to. if any Asian speaks about this they will be called "anti-black" racists. i swear man black people think they can get away with this kind of shit because they are on the top of the oppression totem pole while Asians are on the bottom.

Black people have a thing for hitting pretty AF for no reason. Probably because they keep getting away with it, I remember seeing a video of a Twitch streamer who was walking down the street recording herself when she got punched in the chest by a black lady. There were a bunch of people walking around too, but no one noticed or cared, probably because it was kind of crowded and it wasn't their business.

Anyways, someone said she was white worshipping, so I kind of lost a little bit of respect for her, but at least she is standing up for herself, even if it is online. Black on Asian racism is way too common form what I see.

Put me in the undecided column.

First, it's rare someone gets attacked for no reason. I'm not getting what I think is a full account. Second, I've learned that women, regardless of race, can often cry foul and people listen unquestioningly- some not all women abuse that. Third, from her FB photos she looks like she glorifies light skin and whiteness. Fourth, as Kazshin pointed out below- she only dates white men. Now, before people react to this and say "that's not reason to not support her", I'm not deciding on that basis; but I DO think it "fits" as far as accounting for what might have led up to this encounter. That is to say, a disturbing number of AF act with disgust towards Asians and non-whites; even more so when they exclusively date white (pig-chasing). Sometimes that behavior has consequences even if they get away with it 99% of the time. Whether that happened here or not, I'd need to see the full video or hear from some Asian or non-white observers to corroborate. White observers don't count.

So I'm sure this woman will get thousands of FB likes. Besides Asians, really the only other persons commenting positively are white people who feel this fits the same irrational "jungle rage" narrative whites tell about blacks- that they violently attack without cause. Just not certain on it until I learn more.

Look at all the black people in the comment section saying: "stop generalizing us as criminals"

also black people "chink eyes/ching chang ching chang chong/you all look like Jackie Chan/Asian basketball players are all jeremy lins or Yao mings

Sharpe #racist niggermania.net

Well of course, ANY kind of education is racist, isn't it? It discriminates against those who are too stupid to be able to learn anything. I wrote a few days ago about this program that has been started in order to help niggers get into Auxfed and Cayumbreege ooniverzidees.

I'm in my fifties, and sometimes hope that I don't live long enough to see the day when human acquired knowledge and culture are overturned, or dumbed down to the level where the niggers can understand appreciate it.

Just as the Great Library of Alexandria was destroyed, I fear that the overwhelming onset of political correctness is going to do the same for Western civilisation eventually, unless we wake up and see sense.

Fritz Berggren #conspiracy #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “A Candid Discussion on Genocide Against White Christian Races”]

In the latest episode of our podcast, our speaker Fritz Berggren unfolds a compelling narrative about what he outlines as an unaddressed crisis – a genocide against white Christian races. Through a vivid exploration of historical events, Berggren suggests a systematic plot to wipe out white Christians from their homeland, which he believes started with the Muslim and African invasions in Southern Europe around 700 AD

He delves into mob politics, demystifying what he identifies as a coterie of powerful bodies manipulating global systems while playing the victim card. Berger criticizes governments for their alleged role in supporting this inequity and labels significant political figures within America and Europe as ‘traitors’ to their nations

The Bible and history forms the bedrock of Berggren discourse. Drawing upon the Scriptures, he seeks to elucidate his interpretations about the modern Jews – a notion that they are impostors and part of an anti-Christian alliance supportive of an alleged genocidal agenda

By injecting strong emotions amid the charged racial tensions, Berggren administers a rallying cry to the White Christian community for vigilance and action. He dares to cross controversial lines, particularly involving his denunciation of Jewish Christians, whom he challenges to align with his scriptural perspectives

The final tone of the episode is a passionate call to arms. Berggren, foreseeing a state of civil war, insists on defending and repossessing the Christian heritage and values against what he believes is a massive onslaught against European Christians

(PS: The above was 99% written by AI after listening to the podcast. Very interesting!)

