
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Rev. Douglas Wilson, Rev. Joel Webbon, Ben Zeisloft and Vincent James #fundie #racist #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

Christian nationalists and right-wing fascists have never been shy about their agenda, but lately many of them have become increasingly bold in laying out the future they envision for this country[…]
During a recent podcast[…]pastor Douglas Wilson declared that, “In the republic I envision, Hindus would not be able to hold public office”[…]
Pastor Joel Webbon used his own podcast to explain what “true revival” in America would look like: “It would look like millions of people being deported. It would look like mothers getting death row for murdering their children” through abortion[…]
During a recent appearance on “The Byce Eddy Show,”[…]activist Ben Zeisloft proclaimed that “our role as Christians who are involved in the political process is not to compromise with them, but to make them do what we want”[…]
Christian nationalist fascist Vincent James used his program to proclaim that “the only way to start the return to moral order in the country is by force. … People have to start to realize that faith in God [and] Christian understanding of morality [has to be] the foundation. And this is not gonna be done by choice”

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

So now you know that even an assassination attempt on a former POTUS and current 2024 candidate is fraught with hidden objectives and religious significance and political purposes and esoteric meaning.

And the following video of Trump pretty much seals the deal; you know, the one that he cut with his Old Testament rabbis and Talmudic scholars, Ashkenazi bansksters and Jewish businessmen, Israeli extortionists and Mossad blackmailers, Khazarian masters and Zionist handlers.
What is not widely known is that the major monotheistic traditions throughout the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world each had their own respective agendas where it concerned their end time prophecy. Over millennia “carrot and stick prophecy” became a very useful tool for keeping the congregation in check. As cities rose from the plains and dotted the coastlines, immorality and wrongdoing increased. The ruling class increasingly looked to the prophets and astrologers for divine intercession.

For these and other reasons the prophetic agendas in some kingdoms became more self-serving and manipulative over time. In some historical settings they became downright exploitative and oppressive. The whole genre of secret societies grew up as a response to this type of abuse and misuse of prophetic influence, occult knowledge and mystical power.
Well, guess what, the appearance of Donald John Trump as the “MOSHIACH” represents the fulfillment of what is perhaps the single most important prophecy of Judaism.

Before we continue with this disquisition, the following exhaustive exposé ought to be read in its entirety in order to correctly understand how Trump was methodically set up for his starring role in this meticulously scripted and fastidiously choreographed “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”.

Now we see that Jewish rabbis are openly declaring the anointing of Trump on that fateful day of Judaic destiny long prophesied by both the modern Jewish prophets and ancient Hebrew sages.

Helena Glass #wingnut #racist #conspiracy helenaglass.net

Our military contractors seem to be a diminishing breed of incompetence. Not to worry their sustainability report states: The Boeing 2024 Sustainability & Social Impact Report outlines progress they’ve made on employee well-being, diversity and inclusion; “our environmental efforts and our positive impact on our global communities, with safety and quality core to all we do…” Amen.

In other words, Boeing planes are falling apart midair, they can’t find anyone who wants to buy their missiles, their astronauts are stranded in space – but their diversity and sustainability is just peachy keen.

Boeing has announced they are buying 9.4 million gallons of blended sustainable aviation fuel to support its 2024 U.S. commercial operations. Yet they can’t get the stranded astronauts off ISS… I feel like I’m listening to Peewee Herman.

Crowdstrike: Provides cloud workload protection and endpoint security, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services. Sounds impressive! July 2024, a faulty update to its security software caused global computer outages that disrupted air travel, banking, broadcasting, and other services. Their CEO and co-founder is George Kurtz – Jewish.
The entire executive team of BlackRock is Zionist. The singular largest Hedge Fund in the World. YET, even Maga pundits refuse to see the reality. Instead, they focus on a mantra – communist China is BAD! Somehow. Communist Israel is Biblical despite it being run by ‘Secular’ Communist Bolsheviks. You can’t fight communism when your entire country is enmeshed in Bolshevism.
The UK’s newly installed communist, Keir Starmer, believes advancing nuclear war is representative of The People, it is an ideology shared by One. Keir Starmer. But then, Bolsheviks in Israel have the same mentality. The Purpose? To dissolve reality, the debt, the inflation, the economy, the provision of the Mossad – and bury them into infamy as a conspiracy theory. To RESET our minds

Lauren Chen #racist angrywhitemen.org

Lauren Chen complained that[…]she sees more “Arabs and Chinese immigrants” than white people. During the episode, titled “The Great Replacement IS REAL,” Chen declared that “Canadians are being replaced” by people “from the Third World”[…]
Chen, who said she was in Canada visiting family members, lamented that while Montreal was “mostly white people” when she was a child, this is “no longer the case.” She complained that today, “it seems like Arabs and Chinese immigrants are the most common,” while in other cities there are “a ton of Indians”

She added that she doesn’t want Canada “to become India,” or the U.K. to “become, I dunno, Pakistan,” or the United States to “become Mexico or Honduras”

And, after pulling up a Wikipedia article about the demographics of Toronto, Chen declared, “I don’t know how else to describe this level of immigration aside from a replacement. Let’s just call it what it is. Canadians are being replaced by people mostly from the Third World. … This is a problem”

Throughout the show, Chen also received donations from viewers whose messages she then read on air. One viewer, going by the name “Bocephus,” wrote, “I thought Lana/Henrik (Red Ice), Rebecca (Blonde) were a bit hyperbolic eight + years ago. They were right…now what do we do?”

The viewer was referring to Idaho-based white nationalists Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren[…]and Rebecca Crockett[…]
“In places like Canada, I don’t think there is anything —[…]I don’t think we can go back,” she said. “I think we are too far gone. I think a lot of people probably feel that the U.K. is similar. The U.S. is — it’s not too late in America”[…]
Another viewer, who identified as a follower of[…]Nick Fuentes and his “groyper” movement, wrote, “So your saying were [sic] cooked? It’s over?” They ended their message with “14w,” referring to the 14 Words[…]
Chen read the message aloud, with the exception of the 14 Words portion at the end

“I think Canadians are cooked, yeah,” she said

The Real American Cowboy #racist fstdt.com

Correct. There is actually strong scientific evidence to suggest that the negro evolved along different lines than the rest of the human population. There are actually two strands of genetic lineage in the human race - the African negro and everyone else. Studies show that the negro's skull and jaw structure are actually closer to those of a primate than the rest of the human population. This is why negros typically have large, flat noses (like a gorilla), heavy jaws, and sloping brows.

Pedro de Alvarado #racist vdare.com

Of course, white GIs were men of their times. Note that whites from the South and North felt the same way, and in nearly equal numbers. They unapologetically believed in preserving America's white European character and maintaining segregation and traditional roles for women.

Those views, of course, are “racist” and “sexist,” and if openly expressed today would absolutely exclude those men from military service.

While Ruane’s piece maintains a facade of neutrality, note how it began: with a white soldier’s advocating “white supremacy,” not with the black soldier’s calling whites “crackers.” Whites, you see, are always the villains.

