
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Socrates #racist #sexist vanguardnewsnetwork.com

When the White men argue, they each bring a basic argument to the table and then they make the argument. Simple and direct. Honest and forthright.

When Jews and women argue, they don’t bring any arguments to the table. Nope. None. Instead, they poke holes in your argument by constantly asking you stupid questions that push the debate off-course, until you finally give up and leave the room in disgust. Then, they think they have “won” the argument, when in fact, they haven’t won it. It’s a sneaky and underhanded way of arguing. Don’t waste time arguing with a Jew or a woman. You’ll waste precious hours of your life which could be spent hunting or fishing.

averagetohot & rainisthelife #sexist reddit.com

How to Never EVER Pay on a Date

Hi ladies.

This sub is in unanimous agreement that as women, we should never EVER have to pay on a date, and we should let the man take on that role. I've been dating for 4-5 years now pretty consistently, and I've had plenty of free meals and drinks since then.

Choose the Right Target
I'm a Becky (6-7) in my early-20s and I can get guys my age (25-28) who are my looksmatch to buy me free drinks and meals pretty consistently on dates at mid-high-end places. If I want to experience fine dining (a bill that costs like $200+), I date older men (30+) because they can afford it. I can pretty much get free meals every day if I wanted to and if I schedule correctly.

You need to choose men who have a good white collar jobs or they have their own business. I typically date men in the tech or finance field. They have the income to spend money on a date compared to a man who doesn't make much.


What If He Still Asks You to Pay?
The question remains though: how do you avoid paying if the man you're going out with asks you to split the bill? If you ever hear this from a man, I don't care how many dates you've been on, if it's the first or fifth date, simply tell him that you'll take care of the bill the next time you go out since you prefer taking turns since that's more romantic. Don't appear bitter. Smile as you say this and act feminine! Be sweet, confident, and show him that you desire him nonverbally. 99% of men won't insist that you pay the bill during that time.

Of course, there won't be another date. Delete him from the dating app and block his number. You don't need to say anything more to them. Don't feel guilty about blocking a cheap man. Just remember that men don't feel guilty about using women and playing with their emotions. It's only fair that we reserve the right to block cheap men who won't add value to our lives.

Don't Be Deceived by His Looks. He Should Still Pay.
It's easy to be confident in making a man who's below your league to pay for the bill every time you go out. But if you encounter a man who you find sexy and hot, you might be tempted to split the bill because you don't want to lose him or because you think that you're privileged to date such a hot guy. Stop. You might only think that the guy is above your league when he IS in your league and you're attractive too. (This is the case with me since I grew up as a plain Jane.) AND even if he's above your league, you still don't pay, comprende? You follow the advice I've give to you. He's a man and it's his role to be a provider. You have no business dating a man who dares to ask you to split the bill -- I don't care how hot he is or how good he makes you feel. Women need to date men who add something to their lives. I've dated a few guys who are above my league but they still didn't make me pay because they enjoyed being with me and it added value to their lives.

So Go Forth and Date...
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them below!

rainisthelife: Damn this post is fucking stellar 💯💯

And the number of triggered men crying about it makes it even sweeter. Keep telling the truth queen. Men are useless if they don’t have money.

Uglyme #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[It's Over] The reason why your mom keeps saying you're handsome

Your mom and your female relatives already know it's over for your ugly ass but they still tell you how handsome you are. Why? Cause they want you to keep trying so you can eventually take care of a (filthy and useless roastie whore) poor and abused single mother. It's a big complot, all women, even your mom, know that ugly men's final fate is to wageslave to death to maintain an old and wasted roasty with three kids from different dads. They are convinced that's the best we can get. So next time your mom tells you how handsome you are and that you will find a girl she's actually telling you this: "look, I know you're ugly and no girl is gonna be interested in you, but I need you to keep thinking you are and keep trying cause many of my friends' daughters are partying and fucking like crazy right now and they're gonna need an ugly idiot with a stable job when they decide to settle down, and that guy will be you" No woman thinks an ugly man has a good future, not even your mom.

TheIncelRepublic #sexist #wingnut #psycho incels.is

I fully support Sexual Communism and Marxism

"Just hire hookers for sex bro"

I will never lose my virginity to a hooker, ever. Why should I pay for something I should get for free?

Plus it is quite expensive for an hour and in half of the countries around the world, it is illegal. And I am too poor to afford a hooker where I live, so there is that.

Govt mandated wives/gfs or nothing, I need a woman to carry my children, cook my food, clean my home and please me when I am frustrated.

We have welfare programs to ensure that everyone can have food, water and shelter. People who are homeless are either have poor decisions or shit is terrible in their country or medical problems. Why can't we have govt assigned gfs/wives that will help meet my sexual needs that will keep me a happy and productive citizen?

Govt mandated gf/wives will be great because it helps boost morale of workers and increase GDP due to productivity. I would be a lot more happier if I came home to beautiful wife/gf after a long day of wageslaving. Also a good replacing population will provide more workers to the country so we don't need immigrants to bolster the lack of workers and also leads to national unity because the family being an intergral part of society.

To be eligible there will be a huge process, . The woman will get mandatory exercises to ensure she is optimal weight and fitness. And "Feminine science" classes to make sure she is a loyal and caretaker mother and gf/wife.

And there will be a matching system, for example, a 9/10 woman will be paired with a 1/10 man, to ensure that their offspring is equally attractive to others on a 5/10 scale, so inversely a 8/10 man will be paired with a 2/10 woman so that the offspring are 5/10 like everyone else in the next generation, and equal the playing field.

If you're not happy or have a complaint, males can send a replacement letter to the government and after consideration, they may replace or make you keep you current one.

"But what if your govt mandated gf/wife doesn't like you?"

Then teach her some special "Stockholm Syndrome Magic" and she will become your perfect gf/wife.

Edit: If the woman is too ugly she will not be assigned, all the attractive women are assigned first.

A Nazi By Any Other Name

would smell just as foul

ItaloCanuckz #sexist #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger reddit.com

[Comments under "'Unfruitful - She belongs to the church, she belongs to Satan. Both are lost to the German race.' 'Der Stuermer' caricature attacking nuns and flappers for not bearing children for the nation. Germany, July 1936."]




Imagine believing so little in women's autonomy that you try to force them into having kids that they don't want. Good thing no one still does that...

Women should have children. They shouldn't be forced to have children if they don't want to, but if they don't, they should be shunned from society. A women who doesn't have children is betraying both humanity and her race.

Says the guy innocently posting depictions of blood libel to r/art

Reply from ItaloCanuckz:

What's wrong with posting art painted by a world renowned artist on an art subreddit?

Also, the painting you are referring to depicts the martyrdom of Simon of Trent. Are you saying that a historically recorded event simply didn't happen?



Found the Nazi

Reply from ItaloCanuckz:

I'm actually an Anarcho Conservative with Fascist characteristics, but I can see the confusion so you are forgiven.

PM_ME_STRIPPERS, StormWind & Ellsworth #transphobia #psycho #sexist incels.is


[Serious] Trannies are weird and i would never fuck

It always pisses me the fuck off when I see some norman-scum suggest that Incels should think and give a chance towards dating transsexual/transgender "women" Seriously. Why the fuck would anyone of us do that? Honestly, I do wonder what goes through the Norman brain when they suggest such degenerate crap like that. Trannies are nothing more than a bunch of mentally ill men who are pretending to be femoids while actually being men. (and vice versa)Which means; they have dicks. Why in damnation would we, heterosexual men, want to get into relationship with another fucking man? We aren't gay in any fucking way. And, this notion still stands towards the trannies who have cut off their dicks. Only a deeply twisted, mentally ill creature would cut their fucking dicks off. Truly revolting.

You know, only in degenerate societies would this regressing behaviour be accepted. It truly shows how humanity have fallen and stopped progressing further when we welcome these creatures with open arms. These creatures should be admitted into mental wards because they are clearly suffering from gender dysphoria.


Normies are degenerates and are willing to sleep with a twink, gay, or tranny as long as it's attractive enough to them. They're fucking psychopaths. "Just fuck a mentally ill man with an hairy asshole bro!!" If someone suggests me this it will be a pathetic choice of words as that's the last thing they'll ever say to me. (In Terraria.)

