
I'm counting my blessings, I've found true happiness, 'cause I'm getting richer, day by day...

Freedom Law School/Peymon Mottahedeh #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon freedomlawschool.org

Take these 7 steps to FREE Yourself of IRS deception, fear, robbery, and slavery, and LIVE FREE with our 100% Protection!

Step 1:
Arm Yourself with the Law
Based on the US Government's official legal websites, no law requires 99% of Americans to file and pay Income Tax.

Step 2:
Stop filing income tax forms
Filing a 1040 Income Tax Confession Trap does NOT protect you.

Step 3:
Realize the IRS is mostly BLUFF
The IRS is extremely unlikely to be able to or attempt to empty your bank account and steal your money if you do not file a 1040 Income Tax Confession Trap (aka Form).

Step 4:
Take Courage from our Victories
Peymon, the founder of Freedom Law School, has not filed or paid U.S. Income Taxes since 1993. The IRS knows this and yet they have never attempted to indict or put Peymon in prison. Why?

Step 5:
Write to your lawmakers about the Law
File and Pay Income Taxes ONLY IF
your congressmen can show you the law that requires YOU to file and pay Income Tax.

Step 6:
Join the Restore Freedom Plan
Lawfully STOP filing and paying Income Tax with our Lifetime Guarantee!

Step 7:
Spread the Word!
Get Paid for each American you FREE with our Freedom Opportunity Plan.
Get your Complimentary Freedom Education Videos

SIGN UP NOW and you will receive several FREE courses sent directly to your email!
▶ Lesson 1 - Who IS Required to File and Pay Income Taxes

▶ Lesson 2 - Odds of Being Struck by Lightning are HIGHER Than Odds of Being Sent to Prison for NOT Filing

▶ Lesson 3 - Many definitions of "United States" in tax laws prove it ONLY applies to D.C.

▶ Lesson 4 - Since 1913, has the Federal Income Tax ONLY applied to Federal Territories?

▶ Lesson 5 - Former IRS Commissioner Cannot Provide the Law PROVING the Legality of the Federal Income Tax

▶ Lesson 6 - The Classic Documentary, America: Freedom to Fascism documentary

Danlboon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

So far it’s been the American State National that has claimed they are the only ones that are the true Sovereign People in America, but what about us others?

By the way, you cannot be a Sovereign Citizen or Person as they are actually property of the government, a slave, thus that is a catch-22, therefore you are people.

When will it be truly recognized that we are Sovereign People; when NESARA is publicly announced, when the governors make a declaration, when Trump comes on board as the true President of the Republic or when we get documentation from the DMV with our names no longer in all capital letters? And when will all these private businesses and government agencies be required to recognize us as Sovereign People?

Will cops still be stopping people and asking for an ID or driver’s license to just make an arrest as they will not be following the Republic Common Law rules of the day? Since it will take time for the Department of Motor Vehicles in each state to transtition over to the Sovereign names in their databases and print out proper ID’s and driver’s licenses for everyone not everyone would have documentation to being Sovereign.
If it is not as easy as some people may think as we will all be Sovereign People once the word is given by Trump then it may take years for everyone to file documentation for this change. But when it was the other way around it was just a Congressional Law that changed it for us with the states ratifying it and was established as the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 for us to become US citizens, yet in the Republic we are coming back to it does not include any Amendment after 1861.

I would just like to know if the DMV does not have my Sovereign ID just per us being a Republic then what will I truly be? Answers should be given out to the people and not just rumors going around on the internet when many people don’t even bother looking for this kind of stuff or will believe it.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #mammon brianniemeier.com

It’s no secret that the Anglo branches of the Anglican Communion have joined with the World through the Flesh and severed themselves from the True Vine. The Episcopal church in my town still has big BLM and sodomy banners out front.


Regardless of the current pontiff’s personal views, a decisive advantage of having a supreme, visible head on Earth is everyone knows where the buck stops.

Butt stuff has already been anathematized by ex cathedra definition. Even if some worldly bishop or synod tried to bless gay unions, the attempt would de facto negate itself. In an ecclesiological sense, they’d just place themselves in schism. Remember, the gates of Hell won’t prevail. But the dead branches will separate themselves from the Vine.

For a look at a post-future whose reunited Church theologians look back at our era and shake their heads while laugh-crying, read my hit mech thriller:

E.A. Koetting, N.D. Blackwood, Andrieh Vitimus & Martin McGreggor #magick #god-complex #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Ignite The Torch Of Your Eternal Ascent With A Sinister Guide To Performing Self-Deification… Embark On The Baphometic Journey Through The Underworld For Transfiguration Into Godhood

The Deification Magick Spellbook features 4 complete blasphemous grimoires on the Ascent to Godhood by top sinister authors worldwide:

E.A. Koetting – Rituals for Anti-Transmigratory Ascent
N.D. Blackwood – The Vampire’s Handbook: Self-Initiation Without a Master
Andrieh Vitimus – Adversarial Magic: Breaking Your Constraints to Godhood
Martin McGreggor – Blasphemies of the Ascendant: Discovering the God Within
Become who you truly are as a Living God or Goddess, and thus commit the worst possible sin.

The Complete Deification Magick - $399 299
The Deification Magick Course online
The Deification Magick Spellbook leather edition
Get $100 off to save 25%
To Become A Living God — To Perform The Magick Of Self-Deification In The Ascent To Godhood Through The Descent To Devilhood

To answer clearly and unequivocally: the worst, most evil heresy in the world is for you to become your own god. This means to perform the magick of Self-Deification.

By the dialectical logic of unified opposites, the Ascent to Godhood necessarily equates to a Descent to Devilhood. In other words, when you embark on your quest of Self-Deification, you must pass through Hell to enter Heaven. You must penetrate the Underworld to access the Overworld.

The more you become a living God, the more you become a living Devil, because you commit the most sinful blasphemy to deify yourself.

BelifeWater #quack #magick #mammon belifewater.com

Structured water is vibrationally repaired water – back to its natural spring water frequency state – where all water molecules can return to vibrating in a hexagonal grid. This hexagonal water can be received in our bodies on a cellular level and help to energize the water we are all made from. We experience an effect of “energy net savings” when we drink and treat ourselves with structured water. Deep intra-cellular hydration is possible with energized water and may be perceived as an energy increase.

Structured water has antioxidant properties. Structured water plays an important role in the bioactivity of various cells.

Hexagonal Water

The term hexagonal water is described as the cluster of molecules of water that form a hexagonal shape that increases the absorption of nutrients, increases cellular communication, and removes/reduces metabolic waste, among many things. It has a crystalline structure that forms when eight molecules of water combine.
If you are looking for a professional way to restructure and vitalize your water, you can use structured water devices in several applications.

The advantages of water structuring devices are user friendly and easy to install devices. They can last for several decades once installed. All devices require very little or no maintenance and no parts have to be replaced over time. Synergistic effects of water restructuring are creating sustainable results for your drinking water.

Our water structurer/structured water devices combine 7 principles of revitalizing and energizing your water.
The 7 principles of restructuring water

Vortexing in a double-helix
Direct transmission of the high energy field via intensive contact
High-vibrant materials, e.g. 24 karat gold, rhodium, lead-free brass, etc.
Phi ratio geometry construction
Healing pyramid energies
Harmonic gemstone compositions
Resonant super crystals - liquid programmed borosilicate glass vials

David Kasneci #magick #ufo #mammon amazon.com

"Project 369 - The Key To The Universe. The Million Dollar Copies of The First, Second, & Final Editions Will No Longer Be Available. If You Have Been With Us Since The First Edition, We Thank You & We Love You.
DISCLAIMER : (Without inspired action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation and no reward. This journal was made to help you all realize that you are the creators of your own reality. You are the one and only infinite I AM being conditioned to create you and everything in your world. You are a limitless being, and you can achieve anything you desire. Unfortunately, society teaches limitations.