Besides that, though, consider this: the story continues the larger effort to diminish the dominant, heroic role white Americans’ played in winning World II, and to retcon the war to help erase white history altogether.

After all, the white soldier’s remarks Ruane featured in his lede were one of the “uncensored results of dozens of surveys the service administered to soldiers during the war.”

Message: we may have won the war, but the important thing to remember is that whites were racists!

Don’t be surprised if when and if future historians and journalists whitewash the legacy of Imperial Japan—a voraciously expansionist power that committed scores of atrocities prior to and during World War II—and portray it in a more positive light [Japan’s Prelude to Pearl Harbor, by Roger McGrath, Chronicles, December 2013].

Michail Chkhikvishvili #racist #psycho #wingnut justice.gov

A federal grand jury in Brooklyn, New York, returned a four-count indictment today charging Georgian national Michail Chkhikvishvili, 21[…]with soliciting hate crimes and acts of mass violence[…]
Chkhikvishvili is alleged to be a leader of the Maniac Murder Cult[…]an international racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist group. MKY adheres to a neo-Nazi accelerationist ideology and promotes violence and violent acts against racial minorities, the Jewish community and other groups[…]
Since approximately September 2021, Chkhikvishvili has distributed a manifesto titled the “Hater’s Handbook” to MKY members and others. The handbook discusses MKY’s principles and encourages members to engage in acts of mass violence in furtherance of those principles. In the handbook, Chkhikvishvili states that he has “murdered for the white race” and encourages and instructs others to commit acts of mass violence and “ethnic cleansing.” For example, and among other things, the handbook encourages its readers to commit school shootings and to use children to perpetrate suicide bombings and other mass killings targeting racial minorities[…]
Beginning at least as early as July 2022, Chkhikvishvili repeatedly encouraged others, primarily via encrypted mobile messaging platforms, to commit violent hate crimes and other acts of violence[…]Soliciting acts of mass violence in New York from an individual who claimed to be a prospective MKY recruit, but who[…]was actually an undercover FBI employee (the UC)
In a September 2023 conversation, the UC messaged Chkhikvishvili whether there was an application process to join MKY. The defendant responded, “Well yes we ask people for brutal beating, arson/explosion or murder vids on camera.” He further stated that “[p]oisoning and arson are best options for murder,” and suggested also considering a larger “mass murder” within the United States. Chkhikvishvili advised the UC that the victims of these acts should be “low race targets”

Marcus Cicero and Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) members #racist occidentaldissent.com

Twenty years have now passed since the tragic decision was made to entrust South Africa’s government to the whims of semi-feral Negroes, and the situation could now hardly be any worse for the embattled Whites of that once-prosperous land.

The “Rainbow Nation” of convicted communist terrorist Nelson Mandela, only brought about due to both internal subversion and external agitation, has now sunk to the level of the rest of the “Dark Continent,” with rampant incompetence, poverty, rape, and violence the norm.

However, groups of brave Boers have now deemed it necessary to stand up for what is theirs, for the odds of escaping the rampage of the hordes are growing far more slim with each passing day.

Such grueling training for the final racial conflict, aided by hardened veterans of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), has continued to spread among the beleaguered population, demonstrating to all of us that there can still be fight left in the soul of the White Man, if he only sheds the fear instilled in him since birth.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Nephew”]

Yesterday I looked through some trilogy pages about my nephew who disturbed me, with whom I share the property where I live with his mother[…]
It was he who[…]invented the nickname ‘Chechar’ and, since he loved me so much, everything pointed to the fact that I could raise him as a son insofar as my sister was a single mother

Now he is a man of twenty-two, and he has not a single atom of my ideals:[…]absolutely nothing of the four words, let alone the fourteen. Moreover, like the rest of my nephews and the people of his generation, he is a degenerate as far as culture is concerned. To give just a few examples: being straight he has painted his nails, has always listened to degenerate music and hangs out with his degenerate friends everywhere[…]Unlike Hitler, the nephew eats the flesh of mammals that were tormented in slaughterhouses and, although I gave him my trilogy, he doesn’t read it and I doubt he ever will[…]
Unlike Jane Austen’s world[…]in our world, upbringing is done by unwed mothers. And the first thing these little women do is to hand their child over to the clutches of the System so that the System ‘educates’ him

I could do nothing for my nephew’s education because of the lack of financial means. And even if I had them, where could I take him to school in the West?[…]I would have had to isolate him from children his age, schools, television and he would never have had a mobile phone[…]
Even a wealthy priest of the holy words would have had difficulty educating him. Country children in the less polluted places of Eastern Europe could begin to be contaminated by possessing, for example, mobile phones: a small window that normalises the world of Gomorrah, and so on

It has been painful to watch the process of how a pure mind[…]becomes debased and one can do nothing about it. Is it understandable why I fantasise about mushroom clouds above the major cities of the West? To return to Austen’s world Kalki must first come…

belzibhaal #sexist #psycho #racist mmo-champion.com

I'm nearly 35 and I've been banging the shit out of what is probably one of the hottest 16 year olds in the world for nearly 9 months. In fact, the first time I got her into bed was on her 16th birthday. Am I a degenerate?

Most likely. I realize it's a minority position here, but I think adult men should generally prefer adult women. I get that teens can be hot, but that's pretty much where the attraction ends.

I like all kinds of females. My neighbour has two incredibly gorgeous daughters who will be head turners in a year or so and they are only 12. I spent an amazing weekend in Phoenix making a 39 year old redhead scream while she was at the same hotel on business and I've taken my 49 year old lab manager to bed on more than one occasion.

As long as she's well into puberty or nor fully menopausal, I'll find a female attractive.

Why are blacks called African Americans?

I still call them negros, or isajeeps. The term "african american" just sounds plain stupid

12 year old girl speaks against abortion, and she does it well.

From the looks of this little trollop, she hasn't even hit puberty yet, let alone know what a dick feels like. She hasn't the slightest fucking idea what she is talking about.

On a somewhat related note, I don't consider a human to be a human until they have achieved sentience, so if you want to abort fetuses, have at it. Not sentient = not human.

I'll gladly give her a half cooked grenade.

And a coat hanger so she can give herself that abortion she hates so very much when she gets pregnant to her 35 year old boyfriend a year from now.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

Personally, I think it's recommended for racial groups to marry within their own group. There are many challenges and problems associated with mixed marriages. It is not sinful according to Hebrews 13:4, but I think it's repercussions are something to be considered, especially upon the children. That's not to say that there aren't successful and happy mixed marriages, but the racial tensions that exist between the two families can often cause a feeling of alienation for one, or both, spouses.

Bottom line ... Hebrews 13:4 permits interracial marriage and it doesn't matter what I think, but I do have my opinion on the matter. The unnatural promotion of interracial marriages today is sinful because of the agenda behind it, and that agenda is a one world order. There's just something beautiful about a family heritage that can be traced back within one's one ethnic group.

itsgoingtobealtright #racist #psycho reddit.com

[OP of "First they came for..."]


The picture is of a carriage in front of a palace. The caption is "First they came for the black, and I didn't speak out, because I wasn't black. And then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out, because I wasn't a Jew. And then they realized that all the problems had pretty much been solved, so they stopped coming for people."

