
Human Reproduction #fundie conservapedia.com

Human reproduction serves to create new human beings and with these human beings comes a soul. The soul appears with the person at the moment of conception, making him a complete human being from the very start. This is why abortion is considered murder: the abortionist has rent the soul from a living human body, the soul being the source of a full life for human beings. If there was no soul present in the human at the time of conception and it entered the body at some later stage, then until that moment the fetus would hypothetically be nothing more than an animated body, similar to how animals and plants are alive but without souls. Thus, if this were the case, abortion would not be murder, but rather a termination of a non-human entity, at least until the soul finally joined the body. However, there is no evidence that the soul can enter the body at any time later than conception. Since the soul is intrinsic to human beings, it absolutely must be present at conception and therefore abortion is murder.

BHarlan #racist conservapedia.com

I personally do not think race determines character or value, but Obama (and his racist preacher Wright) focused on skin color for decades. Is it any surprise, then, than the Whitehouse website now has pictures of 9 people, 7 of whom are Black?

In fact, the 3 people who aren't celebrities are all Black. The odds of that, given that 1 out of every 8 Americans is Black? Less than 0.2%! I do not object to any skin color on whitehouse.gov, but the probabilities make this look like Obama must be trying to send a message about what he values.

Oliver #fundie conservapedia.com

I agree with CWood. Obama is saying he's going to use the Lincoln Bible to draw attention to the fact that it's a Bible and not a Koran. He compensating because he knows that he's a Muslim at heart and he's scared that someone will find out. I wouldn't be surprised if he's planning on having a secret, private inauguration with a Koran before and then praying forgiveness for swearing on the Bible at the public inauguration.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

(Though abstinence is the best prevention, it's still a good idea to take the HPV vaccine due to the chance of rape.)

Do the math on your scenario and I'm confident you'll find that risk to be less than the risk of being struck and killed by lightning.

(Actually, there's a a 0.6% chance of a woman being exposed to an STD through no fault of their own versus 0.016% of people being struck by lightning.)

Your data are from a one-sided source that combines rape with attempted rape, a misleading statistical trick (which is it, rape or not?). The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd.
The vaccine protects against only a tiny percentage of STDs, and you haven't factored that in either. When you do an objective analysis, you'll see that the risk of being struck by lightning is higher, which is hardly a risk anyone incurs costs and risks adverse effects to avoid.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Human Hermaphrodites

Often in humans afflicted by hermaphroditism, one or both sets of organs are non-functional, and the condition is considered to be a birth defect, which can be caused by abuses of alcohol or drugs during pregnancy. The abnormality in humans occurs at exceedingly rare interval; the individuals in question are generally not able to reproduce through sexual intercourse.

Christianity teaches that all can be saved through Christ. In most cases, hermaphrodites are more male or more female. Doctors can then perform operations shortly after birth to correct the child to the dominant gender and most hermaphrodites will then lead perfectly normal lives in Christ.

There is no Darwinian reason for human hermaphrodites to exist, since hermaphrodism does not provide any reproductive or survival benefits. Human hermaphrodites therefore provide yet another challenge to Darwin's theories, often explained away by evolutionists as an "unfavorable" mutation, yet they are unable to explain its repeated occurrence over the ages.

Sigmund Freud held that all people were hermaphrodites while in the womb, and that this stage affected human psychology permanently. This view is contradicted by modern medical understanding of the process, however, where ultrasounds clearly indicate just one sex of the fetus.

newcrusader #fundie conservapedia.com

[in a talk page about what to put in their article on sex]

>add something benign, perhaps along the lines of:
Sexual intercourse is the mechanism by which human beings mate and produce offspring. The Penis enters the Vagina, the male's sperm fertilises the female's egg, and the child forms in the womb. There can hardly be the slightest objection to something as simple as that, a matter-of-fact description for children of how we all came to be.

