
Brythonic Princess #sexist #racist #conspiracy #kinkshaming #wingnut archive.is

(From “An open letter to the entire feminist community.” Written in 2017.)


To the radical feminists: You are closer to me than you think you are. However, you will never abolish the porn industry fighting the wrong group of people. I strongly urge you all to look up the Jewish porn moguls and the statistics of Jewish people in the media and big business, despite being less than 3% of the American population they manage to be the majority in most of these things while holding a large portion of the wealth as well as being the group with the lowest rates of poverty. Stop blaming white men for every single issue in society, Porn alone has always been a communist and Jewish creation used specifically to ruin society, I have said before that this is bigger than the oppression of women, they are teaching our young boys to only be aroused by incest, Gang banging and bestiality to destroy him. Hitler knew this, that is why he made it his business to burn pornographic literature and general media. Pre-Hitler Germany was riddled with porn culture which of course lead to rape rates going way up and mass demoralisation of the public, Hitler managed to abolish most of this and brought peace and high trust societies back to the German public, which flourished even under a global depression. He did this just by trying to deport the Jewish elite to Palestine and purging Their nation of what those elites had created. Hitler released his people from massive, Crushing loans and debt, created hundreds of thousands of jobs, gave mothers generous financial support and time off from work, Ran the world’s first anti-smoking campaigns and made it the government’s business to protect their environment. He created the socialist Utopia you would all die for, the media then went on to lie about him and make you afraid of him, because they don’t want you to succeed.

Hadley Freeman #transphobia archive.is

What gives men the right to use gender activism as a cover for misogyny?

Gender activism has become the permissible face of misogyny for a certain kind of allegedly progressive man. It gives them latitude to call women derogatory names and make spittle-flecked videos, insisting that anyone who has a problem with male-born people in women-only spaces is on the wrong side of history. The effect is men’s-rights activism, but the energy is very incel — shorthand for people who are “involuntarily celibate”. Incels rage online about women who selfishly refuse to have sex with them; gender activists rage at women who won’t just bloody well shut up about their concerns about safety and say what the men tell them to say.
One of the sadder fallouts is the wedge it has driven between women and gay men. Once they were natural allies, not least during the Aids era, when so many women stepped in as caregivers to men with HIV. Gender is completely different from sexuality, yet because they are yoked together in the LGBT acronym, many gay men see anxieties about gender ideology as analogous to homophobia, hence, presumably, the “passion” of Russell-Moyle and Bradshaw, both of whom are gay.

Russell-Moyle has previously had to apologise to JK Rowling after accusing her of “using her own sexual assault as a justification for discriminating against a group of people who were not responsible for it”, ie trans women, ie male-born people. Perhaps he learnt something from that experience because he didn’t accuse Duffield — another survivor of male violence — of exploiting her own lived experience. But it’s a shame he is so unwilling, or maybe just unable, to understand no matter how passionately he shouts at women, he cannot make them believe something as undefined as “gender” renders all differences between the two sexes — males are stronger, males are more violent — irrelevant.


Hadley Freeman #transphobia archive.is

What gives men the right to use gender activism as a cover for misogyny?

And lo, it has come to pass. The rise of gender ideology — which for too long was dismissed as too niche and irrelevant to discuss by those too sexist or just too cowardly to listen to women’s concerns — has now exploded into a constitutional showdown, with the UK government blocking Nicola Sturgeon’s wildly unpopular gender recognition reform bill.
For those of us who have been writing for years about the insanity of rewriting the law to accommodate something no one can even define (is gender a feeling? A soul? Simple masculinity or femininity?), this feels a bit like watching your local cult band play at Wembley. Or, to put it from the perspective of those who desperately tried to pretend no problems could possibly arise from a philosophy that tries to rewrite the human experience, insisting being a woman is a mere feeling rather than a fact, this is like having a stain on your ceiling which you tried to ignore, only for it to then cause your whole house to collapse.

It was inevitable the fantasies sold by gender activists would crash on the hard rocks of reality, and not just because of the endless internal contradictions (if gender is different from biological sex, and given that sport is segregated by sex, why are trans women now on women’s sports teams?). The movement is increasingly underpinned by a frothing misogyny that is becoming all too visible to even the most casual observers. Some insist it is impossible to engage rationally with this “debate” because, they say, “both sides are equally toxic”. Parliament last week gave lie to that. When Rosie Duffield spoke on Tuesday, calmly — and rightly — saying that Scotland’s bill “clearly conflicts with the Equality Act and would have repercussions for women across the UK”, she was jeered by men in her own party, most obviously Ben Bradshaw and Lloyd Russell-Moyle. After Conservative MP Miriam Cates spoke about the threats the bill poses to women’s “dignity and safety”, Russell-Moyle, pink with rage, called Cates’s speech “disgusting” and added, wagging his finger: “You should be ashamed!”


Jgtemolder #sexist #fundie archive.is

Alex224922: I was raped by my boyfriend in high school. I was sitting on his bed, with all my clothes on, talking to him because I wanted to have a conversation with him and nothing else. He playfully pushed me down onto his bed and I said, "No hon, I'm not in the mood today." He tried again because he thought I was teasing, so I raised my voice, got angry and said, "NO, not today." He then proceeded to guilt me and tell me he really wanted to, but I stood my ground. Finally, he wasn't having it. He started horsing around with me and then pushed me onto the bed again, got on top of me, and started trying to take my clothes off. I told him NO again, trying to get up but he held me down. That's when I started yelling at him and hitting him, but he didn't stop. I was in shock. This was my boyfriend, and he definitely knew me well enough to know the difference between me "secretly wanting it" and not wanting to have sex. I kicked, I hit, I cursed, I CRIED and he still forced his way in.
There is a DIFFERENCE between rape and consensual sexual dominance. Yes, I enjoy being dominated in bed, but my new boyfriend ALSO enjoys being dominated. My ex didn't dominate me. He forced me to have sex that I DID NOT WANT. I did not enjoy it, I did not like being raped

Jgtemolder: If someone, regardless of sex or gender or sexuality, smashes the door down screaming about being raped like it's a merit badge and demanding everyone better get on their knees and not question anything they are saying, otherwise they'll pull out the rape-victim card to show how ashamed you should be (or just whip that thing out in the middle of a conversation); I say it's appropriate, again, regardless of sex.
(Especially when they admit to enjoy sexual domination games, and their text heavily implies they enjoyed them with the partner that supposedly raped them, yet not using the safe word... or were dumb enough not to establish one.)
If someone is simply relaying their experience, regardless of sex, and explain what it is, it is not.

Goy Orbison #dunning-kruger #homophobia archive.is

They might cause one-third of child molestation cases and make up over 80% of HIV cases, but they’re just like us, goy. Haven’t you seen Modern Family?

In modern day Amerikwa, public high schools are cesspools of virulent degeneracy.

The substandard state-funded POZgressive brainwashing, the fact that your kids are forced to share space with illegals, gang members and other negative elements, the perverted child molesters that routinely get hired to teach young people – there’s an endless list of reasons you’d want to keep your children away from these indoctrination

Federale #racist archive.is

Diversity is not strength. Whether it is terrorism, crime or lost and found, a homogeneous society is where society works for all its citizens. In Japan as usual, a prosperous and safe country is easiest built on a homogeneous society; diversity brings “Bowling Alone” and frequent terrorism among the social ills that destroy a community.

Homogeneity brings social cohesion, honesty, safety, and lost items returned to you.

The most important aspect of the story goes unmentioned; the Japanese police have so little to do they can concentrate on processing lost items of little value such as umbrellas and sunglasses. Think about this for a minute. The Japanese police don't have to deal with much crime, they don't have to deal with terrorism, they don't have to deal with a crime plagued underclass, and they don't have to deal with illegal alien criminals. They can actually try and serve the Japanese people by recovering and holding lost items.

And this is part of a deliberate policy of reinforcing honesty that starts with young children, instead of a policy of inculcating self-esteem and diversity ideology. It's a policy directly related to the high IQ of the Japanese people. Smart people make smart decisions.

Lance Welton #racist archive.is

Now what could be the reasons for Covid-19 disproportionately influencing blacks? As I reported last week, genetics alone would predict that they would be less susceptible. Blacks suffered less from Spanish Flu and they have even been shown to put up a stronger immune system fight against flu than whites who are matched for health status and other key variables. So, what, more environmental, factors could be overwhelming this hypothesized genetic advantage?

A big part of this in intelligence. Intelligence correlates with health because intelligent people better understand what is healthy and what is not. Intelligent people have higher future-orientation and impulse control. These make them less inclined to, say, take the extra piece of cake or not wash their hands thoroughly enough. They are more accepting of authority and more likely to obey authority. They are less dogmatic, less certain that they are correct, and, thus, more likely to take advice. These factors all mean that they are healthier and less likely to catch viruses.

If Covid-19 is not an Equal Opportunity disease, that means our race-denying Ruling Class is frightening most people too much—and not warning some people enough. This will not merely cause unnecessary chaos—it will cost lives.

Steve Sailer #racist archive.is

The Daytona 500, NASCAR's biggest race, also often baffles the uninitiated who tune in and can't quite figure out the appeal of watching stock cars go around and around and around … and around some more. But NASCAR's huge popularity owes much to having evolved into a covert ethnic pride extravaganza for one of the few groups who aren't allowed to honor themselves in public: Red State whites of Northern European descent.

Paul Kersey #dunning-kruger archive.is

University Of Nebraska Changes Blond-Haired/Blue-Eyed Mascot From Doing OK Sign, Because It Supposedly Denotes White Power

There’s no denying what a joke the United States of America has become in 2022.
Now the University of Nebraska has redesigned its white, blond-haired, blue-eyed mascot so it no longer does the OK sign in officially licensed apparel.

The “OK” sign means white power, right?
Why not just make Herbie Husker an illegal alien, since when do white people dare do farm work?

Seth #sexist archive.is

As a trans person myself, being a masculine guy was far more difficult than being a feminine girl (non-binary atm though). The biggest thing is that I was always made fun of for being suicidal in high school, even going so far as people saying 'Do you think he cuts himself, like actually? LOL', and my personal favourite 'He's going to die a lonely virgin.' Hell this even transferred into my adult life when I was kicked out of a house for being depressed.

