
Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Black and Hispanic Americans See Their Origins as Central to Who They Are

(jim mack)
This is the coming perfect storm of Whites being too comfortable, soft and squishy
Along with 'minorities' constantly pushing the envelope in their ever-expanding scam
While our liberal whites have indoctrinated our children for decades

It should be interesting but ruinous

Actually being black is not central to black people's identity as you kind of alluded to. It's scamming people and keeping everyone else on their heels, so as not to question their behavior, and penchant for crime. Who donates their money to those hellholes of Africa? Mostly whites. Blacks could care less about anything African - most want to live in white neighborhoods, go to mostly whites schools, and complain about it at the same time.

The Great Replacement has many veiled attacks, this being one of them.

Third world people who have accomplished nothing think more of their races than the whites that built civilization think of theirs. Decades of self hating brainwashing through Hollywood, the media and academia did its job.


What else are blacks and Hispanics going to talk about?

Their inventions, wonderful neighborhoods, idyllic families, ad nauseam?

Notices they left Asians out of this. While Asians are aware of their background, they don't dwell on it and are usually too busy accomplishing things to bother with it.

(Lawrence Drake)
Attacks on whites will increase white racial consciousness along with the indefensible double standard that in-group preferences must be encouraged for non-whites but suppressed for whites. The truth about race differences is a way of defending the white race against blood libel.

Wasp #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

This is 100% true and I wish we did the same, but in fact we do not. Actually, it is those of us who are of "Anglo" heritage who are the least likely to be into these issues, unfortunately. Italians are strongly also identified with their origin, as are Greeks. We do not. Interesting thing about hispanics: Spaniards themselves are very UNLIKELY to feel proud of their heritage too. In places like Argentina, there are areas known as the "Italian" neighborhood or zone, but you never hear of a "Spaniard" neighborhood in Latin America. Here in the US, you get places like Little Italy, or Little Greece and you never really get "Little Spain" and that may be due to the fact that many Spaniards identify more with their region than with their "state". So in that sense they are similar to the British.

Speaking personally, I am a rarity because to me racial origins are also CENTRAL to who I am and how I perceive myself. I strongly believe in rationalism and a strong dose of racial determinism. No, I do not believe race determines your morals or how you act in every single situation, but to deny the reality of genetics is absolutely insulting. A horse is a horse, whether it is born in China or the Patagonia. Our "tics", habits, and instincts when it comes to certain cultural aspects are handed down by family, which is the result of genes. No man is an island. We are born into a family, we have genes and, we have a race. The lucky among us can identify with ONE race or origin, we are not "all mixed" as some clowns today say. And we are not "All immigrants" as so many stupid and ignorant people claim.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

There is trouble in the progressive ranks. The woke are increasingly angry with President Biden because of Israel and Palestine.

The split within the Democratic Party over Israel will be more important than the supposed division within the Republican Party over the January 6 protests. The Coalition of the Fringes could fracture over whether Israelis are white.

Neither the GOP nor the Democratic party care much about America’s national interests. Both sides seem far more passionate about who wins a tribal war in the Middle East than they do about America First.

Here’s a sighting of the American paradox. Was America built around white nationalism or racial equality?


Apartheid states aren’t democracies.


The voices like @AOC truly represent America and the foundation of the country and the values which were once part of it.

The position here is that America was built on egalitarianism. However, didn’t racist Anglo-Saxons create America and her institutions?

This tweet is from a member of Congress.


There's a Black maternal health crisis going on in our country, Ted. We die at 3X the rate of white people during childbirth. Our children die more often during childbirth.

There’s no real evidence that “racism” kills black infants. White infants die more often than Hispanic infants, in what the Huffington Post caused the “Latino Health Paradox.” Race realists know there is no paradox. Races are different and this has consequences. However, since we can’t admit this, we get absurd theories about white racism.

Various Commenters #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Nearly One Year After George Floyd’s Murder, Black and White Americans Have Very Different Views on Race


61% of Black Americans reported often or sometimes experiencing discrimination, while 84% of white respondents said they had rarely or never experienced it.

The difference is blacks wallow in victimhood and White people are getting sick, tired and fed up with it.

I wish you were right. But many Whites feel guilty.

Let us be blunt. Both Blacks, Whites, different factions, all their views on race is wrong. Totally crazy wrong like Biden and the SJW, or somewhat wrong on Fox. And we are the only ones that are right, let us say that openly. We respect science and statistics. Only us. All others are busy solving imaginary problems, falsifying crime statistics, misinforming the public, etc


more than half of respondents predicted that race relations would be better for future generations than they are now

That must be the white-nationalist cohort confidently expecting the establishment of separate ethnostates.

(Matthew D. Cragg)
On what basis would they believe race relations will improve in the future?

Blacks need more "gibs me dat" and lots of high paying jobs to sit in front of a computer all day long, not doing actual work, but looking at porn.

I was referring to whites. On what basis could they believe race relations will improve. I'm guessing perpetual naiveté, white savior complex, pathological altruism, etc.

How about ignorance and self-loathing.

Hence my interest in eugenics. If we could incentivize breeding patterns that will run these traits out of the pool we would seemingly build better societies.

None #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

Black people when they are annoyed, riot.

White people, when we are annoyed form sniper kill squads and make it clear no such thing as a "police officer" is allowed to exist and if they show up, they get pfft, pffft, and no one saw nothing.

If we are REALLY annoyed, trucks full of chemicals start blowing up.

Notice Antifa. No one of any merit in Antifa is other than White. These are the people locking police in their headquarters and then setting fire to it. They haven't quite perfected what they are doing, but I'd like to point out that this was not happening until White people got involved.

Biden better rethink what he is doing or he is likely to just take his medication and discover his White doctor is a patriot.

Notice how frantic they were to try and reframe some hijinks by a few pissed off Trump supporters as high treason and how this did not in any way work.

They were terrified. As well they should be.

White cannot be replaced by anyone, especially blacks. What happens when this reaches a critical threshold is collapse.

After it happens, all things will revert to local politics ONLY. No one will be allowed to move. Blacks will be shot on sight while anyone with high IQ or skills might be welcomed.

A post collapse America, is our near future, not a "democracy" run by non-whites to their benefit only.

Most cities are going to burn and be barricaded to prevent refugees. If you want to live there, like all opportunities, whites excel. Be a warlord. Show the local blacks you can lead them to slaughter and cannibalize their neighbors and you will be king of the trasheap. Understand, once upon a time, white people did do this occassionally....especially once non-whites got a taste for drugs.

None #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

You should wake up about some facts about the birds and the beads. First of all, all women prefer a relationship where they are kept on a leash like a pet.

All women are batshit insane, which is one of the reasons why they prefer to be kept as pets rather than try to do things like men and just fail.

Most women are miserable because they are NOT being kept on leashes.

A few deluded men with power have passed laws that make it dangerous to play out this dynamic, hence it has largely vanished. Thanks men. You will hang for in a few months as the nation collapses.

90% of the world has no such laws and women and men freely interact this way. If we stabilize enough that post Covid travel is possible, go practice. After a dozen or more hot women for less than $100, you will get this. Men always pay. But we set the price and its always low. The going rate in the world btw is $20 on average but if you are going to partake, go premium. You are White after all.

Post collapse America, women will be only too happy to be your pet to the extent you can take care of them.

Or they will die.

We are on the road to fascism. The only question is whether it will be a Latino dictatorship, like Venezuela, or an African one, like Zimbabwe.

Don't be absurd. Spanish speaking people slaughter black people wherever we go.

