
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Donald Trump Jr. #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

As we perpetually indoctrinate our children with weakness, feminize our boys, attack masculine men, glorify trans insanity, etc. just understand that one day the savages you see brutally attacking innocent civilians in the streets of Israel will be on your front door & you and your loved ones will have ZERO capability of defending themselves. That’s the future the left is creating for you.

@MaudeYoung #transphobia gettr.com

From TERF Island Today

FINA ruling on transwomen ends 20-year fantasy that sex is not real

No serious scientist disputes that maleness confers a sporting advantage

"Rather, they mark the end of a two-decade fantasy in which sports regulators pretended that the male and female bodies shaped in puberty could somehow be equalized during adulthood. The main reason it was indulged for so long was the rise of well-organized, forceful trans lobby groups, which insisted that "trans men are men" and "trans women are women." Any dissent was condemned as "transphobic.""

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia bloodandfaith.com

[From "Civil War 2 and Resisting Antichrist"]

Joe Biden is accusing half of America as being “extremist” and a threat to democracy. In truth, Biden, his son Hunter, and his own handlers are the traitors. They are selling the country’s interests for cash, and facilitating andinvasion as dangerous as the invasion of Muslim Africans into Spain in the 700s AD, and the Mongolian threat to Christian Europe centuries ago. Satan’s plot to white of the white and Christian race continue with very much the same tactics — human wave attacks[…]
We do not live in a country where the average person has a voice. If we did, none of the above would have occurred — none. Not a single state ever voted to legalize homosexual marriage

The antichrist forces define “democracy” as trannies, sodomy, open borders, the destruction of American industry, mandatory “vaccines,” and rule by “experts” who masquerade as “scientists” who know better than “we the people”

Only an awakening in the free and independent Pulpits can resist the current tyranny[…]
But . . . if we do not have Christians nations and Christian states, we will genocide the Church of Jesus Christ on this earth. There is no limit to Satan’s voracious appetite and therefor no end to the rapaciousness of the devil’ children and synagogue. We are fooling ourselves by believing that our current docile and submissive relationship with the world and the Jews is acceptable. There simply is no peace between the seed of the Woman and the seed of the serpent (the brood of vipers, the children of the devil, Satan’s synagogue)[…]
There is a reason whites are the target — we are the most anti-antichrist people in the planet naturally, instinctively, genetically, and historically. We need to resurrect that[…]
You either bend the knee to the antichrist of this generation or you stand in defiance of him. There is no third path. The idea of a third path is Satan’s idea

James Esses & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( James Esses )
It’s not “anti-trans”, Tom. It’s pro-reality, pro-child safeguarding, pro-women’s rights and pro-free speech.

Sunak in most anti-trans statement yet:

“We shouldn’t be bullied into thinking anyone can be any sex that they want to be. A man is a man and a woman is a woman, that is just common sense.”

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
A woman
Is a surgically

Or else

Going not for the throat
But for the

@ljlyon #transphobia gettr.com

A Trans woman are men attending a woman's support group for rape survivors and then goes into the women's bathroom to masturbate over the sexual excitement he feels from witnessing their pain from being raped by men like him. And you can take your fucking presenting shit and shove it up your ass. All men no matter how they "present" if they claim to be women have the right to infiltrate women's everything. Because of this trans cult bullshit. No such thing as transgender it doesn't exist it began with ALL male fetishists and now women trying to escape sexualization. Fuck everyone who supports this fucking hellhole you've put women in making us fight for our rights ALL OVER AGAIN.

Julie Bindel #transphobia telegraph.co.uk

Misognyistic trans activists have suffered a huge defeat
Women did not fight for single-sex hospital wards based on “gender identity”. Thank goodness the NHS is finally waking up to this

Finally, the NHS is putting women’s safety first. Steve Barclay, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, is set to announce proposals that would see trans women banned from female wards, and ensure people have intimate care provided by doctors of their own sex.

It is nothing short of a disgrace that trans activists managed to reverse the female-only policy in the first place.
Following our successful feminist campaign for women-only wards decades ago, things progressed as they should have, with the safety and dignity of the patients paramount. Had men’s rights activists at the time protested against single-sex facilities, demanding the “right” to access our space, they would have immediately been identified as suspect, and we all would have ascribed an ulterior motive to their demands. It would have been plain to see that these demands were about easy access to vulnerable females.
Why, then, did the NHS so readily capitulate to trans activists claiming that some men are “really” women, based on an inner feeling, without considering the obvious risks such a scheme would pose? That bad men might make use of well-intentioned ideas should surely have occurred to someone.
The fact that this policy is at last changing shows that the NHS might just be starting to realise the significance of biology. In doing so, it needs to sort out its language. Feminists like me did not fight for single-sex prisons, hospital wards, rape crisis centres, bathrooms and changing rooms, so that we could share a “gender identity”. We did so because of the tsunami of sexual violence women and girls endure at the hands of men – sexual violence based on biological reality, not gender identity.
Trans ideology, and the capture of so many of our institutions, has led to an almost complete destruction of the rights women won, following hard, hostile battles, to keep ourselves safe from predatory, opportunistic sex offenders.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Another ex military guy who trooned himself out. Seems to be a lot of military guys who end up living out their fetish full time. Wonder why that is? Same as computer guys. ANother big market for sissy porn and transing themselves out.
EXCLUSIVE: Trans skateboarder, 29, who beat 13-year-old girl to first prize in women's competition is a divorced, ex-Navy father-of-three who was REJECTED from Olympic qualifiers for having too much testosterone

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Disgust of homos and trannies isn't just a Christian thing.

