
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie #sexist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Feminism is being used by the NWO/CIA/Pentagon/etc. as a military psychological weapon to control society

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

[link to famguardian.org]

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

Message To All so-called Patriot Americans: You Can't Handle The Truth

1. Current US child support laws were actually invented in the former communist Soviet Union.

2. Current child support laws are communist infiltrations into the united states of America.

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

Amerika the 4th Reich:


First thing communist countries do is put the women to work to take over the family unit. Increasing the workforce decreases wages - Economy101 - basic simple concepts of supply and demand. Women in the workforce doubled the workforce which decreased wages - (which was deceptively hidden thru deflation/the devaluing of the dollar).

(example: Let's say I own a factory. I have 500 employees knocking on my door everyday looking for work; I can then decrease wages and say, "If you don't like it there's the door. I have 500 ppl knocking on my door everyday looking for work." On the other hand, if I cannot find enough ppl to work in my factory, I would have to increase wages (if I can still make a profit.)
Read again from top now and Continue)...

That is why in the 1950's, the avg. American family lived fine on one income but today the avg. American family needs two incomes just to get by. Women in the workforce; feminism, just created more Taxpaying Slaves for The State resulting in the enslavement of the average American family unit.

Feminists are being used ... they have complained about power control freak men, husbands ... only to have it replaced by a Power-Control-Freak Totalitarian Police STATE. Create a (so-called) problem just to justify the excuse for more power to solve it is the oldest Dictator ploy in the book.

Either Fathers own their children or the STATE OWNS the children. Law of the Jungle; women look for the best Provider -- when the best Provider becomes the STATE (i.e. the Welfare State), she then marries (into) the STATE and now the STATE OWNS her children.

"Who owns the youth owns the future!" - Adolf Hitler ... thus the US Dept. of (in)Human(e) Services; Division of Family Destruction. Either the man/husband/father is the Head of His Household ... or the STATE is the HEAD of your Household! Attack the Family Unit = weaken society ... thus more STATE CONTROL. Cut the Head (man of the household) out - thus more STATE CONTROL = own the children thus more STATE CONTROL - breed ignorant society thus more STATE CONTROL.

Feminism = weaker men; weaker men = LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE CONTROL.
Patriarchy = Men own their wives ... it's called a family unit ... it's called morality.

Feminism/matriarchy = everyone having sex with each others' women while still remaining "friends" like a bunch of ANIMALS! Feminism/matriarchy = village = socialism = tribalism = lowest form of civilization = NO SURPLUS = Deficit = Slavery.

Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency = prosperity = Individual Rights = opposite of socialism = Surplus = free time for great works/inventions ... i.e. immigrants who come here and prosper come from patriarchal family structures because Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency.

Name me one time when Government Sponsored Propaganda was not Totalitarian in Nature. Feminism is Government Sponsored Propaganda - to weaken society; weaken the family unit; weaken it's men ... for more STATE CONTROL.

Multiculturalism = everyone different (immigrants not "Americanized") = NO UNITY amongst society = Divide & Conquer/LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE CONTROL.
Homosexuality + abortion = population control.

Population control techniques deployed at Americans + allowing more illegal immigrants into the country = higher % (of society) of a working slave force - cheap labor.

Racial Eugenics in AmeriKa:
The #1 Group to benefit from Affirmative Action are white women (thus) they are using mathematics to keep a large percentage of minority men DOWN
"He who rules mathematics rules the Universe"
This is the mathematics of racial eugenics.
This is the mathematics of the New World Order.

AmeriKa Today has 1/3 of the entire world's prison population and 78% of Amerikan prisoners are black men, and that is not even counting latino men.
If these black men were all let out of jail, there would not be enough jobs for them all.

The Shadow Government who is truly in Control of AmeriKa, wants and needs all these minority males in jail so that they can give half the good jobs to white women.

I am going to expose this evil to Non-White AmerIka. I am not against white people, I am against the evils of feminism, I am against having all these minority males living horrific lives in jail at the expense of the AmeriKan Feminist WHITE WOMAN.

Even after DNA proves that he is NOT the biological Father, Judges in the US still force thousands of men to pay child support even with the DNA evidence in front of them !!!

Thousands of men in California ALONE are being forced to pay child support AFTER DNA Proves that He is NOT the Biological father:
[link to www.abcnews.go.com]

Not even Saddam Hussein would force a man to pay child support for a child that is NOT his !!!
Feminism is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

"First You Get the Women, Then You've Got the Children, So Follow the Men" -Adolph Hitler

"The `perennial' father is a menace to society and must be treated as such. Like the mental defectives and those afflicted with certain hereditary diseases, he should, after due warning, be rendered incapable of further parentage." -W.J. Ruth. "Population Control For Unemployment." Birth Control Review, Volume XVII, Number 5 (May 1933), page 134.

In the Book of Genesis, when Satan attacked Adam and Eve, he attacked through the weaker vessel: the woman. Just like The STATE is doing today, attacking us through feminism, through the 'woman'. Falsely "empower" the woman for her to make the wrong choices that way to weaken the man to control him. This is how evil attacks man, who was made in the image of God.

In the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh of Egypt decided to kill all the male Israelite infants to weaken the Israelites militarily. This is nothing new. Think about it ! ! !

Statism is Antichrist plain and simple. God should be the King and Head of an individual man, and the man/husband should be the head of his household, not the Anti-Christ STATE.

In this last century alone, governments around the world have killed over 500 million people of their own people. All this government sponsored propaganda about Domestic Violence is just a smoke screen to divert attention from the real abuse: Government Abuse Against It's Own People. This is the real Domestic Violence.

The Bible depicted governments as Beasts; in Daniel and Revelations. Look at old Nazi film; their Armies marching like ants mimicking the Animal Kingdom and therefore subhuman. Individual Freemen become just another cog in the Wheel of the Predator Beast State which becomes the Alpha Male which today IT is doing this through the propaganda of feminism. By feminizing society and thus emasculating it's males for more State Control.