Soon, you will be told what to do. Which is nothing more than you should have done 200 years ago.

The problem here is you White people want Communism. You might want to examine how Spanish speaking countries that are not Venezuela deal with that.

The part that should really frighten you is our blue eyes and blond hair. You left something behind and now you need it back.

None #crackpot #psycho #racist amren.com

The Asians will take over, use Hispanics as labor and they will be not nice to blacks nor do they care about American Indian Tribes.

There is no such thing as an "asian". You probably mean Chinese. Yeah there is no such thing as a "Chinese".

You see you think China is like the US where you go anywhere and people are largely the same. In China, a person from one part does not even speak the same language and is hardly discriminated against by other parts. At best they get to be used as slave labor. But most are just taking up space and starving. China was literally starving until Nixon decided to make them our pets.

Which is happening again. Without international trade, they are doomed.

This is something Whites do not get. No matter how bad things are here, they are severely mitigated by White superiority. Everywhere else, they are starving to death.

So called hispanics btw, should frighten you. You have been lead into a delusion where you thing Spanish speaking means those scum who cross the border to pick apples. Spanish speaking countries have Whites, Blacks and Indians and none of them get along. The White people are the same in all ways to your average white person except for one thing.

We are ultranationalists. If we were in charge, we would kill every black person in the US within weeks. And here is something to keep you up late at night. You can't tell who we are. Many of the current generation do not even speak Spanish.

In my opinion, we've been holding your backbones for you for the day you want them back.

Edward in PA #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Tensions Among Democrats Grow Over Israel as the Left Defends Palestinians

"If you support Black Lives Matter, it was not a difficult leap to saying Palestinian lives matter, too."

This could be all the impetus needed for Jewish voters to kiss the Democratic party goodbye.

I doubt it. The Jewish left is too powerful (and generally atheistic) and the majority Reform element tends to be lib wishy washy.

Most Jews see the writing on the wall. The Democratic Party has been infested to the point of plague with legions of radical leftist/anarchists who hate America, hate Israel, hates Jews, hate the idea of a traditional White, European country in the Western Tradition. And the non-White, White hating component of the "woke" wing is growing all the time.

More and more Jewish people have been giving serious consideration to and appreciation of the right side of the political spectrum -- where they belong. They realize that all their boo-hooing over the plight of Blacks and others has resulted in nothing but contempt and treachery. And that for all the effort expended, the Black man is still firmly entrenched at the bottom of the pile.

We don't have to love our enemies.

My whole life I've never viewed myself as any thing other than a White man. When, later in life, I heard Jew haters with their cockamamie histories and paranoia and their bizarre racial fantasies and concoctions classify us as some lower form of life, I was somewhat taken aback.

I'm half jewish. Blacks and other non-whites always bullied me for being "whites", never the jewish part.

Take heart. In my experience, Blacks are the most hate filled, racist people I've ever met. Their anti-White race hatred is endemic.

CTON #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: ‘Anti-White Watch’ Is the Racist Answer to Surging Hate Crimes

Can't have White Americans being pro white and actively and aggressively fighting against their genocide, can we?

Because hate crimes against Whites are not really hate crimes. Let the gaslighting of genocide roll on!

I had a liberal laugh at the idea of white genocide, but then told me he was glad South African Whites were getting killed. I said, "Wait, you just denied whites were being genocided, but now you're glorifying it?" God, I test white liberals with a passion!

What, the left thought that white people wouldn't respond in kind? Every action has consequences, and it's time for people of color to realize that. They're not the only ones utilizing 'social justice wars.'

I wish White Americans would respond as they did to the Tulsa Riots or the Zoot Suit Riots or how we dealt with our Indian problem 100 years ago.

I live in the Tulsa region. It is incessant coverage leading up to the one hundred year anniversary of the riot (now everyone must say Tulsa Race Massacre.) It is insufferable.

Background: A black man was accused of raping a white woman. When white and black men met outside the courthouse to protest, the blacks came with guns and one of them opened fire on the white guys. THAT is what set off the riot. The white guys really didn't give a rip if the blacks were wealthy or not. If whites were so oppressive, even back then, why would they even allow blacks to get wealthy? Furthermore, it shows that blacks actually did better UNDER segregation (they had businesses, schools, 2-parent families, etc) Their neighborhoods weren't perfect, there was crime there, yes, but not nearly as bad as today.

Robbie Cheney #conspiracy #quack #racist amren.com

We know for facts that: 1. Most people who were listed on the death certificates as dying from COVID actually passed away from co-morbidities and/or other causes. 2. We also know most people who were listed as having died from COVID were actually killed by the unsound treatments they received. Therefore, they were actually 'euthanized'.

Thinking organized 'euthanizing' began here in America well over a century ago, at about the same time certain 'immigrant doctors' began arriving from eastern europe after the civil war here in America. Now, look at the deaths and other issues being caused by the so-called COVID 'vaccines'.

82 was the average age of a "Covid" death in Britain, and I'm sure it was pretty similar in the United States. It was mainly people already living on borrowed time and Covid was just a modest ailment which finally did them in.

I read where the authorities in North America and Europe followed the same corrupt WHO guidelines. Many elderly people for sure and the vast majority had co-morbidities that were the primary killer.

PCR tests have always been completely unreliable. Many people killed in traffic deaths: COVID. Murdered by gunfire: COVID. Fell off of building during a construction accident: COVID and so forth. Completely insane here in North America.

M&S #racist #wingnut amren.com

White liberals who faced a sudden influx of highly educated white conservatives with mean IQs of 103 and twice the college degrees, coming out of Europe, would suddenly feel very 'oppressed'.

Trump should have pushed his 'not sending their best' truth as an excuse to return to pro-white immigration which would put white democrats into high competition with Europeans who had them aced for technical qualifications and were willing to have kids.

This is about cowing the enemy by making it clear that if they turn race traitor, we will simply replace them with high function whites who are considerably less long-term stupid about being pro-white as a function of maintaining demographic dominance.

Despite the evidence of Burn Loot Murder's 'summer of pillage/plunder' 2020, white liberals refuse to acknowledge that undermining whites to is going to end, very badly, for them as they are hunted down as the dominant population fraction falls away from their control. But a president who changed immigration back to white preferential sourcing could so disrupt their own controls as the new group demanded power for themselves and gave loyalty and fertility to get it.

And even if it is now impossible, it would not be in a SEPARATED AND SECESSIONIST country where states brought in as many immigrants as they needed, provided they were all white. The massive difference in economic power from that would make any residual state run by POCs incredibly obvious for the racial sinkhole it was. Which would end forever any questions over 'white supremacy' under a Heck Yeah!, banner.

We are fighting this war entirely wrongly. We need to make the opinion inarguable as a function of example: white states do better because whites in fact ARE SUPERIOR.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: 11-Year-Old, 17-Year-Old Arrested in Attack, Robbery of Older Asian Man in San Leandro


Sources tell ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim, the 11-year-old boy has an extensive criminal history.

There is no point in trying to rehabilitate someone like that. He should be sentenced to decades of hard labor until he is too old to be dangerous.

(Goton Telander)
That is inhumane.

He should be installed into a non public viewable zoo until he dies of natural causes.

Removing him from the gene pool in a humane manner should be the number one priority.

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)
An 11 year old black kid is still very dangerous. I remember hearing about a little black kid who was a hitman.

They start puberty at 8. They're a different species.

Usual story:

How do black people get so screwed up in such a short period of time?

11 years old? I believed in Santa Claus until I was 9 years old.

Feral pigs get screwed up in a year. You have to think of blacks like that.