However, the moment I come out as being trans, and feminine at that, people now actually seem to care about my issues.

Then there's the dating world, where men are infinitely more disadvantaged than women in modern society as women dictate how everything goes, Even if you are a confident alpha man you are still at the mercy of attractive women, as they have the privilege of being judgemental without any level of criticism being directed towards them. A man cannot make fun of ANY women or he is an incel misogynistic bigot virgin.

Men are just expected by a vast majority of society to bottle up their feelings. I'm apparently the only person in a lot of my male friends' lives that seems to give a shit as apparently no one else INCLUDING THEIR GIRLFRIENDS actually listens to them and feels for them, In fact, their girlfriends go so far as to either abuse them or just focus purely on their own mental health.

Oh. and who can forget the absolute joke that is sexual assault in males. NO one took me seriously, they just assumed I was either lying or being childish about the experience.

I've lived through men's suffrages as well as living through women's suffrages. and all I can say is that it just feels easier being female in western society, as people actually care about me and socially I can be taken seriously and not be labeled something derogatory.

Women definitely have their own issues that need to be addressed, but holy shit do men's issues get brushed under the rug.

desistingthrowaway #quack #transphobia archive.is

As a detransitioner, I hope this movement helps prevent more people from making the same mistakes I did.

I used to identify as trans and this is something the trans community will never admit: there are people who realize that transitioning doesn't work and quit. They are trying their to get /r/detrans banned because they don't want to admit that we exist. They tell everyone that that place is full of TERFs and needs to go.

They don't want to admit that there are studies that show that most children with gender dysphoria grow out of it. An often quoted study about transitioning helping mental health has been corrected to say that surgery doesn't actually help mental health. Gender dysphoria is basically body dysmorphia. And it can be treated the same way. Identifying as trans made it WORSE.

For every one of me, there's a bunch more kids who are being put on puberty blockers, many of which have dangerous effects. Then there's the issue with going straight into cross-sex hormones, which effectively sterilizes people.

I could go on and on. Nobody wants to admit is that transitioning doesn't really work. Aou're often left with so many reminders of that (especially women, who often get "top surgery" and have lowered voices for the rest of their lives, and often facial hair). It's harder to come out as a detransitioner than it is to come out of trans. The second you detransition, you lose EVERYBODY. I had people block me because of it. I hope somebody reads this subreddit and gives a second thought to going on hormones or surgeries. Because it often isn't worth it.

Various Editors #racist #wingnut archive.is

Metapedia was founded in 2006 back when people naively thought Scientology was this dangerous religion and Scientologists ran Hollywood, not Jews. People know better today. 2006 through 2009 was back when everyone believed Barack Hussein Obama was Black Jesus who was going to heal the world of all racial hatred, whereas later Obama became a race hustler inciting race riots. It was before the viral video of Barbara Spectre ✡ saying Jews are behind white genocide. It was before Stefan Molyneux became popular as someone red-pilling people. It was before Angela Merkel brought in the entire criminal population of the Middle East into Germany for some ficki ficki including gang-raping 3-year-old boys and girls. It was before the Trump train, the alt right, and public shaming of supervillain George Soros ✡ .
An accurate name for Metapedia could've been:
White Nationalist wiki
1488 wiki
Jew-wise wiki
White Pride wiki
Skinhead wiki
KKK wiki
White Power wiki
Aryan Race wiki
Master Race wiki
Sieg Heil wiki
National Socialist wiki
Zyklon wiki
Gas The Kikes Race War Now wiki
Hitler Did Nothing Wrong wiki
The Walking Holocaust wiki
Six Million More wiki
Chimp Choking Champion wiki
I Ain't Afraid of no ZOG wiki
Three Reichs and You're Out wiki
Awakening the Aryan people wiki
Securing a future for white children wiki
If it's not white then it's not right wiki
14/88 BLAZE IT wiki
Radical racist wiki
Having Mossad on the run wiki
Causing hysteria in every black area wiki
Sending every black to Iraq wiki
Y'all Gonna Panic When You See This Germanic wiki
Everything is going to be all white wiki
Wrecking Ball the Wailing Wall wiki
The Anglo-Saxon Purity Klaxon wiki
Ran over a kike with my bike wiki
Happy Concentration Camper wiki
A holocaust a day keeps Mossad away wiki
... and so on.

Various Editors #racist #conspiracy archive.is

In fall 2014, Metapedia became a Zionist shill run by Kimmo Alm (aka. Vir and Upplysning) who removed all mention of The Jewish Question from articles and simply made it about Marxism, hiding the Jewish source. Examples of changes Kimmo made have included using the pathological altruism claim to say white people made themselves cucks on their own, ignoring the Jewish intellectual movements that turned them into ethno-masochists. Kimmo also removed any revisionist narratives questioning historical propaganda of WWII and Metapedia now says The Holocaust™ actually happened where six million Jews were turned lampshades and soap. Metapedia also renamed the Red Holocaust article to a softer name and replace it with an article 90% smaller that specifically argues against Jews being the perpetrators of it.
The site also removed the Star of David (✡) by names of Jews, as Metapedia has since been about hiding The Jew behind the destruction of Europeans and their culture. Granted some people write Jewish names (((like this))) instead of a star, but Metapedia didn't do that either.
Anders has been in and out of prison a lot and it's possible some Jewish agency threatened Anders and he struck a deal. Kimmo Johan Alm is bascially a Jared Fogle✡, see this article on him and was probably threatened by the police as well. Bear in mind, in Western and Northern Europe, if you complain about mass immigration on social media, the police raid your house and it's possible they raided Kimmo's house and found his CP stash.
Metapedia of course doesn't like Donald Trump. On the Merkel article, Metapedia also removed "jewish lackey" as a category calling it "ridiculous" even though it's obvious she has been destroying Germany for international jewry.

Jason Lisle #fundie #crackpot archive.is

Throughout history, human beings have had the tendency to reject their Creator, and replace Him in their lives with gods of their own making. From the Greek and Roman pantheons, to the Egyptian sun-god, people would rather worship a god that they create than the God who created them. Such false gods always have the following characteristics. (1) They are attributed one or more characteristics or powers that belong only to the Living God, especially a power over some aspect of nature. (2) They are given allegiance, worship, or reverence above God in at least some way. (3) They are created either physically or conceptually by man. (4) They are not the Living God, the Creator of all things.
But one false god stands out among others today; this god is worshipped and reverenced as the ultimate god of our culture. Many books have been written about him, and dedicated to him. He is the foundation of most modern philosophy and education. What is the ultimate false god of our age? Is it Evolution? No, Evolution is certainly a popular god. But many people doubt Evolution. And in any case, Evolution answers to a higher god – a god who is far more popular and powerful than Evolution: the god Deep Time.

Deep Time is the concept of vast ages of pre-history: the notion that the Earth and universe are billions of years old. It is a popular belief today, and is considered by many people to be the mainstream “scientific” position. Disciples of Deep Time would probably object to the notion that he is a god, or that he is even a person at all. They might say that Deep Time is an academic concept, the conclusion of scientific reasoning – not a person with power. However, by their actions, Deep Time disciples do indeed imbue him with personal characteristics and powers that only a conscious being can possess.
It can be discouraging to see so many Christians attempting to serve the pagan god Deep Time. It often feels like the Christians who truly stand on God’s Word are so very few...How many more Christians has the Lord kept for Himself who have not bowed the knee to Deep Time?

Wetwareproblem #moonbat archive.is

If you would ever call anyone a “degenerate” or “freak” in hostility, for any reason, under any circumstances, you’re already on too many levels of fascism. Unpack it.

how is calling twitter pedophiles freaks inherently fascist though like, really, how does that line up at all???

I'm sure that if you think for a few minutes, you can figure out what's wrong with attacking people from deviation from a mandated "normal" and normalizing harassment.

There are plenty of things you could call a pedo out for. Being weird isn't one of them, because the idea that it's okay to punish abnormality with violence... is fascism.

tchower #racist #pratt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger archive.is

Germany is so afraid of being associated with any form of racism or patriotism that they’d rather have racist, homophobic, misogynistic and bigoted Muslims rape and dominate their nation who favor their race over Germans. The interesting thing is, the US actually didn’t even want to fight Germany in world war 2. We just had to fight Japan and happened to be dragged into Europe and the Soviet Union’s problems! My grandparents fought in WW2 and have passed away, but hated Japan, and never said a word about Germany and what happened. It’s just all the Jews who run the money system in the US made a really big deal about the holocaust, even though the same thing happened in Asia to the Chinese, and whites being murdered and raped and sent to death camps in the Soviet Union by Jews. Since the Jews favor their own race over all others, the Jews ignored what the Japanese did and the white genocide organized by Jews in the Soviet Union. The Jewish role was critical for the formation of the Soviet Union and the genocide of more whites than Jews in the holocaust.

DrDreamtime #quack archive.is

Leaving this up since it's high karma, but the entire world needs to have a good look at vaccines. I'm not quite sure how they work but putting things like that in your body cannot be good for you when herbal remedies have worked for thousands of years.
People need to start thinking for themselves and stop blindly trusting so called "masters of medicine".

Gene Ray #crackpot #conspiracy #racist archive.is

(One of Gene Ray’s three sites besides TimeCube, AboveGod.com)

Christianity Is Poison Forced Upon Children.

Harmonic Cube Cubic Spirits Are Supreme Being.

Timecube is AboveGod
imageGod is Ignorance.

You maybe academically retarded.

Academia Retards By Fact Earth Has 1 Day When Dead Still, And 4 Days Within 1 Earth Rotation, losing 3 days retards humanity.

Are you stupid and evil?

If you are ignorant of natures harmonic time cube creation, then you were taught to be stupid and evil.

Human Form God Is Impossible.
Adult God is a Scam upon Children.
Worship Of Word As God, Equates To Adults
Eating Their Children.
Deuteronomy 28:53-58.
God Is Unnatural And
Equates Hate Of Child.

image Children are taught evil, but don't care,
and accept free speech suppression.