"To disobey tyranny is to obey God." - Thomas Jefferson

Paying child support kills children by Funding/Subsidizing the #1 KILLER of children: single-mother-households:
Children from single-mother households, compared to children of two-parent families where the biological father is present, are more likely to go to prison by 20 times, to commit suicide by 5 times, to have behavioral problems by 20 times, to become rapists by 14 times, to run away by 32 times, to abuse chemical substances by 10 times, to drop out of high school by 9 times, to be seriously abused by 33 times, to be fatally abused by 73 times, to be one tenth as likely to get A's in school, and to [per Lenore Weitzman] have a 72% lower standard of living.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 (1809-1865)

Question to America:

America used to be free. Not anymore. America has turned into Amerika.

Question to America:
1. I steal your car.
2. You take me to Court and the Judge 'gives' me custody of your car.
3. On top of that, the Judge now says you must keep paying the monthly payments, insurance, and overall maintenance of the car.
If you refuse to 'pay', you are labeled/vilified into a lowlife scumbag dirt bag criminal and thrown in jail surrounded by violent criminals.
And to make matters even worse, the government pays/sponsors for a massive government Nazi-like propaganda campaign, brainwashing society, convincing them that if you don't accept/pay for this, with a smile on your face no doubt, that you are than a scumbag dirt bag lowlife 'deadbeat' who belongs in jail surrounded by murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc.

Question to America:
What exactly happened here?
Explain to me what happened here, because this is exactly what they are doing to American Fathers.

If the British had this current System some 200 yrs. ago the American Revolution would have never happened. Benjamin Franklin had like 13 bastard children, he would have ended up in jail as a 'deadbeat' dad.
The rest of our Founding Fathers would have been forced to 'attend' Anger Management Courses.

This US Media Propaganda Machine would have called the Protestors of the Boston Tea Party a bunch of 'nuts' and/or anarchists.

Feminism is a military psychological weapon to feminize/emasculate society for more State Control by weakening the State's Main Competitor: Men

The US Federal Government is the Biggest Deadbeat: $5.7 TRILLION on the National Debt - (financial-future of 'our children').

The STATE Kidnaps children from their Fathers than demand ransom/extortion deceptively called 'child support.'

Maxim of law: The children that belong to the mother are those of slaves and animals. But the children that belong to the Father are those of Freemen.

That is why the Slave Masters used to separate the black slave Father from the black slave mother and child to weaken them to better control them. Divide & Conquer: this is nothing new.
And now they are doing it to men today in Amerika: 2008

Even after DNA proves that he is NOT the biological Father, thousands of men in America are still FORCED to pay this ransom/extortion deceptively called child support even with DNA EVIDENCE PROVING he is NOT the Father:
[link to www.abcnews.go.com]

Why aren't former Enron Execs forced to pay child support to all the familes who lost their money?
Why should Corporations have more rights then Individuals?
The Constitution spoke of Rights of the Individual (not of the rights of Corporations)

Women today can dump their babies off in garbage dumpsters and go to jail, but when they get out of jail (they are than not forced to pay child support)

Women today can dump their babies off in Police Stations and Hospitals and not be prosecuted for it (a new law now) And these women are not forced to pay child support...

Women can also give up their baby to adoption (orphanages)... and not be forced to pay child support. Women can dump THEIR responsibilities...

Why can't men ?

Society today promotes, advocates, and supports homosexuality while at the same time promote, advocate, and fully support destroying heterosexual males with alimony and child support... this is SATANIC !!!

"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle! Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Thomas Paine

All Praise and Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

the Only True God - The Creator of both the Heavens and the Earth in the NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST

Gali Galit, Messianic, Missionary, Scholastic. #fundie quora.com

//Would you choose to burn in Hell forever, if it turns out that God is pure evil, such as because he slaughters children and tortures people forever, or would you bow down and worship him to save yourself from having to suffer the same fate as others?//

Thank you for the A2A.

“he slaughters children and tortures people forever,” you say.

Someone else once asked me a ridiculous question like yours somewhere else. They posted a video of how “bloodthirsty” God is.

The video cited verses where God punished people by death including:

drowning Pharoah’s army in the sea, failing to mention that they repeatedly refused to obey God and sought to enslave Israel again;
destroying 3,000 people when Moses returned from the Holy mountain with the Lord’s commandments, failing to mention that they were worshipping idols and behaving like wild pagans, despite experiencing several miracles of God which resulted in their freedom from enslavement, and who were even given the choice of choosing God or rejecting Him before God destroyed them. Those who rejected Him, despite gaining their freedom by God’s miracles, were rightfully destroyed;
blasphemers being stoned to death, as per Divine Law;
destroying 600 Philistines! (not nearly enough, imo), failing to mention that they were aggressive, warmongering people who physically threatened Israel’s development as a nation for 200 years, and who continue to do so to this day, putting out “Pallywood” videos, playing the victim to the hilt despite their international war crimes, and promising the destruction of Israel and worldwide Jewish genocide.

The video continues attacking God, using several examples from the Book of Judges, failing to mention that the purpose of the Book of Judges is to show to the consequences of disobeying God. The Book of Judges establishes the recurrent pattern of sin that would dominate the time of the judges. By the end of the book, it is clear that Israel violated her covenant with God in almost every possible way. “Charlie” obviously expected that God should ignore His own Divine Laws, ignore the breaking of the Covenant between Himself and Israel, ignore those trying to destroy Israel which He loves, and expecting that God should just sit on His hands in silence. I wonder if “Charlie” expects police and Court judges to do the same when mortal laws are broken.

The video then continues on to attack the Book of 1 Samuel. Israel had a priesthood that was corrupt. Samuel’s sons who served as judges in Beersheba were also corrupt. The people of Israel showed open disdain for the Word of God, and refused to listen to His prophet, Samuel. A remnant of Israel was righteous and longed for the glories of a just monarchy; God granted their desire. He gave them King Saul, however, Saul also ignored the Word of the Lord. The Philistines continued to be a threat to Israel, and they captured the ark of the covenant. But “Charlie” expects that God should accept it all quietly. The video even condemns David killing Goliath!

The video then moved on to attack the Book of 2 Samuel which covers the establishment of the kingdom of Israel. The book emphasizes that God rejected Saul for his disobedience, chose David for the throne, and disciplined David for his pride. The key to David’s successful reign was his relationship with God. God described him as a man after His own heart:

In his youth, David demonstrated his strong faith in God by challenging a giant with only a few stones and his faith in God’s strength to win the battle;
In his adulthood, he continued to rely on God for guidance and strength;
Early in his reign, he demonstrated the importance of his religious convictions to all Israel by bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem in the midst of a lavish celebration before the Lord;
Following that, his eagerness to build a temple for the glory of the Lord was known to all.
David led the Israelites back to the true worship of God.
Even when he sinned, he demonstrated to the people his repentant heart before the living God. David’s religious leadership was the most significant part of his reign.

