
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Jean Sheehan #crackpot #ufo #magick millenniumeducation.com

The times of Atlantis myth & legend and Atlantean technology was a time called RETURNING OF THE GODS. Eons ago, BROTHERS from outer space from the spiritual guidance of the MASTERS OF WISDOM, Creators of the Universe, came to Earth. They chose Atlantis to be their home and create Mystery Schools of Atlantis. The Atlantic task and Atlantean way was to prepare EARTH for higher forms of a BIOLOGICAL LIFE and reincarnate souls from an ATOMIC explosion. This explosion shattered planets such as MALONA and LUCIFER which are located between Jupiter and Mars. These Higher Beings knew the code to CREATION.

These Atlantean beings would incarnate at specific galactic times of Earth, in patterns of the next evolutionary process. These include Egypt, Medieval, Mayan, Atlantis and Lemuria. They specifically were here to raise the consciousness of the planet. They chose these times to learn all realms and experiences until they reached COMPLETION and Absolute Empowerment.
The Galactic Federation, the Melchezadick order and the Brothers of Light descended to Atlantis to introduce a new type of being and genesis of earth. As these beings came in, the humans on Earth saw them as GODS.

In the lost city, using Atlantean crystals, work commenced very quickly in the genetic modifying of souls and bodies to create this new Being. The reincarnations of animal-like humans, such as the cave man, were genetically modified. The creation of this human being developed quickly. This work commenced in Atlantis and then continued with Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and the early Churches of autopsies, and even today of the 21st Century with seedless watermelon and Dolly the Sheep.

Gaia Staff #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger gaia.com

As the Earth rotates on its axis as it orbits the sun, it releases energy, or torsion waves, that propel it through space. The torsion waves travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. These torsion fields are actually “waves of time” which also cause ripples in gravity. Indeed, some scientists now believe that “electromagnetism, gravity and torsion waves are all members of the same family; they are just different forms of ether vibrations.”
Kozyrev determined that any activity you can think of that releases energy is a source of a torsion field and causes a ripple in the wave of time. The heating and cooling of liquids, as well as friction and burning, all create torsion fields that cause ripples in the wave of time. Even the fading death of a plant releases energy that affects time.

Kozyrev’s most controversial theory was that even sudden changes in human consciousness had an effect on torsion waves and disrupted matter in some way.

On September 11, 2001, when the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City resulted in a measurable change in the behavior of computerized random number generators around the world, particularly in those that were geographically near to the site of the actual attacks. This data showed that the generators were affected by a “change in the mass consciousness of humanity.”

Fire Salamanders via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Fire Salamanders. Heat. Light. Flash of light. Prism. We see sparkly humans laughing. It will be good to feel joy again from the surface. We feel the vibrations from above and we transmute with our light, our love. We are steady. We feel Gaia. We work with her energies, calming, soothing the cool hurt with our heat of love. (I am seeing hot water bottles making sick people feel better. I am remembering my grandmother’s stories of hot oven bricks placed in beds for toasty feet on cool nights. They are smiling). You humans bring joy to so many. Bring joy to yourself. Our own light and heat brings us joy. We send heat and light to your hearts. (I am seeing rainbow prisms of glowing light flowing into the hearts of us, in a swirly vortex of giggles. I am smiling. I feel the spinning heat and pressure and a release).

We are the Fire Salamanders. (I am seeing streaks of glowing bioluminescent light. They are running, trailing streaks of colored fire. They are happy. Then they stop, steaming. I am seeing a dim cave of rocky crevices dotted with glowing lights of the salamanders. The lights are glowing in the water on the floor of the cave. I hear the drip drops of the water. It is beautiful, calm, dark, peaceful. I see many pastel colored eyes staring at me in the darkness. They are happy). We are happy you are happy again. Your vibrations are rising on the surface. Our vibrations are steady. We see more happy soon. We are the Fire Salamanders.

Eir Ar the Blue Avian via Kate Woodley #ufo #magick #crackpot ascensioncalling.com

Eir Ar, Blue Avian: Yes, we are showing Kate (channeler) a visual of this flare originating from energies that are sourced from your galactic center. This will be where it all begins. And it will be triggered when Earth is in the right position. It is moving through a photon high area of the galaxy now. And when the time is right, when Earth is in the right position, as well as the sun for the sun will be the key domino to fall in the solar system that you all reside in. When the moment is right, this flare will be triggered. This energy will be emitted like a very strong pulse, an intense wave of energy and bright light that originates from your galactic core, or your galactic sun as some of you describe. This will hit and trigger the sun into its flare.

Solar Flare Timelines & Possibilities
At this time, you must all understand that you are still existing and experiencing a few timelines. And so, until these timelines converge, there are a number of possibilities.

-The two possibilities that we will point out is that in one scenario, the flare will be quite intense. And the matter of intensity is directly related to the consciousness of humanity at the time of the flare. Those who are awake will be more attuned in their vibration to receive this energy, and as such, it will be a more blissful, calm experience. Whereas those whose vibration is not yet where it should be, will be jolted and shocked by this energy. This will lead to a time of confusion bewilderment for some.
- The second possibility is that the flare will be more subtle, and that it will be a softer, more subtle experience, but that will nonetheless trigger an awakening. Now the ascension process will be triggered by this flare.

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com









Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #racist #wingnut michaeltsarion.com

The "WAR ON TERROR" is merely the latest move in the great game played out by the Atonist-Setian Establishment - the Royals and Jesuit-Masonic sorcerers - who expertly employ the "Ordo ab Chao" (Order from Chaos) methodology to further their very personal aspirations that date back to an old world order that you are not supposed to know about.
So let's get clear on a few things, and remain sane in the midst of growing worldwide insanity. Let's understand that the present day architects of control (those biological and ideological descendants of the Atonist pharaohs of old, and their less camera shy lieutenants) continue plying their vile imperialist trade from behind the visible governments and religions of the world.
Let's understand that the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is engineered from London and New York by elites with ancient origins. Age after age they concoct bogus conflicts to engender an ambiance of fear and paranoia, and to ensure that few of you ever become aware of humanity's true enemies.
Dynasties such as the Rothschilds may appear Jewish on the surface, but they are in fact Luciferians hiding behind the veil of religious Judaism. What is more, Evangelism is nothing more than a fanatical political ideology hiding behind the front of Christianity. The Evangelist preaches Masonic (Atonist) doctrines, but you buy into it because you want "Daddy" so badly, and because you have sold your sanity for security. You are safe in numbers, which is why membership in idiotic political parties attracts you. And the silly religions, they too offer you the sense of belonging you sorely desire. You are a "believer" on your way to the "promised land." Or so you think.