Someday a white cop will be forced to use deadly force on that 11 year old and the cop's life will be ruined for doing so.

I only hope this kid receives irreversible "street justice" before that happens.

Just so everyone will know, California closed their juvenile prisons. Their dirty secret however is hiding actual statistics of juvenile crime in public and in school and shielding it from the local press.

It happened in California. I don't feel bad anymore. Looks like they're reaping what they sowed. Pretty soon all these liberals who don't see blacks as a threat will be extinct. Natural selection is such a beautiful thing.

Son of the 1st Revolution #crackpot #racist amren.com

A few years back, I was going through "interview" (interrogation) training. Our instructor was a retired State Trooper famed for being able to pry confessions out of murderers. He said was that what a person is thinking about on a day to day basis eventually comes out of their mouth.

It made me remember a different course. One of the black students was going on and on about how he could never own a gun. He said that if he owned a gun, he would never get angry. He would just waste the person disagreeing with him. Knowing what I know now, he was inadvertently saying that despite his protests, he was in fact hunting around for a gun.

If you take that philosophy and look at the differences in race, we are different from childhood up. Too many liberals focus on the circumstances. They neglect to take into account that we are actually thinking differently all the time.

If you look at black music, especially rap, it focuses on sex and violence. The themes are knocking up as many hoes as possible while dropping bodies from the rival gang. That's what they're thinking about all the time. Sure white guys are thinking a lot about sex, and violence too, but whites and Asians seem to not let emotions get the better of them. Blacks thrive on jealousy and settling scores whether real or imagined.

IQ certainly plays a role, but even intelligent blacks seem to have an inordinate desire for revenge and an inability to let a small slight go. The same is true to a lesser degree with Hispanics. If you look at the gang/cartel problems throughout Mexico and Central America, it's hard to blame it solely on economics. Some of that poverty and misery is caused by what the populace is secretly thinking on a day to day basis.

Pavel #conspiracy #racist amren.com

Europe is lost already. Africa will have 4 billion people by 2060, the invasion is NEVER going to stop. The Mediterranean is not the Atlantic or Pacific, blacks will not stay put in Africa because it is a *hithole now at 1,3 billion people. Imagine what it will look like with 4 billion.

Europe is not lost. European population is about 600 million, excluding Russia. US population is about 335 million.

Europe is about 95% white. The US is already less than 60% white.

As population replacement happens exponentially, not linearly, the US will become majority non-white before ones who are in their 30-s today may reach their retirement.

Europe is getting serious, very serious, about resisting population replacement. Read about the open letter of retired French military to Macron, published just days ago. Read about the letter of active duty military who are courageous enough to support it. Think about tens of thousands of French military and police who are afraid to speak up protecting their jobs but who think the same and, when time comes, will actively support patriotic French generals.

At least 1/3 of Europe, in the East (excluding Russia), is lily white. The great replacement does not affect them at all. The western part, north and south have been experiencing invasion for decades, because of their traitorous ruling elites.

But it's about to change. Europe will survive and cleanse. We did it twice, speaking from European perspective not that long ago, at Tours and Vienna. We will do it again.

African threat is real, imminent. But it will only help unite European patriots and help us better prepare for the liberation from globalist elites.

Bruce Cameron #crackpot #psycho #racist amren.com

Hans already messed up, when he allowed "greeks" and "italians" to enter during the 1950s.

Greeks and Italians are at least Europeans. Arabs and Negroes are not.

I do not agree with that at all. I do not consider those below the Alps to be Europeans. Celto-Germanic nations are not suited for people with mongrelised genome and dark uneuropean looks. Racial purity and eugenics are our ultimate goals and we can't compromise on that by allowing ethnic groups that failed the very same test of the time in the past to live among our own. Btw South Italy and Greece tend to have North African level IQ and inbreeding issues. There is no such thing as "way too much non-European admixture" since none is acceptable. If you have non-European ancestors - that means that you have no Racial Soul and at least five-eight generations of your "bloodline" were degenerate race traitors that mixed with visibly non-European creatures.

Not talking about Arabs and Negroes. talking about Greeks and Italians.

I know what you are talking about. Living, working and even visiting Northwest Europe is not your birthright, if you are not of our Blood. And for those who wish to bed down with non-Europeans we can always apply good ol expulsion to some shithole like Brazil.

You can keep Germany since your people are too cucked to help themselves.

Not only we will keep entire Northwest Europe to ourselves, but we will also reclaim our settler colonies like AUS/NZ and eventually Canada. Who said that Celto-Germanic race of conquerors should ask whether we belong somewhere or not? "Stop sowing the seeds of disunity" laughable garbage. we don't need mixed bloods and economic migrants. look for work somewhere else

Junkhead #psycho #racist amren.com

A Dunkin’ Donuts store manager has been charged with manslaughter after he fatally punched a 77-year-old customer who he said repeatedly called him a racial slur.

The elderly man must have been White because we all know blacks don't mind being called the N-word by another black.

Here we have a black man with a job, manager no less, and yet he still acts like a ghetto thug from simple name calling. That's why I don't believe in the myth of the "good black." There is no such thing.

Whenever I hear some White liberal try to say some blacks are good I have to ask them who they think supports and endorses the bad blacks. Who do you think sends money to Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and other race grifters? It's not the drug dealing gangster blacks. It's not the blacks in prison. It's not the ghetto queen with her ten children. It's the "good blacks" with jobs who send money to black organizations and other race hustlers.

Blacks always take the side of other blacks regardless of the crime or situation. Look at the recent knifing incident where the cop killed a black to save a black. The "good blacks" still wanted the cop charged with murder.

There is no such thing as a good black. It's a myth. Every black has the attitude that name calling justifies violence. That's not how evolved civilized people think.

Ilana Mercer #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Conservatives Won’t Say It: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness’

Institutionalized, systemic anti-whiteness, yoked to white hot hatred of whites:

That is the creed that is fast becoming entrenched across state and civil society in the U.S.

The Critical Race project now pervades private and political life.

A further twist of the screw was delivered by Kamala Harris, who insists on yammering about white America’s historic racism.

Whites are being singled out for intimidation.

Too many conservatives euphemize our anti-white culture.

They will typically deflect from any anti-white outrage du jour by dubbing it identity politics: “Boohoo. Democrats are dividing us via identity politics.” This is an obfuscation.

Blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Amerindians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. The multicultural multitudes are gunning for whites and their putative privilege.

In South Africa, inciters of black-on-white violence are known to rile the crowds with this anti-white chant. Is Marxism driving illiterates to slaughter whites in ways that beggar belief?

American “analysts” have coated the sustained ethnocidal attacks ongoing against white South Africans with this more respectable intellectual patina.

The ANC's problem is not communism; it’s white-hot hatred of whites.

Crippled by self-serving fear, conservatives have accepted the Left’s terms of debate. To warn of systemic hatred against browns and blacks is racially virtuous; but to fear the same for whites is incorrigibly racist.

For fear of being dubbed racists, media conservatives look the other way, refusing to acknowledge anti-white hue of American society.

Missy #crackpot #racist amren.com

84 percent unemployment. We're about to witness the thresh hold of how many whites are needed to keep a nation functional. It seems to me South Africa has already collapsed as a nation (because blacks are 90% of the population and have destroyed 90% of the infrastructure), but the small remaining areas where whites live are still functional.

Stop being part of the problem and become the solution. Begin mustering in White rural enclaves and arm yourselves. Let the precious PoCs consume themselves for a bit and then see who is still standing at the end.