Ancient Pagan/Heathen Germans were reported to have pressed homosexuals into bogs with wicker hurdles, while they were still alive, because the act of faggotry earned capital punishment.

Claims to be a Pagan, yet is just another historically illiterate, Judeo-Christianity addled retard. Just put the gay little dead kike on a stick around your neck already, you Spiritual Jew.

( @Jb100 )
@Nature_and_Race Being called "gay" was the biggest insult to our Norse/Germanic/Anglo-Saxon pagan ancestors. Homos didn't last long back then.

( @John_Knox )
@Nature_and_Race even sub saharan africans have always hated faggotry.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )

The Greeks seemed to not have shared those same sentiments though.

According to the stories about Hercules I read.

( @CrimePays1985 )
@Nicholas_Scholl @Nature_and_Race Yea they gave a whole new meaning to sword carrier

( @Woodzun )
@Nicholas_Scholl @CrimePays1985 @Nature_and_Race

They really weren’t. I’m not giving the sources because I don’t have them at hand, but the Greeks were not fond of faggots in the slightest. Most of this “Greeks were fags” shit comes from a book written by a jew.

( @Woodzun )
@CrimePays1985 @Nicholas_Scholl @Nature_and_Race

The ancient Greeks were not open flamboyant faggots no matter how much every Marxist/kike wants them to be. Greek men would have been ostracized for faggot behavior. Especially as a submissive.

Only 600 out of 80,000 pieces of art depict homosexual behavior, with many being debatable.

There are no known sexual depictions between adult men and young boys, despite the fact that retards say that the Greeks were pedophiles. Which is actually the claim by a jew that I was referring to.

Ancient Greece was a hyper-masculine society, this notion of it being some bastion of homosexual tolerance is not grounded in any historical reality.

( @Chromedomedestro )
@Nature_and_Race And it should still earn it today. Forever.

itsnotaboutewe #transphobia ovarit.com

What If Gender Ideology Had Been Invented Earlier?
Those of us on this side of gender ideology see it for what it is - a cult that has captured society and is making fools of some of the most powerful people in the world. What's happening is like something out of a dystopian futuristic novel or a scary work of historical fiction. Imagine if this lunacy had actually happened earlier in history. What would have been the likely outcome?

If gender ideology had come along in the Middle Ages, would the priests of that time have embraced it, as some of our church leaders currently have? Would they have preached diversity and inclusion, and made special laws that put men in dresses into a slightly lower priestly class? Would they have decreed that anyone who speaks against the new religion should be cast out, punished, or even burnt at the stake? To prove that this new ideology was true, would the priests have forced the King to have all the female cattle, sheep, and pigs, killed in order to prove that mammals can indeed change sex? How would the resulting mass starvation have been recorded in the history books? Who would be blamed?

If gender ideology had come about in 1900, would there have been enough people identifying as men to send to war by 1914? Would the war have been lost by the Allies because of this? How would this terrible defeat be recorded and explained for future generations to learn from?

I keep mentally plopping this crazy ideology into different timelines and trying to figure out how history would have been changed by its presence. Not in any scenario does it improve life for those to come after. It always causes havoc and social upheaval.

How will our grandchildren view this time when they look back? Will it be decided that this was the worst case of mass hysteria in history, and blame technology, social media, and the weak minds of politicians? How will it be explained that a people who were so advanced that they sent probes to Mars also believed that people could change sex by just saying so?

The other side is always saying we are on the wrong side of history. I can't see a future to look back from if this cult does not implode soon.

Wesley Yang & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Wesley Yang )
“Misgendering” is really the foundational civil liberty. When lying about reality becomes compulsory, no one is free.

"I am the one being punished for speaking truth."

Powerlifter April Hutchinson says she's being threatened with suspension for calling trans athlete Anne Andres a biological male.

@Lea_Christina4 | @piersmorgan | @TalkTV | #PMU

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
or else!

Deluded trans narcissists
brandishing their fetish
as if it were
virtue itself

@DragonKitigan & @ThatUmberella #transphobia gettr.com

( @DragonKitigan )

( @ThatUmberella )
Thanks for that Dragon. It's mind boggling that STILL so many people are confused about SEXUALITY & GENDER & conflate the two.
SEXUALITY is LGB or hetero, GENDER is ideological woo, woo waffle, promulgated by John Money a pervy, paedo doctor who sexually abused twin boys! That's where this sick ideology came from. 20 years later his terrible abuse became public knowledge, but they still take their ideology from this man!!

@DragonKitigan #transphobia #conspiracy gettr.com

First they tried it on adults who were mentally unwell and/or grieving. Given their success at targeting unwell adult butches, they knew it would be smooth sailing at twisting the minds of children. I hate this ideology with every fibre of my being. If ever a class action is taken, I’ll be in line. Don’t really care about compensation. I just want the criminals out. Good luck to this man.