Lisa Renee #quack #magick #crackpot #ufo energeticsynthesis.com

Currently, with the return of the Amethyst Order, many of us are having intense ascension symptoms while we are undergoing stages of spiritual activation and preparation for the changes ahead. We're having violet plasmic wave activations on the earth; and this has created potentially new activations in our pituitary and pineal gland. This is adjusting a specific cranium bone which has been primarily dormant, or implanted in order to stop its higher functioning. This is the Sphenoid Bone. The sphenoid bone is the only bone that connects to all the other bones of the cranium and its movement is responsible for "milking" the Pituitary Gland to secrete its hormones. The pituitary gland is situated in the Sphenoid Bone at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis in the body. As the master gland of the body, it produces many hormones that travel throughout the body, directing certain processes or stimulating other glands to produce other hormones.
The activation potential in the human body is coming online with the pituitary gland's higher functioning, which impacts the sphenoid bone's alignment in our skull, which acts as the housing for the pituitary gland. This area of our skull is a cosmic resonator of the unified consciousness of Christ or Oneness. The cosmic energy is transmitted through the Sphenoid Bone, and is also transmitted electro-tonally into the planetary grid pattern and instruction set. This particular Blue-Violet Ray language appears on the ley lines as the etheric light blue butterfly pattern in the winged shape of the sphenoid.

Delahnnovahh-Starr Livingstone #fundie #ufo #magick revelatorium.com

The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega a Revelatory work, Volume Two of a three volume set titled 'The Revelatorium Revelations'. Volume One, 'The Intelligent Design of Creation' is also a completely new revelatory disclosure, presenting the higher Cosmic Laws of Reality upon which Creation was founded and continues to expand.. 'The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host' is Volume Three, providing a similar complete revelatory Disclosure of their presence around Earth by teaching you exactly how to see them. For your convenience, the indexes of all three Volumes are presented in full down the right hand side of every Starrgram in every volume.

Earth is at a major pivotal point in its history which will never be repeated again in all of Creation. It is because the Adamic Root Race is finally starting to be lifted out of the third dimension back into the fifth dimension where they belong, after three and a half million years caught up in a third dimensional mire.

It is also because Beings of all dispensations have volunteered to come here from all over Creation to help in the raising up of the Adamics.

It is also because Plant Earth is starting to come into its own final run unto a radiant Protostarr in the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty hundred thousand years from now.

It is also because the accumulated lesser condition of people with contaminated consciousness's resulting from the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus five billion years ago, have been gathered together and cast into Earth as the 'Casted Dagon'. Who incarnated as that called the Baby boom.

Damos Kniat #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #magick lightforcenetwork.com

In the video below by Reverend Mark Rhochar (background as a priest in the Church of Satan), "our entire society Is one big satanic ritual. Satanism is an ancient Occult Religion comprised of a diverse world-wide network of adherants."

The video addresses the following:

Satanists as highly advanced ancient psychologists
Psychological manipulation of the human race
Dark Occultists maintain their power differential through occulted knowledge
Satan as the Adversary or Opposer of Natural Law, the Ego-driven Self is the “God” of modern Satanism,
Christain devil-worship is NOT what modern Satanism is
Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism, Eugenics and Epi-Eugenics
Mind-Controlled Selective Breeding, True Evolution vs. Involution
Involution as the Adversarial dynamic in nature
Genius-level individuals in the world-wide Satanic Network, the Satanic rulers of the world as “The Order of Death” or “The Cult of the Black Sun”
De Facto Satanism (Satanism In Deed), Mini-Me Satanism, the “Money” of the Satanic Ruling Class is children
Earth is a Prison and a Zoo
Evolution/Syntropy as the Ordering Force within Creation
Involution/Entropy as the force of Decay and Chaos
“Sects” of Modern Satanism
Over-arching goal of Satanism is to destroy Human Freedom
Organized Crime Syndicates are directly controlled by the Dark Occult
Left-Wing and Right-Wing Politics as the two major “Sects” of Satanism
Corporatism, Socialism, Fascism Communism, and Totalitarianism all stem from Satanism
Methods and Social Manifestations of Satanism, the Natural World vs. Artificial Constructs
Master-Slave Society and its true structure
Human Slavery continues due to Ignorance
Our Entire Society Is One Big Satanic Ritual.

Dianna Robbins #crackpot #magick #mammon amazon.com

In early 2008, Dianne Robbins received this message during a time of meditation: “We are the Tree People, and we would like to begin our dictations to you again. Now that your other book is finished (The Call Goes Out from the Cetacean Nation), the way is clear. We, too, need a voice to speak through, and we have chosen you, who have also chosen us. We wave our leaves at you to begin….”Just as the Cetaceans are the Earth's Record Keepers living in the Oceans, the TREES are the Record Keepers living on Land. The Trees comprise a “vast underground communication network” system that transmits information so that all Trees, everywhere on Earth, know instantly all that occurs. They are Living Libraries embodied in bark that we, as humans, can easily “tap” into. Their “line” is always open to us, so tap into it – they are eagerly awaiting our call. They are waiting for us to acknowledge them as the Tree People.<...> This stunningly beautiful book, color illustrated throughout, inspires in pictures and words, bringing trees to life, sharing their great store of knowledge and experience. Seeing is believing! Note: The interior of this book is in a unique landscape format, "calendar style," with the pages turning up instead of from right to left.

Humans Are Free #conspiracy #magick #fundie #racist humansarefree.com

“Grand Druid Council” of 13 “Witches” control the Illuminati, and meets eight times annually on the “Witches’ Sabbaths” (incl. Halloween) when millions of occult practitioners engage in orgies, which sometimes involve human sacrifice.

My source is John Todd (Collins), the highest Illuminati defector in history, a Witch High Priest, a member of the Council of Thirteen, and part of the Collins Illuminati bloodline that brought Witchcraft to the US in the 17th Century.
He casts the Illuminati as a vast, highly-organized and powerful occult conspiracy that holds mankind in a satanic vice.

The Illuminati are “thousands of different conspiracies operating in parallel,” he says. For example, the vows and initiation rites of witchcraft closely mirror Freemasonry.

In 1972, when Todd was “saved” [converted to Christianity] and exposed the Illuminati.

Before that, he ruled a 13-state US region consisting of 5000 covens, i.e. totaling 65,000 priests and priestesses. That’s just the ministers, not the congregation.

Amazingly, I stumbled upon Todd just last week. This champion of humanity would be unknown today if it wasn’t for a website maintained by “James”, an American living in Japan, and another belonging to the redoubtable WesPenre.

Skeptics say that if the Illuminati were real, there would be defectors. There ARE plenty of defectors; entire clinics that deal with victims of CIA mind control and satanic ritual abuse are full of them.

But the vocal ones get put away. In 1987 Todd was framed “for rape” and sentenced to 30 years. According to Fritz Springmeier, when Todd was freed in 1994, he was “picked up by a helicopter” and murdered. (“Bloodlines of the Illuminati” p.93)

Light Is Not Good Award

Lyran Council of Light via Beti Kotevski #ufo #conspiracy #magick #psycho betikotevski.com

Lyran Council of Light: The sovereignty plan was created some time ago when it was determined once and for all that all hope was lost in the free will experiment (on Gaia/Earth).
Hence, we moved our light forces in – many star families are here (in Earth’s atmosphere and solar system), not just the Lyrans – and with help from our cousins of love and light, we have managed to stop further intervention (from the dark ones), and now we are “cleaning up” what is left after the free will experiment went wrong (due to Reptilian and Draconian intervention).
You do not need to be concerned with how they will specifically be dealt with. Just know that we have many realms and many worlds that can accommodate such beings who need to more intensively learn lessons.