>I anticipate plenty of objection. For a start, tell a child or young teenager how, and they might want to try it. It also means we have to make articles on mate, penis and virgina, tripling the contriversy. Here's an idea: Disappear the lot. Delete the page, prevent it ever being created again. Do the same for everything that deals with human sexuality

MichaelK #fundie conservapedia.com

Why is the 13th Amendment never mentioned in relation to pharmacists being forced to serve people wanting to buy the morning after pill and doctors who refuse to artificially inseminate lesbians? Am I the only one who sees that it applies perfectly?

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

[from the American History online course; pointers for an essay entitled Liberal Denials About History]


The following truths about history are typically denied by liberal history textbooks:

- That "Yankee ingenuity" (American inventions) far surpassed the rest of the world, and brought great wealth to it
- That military battles are an essential part of history, and of preserving freedom.
- That there were valid reasons for past opposition to immigration which had nothing to do with racism; immigration did not enable the North to beat the South.
- That unions caused great harm, including senseless violence and lost jobs.
- That hard work was the key to the success of many Americans.
- That most great Americans, from Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Edison, were homeschooled.
- That Abraham Lincoln's faith grew while he was President.
- That Benjamin Franklin abandoned the Deism of his youth later in his life.
- That Thomas Jefferson's religious beliefs were not representative of the other Founding Fathers.
- That Rhode Island and Thomas Jefferson, and their view of a "separation of church and state," had no role in the formation of the Constitution.
- That there were conservative Presidents before Ronald Reagan, such as George Washington, James Monroe and Grover Cleveland.
- That "anti-imperialism" movements against the United States were really communist or Muslim movements against Christianity, as in denying the Islamic basis for the Philippine insurgency around 1900.



- American Indians are too different from Asians to have descended directly from them.
- Rhode Island was the only state to separate church and state, and as a result it became the biggest importer of slaves.[1]
- Thomas Jefferson was not as successful or important as liberals claim;[2] he failed personally and as president, and little in the Declaration of Independence is attributable to him.
- Chivalry was customary throughout most of American history.
- The greatest corruption in government during the Grant Administration was by the Democratic-controlled "Tammany Hall."
- The misnamed "Gilded Age" generated tremendous prosperity for the world, thanks to an absence of stifling regulation.
Public school education in its current form is less than 100 years old.
- Atheist materialism lay behind the genocidal crimes of the Nazis
- Martin Luther King was a Republican who preached Conservative values.
- The so-called Dark Ages brought a revolution in science and learning from the spread of Christianity throughout Europe and the establishment of networks of monastic 'universities'.
- Lenin was a ruthless and violent dictator who oppressed the people of the Soviet Union as thoroughly as Stalin.
Nazism, with its insistence on the collective, was a left-wing doctrine.
- The United States Immigration Service ran Ellis Island as a harsh, unwelcoming and discriminatory institution.

Conservapedia, Main Page #fundie conservapedia.com

“Top scholars, historians and experts have confirmed that the Bible is the most historically and intellectually reliable ancient text in the whole world, including the Bible’s account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and disciples who wrote the New Testament documents.”

conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Evolution syndrome is the tendency of some people to insist compulsively that human evolution from animals must somehow be true, and to spend nearly all of their time pushing that belief on others. It is reflected on the Internet by people who devote over 90% of their edits and postings to pushing their belief in evolution and insisting on censoring alternative views of the issue. They are particularly against teaching any alternative theories to children in school. A childish insistence on last wordism is a common characteristic of evolution syndrome.

Evolution syndrome particularly afflicts people who have some educational background without having the intellectual depth of more accomplished peers. Evolution syndrome can be seen on wikis, Usenet groups, faculty positions below full professorships, and some less selective doctoral programs.

There is a high incidence of atheism among this group and indeed, most atheists suffer from evolution syndrome.

Keeping an open mind, not obsessing about one's own views and avoiding the insistence that others should share his/her view is the key to avoid suffering from evolution syndrome.