‘Transition is now being sold to people on a mass scale. It’s like PPI, but more sinister'.
'In a few years, I’m sure we’ll have law firms asking people if they transitioned and would like to claim compensation'.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10953157/Man-suing-NHS-trans-surgery-regrets-bravely-waived-anonymity-share-ordeal.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top via

Vivek Ramaswamy & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Vivek Ramaswamy )
If a boy thinks he’s a girl, that’s a mental health condition. Affirming his confusion at school isn’t compassion. It’s cruelty. Parents have the right to know.

Vivek Ramaswamy TRIGGERS The View When He DECLARES Transitioning Kids is CRUEL!

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
"Gender affirming therapy"
Is not about gender
It affirms nothing but delusion
And to term it "therapy"
Is an anti-truth


@ljlyon , @JonKUhlerLPC & @gendermapper #transphobia #kinkshaming gettr.com

( @ljlyon )
All Radical Feminists are against pedophilia & any abuse towards children. We are against BDSM & KINK & sex trafficking & the entire sex industry. All Radical Feminist support the Nordic Model of supporting women caught in the sex industry & looking for a way out with supportive government programs. Radical Feminists are against Transsexualism/Transgenderism & exhibitionism & paraphilia fetishes which largely develop in males/men again compared to men it is very rare for girls/women to develop a paraphilia fetish. The phenomenon of girls transitioning over the last 5-10 years has more to do with social contagion than it proves that females are equal to men in developing sick and twisted violent behavior as you are trying to claim. Wrong Again, Jon

( @JonKUhlerLPC )
The Trans Deception is more than social contagion. It is time to do some homework, as opposed to waxing eloquently from an Agenda-driven mindset, which blinds you to how sophisticated predators operate, as they target kids. Predators are found among both genders, so time to drop your blind hatred of men, and begin to care more about properly protecting women and children. Spend some time listing to this interview with Alix Aharon, @gendermapper, to learn how some of the most vile predators against young women are female, pushing and facilitating the Trans Deception.

( @gendermapper )
Many of the worst pushers of transgender pornography are women- one of them is Buck Angel who is responsible, amongst other things for producing stomach churning porn for dysphoric females, as well as a range of sex toys for women with mutilated bodies. I'm a total abolitionist, 5 years ago I would have never believed how many dangerous women are trans pushers and porn fetishists, but I go on pornhub and only fans and I've started to live in the cold, harsh reality. Most predators are of course men, but I can't discount what I've seen as irrelevant or not worthy of documenting.

hard_headed_woman & WatcherattheGates #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

Castor Semenya: Double Olympic champion wins appeal at European Court of Human Rights over testosterone rules

( hard_headed_woman )
I've included this in Gender Critical for obvious reasons! He's a man. Furthermore, as bad as it is that women have to deal with the likes of him larping as a woman, I understand his situation is somewhat different from your normal garden variety larper. HOWEVER, how is this going to affect trans identified males in women's sport? Surely, the court realizes Castor has a male body, albeit with abnormal exterior genitals? If those idiot judges can say that Castor is a woman, what about other men larping as women?

I am so furious.

( WatcherattheGates )
This issue is interesting, because it is clear the sports organization doesn't want to come out and say what everyone knows--Semenya is a male. As a result, they made "her" lower her testosterone levels. I say that was a big compromise for the sports org to make.

But if that is not enough for Semenya, then the truth will have to out. Semenya may have been registered at birth as female, but that was a clinical mistake. They are male with genital anomalies. Period.

( hard_headed_woman )
But is it a clinical mistake?

Society can't imagine a man going through life with deformed genitalia, so he's always turned into a woman.

I get the feeling that his family always knew or knew early on.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

Trans: the new ideology of the ruling class

In another training clip, the same woman is shown telling a big lad in a wig that he can’t come into the ladies’ toilet. ‘Wrong door, love’, she says. Nice touch, HR: having the woman say ‘love’ drives home the point that she’s out of touch and, worse, probably from the working class, where words the middle classes hate – ‘love’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘doll’, ‘darling’ – still abound. ‘You’re not coming in here’, says the wicked woman to the man who thinks he’s female. To some of us, this looks like an admirable defence of female privacy and dignity in the workplace. But the foreboding voiceover chides and corrects us: it’s actually ‘inappropriate behaviour’.

That’s right – the ‘inappropriate behaviour’ belongs not to the hulking bloke making his way into a woman’s toilet, but to the woman who says, ‘Back off, love’. This is a rank moral inversion. A key demand of the second wave of feminism – the last good wave, in my view – was that women should have the right to work. And thus workplaces should not be hostile to women. Working women should be treated fairly and should have access to private spaces for the purposes of changing, going to the bathroom, etc. This video in which the man intruding on the women’s WC is the good guy, while the woman standing up for her sex is the bad guy, speaks to how thoroughly the trans religion threatens to undo the great gains of women’s liberation.

We are all familiar with the professional women who’ve been persecuted and discriminated against at work under the religious banner of ‘trans rights’. Maya Forstater, Allison Bailey, Rosie Kay, Denise Fahmy, Gillian Philip. Now one wonders how many working-class women are also pressured, day in, day out, to bow to their bosses’ beliefs, even if they don’t share them. To greet an obvious man as ‘Ms’, for example, or to sit through lectures about why it’s bad to stop bepenised people from disrobing or urinating in the same place that you do.

