scientists would know about it

awesomestnerd #fundie

One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it. [emphasis added]

Nina Beety #conspiracy

These people of LHC and the sponsoring governments are pursuing forces that are the glue of life, through which we exist. Forces to create and forces to annihilate. These barbarians have no idea what they are smashing. The pursuit of ultimate knowledge, ultimate power, to control the destinies and future of everything — that always brings ruin.

Tiny and mighty, atoms stripped down to their primal forces — only the arrogant, the evil, the addicted, or the insane pursue such potentially life-ending folly, flinging open doors to other domains with no care about what might be waiting on the other side, doors that no one invited them to open.

If we ever interact with these dimensions, it will be because we were invited.

You cannot understand life by pulling it apart. You cannot know about life by destroying it. You only know life by relationship – biophilia.[18]

But some at CERN do not think any of this is special.

[Cambridge University PhD student] Thibault Mueller:

“We (have established) that we as a species are not special, the Earth is not special, our Solar System is not special. Now we are saying: ‘Ah! Our Universe is not that special either’.”[19]

That’s how a living universe can be smashed and disassembled. Because, at least for some, it has no special value, it does not create awe, it is not something to be cherished. These are the people that hold our lives and the future in their hands.

The public is strangely silent about the LHC. I have quoted Vanity Fair and the Guardian articles – each has a huge readership. The LHC has been written about for years. Why isn’t the public completely outraged by this project? Are people asleep? The severe and catastrophic problems with this project are easily visible. It doesn’t take an advanced degree or education. It just takes common sense. Have people become so brain-washed that “science knows best” or “scientists would never do wrong” or “governments fund research for the good of the public”?

Those who see must act. Because of these severe issues, the Large Hadron Collider, the CERN complex, and all related ventures and colliders must be shut down now, with all equipment and complexes dismantled completely.

12345 #fundie

[Posted in an article listing 10 species related to the evolution of hominids]

I'm disgusted how dumb people are. A guy takes an actual progression of primate bones that you can witness changes in and sticks a homo-sapiens skeleton at the end which looks 100% different than any other skeleton in the line up, and you people don't even think to ask a single question? If humans evolved along side of these primates their wouldn't be any of our ancestors near the primates who would have fled away from being hunted by man. Plus old stories of humans claim we had to live underground. If this is true looking for our ancestors in a primate burial ground above ground in the wrong part of the world, is an obvious plight to control knowledge of history. This is why I laugh every time a scientist speaks about Atlantis. So called scientist have been looking for Atlantis, not where documents and legends say, but where Edgar Casey, a psychic, says it should be??? Scientist could have stuck Buzz Light Year at the end of the evolutionary scale and who would question it? Not any of you obviously. I'm so sick of people hiding behind science like a religion when they know 0 about it. Science is not a belief system it is a methodology of proving things false or true. Just because something escapes being proven wrong it does not mean it is true. And the same way if something has proven true so far it doesn't mean it is truth it just means humans don't understand how to test for truth. If they do I would love to see an example. No what science does is it takes situations that it already knows the outcome of and tests it. Einstein had an idea, relativity and he tested it and got results. Does anybody see the hypocrisy in that? Testing things you already know the outcome of? That would be like a scientist testing prayer knowing it won't work, and then rather than telling you prayer don't work they tell you it is proof that god doesn't exist. I'm using this example so you can see how they spin things. Testing for prayer has 0 to do with testing for god yet I have seen countless drooling science worshipers who think this study should get funding. Humans are 100's of thousands of years old and if our ancestors burned their corpses before they discovered mummification good luck sifting through dirt and ash to find the truth. Why do we have to be duped? We don't but everyone wants to buy BS. Why can't any of you realize we don't have the answers and we probably never will? Just think what a different world we would live in if people didn't flock to BS and every con man who says I have the answer? Look at primates and look at the length of their arms? Why are their arms longer that any homo-sapiens? Why are the arms missing or not shown on the evolution chart? Notice how they stick primate heads on human looking bodies on every history special, hmmm, but primates bodies are totally different and again their arms? Somebody really wants to convince you they know it all and they won because your tiny ego amongst other things just wants to pretend its better than everyone else for repeating lies. What do I know I was in science classes at Regis University in the 5th grade and was teaching elementary kids science by the time I was in middle school for a program called SIP. But all you bloggers who think you found a way to trash religion by repeating everything science says with out proof, you my friends are a new religion that will be used for dumbing down the population and new atrocities against your fellow man based on beliefs that have no foundation in reality. Theories.

Gideon #fundie

The sun has gives off ultraviolet rays
doesn't it?
And it has been proven that humans in fact, need the nutrients
of these rays in order have healthy skin, and so on. But when
a human has too much UV, the effects have proved harmful. Knowing
this however, He decided to create the ozone layer and a magnetic
field to shield us from such radiation. Also, while the
earth rotates it is slightly tilted as it hangs, and with good
reason: If that tilt was even 1 degree higher or lower than it is now
earth would suffer through unstable seasonal change, orbital change,
and much more... also making it impossible for us to live on it.
As we know, scientists do not just analyze they also have
the ability to create; a scientist does not only make observations.
So God therefore that would make God a perfect scientist
because he knows everything and can create anything
(like the examples shown above) perfectly, unlike us human scientists.
And so you see, God uses logic even for these basic things. Did that make sense?

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy

I have often pondered the question what would happen if Jesus wanted to join the UFO community.

First of all, the Christians would denounce him for speaking about other civilizations, his fathers many houses. Even if the Pleiadians, Sons of Arcturus, and UFOs were mentioned in the bible.

Then the Luciferians, heavily entrenched in the UFO community and almost all other institutions, would censor him and try to character assassinate him.

After all he did warn them about harming children, child and sex trafficking is a definite no no. They would engage the mainstream media to shame and destroy his character, probably accuse him of Russian collusion and knowing all their classified secrets.

Then the scientists would have a go at him telling him he is a woo woo nut job. They would say metaphysics and spirituality is not science even though they acknowledge at least 11 other dimensions and 100 billion planets observed that can sustain life in this 3rd dimension alone.
What would happen if Jesus destroyed the controlled narrative and said we are not alone, there are whole civilizations of very advanced beings who have conquered war, disease, poverty, balanced and maintained their environment and if the leadership desired they would make contact and help bring Universal Law and healing to Humanity and the Earth?

An invite to join a Federation of Worlds in peace. How would that go with the war industry? The medical and pharmaceutical industry? The oil, gas, coal, all industries that provide our transportation and energy needs? How would governments react with most of the leadership in the back pocket of these major corporations?

What if they had replicators? No need for Wall Marts, Costcos, all your needs would be met just by hitting a button. Electric cars would not need batteries, they would not need tires due to anti/counter gravity.

Are you starting to understand now why we don’t have contact?

David Crank #fundie

Taken together, does it make sense? If we hold to these presuppositions, then we are saying that: 1) God made our bodies to naturally and reliably produce babies whenever a man and a woman have intercourse at the right time of the month; and 2) God expects us to find ways to either time our relations or develop other techniques and technologies to control when conception will occur so as to limit our number of children.

Paul's instructions in 1 Corinthians 7, for husbands and wives not to deprive one another, seem to run counter to the idea of avoiding relations at a certain time of the month in an effort to prevent conception. The one reason Paul cites as acceptable is a spiritual reason, and then only for a limited time and by pre-agreement. Trying to consistently avoid relations on likely fertile days will invariably run into conflict with the command to not deprive one another and to meet one another’s needs.

Also it is not so easy to know with certainty when the fertile days will be. Many women's cycles have just enough irregularity to keep you guessing. Even with the use of special thermometers and temperature charting, efforts to either conceive or avoid conception often fail. In fact, a great many pregnancies result from relations at times when the charts say there should be no fertility!

Isn't it interesting how differently God made many animals? There is no problem knowing when a female dog or goat is fertile. The female knows, as does all the males around. When the female is in heat, she is receptive and conception seems to almost always occur. But the animals don't use this knowledge to try and prevent births, but rather for the opposite reason. All mating occurs when conception is almost assured.

So why would God make birth control so easy for the animals but so hard for humans? Perhaps because the animals would instinctively follow His commands to be fruitful and multiply while the humans would tend to resist and rebel - desiring to control every aspect of their lives themselves? Does God really desire us to control the number and timing of our children in accordance with what we think is best, while also commanding husbands and wives to meet each others needs regularly? If so, why didn't He give us a "fertility off" switch? Think about it!

If God desired every husband and wife to regularly have relations and, if this would naturally result in pregnancies every 9-12 months, but He only wanted them to have just a few children spaced apart at their own choice, then what was He thinking?? Look at how difficult He made it to prevent and time births while having regular marital relations! Even with all of our modern science and medicines we have a hard time doing this with a high degree of reliability and without inflicting other harm to our bodies through surgery or hormonal tampering.

Think about the different forms of birth control man has been able to invent after these many thousands of years. Consider the ones that have very serious side effects for some or sometimes result in abortions. Consider the other devices and how unnatural they seem, what they take away from the experience and yet how they occasionally fail also. Consider even "natural family planning" and its dependence on very regular cycles, monitoring, the requirement of sometimes refraining from relations when they may be most needed by one of the partners. And look at the frequency at which pregnancy still results in spite of these attempts. Does birth control really look like a part of God's wonderful design for us?

Is this really the way God designed us? And is this really what He expects us to do with His design? If anything, the evidence is that God favors a sort of birth control than maximizes conception rather than restrains it. For the Jews under the Law, God prescribed certain times during and just following the woman's menstruation when relations were forbidden. The point when relations were again permitted coincides closely with the approximate time of a woman's greatest fertility. Doesn't this sound more like a plan to encourage large families rather than small ones?

Is use of birth control like use of medicine? I know some compare birth control to modern medicine. If we think we should make use of modern medicine to help us when we are sick, and not just trust God alone, how is that any different from using birth control? Well, for most of us, birth control has nothing to do with something going wrong in our body. Our bodies were designed to produce babies. Becoming pregnant is not a sickness from a bacteriological or viral attack, nor is it a breakdown in our body systems. Modern birth control medicines and devices are uses of modern science to thwart rather than aid God's design.

Where else will this viewpoint lead? Much as Darwinism had an impact on people's worldview far beyond the scientific theory itself, even so the worldview that accepts birth control as both a right and a responsibility has far reaching impact. Without this acceptance of birth control and its philosophical justification, we would not have legalized abortions today. Without its widespread availability we would probably not have nearly the incidence of immorality and infidelity that we have today. Even one of the very things birth control was supposed to help - out of wedlock births - has in fact become much worse! Faith in birth control has encouraged many more to be immoral with less fear of consequences. Yet neither the birth control methods, nor their personal application of them, are perfect, resulting in more rather than less out of wedlock births.

Where next? A great deal of research is being devoted to genetics today. Ostensibly the results are to help prevent and repair genetic problems prior to birth. But when the accepted philosophy is one of planning and choosing your children and "no unwanted children", the use may be something altogether different. Would not many want to choose everything about their child? Will it be a boy or a girl? With what eye and hair color and shade of skin? What facial features, height and build, or personality type would you like?

Will the scientists ever achieve this? I don't know, but I am sure many would jump at the chance to use it if it were available! If you believe life is all a matter of biology and chance without God, just how far will you go to try and control life? Have we perhaps already gone too far with our efforts to control things that God did not intend us to control?

Mike Jones #fundie

Ok evolutions have said alot of things in this forum, but they really have not refuted any evidenced used against there theory. What i have basically heard from the evolutionist is "creationist are morons and scienctist have dated the world older than what the Bible says.

Well......maybe. The problem is Scientist over the past 50 to 60 years have used a number of dating methods. Well, if the first dating-method worked then why would they have to keep coming up with new dating-methods. The problem is none of them work. I would like to speak about them all but I don't have enough time, so i will just speak about the most common, Carbon-Dating.