Through all the national and personal events of His people in order to accomplish His will, God gave David a glimpse of His ultimate will in the promises He gave him, commonly called the Davidic Covenant. In this unconditional Covenant, God promised David an eternal dynasty, an eternal throne, and an eternal kingdom. If the wicked had to die to accomplish that, so be it.

The video then mentions that no number of the dead were available from the Flood, but fails to mention that mankind was so wicked that, among other abominable human behaviour, human women were having relations with demons which resulted in supernatural, wicked, giant offspring:


If God hadn’t wiped out life on Earth when He did, giants would still be part of our population today, if not the only population today, certainly increasing in evil, and would make this sinful world of murder, rape, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, wife-beating, child abuse, liars, thieves, and disease, look like a picnic.

The video also condemed God for the death of all the first-born of Egypt, failing to mention that this Divine judgment was the result of an Egyptian edict that all the first-born of Israel should die, so God turned it around on them. Perfect justice.

The video then moved on to attack Ezekiel 9 where God destroys the wicked, failing to mention that the people were perversely wicked, and that God protected those who cried out to Him for protection, by destroying them.

Then the video moved on to attack the Book of Jeremiah (“the weeping prophet”). Jeremiah’s ministry covered a very critical time in the history of the ancient Middle East. Josiah, the King of Judah, died at the hands of the Egyptian army. The people of Judah lost their freedom and didn’t turn to God, but to idols. This idolatry was the reason for Jeremiah’s proclamations of God’s judgment. “Charlie” obviously didn’t know that idol worship is against God’s Commandments and is punishable by death when violated. The book of Jeremiah includes many difficulties including Nebuchadnezzar defeating Pharoah, Jehoiakim rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar, Jehoiachin replacing Jehoiakim on the throne for a short time, and thousands of political and religions leaders in Babylon. Jerusalem’s walls were eventually breached, Nebuchadnezzar’s army besieged Jerusalem, the temple was burned, along with palaces, houses, and other administrative buildings. To Jeremiah, God was the incomparable God of all creation, was the Lord over nature and history, and He reigned not only over Judah and Israel but over all nations. Jeremiah was very aware of the covenant between God and Israel. The covenant bound Israel to God in a special relationship of love, faithfulness, and hope. But the covenant had two sides: Faithfulness to the Lord and to the covenant would bring blessing; disobedience would result in punishment, destruction, and exile. Finally, Jechonias (called Coniah in Jeremiah 22:24-30) was so evil, there was a special curse pronounced on Jeconiah that affected the throne of David, which in turn affected the rule of Jesus on David’s throne, which could only happen through the genealogy of Mary. The video fails to mention all of this and more.

The video then mocked God, i.e. “God is love, 1 John 4:8,” etc., failing to take into account all that they failed to mention up to this point.

Then it mocks the book of 1 Kings when God chastises Israel, and misses the entire point of the book which is the importance of obedience to God’s law. Naturally, the video disregarded the false religion of the Canaanites, the failures of the Israelites to walk in God’s ways, and only focuses on God’s chastisement which serves as a warning to us. Unfortunately, some of us are just too thick to get it.

Then it moved on to attack the Book of Isaiah which details the prophet’s message of condemnation to the 8th-century Israelites, pronouncing judgment on their immoral and idolatrous lifestyles.

At this point, the video records God “killing” almost one million (1,000,000) people, not including the Flood.

Alas! …

… the video introduces Satan - WHO KILLED ONLY TEN PEOPLE! count ‘em, 10! - and continues to attack God and Scripture by attacking the book of 2 Chronicles.

While Satan holds steady at 10 murders, the video attacks the Book of Acts (obviously believing that God should overlook lying to the Holy Spirit, too).

The video’s pièce de résistance? God kills Jesus.

The video’s conclusion: God killed over 2 million people compared to Satan who killed just 10.

The ignorance about the death of the Christ and the number of murders by Satan is astounding. “Charlie,” - who posted the video to straighten me out - didn’t understand that when Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, their sin was generational without end. Every single person after them was born in sin and even conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5). There are almost 8 billion people on the planet today, and there were billions on the Earth in the last 5,780 years, every single one of them was born in sin, and separated from God because of it. “Charlie” didn’t understand that Satan killed billions of people because of what he did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan is the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world.

Enter The Christ.

“Charlie” didn’t understand that God loves mankind so much that God became incarnate to die for the sins of mankind - including “Charlie” himself - based on God’s own LAW, Leviticus 17:11. “Charlie” didn’t understand that God is a God of integrity Who wouldn’t break His own LAW despite the enormous cost to Him to save sinners from eternal punishment because of what Satan did, and because of man’s endless rebellion against Him now.

As God incarnate, the Christ restored sight to the blind, healed a paralytic, fed 5,000 people by multiplying a minimal amount of food, fed 4,000 people by multiplying a minimal amount of food, turned water into wine, cleansed the lepers, restored hearing to the deaf, healed a man with a withered hand, healed the woman afflicted with a hemorrhage, healed a possessed mute, healed a possessed crippled woman, healed the possessed man in the tombs, restored Peter's ear after it was cut off, cast out demons, calmed a storm, walked on water, raised the dead, suspended the laws of the universe, and performed so many other miracles that if every one of them were written down, the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (John 21:25).

The Jewish leaders hated Him because He claimed to be exactly who He is, the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God (Matthew 26:63-65). The religious Jews (the Pharisees) brought Him to the head of the Roman administration, Pontius Pilate, to sentence Him to death. Pilate found no fault in Him, but to satisfy the huge uprising of people, he sentenced Jesus to flogging. The legal limit for flogging was 40 lashes. The Romans flogged Him so much, and tortured Him in other ways to such an extent, that Scripture says that His appearance was beyond human likeness: Isaiah 52:14. As God in the flesh, He had the power to escape from it anytime He wanted to. But He loves man and wanted to reconcile us to Him, so He endured it. This is just the flogging, which shows a small fraction of what He endured:

After the horrendous beating that disfigured Him beyond human likeness, He was then mocked with a crown of thorns and more, and forced to carry His own heavy wooden cross when all His bones were out of joint: Psalm 22:14.