Trannies need electrotherapy

A Bolt round in their heads (In the Astartes mini-series.)


Once again norm scum are wrong. Suggesting an incel get with a tranny is flawed because actual passable trannies are in just as high demand as real women. They want chad too. Sure maybe you could get an abomination like that one guy here got, but that’s just an ugly man in a wig and not at all passable. Normies like to run their mouth but have no idea what they’re talking about.

Golden #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Cuckoldry is getting more common in my country at a frightening rate

I remember that about 5-6 years ago or so, if a woman in a relationship were to hang out with a male friend often, she'd be shamed, such actions most certainly were not welcomed. 5 years of western social media influence later, and now "letting your girlfriend sleep with her best friend" is completely normal, sexual degeneracy is the epitome of civilization, and if you disagree, you are a narrowminded islamist bigot
I reckon in another 5 years, married women will start whoring around freely, claiming that they are expressing themselves, even now I see some cucks saying that their girlfriends sleeping around is fine as long as there's no emotional connection. Future is dark for us, all of us

values are fading away everywhere, even here in north africa and other muslim lands, the fact that degeneracy is getting worst in countries like ours is the ultimate prove of the decline of civilization and values.

It's only going to get worse

Where do you live? Even in America, actual cucking is looked down upon by most people.

Turkey, and actual cucking is looked down upon here aswell, but we are slowly getting there

Things will change and we'll go back to slut shaming whores again after more men get blackpilled.

I wholeheartedly hope so

If she’s got a “guy friend” and already has a boyfriend it was already over tbh.

Majority of the girls of my generation are like that

I just realized that the two guys with the most posts on this forum are both from turkey. Does this make u feel proud?

Not proud, it makes me feel hopeless, jfl at us, we are the incel central of the world

Letting your girlfriend sleep with her beat friend would be considered insane in the UK and I’m pretty sure our state is worse than Turkey, are you sure you’re not just taking cherrypicked articles to be the norm?

I didn't mean sleeping as in sexual intercourse, but sleeping on the same bed with a male friend, they claim that sleeping with one another doesn't have to be sexual

The Incel Decade #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Along with social media and dating apps, how much has globalization destroyed the dating market?

Social media taking off with Fuckbook and then Tinder and Instagram killed the dating market as hypergamy accelerated out of control.

But alongside that, the effects of globalization have had a big effect. Take an example. Rice and Curry women are now chasing mostly white men. Rice and Curry men have therefore seen Inceldom explode. Therefore these sex starved thirsty bluepilled men are going on white women's Onlyfans accounts and paying them money. They're going on Tinder and swiping every single woman on there, regardless of location. They're fighting over themselves to be part of a woman's harem. These things further accelerate Inceldom for more men due to extended hypergamy as women's options are limitless now from the billions of men on planet earth. Added to the mix the mass immigration to serve the global economy and the age of mass travel which has supplied again an endless supply of exotic Chad cock.

50 odd years ago when Boomers were in their 20s dating was pretty much restricted to their local community and it was one man to one woman and you didn't get many Incels. Boomers were the last generation to really get lucky and fucked it up for subsequent generations by pushing globalization and feminism to the extent that they did which has killed the dating market for sub 8 men.

Ap0calypse #sexist #quack #crackpot incels.is

there is something terribly wrong with the average human male

A month ago before the pp183 virus closed everything I was walking around campus and noticed that 90% of males gave off no masculine presence at all despite being grown up, their facial structure are like a childs. Their spine and reproductive organs may have grown into a masculine form, but they still retain their child skulls. They are not intimidating at all, your brain only registers males as sexual rivals when you see chadlites and chads, mostly due to their distinct skull shape

its like our puberty was incomplete, androgens are supposed to interact with your skull to give your jaw and brow ridge a masculine structure. You only see this to a noticeable extent in chadlites, or in to a extreme extent in true genetic chads.

I think we need to start treating males with hgh and testosterone during early puberty to trigger any remotely noticeable masculine skull growth, the average male is not developing normally. This will likely trigger balding in many males, but that is an issue for later.

There is no way this is normal

Saddam #sexist #crackpot incels.is

Daily reminder: There is literally nothing more destroying to your looks than male pattern balding

Why the fuck hasn't this been cured yet? Seriously, can someone give me an actual, good reason?

It's fucking DISGUSTING. It's REPULSIVE, and it can EASILY turn a 8/10 into a fucking 5. I'm NOT EXAGGERATING. Please fuck off with your "good looking people look good with or without hair" LMFAO NO. Not even close. Don't post fucking Jeremy Meeks or Jason Statham as examples either, because these are LITERALLY RARER THAN 1 IN A MILLION.

Even fucking LACHOWSKI man. WTF happened? He was BEAUTIFUL. Now he's barely past NW2, and it's OVER for him. He's just above average, and this was once literally one of the best looking guys on earth.

What the fuck is wrong with the world? The entire purpose of the medical and scientific community should be making youth last long as possible. Nothing else. FUCK moon landings, FUCK treatments to help 80 year old should-be-corpses stay alive. Life is YOUTH.

There is literally, literally no reason at all to look forward to getting old. It's just one of the most absurd copes there is. "Yeah, I can't wait to getting close to death". LMFAO. What the fuck is wrong with these people. Fuck everything.

MoggedManlet #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] OJ did it, cuz he was enraged by the blackpill realization

For us, the blackpilled, is obvious why OJ did it.

The day he found out his wife having sex with this Chad, was the moment he came to the bitter blackpill realization and killed them.

He was Tyrone, moneymaxed, statusmaxed, athletemaxed, family guy, betabuxing his whore. It was not enough for her, she still cheats with Chad.

That moment was a bitter and painful realization for him, it didn't matter how hard he tried, he'll never be a the level of a lazy Chad, that's why he couldn't control his rage.

House #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Being her first is EVERYTHING

For the sake of argument, let's say one day it happens -- boy meets post-wall girl in her late 20s and, God willing, she even likes him back! The two of you are considering to seriously date now. GREAT. But just so you know... your inexperienced ass will now be competing with her 10 fat and now balding Chadlite exe's stalking her on social media, constantly ringing her up, trying to get back together again by evoking good 'ol memories of that hot summer night they fucked 10 years ago.

These men might be past their prime, but will reserve a special place in her heart, not only because they were probably hot shit, but because sex with them was connected to important stages of her adolescence: popping her cheery at her 14th birthday party, making out with her during recess in the school restroom, sucking him of in the back of the bus on a field trip, banging that one hot bartender she met on her first summer vacation with her friends, dumping her high school sweetheart and 'going wild' in college ...

You don't know how normie relathionships work until you see them. They invest everything in their youth; dating as many people they can, springbreaks, partying, socializing. For a short period of time the drink-party-fuck cycle is so intense it almost looks they were subconsciously 'blackpilled' about their lives ending at 30. Once there there the upper-normie-chadlite has become yet another generic chubby numale who is now stalking the girls he dated at 16 on social media, and this will inevitably include your future girlfriend or wifey.

The girls who are still single by the time they're 30 have either had several serious relationships behind -- which means gigabytes of instagram vids and photos of happy summer adventures together. Or they traveled the world 'discovering themselves'. They will have the life experience of a 60 year old truck driver from Texas, while you spent your youth living like a Franciscan monk.

Legendarywristcel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Why foids dont achieve as much as men do

For most foids, a majority of their time in life is spent on deciding who they can spread their legs to. In their younger years, they spend all their time seeking out good looking men to fuck and feel validated. In their older years, they start seeking money and status.

It is precisely due to this strong programming and their inability to use the higher levels of their brain to overcome this that most foids are unable to achieve much.

streetlyte #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Proof that being ugly is a legal liability

We've all known and joked about forever that the difference between sexual harassment and flirting is whether or not the girl finds you attractive. It is a tragic reality that most normies refuse to acknowledge but they know deep down is 100% true.

Consider this scenario - pretend you are at a typical normie hangout spot. A bar, a party, a football game, whatever. There's a girl that you've been talking to and had a couple drinks with. You think it's going well and you're hitting it off so you make a bold, low-inhb move and full-palm grab her ass cheek. What happens next?

