useful idiots

Mick Williams #fundie

Useful Idiot Logic

Colleges used to teach sequential logic, a three part statement that proves the conclusion via a central link. Liberal education has no use for it, so it had to go. Here's an example:

Fingers are part of the hand; the hand is part of the body; therefore fingers are part of the body.

Even a liberal wouldn't debate something so obvious. Since truth is their kryptonite, they use two part inferred logic, which is always false. To whit:

You don't wear the rainbow jersey; therefore you're a homophobe.

Note the absence of a link, since none exists. The burden of proof is on the accuser, which isn't a problem since he has a blank check courtesy of the fake media. Has the accused made anti-gay threats or jokes?--belonged to a vigilante group that stalks them? Note also that 'phobia' is an irrational fear, such as that of sunflowers (yep--it's on record). Here's another entertaining example of child-like reasoning:

The president said four non-white congresswomen should go back to their home countries; therefore he's a racist.

Wow, where to even begin. First, the president has never made a racist statement. Second, note the omission of the real target of his ire: the rabid anti-Americanism of these four useful idiots. His remark is an opinion: If you hate this country, then leave. Now let's prove our useful idiot comment.

Useful idiots, as defined by Joe Stalin, blindly follow the communist party line; these four women blindly follow the communist party line; therefore these women are useful idiots.

The proof of their communist agenda is abundantly found in their hatred of Israel, dislike of strong borders, anti-Christian statements, love of socialism. . . .that's another post entirely. Case closed.

Clif High #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Of course, we note now, that NESARA is the CCP system with another name. Again, an example of the Kharzarian Mafia defaulting to name-stealing. The combined themes of NESARA and GESARA, are frequently linked to the mythical QFS, though recently the amounts of words put towards the QFS label is falling dramatically. Probably due to pushback against all the social credit schemes across the globe, and perhaps the revealed links, formerly hidden, between the QFS, and its creators, the WEF (the core Khazarian Mafia organization of this moment). Yes, the Khazarian Mafia created the QFS. All of these scams are also being linked to XRP/Ripple, which is the quasi-crypto currency created by the Khazarian Mafia Banks to replace their failing Swift system. The shills link their bullshit stories to XRP as it has no block chain supporting the ‘digital coin’, and is therefore not able to be monitored, thus, like the dollar, or the fake ‘stable-coin’ ,Tether, there is no accountability for amounts. Basically they can create their XRP tokens as they need to harvest money from the public by way of their dupes, shills, and useful idiots.

Included in the category of useful idiot, IMO, is Kerry Cassidy who loves to pimp out other peoples ‘truths’ even when the stories are clearly bullshit. Her mind is caught by their fantasies & she repeats them ad nauseum to support the agenda of the moment. She frequently ‘interviews’ many of the shills, dupes, agents, and other, useful idiots.

Kerry, and the Story Tellers, the shills, dupes, and useful idiots will all be changing over this Summer and into Fall.
Space Aliens are one of the last of the Khazarians’ planned Grand Deceptions. This is one of the most dangerous information weapons for them to deploy as the central theme is quite factual.

As we have seen from the recent hearing by Congress about ‘encounters’ with UFO’s (aka UAPs), the Khazarians are needing to expend more real information to try to maintain control of the narrative.

Bradlee Dean #fundie

This morning as I walked into the post office, I could not help but notice that the propagandists, also known as “useful idiots,” are hard at work attempting to continue deceiving the American people into believing that Obamacare is what is needed to further the good of the people at large. That is, to take from the “haves” and give to the “have-nots,” only to serve corrupt government’s purposes – when in fact, the opposite is true.

Russian revolutionary and propagandist Vladimir Lenin said, “A good communist finds use for everything, and nothing is more useful than a useful idiot.”

Today, on a daily basis, we see media propagandists fronting for this administration and special interests.

Thomas Jefferson rightly said, “If your government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have.”

Throwing off all of the warnings that our forefathers have given, these “useful idiots” would have you overlook the corruption that is coming forth from this administration on a daily basis. They attempt to divert your attention from the facts, namely “The Law of the Land,” so that you will believe their contrived and fabricated lies, only to further their agenda.

Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional (Article I, Section 8, of the United States Constitution). It only becomes effective if the people fall into line with this administration’s unlawful and unconstitutional procedures.

In order to pull the mask off of those who affront our liberties, below is some information that will help you understand what you are up against.

Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman, two media scholars, interviewed 240 news anchors, editors and news writers. Here is what they found:
•47 percent believe adultery (cheating on your spouse) is OK (Exodus 20:14). This is illegal!
•76 percent see nothing wrong with homosexuality. “Crimes Against Nature!” (Romans 1:26, Leviticus 18:22). This is illegal!
•90 percent are for aborting babies. (Exodus 20:13) This is illegal! (Abortion has never been legalized! It may look like law, smell like law and may even have the color of law, but it is, in fact, not law!)
•86 percent seldom or never attend church

Knowing that these people front for corruption, it is also important for the American people to know that the state-run-media, “useful idiots,” have less than a 21 percent approval rating. And folks, I have not even brought into the equation the “ground feeders” (you know them as “bloggers”) that work toward America’s demise right along with the state-run media, whom they emulate.

One of the tactics of this administration is to have you believe that they have “more numbers” than they actually do.

One should ask, “If they have all of this support, why then, would they have to lie?” Let me answer that for you: because they do not have the support! Headlines now declare, “White House scrambles to secure support for Obamacare.” (Leviticus 26:17-18)

moomin #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion



/* Process this file into a graph using `dot -Tsvg quote.gv > quote.svg`. */

digraph moomin_quote {

subgraph introduction {
introduction_wall_of_text [label="Jewish \"intellectuals\", fueled by their resentment towards Europe\nand Christianity, create the Frankfurt School with the intention\nof destroying Western culture to bring down Capitalism and create\na Marxist revolution\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];

subgraph conspiracy {
weimar -> intellectuals [label="spawns"];
intellectuals -> frankfurt_school [label="create"];
communist_revolution -> soviet_union [label="creates"];
soviet_union -> frankfurt_school [label="finances"];
frankfurt_school -> social_science_faculties [label="takes over"];

soviet_union_wall_of_text [label="Soviet intelligence spent only 25% of its budget on espionage while 75%\nwent to subversion. They funded the Frankfurt School with the explicit\nintention of destroying and subverting Western culture.\n((GEOPOLITICAL THREAT))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
soviet_union_wall_of_text -> soviet_union [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> progressivism [label="model"];

progressivism -> traditions [label="attacks"];
traditions -> religion [label="such as"];
traditions -> family [label="such as"];
traditions -> nation [label="such as"];
traditions -> property [label="such as"];
property -> welfare_state [label="using"];
nation -> mass_immigration [label="using"];
family -> gender_roles [label="as in"];
family -> marriage [label="as in"];
religion -> chastity [label="as in"];
religion -> marriage [label="as in"];
marriage -> high_divorce_rates [label="causing"];
chastity -> single_parenthood [label="causing"];
single_parenthood -> broken_families [label="causing"];
broken_families -> crime [label="causing"];
high_divorce_rates -> broken_families [label="causing"];
gender_roles -> low_birth_rates [label="causing"];
low_birth_rates -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
gender_roles -> cheap_labour;
welfare_state -> budget_deficit [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> taking_debt [label="leading to"];
taking_debt -> international_banks [label="giving power to"];
international_banks -> corporations;
corporations -> mass_media [label="who control"];
mass_media -> progressivism [label="who push"];
budget_deficit -> printing_money [label="leading to"];
printing_money -> inflation [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> raising_taxes [label="leading to"];
raising_taxes -> shrinking_middle_class [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> social_security_crisis [label="causing"];
social_security_crisis -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
mass_immigration -> affirmative_action [label="installing"];
welfare_state -> welfare_cliffs [label="causing"];
mass_immigration -> crime [label="increasing"];
mass_immigration -> cheap_labour;
cheap_labour -> corporations [label="giving wealth to"];

economics_wall_of_text [label="Conditions like dysgenics, poverty and lack of social cohesion\nreduce the ability of the population to revert the situation. It is a\nself-perpetuating system. The system is aided at all levels by political corruption and useful idiots.\n((LOGICAL RESULT OF CAPITALISM AS A GOAL INSTEAD OF\nCAPITALISM AS A TOOL))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
cheap_labour -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
taking_debt -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> positivist_crisis [label="undergo"];

positivist_crisis -> scientific_method [label="replaces"];
scientific_method -> critical_theory [label="with"];
critical_theory -> relativism [label="aids"];
critical_theory -> political_correctness [label="spawns"];
political_correctness -> taboo_research [label="attacks"];
political_correctness -> newspeak [label="similar to"];
taboo_research -> biological_differences [label="such as"];
relativism -> empiricism [label="attacks"];
relativism -> common_sense [label="attacks"];

science_wall_of_text [label="Do not trust common sense and empiric evidence\n\"Intellectuals\" know better. They are \"scientists\" (even though\nthey have never followed - and attacked - the scientific method) after all!\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
biological_differences -> science_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
empiricism -> science_wall_of_text [weight=10,style=invis];

Transcriptionist Note
To avoid having to hand label every single node, I made all the nodes lowercase.
In the original chart, the nodes are title case, and only the edges are lowercase.

weimar [label="weimar republic"];
intellectuals [label="\"intellectuals\""];
frankfurt_school [label="frankfurt school"];
communist_revolution [label="communist revolution"];
soviet_union [label="soviet union"];
social_science_faculties [label="social science faculties"];
positivist_crisis [label="positivist crisis"];
single_parenthood [label="single parenthood"];
welfare_state [label="welfare state"];
mass_immigration [label="mass immigration"];
gender_roles [label="gender roles"];
high_divorce_rates [label="high divorce rates"];
broken_families [label="broken families"];
low_birth_rates [label="low birth rates"];
cheap_labour [label="cheap labour"];
scientific_method [label="scientific method"];
political_correctness [label="political correctness"];
taboo_research [label="taboo research"];
biological_differences [label="biological differences"];
common_sense [label="common sense"];
budget_deficit [label="budget deficit"];
taking_debt [label="taking debt"];
international_banks [label="international banks"];
mass_media [label="mass media"];
printing_money [label="printing money"];
raising_taxes [label="raising taxes"];
shrinking_middle_class [label="shrinking middle class"];
social_security_crisis [label="social security crisis"];
welfare_cliffs [label="welfare cliffs"];
affirmative_action [label="affirmative action"];
critical_theory [label="critical theory"];
progressivism [label=<<U>progressivism</U>>];
religion [label=<<B>religion</B>>];
family [label=<<B>family</B>>];
nation [label=<<B>nation</B>>];
property [label=<<B>property</B>>];

subgraph conclusion_preamble {
Transcriptionist Note
The last part of the chart, at the bottom, is the hardest.
It seems like the original author just sort of gave up on actually making it a graph, and just stuck their last few bullet points in
nodes at the bottom that weren't connected to anything.
keyword_stuffing [label="Military Spending... computers, internet, satellites, moon, global hegemony\nWelfare Spending... dysgenics, poverty, crime",shape=polygon,sides=4];

resulting_in_conclusion [label="RESULTING IN..................................................",shape=plaintext];
resulting_in_conclusion -> keyword_stuffing [weight=100,style=invis];

resulting_in_conclusion -> lacking_community_trust [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> poverty [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> dysgenics [style=invis];
lacking_community_trust [label="lacking community trust"];

subgraph conclusion {
conclusion [label="Democracy may be blamed but the real problem is the representative system. Had immigration been subjected\nto a democratic vote, it would have been halted in all Western nations decades ago. Even if such vote was carried out today, immigration would be halted.",shape=polygon,sides=4];

edge[ style = invis ];
introduction_wall_of_text -> weimar;
science_wall_of_text -> keyword_stuffing;
economics_wall_of_text -> resulting_in_conclusion;
mass_media -> { lacking_community_trust, poverty, dysgenics, keyword_stuffing};
lacking_community_trust -> conclusion;
resulting_in_conclusion -> conclusion;

Citizenfitz #racist

A Jewish-English dictionary: what Jews say - and what Jews are REALLY saying.

Antisemite: Someone Jews hate
Freedom: Depravity
Equality: Gross favoritism
Tolerance: Debauchery
Holocaust: The holy cash cow
Holocaust denial: Blasphemy

Freedom of speech: Shut up, Nazi!
Hate speech: Words Jews hate
Race: Something that exists only in the minds of racists
Racist: A White person
Racism: A mantra used to program liberals

Liberal: Schmuck
Liberalism: Schmuck farming
Social justice: Cultural Marxism
Civil rights: Run-up to multiculturalism
Multiculturalism: Nation wrecking

Feminism: Home wrecking
Gay marriage: Society wrecking
Gay rights: Disease propagation
Teenagers: A mob of criminally violent Blacks
Hater: Right winger
Right winger: (See “hater”)

Conspiracy theorist: Someone who’s on to the Jews
Right wing extremist: Anyone Jews hate
Left wing extremist: Freedom fighter
Justice: Jewish scheming
Injustice: Resisting Jewish scheming

Zionism: Scheme for Jewish world rule
Communism: Scheme for achieving Zionism
Democracy: Scheme for national Jew rule
Republicanism: Scheme for local Jew rule
Republicans: Useful idiots
Democrats: Very useful idiots

Gentile: Sub-human
Goyim: Sub-animal
Negro/Schwarza: Sub-goyim
Christian Zionist: Imbecile
Antisemitic canard: Indisputable truth

Hoff #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Yes, who would know? I knew but David Irving nailed it and only then I truly understood that Hungary was look, stock and barrel ruled by Jews in the 50s.

