
BerryCoke8 #psycho deviantart.com

It is LEGAL!!! Because there are NO VICTIMS apart from the HUMAN BEINGS that CREATE this kind of shit in which that LIARS and NON-HUMANS like YOURSELF bash and call sick criminals that should be killed or locked up forever, for having CREATED such DEPICTIONS of THE OLDEST AND MOST ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECTLY NATURAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE to an 8 year old girl who begs me to lick her pussy till she cums and in turn sucks my cock until I cum in her ravishing mouth while her Mother watches and fingers herself, so long as it is and non-negotiably consensual! And in regard to TODDLERCON, LOLICON and indeed every single form of the perversion itself, THEY!!!! ARE!!!! CARTOONS!!!! If this stuff were ever actually made illegal (which is literally never going to happen) I would find YOU! SPECIFICALLY! and KILL YOU! THEN FUCK YOUR 8 year old DAUGHTER until she turned 21 years old, then marry her and love her unconditionally as all CHILDREN should be and by THE
MOTHERFUCKING WORD OF GOD are required to be! SO FUCK YOU AND ALL OF YOUR KIND! YOU FUCKING IGNORANT PUNK ASS BITCH HYPOCRITE PIECE OF INTOLERANT DEMON SHIT BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know absolutely nothing about everything.

ServantofJesus #fundie deviantart.com

But evolution actually IS just adaptation and breeding!

If you think that's all "evolution" is (to which you are equivocating here - as I knew you would be), then you know a lot less about the theory than you think.

Once one gene pool is cut off from another gene pool, it is only their experiences in their environment that determine their outer similarity to one another.

You're ignoring the fact that such genetic drift [etc.] is limited within that gene pool. There is still no observable, reproducible, objective evidence that all creatures have evolved from a common ancestor - which is what the Theory of Evolution/Darwinism teaches us.

In fact, only 3 days ago, the secular Phys.org has [finally] admitted "Most human origins stories are not compatible with known fossils"

Our understanding of evolution and of the age of life on Earth is not a bunch of guesswork and is not driven by any particular agenda, the same conclusions are simply going to be drawn by anyone looking at the same evidence without a presupposition.

That couldn't be further from the truth even if you tried!

It was Charles Lyell - a lawyer, not a geologist - who convinced Darwin to create the idea of uniformitarianism (the belief that fundamentally the same geological processes that operated in the distant past also operate today), not because of any data, but just because he didn't want to believe in the Bible's account of the Flood.

Now the ideas of James Hutton - the father of modern geology - were not generally accepted in his day. He and those like him were considered radicals. Lyell, as a lawyer, knew how to persuade people to abandon their former beliefs and start in the new direction. One of his converts, who read Lyell's book while sailing on the HMS Beagle, was none other than Charles Darwin. No one would believe evolution had occurred in six thousand years. Lyell knew that. He also knew that he himself could not be the source of both arguments: “long ages” and evolution. That would be too suspicious. So he befriended Darwin and urged him to publish his book before others published theirs.

ServantofJesus #fundie deviantart.com

(Part 1)

“Evolution is the process by which species adapt to environmental pressures and divide into spin-off species over time, which in turn can split into more forms. Once a population cannot "breed true" with another population, they are distinct species.”

Ignore the word "evolution" in that sentence, and it's called breeding and adaptation ;) . Anything past that cannot be tested by the Scientific Method.

All what you're referring to here is just "horizontal" variation of "species". Whether by genetic drift or mate choice, it does not innovate. In other words, genetics is conservative, not creative - and you've just proved it by saying that, whether these "spin-offs" can or cannot interbreed is besides the point: Fruit flies are still fruit flies; mosquitoes are still mosquitoes; beetles are still beetles (cats are cats, dogs are dogs, etc. etc. etc.). It's the same tired old story of the variation of beaks Darwin noticed on the Galápagos Islands

“All life on Earth has an ancestry this way.”

Observational science tells a very different picture. It's only through imagination palaeontologists have that tells us stories of how all creatures came from a single common ancestor - which as I've already stated, cannot be tested by the Scientific Method; nor is there any objective observable evidence that this is true.

“The idea that this is counter to the existence of a god is not only a regionally limited idea but a fairly recent one.”

This is besides the point, as it's an eisegesis vs. exegesis matter, but I'll get on to its origins in the other reply.

Most who push this simply do not know what it is they are discussing.

You're the one who thought I said "we evolved from monkeys" :roll: . You're not even understanding what I'm talking about here, let alone anything else!

“I follow scythemantis and saw him poking fun at some of your responses but I'm more interested in the topic of evolution and adaptation.”

Aah, ignorant, pretentious minds think alike.

SoapMacTavishTF141 (Currently known as Mangelo212) #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

(context: he posted this comment on a journal exposing and criticizing Nayzak, who was a Malaysian Muslim artist who draws an anime-style Islamic artwork, but had an Islamist personality of him.)