Your hand on her ass is an objective, inarguable event that just occurred, but something else is happening at the exact same time. It is 100% up to her SUBJECTIVE experience whether or not a crime was committed. Her subjective experience to your hand on her ass literally determines if you are a criminal or not.

If she liked it and/or likes you, no crime was committed. You are legally, and solely by her subjective experience, NOT a criminal. However if she didn't like it, you just committed sexual assault and now you ARE a criminal.

What determines if she liked it or not? Your looks. And being ugly means your chance of being a criminal are substantially higher, with the more attracted she is to you directly correlating to your likelihood of her pressing charges.

Even if she was the kind of girl that really doesn't want chads grabbing her ass (lol), do you really think she would report Chad to the police? She would at WORST tell him "hey not cool man," and stop talking to him.

But if she doesn't find you attractive? Congrats inkwell, you just committed sexual assault and your fate is completely in her hands.

TLDR women are a joke

Atavistic Autist #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] Feminists complain about being "parentified" as daughters -- that is, actually taught how to cook and clean, and take care of their siblings

It's funny because these are the only skills that are useful for females to know: nurturing children, preparing food, and maintaining a tidy nest despite their messy, hoarding tendencies (which otherwise lead them to buy tons of useless shit and be Shlomo's favorite consumer).

If they don't want these things to be so offset onto them during childhood, then why are they feminists who champion the entry of females into the workforce, which necessarily overburdens mothers and forces them, if not to hire nannies (a commodified caretaker), then make one out of their daughters?

And what of the fact that children are increasingly deprived of fathers, and many men are forced to be their own fathers in life if they even want a chance at turning out mentally healthy, and many women are compelled to foolishly project father figures onto psychopathic slayers on Tinder who just abuse them and make them insane? Is this what "ending the patriarchy" is supposed to be about?

misterbean9 #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

Incel Trait: Being Laughed at by Eastern European Immigrants

I went to hospital once and these fucking eastern european scum were laughing at me man, they all looked across and then at eachother and laughed, fucking hell. There were like 7 of them, fucking cunts. I HOPE THEY FUCKING DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE

This ever happen to you inkwells? Maybe I'm an outlier because I have a craniofacial deformity (underbite qutie bad) and look like I have a mild form of crouzons syndrome

which country

United Kingdom

Why didn’t you confront them? You don’t let some scum treat you like that.

Cause I'm high inhib from brain damage and years of bullying

most importantly , are you ethnic ?

No white but I look retarded. 800 years ago I could join teuotnics and rape all of them and murder them, but now what do I do? Allow them to laugh at me?

Were they men or sluts

mixture, looked like a friend or family group. my mother pretended nothing happened and said "they are foreign they laugh at everything." Fucking ignorant cunt. says people dont like me cause i'm not nice too LOL whilst having a betabuxx pay everything for her.

Just fight 1vs10 theory

it was pretty ridiculous, there were A LOT of them despite only one or two of them needing to see the doctor, and you can bet they were ALL taking up the seats.

i am an eastern european and I can prove people in east are fucking savages. music here is only about money and popularity and i was blackpilled before joining this site by seeing that all girls like chad music about having money and bitches. Including religious puritans, everyone loves that kind of music and culture.

Dota taught me this very well

Subhuman Currycel #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

I want to go to pre 2010 era so bad and live a normal life through my teenage years

Seriously, some people just cannot grasp HOW bad it is for Gen Z and young millennial's I sometimes want to cry because I feel like I would have had A CHANCE if I was born pre-tinder and online dating also pre-high speed internet pornography

My teenage years were also fucked for the most part with health problems.... only if they weren't fuarrk

I am gymceled and back then having a fit physique was worth so much more, nowadays people start gymceling at 13 and you find 15 year olds pinning test like how the fuck yo even compete with that?


Everytime I look at that graph I want to fucking ball my eyes out what the actual fuck.
Its even worse knowing that men lie about their sexual partners and inflate them and women lie down so that graph is probably 2x as worse than it looks.

Gymcelled & Steelcel #sexist incels.is


[RageFuel] Women have no idea how lonely average and ugly men can be

Jesus christ


how are people still virgins by like 16 when literally all you do as a teenager is fuck

foids loneliness = friends are busy and bf is at work

male loneliness = only human interaction they have is asking the cashier to buy cigarettes

Female loneliness = chad isn't around or he rejected me/pumped and dumped me

when foids can go out and fuck 100 times and be proud but we can't even get one fuck and get shamed for it

Don't forget being called entitled. Best part

Fuck this shit makes me angry tbh. They never shut up about bitching around and MuH tought it was normal teehee.

Their ignorance makes me angry.

This girl obviously doesn't realize that it's mostly girls losing their virginities to teen chads while teen incels and normies get scraps or nothing.

A lot of normies don't even seem to understand how much more sex chad gets. They do think that some people get laid more than others, but they don't think there's order of magnitudes separating them and chads.

A lot of normies think it's normal for women to give them starfish sex, to make tons of excuse to avoid sex, to treat sex as a reward/exchange for services/betabuxxing or a birthday thing. Tons of them think women just have extremely low sex drives. But with chads everything is different.

FinnCel #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Remember that while you post here...

Your looksmatch has dated multiple guys and gotten more dick than she can even count to.

Even if you have a chance to date her, she Will talk about her past relationships. She will call her ex when she's drunk.
And she will dream about getting together with her ex boyfriend.

You will never satisfy her in any way. She is disgusted by your inexperience and she will drain you from your resources until there is nothing left.

It's time to realize there is no reason to give anything back to this society.
Take what you can, burn the rest to the ground.
Don't recycle, because that would help future generations.
Do waste water so that future generations don't have clean water.

You aren't allowed to continue your bloodline so why are others entitled to force you to help them? Think about that

AccountError #sexist #psycho incels.is

Anyone who goes ER against society and the status quo is a hero

tbh ngl society is evil and it deserves everything it gets tbh ngl

especially if they were incel and down- trotted by soyciety

Why do you think 10 men at the same time would make it more major? I think if they were spread at ten different times randomly it would cause more of an impact. A virus that killed a few thousand people has the whole world on lockdown. Imagine if there were random ER's that happened with the goal of ending cuckdom and inceldom, normies would put an end to it in less than a week. Random people working on their own, or in small groups, can almost never be caught.

soulartemis #psycho #sexist fundie incels.is

[Soy] White male doctors who perform hymen reconstruction surgery on Muslim sluts are the worst kind of white knights

It’s not like this is cleft palate surgery. These Muslim sluts knew what they were getting into by fucking before marriage, and yet they didn’t care, and now they go crying for a second chance through hymen surgery to fake the virginity that they recklessly threw away.

I have no respect for the male doctors who perform hymen reconstruction surgery and disrespect Muslim culture by interfering in an important rite in the culture.

OldIncel #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] As a man your value is entirely based by how many women you've had sex with(hookers and fat whales don't count)

If you've had a lot of sex, you're a high value male. Everyone in society respects you, women respect you, even freaking children respect you more(proven by Elliot Rodger's manifest).

Not much sex? Only got laid a few times? Normie. Not high value but not super low neither. Just in the lower end average of value. Men can still respect you to some degree, women do not respect you at all, and children will rebel thinking that you're a loser.

Virgin past age 25? Absolutely low value. NOBODY respects you. Everyone knows you're a failure. Nobody wants to associate with you. You're the plague of society. Women would rather get beaten to death by a psychopathic killer than to even touch you. You are the absolute cancer of society and you must be put out of the public eye and nobody wants to even remember that you exist.

Obviously there's a spectrum that includes infinitely more possibilities than what I listed but those 3 tiers are the most common: Chad, normie(failed normie), or incel.

But ultimately your entire worth in this society is how many women you have shagged. Even vilified Harvey Weinstein is more valuable than incels because he's had sex.

curryZoomercoomer #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Rape isn't as big as deal as women make it to be.

These days whores will put out there body on Instagram, for like or sell only fans or make porn whatever. And most toilets have plenty f relationships and have hundreds of dicks squeezed inside there vagina, what makes a difference if another guy sticks his dick inside a woman vagina, and most of the time women lie about rape.