Tom Shackleford #racist identitydixie.com

[From “Keep on Expecting”]

I’m a race realist who understands that it’s not really fair to hold black people to White standards. This is why we shouldn’t have to exist in a country together. For example, R Kelly will be in prison for the rest of his life, and he isn’t even capable of understanding what hit him. “But dey lived in my house!” His IQ is 73 and he’s illiterate. How the hell is he supposed to understand that keeping a harem at his house to pee on would be a violation of the Mann Act? And who would even care about this in Africa?[…]
If I was running things, nobody would be telling black people what to do because they’d be on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean doing their own thing. Even if we paid them all 250k each to leave, it would still be a bargain[…]
We could probably buy up enough space in Africa to establish a country called Wakanda like in the movie and that’s where we could send them[…]This would be my platinum plan for black people, and I’m labeled a racist by the SPLC?

One of the Nigerians who Jussie Smollett hired for his fake MAGA noose attack masturbated with him in a private room at a bathhouse. He claims he had no idea this was gay, and I believe him. In his country, most people don’t know how to use a toilet?[…]
It’s the same thing with Loyd Austin not showing up for work at the Pentagon and nobody knowing about it. Conservative retards squawked about national security being compromised but the reality is that the Jews calling the shots at the Pentagon didn’t notice because he’s just a black guy hired because he was black[…]
The most cringe conservative phrase used to be “the soft bigotry of low expectations,” coined by a Jew from the Bush Administration[…]
Conservatism is a dead and pathetic political movement because it can’t fundamentally acknowledge that race is real[…]
Dissidents[…]who get smeared as racists would treat blacks in a much more humane manner that takes into account their blackness

jamesradcylffe #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia identitydixie.com

[From “The Simple Truth Behind Cultural Marxism”]

The idea of Cultural Marxism as a byzantine 12-step method for converting the West to economic Marxism is bogus. Marxism, at least in praxis, was an ethnic power-grab. It was primarily foisted upon the unwitting masses of Eastern and Western Europe by a supermajority-Jewish international cabal[…]
The Marxists won. Not just in Europe, but virtually everywhere that had wealth. Jews waltzed into power and affluence. Now, Marxism was a problem. Take from the who and give to the whom?[…]Hence, Cultural Marxism. Within every poor West Virginian coal miner and White guy spinning the roulette wheel, there was a raging White corpo-fascist just begging to become wealthy and suppress the masses

They actually pulled this stunt in Russia, classifying the peasants who didn’t like the idea of communism as kulaks[…]Great minds think alike. Or, maybe they just went to the same synagogue in Krakow

Paleoconservative conventional wisdom holds that Adorno, and the rest of the Frankfurt School decided the masses in the West were just too damn happy[…]and needed to be culturally broken down until they revolted and established Marxism[…]I’ve got a simpler thesis. Marxism already won. They had to change the rules to protect their power[…]
Jews knew they needed some camouflage, so they enlisted women, ethnic minorities, degenerates, and even White men with a taste for bureaucratic or managerial power[…]
As a result of this senior/junior partnership, we have a system where non-Whites, particularly Jews, are free to maintain power and wealth, as they are oppressed, and various Whites, having little power or wealth, are oppressors. We’ve squared the circle (kikel, perhaps)[…]
Cultural Marxism was just the Jews’ way of slamming the door to the command center closed behind them and avoiding getting hauled out and sent to the gulag themselves. If we know anything about history, it’s that Jews really don’t like manual labor

Young Dixie #sexist #forced-birth #racist #kinkshaming identitydixie.com

[From “Young Dixie’s Proposals to Combat Feminism in a Free South”]

Upon the agreement of the Young Dixie Executive Board, we have decided to put forward publicly an aggressive platform to defeat feminism in a Free South. The platform below is a work in progress, as we seek feedback from our fellow Southerners

1)Young Dixie seeks a criminal ban on OnlyFans and the seizure of all its assets by a proposed Confederate government. In this measure, we hope to end a parasitic cycle of degeneracy[…]
2)Young Dixie seeks a total ban on abortion initiated on a state-by-state level[…]
3)Young Dixie seeks a ban on “no fault” divorces[…]
5)Young Dixie seeks a total end to alimony, as it is nothing more than legalized theft and violates a man’s honor and rights
6)Young Dixie seeks to raise the voting age for women to 21 years of age, possibly even increased to 29. It should be said, a significant reason for lowering the voting age (in 1971) was that men could be drafted at 18[…]
7)Young Dixie seeks a ban on birth control pills and other associated birth control measures. In this, we seek to reinstate responsibility and consequences to sexual intercourse and decrease sexual promiscuity[…]
8)Infanticide (abortion) will be considered as a capital punishment offence in a Free South. The mother, as well as, any willing accomplice to the act, including the father, medical professionals, and infanticide activists, will be subjected to this judgement[…]
9)Young Dixie seeks to expand the description and definition, including prosecution, of prostitution to include women engaged in commercial pornographic content and thus liable to criminal punishment for prostitution
10)Young Dixie seeks a Southern-wide ban on gender (and racial) based affirmative action schemes in colleges and in the workplace

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

By now most have heard of the unprecedented IT outages due to a Bill Gates’ Microsoft update, and the associated widespread disruptions in banking, travel, commerce and even hospitals going offline. This incident may very well have just served as a warmup to a far worse worldwide CyberPolygon attack on infrastructure, with the “solution” paving the way for much more devastating global IT exploits

The outage (problem) was met with the solution (CrowdStrike remediation method) in order to offer up the “solution” which in turn will cause the far greater problems with the cover story being a ratcheting up these Hegelian Dialectic “solutions” whereby forced 15 Minute City mass lockdowns featuring the cashless X Everything App digital ID’s will be instituted such that no elections may ever take place again; or at least that is the endgame of whichever psyop(s) the powers that be finally go with.
Given CrowdStrike’s questionable history and its ties with the Intelligence Industrial Complex, it is only a matter of time before Russia is blamed for these cyber “attacks.” That will most conveniently serve to usher in the ultimate false flag event; namely, WW3, or after the slow kill bioweapon injections would global thermonuclear war now be considered WW4? That would indeed serve as the ultimate post apocalyptic “prescriptive mode,” assuming there are any genetically modified human slaves left to lord over when these crazed rulers emerge from their bunkers

Given that Trump is a lock for winning the upcoming Kabuki theatre Uniparty politrix election, and the NeoMarxist left have quite literally imploded in full public display as their senile ice cream licking diaper soiling pedo puppet criminal increasingly malfunctions for all to see while their deliberately ruinous Cloward-Piven policies further destabilize what’s left of America, anything and everything goes at the precipice of this end of Banana Republic empire.