BradJohnson #fundie conservapedia.com

[Paragraph breaks added for easier reading]

Once we stop seeing Christmas as a celebration of the birth of our savior, we begin the process of eliminating Him from our conscience precisely at the time we are meant to reflect on his presence.

Here's a little thought experiment. Imagine if tomorrow we began stopped calling chlorine, chlorine and instead called it "strawberry." Some people, not all, have fairly positive associations with the word strawberry, they like the flavor, the berries are cute, etc. I'm being a little silly here, but the truth of the matter is, some people might in error actually consume bleach. They might see the container sitting there and literally think it is full of strawberries and drink some. I think anyone can see the danger in that.

Like changing the name of chlorine to strawberry, when we change the name of Christmas to Holiday, we deny people the inherent implication that the day belongs to Christ. And for some, not all, we have allowed them another opportunity not to come to God and find salvation. In the end, we may actually being damning people to hell. And if even one person is at risk for an eternity of torment, I think anyone can agree that we need to protect them from that possibility.

Rod Weathers #fundie conservapedia.com

[H. Caulfield:
As a sufferer of OCD, I must say that I am a bit horrified by the description of anxiety disorders as a "lack of faith". Anxiety disorders are the result of chemical imbalances, and, although they can be somewhat alleviated by faith, are not the result of a lack thereof.]

A fake name and irreligious liberal excuses? You're off to a great start. You may find it difficult to accept the truth presented by conservapedia, but we will not censor it because you do.

Aschlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Here are the top ten ways that liberals create atheists, particularly as part of schooling:

1. Exclude prayer. People can say whatever they want other than recite a prayer. Out of sight, out of mind.
2. Deny Hell. Logically, it would be no surprise if God punishes those who offend Him, but liberals won't admit it.
3. Promote materialism. Focus only on things you can touch, and before long that is all there is in your life.
4. Promote the theory of evolution and censor any criticism of it.
5. Strip away self-defense, mentally and physically.
6. Promote moral relativity.
7. Foster addiction.
8. Exaggerate achievements of atheists, and deny achievements inspired by faith.
9. Eliminate references to God in public life.
10. Deny how atheism leads to insanity, depression and worse.

Central to this inculcation of atheism is a denial of any bias in promoting it.

Bugler #conspiracy conservapedia.com

[Doctors declare that Gardasil did not, as originally reported, cause a girl to become paralyzed.]

You strike me as somewhat naive, chaps. What these so-called 'doctors' - for which read fully-paid-up representatives of Big Science - have to say does not necessarily have to have any relation to the truth of the matter. Liberals are keen to push any means of encouraging immorality, and are none too scrupulous as to the consequences

Bugler #fundie conservapedia.com

[Is this one really fair to attribute only to liberals? At my college, which is predominantly conservative, the College Republicans were extremely rude to Cindy Sheehan when she came to speak, and in a way that was grossly underhanded and spiteful.]

How can you be so sure these were Republicans, and not Liberals out to make Conservatives look bad by underhand means?

Conservapedia editor #fundie conservapedia.com

Specifically, a modern feminist tends to:

* believe that there are no inherent differences between men and women and that much inequality is the result of men oppressing women
* oppose chivalry and even feign insult at harmless displays of it
* view traditional marriage as unacceptably patriarchal
* shirk traditional gender activities, like baking
* support affirmative action for women
* detest women who are happy in traditional roles, such as housewife, and especially dislike those who defend such roles
* prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do
* seek women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines
* refuse to take her husband's last name when marrying

TGordon #conspiracy conservapedia.com

It's still quite likely that Obama could be sworn on the Koran. You don't see the book up close, and on the outside it could look just like a Bible. Even the person swearing in might not be aware. Given that the Bible is much bigger than the Koran, it's even possible they might take a Bible, hollow it out, and put the Koran inside. Then it will look like he is being sworn in on the Bible, but inside it will be a Koran.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

* Moral depravity: The history of the atheist community and various studies regarding the atheist community point to moral depravity being a causal factor for atheism. In addition, there is the historical matter of deceit being used in a major way to propagate atheism from the time of Charles Darwin onward. Also, Bible exegesis points to the moral depravity of atheists. Moral depravity is certainly one of the prime causes of atheism.