The carbon dating method uses the amount C14 in the atmosphere. C14 is radioactive C12(regular carbon). By the way there is very small ammount of C14 in the atmosphere, like .00014, I think.
Well what happens is the sun's rays hit the atmosphere and turn some of the C12 in to C14. Following that, C14 will slowly change back into C12. It has been proven that C14 takes about 5, 700 years to decay back to C12. Meanwhile plants are breathing in CO2 and some of it is radio active C14. The animals then eat the plants and the animals die then turn to fossils, which recently has been proven it only takes a year to fossilize something. Anyway back to C14, well once the animal or plant dies to C14 continues to decay , in the fossil, back in to C12. When they find a fossil they will compare the amount of C14 left in the fossil to the amount in the atmosphere. Then they will use math to get the exact date. That is how the method of Carbon dating is used, but there are errors in it:

Error 1: back in the 1960s scientist wanted to know how long the atmosphere would take to reach a stage called equilibrium. Example of equilibrium: If I told you to fill a cup with water, however I put a hole in the bottom of the cup. Eventually the cup would fill up to a certain point where the amount of water going in is equiling the ammount of water coming out and you cant fill the cup up any more, that would be equilibrium. Where you cant put any more water in because the same ammount is draining out. Scientist tested the atmosphere and found out that it would take 30, 000 years for the atmosphere to reach equilibrium. Well, here is the problem. There is still 27% to 35% more C14 being added to atmosphere then is decaying out. Proving that the atmosphere has not reached equilibrium and the earth is less than 30, 000 years old.

Error 2: If the atmosphere has not reached equilibrium then compairing the amout of C14 in fossils to the amount in C14 in the atmosphere would be pointless because there is more C14 coming in then decaying out.

Now if you are a evolutionist, don't just say Im stupid and wrong, PROVE me wrong. Do you homework and come back to me with a strong point against the method of Carbon-dating.

[Note: did their homework, and Googled for 2 seconds and discovered carbon-14 <a href="" target="_blank">decays into nitrogen-14</a>, not carbon-12 again.]

Franko #fundie

Dr. Schweitzer CAN'T come to any other conclusion because she is trapped. The possibility that the bones are not millions of years old can not be entertained, NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE IS - even if it's screaming in her, or any other believers in long ages of evolution's, face. The Priests of Evolution will not allow it. Dr. Schweitzer needs grant money, and anyone who goes against the grain will lose their funding also.

The obvious conclusion, if one has no bias, is that the bones can not possibly be anywhere near 68 million years old. The only reason to claim that the bones are that old is by faith in the religion of evolution, not by scientific observation.

So how old are the bones? No one can know for sure, but OBSERVATIONAL SCIENCE says they are not millions of years old. Any other suggestion would be one of faith, not science.

So when scientists claim to know that dinos died out 68 million years ago, I know they are wrong. They should know they are wrong, but they refuse to entertain the idea, they are in denial. They can't let science take them where it leads, they have blinders on.

watchman_2 #fundie

Fact No. 1 - God's existence can be proven. Life exists; therefore, God exists.

There are only two possibilities for life, evolution or God. Evolution, having been proven false, leaves the only other possibility for life -- God.

Fact No. 2 - Evolutionism is every bit a religion as any other religion. In fact, you were participating in the debate as evolutionism was proven to be a cult.

Fact No. 3 - Evolutionism is not based upon science. The theory takes underlying scientific discoveries and combines poor exegesis to postulate that all life originated from bacterium, which, itself, originated from a bolt of lightning into the primordial soup of chemicals. Yet, there is no observeable evidence to support such postulation nor can scientists duplicate the process in any means.

Fact No. 4 - Science has proven evolution false. The process of genus/species change has been labeled 'natural selection'. It has been proven that extinction would be impossible if 'natural selection' were true since all precursor species, including the bacterium, would also have to be extinct as well.

Fact No. 5 - Evolutionism is driven by the socialist left. Scientists know that evolution is an unproven theory. Yet, evolutionists refuse to acknowledge that it would be proper to teach the theory of evolution along side creation in public schools. Such a position is not scientific, but is driven by the leftists' hatred of Christianity and the religious right.

ScepticsBane #fundie

It seems to me that Homeopathy does work.

Does it really? Maybe the people to ask are the patients and their Doctors, instead of a bunch of frustrated lab nitwits up on their statistics and double blinded, randomized, placebo controlled “studies”. The life threatening illnesses, and their cures, don’t happen in those labs, they happen in the real world, which, oh by the way, is not the domain of the lab b0ffins nor their politicized masters.

Can it possibly work and how? Can a rocket possibly carry men to the moon? How about lasers—are they possible? In the 1930's that would have been dismissed as nonsense.
Who knows until scientists and researchers have had a go at it. Could quantum phenomena be inovlved? Again, who knows until its researched. Neither side can be sure of anything till that’s done. Neither side has the edge on deciding and there’s still those doctors and patients insisting that they benefited from it. What are the odds it’s all placebo effect? Zero.

CrossRufus #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot #pratt

One thing I have been increasingly taking notice of is how e-skepticals - you know, the "science, reason, facts and logic" crowd, people you can easily find at internet communities such as "Fundies Say The Darndest Things", "RationalWiki" and basically most left-wing forums - tend to be extremelly vain, ego-driven and arrogantic. For instance, let's illustrate this with a hypothetical situation: imagine it's scientific consensus that a few million years ago there was a frozen continent named "Lumumba" and that a random man named Edmund contests the existence of Lumumba; according to the skepticals Edmund is a mentally unstable idiot whose brain lives in an alternative reality. At a first glance it could seem fair to regard him as such, he's in disagreement with thousands of individuals who are educated on that field after all, right? However, let's take into account that Edmund currently has no means to verify these claims by himself (like most people) and it basically has no relevance at all to his practical life; having that in mind, one should start to question if it really makes sense to mock and belittle that person. Why must he believe what a bunch of people with diplomas tell him on the matter in order to not be deemed as intelectually inferior? If having an inquisitive mindset is so valued and praised by the "facts and reason" crew then why people like Edmund are supposed to just accept everything scientists say? Why does that say anything about his mental health if believing or not believing in Lumumba causes literally zero negative impact in his life or in the lives of others? The whole issue here comes down to the fact that these skepticals aren't really interested in promoting scientific thinking and skepticism but rather in feeding their own ego and trying to affirme themselves as smart and enlightened in comparison to the "idiotic science-denying bigoted cranky fundies"; that's why you have youtube videos with titles such as "physicist reacts to flat-earthers" and websites such as the ones mentioned at the beggining (RationalWiki and FDST), it's all a huge group session of intellectual masturbation.

And no, I am not strawmaning, that hypothetical situation is based-off something quite similar I saw on a FDST thread: it was a comment that labeled anyone who took Pink Swastika (a book about alleged homosexuals in the Nazi Party and the connection between homossexuality and the fascist ideology) seriously was clinically insane. I mean, really? The view one has about things that happened more than seven decades ago in another continent is really so relevant to the point of determining their mental health? I can kind of understand cases like the mockery of flat-earthers (well, actually I don't, thinking that the Earth is flat causes no damage to anyone, so why not just let them have their belief instead of starting this whole outrage?), since it's actually possible to verify by yourself that the Earth cannot be flat (for example, by looking at the clouds in the sky or realizing that people in other countries are under different time-zones), but having this same attitude towards something so inexact, imprecise, malleable and distant such as the study of the past is an attestation of arrogance.

"You clearly don't understand how science works, the scientific method is extremely rigorous and scientists have to stand scrutiny from their peers in order to have their findings accepted as factual. If you have doubts about a certain topic you can simply study and verify it by yourself" Ok then, I will study it by myself and come to my own conclusions, but until I'm in my right to have doubts and having them instead of just blindly accepting everything the scientific community says (like, let's be honest, everyone does) doesn't make me intelectually inferior to anyone. However, let's not ignore that it would take me years and years of study to "understans" just one specific topic, that I would still have to just accept as true everything that my peers from the hundreds of other fields say (no, you can't seriously expect someone to specialize on everything in a lifetime, come on) and that even in my own field I would have to assume as true the countless premises that it's based upon (for example, an archeologist has to accept this or that method of dating as the most precise so everything he has learned so far can make sense - this example may not be accurate but I just wanted something to illustrate what I meant)

"Yikes, the Dunning-Kruger is strong on this one. Ok Mr. Nuanced Contrarian, so if all doctors said that taking poison is harmful for your well-being and may possibly culminate in your death but a local charlatan claimed it would give you superpowers then you would take both claims as having the same weight just because you can't verify it by yourself first?" No, I would absolutely stand with the doctors on that one; however, that's not because they are science-people but rather due the fact I know from my own experience that poison is harmful (by seeing all the cases of people who took it and experienced negative effects). So yes, I agree that it's stupid to do certain things when you can verify with YOUR OWN EYES that it won't have a good outcome (not vaccinating your kids, for example)

"We know that science is accurate because it works" Why? Where that implication comes from? Just because a certain institution or group of people creates things that work and improve our lives it doesn't necessarily mean their explanations and theories behind their "inventions" are true; if that is the case then the healers of some amazonian tribe are correct in their beliefs about spirits just because some of their cures are effective?

"If you are so against science then why don't you just drop your phone, leave everything behind and go live in the wilderness?" Again, why? Where that implication comes from? Just because I don't accept as true some explanations of reality that the scientific community come up with it doesn't mean that I think everything related to science is evil and that we should reject all of it's inventions

"You are thinking of scientists as 'the others' when in reality they are just people like you. Also, it would make no sense for scientists to try hiding something from the public when in fact they would receive prestige for exposing the findings of their peers as false" Well, what if they are indeed 'the others'? I mean, who knows? There could be a lobby to push for some agenda or a certain conspiracy to cover something up; this may sound like silly conspirationism but you can't really know for sure. As for the "scientists will seek to disprove their peers instead of covering them up" part, it's just an assumption, there is no reason to say that scientists will necessarily have such mindset; it can be true but it could also be true that anyone who questioned the consensus would risk getting ostracized or even losing their diploma and their source of income - I mean, who knows?

"Science may not have the answers for everything but that doesn't mean your cranky nutjob theories are on the same level of accuracy and respectability" Well, that's a "case by case" situation since there are many different "cranky nutjob theories" out there, but to spare some words and space let's say that such affirmation is mostly true. What then? Just because the alternative theories are wrong it doesn't mean all criticism is invalid. Furthermore, you have to have in mind that different worldviews often come from differing premises and assumptions; science, for instance, is based on methodological naturalism, the assumption the explanation for every topic investigated must be a natural/material/non-supernatural one, while a religious person, for example, takes into account the existence of the divine and thus will likely come up with an alternative and supernatural view of the same phenomenon (what you mockingly label as "goddidit"). Yes, these people have a faith they embrace and because of that they think differently, what's your problem with that? Why can't you just let them be? Oh, I forgot: you guys are desperate for self-affirmation and in constant need of feeling smart and enlightened in comparison to the "cranks, bigots and fundies", right?

Varg Vikernes #fundie

Some hundred years ago one could not argue against “the word of God”. If it was in the bible, everybody simply had to believe in it, and arguing against it was if not always a physical suicide, then at least very dangerous, and the risk of being octracized was huge. Ridicule was certain. Scorn was certain. Persecution was certain.

Today science is “the new word of God”, and perhaps especially so DNA. If its in the DNA and the scientists (the new priests) can interpret it for us this or that way, then we can not argue against it. If a DNA sample e. g. proved to you that you were white, when you in reality were black, it would be hard for you to convince your fellow human beings that you were in fact black. I mean; how can you argue against DNA? When science talks, we often close our eyes to reality, and instead just accept what the scientists say.

When the Max Planck institute started their Neanderthal Genome Project, they took DNA from two different already mixed (with Homo sapiens) Neanderthals from Vindija in Croatia, and since they did not have a complete DNA, they added something from another (also mixed, with Denisova [an Asian species]) Neanderthal from Mezmaiskya in Russia. So the DNA they had was not from one individual, it was not from a Neanderthal at all, but from several mixed Neanderthal/Homo Sapiens/Denisova individuals, and as if that wasn’t enough: the DNA was not complete.

They did not take DNA samples from any pure Neanderthals, nor from any of the many Neanderthals in Central or Western Europe. Why not?!

Then they took DNA from several modern human beings, and compared it to the DNA of the (remember: mixed) Neanderthals they had taken samples from.

The modern humans they took DNA from were surprisingly not Europeans, save one from France. We know nothing about this Frenchman either.

So when we know the Neanderthals were blue-eyed, blond and very light skinned, why did they not take samples from a population with mainly such features, such as the Scandinavians, the Germans, the Dutch or the English? Why not?!

Not surprisingly, some of the Asians seemingly came out with the most Neanderthal DNA. Well, why would they not, when the scientists had added DNA from a Neanderthal mixed with an Asian species?! We don’t know how mixed it was either. For all we know it was a half-Neanderthal, half-Denisovan, with 50% of its DNA from Denisova.