He was then nailed to a cross to be humiliated, and tortured to death. This link details His physical suffering: frames of physiopathology. This is no small price.

After 3 days, He rose from the dead again, sat at the right hand of the Father in heaven (Luke 22:69), and sent those who accept His sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins, His Holy Spirit to live within us (Ezekiel 36:27; 1 Corinthians 3:16), for several reasons. Not only did God forgive us our sins if we accept the Christ as our Saviour, but He continues to gift Christians in many ways.

People today are as rebellious as ever. They’ve obviously never heard the expression “You can run but you can’t hide.”

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.

Did you know that by 1924 when their caliphate ended, the ideology killed a total of two hundred, seventy million (270,000,000) people? And we didn’t have weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons. All of these people were butchered by the sword. Iran is working on those nuclear weapons now.

Here’s something legitimate to bellyache about:

Terror Attacks - This list is updated daily, and lists every single day all the way back to September 11, 2001. That’s approximately 7,000 consecutive days to date.

You might also want to look up the islamic Eid al-adha festival .


"There is no drop of liquid as loved by Allah more than the liquid of blood." - Muslim cleric Abu Hamza


Christopher, if you think God was harsh in the Old Testament to people who broke His laws, violated His covenant, loved sin and Satan over Him, and chose them over being reconciled to Him, wait until the Christ returns to deal with society throwing God out of everything, and embracing and legalizing everything He forbids and abhors. When the Christ returns, they’re going to experience some serious fecal incontinence.


Thank you again for your A2A.

Father Fortea #fundie catholicexchange.com

Yes, God is present even in hell. There is no place (or being) in which God is not present. God, the Creator of all things, maintains everything in existence and knows everything from all eternity. So demons are not freed from the presence of God even in hell. No matter how far a demon wants to draw away from God, he will always be condemned to be in the presence of God.

Even though God is in hell, the demons do not directly perceive His presence. On the contrary, they feel totally distanced from Him. God permits them to have this sensation so as not to torment them. Nevertheless, there is no place or being that can be outside the reach, sight, or power (i.e., the presence) of God.

Heartiste #fundie gab.ai

Military technology displaces alpha shitlords from service. The more advanced and remote the killing tech, the less need for high T men to wield the weaponry. A black ops room or navy ship decked out with precision targeting systems can be manned by homos and pregnant 90 pound women. Sad!

Paul #fundie forum.myspace.com

My contradiction is that burden of proof is not to prove anything.
It is to prove it does not exist; once it is admitted as a belief.

Let me get the crayolas out! Ill draw a picture for ya.

In the Bible; it states God created everything. God is as real to me; as the keyboard I am typing with. I believe in God.

Your choice is to believe otherwise; yet you can not prove that God does not exist; nor the fact that He created everything.

The burden is not on me because I do not have a problem with believing in God.

I do not have to prove anything to you about God.

What else can be said.

The argument is not forcing you to do anything nor am I.

I am stating what I believe in.

I can show you where it is backed up in the Bible.

Yet the genral population of non -believers do not accept this as evidence.

Well I do not accept science's answers as an explanation of how creation come about.

It does explain the study of something existing; but does not explain how it came into existence.
The Bible does.

To say the Bible is a lie; requires proof.

So the burden is not on those that believe in God.

Best Character Captain Sparrow #fundie answers.yahoo.com

(A question asking what disproves evolution):

Evolution is still a theory it has not been proven right or wrong there is still many questions prior to evolution that don't make sense. DNA and Genes don't fit at all with evoluton because when two come together to make a baby the baby looks EXACTLY like it's parents. Where did the flying birds come from? Where did the fish with gils come from? The land and water? I suppose the dinosaurs came from them too? How did the other monkey get here ( Male/ female)? Also not only do we want to know how everything got here we also want to know how good and evil started? The bible has been proven right. My most favorite scientist Ken Ham toook time to study the Bible and evolution if you don't believe me check below.

(Crazy links snipped)

(Not given) #fundie standforchristmas.com

Americans celebrate Christmas. I find Old Navy/Gap advertising offensive as they list every imposter holiday under the sun as being equivalent to Christmas. It's arrogant and insulting. We won't give our business to this organization anymore!

rebelle_doe@xanga #fundie revelife.com

Advice Needed: How Do I Coexist with Atheists?

I have been a Christian almost all my life and just recently I've been worshiping more than ever. I consult God with just about everything when I remember to. The thing is, I've taken more notice to the atheists and other non-believers around me. Most of which enjoy making rude comments and ask me questions about the Bible that I find difficult to answer.

Being a Christian, I know one is supposed to pray for those non-believers, and I am truly trying, but they make it difficult for me to even care about their well-being.

Does anyone have suggestions for coexisting with atheists?

Caretaker #fundie iljboards.com

Science places their reliance upon facial evidence with abherence to theories of origins, placing their faith in natural phenomenon while rejecting the supernatural. When rejecting God science comes under the dominion of Satan, who is the god of this world, who is a liar and would seek to deceive the very elect.

I too believe in the "Big Bang", for God spoke and "Bang" it happened.

JimG #fundie forums.catholic.com

So what could we do to restore the dignity of marriage?

First, honor the commitment to fidelity and permanence. Make divorce difficult. Require grounds for divorce. Eliminate no-fault divorce. The very fact that it exists vitiates the marriage vows even as they are spoken. Assign and enforce alimony as liquidated damages when one abandons a lifetime commitment.

Make adultery a civil offense with civil penalties, as well as a ground for divorce and alimony.

Limit the availability of contraception. It is contraception, after all, that first broke the link between marriage and children, and ultimately led to children being treated as commodities.

That's a start.

Lainy68 #fundie rr-bb.com

["Why believe in God? Just be good for goodness sake."]

My counter-question is... Why must [they] bring God into the equation if [they] do not believe in him. I am not convinced of their agnostic/atheistic/other views.

little light #fundie christianchat.com

So, if you can't tell by my signature I am a brony.

For those of you who don't know a brony is a male (or female) who is outside the targeted age group (11+) who enjoy the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yes, it sounds weird but don't knock it till ya try it. There's about 10 mil of us.

