Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut
RE: Black and Hispanic Americans See Their Origins as Central to Who They Are
(jim mack)
This is the coming perfect storm of Whites being too comfortable, soft and squishy
Along with 'minorities' constantly pushing the envelope in their ever-expanding scam
While our liberal whites have indoctrinated our children for decades
It should be interesting but ruinous
Actually being black is not central to black people's identity as you kind of alluded to. It's scamming people and keeping everyone else on their heels, so as not to question their behavior, and penchant for crime. Who donates their money to those hellholes of Africa? Mostly whites. Blacks could care less about anything African - most want to live in white neighborhoods, go to mostly whites schools, and complain about it at the same time.
The Great Replacement has many veiled attacks, this being one of them.
Third world people who have accomplished nothing think more of their races than the whites that built civilization think of theirs. Decades of self hating brainwashing through Hollywood, the media and academia did its job.
What else are blacks and Hispanics going to talk about?
Their inventions, wonderful neighborhoods, idyllic families, ad nauseam?
Notices they left Asians out of this. While Asians are aware of their background, they don't dwell on it and are usually too busy accomplishing things to bother with it.
(Lawrence Drake)
Attacks on whites will increase white racial consciousness along with the indefensible double standard that in-group preferences must be encouraged for non-whites but suppressed for whites. The truth about race differences is a way of defending the white race against blood libel.