* Rebellion: Atheism stems from a deliberate choice to ignore the reality of God's existence [1] (If there was a God, there wouldn't be so much suffering.)[2]

* Superficiality: Noted ex-atheist and psychologist Dr. Paul Vitz has stated that he had superficial reasons for becoming an atheist such as the desire to be accepted by his Stanford professors who were united in disbelief regarding God.[3]

* Error: Some argue that atheism partly stems from a failure to fairly and judiciously consider the facts [4]

* State churches: In regards to the causes of atheism, rates of atheism are much higher in countries with a state sanctioned religion (such as many European countries), and lower in states without a sanctioned religion (such as the United States). Some argue this is because state churches become bloated, corrupt, and/or out of touch with the religious intuitions of the population, while churches independent of the state are leaner and more adaptable. It is important to distinguish "state-sanctioned churches," where participation is voluntary, from "state-mandated churches" (such as Saudi Arabia) with much lower atheism rates because publicly admitted atheism is punishable by death. [5]

* Poor relationship with father: Some argue that a troubled/non-existent relationship with a father may influence one of the causes of atheism.[6] Dr. Paul Vitz wrote a book entitled Faith of the Fatherless in which he points out that after studying the lives of more than a dozen leading atheists he found that a large majority of them had a father who was present but weak, present but abusive, or absent.[7][8] Dr. Vitz also examined the lives of prominent theists who were contemporaneous to their atheist counterparts and from the same culture and in every instance these prominent theists had a good relationship with his father.[9] Dr. Vitz has also stated other common factors he observed in the leading atheists he profiled: they were all intelligent and arrogant.[10]

* Division in religion: According to Francis Bacon, atheism is caused by "divisions in religion, if they be many; for any one main division addeth zeal to both sides, but many divisions introduce atheism." [11]

* Learned times, peace, and prosperity: Francis Bacon argued that atheism was partly caused by "Learned times, specially with peace and prosperity; for troubles and adversities do more bow men’s minds to religion."[12] Jewish columnist Dennis Prager has stated that one of the causes of atheism is the "secular indoctrination of a generation." [13] Prager stated that "From elementary school through graduate school, only one way of looking at the world – the secular – is presented. The typical individual in the Western world receives as secular an indoctrination as the typical European received a religious one in the Middle Ages.[14]

* Negative experiences with theists.
* Scientism: Science has in many ways become a new God. [15]

* Personal tragedy: For example, the death of a loved one (One's mother, father, husband or wife, etc.) can shake someone's religious belief severely, sometimes enough for them to lose it.

Conservapedia #fundie #transphobia #homophobia conservapedia.com

In regards to atheism and morality, the Barna Group found that atheists/agnostics in America were more likely, than theists in America, to look upon the following behaviors as morally acceptable: illegal drug use; excessive drinking; sexual relationships outside of marriage; abortion; cohabitating with someone of opposite sex outside of marriage; obscene language; gambling; pornography and obscene sexual behavior, and engaging in homosexuality/bisexuality. [1] Given the many diseases associated with homosexuality, the Bible prohibition against homosexuality is quite arguably one of the many examples where the Bible exhibited knowledge that was ahead of its time.


Evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins stated in an interview: “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question."[4] The interviewer wrote, regarding the Hitler comment, “I was stupefied. He had readily conceded that his own philosophical position did not offer a rational basis for moral judgments. His intellectual honesty was refreshing, if somewhat disturbing on this point.”[5]

In addition, there is the historical matter of deceit being used in a major way to propagate atheism from the time of Charles Darwin onward plus the issue of of atheistic ideology of communism being involved in the greatest mass murder of mankind in world history.