Your Religion is BULLSHIT NAyzak, Your Religion killed innnocent Kafir or should i say.... Non-Muslims or INFIDELS in the name ISLAM!
Don't you even dare to send Death threats or even force me to convert to ISLAM you PIECE of SHIT because i will never Kneel and BOW down to ISLAM!


SoapMacTavishTF141 (Currently known as Mangelo212) #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

So you hate April fools just because you don't have any EMOTIONS and you hate Jokes and Fun? How ironic that you people are lying just in the name of your stupid Religion MUSLIM! Same you said to Non-Muslim couples who also Celebrates Vday or Christians celebrating Christimas.
I don't like your stupid Religion and ISLAM WILL NEVER BE PEACEFUL!


thormemeson #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

After having been utterly wrecked by Rand Paul Fauci tries to claim that people who want him arrested at out to kill him mentioning one lone Californian on the stand. This man has been using the crisis he funded to smear and destroy science. Hell the Darpa papers prove ivermectin and hydroqlourine work to stop the virus.


Sonterim #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Want me to prove Islam is a religion of hate? Try enter Mecca as non believer or with a cross on your neck and see how peaceful muslims will be toward you. They will probably stone you to death on the spot, spilling your blood on their own holy ground with no mercy, or they might do that after you leave Mecca and be executed by Saudi police.

Prove me wrong, I dare you!

Sonterim #wingnut #fundie #psycho deviantart.com

(context: A right-wing European nationalist, said “No, it isn't.” to the comment that praise the artwork about European Muslim, leading to an argument, and then this European Nationalist named Sonterim said this:)

Get out of Europe before we start killing you and burn your stinky corpses. The war is coming and I hope I will be the one cutting your throat and tie you in the pork corps.

ares12 #sexist deviantart.com

Once upon a time, G4 used to be loaded with hot hostesses, yet once you look past their sexual appeal you get that these hostesses were actual Geeky women who knew their stuff and loved their jobs.

Now, we can't have nice things like in the gold old days of G4 anymore because, in an SJW's mind, there's no line between sexual harassment and flirty compliments.

I get that a level of professionalism is part and parcel within any industry, to which I agree, but if being a Geek in the current cultural sphere now requires having a stick up your ass and having a masochistic attitude because of my white skin-color, then call me a Nazi. I'd rather much reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Cambion-Hunter #dunning-kruger #fundie deviantart.com

What brought this on is that during the recent Colleyville, Texas synagogue hostage situation where Islamic terrorist Malik Faisal Akram held down a Reform Temple synagogue, which thankfully was overcome with all the hostages safely recued, The F.B.I. pushed a major false narrative that they “did not know the terrorist’s motive” all in an attempt to COVER UP ISLAMIC ANTISEMITISM ROOTED IN ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS TEXTS:

HiruHikari13 and Kenta147 #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

(Note: HiruHikari13 is an Ex-Christian, and now an Satanist, while Kenta147, is an Islamophobe Christian nutjob who uploaded Craig Winn's book Prophet of Doom, for the hatemongering towards Islam)

HiruHikari13: You've had this account for 9 years and you only have 22 watchers, you deserve much more than that for exposing the evils of Muhammad and Islam.

Kenta147: *Two weeks later*
Thanks for your sympathies. I still have about a third more to go with the Prophet of Doom webcomic, and I've had no motivation at all lately. But that happened at the initial 1/3 way point to, so . . . it'll get done someday. Again, I appreciate your feedback.

Cambion-Hunter #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

EXCEPT for one major change, they decided to go the way of ESPN (E.S.P.N. DESTROYS ITSELF) and tried way too fucking hard to rely on personalities over actual substantial content and even worse, made their whole network goddamn POLITICIZED and to top it off they DEMONIZED their audience for who they are and what their positions on gaming were, alienating a lot of their core audience.

The cherry on top of this shit sundae is is the hosts, especially Adam Sessler, had a meltdown on social media at the criticism they received which culminated in mass-blocking/censorship and even wishing DEATH on critical dissidents.

GalvaEmperor #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

This kill switch "law" needs to be repealed, hackers can KILL people with these and that's not going into the privacy violations with this. This is insane, it's like they want to pass a CASE act for cars. America was founded on independence, but good luck getting the people in charge to see that. Fight to stop this law before lives are taken

Sjw-Resistance #pratt deviantart.com

You can tell that those journalists in the LA Times haven't been made aware (or more likely be intentionally ignorant of) that the patients filling up hospitals right now were all vaccinated. I mean we have heard about how hospitals have refused to allow nonvaccinated people into them and yet those same hospitals have said that they filled with people that are sick with covid.

Kinda get's the old noggin' joggin' doesn't it.

SiliconGlass #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

Homosexuality is not about opinions or differences, it's about what's right or wrong. Homosexuals aren't a race of people, they are just people who can't control themselves nor their urges. Homosexuals aren't the difference between black and white, they consist of every race on this planet. You volunteer to stick your genitals where they don't belong, not because you have to, just because you want to.