Why would some of the Asians not have the most Neanderthal DNA, when they had – amazingly – not compared it to a European with Neanderthal features such as blond hair, blue-eyes and very light skin?! How convenient, to leave out the absolutely most Neanderthal-looking modern men from the research!

And tell me: what kind of ‘science’ is that?!

And tell me: do you trust DNA tests and what these priests tell us about DNA when you know this?

They don’t enlighten us; they sink us further into darkness. They don’t illuminate our world with scientific truth; they produce smoke screens and illusions.

I am tired of this. Not a month passes by, without somebody sending me a link to some ‘scientific’ journal who apparently argue against what I say. They don’t actually, but some times it seems as if they do, because – after all – all they produce are smoke screens and illusions, hiding the truth.

If you wish to learn the truth, use your head instead. If it makes sense, it is probably true. If it doesn’t make sense it probably isn’t true – such as the theory that Europeans still in posession of all the recessive traits of the Neanderthals are not mainly Neanderthals!

We are. We still are Neanderthals.

Don’t let these priests ruin your faith in your origin. Don’t let them break down your own identify. Don’t trust “the word of God”.

meamsane #fundie

Law is rooted in religion, therefore, there is a moral aspect to law. Since there is no higher law than God's, All Societies throughout history have had laws that govern society as a means of restraining evil and bringing about justice, peace and order, I.E. an objective moral truth. (Rom. 13:1-7).

Medicine and Science also must rely on an objective moral standard, otherwise there would be no ethics to govern what they should do or not do.

Homosexuality has been around for a long time! So what? So has religion. Ask a Baboon how he feels about his homosexuality, and I bet he would not understand a word of it or know what that is. Scientists should be really careful in trying to ascribe human moral imperatives to the animal kingdom. I.E. the animal kingdom has nothing to teach us about morality!!!

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy

The stage is set in Syria for another Pentagon false flag operation!!

In October 1962, a Pentagon false flag operation called the Cuban Missile Crisis almost led to the annihilation of the entire human race. Beginning in the summer of 1962, "Communist" Nikita Khrushchev began secretly shipping "nuclear missiles" to Cuba via the British controlled Straits of Gibraltar. Khrushchev was not even Russian, he was a "fake Jew" from UKraine, and most of his soldiers in Cuba were UKrainians.

In preparation for the Cuban Missile Crisis, British Secret Service agent Greville Wynne recruited a Russian colonel named Oleg Penkovsky to decapitate the top Soviet military leaders.

MI6 Greville Wynne–working out of the British embassy in Moscow–recruited colonel Penkovsky as a spy.

Greville was the liaison between Winston Churchill and suicide bomber general Curtis LeMay.

KJB Penkovsky's job was to disable the Russian Doomsday Device before the Pentagon's thermonuclear attack!!

Under the guise of a trade delegation, Penkovsky the spy arrived in London on April 20, 1961.

From April 20 to May 6, 1961, Penkovsky underwent an intensive debriefing at MI6 HQ in London.

MI6 Chief Sir Dick White then shared this info with John McCone–his CIA counterpart.

During his stay in Britain, "Guy Fawkes" Penkovsky was shown every trick in the MI6 spying arsenal.

To disarm the Doomsday Device, Penkovsky recommended that small atomic bombs be planted at strategic locations and timed to go off just before general LeMay's bombers arrived:

As a strategic officer, a graduate of two academies, and having worked for some time in the General Staff, I know what the sensitive spots are. I am convinced that my viewpoint is absolutely correct, namely that in case of a future war, at H-hour plus two minutes, all of these critical targets such as the General Staff, the KGB Headquarters on Dzerzhinsky Square, the Central Committee of the Party, which organizes everything, and similar targets must all be blown up by pre-positioned atomic bombs rather than by means of bombs dropped from aircraft or rockets, which may or may not hit the vital targets.
In our Soviet Army we have a five-kiloton, a ten-kiloton, and bigger weapons, but they have not yet been able to produce a one-kiloton weapon. Our scientists are still working on it. I know this exactly. Such weapons would not need to be set within the buildings themselves, but there are many adjacent buildings where they can be concealed. Dwellings and stores are adjacent. For example, there is a large Gastronom [food store] next to the KGB Headquarters. A small group of saboteurs equipped with such weapons, governed by a time mechanism, should plant them in the locations from which all these headquarters can be destroyed. Irrespective of what other attacks will be made at H-hour, these essential headquarters must be destroyed. These headquarters can be easily spotted in every major city. They are easy to find in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, and Novosibirsk, for example. All one would need would be one man to do this for each military district. This would destroy the mobilization and organizational directorates that are the backbone of the army. If these headquarters of the General Staff and the Military Districts are destroyed, this will reduce the combat strength of the Soviet Army to a very great degree. A number of months would be required to assemble more or less experienced men from the reserves. (Schecter & Deriabin, The Spy Who Saved the World, p. 75).

Amazingly, Penkovsky's spying was not done in a corner. His Moscow handler worked out of the British Embassy . . . just a stone's throw from the Kremlin.

Penkovsky would meet Janet Chisholm, wife of Station Chief Rauri, at Tsvetnoy Boulevard Park in Moscow.

Under the guise of giving candy to her kids, he actually gave her top secret documents about the Soviet nuclear arsenal.

Even children played a deadly role in the Doomsday scenario called the Cuban Missile Crisis!!

On the very day that President Kennedy made his "full retaliatory response" speech, Penkovsky was arrested. Moscow was about to be lit up with FIREWORKS, and its wasn't even New Year's Eve!!

On the very day (October 22) that President Kennedy made his "full retaliatory response" speech, Penkovsky's plot was uncovered.

The arrest of the Russian Guy Fawkes caused panic at the Pentagon as they now faced the prospect of a horrible death by cobalt hydrogen bomb radiation.

There is no doubt that the Pentagon feared the Russian Doomsday Device, and they dreaded the prospect of dying a horrible death by radiation.

The drama was as intense in Moscow as in Cuba and Washington City:

There was one more piece of urgent business falling to the KGB secret police. For the past year, a Soviet military intelligence officer named Colonel Oleg Penkovsky had been providing top secret documents to his British and American handlers. Among the documents now in the hands of the CIA was the technical manual for the R-12 missile system, together with the layout of a typical missile site and detailed descriptions of the various readiness levels. Penkovsky had been under suspicion for weeks, but the KGB delayed moving against him because it wanted to smash the entire spy ring.
With the Cold War on the verge of turning hot, Penkovsky could not be permitted to feed any more information to the Americans. Plainclothes agents burst into his apartment on the Moscow River and arrested him without a struggle. Because of the importance of the case, the head of the KGB, Vladimir Semichastny, decided that he would take personal charge of the interrogation. He ordered his men to bring the traitor to his third-floor corner office in the Lubyanka. They sat him down at the other end of a long conference table.
Fearing torture or worse, Penkovsky immediately offered to cooperate with the KGB "in the interests of the motherland." Semichastny looked at him with distaste. "Tell me what harm you have inflicted on our country. Describe it all in detail, with the most pertinent facts." (Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, pp. 56-57).

Arch-traitor Penkovsky faced a firing squad and most of his accomplices were arrested. Typically, Wynne escaped and lived to a ripe old age. British Secret Service agent Nikita Khrushchev lost most of his power after the Cuban Missile Crisis and he was overthrown in 1964.

If that was British spying on the "police state" known as the Soviet Union, imagine what the situation is like today....Truly horrendous!!

The generals at the Pentagon spend most of their time figuring out how they can get Russia to shoot first, in order for them to launch a nuclear attack on that great and free country.

Now that the British Joint Chiefs have a puppet in the White House . . . and the Kremlin . . . they are eagerly looking forward to World War III.

Paul Dowdy #fundie

science confirms that life cannot arise from non-life SO= where did humans, animals,plant life come from? And science says there has to be a cause and effect so whats the cause. If a scientist could tell me that he knows where everything came from then i would believe that the bible is fake. but science will never be able to make sence think about it you keep coming back to how did it get started and science has no starting prosess for life. you cant take nothing and nothing and a little bit of nothing and put it togeter in a lab and creat anything. science dont even know how a cubit foot of space is created you know that stuff you walk threw ,air is in it ,your house is in it ,the earth is in it. you cant tell me space is just free theres no formula no math to figure it out. If you use worldly logic it just dont make sence you know science. the only logical answer is the unlogical one to use that something magical created everything wich would be god. Oh yeah i belive in the bible but i belive that it is older than alot of people do. The bible does say that the world is round spear mean round. and the the bible saying things like i will go to the end of the world doesnt mean they thought is was flat we still say that phrase today. and the bible knew that befor we did. the bible knew that there were spings in the bottom of the ocean and we didnt discover it until like 1970. Even if im wrong why would anyone want to live knowing that they are just going to die in that case i dont mean anything life is all for nothing. or you can beleve and get saved and you still dont have to live a sin free life thats why jesus died on the cross. you have nothing to lose if you beleve. and if you dont beleve you have nothing to gain even if the bible and god was not ture.

arunma #fundie

Actually, Huckabee's belief in creationism is one of the reasons that I'll be voting for him, despite the fact that I despise the Republican party with quite the passion. Whether or not evolution is a religion, the fact is that it is treated as such by many atheist scientists and non-scientists alike, who venerate it as some icon of atheism.

Sure, he doesn't have that great of an economic policy. And his plan for Iraq is horrendous. But I figured I'd vote for him for no other reason than to break down an altar to Richard Dawkins. And besides that, why would I listen to "the scientists" position on political issues. What do they know about politics anyway?

f22raptor #fundie

Yes, you too can know the Almighty God for yourself. This
is within reach of anybody who want to know God. The answer is right before your eyes if one would drop their pride of this`know it all attitude.` If they can dismiss their arrogance of nobody can tell them anything unless it's under a microscope\telescope via see, hear, feel, smell and taste. In the secular, great swelling pride has prevented the brilliant scientist, philosopher, doctor, educator from where life really count.

There is this stupendous information God gives to mankind if he would only submit that he doesn't know it all instead of trusting in a culmination of combined knowledge over the centuries where they'll earn a few placards, papers, awards, degrees etc..He certainly isn't opposed to wisdom, power and wealth but knowing God is superior.

God said to the prophet Jeremiah 9:23,24 "let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understand and know Me, that I AM the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord."

God reveals Himself in this manner that He isn't the hard, ruthless God some has portrayed Him to be. Some will post in here juvenile responses fit for adolescents of which reveal their true heart and easily detectible simply because they just don't understand and know God. I have heard the best of them and they reveal to me just what they don't know, you can see right through them.

Dorfman #fundie

Having assumed that people have a general knowledge of basic alebra. I shall attempt to prove God.

Well all know that the earth sits at a certian angle on its axis. How could this have been done with the big bang theroy?
Scientist have proven, if the earth was off its axis or not a the PERFECT angle we would burn up due to the suns position.

We know that the earth rotates around the sun in a elipse form. (alerbra word)
For elipse to be an elispe it has to have TWO FOCI (man this is making my head hurt) Which makes sense with the gravational pull around the sun. However, what doesn't make since is there is only ONE foci being the sun. Yet the earth still revolves around the sun in elispe form. Explain that one. How can the earth due this with an exact elipse form without another foci?


bascially, A= axis B= Balence G= God

simple enough?

Kevin #fundie

Carbon-14 dating of fossils is based on the amount of C-14 found in that fossil, the more C-14 found in a fossil, the younger it is supposed to be; if very little C-14 is found, then it is supposed to be very old. It's as simple as that. The problem is, however, it is ASSUMED by Carbon-14 daters that the C-12/C-14 ratio in the atmosphere reached a steady state millions of years ago; in other words they ASSUME the amount of C-14 being produced in the atmosphere has been the same as the amount of C-14 decaying or leaving the atmosphere for millions of years, therefore the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere is ASSUMED to have been a constant amount for millions of years.

Unfortunately, for evolutionary-minded people, there is not one shred of EVIDENCE to support that ASSUMPTION; the only way to prove that the C-12/C-14 ratio has been the same for millions of years as it is today is to test something living today that is known to be millions of years old [such as a tree with a million tree rings], but we know there's nothing living today even remotely approaching such ages.

Evolutionary scientists have calculated that it would take 30, 000 years from the beginning of the earth to reach a steady state or constant amount of C-14 in the atmosphere. Measurements taken recently by nuclear chemists Fairhall and Young suggest that the amount of C-14 being produced in the atmosphere is as much as 50 per cent out of balance. By these measurements we would have to conclude according to evolutionists' very own calculations that the earth is much less than 30, 000 years old since the C-14 in the atmosphere has not yet built up to that steady state.