And most women orgasm during rape, so there probably just lying about not liking it, I mean most women like sticking stuff in there vagina so what makes a difference if some guy stick his dick in her looooooooooool. And a couple hundred years ago many ancient civilizations raped and pillaged woman, if the world was to go to complete anarchy I guarantee men would start raping women. Anyway im not condoning it it isnt just really a big deal anyway xD

Lv99_BixNood #sexist #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Why feminism fucked up Asia more than it fucked up the West

Asians are genetically feminine (short, neotenous, low T), but until their soyification after WW2 they always had a masculine driven culture that valued honor and strength. Now this warrior culture has been replaced by capitalism and foid worship. It's the same in the West, but whites are generally more biologically masculine than Asians so they can afford acting soy and still be somewhat attractive to women (obviously not true for incels, but for normies and Chads). That's also why whites can wear gay hairstyles like manbuns and still look attractive while an Asian with manbun just looks like an utter faggot.

tldr: Having a masculine culture was much more important for Asians than it was for whites because it balanced out their feminine traits.

IamJacksBrokenHeart #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Venting] another shitty poem kill me now thanks

Running away from the truth
is my favourite past time activity
bad vibe affinity
cant find the energy
to rise up , fight back
back-hand my enemies .
take back control
this Trash Life is killin me .

everyday's just the same shade of grey ,
can't escape , slowly driven insane by my fate ,
this ugly face in the mirror
makin me wanna rage
go insane and fucking cave in my brain .
its safe to say i lost my mind ,
24/7 caged in this jail .

becoming my own worst enemy ,
soul broken and deceived
so low and defeated
lonely times indeed
walking solo , tryna cope ,
on this road of broken dreams
but everywhere i go
the Rope keeps calling me .

Visions of loyal waifus in heaven
, hidden behind a thin veil
dont want to approach toilets
and serve a lifetime in jail
i tried and failed
my Life's still Hell
i cry in pain
feelin like my fights been in vain .

The only mission left
is to overcome my survival instinct
there is no happy ending
couple copes , then the rope ,
imma die an incel

Ultimatepassivecel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Hypocrisy] Woman say personality matters but never tell about their bf's personality whıle describeing him to other foids.

Ever see a woman talk about how her boyfriend is funny/gentle/protective etc ?
No,they show their bfs pictures and describe his body instead.Personalitymaxxing is bullshit and even ıf you success you can only talk to women without angry looks at best nothing else.

AccountError #sexist incels.is

[Based] Women were expected to STFU throughout all of history

Across the world, women were not permitted to speak without her husband's permission. The punishment ranged from gags, floggings and sometimes beheadings. We need to adopt this again, any foid who speaks without permission needs to be curtailed one way or another, this way, we will decrease the amount of low IQ shit being said. Everyone will also have a better hearing ability since your ears won't wont to close up hearing a roastie.

greenteaapplepie69 #sexist reddit.com

Stacies Appropriating Femceldom and Why we SHOULD Gatekeep

This is something i've wanted to talk about for ages, but never really had the right way to say it.

I know people are going to be offended because i'm going to defend gatekeeping- but after seeing the influx of stacies claiming to be femcels on various subs and seeking attention, i think you'll understand what I mean.

in this post i'm not just talking about the femcel community though- i'll also be talking about e-girls in general and how they attention-seek in various corners of the internet.

now i do have a problem with gatekeeping, because a lot of moids tend to assume women can't have hobbies without being attention whores. that's wrong.

and what i'm also going to say is "nOt AlL StACieS!!" - hot girls can genuinely be interested in gaming, politics, anime, etc; and not be attention seekers.

so with that out of the way, let's begin...

What do i mean by 'Attention Seeker'?

let's compare two stacies:

Stacy 1: likes gaming. talks about gaming on her twitter account. doesn't self identify as a "gamer girl" and base her personality on it, just plays games.

Stacy 2: "teehee i'm such a GAMER" - doesn't really talk about gaming, but uses it to kind of build her brand/identity on. this is hard to explain, but she uses it to attention seek/brag. it's like this artificial quirk that she bases her personality on to get attention. frequently posts thirst traps in gaming merch, feeds off of male thirst and attention. will use #gamergirl etc;

like i said this is kind of hard to explain and i haven't really been able to put a finger on it. something about certain e-girls just rubs me the wrong way. like just the way they talk with people makes it seem like they always have some kind of alterior motive to attention-seek.

it doesn't matter what subculture she's using for her own personal gain, she always acts the same.

these girls are in almost EVERY corner of the internet, and as soon as a subculture starts to take off, they latch onto is and use it for princess pointsTM.

these are the same types of girls who will appropriate femceldom

and before anyone asks- yes mentalcels are a thing, and yes BDD is a thing. but the difference is that mentalcels 99% of the time aren't confident enough to post pictures of themselves on a public forum and ask for people to rate them. (or risk doxxing for that matter.)

people who do this shit just have this vibe that we pick up on. look at the reactions to the femcel face reveals vs that girl who posted filtered selfies with makeup on. it's all about how you take the picture and how you act.

the femcel face reveals didn't have any makeup on, weren't from a flattering angle and didn't have filters. if someone adds filters they're not looking for advice, they're looking for an ego boost.

they want to be told they're pretty and so they call themselves ugly knowing that's how they'll get free compliments. it's so easy to do, because even a below average girl calling herself ugly will be showered in compliments. because people here are generally nice and don't want others to feel bad about themselves.

the Consequences of Appropriation

the consequence is that true femcels will feel alienated from our own community. people will start to associate femcels with insecure, humble bragging stacies. more stacies will appropriate the femcel label and infest the community with low-quality posts. we'd get more beckies too complaining about their boyfriends and 3 pimples.

femcels will be kicked out of our own communities (look at Vindicta for example.) if we don't actively gate-keep and keep downvoting attention-seeking posts. same goes for out-of touch posts from normies and beckies. there are some good normies here who actually get the pinkpill and are an important part of the community.

Gatekeeping is Based and Pinkpilled

Ultimately we do need gatekeeping. Stacies will think 'Femcel' is just another trendy internet subcultureTM to milk for male validation and e-fame. if we see them even start to appropriate femceldom, we need to be on that shit and disown them.

this is OUR little corner of the internet. the one place where ugly women can freely and openly talk about whatever the fuck they want to. and we're not gonna let Stacy take it from us.

BummerDrummer #sexist #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] "Therapy" is a big cucked joke

Imagine PAYING to TALK TO SOMEBODY because of how society has treated you. You are such a lonely piece of shit that society has crushed you now need to spend money to talk to somebody, and the person you're talking to isn't even your friend. It's all artificial. ESPECIALLY if its a female therapist, for she knows your issue and will not help you, but rather keep leeching your money (such is female nature).

They tell us that sex and relationships aren't human rights but then why would therapy need to be a thing if its not detrimental? Why would people waste their money if these things don't matter?

Talking to a female therapist specifically is GIGACUCKED. She knows why you are there, but she will continue feeding you lies. Lies and lies and lies to get more money from you. Male therapists do this too but in lower quantity.

Infact, you want proof therapy is a joke? Tell them this. "I want to hurt myself and others". Then you'll know how much of a joke it is when they snitch you out to the cops and you get put in a padded room mental home.

mNFwTJ3wz9 #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] Ted Kaczynski was ratted out by chadbro who was convinced to do so by a foid(wife).

Before his identity was known, the FBI used the case identifier UNABOM (University and Airline Bomber) to refer to his case, which resulted in the media naming him the "Unabomber". The FBI and Attorney General Janet Reno pushed for the publication of Industrial Society and Its Future, which led to a tip from Kaczynski's brother David, who recognized the writing style.

David's wife, Linda Patrik, first suspected Theodore and urged David to read the manifesto when it was published. David recognized Ted's writing style, and the criminal defense lawyer the couple hired notified authorities.

metabuxx #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] The reason why we deserve women and not Chads

Chads only know how to pump and dump holes. Their pea sized brains has an IQ of a toaster. They don't realize that they are fueling the exaggerated egos of holes by giving them constant validation. They are abusive, they constantly cheat on their partners and then leave them to rot with their babies.