Fiveos2 #racist reddit.com

We could be like Jews? Uh...they have a country.

But sure...i guess that when we no longer control our own country we could enjoy life by subverting, weakening, and plundering the people who replaced us. We can stop worrying about lofty goals like the pursuit of knowledge and be a totally self serving force ruled by spite and a desire for revenge. I'm fine with that.

Once white people go the entirety of progress and civilization will likely follow, seeing as there is only one racial and ethnic group that has routinely been able to produce and push the limits of human evolution further.

Laura Wood #racist #conspiracy thinkinghousewife.com

[From “Capitalism Is Anti-White”]

WHETHER it was with black slaves from Africa who lived in better conditions than the poor white factory worker, or Mexican construction workers who crowd by the dozens into small houses while their white counterparts turn to drugs, or Indians who work for call centers from places of relative squalor, capitalism inevitably leads to discrimination in favor of non-whites and inevitably impoverishes large numbers of whites

The brutal truth is that non-whites accept lower living standards than whites. Non-whites will work (or be forced to work) for less money and longer hours, undercutting the white worker who historically sought to support his wife and children with higher spiritual and cultural values[…]“Diversity” in economics is not based on concern for anyone’s welfare except for that of those making the money

Modern capitalism is a spirit of economics that seeks to maximize profits and cares nothing for preserving nations or borders. It is and always has been especially hostile to the interests of the white worker. It has led to the progressive decline of Western civilization. For where the white worker cannot support himself and his family, this society is not possible. Civilization is expensive. The civilized family is expensive. Whites tend to approach the education of their children as a gradually elevating process. These standards can’t be maintained in an international marketplace

Many young whites, their families broken or never begun, cover themselves with the marks of low-class slaves, their skin being at least one area in which they can assert some control. They are seemingly powerless against the whirlwind of international money-making that openly discriminates against them and vilifies them at the same time. They do not recognize these injustices as problems caused by human action that can indeed be reversed[…]
In the end, no one benefits when civilization falls, not even the money-makers

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #racist adrenogate.net

Yes, Bonacci is a creepy non-human occultist. But that doesn’t mean he’s lying to you about this. He gives one of the most detailed and intuitive, dot-connecting presentations about the theoretical mechanics and inner workings of the toroidal vortex emanating from the Black Sun that projects our sun and moon upwards and onto the plasma belt of the Firmament(the vacuum of outer space does not exist) which casts these sun and moon images at specific heights in our atmosphere through the opening at the North Pole to the Hollow Earth. Both the sun and and moon are LOCAL objects projected onto the concaved dome of our oblate spheroidal Earth/Terra plain or Crater I should say. The Crater Earth Theory lines up nicely with all this as well as Godgevlamste goes into great detail about the plasma belt and some of the more specific logistics of this complicated and admittedly still-working model.
This Black Sun ⚫ has always been a pretty big deal and has been historically spoken of in the same breathe as Agartha and Hollow Earth AND we know that the Nazis were obsessed with the damn thing. So this revelation shouldn’t be that surprising. But it’s not like I ever would have figured it out on my own.

As far as Masons being these “master builders” and stone masonry magicians of sorts, that’s easily one of the more obvious of the many lies they’ve managed to somehow pass-off as historical fact over the decades. Have they ever showcased these “elite Masonry skills” in a live setting? Lol.
The parasitic EL-ite controllers are clowns and phonies. They are the “phony Phonecians”. They inherited everything. It’s called FREEmasonry because they literally got all those beautiful buildings that were built by and for giants, FOR FREE after the last reset. They were the winners of the war(or perhaps the lone survivors of a cataclysm) and had the opportunity to re-write history in their favor and to suit their agenda and motives moving forward.

Croatian Wikipedia editors and administrators #racist balkaninsight.com

Croatia Wikipedia Alters Jasenovac Camp Entry Again

Croatian Wikipedia has again amended its entry on the World War II concentration camp at Jasenovac – naming it a 'collection' and 'labour camp' and again disputing the broadly accepted name-by-name list of victims.