Perhaps, these are just a few of the reasons that the late Stephen Jay Gould, for many years America's foremost evolutionist, always refused to debate any creation scientists.

Edicius #fundie

i think evolution is false cuz it hasnt been proven yet. darwin wrote a book about how he thinks man might have come to be and everybody believes him.
if i were a scientist and i wrote a book about how vegetation can communicate with ppl telepathicly would u believe me? also evolution contradicts itself. i dont know wat its called but there is a certain beetle that is so odd they could not find anything it could have possibly evolved from. there have been fossilized footprints found of a mans footprint stepping on a small animal (again i cant remember wat its called i'm not a scientist) that shouldve been extinct millions of years before man came into existence. also if man was so simple and were prehistoric cavemen when they first came into existence why did the fosilized footprint have shoes? also in the bible (might i remind u the bible is not a religious book but is instead a history book written over one thousand to four thousand years ago) the book of Job chapter 40 verses 15-19 it mentions dinosaurs while man was existent. there is no real proof to evolution being real. so if creationism isnt real, find a new theory cuz your wrong.

there the christian has answered.

Angyl #fundie

Excellently put!! Don't you people see it?... I'm sure you'll want to try to deny that's the truth but your words would be a lie and I'm sure you know it. We're called primates and animals by scientists as a part of the evolution ploy and scheme. It is debasing the way it is meant, degrading, and completely unagreeable... Once again, we AGREE that there are similarities between us and apes. Doesn't give you the right to call me an animal, though anymore than the similarities between me and a garbage truck give you the right to call me a car.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The USG And The Weaponization of The Weather

Earth has been suffering an increase in earthquakes and volcanoes. Winter and summer temperatures are heading to the extremes and storms are more powerful than modern recorded history. The USG has set up a federal website addressing those weather changes, yet it doesn’t provide any real cause for them, and they know why Earth is suffering those changes because they’re responsible for many of them.

According to the US Navy, the USG is experimenting with weather modification and has been for a very long time and admits to the spraying of chemtrails, per my brother-in-law who wrote policy for the US Navy until his retirement.

They’re not experimenting, they have weaponized the weather using Earth’s ionosphere and magnetic fields. Alaska is home to one of the HAARP installations that are located around the world. HAARP or High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program affects the ionosphere by using an antenna array that emits microwaves more commonly known as radio waves.

Run by the US Navy and US Air Force, HAARP is a global multipurpose weapon capable of destroying all life on Earth. A bold statement yet accurate and HAARP proves that using intelligence without wisdom is not intelligent. The experiments to Earth’s atmosphere that started in 1958 have caused so much harm to the workings of this planet you’d think scientists would stop doing them, but that would take common sense and a certain amount of humility to admit they don’t know what they are doing.

The idea of the experiments leading up to SDI, HAARP, and beyond were partly to disrupt an enemy’s communication systems by artificially creating electromagnetic fields using a type of EMP blast in the upper atmosphere without the destruction caused by an atomic weapon. So amongst other things, HAARP can take out an entire region’s communication systems.

The atomic bombs that were detonated in the upper atmosphere back in 1958 created new magnetic radiation belts inside Earth’s natural magnetic field. Those experiments continued over the years causing more alterations and damage to both the atmosphere and Earth’s natural magnetic field. That started to cause both physiological and health problems to children born after that time.

For example, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is common in children now but that’s not the whole of it, it’s affecting adults too. Geneticists learned long ago DNA can be changed even in an adult, and there’s more than one way to make those changes. Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and man-made viruses modify DNA too.

Our brains and central nervous systems run on chemical-electric energy and produces a small electromagnetic field, just as any electrical activity does. Magnetic fields can influence other magnetic fields. Earth has a magnetic field, and our brains develop and work within that field. Disrupt that field and thinking is affected. Because of the experiments, the changes in Earth’s magnetic field were more or less instantaneous, and those changes do not sync up with Earth’s DNA and the development of a newborn.

Those EM (electromagnetic) systems can also be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. Also, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. That part of the technology was used in the first Iraqi war in which my cousin was an aid to the Colonel of a tank battalion. HAARP, to a certain degree, was a mobile technology even then. The stationary HAARP installations can affect vast areas and are being used to do so. So, a real question would be why would they prefer the general population to act contrary to nature, to ignore their natural tendency for survival?

edwitness #fundie

(In response to this story on Christian News Network which incorrectly labels a synapsid as a mammal: )

"Note that these ancestors of mammals possesed both mammalian and reptilian characteristics and confirm evolution. These creatures were not mammals."
This is a worldview statement. Not a scientific one.
Because for those whose worldview includes a Creator, this evidence does not speak of evolution. But instead proves they have a common designer. The Creator who made all that has been made who is introduced to us in Genesis.

Richard Forrest:
Nonsense. It's a scientific one which has nothing to do with "worldview".
It's a statement made in the light of the evidence.

Wrong. As shown the evidence only reveals to us that the animal lived. The rest of the beliefs the evolutionist comes to are from his worldview. Not the scientific method.

Richard Forrest:
The evidence also shows that it's a synapsid and not a mammal. It also shows that it lived in the Triassic period. That is what has been established by applying to the scientific method to the evidence.
You don't get to redefine what is and what is not science because the findings of science contradict your shoddy religious dogma. That is downright dishonest.

What is dishonest is saying that the scientific method is whatever you need it to be to make what is not evidence for your worldview become evidence. The scientific method is observable and repeatable. Without that it's just speculation. And in your case it is speculation built on a designer-less worldview.

Richard Forrest:
I'm sure that others will see the irony here. You are asserting that saying the scientific method is whatever you need it to be is dishonest, and in the same post attempting to redefine the scientific method because it contradicts your religious dogma.
Get an education. There are numerous sources out there which explain the scientific method in detail. Creationist sources are not reliable when it comes to how science is defined.
You are making yourself look both ridiculous and dishonest. If you are so deluded that you think that such an exhibition will convince anyone to join your cause, I pity you.

"Creationist sources are not reliable when it comes to how science is defined."
Really? They went to the same schools and received the same degrees in science that all the evolutionists went to. They know science as well, and I would contend better, than evolutionists. In fact, most of them at one time believed in evolution. But, because the evidence was not there to support it, as all the evolution scientists I gave the quotes from admitted, they rejected the lie that is evolution for the truth that the Creator God made all that has been made. Just as the evidence supports.
The irony here is that you reject the scientific method because it does not support your worldview. While claiming that while I am appealing to the scientific method, that is for our conclusions to be both observable and repeatable, I am doing this.
Unless you can observe evolution and repeat it through testing it can not be considered scientific. Which means it is a belief system built on a worldview that rejects the notion of a designer.

Richard Forrest:
Well, as we have observed evolution - using the term in the sense for which it was coined by the people who coined it - ?in action in the natural world and replicate it in the laboratory, it qualifies as science even by your incorrect definition.
As for creationists knowing science better than "evolutionists", if that were the case why do they lie about science - as Purdom has done in the article in referring to the Triassic synapsid as a mammal? Or do you not care if creationists lie provided they tell you what you want to hear.
Oh, and by the way: very, very few creationists have any qualifications in evolutionary biology, and the very small number who do reject the science on the basis of their religious beliefs. not the evidence.
Science does not reject the notion of a designer. It does not accept assertions not supported by evidence. None of the supposed evidence for a designer stands up to empirical scrutiny.

"Well, as we have observed evolution..."
But, that's just it. No one has ever observed evolution. No one has ever seen a lizard lay an egg and a bird fly out. Just as no one has ever observed a cat over millions of years change into a dog. Because it does not happen.
"Science does not reject the notion of a designer. It does not accept assertions not supported by evidence."
Real science is observable. Therefore evolution can not be considered Science. So it is evolution, and not science, that rejects the evidence that points to a designer. The Creator, Jesus Christ.
For example, no one doubts the monument at Mt. Rushmore is the work of an intelligent designer, yet much greater design and laws in the universe are overlooked, or disregarded, by people who believe that evolution produced everything in existence, with no intelligence or design behind it.
This makes no sense.
History tells us Gutzon Borglum was the designer of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial; the Bible tells us God is the Designer of the universe, and man was made (designed) in his image (Genesis 1:26).

Richard Forrest:
"But, that's just it. No one has ever observed evolution."
Well, the scientists who study the subject can refer to numerous observed instance of evolution in action. What do you know that they don't?
"No one has ever seen a lizard lay an egg and a bird fly out. Just as no one has ever observed a cat over millions of years change into a dog. Because it does not happen."
Quite so, and if it did it would utterly falsify evolutionary theory. I suggest that you educate yourself in the subject to that you don't make a fool of yourself by displaying such utter ignorance of what you are writing about.

Punctuated equilibrium, one of the novel ideas evolutionists have come to because they are constantly trying to put fingers in the dike as new archeaological finds refute old thinking, states just that.
So maybe it is you that needs to research your religion so you can see just how foolish it is. And how foolish you are to believe it.

Richard Forrest:
"Punctuated equilibrium, one of the novel ideas evolutionists have come to because they are constantly trying to put fingers in the dike as new archeaological finds refute old thinking, states just that."
You are once again demonstrating only utter ignorance! Try reading Gould's account of the theory he formulated with Eldridge rather than relying on creationist sources. Oh and by the way: it's palaeontologists who work on the fossil record, not archaeologists.
Perhaps you should take your own advice and do some research into the nature of evolution. Not that you will, because your religious beliefs are so fragile that you need to maintain ignorance.

Punctuated equilibrium means exactly what I have stated. If you are going to be dishonest about your own beliefs then what is the point of continuing this conversation? The goal posts are set. It is for you to show evidence for the touchdown you believe your scientists have made. And for me to show you how they have not.
My job is easy. Because all the evidence supports it.

Richard Forrest:
"Punctuated equilibrium means exactly what I have stated."
Not according to Gould and Eldridge who formulated the theory. You can find their original paper on the internet. Try reading it. If you do - and I can confidently say that you won't - you'll find that the creationist sources from which you gleaned your caricature of that theory are at best ignorant, at worst lying. But of course you won't because your religious dogma demands ignorance of its adherents.
As for research into the nature of evolution: I have carried out original research and published in scientific journals. Perhaps you should consider the possibility that I know more about the subject than you do.

Ross Olson #fundie

When I discuss the creation/evolution controversy, there are all sorts of interesting responses to the evidence. People are basically unable to answer the powerful logical and scientific case for creation. So, many eventually say something like this:

‘But if creation is true, why don’t all scientists believe it? All scientists agree that evolution is true.’ Others do not say this outright, but it is an unspoken criticism which they see as an automatic veto of anything that seems scientifically unorthodox.

Can the majority be wrong? Most people admit that the general public may be in error. But they doubt that the majority of scientists could be wrong. This implies that science is somehow different from other human enterprises, and that scientists are immune to the foibles of non-scientists.

History shows that the scientific establishment has been wrong time after time. It is unwise to bet your life on any scientific theory, no matter how popular it is. In fact, often those who have consciously sought safety by staying in the middle of the herd have ended up, like lemmings, in the middle of a stampede off an intellectual cliff.

Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis (1818–1865) found that by washing his hands between the time he examined dead bodies and the time he delivered babies, he could prevent certain illnesses in mothers and babies, and save many lives. He was appalled by the heavy death rate in Vienna maternity hospital when he worked there. He introduced antiseptics, and the death rate plummeted from 12 per cent to 1.5 per cent.

Even though Semmelweis should have been declared a hero for this simple but powerful discovery, he was not. He was not even asked for his data. Rather, his idea was soundly rejected by his colleagues, and he was forced to return to his home in Budapest. Germs had not yet been discovered, and the physicians of that day had no theoretical basis for understanding the phenomenon Semmelweis was talking about. Even so, the idea would have been easy to test and was clearly of great potential importance. But they did not even consider it.

If we had quizzed the ‘dirty hands’ doctors at a particularly frank and honest moment, they may have said: ‘It just doesn’t make sense. If I can’t see it, it must not be real.’ Or, ‘What I don’t know can’t hurt me (or my patients).’ Or worse yet, they might have said, ‘If I admit to this, I will have to accept responsibility for untold past preventable suffering.’

Our past decisions may prejudice our ability to evaluate the present. A scientist who has based his career on calculating what happened during the first few moments of the ‘big bang’ will find it difficult to be open to evidence that the ‘big bang’ never happened. Great learning does not always make a person more honest and accessible, but it may increase the complexity of his or her rationalizations.