Communism is a Jewish fraud all together. Everything in Marxism are Jewish code words. Once you understand how to decode the Jews’ code word you can read the communist Jews as an open book.

Exchange communist with Jews and you get the truth about Jewish Marxism. What the Jew Karl Marx did when he wrote Communist Manifesto was that he wrote an updated quick version of the Jews Talmud.

The Jew Karl Marx lied in the headline and exchanged Jewish Manifesto with Communist Manifesto. Jewish Manifesto is the real name. Marxism is all about the Jews getting in total control of all non-Jews.

Exchange the state with the Jew elite and you get the picture. Workers are Jew code word for the Jews’ non-Jewish slaves.

Enemy of the state = enemy of the Jews. Counter revolutionaries = non-Jews who might be able to form an organized resistance to the Jews total control of the state.

What really happened in Russia in 1917 was a Jewish coup. The first thing the Jews did was to kill the entire Russian elite and intelligence and the clergy of the Russian church.

In Dec 1922 the Jews were so confident that they had total, lock, stock and barrel control of Russia that the Jews changed Russia to Soviet Union.

What happened next was that the Jews turned Soviet into the Jews proxy war machine for Jewish world conquest.

What the Moscow Jews wanted above anything was west Europe. The Jews attacked all of East Europe and the key country to get all of West Europe was Germany.

If the Jews could conquer Germany the rest of West Europe would be a cake walk.

All east European countries that belonged to the Jew-ruled Soviet of course had Jews at the top ruling the country just like Hungary.

The first point in Jewish Manifesto is that everything belongs to the Jews (the state). When the Jew Karl Marx published Jewish Manifesto in the year 1848 most Jews didn’t become communist, they were all born Jewish communists.

The stroke of genius the Jew Karl Marx did was that he edited out all the Jews Talmud racism and exchanged it with tear-jerking altruistic universalism, all in order to fool stupid and gullible non-Jews to go along and help the Jews making themselves the Jews’ slaves. The Jews call those stupid goyim Useful Idiots.

Especially in America the goyim Useful Idiots call themselves John Hagee “Christian” Zionists.

Mick Williams #fundie

Questions on the Eve of Departure


Rod Serling:
Confederate statues fall in tonight's nightmare society, those most convenient symbols for the left's maniacal hatred of white men like themselves. UFO sightings spike in anticipation of an event they'll need to explain away on The View et al. How near is it? Perhaps as near as social media's final disposal of conservative and Christian thought - and hence the spread of the gospel.

How does a traitorous cabal carry out a coup? In ages past, the watchdog media would expose them before their first Gestapo-style raid on a republican president's campaign associate. Ergo, the media must be corrupted - along with the schools who shape them in the godless globalist mold.

Socialism, that honeyed flytrap on the road to communism, is the rallying cry of the strongly deluded, to whom it means free stuff. But the honeymoon period, when these power-mad elites are being elected, ends when useful idiots are no longer userful; when their excess population must be solved by tainted vaccines, genetically altered food, engineered famines and war.

Let every never-Trump, white-guilt useful idiot take heart: there is a safe space that's especially reserved for you, where no one will ever threaten your upside-down bubble world with common sense. It's a place we call...The Twilight Zone.

JaanMetalsson #fundie

Nowadays every 2nd person is a useful idiot worshipping some form of an ideology that just takes his money and laughs at him for buying into their BS. That and apologists who are prepared to eat $hit and claim its chocolate; mostly those that force you to get married and become a part of this useless, doomed system and die old and unwanted.

I am a man going his own way (I refuse to use a label MGTOW because now it has been butchered by sellouts) because I dont want to become a cuckold loser with an empty wallet and a destroyed life alongside b#stard kids that aint even mine. Every girl now is a cheater and would take a decent guy and simply destroy him and cheat on him with a worthless bum. I dont want to be emasculated like that so I am not interested in girls; for a logical reason.

Yet you get those, mostly family that I would also stab in their beds (my family are also huge pr!cks) that ask you "when are you going to get married?" and they force you and they say "but leaving a legacy" and other cliches we heard a bajillion times before. FOR WHAT?!
I dont want to leave anything on this planet, I dont need anything from it; I just want everyone to F#ck off!
Its not rocket surgery!

Useful idiots scream about how something is necessary and something is important but only to fill an agenda, but you get pressured as well into filling it.
"get a hobby" meaning line the pockets of some pr#ck who instead of working decided to become a snake oil salesman, put on a fancy suit and hang some s#it on his wall and charge for "teaching" you stupid crap that is useless to the highest degree. everyone signs up for something because its the IN thing, wasting their time and money; OK fine but dont force it!

Worst are those apologists, the coprophiliacs (s#it eaters basically) who are so whipped that they defend the most worthless and entitled leeches who are also the biggest turbo c#nts this side of a reality show; those defending "mothers"

Mothers, especially Western women, are all vile b#tches who only emasculate their sons and guilt trip them into being subservient slaves, yelling at them for no reason, mistreatment and abuse galore. They never cared and never will yet expect the son to always "understand" while the b#tch never understood him. They make a scene for the sake of it and in the end, she is always the victim.
She starts s#it, she acts like a c@nt yet she is still the victim and the son is still at fault. go effin figure.
Yet, you have some mang1na f$gs who crawl on their knees crying "oh thank you mom" thanks for what?! emasculating you into a p&ssy whipped b#tch

Mick Williams #fundie

"The Failed Legacy Speaks"


Barack Obama (presumably)
All this talk about the economy. Let's not forget...uhh...when this recovery began - back in...uhh...2015! We didn't have all this strife and division. This persecution of FBI and DOJ...the racism.

Cable Guy:
Cable Guy here. Gotta admire your style, Barack! All those pauses to admire your profound pontificatin'...the way you look down your nose at the useful idiots...classic! None of 'em wanna hear how you were too much of a boob to destroy American in eight whole years. Then along comes this Trump feller getting it turned around in one year--in spite of looney tune dimocrats and their pet media!

But ain't that the point of Marxism? All nations must be the same, which means the West has to take a dive. You tried to do that with your job-killin' regs; your race baitin'; crooked FBI, DOJ, IRS, EPA and all that alphabet soup! Your hold-over stooges are still throwin' wrenches in the works, and we gotta admire that kinda loyalty!

But you're takin' too much credit, Mr. O. Could it be you're a useful idiot yourself? It ain't just Trump that has an IQ way higher than yours--there's also that infernal dude that pulls a lot of puppet strings, a dude you don't even believe in!

Hold still while I find me a fly swat--there's somethin' on your shoulder. And keep showin' the voters who and what dimocrats really are!

_Moon_ & Radicalwhirl #sexist #transphobia #wingnut


Lets all go r/childfree and the moid problem will be solved!

I totally support not having children, but all these childfree and "anti-natalist" places are full of egocentric manchildren who do not want to have children because they rather watch pornography and play video games 24/7 than growing up and taking responsibility. And the women there are woke leftists who worship AOC and Greta Thunberg and all these other useful idiots currently used to decrease the living standard of the working class in the name of climate change, etc. And some of the most prominent anti-natalist Youtubers are transgendered men, lol.

So, it's a collection of woke leftists, pornsick manchildren, and transexuals enforcing the American trans agenda. Ironically, the type of people who hang out in all of these childfree/antinatalist places are part of the reason why I do not want to bring children into this world.


You are actually totally right, didn't know people were black pilled about them but you surely are. Based

Especially the r/antinatalism. It wae heavily misogynistic. Tho many women are speaking up now.

But concerning YouTube antinatalists, there are transgendered men?! I didn't know that. Can you say who exactly you meant?

AustinBill #fundie

Confused. Enabling confusion or confirming others in their confusion is simply misguided. Of course, like everything else embraced by the left, this is simply another flag of convenience to advance the "class struggle". The left cares no more about the welfare of "transgendered" than any other co-opted group. They're simply another flavor of "useful idiots" to be used as needed and discarded when no longer needed.

Sex is determined by one's chromosomes. XX = Female, XY = Male. There are rare cases of genetic diseases where individuals have some other chromosomal makeup and there are rare cases of hermaphrodism where the expression of sex characteristics goes awry. We used to call things like these "birth defects" and they were always handled as rare medical conditions.

Sherry Shriner #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie

I don't pity the wicked. They made their beds and I've been trying to warn them and wake them up for years...but for many of them it's not to late to turn from their wicked ways, repent, and seek Yahushua's salvation.
They know I'm legit. They know I am who and what I say I am. I've been under 24/7 surveillance by many different alien factions (since I was born) and federal agencies for the past 12 years that I know of, perhaps longer than that. I have heard my file with the NSA is 7 volumes, with the CIA it's 3 inches, and who knows or cares about these or others. I certainly don't lose any sleep at night thinking about them or what they're trying to do to me I leave it in Yahuah's hands and get my work done.

And they know this. They know I'm safe and extremely protected by the Most High Himself. I have sources that are astounded I'm still alive. There have been many plans, plots, and countless assassination attempts against me. They know it, I know it, and I could care less...I outrank them all.

What gets tiring to me is that Satan's minions on earth want people to think that they're special because they're rich and born into serpent seedlines. That's pretty nasty to me, not something to be proud of.

These Illuminati serpent seedline families don't even know what it really means to be alive. They have been controlled puppets and slaves, tormented, tortured and abused from the time they were born and it continues throughout their whole lives.

They call themselves the Elite. But let's break it down on what it means to be one of these Elite. From the time you are born as a Rothschild, Rockefeller, Royal family, Bush, or one of the others you are carefully crafted and controlled into a very tight Satanic community. As a toddler your sexually abused repeatedly so your brain splits and fragments into many different alter personalities becoming MPD/DID. These alters are then programmed to act in a certain way. No matter what your other alters are one is always permanent, and that's a sexual alter, one that is created and used to be used as a sex slave to others in their community.

As a child they're taught to kill animals and even other children. They're starved, beaten, tortured, and tormented so they can control your brain, thoughts, beliefs, and how you view yourself, the world, and those around you.

They are forced to participate in satanic ritual ceremonies of animal and human sacrifices, drinking blood, eating human flesh and organs, eating feces and drinking urine. As a child most of them have probably witnessed and even been the victim of beastiality. They learn weakness such as compassion (what they consider weakness) can get them killed, and so they brave through everything that's thrown at them just to survive. Their parents aren't a loving mom and dad, but the puppet masters who pimp them out to scientists, underground bases, and for sexual favors to others...and yet they grow up in love with their abusers, and to go along to get along and survive...and most to keep their mouths shut.

Satan is their god. They know him well from a very young age. They learn they must please him or 'else.' To them he's the ultimate provider and giver as long as they do what they're told, perform the rituals, and make him happy.

One Way Out

Time is winding down for this NWO cabal and the families that have implemented it and controlled it worldwide. And those who are involved and initiated into it via directly or indirectly through secret societies, groups, and organizations. Many are in denial, but the writing is on the wall. They have been led to believe that they are special and protected by Satan himself. They are going to find out real soon how little he really thinks of them.

Satan hates humans. He doesn't care how much of his blood in them they have, what they've done for him, how hard they have worked for him or how loyal to him they have been. It will never be enough because at the end of the day, they are still human and made in the image of God.

And when he successfully uses the Galactic Federation or whatever name they use to take over the world, he will attempt to kill and murder ALL humans, eliminating them off this planet completely. And what about the Queen? The matriarch of the NWO and the Rothschilds, and all the other top ranking families? He will kill them to. The entire cabal will be wiped out and eliminated while the new regime takes over earth. How is that for all your wasted time and effort Satanists?? You were used...puppets on a string...useful idiots to be used until no longer needed.

And those who think they took the safe route by working for both agendas? The same fate awaits them to.

It is not to late right now for any of them to repent of their deeds, renounce Satan, and accept Yahushua's salvation ( ) Whether they are directly or indirectly involved with the Illuminati or initiated into Satanism, Freemasonry or any one of their many groups and organizations...the door is still open but that time is closing fast.

Yahushua has told me that many of them are relying on 'death bed confessions' to escape Hell. Yes they all know Hell exists and that that's where they're going for serving Satan. They dread death and fear it very much despite the outward appearance of boldness they display to others while they live for Satan.

Many of them are relying on the "thief on the cross" story (yes they know the Bible better than most Christians) where Yahushua granted eternal life in heaven with Him as they were about to die on the cross. What they don't realize is the reason WHY Yahushua did it...because the thief humbled himself to Yahushua and was truly repentant for the wrong things he had done and acknowledged the righteousness of Yahushua. It was because of the intent of his heart, his sincerity, and belief in Yahushua that saved him. Yahushua is the ultimate judge, and he knows what the intent of a person is and has told me that for those relying on death bed confessions simply to escape Hell, He would not honor them.

The time is NOW to show real sincerity in turning away from evil and renounce Satan and the works of darkness while they are alive and can prove they are sincere in their repentance and love for Yahushua. And to those reading or hearing this who are satanists, is your greed greater or more important than your soul? Is it really worth it to gain the world and lose your soul? You can be forgiven if you seek Him. But you must seek Him before He closes the Door! Seek Him now don't wait!

The blood of Yahushua can break all contracts, oaths and agreements you have made with Lucifer.

He does not and cannot own your soul until your physical death. No matter how much he tries to lie and trick you that he does.

If you have made contracts, oaths, and/or agreements with Lucifer you can renounce him and your affiliation with him.

Say this prayer to the Most High God:

Dear Heavenly Father the Most High,

I acknowledge and accept your gift of redemption, your salvation through Yahushua your Son.

