
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

A mentally ill fetishist, who trooned himself out late in his middle age, pushes breast amputations, puberty blocking, penis amputations - on children. Biden has made transing out kids and trans as a group his number one priority. Big pharma thanks him for his service

Dave Blount #transphobia #homophobia #biphobia #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "August to Be Transgender History Month"]

One month out of 12 is not enough for our degenerate rulers to devote to grinding depravity and psychosexual insanity into our faces. So California is adding another:

The California State Assembly has voted to officially recognize August as “Transgender History Month,” beginning in 2024. The resolution, which passed on Wednesday, makes California the first state in the United States to have a month that officially recognizes the history and contributions of transgender people

Those still queasy from being force-fed LGBTism for the entire month of June may recall that the T stands for trans. But it takes more than one month to recognize all the positive contributions to society made by transvestites — or rather, it would take more than a month to come up with any

The bill’s author is Assemblymember Matt Haney, Democrat of San Francisco[…]
This demonstrates how sickness spawned in the cesspool San Francisco metastasizes. That’s how Nancy Pelosi came to be one of the most powerful members of the federal government for the past 20 years. Expect Transsexual Reverence Month to join Pride Month nationwide shortly

@AthenasWrench & @JCSRF #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
How can I make it about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE what about the trans!!

( @JCSRF )
I notice the use of "trans people" instead of "trans men" to make it sound like anyone who labels themselves "trans" is capable of getting pregnant and thus may require a termination of an unwanted pregnancy. Playing right into the hands of those men-who-pretend-to-be-women and who fetishise pregnancy.

( @AthenasWrench )
Troons are all over this. You think they give a single f**k about women? They will use this as a means to get their "gender affirming care" and centre themselves. Women don't exist anymore (same people)

@JulesVerne29 , @Bp4_Canada & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @JulesVerne29 )
I am shocked (well not really) that Canadian media promotes a trans agenda for CHILDREN to be given LIFE ALTERING surgery! This is not ok, and to suggest @PierrePoilievre and conservatives are transphobic because they want to PROTECT vulnerable CHILDREN is shocking and concerning

( @Bp4_Canada )
#1MillionMarch4Kids Sept 20th
* If you know child abuse when you see it.
* If you know the biggest medical scandal of the century when you see it.
* If you want to protect your kids from having this path glorified at their schools under the guise of "inclusion".

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
For the butchers
For life

BondiBlue & DietCokeAddict #transphobia ovarit.com

No, Colin -- the revulsion to TIMs moobfeeding IS about safety; we ARE disgusted; and no, YOU are irrational.

( BondiBlue )
The nerve of this guy to go all DARVO and accuse us of being the ones who believe in "magic-sexed souls." We are not disgusted by the thought of "a woman who 'used to be' a boy"; we know that there are no women who "used to be" boys, because you cannot change your sex. We are disgusted by males with a fetish who pretend to be us, and the corrupt medical establishment damaging children by indulging that fetish with grotesque guinea-pig experiments intended to break the bond between mother and child. We are disgusted by liars with NPD, as everyone damn well should be. This is barbaric.

Sorry, Colin: you can feel as morally righteous as you like, but your position is irrational, and it is wrong. Nothing you can do about that other than change your mind and get better.


( DietCokeAddict )
If males can breastfeed, why don’t ALL fathers do it? Or at least a majority - imagine how useful that would be!

Oh that’s right, males can’t breastfeed, and there’s no evidence they can produce anything nutritious for a baby from their male bodies, let alone anything as good as what mothers produce.

There is absolutely no reason for a man to attempt to breastfeed a baby except for his own enjoyment. That’s not irrational, that is an objective and observable fact.

And also, wtf is that about accusing US of believing in magic sexed souls?! That’s literally your entire ideology! And WE keep telling YOU it’s nonsense! Seriously I can’t even with this guy.

( BondiBlue )
His idiot defenders on the thread were saying stuff about insulin and antidepressants. Diabetics don't produce insulin naturally; depressives don't produce serotonin naturally; TIMs don't produce estrogen naturally, because (and I wanted to vomit) they're just like menopausal women, so they "need" these chemicals to be "healthy." SMH. They really do believe this is a "medical condition" rather than a psychiatric disorder and a "sexual fetish*. How the fuck do we slap "all the major medical associations" upside the head to get them to realize this is nothing whatsoever like that?!?

@AndreaCook & WDI_XX #transphobia gettr.com

( @AndreaCook )
In Australia and around the world, legislation is being introduced that replaces sex with gender identity. Advocates insist that there is no conflict of interest. But governments are not collecting data on the impacts of this legislative change. We're worried about the impacts on women of men using women-only spaces, including but not limited to: changing rooms, fitting rooms, bathrooms, shelters, rape and domestic violence refuges, gyms, spas, sports, schools, accommodations, hospital wards, shortlists, prizes, quotas, political groups, prisons, clubs, events, festivals, dating apps, and language. Please tell us how your use of women-only spaces has been impacted. https://www.noconflicttheysaid.org/home/page/5

( @WDI_XX )
"No Conflict, They Said." Well there are lots of conflicts! There is absolutely no legitimate reason to allow men access to women's spaces! What woman IS NOT impacted by men infiltrated our spaces!
Sponsored by members of LGB Alliance and Speak up for Women. Share your story here https://www.noconflicttheysaid.org/home/page/5

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

A commentator recently remarked that seven million men have dropped out of the workforce. What are they doing? Apparently, they spend 40 hours a week "in front of a screen."