Project 369 reveals the Key To The Universe. Have you ever wondered how manifestation really works? Well, it works by attracting what you are, not what you want, and every moment of your life, you are manifesting. Project 369 will show you how to rise in consciousness, so you can get to a state that is one with your vision. This includes how to manifest money, weight loss, possessions, happiness, peace, love, and more of the beauty that life has to offer.
The 369 method is where you write your manifestation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, & 9 times at night. This method works the best because 3, 6, and 9 cause unity with the Divine. 3, 6, 9 = Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. The Universe revolves around Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. 3, 6, and 9 also revolve around the Universe.
You are assured of reaching certain levels of consciousness due to entering a new era of 5D Earth, coupled with the help of the internet, books, and so forth. As of now, there is an infinite potential for sourcing wisdom and knowledge. By reprograming your conscious and subconscious mind, Project 369 will assist you in understanding the secret of manifestation, alongside the secret to rising in consciousness, and changing your beliefs and conceptions through the power of I AM.

Andrew Wommack #fundie #mammon youtube.com

[Emphasis added]

When you receive an offering, people think, “Well, you're just wanting money for yourself.”

You know, I don't care whether you give or not. God's gonna take care of me, I promise you. My needs are bigger than what you can meet… I just figured out this week I have to have $11,000 an hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days out of the year.

You are not my source. God is my source.

I could leave here. And you know what?… I didn't barely get here, and I'm not gonna struggle to leave here. I've got money! But you need to give.
There was a woman that came up during the altar call… and she says, “I need some money!” And I had just taught on this passage of Scripture that I shared with you. So I said, “What do you have?” And she made the connection. She knew what I was gonna do. So she went and got her purse, and she had a little coin purse, and she counted it out, and it was something like $78.35. Something like that.

And I said, “Give it to me.” And she said, “All of it?” And I said, “All of it.”

And I took my hands like this, and I took every penny that that woman had.

She said that she wasn't gonna get paid for a week, and she didn't have groceries. And I said, “Give me all of it.”

Logan B #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Has our ship already come in and we’re all waiting at the airport? Jared Rand tells us the RV has already started. St Germain tells us GESARA has already started. No one from the Light is saying that ascension is something we still need to wait years for. They all say it is happening right now. Is anyone seeing any evidence of any of these things?

All we continue to see is the horror show. The latest is the continuation of the so called earthquake wars which doesn’t appear to be a war at all. HAARP is focused on an area, a huge light show appears in the sky and thousands die in the aftermath. Are any UFOs reported in the area to dissipate this energy? Earthquakes and tsunamis have been the weapon of choice for many years since nuclear weapons got turned off. The plan is to let these madmen continue to use earthquake weapons into next year. Who indeed are the madmen? Those who continue to use these weapons or those that have the power to stop them and don’t? We will continue to trust the plan.

I told my daughter (who is the only person I discuss any of this with but she has lost faith as well) if we ever get our hands on a lot of money we need to go to the people who work for the criminally insane, ask them how much they get paid and offer them double to go home to their families and do nothing. The sheer number of people who work for the so called NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) is staggering. From the cooks flipping burgers at fast food joints to the people actually pushing the button to activate HAARP. Practically everyone but if possible start with the button pushers first.
This is one of my humanitarian projects to quell evil and promote wellness. The few that actually do have products and services that promote wellness will be encouraged to continue and helped to expand. The other project I intend to do is bath the world in 432hz. Both of these will be a huge undertaking and I will need a lot of help.

Brian Niemeier #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

The national leagues – in particular the NFL – have degraded into vehicles for our rulers’ hatred of white people. TV commercials during Monday Night Football, let alone the Super Bowl, inundate their audiences with contempt. Like every other pop culture institution, professional sports has been weaponized by the ruling secular cult.

Some might just shrug and say that sportsball has always been cringe Boomer bait. Yet if you’re a member of Generation Y or older, you remember the days before the dark times. It’s been 30 years since Super Bowl XXVII. That means there have been more Super Bowls since that one was played than from the event’s inception till then. But that one game played in Pasadena in 1993 set the pre-Ground Zero high water mark. In fact, if you want a milestone that marked the start of the High 90s, you can make a good argument that Super Bowl XXVII was it.

To be precise, the Super Bowl XXVII Halftime Show starring Michael Jackson was it.


Crass documentaries aside, spending a few minutes online is enough to exonerate Jackson. The all-out hit job the media did on him now looks like the model for more recent unpersonings. MJ blew the whistle on some of the same sleazy record industry practices that cost Ye over a billion dollars. And he suffered a similar fate, losing his longtime, lucrative Pepsi deal, getting banned from Dubai, and having to cancel agreements to contribute music to the Addams Family Values and Sonic 3 soundtracks.


Remember, folks: the same media machine that killed Michael Jackson hates you. Don’t give them your attention. Learn how here:

[Followed by a link to his book]

Lothlorian Magick #magick #conspiracy #mammon lothorianmagick.com

**MIDAS TOUCH** Golden God Secret Society Haunted Dragon Djinn Skull & Bones Illuminati Warlock Templar Artifact! One of a Kind ~ Wealth + Luck x10! ** Occult WARLOCK Ring! $$$ Lost Treasure of Khastazia!
Centuries ago, the Skull & Bones Society discovered an Ancient Ritual that Conjures the Sacred Power of King Midas to bring Limitless Wealth and Abundance to all those Possess It's Great Vessel. This Item has bestowed unto me Riches Beyond Imagination and has ensured Complete Success in all of my endeavors! You will feel its Amazing Energy the moment you hold it in your hand!

This Spirit-Bound Vessel contains the Immortal Power of the High-Ranking 'Xerces Order' Paradigm of 6th Dimension of Valcaerus in Galaxy No. 4. Imbued within this Sacred piece is the 3rd Command Golden God Dragon Djinn of King Midas; Protector of Ancient Secrets, Vast Treasures and Occult Magic of the Universal Code.

This Item is Cast and Conjured of Pure White-Light Energies bestowed upon us by the Creator.

The Sacred Midas Touch Rituals are Extremely Powerful and can only be completed by a Warlock of the Highest Powers! Golden Wealth Opportunities shall present themselves exponentially! This Magic Artifact Ring guarantees Supreme Success in All Areas of Your Life!

@RevoltNoir #racist #mammon gettr.com

United Against The Great Replacement | T-Shirt by RevoltNoir.com
“The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The #greatreplacement is a fact. It is the product of the policies adopted by the Western countries soon after the Second World War. Whether it is a result of a deliberate plan is another matter.

Judy Byington #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Charlie Ward said that our so-called US President Joe Biden has never stepped foot in the White House, or the Pentagon – it was all a big show. The US Government has been run out of Temple Texas (Department of Justice) and Reno Nevada (Department of Defense) since March 2021.
So much is going on! Bank insolvencies, market rigging, arrests and more! Meanwhile, we are hearing reports of currency rate changes in our favor, a global currency reset and countries hoarding silver and gold! This evening, we discussed the Global Currency Reset, the process of the revaluation and exchange of foreign currencies, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), humanitarian projects, how countries are hoarding gold and silver and what that means for us!
10,000 DUMBS (tunnel systems) on Earth. USA has 1,800. It is not easy to solve this one. Turn it off. Take control. A lot of variables.

People, children, weapons. WMDs.

Bio-plants, clone fabrications, evolved super-soldiers.

Emergency stop switches. Traps, etc.

Extraordinary belief.

7.7 billion people on Earth.

0.02% Super Elite = 1.54 million.

1% Elite = 77 million Elite.

10% = 770 million military / CIA on earth, 3-letter agencies.

In ALL countries.

Corrupt police. Intelligence agencies.

Managers, Militias organizations. Underground Blackwater soldiers.

Corrupt doctors, lawyers, scientists, officials.

Pharmaceutical companies, big tech companies.

In total 190 countries on earth.