On the other hand we know how to keep holes in their places. We know how to control them and create a well functioning society. Women don't deserve to be on the pedestal, they deserve to be beneath us, serving us. Simps and cucks have to be stopped. Chads have to be stopped. And only we can do it.

So when I say I'm entitled to holes, its not just because of my selfish needs. Its because I don't want to see a thousand year old glorious male dominated civilization burned down to ashes just because some cucked simp thought it would be nice to give women rights.

Ticcel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Your entire worth is based on a female’s appraisal of your DNA.

As a man, you a limited to one of two groups of men: those worthy of breeding, and those not worthy of breeding. I can’t think of a harsher critique of your overall person than that of being labeled “unbreedable”. You’re are basically dismissed as subhuman unworthy of propagating your own dna. You are essentially denied immortality; your genes should die with you and not continue to cicrculate through the population. Those who are selected, are immortal being of basically god-like status their existence is seen as important and desirable amongst females. Essentially, females decide who is God and immortal and who is a genetic dead end and a mortal. This is why I will never, ever befriend or speak to a foid unless it’s transactional and or necessary for my survival. It is CUCKED to talk, help, or interact with a foid in anyway that leaves you at the losing end of the exchange.

rightfulcel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Inceldom has nothing to do with natural selection

One Chad having a harem of women is not natural selection. Maybe with idk seals? But humans are social and intelligent creatures. So one Chad has harem of 10 females. 2 males could easily just kill the Chad and take all the females for themselves by throwing rocks or whatever the fuck at the Chad. Height means shit when you have access to spears etc. The Romans kicked the Gallic and Germanic peoples asses who were protein rich tall people and the Romans were grain fed manlets. The thing is Chad can have a harem right now because he is protected by the society he lives in who support female interest due to them being the majority of voters.

Once society collapses Chads harems will disappear simple as. There is a reason why there is 1 man born for every woman or so, no in fact there s more men born. This is because men are more valuable than women. You need men to do everything in society from defend it to do all the tasks, labour etc. Women are USLESS at this. Fact. If tribe a has 10 men and 100 women and tribe b has 50 men and 50 women tribe b will kick tribe a's ass and take all the women for themselves. Its very simple. Genghis Khan was a manlet and yet a percentage of the worlds population is descendent from him.

This thread is not cope, its objective. Lets see how long cultures that let Chads fuck all the women last ok? Lol

Uglyme #sexist incels.is

[Based] The only way an ugly man can keep his sanity is by hating all women period.

I found that I was more miserable in my bluepilled days when I had some appreciation for women. Whenever a woman was rude to me or discriminated me for my looks, I tried my best to think that it was just that woman who was mean and not all women were like that. I tried to convince myself that one day I'd find a girl who could look past my ugly Neanderthal features but it never happened.

That eventually led me to depression and alcoholism. I wondered, why is she so nice to him but so mean to me? why women talk to everyone at work except me? Little by little I realized it wasn't just that particular girl who hated me, it were all women. And it wasn't because of my personality it was because I'm ugly and women couldn't stand the sight of me.

Since then, I hate every single foid I see. It doesn't matter how nice they're towards other's, I still hate them, I wish every single fucking foid dies in the most painful way possible. And I feel better. Hate is so clear. Remember guys, if you have any hope that you will find a good foid, get rid off that impure thought. Theres no such thing as a good foid. Hope is a poison that will slowly kill you if you don't spit it out.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


[NSFW] [Blackpill] [SuicideFuel] [Atomic] [Supreme] [Nuclear] Heightpill and Dickpill

behold the power of genetics of a 18yo 7'3 guy with a big dick

this is his reddit account


As soon as he posts his height he has hundreds of thousands of women toilets from every corner of the internet lining up to crave for his cock

just read the comments


Date me Imao

If I had a dollar for every time someone said
"Date me Imao"..

read the comments in this thread at your own risk

ER did nothing wrong

Only slight comfort is that a lot of them seem to be gay guys. Although still one or two females though. Brutal dick-to-height-ratiopill for me personally though./quote]

they are indeed gays there was a guy here who posted his penis on that sub and he got only messaged by gays and 50yo roasties I think


This is why going ER as an ugly male is justified

(Operation Miranda)

So many warnings and i still didn't listen. Fuck this is brutal man makes you realize you are worth nothing but genetic trash


These things were put into the world just to remind us how subhuman we are. suifuel to the max

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [It's Over] Daily reminder that you will never experience that what nearly every man experiences

The truth is really that inceldom is not something very common, in fact, being a truecel forever is fairly rare. The majority of men will kiss and fuck and all that jazz. Yet you will never even get close to 1% of this as an incel, jfl time to rope boyos.

I've never been like "nearly every man" and I am unable to Change that. Also, I would rather rope than pay for sex in anyway, shape or form. I can kill and rape 99% of foids, that is part of my power as a man, I should never be obliged to pay for sex. I should be respected by foids solely for the fact that I am merciful enough not to use my natural Privilege of violence.

ColdLightOfDay #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Why IT are incapable of acknowledging racial inequality in the dating scene when they purport to have a dedication to social justice

If the racial inequality faced by ethnics in the dating scene was present in any other sphere of life; be it economic, legal or even something trivial like Hollywood representation, those at IT and other left leaning areas of discussion would have absolutely no problem in identifying and condemning it, yet they are resoundingly resistant to any evidence that supports the theory that inceldom can be caused by any biological or ‘hardware’ factors.

They maintain that the primary reason a man will struggle to find a relationship is rooted in his deportment, attitude or behaviour. In other terms, his ‘software’ factors.

(I myself am economically a traditional leftist, though I find much of the ‘new left’ to have lost it’s mind) I have come to realise why so many areas of the nominal ‘left’ cannot come to terms with the fact that ethnics suffer extreme discrimination in the dating world and it is down to the dualism of competing virtues.

The left wants to protect those it has identified as ‘victim groups,’ this is ostensibly a noble and virtuous cause to commit oneself to. The problem arises when the cause of inequality for one victim group stems from the attitudes or behaviour of another victim group. This sort-circuits the ability of the left to identify a perpetrator to blame for the victimisation of those within a victim group, and so they just end up ignoring the inequality all together as there is no ‘big bad’ to pin the blame on. They will do anything they can not to pin blame on a victim group, because they fear victimising them further, but this happens even if that group’s actions are victimising another group.

I notice this phenomena is very relevant in the UK right now, where grooming gangs of predominantly Pakistani men have been victimising young girls and the left have no idea how to respond. They can’t blame the attitudes of Pakistanis because they are a victim group themselves who have faced much oppression in the UK, so there is nowhere to inconsequentially impart blame, there has been a nationwide explosion of cases like this and many coverups because no one wants to discuss it for fear of further victimising Pakistanis.

The reason IT cannot admit that there is a bias against ethnic men in female sexual selection patterns is because females (of all races) are perceived to be a victim group in of themselves, so the fact that ethnic men are victim to these biases becomes obscured.

I openly admit that there are aspects of male psychology that are very unpleasant and cause major problems in society. Men have a greater propensity for violence, are more susceptible to anger and are more likely to commit crimes of most kinds because of a higher level of testosterone that pushes us take more risks.

IT and other left-leaning circles will openly embrace this because men are not deemed to be a victim group, so their psychology can be effectively scrutinised without fear that one is further victimising a victim group.

But there are unsavoury aspects to female psychology as well, and this includes an increased propensity for racial selectivity in sexual attraction. IT will never be able to recognise this due to a fear of victimising the already perceived victim group of women and so this unpleasant feature of their psychology will continuously be swept under the rug.

The most frustrating thing about this is that I don’t even blame women for this unavoidable feature of their psychological composition, it is unchosen and not a matter of volition, much like how no man would choose to be more beholden to fits of inordinate anger. I just wish it could be recognised as unpleasant in the same way it is not remotely taboo to point out that male psychology has unpleasant aspects to it as well.

TLDR: the reason IT can’t accept that ethnic men are inadvertent victims of a sexual selection process that inadvertently excludes them is because women are viewed as a victim group themselves and they are incapable of criticising a group they consider to already be victimised.