A young graduate student who believes in creation, but also knows that rejection of evolution would jeopardize his degree and career, may try to work out some intellectual compromise, whether it fits the data or not. (This is essentially a form of protective colouration which makes his beliefs invisible in that environment.) He is then likely to spend the rest of his professional life ‘agreeing with himself’. He may even ridicule those more forthright than he, partly because they prick his conscience.

Many scientists hold firmly to evolution despite the evidence. They know that without evolution they must consider themselves responsible to a creator. Their need to reject that possibility is so emotionally powerful that they hang on to evolution tenaciously.

Most of us assume the best about our fellow humans unless forced to think otherwise. Have you ever read a newspaper account of an event you know by personal experience, and found the story inaccurate or incomplete? You then probably wondered about the accuracy of other stories in the paper. Even though the scientific method is supposed to encourage objectivity, some data get recorded and some get ignored, some articles get published and some get rejected—a lot depends on the very human motives of individual people. Even looking at the same data and the same articles, different observers can come to different conclusions.

Great breakthroughs in science are not achieved only by the brilliant. They are shared by the honest and courageous who study the emperor’s new clothes and regard truth as more important than political correctness or a grant for further study. This does not mean that someone outside the herd is automatically right. But proper conclusions may be opposed by scholars with ulterior motives.

At one time or another, most children probably say to their parents (in support of some questionable activity), ‘But everybody’s doing it!’ Good Christian parents invariably say, ‘No, they’re not! But even if they were, you’re not, because it’s against what God wants for you, so it’s wrong.’ We should therefore become a bit wary if someone says, ‘But everybody knows—’, or ‘All scientists agree—’. They probably don’t. And even if they did, it might still be wrong.

Vincent Cheung #fundie

(Figures that he's a presuppositionalist, seeing how van Til, the one who founded the idea, was also a Calvinist.)

Some Christians attempt to defend the faith with scientific arguments, such as those based on physics, biology, and archaeology. Along with the unbelievers they assume the reliability of science and attempt to "do science" better than the unbelievers can. If what I am saying is correct – that is, if what Paul is saying is correct – then of course we are able to do science better than the unbelievers, since Christians possess presuppositions that correspond to reality, that tell us the truth about God and his creation.

That said, the scientific method itself precludes the knowledge of truth, so that even with the correct presuppositions, science is totally unable to discover or describe the nature of reality. As Ronald W. Clark writes, "Contemplation of first principles progressively occupied Einstein's attention," and in such a context, he quotes Einstein as saying, "We know nothing about it at all. All our knowledge is but the knowledge of schoolchildren....the real nature of things, that we shall never know, never." Of course, he could speak only for science and not revelation.

Karl Popper, who has produced a number of works on the philosophy of science, writes as follows:

Although in science we do our best to find the truth, we are conscious of the fact that we can never be sure whether we have got it....In science there is no "knowledge," in the sense in which Plato and Aristotle understood the word, in the sense which implies finality; in science, we never have sufficient reason for the belief that we have attained the truth....Einstein declared that his theory was false – he said that it would be a better approximation to the truth than Newton's, but he gave reasons why he would not, even if all predictions came out right, regard it as a true theory.

Scientists conduct multiple experiments to test a hypothesis. If observation is reliable, then why do they need more than one experiment? If observation is less than reliable, then how many experiments are enough? Who decides? [...]

The probability of drawing the correct curve (about experiments determining the exact boiling point of water, taking into account minutely different observations) is one over infinity, which equals zero. Therefore, there is a zero probability that any scientific law can be true. This means that it is impossible for science to ever accurately describe anything about reality. Thus Popper writes, "It can even be shown that all theories, including the best, have the same probability, namely zero." [...]

Scientists, of course, attempt to get around [affirming the consequent] by having "controlled" experiments, but they are faced again with an infinite number of things that may affect each experiment. How do they know what variables must be controlled? By other experiments that affirm the consequent, or by observation, which we have shown to be unreliable?

Bertrand Russell was a celebrated mathematician, logician, philosopher, and wrote much against the Christian religion. So he was not attempting to endorse Christianity when he wrote:

All inductive arguments in the last resort reduce themselves to the following form: "If this is true, that is true: now that is true, therefore this is true." This argument is, of course, formally fallacious. Suppose I were to say: "If bread is a stone and stones are nourishing, then this bread will nourish me; now this bread does nourish me; therefore it is a stone, and stones are nourishing." If I were to advance such an argument, I should certainly be thought foolish, yet it would not be fundamentally different from the argument upon which all scientific laws are based.

Yet many who speak this way refuse to draw the logical conclusion that all science is irrational and without justification.

Most people feel compelled to respect science because of the practical success that it appears to achieve; however, we have noted that affirming the consequent may yield results but not truths. Remember what Popper said about Einstein: "He would not, even if all predictions came out right, regard it as a true theory." The typical college student would disagree, but the typical college student is not Einstein. Accordingly, although science sometimes achieve practical ends, it has no authority to make pronouncements concerning the nature of reality. If the scientist does not know his place, an informed believer should not hesitate to put him back in his place. Theology is the ruling intellectual discipline, not science.

April #conspiracy

The Mystery in it all. Just remember there are Facilities(Labs) That Housed Terrible Strains of Viruses. And I do remember sometime back in the news where Mice were missing from a N.J. Lab Containmented with some Deadly Disease.
It always makes me Wonder when I hear about these Strange New Diseases, if they were not Man Made in Some Medical Lab, and Some Crazy Mad Scientist brought out to the Us Regular Citizens to see what would happen and how it will be Controlled. I know this sounds all Sci-Fiction...But, When Mice come up Missing and that wasn't the only news story in months past.
It makes me wonder....If, this isn't a Government Project?
Remember, O Preacher he was all about the White Man giving terrible Illnesses to Black PPl.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist

RE: Black Rule: Stories from the New South Africa, 2011-2015


South Africa is in freefall. There is nothing that can save it now. Whites can save themselves only by segregating from the negro. If I were the leader of 1 million well armed white men, this negro worship would end. I would hold TV networks responsible for what they broadcast. If they air something that enflames the negro, I would shut them down. In a white homeland, negroes would be forbidden. This is the only way now.

Sweden has passed the Congo and is nipping at the heels of South Africa for rape capital of the world. Why? Because white women have more political power in Sweden than anywhere else in the world. There is no point to a white homeland - literally not worth the moving costs - if women are still allowed to vote, sit on juries, and hold political office. They will simply import Africans and Arabs to rape and murder.

The feminist white woman is the architect of the destruction of the Western world. Still vindictive, shrill, irrational after 50 years and show no signs of wanting to protect it. They have sided with every grievance group against the white hetero male. They show no sign of growing up sadly.

It's simply evolution. It's not something they can avoid. The same behavior is displayed by all sexually dimorphic mammals.

Think of the life cycle of a lion. A male lion will find a mate and have several cubs. The female is always on the lookout for aggressive males outside of her pride. She will entice any that she finds to come and fight her male. If the outsider male wins, he will kill her cubs and mate with her right then and there. The father lion always gathers up the bodies of his dead cubs and lays down beside them to slowly die of blood loss and infection while the mother of those cubs mates with the male who killed them.

When you hear of the Rotherham and Malmo rape gangs, as well as how white women defend them, understand that no words can sway a lioness to fight to save her children. Women are no different. They cannot be convinced.

Repeal the 19th. Repeal the Fifth Reform.


Your analogy is made even more powerful by the fact that the male allows the female to do this: he allows her to sabotage his pride, and risk the death of his children. It's the same in the West today: females only get away with this because the men allow them to. I suspect that, if lions have the mental capacity to think this far, the defeated male lion doesn't resist and kill the subversive female because he believes that it's simply the way things are in the world. Western men are the same: they don't understand that there was a time when women didn't have as much as they do now, and that the problems which exist now were more unimaginable than fantasies then.

I'm not advocating for killing women, but you get the point.

(Robert Kelly)

Sky News went to a township near Johannesburg to do our own impromptu survey asking men whether they had ever forced a woman to have sex. . .

In total, 28 out of the 38 that answered said they had raped a woman, and many even explained how and why. [Sky News, September 19, 2013]

And white men are accused of being the paragon of rapists and sex fiends by feminists everywhere. The only reason why women have rights is because white men have made it possible. If white men disappeared tonight and white women were left at the tender mercies of black and brown men, the above would be the result.

Left to their own devices, I don't think black and brown men see anything wrong with forcing themselves on a woman. To them, rape would only be wrong if another man raped a woman that "belonged" to him and even then, that's because of property rights not because he thinks rape is wrong.


I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover but look at those pictures above. Or look at the pictures of any of the blacks who have murdered young White people. The White young men and women are beautiful, the blacks not just beastly but clearly unevolved. They are not us. They are not our evolutionary, moral or intellectual equals. How did the charade of equality ever take such a foothold? How could so many White people be convinced of such an absurd idea?

Great Post - I really think their hatred of us and the unspeakable violence directed at us is precisely this - pathological envy or jealousy of our (relative) beauty and we must be destroyed, no matter how successful the black person is, he or she has pretty much told whites they despise them. Their natural enemy is the mirror and we can never make that right. The contrived bravado, arrogance, third - person references, huge gold chains, "grills", speech and dress codes, even the way they hold a glock, screams animus and insecurity.

And that is why, I am sure, so many black women go over the top with hair coloring, make-up, hair styles and clothes. They know they can never look like us no matter how much they repaint the old barn.

(Vir magnus)

In recent years, the white race has been portrayed to be the utmost perpetrators of racism, injustice, misogyny, homophobia, brutality, and genocide; they bring nothing but destruction. If this is all accurate, then one can only assume that South Africa would benefit considerably from the transfer of white power to black power within their government. Contrary to the fallacies that liberal professors convey into the minds of our youth, the complete opposite was true.
No one will discuss the fact that South Africa is now the headquarters of rape and HIV, that "94%" of murderers face no punishment. And that this trend worsens as the white population decreases.
This should come as no surprise, given that the average IQ of Africa as a whole stands at less than 70. It wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to predict a rapid decline in the standard of living of South Africans post Apartheid.

I am curious to know if Robin Diangelo's anti white conceptions would change if she were to take a two year trip to Nyanga, South Africa. Perhaps gang rape would be enough to change her mentality.

(Frank Jones)

A more grotesque outcome one can scarcely imagine. Apartheid was a more humane and eminently more sensible system of governance.

guitjoc #fundie

I am Christian and I go to a Christian college. So I may be biased. But I know for a fact that an artifact has been found on Mt. Sinai that SCIENTISTS HAVE proven to be Noah's Ark. The dates and details match that of the description given in the bible. Look it up. If this guy had any argument against Christianity he would know what he was saying. He obviously doesn't.

n2motocross #fundie

[Edited my ownage out of this. I'd like to see what you guys think of this fucktard]

Well congratulations of working toward your computer degree offered from The Univ. of Phoenix Online.

Liberalism is a mental disorder:

Liberals support:

Ripping babies from the womb ie: partial birth abortion.
Animal rights....... but no rights for the unborn.
Homosexual marriage. I guess you don't know what happened to Rome.
Multi-culturalism......... A nation of tribes. : Terri Shiavo
Oppressive taxation
Welfare for the able-bodies
needle exchange programs for drug abusers
Muslims, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wiccans.....but have hatred toward Christians
Oppose War....even if it meant our own destruction. But care more about how we are liked globally.
Global Warming.......21,000 Scientists worldwide disagree
Environmental treaties that would destroy the U.S. economy.......but exempt China. ie: The Kyoto protocol.
Condoms on cucumbers....public school sex ed.
Obama, even after knowing his associations with known terrorists. ie: Ayers and Dorhn
But, demand any Republican be removed from office with even the slightest contact with anyone they don't approve of.
Overlook voter fraud, except when it is on the other side.
Fairness doctrine: Air America failed because no one wants to hear emotional whining so they want to penalize conservative talk radio and force the broadcasters to employ liberal views.
Radical Islam just because they hate George Bush.
Urban league
Trail Lawyers guild.

I could go on...... but I'm tired of typing.

Galactic Federation #conspiracy

I am Iris. I am a Mermaid. My words reach you through a channel chosen by me in order to communicate with our brethren from the surface.

I take long walks along some of your coasts, to feel the air that you breath going in and out of my lungs, just like you normally breathe. We can breathe air, but you cannot breathe underneath the water.