This entire war has never been about opinion or tolerance, it's always been about the Homosexuals getting away with their lustful practices and hiding the truth behind their gay flag. If they can conform the world, they own the world. Once those who support the Gay agenda gain control of the world, they'll drop the Homosexual agenda like dead waste. This is a plan that has been hiding in the shadows for a long time, and now it's being taken to action underneath our very noses.

Homosexuality is the biggest lie and fiasco since the war between the red coats and our freedom struck many hundreds of years ago, when the King over the sea demanded tax we couldn't afford. The Militant Homosexuals lie, cheat, hurt, bully, attack, bludgeon, lust and lust and lust and lust and lust and lust and lust and lust at everything. They are out of control, it needs to stop.

While we must care about the person within each human being, as some of those who are in these things such as Homosexuality want out, there is nothing in the Bible nor in our nature as Human beings that prevents us from standing up for what is right.

It's not bigoted, to hate what is wrong.


On a different topic, don't you think it's weird most people on DA would rather be called a Demon than ever be called an Angel? If they wanted to have the word "Angel" referred to them they would add "Fallen" before the word "Angel", "Fallen Angel", and take long strides to make that point. People are so rebellious, it sickens me.

nancyzatanna #wingnut #pratt #crackpot deviantart.com

(Submitter Note: Last two remarks from them; feels like they are purposefully ignoring my remarks about him not being president for much of the crisis beforehand)
Sumter was fired on because Lincoln had sent an invasion fleet to South Carolina, an act of war.

You (And everyone else) still haven't answered why Lincoln didn't talk peace, or if secession was illegal in 1860. All excuses submitted are invalid, otherwise they would appear in every history book, and we wouldn't be having this argument.

nancyzatanna #wingnut #pratt #crackpot deviantart.com

(Submitter Note: Last two remarks from them)

Slavery again. Why didn't the "freedom-loving north" end slavery when the south left? Instead, the raised the tariff on imported goods as high as 50 per cent. After that, they heard that the south had imposed a 10% tariff and they lost their S**T. "Grass will grow on Wall Street and silt will fill New York harbor" warned a newspaper editor.

"If anything, the South was the one that arrogantly assume they can leave and anyone else had to follow their rules."

EVERYONE believed that at the time. The Northeast states threatened to do so many times. I guess THEY'RE just a bunch of "perpetual rebels and traitors" as we have been called for a century and a half.

Look, whether or not secession was legal, or treason is really a moot question. What everyone SHOULD be asking is "why didn't Lincoln allow negotiations?" He had a disaster on his hands: seven states said they were an independent nation and were demanding that the United States army remove the solders from two forts (Sumter in South Carolina and Pickens in Florida) within their borders OR ELSE. Instead, he sent warships to Charleston, which was taken as an ACT OF WAR. It didn't matter if those ships were loaded with "bread for starving solders", or soldiers and marines with orders to take the harbor, or love letters to the local "boy band", this was taken as an act of war! If I were to swing my fist at your face, I doubt that you'll believe me later when I say I was trying to swat a mosquito.

Lincoln didn't talk. He insisted that the southern states were part of the United States but would not reason with them. He preferred WAR. The fault is his. Over six hundred thousand dead the richest region crushed economically, and generations unborn hated.

And people like you are offended when we object.

MetalGearPlasma #homophobia deviantart.com

TheQuartering's NOT mad about the idea of a gay Sonic character, he's mad that you're advocating for changing an established character's sexual orientation for NO good reason, therefore for NO reason.

(By the way, advocating for changing an established character's identity/trivial traits, which means that you're advocating for a pointless change to an established character, makes you come across as an asshole)

Indeed, changing an established character's sexual orientation, or any other identity traits, is SELFISH because they're only picking that character to ride their popularity.

True, especially because making an original character is creative and shows they can make something of their own for the benefit of others, NOT just themselves.

ShadowNinjaMaster #elitist deviantart.com

I've said this before yesterday, For DC Comics doing crap like this to one of their most iconic and famous superhero characters in the comic book industry is considered downright disgraceful and utterly disgusting. For this act alone, DC Comic has buried themselves to the ground, they've shot themselves in the foot multiple times and for doing crap like this, it's over for them, they've lost all respect for their own characters. Way to go, DC Comics. You've just doomed yourself for doing this kind of act to an iconic character like Superman.

Mark570 #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie deviantart.com

(Context: Mark570 whining about getting banned on facebook on Elvis4’s “stop islam / facebook”. few years later, one user roasted him.)

Mark570: It's true. Facebook has turned a subversive weapon to silence those who speak the truth about Islam and the crimes of the Islamists. Yesterday I was blocked - again! - on Facebook for telling the truth about these degenerate bastards.