Over 800 million forces and distributed military in many countries within the dark network of global elite control.

The White hats, military – they do everything they can to keep death rates as low as possible.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon exopolitics.org

Secret deals have been struck between an Earth Alliance of space faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations for major disclosures to happen in 2023, concerning the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. Senior military and government officials are participating in clandestine meetings being held in highly classified facilities, the news of which is being released as part of a plan to accelerate official disclosure.

In addition, insiders report ancient underground civilizations now plan to increasingly reveal themselves to surface humanity in 2023. Meanwhile, the awakening of giants in stasis chambers, the intervention of Seeder extraterrestrials, and return of the Enki faction of the Anunnaki will ramp up events in 2023 – with colossal disclosure ramifications! In the midst of all this, the US Congress has for the first time given protection to whistleblowers to reveal the truth about UFOs to the newly created All Domain Anomalous Resolution Office.

Meanwhile, the unprecedented growth in public discontent over rigged elections, the refugee crises, mismanaged economies, political censorship, the Ukraine War, etc., is leading to an unprecedented collapse of the Deep State control system precipitating a global revolution. Simply put, Truth revelations are causing a mass awakening.

The Deep State’s imminent collapse will facilitate major disclosures in 2023 about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life that have long been the crown jewels of the global control system.

In his first webinar for 2023, Dr. Michael Salla will review the incredible changes happening behind-the-scenes and provide details of how these are part of an unfolding disclosure plan developed by White Hats and positive extraterrestrial alliances. This webinar will prepare and inspire you for the amazing revelations about to happen and is not to be missed.

Date: February 18, 2023, at 1 pm East Coast / 10 am Pacific

Length: 2 hours plus 30 min Q & A

Cost: $35

Ricardo Akahi #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon amazon.com

Since 2002 Ricardo Akahi travels around the world, mastering ancient traditions and disciplines of the healing arts and with the mission to raise consciousness in humanity by sharing the revolutionary 8 Day Breatharian Process. This book will open your understanding to a newly developed and comprehensive way of energetic nourishment. It is a platform to bring together logical and spiritual-minded people from all over the world to experience through Pranic Living the evolution of consciousness and the complete regeneration of their bodies and bio-energy systems. Scientific research on the breathing therapies and processes that Akahi currently shares worldwide has proven an increase in the amount of life force in the energy field, resulting in longevity, in a balancing of the functions of the nervous system and body organs, as well as generating lasting mental and emotional clarity and healing

Althea S. Hawk #magick #quack #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

How consciousness and quantum energies affect your genetic expression and the development of disease and chronic health conditions

• Draws on cellular medicine, genetics, quantum physics, and consciousness studies to define the real underlying mechanisms of disease and how they can be addressed

• Explains how consciousness influences quantum DNA to erase the genetic imprint of illness, allowing your body to remember how to function efficiently and effectively

• Shares the author’s discoveries that enabled her to successfully heal the cellular dysfunction at the root cause of her cancer, tumors, chronic inflammation, and toxicity

• Explores consciousness tools to re-encode DNA and includes detailed scripts for techniques that readers can apply to their own healing journeys
Sharing the discoveries that enabled her to successfully heal from her cancer, tumors, toxicity, and inflammatory-related conditions, the author explains how genes are not solely responsible for creating disease. Detailing how our DNA is both quantum-energetic and biological-chemical, Hawk explains how your environment and your consciousness influence your quantum DNA, which in turn interacts with your biological DNA. By working directly with energetic information that affects how your quantum and biological DNA communicate, you can alter the expression of your genes by re-encoding the gene sequences on your physical DNA, erasing the imprint of illness and enabling your body to remember how to function properly.

Hawk explores consciousness tools and mind-body techniques to re-encode your DNA, such as sound and breathing work, DNA marker removal, recalibration of Akashic information, and cellular communication exercises that readers can apply to their own healing journeys.

Kai Clay #magick #ufo #mammon amazon.com

Stepping Aside is a revolutionary, potentially life-changing psychic abilities and manifestation book, based on National Scholastic Art Award winner, Fortune 500 business executive and trance channeling guru Kai Clay’s powerful worldwide spiritual growth coaching sessions that teach celebrities, business leaders… even Buddhist monks advanced metaphysical techniques and attunement exercises, as well everyday methods for manifesting happiness, success and tranquility.
In this compelling spiritual awakening and channeling book, you will learn:

How to use your own spiritual power and mental attunement to live a life with less anxiety and fear and more love and abundance
How to overcome self-doubt and procrastination and make decisions that will improve your life and give you what you want, rather than what others may have decided for you.
How to use Bahlon’s understanding of light language - a high-vibration direct solid-state connection with the Universal Source that speaks to the soul, DNA, and body consciousness – to release blocked energy, activate your DNA to release dormant gifts and knowledge, and bring you closer to your Higher Self
How to find your true spirit guide and allow them to lead you to your own Kundalini Awakening to find your ultimate spiritual potential

Stepping Aside is a remarkable true story of Clay’s life story of transcendence from successful New York business exec to world-renowned trance channel and trusted confidant of spiritual leaders. Read his inspiring journey towards spiritual intelligence, helping thousands of students succeed beyond their dreams, with every facet of their lives. Stepping Aside is a transformational book that is perfect for open-minded souls who are ready to experience the wonders of life for themselves.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #racist #crackpot #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

The Super Jew Rabbi High Priest of the Temple Bone Generator®:

The Kabbalah states that Shaddai created the Satanic Jews the Tohou, Shaddai being the Chaos intelligence from the seminal darkness of Chaos this evolved to Tsabaoth (Yaltabaoth) by the use of fire (quantum fluctuations in the dark Sea of Awareness, quantum vacuum); ‘darkness was upon the face of the deep,’ to cause inflation (cold) of the quantum vacuum which turned hot (fire) as the Higgs Field dumped energy into the inflating quantum vacuum so Tsabaoth (Yaltabaoth) created the Bohou, the rest of the Jews. So one can see the chosen race are the creation of Tsabaoth (Yaltabaoth). The light energy matter manifestation being corrupted by the Chaos intelligence of Elohim, the Master of all wageslaves (Yaldabaoth).
This Bone Generator® Service downloads into the Hassidim Psi-Master the power of prophecy and miracles sequestered from Tsabaoth, Sabbaoth to enable you to see the future and to carry out miracles like the Hassidim by sequestering Tsabaoth, Sabbaoth as your personal bitch to give you the power. As the creator of the Bohou, it also gives you power over the liberal Jew West that preaches democracy as a front for the neo con Tohou Satanist Jews to buffer them from being seen as the perpetrators of evil. So all arts, media, pop, liberal arts, sociology, movies, psychology aspects of Western Judaism are yours to command.
This limited edition Service allows your Bone Generators® to sequester the 10 top places in Judaic Satanism from the Hassidim in Israel to the 10 new Anti-Hassidim Super Jews who now have all the magical powers of Israel and the Jews as their own and use the 10 Jewish Hassidim as Total Deathgoat Jews, toxic waist dumps with the whole of Israel well as the Insectile installations in Goyim the so called shells, larvae of Edamic Amalek Kings, (the other God) origin that are the minds of all Goyim.
$1000 with Certificate, limited to 10 only.

Judy Byington/Telegram Q #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

At Midnight Sat. 31 Dec. 2022 the Deep State Corporation US Inc. Officially Dissolved
At 12:01 am 1 Jan. 2023 the US Constitutional Republic Officially Began
Along With Implementation of the Global Quantum Financial System
Gold/Asset Backed Currencies of 209 Countries
To Eventually Trade at a 1:1 with Each Other
This Q movement to take down the Deep State has been in the planning since President Lincoln was killed in 1865. Ninety nine years later the Q Movement took on a more formal appearance with the Deep State Banking Cabal’s murder of President Kennedy in 1964.