Bible writers never knew that in the same 24 hours of light, 24 hours of darkness, 24 hours of sundown, and 24 hours of sunup, 1 day is evil.

1 Day is most insidious evil ever invented. 1 rotation of 4 corner Earth Time is 4 Days.

Educators are Liars.

If God is not measurable, He is Fictitious.

Without Cubic Creation, Life is Fictitious.


You have not been taught the Harmonic Cube Power that transcends all Gods.You are ignorant of Divine Spirit measure existing in Great Pyramid abstract of human personification. Perpetual power of Cubic Creation will exist beyond terminal antifamily religion.



If the 4 racial components of 2 sex pole hemispheres agreed to a cubing of the sphere as a spiritual unity, heavenly music of cubed sphere could be audible on Earth simultaneously to every human ear, not discord, but harmony.

The simultaneous 4 human races debunks a God for any race.

Sunup represents Indian Race
Midday represents White Race
Sundown represents Asian Race
Midnight represents Black Race

Humans fear to know natures simultaneous 4 corner 4 day 4 race 4 generation harmonic TIMECUBE creation. for it debunks false gods. Test Your God. Time Cube Test cannot harm a God of Truth, but will destroy fakes. Fake gods refuse test.

You are stupid and evil about the
Earth's top and bottom, front and
back and it's 2 sides. Most everything
created has these Cube like values.

No human has a right to believe wrong.
There is but a single creation principle,
therefore since we have no single belief,
all present religions are wrong and evil.
Racial integration equals "Racial Slop".
Human word is neither deed nor product,
but a counterfeit representation of value.
Humans are worshipers of fictitious word.
Via invention of word, humans exist as
WORD ANIMALS, invented a word god in
their likeness, then created a Word World.

Christianity is subservient to the Jews. The
Bible is Jewish, Academia and Government
based upon the Jewish Bible are Jewish.
Religion absolves adults of their obligation
to preserve natural resources required for children during their lifetimes. Adult god is anti-child.
Brown University has banned Nature's
Harmonic Time Cube as "Forbidden
Truth Knowledge" for they cannot allow
it to become known to their students.
I offer evil ass Harvard students $10,000.00
to disprove Nature's Cubic Creation Principle.

Mark Hecht #wingnut archive.is

[From "Mark Hecht: Ethnic diversity harms a country's social trust, economic well-being, argues professor", in the Vancouver Sun]

A decade ago the fundamental belief among Danes toward Muslim immigrants was that these newcomers would see how wonderful Denmark was and naturally want to become Danish as quickly as possible.


Danes have pushed back. Losing the integrity of their society — one of the best in the world by all measures — was on the line. Requirements to obtain citizenship increased. A new insistence that immigrant children go to Danish public schools instead of religious schools was implemented. Social benefits were rescinded for those who didn’t comply. This was only the beginning. But the Danes are not alone.

Many western nations assumed that increasing ethnic and cultural diversity through immigration would be beneficial. The dogma of diversity, tolerance and inclusion assumed that all members of the society wanted to be included as equal citizens. Yet, instead of diversity being a blessing, many found that they’ve ended up with a lot of arrogant people living in their countries with no intention of letting go of their previous cultures, animosities, preferences, and pretensions.


If a society wants high social trust and the benefits of stability, productivity, and happiness, there are apparently two factors that stand out. According to macrosociology researcher Jan Delhey at Otto von Geuricke University in Magdeburg, Germany — Protestantism and low ethnic diversity — are the top two criteria.
Setting aside the part about Protestantism, low ethnic diversity as a single factor fits Denmark, Japan and Hungary quite well. Social trust is, unsurprisingly, relatively high in all. But not all those countries are Protestant. There are other factors at work.


So, is excluding certain people from one’s society a requirement? The short answer is absolutely. The long and more reasonable answer is if you do let people into your country then make sure they hold similar values — compatibility. Make sure they want to fit into your society fully and completely — cohesion. With these two requirements satisfied, and with a sprinkle of Protestantism, the country will be well on its way to generating high levels of social trust.
Can Canada learn from Denmark? The jury is out. But the minimum requirement is that we say goodbye to diversity, tolerance and inclusion if we wish to be a society that can rebuild the trust we used to have in one another and start accepting a new norm for immigration policy — compatibility, cohesion and social trust.

knajjd11 #sexist #psycho archive.is

How is this bad anatomy? It's like working out in that the repetitive motion of thrusting in and out makes the labia come out and "grow" by pulling it repeatedly. It's like those stretching exercises that can possibly make you grow a small amount.


How is this bad anatomy? It's like working out in that the repetitive motion of thrusting in and out makes the labia come out and "grow" by pulling it repeatedly. It's like those stretching exercises that can possibly make you grow a small amount. I've never touched a woman and don't know how the human body works.


I have touched one, funnily enough. I'm incel because I've never had someone want to have sex with me, but I have stuck my penis into a vagina.


I have stuck my penis into a vagina

I think you mean rape, fuckface.

I have already replied to these allegations in a previous comment. "I haven't overpowered anyone and it wasn't rape, either, unless you're the "omg i drank so much by my own volution but it was rape!!!" SJW types.


Also, there's a huge difference between stupid drunk sex and I-put-my-dick-inside-an-unconscious-broad sex. You are a rapist. An unpunished rapist.

Have I forced someone to drink? Have I spiked someone's drink? No. Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out.


Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out.

what the fuck

Reproduction is objectively the point of living. You can't expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.

(Submitter’s note: This exchange happened in 2017. Knajjd11 would go on to become one of the mods of incels.co.)

u/TalkTactic #fundie #dunning-kruger #psycho archive.is

Loki - They are changing him from an Alpha Male to a Beta. Stop it.

Loki seems to be slowly getting more and more depowered as time progresses through the Marvel timeline. But what is sadly the most devastating blow to the character seems to be that the writers who help to craft Loki’s personality seem to slowly be stripping away his alpha male characteristics and replacing them with beta male ones.

You have to admit that in the first Thor movie Loki put it all on the line when he tried to betray Thor and take his place as the leader of Asgard. He was a Man on a mission, and was willing to take huge risk’s and chances to get what he wanted. But now, it seems that Loki just wants to have power and status.

What changed? Well I believe that it is his knowledge that he wasn’t a blood heir to Odin, and that changed his frame and mindset of how he viewed himself. It changed who he believed he was. Instead of having a singular mission, a cause that he thought was worth fighting for. He felt that he was the only one who saw how reckless Thor was and how foolish it would be to make a Man like that king of the realms. So he did what he thought he had to to protect Asgard. But after learning he was the son of a frost giant king that changed everything for Loki.

Now because he feels what was once his rightful succession to leadership has now been replaced with just trying to be authentically an heir of power. Now Loki just wants power and is directionless.

This has changed Loki from an alpha male that was willing to sacrifice society for his own benefit to a beta that will bend to the winds of change as long as there is some scrap of leverage and power involved.

Hopefully there is some evil redemption for Loki.

See our discussion about Alpha vs Beta / Thor vs Loki at our following link to our YouTube video. https://youtu.be/dXyBZVXrvHA?list=PL_R0PYzy4FL3_QwQla1v4kmPKGXCgRR8t



Loki was portrayed way less masculine than he originally was in older Marvel comics. Tom Hiddleston gave a somehow "classical" or "theatrical", glamourous interpretation of his moods. In the comics, he's a born destroyer, he's also ripped and his muscles fill each panel with envy and rage. In the movies he's certainly a lot less virile than he actually was meant to be, so I think he was "Beta" from the start


You are right, Loki is a born destroyer in the comics.

You are right, Loki is ripped and his muscles fill each panel with envy and rage.

I never thought about Hiddleston's performance as glamorous, but after reading your comment I can see your point.I think the most important thing here is that in the comics Loki is a born destroyer whose ripped muscles filled every panel with envy and rage. There were no ripped muscles of envy and rage in the movies for Loki, and that is just a disservice to mankind - nuff said



His primary motivation in the very first movie was an attempt to step out of Thor's shadow, implying that he's been following in Thor's footsteps his entire life. He's always been a beta, he tried being an alpha for a while and got himself thrown into the void, imprisoned, and his mother killed in the attempt, I think he's just trying to find a beta role that doesn't involve getting stepped on by Odin any longer.


EvieWn you have some great insights about the movies. I think the implication that he has been following in Thor's footsteps his entire life is accurate.

"He's always been a beta, he tried being an alpha for a while and got himself thrown into the void," You might be right EvieWn, Loki may have always been a beta. So first I'd like to say that I don't think that men fit neatly into the dichotomy of Alpha and Beta. For the sake of discussion lets entertain that men do fall into one of those two camps, Loki very well may always have been a beta.

I think that many men in real life would identify themselves as beta and like Loki attempt to be "Alpha" and fail. But I believe that if men had to fit in the category of Alpha or beta then there would be some men that are naturally Alpha and some men that would be self-made Alphas. In one of our Talk Tactic videos we discuss three kinds of Alphas.

1. The Alpha who sacrifices society for himself.
2. The Alpha who sacrifices himself for society.
3. The Alpha who sacrifices himself for himself. you can watch that video at the following link if you like.


Back to Loki, I want to say that Loki would very much fall into the category of 1 or 2 in the first Thor movie.Here are my reasons why I think Loki was Alpha in the first movie.

1. Loki sees that Odin is putting Thor; a reckless, arrogant person on the throne of Asgard. A person ready to war.
2. Loki sees that as a threat.
3. Loki chooses to foil Thor from getting on the throne.
4. Loki understands that he is risking it all but if he is successful he will benefit Asgard and himself.
5. Loki has a chance to align himself with his Odin and Thor after learning about their lies, but instead, Loki chooses to go his own way which means falling into the abyss into the void. If you read the James Campbell hero with a thousand faces, this sets up Loki as being ready to be reborn when he emerges from the void.

I think you may be right though, it is quite possible that Loki has always been beta.