Anyways, I was confronted today by an atheist who told me that MLP is satanic. I asked him to elaborate and he tells me that the show is satanic because it supports "magic".

Now, we all know God is against magic, correct? But here's the thing - the magic God refers to is witchcraft. Not the magic that can come out of a unicorn's horn. Evidently, he's not getting that saying that magic is magic and there's no way around it. So, I was wondering what you fellow Christians have to say on his opinion.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie #homophobia christiannews.net

Homosexuality practically causes mankind to have sexual lust over everyone and everthing in existence. (Genesis ch.19, Leviticus ch.18-20, Romans ch.1 Jude ch.1) Such immorality hurts children the most. Exposure to homosexuality is a child-abuse, since innocence is children's universal human rights. Jesus cursed those who hurt children. The Westerners got quite lost this century by applying racial equality upon sexual immorality. Racism is an average defect among mankind but the inclination to Sodomy is abnormal even among the pagans. The West should stop forcing Sodomy upon the nations or upon the children; it's so suicidal in every way. Western Liberals are well-dressed savages. The Westerners need to read the Holy Bible to become civilized again and to provide safety to their children. And the Western Church should never submit to the Sodomic atheists. It's a treason against King Jesus. (Revelation ch. 2-3)

Tall Timbers #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[Re Arizona Governor vetoing discriminatory anti-gay bill.]

I don't have any first hand knowledge of the bill, but I don't think there was any reference to homosexuals in it. I do believe the "anti-homosexual" aspect was created by the leftist machinations in our country.

I grew up reading signs on the doors of businesses that said, "No shirt, No shoes, No service", and other signs that said, "We have the right to refuse service". I'm wondering, in this day and age, if a business owner dare refuse service to anyone for any reason?

The governor of Arizona probably made the right choice with the bill that was reported to be written in a very broad way that could lead to all sorts of difficulty. But I do think a business owner should have the right to refuse service as they choose, without any regard to religious beliefs, just as I think I have the right to avoid restaurants where smoking is still allowed. It's about personal liberty.

Mario Diaz #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Two recent reports spark this reflection that America is sinking into darkness. First, in an August 7, 2015, advisory opinion, the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct served notice to any judge with authority to perform marriages who has deeply held religious beliefs that prohibit him or her from participating in a same-sex “marriage” ceremony that they must either violate their conscience or polish their resumé and find a new line of work. Here is what they wrote:

A judge who exercises the authority to perform civil marriages may not refuse to perform same-sex marriages while continuing to perform opposite-sex marriages. A judge may not decline to perform all marriages in order to avoid marrying same-sex couples based on his or her personal, moral, or religious beliefs.

Apparently, “Christians need not apply,” must be the first line of the job description for Ohio judges from now on.

Second, as Todd Starnes of Fox News reported this week, the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice revoked Chaplain David Wells’ volunteer credentials as an ordained minister because he could not sign a document promising he would “not imply or tell LGBTQI juveniles that they are abnormal, deviant, sinful, or that they can or should change their sexual orientation or gender identity.” To reiterate, according to the government of Kentucky, a Christian minister cannot read the passages in the Bible that say homosexual conduct is a sin for they would be in violation of the state’s “sexual orientation” and gender identity policy.

So, Christians need not apply to help young men in prison, either. All in order to appease a few radical homosexual activists and in clear violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. How twisted is that?

We can add judge and prison chaplain to the growing list of professional areas that Christians with a traditional view of marriage are being forced to abandon in the new and improved USA: photographers, wedding caterers, bakers, t-shirt makers, adoption agencies or health care providers, fire chiefs, etc. The list grows daily.

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie #homophobia mpaths.com

A small group of Jewish teens from England came to the Kotel last week. They didn't want to put on tefillin, scorning them, but I pulled just hard enough to get them. They were not at all interested in Judaism, to put it mildly. They were really immature. They had nose rings, their eyebrows were pierced and they had a couple of earrings hanging from their ears. When I saw that one of the boys had a black fingernail I asked him if he hit it with a hammer. He showed me his hands. He had painted the nails dark purple!

"What in the world did you do that for?"

"It's nice. It makes my hands look nice."

"Painted nails, earrings, nose rings...all these are girl's garments!"

"Who said?"

"The Torah says. A man is supposed to dress like a man and a girl like a girl. We want you to take the male role and marry a Jewish girl."

"What's wrong with marrying a boy?"

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with smoking cigarettes?"

"They kill you."

"Cigarettes cause you to die ten years earlier than someone who doesn't smoke. Homosexuals die twenty earlier than normal people! It's a disease."

He almost fell on the floor laughing. "That's insane!"

"Oh, yeah! Search on the internet "homosexual life expectancy" and you will see for yourself.

"Oh, baloney!"

"Okay, I'll make a deal with you. If what I am saying is true, you promise that you will marry only a Jewish girl."

He was so sure that I was making it up that he agreed.

I said, "Okay. I got you! Check it out and if it is like I said, you have to keep your promise and marry a Jewish girl."

Will he change his life from one short conversation? I don't know. But I know that we have to try.

Andy #fundie #homophobia wnd.com

Irishcitizen2013: You are not 'gay'. You have bought the lie which sanitises that which is homosexuality: perversion. You are not 'gay'. In fact I doubt you are happy at all, in your current condition. You are a poof, otherwise known as a "horse's hoof", or poofter; pure and simple (before the sanitisation of your perversion through 'political correctness'). We are loving you by informing you of your error. You are wrong. There is nothing normal about your sexual behaviour (so-called 'orientation') whatsoever. We are loving you by informing you that there is something drastically wrong inside of you. Perhaps a homosexual is called a 'poof' because that is exactly what is going to happen to you if you die in your current condition: God is going to make you go 'poof' into absolute nothingness forever. You have a chance to get it right before you die, before it is too late. We don't want you to perish in that way. Please, heed our loving plea to abandon such reckless rebellion against God Almighty. We we all most assuredly get our just desserts. God bless.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuality ought not be allowed to exist in our country. It should be banned and punished by law, as it used to be a century ago. In many countries it is still a capital offense, as it was in Old Testament Israel. Lesbians and gays ought not be permitted to marry, let alone pastor churches. I am so glad that God's Word and every Bible-preaching Christian will be vindicated in eternity. The days of gay-rights are numbered. Job 20:4-5, “Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth, That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” If I were a king, I'd ban homosexuality! I'd ban abortion! I'd ban gossip! I'd ban booze! I'd ban immodest dress! I'd eradicate television and the internet from existence!