Meanwhile in 2016 the Alliance made sure Donald Trump was elected US President despite widespread Voter Fraud by the Democrat Party in collusion with foreign powers including the Chinese Communist Party.
From Q:

MSM coming – BIG WAY.
We see all.
We hear all.
CONSPIRACY push coming.

BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.
KNOW your surroundings.
Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue ops.
SILENCE [187] – no risk [no capture – dead on arrival].
SILENCE [LV witnesses]?

Fight, Fight, Fight.
DEMAND public disclosure.
This is just the beginning.
2023 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Denise Richards #magick #ufo #mammon goldenageofgaia.com

Welcome to 7 Universal Year of 2023 with Galactic Numerology™
In this transmission, you’ll learn about key energies from the new dimensional frequencies of sacred numbers through Galactic Numerology. These energies and illuminations are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in your year of 2023. See how this sets the stage for maneuvering and creating your life, and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you!

We begin with the foundation and backdrop of the Universal Year of 7 in 2023. The digits of the 2+0+2+3 add up to 7, and this sets the energy for this calendar year as one of multidimensional transitions and transformations beyond what has ever been experienced on the Earthstar.

And, it becomes more apparent in your outer reality that things are shifting swiftly. Changes are taking place that are the result of the magnificent and challenging soul growth that you have undergone in the past year of 2022, as well as all the expansion since your Earth year of 2012 – when the massive flood of high frequency Christ Consciousness Light and Love poured upon the Earth. This great awakening was a leap in consciousness to assist the transition period into the 7th New Golden Age, completing the Piscean Age, and transitioning into the Aquarian Age.
In this 7 Year, we wish to also bring forth the 7th Ray of Light which is the Violet Ray of Transmutation of Saint Germain and overseen by Lady Portia, by Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst. Calling upon the Violet Flame, which is the action of this Ray, is indeed the most powerful tool to instantly transmute the dense energies rising to the surface to be transformed into their next states of consciousness and into Wholeness.

We send our love, blessings, and support always. And our transmission is now complete.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is designed to protect our hard earned dollars, individually, because they each contain this code, and protect us from monetary asset forfeiture by the International Cabal. The documents reenforce that fact that it is backed by gold and levels the playing field across the U.S. Dollar, Yen, and EU currency. Although there is a focus on AI, we must remember that these systems can be used for GOOD! This system appears to be set up to do just that!

Quantum Financial System (QFS) is building a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS). It’s a network based on Sovereignty and Commerce.
QFS reigns supreme in the photonic technology at 3.5 trillion frames per second.. It replaces obsolete IP dynamic routing with the true physical GPS authentication between sender and receiver routing while upholding 100% financial security and transparency of all currency holders.

Protocols will be instituted with QFS so that Artificial Intelligence will control the transfers and independently be allowed to control the global financial network unless the highest level of approval is given . Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) program will handle instant settlements in real time without delays!
NO FIAT CURRENCY IS LEGAL IN QFS as it cannot be designated as “clean, clear, non-terroristic, or originating from legal activities”

FIAT currencies in “possession” at time of implementation of QFS and deemed “legal” will be exchanged for gold backed currency on a one to one basis. “Reconciliation” process

Without the ability to reconcile old FIAT money into the new QFS, ALL CENTRAL BANKS ACTIVITIES WILL CEASE.
The application of the formula and the common value of all gold means that a country’s currency must have the same value as another country’s currency. This is referred to as the GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET.

@OmniaVeritas #conspiracy #racist #mammon gettr.com

This book, with much additional evidence and fuller historical context, is the result of the personal experiences of a public figure who, in the course of his duties, discovered first-hand the existence of a centuries-old conspiracy against Britain, Europe and the whole of Christendom.

The Nameless War reveals an unsuspected link between all the great revolutions in Europe – from the time of King Charles I to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936. It is shown that a source of inspiration, design and supply is common to all these revolutions. These revolutions and the world war of 1939 are seen as integral parts of a single master plan.
#jew #zog #politics #history #revolution

Subtle Energy Sciences #magick #ufo #quack #mammon subtle.energy


Amplified Geometry
Metatron's Cube


What Are Quantum Energy Apps (Aka "Mandalas")?

Simply put, our Quantum Energy Apps are energetically encoded digital pictures that transform your electronic devices into quantum resonance tools that support you for greater health and well-being and peak performance.

Easy to Use
Just open the energetically encoded image file on your computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet. The quantum energy patterns will now be automatically and continuously broadcast through your electronic device! To use on your phone or tablet, just set it as the wallpaper!


The energy of this quantum energy app can be amplified to a limited degree on your smart phone and tablet and to an almost unlimited degree on your computer or laptop at no extra cost. This allows you to dial the energy in to exactly the right amplitude for you.

Metatron's Cube

Metatron’s Cube is a complex geometrical figure associated with the fabric of creation itself. It contains all five Platonic solids, the building blocks of matter.

This sacred geometry cube is a geometrical representation of energetic balance, harmony and flow. Its energetic emanation is one that supports equilibrium, healing, creativity, understanding, peace, personal transformation and release of negative energies.

Health Benefits

Metatron Cube benefits help deepen meditation; support working on goals and creative projects; clear negative energy and emotions; help replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts; support grounding

Energetic Signature

The precise energetic signature of the three-dimensional Metatron's Cube sacred geometrical form.

N. Morgan/Kim Goguen #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon beforeitsnews.com

TIME FOR CHANGE PEOPLE Here are the facts:

1. KIM’S Global Repository which holds the entire funds for planet earth is now fully under the control of Kim Goguen, Ground Commander of planet earth and holder of highest global clearance (74). No funds will be allocated without her say so and this means the fraudsters/corrupt governments/corrupt courts won’t be getting any unless they change their ways quickly. Tier 1 banks are now in discussion for allocation of funds and this means major changes to banking are underway globally.

2. The Tier 1 Banks, which are your major banks that filter the money through the likes of HSBC, Standard Charter, Barclays, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, started contacting Kim’s office in the last 2-3 days saying they wanted to make a direct deal. They didn’t want to go through the Federal Reserve or the Treasuries but wanted to come directly. It appears that the banks finally now realize they are out of time, money and options because they probably noticed the entire banking system has completely changed. We will now be changing to an asset-based trading system.
3. The governments and courts will no longer be able to touch your funds. Only you have access.

4. The Vatican and Holy See are no more. A 750 year old Papal agreement expired on 12th December 2022. They no longer have reign or power over religions worldwide.
Also New Assurance system incoming: Every man and woman on earth will be allocated a portion of a global fund from which they can pay for “life essentials”. They do not have direct control over this fund but can use a special card (coming soon) to pay for essential items such as healthcare and so on. The system has already been created it is just waiting for the go-ahead from the banks.

Nesara and Gesara will not be happening. This was a Psyop. Insurance will no longer be required. Many of the service industries will be going.

KatAnon/QtheStormRider #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

(Q) The Storm Rider
Christmas Eve 1963
was the day 77 U.S. GENERALS came together
& The Plan was born To Save The World.
Three months later 133 GENERALS
became part of OP FREEDOM EAGLE35.
You are a witness to a 59-YEAR MILITARY DELTA




Kat: 2 coups
Against President Kennedy, 1960
Against President Trump, 2020
The first was THE STARTER

According to QTSR’s 12-24-22 report
the White Hat Military Alliance, in DECEMBER 2016,
went into Italy & executed most of the MAJOR heads
of the deep state demon families
(Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPonts, etc.)
& the heads of the 13 bloodlines that most have NEVER heard of
(Borja, Conti, Orsini, etc.)


When President Trump went to the Vatican in May 2017
the Pope signed over ALL assets of the Vatican Banks to POTUS.

QTSR said TRILLION$ & TRILLION$+++ IN GOLD was seized
from the deep state bloodlines
& is now safely stored behind the Alliance Military
@ Space Command, Cheyenne Mountain.