The cities will break down, and we're already seeing this in the US. The Boers in Orania had to create all of their own infrastructure from scratch. They are legally able to keep blacks out. We should create our own legal ethnic states, one for each European ethnic group, or one for the distinct white American (who is a mix of all Europeans). It may start small like Orania, but will one day probably grow enormous as the only legal place where you can keep the 3rd world out of your nation.

Only reason I do not recommend creating a White Area officially in the US is because once one is made it will be under attack and legally there is no way to defend such a place.

I agree, but Orania has been shielded from the anti-whites due to preservation of a distinct ethnic group. So it would be crucial for this US Orania to have legal definition as preservation of unique human culture, religion, with it's own people and language, just like the Indian tribes. I agree that otherwise and if not defined correctly, it will be attacked by the entire anti-white US military.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Elon Musk, SNL, and the Purpose of Life

Why do they hate Elon Musk? The head of Tesla and SpaceX should be a progressive hero. He's even an immigrant. He’s the most successful African-American in the world. It’s especially impressive because he doesn’t get affirmative action.

Elon Musk wants to make humanity a multi-planetary species. Bernie Sanders wants higher taxes. We must choose: greatness or equality.

White America could do great things if it were not saddled with this moral and demographic albatross. By 2100, half the world’s population will be black due to misguided foreign aid that disgusts even many Africans. Policy-makers almost never talk about this except for Bill Gates, who thinks that turning Africans into Asians is only a matter of finding the right “formula.”

There’s nothing moral about piling up dependents while the Western Civilization that sustain them declines. As resources shrink and the black population grows, the result will be war, famine, and mass death. It will be even worse if the environmentalists are right about “climate change.” Reducing African population growth might deprive progressives of the pleasure of ending Western Civilization, but it would mean a better future for actual Africans.

Of course, by actual Africans, I exclude Elon Musk, but I wonder if living in South Africa shaped his thinking.

Sadly, no one talks about these major issues, but you can glimpse them through these tiny battles in the culture wars. The fact that an eccentric billionaire with multiplanetary aspirations is “dangerous” to our petty tyrants makes him interesting. I’m sure he’s no white advocate, but at least he understands that there has to be some form of escape from a system that chokes off accomplishment.

D.B. Cooper & Pavel #racist #wingnut amren.com

(D.B. Cooper)
When people suggest returning the Americas to the natives, I tell them that has already happened in some places. However, Nigerians, the Congolese, Mexicans, Haitians, Hindus, and other "independent" third world types can be seen on overcrowded rickety boats, heading to any country willing to take them in.

Is that what we can expect from Native Americans? I'm already picturing Kayaks full of Indians trying to cross the Atlantic, following the white people to Europe.

As an European, I say this to my American white brothers and sisters:

Agree with ones who want to return America to immigrants, now called "natives" or "first nations", who came to the continent before whites. Agree, but on one condition: all current population of the US needs to get out, nobody but "first nations" shall remain. When it happens, ask them "first nations" who they want to see back, and only those who they want to see back shall return.

Something tells me that if it happens, the US will be whiter than the Czech Republic.

European Son #racist #wingnut amren.com

”There was a thread full of people on FB recently ranting about white colonization and how those homelands should be returned to the Native Americans, Aboriginals, et al.

I dropped a comment to the effect of 'Maybe you guys are right. So if colonizers return those territories , does that mean we all can return to our ancestral homelands, including Europe for Europeans only?'

I got no answer.”

They don’t answer that because deep down they want all of our homelands.

As we all know, their logic isn't about homelands or natives and self determination in ancestral lands (How could it possibly be when you support migrants and mass migration?) ... It's simply fervent and envious hatred of Whites and therefor Whites don't have a right to a homeland (anywhere) unlike everyone else and anything that Whites want or is good for Whites is also therefore "evil" by its very nature...

The idea of White people having their own lands and in control of their own destinies drives them absolutely crazy.

We're not like everyone else who deserves these things as a unique group because we are not special like other groups... We Whites are indeed unique as clearly we are uniquely horrible but we are not special, we are in fact solely UNspecial and therefore undeserving of anything or any kind of consideration at all... Truth be told our existence as an actual group is often only affirmed when being vilified, blamed and condemned...

Pavel #racist #wingnut amren.com

After Putin's annexation of Crimea and his ignition of war in eastern part of Ukraine resulted in more than million Ukrainian civilian refugees fleeing Russian occupied territories, I was thinking what would it be if somebody rented vessels and sail that million of good hardworking Ukrainians to the rich soils of South Africa? Nobody could have said that they're not genuine refugees. They were, and they are. It would have been fun to see how leftist globalist media would have presented a million of white refugees arriving in South Africa...

Nathan Bedford Forrest & jim mack #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Whites Aren’t Hated for Slavery but for Making America and the West

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)

In college, a black guy told me why they hate Lincoln. While they were happy to be freed, but they were angry that they could not enslaved the defeated white southerners. That tells you all you know about the reconstruction period.

It’s revenge, it’s in their genes. It’s why they still feud about cattle being stolen 100 years prior.

Not revenge, the victors get all the spoils. Mean Abe Lincoln prevented this. Blacks still think they won the ACW and they freed themselves.

What I mean is that attacking people over made up stuff is genetic with blacks. While Whites can feud, it doesn’t last hundreds of years nor is it genetic in us.

(jim mack)
This is all happening because Whites are weak and apologetic.

Can you imagine a Chinese being accused of this, or a Mexican or a Nigerian or a Russian?

They would laugh at you.

Only most American whites will cringe and try to apologize---- so stupid, so weak and it's a negative virtue signal.

"See how good I am, I'm apologizing for people before me" "I feel they might have done something wrong if you say so"

Nathan Bedford Forrest & Siegfried #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mexico Apologizes to Indigenous Maya for Centuries of Abuse

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)
“For centuries, these people have suffered exploitation and abuse,” Mexican Interior Secretary Olga Sánchez Cordero said

Really, like all the people who were oppressed, exploited, abused, murdered, raped, had their homes burnt to the ground and their fields destroyed by these Indians to other surrounding Indian tribes. We never did a fraction of what they did but somehow we are the ones who have to apologize.

Because WE ARE WHITE. What do you need in the way of explanation?

did the aztecs apologize for cutting the hearts out of their neighboring tribes for hundreds of years?

Nope, never have and never will.

Wokism has even wormed its way into the minds of the Mexican government. When are the Mexican elites going to apologize to the whites in the United States for their contributing to the destruction of the United States, by sending their unwanted masses across the border? It will never come because white culture and society is the only one that isn't to be valued, it's there for the other races to take advantage of and exploit.

Woodrow wilson Resurrected #pratt #racist amren.com

Face the facts, Negroes, your race are a failed race because you're a feckless, unruly, uncivilized horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did - they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organized. The rest is history, or rather civilization. But your lot never did this, did they? Abstract thought and problem- solving have never been the black man's strengths, have they? Did they invent a long-lived and intellectually coherent religion? Nope. Did they ever build a city? Nope. Did they even invent bricks? Nope, Did they till the land until somebody showed them? Nope. Did they domesticate an animal for their use? Nope. Did they invent a written language? Once, but it died an ignoble death surrounded by negro ignorance. Did they invent the wheel? Nope. Were they curious enough about what lay out across the sea to sail upon it? Nope.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Let’s hear no wailing about “black lives.” The main victims of the crime wave are black, with victims including children, partygoers, and funeral guests. Vox tells us BLM has led to a reduction in “police homicides” in areas where there were protests. Of course, at least some of these homicides would have been justified use of force. Yet the very same research Vox cites says that between 2014 and 2019, there were “somewhere between 1,000 and 6,000 more homicides than would have been expected [absent protests]” in those places. Even if we accept the unhinged premise that police suddenly stopped gunning down blacks for no reason, the result of BLM was thousands of dead blacks — and nice houses for the movement’s co-founder.