We also did a video discussing how some authors define what an Alpha is. You can watch it at the following link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6p9H4NImU4&list=PL_R0PYzy4FL1GbXfj-UOqOFe9ze-qmjLz&index=2



You know, they made Loki a woman in the comics for a few years. How does that fit into your alpha-beta dichotomy?


Hello dangerphone thanks for that really great comment. Yes I realize that in the comics Loki did and would use and possess a female form. Also I believe that in some of the most recent comics there was a very ambiguous nature to how he identified his gender and sexuality. Just for clarification this is Michael Angelo responding to you because I don’t know how John feels about this. I see a contrast between the Alpha and Beta male in principle, but I think for the majority of men characteristics of Alpha and Beta attributes are embedded on a sort of spectrum. Each individual is different and what characteristics exist and the extent to which they are used in every individual’s personality is different. But typically if you are going to use the dichotomy of Alpha and Beta to divide men into two camps, the majority would fall into the Beta category. But back to your question, I think it is interesting that Loki who we identified as being the beta would also have been a woman for a time in the comics. Even now in his most recent adaptions his gender identity continues to be ambiguous and questionable. In a way Beta males take on feminine traits and characteristics and may also believe that feminine nature and qualities are superior to masculine ones. This would be in my view unhealthy because people should realize that masculine and feminine are both necessary and important and have been one of the key reasons for the success of humans on earth. But if Loki is a beta male than it would seem that his willingness to adapt his gender to acquire something he desires to compensate for something in his personality that he requires validation for, seems to be exactly the kind of difference we were describing between Thor and Loki in the video. How do you see things? I’d really be interested to hear your take.


Oh I was joking because alpha-beta theories are the domain of women-hating neck beards and alt-right children. I dislike everything about your theory and find it as deplorable and misguided as creationism. Sorry to get your hopes up for any sort of discussion.


At Talk Tactic our mission is to encourage men who identify themselves as nice guys and to help them on their journey of reaching their vision of the good Man they want to become. Hopefully in that process of improving their lives they also improve the lives of those people closest to them which includes the most important women in their lives. Every person should seek to pursue liberty and happiness. It's unfortunate you chose to be vulgar and hurl insults.


I don’t believe I used a vulgar word but I understand if you read between the lines and got your feelings hurt. Loki becoming a woman, the power of Thor falling to Jane Foster, and many more characters exhibiting a greater diversity in gender, sexual orientation, and racial and ethnic identity shows that the comics industry is moving in the same way of the mainstream culture, towards a discarding of conservative and heteronormative values for values that foster the liberty and happiness for all. You seem to think liberty and happiness is earned by placing oneself at the top of a hierarchy, and so you will always be either be self-satisfied or insecure.

I do feel sorry for you, and do hope that one day you will look back on young self and shake your head ruefully. Because if you think if yourself liberated, you really have not found the edge of the cage.

[The argument continues in this fashion but the rest is too lengthy to post here.]

Mikemikev aka Michael Coombs #racist archive.is

Right. Niggers always behave like this. It's nothing to do with recent American incidents. London niggers did the same in 2011 over Mark Duggan. Niggers only "oppose racism" to get more gibs from YT. In reality they're the most small minded tribal apes around. They have no sense of universal justice…

Niggers have colonised London.

London: Nigger riots defended by Nigger MP (imagine my shock). I long for the day when they use live ammo on these clowns.

Andrea Hardie AKA Janet Bloomfield AKA JudgyBitch #racist #wingnut #psycho archive.is

Yes, I’m a Nazi. And how are you?

I’m the daughter of a Lebensborn. Grand-daughter of an SS Officer. I’m Aryan by culture and by blood. The word “Nazi” is getting thrown around quite a lot lately, and I think it’s time we settled on a definition. I’m rather offended by the broadening of who gets to call themselves a Nazi.

Quite frankly, I’m sick of the cultural appropriation.

Nazi is a short form way of saying National Socialist, but most current Nazis realize that socialism is completely bonkers and the reason Hitler lost. Had he been a proper capitalist, he would not have had such supply chain management issues and his Army would have survived that disastrous winter on the Russian front. Stalingrad would have fallen. Socialists can’t do anything right. Also, the Russians were willing to eat each other. We Nazis might have a well-deserved reputation for savagery, but even we have standards.

Simply sharing the political ideology of socialism is not a sufficient condition for calling anyone a Nazi. The world is filled with wingnut socialists like Bernie Sanders and Mitt Romney and they can’t all be Nazis. That is too broad a brush.

Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim, is far more than just a set of ideas about how to structure society. It’s ultimately about annihilation. The complete and utter destruction of the weak, the inferior, the non-believers. There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism. Yes, your eye color matters. Yes, the shade of your hair matters. Your height matters. Your weight matters. This is not based on some sort of preference derived purely from aesthetics. That’s nonsense. It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.

Sorry. Not liking that fact does not alter the truth value. You only need to see Wilm Hosenfeld standing next to the starving Jew pianist to see clearly the pre-eminence of Nazi blood.

Nazi is a synonym for physical superiority. Genetic superiority. The promise of what humanity can become. Low IQ Trump voters clearly do not qualify, on body weight alone. Real Nazis have an intrinsic pride that renounces thuggery and street violence. If we are going to eradicate deplorables, we do so with elegance and efficacy. Nazis are still Germans, after all.

There is much talk about resisting Nazis by punching them.

This is a grave mistake. Nazis don’t punch back. They exterminate. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful you do not give rise to what you are protesting. I’m happy with a police state. I have no fear. I have no need to fear the authority.

I am the authority.

And I do not fear making difficult, fraught decisions. Strength, after all, lies in attack, not defense. I am the daughter of a Lebensborn. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I have borne three children who also have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am the future. I claim my place by declaring proudly that I am a Nazi.

The future has no room for gay Jews who may be charming and silly and great fun, but who will never father beautiful Aryan children.

Let’s be more precise about how we use the term Nazi. It would be such a shame if the word were to be used so irreverently and casually that it lost all meaning.

That’s just not reich.

Lots of love,


Joseph Dias, Catholic Secular Forum #fundie archive.is

(Poster's note: The page is archived with archive.is, but is more detailed than anything else I could quickly find on the subject. Yes, I know it's 13 years old.)

Nyay Bhushan of MonstersAndCritics.com has issued the following report:

Mumbai-based EMI Virgin India Ltd. said Friday (Oct. 6) it will recall all copies of the new SLAYER album "Christ Illusion" following protests by a Christian group, Mumbai-based Catholic Secular Forum (CSF).

Early this week, Joseph Dias, general secretary of CSF, issued a statement taking "strong exception" to the album`s cover artwork, which he said depicts "Christ with a missing eye and amputated arms." He added, "we also condemn the track, 'Skeleton Christ' as the lyrics are an insult to Christianity." The CSF also sent a memorandum to Mumbai's police commissioner, adding that the album "will affect the sensibilities of the Muslims on the track 'Jihad' and secular Indians who have respect for all faiths."

Kaveri Khullar, marketing manager, EMI India said in an interview, "We met with the CSF and were apologetic while assuring them that all copies of the album would be pulled out. We have no plans of re-issuing it in any way."

The "Christ Illusion" album had been on the shelves for only a week. Khullar did not confirm the number of units released only stating, "There weren't too many that we launched anyway."

The CSF had earlier protested against the Indian release of "The Da Vinci Code" which led the Censor Board to instruct the India distributor, Mumbai-based Sony Pictures Releasing India, to include a notice to accompany the film to explain that it was a work of fiction.

send_nasty_stuff #conspiracy archive.is

The holocaust is a normie foundation myth that could almost be classified as a religious belief at this point. It's a priori and can not be questioned. So you really don't want to drop it on them as your first pill. I agree that it will cause too much cognitive dissonance in the average NPC and they will vomit up the pill and lash out.

That being said I'm in that camp that believes we will never be able to buck the pervasive jewish control of media and banking without a mass awakening to the holohoax. Without breaking people out of that conditioning you can't really get them to understand the gravity of the situation we are in. Jewish mind controllers crown jewel weapon is white guilt and the holocaust is the ultimate white guilt. Break that and we win. Smash the jews best weapon and we secure a future for our people.

Carey Callahan #fundie archive.is

I had a terrible summer when it comes to my gender dysphoria. It got so intense, right after the Atlantic thing, and then Blood and Visions weirdly made it a lot worse, and all the way through me graduating my dysphoria was killing me. It was SO disheartening, because I’m committed to never doing anything like HRT or cutting my body up, mostly because I’m trying to be in really good shape in my 90’s. But it’s super disheartening when you’re in an episode like that and it feels like it’ll just be your whole life, and the only option is putting up with it or wrecking your pelvic floor.

And then I stopped waitressing. I started working full time as an LPC, suddenly I was going WEEKS without anyone at my workplace making comments about my body. Indeed as an LPC it’s kind of my job, if anyone does make a comment about my body, to make a big deal about boundaries and what boundaries are appropriate in the therapy room. That is the OPPOSITE of being a waitress/a receptionist/ legal assistant/barback/ working at a union. That’s such a huge difference in my working day.

Then at the same time I finally get feedback in my life that’s proof of my own self-efficacy, in that this long terrible grad school process finally produced a degree.

My gender dysphoria has been, for the past month, on vakay. I barely have been thinking about my body, except if I’m hungry or my back hurts or I’m feeling particularly energized and good. But not those obsessive thoughts about “oh my body is shaped so funny” or “everyone’s looking at my body” or “I can’t do anything in this body” or “I’m trapped in this body.” Guys and gyns, me barely thinking about my body is UNREAL. IT’S SO GOOD. IT’S SO FUN TO NOT THINK THAT MUCH ABOUT THE SHAPE OR APPEARANCE OF MY BODY.

What’s even crazier about not thinking that much about my body is that for most of September I was having pretty good naked times, and naked times have historically been prime triggers for my gender dysphoria. (The naked times have come to an end, in the calmest and non-distressing breakup I’ve ever experienced, so even though they’re over I still consider the whole thing a win?)