Well, they are not reading this website. My books don't sell. Budgies have more followers on Instagram than I do on Twitter. No one wants to know that the West is becoming a Communist dictatorship, let alone do anything about it.

Why is that? The central bankers (Demonrats) stole the 2020 election effectively ending democracy. They rebranded the seasonal flu and used it as an excuse to poison billions of people and lock down the planet. They are encouraging our children to change genders and take puberty blockers. They squandered countless lives and lucre in Ukraine. They installed a pedophile, criminal, and traitor with a crack addict son as President and left a laptop to ensure we knew it.

California State Assembly has just passed a bill allowing parents to lose custody of their children if they refuse to accept their child's gender transition. They want your kids.

These people crossed the line a long time ago and continue to do so because they are not held accountable.
In a Twitter poll, I asked why the response of American men to the Communist Jewish takeover has been so "lackluster."

What is distracting them?

Four hundred men replied. 45% said porn is the reason.
42% said Sports. About 7 percent mentioned cannabis and day trading.
Porn and all the factors mentioned above have contributed to the tepid resistance to the loss of freedom, genocide, and child sex abuse.

The Canadian trucker's convoy has been the only proud exception. They represent the kernel of true Canadians, only to be smeared as Nazis by Fidel Castro's love child, naturally a Communist.

One comment said people won't fight until they can't feed themselves and their children. That day is surely coming.

The Illuminati tell us their plan. They want a Chinese-style system. If you value your freedom, you won't comply!

she-is-ovarit #transphobia #fundie tumblr.com

It's all connected. Corporations began marketing gay pride themed merchandise. An increase in "I-identify-as" populations began to flood gay bars and events, where outward appearance (marketed as "gender expression") became heavily emphasized.

Commercial visibility and marketability does not equal human rights progress.

Ability to consume does not equal citizenship to an oppressed group.

Biology, (referring to sexual orientation and sex) is not a brand you can buy into or boycott out of.

Corporations selling rainbows do not reflect our values.

The churning out of new "all inclusive" pride flags to pledge allegiance to is not indicative of liberation.

A historical homosexual slur being sold by the multi-billion dollar media obfuscates predominantly lesbian relationships ("queer women", "queer relationship") and retraumatizes many gay and lesbian people.

Gay pride only extending to people able to purchase detracts from the meaning of gay pride and distracts from the struggles of the most vulnerable. It positions the most privileged within marginalized and oppressed groups as those who represent the whole.

And associating body modification, aestheticism, and "expression" with self identity turns the lived experiences and material realities of entire subgroups of people into niche market categories that people who aren't even a part of these groups can identify into and out of based on social trends.

Biology becomes devalued, overshadowed by the social and manufactured "genders". Infinite genders means infinite target audiences. Lived, material realities of certain groups of people become materialism.

Human rights movements are becoming human rights industries, with the wealthy more directly capitalizing off of the exploitation of the poor, of the homosexual, of the female, of the immigrant, of the dark skinned, of the mentally ill, of the disabled, of the sick, of the marginalized and oppressed.

Don't buy into it.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Shower thoughts about the "gENiTal cHEckS" in bathrooms

( OwnLyingEyes )
The thing about this as much as anything is they're telling on themselves. We're not pushing for or even floating the idea of 'genital checks;' what they're saying however is that if they're restricted or banned from a space, women's sports, whatever, that they have every intention of not honoring that women don't fucking want them there. Them whining about hypothetical genital checks is them broadcasting that they'll continue to do their best to sneak in, cheat, and just generally continue to act like the center-of-their-own-universes narcissists that they are, that being unequivocally unwelcome isn't a dealbreaker for them.

And that, lurkers, is why we're sick of your shit. That's what makes you assholes, that's WHY YOU'RE EVEN LESS WELCOME THAN NORMAL MEN AT THIS POINT. Because you have zero respect for our privacy, our boundaries, our consent. Because RIGHT HERE, even as you play the victim, you signal that if you're told no you'll continue to treat it as a yes until you're forcibly stopped.

( GenZ-ProWoman )
TIMs (especially AGP imo) self-select themselves into being some of the most invasive and creepy of male people.

( dotconnectr )
The correct answer to "genital checks" or the question of whether or not a TIM passes is "I DON'T CARE" because ALL men must be excluded from female spaces, no matter how they dress, or what hormones they take, or what surgery they may, or may not, have had.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think "genital checks" are more of a fantasy than a fear for TiMs. God knows, they love talking about their girldicks.