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #racist #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

Joel Webbon participated in a panel discussion during which he called for an end to immigration because he had to explain to his daughter why there was a woman in “straight-up Hindu garb at our neighborhood swimming pool”

“I don’t even know what country I’m in, in my own neighborhood,” Webbon fumed as he complained about having too many non-white, non-Christians in his neighborhood

Naturally, Webbon’s comments generated some controversy, which prompted him to double down during his livestream podcast on Wednesday

“My hometown and my neighborhood, my state, is being flooded with non-citizens, and then even those who are citizens … are still worshiping false gods,” Webbon griped. “They’re not American in any sense of our heritage, and primarily I’m talking about that being a problem as it pertains to religion”

“They worship other gods,” he continued. “They are Hindu. They are Muslim. They are Jews. They are not Christians”

Webbon said that he and his fellow white Christians have a “civic duty” to ensure that their children and grandchildren “have the privilege of growing up in a country that bears at least some semblance to the country that you got to grow up in and is not completely decimated by pagan gods and foreign people from foreign lands”

“All throughout scripture, the idea of full-blown invasions from foreign peoples who worship foreign gods, it is never, in scripture, spoken of as a blessing of liberty. It is always spoken of as a judgment,” Webbon declared. “I believe that America is under God’s judgment. And I don’t think that the forms or the expressions of God’s judgment merely lie with Drag Queen Story Hour, but that they also include the fact that my neighborhood is 30 percent Hindu”

“That,” Webbon stated, “is a sign of God’s judgment upon our land”

V Lmire and Wolf Fangs #conspiracy #racist msn.com

(V Lmire)
Many people don't understand this conflict/ civil war since 2014...
After the presidential coup, the people of Crimea voted to annex themselves at the level of 95%. It was over 90% of Donbass, Zaporizhya and Kherson voters in favor of leaving Ukraine and joining Russia. (Areas of mostly ethnic Russian speaking)
The international law of ("Principal of Respect for Self-Determination") allows the people of an area to determine their international political status and sovereignty.
As soon as Russia entered into the Donbas areas, in Feb 2022, (8 years of civil war), all of the previous destruction within these areas was arguably, immediately blamed on Russia.
The west refuses to recognize their voting status/ wishes, and instead say that "Russia Invaded"
The West thinks they can use force to make the people re-join Ukraine against their wishes.

(Wolf Fangs)
Yup!... Everything started to be put in motion with the 2014 coup supervised by Jewish-American Victoria Nuland in order to create a second Jewish homeland for those not interested in stealing land in the Middle East.
Zionlensky publicly linked Ukrainians to Jewish people, trying to create the narrative for the second Jewish homeland. When the stoned Zelensky brings the NATO dog to bark at the Russian fence, the consequences are very predictable

C.T. #racist #wingnut westsdarkesthour.com

I would like to add something to what I said last week about my nephew[…]In December 2022 I posted an entry containing this paragraph:

I wonder if there is anyone on the planet willing to raise, at least, one Aryan boy and one Aryan girl and educate them strictly in NS, with all that such an education would entail. If there is anyone who harbours this fantasy please contact me

I received no email response, which can be interpreted in two ways. Either no one who visits this site was interested in raising a child, or some Europeans who visited it were interested but fearing the soft totalitarian state their country suffers from[…]
Years ago, in the comments section, I said that a woman proposed to me a quarter of a century ago and I had refused. She is not an Aryan but a mudblood like me, although by Mexican standards she is considered white (like me). Curiously I have continued dealings with her[…]
Since I learned a very hard lesson with my nephew, I now feel like proposing marriage to this woman, if only with the idea of adopting an Aryan child to raise him as the Gods command[…]
What is not clear to me, even supposing she agrees, is the question of the children this child educated with the true Gods would meet[…]
There are pure Aryans in Mexico[…]Will I have to move next door to a Mennonite community for my adopted child to play with uncorrupted Aryans? Buying a large mansion next to them could only be done if I do a business that has to do with the falling dollar[…]And even then there would be some tension as the Mennonites are like 19th-century Christians, and my female friend goes to mass every day[…]
How difficult it is to have a normal life during what the Indo-Aryans called Kali Yuga! Before making a decision, what are the chances for someone who wants to educate his child properly? Is there a place in the entire world where it is even possible for a white child to live among uncontaminated white children?

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

“Why is White Nationalism on the Rise?”

By Jared Taylor

On May 4, CNN published an article by David Neiwert called “Hate groups are recruiting our young people into a toxic belief system.” This belief system is “white nationalism,” which Mr. Neiwert warns is growing at an alarming rate: “[W]e’re talking in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of new young white nationalists being born online right now.”

Why is white nationalism, which Mr. Neiwert dismisses as “hateful” and “toxic,” so attractive? Because it is based on the conviction that whites—like every other racial group in America and the world—have legitimate group interests. The most obvious of these is not to be reduced to a minority where they have traditionally been the majority.

From its founding and until immigration policy changed in 1965, Americans took it for granted that whites would always be the majority. They were 85 percent of the population in 1960, but are now projected, largely through immigration, to become a minority by 2045.

Whites were never asked if this was what they wanted. White nationalists do not want to become a minority, and the burden is on people like Mr. Neiwert to explain why they are wrong.

Is it wrong for Japanese to want to remain a majority in Japan? Or Mexicans in Mexico? Or Turks in Turkey? Israel is an explicitly Jewish state, and virtually all Americans recognize its right to remain Jewish. White nationalists believe that whites—whether in the United States or Europe—have the same right.

It is not “hatred” for whites to want to live in a society shaped by the European values and texture of life handed down by their ancestors. Mass immigration changes a country—often radically—and whites have the absolute right to prefer societies that are faithful to their ancestral values. This is an entirely normal, healthy sentiment that Mr. Neiwert would surely not find “hateful” if expressed by non-whites.

Would Mr. Neiwert be happy if the whole world were changing as the United States or Europe is? Should populations migrate and mix everywhere, reducing every local majority to a minority? That would crush every distinct culture and civilization everywhere. Why is that acceptable only for white countries?

“White nationalists” recognize that hypnotic slogans do not make “diversity” a strength. It is a source of tension and conflict. At its worst, it means race riots and prison riots. Every day, it means discrimination lawsuits, resentment, accusations of insensitivity, and bitterness over whether the Oscars or Harvard or boardrooms or tech jobs or neighborhoods or the police force have the right racial mix.

Even if diversity were a strength, why should whites “celebrate” it when it always means a decline in their numbers and influence? No healthy people wants to give up its place in society and march into oblivion.

White nationalism is also the inevitable reaction to an increasingly harsh double standard: Whites must always be “sensitive” to others, even if others hold them in contempt.

In 2018, the New York Times appointed a 31-year-old immigrant from Korea, Sarah Jeong, to its editorial board. Miss Jeong had tweeted such things as “White men are bullshit,” “#CancelWhitePeople,” and “White people have stopped breeding. you’ll all go extinct soon. That was my plan all along.” No white person who said anything remotely like this about non-whites could be a janitor at the Times.

Headlines such as these show contempt for whites: “ To the White Men Running to Be the Democratic Presidential Candidate: Can You Not?” “Step aside white men. It’s time for women of color to lead.” “Should a White Man Be the Face of the Democratic Party in 2020?” Television host Trevor Noah put the same question to Bernie Sanders: “Isn’t this a time for your guys to step aside?”