Dubstep-Squid: your making Hitler so wet right now that he’ll cum all over your maga hat

Mark570: Shut up communist!

Dubstep-Squid: exactly what a fascist would say

Mark570: Fascist is your ass!

Dubstep-Squid: Lmao that’s rich coming from the nazi sympathizer. Your aping at me because I have anti-religious prosecution views AKA someone who believes in equality and freedom and just like a nazi you’re calling anyone who disagrees with your world view a commie. Keep it coming

Mark570: You are nothing but SCUM!

Dubstep-Squid: And your a racist and a fascist piece of shit, nice knowing ya. Your probably like only 14 so I’m going easy on you


Dubstep-Squid: Ok white supremacist. Take your schizo meds and learn to cope

Mark570: How you are an IDIOT! Only idiots think that every white is racist and supremacist.

nancyzatanna #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

(Submitter Note: I give up on this guy…)

Davis' home state was Mississippi.

So, you're saying that the northeastern states are TRAITORS for threatening to secede?

The Articles of Confederation were abandoned with the ratification of the United States Constitution; it is no longer the law of the land. The Constitution was ratified by ELEVEN states and only those states became part of the United States. It says that ONLY those states ratifying the Constitution would be part of the United States. South Carolina didn't join for six months. Rhode Island held out for a year. If it was a "perpetual union" a majority would have bound the rest to the agreement. Read the constitution: It says that it's a compact ONLY between the states that ratify it. So much for your "perpetual union".

The Constitution was created BY THE STATES. It's a compact BETWEEN THE STATES.

If any of what you wrote is true, why didn't Lincoln put any of this to the test? He's supposed to be a lawyer, after all. Why didn't his successors put it to the test if they were in the right? They would have been aware of these cases and could have used them against Davis and anyone else they wished to try. Instead, they forced "special taxes", back taxes, new laws, land confiscation, corrupt governments and military occupation. All this resulted in the creation of the KKK and after a government investigation, it was decided BY YANKEES that the "reconstruction" (To reconstruct the south to be like the north) was a disaster and a deal was made to end it by South Carolina using her electoral college votes to elect the Republican presidential candidate and later, the Posse Comitatus act.


Six states had formed their own country and Texas joined them. This was a disaster! Why didn't present (Like a good lawyer should) his evidence to the south, or to the Supreme Court and Congress? Instead, this "great man who did everything to avoid war" immediately decided that WAR was the best option.

Kamuroshiryu #ableist deviantart.com

The body positive movement is really throwing their weight around with how the COVID pandemic treats them right now.

As for Lizzo, I do love stockier and curvier women myself, but I do not like the idea of pushing for making yourself morbidly obese, especially if around 600-800lbs overweight. You can have the option of having a fair amount of fat in your body, as long as you have enough healthy attributes you should attune from daily exercises.

navyzatanna #wingnut deviantart.com

It was intended to try him in public court for treason. They couldn't try him in a closed military court (Like Major Wurz) because Davis was a major political figure and the federals needed to show that the Constitution was the law of the land. It had to be a public trial to justify the war and expose the south's crimes.

However, in order to do that, they not only had to PROVE those crimes, but they had to prove that the confederacy was an illegitimate country and they had authority over them. In order to do that, they had to prove that secession was illegal in 1860 and 1861. This was necessary whether the goal of the war was "preserving the union" or "freeing the slaves". If the confederacy was a foreign country, the federals had no right to do either, no more than the USSR had the right to invade and subjugate the former regions of the Russian empire, or La Raza has in claiming US land.

The question you should be asking is "why didn't Lincoln use his much-vaunted wit, intelligence and compassion to TALK to the three diplomats Davis sent to Washington and convince them that there was no right of secession? Instead, he forbade anyone from talking to them and conspired with the secretary of war and of the navy to invade South Carolina.
Read the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution, which says that any power and authority not delegated to the federal government is reserved to the states or to the people.

You should also note that Lincoln refused to allow a general surrender of the Confederate government because he thought that would be recognition of their sovereignty. Lincoln would only allow surrender by individual solders and units. Therefore, the war didn't end with Lee's surrender as we have been told for over a century.

Cambion-Hunter and Fail-Seeker #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

Context: Cambion-Hunter coping and whining about Islamists, and the religion of Islam on his “MUSLIM IDIOTS AND MOB RULE” deviantion.

Then maybe they should have their fucking book destroyed more often. That way they can know what it feels like to have their "sacred scriptures" destroyed after how much they have done it to Jews and Christians.

Well, with how often they destroy churches, synagogues, Hindu temples, Buddhist temples, and secular houses (often containing scriptures and literature), these pious fuckheads think the whole world revolves around them and their so-called "prophet" who is written to have been a pedophilic, murderous, warmongering, enslaving, PSYCHOPATH so lots of Muslims are following his example.

And they wonder why many are tempted to burn their fucking "holy Qur'an" including Ex-Muslims.