( Researcher1536 )
They usually have a humiliation fetish, so of course they'd want this to happen. They'd pop a euphoria b*ner.

( Philogynist )
My feelings too. The "TERFS want to perform genital checks on everybody before entering bathrooms, especially poor trans people!" seems like either 1) they actually have this fetish/fantasy, or 2) they have past sexual trauma and are passing along their fear-mongering paranoia.

( Owlskye )
Exactly. They’ll cry about being persecuted but it’s their biggest wet dream.

Caitlin Flanagan & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Caitlin Flanagan )
This will rip families apart - which is a goal of the whole racket.

This is California State Rep. Lori Wilson, who wrote AB 957: "Parents affirm their children. Typically it happens when their gender identity matches their biological gender. But when it doesn't, the affirmation starts to wane... Our duty as parents is to affirm our children."

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Destroying the family
Is key
To destroying patriarchy

Dontcha know


Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

- Liberty safe commits corporate suicide by colluding with FBI against its own customers

- The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America

- BOYCOTT #LibertySafe and never buy their products again

- #RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media

- Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more

- Bioweaponized mosquitoes are being dropped on migrant camps in #Panama

- Malaria + Encephalitis (brain swelling) are current symptoms

- Treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas FUNDED the migration invasion camps in #Darien Gap

- Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States

- Human vessels / carriers for the next round of biological warfare against the American people before 2024 election

- USDA and FDA placing heavy new restrictions on food imports to worsen #famine and #starvation

- Former Malaysian PM warns of the West's global #depopulation scheme, involving coercion, invasions, revolutions

- The #dollar will collapse into hyperinflation as the Fed must print currency to buy up US #debt

- Expect food prices to nearly DOUBLE in the next 12 months

- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government

- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize

- Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets

- Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates

ZUBY: & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( ZUBY: )
'Gender transitions' for children will be looked back upon as worse than lobotomies.

The fact people who support this abuse and butchery think they're on 'the right side of history' shows their delusion.

They will have a special place in hell. Metaphorically and literally.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
in this life
in prison

no quarter

Nick Fuentes #wingnut #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

On Aug. 24, 2023, former president Donald Trump was booked at an Atlanta jail on felony charges[…]After his mugshot was released online[…]Nick Fuentes declared the photo was a “symbol” to “rally behind” like the swastika or hammer and sickle

“And so this is just like — and I think everyone already recognizes [it], I’m not the first person to say this — but this has become now an icon and a symbol of this moment,” he said on his America First show. “I think people are rallying around this. And it would be stupid for him not to monetize it”[…]
“I don’t think it’s necessarily a given. The Georgia — the Fulton County courthouse has given him the symbol,” Fuentes continued. “This is like giving him a swastika. He didn’t have a swastika. He didn’t have a hammer and sickle. He didn’t have a — whatever. Whatever the great symbol — he didn’t have a bloody shirt or a flag, really, to rally behind”[…]
Fuentes called the mugshot a “symbol of defiance against the system.” He added that, “This is what the election is about. In a way it’s about that picture. Because the picture summarizes all the events of the last eight years, and the eight years are a culmination of 30 years or even longer of what’s been going on — which is that this country is being killed by its leadership”

He said Trump’s mugshot depicts the “face of America” which is “being punished” and “chopped up”

“Meanwhile, as we all know, the country is in decline,” he complained. “Meanwhile, what is celebrated is vulgarity and indecency and crime and obese people and transsexual people. They tear down the statues of the heroes and they change the holidays, and they uplift criminals. We worship thugs. Worship deranged freaks”

various commenters #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #wingnut gettr.com

( @Melissamck )
I don't want my taxes going on this, disgusted!! 😡
UK announces £2.7m funding for LGBT rights campaigners across the Commonwealth

( @spunkybunk )
Our only chance to get back to normal is now violent revolt and full removal of the corrupted fruitcakes in charge.

( @FranklyObvious )
Your government is actively campaigning to create groups of division...

You have a full on Marxist government..

( @JImLaheySunnyVl )
What about the fuckin “rights” of normal people?

( @Melissamck )
They don't want normal people, they want a degenerate society 😔 filth!!

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @SteveDeace )
Proud of you, son.

( @evsp123 )
@SteveDeace give that kid a high five and a steak dinner.

( @kickbutt2022 )

( @AlexanderCortez )
@SteveDeace need more boys urinating in the girls bathroom sinks to protest a severe lack of wall urinals... For equality

( @pepperdog1965 )
@AlexanderCortez @SteveDeace Feminist want urinals removed from men's rooms.
I say fuck them. Men need urinals, not women in there pretending to be men.