You are correct, there are programmed soulless beings and they will be eliminated, but the others with souls will be dealt with by being removed from Gaia to another realm, so that they no longer interfere with her ascension and the ascension of beings of love and light which we need all light-workers to come and help guide.

Beings without souls will be led off Gaia, eliminated, as they are merely programmed shells, and dark beings with souls will be dealt with in the full power of Source. When these dark beings are removed, the natural vibrational frequency of Gaia will rise.

On top of that, light waves we are sending from the great central sun and your sun, plus the rise in frequency from your light beings clearing their channels and putting love as supreme in their hearts, with these combined factors, Gaia’s ascension plan is back on track.

Blue Ones of Inner Earth via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings from within. We are the Blue Ones of Inner Earth. We are ancient Lumerians. Our skin is turquoise in hue from the healing crystal waters. We wish to bridge within and without, for the surface is now ready for this bridging of reunion. Planetary harmony must be achieved in order for balance and wholeness. Such it is with the human psyche and spirit. It is great discovery of self that engages in such a process of exploration of the lower realms of planetary devolution. Gaia is ready to ascend and we are assisting in every possible way. Like midwives in a rebirth ceremony of planning and love, we lay the herbs, we light the fire, we warm the water to prepare for delivery, we lay out the freshest blankets of whitest cotton. We surround the expectant mother with light and love.
We are the Blue Ones of ancient Lumeria returned to communication with our surface brothers and sisters. Thank you for holding the light. We have been doing the same. We are friends, blood brothers and sisters in the light, serving, one. Peace. Be still. Breathe in these codes. (I am seeing fingers typing filled with light. I am seeing more light globally being infused with ancient symbols of healing and wisdom. I am getting that there is further wisdom that will be made available and accessible to us in the coming weeks and months. We are on the verge of great discovery. We are holding ⁹the space from within. You are holding from without. Balance is achieved. We are the Blue Ones who see truly. We see you brothers. We see you sisters. We are one.

We Love Mass Meditation/Cobra #conspiracy #magick #crackpot welovemassmeditation.com

<multiple links removed for ease>
In the "Planetary Initiation" post, Cobra mentioned that there are three key astrological configurations that will determine the course of events between August and the beginning of November.

One of them is Saturn conjunct Chariklo. This configuration actively suppresses Goddess energy, brings austerity and isolation.

Jesuits and Black Nobility families are using this energy to promote lockdowns in preparation for their New World Order plans:

Also, members of the Cabal are using this to create as many lockdowns as possible worldwide by artificially pumping up the number of coronavirus cases by misusing the PCR coronavirus testing:

Their plan is to use the engineered second wave lockdowns to implement a comprehensive social credit system. This would give the Cabal a tool for mass surveillance and control of individuals, corporations, and sociopolitical entities.

To counteract this, we are going to organize a mass meditation at the exact time of the Saturn-Chariklo conjunction on Monday, September 21st at 10:08 PM UTC.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia #magick henrymakow.com

On page one of my book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008), I wrote, "If this were a movie treatment, it would be rejected as implausible. Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievements but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult -- Cabalist bankers and Freemasons -- that controls the world's finances and media...Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture, and murder...The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. [Their] influence is like cancer that extends throughout society." Does the Coronahoax make sense now?

It's no wonder our "leaders" are criminals, Satanists, and perverts. These are the only people the central banking cartel can trust. The Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jews.) Their cartel is a criminal fraud. They create the medium of exchange ("currency", "credit") out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest.

All the policies deemed "progressive" -- gender-bending, multiculturalism, miscegenation, migration, attack on marriage and family, (homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity), BLM, ANTIFA -- are designed to undermine the target population, people of European and Christian descent who the Cabalist bankers regard as the last remaining obstacle to their hegemony. They are promoting sodomy in public schools. They are all about promoting sickness. "We corrupt in order to control," is their credo. We are being inducted into their cult as their servants.

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

The universe that we are taught
Does not exist

Stars are embedded in a plasma canopy
Which encircles us

They revolve in a circumpolar fashion

We have not been gallivanting on the moon
Or parachuting dune buggies to Mars

We are surrounded by higher realms
Which we are not permitted to enter

Our realm is being terraformed
To a lower vibration

So that entities can feed off our energy

They harvest us at intervals
By depopulation
Using cataclysmic events

Harvest time is now upon us!

The Goddess Athena via Sharon Stewart #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Athena: And this is it. This is what advertising is about: telling you what you need to do to make it easy for you to choose. It is brainwashing.

Me: True. I can't believe the new things I've opened up to since I stopped watching TV.

Athena: The deep state takes advantage of this as well. Because you see now, there is much anxiety in your world over the covid issues. The deep state continues to stoke up fear in the masses.

All they have to do now is introduce a solution, and people will jump at it.

Me: I hope Trump intervenes before the heinous Gates anti-viral comes out.

Athena: He will.

Me: I wanted to put this message out to people to tell them that when you're born into a world that is not aligned with your life's purpose, then you are already born into a choiceless system. Every decision you make or that is made for you in your best interests, is one for the controllers, not you. Your life's purpose is to ascend, to align more with God with each successive life you live, and when you're not doing that, or the controllers of your planet actively try to stop you from doing this, every decision you make is not one you have made for yourself, unless you become conscious of your life's true purpose and work it by stepping away from the artificial control system.

Ascension is happening now whether you do it consciously or not. But there is an opposing force, which as I understand it, is not usually the case. And this force knows you better than you know yourself.

Athena: Your only option is to align with soul or align with the controllers of this world, who, by the way, are being taken out of power. You can only delay the inevitable for so long.

Order of Melchizedek #conspiracy #magick #racist #fundie atam.org

It’s 2020, but many of us are beginning to realize it feels more like what was expected in 2012. According to the Ethiopian Calendar it is 2012 based on the Mayan Calendar. Somehow those interpreting the Mayan Calendar were 8 years off. Was it intentional to change the times and seasons, so we would not know? Was it a mistake?

Seems like what was expected then is happening now. We have an invented Virus, CoVid-19 made in and by USA along with others. We are yet somewhat in a Global Quarantine, Mass House Arrest since March, psychologically most have accepted it as the norm. We have Bill Gates & others talking Mandatory Chipped Vaccine, without that mark (chip) you wont be able to travel, buy or sell. We have had Extreme weather globally. Riots and Protest are happening globally. The globally Economy is crashing and burning right before our eyes. Now we have Trump signing a Peace Treated between the Arabs & Israelis.
The Occupiers of Palestine, renamed Israel are not the genetic seed of Abraham. They are not the ones whom the prophecy spoke of for an everlasting covenant. The “Jews” there from Europe, occupying Palestine-renamed Israel are “converts to the religion of Judaism.” Historically, archeologically and genetically proven. Are we seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.

Adama of Telos via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

<Adama> Shots of the trees tell me that this was caused by direct energy weapons, not people starting fires, not ANTIFA or anything, although the press will try to make it out to be Antifa that's doing it. Look at the trees. The houses are burnt to the ground but the trees are still standing. That's because of the direct energy weaponry. Antifa can't do that.