So we go from a July/August crazy intense GD episode to near-extinction in September. My conclusion is I think my GD is so much about stress and self-efficacy. I get those obsessive thoughts when the world has given me lots of feedback that I’m totally powerless. If I’m getting feedback that I’m capable of having some impact in the outer world, and if I’m not only allowed but strongly encouraged to enforce boundaries, my GD seems to want to take a break.

Now, the patterns to my GD don’t mean much about your GD. I’m just saying what do you know about your GD if you haven’t tracked it? Also what would you rather not know about your GD? Are there aspects to your GD you’d really rather not acknowledge?

Because I get it, I get wanting that surgery and wanting that beard and just wanting to plow through and not wait any longer. But what you don’t want to acknowledge will end up fucking you up. You have to force yourself to be super real about your GD. If your therapist is anything like how mine were, they will not force you to be very real about your GD. If the people in the community you know are anything like the people I knew, they will tell you thinking too hard about your GD is internalized transphobia. So this is on you.

Other people have not signed any kind of agreement with a higher power to give you good advice. Other people are not particularly invested in how your life turns out. You are actually the only person responsible for the advice you listen to and the consequences you have to live out because of the advice you chose to listen to. Believe you me, when shit goes south, all those people who told you to jump in and waste no time will swear they didn’t say it like that.

Track your GD for at LEAST a year. Whatever the consequences of taking T are for you, you will live out those consequences for SO MUCH LONGER than a year. Don’t accept your own bullshit, no matter what social incentives there are for accepting your own bullshit. You will create exceptionally dumb and hard situations to have to navigate. In the end no matter how it all pans out the lesson is the same- we create what we end up experiencing. Yes, in a world that is violent and dumb and unfair and a shitpile. But in this shitpile we still make our own choices, and get a lot of data back about what our choices create. Track that data now so you can think a little clearer about what kind of data you want to get a year from now.

NPChalmbers #racist archive.is

Kike thinks kike propaganda is a valid source for kike IQs.

Nope, try again, kikeberg.

Secondly, whites built civilization, not kikes or asians, so you can shut the fuck up and acknowledge whites are superior to you and all your shitty inbred kike buddies, or you can just stop using the Internet, running water, medicine, anything with integrated circuits, the wheel etc. or basically any other invention on the planet, since whites created those too.

Go live in a cave and you'll be reconnecting with what society would look like if it were ruled by inbred jews.

So come get us when jews actually manage to create a single thing of their own rather than just leeching off their superiors.

IncomeByEtnicity #racist archive.is

Effeminate beta WM and AF glorify WMAF relationships and babies in revolting pictures


The subtle things in this picture only photographers will note.

Camera is at eye level of the Asian woman, meaning the picture viewer LOOKS UP at the white man
Pink background. Two things about this. Pink backgrounds are most used to market products to Females. So this is essentially brainwashing Asian woman to desire White men as a the "Standard Sexual partner". Secondly, Pink and Red are the only backgrounds that effectively hide Caucasian paleness. In a neutral background like Grey or Black, this red tanning shrimp would appear ghostly. So this background was chosen to optimize White skin tone and market him to Asian women.
The strange way the gown is worn and the color of his shorts. Firstly the gown. It EXPOSES her Naval and focuses the viewer's eye on her vagina. This is done by using the barely visible edges of her thighs as leading lines and the Lacey frills of the gown as visual brackets. Secondly, both people are wearing white which denotes purity, except for the white man's crinkled darker, less pure, "Forbidden fruit" shorts. Shorts by themselves have a lot of leading lines pointing towards his shrimpy. What this all means, Naval + Vagina + "Forbidden fruit Pink Cock" = Baby socks + Happy Faces, i.e Sexual devotion/exposure to White Man's Penis = Happiness
Matching knee heights and elbow heights. This was achieved by her standing on a box, which is why both of their feet are cut off. There is no way, a woman who is this much shorter than the guy would have Knee to Feet length the same as him. This has 2 effects. It makes the lady seem more frail and more petite. Which is needed because the guy is pretty feminine himself. It raises her exposed crotch to even closer to his while also matching the elbows & baby socks signifying perfect unison.
Shorts revealing "HAIRY LEGS". This is a direct hit on the Asian Man, who aren't "Masculine enough for those sexy Tennis player hairy legs".
Guy's head tilt towards her and toothed smile as opposed to her demure toothless smile, denoting his conquest of her. That's on top of the blatant message of him having got her pregnant.

I am pretty disgusted by this and what the effects it will cause on a gullible Asian girls. I believe this ad was targeted to Chinese Women. A country already having a Male/Female imbalance. I think and organized attempt at outing the toxicity of these pairings is our only antidote.

circumsizedbagel #fundie archive.is

gothicraichu asked:

what does zendaya is meechee have to do with tumblr sjw's and making everything LGBT+????????

because this is exactly the kind of humour that liberal tumblr puts on this fucked up pedestal and refuses to accept criticism on. If someone doesn’t think it’s funny, like me, good fucking luck for us because that’s all you’ll be going on about for months. you find some “meme” that’s vaguely reminiscent of the 2012 era “random XD” humour and promote the shit out of it, beating it to death in the process. that’s what the sjws do constantly. sound familiar yet? everyone claims straight people can’t face forms of oppression but i have to fucking disagree with that. Also the guy in the video looks like a fucking walnut.

circumsizedbagel #fundie #homophobia archive.is

if i see one more thing about “zendaya is meechie” on my dashboard i am going to absolutely fucking lose it. “zendaya is meechy” or whatever the fuck it’s called is not funny at all. There is literally nothing about it that’s funny. All you’re doing is showing how easily tumblr libs jump all over something bc “LOL big man say something not make sense HURR DURR”. Stop trying to to push your weird fucking LGBT propaganda down everyone’s throats. i cannot fucking take this bullshit anymore and i am about to seriously go off my shit so stop reblogging this dumb ass fucking video thank u very much!!

#zendaya is meechee #ive had enough #tumblr liberal sjws are the fucking disease of the human race #tumblr #lgbt #liberals #propaganda #ENOUGH ALREADY

The Georgia School of Innovation and the Classics (GSIC) #fundie archive.is

A school in Hephzibah, Georgia, is drawing national attention after sending consent forms to parents informing them of a new policy of using paddling as a form of punishment for students, CBS affiliate WRDW-TV reports.

The Georgia School of Innovation and the Classics (GSIC), a kindergarten-through-9th-grade charter school, is bringing back paddling — spanking a child on the behind with a wooden board — as a form of discipline. Superintendent Jody Boulineau told WRDW that about 100 parents sent back the forms, and one-third gave the school consent to paddle their child.

"In this school, we take discipline very seriously," the superintendent said. "There was a time where corporal punishment was kind of the norm in school and you didn't have the problems that you have."

Boulineau said parents can deny giving permission to the school. The form sent home explained the steps the school would take to discipline children with a paddle. "A student will be taken into an office behind closed doors. The student will place their hands on their knees or piece of furniture and will be struck on the buttocks with a paddle," the form, which was obtained by WRDW, reads. Students will be paddled after their third offense. The form also says "no more than three licks should be given."

The paddle will be 24 inches in length, six inches in width and 3/4 inches in thickness, the form specifies. Parents will be notified if their child is to be paddled by an administrator, according to the form, which CBS News has not independently verified.

Transcription of portion of apparent form:

1. Corporal punishment will be administered using a “three-strike” policy.

When a student is sent to the office for disciplinary purposes, a member of the administrative team will discuss the infraction with the student and notify the parents. A non-corporal punishment may be given at this time, and the student warned of the future possibility of a paddling if improper behavior continues. These steps will be taken for the second occurence of an infraction. Upon being sent to the office for the third time, the student will receive “strike three” and may receive corporal punishment.

2. Parents are notified that their child is to be paddled.

3. The student will be taken into an office and the door closed.

4.The student will place their hands on their knees or a piece of furniture and be struck on the buttocks with a paddle.

The paddle is made of wood and should not exceed the 24" in length, 6" in width, and 3/4" in thickness.

"It's just one more tool that we have in our disciplinary toolbox that we can use," Boulineau said.

Deacon Blue #racist archive.is

Much to her chagrin and her parents, my kids did not inherit the epicathic eye lids that Asians usually have. My son looks almost like a clone of me - light skin, hazel brown eyes, light brown hair. He is more lithe than I am, he will not be as stocky and he has very long fingers and hands. His hair is a bit straighter but not Asian straight. My daughter also does not look Asian but you know she is not Irish-Scottish either. She has brown hair that is curly and facially, looks a lot like my wife except she has very large, almost anime'-cartoon almond shaped brown eyes. And she is also pale white. Like me. She is also very thin and lithe, with an Asian soma-type. My daughter does some local modeling, nothing big, for grocery store flyers and similar.

I would say she is a very good looking girl. I am of course, quite biased here.

Both my kids are mouthy terrors with a quick wit that are good at engineering trouble. They absolutely inherited this from me I am sure. Mom is a saint. Me? Not so much.

And my daughter is far more predatory and complex in her scheming than her brother. I'm going to go on a limb here and say that all comes from her Asian side.

Both are pretty good kids. Both got the Derbyshire talk and have an instinctual fear of Blacks now. Which is how I and my wife want it to be.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie archive.is

Yes, in Theology and Philosophy and Literature, too. They also advanced the
Math. Their Church music is incomparable among mankind. Europeans are
the greatest only until the Western ones started demanding the entire
mankind to support the homosexual depravity. The Eastern ones are still
intact as of today.

Europeans have been the greatest and far superior only
because of Christianity. Europeans are another case of oppressive
barbarians like the rest if they have no Christianity. Today's gay West is the proof.
Mankind should never be forced to endorse the mentally ill depravity imposed by
the Western whites. It's the worst kind of tyranny on earth. Europeans need Christianity to be true and moral and noble, not just to be saved.