The Jasenovac Memorial Site's name-by-name list says 83,145 Serbs, Roma, Jews and anti-Fascists were killed by the Croatian Fascist Ustasa movement there between 1941 and 1945.

The Ustasa governed a so-called Independent State of Croatia, NDH, from 1941 to 1945 under Nazi auspices.

BIRN wrote earlier about how Croatian Wikipedia had controversially referred to Jasenovac only as a "collection" camp, or “sabirni logor” in Croatian, while all major language versions referred to it as a concentration or death camp.

Now, however, the entry has been further changed, removing mention of a “death camp” and putting in “labour camp” instead.

Earlier, some Croatian Wikipedia administrators defended using the term “sabirni logor” because that was the term the Ustasa camp administration had used.

While the earlier entry challenged the Jasenovac Memorial Site's research on the victims, it now gives a prominent place to Igor Vukic, a former journalist and secretary of the Society for Research of the Threefold Jasenovac Camp, an association that many historians see as revisionist.

The association claims the Ustasa ran a labour camp for enemies of the Fascist regime, and insists it only became a regular death camp under the Communists who took power in 1945.

It says they then imprisoned Ustasa members and Croatian Home Guard forces there until 1948, and then alleged Stalinists, after the 1948 break with the USSR, until 1951.

It has also claimed that possibly only 1,500 people died from various causes in the camp during the Ustasa period – although no serious academic research would back such claims.

The new entry extensively quotes Vukic’s new book, Labour Camp Jasenovac, which received praise from Milan Ivkosic in the daily Vecernji list in a review titled "Jasenovac cleansed of ideology, bias and communist forgery", which has drawn negative reactions from Holocaust experts.

The entry quotes Vukic’s book as saying that “no one was interned at the camp for their national or religious background, but as political opponents of the Independent State of Croatia”.

When it was formed in 1941, the NDH rapidly introduced Nazi-style race laws targeting Jews, Roma and Serbs. Serbs made up a large percentage of the population of the NDH, which included present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Wikipedia entry now also quotes a Slovenian researcher Roman Leljak, who claims that Yugoslav military archives in Belgrade speak only of 1,654 victims. However, Leljak is not respected by mainstream historians.

The entry gives much space to the alleged existence of a Communist camp, for which there is no scientific evidence.

Besides the entry on Jasenovac, Croatian Wikipedia contains other articles that most historians deem highly problematic and inaccurate.

In the entry on the Polish city of Gdansk, a sentence claiming that the Poles committed genocide against Polish Germans before Nazi Germany invaded the country in 1939 was only recently removed.


Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Meanwhile, In Boston…"]

As Protests continue against COVID Measures in Europe, we have Non-European trash among the young generations protesting in demand for more COVID Tyranny

FUN, FUN Times are coming!!!

Hey White Boys in America and all Law Enforcement Officers. Are you going to protect these gems because they are Women are Colored!? I will be delighted for a lifetime to see it! I will love to sit back and watch their urgency to defend these specimens

After all, Women deserve to be “protected” at all costs, because they were born as Women, right!? And everybody is equal, so say the Scots-Irish of America, who don’t care whether someone is Black or White…

This should just show you how far gone America is:

“No teachers, no plan. We’ve got to take a stand.” Students at New Mission High School say their voices have been ignored when it comes to how to best handle pandemic learning. @NBC10Boston @NECN
4:55 PM · Jan 14, 2022

dvintologi & mrbroman2 #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist reddit.com

Why racemaxxing is good for society
There isn't any clear way to divide humans into races, any such attempt will be arbitrary and thus race is actually a social construct in the sense that we as a society have created arbitrary categories for it that.

Since race socially is defined largely by appearance changing your race is very possible and this may also improve your quality of life. People being able to change their race means that race itself becomes less meaningful since it's more of an identity/presentation and less about what you were born as.

Of course people into toxic identity politics may very much oppose transracialism since it goes against their toxic ideologies but society itself do benefit very much from judging people by their actual abilities rather than the color of their skin.