The Mermaids are capable of staying for a prolonged period out of the security provided by our seas, but when the sun dries our skin too much, we can suffer from a dangerous dehydration if we do not quickly wet our skin. That’s why we normally walk on the rocks and cliffs of the mainland during the night time hours, when the sun doesn’t shine and dry our bodies. It also helps us go more unnoticed by you, for at that time everybody sleeps.

We know that many among you, well, the majority, would treat us well; but there are still some in your surface world that would capture us to study our physical bodies or to exhibit us in aquariums, like they do with many marine and oceanic species. We would become strange creatures that people would pay to see. They would not care if we lost our freedom, if our captivity would satisfy the curiosity of your scientists or provide revenue to your aquariums.

The incomprehension and egotistical interest amongst some of you is what prevents us from getting to know each other openly, and for the two races (the submarine and the terrestrial) to become friends. That is exactly the same reason why our brethren from the Stars has not contacted anyone of the surface yet.

But they have done so with us; and in fact, we visit them frequently in their transoceanic bases each time we go by their “scientific” emplacements. They are very loving beings who receive us and look after us with much love, a profound respect and with much joy. They open for us their enormous domes so that we can come in and talk with them. They are travelers from other worlds, and even other dimensions, and they are used to contacting beings of all kinds.

The day that your world changes and you open the communication with beings that are different from you, then you will be able to contact our brethren from Space and also us.

Until then, we await that moment. Meanwhile, we will have to be satisfied with communicating with you through those who already have such talent, who have been born with a mission to become intermediaries, even in a hostile and distrustful world towards those who are not like them.

supersport #fundie

"We already know that E=mc2 is wrong because it contradicts Newton's law of gravity. E=mc2 says nothing is faster than the speed of light....yet as we know, this is not correct. Gravity is instantaneous, thus faster than the speed of light. If the earth were to move, for example, the moon would somehow "know" it and move right along with it. Same with the sun...if the sun were to move, the planets would follow the sun around, all without ropes.

Scientists have long known that Einstein's theory contradicted Newton's law of gravity, but it's just one of those things they try to keep hush about and sweep under the carpet like it doesn't exist.

So if E=mc2 is wrong, which it is, then we can pretty much be assured that astronomers and cosmologists are not to be trusted because they simply do not know what they're talking about."

Patrick #fundie

But my reasons to believe in God is actually:
1) the Bible. Why should the Bible be a big fat lie, huh? Why would someone trick us into an entire religion that isn't true? In the time the Bible were written, and if there was no Jesus? Don't you then think people would have noticed? Then the word would have been all over the world if you know what I mean, and then we would by no doubt know that the Bible is a big fat lie. BUT IT ISN'T!

2) the Big Bang. Why would a big explosion create Earth? Now lets see. Everything does have a cause no matter what, and what did exist before the Big Bang? Something must have created black and white and all the other colors. Now if a scientific nerd reads this he would probably make some reasons on how the Big Bang got created, but what created the stuff needed to create the Big Bang? Scientists still doesn't know what caused the Big Bang to happen.

Power Point Paradise #fundie

You know how people parrot the media: "Well, that Loch Ness Monster is just a myth and a legend!" Well is it really? There are "only" 800 official sightings, beside the "un-official" ones, and a couple of pictures of the beast like the one below. And several serious local newspaper reportings of people who saw "Nessie", like this clipping from 1935?

NEWSPAPER ARTICLE FROM 1935, TITLED: The Loch Ness Monster at Tea.
LONDON -- In far off Inverness shire, the Loch Nes Monster became active again [on June23] to show his appreciation of the summer weather. He was seen at Halfway House near Invermoriston by sixteen persons, mostly tourists having tea at the time.
George Sutherland of Edinburgh, one of the witnesses, said that the proprietress of Halfway House called out: "There's the monster!" Everyone rushed out and saw part of the creature's back as it emerged from the bay and made its way across the lake. It moved about for twenty minutes before it disappeared. "I cannot say what it was," Sutherland said, "but it was a living creature. It was no hallucination."

The water of Loch Ness turned out to be so murky and black, being filled with peat particles, that a specially built submarine launched to hunt for the monster, had to abort its mission, as the crew couldn't even see one meter ahead through its portholes.
Then the whole lake, one of the deepest in the world being hundreds of meters deep, was searched with sonar equipment and these are some of the results. One can clearly see the body, fin, neck and head on the left and two other pictures show the diamond-shaped fin of this living water dragon!?Or if you prefer: a plesiosaur or pliosaur! Because this so-called "monster" of Loch Ness, has all the earmarks of being a living Plesiosaur or some other "marine dinosaur" or rather Water Dragon, often seen by the Vikings in their time, who fashioned the bows of their boats like seadragons! ?Most likely to scare the real ones, that they had encountered on their many voyages, away! Vikings were more realistic than people today!


"But I thought Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago?
This Loch Ness creature is hardly taken serious by the media and general press, and normally pooh poohed as a hoax, hallucination, as a mysterious "monster" or as "cryptozoology!" Wish they would declare every rare bone and piece of a skull of "the human primates" as "Cryptozoology!" But those are immediately hailed as "missing links!" Only creationist scientists take "monsters" like this seriously, as one of the few remaining dragons, only labeled "dinosaurs" since 1875 by modernistic scientists of those days!
Did you know that Nessie--most likely a "plesiosaur" or a family of them--is only one of several waterdragons that survived thus far? The media, scientists and evolutionists ignore or minimise these facts, finds and phenomena. Why? Because it would negate the by the elite favored theory of evolution and their now widely promoted theory of "the asteroid that made dinosaurs extinct!" Because "long extinct dinosaurs preceding Man" paint a more believable Evolutionary scenario, than the truth: Live dragons co-existing with Man until now!
And so most scientists stick to Evolution like glue, as it's the only theory that's government- and tax-supported as well as widely funded, and because of professional peer pressure. And frankly, many, if not most of them, plainly despise the only possible alternative!--The theories of Creation and a Worldwide Flood, for which there are many proofs, both of which are supported by many historical accounts, the Bible and other reports and legends of almost every culture.
But most materialist, secular humanist scientists would rather die than adhere to these much more plausible theories! And sad to say many of them will, believing a lie and materialistic hoax perpetrated on bewildered mankind these last 125 years, to make them doubt anything supernatural, ghosts, angels, God and Jesus, to turn them to the opposite side!

"Well", you say, "they never really caught this marine dinosaur, and this may be the only one in the world, so that proves nothing! Are there any other documented sightings and witnesses reports?"

Latest Nessie picture, of course contested again!


JediMasterPikachu #fundie


* Every Christian should be a Creationist.
* Creationism is at least as defensible as Macroevolutionism from a scientific standpoint.
* Macroevolution requires at least as much religion as Creationism.
* The primary reason Macroevolution is so popular is because it is the dominant viewpoint of the origin of life presented to the populace, and not because it is grounded in good science or common sense.
* Both Creationists and Macroevolutionists can be smart, competent scientists.
* Creationists should know about at least the basic tenets of Macroevolution. You should know your opponent. Ignorance is rarely becoming.
* Similarly, it would be good for Macroevolutionists to know about Creationism, and not receive all their information on Creationism secondhand from anti-Creationism-biased sources.
* Macroevolution is an inherently racist doctrine, even if individual Macroevolutionists do not wish to be racist. If there were races which evolved, one race would be the smartest, one the strongest, etc. There are NO races of humanity. There is one human race, and it is imperative that all Christians, even those who insist on being Macroevolutionists, agree with this. Christ died to save Christ's family, the family of Man.
* The origin of Man explains why Man needs a Savior. This is why Christians should be adamantly Creationist, and is also why atheists are just as adamantly anti-Creationist.

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy



The Holy Bible predicted that Satan would be loosed from his prison after 1,000 years of the Christian era had expired:

Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea (Apocalypse 20:7).

It doesn't specify how long after that milestone the dreadful event would occur, but the Babylonian Captivity of Britannia occurred just 66 years after the expiration of the first millennium. Remarkably, when that prophecy was written about 90 AD, the earth was not a globe . . . because, even "scientists" know that a globe is ROUND, and does not have CORNERS!!

However, the Militia of Satan didn't waste any time after the expiration of the second millennium of the Christian era.

Vice President Al Gore was the chosen successor of the Clintons.

He was totally subservient to the British Empire.

As President, he would have destroyed any remnants of the former Soviet Union . . . and replaced them with Islamic regimes!

After the disastrous dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Clintons were supposed to finished the job by eliminating any pro-Russian counties in the Mideast. Their final geopolitical goal was to make UKraine and Crimea a part of NATO. That would cut off Russian access to the Mediterranean, and turn back the clock to the 17th century, when Russia was struggling to survive against the Terrible Turkish onslaught.

George W. Bush was the Republican candidate for President in 2000.

Candidates for the Presidency are as carefully screened by the FBI and the media as candidates for the Supreme Court.

Amazingly, just 5 days before the election, Bush proudly announced that he was arrested for drunk driving.

Al Gore was delighted with the announcement and called Bush immediately to thank him.

That move by Bush at that critical juncture was just a ruse to THROW the election, and guarantee that Al Gore would be the next President. Because of that timely announcement by Bush, the election was a dead heat, and only the state of Florida would decide the outcome.

Antonin Scalia was the most influential associate justice on the Supreme Court, and he desperately wanted the position of chief justice.

A Reagan appointee, he knew that a Gore Presidency would deny him the opportunity to be the Godfather of the Court.

Scalia stopped the Florida Fiasco and Bush was assured of the Presidency.

Scalia truly believed that Bush wanted to be President, and by stopping the Florida recount, he expected Bush to repay the favor as soon as he became President. That could only happen if Bush forced Chief Justice Rehnquist to retire by persuasion . . . or a a timely death!

Not all was lost however with the inauguration of President Bush. There was still the Twin Towers in New York City, and an opportunity for a false flag operation to continue the war against Russia.

The Twin Towers were built by a "Mickey Mouse" construction company named the Karl Koch Erecting Company. The Towers were built like BIRDCAGES, with absolutely no reinforcements in the center.

The Twin Towers were demolished by explosives, and a small nuclear weapon hidden in the basement.

It was Pearl Harbor II, with the Pentagon providing a convenient excuse to invade Iraq, Syria, and Crimea.

The birdcage construction of the Twin Towers made them very easy to demolish. Old buildings are usually demolished by explosives perfectly timed to prevent damage to surrounding buildings.

Another reason for 9/11 was to get rid of a fearless reporter named Barbara Olsen.

Barbara Olsen (a last days Deborah) was a lawyer and well known TV personality.

She was the bane of Hillary, as she just published a damning expose entitled Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Hillary hated the very ground she walked on and demanded that she be killed in a "plane crash" on 9/11.

Ominously, John F. Kennedy Jr. —a rival of Hillary for the position of senator from New York—also died in a plane crash.

Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton was planning on running for President in 2008, and anyone who stood in her way was marked for death.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair was the driving force behind "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr. took their marching orders from "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher. Tony Blair was British prime minister when Bush Jr. assumed the Presidency. Tony Blair was a frequent visitor to the White House to remind Bush Jr. that his father had made a grievous mistake by not removing Saddam Hussein—the bane of the British Empire—from power.

Beginning in 2001, British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a frequent visitor to the White House.

The invasion of Iraq was uppermost on his agenda.

"Operation Iraqi Freedom" was really "Operation Uncle Sap," as the U.S. would do all the fighting and dying for the British Empire.

topaz #racist

I thought it is the educated who believe in God while the less educated look at science to disprove God. Einstein was a great scientist and he was a christian. How about that ? Is he ‘uneducated’? Einstein believed in Jesus Christ & theGod of the bible and his scientific success was based on bible facts. Einstein took those facts and used science to prove it, changing our lives permanently for the better.

[after being challenged]
By calling me a liar re einstein, you are revealling yourselves. Google him and find out about his writings on christian theology. Maybe he can be found on the web. I don’t know.

[the next post]
My apologies people. It is another jew, isaac newton NOT einstein. Sorry. LOL.

[after finding out that Newton was Christian]
Fine, so he’s not a jew but I thought he was .. his name — anyway, it was not intended as a lie. You know it. So stop being so quarrelsome. Other than the post I recd about newton and the bible code, I really have no interest in him. I know from the post that was sent to me, that newton was a christian and I may be wrong, but it was written as if he was a jew— anyway — I’m not going to argue this.