In the 1960s, the national goal was to overcome racism and achieve color-blindness. Now, whites—but only whites—learn that, as Psychology Today explains, “Colorblind ideology is a form of racism.” When whites left transitioning neighborhoods, it was called “white flight” and was “racist.” When they go back to those neighborhoods, it is “gentrification,” which is also “racist.” It’s healthy for blacks or Asians or Hispanics to have a firm racial identity; for whites, it’s “Nazism.”

When blacks and Hispanics do not do as well as whites, it’s the fault of entrenched white supremacy. But if America is a white supremacist country, why do East Asians do so much better than whites?

All this—certainly not Donald Trump—explains the rise of white nationalism.

It is true that some people with nationalist ideas have committed horrific murderous acts. Why? Because when people have a voice, they speak. When they are hated, silenced, and their deeply felt values driven underground by self-righteous media censors, they may act in unspeakable ways.

There are democratic solutions to these problems. Censorship and demonization will make them worse.

itsgettingcloser and redbluerat #racist reddit.com

[re: gay couple adopting a black kid]

This is what is considered "wholesome" by sick, sick people... they used to fill mental hospitals with these lunatics.

Here come the faggots... someone has alerted them.

TFW even Asian cats hate faggots

Can you imagine the smell?

Statistics show that these guys are probably molesting that baby.

That's why they used to be locked up...

Might get downvoted all to shit but this is probably that kid's best chance to be a productive member of society.

The society should be Liberia and these two undergoing shock therapy back home. That’s after their jail time for sodomy.

Robert Copeland #racist wapo.st

The firestorm erupted this month when Jane O’Toole, who moved to Wolfeboro about four months ago, overheard [Police Commissioner Robert] Copeland loudly describing Obama using the slur while sitting in a town restaurant.

Upon discovering that he was an elected official, O’Toole formally complained to the town manager and other members of the police commission.

“I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse,” Copeland said in a subsequent e-mail to his fellow police commissioners, which he forwarded to O’Toole. “For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”

Copeland has remained defiant, sitting with crossed arms Thursday as more than 100 residents showed up for a public meeting to discuss the incident. Many angrily called for his resignation.

But the commissioner has said he will not resign and has declined interview requests from the news media, not returning calls for comment and lashing out at a local television reporter who attempted to interview him Thursday, calling him a “skunk.”

Helena Glass #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Marine le Pen is also a Jewish, Israeli proponent who just won the election displacing Macron - a Jewish, Zionist proponent. Jewish sympathizer and secular, Olaf Scholz, a socialist Marxist, remains at the helm of Germany while Italy's Meloni who pledged conservative values as a candidate immediately swung hard to port once in office - pro-Zionism. Thus Europe's elections have secured the EU as fully colonized under the Israeli flag.

The point of replacing Jewish Zionist puppets with new Zionist puppets was simply the deceptive tactic of double bait and switch. The old stalwarts had been outed as destroying Europe, while the new stalwarts will submit to the propagandizing of a new face in politics - to bridge the hatred of the old stalwarts by the people. Another illusion.
Given every western/Zionist war is about reshuffling the Land boundaries and confiscating the resources - one would think the entire Middle East would be on heightened alert. For Israel Is A Mighty Deceiver. Secularism is their throne. It is everything the Bible warns us to see and understand. It has become a secular statehood of nonbelievers asserting God's covenant -

Created in 1949 by secularist, Ben Gurion, The Mossad was created not as a security agency, but as a global destabilizer. Gurion realized that the way to gain control was through fear initiated thru 'terrorism'. The same psychological terror that was used on Epstein Island on children... The same psychological terror that fanned Pandemics.
The extent to which America became an intertwined colony of the secular Israel - subjected to the Israeli Califate of global dominion, via the Mossad chaos and destabilization agenda is a vast network of US politicians, and NGO's whose power escalated considerably under Reagan. Which explains the corrupted advisory groups that always claim they are Reaganites... Reagan was a staunch Jew supporter.

Mike King #crackpot #racist #conspiracy amazon.com

The true story of the US Civil War, aka War Between the States, aka War of Northern Aggression does not “lie in the middle” somewhere; but rather, is something altogether different from either the contemporary northern Establishment account or the southern revisionist version. In reality, the brotherly bloodbath of 1861-1865 wasn’t really, in its true essence, a “civil war” as much as it was an attack launched upon the United States from an invisible foreign power with traitorous agents and sincere dupes operating in both the North and South.

It was “the usual suspects” based in Rothschild’s Europe -- aligning with (using) the empire-seeking Plantation Aristocracy based in the South -- who long-range-planned and, under one false pretext after another, finally executed America’s greatest disaster. And it was the determined leadership of President Abraham Lincoln that thwarted the elaborate scheme of this deadly Cabal in the end. Acclaimed "correctionist historian" and investigative journalist Mike's King will take you on an exciting "you are there" illusion-shattering suspense ride through important history which still holds modern-day implications.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 17, 2024 – More ANOMALIES surface about shooting: Second shooter

- Inclusivity in the MAGA movement, embracing diverse religions and ethnicities. (0:00)

- Embracing former leftists who are recently red-pilled. (9:47)

- Assassination attempt on President #Trump, Secret Service COMPLICITY. (13:35)

- More details emerge about attempted assassination of Trump. (29:51)

- Trump's skeptical vaccine stance revealed in private phone call with RFK Jr. (47:41)

- Why the US dollar will collapse regardless of who's in the White House. (53:30)

- Decline of US global economic power is already baked in and cannot be reversed. (1:02:35)

- Why next assassination attempts against Trump may escalate to area effect weapons. (1:10:36)

- Conversation with Sebastian Gorka: Secret Service incompetence and cultural rot. (1:28:27)

- Military leadership and border security. (1:44:41)

- Immigration enforcement and civil rights. (1:49:03)

- Election integrity and voter suppression. (1:53:43)

Le Patriote #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Hey Folks, I just want to say that the list below is MY OPINION ONLY of what is and has been truly going on in this amazing world of ours!

Please note when I say they, I am referring to the Deep State Cabal!

If You Are Truly Awake You Know

1. Donald J. Trump won the 2020 Election.

2. Joe Biden is not the President and was Executed 2019 for Treason and crimes against Humanity.
4. All Elites including The 13 most powerful families in the world, The Biden’s, The Clinton’s, The Bush’s, The Obama’s, The Soros’s, The Gates’s, The Rockefellers, The Rothschilds etc.. and all members of the Government and Entertainment Industry that were corrupt have been arrested and are either already [redacted] or being held in prison for treason and crimes against humanity.
6. Donald J. Trump turned power over to our good military in 2021 and they have been overseeing the country since in order to restore our Republic.
8. JFK & JFK JR are still alive and are True Patriots.
12. Many in our Government and many Elites in all industry have been involved in child sex trafficking, adrenochrome production, organ and body part harvesting.

13. You do not have to pay taxes to the IRS, they are a private corporation based in Puerto Rico, paying taxes to the IRS is in fact voluntary.
22. 9/11 was in fact a planned attack on We the People by our corrupt Government, The Vatican, British Royals and corrupt Israeli Government.