Per capita atheists and agnostics in the United States give significantly less to charity than theists even when church giving is not counted for theists.

Rod Weathers and TK #fundie conservapedia.com

(Arsonists set fire to Sarah Palin's church.)

Rod Weathers: It's absurd to deny that atheists are the heart of this. Who would torch a church but unfaithful, god-hating people? This is no assumption, but an overwhelming statistical fact.

TK: An arsonist would not, could not, be a "Christian". So who else but an atheist? Someone following Christ's teaching would never do arson. So, logically, one would assume it is a Godless person.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

A second generation atheist is one descended and raised in an atheistic environment by parents who are both atheists.

The term is used by atheists,[1] but it is not easy to find many examples of productive second generation atheists. While atheists raised in religious environments have occasionally been productive, atheists raised in atheistic environments are not known to be. Moreover it has been shown that second generation atheists who converted to Christianity early in life have been moderately successful.

Conservapedia article #fundie conservapedia.com

Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly born in Honolulu, August 4, 1961) served as a first-term Democratic Senator from Illinois (2004-2008) and then, along with his running mate Senator Joseph Biden, won the presidential election after twenty-three months of campaigning, raising and spending an unprecedented $650 million, most of which came from anonymous donors. An apparent Muslim, Obama could use the Koran when he is sworn into office.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Female Democrat politicians exclusively wear pant-suits, which is loosely observed as a feminist superiority complex, women equal to men. Also can be thought of as business decision dress for success. Female Republicans such as Sarah Palin wear respectable skirts. This is generally thought as declaring one's preference as to be observed as a lady or to show feminine qualities.

Aschlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Dancing is a popular form of celebration and partying by all ethnicities. But why is Barack Obama rarely seen dancing, or even allowing and attending dancing. Perhaps I've missed it (please let me know if I have). I know, there was one highly staged politically correct dance with Ellen DeGeneris as Obama was catering to her audience. But where's the rest?

One explanation is that the Islamic sharia disfavors dancing.

QWest #fundie conservapedia.com

(I am fucking disgusted.)

Well, that seems to be it. Obama has been elected. What a surprise that he won in Ohio and Pennsylvania where his ACORN cronies were out in force. I can't be too niggardly with my criticism for the RINOs in Virginia, Colorado, and New Mexico. Democracy as we know it is over and Conservapedia's mission is clearer than ever. We must be one of the last bastions of America until we can take back our country.

HowlesM #fundie conservapedia.com

[A response to another conservapedia editor for, I'm assuming, not being conservative enough.]

Bolly, you're clueless. There is a direct link between hollywood values and school prayer being censored. No one denys this except liberals who have breast cancer due to abortionist values. In summary, evolutionist style has blinkered you. You have free will to deny my logic.

[Oh and BTW: 'blinkered' is a real word, however it's an adjective, not a verb.]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

(A discussion about "Hollywood Values")

Andy: I've never seen a movie "demonize" drug use. Every movie I've seen that has drug use portrays it as something "cool" people do. As to your support of decriminalizing drugs, well ... that serves to prove my point. A big fan of Hollywood types yourself?

BenHur: *Huge list of movies where drugs ruin lives, cause people to die, and are generally portrayed as bad*

Andy: Liberals think they can fool people by citing unusual examples to deny a correlation. It's indisputable that Hollywood values are highly correlated with drug use, and that movie portrayals of drug use range from something that cool people do to something that is funny. Can anyone think of a movie that presented a sympathetic figure who was then senselessly murdered or seriously harmed by someone hooked on drugs? I can't. Hollywood is in denial about the harm caused by drugs, often to innocent third parties.

(Emphasis added.)