The deep state is our only enemy. We are not each other's enemy. When we finally can live in peace, we'll figure that out. When all this nonsense is taken off TV, when all the mind control is stopped, when lives start to matter more than money or objects, we'll realie what is most important – each other.
I read an article about a 13 year old boy who died in the Oregon fires this week. His mother is still alive but she basically started to cook and has many burns. Can you imagine being baked alive? Not sure if she'll make it. Imagine losing your 13 year old. He never had a chance. When will we start protecting each other from fates like this? The ETs do. They live lives of thousands of years old because they live a style of life where they experience little risk of losing it. They protect and care for each other as if they were themselves because they don't want to read newspaper articles saying people are baking alive or their children are dying. They came to their senses. When will we?

ETs understand that life is the most important thing. That's why they're here with us now. Because they care about our lives, even if we may not.

Because they're highly telepathic, they feel everything that everyone else on their world feels. So they all work at keeping balance

Bhekukufa Lindeni Gumede #ableist #magick #psycho #quack news24.com

Durban — A KwaZulu-Natal traditional healer who conspired to murder a woman with albinism has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Mtubatuba High Court.

Bhekukufa Lindeni Gumede, 65, was the fourth person to be convicted of murdering Thandazile Mpunzi in the Phelendaba area, near Ingwavuma on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast in 2015.

Gumede's co-accused Mandla Mabuzo and Lindokuhle Khumalo pleaded guilty to the murder in September 2015 and were each sentenced to 20 years in prison. Another accused, Siyabonga Gwala, received an 18-year sentence in February last year for his role in the murder.

Prior to the murder, Gumede told his co-accused that he needed the body of an female with albinism.

He said that "muthi", mixed with the body parts of a person with albinism, would make them rich.

Mpunzi was born with albinism and had been in a relationship with Gwala before the men conspired to kill her.

According to National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Kara, in mid-August 2015, Mpunzi was lured to a secluded area and strangled by the men. They took her body to a nearby forest, from where it was transported by the accused to another area.

"They met the following day and dismembered the body, taking away certain body parts. At a later stage they moved the remains of her body to another part of the forest, where it was buried."

Kara said the men used the Gumede's vehicle to transport the body.

Some of the accused were arrested on August 18, 2015, leading to the discovery of the decomposing remains of Mpunzi.

KwaZulu-Natal Director of Public Prosecutions Moipone Noko welcomed the sentence.

"An innocent life was snuffed out due to dangerous beliefs and practices."

Lucy Cavendish #magick #ufo #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

Atlantis ... Lemuria ... Avalon ... their names chime throughout legend. Many say these lands are the stuff of myth ... let me now tell you that they existed, and exist still. Let me share with you their origins, their secrets, their mysteries and their wisdom ...They tell me they have been too-long hidden from you...and that the time to remember who you truly are is NOW.
In this daring new book, Lucy Cavendish invites you to shed your doubts and join her on a wondrous soul pilgrimage, travelling through time and space to the planet s most mysterious and powerful lands, psychic societies and secret spiritual communities.
Share the fire dances and the water worship of the shapeshifting tribes of Lemuria, learn the secrets that lay deep beneath the crystal temples of sophisticated Atlantis, and feel the deep green peace as you speak the language of trees in the Priestess and Druid groves of Avalon. As you uncover the secrets of each Lost Land, you will remember your connection to their ancient magicks, lessons and mysteries, awaken your life s purpose, and discover past life lessons of great power and import.
Featuring stunning cartography and extensive interviews, The Lost Lands includes: In-depth quizzes on determining which Land you most resonate with; amazing new discoveries on the associations between dolphins, whales, mermaids, elementals and ascended masters; Lost Land sacred sites, ley lines and energy vortexes and illuminating new insights into our own galactic origins. With its clear guidance and fascinating lessons on connecting with the unique energy and powerful beings of each realm.

Rev. Dennis Shipman #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

The Federation’s <The Galactic Federation of Light> mission has multiple objectives:

(1) With the help of Earth allies, the imminent defeat of the dark cabal. It has been in control of running the planet for the past 13,000 years. The dark cabal will be isolated away from humanity so that it will not cause anymore problems for the forward growth of global peace and prosperity.
(2) Oversee the creation and implementation of new governance worldwide (NESARA and GESARA) which will include debt forgiveness for everybody and every nation. This will also signify the formal collapse of the illegal Federal Reserve in the U.S., and central banking system in the world.
(3) Oversee the implementation of a new world financial monetary system backed by precious metals like gold and silver, along with the distribution of prosperity funds to end global poverty and establish an unprecedented era of prosperity worldwide. This will permit peace and prosperity to become the new international norm.
(4) End the UFO cover-up by initiating “full disclosure” - the official announcement that we are not alone in the universe, and that the galaxy is teeming with sentient lifeforms.
(5) Prepare us for mass landing contact with our ET brothers and sisters, to re-introduce us back into galactic life, and to reunite us with our spiritual and space families.
(6) The Ascended Masters will appear in our societies and teach us about our past and upcoming future as a prequel to our final transformation into Galactic Humans.
(7) Assist with returning humanity to full fifth-dimensional consciousness (5D).
(8) Conduct a complete and major makeover for Mother Earth and her environments and restore them to pristine condition.

Poet Loonerate Award

Bennett Lee Ross #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot bennettleeross.com

It is said that the layout of Disneyworld
Is the map of our outer realms

It is also said that the craters of the moon
Is a projection of that same map

The real rulers of our world
Have access to these places
These realms of higher vibration

Are they seeking to terraform outer realms
Like they are doing in this realm
To lower the vibration

Along with synthesizing humans
To lower their vibration

Is that what CERN is all about

Thule Foundation #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist thule.org

In this recent inter-glacial warm period, the banished aryan E.T.'s inseminated the Chaldeans, Assyrians and the Sumerians by conquest with their hate,fear and avarice. So generation after generation of so called "Western man" has kept going West, never treating the planet as if it was their home, never treating the different colored humans already here as family.
The onslaught was momentarily halted at the Western edge of Europe, historians politely called the aryans "Indo-Europeans". After a brief rest the genetic criminals sailed across the Atlantic, took a foothold on North America and proceeded to decimate the indigenous peoples, giving them smallpox and killing millions of their bison foodstock. Reaching the Pacific ocean, undaunted they forced the Japanese into a corner, the Japanese attacked, and the aryans wiped their Earth with nuclear innocent population killing bombs.

Before the aryans arrived, societies would build monuments to harmony such as the pyramids, after the aryans arrived, humans have been kept busy building fortifications around their cities and armaments with which to kill each other.

godgevlamste #magick #ufo #conspiracy adrenogate.wordpress.com

I gotta tell you, this “parasitic system” hypothesis is really mind blowing. It explains these Chinese ghost cities, the new illuminati city of Ankana and most importantly the shape, nature and history of our planet. I think he’s done it. This guy has cracked the big secret that’s been kept from us simple-folk who aren’t privy to the secret ancient knowledge of the Babylonian mystery teachings.