Ray Martinez #fundie scienceblogs.com

Since ALL Atheists accept, defend and promote evolution fanatically, evolution says the Bible (Word of God) is false. Any Christian who agrees with Atheists is deluded and rightfully going to Hell.

Any Christian who denies the concept of design as existing in nature is rightfully going to Hell. Evolution says the concept of design does not exist in nature. Any Christian who agrees with Atheists is a deluded liar, rightfully going to Hell.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Parents plan 'Sex Ed Sit Out' to protest sexualized school curricula and sexualization of children"

(cut-and-pasted from Fox News, link here: http://www.foxnews.com/family/2018/04/12/parents-plan-sex-ed-sit-out-to-protest-sexualized-school-curricula.html)

Public schools have to teach real world issues. If you want to keep your children isolated from the world we live in, then put them in private school. As an educator however, I can say from experience that you are putting your children at a real disadvantage.

Lady Checkmate:
Education is meant to teach children reading, writing, arithmetic, etc., not promote an alt-left agenda that tells children they must decide at 3 if they are male or female and that grown men want to rape them, i.e., sexualizing children should NOT be a part of the curriculum nor should a foolish teacher/educator be allowed to manipulate the curriculum to include the sexualization of children nor promote their twisted "child rape" agenda. "Real world issues", taught in school, DO NOT and SHOULD NOT include sexualizing children. No matter how you word it, it's wrong. And if you're here to promote that (the sexualization of children/child rape), your stay will be brief. You can quote me on that.
Enjoy your day.

I'm a school teacher and I honestly wish that all we had to do is teach our kids the core subjects. Unfortunately, we are often faced with sexual issues because parents such as this woman will not teach their children anything about sex. I know because I had conservatives parents that never taught me about sex or homosexuality or anything like that. I learned by seeing dirty magazines and porn. No one should learn about sex in that way.

Lady Checkmate:
Buddy, you're trying to conflate two different issues. Sex (male and female within a marriage covenant) is natural and should be taught, at the right age. I'm sure mom is teaching her children about natural sex and the marriage covenant, husband and wife, as that's biblical. Anything outside of God's design is sin and abominations and NO, no decent parent (who loves their children) will teach their children to sin, i.e., rebel against God. Homosexuality is a sexual behavior choice and an abomination before God, so no, she is NOT teaching her children to sin. Stop your troll games, sir. They're boring, childish and simple.
Finally, you've been trolling our community for awhile, so let's wrap this up - get to the heart of your issue and why you're obsessed with us. It seems your parents taught you right, they didn't teach you to sin, BUT you chose to sin and rebelled against their sound teachings and God. How sad, for you. At least they tried. God will honor them for doing the right thing. You may be a prodigal, but you come across as reprobate. Seek Jesus Christ. If you're a prodigal, He hasn't turned His back on you, even if you turned your back on Him. Either way, you and I are done. I don't have time to be your substitute parent for you to project your issues on. My prayers are with your parents, any children you're exposed to and that if you're prodigal you return to God sooner than later. Again, stop the troll sock games and get right w/God OR move on. I'm not here to play with you.
P.S. Children are off limits here and trolling violates our community guidelines. Final warning.

jewish philosopher #fundie #homophobia torahphilosophy.com

The New York State government recently legalized gay marriage.

Male homosexuality is about as unhealthy as heroin usage. Nevertheless, our state government has decided to celebrate it, apparently for no other reason than to demonstrate their sympathy for a minority group and to emphasize their rejection of the Bible, which prohibits sodomy. If people die, that's just collateral damage.

Great work guys. This may lower costs for Social Security and Medicare, but then don't forget about the higher health care costs of male homosexuals.

Andre #fundie amazon.com

The fact that the large part of those who do not believe in the evolution belief argument are not scientists or perhaps college educated is also simply an example of the free mind not overtly influenced and molded by rote textbook learning.

turtle #fundie rr-bb.com

evolution would be a mindless bolder of chance and time rolling forward produsing 7 legged dogs with 3 heads and 300 pound spiders with fish fins and the chain from ape to man would still be very visible in our world.
you would have groups fighting for the rights of those who dont walk upright.
and their would be a randimity of all organisms ..no order at all just a bunch of multi celled water protoplasms that could for all practical porposes be called freaks.also their would not be a concern for beauty from a mindless rollercoaster of chance

Martin #fundie premierchristianity.com


There's plenty of joy in Calvinism. Indeed, as Jesus said:

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. (John 6:44 [ESV])

That is a cause of great joy.

Noah Filipiak #fundie covenanteyes.com

“’For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:31-32).

Heyo! The whole time Paul was talking about husbands and wives and marriage and sex in Ephesians 5, it says here he was actually talking about Jesus and us! Marriage and sex are metaphors for the relationship we have with Jesus.

What is a metaphor? It is a sign post. It points to the real thing. It’s something tangible we can look at in order to understand something else. It’s a symbol we can learn from in order to understand and experience the real thing.

The real thing is the one-flesh relationship Jesus desires to have with each of us. It’s the relationship he has with those who call themselves Christians. It’s a relationship of intimate love and acceptance and support and trust, where Jesus is the groom and we are the bride. Earthly marriage and sex are symbols that can help point us toward the real thing.

This is why there is no sex in heaven. You don’t need sign posts when you’ve arrived at the destination!

The "some effing stupid opinions" Award.

Clearly there are some flaws in the implementation.

expectingmom7 #fundie whattoexpect.com

This is a rather harsh statement! But I have come to realize a few things that have caused me to conclude that atheists in general (not all) have some effing stupid opinions.

Our Earth, the only one known so far to harbor real life forms like us human beings, is also the only one to harbor gravity. Without gravity we would be floating all around space. I do not think this is an accident. We were meant to habitate this earth, and also meant to stay put on this earth, which I think is the reason God implemented the use of Gravity.

All planets are in essence, suspended, in mid air. There is nothing technically holding us up. This is probably caused by magnetic poles. I do not think this is an accident. We also rotate around the sun which provides us with most of our basic needs we have become used to today.