Matt Walsh #transphobia twitter.com

This is huge. Our ban on child mutilation has been upheld. When we passed the bill, trans activists gloated that they would easily get it overturned in court. Who’s gloating now you child butchering ghouls?

This evening, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the district court’s preliminary injunction in L.W. v. Skrmetti. As a result, Tennessee’s law that protects children from irreversible gender-related medical interventions remains in effect.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

Trans: the new ideology of the ruling class

Yes, class domination has had a makeover. It wears bad wigs and stilettos now. Consider the Telegraph’s exposé of the woke training regimes that now pertain in the UK civil service. A vast dossier of internal documents was leaked to the Telegraph showing that the machinery of state has been conquered by the trans ideology, ‘white privilege’ chatter and other culture-war craziness. Civil servants who surely have better things to do are being given LGBTQ+ education and shown training videos about how sinful it is to stop a ‘transwoman’ – ie, a fella – from using the women’s loo.

At the Ministry of Justice, they’re even being told it’s racist to believe in biological sex. ‘In many societies’, said a ‘diversity’ group at the ministry, belief in two sexes ‘is a product and tool of colonialism and white supremacy’. You think biology is real? That a person with a dick is a man, not a woman, no matter how many pills he pops or TikTok transition videos he makes? Then you’re basically Cecil Rhodes. It’s bad enough that crap like this is being taught in universities, but in the civil service? Among the people whose job it is to keep society ticking?

For me, the most striking thing about the woke soiling of the civil service is its disciplinary undertones. The implicit threat of consequences for those who stray from the neo-religious line. Especially those lower down the social ladder, in the less-educated and thus more problematic section of the workforce. So in one training vid, a receptionist is shown ‘misgendering’ a trans-identifying male. He introduces himself as ‘Miss Caroline Standish’, but she calls him ‘Mr Standish’. Typical ditzy receptionist. Send her to HR. How dare a woman who just answers the phones disrespect this important man in pearls and a dress?


various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist gab.com

( @BeachMilk )


( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@BeachMilk Let me explain why. Your meme is about abortions, faggotry, trannies and communism (socialism is not an economic doctrine, communism is)

All of those are Jewish inventions. All of them. So... The Jews control your country and the same people who control your country, that is the Jews, are the ones pushing for faggotry, transgenderrism etc.

That's why it seems as if you cannot get rid of it. To rid yourself from this problem, you must eliminate the root cause of the problem.

That's why. Meaning:

if the Jews go, faggotry goes with them.
if the Jews go, transgenderism goes with them.
if the Jews go, pide goes with them.

And so on.

( @Malignant )
We also live in a world where the people opposed to the systematic destruction of their country are only good for posting memes, ranting about it.

( @BornFreeCountryGirl )
@Malignant @BeachMilk I'm just wondering if you have a solution to that. I'm being serious. I see other countries protesting in the streets but has it really changed anything? We are told to run for local elections yet that will not effect the fraud that accures. Until the truth is actually told, heard and people are prosecuted. I don't see any changes in sight.

( @Malignant )
@BornFreeCountryGirl @BeachMilk

Nope. We’re fucked.
Sew your kids buttholes closed is the best I can offer, cause 1st grade tranny buttpoundings are the order of the day in the good ol, piece of shit USA.

( @BornFreeCountryGirl )
@Malignant @BeachMilk I love this country but am very disgusted and ashamed with everything that is going on. I'm disappointed to admit it but I think you're right. Good night.


( @Farmer2112 )
@BeachMilk And jews run them all. Prove me wrong.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Why Wednesday's protest won't work"]

On this coming Wednesday, September 20th, an event called the "Million Person March" is being planned at every provincial legislature and at various schools across Canada†, to help protest against the evil sodomites and their sick agenda

I'm very very sorry that it's not going to be well attended

I've written about this before:

Commandment The Second: Conservative Rallies Shall Be On Weekends
Ezra's second mistake was having the rally on a Friday afternoon. Another problem with conservatives rallying is that the target audience are all industrious and hardworking people who work full-time (and often beyond) at real life jobs in the real life private sector. Unlike the lazy unproductive losers who inhabit public sector unionized jobs (and even private sector unionized jobs), they can't just tell work that they'll be taking the rest of the day off to go protest a coffee company's policy of advertising on their in-house TV network[…]

And indeed, I will not be attending the Million Person March, because it's at 9am on a Wednesday. I'll be at work[…]With the way rush hour traffic in Edmonton has been the last few weeks, depending on the location 5:30 would be difficult to swing

I understand that it's a school protest and meant to take place at schools during the time the kids being pushed pillow biting and chopping off tits as a positive lifestyle change, but by its very nature that provides the target protester a significant hurdle that we generally can't get out of[…]
Nor is the other reason it's at 9am, the student walkout, going to be as successful as you might hope and for much the same reason[…]
The evil poofters in our schools need to be fought with every weapon we have and stopped by any means we deem necessary. This is an absolutely essential fight and we cannot stop until they are completely and utterly destroyed

This event on September 20th won't achieve any of that

Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

If you will swallow
A mutilated man
Is a woman
You will swallow

And that's
The point

Guess who

"No sex please, we're anthropologists." Apparently, talk of sex is dangerous & harmful to anthropologists. A panel I was slated to participate in, at the annual meeting of @americananthro, was just cancelled. See the cancellation letter, & our response. 👇🏽 @eweissunburied

@AthenasWrench & @Amanda504 #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
The new Title IX that inserts gender identity, completely destroying the entire purpose of Title IX. Now women will not have sports, washroom and changerooms or even a word to describe ourselves. So much for the 50th anniversary. Women have been erased.