BITG #sexist incels.is

[Venting] I can’t believe there are guys that experience this stuff

This is in response to @Reddit_is_for_cucks’s chadfishing audio recordings. Absolutely utter suifuel. But I cannot believe that just a few mm of bones and things being more prominent and symmetrical on my face could have changed my entire fucking life. This should NOT be allowed. TAKE THEIR RIGHTS AWAY

No, seriously, multiple girls willing to share top tier men should be outlawed. We need to go back to how it was before rights were given to women. They have WAY to much freedom, especially in the sexual market place. Society will NOT be able to sustain itself like this. More and more men will become more and more lonely and unsatisfied. 2020 is the decade of MASSIVE male suicide’s (even more than currently jfl) and loneliness.

I hate simps and feminazi’s who suppress the black pill.

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] Empathy is a trait of sufferers

Foids, chads and normoids will never understand compassion because they never faced struggle. Chads can say fuck you to anyone and not feel bad in the slightest, but if that chad was always told to fuck off as a child, he wouldn't do it because he know how much it hurts. Suffering = wisdom and understanding tbh

This is why normoids are so fucking evil and selfish.

Yes, they have no humility. That's also why they are so sensitive to being insulted.
Tbh, getting my ass kicked online over the years has actually turned me into a better Person.
That's why self-deprecating Humor doesn't work with normies because they are all narcissists to a Degree.
They simply can't take attacks of their own ego.

Think About it, Society has created an entire sub-Group of self-deprecating People to be Entertainers and we just call them Comedians. That's how incapable the normalfaggot is of self-criticism.

It is another reason why I can't stand non- incel places
Normoids are the most self- centered piece of shit narcissists I've ever seen
It is always about them one way or another, never about anyone else

Yes, they just ping-pong stuff on you, its never really About you as a Person. Even when they praise you, they expect something in return. If a normie praises you and you don't react, they get pissed.
That's why I stopped trusting People early in my Teens, it is just pointless. There is no true altruism with them, they are Always selfish.
They cum in your face and then they expect you to smile jfl

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist incels.is

[Based] Incels.co is not the biggest source of Blackpills : Real Life Is

Incel tears claims that incels.co is what is fuelling the Blackpilled mindset and without .co we would all become bluepilled

I was offline (due to a technical fault in my neighbourhood ) for a week with 100% no internet and i saw many more Vicious and brutal Blackpills in real life than those i've seen on .co

Becky lites shameless talking about how they hate ugly guys (sub8)

Whilst churchmaxxing i overhead some JB foidlets complaining how strict their trad parents were and how their parents were severely restricting their movements effectively preventing them from sucking chads cock and riding the carousel

The blackpill is unassailable, self evident and irrefutable boyos - if all incel communities are shut down today - the blackpill will still remain, the blackpill is immortal

The only reason the blackpill exists is because it simply comes from our real life experiences.

Astrophysicist IQ

JFL i heard something similar a while ago
A foid was complaining that she wasn't able to date her white bf because her asian parents might not approve of it

Foids what to start sucking chads cock as early as possible ngl.
Imagine how tough (and cucked) it is to raise a daughter

UpsideDown #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] [Blackpill] I think that the beta uprising is already happening

Yep, that's right, i think that the beta uprising is already happening, just not in the way we thought it would, and i'll explain why.

With things like Redpill, MGTOW and Blackpill flooding the mainstream media, combined with most of the average and below-average males growing up in single mother's/divorced parent's homes, in a decadent economy, and getting basically nothing but disdain from women, a perfect storm is forming in the horizon. Although the uprising is silent for the most part, as we're basically invisible, the consequences of so many men dropping out of the dating market will bring consequences that will ripple trough generations, making our vengeance a long-lasting one.

Do you want to see an example? Look no further than Japan, with it's abyssal birth rate, miserable women and herbivore men, their silent "uprising" is making the country go into mayhem. Japan's economy haven't seen any substantial growth since the 90s, their population is aging and the government will have to accept migrants to replace the population and keep the country going.

Do you know what that means? Japan, a millenar country that sustained a shitload of wars and even nuclear bombs during it's lifespan, is being destroyed by a bunch of betas that simply do not comply with the rules, in the span of a few decades. With time, we will also turn the west for the worst, leaving lingering consequences, just by playing vidya, eating tendies and not contributing to shit.

TL;DR: The beta uprising is already going on just by men not marrying and contributing, and it will fuck up society for a long time

VirginAutistManlet #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Being incel has taught me EXTREME PATIENCE (hypothesis)

I use to never understand why all women (and some men) are in a rush, in debt, impulsive, bored easily, and it made me realize, its because they've always had their base needs such as water, food, shelter, affection, social acceptance, intimacy and sex have always been met, so they cannot handle not getting what they want right now.

When you go without some of these base needs for years and years, even decades, what does it do to you?

Your mind & body becomes accustom to never being able to get base needs, desire after desire, thought after thought, being blocked from intimacy, being blocked from affection, blocked from sex, everyday you crave it, you don't get it, weeks go on like this, months, years, decades, and eventually not getting those base needs met, your brain develops (in a torture-like brutal mental state destroying way) the ability to understand that you cannot get what you want, even if you crave it everyday, you become accustom to not being able to get what you want right now, for years and years. This is especially true if you never developed a drug, alcohol or prostitute habit.

I believe my life of inceldom is why I never developed the materialistic lifestyle, how can I care about those extra things, trinkets, gadgets, etc, when my base needs have never been met? If you're starving from lack of affection, intimacy, touch, etc - and craving it for your entire teens, 20s, and 30s, and still haven't got it, why would you care about materialistic shit? I believe for me I can't move onto materialism until I am getting base needs met in an intimate relationship with a female.

OldIncel #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] There is literally nothing wrong with hating foids.

Women despise men. They are pushing "toxic masculinity" message to emasculate men so they can gain more control in society. They do not give ONE SINGLE FUCK about us. They only care about Chad. The rest of us are cattle to them meant only for slavery and persecution. They do not empathize with 99% deaths in workplaces being men, they do not care about men dying overseas in wars, they do not care about men having sexless loser lives, they do not care about men. PERIOD. They will lie and manipulate you to gain resources while fucking Chad.

They are evil, heartless, ruthless, senseless, and void of any human emotions such as loyalty, love, compassion, etc.

They must be subjugated again. And it's only a matter of time. Men everywhere are waking up. Redpill and blackpill are spreading like wildfire. Feminism has been tried in the past and failed. It will fail again. It's only a mattER of time.

BlkPillPres #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Response To: "You're Not Entitled To Sex"

1. Nobody is entitled to anything

Entitlements are a figment of imagination, they exist only in the minds of humans, and function only within societies where they are allowed to function, and are facilitated (usually through tax collection to fund said "entitlement programmes")

Pension, welfare, clean water, education, nobody is really entitled to any of it if were being objective and honest.

2. Incels don't feel entitled to sex, they simply WANT sex

I keep seeing the "entitlement" argument repeated everywhere and it is literally just a strawman argument, propping up a stance so absurd that you can't help but be right being against it, heck even I agree with being against it, because its egotistical and illogical for anyone to think they literally DESERVE anything, a normies reasoning for being against it would likely be more emotionally based though, more like - "women are people too, this is so misogynistic, its so hurtful, etc, etc".

Are there a few incels actually going around saying and believing that they "deserve" sex and are entitled to it, yes, but those men are idiots, they are outliers, any logical person knows full well nobody "deserves" anything. Most incels adhere to the "black pill philosophy", and a key "tenant" of that is basing ones life choices and interpretation of observations, on cold hard logic, so I doubt most incels (or even 5% of incels) actually believe they DESERVE sex

Incels simply just want, just like every other human on this planet that wants, to try and paint incels as this collective of egotistical males, that all think they are entitled to sex (women's bodies) is a falsehood that is often peddled by the media and society at large.

You see because its much easier to simply create a false narrative that can be argued against, than to argue against the actual thing. Paint incels as malicious and egotistical instead of frustrated and suicidal, and its much easier to demonize incels and garner support against them.

3. Disenfranchised Males = Self Destructive Males

There's this african proverb that I think perfectly describes whats taking place between modern society and average/below average males.