I honestly do not understand how an atheist or non believer can believe that our existence is by chance. We are complex beings living in a compex world. A complex world that has only been explained to us by geinus scientists who have attempted to understand this complexity that surrounds us. Scientists cannot disprove God or any theory pertaining to him. They seek out to determine simple ways of how our existence came to be. EVOLUTION: A ****in flop..Sorry to who believes in this and the science mumbo jumbo that comes along with it.. we did not evolce from a single cell that developed into a million other complex cells that evenutally led us to evolve from apes. If so, I would surely expect apes to be continually evolving.
The Big Bang theory: this is an idiotic opinion and explanation of our existence. How on earth could our existence come to be from some big cosmic belch in the universe that somehow created all of this order? And besides that WHO created the first molecular cell that could cause such a belch? In our society we are generally used to the concept of architecht and constructor. We have nothing in existence that was not built. Why do people insist that our entire existence and universe is based upon a principle of no designer? That is completely idiotic, and this is why I think most atheists are effing idiots!!

Paul Revere #fundie moonbattery.com

Let’s face the fact that being a homosexual is a disease of the mind. Not unlike a rapist, murderer, child molester, or necrophilia. These are all illnesses of the mind.
So no, I will never accept laws nor people of this kind. To me they are all grouped together. Homos are sic, so if they feel accepted they now want the laws to allow more of their sick behavior. No Sir! No no no. As a father with a son I am———done, fags, sick fu..s!

cameron222 #fundie rr-bb.com

Students do not do experiments to prove evolution. They are indoctrinated by a teacher or professor who simply 'tells' them that evolution is how it all happened. Its a tale spun in a classroom, similar to the fairy tales one was taught in kindergarten and first grade.

itisamuh #fundie #homophobia mmo-champion.com

The only reason marriage gives financial benefits is because it's working under the assumption that they're preparing to raise a family. A gay couple can't have kids, and shouldn't be allowed to adopt, so that's out. Those financial benefits are also the only reason, aside from preparing a family, to get married in the first place. So if they were doing that, that's pretty much screwing over all single people. You'd have people, who aren't gay or in a relationship at all, just friends, getting married for those legal benefits. That's not right. It's taking something that's supposed to be meaningful and abusing it for personal gain. Oh, and because homosexuality is an unnatural taboo, and taboos shouldn't be supported or encouraged legally or socially. Standards in general seem to be losing their meaning in today's society.

1) that's not the only reason, if you think it is, i'd like to see some backup. you make the claim, the burden of proof lies on you.
2) why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt again?
3) straight people DO do that all the time, hell i knew people that would get married just so they could move off-base when they were in the military.
4) how is homosexuality unnatural again?
5) how is it a universal taboo? you're aware that taboos are a culturally distinctive thing, right? every culture has a different s

These threads always seem to get me in trouble, or at least annoyed, so this will probably be my last post. If you respond, I won't see it.

1. Don't spout off the burden of proof crap. I can turn that around and say prove that it's not the only reason. I can tell just by your lingo that you're probably an atheist.

2. They shouldn't be allowed to adopt because it's raising a kid in an improper environment by default. They'll be getting exposed to a lack of standards from the start. Sure, they may be nice people and mean well, but the child won't be receiving the full perspective. Granted, that often happens anyway, but that can't always be controlled. Adoption can be controlled, however. Since you like using scientific lingo, maybe you should check out the snowball effect. That's exactly what will happen if this kind of stuff gets encouraged and accepted more and more.

3. Yes, they do. It's unfortunate, but again, it's not always avoidable. That doesn't mean that we should promote something that's an exploitation literally every single time. Because, until you prove to me what other legitimate reasons there can be for a gay couple getting married, I'm standing by that statement.

4. Look around you. Whether you're religious or not, just look. Basically the entire world shows it. Males and females mate to continue their respective species. They pal around with their own gender, if they pal around at all, but when it comes to mating, they find the other. Sure, there are the occasional defects, but whether it's God's plan or nature's design, males and females were meant to mate. If everyone turned gay, there's the end of our species. That alone should be enough to prove it's wrong. Obviously not everyone will turn gay, but that doesn't mean it should be encouraged as okay. Sometimes standards should be upheld, even if some people don't like them. Not everything should be okay, and the line of what is and isn't shouldn't be so blurred. This has nothing to do with religion, just general principle and common sense. If people are gay regardless of it being unnatural, that's their call. People can be attracted to kids or their own siblings if they want to as well. That doesn't mean it should be supported.

5. In my society, up until this ridiculous social liberal movement, it was a taboo. It still is, in a lot of people's minds, including mine. I really don't care if other cultures agree, the one I live in is the only one that's relevant to me. Besides, as stated above, I'm basing my views off of obvious nature and common sense, not what society tells me is okay.

This is what baffles me about the liberal mentality. Not necessarily you, cause obviously I don't know you, in fact I don't even know that you're liberal, but their general attitude as a whole. They preach that nobody should be judged negatively for their beliefs, or preferences, or values, or anything else. No matter what. And on paper that's a good ideal, but then they turn around and negatively judge anyone who believes in upholding traditional standards. I'm sorry, if you're offended by my beliefs, agree to disagree I guess, but I will never change my mind on this. The fact that, if everyone was gay, the species would die out in a generation, is enough for me to decide that it's wrong. The fact that basically every species on the planet with male and female counterparts thrives on male and female mating is enough for me to decide that that's the way it's supposed to be, whether designed by nature or by God, whatever. It's got nothing to do with religion, at all. Drugs don't hurt anyone except the person using them, and that's their choice, but it's still illegal because common sense says it's wrong. Same thing here. But no, we're too worried about offending someone to have a right and wrong, beyond discouraging murder.

Freed_From_Sin #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia rr-bb.com

[In a thread about the bad state of the economy]

This is all a huge liberal LIE!! As usual, we're told by the media that times are terrible and things are bad and that we can't even feed our families during an election when a God-Fearing candidate is in office. If Ted Kennedy was the President, we'd be told that everything is fine. Believe that! You all saw that when Clinton was president.