( @Amanda504 )
And as they rape & kill us, we don’t even have words to describe who they are raping & killing. All by design.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

A bunch of larpers are ecstatic that males with a pronoun now take precedence over women. Biden has fucked women over completely.

Great news! The Biden administration has officially proposed adding gender identity and sexuality to title IX protections.

This would confer a slew of legal protections to trans students in all public schools.

Now it goes to public comment for 60 days. It must go through!

Lionel Shriver #transphobia unherd.com

Is trans the new anorexia?

Both diagnoses have significant intersections with autism, anxiety and depression, making patients susceptible to a tangible-seeming solution to a generalised discontent. Both populations mistake self-annihilation for a route to enlightenment and rebirth. Both populations seek to salve psychic torment by renouncing the body, the trans child through reconfiguration, the anorexic through evaporation. Both brands of patient embrace the recognisably religious practices of self-abnegation, redemption through suffering and purification via repudiation of the flesh.
For the paediatric gender clinic whistle-blower Jamie Reed testifies that in America’s liberal enclaves, having a trans kid has become a prestige diagnosis for many parents — one far preferable to the passé status of having a child who’s plain old gay. Reed identifies the root of the problem as another plain old: homophobia.
As for treatment, anorexia is universally acknowledged as an illness. Doctors regard this potentially fatal form of dysmorphia as a psychiatric ailment that must be arrested and resolved. Not so transgenderism, which is often celebrated, if not beatified as a state of higher consciousness. “Gender-affirming care” doesn’t treat the illness but indulges the patient’s delusions to the hilt. Rather than coach a child to reconcile with reality, clinicians twist reality to reconcile it with the disorder. Anyone who dares describe the bizarre and biologically baseless conviction that one was “born in the wrong body” as a mental health issue is tarred as a transphobe. Were teenage anorexics treated anything like trans kids, they wouldn’t be encouraged to finish their dinner, but rather abjured, “You’re right: you’re fat! Your true self is even thinner! You will never rise to sit at the right hand of God the Father Almighty until you completely disappear!”

@wilsb8 & @Felinethropist #transphobia gettr.com

( @wilsb8 )
There are three ways you can tell that Trans Rights Activism is Men’s Rights Activism: One, it’s all about the penis and where they can put it. Two, if you reject the penis you’re a bigoted TERF (trans exclusive radical feminist) and Three, rejection of the penis is met with rapey/murdery responses.

( @Felinethropist )
The Penis Law for Men Only:
If you want to wear female attire/makeup you can if you have had your penis AND testicles removed, if you have a penis and testicles you are not allowed to wear female attire, makeup, or wigs. A toupé is fine. The same applies to those with either a penis OR testicles. You will not be able to change your birth sex on official documents, and pronouns are banned, also you are not allowed in female spaces nor are you allowed to teach children under the age of 16.
The medical procedure will be paid for by the man requesting it. No male under the age of 21 will be allowed this surgical procedure.
Any man showing his genitals in public will attract a jail term of not less than 5 years served, this to be served in a male only prison.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Chuck Missler talks about how the lineage of the Savior would not have been possible, in order to save the woman, if Adam had not loved Eve enough to sacrifice his own life by deciding to join whatever fate she faced by eating the apple, too, because of his love for her. It is an imagery of Jesus’ love for his Bride who is the Church, and his giving his life for us on the cross, in order to save us. He talks about war between the “Genesis 3:15 seed of the serpent” reptilian hybrid nephilim pedophile cannibal Satanist LGBTPB witch feminists and the “seed of the woman” who is Jesus. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Anu of the Anunnaki is the forefather of all the Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar black nobility families who run the world. He rules from the Draco Empire’s underground base under the Vatican Satanist headquarters. He used to walk on all fours, until he received a 4th dimensional snake and human hybrid body. He also uses a human nephilim giant avatar body. <...> When you see Western feminist nations’ Eve walking around with naked women’s heads and cross-dressing in men’s pants, dear brethren, then get out of that earth immediately, because that earth will get torched & scorched. 12 million of their children will get tortured & lesbian raped (pegged) & satanically sacrificed & eaten by these demon spirits in human-looking avatar satanically inverted gender bodies, and their human meat & bone ashes thrown into the supermarket groceries & church food & fast food, which these “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers” fake Christians and fake pastors are hiding and covering up for Satan Lucifer, because they are afraid of assassination attempts and ridicule by church donators. <...> If they want the devil, then God will give these Western feminist nations’ women the devil, and all the devils’ nuclear wars & manufactured famines & fake pandemics & demon vampire cannibal pedophile armies, for that is their choice.