Still, it’s not about blacks. It’s about us. We paid the Dane-geld. We’ve shamefully paid it to people with far less nobility and courage than the Vikings. The Minnesota protester screaming that riots worked is right. They worked because they had media backing. Our loss of identity leaves us vulnerable to moral blackmail. Whites seem to be in a permanent state of shellshock. White conservatives want to be left alone, with Tucker Carlson saying that what the nation needs “more than anything” is “a moment to catch our national breath.” Really? Conservatives know something is wrong, but don’t dare recognize the real problem. Republicans who collaborate with this rotten system have shut down even halting steps towards white identity.

Meanwhile, over the last decade, white liberals have radically changed their views on race and actively discriminate against whites. It’s more correct to say that new views were inserted into their brains through hysterical media coverage of police shootings. Those who call themselves “very liberal” are hopelessly deluded. A majority think that police gun down over 1,000 unarmed black men a year — almost 100 times the actual number. Statistics can’t compete with sob-stories, and stories give people meaning. I believe many Americans get their moral purpose for life from them.

Gregory Hood #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

Like many other whites, I’m exhausted. Unlike Tucker Carlson, I don’t think we need a chance to catch our breath or pursue change more slowly. We need radical change. Every confrontation between a white officer and a non-white criminal is a potential riot. The process is corrupt because judges, jurors, and politicians know that the mob has a veto over the verdict. The rule of law is dead. The answer is separation. Without it, this will never stop.

The strange reality is that there is almost no difference now between being a notorious white advocate or any white guy. Derek Chauvin went, in just one day, from a heartwarming “softie” who married a Hmong refugee to the embodiment of white supremacy. A few days ago, it was a soldier who stopped a black guy from accosting women. He was chased from his home. Tomorrow it could be you.

Whites created this country. They sustain it. Without whites, there is no America. America is an extension of Western Civilization — white civilization — on this continent. Whites pay to support people who hate, curse, and sometimes kill us. We gain nothing. They owe everything. What they have, we gave them, through weakness, folly, and good intentions.

We deserve reparations for trillions wasted in a 60-year effort to babysit a population that pays us back with violence and hatred. Most importantly, we deserve liberation from this albatross that prevents any kind of real national life. Almost any price would be worth paying if we could be sovereign and free, something our ancestors took for granted.

All the quasi-theological abstractions about “privilege” and “critical theory” melt away before one immutable truth: They need us; we don’t need them. Until we have the will to say so, all of us — including you — are just one “viral” incident away from ruin.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Belgian Police Deployed After Clashes Between Chechens, Kurds


“We’ve never seen such incidents before in Liege,” he told AFP.

Well maybe that’s because you have never had Chechens and Kurds before? But this simple logic is probably too much for their brains to handle.

White Americans and Western Europeans seem to have absolutely no logic or common sense to notice multiculturalism doesn't work and never has in the history of mankind.

I guess I somehow missed the articles about clashes between the Swedish and Finnish PhD's in nuclear physics wielding telescopes and laptops with formulas... It's always between the astrophysicists with AK's from those mountainous areas somewhere in the Caucuses...

I wonder if the nationalists of European nations are, well, 'prepared' to say the least...

Islam is a predatory religion which waits to amass enough adherents to form a pack before it strikes. Liege is now forming packs which will at some point stop fighting among themselves and strike at the natives.

Deport all muslims from the west. Problem solved!

Doing the rioting Walloons and the Flemish won't do.

Missy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: What Do Black People Think?

Everyone should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities.”

I'm looking at this from the perspective of a black person living as a minority in a white nation. I would not want white police or police of any other race handling the affairs of blacks. For instance, imagine we are a white minority in a Chinese majority nation. I would not trust Chinese police at all in any matter. It's quite obvious to me that the Chinese see my people as "the other". This fills me with distrust. Thus, the problem isn't the blacks, the problem is diversity itself. I do know whites are probably the most fair and impartial race blacks will ever encounter, but you can not erase that feeling of distrust about the "other race", and so the blacks mistrust is perfectly normal and expected. I can also guarantee you that blacks would prefer to be shot by blacks rather than whites and this is why they only target those rare white on black murders. We need to end this diversity experiment.

CTON #racist amren.com

Avoid Baltimore? Of course. And Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Memphis and every other black run cesspool city.

Why, those are bad cities because "they're all run by Democrats" and NOTHING at all to do with being majority black. Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, that's what the Republicans tell me, so they must be right!

Pathetic, lowlife, self-loathing, lying GOPers do indeed ceaselessly dish that bull out. And how much longer we have to keep pretending that it's Democrats, and not blacks, that are systematically destroying American cities only God knows. But it's absolutely nauseating listening to the bold-faced lies they tell in the meantime.

These same conservatives tell us 'don't engage in identity politics!' when they do nothing but droll over themselves when nonwhites and women are Republican/conservative. I tell them, "Isn't that 'identity politics' to say 'Blacks for Trump' or 'Women for Trump'?"

Why do some Whites feel the need to pick-up trash and paint over graffiti in various ‘Hoods? Within 2 weeks it will look like a dump all over again.

I don't understand this with whites "do gooder" attitude, because they never display this compassion towards poor whites. Never.

They don't even bother to conceal their contempt for poor Whites.

Charles Dickens had the same problem in his day, where wealthy elite Brits cared about Africans in Africa, yet cared nothing for White British boys used as chimney sweeps. I believe the term is Telescopic Philanthropy. These elite whites are the same today.

wereqryan #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

As long as whites continue to fail in asserting their in-group preference and uniting as one people, their subjugation at the hands of lesser peoples will continue and grow. And what's preventing white unity has been the liberation of the white female whose bleeding-heart emotions, sensitivity and resistance has caused much fracturing in the white psyche.

Too many white women are busy waging a war against their own men in the name of securing feminist and Marxist interests as they desperately try to escape their obligations towards child rearing, family, and community. They are too busy pursing a life of sexual hedonism and female supremacy, which has caused white birth rates to decline and third world replacement to grow. Whites need to look at themselves first and address issues with female sexual liberation at home, before they can even begin their fight against ever vengeful minorities.

Gregory Hood #crackpot #racist amren.com

Let Me Be Anything but White

There’s a reason our “first black president,” Barack Obama, built his image around his absentee black father rather than the whites who raised him. Colin Kaepernick, a biracial man raised by whites, is now a BLM icon (to the despair of his white biological mother). It’s not just that these men identified as black when they had other options. We would never have heard of them if they did otherwise. Whites understand that their race is a liability. Claiming to be an American Indian helped Elizabeth Warren make it to Harvard and then the Senate. Jeb Bush claimed to be “Hispanic” on a Voter ID card. Vice recently complained that “White People Keep Posing as People of Color for Clout.” It doesn’t seem to occur to Vice that they do this because “white privilege” is a joke. “White racism” is such a fiction that there is an advantage in pretending to be black, Cherokee, Hispanic, Puerto-Rican, or Middle-Eastern.

An “associate professor of comparative studies in race and ethnicity” tells Vice that the problem is not just Jessica Krug, but also Kim Kardashian (Armenian) and Ariana Grande (Sicilian). It’s true that Ariana Grande’s image and skin tone have changed. Like all entertainers, she was “positioned” to meet demand. Her repositioning shows there are benefits to being a “woman of color.” Also, are we to believe there’s something wrong with Armenians or Sicilians being considered non-white? I would say they are white, but it’s less clear cut than for Northern Europeans. For all we know, Kim Kardashian and Ariana Grande never considered themselves white. So what’s the problem?