The Solomon field rotates to create our holographic universe and flat earth “dome”. The Giza pyramid system and the Teotiuhucan pyramid systems are responsible for these holographic apparitions. The universe is a copy of the pyramids, not the other way around.

The powerfield of the solar star or the Akhet/Djew of the Egyptian creation myth explains how the holographic spherical earth is created within our crater.

The system has been reactivated. Energy is being drawn out of our crater.

Lynda Everingham #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #wingnut lyndaeveringham.com

Just think. We have to rewrite our entire history because what we know and have been taught is all a lie. All of it. We are at the time to draw a line in the sand to bring peace and sovereignty to humanity. Free of this control matrix.

You are important to this change. Everyone of us contributes individually and altogether.

You are way more powerful than you can imagine!
The Illuminati have had the power because they have kept us trapped in this matrix. Knowledge is power. Our power. A power far greater than theirs.

You cannot have darkness in light.
Let your light shine bright.

What can we all do to help?
The first step after realising this new reality is to heal yourself. Be kind to yourself and allow time to process the trauma of the realisation.

Letting go and releasing lower vibration emotions like fear, sadness and anger is important.

Sending vibrations of freedom, peace, love and light to the children is the greatest contribution you can give.

High vibration emotions are energy that contributes to the Global collective consciousness. If you are contributing in this way you are helping all of humanity in the best way you can. It is your life purpose to do this. It is why you are here at this time


And just think...the best part is this is already happening...the process is already well underway!

James Rink #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #racist supersoldiertalk.com

Saint Germain Timeline

Francis Bacon was the son of Queen Elizabeth the 1st.
1603-1626 Established masonry as a fraternal order and wrote Shakespearian sonnets
1626 – Francis Bacon Faked his death with another body in the coffin.
1684- Ascension Day – Francis Bacon ascended as an ascended master and choose the name holy brother or Sanctus Germainus.
1727 – Saint Germain offered Rothschilds money making secrets of alchemy to turn lead into gold provided they would use the wealth to help humanity. They rejected his offer.
1729- Saint Germain established the World Trust. Put his gold making secrets to use and it quickly became the most valuable trust on the planet. The money was to be released on the onset of the Aquarius age as most people were too low consciousness and this kind of wealth would destroy them.
1782 the Bavarian lodge of masonry was taken over by the illuminati which was headed by Adam Weishaupt based on luciferic teachings of the Talmud.
1784 – Saint Germain accepted default and faked his death to travel to London to continue work on steam boats and steam trains
1785 – all the masonic lodged began to become infected by the illuminati order
1790-1875 – Lived in Tibet to train as a Shabelon Master in inner earth Shamballah.
1850’s – Secret Space technology of antigravity and free energy began to blossom in Tartaria and in Prussia for the elite circles in the Sonora Aero Club.
1880- Encouraged children of royal family’s and nobility to put their wealth into the collateral accounts which was under Foundation Divine. Eventually all major trusts of the world were layered within world trust and foundation divine. Today world trust is worth 1 quatrodecillion dollars. 1 with 45 zeros.

montalk.net #conspiracy #magick #ufo montalk.net

Matrix Control System
Control infrastructure of the corrupted Demiurge and its minions.
Manipulates humanity via artificial synchronicity, demonic possession, alien mind programming, and limitation of perception to the five senses.
A synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence, or something that appears accidental but has a hidden purpose; can come from positive of negative sources.
Matrix suppresses individuality, awareness, and initiative by amplifying people’s weaknesses and subjecting them to emotionally draining melodramas.
It is a tool used by spiritually atrophied beings to subliminally control spiritually powerful humans and feed off their energies.
It is built and maintained by negative hyperdimensional beings who require this energy for survival and power.
In more general terms, the Matrix is the invisible control system around us which manipulates our minds, emotions, and actions without us necessarily noticing, questioning, or fighting it.
It uses a variety of human agents to accomplish its job; anyone who lacks a soul or spirit is a prime Matrix agent.
The Matrix interfaces with the underlying “machine code” of our reality and can manipulate certain aspects of our timeline to create circumstances that bias our choices.
At its core, the Matrix is an etheric, pseudo-conscious machine that crunches data about our habits, emotional patterns, and present behavior in order to synchronistically insert an appropriate event in our life for effective control and the extraction of energy.
Because we are more conscious than the Matrix, we can overcome it; it’s a matter of regaining and exercising our freewill through knowledge.

The Speakers of the Sirian High Council via Patricia Cori #ufo #conspiracy #magick #mammon sirianrevelations.net

“You walk in a world of shifting sands and falling icons, trying to keep an even pace. It is a time in which you are experiencing the opening of galactic portals and a closing of Earth temples – the merging of ages. Innocent and oh-so-curious, you are buzzing with new frequencies, spinning into the unknown … reaching out to the stars, just as you call the stars back into you.

With all that you are confronting and placing into your fields of probable realities, it is high time you understood the importance of creating sacred space, shielding your energy fields and expelling all but the highest energies. It is time you truly understand what you are creating when you reach out to the astral, calling into you beings from other dimensions.”
Within us all is the ability to hold off all shadow forces. We are the crystal, the vibration, the power. But with all the disruptors at work in our realm, we are not always clear enough to hold up against their interference and its effect upon all living beings in our world. We are undoubtedly under attack from many levels and it is imperative that we become supremely conscious of how best to protect ourselves from all lower vibrations and stand forever in light fields.

The Sirian Seal™ has been gifted to us at this time to serve this purpose. Within its sacred geometric form lies the holographic blueprint that you can effectively utilize for:

Psychic Protection
Electromagnetic shield
Aura Amplification
DNA Rejuvenation
Tachyon Energy Stimulation
Improved Health & Well-Being
Crystal Enhancement
Energy balancing

“We, humble servants of the light, bequeath to you a transitional key to the opening of your sacred doorways: this sacred seal. Step across the threshold, knowing we will be there."

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

I’m slowly rebirthing from the ashes, stronger than ever. The various groups are finally starting to learn to take their distance — because they’re completely disintegrating from the 80th Dimension. I’m expecting a few more waves of attacks but they’ll run out of fuel pretty soon.

Meanwhile, I’m sensing 75 people who stepped up to take my previous roles, and many more in the year to come. I asked myself: what do these people need now? What would help them step up to the roles needed of them?

Inspiration then came a few days ago: removing the influence of social engineering. Social engineering is everywhere around you, in your daily life, and takes 90% of Lightworkers right out of the game of ascension.

So, I’m going to produce a new program called: Disarm Social Engineering. Already, I’ve been seeing a lot of interest from clients on Facebook.

I’m still in early design stage of designing the program, and you will get more details about it soon. I want to keep it at a low $97 price point, with a video program that is easy to follow and digest. 7 modules of 3 videos each.

The Speakers of the Sirian High Council via Patricia Cori #ufo #magick #god-complex #mammon #conspiracy sirianrevelations.net

We, the Speakers of the Sirian High Council, represent the consciousness of countless Sirians who are connecting with Earth from the ascended star system of Satais. We are old, much older than you and we know much about the human race, for our elders were part of the Great Experiment – the seeding of your race.
We have worked with the vehicle, Trydjya, since her appearance in body in the middle cycle of Atlantis, where she served as a Keeper of the Crystals. Like many of you, she returned to physical form during the Last Generation of the Atlantean civilization, a karmic debt that has brought you, children of Atlantis, back to serve at this time.