23. The corrupt FBI and CIA is responsible or have been involved in almost all terrorist attacks.
25. All history has been a lie, they have covered up our History because they do not want you truly know who you are or what you are capable of.
47. Q and the Q drops were and are very real, their purpose was to get people to start researching and solving the clues that were in the posts.

I do not want to make this post too long so in honor of our amazing President Donald J. Trump I will end it at 47, I could have went to 100 easily!

emt1 #racist niggermania.net

This nigger I was working with, a liberal college student, was telling me how the United States would not be able to make it on its own without blacks. WTF?! I said "who told you this?" Of course it was his nigger sociology professor. I asked him, "What do blacks contribute to our society? 98% of them live in ghettos. The ones that don't live in white neighborhoods and bring down the education levels of the schools. Their neighborhoods are full of high crime, drug abuse, alcoholism, murders, ect. " His answer? "white neighborhoods are the same way!" I said, "Uh no! White neighborhoods have low crime, good schools, people feel safe." Nigger, "Thats because of the government." Me, "No that is because whites care and want to live peace and work to keep that peace. Blacks do not care where they live or what kind of job they have." His final answer? "You racist!" He did not say a word to me the rest of the day. LOL What a freaking idiot. Niggers are so stupid.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: FBI: Murders Up 4,901 in 2020, Black Share of Known Murder Offenders Reaches Record 56.5%

The black to non-black murderer ratio is higher than the male to female ratio.

(American Plague)

If you use the more expansive figure of 14.2% for black population, then the ratio of black known murder offenders to nonblack ones in 2020 was 8.4 to 1. (If you use the more restrictive 12.4%, you get a ratio of 9.8 to 1.)

Incredibly, even the lower (at least part-black) ratio of 8.4 to one is a little higher than the per capita male to female known murder offender ratio of 7.5 to 1.

We need to get these numbers up! While some whites may be lost, the majority are killing their own kind, which would be good in the long run.

(Gabby Mouse)

Imagine if blacks were approximately 50 percent of the population? I wonder what their share of the homicide rate would be? That's a scary thought.

And some people here are still against abortion. I'm against it for Whites except for rape and if the mother would die, but the blacks, browns, and yellows can have at it all they want.

(Jack McGriff)
Blacks can't handle living in a civilization as advanced as White countries. That's a fact. It's like the curse of a poor person winning the lottery because in addition to it being unearned and thus not respected, the person isn't grateful and doesn't have the mental faculties to handle the windfall, inevitably destroying their life.

(Ilya Muromets)
Exactly right. I always thought the White man's laws & civilization are the black man's burden. They all need to go back to the law of the jungle, which they're accustomed to.

The law of survival of the fittest, which lies heavily on mental creativity, favored the White European. But he blew it allowing the negriods & Asians to share in his medical, mechanical, electronic, & other scientific marvels.

All because of the greed of the White leaders.

Sidney Secular #racist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Those with a narrow focus fixate on terrorism threats coming from un-vetted refugees. But there are greater security and safety risks with the myriad diseases gaining entry into the US via the vectors of the refugee invaders and so-called “unaccompanied (alien) children.” Tuberculosis (TB), one of these diseases – and potentially the one to be feared most – is an airborne infectious disease spread as is the common cold by coughing and sneezing. There are about 13 million people in the US that have been exposed to TB and especially the ”at risk” population could develop the disease.
There was such a campaign along with the huge lockdowns and attacks on personal liberties brought about by the COVID scam, but as a result Americans are wary of claims of “medical emergencies” that might, with regard to TB, be far more real than any Wuhan-based pathogen! On the other hand, though “health experts” and “politicians” round the world just thrill to the possibility of playing tyrant again, our “fearless leaders” tend to shy away from warning the general public of the dangers of this refugee invasion!
The Center For Disease Control (CDC) is allowing migrants into the US without screening or treatment for latent TB. There are many more people with latent TB—one-third of the world’s people!—than actually show symptoms of the disease—and the latent cases could turn active at any time. The Bible’s Book of Revelation prophesizes that one third the world’s population will die of “plagues” during the “end-times!”
Besides TB, the invaders are also bringing with them yellow fever – spread like malaria by the mosquito, a creature the US has in plenty, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and other diseases that were on the fast road to eradication in the US a short time ago. Playing politics with public health issues might be a potent killer of American citizens but it may have them having to resurrect COVID.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho naturalnews.com

According to Lude media sources, China will try to use nuclear blackmail and unrestricted warfare to collapse the United States while forcing Taiwan, Japan and South Korea under Chinese control. Failing this, China and Russia will launch a full-scale war against the United States.

Combined with previous sources and intel we’ve received, we now know how the attack against the continental United States will be waged:

From the North: Russian and Chinese troops cross from Canada into Washington and other northern states.
From the South: Chinese troops working with drug cartels invade US southern states along human smuggling routes.
From the West: Chinese troops bombard National Guard bases in California with offshore artillery or tactical nuclear weapons, then carry out a beach landing and seize the ports, after which larger ships dock and unload battle equipment for the full-scale war.
From the East: Russia detonates its Poseidon underwater drones, unleashing a tidal wave of radioactive water that will inundate the entire East Coast, taking out Naval infrastructure in Norfolk, rendering Washington D.C. uninhabitable and wrecking Wall Street and New York City, among other places. .

As all this is happening:

China will cut off all exports to the United States from Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China itself. America’s economy and industry will instantly collapse.
China will attack America with cyber warfare, kamikaze drones launched from Mexico and attacks on the power grid infrastructure.
China will activate its embedded civilians who are already inside the CDC, FDA, universities, corporations and government bodies, and they will initiate mass sabotage operations to bring America down.
Other Chinese agents will activate across the country, arming up with mortars, ground-to-air missiles and firearms, then targeting and taking out infrastructure such as refineries, power substations, police stations, military bases, airports and sea ports.

John C. Wright #racist scifiwright.com

Especially effort will be made to kill the babies of Negroes in the womb, a race which all the Progressives hate and fear, so much so that they will not even call a black baby a “baby”, but instead call it a untermensch nigger fetus. The other thing they will do is attempt to promote artificial sterility via contraception, in order to demean the status of women and degrade the prudence and chivalry of men. Since the rhythm method is both more reliable than contraceptives, and produces neither breast cancer nor ground water contaminants as do hormonal contraceptives, it is decried and dismissed by the Progressives.

Zeynab #racist muslimvilla.smfforfree.com

It's amazing that whenever the "Armenian Genocide" is referred to in Western media, journalists seem to fall all over themselves in presenting the perspective totally from the Armenian propaganda machinery. Whenever there is an attempt to present "the other side," the passage is usually preceded by "The Turkish Government claims..."

What every person needs to do is look at the facts. If there were REAL proof of government- sponsored evil planned against the Armenians, a people who peacefully lived with and prospered beside the Turks for over five centuries, it would be Turks crying out against such horrors before most everyone else...