However, there is not only the ENDLESS TRILLION$ from the bloodlines
-Peyseurs had $34 Quadrillion
-Rothschilds had $500 Trillion+
-QE2 Zillions, etc.
but also the GOOGOLPLEX of Gold from the D.U.M.B.S.
I tell this story on Christmas Day to remind EVERYONE
that the Best Is Truly To Come:

Healing, Sparkling Health and Abundance for all

The total eradication of poverty, homelessness, starvation

The restoration of Earth and her Kingdoms
to their gorgeous pristine Divine blueprint

The release of miraculous technologies that will help all HEAL
& move into a true modern age
before we ASCEND into the High Celestial Frequencies
from whence we came.

Call it what you will — NESARA / GESARA / TRUMPSARA or Q-SARA


Merry Happy Holidays
With Love, Light & Blessings unceasing

This is Kat, over and out

Gedaliah Shay #fundie #magick #mammon amazon.com


Do you experience difficulty in making progress in your workplace, among your colleagues, or even spiritually?

Do you get disappointment in places where you should get favors and keep experiencing failure even when you're close to the end of your dark tunnel? Or, do you find it hard to get the real purpose of your life, and you keep going round in circles without any real progress?

Why do you experience this, you may ask?

The depth of the Spiritual realm and its effect on your life is more than meets the eye! It is more than what you think it is. The secret to getting to the root of the world's evil powers is unknown to many, which is why they stay camped under the influence of the principalities of this world.

You know the magnitude of God's power and his greatness over every evil over your life, but do you know that you can command much more with some secret weapons at your disposal?

How would you like to know the exact strategies and plans of your enemies and combat them to turn things around to greatness for you?

What if you are shown the exact picture of the works of the devil and taught the surest ways to fight back and take over your life completely from the evil that witches and wizards control?

Wouldn't it be easier for you to know exactly where your problem stems from and the most definite solution to do to get back on track of progress?

Do you know the strange and terrifying lengths that men of this world go to acquire power? Do you want to keep yourself safe, away from their predatory Eyes?

This Book was specially made to prepare you by guiding you through steps on knowing your enemy, learning more about the power of God, and the exact ways to use the unconquerable weapons God has given you!

You need to stop grappling with the fear of the unknown and send fire for fire against the forces of darkness against you!

The Perfect Prayer handbook for all Christian Warriors.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

GESARA NESARA TRUMPSARA is coming. Get ready for the (GCR) Global Currency Reset and (QFS)!
Quantum Financial System before everyone else. ALL Banks worldwide are moving to (CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currency right now. It’s your last chance to get into crypto/gold/silver before the banks activate the QFS.

The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and (NESARA GESARA) is upon us!

The central banks are using crypto for the new QFS. Regulated ISO 20022 Cryptos like XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, IOTA, SHX, HBAR will change the world and EXPLODE 10X, 100X, 1,000X and Even More.

You really don’t want to miss out on this.


Gold/Precious Metals and Nesara/Gesara.

Two different factors for the GCR event:

● Factor 1: The RV (the revaluation of world currencies)

● Factor 2: The Quantum Financial System

In order for rainbow coins, bonds or ISO20022 assets to start moving in value, physical precious metals must first undergo a reassessment!

Once the new assessment is defined, the weight of compliance with Basel III + Bretton Woods 3 will bring legitimacy to everything else, triggering ISO20022 regulation.

RV – The Redemption Team was pushing to get Global Currency Reset liquidity before Christmas. Redemption Center personnel were scheduled to work long hours all this and next week, except for Christmas Day.

The Alliance remained in charge and continued to make Mass Arrests across the globe, along with holding Military Tribunals at the US Capitol in Washington DC, GITMO and Antarctica.

RV – The Redemption Team was pushing to get Global Currency Reset liquidity before Christmas. Redemption Center personnel were scheduled to work long hours all this and next week, except for Christmas Day.

The Alliance remained in charge and continued to make Mass Arrests across the globe, along with holding Military Tribunals at the US Capitol in Washington DC, GITMO and Antarctica.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon grrrgraphics.com

Or maybe they did work. If the ruling globalists really did want to cull humanity, what better way to do it than with vaccines? Gates has already stated this intention. The oligarchs own this planet and they think there are too many people on it consuming too many resources. This is the true reason for the vaccines. In that sense, they were very effective. People are dying suddenly and will continue to die.

Will you stand up for America? Fight the DC UniParty by supporting our cartoons- Click to Donate Today! It’s EASY!

Angellajoy #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon beforeitsnews.com










Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon creators.com

But the real evidence the midterm was rigged and stolen is... FLORIDA.

In Florida the GOP won in a landslide. Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio and everyone else in the Florida GOP won in a red tsunami — the same one the polls showed was happening in the entire country.

Guess what Florida has? Florida has strict voter ID requirements, strict laws against voter fraud, severe prison terms for anyone caught trying to commit voter fraud, no mail-in ballots sent to every voter, no ballot drop boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted for days after Election Day and no counting for days until the desired result is achieved by the Democrat Party.

Isn't it a funny and strange coincidence that in that state, with all those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? But everywhere else, where there are no strict laws against voter fraud and they allow cheating, the red tsunami fizzled.

And that underperformance is being blamed on Trump? And on conservative MAGA candidates?

Yet in Florida, DeSantis is the most Trumplike, MAGA, America First, anti-woke, anti-trans, in-your-face, ultraconservative politician in all of America. And with that ultra-MAGA message, plus strict voting fraud laws... the GOP swept to a landslide victory.

And in most other places, they didn't. Coincidence?

Folks, we've been robbed. Again. This was a repeat of 2020. I believe it's evident they've fixed, rigged and stolen the election. First, they robbed us of the presidency. Now they've robbed us of a red Republican landslide. And now they're trying to blame it on Trump.

This is gaslighting. And we've had our election stolen — again.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as "the Conservative Warrior." Wayne's new No. 1 bestselling book is out, "The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book." Wayne is now the host of two new TV shows on Real America's Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He is also host of the nationally syndicated "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Visit ROOTforAmerica.com for more information.

Donald J Trump #wingnut #mammon gab.com

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to http://collecttrumpcards.com/ & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

Bishop Climate Wiseman #fundie #god-complex #magick #mammon #quack fij.ng

Climate Wiseman, a bishop and founder of Kingdom Church, Camberwell, London, United Kingdom, was found guilty of fraud by an Inner London Crown Court after he sold bottles containing hyssop, cedarwood and olive oil as “plague protection oil” during the pandemic.

According to the UK Mirror, Wiseman, 47, sold each bottle as part of a “protection kit” that contained other items like a “prayer card and scarlet yarn” for £91.

He also told his flock during the pandemic that they could drop dead if they did not purchase the kit.

While defending himself in court on Thursday, Wiseman told a group of jurors that he was inspired by a visitation from God, who during the visit, told him he was a prophet who could cure coronavirus.

He also told the jurors he had performed many miracles, including curing the blind, and insisted he believed the oil was capable of curing or preventing Covid-19 for him and members of his church “because of their faith”.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #mammon naturalnews.com

Today’s Situation Update podcast (see below) covers 12 predictions and solutions for 2023. If you hope to navigate the coming year, you’ll want to keep these predictions in mind because they affect everything: Food availability, energy, money and finance, jobs, free speech and more.