The point is, there are careers, prestige, and opportunities that are not available to whites. Being the right race is a prize. Vice wonders why whites want to be in a “marginalized group.” They don’t. Non-whites aren’t marginalized; they’re privileged. The reason they’re angry at white interlopers is because handouts are limited. There have to be at least some “privileged” whites left to subsidize this racket.

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #transphobia amren.com

Almost 70 percent of the people admitted to the Princeton class of 2025 identify as people of color. They will become a new non-white elite through assortative mating and will dominate American educational institutions. Whites who can’t “play the new game of race and gender fluidity” will be despised. Giving whiteness a purely negative identity convinces many whites that self-annihilation is good. Aaron Bady dreams about “a new world” in which his children will speak Spanish. However, is an antifa who identifies as “they/them” white? I’ve long thought that the countless new “genders” that progressives claim are attempts to escape from whiteness. Over 50 percent of liberal, white women under age 30 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. I think some of them cultivate illness as an identity, a way of making yourself a victim so you can be spared the costs of whiteness. The rush to be “transgender” is part of this.

The article concludes by discussing “mass hysteria”. One sociologist suggested “collective stress responses.”. I think it may be more accurate. Young whites are under stress we older Americans don’t understand. Movies, television, YouTube, video games, political news are explicitly anti-white. Whites who identify as non-white or use invented identities to flee from “whiteness” will be pushed back into our arms by their own allies. No antifa, transgender, Communist, anarchist, or “ethnic studies” professor will be safe. He is biologically guilty. Even if we get an intelligent, multi-racial governing elite, it can’t hold the country together. The new ruling class will be united mainly by scorn for conservative whites. That is thin gruel compared to the genuine nationalism of real countries like Russia and China. In a fight, real nations beat fakes. In the meantime, we can join with others of like mind and strong will to pool resources and build communities. Let them wallow in victimhood. We will build a nation in which it’s not just OK to be white. It will be a universal privilege and joy.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

It’s More Than IQ

Why is it that whenever we read certain headlines, we can be almost certain that the story is about black people? “Four Dead, Including Child, After Stimulus Check Dispute Leads to Gunfire.” Or how about “Toddler Died After Being Left Alone for Six Days as Mother Celebrated 18th Birthday”? Even the very leftist Wikipedia recognizes that on intelligence tests there is “a difference in average scores between black people and white people of 1.1 standard deviations.” But IQ isn’t the whole story. If you compare blacks and whites with the same IQs, black behavior is still different.

A black woman with a 100 IQ is still 2.5 times more likely that a white woman with the same IQ to have been on welfare.image Control for IQ, and Black women are still five times more likely to have illegitimate babies.image You get similar data for the likelihood that men will be in prison. If you limit the sample to men with an IQ of 100, blacks are still 2.5 times more likely to be in jail.

The obligatory explanation is that systemic racism and white supremacy are making life miserable for blacks. There is a better explanation. Richard Lynn has written a book showing that blacks, across the board, are more likely than whites to be psychopaths. Blacks are more psychopathic than whites on all counts and, by the way, whites are more psychopathic than Asians. This is shown in personality tests. Blacks and American Indians get the highest scores on psychopathy, followed by Hispanics, then whites, then Asians.

Jared Taylor #crackpot #racist amren.com

Unusually low scores on agreeableness and conscientiousness are associated with psychopathic personality. Blacks are significantly lower than whites on those two important traits. Psychopaths have trouble planning ahead. Walter Mischel came up with the marshmallow test, in which he gave children a choice between one marshmallow now or two marshmallows in the future. Results have been widely reported. Much less widely reported are the racial differences, with the usual pattern: whites are more willing than blacks to wait for a greater reward, and Asians are more willing than whites.

Risk-taking is part of psychopathic personality. Blacks are more likely to take risks, and men are more likely than women. One of the best predictors of adult psychopathic personality is wild behavior as a child. There is probably not one school district where students of different races are punished at the same rate. Nationally, black students are suspended at five times the white rate. Supposedly racist white teachers get the blame for this, but does anyone believe that in this time, white teachers are systematically punishing black students unfairly? This article claims that if black students have black teachers, they are less likely to be punished, but the difference was only a few percentage points. Black teachers are still much more likely to punish black students than white students. Black children behave badly. Differences of this kind have been found in Britain, Canada, and in Europe.

These are murder rates by race per 100,000 people. The white rate of 4.5 is one seventh the black rate of 34.4. The real difference is even greater because Hispanics are lumped in with whites. Blacks probably commit murder at eight, nine, maybe even 10 times the white rate. Why would blacks be more psychopathic? Edward Dutton argues that Whites and Asians evolved in climates in which people had to cooperate. Africa was more forgiving. Cooperation, planning ahead, and care for children were less important. Psychopaths could survive and pass along their genes.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

America has practically adopted an official state ideology: Critical Race Theory, which holds that white privilege and racism are embedded in all institutions and cause inequality. Thus, practically unlimited government intervention is justified to remove racism. In practical terms, this means attacking whites, the group that created and sustains the United States. Governments at different levels openly discriminate against whites in ways that go beyond affirmative action. Joe Biden said that the federal government would prioritize reopening small businesses owned by blacks, Hispanics, Asians, “Native Americans,” and women — in other words, everyone except white men. Evanston, Illinois is paying reparations to blacks. Oakland will have a basic income program that excludes whites.

“Woke Capital” is anti-white and preaches Critical Race Theory. This doesn’t just mean you might lose your social media account. A bank can cut you off from basic financial services. Goldman Sachs, the largest underwriter of Initial Public Offerings, refuses to take an American company public unless there is a woman or non-white on its board (foreign companies can do as they please). Our rulers are punishing whites who defend their race.

Don’t ignore oppression. This system and those who run it hurt our people. Our struggle is for liberation. All the major institutions oppose us. Others in the past have faced the same thing. Whatever their motives, what our rulers are doing hurts our race.

As Sam Francis said, “At a time when the self-declared enemies of the white race define themselves in racial terms, only our own definition of ourselves in those terms can meet their challenge.” Even those who may not be our “self-declared” enemies act as if they were. We can’t deny what we face. There is no way out but through.

JohnEngelman #pratt #psycho #racist amren.com

There is going to be a white backlash against this. I hope it persists, unlike the one that happened after Reconstruction and the civil rights movement of the 1960's. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. I was mistaken. The black response to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty confirms conservative and segregationist arguments against them. The civil rights legislation was forced on whites with extensive experience with Negroes by whites with little experience with them. The last twelve thousand years of human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the requirements of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the jungles of Africa earn for many of them felony convictions in civilized countries.

I wish it did not have to be this way. The minority of blacks who behave and perform as well as the majority of whites deserve equal rights. The majority deserves to be reduced to second class citizenship. Segregation and Jim Crow legislation was based on sound instinct. There is often wisdom in tradition. A criminal justice system that is effective on whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and especially in the South. That is why, when a black man and a white man committed the same crime, the black man was given much more punishment.

Before the civil rights movement whites killed blacks all the time. Blacks did not dare protest, because they knew they would be massacred.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #psycho #racist amren.com

(Marc Zuckurburg)
Just yesterday here at AmRen, there was a story, with the title "A New Elite Ethnogenesis" that CELEBRATES that this is happening, a developing mixed race elite in training, typified by the incoming diverse Princeton freshman class, and the inevitable relationships, marriages and mixed children that will result from assortative mating, is destined to lord over the deplorables, or, to put it in a different way: "The white man's day is done".