The often told "Armenian Genocide" tale ... a tale told hardly with any opposition in nations sympathetic to the "Christian" Armenians ... has been so ingrained within people's belief systems that any attempt to shed light on the actual truth is often violently rejected. Why, everyone knows those Turks were bloodthirsty savages!

Heartless (“ᛋᛋProud Americelᛋᛋ 卐Racist卐Misogynist卐Degenerate卐”) #racist #sexist #ableist #elitist #psycho incels.is

(In response to ”[LifeFuel] 12 year old foid raped and murdered.”)

Why do news articles always censor the picture:
imageLook at her, those shark teeth, jewess nose, and fetal alcohol syndrome face.... Who the fuck is going to risk their life to rape this. How fucking stupid. I empathize and understand when its someone hot who gets raped, because all men can understand that, but for some foid this ugly to get targeted... Just eww.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From “West Virginia: White Couple Arrested for Owning Black Slaves and Keeping Them in a Barn”]

Adopting black kids to use as slaves?[…]


A wealthy white West Virginia couple forced their adopted black children to work as slaves and sleep in a barn, according to disturbing charges

I’m not disturbed by that and don’t appreciate the editorializing[…]

Lantz and Whitefeather were first arrested in October after a wellness check led to the discovery of the couple’s five adopted children[…]living in deplorable conditions on their[…]property

Were they really deplorable?

Because I’ve studied this whole slavery thing, and found “slave abuse” to be a hoax. It’s also illogical to abuse your own property[…]
If you found someone beating and otherwise abusing their Roomba, you would think that person was insane[…]

“Human rights violations specific to the fact that these children were targeted because of their race and they were used basically as slaves[…]”

It sounds like they were literally used as slaves

Apparently that’s illegal now too, like everything else[…]
Oh, the blacks were wearing dirty clothes and stank?

Must be white people’s fault[…]
At this point, you’d think we could all just agree that abolishing slavery was a mistake. All of the results have been negative

Like seriously, what positive outcome has resulted from the freeing of the slaves?[…]
Thomas Sowell?[…]
He could have written those books in his slave shed in-between shifts on the farm

Under slavery, blacks were producing members of society. They also had healthy, Christian families. If the problem was that they were abused (there’s no evidence of that), then just bring back slavery but make it illegal to abuse them. That seems like a fair compromise with the libs

Transcended Trucel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel The incest prohibition destroyed me

[quote"@Total Imbecile thoughts?”

Based, I have yet to hear a valid argument against incest. People focus too much on "b-but muh inbreeding genetic defects". Cool, if youre just having sex for fun with no end goal of reproducing then thats not really a valid argument

even for reproduction can take multiple generations to cause problems given the family doesn't have any recessive/very bad genes. you can check Ptolemy Cleopatra bloodline, a shit ton of sister brother incest for 5-6 generations yet not negative problems and we're always able to find heir.

inbreeding effect go both ways. it can amplify bad effects, but can also compound good effects. it all depends on what particular genes got combined.

Jews are good example, they have done cousin marriages for generations as result they have very High IQ manipulative nature and strong community ties. but also have nasty noses and mental illness risk being higher than the goyim.

Pakistanis and Arabs are an example of where cousing fucking amplified bad genes and they had literally no good genes to begin with creating hundreds of millions of shitskin Subhumans deplorable trash with no redeeming qualities.

a good example is my mother, apparently cousin marriage was a thing in her bloodline for past 3 generations, guess what she ended up schizophrenic, has fucked toes on one foot and is low IQ, just smart enough to be functional with Jew pills. should have been sterilized

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

I’m not really triggered by miscegenation if the mixer is a male, because it doesn’t really make any difference, biologically. With a woman, there is a lot of anger, because it’s OUR WOMB – that’s right, it doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the males in her society – that is being used to produce an enemy soldier. Our race isn’t going to run out of sperm any time soon, so when it’s a man doing it, it’s just sort of like “lolwut?” I mean, it’s that way with a Black woman. When you see White men with Asian women it’s just like “oh he’s beta” or “oh he just can’t take it anymore.” But a Black woman? What is this? Is it just some kind of weird fetish? Or is it like, he’s so cucked that he feels like he’s gotta signal super-hard to show how much better he is than his peers by creating and raising a monkey child? Is it to seem more interesting? Maybe he’s playing the long game, so that like, in the future when his son is committing robbery and rape, he can be like “oh my god, it’s because of racism” and people will feel sorry for him?

GasTank #racist christianforums.com

Evolution states that one race is more advanced in life, thus one race is supreme. That is why Hitler killed the jews and Africans, according to Evolution, Jews and Africans are less of a human then say, Germans.

Your Evolution belief is racist, demonic (yes, I mean demonic) unscriptural, and perverted.

American Taxpayer #racist amren.com

Collaborating is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of cheating. I'm quite sure that if Americans got together and one person did all the work on one part and another American did all the work on another part and so on and so forth and then they all trade with each other to memorize the other parts, I'm quite sure the American IQ would be much higher than that of those ever so "intelligent asians" who can't seem to build a Western Society (freedoms, ethics, etc.) on their own in their own countries but they sure can flood The West and colonize every last square inch they squat on though..

The answer is very simple: Only Americans get to attend American Universities. The hispanics go home, the asians go home and the well behaved blacks already got their black schools. See? Simple..

Charles J. #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #homophobia goodreads.com

A disease is going around. No, not the Wuhan Plague. This malady only affects the Right, and I name it Scrutonism. The symptoms of Scrutonism are a razor-sharp ability to identify one’s enemies and to understand their plans to destroy us, combined with a complete inability to imagine any way in which those enemies can be defeated. For a sufferer of this disease, his headspace is occupied by nostalgia and fear, in varying proportions—mostly the former in the late Roger Scruton’s case, mostly the latter in Rod Dreher’s case. Scrutonism’s harm is that it makes sufferers ignore the only question that matters for the Right today: what are you willing to do, given that your enemies are utterly committed to destroying you and yours?

I used to be a Dreher fanboy, until he lost the plot with the Wuhan Plague and, more generally, descended into constant unmanly maundering. I’m still a fan, however (to steal a line from Aaron Renn, though he was talking about Tim Keller, not Dreher). And Live Not by Lies has partially restored my opinion of Rod Dreher as a pillar of today’s Right. It is an outstanding book, tightly written and tightly focused. That does not mean it is complete, for reasons I will lay out today, but it is good for what it is—the sharp diagnosis of the ways, means, and ends of our enemies.

Men Writing Women Award

"Francine Dubois"/Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I work with women in the healthcare profession. I am a woman, and I find the majority of women today to be utterly disgusting and toxic. What women do and talk about when men aren't present is completely amoral and vile. I have never seen men behave in the disgusting ways that I have seen women behave in a supposed professional work environment.

The forefathers were correct about women's nature and they do in fact, need to be kept under a very tight rein. The matriarchy has gone far enough.
I have come to believe that women actually enjoy being debased. They do it themselves. You only have to look at what they do on the internet. THEMSELVES--no man forcing them. I see it all the time at work.

I also think that sexual harassment was men's way of letting women know they were not welcome in certain environments. There is also the idea that no woman in her right mind would enter a male domain unless she was seeking something to her benefit...primarily sexually. I think all the outrage was a pretense. Lawsuits and payment to be gained.