Changing the color of your skin is very common, all you need to do is go out in the sun and tan. The difference between tanning and transracialism is just a difference in degree.

Also race mixing is rooted in misogyny


It’s even rooted in imperialism

Are you referring to how the conquistadors raped the natives at a massive scale? (south america).


I am not sure why that would matter today regarding whether or not racemixing is good.

Mixing 2 races can result in a hybrid vigor


I can see why some people are into racial conservatism but i do not think it's viable, you are just trying to delay the inevitable.

Antonio Hamilton Mourão #racist blackwomenofbrazil.co

As the elections are less than two months away, the time came for the controversial figure to name a running mate for his run for the Palácio do Planalto. And as like-minded people tend to stick together, it should come as no surprise that his selection for Vice-President has made his debut as Bolsonaro’s partner by coming out the gate spitting racist rhetoric.

Out of the gate blazing, General Antônio Hamilton Mourão declared on August 6th that two ingredients within Brazil’s “cultural stew” are the “indolence” of the native Brazilian population and the “trickster” nature of black Africans.

Having a military background, like Bolsonaro, the military reserve made the statement at the Câmara de Indústria e Comércio de Caxias do Sul (Serra Gaúcha) (Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Caxias do Sul in Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul). As can be expected, the declaration set the world of social media abuzz with repudiations of what many defined as open display of racist stereotyping.

Mourão went on to speak of the underdevelopment, social and political conflicts of Latin America, a region he referred to as a “condominium of peripheral countries”.

The intriguing thing about the general’s statements is that the declarations were brazenly made regardless of the social groups described in such disparaging terms. The general himself is of native Brazilian ancestry and city councilman Edson da Rosa (MDB), who is black, was among the dignitaries in attendance listening to his speech.

Knowing how his words could come across as offensive, he actually excused himself in the presence of Rosa regarding his comments on Africans. Below is an excerpt of his speech:

“And our Brazil? I have already mentioned our strategic nature. But you have a hard time turning that into power. There is still the famous ‘complexo de vira-lata’ (mutt complex) here in our country, unfortunately. We have to get over this. There is this political, economic and psychosocial crisis. We have a cultural heritage, an inheritance in which there are many people who enjoy the privilege. But there is a tendency for the comrade to want that privilege for it. It can’t be like this. This inheritance of privilege is an Iberian heritage. We have a certain inheritance of indolence, which comes from the indigenous culture. I’m an Indian. My father is an Amazonian. And the malandragem (trickery), Edson Rosa, nothing against, but the malandragem comes from the African. So, this is our cultural crucible. Unfortunately, we like martyrs, populist leaders and the macunaímas (see note one),” the general stated.

C.T. #racist #sexist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Spanish-speaking ‘conservatism’"]

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable
Vox is a Spanish political party founded in late 2013. Its president is Santiago Abascal. Vox is the party of the right in Spain: a more conservative right than the caricature that the Republican Party has become in the US today

But Vox’s folk, Laje and the new Spanish-speaking right are limited to criticising the third feminist wave. Although the Spanish and Latin American media call them ‘ultra-rightists’ and fachas (fascists), they are actually progressive. Their criticism of feminism is not radical at all. Like Andrew Anglin, we not only reject the third wave that Vox rejects, but the first and second feminist waves, as can be seen in the sidebar book on Beth’s pretty boobs

The pendulum has swung so much to the left that liberals such as Argentina’s Laje and Márquez, and those of Spain’s Vox party, are seen as conservative. They are not
The so-called conservatives are liberals, and this applies not only to Vox and Laje but to Tucker and Sean Hannity (the latter interviewed a transexual man not long ago). There are no exponents of true conservatism in the media, neither in the English-speaking world nor in the Spanish-speaking world. And by the way, we are not conservatives but racists

Ghost #racist gab.ai

Communist China increasing video game restrictions to prevent the "grass-eaters" generation of Japan.

Grass-Eaters - late 30's men who play video games all night, sleep all day, with limited sexual desire and no friends; who Japan are now calling "parasites."