Kathleen Stock #transphobia kathleenstock.substack.com

Entering the parallel universe of transactivism

And then, of course, we also get the fiction of the “trans” child - the most audacious retcon of them all. Transwomen who are “women” must once have been “girls”, and transmen who are “men” must once have been “boys” - which, by extrapolation, means that there must be “girls” in the population of male children, and “boys” in the population of female children, right now. “Trans” children (so often female, but never mind about that) “know who they are”, and should have the “freedom to be themselves”, we are told; yet this “freedom” may well involve a child’s taking drugs that will make her infertile; or give her premature osteoporosis; or bring about the surgical removal of her breasts, ovaries, and womb before she’s had any chance to reflect on the implications. Thousands of children and teens worldwide have been encouraged by adults to thoroughly immerse themselves in this fiction - indeed, to start believing in it, full stop - instead of treating it as one make-believe game among many, as part of a healthy development. Children’s bodies are being used as props in adult dramas they have no way of properly understanding until it’s too late for them.
A fear of breaking the fourth wall is also, I think, what makes transactivists panic so much about J.K. Rowling’s forthright interventions on the harms of modern transactivism to women and girls. Rowling has the courage to describe the reality of male behaviours that harm women and girls, regardless of the identities of either. Perhaps precisely because she understands so well the difference between fiction and reality, the famous creator of “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” is both willing and able to name things that others dare not name at all. She also has the communicative power and cultural clout to get her message out to millions. To those emotionally or indeed financially invested in trans fictions, and who desire others to remain immersed too, this must be terrifying.
The answer is that the existence of detransitioners reminds people that psychological identifications can be temporary, especially in adolescence, and that there’s no inevitability about transitioning on the basis of feelings of dysphoria. [...]

@Mama_Lioness & @DragonKitigan #transphobia gettr.com

( @Mama_Lioness )
They new pink and blue army wants your sons and daughters. They are a stain on the rainbow flag. Time my LGB friends to create a new flag to represent you.

( @DragonKitigan )
Looks like 1930s Germany.

( @Mama_Lioness )
It's the new Reich flag. They have all the the right makings.
1. Change language
2. Target the gays and the mentally handicapped
3. Convince the world women are the bigots
4. Make laws to protect the man's women face movement.
5. Propaganda " Transwomen are women" "Trans men are men"
6. Indoctrination of the youth
7. Set up the medical experiments for girl, boys and any gay person with internal homophobia.
8. Silence women's voices
9. Put women in jail who speak the truth
10. Bully them out of careers
11. Put rapists and murderer's in women's prisons.
12. Make laws to protect them
13. Take away parental rights and dismantle the family.
14. Take over all women's sports and spaces.
Did I miss anything?

MenHaveItEasy , crispycherrypie & BondiBlue #transphobia ovarit.com

“The main goal of lactation induction in transgender women may not necessarily be milk production, but rather the nonnutritional benefits that come from breastfeeding.”

( MenHaveItEasy )
Lot of fancy words to say you believe men should be allowed to sexually abuse newborns for their AGP fetish.

This "male breastfeeding" shit is the single most horrific thing ever to come out of transgender activism. Im glad more people are finally seeing how dangerous and sick these men are.

Edit: Not to mention the risk of PTSD when these babies grow up and learned that their biological father posted pictures of themselves molesting their babies, and blogged about how they got off on it.

( crispycherrypie )
By "nonnutritional benefit" I assume they mean "sexual gratification".

( BondiBlue )
The participants in these "studies" and the people conducting them all need to be paid a visit by Chris Hansen.

Lionel Shriver #transphobia unherd.com

Is trans the new anorexia?

Both neuroses are clearly communicable. Ever since a preoccupation with thinness took off in the Sixties, eating disorders have soared, making the more recent insistence that anorexia is more of a heritable genetic proclivity than a cultural contagion dubious. From the Seventies onwards, an accelerating number of young women have got the idea to express their discontent through debilitating hunger from lavish media coverage, and one another. In kind, since 2010 the number of teenage girls referred to the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service increased by 5,000% — making claims of a purely genetic explanation equally iffy. Both these afflictions are social confections. Although tales of people who starved themselves or passed for the opposite sex exist in the historical record, eating disorders and transgenderism on a mass scale are recent inventions. Collectively, we made these dire maladies up.
Coming out as trans likewise greatly increases attention from schoolmates, teachers and a whole industry of therapists, endocrinologists and surgeons. In a single syllable, “trans” likewise seems to offer a readymade answer to who you are. Freeman tells us that “when an anorexic says, ‘I don’t want to be fat, I want to be thin,’ they are saying, ‘I want to be other than I am, and what I am is unhappy. I want to be someone else.” Clearly, transition to the opposite sex makes the same statement: I want to be someone else. But is becoming someone else really an option?

Especially since girls came to dominate boys in paediatric gender clinics 3:1, both forms of dysmorphia often hit the same population: suggestible, insecure adolescent girls with a fragile sense of self who are desperate to forestall all that womanhood entails: painful periods; vulnerability to rape and pregnancy; sex, often portrayed in ubiquitous internet porn as female humiliation; and fat. For some anorexics, their refusal to grow into women is implicit; when girls take puberty blockers, their refusal to become women is explicit. Having suffered the physical indignities of mature femininity for over 50 years, I don’t entirely blame them.