I renounce my involvement with Lucifer, I ask that the blood of Yahushua will break my oaths, contracts, agreements, bribes, and participation with him. I renounce any and all involvement I have had with Satan, and I ask forgiveness for the wicked things that I have done against you and others and your creation. And I ask to be delivered from evil and Satan's control over me.

Forgive me Father. I truly am repentant and I proclaim you as my Saviour and I renounce my former loyalty to Lucifer to now become a child of yours and a daughter/son of yours.

Heal me and cleanse me of evil. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and use the fire and cleansing of your Holy Spirit to burn out all evil beings and anything not of you from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and fill all the empty places with your Holy Spirit. Lead me into and teach me your ways, the Most High.

Father I ask you for your peace and joy. Thank you for saving me, for writing my name in your book of Life.

In Yahushua's Name, Amen.

Koen #racist

And they are ALL complicit to mass murder of innocent people.

The Zionist militia with their military killer gear and Gaza Strip training (the REAL murderers in Florida, and so many other places on planet Lucifer), the Jewish fake news people, the orchestrated protesters, the Jewish psychiatrists and mind controllers of little boy Cruz.

They are ALL responsible for all these mass shootings on schools. What to do with these Jewish fake news people, who play an important part in the attempt to DISARM the American people, when they stick a mike in your face?

They are ALL Lucifer’s most useful and most Jewish idiots, who cannot and will not survive Lucifer’s plan for this planet: to make Earth as dead as possible, such that the most arrogant and sickest of all spirits do not have to come here anymore to learn his lessons.

My only hope is that Lucifer’s most useful idiots, aka the JEWS, will realize they have been SETUP by their own false G-D, LUCIFER, and that they all will end up DEAD as well.

Wake up, little Jewish boys and Jewish girls, you mass murderers are chosen by G-D to be whipped out as well in the end.

Jon Rappoport #conspiracy

If you have a child, don't let him/her see a psychiatrist. Ever...

Read Mike Adams' new article about psychiatry (Psychiatry Goes Insane). It's one of the best I've ever read, and I've been researching this pseudoscience for 20 years.

Then read this one, too. It's also excellent. I wrote it.

Yes, I know, I'm bragging, which is a sign of a mental disorder: Self-Inflation at the Expense of Sacred Psychiatry Disorder. The preferred treatment is electroshock therapy and MKULTRA re-programming. I'm opting for a walk in the park coupled with two doses of outrage at these fake doctors who poison brains and believe they're healers.

Here is a clue. The government gives psychiatry its fake legitimacy. That's how the game works. The government blesses the medical licensing boards that award psychiatrists permission to drug your children, alter their brains, poison them, and of course make all the fake diagnoses in the first place.

Without the government, these fakes would sink into the waves and be gone forever. Nobody in his right mind or wrong mind would ever step into a psychiatrist's office. It would be like volunteering to stumble out on to a mine field seeded with explosives.

Media, naturally, go along with the psychiatric hoax. Thousands of articles keep coming out of the hopper to support the authoritative pronouncements of these deranged monsters with medical degrees and "training" in diagnosing mental illnesses.

There are no mental illnesses or disorders. There never have been.

There are people with problems, there are people who suffer, there are people who are in desperate circumstances, there are people who have severe nutritional deficiencies, there are people who have been poisoned by various chemicals, there are people who have been abused and ignored, there are people who have been told there is something wrong with them, there are people who are different and can't deal with the conforming androids in their midst, but there are no mental disorders.


It's fiction. It's a billion-dollar fiction. It's a gigantic steaming pile of bullshit. Always has been.

There is not a single diagnostic test for any so-called mental disorder. Never has been. No blood test, no urine test, no saliva test, no brain scan, no genetic test. No science.

So why hasn't psychiatry been destroyed and outlawed? Because there is money in it. Big money. Pharmaceutical money. And because the public is in a trance. Mothers and fathers are quite willing to take their children to these brain poisoners... lambs to the slaughter.

The silence of the lambs.

People are entranced by so-called professionals with fancy degrees who speak technical babble. It all seems real. Because if it weren't real, then...what? People would be forced to admit they are living in a fantasy. And people don't want to admit that. They would rather die than admit that.

But that's what psychiatry is. An elaborate fantasy. If every psychiatrist in the world vanished tomorrow, the world would immediately become a far healthier place.

If every celebrity who outrageously whores for psychiatry would stop on a dime, the world would be a far healthier place right away.

You think Dr. Phil is a fake? He's nothing compared to psychiatrists with their prescription pads. He's a saint by comparison. The drugs are brain poisons. If you really want to know the truth about the drugs, go to and read everything Dr. Peter Breggin has ever written about the drugs.

He covers the whole slimy waterfront.

There is some horrendous handwriting on wall. Believe me. You can see it all around you if you look. The shrinks are treating younger and younger children with the brain poisons, every day. They're diagnosing children who are practically toddlers and they're drugging them. They're ripping their brains. It's happening. You may not want to know about it, but it's there. It's a crime on the order of murder.

And the bastards at the FDA and the bastards who train doctors in medical schools are going along with it. They're accomplices to the ongoing crime. They have blood on their hands.

Here is a story Dr. Breggin told in his classic book, Toxic Psychiatry.

It says it all:

"Roberta was a college student, getting good grades, mostly A's, when she first became depressed and sought psychiatric help at the recommendation of her university health service.

She was eighteen at the time, bright and well motivated, and a very good candidate for psychotherapy. She was going through a sophomore-year identity crisis about dating men, succeeding in school, and planning a future. She could have thrived with a sensitive therapist who had an awareness of women's issues.

"Instead of moral support and insight, her doctor gave her Haldol. Over the next four years, six different physicians watched her deteriorate neurologically without warning her or her family about tardive dyskinesia [motor brain damage] and without making the [tardive dyskinesia] diagnosis, even when she was overtly twitching in her arms and legs.

Instead they switched her from one neuroleptic to another, including Navane, Stelazine, and Thorazine.

Eventually a rehabilitation therapist became concerned enough to send her to a general physician, who made the diagnosis [of medical drug damage]. By then she was permanently physically disabled, with a loss of 30 percent of her IQ.

" medical evaluation described her condition: Roberta is a grossly disfigured and severely disabled human being who can no longer control her body. She suffers from extreme writhing movements and spasms involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, limbs, extremities, torso, and back-nearly the entire body.

She had difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down, and the difficulties worsen as she attempts to carry out voluntary actions. At one point she could not prevent her head from banging against nearby furniture. She could hold a cup to her lip only with great difficulty. Even her respiratory movements are seriously afflicted so that her speech comes out in grunts and gasps amid spasms of her respiratory muscles...

Roberta may improve somewhat after several months off the neuroleptic drugs, but she will never again have anything remotely resembling a normal life."

If the smug scum who run the NY Times put THAT story on the front page right under a huge headline, we might see something good happen in this country.

Chronic whiners want to claim the government has to protect everybody all the time, as if that were possible, as if that were really the government's aim. These whiners are busy-bodies, meddlers, and self-made victims. They sometimes pose as scientists. They love psychiatry.

They equate psychiatry with government. You know, "share and care."

They assert that government knows best. At bottom, they're vicious little idiots. But they're very useful idiots, because the government welcomes their help in keeping the populace in line.

And psychiatry is a cardinal strategy in that regard. Chemical straitjackets for the lambs.

The silence of the lambs...

Better off Red #conspiracy

I'm writing this because not only do I enjoy reveling in the schadenfreude and chagrin of your ilk, but I feel as though I'll be contributing something constructive to your forum rather than the usual irrelevant and mundane rubbish. Whether or not your moderators will approve this depends on how much confidence that your moderators have in you and the white nationalist/right wing dogma as a whole.

Let me get to the point: you've lost. And that everything to do with your leaders and ignorance. In fact, the only thing any of your leaders has ever gotten right, is the communist threat that is now more imminent than ever in your already increasingly socialized society (socialism being the pretext to communism).

Seventy years ago, communist ideologues planned how they'd deconstruct the west in order to impose their dictatorial system of control - America in particular.

There were two schools of thought. There were the reactionaries who maintained that a violent revolution was the only way to impose communism on a nation such as America. The other, more realistic school of thought, was that communists would infiltrate every aspect of society and transform it incrementally from within. As you can plainly see, the latter school of thought [has] prevailed.

The level of success that we've achieved over the past half century allows me to openly say what was once considered ideological suicide. It also allows me to critique your movement and the right wing/nationalist movement as a whole - which is exactly what I'm about to do.

Let me start by addressing the stated [white nationalist] claim that there's a Jewish or Zionist conspiracy. When I first read that, I couldn't stop laughing for several minutes (funny stuff). While you people have and continue to argue over the Jewish boogieman, you've been up against a communist conspiracy that has been taking place quietly behind the scenes the entire time. Of course, I anticipate the obligatory argument that communism is essentially a Jewish phenomenon, and in the most technical sense of the word that could be argued using anecdotal evidence; however, making that argument is akin to arguing what caused someone's cancer rather than taking the correct measures to stop it from metastasizing.

While a disproportionate amount of Jews were certainly at the forefront of the Bolshevik movement in Russia (the premise for your fallacious 'communism-is-Jewish' argument), communism later became with rife with antisemitism. Communist ideologues of many ethnic persuasions in the west saw the value of the anti-antisemitism taking hold in the former Soviet Union. So in an [ironic] twist, it was antisemitism that arguably served as the framework to developing a strategy of divide and conquer in the west.

Communist ideologues correctly hypothesized that by pitting diverse groups people against each other and empowering minority groups, they could create the social environment necessary to divide and conquer the white majority - while at the same time incrementally tearing away at the moral fabric that was holding your nations together (morality being the backbone of all successful societies).

In short: had your leaders been focused on the real enemy during and after the 1960s, your ideology quite possibly could have prevailed - at the very least, as far as the core tenets of traditional conservatism is concerned. The entire right wing movement has failed miserably because of ignorance, infighting, ideological divides and greed. White nationalism is merely one example of right wing ineptness.

I'll pause shortly, as I do not wish to waste much time on something that may not be posted. If this should be posted, I'm willing to continue this discussion and elaborate - but only with your more rational members. I will not respond to any reactionary nonsense. At the risk of sounding condescending, this post is more for your benefit. I say that knowing that you have been thoroughly defeated with absolutely no chance of ever morphing into any sort of viable threat.

Perhaps we could discuss how the left owns your children? Perhaps we could discuss how the average liberal or self-defined 'anti-racist' is nothing more than a well-meaning useful idiot, and how minorities have been used as pawns? Perhaps we could discuss the role of global corporatism and the international money handlers? Perhaps we could discuss the reality of the egalitarian illusion that those on the left have created?

so_real #fundie #homophobia

Simple ... muslims and homosexuals have the same ambition : attack Judaism and Christianity. Certainly the muslims will turn against the homosexuals in due course. (The homosexuals are their "useful idiots" and will eventually outlive their usefulness.) But for now, the muslims consider "the enemy of my enemy is my fair-weather friend".

Political incorrect guy. #fundie

cultural marxism
The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state. The Philosophy was proven not to Work already by Vladimir Lenin as he tried in vein to control and subjugate the people. He admitted before he died that capitalism was the only true system in which people understand how to live with each other.... Lenin knew that there were a few western Idiots who kept spreading the communist ideas long after Lenin gave up.... he called these people useful idiots as they had more emotion than brains and could be used to subvert the western states for a military takeover in the future as the citizens would already be perverted and sick and weak from poisonous ideas, decadent lusts and mindless entertainment.
cultural marxism: "everything is relative man".... "there is no truth".... "reality is what we make of it".... smoke dope and drop out dude!!! .... we don't need money... cops are violent pigs (especially the white ones). Women are smarter and betteer than men, all men are rapists. "get in touch with your feelings".... "if it feels good then do it"... "she so empowered!!... you go girl!!"... "there is no god"... "Let's burn the bible" "don't criticize islam!!"... "you're a bigot" "a homophobe" "you're an agist classist pig"..... "think globally act locally".... "save the whales.. the trees... the poor african kids!!".... "drop out of school and rebell against your parents".... "Dad's are scum.... mum's are cool".... "go vegetarian" "the ufo's are comming!!" .... "don't teach kids math's and reading!!!!!..... you elitist pig!!!.... they need to learn to build a veggie patch and learn to recycle and wear gender nuetral clothes!!!" "we can all eat other's cuisines and enjoy each others religions from every nation in one smelting pot of peoples and get along together and intermarry"

EarthShakingNews #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut

The practice of homosexuality is not merely a political concern but a profoundly spiritual concern. Homosexuality is a spiritually deadly condition that threatens, for different reasons, both its zealots and its enemies. It is this capacity to do great evil to a morally ordered society that homosexuality has been used as an instrument of destruction by the dark spiritual forces plotting to destroy Natural Moral Order on Earth. Very wicked men who are the human agents of Evil have actively supported the rise of the Homosexual Lobby by channelling funding from the great "tax exempt foundations" to support the political and ideological assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. The Homosexual Lobby has been cultivated and empowered by powerful forces that want to use it as an agent of change and the prominent activists as "change agents." This is the function of another great lie called Humanism, which is the Rationalist attack on the faith of religion and of the concept of God and the Incarnation of Christ.

Homosexuality is one of many weapons in the armoury of Evil in its assault on Ordered Creation on Earth. Moreover, it is also fundamental to the wicked and evil strategy of the Confederacy of Evil to collapse Western Civilisation. Hence, their lackeys and Useful Idiots posing as Humanists and Professional Liberals use it to attack Natural Moral Order on Earth. The Humanist and the Professional Liberal in the guise of "social libertarians" have sought to move the argument over the morality of Sodomy out of the philosophical and religious arenas and into the political arena.

Brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy

How is Trump over reaching the system? Protests are good but riots make you look like a idiot. Watch Yuri Bezmenov and stop being a useful idiot.

Chabad Lubavitch and Russian UK government wants America to fall so it can build multi polar world order, which is why Putin was put into power. He is a front to keep people like you distracted from banks and Bolsheviks.

"Joe Biden" #fundie

"Once in power Hitler abolished trade unions, the right to strike and collective bargaining."

are some kind of an idiot or what? What does the "workers" in National Socialist "Workers" Party stand for?

Just like you commies of today, Hitler, Musosolini, and all you leftist fascists USED unions as a tool to bring down free and productive societies, and once you fascists got control only THEN did you turn on the useful idiots (brainwashed union drones for example) that put you there. Unions, welfare, etc. are all tools used by fascists to implement your Marxism utopias, after which they are no longer useful to you (and actually now are a burden to YOU) and the result has always been massive brutality in the aftermath.

Shall we talk now about how your precious Islamo-fascist governments treat their citizens and particularly those who aren't Muhammadans, you shameless hypocrite?

some incels #sexist

Just read the Weekly Advice thread on r/IncelTears. Holy shit its pathetic

Every comment in there starts with "I'm 2x years old, and I'm not an incel but I've never kissed a girl, held hands, or had sex. What do I do?" They seem to not understand that you cant choose to be an incel - it's not your choice. "Incel" ideology that they claim is toxic is just the ideology of certain incels that talk online about their issues - you don't have to agree with ANY incel on their ideology, it doesnt change the fact that you are an incel if you want sex but haven't gotten it.

They politicize it intentionally so that they can hate us.

If they accepted that incel just means involuntarily celibate then they would realise that they are making fun of lonely people who cannot control what has happened to them.

So they instead tell you that you belong to a "hateful ideology" and that you must be a misogynist and a sexist and a Nazi and a whole load of other strawmen they assume about you just so that they can hate you. It's pathetic really.

Average IT poster giving you advice is a jew in an open relationship who lost his virginity late, is childfree and had a vasectomy cuz pregnancy promotes women's role as incubators and limits their freedoms, though his wife untied her tubes twice to carry tyrone's children. He's a badboy who fucks with rigid gender roles by wearing dresses and submitting to women.

ya guys got it all wrong. Imagine, if you will, a world where incel receives so much attention that people who fear they might be one flock to IT and other "services" to confirm they're not really a hateful incel beast. When they receive the consistent "work on yourself" messages and follow through to end up with zero results. THAT will be their awakening to the blackpill. "how many more years will I be working with this advice, getting nothing out of it, only to have wasted my time?", they'll say. IT is doing a great job recruiting the blackpills for braincels and that incelexperiments sub without either sub having to do a thing. That's why it got quarantined. The numbers kept going up in spite of the desire and pressure by reddit and literal fucking petitions

to close these places.

They want to protect their bluepill world and keep the status quo exactly where it is. Women/IT/reddit/theworld is literally Snowpiercer. Every one in their proper place.

but that creates the same problem as Islam:

new converts are a lot more radical and prone to extremism than those who slowly and naturally took the pill.

Cynical says: "extremists are useful idiots. For as bad as they are, their actions can be used to start a dialogue with moderates for a redress of issues."

The reason that moderates are called alt-right is because people haven't even begun to see extremism yet.

Gibor #fundie

Nowhere did I state that EVERY Japanese person was barbaric and cruel. I said this about their culture as a generalization because they do not engage in warfare by any known standard of decency. If you were to study the FACTS about Japanese history, you would know that until the terms of their surrender stripped them of any and all military power, they had a history of absolute barbarism from the inception of their history. They slaughtered each other in feudal wars, butchered and enslaved the people of Okinawa, attacked Russia , and committed unspeakable atrocities in China, the Solomons, and The Phillipines to name only a few."

"The point that seems lost on you is that to the Japanese mind, there were no civillians."

"Since your grasp of unrevised history is so weak, I'll share something else with you that your Marxist professors probably did not: The Japanese had operational jet aircraft, biological weapons and were only a few weeks or months away from an operational nuclear weapon. Had we not nuked them, it is HIGHLY likely that they would have hit the west coast of the US with a bio or nuclear strike."

"I apologize to none for my remarks.
Since you proudly proclaim your leftist tendencies, why don't you read up on your Lennin , Marx, and Engles? People that betray their own in order to assist the Left are referred to as "Useful Idiots" and are to be disposed of when they have outlived their usefulness. It is my sincere prayer (both for you and my country) that you and all those like you wake up before it is too late.

Paul Kokoski #fundie #homophobia

The Bible tells us that Satan has the ability to "appear as an angel of light." Nowhere is this more evident than in the radical attempt to promote homosexuality in society today as something good. For the purpose of deceiving Mankind and destroying souls, Satan has thus given the homosexual lobby the following 10 commandments.

1) Always see your sexual opponent (anyone who rejects homosexual acts) as the enemy. Project what they see as your sexual disorder onto them by repetitiously calling them "homophobes";

2) Separate the act of sex from its natural purpose of procreation by referring to all homosexual relationships as expressions of "love" rather than "lust";

3) Fight to deny those who oppose homosexual acts their right to free of speech. At the same time enforce your own right to free speech on others by copiously using the liberal media and other outlets to label your opponents every unsavory thing from "bigot" to "idiot." Use the words "equality" and "hate" often and unrelentingly as if only you – the homosexual – understand their meaning. If anyone objects, accuse them of discrimination. Keep in mind that politicians and judges are your friends. Many of them are openly practicing homosexuals and the rest, swayed by power and the almighty dollar, will do anything for your vote. Remember, too, that in today's politically correct and morally relativistic society there is no objective moral order and that it often takes only one civil judge to side in your favor for you to achieve your ends;

4) Use the "race card" unceasingly against your enemy by equating homosexual behaviour (which can change) with a person's color (which, by one's will alone, cannot). Most people don't know the difference;

5) Build yourself up in the eyes of the indifferent masses – who are mere sheep – by claiming to be a modern person of tolerance and peace – one who is accepting of all. The people will believe you because in today's materialistic word people are focused primarily on themselves and their own gain. They have little or no concern for what others do as long as it does not effect them. Ridicule and undermine the intelligence of your more worthy opponents by resorting to ambiguity and sarcasm. Never resist a chance to claim that they are living in the "Dark Ages";

6) Act and speak as if homosexuals have a corner on the truth and that they alone – not their opponents – can demand of society what is right and wrong. Use every form of deceit imaginable including the use of straw man arguments and false scientific studies – anything that will appeal to the simpleton. Lie, deceive, put on a false front. Pretend you are a friend. Talk of peace and brotherhood. Make pledges of co-operation and mutual assistance. In short, destroy your opponent with a kiss;

7) Confuse the distinction between "hating the sin" and "loving the sinner." This is an absolute must since everyone – especially parents – know the time-honored value of disciple and "tough love." This can be effectively achieved by introducing special "anti-bullying" laws into schools that aim at protecting homosexuals from the enemy. If you find that someone suspects your true motives and resists on the grounds that homosexuals should not be given special status in this regard or that such laws are merely an attempt to normalize homosexuality in society, use both the "equality" and the "separation of church and state" card against them;

8) Never lose sight of the fact that God is your ultimate enemy. Attack God and all religion as something oppressive, hypocritical and evil. This is easily done by take biblical quotes out of context to suite your own purpose and meaning. At the same time avoid all talk of the murderous regimes of atheists like Hitler and Stalin;

9) Assure everyone that no religion will be made to suffer from societies' acceptance of homosexuality. Speak always and often of equality and co-existence. Claim, as a sham, snare, and illusion, that tradition marriage and homosexual marriage can live side-by-side in complete harmony. Dismiss as silly and unviable any attempt to show that the "Pill" – which was introduced to separate and tear asunder the act of sex from the gift of life – has led to the disintegrated of the family. At the same time, and wherever possible, work diligently behind the scenes to drag your religious opponent into court whenever his moral values even begin to clash with yours. Test and try every court until you find a judge who is your friend. Especially work on religious adoption agencies and church ministers who lecture on the evils of homosexuality and same-sex marriage in their sermons. Where this is not possible infiltrate the priesthood so as to corrupt religion from within,

10) Redefine joyful and well-established words and symbols like "marriage," "spouse," "gay" and "rainbow" and attach them to homosexual acts in order to give sin an innocent, natural and pleasing appeal.

This, in effect, is the homosexual lobby manifesto that is sweeping the world. Yes indeed folks, Satan is among us!

With respectful and cordial best wishes, I remain,

Sincerely Yours,

Paul Kokoski



NFHale #fundie

[“... When I clicked on this thread, I was ready to criticize anyone making a political point at her expense...”]

No offense, Cringe, but I don’t understand why you would...

She’s [Gabrielle Giffords] going to do exactly what she would have done had she NOT been shot - ironically, by a Liberal Poster Child Protege. Loughner was one of THEIRS - a PERFECT example of what happens when you absorb liberal BS all your life.

This isn’t a game. It’s for the survival of the country, ultimately, and sentimentality or “compassion” for the enemy only gets them further ahead in their agenda.

I don’t mourn, nor eulogize, nor have compassion for the other side. They would dance on our graves in a heartbeat.

And I seriously don’t give a rat’s ass about “sinking to their level” - THEY’RE WINNING. They’ve BEEN winning for decades because THEY don’t give a rat’s ass about how they fight. They fight to destroy us, period.

I took a beating on another thread some thread some months back over comments I made regarding some “well-liked” Canadian socialist that took the dirt nap. My comment was “No loss. One less socialist”. You wouldn’t believe the hatemail I got for that. Mod deleted my comment, but I still hold to it.

Not going to pretend these people are anything other than exactly what they are - either hardcore die-hard socialist/communists or Useful Idiots, and every one of them aiming a dagger at our back.

In Gifford’s case, she’s DOUBLY useful now - a Poster Child Victim that’s also a Legislator that will rubber stamp anything they want her to, especially if it’s against to our gun rights.

Sarah Brady is another perfect example. Trotting her wheelchair bound husband out and screaming “See!!! See!!! THIS is what happens because people have guns!!!”

That they are so sleazy should not surprise you, or anyone. These are the “bloody shirt” moments they LIVE for.

They’ll dance in the blood of murdered people and use it to justify more eventual murder, ultimately.

paradigm-shifting #conspiracy

I'm not a doctor, but here is what I know for sure -- the world is controlled by psychopaths and run by idiots. Think of it not as a conspiracy, but more like a brush fire. History is filled with con men always looking for useful idiots to help them accomplish one thing or another. Snake oil salesmen. Each time these snake oil salesmen make a little bit of progress, the general population becomes slightly more dumb and willfully ignorant. Repeat this for two whole centuries, and this is why both at the highest levels of government and the general population -- and regardless of anyones politics -- everything is fucked. This planet has become an insane asylum. Too many people are addicted to drama and outrage. The entire western world has degenerated to a bad episode of Jerry Springer or WWE. At this point, I can't trust any system. Not political, not medical, not any system. Not until this brush fire burns itself out. And thats going to be a very destructive process. Thats not nihilism or negativity, thats just being honest about reality. The situation is not hopeless, but our current society will collapse completely before things get better. And whether globalist elites exist or not, there will be mass depopulation. Because the human race is doing it to itself. My general advise to people facing this brave new world -- don't let fear control you. You need to survive these times so you can help to build a better world after all the idiots kill themselves. Keep a positive attitude. This doesn't mean ignore everything with fake positivity, thats what fear wants. It means to not let fear dominate you. Face whats coming, do your best, survive to build a better tomorrow.

frank #homophobia #wingnut

"an ideological invention (orientation) of the homosexual movement designed to advance the idea that homosexuality is “immutable,” meaning unchangeable."-Scott Lively

This is an excellent point. And it must always be kept in mind that ideology was the cause of the mass-murders of the 20th century. In the USSR anyone who questioned collectivization (and there were people who questioned it based on natural law) was imprisoned or killed. There are a lot of stupid people (Lenin called them "useful idiots") who will treat their ideology as proven scientific fact.

The homosexual orientation ideology is the kind of belief that can cause the Left-fascist useful twitidiots to kill in the name of "tolerance." They view as "bigots" the many people who see homosexual behavior (especially male homosexuals) as the result of sexual obsessions (similar to food obsessions).

@GibbonsChip & Jennifer Bilek #transphobia

( @GibbonsChip )
TRA's are the most useful idiots of the most elite of the elites. They have been hatching a plan for decades to eradicate biological sex and what it means to be human. Once you're not human, they can use you anyway they want. :

( Jennifer Bilek )
Just #FollowTheMoney
It makes so much more sense than the ridiculous narrative of special fairy people born in wrong bodies and governments, corporations, & international banks rearranging society for them because they care.

Pete #wingnut #homophobia

[Upon being told that homophobes are on the “losing side of history.”]

Considering that the last 3 civilizations that accepted faggotry (Greek, Roman and German) ended up facist, socialist, pedophile, militarist, warmongering, psychotic, shallow, physical beauty obsessed, hyper-masculine, woman and feminine homosexual repressing hellholes...and eventualy died a slow and painful death...yeah, i would say we are on the losing side of history. The classical case of a society that accepts faggotry and ends up regreting it until it is too late. The good thing about it is that in the end the useful idiots fags will end up being repressed too just like it happened in Greece, Rome and Germany where the girly homosexuals were repressed by their “fellow” butch-homosexuals when they were no longer useful.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Biden Regime's DOJ has charged 11 pro-life Christians for bravely fighting for a baby's right to live.

That same DOJ refuses to charge abortion groups who vandalized pro-life pregnancy centers or threatened to kill SCOTUS judges.