(Independent Thinker)
Also as far as "ownership" is concerned, according to this person is Europe "owned" by Europeans? Is China "owned" by the Chinese? Would it be okay if Whites came en masse to China and reduced Chinese to a minority? The problem with the type of people who complain and ridicule White "ownership" of colonies like Canada, Australia, etc., is that they make the same arguments for Europe, and then where can Whites exist, and not be harassed into having to live around non-Whites should they not want to?

(Woodrow wilson Resurrected)
Americans absolutely deserve what is happening to them for what they did to germans during And after ww2 in collaboration with bolshevik jewish and slavic subhumans. This is the posthomus revenge of millions of innocent German civilian victims and Noble SS men who were raped And murdered in the most brutal way by the filthy slavic soviets armed And supported by americans And brits-all with jewish Media And financial backing

Jack Ryanod #psycho #racist amren.com

If you were a juror, not convinced of Chauvin's guilt. Would you DARE to vote not guilty? You will be doxxed, BLM and Antifa will surround your house for weeks, your children will be spit on, taunted, beaten, you will be unemployable for the rest of your life?

Would you really destroy your life just to save Derek Chauvin?

Chauvin will be convicted, the entire show trial is unnecessary.

I was a 7th and 8th grade pubic school teacher - I'm used to threats of riots, got called a lot of names. Unlike cowardly puss*** like Mittens Romney and Ron Paul, I don't back down just because groups of urban POC make threats.

I recommend for Whites on this jury to have taken on insurance on their homes - if the Antifa/BLM mobs don't come to burn down their homes, get some guy from a trailer camp to torch it for the Insurance $. Get your family and key possessions out - and move.

These BLM/Antifa "woke" mobs have rather short attention spans. Officer Wilson in Ferguson MO has moved on he's off the radar - maybe he changed his name and is now working in law enforcement, intelligence in the Dominican Republic. I hear the DR really likes tough White guys that can stand up to Black thugs, Black mobs. The DR is on the same Island with Haiti. Locals know the racial/cultural/crime/mob riot score.

Needless to say there are few, no race denying Libertarian Constitutionalists in the Dominican Republic. My sources say that most of LA is now pretty well prepared to break up all BLM demonstrations, Black Southern California street gangs the Bloods and the Cripps are pretty much history, thanks to very racist Hispanics.

Get to know/support/bribe some tough Hispanics including yeah the LK. White Patriotards are still listening to Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American", Hispanics are not.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Sights and Sounds: Business as Usual

Some Brooklyn Center stores are being protected by civilians with firearms.

Blacks have every right to protect their property and neighborhoods with firearms. However, what if looters hadn’t stayed away. Would a black man who fired his weapon get the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment?

Representative Rashida Tlaib had a great idea.

Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization.

White police cannot police black communities. Every interaction becomes a reason for riots. Whites cannot babysit ungovernable populations any longer. These riots show that many blacks so distrust whites that they do not accept the law’s legitimacy.

It is bad for blacks and whites to have to judge each other on juries. We are not peers and we do not look at the world the same way. This is why jury selection often focuses so heavily on race. Even lawyers who would publicly deny that race exists act like race realists.

Let blacks police themselves if they can. They should also leave our towns and escape the “white supremacy” that hurts them so much. Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’s should leave her new properties in white neighborhoods. Let her live with the “community.”

We still need to explain why looting is wrong. But it’s also time for action in defense of the European-Americans forced to subsidize the destruction of their country. This can’t go on, but no one will stop it unless we do.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: NASA’s Artemis Program Will Land the First Person of Color on the Moon

(Jeff Coffey)
I truly do not understand this mentality. Is there anyone in this world who actually values being treated like a retarded child given a participation prize? If I were a racial minority, this would be deeply insulting. There is no success or accomplishment in filling a quota. Quite the contrary. If a minority does earn a spot in the space program on merit some day, it will put a question mark next to their name in the mind of everyone involved, even if it is not justified in that instance.

That is why the chosen people call the blacks Schooks which means easily duped. They will believe anything you tell them.

Reparations weren't enough. Now they found another way to waste billions of our taxpayer dollars in virtue signaling. That combined with the rioting cities of 2020 bail out, Covid relief and the coming economic shut downs / quarantines for the "new strains" that will likely be discovered will surely be enough to launch us into another Great Depression ... or worse.

I predict the first homicide on the moon will involve a “person of color”.

But it will be caused by “white racism.”

(Philly's best)
This is all anti white propaganda, our enemy and future rulers the Chinese will not have it.

Liv Heide #sexist #racist amren.com

[From "Even Those Who Would be Trad Wives May Miss Their Chances"]

Looking at the sign-up ratio at my website WhiteDate.Net of 12 traditional white men for every traditional white woman, one might think women have all the choices and men must compromise if they hope to find a partner in the crime of creating a white family.

But, white ladies, don’t be overconfident. White trad wives are the most desired creatures on the planet, but many white women still manage to blow it because they have never been told the rules that were invented by our female ancestors to protect their daughters. Even when men have fewer choices, they will still be men, even those who have the vision to create a family and build their own white clan.
The white woman should be reactive, which is the opposite of the sexually aggressive, dominant, promiscuous, vulgar, emotionally empty woman that modern media have taught us to be: “Just be yourself, throw yourself over him, and it will magically work out”. It won’t. Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. Women set the bar.

Many Western men are horrified when they look at what has become of our women. I plead guilty myself for, as a white woman, having been manipulated in my youth by movies, television programs, and music. I acted in harmful ways. But then I began to define what I wanted, understand what led to results and what didn’t. I learned that our grandmothers were right.

I wish our men could help us become better versions of ourselves by explaining what makes us attractive. Unfortunately, reality is different. We must discover who we are, and whom we want to attract.

Shawn Bell #racist #wingnut amren.com

From Male Feminist to White Advocate

I went to a rural part of the Middle East. Seeing the Islamic world up close threw my worldview for a loop. Once, I was party to a casual, hypothetical discussion about raping tourists, which my interlocutor believed was justified by the loose morals of the woman concerned. Most of all, I remember the uncompromising fervor with which another acquaintance defended the Charlie Hebdo attackers. These were normal guys, not terrorists. Later, when I looked into the survey data, I found that their beliefs were relatively common among immigrant Muslims in the West. “How is this supposed to work?” I remember asking myself.

Classroom discussions were always derailed by non-white and/or progressive female students. One example was a diatribe from a black girl about a time a white man had stepped in front of her to board a train, which she saw as emblematic of white, male “entitlement.” Even though I was still a liberal at the time, I had to bite my tongue to keep from sharing some considerably worse experiences with blacks on public transportation.

The incident that contributed most to my white identity was during a discussion of some Marxist text. I asked how the abolition of private property would apply to personal items. A non-white student replied, “We’re coming for your toothbrush, whitey.” The feminist professor and other students laughed and continued. All of these people wanted me to see myself as white. They got their wish. Seeing the precious legacy of my civilization and my forebears attacked, smeared, and “deconstructed” made me realize for the first time that I had a particular culture that didn’t belong to everyone, that I was the rightful heir to a proud and ancient tradition, and that without action, my inheritance would be destroyed. Soon, I was calling myself an “identitarian” and had joined a national white advocacy organization. With the past as our guide, whites can be great again.