She has walked in Ancient Egypt, in Sumeria and Mesopotamia and has begun to retrieve those memories that serve the higher purpose of the All.

She received attunement in the Hyperdimensional Spiral at Stonehenge (known to you as the Julia Set crop circle) and it is from that time that established open communication. Our first two collections of transmissions, THE COSMOS OF SOUL and ATLANTIS RISING are readily available to you and the third NO MORE SECRETS, NO MORE LIES, has been timed to reach you now – when you need the information most. As the polar forces exert their dark influence over the living of your world, you need to awaken the dormant memories of how it was done in Atlantis, for these memories are essential to the outcome of your current events.

The channel Trydjya has come into body at this time to serve – as have you all.

Occultae Veritatis #magick #crackpot #god-complex #mammon amazon.com

THIS WORK HAS BEEN BANNED EVERYWHERE/ SAVE IT - PRINT - SPREAD FOR YOUR SURVIVAL. PLEASE **SPREAD** THIS VERSION OF FILE. The book features nearly all unknown secrets. Cracks in 100% nearly all topic of importance to you, like. * 100% Health cracked, * 100% Universal Laws (operating here cracked, how to take advantage), * In 100% describes Biblical Law of Jesus Christ which operates in this reality and leads to receiving everything that you want IN YOUR LIFE (if only followed), * 100% Seduction cracked (partnerships, how to seduce successfully a woman, how YOU can get a woman), * 100% cracks stock market, * business, * communications, * describes Illuminati thread (our situation, causality etc.), * and many more... / IT’S A BOOK: YOU MUST READ & IMPLEMENT TO LIVE – A HAPPY LIFE. / PROTECT IT.

Adama of Telos via Sharon Stewart #ufo #crackpot #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Adama: What it means is your light quotient is rising. It means that you're more in touch with the light than you are with the dark on earth, and that you're able to understand what is going on around your planet without much effort.

Me: People wanting to kill other people doesn't sound like the light.

Adama: People being arrested for wanting to kill other people is. You had tapped into their effort to arrest these potential murderers before they carried out any of their heinous ideas.

Me: Ah. I see.

Can you tell us about what Benjamin Fulford said, that the world's leaders are being murdered, apparently by the white hats? I find that a bit over the top.

Adama: They're not being murdered, Sharon, they're being arrested and sent to trial. That trial could result in their death though, because your people still believe in capital punishment. The entities that inhabit these beings, are being sent to the central sun for recycling.
Me: I don't see myself on a higher timeline, Adama. I see myself living here with maskers who haven't woken up yet. They've got the schools covered and I even get asked covid questions by maskers working at the vet's office. These people have all submitted to the control agenda and some even support it because they can't tell they're being lied to.
Adama: You're moving. And you'll create a city that doesn't wear masks and is non-compliant. So you're going to move to a higher vibrational area. For now, your light is still needed where you are.

Me: You can say that again. I have woken some people up, though.

Adama: It has. You can't save the whole city. Some people are too far gone to be helped.

Rebecca Rose #ufo #magick #conspiracy #moonbat rebeccarosebarfoot.com


This morning when I checked in with Mother and Father the way I always do, we are greeted by a group of Sirians. This has not happened before.

Yesterday I'd also seen something new, light ships and benevolent energies circling our moon. I knew right away they were clearing out the influence of negative extra-terrestrials at certain lunar locations, but I wasn't expecting a visit from them.

These Sirians have such beautiful, serene, inquisitive and highly intelligent energy. Very equanimous, without affect, judgment or expectation. I recognize them by their double-lobed cranial structure and unique energy signature. Their "craft" is just a living, pulsing orb of light. This is a small group, including shorter beings who appear as children or young.

"Things are coming true. The prophecies you are familiar with seek their final end." With this brief but powerful statement, my inner vision sees the Hopi Blue Kachina.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Recapitulation BPC/PC. A quartz PC and bioparticle cost $600

The art of Recapitulation was developed by Shamans to break all links with your fellow Man, created by encounters in your life that attach you to the Matrix by energy bonds. To use simply hold the BPC in your left hand and PC in your right and review your memories from past to future to allow the Psychotronic Crystals to cut all the energy ties with everyone you have met to free your Awareness. See Carlos Castaneda’s: The Eagles’ Gift’ and ‘The Fire from Within’ for advanced work use the Specialised PCs/BPCs in the Overmatrix Burner PC/BPCs; the 24 Set on this site (SupernaturalSpirit.com) to free you from links created by Demons, Greys to the ADR and OverMatrix and Archon reality. The Recapitulation BPC/PC also works simply by putting under your pillow the PC and BPC in left bedsock to break all these energy entanglements as you dream of the Archon Middle Place as you sleep. The PC/BPC shreds those links as you meet the people you remember in your dreams simply by sleeping – the easy way for the busy career person.

The BPC/PC burns the engrams that mould your energy field into the ADR by corrupting it with foreign energy. The engram functions burns these engrams simply by holding PC in your left hand, BPC in left sock and visualise the people event sin your life to shred all the entanglements for PF (energy) see L Ron Hubbards: Scientology.

The Recollection BPC/PC is Anti-Engram (unknown word) is a perfect Psychotronic Generator to boost all Scientology functions to superboost your advancement by ridding you of all Engrams at a superfast rate with or without outside help.

Antarian Collective via Galaxygirl #ufo #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Antarian Collective. We are light weavers in our own right. (I am seeing light language codes become thin shiny gossamer-like fabric of the most vibrant pastels. They are weaving the light language into a fabric-like substance). We wish to imbue you and/or homes with this special fabric of peace. We are a peaceful race and nation. Long ago have we left the warring ways and we delight in anchoring peace. These light codes of our language and world are our gift to you today. We offer them freely to you. (I see they are now translucent light robes of vibrant pastel colors). Would you like to wear this? (Yes, thank you.) We offer them freely with love and deep respect to our light workers and family embodied on ground. You have many aspects, you have many forms. Be assured your success is nigh, in fact you have already succeeded. Oh, we realize that we may not be as exciting as some of our other friends, (I am seeing dragons), but we hold steady, we hold strong, as do you, our beloved family, our beloved ones. (They are weaving a vortex of rainbow light and colors around me. I see other light workers joining in all around the world. We are adding our light. We are weaving our own fabric and we have spanned the world with this light fabric of higher dimensional light language from not only the Antarians, but now more and more of our galactic friends are joining in. It is a fabric of multi-dimensional light language from many systems. It is singing. There is laughter, there is joy. It is becoming an orb of light language englobing Gaia and all upon her). Yes. We send forgiveness to the dark ones.

