Re: Asian customer assaulted at TopShop while store manager sides with the assailants
She only dates white men.
I mean It's certainly horrible and I support her as an individual under attack. But if she or someone wants to involve racism so to get support I disagree.
Edit: the video starts with her saying "you are the first foreign man I see in this show". Hosts asked "Didn't you see the last one from Russia?". She answered "I forget that one the moment I see him". In the show, female host said she'd 'bursted' tonight and became different. She replied this was a hard-to-find opportunity(but the man is based in Hong Kong). Near the end, male host said she came all the way back to China from NY for the show, but ended up with an American. Show was in 2011. She was born in 1983. Man was 43, had 4 Chinese gfs.
Someone specifically talked about this episode on forum, although her name was confused with a homophone in the thread. He mentioned that in previous episodes she was always nitpicking and not polite to Chinese guys, but suddenly she put on a blush this time. Many girls in this dating show have white fever, too.
Not our fight then
And also majority of asian feminists will stay quiet about disproportionate black on asian female violence bc they place black ppl higher up on the leftist oppression olympics totem pole above themselves.
And ironic how the black store manager was allowed to kick out this (prob leftist) asian female while Starbucks got in big legal trouble for trying to kick out 2 black males for loitering.
Black people are so high up on the leftist oppression olympics totem pole that they can be openly tribalistic and racist and people will be too afraid to call them out for it.
African American women act like this all the time. That's why they have the highest out of wedlock rates. Just a bunch of pumps and dumps
This comment is racist and wrong and I don’t agree with you. You need to re educate yourself. I’m not saying the situation is okay but what does race have to do with it? The attacker could just as easily been someone not black. This is ignorant. Manage
Blah, blah, blah. Typical meek Asian response. Can tell Asians to shut up but can't tell the Afro Americans who assaulted her, "You're racist and wrong. I don't agree with you. You need to reeducate yourself." BYE!
Considering over 90% of NYCs violent crime is non-white, primarily black and Hispanic, it’s not entirely inaccurate to say “they act like this all the time” ... especially in NYC
Well I'm not going to tell anybody not to support somebody who is a victim of a crime, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't care about anybody who wouldn't care about me. I (and the Asian community) shouldn't be a crutch for these Lus and Chans. People who you fall back on when you need support and then be treated as lesser people when you don't.
Also, just because I don't support racism especially against Asians doesn't mean I will have sympathy for these racists, when they get the short end of the stick. So yes, I hope those racist attackers get caught and charged to the full extent of the law, but no, I don't have sympathy for this woman at all. Two separate issues.
you're getting the downvotes bc the majority of asian females in the US like her and also this one
"First ever Broadway play written by an Asian-American woman is about the identity of Straight White Men"
have BLATENTLY walked away from asian men and openly play for team white guy. Let her old white guy boyfriends advocate for her
wow just a random unprovoked attack? wtf? i mean how many times does that actually happen? that shit is fucked up.reading some of the comments..i love how black people are saying "stop generalizing us" well guess what? stop doing the same to us then.the sad thing is the attacker targeted her because she is Asian. we are powerless and they know it. they think they can get away with this more so than if this was done to a white respect for Asians period.who she dates doesn't really have nothing to do with this. she was targeted because she was Asian. think about how bold this shit is. out of nowhere she gets punched in a public space without any reason. that shit is frightening.think about could have been your gf or wife that this happened to. if any Asian speaks about this they will be called "anti-black" racists. i swear man black people think they can get away with this kind of shit because they are on the top of the oppression totem pole while Asians are on the bottom.
Black people have a thing for hitting pretty AF for no reason. Probably because they keep getting away with it, I remember seeing a video of a Twitch streamer who was walking down the street recording herself when she got punched in the chest by a black lady. There were a bunch of people walking around too, but no one noticed or cared, probably because it was kind of crowded and it wasn't their business.
Anyways, someone said she was white worshipping, so I kind of lost a little bit of respect for her, but at least she is standing up for herself, even if it is online. Black on Asian racism is way too common form what I see.
Put me in the undecided column.
First, it's rare someone gets attacked for no reason. I'm not getting what I think is a full account. Second, I've learned that women, regardless of race, can often cry foul and people listen unquestioningly- some not all women abuse that. Third, from her FB photos she looks like she glorifies light skin and whiteness. Fourth, as Kazshin pointed out below- she only dates white men. Now, before people react to this and say "that's not reason to not support her", I'm not deciding on that basis; but I DO think it "fits" as far as accounting for what might have led up to this encounter. That is to say, a disturbing number of AF act with disgust towards Asians and non-whites; even more so when they exclusively date white (pig-chasing). Sometimes that behavior has consequences even if they get away with it 99% of the time. Whether that happened here or not, I'd need to see the full video or hear from some Asian or non-white observers to corroborate. White observers don't count.
So I'm sure this woman will get thousands of FB likes. Besides Asians, really the only other persons commenting positively are white people who feel this fits the same irrational "jungle rage" narrative whites tell about blacks- that they violently attack without cause. Just not certain on it until I learn more.
Look at all the black people in the comment section saying: "stop generalizing us as criminals"
also black people "chink eyes/ching chang ching chang chong/you all look like Jackie Chan/Asian basketball players are all jeremy lins or Yao mings