The Biden Regime is Anti-Christian.


Edit: this screenshot is what happens when COWARDS RUN AWAY FROM FACTS! Block me and run pussies, you faggots got nothing.

@Captain_Raamsley @DrPaulGosar no, they aren't but you are a fascist leftwing idiot.

@DrPaulGosar Not just refuses to charge pro-abort vandals, but refuses to return surveillance video of them actually engaging in vandalism.

@DrPaulGosar More accurately…they are Satanic.


@DrPaulGosar Why do congressmen avoid the fact that the vaccine is a death shot? Is it because you dismiss us as conspiracy theorists, and are so bubbled in the msm narrative?

More like anti American. Your "president" is a child molester, a traitor, and a useful idiot for anyone but us.
What are republicans doing about all of this? Honestly I don't understand why some of you "representatives" post anything on social media. You folks could maybe get off your hands and attempt to stop the communists from wrecking everything.
Marjorie Taylor Green could use some help, from what she posts in here, seems like she's the only one doing any heavy lifting. Maybe you could give her a hand.

@DrPaulGosar Also, anti-American.

@DrPaulGosar, they are anti-everything except evil.

@DrPaulGosar the biden dictatorship is pro crime.

Henry Makow Ph.D #conspiracy

Jewish revolutionaries like Paul Krassner and I were useful idiots. The Vietnam war was engineered by Illuminati Jews (Rockefeller, Rothschilds) partly to alienate a whole generation.The "WASP establishment" were their errand boys for some time. I was socially engineered. My mind was moulded. They manipulated me using my youth and idealism.

Illuminati social engineers promoted a powerful Jewish meme: the universe is unjust if they don't run it. You see Cabalist (Illuminati) Jews believe that God's will is expressed through them.

Throughout history,this demented ideology took the form of a desire to destroy the world and rebuild it in their own image. Thus,they fomented wars to destroy the Gentiles and concentrate money & power in their hands. They put the entire Gentile establishment in place -- mostly Freemason collaborators. Collaboration is a prerequisite for success in the public sphere today. Mankind is satanically possessed.

Their goal was to undermine wholesome virtues practised by their Christian neighbours. For example, they broke down all sexual restraint, labelling this (with their usual guile), "sexual liberation.

savagesusie #fundie

[re: Obama administration]

Lucifer is extremely clever and he is their inspiration. Don’t ever underestimate a communist....they are evil and deadly and they never give up. They have no other purpose in life than to dominate and control others and destroy their enemies. They have no respect for life.

Now useful idiots are a different story and they have no idea what is really happening in the world. They just are delivering their little programmed speeches with no conception of anything, especially right and wrong. They will be eliminated when they are no longer useful.

The Fop #conspiracy

Useful idiots, all of them.

If feeding Gay people, illegal immigrants, Blacks, and women through a wood chipper would advance the cause of Socialism, it’s leaders would be all for it.

I happen to believe that Gay people are born that way, and they’re being used as pawns to encourage the hetero population to engage in sick, decadent behavior. Most Gay people I know are quite normal and non-radical. Same sex marriage wasn’t legalized to benefit Gays. It was legalized to encourage bi-sexuality in future generations of heteros.

Anyone still arguing about why Gay people should, or shouldn’t be allowed to get married, has been completely fooled by the Left. It was never about the Gays, it’s about the rest of us. And now some Gays and Lesbians are finally starting to figure it out.

brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy

So again we have the useful idiots...sorry Trotskyite and Bornman and George H W Bush Nazi Brownshirts are at it again, making themselves look like idiots, buffoons and straight up laughing stocks. I know that these people were brainwashed by the far left controlled education system, and the mainstream media telling them fascists and white supremacists are under every tree but to see these people beating up conservatives and engaging in other disgusting activities, while the Jihadi Troika and the idiot Latina bartender being pushed by the 'Justice Democrats' and Soros to lead the nation if the Donald leaves make all sorts of anti Jewish statements and proclaim their love for terrorist groups [I support a single Jewish state with religious freedom and respect for all, the Nazi terrorist group known as Likud, the Muslim Brotherhood front organization Hamas and the KGB puppet Fatah can all go kick rocks to me.] and a president who has a settlement named after him in Israel, went to the Wailing Wall wearing a yarmulke and openly condemned white supremacists is considered a Nazi because of active measures and other propaganda operations done by intelligence agencies, Communists and fascists against the American people.

Pretty sick huh?

George W Bush was best buddies with Putin the poisoner who invaded Ukraine and is helping Assad stay in power, to be fear the Trotskyist neocons started it all by using the US Armed Forces, PMCs and intelligence agencies to fund, arm and train Neo Nazis and Islamic extremists to go around and cause chaos so as to make the world wide worker's revolution easier. Clinton gave away 20% of the US' Uranium to the Russian Empire in Uranium One. Iraq and Afghanistan were both fought to remove obstacles for Iran and to hand both nations over to Russian and Chinese conglomerates.

For Christ's sake the ex CIA head and Nazi sleeper agent George H W Bush, may his and his stooge Castro roast in hell, helped China become the superpower it is today!

And no one is talking about these issues!

Pop culture, the cult of wokeness and pathological skepticism have weakened society and the modern intellectual class so much to the point that the Fourth Reich is rising up now and most people don't even see it! Most people don't know this but one of the major foundations of Nazism, as well as one of its biggest supporters, came from the psychiatric community. The labor camps and the T4 euthanasia program which disposed of the mentally ill and dissenters to the regime were run by psychiatrists and the orders that killed so many innocent men, women and children, came from psychiatrists themselves! The same psychiatric community that is declaring everybody who opposes or questions the mainstream version of an event and ticking off every perversion under the sun, is the same group of people who supported eugenics and helped in the atrocities of the Third Reich!

Never forget!

Antifa, SJWs and many of the people on RationalWiki and genuinely believe that they are fighting fascism, and that anybody who opposes their 'social democratic' utopia is a tinfoil hat wearing nut or a goose stepping fascist. What these people don't realize is that their ideology is just a modernized version of the basic ideology of fascism and National Socialism and their behavior is no different from Hitler's Brownshirts that the Fuher used to create fear and use that, along with the false flag Reichstag bombing, to seize power in the German Republic and create the totalitarian Greater German Reich. Hitler's ideological mentor Trotsky, and his boss Lenin also used ignorant anarchists, progressives and Communists to commit acts of violence and terror in order to destabilize Russia, and once the Bolsheviks seized power the two men wiped out any opposition to their rule through purges and deliberate catastrophes.

Stalin as evil as he was, was against the globalist agenda and a proud nationalist, so after he realized Hitler was nothing more than a less smooth and more violent Trotsky he managed to convince FDR that fascism wasn't worth the effort but the Red Army had already provoked Japan into attacking, so the generals running America saved the day and Old Joe got poisoned some years later for his resistance. Reagan and the Iron Lady were set up in a similar way, they were portrayed as monsters and the worst evil imaginable and these lies beamed into the heads of young impressionable students, so instead of thanking these three world leaders for doing what they had to do in order to keep national sovereignty alive, we rail and curse at them like idiots. P.S Some of the propaganda against Reagan came from the KGB itself.

Just like what we see in the Demonrat Party.

Bernie was cool in 2016 but he's too old now, so Predator Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez battle it out while Omar hopes the public doesn't see that she fucked her brother and is a conwoman, Talib is wondering how much money Hamas and Hezbollah are sending over and Presley...sigh.

Meanwhile Fuher Bi Bi drops white phosphorus on any opposition to the Nazi Likud Party while handing over American military technology to Il Duce Winnie the Pooh so he can oppress his own people better with the help of Big Tech up in the Californian People's Republic - run by the CPSU, the KGB and the Workers' and Peasant's Red Army, that provides AI research, access to American satellites, and ways for the Chinese government to improve its totalitarianism in means that would make IngSoc proud.

Does any one see something wrong here?

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat worth a damn but she still hangs on to socialism, must be the military experience.

Trotsky even had the swastika as well, although he prefered to use it on his soldiers' uniforms and on Soviet currency instead of a red flag.

The party program of the Nazis as well as some of Hitler's and Mussoloni's speeches sound very similar to the rhetoric used by that of SJWs, of course they wouldn't notice that as they're too busy whining about insignificant Neo Nazis and alt right edgelords on some socialist echo chamber site or complaining about some imaginary oppression.

Seriously this is the same shit the CIA and Castro used to fuck up Latin America in the 70s and 80s. The Cubans indoctrinated and funded the street thugs, ignorant academics and guerrillas and unleashed them onto the streets to cause chaos, while the CIA sent in the death squads and the black ops boys to wreck things even further. It's how Iran Contra got started.

Articles exposing the fascist origins of 'social justice':……

Russiagate - the Big Lie of the 2010s:………

Epstein the eugenicist:……

Ignorant Skeptics and Debunkers Pushing for Thoughtcrime and Psychiatric Incarceration of Dissent:…

CIA collusion with Lamestream Media:………

Suppression of evidence on 9/11 nuclear smart missile and guided drone attacks:…

Big Tech's attempts at controlling free speech ('The medium is the message."):…

Brett Stevens #wingnut

[From “My Lai II”]

America recoiled in shock at the My Lai massacre. In a war where the enemy routinely tortured, mutilated and killed villagers in order to maintain control, and where American troops greeted smiling villagers to hand out food, medicine and agricultural help only to see those same smiling faces shooting back at them at night, My Lai was not an aberration.

It was an inevitability.

One side got all the advantages, protected by the useful idiot public image war fought on American televisions. American soldiers must have felt like they were on another planet when they read and saw news reports, none of which mentioned the tendency of eight-year-old girls to smile and laugh and then throw grenades concealed in their dolls. Nor did the media mention the routine atrocities that the Communists used to keep power.


America has been preparing a My Lai with its treatment of police.


We need police more than usual because we have no social order and no culture in common. Without standards, people do whatever they want, and the cops rein them in when they get too dangerous.

“Police brutality” means cops deliberately using excessive force. The term has been extended to apply to any police violence that the crowd does not like, which means they ignore any of it that does not fit the narrative and categorize many justifiable incidents as police brutality.

This puts the police in a paranoid position where they nonetheless must go out there and deal with the residual effects of our society’s poor choices. Frustration and anger inevitably build.

We’re setting up another My Lai, and no one will talk about it.

Roosh #fundie

Someone recently recommended I take a look at Ted Kaczynski’s Manifesto, stating that Kaczynski foresaw a lot of problems with modern culture that we write about here. After reading it, I have to agree that the “Unabomber” clearly understood what society was up against, a full decade before the development of the manosphere.

The media has done a good of painting Kaczynski as a deranged madman, but I found his writing to be clear and perceptive. His manifesto connected some loose dots I had between Neil Postman’s work, which described what we have lost through technology, and this community’s observations that the juggernaut of leftism is destroying what remains of traditional culture.

Kaczynski states that leftism and technology go hand in hand, because the collectivism and control that leftism requires cannot be accomplished without technology. The more advances we have with technology, the more it will be used to further progressivism, which includes a decrease in individual rights and an increase in authoritarian state control. I recommend you read the entirety of the manifesto here. In the meanwhile, the most important passages are below.


Kaczynski’s manifesto made me realize that the solutions I have proposed to improve modern society would not stem the tide of advances in technology and leftist degeneracy. By the time we identify one problem, isolate it, and solve it, more degenerate leftist causes would have been pushed down our throats alongside technological advances that make our counter-movement all seem fruitless. Up to this point, we’re hacking at little branches, especially when we attack the useful idiots in the form of individual feminists and social justice warriors, while the roots of evil are becoming ever stronger.

As long as the system is in place, any victory we achieve will only be short-term in scope. Such a victory could last a couple generations, but once the dust settles and the globalists re-gather their footing, they will use the existing technological, industrial, and banking frameworks to not only gain what they lost, but learn from their past mistakes and control humanity even tighter.

The question we must ask ourselves before proceeding is if we want the system to die or not. Kaczynski suggests that it is all or nothing, and assuming he’s right, we either have to get ready to throw away urban living, industrialization, and virtually all technology, or be reduced to putting out small fires that don’t begin to reverse a worldwide societal decline. As a man who has never lived in a rural setting, I remain undecided about how best to continue.

In spite of my hesitation to hop on board with Kaczynski’s message that the entire system must be destroyed, I am convinced that as long as it’s in place, we will continue to see a neverending drive towards authoritarian liberalism and parasitic globalism that erodes national sovereignty and our individual humanity. A worldwide economic collapse may temporarily bruise the elite and usher in a mini-age of traditionalism, but once the world recovers, they’ll likely resume right where they left off.

savagesusie #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

Cultural Marxism is finally finishing off the Christian paradigm that existed in the United States for hundreds of years. The German philosophers destroyed the Christian paradigm in Europe and brought this nihilism to America to destroy the two things that made us independent and free: Family and Christianity.

This is intentional to kill America. We will cease being good and exceptional and evolve into the pagan, atheists hell on earth. The Weimar Republic was an example of this orgastic homosexualism that led to the SS troops and the brutality that can only emanate from godless, immorality—homosexuality.

It was the pagan paradigm in Greek and Rome that led to rampant pederasty and second class citizenship for women and slavery.

It is evil, plain and simple, and I thank God my son got out before that Marxist-in Chief took office. Godless atheists all out to destroy this country and create a one-world-government utopia (for only those ruling elite few, of course). The stupid useful idiots will all be serfs.