NoJusticeNoPeace1964 #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

You can’t hire blacks! Doesn’t any business owner know that by now. If you make them feel bad even once they will chimp out and become violent. It’s time to separate and I want separation now!

Luckily, the blacks of today agree on separation and separate stuff in many if not all ways. Maybe a New Segregation system, which both agree on, can be implemented. I'm all for it. Even Separate but Equal would be a good goal, though blacks would almost certainly want much more than their equal share.

I agree, separate but equal was upheld by the court as perfectly ok and moral, but in a sham of a court case which used biased evidence it was struck down. In order to bring it back we have to get rid of the civil rights amendment.

It was Plessy vs Ferguson (1896), and is was settled law until the Brown vs Board of Education decision (1954) when it was illegally overturned,

Isn't it ironic that the blacks of today want segregation more than most Whites. This is one instance where I I hope the blacks get their wish.

CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

Legal immigrants and citizens don't want illegals here.

I don't care if these nonwhites here are 'legal' or 'illegal' They're still not my people. They're still demographically displacing White Americans. They still have a bias, whether they know it or not, against Whites and America and Western Civilization. besides, why can't Whites just have their own nations? Why can't Whites just espouse their own views and interests without wondering who it might "offend"? I mean, we're not telling Latin America that they need open borders or that they need to change their traditions.

Dude, classifying all Latins as anti-western and anti-American is like saying all "whites" are the same.

The problem is within the Latino community you are united and your youth don't hate other Latinos for being proud of being Latino. You don't see young Latinos openly bashing their race or their ancestors. This is I see all the time from young whites.

You better start caring. Hispanics and Whites are going to be the only ones that matter in the election. You can whine and cry about it, but we have to deal with the cards that we are dealt.

You'd think being Macedonian you'd understand the importance of defending your nation and borders and what happens when you let "others" into your land, like Turks invading and displacing Macedonians and other Eastern Europeans for centuries.

When I hear people say "Not all (nonwhites) are like that, why I know this one...." I will say, "I once got around a group of wasps, but not all of them tried to sting me!"

Nathan Bedford Forrest & CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Trump’s Latino Support Was More Widespread Than Thought, Report Finds

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)
Blah! Blah! Blah! This is one giant bag of baloney to try and deceive people into accepting mestizos. Who cares what political affiliation they are, they should not have been here in the first place.

Agreed but they are here and if you can peel some of the better ones off from the Democrats, it can make a difference.

Absolutely not, we’ve been pandering for far too long. Now if some Hispanics like the White first message and vote for us then fine, but they can’t be the objective. They are for their group and their group only. We Whites have to fight for our interests without their help.

Hispanics don’t matter to Whites and I could care less about them. They only care about their group, we will never get Hispanics on our side nor do I want to.

Agree. I'm getting vtired of naive White Conservatives who sit back and hope that these nonwhites will "See the light" and "vote for Traditional America!" They're just as stupid as liberals are. I know whites who lived around Hispanic majorities and they got bashed for being whites. Whites who fawn over Hispanics and illegals have obviously never lived in any place but a white environment. They see the short Hispanic man selling him tacos from a van or a smiley Hispanic lady cleaning their house and think it would be great if there were a lot more of them there. Yet once the nonwhite population gets above a certain level, these middle and upper class whites flee.

Ceirwyn & Hubert Cumberdale #conspiracy #fundie #racist #wingnut amren.com


... many are descendants of enslaved people, while others are recently arrived immigrants ...

Why would blacks immigrate to the white supremacy - structurally racist USA? The USA is where innocent black males are gunned down in the streets by racist white police. It doesn't make sense.

To steal everything from the poor who lived there and tried to assimilate them prior to the civil war. The Pharisatanics can't have white UKsians running their own states, and want their international slavers, the latins and black slaves taking over the area. The blacks are dumb enough and greedy enough to be hoodwinked and the latins are corrupt and Anti-Christ enough for that.

(Hubert Cumberdale)

I've got symptoms of a certain type of fatigue. "14%" explains it all.

Hispanics are vastly outpacing black growth though, and they are immune to the black grievance industrial complex. Bad news for blacks in the coming decades.

Bad news for us too. I live in South Florida... I know what a coming Hispanic majority means for our civilization.

Its bad news for us no matter what. In my dying breaths however, I'll be relieved to know that blacks will still be on the bottom rung of society and the new lords and masters of urban America (Hispanics) won't care about their self-induced plight.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Saving Elie Mystal from White Society

I Am Not Ready to Reenter White Society

The basis for this sweeping conclusion was an incident he witnessed at a CVS. An older white woman shouted at a black teenaged girl, “Is this where you get the vaccines?” It’s not clear if the black girl worked there. Nothing suggests that this white woman thought that the young black woman’s race mattered at all. Data show that few whites see their race as central to their identity, in contrast to 75 percent of blacks. Republicans and conservatives are the least likely to pursue vaccination. I’d guess the woman demanding a shot was liberal.

However, Mr. Mystal saw race. This small incident led him to a sweeping conclusion that he isn’t capable of re-entering a society integrated with whites without feeling stress and anxiety. He feels this way even though the government, academy, and media give him preferential treatment because of his race. Most whites don’t have racial consciousness. The system that rewards Mr. Mystal punishes white advocates. Many whites become racially conscious anyway as a result of encounters with non-whites. Most initially wanted to believe in a colorblind world but were forced into white identity because of the way non-whites treated them.

I don’t begrudge Mr. Mystal’s mini-Wakanda. I’d prefer it if he and his co-ethnics would build it on a larger scale and leave the rest of us alone. On average, blacks commit more crime, use more welfare, and perform less well in school than whites. Whites would be fine without blacks. It’s less clear whether blacks would be fine without whites. Perhaps we can simply separate. This isn’t an extreme idea. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who is currently prosecuting Derek Chauvin, proposed a separate black homeland early in his career. Of course, Mr. Ellison, like Malcolm X before him, quickly realized that it’s easier to grift off whites than to build a separate nation.

Various Posters #racist #crackpot #fundie amren.com

(on an article about a study of how races supposedly exhibit facial expressions differently)

(Wake up): Can we do a comprehensive study of why Dogs overwhelmingly hate Blacks? Could Black facial expressions have something to do with it?

(San Francisco Cynic): Black faces seem to fluctuate between perpetual scowl and intermittent, animalistic contentment (watch them coming out of an all-you-can-eat buffet - or a trip to the bathroom, for that matter!). There is, however, a the third Negro look which is what I call the "Easter Island statue face" - revealing a being devoid of a soul or any indication of intelligence - just the plodding presence of a predatory, parasitic species completely absorbed with its current urges, lacking empathy, compassion, creativity, or intelligence.

(Love One Another M): Blacks' expression when one of theirs is caught in the act crime - deep anger and hatred for the police officers who caught him/her. 
Blacks' expression when one of their criminals get away with a murder of whites - loud screams of joy accompanied with jumping.

(ky_native): The white lady on the top right looks like a woman who got a whiff of a negro woman stepping on an elevator inundated with perfume. I admit that it is easier for me to read white faces versus Asian faces, but the Asian guy showing fear is a classic example of the Asian fear look (like when Godzilla appears). The Asian look of surprise on the woman is harder for me to decipher because 90% of their women look that way all of the time.
 Well for me, the white woman doing an expression of sadness wins the face contest. Boy...that is a really sad look! The white guy with a gap between his teeth looks happy, but he needs a banjo to play to finish off the look.

(HT): Races are different in more ways than just IQ. Asians are like little calculators but do not exhibit the independence or creativity to develop what whites have done in terms of discovery and inventions. Negros? Not sure what they have to offer.

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