The 12 predictions are summarized below. The overall theme is that global governments will accelerate tyranny and infrastructure destruction while the people of the world continue to get red pilled. As they awaken to the truth about global depopulation and genocide against humanity, they will push back more aggressively against tyranny. As this takes place, alternative systems of money, communications, medicine and technology will flourish.
I cover all these and more in today’s Situation Update podcast:

– Vaccine deaths accelerate, with 26%+ excess mortality and rising
– Live births falling in high-vax nations as babies aren’t surviving gestation
– BASF announces PERMANENT shut down of European operations
– Deindustrialization of Europe will accelerate; collapse now unstoppable
– Crop failures and food scarcity to worsen significantly in 2023
– Global push for digital money, CBDCs – financial tyranny on steroids
– Globalists will crash fiat currency and food supply, then pose as saviors
– Global populist revolts against government corruption and tyranny
– Blackrock warns central banks cannot stop the coming market implosion
– The era of easy money and easy stock gains is OVER
– Either path chosen by Central Banks leads to CATASTROPHE
– Humanity to lose between 1 – 4 billion people by 2033
– mRNA jab warning – they may “sterilize an entire generation” #depopulation
– You can survive it all, with knowledge and preparedness
– Interview with Goldback founder, physical currency infused with atomic gold

Dr. John A. Duncan Ph.D. #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #quack #mammon amazon.com

Identity theft is a real problem that has a significant impact as the loss is costly in ways that reach far beyond an economic one — as vital as that is. The more consequential loss is when persons are robbed of their identity given at birth because there is the compromising of one’s most precious commodity — our personal identity — that one thing that sets us apart from others. Our current suicide rate is a testimony against present-day approaches for dealing with the issues, which are rooted in the hearts of men, while only dealing with the mind, the will, and the emotions of man, and not the heart and will of God. So, when individuals are not walking out the destiny connected to their God-ordained purpose, they are often blind to who they were created to be and instead become a poor copy of someone else. "Homosexuality: The Ultimate Manifestation of Identity Theft" has been written to address the mishandling of the current crisis that exists today among the genders, with the knowledge that the dissonance experienced cannot be quieted with all the acceptance one can find. We must rediscover God’s purpose for the two sexes . . . and there must be a return to the Maker’s original intent when He made them male and female.

Brian Niemeier #homophobia #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On a high school teacher curating a collection of LGBT books for teenage students]

The witch has curated a collection of demonic spell books. Color me surprised.

That last bit about smut helping students figure out who they are and relate to their peers is pure diabolical perversion. Children are not sexual. That is part of what it means to be a child. Healthy presexual persons don’t need sex books to help them relate to fellow presexual persons. Saner civilizations understood this fact. Western society used to, until we let corrupted institutions like mandatory state schools raise our kids.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until non-Cultists get it through their thick heads:

Failure to home school is child abuse.

That’s not an exaggeration. If you still send your children to public school, you’re complicit in child abuse, and you belong in prison. How much longer does your child have to suffer because you let your wife play office making PowerPoints in a cube farm?

Enough, already. You can stop the cycle any time. Start by not paying people who hate you. Read how here:

[Followed by a link to his book]

Subtle Energy Sciences #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger #mammon subtle.energy

If humans and animals have subtle energy systems within them, what about the planet we are all born out of? The deepest roots of human civilization revere certain mountains, rivers, and other natural sites as being imbued with “spiritual power.” These energy veins and vortexes, Earth’s ley lines, are making their way into the modern consciousness, and being studied in a scientific way for the first time in ages.

China calls them Dragon Lines, while the South Americans call them Spirit Lines. These lines on Earth are the energetic veins of the planet. Because Earth grid lines radiate subtle energy, it is not something that is yet directly detectable through modern instruments. The effect of these power places can be seen in the interactions that they have with human health, consciousness, and the way we traditionally determined the location of our sacred sites.

Some go even as far as to claim that the planet even has its own chakra system that follows a double helix grid through the continents and oceans of the planet.
Negative Ley Lines, also known as black lines, which are said to drain a person’s energy.

Black lines are unusual, in that they may not even occur in the form of lines at all. Sometimes found in curves, or localized areas, these energy points could correspond with the idea of negative orgone energy, as proposed by Wilhelm Reich; or the concept of the deadly energy, “sha”, put forth by practitioners of Feng Shui. Luckily, these points have not been found to be linked in a network, and should not be ruled out as a possibility if a great amount of usually healthy people begin to all experience health issues after spending time together in a concentrated space.
Ancient cultures may have been more connected than we give them credit for today, and it seems that there may be a lost, energetic technology at play that we may be overlooking in modern society.

Recalibrate your subtle energy with our Awaken the Mind meditation technology.

Nick Beckstead #elitist #mammon #psycho #racist salon.com

Beckstead is credited as one of the founders of longtermism because of his 2013 PhD dissertation titled "On the Overwhelming Importance of Shaping the Far Future," which longtermist Toby Ord describes as "one of the best texts on existential risk." Beckstead made the case therein that what matters more than anything else in the present is how our actions will influence the future in the coming "millions, billions, and trillions of years." How do we manage this? One way is to make sure that no existential risks occur that could foreclose our "vast and glorious" future among the heavens, with trillions of simulated people living in virtual realities. Another is to figure out ways of altering the trajectory of civilization's development: Even small changes could have ripple effects that, over millions, billions and trillions of years, add up to something significant.

One implication of Beckstead's view is that, to quote him, since "saving lives in poor countries may have significantly smaller ripple effects than saving and improving lives in rich countries, … it now seems more plausible to me that saving a life in a rich country is substantially more important than saving a life in a poor country, other things being equal."

Why would that be so, exactly? Because "richer countries have substantially more innovation, and their workers are much more economically productive."

@RFgoat #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #mammon gettr.com

#Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.

Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy #gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly #heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like #homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

The #Rockefellers and #Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are #depopulation and #totalitarian world government. Why?
Cruel Hoax - Feminism & New World Order

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.

"Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between #feminism, #Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our #heterosexuality

Unknown German Anon/Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amg-news.com

Translation from German to English with Deepl:

President Trump. Former President Trump. Current President Trump. What is happening now. He said a few days ago that the next 7 days will be remembered. 2 days earlier Elon Musk confirmed that the quantum internet would be available by the end of December.

The activation of the quantum internet will mean that the quantum financial system will also be used. According to Musk, this should happen by mid-December. The three … (could ned raushören, what he means with it. Around Sek. 50-53 rum) and the gigantic Pharma laboratories will start the black swan Event, with which everything else will begin.

Not only the revaluation of global currencies as well as the distribution of wealth and disclosure of 6000 cures but also the securing (restoration) of freedom will go along with it. These events will change the world forever. We are talking about the present period up to the end of December.
The Iraqi government was supposed to expose their international rates last Monday. The IMF required them not to do so. Now the Iraqi government released this yesterday. The international rate for the new dinar is $11.90.

The interesting thing about the new dinar is that it’s called the golden dinar. Since it is gold backed. The Kuwaiti government shares this currency. What is remarkable İst. On the one hand, this will give stability to the Midwest. For another, İrak has repaid Kuwait for the İnvasion by Saddam Hussein.
But not with the worthless dinar (did they undertake this repayment). They paid with the new gold-backed currency. Thus both countries are ready to forgive each other and to put the past aside. It should be mentioned here that the İran is behind this reconciliation.

Those of you who followed the currency as well as the currency basket know for the global revaluation of the currencies-not the Great Reset bullshit of the Rothschilds-the İrak had to be the first country. All others would follow

Stew Peters Network #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #mammon rumble.com

World Premiere: Died Suddenly

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts: https://link.goldco.com/DiedSuddenly


Prepare your family for famine and shortages by purchasing food through: https://heavensharvest.com/ Use Promocode STEW for great discounts.

Support anti-vax activism, free clinic care for the vaccine injured, and IGF1 for Men’s supplements visit: https://Vaccine-Police.com

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Mr New York Insider #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #ufo supersoldiertalk.com

FTX is a white hat operation. All the money was allowed to go to the democrats VIA FTX and Ukraine as it was a money laundering episode. 80% Ukraine money went to democrats and 5% republicans under the table with illegal means. Everyone who got funding will be getting jail time soon.

NESARA in 11 months – September 2023. We will get access to the prosperity programs around 2024-2025. Need to prove your program is appropriate. There will be a lot of frauds. Also, the way NEASAR funding will be distributed will be changing.