Kind of sounds like the American "Millennials..."



WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

There is now proof of racial differences in form of genetic evidence.

The two and three allele version of the MAO-A gene, which is associated with violence, shows up much more often among Blacks than Whites. Crime statistics have Blacks committing about half the murders in the U.S. even though they are only 14 percent of the population.

It's been known for generations that Blacks have a smaller average brain size than Whites, but this truth has been brutally suppressed by the Jewish media, politically correct public schools and gutless politicians.

Driz51 #wingnut #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist reddit.com

It’s weird to me that the ones THE MESSAGE is pandering to fall for it so easily
What I mean is that it’s just so insincere. These movies or shows or games with marketing completely built around having a diverse character a gay character a trans character whatever it is. That’s always almost a guaranteed red flag that the show will have no substance at all and is just going for easy brownie points and a perfect shield to block any criticism. Is that really the kind of representation you’d want? Women want those cardboard cutout perfect at absolutely everything with no struggles at all girl boss characters? A black person wants to see a white character race swapped instead of an original well written character who was intended to be black from the start?

I think the word work has started to lose some meaning with how much it’s passed around, but I think to a lot of people like myself it’s referring to that right there. I think of something like Everything Everywhere All At Once which is about a conservative mother and her struggle to understand her daughter’s world. Arcane is a female driven show with a lesbian as one of the leads. Fallout show we just got has a female lead and I’m pretty sure a trans or no gender or one of those kind of things on the Brotherhood of Steel.

I’ve pretty much not at all heard woke tossed at these things or complaints about female driven stories or any such things. Because they aren’t created to shove a message down your throat and get effortless praise they actually care about these characters. People aren’t inherently shut down to ever accepting these stories they just want them to be written well.

I would just think the ones that they want to represent in these instances would appreciate such examples a hell of a lot more and not so easily be sucked in by something with absolutely no soul like The Little Mermaid remake. Sometimes it feels like a battle that can never be won. No matter how much we try to push back the crap just keeps coming and so many people just keep eating it up with a smile.

Dr. Mantis Tobbogan #racist niggermania.net

My Nigdar was going off the charts a couple days ago when I was passed on the freeway by this wannaBe fast n' furious car although a lot cheaper at about 100 mph and then it swirved to the right to cut me off and "weave" through 2-lane traffic and nearly crashed on the right side of the freeway even though there was an 8 ft shoulder (it oversteered). When it passed me I could hear the crappy KIA engine or whatever just being destroyed by full throttle. On the back I see it has a new (or used) car lisense plate... before it exited the freeway (on the university exit of course) it nearly slammed into a car that merged to the right to also get off on that exit, had to slam on the brakes as hard as it could.

In my head I though "for sure this is a nigger" I pulled up along side it at stop sign on exit, and glared at it and of course it was. Goddamn Niggers stupid fucking niggers. Now you might say so what, but keep in mind there not many niggers in my town, so percentage wise, the odds were low it would be a nigger, but of course its actions give it away 110%. And then to top it off, after exiting freeway, I see this nigger whore while I am driving through town on the way to my destination. Disgusting. It was at the very edge of the downtown area in a town of only 15,000 and you never see whores in the town really.

Just the sight of niggers ruins my evening, but this is rediculous...The University is ruining this town by sucking in all these fucking niggers from out of area with their free scholarships and quotas and sports drafting, student and car loans etc. and the humans up here have no experience with niggers, like whoever sold that monkey the car, and actually believes a nigger will pay the loan back... More importantly though a human might get hurt by chimpanzee nigger moron who thinks he's in an fast n furious movie.

WorldWarITrenchBoi #moonbat #racist reddit.com

RE: Anyone else tired of all the race focus on the recent economic schemes and in diversity?