Michael Anissimov #wingnut archive.is

Aristocracy as a Tool for Decreasing Time Preference

This excerpt from Fanastic [sic] Reality: Marxism and the Politics of Religion repeats claims that our parents have been telling us since we were toddlers:

Land in the Greco-Roman world was predominantly alienable and held privately. Suffice to say, class differentiation set in early. One tightly knit group of people—the rich, the particians, the aristocracy—won for themselves a privileged position whereby they accumulated ownership of large tracts of land and/or extracted by political-military means product or direct labour time from the primary producers: i.e., the peasants. Such an exploitive relationship, whereby a surplus is obtained by the minority class from the labor of the vast majority of peasants, inevitably affects every facet of society.

This model—that aristocracy was nothing more than a monopoly which existed to enrich itself—is quintessentially modern and Whiggish. Since the Whigs took over the planet, that’s the explanation we are fed. There is a contrary view, however, which has not received the objective, detached consideration it deserves:

Progressivism thinks that many social norms that neoreaction thinks were developed in order to change incentive structures to bring short-term individual payoffs in line with long-term societal-and-therefore-individual payoffs such that actors with shorter time-preference or more tendency to defect would act in accordance with what provided long-term payoffs to society were actually developed by factions seeking to maximize their payoff at the expense of those outside the faction; in addition, parts of it claim that these norms are actually to the disadvantage of those factions themselves. (“Patriarchy hurts men too!”) So actions that appear to the neoreactionary as defection—that is, as a move away from the social norms that incentivize civilization-building, societal stability and productivity, etc.—appear to the progressive as actually being a form of cooperation—changing the payoff matrix in a manner that benefits not only the individual outside the faction, but also certain factions and possibly society as a whole.

You may need to read the full post a couple times to understand the argument. Basically, in context of my argument for aristocracy, the reason why the aristocracy existed is that it benefited everyone in society more, bringing short-term individual incentives closer into alignment with behaviors conducive to the long-term success of civilization and society. Thinking that aristocracy existed only for its own personal enrichment at the expense of everyone else is a simplistic and wrongheaded inference; rather, it provided a system of overall organization that is superior to an informal aristocracy based only on money and divested of formal political power.

The system of aristocracy + peasants brought much greater wealth to society than if everyone were just cooperating peasants. Concentrating power and money in the hands of certain individuals gives rise to an overall structure that benefits everyone and is greater than the sum of its parts. In a medieval context, aristocracy was necessary to protect peasants from bandits and invading neighbors. Not optional—necessary! If the local duke and his family were murdered and their castle destroyed, it would be an occasion for deep despair and worry, not celebration.
Aristocracy accomplished many things that peasants did not. Namely, the entire foundation of the Scientific Revolution, all higher cultural artifacts including the invention of classical music and fine art, security for all peasants, a channel to facilitate long-distance trade and economic interaction with foreign entities, necessary civic administration, repairing roads and other essential infrastructure, and so on. If peasants were left to their own devices, they would not “spontaneously organize” as effective anarchists and make these things happen; instead, they would stagnate and degenerate, becoming less effective than before and be consumed by infighting, until another de facto duke emerged to restore order.

To understand the argument for a formal aristocracy in the modern era, one must first understand why they were so useful in a historical context. Let me also point out that an economic and political aristocracy already exists; it is just informal, so it has few if any cultural obligations. Aristocracy exists whether you like it or not (even in a Communist system), it’s just a question of whether it’s formalized or not. Formalizing it is better, leaving it cryptic is worse.

FetusCrusher911 #fundie archive.is

I'm a Cree/French/English mix. What's happening to Asians is what happened to us. Native American men were stereotyped as dickless, pigtail-wearing, woman-hating, dog-eating fags.

Indian women were hypersexualized and took advantage of it and whored it out. It was considered an honor to be acquired by the fur trappers as a wife, by these self-hating Indian women. You would not believe how disloyal they were.

Today there are no pure Indians left. By 1950 if one of your ancestors wasn't White, they were a mixed breed of some kind. Mixed blood has circulated through the entire Indian community. It's hilarious, how almost all the people on the reservation look like you guys.
What is the end result? Exactly what EurasianTiger predicts for hapas. American Indians have the highest suicide rate in the country. Very high rates of antisocial personality disorder, and other mental illnesses. We continue to see our women defiled on a daily basis by these crackers. Our governments are run by uncle toms or "Custer's Scouts" as we call them. There is no future on the reservation but death.

At least they gave us the "noble savage" media image, once it was obvious that we were in self destruction mode. So generous.
IMO, Asian/Indian and European DNA are toxic to one another. We just were not meant to mix. If you look at the old pictures of the pure Indians, they look so beatiful and fit. Today's Indians look like diabetic slobs assembled from poorly fitting components. I'm 100% certain they were smarter, too. Caucasoids mixing with Mongoloid people is a form of genetic warfare, their DNA is a virus they install on us that accelerates our self-destruction.

sadoeconomics #fundie archive.is

: Do you think we should put people in prison for getting caught with snuff films and gore like we do for child oorn? They're all psychos who need to be locked up before they hurt someone imo

Wow did you ever pick the wrong tree to bark up here my friend
I’ve probably got at least a gig worth of gore shock images on my hard drive as well as a far greater amount of BDSM porn that’d freak out most normal people
Also I don’t even think child porn should be illegal and I’m pretty sure I’ve defended that position here before but I’m always happy to do so again
It’s been shown again and again that if there’s some correlation between having some antisocial mental condition and seeking out violent/sexual/etc media the causation runs backwards from what you’re implying - people who were born with a problem express that through their media choices, rather than the consumption of media causing the issue. Meanwhile enormous numbers of perfectly sane and harmless people enjoy violent entertainment and pornography for their entire lives and never hurt anyone. The state should simply never be allowed to ban any sort of media at all - no exceptions.

sadoeconomics #fundie archive.is

Wow so you think child porn shouldn't be illegal? They contribute to kids suffering

It shouldn’t be illegal and it actually doesn’t, anyway most ‘child porn’ is made by teenagers with camera phones who then get put in prison and put on the sex offender registry for taking nude selfies and sending them to each other. The biggest victims of child porn being illegal are the children themselves.

Look, I’ve already made my position clear on this many times, please come up with something new to be anonymously sanctimoniously wrong at me about

Pedometer #fundie archive.is

I am an "active" pedophile

Before the morality police jump on me, I'll point out that this is the "confessions" subreddit, and that I'm posting because I normally have to keep this secret and I felt like it'd be liberating to just say openly what I'm into and what I do, and if you want to be retarded and judgmental, you can just go fuck off. I know that my preferences and actions aren't consistent with "traditional morality," but of course that's all relative to culture, and it's just been my bad luck to live in a time and place where my sexual preferences are considered taboo.
So I'm an "active" pedophile, which means that I regularly have sex with children. My preference is for children between the ages of 7 and 12.
Professionally, I am a child psychologist; I have two PhDs, and I work part-time as an adjunct at a major research university. Obviously, it's part of my job to understand how kids think, and my work has put me in contact with hundreds of children over the years. I have only had sex with a small percentage of them--those whom I can be reasonably confident won't tell anyone, and whom I believe may enjoy the experience. Of course, child sexuality is a complex issue, but while I find it fascinating from a scientific point of view, my desire to fuck them is basically independent from my scientific/professional interest in them, and in general I don't care whether my actions will "harm" the child when I choose to get sexual with him or her.
I have two daughters, aged 9 and 16. I never touched the 16 year old. Their mother, my wife, died from breast cancer three years ago. The older one goes to a boarding school in Michigan, where she studies flute. I have been having regular sex with the younger one since she was six.
I don't necessarily prefer boys or girls. Both are attractive to me. I have always been attracted to children, since I myself was a child. I guess as I grew older, I never stopped finding people of that particular age range sexually desirable. I suppose I generally prefer "consensual" sex, although I also find "forced" scenarios also arousing.
I don't keep a tally, but I'd estimate that I've had some form of sexual contact with 50-60 children; full penis-in-vagina penetration with approximately 20 girls, anal sex with three girls, and anal sex with about a dozen boys. I would classify five of those encounters as "rape," but the vast majority were in the gray area of "consent," as is generally the case with children.
I suppose something that some readers may find interesting is that I have met several other pedophiles, who have similar preferences to mine. I suppose that many of you would be surprised about several things that I have learned in my interactions with other pedophiles. First, about how many secret pedophiles there are, how exceedingly common this sexual preference is; second, how common sex with children is; third, how often the child enjoys it; and fourth, how easy it is to "get away with it" in a society that basically treats pedophiles like "witches." If anyone wants to ask me details--note, I will not stupidly reveal any identifying information, so don't bother trying to "trick" me into giving up my address--then feel free to PM me, and I'd be happy to answer any questions.

Thegreatestape #fundie archive.is


A few weeks later, right before Thanksgiving, she gets news that the lump in her breast she got biopsied back in May was, in fact, cancerous, not a cyst like we were originally told. Since the aforementioned phone call with me, she had been finding reasons to no longer enjoy being in FL, but this diagnosis sealed the deal. She moved back home to do treatment since oncologists here are stellar and tried to pull the “but I have cancer” card to get special treatment from me (it seems to work on most other people, understandably). I shut it down immediately and told her that I’m going to help her when she needs it, I’ll be there for the treatments, but that her cancer doesn’t change anything else so she needs to be a big girl and do shit for herself. She later told me that this was a turning point in her respect towards me, and her actions backed that up.

When she got back, almost nothing changed for me. I took the girls to school and gymnastics, and have a good reputation with the teachers/other kids’ parents because my girls are respectful, intelligent, and I’m sociable. The girls echo my sentiment of “Daddy’s house, Daddy’s room, Daddy’s whatever...Daddy paid for it, so it’s his.” In addition to lifting and doing BJJ at work, I started doing additional MMA training a couple of nights a week and helping out buddies with various projects. Wife starts hearing good stuff from my buddies’ wives about me, and I can see the hamster spin. She felt out of place, and I took advantage of a couple of comfort tests. She still insisted on doing marriage counseling, so I had the unit chaplain come to our house. During the flowing conversation, at one point I had mentioned that 3 requirements I have for the woman I’m with is that she’ll meet my sexual desires, cook food for me, and take care of my kids and my house when I’m not around. The next day while I’m putting down wood flooring in my house, wife comes sneering into the room and asks, “So you’re saying that if everything else were good but sex life wasn’t great, you’d leave?” I told her, “No, I’m not leaving my own house that I paid for. I implied that I’d divorce you and you’d be living somewhere else.” Gave her a wink and went back to the flooring. I honestly expected an explosive reaction from her, but she just went to the bedroom and came out an hour later, being a complete sweetheart.