How I loved our military and Patton. My father was in WWII, my brothers in Vietnam and son in Afghanistan. My 2nd cousin fought with Patton. I spit on that Marxist in Chief. They are ruining a moral military—one which has surpassed all other militaries because of the Christianity that dominated. Patton was made ill by the atheist Russian military and the Odin-worshipping homosexual SS troops who used boys in the Hitler Youth. I won’t even get into the Greek pederasty and initiating young boys into their homosexual military. Absolutely sick, evil cultures.

Jonathan David Mooers #conspiracy


On this Iran "deal" herein, [Bathouse Barry] Obama is anxious to add this deal to his [criminal] legacy [of lies] says the lapdog propaganda press, and even though Boy Barry (= a half-baked assembly of abandoned human debris derived from a one-night-stand-full-term-sperm-of-the-moment-surrender of a 17 year-old mudshark mama) pretends to be a hapless dithering dunce so as to help his Muslim buddies proliferate, ANY DEAL WITH IRAN BY ISLAMIC COUNTERFEIT presIDent SOETORO-OBAMA IS CONSTITUTIONALLY NULL AND VOID; DOA!

“All that Imaginary presIDent Barry Soetoro directs America to do as a dick-taster dictator IS NULL AND VOID FROM JANUARY 21, 2009 (the day when Congress-approved Soetoro's identity-hiding Executive Order 13489) TO THE PRESENT TIME; and until our oath-taking tax-taking Congress and Courts cease their daily robbery of Barry Soetoro's full identity and life history from some 318,000,000 legal Americans citizens, it is the inalienable duty of We the People to rise up from subjects to Citizens to remove an Islamic cancer-cell, code-named Barack Hussein Obama, and to supervise an Islamic-cell-complicit Congress of Criminals and an Islamic-cell-complicit Judas Judiciary [US Supreme Court]!” - J Mooers 2015

BOEHNER-GOWDY-O'REILLY: YOU REMAIN "CELEBRITY CRIMINALS" until you de-fund, de-power, arrest and fully identify an Islamic cancer-cell, code-named Barry Soetoro, to save America!

[Links removed]

Rise up to engineer a White House eviction of Barry Soetoro for non-payment of sworn duties, and any future fraud WH occupant, and TURN OUR BACKS ON UNACCOUNTED LAWLESSNESS AND LIES! Only those who might vote with violence to maintain Barry Soetoro's WH eviction are outed committed criminals, useful idiots, misguided spirits and low-horizon voters who wish to continue UNACCOUNTED LAWLESSNESS AND RECIEVE SOETORO'S FREE LIFELINES OF LIES!

US CONGRESS OF CRIMINALS (Who rob America of Soetoro's full ID): what Constitutional law(s) can you cite to legally justify the surrender of funds to pay for non-Constitutional executive amnesty-anarchy without borders and secret Soetoro-Jarrett negotiation letters/commitments with Iranian thugs, arms to sworn-enemy-Muslim-Brotherhood Morsi and Soetoro's endless parade of "phony scandals", using money we don't have to purchase non-Constitutional directives of harm to Americans from a known non-Constitutional sedated-seditionist Islamic cancer-cell, Muslim Barry Soetoro?

America does not need a Second Revolution; America desperately needs a nation-healing American Renaissance that can only commence upon the arrest and removal of a planted Islamic cancer-cell, code named, Barack Hussein Soetoro-Obama! - J Mooers 2015

>>>Aaron Klein: can you make sure Israel's venerable Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu (a Fellow 49er!), leader of Soetoro-abandoned "Little America" in the Middle East, gets this e-mail (before Soetoro blacks-out the Internet). Bibi has my permission as a Fellow 49er natural-born (Easter Sunday 1949) American Citizen to expose Islamist Barry Soetoro to all America when he speaks to our Congress of Criminals (Who Rob America of Soetoro's full ID) next month: MARCH IS THE MONTH AND MARCH IS THE MISSION! Soetoro is a fully dangerous political mad scientist that needs to be marched out of the White House to a padded cell to save America (and Israel)! Thanks for listening, Jon o-o-o-o END QUOTE o-o-o-o
The American Resistance Party has observed only mediocre concern towards the current bogus, unconstitutional criminal residing in the white house. Nowhere in the history of the United States has there been greater apathy against any lawless thug than felt towards the illegal alien that currently squats in the white house. Mr. Soetoro is an anti-Christian Muslim that was born a bastard, and was/is an avid sodomite and remains will remain forever ineligible for the office of POTUS. But alas, most of Babylon USA prefers to ignore this pure satanic force that resides in DC. Moores is one of the few voices that raises an outcry against the Soetoro cesspool. ###
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mr. Edward C. Noonan, Founder and National Committee Chairman: American Resistance Party, please call 530-777-3474 or email at: [email removed] Forward this email to 10 of your friends for a “free gift.” (bcc us for proof of your referral.) (free gift = Mr. Noonan’s ebook "Chester Arthur - "1st Bogus POTUS" vs. The Death of America") Permission to

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy

Dread. From the moment the white smoke appeared, it has just been dread. Every day I dread what he is going to say or do. What must be remembered in all of this, and what I have been saying since day one of the Franciscan pontificate is that we MUST understand and remember that Our Lord is ANGRY. Very, very angry. And as St. John Eudes told is in no uncertain terms, when God is angry with His people, we get bad clergy. Given the unprecedented sins of the once-Christian world, it should be no surprise whatsoever that we now have not just bad priests, but a bad pope. Hey, if we had the pope we deserved we would have Pope Snoop Dogg right now, so— yeah. Sigh.

If you have listened to the first podcast, you heard the discussion about the criticality of thinking and arguing from the foundation a TRUE PREMISE. That is what we have to do here when unpacking Francis’ latest mess. Let’s establish some TRUE premises and compare them with the FALSE premises that people are trying to use.

False premise #1: Pope Francis is intelligent, because only an intelligent man could ever rise through the Church and be elected pope. (This sounds eerily familiar somehow—)
TRUE premise: Pope Francis is not a terribly intelligent man.

We want to believe that the people who are in charge or in positions of authority are competent to wield that authority, and that the world is a perfect meritocracy. It is not. It is consoling to one’s self to think that there are people out there who know and understand more than we do and can thus take care of us and handle problems. This is not always true, and as our culture rots and corrupts, the less frequently this is true. Academia is filled with idiots, liars and abject incompetents. The business world rewards psychopathy and elevates stupid people and the unqualified who present no real threat to the able psychopaths, and are regarded as easily controlled pawns. Once you shake off your innate, and quite frankly FEMININE, bias toward believing that occupying a position of authority PROVES competence, it is actually quite easy to spot people who are “the real deal” and, conversely, the poseurs. One simple metric? Real Deals answer questions clearly and directly. Their “yes” means yes, and their “no” means no. Poseurs are evasive and rely heavily on slogans and buzzwords; “speaks much, says little”. Pope Francis’ main buzzterms are “humility”, “dialogue”, “encounter” and “the poor”. I’m not convinced that he has a thorough or even adequate understanding of even one of those terms.

False premise #2: Pope Francis understands economics and the financial system.
TRUE premise: Pope Francis understands little to nothing about economics and the financial system.

This cannot be overemphasized. Taking economic advice from Pope Francis is like taking advice on deep sea oil drilling or the proper playing of the French Horn from me. For those of you who have watched my 2.5 hour video series on YouTube about the financial system and economics, do you honestly believe that Pope Francis knows ANYTHING about any of that? Do you think he understands the situation with regards to the banking system, the debt bubble or the massive global derivatives exposure? And that is just barely scratching the surface of the topic. Do you think Pope Francis even understands or has thought about what money actually is? Let me answer that question clearly. No. Pope Francis’ entire economic platform is, “Give poor people more free stuff forevah.” That’s it.

False premise #3: Pope Francis is politically conservative or completely non-political.
TRUE premise: Pope Francis is a Peronist-Fascist which is a particular subset of Marxism in South America that believes that the state should control the economy and redistribute wealth.

Being that he is not terribly intelligent, he does not understand or have figured out that all political agitation for state-driven, forced coercion of “redistribution of wealth” has NOTHING to do with helping the poor and EVERYTHING to do with consolidating wealth and power among a cadre of oligarchs precisely by creating and then looting a massive underclass. Lenin called these people who actually believe that Marxism genuinely cares about the poor, “useful idiots”. Trapped by his own misguided belief that the poor are somehow INTRINSICALLY SPIRITUALLY SUPERIOR, when he sees the inevitable results of Marxism, namely the proliferation and spread of material poverty throughout a culture, he reconciles it in his own mind by canonizing the underclass and telling himself that they are spiritually “better off” for being materially poor. This is not a malevolent position, but it is a deeply stupid position.


Now, I am going to Mass of the Ages to encounter Our Lord, physically present in the Eucharist, as have so many saints before us. Please God, let me grow ever-more intransigent in my faith.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #homophobia

The Chinese Communist Party is actively opposing sexual degeneracy using anti-Western Rhetoric. The result is that it exercises this censorious policy on all media allowed in the People's Republic of China, both foreign and domestic, which is why you're seeing degenerate sexuality being scrubbed from Western corporate media properties that are allowed in China.

This is not just anti-homosexual censorship. This is also anti-miscengenation censorship, which is why the Finn/Rose romance (and, to be fair, any Rey/Finn potential) got nixed. Both are in accord with the Party's anti-degeneracy policies. The useful idiots in the trenches fighting for the Death Cult are just now starting to become aware of this fact, and they are confused in their reaction because the Hive Mind hasn't issued any updates on what to think yet.

Which leads to an inescapable conclusion: The canon of a corporate IP is dictated by the most intolerant party involved. This is entirely in line with David Stewart's video explaining corporate ownership of such properties; they want to maximize profits from these properties, so that means getting into China, and the Party knows this so they exert this control accordingly using gatekeeping as leverage.

This is why China had Blizzard purge Overwatch of the gay to get into the country; Tracer and Soldier 76 are actually Gay For Pay, meaning they're really straight as a board but do the gay for Western rubes--that's you, SJWs--because it's currently cheaper to do so than to not. (That time, by the way, is fast approaching its end; once the Blizzard beancounters see how toothless you are, they'll stop pretending to pander to you and everything else China doesn't like will also be purged.)

And we're seeing now on a global scope and scale what the observant have already seen in the United Kingdom with the Muslims: the intolerant hold the high ground. Good luck shaming the Chinese Communist Party into bending the knee to SJW Death Cult dogma; they may, ultimately, serve the same master but they won't be second-fiddle to a bunch of limp-wristed sissies and their loud-mouthed busybody fuckbuddies.

Andrew Anglin #psycho #transphobia #sexist #racist

[From "Communism Isn’t a System – It is a Tactic"]

Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.

If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.

Communist leaders just feed low-IQ poor people a bunch of gibberish about a workers’ paradise and march them off to commit a slaughter so that they can completely cleanse the old elite and establish themselves as supreme leaders.

Every successful communist revolution has resulted in the entire ruling class being killed or driven out of the country. Millions of people always die.

The people that start the revolution are never the ones that finish it, and the ones that finish it are rarely the ones holding the cards when it’s finally over.

Jews used the tactic of communism against the elite of the early 20th century, who were all white people. At this point, the logical thing is to use that same communist system against the current elite, who are all Jews.

That is why I think we should aggressively endorse and support all forms of communism.

To be clear, I’m not talking about any kind of “nationalistic communism” or Nazbol. I’m talking about the current push for communism all over the Western world, which is coming in under the guise of “progressivism” and “socialism.”

Instead of fighting against the current, we should embrace the mainstream push for communism, and escalate it into a full-on Bolshevist-type revolution.

I have no idea how that will turn out. No one does. And that is the fun of it.

But how could things get any worse simply because all rich people (Jews, mainly) and millions of other random people were killed in an unfathomably violent communist revolution?

It’s a serious question which begs for a serious answer, and the serious answer is that obviously, it couldn’t be any worse.

Firstly, all of the faggot soyboys pushing for communism are going to die in the first wave. None of these people are ready for the bloody mayhem of a total revolution.

Do you think a bunch of trannies and heroin junkies are going to be able to deal with a situation in which people get dragged out of their homes and shot in the street on a civilization-wide scale?

Of course not.

And whomever grabs power during the first stage of the revolution will order all trannies and junkies to be sent to camps or killed, because they will be dragging down the rest of the workers as people struggle to eat after all of the production and infrastructure is shut down because all the people who ran it before have been killed.

All of the weak will die in this upcoming series of communist revolutions.


Literally every antifa I’ve ever seen has been:

* A fat lad
* An emaciated drug user
* A tranny, or
* A woman

But we have to support them, because they are the first wave of the revolution. The complete useful idiots who have literally no idea what kind of hell they are about to bring down on themselves when the communist revolution finally starts rolling at breakneck speed.
There are going to be jacked dudes in flip-flops, sports shorts and bandanas piling up bodies to burn them in the wreckage of totally burned-out suburbs.

This is going to be no place for a fat lad or a tranny, I can tell you that much.

So basically, we need to keep agreeing and amplifying the message of the current brand of communists, and calling them cucks for not pushing further with it.

Because antifa is being used to attack right-wingers and Trump supporters, they’re getting massive amounts of money poured into their thing by the government and Jews. It’s the perfect situation.

We also need to whip people up into a frenzy accusing communist – oh sorry, “socialist” – politicians of betraying the revolution. The way that this “purity spiraling” phenomenon has already taken over the left is incredible, and it is already out of their control. They obviously don’t want the Democrat Party rallying around Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez – they are trying to push them back into neo-liberal Joe Biden’s Jewish ranch complex – but they can’t seem to control it, because the revolutionary urge is too powerful.

There is no clear path to a white racial revolution. You can’t force a meme when white people in general don’t want anything to do with it. But this is no obstacle. The important thing is that there is a revolution, and it is easiest to use the existing revolutionary zeitgeist, which – quite conveniently – is communism.