This causes those with weak faith to vote for the Sin-Endorsing candidate to "improve the economy." I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the homosexual lobby was behind the house prices dropping and gas prices raising. That way, they can get Obama in the White House and get Homosexuals the right to get married.

thisoldspouse #fundie #homophobia nybooks.com

Brown believes kids who have adopted a homosexual identity who say that they have been "kicked out of their homes" for being "gay," when this almost NEVER happens. These kids rebel and refuse to abide by the reasonable rules of the home laid down by loving parents for their family's protection. Instead of a standoff, the kids opt to leave their homes - "runaways" - and end up in propagandizing homosexual "shelters" where they are increasingly confirmed in their position that they are right and their parents are "homophobic bigots."

The shelter staff coax a one-sided story out of these kids, with help, of course, and the sordid "kicked out" story gets posted on all the sodomite blogs and then picked up by the main national propaganda outlets.

And Brown often believes this bilge and offers apologies to the sodomites.

Oh, and many times these are not kids at all, but young adults of the age of majority. But they are still played down as "kids" by the sodomite "news" agencies for the shock value

Lion Of Judah #fundie answers.yahoo.com

So why don't you think Darwin was hallucinating on the Galapagos Islands?

You think John hallucinated on the Island of Patmos, so why not Darwin? I wasn't there, you weren't there. All we have is a book.

I'm sure mushrooms were plentiful. ^_^

Patsy Lambert #fundie newberryobserver.com

Only God can forgive sins
By Patsy Lambert - Contributing Columnist

Only God can forgive sins and make us a part of His family. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.

When we read God's Word, we get the understanding that Jesus was not only a great man, but He was God in human flesh.

We cannot save ourselves, many people think that good works is enough to get them to heaven. We can come to know God in His righteousness and holiness. God convicts us of our sins, and it's up to us to confess and let God cleanse us.

It's by faith in God that we have a relationship with Christ. There are so many things we may not understand, but if we believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, they hung Him on a cross, and He arose that's enough to get us to heaven. We all sin and come short of the glory of God, that's why God sent Jesus to forgive our sins.

Don't be deceived in thinking you have to do certain things to be in God's family. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and He will change your wants and ways. Only God can forgive sins.

Congressman Jeff Wagner, R-Ohio #fundie #homophobia pflag.org

[Quoted on PFLAG: An email sent in response to a constituent’s letter about the Equal Housing and Employment Act currently being considered by the Ohio legislature to protect the rights of LGBTs in Ohio.]

[T]his is a dangerous and misguided bill. The bill is not really about people being denied rights to basic needs, but it is about promoting acceptance of an immoral lifestyle. As much as some people would have us to believe otherwise, this country was founded on Christian principles. One of those long honored principles is the tradition of holy matrimony. One man and one woman joined together in a union that goes as far back as Adam and Eve. As our society has gotten further from that standard (not just homosexuality, but easy divorce, cheating on a spouse, etc.) we see a continued collapse of the basic building block of society the family unit. As that traditional family erodes, we see more sexually transmitted diseases, kids without parents, heartbroken people and I believe a host of mental and physical illnesses. . . . rest assured I can not support a bill in any way promotes or encourages the homosexual lifestyle.

Raza #fundie councilofexmuslims.com

If a husband expresses his desire for sexual intercourse with his wife, and asks her to fulfill his need, then she should fulfill her husband's desire, and she should not refuse him or deprive him of his need (unless of course if she is undergoing her monthly menstruation period or is down with illness.

Islam encourages and insists on chastity and fidelity. Islam prohibits and condemn illicit sexual relations, extra-maritial affairs, fornication, adultery, prostitution, pornography and promiscuity. It is for this reason that a wife is bound to fulfill her husband's sexual desires so as to prevent him form straying.

Blemonds #fundie theologyweb.com

Many states in the early years of our country had requirements that anyone holding office had to be a Christian. It wasn't until the courts started reading into the Constitution things that it does not say that this changed, thus leaving us in the mess we are in today...

Reason2012 #fundie #homophobia christiannews.net

Adults continue to permanently turn away from homosexuality, even after decades of believing the lie they were “born that way”, proving it’s not genetic, but the product of indoctrination, confusion, mental instability and/or abuse.

Homosexual behavior is most literally pointed out as a sin, and God has not changed on that regard. But if a person has those inclinations but does not act upon them, does not dwell in lust upon others, but is instead struggling against them to avoid them, then it's not a sin. It's just like sinful inclinations of any kind: it's acting upon it when it becomes a sin.

Simulacrum #fundie #homophobia forums.narutofan.com

Specifically, as these doctors were not willing to help the homosexual become pregnant (not just refusing to treat her in general), and modern research would justify them on this issue on multiple fronts.
Again, while I am against homosexuality primarily based on valid religious reasons, I'm not advocating homophobia like you were spewing earlier. I'm simply saying that these doctors shouldn't be forced by law to do something when that something has so much going against it. The fact that you can't understand the difference is due to your social stigma, not mine. I only made this post as a last attempt to get you to see reason here, but if your previous posts are any indication it's a wasted effort. Go ahead and get in the last word, because I'm not going to respond to you anymore.

Jim #fundie #homophobia stonescryout.org

I'm not a movie prude; we check out many kinds of movies. And I expect most anything coming out of Hollywood, with any rating, to include something contrary to my values. I let most of it roll off my back. But with Happy Feet, I didn't expect my conservative Christian family to be assaulted with what we all recognized as a anti-Christian screed, with open mockery of traditional Christian preaching against values and lifestyles contrary to church teachings. It was abundantly clear that Happy Feet substituted homosexuality with dancing as the "different" lifestyle that was the unfair target of an Inquisition on ice. It was Dirty Dancing and Footloose all over again, but with the rhetoric and situation developed to make religious criticism of homosexuality counter to everything good and pleasing.

PaulAckermann #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming christianforums.com

[On why masturbation is a sin...]

The Bible clearly teaches homosexuality is a sin. The reason homosexuality is a sin is because God created sex between a man and a woman. Since man was not intended to give sexual pleasure to a another man, it is sin. But it is sin for a man to give sexual pleasure to another man, why would it be acceptable for a man to give sexual pleasure to himself?

Please excuse my graphical illustration here, but I think it is needed to make a point. Why would it be wrong for a man to take his hand and give me sexual pleasure with his hand, and yet it be OK for me to use my own hand to give myself sexual pleasure??? In both cases, the hand that is giving me sexual pleasure would be a man's hand!