Kathleen Stock #transphobia kathleenstock.substack.com

Entering the parallel universe of transactivism

So too does transactivism, with the help of the media and the academy, work to fill in the consequences of the original fictions that transwomen are "women”, transmen are “men”, and nonbinary people "are neither men nor women”. Partly this is a matter of working out what would follow logically, given the way the concepts “woman” and “man” usually work. For instance, if transwomen are “women”, then transwomen are a sub-set of women generally, so we also need a special word for the sub-set of women that aren’t trans: “cis women”. If transwomen are “women”, then, since women before the age of sexual maturity are “girls”, transwomen before the age of sexual maturity are “girls” too. Since women who have children are “mothers”, transwomen with children are also “mothers”. Since women exclusively sexually attracted to other women are “lesbians”, transwomen exclusively sexually attracted to other women are “lesbians” as well (and so on and so on). There is also a frequent fiction that transwomen are “female” (because transwomen are women, and women are female).

And then there’s the practice of extending the entitlements and resources of women to transwomen, because transwomen are “women”, so they are imagined to share precisely those entitlements and need exactly those resources too. As we now know to women’s cost, being immersed in the fiction that transwomen are “women” leads people to think that transwomen should be in women’s changing rooms, schools, dormitories, halls of residence, prisons, social groups, sports teams, rape crisis services, swimming ponds, domestic violence shelters, shortlists, political meetings … the list goes on and on. Dedicated single-sex services and resources built painstakingly over years are now effectively dismantled, largely in the pursuit of aesthetic verisimilitude for males.

Meanwhile, if transwomen are “women”, and certain events and experiences characteristically happen to women, then the logic of the fiction dictates that transwomen must undergo these too. So for instance, transwomen are supposed to suffer from “misogyny”, because women suffer from misogyny (a fiction given further oomph by the fact that experiencing misogyny or even sexual violence is a common sexual fantasy of autogynephilic males.)


Scarlett Johnson , Dr Jordan B Peterson & Corner of Common Sense #transphobia #fundie twitter.com

( Scarlett Johnson )
Gender Ideology has no limiting principles. If left unchallenged, it devolves to the point of savagery. Why?
It is a religion without a God.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
There's always a god

Named or

Manifest or

Heavenly or

( Corner of Common Sense )
The alphabet community exposes their "god" sometimes...

Think of them marching together with satanists.

@column5 & @Melissamck #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy gettr.com

( @column5 )
Didn't see them out for the choice of wearing masks and taking the shot. These people are crazy..

( @Melissamck )
Marxist filth that's why, they couldnt give two sites about women, this is the same bunch that promote trans iactivism which is an attack on women

( @column5 )
The tide is turning.. we are winning because common sense will prevail. Its so laughable. Biden regime and the NWO is going down and the people are rising.

Kathleen Stock #transphobia #enbyphobia kathleenstock.substack.com

Entering the parallel universe of transactivism

When people say things like “transwomen are women”, “transmen are men”, and “nonbinary people are neither women nor men”, what do they mean? In my book Material Girls I suggested that many of them are immersed in a fiction.

As a trans person, there are different possible motives for immersing yourself in fictions of changing or escaping your sex. A well-known one is strong feelings of dysphoria. If you’re highly uncomfortable about the sexed aspects of your body - say, because they fail to fit prevalent bodily norms, or you think they do - you might experience relief to act as if you are of the opposite sex, or of no-sex. Worryingly high numbers of girls and young women are in this position at the moment. It’s reasonable to analyse this rise in the context of factors like the invention of the smartphone, the related spread of social media and pornography, and the over-sexualisation and objectification of young women in our culture generally.

A less well-known motive for immersion, specific to some but not all within the male trans demographic and also likely to be influenced by pornography, is the presence of a fetish known as autogynephilia (or “AGP”). In plain language: it’s a sexual turn-on for some males to enter into the fiction of being a woman. There’s a huge effort made by transactivists to deny this. [...] But numerous sources attest to it, and it’s important we recognise it clearly when it comes to discussing incursions into women’s rights. See, for instance, this Vice article from 2016, published before progressive media started to pretend autogynephilia could never happen, and frankly describing a club night where men go to cross-dress as women for sexual pleasure, sometimes also role-playing that they are being “forced” into “feminization” by a dominatrix. Residual doubters should also read Deirdre McCloskey’s transition memoir Crossing, where the sexual element is cheerfully admitted - or just look closely at this picture of a transwoman addressing the New York State Democratic Party.


George Lujack #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #homophobia #transphobia newswithviews.com

With these words, “We will not comply,” from President Trump, every true American should be prepared for civil disobedience, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the civil rights movement. It’s time for Americans to speak out, and not be silenced with masks. It’s time for Americans to roll up their sleeves and fight, and not roll up their sleeves to get vaccinated. It’s time for civil disobedience and more, to fight the medical tyranny that the illegitimate Biden regime hopes to impose on Americans.

If and when the next round of communist-driven propaganda media blitz comes about, saying, “We can do this,” and “We’re all in this together,” it should be shouted down with “I can do what I want,” and “I’m taking care of myself.” The U.S. constitutional republic ensures the rights of the individual against the tyranny of the communist collective. There is no medical emergency exception.
Patriots, stop trying to reason with brain-dead immoral liberals, be it friends, family members, or strangers. How can you reason with people who think abortion is not murder, that homosexuality is natural, that Covid vaccines are safe and effective, that sex change operations are not mutilations, and that men can get pregnant? The Democrats impeached Trump twice for nothing and have criminally charged him with nothing. They are too far gone. Don’t waste a lot of your time doing this.
It is high time that Americans begin going on the offensive attack against the communist left in America. I, for one, have no intention of allowing my illegitimate Democrat-commie overlords to dictate to me when I can come out of my house, whether I can breathe air without a mask, and I certainly will not be allowing anyone on this planet to stick an artery-clogging vaccine shot in my veins.