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

It only takes one counterexample (to disprove evolution). Number one in the list -- beautiful autumn foliage -- is enough. The foliage existed before man does, and beauty does not help the trees in the slightest. The theory of evolution is confounded by the beauty, and the best it can say is it happened by chance. But such beauty does not happen by chance

Frey #fundie conservapedia.com

The article says that [Obama's] sister (I think stepsister, actually, but I'm not sure) said the whole family was Muslim. It says that Obama studied the Koran extensively, and only a Muslim would do that.

Jros83 #fundie conservapedia.com

(Referring to Wikipedia and it's founder Jimmy Wales)

["What relevance does saying Wales is an atheist have? The website is not atheist and covers all ranges of topics, so I don't understand why this has any place in the first sentence of the article."]

Because atheist = bad.

jp #fundie conservapedia.com

(Should we ban atheists from Conservapedia?)

I will side with the answer Yes, but have reservations. Me more than anybody wants liberals out-of-here. But I realize us conservatives have more to learn about 'them'. Though, this requires a tremendous effort to monitor their asinine postings. I feel the same can be said for atheists, which also tend to be liberal. We can learn from their stupidity but at a cost to slowing the development of a highly credible website.

(Read the rest of that page, and then realize that these people vote.)

Conservapedia #wingnut conservapedia.com

In many ways, Conservative style is the antithesis of the style adopted by Liberals.

The style of a conservative often includes these characteristics:

-A willingness to debate openly on all aspects of an issue or problem, without being tramelled by ideological preconceptions.

-Readiness to take responsibility for the consequences of ones words and deeds.

-Not using fluff or obfuscating but telling it as it is.

-Behaving with decency towards other people, and treating the opposite sex with respect.

Author of Conservapedia article #fundie conservapedia.com

In 1997, the researcher Gundlach studied the issue of childhood sexual molestation in respect to lesbians and according the medical researchers Gundlach found the following:
"Gundlach (1977) surveyed 225 lesbian and 233 heterosexual women, and found that 30% of the heterosexual women and 21% of the lesbians had been raped. Of the 30 women who had been raped before the age of 14, 26 had an adult homosexual orientation while 9 had an adult heterosexual orientation."

[I'm skeptical of any "medical researcher" that adds up 26 and 9 to be 30]

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Medical professionals emphasize that they do not know what causes mental illness.[8] Accordingly, they cannot rule out that liberal indoctrination is a contributing factor.

Teaching children to accept and believe things that are demonstrably false cannot help mental health. Included in this category are the liberal teachings in school that:

*lying about the truth, causing belief in falsehoods or encouraging conduct disorders[9]
*there are no real differences between boys and girls
humans are just another type of animal
*all there is is what you see
*conversely, that an unproven 'unconscious' excuses evil actions
*self-inflicted death can somehow be good
*denying self-defense, mentally and physically
*denying the ability to control sexual desires; promoting lifestyles that lead to mental illness
*insisting on an illogical and unjustified "wall of separation of church and state"; classroom prayer would promote mental stability

conservapedia.com #fundie conservapedia.com

Medical professionals emphasize that they do not know what causes mental illness. Accordingly, they cannot rule out that liberal indoctrination is a contributing factor.

Teaching children to accept and believe things that are demonstrably false cannot help mental health. Included in this category are the liberal teachings in school that:

* lying about the truth, causing belief in falsehoods or encouraging conduct disorders
* there are no real differences between boys and girls
* humans are just another type of animal
* all there is is what you see
* conversely, that an unproven 'unconscious' excuses evil actions
* self-inflicted death can somehow be good
* denying self-defense, mentally and physically
* denying the ability to control sexual desires; promoting lifestyles that lead to mental illness
* insisting on an illogical and unjustified "wall of separation of church and state"; classroom prayer would promote mental stability

Conservapedia.com #wingnut conservapedia.com

Liberal ideology claims another victim: a prodigy in many fields and a recipient of the liberal MacArthur "genius" grant, Professor David Foster Wallace bought into the liberal ideology and subsequently killed himself at age 46. See our Mystery:Do Liberal Teachings Cause Mental Illness?

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