( @BooksRbetter )
@SteveDeace Apparently there are at least a few Real boys remaining. Way to go! 😂👍🏼😏

( @pepperdog1965 )
@SteveDeace Feminists want urinals removed from Men's rooms, because they see them as symbols of male privilege and patriarchy. Feminists pushed the trans movement, which is now installing tampon dispensers in Men's rooms. Men DO NOT have periods. Women are not men. Keep those fucking bitches out of the men's room.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

When I call the trans movement a cult I mean it in a literal sense. It functions exactly like a cult. It uses all of the same indoctrination techniques. It picks out a vulnerable target, isolates the target from his family, love-bombs with excessive validation and flattery, demands progressively more extreme displays of fidelity to the cause, and viciously ostracizes and attacks anyone who leaves. This is all Cult 101 stuff. Trangenderism is one of the largest and most dangerous cults in world history.

@Melissamck & @Mal1776 #transphobia gettr.com

( @Melissamck )
Clowns like him can't even say what a woman is, suddenly they are concerned for women's rights lmao

Another dark day for democracy #RoeVsWade Empowered women are the basis of a strong and inclusive society… All the more reason for EU countries to strengthen women and girls’ rights !

( @Mal1776 )
They can't claim they are for women's rights if they cannot define what a woman is

( @Melissamck )
They can when it suits them, just like my body my choice, that didn't apply during the vax mandates!!

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Bill Maher #transphobia twitter.com

It's "controversial"
If you're a greedy sadistic psychopathic surgeon-butcher
Or a cowardly, lying, ideologically-possessed


There is nothing controversial about what Bill Maher said on the @joerogan podcast.

Bill Maher: “The idea that you can just take some sort of puberty blockers…or-or…just snap on, snap off organs…without really hurting myself medically and taking years off my life is ridiculous.”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( old_but_gold )
I understand that the acronym TRA has some weight behind it because of the implicit comparison to “MRA” — men’s rights activism.

But it gives me pause when I consider the acronym on its own, without that implicit context.

“Trans rights activist” — someone who engages in activism for trans rights. If you broadly support human rights and you don’t know the truth of this movement, doesn’t “trans rights activism” sound pretty…good?

And the term is literally false, because they’re not fighting for the rights of trans identified people — who already have all of their human rights respected. They’re fighting to define away reality, to permit unethical surgical and chemical experimentation on the bodies of vulnerable people, and to undermine the human rights of women and homosexual people. They’re gender identity extremists, and they’re an anti-woman hate group, but they’re certainly not activists for human rights.

I still use the term TRA around people who’ll pick up on the MRA comparison, but I have found “gender identity extremist” is growing on me for use in other contexts, especially with ambivalent or uninformed people.

Am I overthinking this? How do you feel about the term “TRA”?

( Dee )
I dislike the term, along with the "trans rights are human rights" slogan, because it suggests that people who adhere to this ideology are seeking rights that other people already have. This is not what they're doing. They demand additional privileges that put the entire female sex class at risk, and they demand that children be able to make irreversible decisions before maturation.

"Gender identity extremists" seems to be a more descriptive term.

( SecondSkin )
I don’t think there needs to be a perfect term.

They are male supremacists. Transcultists. Gender ideologues. Gender groomers. Or say what they do: dismantle safeguards, take away women’s rights. Reinforce regressive sexist stereotypes.

Catch-all rhetoric, or sound bites, often become thought terminating cliches. Use the language that best describes what you want to say to whoever you want to say it to.

( Mintie )
I've seen some people use TPA on here, which stands for Trans Privilege Activists. They already have the same rights as everyone, but they're asking for what's essentially privileges that aren't afforded to the rest of the population.

Helen Joyce #transphobia twitter.com

(On the NHS Rainbow Badge Scheme)

It tells you it's a Men's Rights movement. They're a bunch of incels these people. I mean honestly, they go on about Andrew Tate, but this is worse, at least Andrew Tate's upfront about what he thinks. This is worse. We're meant to think that this is inclusive. That it's kinds, that it's generous, but this is the NHS acting like a bunch of incels.

Billboard Chris & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

( Billboard Chris )
Look at these @EmersonCollege girls get so excited to see Dylan Mulvaney, the man who makes a mockery of them.

The left loves a victim story.

All leftism revolves around victim mentality. These young women think they are in the progressive club, railing against oppressors.

If you’re a leftist raising a leftist, don’t be surprised when your own kids fall for this cult.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )

Celebrating a man
Who by example
entices confused minors
To mutilate and sterilize themselves

The devouring mother

Colonel Douglas Macgregor and Tucker Carlson #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

[Douglas] Macgregor is also a Putin apologist who claimed that Russia “really didn’t start” the war in Ukraine

Carlson played a clip of Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender former journalist[…]spokesperson for Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces. In the clip, Ashton-Cirillo called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “vampire” who “bathes in the blood of innocent children”

Carlson mocked Ashton-Cirillo as a “guy with fake breasts”[…]Macgregor said that the “people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington, not in Moscow”

Macgregor told Carlson that “We’re going to see this whole thing collapse and implode. It’s coming.” Carlson asked if NATO would collapse as well, to which Macgregor replied “I would think so” because Germany is “well into a recession” and “deindustrialized itself by casting its lot with the anti-Russian crowd”