Once the revolution is finished, a white power state will be established.

Or who knows? Maybe it won’t.

No one knows.

Look: I’m not going to pretend that inciting a communist revolution isn’t a Hail Mary play.

But I can’t see anything other than a white power state resulting from it. What are the other options even? Besides literally everyone starving to death, I mean?

Surely, when there’s mass starvation and a cleansing of the useless eaters, all nonwhite groups are going to be declared undesirables and enemies of the socialist people’s revolution. They’re not going to be contributing to the revolution after the second wave. It will be a matter of necessity that in order to maintain the revolution, racial minorities be cleansed.

Racial minorities are always cleansed in the second wave.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Just like Jeremy Bentham, who we discussed previously, Karl Marx (1818 -1883) was yet another promoted, made man and lifetime actor. Like Bentham, there is no other way to analyze him other than personality, actions and personal life history, which appears Sabbatean and/or Luciferian.

The Marx persona was convoluted, twisted and chameleon-like, as if someone wrote a script and tried to bury any aspects that didn’t fit the contrived narrative. Incredibly, Marx is held in relatively high esteem around the world. Why?

His ideological socialist rival, Mikhail Bakunin, got the big picture about Marx in spades. Once again, we see the familiar pattern of an elite group putting forth pseudo-philosophies designed to enslave the general population so that they can be lorded over and looted bywhat some call “oligarchs.” We call them “kleptocrats” or the Crime Syndicate.
So Marx’s role was to use workers as “useful idiots” and blind tools, which they hoped to be able to manipulate. To carry on with their conspiracy in the name of the working class, they had to cultivate and shape all sorts of communist and socialist utopias. Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth in which fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme.
“The Communist Manifesto” published in London was probably largely ghost-written. It was a hodgepodge of previous thinking. Marx only further developed the ideas of Illuminist leaders Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt. He cut and pasted the words of Utopian communist and Illuminati Francois Noel Babeuf (1760-1797) to show the way to the socialist (Illuminist) revolution.

For the record, I now believe the Illuminists were defacto Sabbeatean Frankists. Although the term “Illuminati” is useful, it’s a bit of a deflection.

LorsCarbonferrite #conspiracy

Yeah, basically. I think there are two broad categories of people that push for this type of "diversity": The true Believers, and the Eroders.

The true Believers are the ones that actually believe the shit that they push. They actually think that they're helping making a more equitable society and are making the world a better place. This is probably the larger chunk of the people involved, and they are basically just useful idiots for the second category. They don't care about any issues that straight hwhite men might face (or gay white men at this point), because the Eroders have told them they shouldn't.

The Eroders are only concerned with eroding the current social order and/or disrupting the current power structure so they can claim more power for themselves and their allies. These are commonly the leaders and organizers of these movements. They don't actually care about others, but know that other people do, so they pretend to be these virtuous paragons fighting oppression, meanwhile they quietly (or sometimes not so quietly) sequester more and more power for themselves. This is why there seems to be a treadmill of oppressed groups (and why you get shit like a trans suicide hotline that is never staffed/staffed by people that had almost no training while its organizers use the donations intended to support it to fund a lavish lifestyle); it's because the Eroders use various groups as an excuse to get more power, and just kick them to the curb whenever their utility has failed. This is why gay white men and white women are currently shifting to being in the oppressor group, rather than the oppressed group as they were not too long ago. My guess is that the next designated oppressor will be white trans people, but it could also be a non-white group if society as a whole considers white people to have lost enough power. Whites are currently being gone after because the Eroders have successfully convinced society that western society is strongly white supremacist. If this idea stops being tenable to society and the Eroders haven't yet amassed enough power to just ignore whatever society says, then I think they'll move on to some other group. I don't think they truly hate white people, I think they just want the power to be gained by designating them as some grand enemy.

CertifiedRabbi #racist

[Commenting on the thread "A half-million Brazilians, in southern brazil the whitest area of Brazil, want to break away and form a new country. Is this the future of the USA?"]

If White people tried to do the same thing in America, the U.S. government would do everything possible to stop them. First they'd wage the largest psyops campaign in American history, and then they'd eventually resort to sending in the military if they had to. They think that the debate over the legality of secession was permanently solved after the North won the Civil War.

And despite the egalitarian and anti-White rhetoric from the Left, deep down they know that America's success and prosperity is mostly based on White Americans. They know that if White Americans decided to scramble for the nearest lifeboats and row away from a sinking majority-minority America, then that would cause America to eventually become a borderline 3rd world cesspit like Brazil.

Modern White people essentially serve as human piggy banks and as tax slaves in racially diverse societies - from South Africa to the USA, and everywhere in-between. That's why they're not going to let us escape without a fight because we're the primary source of their livelihoods.

One of my biggest fears is that the (((globalist elites))) that are in control of the American Left will exploit the forbidden knowledge of scientific racism and replace us with high-IQ non-Whites (and it seems like they already exploited this forbidden knowledge when they realized that they could get competent, high-IQ cheap labor from China and Taiwan). Even though they pretend that all racial groups are inherently equal, and even though they constantly attack we in the Alt-Right for daring to bring up racial IQ differences, deep down they know that the scientific data and the truth is on our side. We saw hints of this with the recently leaked emails from (((John Podesta))).

And even though Robert Putnam's work suggests that an ideal society would be comprised of an ethnically homogeneous high-IQ population, replacing White Americans with high-IQ non-Whites would allow them to still maintain a relatively successful society. However, it seems like the powers that be in America aren't that clever, or perhaps they're so obsessed with destroying the White majority in this country that they simply don't care if they have to turn American into Brazil in order to accomplish that goal.

There's also the possibility that redpilled Jews like Podesta don't have complete control over our immigration system but are instead just trying to influence it as much as possible. They probably want to flood America with high-IQ non-Whites (and ideally for Jews, Muslims would be mostly excluded), but the egalitarian true believers that the Jews helped to mold still have significant sway when it comes to deciding who gets to come into our country. And these goyim useful idiots pretend that they don't see a difference between Japanese engineers, Amerind/Mestizo illegal immigrants, and Sunni Afghans.

If the demographics of the immigrants that are flooding into America (over 2 million annually) switch from being mostly "Hispanic" to mostly Asian, that will be a sign that the scientific racism championed by the Alt-Right is starting to steer our immigration policies. And we're already starting to see signs of that since I've read several news articles about Asians being projected to eventually overtake Hispanics when it comes to immigration into America.

Likewise, if we see a major push towards greatly increasing the number of H1-B visas and a crackdown on illegal immigration, that will be another significant hint that our ideas about racial IQ differences are starting to influence the powers that be. And that will also be a major hint that Jews are taking the White Nationalism out of scientific racism and using it to advance their interests.

But anywho, to finally get back to the main topic of this article; secessionist movements may very well be the most practical step for our race to take next. I know that people within our movement don't want to cede territory, but hopefully the act of secession itself will provide the ecosystem to create a new generation of more militant White Nationalists who will then be able to reclaim our lands. Right now most White people simply don't have the necessary zeal needed to support mass deportations.

Christian Clarity Review #fundie

Oxfam is consistently anti-Israel ( by decrying the “human cost” of Israel protecting itself as siding with “Palestinians” ), pro-Hugo Chavez and nothing more than a socialist platform in the guise of a “Charity” that seeks to place a thought police of its own agenda in the US government and all of Europe. At best it is filled with useful idiots who seek to do good only to to lead by Satanic liars who seek the overthrow of all Republics under a banner of “peace and brotherhood –our way” accompanied by photos and media kits filled variously with people crying in emotional pain in the absence of Oxfam’s policies or smiling after Oxfam has arrived.

All that based exclusively on the lie of free will and the supposed universality/god-powers of non-creating speech and its common sense. The seminaries are infiltrated to specifically preach the lie of free will to make it seem religious duty to “do charity” explicitly as Oxfam and others perform it as “earning heaven”. Yet there is no earning of heaven at all.

So before you rush to buy bees for a poor farmer, a water pump for a village, etc under the auspices of Oxfam as a supposed clearinghouse of such gifts and merchant exchange in a supposed ‘ethical market’ , know very plainly that Oxfam is an anti-Christian /anti-Jesus Christ socialist propaganda tool being empowered by your use of their services as a supposed alternative to Jesus Christ that is being used against you.

Stan Solomon #fundie

The left, which is godless and serves Satan, has an agenda. To accomplish their agenda they have to get idiots, morons, numbnuts to do stupid things so the focus will be on them and not on the libs, not on the leftists. Jews, homosexuals, blacks, gays, Islamists, you may think they’re disparate groups, they’re not, they’re all tools. Because while we’re mad at these two punks, we’re mad at Trayvon Martin, that thug that deserves to be dead and I’m glad he’s dead.

Pieces of crap, homosexuals like what’s that one guy’s name? [Dan] Savage. That faggot. That horrible, awful, terrible excuse for a human being who is at the White House promoting attacks on Christians. I hope he dies — he probably will — of every disease known. By the way, I’m sending him a fire hydrant for his birthday, I’m hoping he’ll sit on it; he’ll slide all the way down to the ground. Sorry fire hydrant fans, I don’t mean to insult fire hydrants.

At any rate, do you understand what I’m saying here? These groups are being recruited. Environmentalists, nuclear freeze, it doesn’t make a difference what group it is. If you put anything ahead of doing what’s right in God’s eyes, or better yet ignoring the reality of God, then you’re a tool, you’re a useful idiot.

Rev. Austin Miles #conspiracy

Obama is not clinically insane but has been specifically programmed by his Communist handlers along with his Muslim allies to take America over the cliff. He is not dumb but a very useful idiot for the Communist Party ( Josef Stalin's description for those who help his cause). Obama is totally controlled as an authentic Manchurian Candidate.

Obama's importance to The Party is that he is the one tool created by the Communist Party to destroy America, the last country standing in the way of a Marxist-led One World Order. He was the handpicked candidate to bringing America down. This is precisely why he is he so important in history and remains so calm and poised in all situations.

Obama and the Party have conducted many rehearsals to prepare for the take-over which will be accomplished in the early part of November 2016. The first rehearsal was when the Communists and Muslims, who had deftly shoehorned their way into government offices by deceit and voter fraud, put him the Oval Office. He would not show his birth certificate, or any information about his real identity including his educational records which shows conclusively that he was here on a foreign student visa. All of that was sealed. With enough supportive power from those who had been slipped into government, all remained silent.

The rehearsal was to determine if the Congress, Senate, Speaker of The House or Sgt. At-Arms would have him removed. Those spineless jelly fish sat quietly with no questions or hearings.

The next rehearsal was to see if Obama could make Marxist statements with his exact intentions with no push back reaction. Check: Rehearsal Went Well.

The final rehearsal will be the early part of November, 2016 when Obama intends to use Executive Order to declare himself president (dictator) for life.

The current powerful push to take guns away from all citizens is underway. This way the citizens can no longer defend their family's homes and property from armed invaders.

An Associated Press story today (5/10/15) has the headline: "Hundreds Rally for Gun Control" which is set in New York City. Leaders say it is absolutely necessary, that guns be outlawed. To do so now, they say, will protect us all from mass-killings (Columbine Aurora Theater, Connecticut School, Stockton, etc.) Yes, Outlawing gun ownership will stop this madness. Really?

This would mean that the only people who would have guns would be the murderers, thieves and dictators. There is no way they would obey the law to turn in their guns. What an advantage this would offer them! Then we would really be fish in a barrel.

And who is pushing this gun grab in New York? It is New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is a known active communist who is fanning the flames of racial tension to divide America and has worked against the police.

First of all, I am convinced that these mass killings were purposely orchestrated for this very purpose, to disarm all Americans to retard resistance. Notice how the mentally ill (or just disturbed) perpetrated these shootings. They could easily be brainwashed into carrying out such deeds that would prove a point about private gun ownership and the threat to all families as a result. Then when Obama makes his move in 2016, he can waltz to the throne with no push back.

Roosh #fundie

I’ve had a front-row seat in the culture war for over a decade, but I haven’t made any big policy declarations like other movements. Men’s rights activists their “family law reform” platform. The MGTOW group has “legalize prostitution and invent realistic sex bots.” The alt right has “white ethno-state.” The alt lite has “civic nationalism.” When it comes to policy, I’ve been quiet, solely focusing on fostering truth and masculinity. Only now am I ready to make the commitment to a policy platform which nips the essential problem in the bud in a way that other movements do not. We must repeal women’s suffrage, starting with the 19th Amendment in the United States. Once this is accomplished, no other planned or conscious action must be taken to solve nearly all our societal ills.


Today’s problems are all branches of a radical leftist root that has been normalized through feminism, social justice, and socialism. Allowing women to vote has made it effortless to elect leftist politicians who hate the family unit, men, and healthy market competition, while simultaneously weakening society by pushing women into work and giving them generous welfare in the form of handouts to single moms and the able-bodied along with make-work jobs for females in bloated government bureaucracies.

Thanks to leftism, we have seen the rise of a techno-matriarchy with an agenda of male disempowerment and persecution that transfers resources and soft power from men to women while solidifying hard power among elite globalists who control it all to uphold their own high-level aims. Individual globalists work together as an oligarchy to enact a divide-and-conquer strategy among races and sexes to fund leftist causes, politicians, and NGOs. The group with the most money to influence “democratic” politics and public opinion implants their useful idiots and political puppets to maintain control.

These puppets, whether on the “right” or “left,” have a true center on the left end of the spectrum for the sheer reason that votes from women must be gained. The manosphere cannon has shown that women have special mental faculties that operate almost exclusively on emotion, submission, and social conflict more than logic, dominance, and merit. Western countries have transformed into a national representation of the female psyche.


