Aaaaand… when absolutely nothing happens in terms of women being murdered, because the vast, vast majority of gang members and other career criminals aren’t exactly known for their lack of sexual partners, for one reason or the other, while the similarly overwhelmingly vast majority of domestic abusers (the most likely type of male criminals to kill women, by far) aren’t virgins by the very definition?
Sigh… I've already hinted at my feelings about this annoying trope here, but this reminds me just how much I'm tired of this "the quiet kid is the real monster" bullshit, and how much I seriously want this trope to die in all of its versions. Like, OK, I can see why people believe it, why they are trying to keep it alive, etc. It's got that comforting, balancing aura where it offers to let you believe that the roles will just automatically reverse themselves, and everything will be OK for everyone, no matter how unlikely.
Sorry, but the fact is, that's not how the world works. The type of people who would kill and/or injure someone are almost never able to hide it. They may be able mask it just long enough to charm someone they want, but in the vast majority of cases, murderes, rapists, robbers, and other violent criminals, are exactly as violent and aggressive in person as you'd expect, with said violent impulses almost always correlating with more impulsive behaviour in general, which almost always means more sex than average.
And that's not even getting into how much virginity is positively correlated with various mental ilnesses, which is another trait which, contrary to bullshit media tropes, makes you more likely to be a victim of violence, rather than the perpetrator of it.
TLDR, you're a douchebag who has no idea what he's talking about.
@Timjer #105029
How in the world does anyone come to the conclusion that rounding up all virgins would make the world “safe”?
By being completely hooked-up on the bullshit fictional trope of the unassuming, quiet, likely-virgin and weird kid being the true threat all along, because the reality in which the vast majority of violent criminals are actually completely stereotypical, life-long violent and aggressive thugs (whose more-impulsive-than-average behaviour almost always includes having more sex than the ordinary person) is too boring for them.