Macgregor also stated that today’s Russian military is nothing like the Soviet Army, which he called “an exercise in barbarism, and savagery, [and] mass rape”

“That’s not Russia today,” he claimed. “Russia today is a very different society, [a] very different state. And that’s been Putin’s effort from day one. He’s been interested in restoring Russia as an Orthodox Christian state with a true national identity and a strong national culture”

“That’s probably another reason why so many people want to destroy Russia,” he continued. “Because it’s the last European state that has not been flooded with foreigners and turned into some sort of polyglot experiment”

Macgregor said this “experiment” is “failing badly” because “when things fall apart economically” it becomes difficult for “all of these unwanted people in Europe and, for that matter, here as well.” He added that Americans and Germans will look at immigrants and ask whey they are being “subsidized”

Carlson agreed, saying “I’m getting 1,400 bucks a month in retirement that I paid into my entire life, and you just show up from Congo and you’re getting 2,200 bucks”

Larry Sand #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

As I noted recently, fads aren’t always harmful things. Nehru jackets, lava lamps, and mood rings may have set you back a few bucks, but that was the extent of it. Some fads, like the various eating disorders that were with us in the 1970s, were recognized as dangerous and treated as mental health problems. Today, though, becoming transsexual is treated simply as a lifestyle decision.

But as Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, points out, “Trans is clearly identifiable as a fad, comparable to preceding fads, or ‘transmissible psychological diseases,’ like outbreaks of alleged multiple personality disorder, hysteria, self-mutilation, and anorexia. The typical victim is a young female with an underlying neurosis that seeks a socially acceptable form of expression. These forms of expression vary with the times.” Peterson goes on to say that the current trans fad will be viewed as we now view lobotomies.
To put it bluntly, California is predominantly run by power-hungry extremist individuals who don’t give a rip about parents or the sanctity of the family unit, and it is very difficult for traditional moms and dads to exert power on the state level. Hence, the local school board is the place where parents can find allies in their quest to stave off the trans-missionaries. And in July, Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) in San Bernardino County, with 32,000 K-12 students, got the ball rolling. The district banned Pride flags in the classroom and requires that staff tell parents when a child is using a name or pronouns that don’t match the sex determined at birth.
But if you are a parent who lives in an area where the state guidance on parental disclosure is followed, what can you do?

Get your kid out of the local public school if at all possible. Send him to a private school, move to a saner part of the state, or homeschool.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans woman, 57, burns own penis - forcing doctors to remove it and leave her with a 1cm stump | Daily Mail Online

( sojourner_truth_ )
Lolololol! He thought he was so slick! He was sure he was going to get a "designer vagina" out of the deal. I'm tipping my hat to the surgeons who left his perverted ass with a tiny stump dick! It's exactly what he deserves.

( Dreamshaper )
Jesus f*cking Christ. This should say "mentally ill man" instead. Name it as what it is.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Man mutilates self to jump line for "gender affirming surgery".

This is textbook Munchausen- make yourself ill to get attention from doctors.

( crodish )
That's not how vaginoplasty works, you fucking moron. Now you have LESS material to turn it into an inverse flesh sock lmao

Absolutely no difference from the mentally ill people who give themselves infected wounds on purpose so they can force a doctor to finally make them the amputees they were meant to be 🙄 please, draw the fucking parellels. This is body dysmorphia fixated on sex. That's all it is.

No sympathy. I can't even say I hope he gets better. Play stupid games

@jonkay & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @jonkay )
Absolutely can't wait for Libs to campaign on "Mom's a bigot. Let the schools decide what body parts your kid should have"

For some children school is the safest place in their lives. Poilievre and @Sflecce should know this. Either they are both using this debate to cover their trans and homophobia or it’s political pandering. Disgusting either way.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Sterilize a gay kid today!

The liberal elite

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
If you’re under 18 and people are telling you to cut off your breast or have a surgery that turns your penis inside out to make a “vagina” you’re a victim of child abuse.

Get away from those people and find safe people who tell you that you’re already perfect.

Grow up first.

( @Dave_Gab )
@repmtg If you're an elected Representative who was elected by people who reject the status quo, but you find yourself pressured to support the lead RINO for speaker, you're part of the problem.

( @TakeTheTicket )
@Dave_Gab @repmtg She's just a little girl looking for praise. It's not her fault! This is why, historically, people have not chosen female leaders.

( @StudiousKen )
@repmtg How about not doing it ever? How about finding Christ? How about repenting? How about starting a family. Come on MTG. You been slipping' lately.

( @Turnin9 )
@StudiousKen @repmtg She’s getting divorced. She also chose not to not pay off her PPP Covid loan. She’s also shilling for Kevin McMaggot now. She lost her moral way awhile ago.

( @Johnny_Eights )




( @Livefree53 )
@repmtg come on youngsters start using your fkn brain! God don't make mistakes! Only reason we was put on this earth was to repopulate the place! Fir gods sake don't cut yiur pecker off and girls you need them breast to feed a baby!