James Rink #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick supersoldiertalk.com

A clone can be run by artificial software. Which means an artificial soul like creation typically called an Artificial Soul. (This knowledge came from another race, there are mixed views as to which race).
This is not a true soul but it can function as one for this purpose.
Humans are definitely not ready for this form of technology.
These artificial souls can be implanted into a clone and then captured once dislodged from the clone body. They can erase and reuse these as they desire.
To explain their mind on this: I have heard them claim that artificial souls in clones have no free will and therefore invite no karmic response. For this reason clones have almost completely replaced what was referred to as a Mind Controlled Slave. (a term i feel has become invalid these days, but that’s another topic) Several other positions within programs have been replaced with clones, and some whole groups have become obsolete due to the growth of this technology. They believe – right or wrong – if they can replace their use of living souls with their artificial souls, they will clear karma.
Theartificial soul is just a name. A series of words which give a false impression for it is not a soul at all – in my opinion it’s More like a hard drive or iCloud that carries, installs and operates a software meant to behave like a soul at the most primitive level. No spirit.Artificial light.

Isaac Weishaupt #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #magick amazon.com

The Dark Path is considered Isaac Weishaupt's magnum opus; a result of many years delving into the recesses of occult dogma from the approach of open-minded rationalism. Isaac's journey started with an attempt to separate religion from conspiracy theories, but the agenda clearly showed a connection. The question to be considered is if the agenda of the Illuminati overlaps with the tenets of the occult and whether or not there is an evil influence at play.
Utilizing familiar examples from pop culture, film, music, and television, Isaac proves the Illuminati agenda to steer humanity down a path of Luciferianism by inserting symbolism that speaks to, and manipulates, our subconscious minds. Demonstrations of occult symbols, predictive programming, and ritual magick concepts will be evident as the listener sees the connections made between Disney, The Beatles, Star Wars, Rihanna, Led Zeppelin, Jay-Z, Katy Perry, HBO's Westworld, Harry Potter, Batman, and many more!

This work carves out a distinction between witches, satanists, magicians, occultists, and the New Age, while proving the connected desires to usher in Crowley's Aeon of Horus as the New World Order. Isaac uses concepts from Gnosticism, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Kabbalah, and ceremonial magick to explain the symbolism in our entertainment.

Transhumanism and the alchemical pursuit of immortality is the pillar to our future as NASA, Nazis, and Ancient Alien theorists use evolution to assert the superiority of alien life forms. The Illuminati savior of Lucifer is revealed, as well as his desire to put us into the digital matrix.

R.J. Von-Bruening #crackpot #fundie #magick #ufo amazon.com

It is through this exceptional system of mystical symbolism created by the ancient scribes that the origin and true meaning to all the mystical symbols, like the pentagram, the all-seeing-eye, and the unfinished pyramid, are revealed. You will also learn the answers to some of the greatest mysteries concerning the biblical story. For you will find that the mystical symbolism of the Dream Vision contains the secrets of the Watchers, the Giants, the great Flood of Noah, and so many more mysteries, which are uncovered for the first time.

Not only are the hidden secrets of the Bible uncovered through the mystical symbolism, but it will also reveal the greatest secrets of mythology and the ancient world. You will understand the secret meaning to the ever-famous symbol of the Bull, the Twin Brothers of legend, and even the monsters of myth like the terrible Hydra. You will even learn the real reason why the Great Pyramid was built, the real secret of the Pleiades cluster, the lost city of Atlantis, and the other mysterious lost civilizations of the Ice Age; moreover, with the conclusive evidence of the terrible cataclysm that befell them all. You will also be presented with an entirely new theory on the identity and true origins of the mysterious figures our ancient ancestors worshiped as the 'gods' without invoking ancient aliens or endless religious speculation.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick energeticsynthesis.com

Planet Earth has a Krystal Body anatomy that holds many energetic constructs, which form into Chakras, Axiatonal Lines, Ley Lines and the many energy vortices that make up the layers of the entire Planetary Auric Body. The fact this planet was originally created from the Diamond Sun architecture, reveals the true creator of this planet and the progenitor of the human species. This remains the truth no matter what extraterrestrial race has planted its flag on the earth surface, claiming the earth as their territory. Starseed gridworkers may sense and work with many of these Holographic constructs in the earth grid, which form the basis of understanding the energetic architecture of the earth consciousness body, and how this structure creates the many realities and time fields. The many dimensional layers in the earth’s auric body are the container for entire collective consciousness on planet. These structures hold the content of all of the consciousness that manifest into the many different kingdoms and species that exist on the earth. They hold the point of origination for all of the collective consciousness energy that was originally seeded onto the planet, and entered the material realm from the Grail point. The Grail Point is located within the planet’s second dimensional Stargates, with its primary access being within Temple Mount.

Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We surround you in a circle of light. (I see many colorful dragons of all sizes surrounding Gaia, wings out. They are in place beating their wings, creating a breeze of light energy. I feel this breeze and have chills down my spine). Be bigger than the fear that seems to surround you. For it is but an illusion and it is being blown away. The light is coming, is here, is within you. Become the Christed light. Become this vibration. Many of you are already doing this as you serve endlessly in the quiet moments, as you usher in the vibration of peace by your presence. You cannot be shaken. You cannot become muddied unless you allow the mud of fear being thrown to stick on you. Wipe it off. Blast it with light. You are more than your fear. It is not your fear. It is the others’. Fear lowers vibration, lowers health. Healthy forms require oxygen, light, love, and yes, pursuit of happiness.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We wish for humans to be happy again to find their joy and purpose in commonality of unity consciousness again. You are all lonely, this we see. We are here all around you, your dragon family of light. Do not be afraid to invite us into your circle. For we are here regardless. (I hear dragon laughter). Little human, why do you feel you must do it all alone? When you envision your purple fire within Gaia, you envision yourself sitting there all alone. Invite your angelic team, invite the archangels, so mighty and strong. Invite the angelic collectives of light. Invite your ascended dragons to assist. Let us create more light.

Jason Miller #magick strategicsorcery.net

Now, I have done evocation pretty much by the book (well not with Lions belts and virgin spin thread, but with more of the whole show than most people muster) and I tend to agree that it provides more poltregeist phenomena than say using Kraigs Watchtower as the circle and forgoing the traditional tools in favor of your stock ritual tools. Certainly, I have experiences things like Garner talks about. Screams, winds indoors, lights that are visible to several people (one of whom was in my living room while I was in another room performing the rite).

At a seance I experienced airborn lights and indoor winds circling around us. The work was done at my house, so it was not set up ahead of time.

At a ritual we had the electric blow out, the candles go out, and light descend over us. This was Sandalphon who spoke in a voice that all four of us could hear. I should note that there is nothing more to this kind of rite than some simple prayers and a meditation – it is not even supposed to produce this kind of phenomina.

An evocation of Asteroth outdoors using mullein stalks as candle/incense and an evocation that consisted of nothing but a simple invitation to come and chanting her name over and over again produced a cloud soi thick that it obscured my house that was just 20 feet away/

Simply practicing an Enochian call in my living room in Philly produced nightmarish visions for my wife.

Simple offerings to Takshaka and Varuna (two Naga Kings) on hunter mountain produced rains which stopped on command when we commanded it.

amberbeth84 #psycho #magick #fundie reddit.com

Has anyone performed an animal sacrifice?