[I was referring to the errors in fact that you made with regard to Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton and did not correct immediately when the errors were pointed out. These errors were not ones what any reasonably educated person would have made.]
heck — I don’t ‘study’ einstein or newton or some other jews. I confuse their names — big deal. I know most famous scientists are jews, anyway.

AngryNotice #fundie

to do so or to accept evolution is to mean that Genesis in its literal context is wrong. which is not the case, because it it was inccorect, it would say so itself. i've mentioned this before, we know that there were reports of darwin recanting his theory, and of other scientists doing the same. my question to you is, why hasnt God recanted Genesis???

Sassy #fundie

So easy for you to forget the advancement of science and the fact the real 'irony' is that SCIENTIST are the ones who claim they never went to the moon or landed on it. In this day and age killing off the scientist as they did the astronauts back then would make no difference because new witnesses would come along the type of witness who may have seen the moon walk but know scientifically how impossible in those days it really was.

It is basically about the witnesses... In Christ time there were witnesses but no witnesses against because after he rose there was no body in a grave or anywhere to disprove it. It even had Roman Soldiers guarding the tomb.
The witnesses say Jesus Christ rose from the dead and was seen. But no witnesses to disprove him rising from the dead; the Roman Soldiers and Governors, even the high priest would surely have sought such evidence but found none.

You cannot disprove the truth about the witnesses who saw Christ and witnessed what he did.
But scientist are the people who make the claim the moon landing and walking on the moon was impossible to do safely in the 60's. So if you believe that NASA is telling the truth how do you explain the deaths of those who could witness it or the scientist who tell us that is was impossible in the safety aspect?

Jesus Christ, his life and his rising from the dead is not in question it was witnessed in every part. But no one was eyewitness to the actual events of traveling through space and landing/walking on the moon. The scientist today say it is impossible.

So nothing hypocritcal. Both lot's of evidence are different and so both accounts not comparable.

Alena #fundie

YOU are such an idiot whoever wrote about Kent Hovind being a fraud and his proposal of 250,000 being something tricky. YOU are a fool. The only reason you are getting hung up over this guy is A. He's right. B. If you had proof, you would show it C. You can't do anything about his offer cuz you got nothing pal. You know he's right that all scientists will offer is micro evolution proff Cuz you guys got nothing else to sit your butts on! everything else you simply believe and "infer" that it somehow all had to work out. Stop being a wuss! and picking on somebody that you can't even do anything about, all you can do is write a page on the website about how stupid he is, look at yourself buddy, who's the fool?

Sassy #conspiracy

Personnel, who were concealed withing buildings and whom would not know if something filtered in to the studio.
So it isn't impossible. The Astronauts who trained for the first moon landing who were not selected all died in mysterious circumstances. One or two may have accidents but not the whole of those who trained except those who went to the moon.

When this had happened previously to the moon landing mission:-

Who would have thought it safe to speak out? So all this exposed in 4 years business is not good enough.
Apparently those who could really have exposed it, were murdered it would appear before they could tell anyone.
Given all those deaths and the fact one astronaut said just before he death..."

Then Challenger explodes after take off with a teacher on board who won the chance to go into space.
January 1986.
It is weird how people died mysterious deaths but was a good chance to stop members of the public going up.

WRONG: the arguments have not been dismantled. The examination of the moon rocks would have shown whether from earth now or a different planet but they disappeared suddenly. Even the Russians themselves do not really believe they made it to the moon. The experts who deny it happened are physicists and experts in their particular fields. Plus the Russian Scientist.
Within four years people were already denying the landing on the moon. It did come out.

Oh, so you think that I, Sassy am somehow by 'say so' a force against the landing on the moon. Such a childish and even worrying thought from you.
My belief is based on a few things including Scientist (those with the know how) you and I do not have.
There are other reasons and you have to work them out for yourself.
If man travels for 6 weeks away from the earth what would he really be able to see from that distant?
This was a time when we could not sent images any other way than by camera.

Remnant of God #fundie

(Note: This is only the first half of the article)

Ever notice how evolutionists will manipulate reality to try and do away with creationism? For example, when you ask an evolutionist how they come up with the age of the sedimentary layers in the earth, they will always tell you they date them by the fossils found in those sedimentary layers. Then when you ask them how they come up with the age of the fossils, they say their age is determined by which sedimentary layer of rock they’re found in. But how can that be? How can the rocks date the layers, if the layers date the rocks? That's what's called “circular reasoning.” One minute they say the rock determines the age of the fossil, the next they say the fossil determines the age of the rock.

Darwin said “It is a truly wonderful fact— that all plants throughout all time and space should be related to each other—” –The Origin of the Species p 170.
The evolutionist agrees with Darwin and says all life on earth evolved from primordial soup, which then somehow formed into many different species like birds, animals, plants, fish etc; and those birds, animals, plants and fish evolved into many different types of species themselves. For example, they believe a bird later formed different types of lizards, horses and dogs. They also believe that plants created everything from vines to trees to flowers, and fish evolved into dinosaurs, apes and humans. If that’s true, then I have to ask the evolutionist why is it for the last 6000 years of recorded history that not a single new species has ever been created? Scientific fact is, we still have many of the old species among us, and we know of many that did in fact become extinct. But not a single bird has been found that used to be a fish. And not a single bird has been found that is related to a lizard. If life truly evolves like they say it does, why did it all of a sudden stop dead in its tracks 6000 years ago? After all, if life is as they define it to be, then it must be a constant evolutionary process for life to continue, which means that evolutionary process be never ending. Some have claimed that mutations are evolution because of some moth that changed its color years ago. Real scientists discovered that the moth changed its color because of its environment. In other words, if just changing its color means they evolved, then that must mean that every time I work in the garden and get a tan I’m actually evolving?

And by the way, I say 6000 years because as Christians we know by reading Genesis chapters 1 & 2 that our Lord created all that is seen and unseen in creation week 6000 years ago. We also know this is when creation stopped and He hallowed the day He rested. We call that day Sabbath to this day and we keep it holy to acknowledge Him as our Creator every seventh day. Could it be this is why Satan inspired Darwin with evolution? I believe so because evolution allows you to hide the fact you were created and in so doing removes your requirement to acknowledge Him as Lord which would mean you need to and obey Him since He truly would know what’s best for you seeing how it is He that made you.

Getting back, the evolutionist believes the evolutionary cycle is never ending, but they too cannot explain why according to their Darwin inspired calculations that there has been no new species recorded for hundreds of millions of years, let alone the true 6000 years as reality dictates.

They also state it takes billions of years for each animal, insect or plant to evolve. If that's true, why do we have termites? Termites eat wood but can't digest it. In their intestines are smaller insects that digest the cellulose the termites place in there for them. Kind of like the worm inside the cricket. The termite can't exist without the smaller insect, and the smaller insect can't live without the termite. If evolution is true neither insect should be on this planet.

There are even some that believe in Creation, but not the Bible version wherein it took only 6 days. These so called "Creationists" insist it took 1000 years for each "day" of creation because 2 Peter 3:8 says, "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" If they aren’t twisting that passage out of context and it is as they claim, why do we have wasps that rely on certain plants to lay their eggs within them to procreate. And if this is true, how do those plants survive without the wasp pollinating them? If the plants and the wasps were created thousands of years apart, how does the plant pollinate without the wasp, and how does the wasp procreate without the plant? That means the 1000 years for each day recorded in Genesis must be wrong by simply applying easy to research reality.

Moving right alone, we have the big bang theory which declares a spinning dot of absolutely nothing exploded to form all the planets, stars, asteroids, black holes, quasars, nova’s, and primordial soup found on earth. According to the scientific discovery called, “conservation of angular momentum”, which actually means, if what’s spinning in a clockwise manner explodes, everything flying off of it will explode in the exact same manner. That being the case, why is it 2 planets, and numerous moons orbiting many planets in our galaxy alone spin in a different direction than all the others. If their big bang theory was true, why is it those planets and moons appear to have come off of a different explosion? Were there two big bangs?

Jumping ahead a bit, let’s take a look at man for example. The Word of God says we were created with Human bodies that have organs that are designed to live forever. Science has recently proven that if we were to learn something new every second, we would take well over 3 million years to exhaust the memory capacity of our "post flood" brains. (Pre-flood brains were 3 times larger) Now keep in mind, no one learns something every second. They just calculated it that way to get an educated idea. Most will learn something new once a week or even once a month and later in life once every few months or so. That means the human brain, as small as it is now, can handle the data for literally billions of years. That being the case, we see that evolutionists also claim that all species evolve after there is a need for a change. So I have to ask, how is it possible for us to have a brain that could hold enough info to last over billions of years, when all we can live up to is 90 -100 years? If evolution is true, why haven’t we evolved to age extremely slow so as to meet the requirements of our own brains, wherein we can live for an eternity?

When you get time I would like to ask you to view a video of a scientific experiment wherein they show how sound waves can actually create visible light when they are directed towards a body of water. The video can be found online. It’s titled, "What happens when you collapse an underwater bubble with a soundwave?" The link is found in box #4 of this sermon’s notes. When you watch that video you will be amazed at how nothing but sound-waves pointed at water did in fact create light, just as the Bible dictates.

Genesis 1:2-3, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
Ok.. Picture a sphere of water in Space. God literally SPEAKS and says, "Let there be light." That amazingly loud blast of sound causes the water to form a small bubble within it. Then that sphere of water collapses internally upon that bubble, and as we see in that video, "there was light" created at that exact moment. Better yet, the scientists also discovered there was an enormous amount of heat generated when that happened, and the method by which the heat arrives is what they deduce to this day is what caused our Sun to be formed in our Solar System. Pretty convincing argument for the creationist is it not?

Ok.. let’s talk dinosaurs. Were you aware that Tyrannosaurus Rex was not a meat eater? Yes, I am fully aware that every evolutionist, and Hollywood director insists that he was. But Christian scientists have recently discovered two things about T-Rex that proves we have all been lied to for quite some time. They found that the roots of T-Rex’s teeth were only 2 inches deep. That means, had he bit into the hide of another dinosaur in his day he would have lost all his teeth. When you compare the size of T-Rex and the fact his roots were only 2 inches deep, he couldn’t have possibly been able to break the hide of such animals as most evolutionists have him eating. His teeth would have broken off before he even broke the skin. Better yet, were you also aware that these same scientists took one of the teeth they dug up, cut it in half, and they actually found the teeth to be gorged with chlorophyll all the way to the center of the tooth. This confirms he never ate meat. Ever.

Now because this evidence is so well known now among scientific circles, evolutionists know they cannot say it’s not true. The data has been published, and they were caught in a lie. But to try and cover the lie, some evolutionists now claim his teeth are gorged with chlorophyll because he ate dinosaurs that were vegan. Problem with that theory is, it still doesn’t negate the fact that the teeth of T-Rex only had roots that went 2 inches deep, which would still make it impossible for them to eat meat. Still, the Christian scientists also offered data that showed the teeth of modern day animals that eat only herbivores. That’s right, their teeth had absolutely no chlorophyll in them.

By the way, this discovery concerning T-Rex also validates the Biblical record once again! Before the flood of Noah, which is when evolutionists claim dinosaurs roamed the earth, and they also claim no man was alive then, we have a Bible verse that declares they were not originally designed to be meat eaters.

Genesis 1:30, "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so."
Still, some claimed this to be impossible by using mankind as an example. They claimed that we as humans must eat meat to receive the proteins found in meat to grow big and strong. They claim that without meat we couldn’t gain weight or become strong enough to sustain life. Besides the fact that you can actually find much more protein in some plant life than you will ever find in meat, look around on planet earth for a moment. Look at all the HUGE animals like cows, horses, hippos, elephants, rhinos. etc. Or look at some of the ancient dinosaurs that evolutionists do admit were herbivores, like the brontosaurus or thunder lizards that were the largest mammals ever to walk the earth. All of them were herbivores! How did they get so big? How is it the elephant, giraffe or hippos, just to name a few, are so large yet they never eat meat?

Now I would like to get into a few scientific facts I found that can do a much better job and confirming what I saw. After all, I’m no scientist. So, I would like to quote a few if you don’t mind.

ikester7579 #fundie

Do you know the "only" test that would prove this [that the soul has a weight] wrong? Take a animal, which has no soul, and do the same test. If it loses weight upon death, then it is physical. If it don't, then the other test proves there is a soul. I don't know of any scientist brave enough to make such a bold quest for actual truth. Because this test has been out there for how long? And no one, that wants to disprove this, is not smart enough to figure out that a soul-less life test would bring no doubt?