TwoXChromosomes , Radical_Phoenix & shewolfoffrance #transphobia ovarit.com

Acknowledging biological reality is just like the CIA doing a Gitmo


TranscriptTERFs Are Drawing on the Same Fascist Arguments as torture Advocates: Bigoted attacks on trans participants in sports and access to bathrooms outrageously rely on “ticking bomb” rhetoric.

( TwoXChromosomes )
Yes, but in this case the "ticking bomb" has already gone off. Repeatedly. And too many women and girls have already been raped by TiMs in bathrooms, and TiMs have already started dominating women's sports.

And such an ominous first line in the article!

"On both sides of the Atlantic, anti-trans hatred is gaining momentum."

Yes, because these fuckheads have defined "anti-trans hatred" as doing anything but enthusiastically giving them everything they want with a smile on your face, while calling them stunning and brave, and offering to have sex with them.

And how is it that a "genocide victim" was able to write this after being genocided? Quick someone call the Ghostbusters, they've gotta get on this!

"Crucially, it (The ticking bomb scenario) works through a form of emotionally loaded misdirection."

Emotionally loaded misdirection you say? Like saying "Do you want a dead son or a living daughter?" Or saying "You child WILL kill themself if you don't immediately affirm their gender identity?"

These people are disgusting, but we already knew that. Now that society at large is waking up to the excesses of the trans cult, you can expect them to get even more unhinged and violent as the pushback inevitably continues.

( Radical_Phoenix )
I think the only torture advocates here are the trans and their doctors.

( shewolfoffrance )
Is the "ticking bomb" males abusing women, and taking spaces and resources intended for women? Because several of those "bombs" have gone off without a peep from good liberals.

The "torture" is just women wanting to be left alone.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

There’s been a war on the family ever since sin entered the world. The devil knows how important the family is. The family is the first and most fundamental institution God ordained in Scripture. The family is the unit God uses to transfer a spiritual legacy from one generation to the next and to impact the world. The family is the educational unit of the nation. The devil knows, destroy the family and you destroy the backbone of the culture.

The family is coming under increasingly aggressive attacks in America? Here are just some of the ways—and reasons:

Gay “Marriage”
Actually, there’s no such thing as same-sex “marriage.” That’s why I have the word marriage in quotes. Marriage is a Christian institution God created when he made the first man and woman, Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24). So-called gay (or same-sex) “marriage” is an attack on the family God instituted in Genesis. They can call it gay union or whatever they want to call it but it’s not marriage. There’s only one marriage, the one God created, a man (male) and woman (female).

Gender Issues
Almost daily we read news stories about transgender controversies, sex-change operations, restroom-gender issues, and the like. This is all an attack on the basis of the family structure God designed and ordained in Genesis when he created the first man and woman—the first male and female (Genesis 1:27). The secular culture has redefined “gender” to be what one feels they are as distinguished from one’s biological sex! But that’s absurd. Besides, Christians know we can’t trust our feelings because of our sin (depraved) natures.

Much of the feminist movement pushes an idea of female superiority. When God created Adam and Eve, he created them in his image with equal value. God gave different roles to husband and wife—they are to submit to each other as they submit to God and the roles he ordained (Ephesians 5; Genesis 3:16, 17). Actually, in Genesis 3:16, God warns that because of our sin nature, women will have the propensity to want to be the head, and men will want to lord it despotically over the woman.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"The concept of transmisogyny doesn't even make sense."

( crodish )
Damn. Nice. Schrodinger's Oppression.

Gonna assume MTT is "Male to Trans" which is far more accurate than "MTF".

( Artemis_Lives )
I just prefer the term "male". Its the most accurate.

( old_but_gold )
Yeah, MTT is "male to trans"! It used to be a much more common term but has been mostly replaced by "TiM"

( MaryDyer )
The important part of the word misogyny is gyn. Gyn specifies female. You can’t be misogynistic against someone who is objectively not female.

( DurableBook )
My galaxy brain take is that "transmisogyny" was popularized as a deliberate effort to make everyone so sick of hearing that combination of sounds that women who try to talk about misogyny will see people's eyes glazing over before they get more than a few words out.

( WanderingUterus )
Unfortunately, I would argue that we are already at that point; not only is feminism increasingly deemed "no longer necessary," but also far too many men openly delight in what trans activism is doing to women as a kind of "punishment" for "bringing this all on themselves by insisting that we're all equal."

It feels like people cared about misogyny for about five whole minutes in the grand scheme of things, and now nobody wants to hear about it. Even the few people left who give a damn about misogyny are unfortunately often the same people who will completely screw us over if a TIM starts whining that the mean feminists aren't centering HIM enough.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
The phrase was coined in Julia Serano's "Whipping Girl", which reads like a lampoon of feminist and lesbian liberation thought.

His first example of "transmisogyny" is men getting ridiculed for wearing dresses. This is the worst form of "misogyny" TIMs experience.