Federal Reserve is boarded up because we are switching over to new digital currency backed by silver. The FBI put the fence around it. They think people will start rebelling but most people won’t care.
FBI will be dismantled. They are
going to eliminate the people from the top when Trump goes in, in 2024. And there will be lots of wars at that time, lots of riots. But Trump is going to win, he’s going to have the DOJ rebuilt and the FBI dismantled from the top. Regular workers in the FBI won’t be affected, but the people at the top will be. He’ll get out of the Deep State. They know more and more about who they are and what their intentions are.
The original Biden is still alive but it appears he is in Gitmo. The ones portraying him are actors namely Arthur Roberts. The actors will be spending time in jail too. The Biden administration is a black hat operation. But it won’t last much longer Biden will be impeached before Christmas of this year when its proven trump should have been our president.
According to a CIA source time probes sent to 2025 all came back radiological. However, on this timeline nuclear war will not happen. Gods’ angels and positive ET are here watching over out timeline. But we are not clear yet we shifted to a zombie apocalypse timeline. This was all planned by Bill Gates, Soros, Rothschilds. Nothing has been done to reverse what is to come. 33% of double jabbed people will be turned into zombies.

Alex Maxwell #magick #quack #mammon wealthdnacode.com

Secret NASA experiment confirms 500 B.C. Chakra teachings:

Did you know that humans only use about 8% of their DNA?

In this short video, I’m going to tell you why that little-known fact is the key to making you insanely wealthy.

Because once you realize what's going on with the other 92% of your DNA…

You’ll understand that everything you’ve been taught about building wealth and making money has been dead wrong.

Because the truth about attracting wealth lies inside that “dormant” DNA…

The 92% of DNA that mainstream scientists used to refer to as “Junk DNA.”

But I can assure you that NONE of your DNA is “junk.”

And in this presentation, I’m going to share how a chance encounter with a rogue NASA scientist…

Allowed me to discover the existence of something we call “Wealth DNA”.

And this is actually part of the dormant DNA that makes up 92% of your being.

Which means the answer to your money problems isn’t some external solution you have to go searching for…

And once you “activate” this DNA inside you…

Money worries will be a thing of the past.

Giving you a life of true freedom and an unshakable sense of security.

No matter what your situation looks like right now.

Because what I’m going to share with you can work for ANY human being in existence.

And the best part is, once I show you how to activate your wealth DNA…

Money will flow into your life effortlessly.

And while I understand that probably SOUNDS too good to be true…

Just wait until I reveal the secret NASA experiment in this short video today.
Here’s how it works:

Simply click the button that’s below this video you're watching right now and place your order for the Wealth DNA Code.

Once you download the audio tracks to your cell phone or computer…

I want you to listen to the tracks every morning for 7 minutes straight.

And I want you to do this for the next 30 days in a row.

If you do this, there is no doubt in my mind…
That you will start seeing money appear in your life.
Original Price:
Now for only: $39

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #quack #mammon eraoflight.com

Working as a quantum healer for 25 years has given me a front-row seat in observing the extraordinary nature of energy. How it looks. How it operates. How it responds. One of the surprising, yet distinctive phenomenon I kept noticing in the quantum field is a type of informational template instructing the material plane.

After years of investigation within the complexities of quantum energy, I started perceiving the projected nature of our human reality. I began to realize the human brain was not the originator of mental cognition, but the receiver of data from the quantum field. The human mind operated like a quantum field computer that portrayed or projected external reality like a hologram.
When we shift into the quantum perspective of a universal holofield, the nature of physical reality becomes more mutable and malleable, less locked in. If we could access the information embedded in the holographic ‘label’, or template, or blueprint, then we could recode the holographic projection. We could change how wave-particles materialize in the physical plane. We would have the power to influence the future outcome.

In quantum physics, the clockwise spiral compresses energy into particles of matter that form the physical world in spacetime. When activating Metatron’s Cube, it will open and expand into a spinning anticlockwise Phi spiral, reversing time compression, forming the Quantum Vortex around the energy field. The accelerated spin momentum unlocks gravity and collapses the time barriers between the physical and non-physical worlds, expanding to quantum level. The Quantum Vortex is the cosmic tool that opens access to the encoded blueprint in the quantum holofield.

The possibilities are infinite! Imagine all those filament strings in every atom humming and vibrating to a new coherent frequency?

PS: If your circle of loved ones are new to Quantum Access®, please share this link so they can sign up for free download on how to activate the Quantum Vortex

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon grrrgraphics.com

I am one of those MAGA extremists. I believe in making America great again and that means the restoration of freedom. Especially freedom of speech.“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”Those words were spoken by Barry Goldwater. My dad took us kids to hear him speak in the open air somewhere near San Diego when Goldwater was running for president. I was only 7 years old at the time and I can’t remember much about it, but perhaps I heard him say those very words. I remember being against LBJ back then, but I didn’t know exactly why. It was my earliest exposure to politics.

Cartoon is Available as signed Print Click to order yours today

I know exactly why I’m against Joe Biden and the Democrats. They use lies and propaganda to distract us from the fact that they are actively destroying America. Their phrase ‘our democracy’ is used to cover up a great many outrages including out-of-control crime, wide open borders controlled by Mexican drug gangs, runaway inflation, the sexual mutilation of children, rampant homelessness, medical tyranny, a woke and weakened military, and even the dire threat of nuclear war. To the Democrats, ‘our democracy’ really means ‘our permanent power.’ Or ‘our socialism,’ or ‘our green globalism.’

Their democracy really means the continued destruction of America.

The bums currently in power need to be thrown out. The MAGA midterm volcano is angry and ready to erupt. Joe is fighting a voting volcano filled with anger, resentment, and outrage. He may denounce the volcano in his speeches, but he cannot stop the anti-Democrat Party eruption soon to come. Biden is not just demented—he’s also a liar, a pedophile, a criminal, and a traitor.

Biden is unfit for office. After the Republicans take Congress, their first order of business should be Joe’s impeachment.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The Left only hated Trump because they sensed that Conservatives made him a stand-in for Christ.

At the end of the day, the one thing the Death Cult is enraged and terrified by the thought of you doing is turning back to Jesus Christ.

Don’t keep Him waiting.

I wrote a military thriller series about a world where many people returned to Christ. That world also has giant robot fights.

Experience it now:

Judy Byington/SGAnon #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

The First Constitution of the United States of America Known as
The Articles of Confederation
Was Authored by Congress on Nov. 15 1777
President Trump Will Make a Special Announcement on Nov. 15 2022

Sabotage Threat:
Midterms Were Infiltrated
Trust the Plan
The initial plan from Space Force was to remove Biden in Jan. 2020 – but there were two nukes that were going to be un-leased on the American people if that happened.

Dates on the RV have been given that didn’t happen because of the need for Sting Operations to catch the Cabal.

2022 Election Fraud has been reported from all over the country.
NESARA was signed into law by Bill Clinton at gunpoint, but he refused to implement it, as did other presidents, until Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court sat on $16 trillion dollar slush fund to implement NESARA.

NESARA is a template for World Peace. It will completely remove the Cabal’s ability to rule over society.

On Feb. 4 2014 Trump signed an EO to implement NESARA.
The Trump Presidency was a legal coup against the Deep State.

The QFS will make corruption impossible – an extremely large portion of the wealth confiscated from the Deep State will be used in Humanitarian efforts.

JFK Jr. is alive.

Hillary Clinton died Dec. 31 2018 at 9:05 pm at GITMO Camp Delta. Trump witnessed the hanging.

Military Tribunals have taken place at the White House in Washington DC, Buckingham Palace in London, at GITMO and two other locations.

George W Bush has been executed – shortly after the funeral of his father.

Each of the cards at the Bush funeral contained a summons to Military Tribunals.

Michael Obama was a male.

The Obamas have been detained and saved for later Event.

Epstein is not dead yet.

Walmart has been bankrupted, with assets seized.

95% of the tunnel children have been rescued.