The next big turning point is the unit Christmas party. She got her chemo port placed the day prior, and she knew she’d be losing her hair soon, so shit was getting real for her. I’m always the sharpest dressed at work, and the Christmas party was no different.

I got a lot of compliments on my 3 piece suit and my solid look, and the women at the party were all over me. No way I’d touch any of them with a 10’ pole, even if I was divorced (plenty of good-looking women, but all were either workmates or married to my buddies), but it was it was a super fun night. The changes in SMV that occurred since the time my wife left for FL couldn’t have been more stark. I fucked her brains out that night, and 3 times the next day. Since then, as much as she’s able, she’s constantly cooking, cleaning, and making sure things in our life are how I want them to be. She defers to me, values my opinion, takes pleasure in my happiness, and likes that I have control over all of our lives. Her hair is gone, she’s put on a little weight because of the drugs, but I know that shit is temporary and I still find her attractive. A couple of weeks ago while we were walking together, I asked her how she thought the marriage was going. She got a little bit of a tone in her voice when she said, “Well, I bet you’re happy since you’re getting sex and food all the time!” I gave her a smirk and raised my eyebrows to signal that she didn’t answer my question and I was still waiting for her response, when her face relaxed and she said, “Actually, I really am happy with things. I like making you happy.”


For anyone wondering why I haven’t done any OYS, I’ll say that I generally don’t have much of an issue with self-discipline (unless I have a coconut cream pie in front of my face). Plus I generally delete my comments, anyway; I don’t care about having a background for people to look at, take my comments at face value or don’t, I don’t care. I also wanted to wait a little while before posting to ensure that my marital gains weren’t just a temporary change that I’d lose after a few months. I did a lot of MRP stuff prior to PTSD, but I didn’t know why they were working, which meant that I didn’t have a solid plan on how to make my marriage keep getting better over the years. I’m grateful for the folks that put together the sidebar and consistently answer questions on r/askMRP, it helped me solidify a lot of thought processes that otherwise would have taken me a long time to define. I hope my experience here can help someone else out so I can pay it forward and show gratitude to others who have helped me.

Frank #sexist archive.is

(Part 4/5 of "How Women Manipulate Men and the Female Ego". Emphasis original.)

How women control man
Let’s look deeper into the various tools women use to control and hide this process. It can be recognized that basically all tools are used to pull down one’s frequency and mislead by leveraging weaknesses, to invoke some kind of negative emotion like pride, jealousy, guilt, shame and so on. She intends to cause a reaction and suffering to her behavior. Because only then one becomes vulnerable and easy to control. When someone is happy, he cannot be controlled. Women know a mans weaknesses right away after looking at him. They are men experts. They get it through presence.
Figure 3 gives an overview.
Figure 3 – Female Ego and Manipulation Techniques

Interrogation – She asks questions to gain critical information that she can use to hold against the man. “Do you love me?”, “Are you my friend?”, “How important is sex for you in a relationship?”, “Why do you want to be with me?” Or to better determine your social status. Trying to find out if you are congruent. “Where do you work?”

Ambiguity – It will not be clear if she wants to be with you or not. Indirectness in communication. Saying one thing and doing another. Communicating one thing and then changing it.

Undermining Reality – She puts the weight on your shoulder. Either directly or indirectly pointing out that a happening was your fault, your responsibility or shortcoming. Blame. Disagreeing. Manipulation through guilt. “You are thinking too much about it. It is not that way.” “I think you are just silly.” “Don’t be silly.” “Soccer seems to be more important to you than I am” (blame and guilt) “You are such an egoist. A relationship cannot work with someone like you.” (pretending to be guilty and insulted). She laughs about her manipulative behavior as if it was a joke (recontextualization, also hiding).

Directing – This entails occupying your consciousness with irrelevancies and giving you commands. She may command you to do some gardening work with a very negative and commanding tone. “Give me a drink”, “Take the bag into the basement”. She dictates and instructs in various ways. She determines common activities and meetings. She implies being in need of help, and asks you to do things she could do on her own. She asks you a few irrelevant questions serveral times in a row. Like “How do you like my dress?” And even if you answer it, she asks again, sometimes right after the answer. She talks a lot and makes you do things.

Hurt – Anything that makes you suffer and what you are sensitive about. E.g. if you are fat or bold, women will repeatedly bring that into your awareness in fierce ways. Sometimes it may not appear fierce, but inwardly you will feel like a bomb just dropped over Hiroshima. A sublte way may be touching your bold spots, or repeatedly looking at them. The intention here is to harm deliberately. Every weakness and sensitivity you have about any issue will be brought up and used to stab. One example: “How much money do we still have?”.

Drama – 1. Poor me drama. Draining energy by complaining and implying that one is responsible for their troubles. The purpose here is to make you feel guilty. Often it works even though you know that it is not your fault on a deeper level. They talk about their illnesses, mistreatments or sufferings.
2. Pure negativity drama. Aggressiveness, being loud, insulting. The intention here is to get some kind of control back, to dominate and to reel you in.
3. Negativity dumping place drama. They just go on talking, transmitting pride, anger, sadness and judgementalism.

Waiting – They let you wait. Or they tell you or ask you for a specific time to meet or have dinner ready and then do not comply to this time.

Disqualification – She implies that she has more value than you directly or indirectly by putting you down.”You never change.”

Being Condescending – Insults. Showing Disrespect. Talking bad about you and putting you down. Complaining. “You never put down the toilet seat.” “I don’t want that. Stop it.” “You are never of any help.”

Dominating – In this category also belongs their attitude of “only what I want shall be done.”

Increasing Value – Increasing their own worth and market value by creating competition with other men. Even if there are no man in their lives right now, they make one up. They tell you various stories. They are also increasing their value by being aloof and pushing you away.

Negative Compliance Tests – They try to let you do things you would normally not do, but would do especially for women to gain their sympathy. Ironically (and that’s the point) the result will be the opposite of what you intended. “Can you hold my bag real quick, while I go to the toilet.” “I need socks to play the game. Do you have any?” (looking at yours, that are on your feet). “Do you want to drink something?” (handing you her cup with just a sip left). She starts holding your hands and takes notice if you let go or not.

Jealousy – She goes out dancing, and talks a lot about how other man are interested in her (implying it indirectly). She hides details of things and she is vague, especially when you are pushing for an answer. She is flirtatious with other men in your presence.

Responsibilities – They own your responsibilities and make them their own. This is a subtle enslavement. My secretary for example has to do some paperwork and some organizing for me. So occasionally she comes and I have to fill in some additional information on those paper sheets. And right in our conversation she manages it to turn it around and give me instructions what to do and when it should be finished. So of course I have to provide some information but she changes the energy and context as if she is the boss.

Role Adaptation – They take on a certain role. Being your parent for example. By expressively playing this role they are able to enforce the effects of the role.
Agreeing – After an argument you will see that they start argreeing on various things to end the argument. They are in control of starting and ending it.

Hoops – They throw a psychological hoop and see if you’re jumping into it. Often it is to deprive you of your power. She gets some feeling of superiority from knowing how you will respond.

Rejection – This is also often just a way to get a hold on you. Ironically women reject even men they are interest in.

The information gap – This word was termed by psychologist George Loewenstein. It states that there is a painful gap within our minds that we desire to close in order to relieve us from this pain. This gap is supposed to steer curiosity. This gap is created by questions and puzzles, unknown decisions, false expectations, access of information from others, remembering things you forgot. Women seem to know this even before it was discovered!

Panic Reactions – Once in a while they go for what can be called a panic reaction, when your brain gets short-circuited and you usually just blow. If the man gets physical, she turns it against the man and emphasizes how she really did nothing. And this works pretty well because her intention to short-circuit is well hidden. One example: It happens that she has bad breath and talks to you. You allude that she has bad breath and that she should please keep a distance while talking to you. You do that twice. She backs off walks around in the room a little bit then comes back close in order to relocate some things and then again to blow her breath into your nose.

Trolling Expectations/Perceptions – This is also a very subtle one and it can be said to happen on the level of thought. Three examples: She walks towards one side of a double door (holding the thought in mind to enter there) and you step aside in expectation she will now cross that path, but instead she now changes to enter through the second door. Secondly, the man expects her to behave mean in a certain situation but she is suddenly nice. Or you might know that she is attracted to you and expect her to touch her hair, but as you notice and pay attention to it she suppresses the movement and waits until you look away (may also be hiding in other situations).

Aloofness and Push – Pull – This was introduced at the beginning and though aloofness is something fundamental and innate to the female psyche it may be contextualized as a manipulation as well. Many techniques are supplemented by push – pull. They are preceded by a pull and finished with a push.

False Cause - Usually a woman blames and criticizes you exactly for what she is the cause. For example she complains that you are never doing anything with her. But when you make some propositions for activities she denies your suggestions without further ado. She is not interested in a constructive resolution of the conflict.

A Special Case – When you are arguing with some fact based reasoning in good will, what will often happen is that she implies in her argumentation that your fact is a generality and she gives an individual case for the purpose of disproving you as wrong (the individual case is also often a lie which is based on missing information that you do not have). Example: In a gender debate a man argues that men are often insecure in talking and approaching women because they are often not sure what is ok to do and what not. And that a man is supposed to do the first step because women never do it. The woman responded laughingly questioning what women he means and that she often makes the first step and speaks to men.

Caught Unprepared – One pattern is also that women strike when the man least expects it or is most vulnerable. Examples are when you come back home from work and are exhausted. are tired and start going to bed or leave a conversation with her.