My military mom was talking about how they only focused on diversity in race, not gender, and how that was a sharp turn from the metoo movement just a few years ago. When Biden gives away money to minorities on unemployment only, or to their small businesses, he forgets entirely about a large portion of the working class in Appalachia who have been entirely overlooked and demonized, along with a good portion of small businesses. How is not assisting them not considered racism by itself? It should be, but the media wouldn’t frame it as that. It seems as if even they don’t realize that this hurts the left and their coalition in the long run, meaningless victories and time wasting only alienates the majority who could learn to appreciate leftist economics if they weren’t immediately shoved in with wokeness, along with environmentalism which is a big issue too.

Of course I am, having come from the black PMC milieu myself (but as Matt Christman points out, one of the ones to fall through the cracks now that the “dream” of social climbing has been snuffed out) I utterly despise this group of race hustling minorities who try manipulating all this diversity shit and warping all discussions of economics and government policy into a cynical scheme to gain more wealth and power for themselves. And the most disgusting part about them is that they use working class minorities as pawns in their little game to cement themselves as either capitalists in their own right, retainers to the capitalists, or academics. And if you hear how they will often talk about working class minorities they feel disgusted by them, almost as disgusted by them as actual white supremacists are. It’s an entirely self-interested, cynical, and psychopathic mode of politics.

Augustine Thomas #racist psmag.com

Right! Native Americans hate you as much as anyone.

Keep talking punk. All you're doing is pouring more fuel on the fire that caused Trump. The more you guys show your true colors and act like heathen animals, the more we'll beat you down and show you that this country isn't changing anytime soon.

You're insane. I've noticed this with a lot of Asians. They take scoring highest on the test so seriously that they're socially retarded and often incapable of basic logic. (Tests require rote and memory, often zero creativity and not much logic.)

American #racist mondoweiss.net

Jewish power + Jewish hubris = ‘ catastrophe of epic proportions’. I left out the ‘moral’ of the catastrophe because moral only applies to the Jews part while the catastrophe is happening to others. But this is what I have been saying about the Jewish light bulb going on and off thruout history. This has happened to other groups of people who overreached as well but right now it is particulary accenuated in Israel and the Zionist and some Jews.

Why? I don’t know. Probably many reasons. Maybe part of it was their culture even before the holocaust, maybe part of it was setting the Jews up as the world’s special victims and they couldn’t handle the exceptions or entitled status they were given—.it went to their heads. And while it might be interesting to theorize about the Jews, the whys and wherefores and psyches and so forth, it doesn’t matter.

There might be a few different twist to the Jews story but deadly hubris is always the same in anyone and has brought down more than few groups and nations in history—I can’t think of a single empire or would be empire it hasn’t brought down. All that matters is zionism and Israel are out of control and have to be stopped. History and all the rest of it surrounding the Jews, the reasons they might be the way they are or aren’t , why Israel claims of trauma as a reason for their actions, — is all immaterial, useless info. that will have no bearing on the outcome.

We have to deal with what’s happening now, what zionism and Israel are now. I said this before and it upset some people, but a little bit of fear can be a healthy thing—..it makes people consider the possible consquences of their actions. For all the ranting and hysterics of the zionist they actually have no fear of consquences. But they should.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

That's fine in a nation of European descendant people. We are independent minded in general.

Most all other ethnicities are tribal minded and work together in a "diverse" society for the good of the tribe, because that is good for individuals within the tribe. Whites have no tribe like that.

Roseanne Barr #conspiracy #racist #psycho usatoday.com

"There's such a thing as the truth and facts, and we have to stick to it, and that is the truth," she said, quoting deniers: "Nobody died in the Holocaust, either. That's the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now, because they cause all the problems in the world, but it never happened."