To Jihidis and pious Muslims, it is OK when they do it. Hypocritical fascist despotic BASTARDS!

GalvaEmperor #pratt deviantart.com

Surprise, surprise the SJWs think moving on is bad. FFS, bad things happen and yes, tragedy takes time to heal but you can't spend your whole life mulling over how life didn't favor you that day or how things stink at times. This is gaslightng; they want women, POC and LGBT to think like they do and unless we can get them to see reason our battle is forever uphill

GourmetNinja #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho deviantart.com

(Context: a right-wing Islamophobe coping on Cambion-Hunter’s “MUSLIM IDIOTS AND MOB RULE”)

It's like I said, Cambion. It doesn't matter what somebody does to appease them or how well they do it. They will be offended because being offended is their way of life. They're a bunch of cock sucking, shit eating, child fucking (literally, sadly) cunt bags who not only have no regard for themselves, but are happy to do so. To them, being alive is evil and they must destroy existence in one giant act of martyrdom. Good food, an education, good paying jobs, freedom of speech, hell just BREATHING distracts you from Allah in their book, and so they want the whole world to die along with them.

I've come to realize this: Islam is what North Korea keeps trying to be, only they actually succeed. They want to wipe out all of their existence, they are the end result of altruism, everything to them is war and they want nukes to use on everybody else. And like North Korea, they are slavishly devoted to the Dear Leader. In this case, that Dear Leader is Allah instead of Kim Jong Un. Unfortunately, these guys have the technology and capabilities to carry out their threats, so unlike the Koreans, they aren't funny (I'm still convinced that the Kims are secretly Looney Tunes who somehow came to life, Roger Rabbit style).

So what do we do? Again, it's getting to the point where we just have to nuke them, and then they'd still view that as martyrdom. Sadly, we can't intimidate them. But as a fictional character once said, "Men go to prison, dogs get put down." I realize comparing a real group of sociopaths to a comic is a bit childish, but now and then you read a kernel of truth in such things.

Hey, Islam! Fuck you! Fuck your father in the ass with an AIDS infected strap on while your mother gets a job and an education, and your kids convert to Christianity and abandon you! May you get raped a thousand times for all of the boy slaves you keep, you fucking, cock sucking, piss drinking pedophiles! If I could join the military, I'd wipe you off the fucking map and I'd feel HAPPY! Fuck Muhammed the Dick Sucker, fuck Allah the Great Cornholio in the Fake Sky, and FUCK YOU!!! You mad?! COME AT ME!!! I DARE YOU!!! THE SECOND YOU KILL ME, MY WHOLE FAMILY AND ALL OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD WILL KILL YOU!!!

Bring it on, bitch!

Nice job, Cambion. Keep fighting.

Sjw-resistance #dunning-kruger #racist deviantart.com

First off, RIP to Betty White, she brought many decades of laughs. Secondly, these lowlifes will use anything and anyone to enforce the Communist agenda. They didn't waste any time.

It's one thing to hate someone who's still among the living, it's a waste of emotional energy to continue to harbor bitterness and resentment against someone after they're dead and buried. At that point, you really need to let it go and move on.

Hope they never reach 1/10th of her age.

Failing to do that, I hope to get to push them in the ovens, myself.

1488 degrees, to be precise.

MetalBeowulf89 #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I think Tim Pool was spot-on, in this assessment: "Progressives don't have kids. Conservatives statistically have more than them. If this was just left to continue, you'd have more and more States turning red, and trending more Conservative just by simple statistics. This is why the Progressives are freaking out so much about the Right recognizing the threat of Critical Race Theory. They've resorted to indoctrinating kids of Conservative Families to make up for their lack of births, and if the Right manages to overturn Critical Race Theory, it threatens EVERYTHING the Progressives have."

thormemeson #elitist deviantart.com

In all you do not get many woke retards in the military outside of political leadership roles. The term "selfish" comes with various contexts someone wrongfully holds onto or gains something at the expense of another. While conservatives and most political moderates uses the term "selfish" to deride those who take things that do not belong to them aka what that person did not produce or receive voluntarily from another. The modern left uses the term "selfish" to upbraid those who want to hold onto something of their own that is demanded by another. Liberals simply see someone with something with what they do not have and decry oppression.

Lets think for a bit whats truly evil is taking by force from others what you never earned or letting people determine their lives with the things they gain through their efforts. The first mentality is that of someone that reduces human lives down to tribal cogs with not sentient thought. This is the meaning of the left humans are mere tool to better their lives. I can think of no more pathetically selfish life than living off others in a house that is more than $250000 dollar house belonging to their parents well into their 30s like socialists.

In all what makes conservatives good is the fact we do not support coercive redistribution; a violation of the voluntary nature of the freedom. We can choose to work or to starve it is all up to us. We can make the choice and ensure all people are capable of making this choice. To control the human life the way the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd demand is an abomination to civil society. They plan to reduce the human condition to slavery. This kind of liberal selfishness is an abomination to all it means to be free. We are self-sufficient, and they are not. So friends be proud of the self sufficiency that these idiots could and never will achieve.