Hiding and Enforcement
Lying – They lie from trivia to major things. Also to hide manipulation and aloofness. Often they tell you the opposite of what’s actually the case, “Men are pigs”, “You have to try to understand me”, “Men want what they can’t have.” When she bails out on appointments she talks about reasons of higher magnitude like it was raining or her mother did not let her. She does not respond.

Disguising – Disguising the process of aloofness and manipulative behaviour. Recontextualization. Basically all manipulation has to be disguised, otherwise it looses its function and purpose. “I am just trying to help you.”

Frame Control – This is a major one. Women almost have a super power here at their disposal. They are able to express their emotions and themselves unimpeded. They are at ease with it and do not fall into doubtful self-reflection. This is also why they enjoy dancing so much in constrast to many men. By being expressive and having a strong frame, it allows them to steer opinions and behavior. Women can even make an entire room consent to a certain preconceived belief just by holding a thought in mind.

Utilizing Needs and Positionalities – They know when a man likes something and use this knowledge to satisfy their own needs. Basically this is the foundation a woman works on: “her man is her kitchen.”

Frank #sexist archive.is

(Part 5/5 of "How Women Manipulate Men and the Female Ego". Emphasis original.)

How do men cope with this knowledge?

All that is necessary to fully understand women and solve many relationship issues is to understand that women oppose and resist every ego weakness about a man and that they mistake power for love

Should men condemn this behavior? No, instead it is better to have compassion and forgive, especially ourselves in order to heal these aspects within our own psyche. It stems from women’s deep need for security and issues of abandonment. It has to be understood that women had much less power than man in the past and that it is mostly the source of all their power.
How do you protect yourself from this manipulation and respond?
A usual way to deal with these issues would be to point out that you do not tolerate this behaviour and align with this attitude (cal. 300's). However, women will not comply to this request, will use the various tools mentioned above and keep on going.
Women are so good at these tests, that they know that you will suffer from it and that you cannot really protect yourself from it. Because whatever you say your inner state will be known and to be kind in anger is pretense. Of course you can build a ‘thick skin’ and pretend, but —.
The only way to really master these tests is to become loving. If you have transcended the emotional field that is being exploited you will likely not get these kind of attacks and even if you do, you usually just have to laugh. Because you instantly get what is happening and you are not subject to it. This is a good response, because it denotes more humility and compassion.

We will end this article with a few calibrations:
This article calibrates at – no permission
The average level of consciousness of men and women is the same – true
There are no spiritual differences between men and women – true
A woman perfects her intuitive side before the man does – true

Some of the manipulation techniques were completed from the german book “Lob des Sexismus” (Submitter's note: "Praise of Sexism"; a PUA book) from Lodovico Satana, which lays out manipulation techniques in much more detail (only available in german).

Frank #sexist archive.is

(Part 1/5 of "How Women Manipulate Men and the Female Ego". Emphasis original.)

When we look at the average relationship and marriage of men and women, it becomes apparent that some may look harmonious on the outside but many and most of them are really not a success and what one would call a celebration of joy and support. Most relationships experience constant struggle and are experienced more as a burden than an interdependent sharing of intimacy.
The main reason of course is the individual partners level of consciousness, where his or her own negativity and judgments decrease the connection, acquaintance and love with the partner. Connected with this however is the negative aspect of the male-female polarity itself. What draws a woman to a man is sought after by a woman, but causes suffering to a man and vice versa. Usually the intention (which is often a need) why someone is in a particular relationship defines the relationship and is simultaneously the trap.
This article aims to illuminate this polarity in light of the female ego, to make men more aware of manipulation processes, so that they are able to increase their integrity by being taken less advantage of. It shall be a contribution to help understand women’s behavior which is often puzzling to men and lay it out in a more linear way. But it might also serve women to identify negative patterns in order to be able to progressively let go of them. Furthermore examples will be given for many tactics. In men the reason for manipulating is a bit different, and women are taken as the example because they are very good at it and much better at hiding their ego and the intention behind resulting behaviors.

Frank #sexist archive.is

(Part 2/5 of "How Women Manipulate Men and the Female Ego". Emphasis original)

Women are aloof

What a woman says and does are two different things

When a woman is attracted to a man, this usually does not necessarily mean she will sleep and be in a relationship with him. She will need comfort and when she also has this, she still will usually want one more thing: a man’s attachment to her.
To ensure this attachment the following mechanism takes place :
At the beginning of a get-together things might seem smooth and you get to know each other and might enjoy yourself. However at a certain point, which might also happen very fast, she either completely looses interest in you or pushes you away emotionally. In case she looses interest though she is attracted, she already recognized that you did not escalate fast enough, which shows her your attachment is not strong enough for her to be interested anymore. In the other case pushing you away serves her to hold you in an emotional limbo, at a certain distance. If you, as a man feel confused, uncomfortable or victimized (even to the point of psychic terror), though having good intentions, this process might be just unfolding. Also as a form of one of the multitudinous manipulation techniques. This is called aloofness.
Figure 1 and 2 illustrate this process.
Figure 1 – Push

When the man comes too close emotionally a pushing away will happen. This is indicated by a shield from Captain America :). As soon as it might feel like you are becoming a friend she has to create a distance. A few practical examples on how this happens are:
You might be enjoying a good and friendly conversation and she stops responding (showing disinterest or becoming quiet) She puts you down in various ways. E.g. (in)directly stating that she has no affiliation with you. Disqualifying, arbitrary criticism and manipulation. She will say something like “You are not giving me enough space”, “I need space”, “I am afraid of getting hurt.”
Figure 2 – Pull

When you are about to loose interest yourself, usually because you do not want to put up with the BS and games anymore, the opposite will happen and she will try to reel you in again, often for fear of loosing you. However this will happen only to the degree that you can still be manipulated. In a sense she is like a puppeteer and gains control and power through that process.
Hiding the intention and recontextualizing play a huge role here. The man is supposed to think that something was his fault. To bring him back she might also offer sex or pretends to be friendly and courteous for a while.
“You have to fight for me”. By saying this she puts the weight on the man’s shoulder, so that he now keeps leaning in by himself again and catches the carrot.

Frank #sexist archive.is

(Part 3/5 of "How Women Manipulate Men and the Female Ego". Emphasis original)

Why does it work and what does it explain?

What a woman says and does and what it means are again two different things

If a man can not be manipulated, this means the woman can neither push him away nor reel him in, she will likely not be interested in the relationship anymore or to begin with.
This process really works because of two things:
1. The man’s ignorance about the matter. And women’s ability to hide the process.
2. His attachment and thus allowance of mistreatment because of his desire (i.e. lust).
Women are much more intuitive than men. They know perfectly well what is happening, which allows them to control this process. It is fascinating and explains many things:

1. Why women have no friends, and why it is said that women hate each other.
2. Why no woman likes his man.
3. Why a woman has to be conquered and courted.
4. Why a man usually feels compromised, uncomfortable and bossed in the presence of women.
5. Why women like badboys.
6. Why a man can and has to steal a woman from her boyfriend or husband.
7. Why there are problems in relationships and why relationships aren’t fun.
8. Why a man has to initiate contact and is burdened with responsibility of the overall situation.
9. Why a man cannot talk with women about certain things and why he will not get an answer to certain questions.
10. Why a man can read endless self-help books about relationships and go to couple therapy and will still experience struggle.
11. Why a woman rejects a man and simultaneously and secretly hopes that he keeps pursuing her if he is attractive.

Michael Anissimov #fundie archive.is

Traditionalism is the Future, Not the Past

In response to the accusation that traditionalist monarchists want things to “stay the same or go backwards,” I must repeatedly reference the following Evola paragraph:


Traditionalist particularism is the future. Cosmopolitan democracy is the past. Most of the world’s human beings haven’t even embraced cosmopolitan democracy, only a slice of the urban elites have, and everyone else is just dragged along. Cosmopolitan democracy is nothing more than an experiment which is currently in the process of failing, a speedbump on the road of history in which hierarchical identitarianism is the norm, and always will be. In retrospect, cosmopolitan democracy will be viewed as little more than a curiosity. The far future is most definitely hierarchical—given the possibilities of human enhancement, it’s difficult to see how it could be anything else. “Progressive Transhumanist” is a contradiction in terms. Since hierarchy is completely inevitable, let us aim for benevolent hierarchy, rather than deceiving ourselves that futuristic democracy is even an option.

Cosmopolitan democracy is the past. Around the world, and in the heart of Europe, people are already rebelling against it. Give up the past, get with the times! The future is in a further articulation and perfection of Tradition, not in the continuation of dead forms such as Democracy. Advocates of Democracy are just romanticizing the past, the revolutions of 1789 and 1848. All the vibrant thinkers of Democracy are dead and the current upholders of the “immortal ideals” are only running on intellectual fumes. Their ideas are not adaptive to the challenges of the 21st century. The future is with Tradition.

John Derbyshire #fundie archive.is

The judge’s theatricals were supported by a weeping, ululating Greek Chorus of women that Nassar had molested. They’d spent four days sobbing their way through victim impact statements in the courtroom.

Once again for emphasis: Larry Nassar is a disgusting pervert, if we’re still allowed to say “pervert,” and I’d have sent him down for five to ten with a clear conscience. I just don’t agree that what he did was as sensationally horrible as the court, and my New York Post, were making it out to be.

I know I’m a geezer and out of touch, but in my generation, unless you were spectacularly ugly, you didn’t make it through childhood and adolescence without an occasional pervert coming on at you. It’s not an uncommon thing in the world, and I’m dubious about the claims of permanent mental distress.

That Greek chorus in the courtroom keening about their victimhood looked pretty healthy, when they removed their hankies from their eyes long enough for you to get a look at them.

But of course we are in a feminist moment, and keening about victimhood is what every red-blooded American girl is encouraged to do nowadays. I note that not only the judge but also the prosecuting attorneys were females; so was the judge in last month’s federal case.

Judge Aquilina of course did not bar males from the courtroom entirely, but you got the impression that she would have done so if she thought she could get away with it.

The judgette wrapped up her gloat-a-thon by jeering at Larry Nassar that, quote, “I’ve just signed your death warrant.” By that point I was mentally composing a petition to repeal the Nineteenth Amendment.

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