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 9, 2025 – ARMAGEDDON in California as Palisades fires burn entire neighborhoods to ash

- California Wildfires and Personal Experiences (0:02)

- Texas Culture and Emergency Response (2:56)

- California's Leadership and Fire Response (6:21)

- Insurance Issues and Potential Economic Impact (17:31)

- Preparedness and Satellite Phones (32:18)

- AI and Its Implications (40:27)

- The Role of Corporations and Media (1:01:41)

- The Last Semite and Jewish Lineage (1:08:24)

- The Role of Religion and Politics (1:21:53)

- The Future of Israel and Palestine (1:23:30)

- Rothschilds and the Scofield Bible (1:23:52)

- Impact of the Scofield Bible on Christian Values (1:27:26)

- Critique of Zionism and Modern Interpretations (1:29:25)

- Historical Context and Modern Implications (1:33:35)

- Modern Zionism and Its Contradictions (2:13:35)

- Legal and Moral Questions Regarding Land Claims (2:32:00)

- Modern Zionism and Its Political Implications (2:32:15)

- The Role of Religion in Modern Politics (2:32:32)

- The Impact of Modern Zionism on Global Relations (2:32:48)

- The Future of Zionism and Its Challenges (2:33:04)

- Division in the Church and Interview Conclusion (2:33:26)

- Introduction to Golden Milk (2:34:42)

- Versatility and Health Benefits of Golden Milk (2:36:32)

- New Products and Enhancements at the Health Ranger Store (2:38:01)

- Preparedness for Potential Nuclear War (2:39:42)

- Supporting Health Ranger Store and Brighton Platforms (2:40:31)

ImWantJewNeed #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A female student, who is in the process of converting to Judaism, at the Community College of Philadelphia has submitted a complaint to Drexel University after being subjected to antisemitic abuse by someone thought to be one of their students.

The student’s online dating profile stated that she ideally “would prefer a Jewish partner”.

After she rejected his advances, he expressed his displeasure that she would prefer to have a Jewish partner, saying “not my fault I’m not Jewish”.

Naturally, the exchange should have ended there, but she was shortly after contacted by another profile, which was fake.

She strongly suspects that the same person was behind this new profile, which was made under the username “ImWantJewNeed”.

The profile’s summary included “I’m a nice Jew guy looking for ladies that want to see my draddle” (s.i.c), “living my life as if I was the only Jew alive”, and listed its favourite media as “how to be a Jew 101 and ijewradio” and under the “you should message me if” section wrote “your (s.i.c) looking for a practicing Jew”, a clear reference to the earlier exchange.

She was contacted by the profile, when he made references to money and generally entirely focused on her Jewish identity.

Specter #racist renewamerica.us

(on the recent Don Imus scandal)

That brings back good/bad memories when my did used to make me tend a very large garden. I remember breaking a hoe on the hard clay.

My dad also made me "ax" some of the garden that was getting out of control (was my garden getting "nappy"?)

I axed my dad why he made me work so hard on the garden, and he said the hard work was good for me.

I'm a little tired of the lesser elements of our culture taking over the English language.


After looking at other postings, I see it may be wrong to type "hoe"? I'm not sure why, but are we to refer to this as the "H" word? If so,what are we to do with "Hell"? Is that still an "H" word too?

So many rules in end-time America.

basementLDARcel #racist #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Spics and Niggers should be exterminated.

They contribute nothing but crime and degeneracy to humanity.

Curries and Ricies are high IQ races.
Sands know how to keep their women under control better than other races.
Whites are well rounded and also most beautiful.

So the solution is clear; exterminate Spics, Niggers, and Jews.

Prussian Society of America #psycho #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "In coming days/weeks, Pragmatism, Politeness, Diplomacy and Professionalism will be revealed as the farce it truly is."]

All of these etiquette behaviors are Jewish/Commercial Mind Programming which are used to disguise thievery, corruption and other nefarious activities even by the most Innocent seeming governments, Officials and diplomats[…]
The German Nation [at least under Prussia] may be the only form of governance on Earth, even under the Monarchy, where Barbarian Nations found us to be the most loathsome and blunt, rude, bullying, outrageous, reckless beasts and yet cannot comprehend how we at the same time manage the Height of Discipline and Order[…]
For many centuries of our history, the objective has always been to demoralize and break down German will to make us forget our legacy of being a Nation of the most valuable and unique people on Earth[…]
In days of German Glory and Supremacy, Barbarian Nations walk on eggshells in the presence of a German, should a lie ever be discovered[…]
The future of the world, whatever survives of it as it does may mean a hypnotized approach to the outside world in dealing with Germany on any level, but they must be at our mercy whether they like it or not, whether they respect us or not, if they want to be left alone by us