Med Beds are real and have been used on the rescued traumatized human trafficked children and their rescuers.

Ramona Lappin #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon eraoflight.com

Black and red box technologies have been fully removed and replaced by Diamond White Cosmic Tesseract schematic. Assisting Krystal Cathedral architecture which I’m being shown is helping us clear and reset the sacred sites and vortexes as well as connect them energetically directly to the Source flows and currents. They are also assisting the activation of the New Earth Diamond Grid, and building of the Krystal Cathedral Network, anchoring Cosmic Consciousness into the Grids and returning Natural Law.
I am being shown that we can place these Diamond White Tesseracts above our own homes or points in the Grids that we’re guided to, as they are supporting the Krystal Cathedral Network Activations and help ignite the new Diamond Grid and Blueprints, and building of the Golden and Crystalline Cities. They will also help anchor in pure Source Light into the Grids where you are locally and increase the amount of pure Divine Source flows you receive. Always remember that you can ask to lessen the amount of Light streaming in if it gets too much, or remove this if you feel guided to, for whatever reason.

Clear up of any remaining dark portals and black magic, black goo, AI from all sacred sites, also with help of the Diamond White Tesseracts.

Saturnian black cube Matrix has been fully removed and dissolved. Clearing all reversal violet rays and plasma light, which also clears the false violet ray spectrum.

Freeing us collectively of any remaining karmic debt fully. COMPLETING THE DEBT FORGIVENESS program, which restores our Abundance and now enables us to reclaim our ancestral blessings, gifts, and Divine inheritance.
These massive Frequencies keep rising, as we continue our ascend. It’s getting very loud, as the Music of the Spheres sings and harmonises ALL of Creation back to Perfection, igniting our DNA and New Edenic Realities, along with the Bliss, Edenic/ Paradisian, Divine Union and Love, Freedom and Abundance Codes, flooding us now with this UNITY PORTAL.

Steve Bekow #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #mammon goldenageofgaia.com

4/11/2022 = 22/11/11 + 22

Rumor is all we have to go on since the mainstream media will not be reporting current events.

I mean that in three senses: first in the sense that they suppress and deny the news for ideological reasons and second, that the plug will be pulled on them when the Alliance activates the emergency alert system (EAS). So there won’t be a cabal-controlled mainstream media.

Until now the cabal has laughed at us by urging their adherents to ask us for proof, knowing that proof has been labelled misinformation and disinformation, truth-tellers “deplatformed,” “cancelled,” or censored, and none of our proof looked at or reported on.

But, hey, this is war, isn’t it? And we know the tactics.

This is also a hidden war but we know the outcome.

We know that, looking at just ourselves for the moment, if we want to ascend, we will. (Ascension is inclusive, not exclusive.) We just have to get from here to there and we’ll be fine. We know we have galactic and celestial help in getting there. Finally we know that, as lightworkers, we are protected (except for lightworkers whose contract is to get in harm’s way).
NESARA, the Reval, the Prosperity Packages all will equip us as an army of citizens, humanitarian philanthropists, who will have the means and who’ll be looking for the redistribution channels.

Previously I worried about what I’d do with my funds. And then, in an email from Suzy Ward, Hatonn popped in and reassured me. Keep in mind that he’s not talking about the Reval flow, but about much larger flows of funds that a “pipeline” or “flowthrough” handles.


“This is Hatonn. You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available.

“St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you. It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture.”

Lothorian Magick #magick #mammon lothorianmagick.com

**RARE** SAMHAIN GATEWAY Portal Key Djinn Amulet of Wishes
This Haunted Samhain Gateway Portal Key Amulet is one that truly reaches into the deepest and most passionate realms of the Paranormal World. This powerful Ancient spell will invoke Spirits and Entities and call upon their great Power to bring you what you want and desire! Use this item to conjure and communicate with spiritual entities of all breeds. This item will heighten your psychic abilities and open your third eye, which are crucial factors in communicating with spirits. Gain Clairvoyance and Clairaudience! Witness the power of paranormal entities first hand! Communicate with friends and loved ones who have passed on. Find out the secrets and keys to the lost treasures of the world. Conjure wish-granting entities such as Djinn, Dragons, and Devatas! Gain Wealth, Power and Success! This Ancient spell has been used for thousands of years. It is a must for anyone who has paranormal items or spirits bound within their homes. The results will amaze you!
TOP LEVEL DJINN GENIE! This Phenomenal and Powerful Metaphysical Treasure is Cast and Conjured with 33 Ancient Illuminati Spells of Elite Power and Ability! You shall be amazed by the radiant Energy within this Vessel! This Sacred Item contains a 8,706 Year Old Entity of the Highest Class and Power! This Sacred Djinn/Genie is bound by No stipulations, meaning ALL Power and ALL Wishes shall be Granted! Enter into the Sacred Circle of Lothorian to receive our Sacred Magick bestowed upon us by Our Ancestors!
WARNING! The Powers of this sacred vessel are extremely Powerful and not for the weak! This item contains the Power of Centuries Old Magick, including Ancient Illuminati Rituals that have been used by the World's TOP Wealth and Royal Elite for Hundreds of Years. Our Magick Spells and Paranormal Artifacts are of the most powerful and sacred ritual practices in existence. This item is not to be taken lightly!

Raanra #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Hi Janine!

I Personally Very Much Agree with Your Assessment of Juan O’ Savin.

He is one of the Spokespersons of the Alliance, – an “Influencer,” – and He Says what the Alliance, – Particularly the EARTH-PEOPLE PART OF THE ALLIANCE (which I will Henceforth call “EARTH ALLIANCE”) Wants Us (and Sometimes also the “DEEP STATE REMNANTS”) to Believe, – *NOT* *NECESSARILY* THE TRUTH.


I Hope that Some Earth Alliance Informant Is Reading and Reporting On This, and that This HELPS to *CONVINCE* Them to *NOT* DRAG IT OUT ONCE MORE AGAIN, with the Midterms *BEING MADE* Into A “No Show” *BY THEM*, with Their Movie of “Everything Going to Hell” Further DRAGGING OUT, or Only Minimally Mitigated.

If They Do It *NOW*, I Will SUPPORT Them.

To Quote Q:


Well, I Made It VERY, VERY CLEAR, WHERE I “GO,” As The “ONE.”

So, do “WE GO ALL” THERE ???

Are YOU, – The EARTH ALLIANCE, – Going to Live Up to:




Brian Niemeier #ufo #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

One consequence of Death Cult projection is the phenomenon of everyone else having the Cultists’ number, while the Cultists maintain delusions about normal people that are 180 degrees from reality.


Death Cultists care more about aliens than their own kids. And, as frequent readers of this blog know, aliens are just demons. So the map makes all kinds of sense.

Now do you understand why these people always try to seize the moral high ground? On the inside, they know they’re guilty of sin – as we all are. But then they get up on the social media soapbox and say, “This sin is actually a great moral good, so I’m good, and anyone who disagrees with me is evil.” It’s a diabolical inversion. And letting those inversions stand serves no one but Satan.

But the sad fact is that normal people have been too paralyzed by our besetting sin of cowardice. We’ve let the Cultists claim the moral high ground so many times, they’ve succeeded at inverting public morals. That’s why we can’t let these inversions go unchallenged.

At the same time, we have to be careful. As a commenter said recently, the Cult only has to win once to degrade civilization. Well, they’ve won countless times. So they wield a lot of power. Arguing online to oWn tHe LiBz just gives them a villain in their perpetual morality play to throw tomatoes at. Don’t don the devil horns. Instead, undermine a Cultist’s attempt to hijack and subvert Christian morality – and it’s always Christian morality – by calling her bluff.

The Witch Test has been a spiritual battle-tested and proven method of pulling the rug out from under Death Cultists for years. Familiarize yourself with it. Learn to apply it correctly. And use it on every valid subject you come across.

You’ll find more detailed instructions in my #1 best selling book.

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