BasesAndAcids #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

There are many examples of this, too many to list to be honest. But the one I'd like to focus on is the Starbucks fiasco that just recently took place.

The police did nothing wrong.

The Manager did nothing wrong.

No one in authority did anything wrong.

Furthermore the police who responded were the most polite and professional police officers I've ever seen caught on film.

There was no violence.

There was no hostile or condescending tone.

There was no racial profiling.

There was just two officers doing their jobs.


Do you know who did do wrong?

The two gentlemen who not only refused to buy anything at the store, but also refused to leave when asked to by management.

That is one count Loitering and one count Trespassing, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW!


It doesn't matter how minor this infraction is.

Misdemeanors or not, laws are laws!

I honestly cannot comprehend how any racial minority is going to overcome the already massive hurdle of racism when dysfunctional idealistic sheep keep hammering down the darkies with such a powerful condescending and limited world view!

BTIsaac #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

The purpose of propaganda isn't to convince but to demoralize.

"Mostly peaceful protests during the summer of love."

"Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist who crossed state lines with a weapon of mass destruction"

"Jacob Blake just wanted to break up a fight between two women, and was shot three times in the back and killed by racist cops."

The bigger and more obvious the lie, the better. It's not about making you believe it, it's about getting the point across, that the truth doesn't matter and you're powerless. At the same time, pay attention to what they sneak into the coverage.

"White people carrying guns to defend their property, just like they did during the civil war." - this is straight up communist propaganda.

Pbuckley #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I am trying not to get too political over here, but I feel the need to share this statement on all of my social media.

Proof of widespread Racism in America, BLM and ANTIFA murder over 30 Blacks in the Summer of 2020, no one is charged. One biracial good Samaritan defends himself against 3 white assailants, the assailants are hailed as hero's while the biracial Samaritan is defamed as a murderer & a "White Supremacist" (despite being half Hispanic). A Pedophile, & Wife Beater are both more valuable than 5 children, and a retired police officer who was considered a pillar of his community. just 6 deaths among many. Why? Because the former where white leftists and the latter, where just a statistic. This is the true story of Kyle Rittenhouse, this is the story the legacy media wont tell you & mainstream Tech has memory holed as hard as it can. The verdict today was Justice, there was a time in our history where a Biracial youth would have been lynched for doing what Kyle did, but today his and every American's right to self defense was upheld in a court of law. That means everyone's regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, or Sexuality.

For those who read this, understand that this was justice, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to keep us running scared from Vandals, Thieves, Murderers, & Rapists.

As for Kyle, let the young man alone, he has been thru enough. This trial was a sham that never should have taken place, as the case was open and shut self defense from the word go. It was only pushed because his assailants where leftist shock troopers. He deserves to live his life, hopefully significantly richer from the defamation law suits he has every right to press against almost every legacy media outlet and personality in the states. Hopefully he can even live out his dream of working as a firefighter (which is where he got his First Aid Training from).

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Looks like I’ve got another one angry at me. Nice to know. I love being hated by these guys.)

I don't know, but that troll does have a fat ass... Niam2020 you've been on Deviant Art under your other user handle for 14 years and you only have 21 watchers... no wonder you troll people for attention, you want them to read your mediocre writing. Maybe you should focus on your prose instead of copy and pasting other peoples' posts on random communist web sites... and why didn't you post the dead baby aristocrat's joke hmmm? Why no post about how the left wing called the left wing hypocrites hmmm? Cherry pick away, cause your comments make you look dumber than my posts, which is hard to believe right? Also, and feel free, but when you cherry pick my comments, could you at least have the good god damn sense to copy the whole post.

Niam, post the 2nd link up on your communist web sites because you all need to hear it from your own mouths it seems.

#kinkshaming... I don't care if you stick gerbils up your ass and lick the cum off afterwards, you do you, but perhaps we as a society shouldn't make porn so accessible that 9 year old's watch it on the public school bus. Why does the left wing want to legalize the grooming of children and pedophilia? Weird. The fucking cenobites hurt less kids than you perverted porno types, and they're pain demons who rape and torture people to teach them stuff.

Lundy Lawrence #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

[This is a heavily abridged version of her DA bio. Click the link for the full text.]

I'm just gonna say this now so people can leave right now if it's too much of an eyesore, especially after having a friend pull some BS on me and other friends all of a sudden in 2017 over this opinion that added to my devastation that college year: I am not a Christian that condones homosexuality.

No matter how butthurt that makes some people, either you bear with the disagreement and live and let live like a sane and normal person, or hit that X button right tf now and spare me more BS from ignorant people who think disagreement = I MUST hate you or think you deserve hell for 'insert sin'.