"If the young are not initiated in the tribe, they will burn down the village just to feel its warmth."

Modern society is extremely sexualized, there is no escape from sex as a man in these times, which is why it feels like you're being trolled whenever people say the all too cliche phrase "sex isn't the most important thing in life", nice strawman argument, now simply wanting sex because its being shoved down your throat at every waking moment, is equal to thinking its the most important thing in the world. Statements like that are nothing but dismissive shaming and silencing tactics.

Sex is in the news papers, magazines, tv, movies, video games, its in advertisements, bill boards, the internet, etc. People need to try and understand how "dystopian" of a reality this would all seem to a man who is unable to acquire sex due to unrealistic and unfair female standards that only exist due to various societal changes that resulted from feminism. Its like a sick joke were forced to live through. Everyone is telling us to just "get over it" while ironically enjoying sex lives themselves and boasting/talking about it at every waking moment.

Imagine if you woke up and basically everyone on the planet had an expensive sports car, all you see are people around you driving it, everyone with a sports car gets treated differently than those who don't, they have higher social status, etc. For some reason you can't get one no matter how much you adhere to the advice suggested by sports car owners. Everytime you complain about the biased system that keeps you from getting one, someone tells you - "there are more important things in life than sports cars", they then later proceed to talk with their friends about all the awesome sports cars they drove, post about the current sports car they have leased, and make instagram and other media posts about how great their sports car driving life is and how great they are at driving sports cars.

Quite obviously these people are being disingenuous, they know your complaints are legitimate, they don't actually follow their own words and they glorify sports cars and ownership of it ad nauseum, really they just want people without sports cars to STFU and deal with it, live without having a sports car and stop ruining the experience for the rest of them. Its really fucked up but that is societys mindset towards men who can't get sex, they know that argument is BS, they know they are lying and sex is of the utmost importance to every human (its not the most important thing, but its really really up there on the list, some might argue 2nd or 3rd place). They only repeat this BS because its really just about shaming and silencing men for daring to make society even feel a tad bit guilty or responsible for our current state of being disenfranchised. They really just expect incels to "STFU and take one for the team".

Sex is clearly a vital part of every humans existence, a man doesn't even "become a man" in a sense within society until he has sex, in essence a lot of men have not undergone their "right of passage" to become part of the "tribe" that is modern human civilization.

This is why all of these mass shootings are taking place, its started to branch off into other things like the "Thot Audit", more and more things like this are going to keep happening until society finally acknowledges this problem and begins to make changes.

So as it stands we now have a significant and growing pool of sexually starved men, who due to this are angry, violent, irritable and suicidal, seriously how does society expect this to play out, the most dangerous animal is the one backed into a corner with nothing to lose, when someone doesn't care if they die, worse yet they want to die just so their sad existence can end, there is no reasoning with that person, they are on a "war path", you either kill them, give that person what they want, or you get out of their way as they proceed to claim what they want.

Society expects us not to burn the village down when it won't initiate us into the tribe, that's whats truly outrageous, not the violence of disenfranchised men, but the fact that society actually expects us to just remain docile and accept this reality that has been forced upon us.

4. Women aren't entitled to safety

People don't seem to understand the danger of looking the collective male populace in they eyes, and telling them they aren't entitled to something that not too long ago they would just taking by force as a norm.

Men reformed themselves and created societies with laws and codes of conduct because it benefited the collective, especially the collective male populace, this was the function of "patriarchal societies". To manage a safe and fair distribution of resources, and that includes sexual and reproductive resources.

Virginity was a prerequisite for a woman to be "marriage material" because men wanted to be sure that when they married a woman she would be less likely to cheat, as she'd be more likely to be satisfied sexually with her partner due to lack of "sexual experience". It also ensured that your investment would be worth it as you aren't footing the bill for "used goods", that may sound cruel but men have to basically invest a lot into a woman's very being, even more so today, get divorced once and half of your wealth goes to another person, and these days the women aren't even virgins, marriage is truly a raw deal in this modern era.

Marriage as an institution existed for various reasons, it was used to create familial ties, for political reasons, etc, but most importantly to give a sense of assurance to men that the children their wives gave birth do were indeed theirs (hence virginity being the key defining trait of "marriage material"), and they could pass down their name and wealth to their children.

For the same reason Female Promiscuity was shamed and led to social ostracization. Womens hypergamy had to be kept in check otherwise the relationship dynamics between men and women would fall apart and so would the "family unit" which is basically the "building block" of society.

Crimes like Rape were especially frowned upon because it made a woman unfit for marriage and ruined her entire life, it also went against the civility agreement between men who as a collective all wanted their respective women in their lives to be safe and remain "their women" and not be "tarnished" by another man.

I hope people get the point here, the purpose of these laws and societal norms were to ensure a code of conduct amongst men, so that we would as a collective agree to allow each other to pursue and court women in a safe and organized manner, unimpeded by other men in an "unfair" manner, we all had a fair chance. There was a "social contract" at play here.

In these modern times the social contract is no longer functioning, expecting men not to regress and go back to the days of rape and violence when the contract is no longer being enforced and/or adhered to, is what is truly outrageous, and not the acts themselves. Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either, they never were entitled to it and they never will be, it was a "provision" offered by men to women for co-operating with men to facilitate the social contract. The safety resided within the rule set of the social contract, which is no longer at play here, so a significant and increasing number of males are seeing no reason to function as "civil" men, there's no logical reason too, why be civil when you essentially are not even part of civilization, civility its no longer to our benefit. Women's actions have thrown the entire system out of order, and the violent responses of men today are retaliatory. Society is basically trying to make average/below average males into somewhat of a "slave class" that offers their labor and utility, contributes to society, all while being barred from enjoying a basic pleasure that all the female citizens get to enjoy despite contributing less and having to risk their lives less.

Ask yourself who are really the crazy ones, the men who go out committing acts of violence or "opt out" of society, or the society that expected these men not to do this, despite significantly ruining the quality of life for the collective male populace, and having the gall to ask them to keep up their end of the social contract and be "good little boys and contribute to society as upstanding citizens" :feelskek:. Are you fucking serious, no wonder men are opting out of society, no wonder men are going out on murder rampages.


There's no real motivation to bother trying, to be a "hard worker", to be "civilized", when your reward at the end of the day is to get married to used goods who is likely only settling for you because she's aged past her prime and has a ton of baggage, to top it off with no fault divorce laws she can easily just leave with half of your wealth, and modern society actually celebrates and endorses female promiscuity and cheating on men, so that great investment you made isn't even guaranteed to be solely yours to enjoy JFL. Men have literally no motivation to be "good people", anyone who thinks people should be "good" for the sake of "being good" is an illogical idiot that doesn't get how reality actually works.

In the bible there's heaven and hell, in human laws there are cash rewards for helping law enforcement with certain tasks, and there are fines and jail time for committing crimes or breaking minor laws.

GOOD AND EVIL CAN ONLY BE TRULY (OBJECTIVELY) DEFINED BY THE FACT THAT THERE ARE REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS ASSOCIATED RESPECTIVELY, that is how we truly distinguish a good act from a bad one, if we rely on subjective opinion based criteria then anyone and everyone is both right and wrong, good and bad, based on their own personal reasonings and whims. If the bible said that no matter what you do everyone goes to heaven, but "please still don't sin" nobody would give a fuck about the rules, most every Christian would be sinning without any restraint or repentance, rules mean nothing without a reward and punishment system in place.

To address another cliche statement - "where have all the good men gone", I ask "by what objective criteria are you ascribing the label "good" ". Reinstate a sufficient "rewards system" for males and you'll see all those men come running back.

IncelKing #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] [For IncelTears & Normies] The patriarchy was necessary for maintaining social order via equal distribution of sexual resources (SEXUAL COMMUNISM)

In caveman times where survival of the fittest was the norm, women had sexual preferences for tall men and men with robust, trauma-resistant skull-structure (square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area, hollow cheekbones), as these qualities were an indicator of strength and ability to protect one’s tribe from predators/other men. However, the men who possessed these traits only comprised roughly 20% of the male population, yet they were mating with 80% of women.