(madderthanhell )
Logic is tRaNsPhOBiC

Project 2025 #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia damemagazine.com

Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

( @SomeBitchIKnow )
Joining together for a common cause. I'm with it.

spoilerMuslim, Christian parents
sue Ohio school board
over transgender
bathroom and locker room

( @avengeme )
Hegelian Dialectic:

Enemies Desired Outcome - Mongrelized/Multicultural Nation
Problem Presented : Globalists are trying to divide us!
Reaction Presented : Unite with other races and religions to fight the globalists
Outcome: Mongrelized/Multicultural Nation

( @Mrsh21413 )
@SomeBitchIKnow Not really though, Muslim people who follow their religion to it’s full conclusion want to kill every Christian and American so I wouldn’t get too excited about it.

( @KennyLiquorbush )
@SomeBitchIKnow I can think of another common cause that Muslims and Christians could unite behind.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@KennyLiquorbush @SomeBitchIKnow The Muslims and their idiotic policy of conversion have saved the jews countless times, they have not the mentality nor the spirit to fight the jewish menace. The Palestinian leaders are rifle with corruption far more than Hunter Biden for example. Jews run circles around the Muslims always have always will

( @dthayer2021 )
@SomeBitchIKnow Muslims are our enemies... Period.

( @Harry_Lyme )
@dthayer2021 @SomeBitchIKnow But the Left is both our enemies and a more immediate problem.

( @dthayer2021 )
@Harry_Lyme @SomeBitchIKnow I agree. But the Left is OBVIOUSLY the enemy, we all see it. Far too many people have made this statement about Muslims - "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"; No. Not with Muslims. The very religion itself is incompatible with both freedom in general, and the US Constitution specifically. Islam specifically allows deception in order to propagate itself.

( @TheHobbitHooWas )
@SomeBitchIKnow Those parents are going about it the wrong way. The School Board members need to be taught the fear that the girls in the school fear over young men pretending to be women entering their bathrooms and locker rooms. Only when the Board members understand the fear those girls deal with will they actually do something differently. Lawsuits don't work because the judges are largely part of the groomer coalition.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Five years ago your lifestyle was evil, five years from now your lifestyle would be evil (but we all know what will take care of that problem for us)"]

One In A Million
Well, for the first time since 2018, sodomites are again taking to the streets to march to desperately try and convince you of the big lie: that they are "born that way" and didn't choose a disgusting lifestyle choice which they can be cured of

Which in theory should mean for the first time since 2018 I got to make the greatest semiannual joke in history:

I thought the AIDS Walk was in September!

Of course, for five years (something about trannies and police) the poofters couldn't figure out how to march without "excluding" somebody somehow[…]
The Evil Edmonton Uranists Club (EEUC, the same sound we make when they try to talk to us and those long "s" sounds leave spittle on our jacket) moved their thing from early June[…]
So yet again, they march, because when deep down you know your brain really is broken and the perversions you have adopted are unquestionably wrong and immoral, you have to seek and demand endless external validation before you decide that a life of ass piracy can only be cured with a sharp object pressed lovingly and firmly into your own wrists

The best part is, it's still not enough. San Fransisco, hide it as best they can, has one of the worst suicide rates in the Western world[…]Isn't enough to stop them from realizing they have made a wicked choice and choosing to escape it through the grave!

As is the case of all mental health problems, pederasty drives people to suicide. Cure the disease (or at least treat it: try to make them talk a tle less effeminately just for a fun change of pace), and then you solve the problem[…]
The more you march, the faster you die

Don't stop in the afternoon, keep walking until you hit Winnipeg. Then we'll need to worry no more about your sperm burping advocacy

Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

This is an absolute

It's obviously and certainly
A social epidemic
And everyone knows it

The butchers
And their enablers

A steadily growing body of scientific evidence demonstrates that "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" claims do not reflect transgender adolescents’ experiences and that “social contagion” is not causing more young people to seek gender-affirming care.

various commenters #transphobia gettr.com

( @Catullus_vincit )
"Womb Carriers" not even the previous "womb havers": They are softening you up for Uterus transplants into men.

Fresh term for women thoroughly rejected by the 'womb carriers'

( @arthur72521 )
Cannot allow the Marxist Left to define the language. Women is the term we will continue to use. And the Left can fuck off.

( @babavenga )
If women become womb carriers, then let's have men become penis carriers, and trans be called testicle tuckers.

( @Catullus_vincit )
Careful - like saying Bloody Mary in the mirror 3 times - the 1st Rule of Trans madness is, if you evoke it, even in jest, it will appear in the flesh no matter how messed up it is.

( @Alisdisgrace )
Not just that, but as bodies from which wombs can be harvested.

( @Catullus_vincit )
100%. "Young Blood" transfusion clinics, prostitution, organ harvesting - all related.