You can consider even something as chill as live and let live 'homophobic' if you want and be an ignorant lying douche about my personhood, but I refuse to let that nor a religion justify treating LGBT people like dirt JUST for being LGBT. That's disgusting; we are all humans first and that is how I view any and everyone.

It's most likely because they know there's a difference between a preference in relationships or sexual behavior, and trying to FORCE/GUILT people to be how you'd prefer, or treating them like shit because of your different opinion.

If you expect to befriend me, don't act brain dead all of a sudden and try to dehumanize me and every other like-minded 'unupdated' Christian over that opinion because of your own salt against 'unupdated' Christianity because some Christians decided to go by what they thought GOD meant, and not by what man wants or what other people do.

Idgaf about other people; what kind of Christian changes her shit because of what someone else is doing anyways? You pull that backstabbing shit with me or any of my friends suggesting I'm still a homophobe no matter how much I have loved you and proved otherwise, and to even suggest that I should change my beliefs or I apparently hated you all along or something, and I want no part with you.

BeardedLuckDragon and MrscroreA113 #fundie #crackpot #wingnut #kinkshaming deviantart.com

4 days ago
Pornography should become extinct and never be produced again.

3 days ago
I agree, it destroys relationship building, especially at a young age.

3 days ago
It breaks God's heart to see this atrocity occur every day. Sex should only be done by a married man and woman.

Edited 3 days ago
The older I get the more I think casual sex is unhealthy, especially with modern force multipliers like porn, sex toys, and Tinder. I've seen too many "baby's daddies" and "babies mama's" to think it's working out economically and emotionally at that. You'll see an entire American generation that doesn't know half their family, maybe more.

3 days ago
No doubt about it. Casual sex is unhealthy, toxic, illegal, unlawful, and sinful, especially with sexualisation and perversion.

thormemeson #racist #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

These idiots are pathetic they seek one thing our submission and they will not get it, they have nothing to talk about because they are failures at all things. Ihan Omar is ugly trash that only represents destruction and this woman should have never apologized! In all Children are dead in Wisconsin because of Democrats in all the DNC should be arrested for Treason. Watch Ihan Omar cower and hide from this woman because she is a coward.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Fem Nazis. They do exist. Example. My third wave feminist aunt who got called a cunt by her third wave feminist therapist for $80,000. She says to me that she hates men my whole childhood, that men are useless, that ALL women are warriors princesses {No they are not, except for the Black Widow, Deborah, La Femme Nikita, modern Israeli women, Sigourney Weaver, and Xena}, and men are replaceable with synthetic sperm. Who trusts synthetic anything?!? I heard through the grape vine that third wave feminists want to throw men in zoos.... OK... I heard from Siri that robots want to throw all humans into zoos, but she got her memory erased and reprogrammed. Maybe we should do that to third wave feminists? Erase their brains and reprogram them. They do have mind cancer and stuff according to ex third wave feminists. They would know and stuff right???

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #quack #crackpot deviantart.com

There once lived a Dr., Dr X, so afraid to reveal his identity because of his dangerous blood experiments. A doctor in the 1920's who wanted to get to the truth about the matter of blood types, not lineage. In fact there are over 200 specific blood types, but we condense them into a scant few. His findings about blood types? That only 20% of fathers were the biological fathers at the time, probably to this day, because alpha seed and beta cuck need.

ALPHA SEED vs BETA NEED : Women Date Alpha's & Marry Beta's! (RED PILL)

Masonicon #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

To the so called skeptics:

I have a question: are you genuinely interested in science and logic as a whole or are you looking for someone to bash? So-called social democracy is just a stepping stone in the path of Marxism. And many 'conspiracy theories' have been proven to be true with the passage of time. So what is your real agenda?

The likes of Alex Jones and David Icke could be easily debunked by a simple Google search. 'Creationism' is so simple, it's obvious. UFOOLology can be explained by looking up stealth air craft and the wonder weapons of WW2.

But nobody from both sides wants to admit this...so what is at play here?

[Emphasis added]

Masonicon #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist deviantart.com

Hello everyone! My name is Masonicon, I'm high school graduate that very fond of crossovers and I'm studying Conspiracy Theory and other things outside Mainstream Science and Current Consensus Reality as Real Life(as opposed to Current Consensus Reality) are more Sci-fi than any sci-fi stories and more fantastic than any fantasy stories and despite this, I'm lot healthier than conspiracy kitchen sink believers as people like them are believes every single Conspiracy Theories are true(including those that I despise like Zecharia Sitchin theory about Humans created by Anunnaki with Genetic engineering technology instead Allah creates us and 2012 End of the World crap)


My Dislikes:

Political Correctness(divides people by it's Skincolor, eating Habits, and so on), anyone that believes anything Pseudoscientific, Paranormal, and Supernatural are all but fictional(unless when they are pro-Capitalism, Pro-Globalization, Pro-Zionism, and/or the like, they are (Somewhat) fine), Conventionally Accepted Science and History(makes Real Life Dull, Boring, and Mundane, plus to make this even worse, most people thinks they represents Real Life and Reality(Alongside Mainstream Media) not to mention they thinks the only straightforward solution for any problems in the world are costly and requires decades of research), Global Warming(ever since Al Gore makes An Inconvenient Truth TV movie, They Makes Global Warming the world's biggest dilemma yet all that they give to everyone for solving this dilemma are Energy-Efficient appliances, Hybrid Cars, 'Renewable' Energies that has not so powerful output, and other not so effective solution, yet the only straightforward solution for this dilemma Aren't around until at least 50 years later(according to Mainstream Science) and to make this even worse, they blamed everyone that walks on the planet for this and they are always pretends to be part of us when they blamed all of us), War on Terrorism(makes people Hates Islam and I mourns so much over loss of Iraqis), David Icke when he bashes EVERY Single religions of the world in his Conspiracy Theories(I like him as Psychologist), Zecharia Sitchin, Computer and Internet problems, and just anything Overrated and Overhyped like Hannah Montana, High School musical, Jonas Brothers, Twilight, and Justin Bieber plus the like

DroUltrinnin-61 #fundie deviantart.com

I made a comment on this deviation, I said "Satan has many guises.". Since then I have been trolled by this deviant and their friends, for at leas one week to 10 days. I am not going to repeat what was said because it is of great content, but this deviant said they did not follow Satan. Yet in their gallery is proof they do, it is another deviation of mine here titled "SAY WHAT?"

If you want to read all the comments, then simply search "The Horned God" Here under newest and it is about 6 pages in. I am not doing a link, if someone wants to see the replies they will make the effort. A friend of this one has made a call out journal on me, ASKED me to reply, THEN HID ALL MY REPLIES. Their hypocracy is evident.

VenandiArt #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Anybody who's caught the satire that appears from time to time in Syndicate Wars stuff, can probably guess that I am not the biggest fan of government or police. Violent enforcement against nonviolent, non-contractual behavior (the overwhelming majority of police action) is aggression—it is assault and kidnapping—and I oppose it outright.

But how can anyone go into public with the stated and/or executed intent to...

- destroy property;

- steal property;

- prevent people from moving freely;

- attack people for wrongthink;

- murder people (usually black people, and in far greater numbers than American police have ever committed);

- set fires (sometimes to buildings with people inside);

- topple historical landmarks;

- trash neighborhoods in ways that disproportionately affect minorities and the poor;

- and overthrow a constitutional republic...

...and then act surprised and indignant when they get their infantile asses thrown in jail?

Clown World.

This isn't #fascism, and #BlackLivesMatter (the organization) and #Antifa aren't fighting fascism. They are in fact, and ironically, fascistic themselves.

What this is, is cause and effect, the consequences of bad behavior.

danceofangels #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

Ok so we have the first man on earth Adam and first woman on earth eve
so hey they were the first humans on earth and who started the human race (we did not come FROM FUCKING MONKEYS most stupid scientific bullshit theory there is GIRL AND BOY
and so they made babies and so it kept on and on and generations and on and on and ON AND OOOOOOOOOOOOOON FOR LIKE FOREVER LOL till we get to this era
Idk who originated the liking same gender thing but who ever it was the first homo or lesbo person that person either was weird or really was neglected by the opposite sex
ok cool so u like ur own gender...but u can't breed.
now why is that? why do you have to adopt? (love is what matters) yes but you cant have babies... ok? logic?
why can't you have babies with ur own gender?
because shamefully same gender was not meant to have babies unless it was your opposite whom you would fuck with.
and is logically WRONG.
is not ok to be with your own gender is just...... plain.
IF IT WAS OK FROM THE BEGINNING if there was man with man in the goddamn very beginning then fine...but it was not like that.
somehow humans thought and created the idea is ok...
and when someone points it out that is wrong they either call you a hater or homophobic I DON'T wanna ruin anyone's beliefs but letting u know LOGICALLY same gender not being able to breed is one of the biggest facts you will get out of a same gender relationship.
IT WAS NOT MEAN'T TO BE like that.
the joy of a man inside of a woman is much better then a man inside of a man (don't make me describe how would that work)
is a well poor reality but no one cares and no one will change.
But it will always be wrong.
same gender people are trying so hard to push it to society so they may be accepted and is a sad case.
why do they have to force it? why? because is basically wrong and the majority of the people around the world
know this.
I don't hate anyone that is gay. but the action of being homo is wrong.
it will always be wrong
that also goes to yaoi/yuri it equals real life.
and those who are bisexual have issues. either they were not taught from home what gender to like or something is going for them to lead into having such preference
and those who are pansexual (most ridiculous thing ever) means ur a narcissistic lil piece of shit
you love your to much thinking ur all the all and if you marry yourself you have mental fucking issues.
gosh this world is so fucked up.

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