This last spring, my family and I moved onto a five acre homestead, bought some chickens and rabbits, started a big garden, the whole nine yards. The chickens are starting to get to maturity and I have a rooster too many for my needs. I'll be erecting an altar and sacrificing it to the Gods as a thanks offering for blessing us with this wonderful bit of good fortune. My plan is to take the rooster to the altar, slit its throat over the fire, then skin and debone it, wrapping the bones in the skin amd feathers amd adding it to the fire before preparing the meat as a meal for my family. I was wondering if anyone has done anything similar and if so, how it went? What are potential pitfalls I should look out for or difficult bits that might catch me unaware? Any advice on this would be appreciated.

Sean Bond #conspiracy #ufo #quack #magick psionicleague.com

Etheric Implants are Psionic creation of a Etheric Nature (or other energy type or bandwidth, not just etheric but mental , astral, light ect) created by a psionic user, consciousness or device. Made as a etheric construct that has an energy charge, programming form and structure in etheric space for a specific intention.

They come in many shapes and sizes of creation, they can range from low levels of creation to advanced such as camouflaged, booby trapped, dead-man switch types and advanced long term chess move camouflage. They can even have some type of programmed intelligence, awareness or A.I. intelligence in there processing. Most of the ones that have these items can be classified as etheric Satellites.

The most common of intentions of the implants will be, Monitoring, Energy siphoning, mental Body monitoring, used for Multidimensional self’s for hijacking purposes used for influencing the timeline and events used for opening alternate personalities, influenced behaviors and emotional habit patterns. This limits and blocks the individual from growing spiritually and “Leveling up” faster and more efficiently. It is the cutting off of awareness, acting as a back door to the individual, causing dramatic chess moves, used as a terminal to project pain into the individual in various ways and causing trapped emotions used for projecting negative fine print spiritual contracts for experience to change the timeline for the individual and those around them.

We have learned the skill set in psychic surgery to remove these and disarm any booby traps, curses and monitoring. Resolving the drama entanglement to help clear up the individual and better help and aid their multidimensional self to learn skill sets for future preventative care and maintenance so they will not get implanted as easily again on their timeline. We even teach the skill set to others if they do not underestimate, take care and do not abuse the skill set.

Cobra #ufo #magick #moonbat 2012portal.blogspot.com

They are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation.

Visualizing planet Earth and especially the planetary surface completely immersed in pink Light is also helpful.

There will be two key moments where more massive participation in the Flower of Life meditation would be advised.

The first one is the moment of Mars Saturn square which occurs on Monday, August 24th at 6:19 pm GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help dissipating the violent energy in the planetary energy field which will reach its peak at that moment.

The second one is the moment of heliocentric Eris Pluto square which happens on Monday, August 31st at noon GMT. Flower of Life meditation at that moment will help supporting the Light Force fleets which will be involved in critical operations in the Solar system and in sublunar space at that time.

Victory of the Light!

Timothy Wyllie #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy #ufo indiebound.org

Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, the angel Georgia details the events of Earth’s ancient history in the 8th millennium BC

• Reveals how Atlantis had copper mines in North America and tin mines in England, which initiated the Bronze Age and made Atlantis outrageously wealthy

• Explains the true purpose of Gobekli Tepe as part of Prince Caligastia’s plan to enslave mortal souls

• Interwoven with observations about Wyllie’s current and previous lives, such as his involvement with the Process Church and his profound near-death experience

After Lucifer’s angelic rebellion 203,000 years ago, Earth and 36 other planets were quarantined from the larger Multiverse. Despite aligning with the rebel angels, Georgia--an angel of Seraphic status--was permitted to remain on Earth and continue her role as a Watcher. In this book, Georgia, writing together with Timothy Wyllie, shares her personal account of Earth in the 8th millennium BCE, the first era of Atlantis. .
The copper the Atlanteans mined in North America, together with tin from England, powered the Bronze Age and initiated the first truly technological civilization on Earth, making Atlantis outrageously wealthy. Georgia also shows how Gobekli Tepe was an attempt by Prince Caligastia to sabotage the planet’s electromagnetic energy grid and interfere with mortal ascension, all in order to enslave souls to an endless series of mortal incarnations. After Caligastia put this plan into action, Georgia found that 70 percent of Atlanteans were now rebel angel incarnates--the Multiverse Administration had thwarted his efforts to recycle souls.

James Rink #conspiracy #magick #crackpot supersoldiertalk.com

A high strangeness continues on the coldest desert on Earth we call Antarctica. Remote viewers have been having a field day trying to see what so many governments of the world are hiding down there and refusing to talk about.

Incoming reports are somewhat similar in nature—an unearthed lost civilization found under the ice, an alien influence and presence, and the discovery of advanced technology. But a higher understanding behind this Arctic development has eluded most reporters and remote viewers alike.
“It’s really complicated,” admits E. M. Nicolay, a remote viewing expert and timeline reader who took a look at the situation for this piece (the full audio interview is below). Nicolay says he was completely taken aback at the depth of what he saw from both a spiritual and evolutionary perspective. It appears the recent discoveries emerging from this frozen continent are directly linked to past, current and future events happening in our world, especially in the Middle East. Even the lost civilization of Atlantis plays a key role.

While Antarctica is NOT Atlantis rediscovered as some might think, it was an outpost of the lost continent which went down in a cataclysm that occurred thousands of years ago after a third and final biblical-like flood. The Atlanteans had colonies all over the world where they preserved their knowledge and technology. Antarctica was one of these key outposts. This vast frozen wasteland was once a thriving fertile land with palm trees. During a prior shifting of the Earth’s axis it was instantly flash frozen, while other lands flooded over and disappeared.

Marisa Russo #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick forensichealing.com

The following list is a compilation of facts and intel about the world we live in. Twenty years ago, I researched some of these disclosures, and now I’m coming full circle. The proof exists, thanks to some very brave insiders. And this list only scratches the surface.

-Our planet operates by a sadistic dark force called the Cabal, often referred to as the Jesuits, Illuminati, Satanists, Annunaki, etc.
These groups use satanic rituals and believe they are the elite race. Many crimes against humanity are committed to keeping their secrets hidden.
-The Dracos are a reptilian alien race controlling the Cabal. They feed off the energy from fear, sadness, selfishness, narcissism, hatred, anger, jealousy, and depression.
-They use mind control technology to manipulate and control their subjects. This includes an onset of tiredness whenever you attempt to advance your spirituality.
-Another negative force controlling the Cabal are the Orion Confederation. They are part of the spiritual, unseen war taking place in our solar system.
- There is an underground pedophile ring that operates at the highest of levels; governments, politicians, military, police, etc.
- There are negative extraterrestrials (ETs) who abduct humans and operate human slave programs.
-In 2014, an energetic wall appeared in our solar system. This wall was to protect our solar system from the Cabal, who were -attempting to fire a superweapon at the positive spheres that arrived in our solar system in 2012 to help protect us.
-Aliens and humans live on the “dark side” of the moon (they are camouflaged.) The Earth contains underground cities and US/NATO military bases which are inhabited by humans and ETs.

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