To appease female voters and their destructive nature of promiscuity and drama, a symptom of which is collectively propelling a book about a woman being brutally dominated by a man (50 Shades Of Grey) to one of the best selling books of all time, society has veered so far to the left that it is crumbling at its base through declining birth rates and collapse of the family unit. Because we have given women suffrage, it has become necessary to gain their votes by promising whatever they want in the moment, including the removal of all gates to the sexual market so they can engage in the great game of “alpha male hunting,” which has led to such unbridled chaos and sterility that we have to import third-world people as these empowered female voters abort nearly 60 million American babies. The demographic crisis the West faces today is primarily due to allowing women to do as they please instead of imposing healthy standards on their behavior and choices. The direct cause of this horror movie is giving women the vote.

I haven’t even touched the surface of the problems we have today that stem from having to appeal to the female vote: lowering of academic standards in universities to allow them to “excel,” promotion of degeneracy in media, invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys, promotion of sex change operations among children, re-defining fat women as “beautiful at any size,” legalization of gay marriage, use of murder (abortion) as birth control, maligning normal masculinity as “toxic masculinity,” and elevation of damaging myths such as “rape culture” and the “wage gap” to foment gender fear and confusion. The culture has degraded because women have been at the forefront of degrading it. Their true nature, once unimpaired by societal limits, embarks on an tragic mission of destruction to recreate reality in a way to make them appear more attractive to high status men, no matter the consequence.

The problems I mentioned above would take thousands of local and Federal laws to address individually, and it would meet intense opposition from globalists who would fund the sort of antifascist protests and Deep State interference that we have seen thwarting Donald Trump. And even if those thousands of laws are passed, there is no guarantee that a renewed leftward push, thanks to ongoing demographic changes, wouldn’t roll them back. Is there a way to solve the problems while being assured that they couldn’t be repealed over the course of several generations? I’ve thought about this dilemma for years, after scratching the surface with previous thought experiments, and can only come to one conclusion: the problems in society can only be solved, and remain solved beyond one generation, by repealing women’s suffrage.


Take away the power of women to vote, and the degradation stops. The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics, would offer no barrier in stopping the return to patriarchal normalcy. Women, helpless at enacting political change, would just whine and nag endlessly, and when they tire themselves out, they’d complete their protest by buying dildos or cats. Consider that no Democratic candidate for President since Jimmy Carter would have likely won if women were not allowed to vote. Upon repeal of women’s suffrage, a new party to the right of Republicans would be created as conservative men seek true conservatism and tradition.

Remove a woman’s right to vote and within just one national election, every single leftist party would be crushed. Within two elections, politicians would speak directly to men and their innate interest for patriarchy, economic success, stable families, and an equitable distribution of females among society. More than half of the candidates running for office would already be more conservative than Donald Trump, who is still liberal on social issues like equality and gay marriage.

Within three elections, the entirely of the liberal platform of the past 50 years would be rolled back, and the only living audience a woman can gain for her political opinions is from her feline friends. Within four elections, the global elite would be forced to retrench while sitting on billions of capital with no direct path of influence except sponsoring color revolutions and coups that can be defeated in the name of patriotic national defense. By then, the power of NGOs, media outlets, and day care universities will have declined. Within five elections, cultural standards would have tamed the sexual marketplace, and birth rates would rise once more as both women and men see the incentive in spending their free time building families instead of endlessly trying to secure a sex partner for the fleeting moment.

Repealing women’s suffrage would also diminish other dissident movements whose solutions can only bring temporary success as long as women have the right to vote. Men will automatically push laws that account for men’s rights. They will automatically regulate the sexual marketplace to make it more fair, diminishing MGTOW. They will automatically regulate immigration and replace it with a policy of natalism, diminishing the alt right. And they will automatically have high standards for citizenship, diminishing the alt lite.

Even the concept of masculinity will be built into the crust of society where only men have a political voice and not women. My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote. There will be no need for counter-cultural movements of men when those in charge of national politics only need to cater to male votes. If women’s suffrage is repealed, the most reviled dissident today would even be able to easily attain political office.


It should be clear to you that women will always use their votes to destroy themselves and their nations, to invite invaders with open legs, to persecute their own men, and to ravage their economies with socialism. Because they don’t operate on logic like men do, you will always have this destructive element within the political ranks of your nation as long as women have the right to vote. Giving them this right was a terrible mistake. I can now claim to have one political dream, and that is to repeal women’s suffrage. I will vote only for politicians who put me closer to realizing this necessary reality. Within my lifetime, I’m certain that at least one country, in an attempt to save itself, will elevate a barbarous and ferocious strongman to fulfill this task, and he will have my full support, because repealing women’s suffrage is the only issue of our day that can single-handedly solve all the others.

Andre Vltchek #fundie

Korea – Unification, but Does Not have to be ‘German Style’

It is strange that when you come from the south, near to the DMZ (De-militarized zone, which divides Korea into two parts), you will see many flags and sentimental ‘peace’ slogans, but nothing that would represent the points of view of the North Korean people. All the flags are those of ROC (Republic of Korea, otherwise known as South Korea).

Many people near the division line have turned this entire area into a tourist trap, with observation towers ‘to get a glimpse of North Korea’, with stores selling ROK and US military ‘souvenirs’, even old military gear. As if North Koreans were some rare animals living in a cage, fascinating to study and to observe, but dangerous to touch.

Yes, all flags here are those of the ROK. Even if the two flags are crossed, in what should be a fraternal symbolic unison, they are always two identical ones – those of South Korea. This looks truly bizarre, but that’s how it is.

Something always seems to be desperately missing in this South Korean ‘strive for peace’ and for the re-united Korea. And what is missing is somehow totally basic: it is at least some essential symbolism from the north – the DPRK!

I know both parts of Korea – DPRK and ROK. And what worries me, is that it looks as if the South thinks it can pull this entire ‘businesses of unification’, alone, without considering the needs and desires of the other side.

And the West takes it for granted that the North will be, eventually, simply swallowed by the South. Because it is used to get what it wants. Because in its fundamentalist zeal, it is not even capable of considering the sensitivities and goals of other political, philosophical and social systems.

The plan of both the West and South Korea is simple, although it is mostly never clearly defined, for ‘strategic reasons’: ‘Once the moment of potential unification arrives, the DPRK would simply cease to exist, as East Germany ceased to exist three decades ago. Right after that, the entire Korea would be run on capitalist principles, under the ‘patronage’ and diktat of the West.’

And both the people and the leadership of North Korea will just fall on their knees and surrender, after the masses break down the border fences with their bare hands. Ordinary people will happily renounce their system, as well as the several decades of determined struggle and sacrifice. Everything will be thrown to the altar of mighty South Korean corporations and the pro-Western regime. Correct? Keep dreaming!

Korea is not Germany. And the second decade of the 21st century is very different from those bizarre, confused years when Gorbachev brilliantly demonstrated to the world, how much damage one naïve and useful idiot could cause to his own country and the entire planet.

The truth is – North Korea will never disintegrate the way East Germany did for many reasons, one of them being that, German history is very different: Germany was divided between 4 victorious powers after WWII. The Western part did not necessarily want to be capitalist and pro-Western (US and UK forged the post-war elections), and the East did not necessarily want to be in the Soviet orbit, either. Let’s be honest: the entire country was, just a bit earlier, running amok, shouting bizarre slogans and salivating under swastikas, maniacally admiring a murderous psychopath.

No, North Korea was not and is not East Germany! It was not ‘designated’ to any bloc. It fought a tremendous battle for its own system; it lost millions of its people during the brutal war, or call it genocide, committed by the West. And in the end, after receiving fraternal help from China, it finally won.

Since the beginning, the DPRK was an internationalist country, very much like Cuba. Not yet fully recovered from horrific devastation, it helped to liberate great parts of Africa.

It always knew what it wanted, it fought for it andin the end, it achieved many of its goals!

It never crumbled under sanctions and the combined propaganda of the ROK and its Western backers.

Even after the Soviet Bloc collapsed, it did not change its course.

It is an amazing country, no matter what some people think about its political system. And North Koreans are amazing people (I was privileged to film there, for my ‘poetic’ 25-minute film “Faces of North Korea”). They will not sell their ideals for bigger cars and a pair of designer jeans.Just like for Cuba, the North Korean motherland is not some commodity.

Then also imagine China and Russia, how ‘ecstatic’ both countries (increasingly under threat from the West) would be, if the entire Korea were to fall into North American hands. Imagine those military bases intimidating Herbin, Dalian, Beijing, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok!

South Korea suspects that the North will not yield.

They have tried everything: erecting enormous propaganda palaces like that infamous “War Museum” in Seoul.

They broadcasted their propaganda sermons via radio stations, even huge loudspeakers, placing them right near the division line. They joined efforts with the West, trying to isolate, even starve, their own sister in the north. Nothing helped.

ROK used to censor the press, disappear and murder its own dissidents, torture and rape political prisoners. All that, just in order to break any sympathy left for Communist ideals in the South.The South Korean campaign of terror was horrible, only comparable to those in South America under the right-wing dictatorships, and of course to that in post-1965 Indonesia.

Seoul never really apologized to the victims. Unlike in Taiwan, no monuments or museums were erected to the fatalities of the right-wing terror.

Trying to ‘soften’the DPRK by sanctions, arms race, and intimidation, has not brought any fruits. And it never will. Just the opposite: North Korea managed to harden itself; to mobilize and learn to produce basically everything: from automobiles to rockets, from computers to cutting edge medical equipment and medicine.

The only way for the two parts of Korea to find a common language is to show to each other deep respect.The German scenario would not, and, never should work here.

Both flags have to fly next to each other. Both political and economic systems have to be respected. When talking about unification, both ‘ways’ should be considered.

If South Korea were to ‘devour’ the North, nothing good would come from it:only more tension, discontent and possible confrontation. The North is a proud land. It has achieved plenty, alone. It has survived, against all the odds. It has helped oppressed parts of the world, honestly and generously. It has much to be proud of.Therefore, it will never surrender.

Yet, Korea is one nation and it is longing for unity. It will get it, but first: the ‘two sisters’, both beautiful, both brilliant, both very different, have to sit together and talk honestly and sincerely. They have done it before, and they will do it again. Both, together, are forming a family. But they cannot live together in one room. Not yet. In one house, yes, but in two different apartments.

And when they talk and try to build their home, again, there should be no interference from outside. They don’t need anybody to tell them what to do. They know, they will find a common language if left alone. It is all possible, and hopefully, soon, it will happen. But not the ‘German way’; it will either happen the ‘Korean way’, or not at all.


It should be no surprise in the present political climate that many are calling for the banning of the Confederate Flag and all Confederate monuments. Why? Well, but of course, these all symbolize racism. NASCAR driver Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr. is even calling for NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag from all NASCAR events and promotions. The U.S. Navy is seeking a ban as well.

So, let’s think about this. If the Confederate flag represents racism, and the Northern states defeated the Confederacy in the civil war, why are people burning Old Glory? Answer: eliminating the Confederate flag from memory results in the question no longer being begged; eliminating the Confederate flag is an important first step in eliminating the Union flag and what it symbolizes. They are seeking to eliminate the historical antithesis that defines what America is all about: freedom and justice for ALL.

The real beef is with the concept of self-rule despised by Socialism. The people decide what liberty and justice for all means, not the government. Americans, especially young ones always looking for something new (not that Socialism is new) are easily deceived by such notions. Why? They think Socialism will just tweak some negative things existing in our representative republic. Per human history over and over and over again, the useful idiots that partake in the transformation are shocked by the results. The transformation of America would not result in a better America, but the elimination of the American idea altogether. Trust me, liberty and justice for all according to America is much different than liberty and justice for all according to Socialism.

In the quest to eliminate American self-rule, it is critical that American history is eliminated. The Confederate flag is an important reminder that America fought a brutal war to end slavery. The Obamas, as a family, have been very vocal regarding their disdain for the Confederate flag. Malia Obama ripped the Confederate flag from a protestor’s hands in Chicago. Full stop: on the other hand, at a ceremony where the American (Union) flag was a central focus, Michelle Obama was caught whispering to Barak, “All this for a damn flag.”

Question: if liberals successfully transform this country, do you really think there will be no flag? At least the old liberals of the 60s were honest and waved communist flags; we are now pining away in wishing for their return.

Here is the thing about chaos that has been foisted upon the American public recently: it skews the obvious. Um, remember the freedom of speech thing? Now we have the epitome of middle American patriotism like Bubba Wallace calling for the elimination of the Confederate flag? Really, Malia Obama ripping the Confederate flag from the hands of a protestor should say all that needs to be said. With leftists, any speech they disagree with is the proverbial yelling of “fire!” in a movie theater. It is the dangerous act of thinking mankind can be free without destroying the world.

With all of this said, I believe, like many, that the Confederate flag has come to represent American audacity and boldness rather than slavery. Secession from the Union was a bold move border-lining on the berserk. Keep in mind, with many Southerners, slavery wasn’t the issue per se, but the idea that the government was trying to tell them how they could live their lives. Be sure of this: that is closer to why the Confederate flag is prevalent in venues like NASCAR. It’s the idea of courage and the freedom to drive 185 MPH while 3 feet away from another car if I damn-well want to. Bubba needs to sit back and drink a few cold ones while thinking about these things.

I highly recommend a Confederate flag movement. If it survives, it’s a line of defense against what the leftists are really seeking to destroy; Old Glory, and everything it represents.

But meanwhile, we could use some good old fashioned American defiance that the Confederate flag represents rather than the submission to leftist ideas being sought.


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