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "California Gets a Shot Across the Bow"]

No sign yet of rivers turning to blood, dust becoming lice, plagues of frogs, flies, and locusts, 3 days of darkness, or the death of first-born children, but judgment may be getting underway in sin-soaked California:

California residents raced a uniquely harrowing set of circumstances on Sunday as an earthquake shook the ground in the Los Angeles County area while Tropical Storm Hilary ravaged roads and caused severe flooding

The rainbow that has been insolently appropriated and defiled is a symbol of God’s promise not to punish sin by flooding the world. That does not rule out a little high water:

Palm Springs has been submerged in a deluge of floodwater as Tropical Storm Hilary continues to batter California

Shocking footage emerged throughout Sunday of cars, trucks and ambulances swallowed by flood waters in Palm Springs

Palm Springs is regarded as a gay mecca even by California standards

Speaking of the LGBT community, in June a ceremony honoring the belligerently blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was held at Dodger Stadium. Now we read this:

Remarkable aerial footage showed the iconic home of the LA Dodgers – which has stood for more than six decades – engulfed in a sea of water after the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #transphobia twitter.com

Not one candidate on the stage last night said they would stop transgender surgeries on children and puberty blockers.

Moderators didn’t even ask.

Not addressing this growing evil issue is a serious disappointment and sign none of them are ready to be President and stop the radical left.

My bill Protect Children’s Innocence Act makes it a felony to perform “gender affirming care” on any child under 18.

Julio Loredo #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia returntoorder.org

Each social revolution has manipulated language to blur reality, tailoring it to its particular ideology. Thus, Lenin proposed a “democratic peace” in the inaugural speech of the Third International in 1919. He was clearly not referring to the Christian tranquillitas ordinis, the tranquility of order. He appealed to its exact opposite, the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In the same way, the current cultural revolution (which Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira calls the Fourth Revolution” ) also employs—linguistic manipulation taking it to a paroxysmal frenzy. Contraception is presented as “body control.” The killing of an unborn child becomes “voluntary termination of pregnancy.” Those supporting the killing of the innocent are referred to simply as “pro-choice.” Homosexuals turn into pleasure-seeking “gays.”

This language is far from being morally neutral. Indeed, it encourages sin by presenting it in a favorable light.
This revolutionary process of de-Christianization has obliterated Christian civilization since the end of the Middle Ages. Many use the term egalitarianism, with its necessary corollary, liberalism, to describe it.

Historically, this egalitarian process has passed through many steps. Protestantism sought equality in the religious sphere by denying the authority of the Pope, while more radical sects even denied that of bishops and priests. The French Revolution transposed these egalitarian principles to the political field, denying the authority of the king and the nobility. Communism attacked the last remaining inequality, economic inequality, by abolishing private property.

However, one last hierarchy remained to be destroyed, found in interno hominis (the interior of man).
Partisans of gender theory want to destroy natural law, which is the divine law engraved in nature. They try to subvert the most intimate structures of nature. In their utopia, man begins to behave like God. Their dreams promote a new creation opposed to the divine one.

AriAlways09 , pennygadget & momjeans #transphobia ovarit.com

If I disagree with my liberal tribe, does that make me a conservative?

( AriAlways09 )
I have basically been pushed so far that I don't even care about things like voting democrat for abortion rights or access. I am far more horrified about the men entering women's spaces and potentially sexually assaulting us.

( pennygadget )
It sucks that you're getting down-voted for this. Because this reflects how a lot of women feel.

Abortion access is important. But it isn’t something that impacts the daily life of most women. Most women are more concerned with crime, cost of living, failing public schools, not being able to criticize genderwoo without losing their job/reputation, losing our right to have our own spaces, our children being indoctrinated into genderwoo, our daughters being forced to share toilets & changing rooms with male classmates, etc...

And I don't trust Democrats to keep their promises about abortion. They had 50 years to replace Roe with something more substantial; and they never bothered. Also, Democrats have already back-stabbed Jews, women, LGBs, and the working class for the sake of their AGP Overlords. I don't trust them not to outlaw abortion outright just because some TIM says its transphobic that he can't have one

( momjeans )
Yup, I'm far more horrified by this entire youngest generation being queered, groomed, and hypersexualized by public schools than I am about the loss of abortion rights.

In an ideal world, I could send my kids to school not having to worry about them being groomed, and I'd also not have to worry that women who need abortions can get them. In an ideal world.

But this is not an ideal world. It's crazy land. And if I had to choose between reinstating abortion or saving the youngest kids from gender ideology, I'd choose saving the kids from being queered. Sorrynotsorry.

I'm not conservative, BTW, but this is the choice we're being forced to make, ideologically.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Making these perverts out to be benign! Get lost! These guys have a much higher offending rate, especially with rape and offenses against children, than any other population. They don’t just want to pee. Some enjoy filming themselves wanking in the washrooms and some enjoy stealing used pads and tampons. Making women out to be bigots for objecting to men who mock and sexualize us.
Get f**ked
Amnesty Norway Collaborates With Trans-Identified Male Who Reported Feminist To Police

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