I have watched women at work respond to men making overt disgusting comments to them. There is no outrage there....they titter among themselves and are mostly amused, even flattered because it is male attention after all. Old men, decrepit men, demented men....doesn't matter. I think the vaccinations have affected their minds.
I am going to add one more observation. When there were extended kin structures, there were initiations into manhood and womanhood. On the women's side, there would have been much more support for all the things women go through and plenty of women around to get strokes and attention....this would also free men up to do what they needed to do without getting bogged down by women and their constant neediness.

Men have created 95% of what is good in our material civilization but they are dismissed as sub human by the homo commie cartel running the show in the West.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

It's worth remembering that back in 2020 trump signed a order starting all institutions that endorse inequality (effectively all woke companies, since "blame whitey" is the opposite of "not judged by the color of your skin") will be barred from all gov contracts

This would spell the actual financial doom of all things woke. It would also castrate the education system, as they're all gov funded and woke as fuck.

While Biden (under his master's orders) hasn't enforced it ... trump certainly would once back in office.

This should give all liberals fear.

For all liberals are woke

Connor D. Sullivan #magick #racist #conspiracy etsy.com

The Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa" explores the OCCULT Influences on Humanity. In this book, we will focus on the slow decline of the Western World from the INSIDE. The Founding Fathers were Masons, who built this country with a Secret Destiny. The United States would be the eventual birth place of the Masonic Christ (Moshiach) who will bring together the believers and non-believers as a One World Civilization from his throne in JerUSAlem. All Religions are waiting on this Messianic Figure to bring about the "World to Come".

To the Jews, this figure is known as the Moshiach. Theosophists and Buddhists call this "Future World Teacher "Maitreya" while Hindoos call this being the Kalki Avatar, the prophesied tenth and final incarnation of the god Vishnu who will end the god-less Kali Yuga. But Chrisitans and Muslims know this being, as well. To them, he is kmown as the Anti-Christ or the Dajjal.

In this book, we will unveil a century old Luciferian Death Cult who has chosen to corrupt the entire world in order to bring about their Messiah and prophesized "World to Come". Was the purpose of Freemasonry nefarious from the beginning or did this Ancient Cabal infiltrate Lodges as means to an end?

We will examine the intimate connection between the Cabal and the Central Banking System, Freemasonry and the Kabbalah and uncover the methods used to covertly enslave a country WITHOUT chains. Finally, for the first time in text, unveil the complete Masonic Religion, commonly known as the Luciferian Doctrine.
Topics include: Secret Destiny of America, Slow Death of a Nation, Babylonian Money Magick, Rothschild Central Banks, the Abrahamic Covenant, Parable of the Sheeps and the Goats, Freemasonry & the Kabbalah, the Original Aim of Masonry, Cult of the Black Madonna, Unmasking the Great Mother, Unabridged Luciferian Doctrine, Alchemy of the Eucharist, the Pyschology of Ritual Human Sacrifice, the Ministry of Propaganda, Creating the Perfect Slave Race and MUCH MORE!


State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

By staging one border invasion of after another, the globalists are able to secret into the country millions of military-aged males under cover of being amnesty seekers, which they are not. Many are even purposefully released violent criminals seeking their next crime spree in America.

Once these trained mercenaries, experienced soldiers of fortunes and paid terrorists are over the border, they’re ferried to the various 50 states to train for their next missions.

There are essentially 3 duties/destinations for these fighting aged men.

(1) The trained terrorists will be transported to certain cities where they will join highly organized terrorists cells. There they will await their future orders.

(2) The paid mercenaries will be sent to extremely clandestine military training camps to be trained in urban and rural guerrilla warfare. Again, they will await their future orders.

(3) The willing and less dangerous economic immigrants and war refugees are immediately registered into a “Accelerated Military Path to US Citizenship” program. By volunteering to enter the U.S. Armed Forces, these future grunts are put on a fast-track to full-fledged citizenship with all kinds of perks. However, these mercs are also put into specially trained regiments and squads who are stripped of any reservation about firing on Americans. The communist-run DoD knows that the average US military service member would not kill their fellow citizens, so they run these foreign recruits through highly manipulative mind-control programs as preparation to man what are basically treasonous brigades.

Each of these three groupings of extreme enemies of the American Republic serve critical purposes in the staging of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. The Khazarian decision-makers at the very top of this CIA-coordinated color revolution scheme will use basically the same war plan that was utilized during both the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil War.

Ann Coulter #dunning-kruger #racist archive.ph

Thus, for example, once you get past the paywall, you will find that Piquero and Bersani's joint study, "Comparing Patterns and Predictors of Immigrant Offending Among a Sample of Adjudicated Youth," used as its base group "adolescents who were found guilty of a serious offense."

THAT'S NOT A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF AMERICANS! It's a representative sample of teenagers who are convicted criminals.

Similarly, professor Bersani's oft-cited, but never-read study, "An Examination of First and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories," looked at a population group that included "an over-sample of Hispanic and African-American youth."
Instead of immigrants who are less crime-prone than our native blacks and Hispanics, we were hoping for immigrants less criminal than our Norwegians.

True, as Bersani explains, "because many immigrants initially settle in disadvantaged environments and are exposed to a number of crime-inducing risk factors, their experiences may be similar to many native-born minorities—particularly the African-American population."
But here's an idea: How about NOT taking in immigrants who are poor, uneducated, come from dysfunctional families and settle in disadvantaged environments?

Jung Freud #racist #sexist unz.com

As for Free Speech vs Muslims, there’s an argument in favor of the Muslims. They have every right to be outraged by the denigration of Islam and Muslims given the current state of Western ‘liberal democracy’. Ideally, totally unfettered speech for all should be guaranteed in a free society. If the West were genuinely committed to free speech for all, we should with free-speechers against Muslim hotheads. Back when the West stood for the right of Salman Rushdie to write a controversial book, it felt good to be on the side of free-speechers against Iran and Muslim firebrands.

But the notion that the current West is a ‘liberal democracy’ committed to free speech is a joke. Europe and Canada trample on free speech at every turn, especially to appease Jews and their two main allies, blacks and homos. Jews, once the biggest defenders of free speech(if only to have their say and gain power), are now the biggest enforcers of Censchwarzship(to hoard the immense power and wealth they’ve accumulated).

Jewish Power effectively neutralized free speech along with white identity and Christianity. So, the real dichotomy is NOT about the Liberal West that values free speech VERSUS atavistic Muslim dogmatists. The reality boils down to Muslims demanding respect for Islam on par with enforced protections for Jewish Supremacist Power, globo-homo vanity, and the Jungle Cult of the Noble Negro(and, off and on, feminist bitchery).

In the current UK where people are fined and/or hauled to prison for making a mocking tweet about Nelson Mandela, exposing the dirty machinations of Jewish Power, questioning aspects of the Shoah(as the iron-clad 6 million figure is more numerology than history), making fun of homos, and positing honest questions about racial/sexual differences, where is the commitment to Free Speech?