I actually think the test has already been done. But the atheist did not like the out come. So it was never revealed. There is a difference between wanted actual truth, and justification for what one wants to believe.

Adhemarde #fundie

This is the pathetic state of "science" today. Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view. Science is supposed to be empirical and unbiased, but evolution depends absolutely on atheistic materialism, and will not allow anything contrary to that view, because to do so would make their entire house of cards tumble to the floor. Global warming is the same. Many scientists call the elaborate schemes proposed by evolutionists a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories:, and they are indeed that. While the earth indeed warms and cools, we do not know over what timeframe that occurs, what causes it, whether man's activities have any effect, or even if that change would or would not be beneficial. Yet you cannot even speak to a university group, much less occupy a faculty position, unless you subscribe to the liberal dogma. Even if science were the answer to all our problems, the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth.

Chris Fellows #fundie

The temptation with this book is to go full Macaulay and write a ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty thousand word review that tells you much more about me and how clever I am than about the book. This temptation I will try to avoid. At least a bit. If you are reading this review I expect you are familiar with its thesis: Legutko has lived in Communist Poland and in Post-Communist Poland and has written this book about the worrying similarities he sees between the two. Everyone must think the same, or else; and the false gods of the ‘Liberal Democratic’ West are not so very different from the idols of the Communist East.

“The atmosphere the systems produce is particularly conducive to engendering a certain type of mentality: that of a moralist, a commissar, and an informer rolled into one. In one sense, this person may think that he performs something particularly valuable to humanity; in another, the situation helps him to develop a sense of power otherwise unavailable to him; and in a third, he often cannot resist the temptation to indulge in a low desire to harm others with impuntiy. For this reason tracking opposition and defending orthodoxy turned out to be so attractive that more and more people fail to resist it.”

Like most of my countrymen, I am used to thinking of ‘political correctness’ as an American disease, so it is salutary and sobering to read a book such as this which is primarily concerned with the impact of the same disorder on the European Union.

The odd thing about reading this book was that as I went on I found myself growing more cheerful and optimistic. It started from the question I have learned to ask myself, whenever I write a long screed complaining about something: ‘What positive alternative is there to this bad thing I am complaining about?’ I think it makes a difference if you can propose a solution, as well as describing a problem, even if (like Dostoevsky) nobody ever remembers your solution and only applauds how elegantly you have stated the problem. So, I thought, what is the alternative to this ‘liberal democracy’ which Legutko does not like, and which I do not particularly like either?

For almost all places, at almost all times, have enforced an irksome conformity. We who lived when Communism collapsed have been lucky enough to have lived through one of those stages of rapid flux from one to another, in which for a brief period of time all the walls seem to vanish like the insubstantial fabric of a dream, and endless vistas of possibility stretch out in all directions. ‘What joy it was in that dawn to be alive...’ But the steady-state condition of human society is not like that.

Legutko never spells out clearly what sort of society he would like to see instead. Is there any time we can point back to and think, that was definitely better than this one? I think if we read any history at all we have to say, no. Was the Poland between the wars a society where hierarchical structures guided people towards high ideals while letting them speak and write freely, harmoniously combining the best features of Christendom and the Enlightenment? I don’t think so. Or is Legutko looking back nostalgically to the glory days of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? I think, though he never says so explicitly, is that something like that is what he would like: an aristocracy, a constitutional monarchy, respect for western culture, and an overarching Church that tolerate minorities magnanimously rather than being a tolerated minority itself. It would be nice to have more detail of this positive vision. He does say: “Christianity is the last great force that offers a viable alternative to the tediousness of liberal-democratic anthropology” (And I wish this were true; but atheist statist authoritarianism that puts bread on the table is still going very strong; and Islam is a force looking stronger every day).

Christianity had nigh 1500 years to work on Europe, and very rarely reached the heights of the Most Serene Republic in its best years. I am sure that the average person plucked from a field or street anywhere in Europe between the time of Constantine and the French Revolution had more to fear from speaking their mind if they disagreed with the prevailing orthodoxy than an average person you were to pluck out nowadays. So if Legutko’s preferred vision is a Distributist neo-mediaeval republic on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonealth model, I would expect, from a philosopher and political scientist, more detail about how will get there, and how we will incorporate checks and balances to avoid all the flaws we know Christendom was prone to.

It is not clear how Christianity differs in essence from Communism and ‘Liberal Democracy’, as described by Legutko: “Once a man joins an ideological group all becomes clear to him and everything falls into place; everything is either right or wrong, correct or incorrect.” Except that everything will fall into place in the way Legutko approves of. Furthermore, offering God to Man only as a means to the end of ordering society seems to me to somewhat sacriligious. It is like offering Victoria Falls as a means to make a cup of tea.

Ah, I have worked it out. This is primarily a Euroskeptic polemic, the goal of which is to fire up as many Euroskeptics as possible within a ‘broad tent’ of opposition to the nihilistic vision of European Union. As such, too much of a detailed positive vision would be counter-productive.

Where was I? Ah, why I got more cheerful the more I went along reading this book. Trying to think about where and when, if anywhere and anywhen, humanity was better off reminded me of all the other places besides Central Europe where things were much better than they were thirty years ago. There were a lot of them, and they were places where ‘Liberal Democracy’, broadly understood, was definitely on the side of the Angels. The problems Legutko talks about are problems of Western Europe and its overseas offshoots in the Americas and Australasia. All those places put together have a population less than that of China. While I yield to no man in my loathing for the unelected unrepresentative swill who tyrranise the Renegade Mainland Provinces, things are undoubtedly better than 30 years ago in China by a very great extent, and not only in material terms: people have more access to all the good things about Western culture that Legutko is keen on, there are many more people who, as Christians, are active participants in the Western culture that Legutko is keen on; and the worst excesses of ‘liberal democracy’ seem pretty harmless compared to the things that people have to put up with. In Korea, also, the growth of Christianity and liberal democracy over the past half-century have been positively rather than negatively correlated, as far as I can tell. In India, which again has about as many people as Europe and the Americas put together, people are also not only materially better off, but have much greater exposure to the good bits of Western civilisation, and the switch from ‘Third Way Socialism’ to something more like liberal democracy was a major driver of this. Indonesia has gone from dictatorship to something like liberal democracy; a peaceful and democratic transfer of power is not big news in Nigeria, which also has moved in the direction of liberal democracy with good results; ‘liberal democracy’ is still something people look at as a source of hope in places further to the periphery of Europe, like Turkey and Ukraine. In all these countries of course there are big problems, but political correctness does not rank highly among them. As I read through Legutko’s book, I thought about all these places more and more, and the declining relative importance of Europe and the Americas made me more and more cheerful about the way the world is going.

Legutko valuably points out the pernicious over-emphasis on ‘entertainment’ in the West. We are all doped up on electronic soma 24/7 so we never stop to think about the Ultimate End of Man, or the Nature of Reality, or What Constitutes the Good Life. But I guess, honestly, not too many of us ever thought about those things back when we were tilling our barley fields and occasionally seeing someone who could read in the distance.

It would be gutless of me to review this book without empirically testing its hypothesis. It is obvious from evolutionary biology that homosexuality is intrinsically disordered, as the Catholic Church teaches, and that it is almost certainly a mental rather than a physical disorder.

NicholasMarks #fundie

If all health problems are the result of our electrical nature and how we take care of it, then I would suggest that knowing this and actively doing something to prevent such a poor mental state to develop would be the best course of action...not condemn the scientist for putting a Biblically known concept into a scientific context. That way you may have helped to prevent the consequences of a drained emotional person from slipping into that terrible and very disabling emotional black-hole, which can overpower each and everyone of us if we allow it to. I can ensure you that such a person you describe didn't suddenly become was brewing up for some time...You are lashing out again, which is something I am well aware of and suggest a change in attitude, particularly towards our saviour, as your best course of action. Then we could discuss how you could upbuild your relatives emotional strength, and, thereby, his physical strength as well. We could start by using techniques the Samaritans use by listening to whatever the person has to tell you with a caring ear. Then incorporate the Catholic approach and allow him to discuss what is bothering this way we are also using Freud's techniques which allows a person to poor out what is bothering them. It is all incorporated in Jesus Christ's teaching where prayer and healthy reasoning take us into a state where we are interacting with the true nature of the world and not man's selfish, greedy and often spiteful rendition of it.

Carico #fundie

A thread in which our beloved Carico stumbles from one disastrous misconception to another:

"...what caused the order of the universe, the position of the sun that just happens to give the appropriate amount of heat and light to the earth for life to exist, the moon & stars that "just happen" to be in the right path of the sun to reflect light to the earth at night?"


"Do you understand that if the sun were one fraction of a centimeter closer to or farther from the earth, that life cloudn't surive on earth?"

And later, after being challenged on it:

"That's hogwash. All you have to do is ask any scientist what would happen if the sun were a fraction of a centimeter closer to or farther from the earth. Even people with common sense would know what would happen."

qw #fundie

For instance, atheists believe there’s no God. But they believe in a Higher Being, whatever it may be, it’s human nature. What do you atheists say when you’re sick and you want help from a Higher Being? Be it the universe, or a candle, or yourself, or your cousin, or what/whomever? Really. I would like to know because there’s a time in everyone’s life when bad things happen and you “pray” to somebody/something. If you’re a scientist do you pray to a beaker, a lab coat, a mathematical equation?

parhamreza #fundie

[About this comic:]

The difference between atheists and theists is on the "why" not the "how". Religious people know full well that scattered light causes the sky to appear blue, in fact, theistic scientists originally came up with the idea. A fairer, more logical cartoon would have the Atheist dad replying "The sky is blue, just cause it is"

DesiderioDomini9 #fundie

...Darwin said that if evolution were true, there would be an amazing amount of transitional fossils found. We have 0. Every major scientist has admitted this. They just wont let it be taught because they know that to admit evolution is false is to admit there is a creator, and that is something they dont want to face.

KettleWhistle #fundie

What is called 'Science' today and 'scientists' consist of the same old gang of witch doctors, sorcerers, tellers of tales, the 'Priest-Entertainers' for the common people. 'Science' consists of a weird, way-out occult concoction of jibberish theory-theology... nothing good has ever come from 'science' --- In fact, technology is not in any way related to the web of idiotic scientific theory. ALL inventors have been anti-science. The Wright brothers said: "Science theory held us up for years. When we threw out all science, started from experiment and experience, then we invented the airplane." By the way, airplanes all fly level on this Plane earth!

The Fact the Earth is Flat is not my opinion, it is a Proved Fact! While all we need to know is that the Bible says the Earth is flat (Is.40:22, Ez.7:2, Dn.2:35; 4:10-11,20, Mt.4:8)... but for a second can you imagine what these so-called 'scientists would have us believe --- If the earth really was round, that would mean there arre people who are HANGING DOWN, HEAD DOWNWARDS while we are standing head up? But since the theory allows to travel to those parts of the earth where the people are said to hand head downward, and still to fancy ourselves to be heads upwards, and our friends whom we have left behind us to be heads downwards! LOL! What foolishness! TheWHOLE THING IS A MYTH - A DREAM - A DELUSION - and a snare, and, instead of there being any evidence at all in this direction to substantiate this popular theory, it is plain proof that the Earth is Not A Globe!

Also, be sure to know the Sun and Moon are about 3,000 miles away are both 32 miles across. The Planets are 'tiny.' Sun and Moon do Move, earth does NOT move, whirl, spin or gyrate (1 Sam.2:8, 1 Chr.16:30; Job 9:6, 38:4-6; Ps.96:10, 104:5, Is.13:10, Mic.6:2). Australians do NOT hang by their feet under the world... this is a FACT, not a theory! Also a Fact the Spinning, Whirling, Gyrating Ball World Planet, Globe Idea is Entirely 100% now and at all times in the Past, a RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE... a Blind Dogmatic Article of Faith in the Religion for the Blind unreasoning beast of prey. No earthly reason for a Sane, Upright Member of the Elite True Christians to subscribe to it. Also a Fact, today the Elite of Earth ALL live on the Flat World. Only the illogical, unreasoning "herd"... prefers the way-out occult weird theology of the old Greek superstitution earth a spinning ball! Both Copernecious and Newton, the inventors of the "modern" superstitions (400 year OLD modern) have said: "It is not possible for a Sane reasonable person to ever really believe these Theories." Thus sayeth Newton-Copernecious. What sayeth THOU?

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