Even the most stoic leaders of state have a breaking point, as we have seen that reached with Putin and Lavrov, we see it erupting in countries like India and Pakistan. The Chinese are the most stoic and indifferent[…]
The more a Nation is Sovereign and wholly owned by its people with the best ruling, instead of vested money lowers and third parties, the easier we warm up

The curse of the Swastika reigns over every Nation on earth at this time

Russians now taste what they and the Polish And others did in launching their aggressive and pervasive Hate Campaign against Germany

Stew Peters and Michael Yon #racist #conspiracy #psycho angrywhitemen.org

On the Feb. 16, 2024 episode of his Rumble show,[…]Stew Peters once again called for violence at the southern border. While speaking to Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel, Peters called for an “electrified” border wall armed with “AI-powered and guided guns” to shoot migrants
Peters dismissed the recent impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by the Republican-controlled House as nothing but a stunt[…]
Peters asked Yon[…]whether America was facing the prospect of an attack that would make 9/11 look like “child’s play.” Yon replied that the country is “going into a massive war” and that this is “so obvious that it’s almost painful to have to explain[…]
Yon claimed that it’s “the same in Ireland,” which he traveled to last year. “They’ve already reached the critical mass of military-age males from other places like Afghanistan and Somalia and Nigeria,” he warned. “I mean they are clearly going to be taken in Ireland. I mean I think they’ve already — unless they go very serious and start expelling people right now”

Yon also praised the “peace walls” in Belfast which separate Catholic and Protestant areas, calling them “more serious” than the wall that Trump began building. He added that he would like a wall just like it along the southern border

“And it should be electrified,”[…]“And there should be, you know — AI is great if used for the right reasons, right? How ’bout we have some AI-powered and guided guns on the top of that thing so that anybody trying to invade our country gets shot in the brain”

IncelCream #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] I’m a Black woman who’s only dated white men, but...

I'm a Black woman who's only dated white men but BLM has changed everything

There is always a but.

or a Butt for JBW

Is she going to start dating black thugs? Oh hell naw.

She will date White passing latinos tee hee

She will continue to suck white cock, BLM will change nothing in her dating life

but now she can think about BLM while having sex :feelsautistic:

Citizenfitz #racist realjewnews.com

Song of the Holocauster:

Whenever I am getting beat
And feel the argument is lost
I use a trick my father taught:
And scream the dread word, “Holocaust!”

I never need to fear defeat -
Though every word I speak is crossed -
I have a word that trumps them all
Should I but say it: “Holocaust!”

And when I find myself in court
I know who’s going to win because
The judge will lend a kindly ear
Each time that I say, “Holocaust!”

All politicians bow and scrape
Dissenting voices are soon quashed
When I stand at the podium
And cry about “The Holocaust!”

Historians become perplexed
When into prison they are tossed
’Cause they unwisely delved into
The mysteries of “Holocaust!”

Should you awaken from your slumber
There among the great unwashed
You’ll hear the television scream
The lullaby of “Holocaust!”

I have no need to prove my facts
All challenges are quickly squashed
When I sit at the wheel
Of the juggernaut called “Holocaust!”

The years roll by for you and I
The world goes round without a pause
Yet in six million years, you’ll still—
Be hearing of: “The Holocaust!”

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #pratt #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “December 31, 2024: Mount Olympus 78”]“”


spoilerPanel 1: a rabbi is telling to two Greek men investigating on murdered children inside his synagogue that “Gentlemen., I assure you no human has been harmed here”
Panel 2: the rabbi pursues and says “We only make animal offering” and “Sheep. Goats. Chickens”
Panel 3: one of the Greek replies “Uh hun” and “But do you consider us human?”
Panel 4: the rabby replies “Of course we do” while crossing his fingers behind his back