Americans, it is time to follow the lead of our true, duly-elected, America-first President Donald J. Trump and his rallying call to civil disobedience, “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!”

Mia & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Mia )
When people of the future look back at this despicable moment in history when we allowed teenage girls to sacrifice healthy body parts on the altar of gender, this image will be one of the exhibition pieces to demonstrate the true depravity of the era. What an utterly sick and twisted nation Canada is for allowing this individual to practice medicine.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
This is psychopathically detestable

For life
No parole

For crimes against humanity

@OperatorJ #transphobia gettr.com

Plenty of humble pie to go around. And it is those with a more compromising stance in the GC arena who've been assuming they know best. Assuming is the key word. Campaigners who are trying to keep their foot in the institutions to stay in work don't need to impose their strategy on people coming from a different place.

You cannot compromise with the truth. As soon as you say a man is any type of woman you are already lying. As soon as you say "she" for a male you are denigrating and mocking women. Shame on WPUK and the Labour Party.

@spikedonline & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @spikedonline )
There are now tons of online videos with parents talking excitedly about their child transitioning. This is a disturbing trend. These parents see their child’s ‘trans journey’ as an opportunity for self-promotion, says Pam Spurr

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Childhood gender dysphoria
Is frequently caused by
Parental narcissism and borderline personality disorder

@Kamodo & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @Kamodo )
The left wants to erase Title XI because they want to pander to men in dresses. https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2022/06/23/biden-proposes-radical-new-title-ix-rules-that-dont-help-women-n583171 #feminist #feminism

( @AthenasWrench )
Biden will make it illegal for women to have our own sports. He’s going to enforce the supremacy of the fictional trans. Stop voting for these people!! The left is not the left from even 10 years ago. It’s abandoned rationality and common sense, women and the working class and especially kids.

Are you happy that Roe v Wade is overturned?

( @AthenasWrench )
Far as I know abortion is not banned. It’s still determined at state level. I would never vote for a party that enforced the sterilization of children and didn’t know what a woman was. I don’t give a shit what label that call themselves. left they are not

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Devastating Military Recruitment in 2024"]

The military must continue to attract “consumers”: impressionable 18 – 24-year-old young adults, primarily males[…]
The U.S. military has become a social justice petri dish. That is not unique to Presidents Obama or Biden[…]The cumulative result will be sixteen years of a constant leftwing orbital shift that is way out of touch with ordinary Americans[…]
One of the key drivers of military recruitment was an appeal to patriotism[…]They joined to defend the Constitution and these United States[…]
Potential black recruits have been fed a steady diet of anti-American vitriol for the last five decades. It has gone into hyper-drive since the emergence of the Black Lives Matter[…]
More importantly[…]is the cumulative impact of anti-White and anti-Christian rhetoric[…]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) push has effectively forced White males out of recruiting content[…]The messaging from the United States military has been crystal clear: we do not want White recruits[…]
Anti-White shift in advertising may have been justified if the military still had White veterans imploring their White children to join the military[…]White veterans are speaking openly about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the politically weaponized Covid vaccine to their children[…]
Despite mountains of anecdotal assertions that Generation Z[…]are the most liberal demographic cohort in generations, polling data has shown something very different[…]
A case in point would be the horribly mocked cartoon commercial of a young female Army recruit with two lesbian mothers[…]The ridiculously leftist cultural mishmash was compared to Chinese and Russian recruitment videos featuring hardened men training constantly[…]
We simply need to focus our messaging like a laser beam on two groups: GenZ White Christian males and GenX veterans. Our strategy should hyper-inflate perceptions that the military is anti-Christian, anti-White, and homosexual

Trump Truth America First #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy trumptruthamericafirst.substack.com

To all the Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, or whatever you are calling yourself for the day…

It’s time for a national divorce.
Here Are The Terms Of Our Divorce:

Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by ideology. Since a majority of the land mass votes red, you can keep the coastal elites, and the bug-eating vegan yogis.

You can keep your woke ideology, and your forced redistribution of wealth.

You are welcome to your liberal judges, and the ACLU.

Since you hate guns, we'll take the firearms, the police, the NRA, and the military.

We'll take the reliable fossil fuels, along with the coal mines, and you can keep unreliable wind, solar, and bio-diesel.

You can keep Oprah, Whoopi, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell, along with all the other Hollywood Puppets and Pedophiles.

We'll keep capitalism. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies, and illegals. You won't have to press one for English, when you call our country.
You are welcome to Transgenderism, Transhumanism, political correctness, and the myriad of genders you pretend exist.

You can have the United Nations, WHO, WEF, and every other unelected, anti-human terrorist organization. We will no longer be paying the bill.
You can give everyone free, third-world health care, if you can find any doctors still willing to practice, under your totalitarian rule.

We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic”.

You can keep your communist anthems, substituting “Imagine”, "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", or "We Are the World”, for our once beloved national anthem.

We'll practice trickle-down economics. You can continue to give trickle-up poverty, your best shot.

Since our nation so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name, and our flag, along with an unrelenting love and patriotism, for our truly diverse, truly tolerant, and always incredible, United States of America.

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