These genetically elite men (alphas) had harems of women while the genetically inferior men (betas) were left with scraps or nothing. The only way for beta men to mate was to form packs, kill an alpha and take his women for themselves (by force). It was during this time that rape and murder became part of male nature, an evolutionary mechanism which allowed weak men to bypass female sexual selection in order to pass on their genes by force, the same way it became female nature (through evolution) to select the most genetically elite men.

However, this system was one of total chaos and anarchy. Men were killing each other for sexual resources and women were raped. Men of the past, knowing that everything in life comes down to sex, realised that the only way to establish peace and order (where men were no longer being killed and women were no longer being raped) was to create a safe and fair distribution of sexual resources

You see, a society with 100 women and 1 man can still survive, as one man can impregnate all the women in a short span of time. Whereas, a society with 100 men and 1 woman is doomed (a woman can only give birth once every 9 months, and past a certain age she becomes infertile). The men of the past understood the fact that women held a monopoly power over sexual and reproductive resources (sex being the primary motivator of men, who are the creators and destroyers of the world) so the only way to “even the playing field” was to give men monopoly power over all other resources.

Therefore, women were not allowed to work or own property, thus creating a system where a man would provide a woman with house, clothing, food etc. IN EXCHANGE for access to her sexual/reproductive resources. By giving each sex monopoly power over their respective resources, a TRANSACTION of resources was able to take place between a man and woman. This took place on a SOCIETAL SCALE, thus giving birth to what we all know as THE PATRIARCHY

The patriarchy was essential for creating social order. You see, the patriarchy was a MERITOCRATIC, where instead of 1 man (alpha) having a harem of 4 women to himself while 3 beta males missed out, every man (irregardless of genetics) had claim to a woman BY MERIT of fulfilling his role in society as a productive member, hard worker and valued contributor.

Because each and every man had a woman to themselves, women were no longer raped (as each and every man was sexually satisfied) and men no longer felt the need to kill other men in order to gain access to women.


But many women weren’t happy to be married to an average/below average looking man, they all wanted a chance at being with a good-looking man, even if it meant sharing him with other women (which was preferable over having an average/unattractive man to themselves), so feminism was born, a movement which would enable women to get what they truly want (genetically superior men).

The greatest mistake of the men of the past wasn’t giving women the right to education or even the right to vote, it was giving women the right to work and own property, because this meant women were no longer dependant on a man’s resources for survival, once again allowing them to revert back to their nature of having sex/reproducing with the most genetically elite men, while genetically inferior men “miss out”. SEXUAL COMMUNISM WAS ABOLISHED WHILE SEXUAL CAPITALISM WAS IMPLEMENTED IN ITS PLACE, a ‘free for all’ system which gave the upper hand to the genetically elite (the bourgeoise class) at the expense of the genetically inferior (proletariat class).

However, everything comes at a cost, in order for one group to “gain” something, another group must be at a “loss”, such is the nature of the world where resources are limited. Rape and murder were at their lowest during the patriarchy, yet ever since feminism changed the structure of society, the rates of rape and murder have once again increased as average/unattractive men who were previously sexually satiated during patriarchal times have been left sexually unsatisfied in the modern era, hence lashing out at a society which they consider to be against their personal interests.

But women only care about getting what they want, even if it comes at the cost of the greater good of society. As far as women are concerned, the current system we're living in is the perfect one and that the rise in violence in society is just "collateral damage."

High IQ post.

IT won't touch this

No, they wont, they only ever share low IQ posts from this forum onto their sub-reddit. Thats why i wish there were less low IQ posts on the forum, because the only thing low IQ posters are doing is providing IncelTears with the material they need to misrepresent the entire forum as being full of low IQ retards so that nobody takes us seriously (which means the few high IQ and knowledgeable posters here are never able to spread the blackpill to normies).

I think feminism might of had some progressive aspects to it but this aspect was aborted by the female strategy you mention is the root cause of feminism .

Women consider serving their husband and children in return for food, clothing, shelter and all their needs being accommodated for, as being "enslaved," but they don't consider being a wageslave for government and corporations (in order to accomodate those same needs) as "slavery", which makes me think that feminism was never about female empowerment but about liberating themselves from being married to those evil, unattractive men who kept women in concentration camps known as "homes", enabling them to chase Chad dick and have their fill while society foots the bill.

Women are enjoying this new system which has given them so much freedom, although its not women (but society rather) which is paying the price of increased violence and social instability.

thespanishcel & Arthur Copenhauer #sexist incels.is


Incel trait: Autistic rage when you see news of foid teacher fucking male student

-Foid reaction: If he was hot I would do the same teehee
-Chad reaction: This happened to me too
-Normie reaction: Nice lol I wish that was me in middle or high school some guys are lucky
-Soyboy reaction: Yasssss queen so empowering age is just a number don't let society blame you
-Incel reaction: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I wanna die why is the world so unfair

(Arthur Copenhauer)

The reaction is different to male and female predators because of the ingrained societal perception that females are always under threat from male aggression, and that males cannot truly be victims to women. The hilarious irony of this, is that to have these differing reactions, the underlying implication is that males are inherently superior to females, and nothing females can do to males can truly harm them. While females are so pathetic and fragile that any male "aggression" will destroy their lives.

In other words, every NPC who freaks out about a male predator and doesn't care about a female predator, deep-down accepts that males are inherently superior.

OldIncel #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] [Foid Trait] Lying compulsively to incels and trying to bluepill them even if it harms them and gets them no success

I fooled around on r/incelexit for a while and got a bunch of bluepilled advice on how to "exit inceldom".

Here's some of the advice I got:

"Girls don't care if you're a 28 year old virgin! I met my bf when he was 15 and he was still a virgin! I didn't care at the time!" I got multiple replies like this and women assured me that it wasn't "a big deal" and they even said, "sex is only a SMALL COMPONENT OF A RELATIONSHIP" JFL. BULLSHIT. Women literally love sex just as much as we do but only with Chad. BULLSHIT BULLSHIT

"You need to drop that toxic mentality and develop your interests. Girls like men who are interested in things so if you go and do stuff, you will find love!" Basically told me to go join clubs at my university and talk to people. JFL. When I tried to explain that nobody was interested in talking to me, they said "WHOA YOU MUST HAVE BAD PERSONALITY." Then I explained that I'm literally the opposite of my internet persona. I'm a quiet dude who doesn't say much and I'm really high inhib. They then said, "Nothing with being shy!!!111 You're just an asshole!" BULLSHIT BULLSHIT

"Women are afraid of big dicks! I'm serious! Anything above 6 inches is like wayy too big!" This particular foid linked me to a thread with comments of women talking about how afraid they were of big penises. JFL. This was one of the worst lies there because the dick pill is real and it is brutal. She kept on insisting that women are afraid of big dicks and that big dicks can be "too painful" etc. etc. bullshit. bullshit. bullshit.

And obviously I got the lies of, "Looks don't matter." etc. etc. bullshit BULLSHIT BULLSHIT

And a bunch of them recommended that I go to a therapist JFL

Why do women lie so much? Can't they just tell me that I'm an ugly loser instead of infusing my head full of BULLSHIT BLUEPILLED SHIT?

AccountError #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] The Nice Guy stereotype

A nice guy is basically a man who acts nice but is secretly misogynistic and an asshole underneath his facade, this is a low IQ definition and widely accepted one. Foids love using this strawman when an ugly male approaches them, they say that he must secretly be evil as a way to not get shamed for rejecting a genuinely nice person, they say nice guys aren't truly nice because they expect something in return.

Normoids and foids often say that being nice is the bare minimum to a relationship like jfl. To sub 8 males, kindness is not the bare minimum, we often go through entire years without receiving a single act of kindness, infact most men treasure acts of kindness for mad time. Nice guys are nice because it is a projection of how they want to be treated back; nicely. How fucking hard can it be before foids to grasp that not everyone in life has it as easy as them?

And for the few nice guys who turn into assholes after being rejected, it's not that they were always assholes, it is a coping mechanism. They wanted to be with you so much that when they got rejected, they had to be mean and belittle you so it doesn't hurt as much jfl.

Fuck the Nice Guy shit, foids and normoids love it as it allows them to gaslight men and bully them even more.

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